Knights of the Night

189 - DF KotN Actual Play Podcast - DFRPG - The Grenade goes Tink Tink Tink

1h 4m
Broadcast on:
21 Aug 2014
Audio Format:

The last evening of the adventure was just a bit too long for one podcast – so I broke it into two. Sorry about that.  But please enjoy!

The video mentioned in the feedback -

(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to tonight's actual play podcast. This Dresden File Story Rituals was written and run by GM Tom. And now, please enjoy episode 189, titled "The Grenade Goats Ding Ding Ding". Actual play begins 14 minutes, 56 seconds. (upbeat music) - To be able to feedback, oh, by the way, I have the religious mentions of all listeners. The virtual storyline is all about ground up. We invite questions, we're getting some on the fan page, which you can put them on the fan page, and then send us, well, any other way you can contact us, feel free to send questions and questions, comments, critiques. To get out with the current feedback, we had an email at This was from Nick, who said, "Dear Knights, "I should have sent this months ago. "I'd spent a fair amount of time late last year "and early this year listening to your archives. "And I have to say now, thank you very much "for such a lovely series of stories to listen to. "I won't go into detail, but suffice it to say "that I enjoyed every story and you've helped "peak my interest in RPGs again. "Thank you. I do however have a query. "I'd love to help support your show for the Amazon link, "but being based in the UK, I shop at, "not, where your link takes me. "Is there any way for me to use your link at Amazon UK?" - I suspect an eminent segue. - He finishes again, thank you so much. And I'm looking forward to the eminent conclusion of rituals now that Ryan Fucking Nelson has finally been done in. - All right, you guys are all up to date. - Yes, we got this. - There's a picture of Ryan Nelson Scott's holding up right now. They keep ripping noises, don't rip mine, Ryan. - I was pretty convinced. - Thank you. - It was, it was good. - Yes, and the segue is, of course, that we now have a Patreon page and one of the main reasons that I put up the Patreon page and there's some quizzical looks around the table of people who don't know what a Patreon page is. It is basically a website where people can donate money. It's kind of like a tip jar and I set it up for a dollar a month. - That'd have been a better name for it. - It would have been a tip jar. - Tip - Right. But the whole idea is that you're being a patron of something and you're dedicating X amount of dollars per whatever. I set ours up for a dollar a month and for those people who live anywhere with the United States, they can't use the Amazon link. They could potentially throw a dollar into this each month. - Right. - We've had some people that have already donated just through Facebook they saw it and so they went to the Patreon page and there's, it's currently like $26 a month. - Oh, you should. - Yeah. - Who are these people? - I will give you that moment. - But you're not limited to just one dollar and some people that have already donated have done more than that and I really thank them. But let's just get into this really quick. The people that have donated so far are Steven, Jason, Ibn, Luna, Voco, Tyson and Andrew. So I want to thank you all. - We want to thank you all. - Yeah, absolutely. Many of them did not only donate a dollar a month. - Right. - They donated more. But when I posted this on Facebook, Ibn Ru stated the comedy said this is awesome. Although I'm a bit surprised not to see an explanation along with it. Just the rationale of how and why you're going to start a Patreon campaign. In any case, I'll support as soon as I get back on my computer. I did respond to Ibn, Ibn, Ibn. I'm sorry from pronouncing his IBAON. So I'm not sure how to pronounce the name, but I'm sorry because I'm sure I'm slaughtering it. But I did respond and tell him that we were on vacation. We were at the beach and that I'd had a number of people asking me how non-US listeners could contribute to the podcast. So I threw it up with very minimal work. Boom, here's the page. A dollar a month, our logo done. 'Cause they suggest you make a video and we're an audio podcast. I don't quite understand. - Could've made an audio. - Could've made an audio and put it up there. And we still may do that. But I explained to him that we had non-American listeners that would like to support it and that we have monthly expenses. Much of that is covered by Amazon. - Yingling. - Stuff is expensive. - Being one of them. But there's a potential that we might get a new microphone. This one is cracked on the bottom and the newer version and it's got supposedly much better. So we can do the audio crayons. - More headsets. - There's a lot of different possibilities. - That's not what I'd say. - Get a sound more. - Exactly. - Then you can like just round people out when they talk over someone else. - Yeah, just go to the gushing board studio. - To continue. - It's been said that just to clarify the explanation thing was a suggestion because this is the internet and people get pissy when money is involved. Your reasons are great and it's true that us Europeans have difficulty in supporting you. So this is awesome. Thank you for the work. - 'Cause he went ahead and donated as well. - And he in fact did donate. Luke Green tried to donate and then found out that he couldn't, his car wasn't working and then he suggested there should be a PayPal option. And I think I can figure that so there is now. But I'm not 100% sure if it works or not or how it's working. But Ibn has a point. I mean, if we get a lot of donations like above what we need, the one thing I was considering doing is I put up on our Facebook page, the t-shirt that you and I were talking about designing and wearing to the convention. - Right. - And if we get enough money each month, I was thinking of raffling between the donations and then sending the winner out a t-shirt. - Right. - If we had enough to cover it. Now truthfully, the t-shirts are not inexpensive. They're like 35 if you're buying them one or two. - I'm trying to donate one dollar a month and snag that $25 t-shirt for it. - He would. - You'd get it every day. - Exactly. I'm gonna win it. - Well, what I would suggest is if people donate more than a dollar, then they get more than one entry. - Two tickets. - Damn it. - So, you still may win with only one dollar. - No, I don't think your chances are-- - But your chances are that-- - You don't. - And then nobody can win more than once in a row. If we end up doing it on a monthly basis or something like that. - Right, but it could win more than once 'cause they might have a girlfriend, wife, or boyfriend depending on-- - Yeah, but I'm saying if someone donates more than a dollar than their chances are higher, I don't want to give it to them for every month. - $10 that you get the duffel back. - Look who I can't win it. - When no one's in your coffee cup. - Come on, 25 is the action figure. - We're gonna start having the Beggathun, aren't we? - No, we're not. - One of every four episodes. - This is the only time I'm gonna mention this, just to put it out there. - You're not even gonna mention like new patrons? - Okay, maybe I'll mention new patrons, but I'm not gonna spend this much time on it ever again. So, in fact, we're moving on now. So, just to let people know it's out there. - Thanks for those of you who donated very kindly. - Absolutely. - Those who haven't considered, you pass money, we'll role-play, you don't, we'll role-play anyway. - We'll still role-play. - If we get enough money, we can awkward our jobs. - And then we'll role-play more. - We'll probably role-play twice as much. Aren't you looking forward? - As the editor, I don't think that's gonna work, because I put a lot of time in editing this podcast. - We'll get stuck in a door for twice as long, just for you. This door is dedicated to-- (laughing) - So, Jason not only contributed to the Patreon, but he's also, that's Jason McDonald and he's the one that created the YouTube video. - Several of them. - Actually several of them, and I'm gonna put the link in the show notes as well as on the webpage again, because anybody who listens to the podcast, you're really gonna love Jason's videos. He takes the audio from ours and puts it to video. It uses the, what does it tell us? - Source filmmaker. - Right, which is from-- - Team Fortress. - Team Fortress. - Team Fortress. - Team Fortress. - So, he's got certain character models that he gives to each player. A lot of the stuff he's done is World of Darkness, so anytime Scott, who plays the gym, World of Darkness speaks. It's a camera on the wall that bobs of his voice and stuff. Jay is, my character is a sniper from the game, and different stuff like that. And the last one he did was shorts. Definitely worthwhile. - Yes, we appreciate all his efforts. - So. - Good stuff. - Thanks, Jason, and everybody who listens, give it a try, it's good stuff. - Yeah, they'll like the inside jokes and the inside angles that he uses. - It wasn't the last one that we were discussing, like, Googling. - It was the helicopter one where Mike's character-- - I'd bring down a-- - Michael's flight. - Yeah, and I was arguing, Mike, it's a game we don't need to go into detail, and he's going into intricate details on how to shoot down a black helicopter with a sniper rifle and a mic with a matching. - Dude, you're putting his on an FBI watch list. Just stop. - So, Jason had fun with that. Yeah, he edited that. That was good stuff. - Facebook on the General Post. - Romulus Pow, it's Mike's not here. - Romulus Pow, oh. - Romulus Pow posted and said, I have a simple request. At the beginning of each play, could we get an idea of how many fake points for each character? As someone running fate, it would be helpful in an e-keeping track of the economy that the characters are having to deal with. - It's actually a really good thing that we got around the last night of fate. - How are we supposed to cheat, though? - Yeah, I do. - Like, I just only reason why. But I didn't record it. - That's assuming we know how to take my time. - We don't have to prime example of how those-- - Just what we think, back and forth. - No, I do a really poor job of compelling. - That's hard. - And we don't use them as often as we should in slice versus slice versus slice. - Oh, I don't know. I think that's well in line. - I just wanted to use them quite efficiently last night. I'm not to mention Mike. - Well, yeah. - We can say that when we say our names. - Sure. - I'm mad. - I think it's a wonderful idea. - They're carrying five, eight points, et cetera. - Good idea. - Okay. - Jason McDonald also posted and said, I can't wait to see how Edmund plans on getting his bar to be accepted as neutral grounds. After basically waging war on the-- - He won't. - No. - No, that's not gonna happen. - It's a real short answer. - Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. - But he's not going to anyway. - We could kill all of them. They don't get involved anymore. - That's all the ones in Cleveland. There are other families. - Oh, you should be grateful. - Maxwell will drive their personally and run them over. - This, I actually pulled from the fan page. It was Greg Anderson who posted and said I laughed out loud as Bob created an aspect that the cottage had three walls. - Always listen. - You left that in? - No, but he says always listen until the end because I took that out because it kind of disrupted the game and I left it in the end of it because it was fucking fine. So thanks for pointing that out, Greg. I do that all the time for all the clips at the end. - Right. - Just don't want them. - I'm not talking about talking. - So he's directing. - Yeah, the end. - Numerous mistakes and outtakes and such. Facebook 187, drop your angels. Tom Rocket posted and said can't wait. This was a cliffhanger worthy of the series. Richard Watts also posted and said so I nearly splattered coffee all over my table at the restaurant I was eating at least three times while listening to this episode. Well played, knights, well played. Also, I absolutely love the choice of consequences for Ruppa's shot. The story's symmetry was just perfect. And I found myself actually willing you to all choose exactly what you were discussing. When you were discussing it. - That's the one where you hit him in the shoulder and-- - Okay, no. - Re gimped. - Re gimped, I believe was the aspect. Massive re-gimped. - Facebook 188, I'm not sure they're connected. Was the episode that was just released. - Which was that one? - Yeah, like that title, that was a good one. That was Mike in the beginning of it saying he's not sure that Ryan Nelson and the ritual murders were connected. (laughing) Not at all. Well, okay. (laughing) - We'll never know now. - Ari posted on and said right on time for my morning session of Nordic Walking. Yes, you read that correctly. Walking with sticks to boot, not driving. Then he said, "I'm on holiday." And lastly from our, where the Amazon link is on the right hand side. We're gonna get it out of the way early. - It's such a horror tonight. (laughing) - What's the total-- - The Patreon isn't enough. - Are you gonna put a Patreon link up on our website? - I really shouldn't, yeah. - Do you like to do that? - Yeah, it's gonna like to do it. - Shimmin' bag posted, you know. And this was under the new Manira area. And so after starting in your new Manira game, I was just listening to Dungeon World, yesterday. Maybe mainlineing is more the word. I'm really enjoying this game too, although it's a little bit difficult to follow at times because of the number of players. - It only gets worse, just wait. - Says the nine players in Dresden. Spot suggestions. Something I picked up from the icosahedron podcast is the idea of having the crew roster at the start of every session, where the players announced their name and their character name, and enough about the character to identify them. They also have a large group issues that you guys have. It's really helpful having them say my name is Bob, and I play gavel decks, a dwarf with a wooden leg, or whatever. A lot of fun campaigns so far, and I got up to the demon in the tunnel segment of at 56 minutes into episode 139. And for about 30 seconds or so, I thought, whoever is this Simon Ver and the spirit of truth. Anyways, when the spirit was embedded in the demon, I was convinced the exchange went, you have a spirit jammed into a demon who's kinda holding onto it. I guess I'm going to try to use it just like a lover. I'm going to put my weight on it and really, really, when you split his ribs open. - I think I remember that exchange. - Can you use some serious confusion while I tried to work out the common suture there? And then it was a post about an hour later, and he said, "I don't know if I forget "that you guys already do the introduction thing "to be getting a feature." I know everybody at the table is ready to jump in, and we do that every episode. - After listening to four episodes in quick succession. - I guess I just forgot the introduction while you do a recap, which speaks wonders for my memory. - Sorry. - Oh, that's what he said. - Yeah, yeah. Whatever, I hope you're enjoying something. Pour me a glass, yes. We definitely do that. - But if we didn't, that would be a lot of different suggestions. So thank you for taking the time to write it up. - And we all sound the same. We're all related except Rachel tonight. - Tonight. - Yes, we are missing a few players tonight and all of us are related except Bertrand. - That must be related to somebody. - No. - Benjamin Franklin. - You're related to Benjamin Franklin? - Yes, she is. - And Patrick Henry. - You know, I feel like I'm not related. - Wait a minute, you're saying Patrick Henry is related to Benjamin Franklin? - Somewhat, yeah. - Then I'm talking about Benjamin Franklin. - Seriously, I got the little Bill Cody and Guy Hecker. Those are all the famous ones. Dad's really into genealogy. - We came from overseas. - My wife was related to Susan B. Anthony. - Anyways, we have a crest. - Help me. - We're getting out of here and going right into the episode. - Yeah. - This has got to be the last fucking night of this adventure. I'm time your GM. - Oh, no. - Look, it's going to stay inside. - No doors left. - Anywhere. - If you're locked in. - You're a big ass truck. - And I'm time your GM and this is Rituals. - Yeah. - Okay. - The final episode is your question mark. And the players starting on my left are. - John playing Roberto Martinez. People's guarding powered by a fallen angel with three fake points. - Thomas playing Maxwell Edison and undercover homeland security operative with exactly zero fake points on account. I spent 'em all on the truck. - Bob playing Stephen Toman, a reporter and photographer who do anything to get the story and have three fake points left. - Scott playing London Meals. A more seer to the supernatural powers carrying one fake point. - And Rachel playing Zelda Sykes. An American gypsy uses the lore of her past to construct the future. And she's down to her last fake point. - Now Michael playing Rep appears and then theogenic organic alchemist. And I have no fake points. - I'm missing from tonight because it's the last night is Jim. - Right. - Right plays Edmund. - Why, I think he's missed every single. - It's gotta be on purpose. - It's just for pro at this point that he's not here. - And Mike who plays the war in Allen, who is unfortunately dealing with some. - A loss, a family loss, right? - Indeed. - Our hearts go out to Mike and his family. - Yes. - How, because he's not here, my action is contingent upon what happens with him. - 'Cause he started to write me a bunch of things. Like if this happens, I do this. Tom can have to fake it and play with him. - I like playing it to see what he did with his. - One time I was you. And now I'm in where you're. But you didn't change your voice, which I were thankful for. - Yes, I would probably you get it around. - I do, I am many people. - We ended with the- - We ended with Sean Ashley. - So it would be Maxwell's. - Who's running a car over people? - I had smashed through the bars of the- - Okay, here. - So the white part was first then Steven, Alan Zelda, Ruppa, Edmund Maxwell, Roberto, London. - Yes, I was definitely blessed. - So most everyone had gone to the cell. - We ended around London. - I wasn't, I was still halfway there, but I just, I paused my movement to repair my action 'cause I wanted to see his thing at work first. The wardens storm that he was trying to do before I threw a card down. - Okay, he was- - 'Cause it didn't work. I wanted to- - He was building up a windshield against- - Right. - bullets in case firing came towards you guys. He didn't create it. - But he didn't do it. - He was preparing. - Right, he was doing prep work for it. - Right. So I was waiting for it to come back round to him and see if it didn't work or if it did before I threw my card down. - Well, he was going to wait anyways to use it at an appropriate time. He was building it up as a defense. - What is he gonna hit with this wind now? You guys are up by the cottage pretty much by yourself. All the white court vampires are back to the house, smashed into the house by him's four-toned trunk. - Right, but isn't he trying to use this thing to keep them from shooting at us? - Yes, but they're like a football field and a half away from you and most of them dead. - Not that anyone- - Oh, I don't think anybody in this whole entire estate could've missed the fact that you just drove- - Oh, he went truck into a house. I'm sure that you've got everyone's attention. - Good plan. - We want Maxwell, drove a truck into the house, pureeing some white court vampires and collapsing them. I mean, it was an incredible success. You managed to actually knock in the entire north side of the house onto the vampires because it was substantial damage. You would saw that chart. - Yes. - 16. - Yes. - Thank you. I wouldn't have known, but that's twice times the chance. - Twice legendary legendary double legend. People tell stories about that time that drug got opened to the village house. - You might've hit like a part of the foundation and other parts of the house crumbled a bit, which is really long, really crushed that house. - It's got to be your entrance to those bearable. - I'd have to say at 16 damage that when you jump out of the truck, you smell gas. Gonna see the kitchen through there and- - Could he walk away like fly towards the vampires packing the shotgun in slow motion? Is the fumes kind of rise from the truck? - I roll of 16. - He'd fuck it. - Yeah, he can. - A little more. - And he's not rushing away. He knows exactly how much time he has before that truck blows. - Hey, there's no way he's going to stick around, he flicks it. - Right. - There you go. - So you're saying that the house is going to explode, isn't it, because there's gas? - I think the car is. - I think there's a potential of that happening in the near future. - You know, you might need to be walking by in one of the vampires' drones and you kick him across the neck and keep unconscious from it. - I thought I was the asshole. - With Maxwell? - Oh, don't worry, you are. - I don't think I actually- - No, I'll get. - I think this is pretty disturbing. And I didn't really find the murder of 16 people today, but here we are. - We ended with London turning invisible, but still looking like Romeo. - Yeah, 'cause I wanted to walk around the house in case there was confusion and try to take over. - So he's in the house? - Yeah, I hit him out. - Not in the house, but I know you'd really like it if I was. - Wait a second, is he in the house? - No. - No? - Exactly, and my first order of business is to protect the group. I do wanna try to save the young lady, but my first order of business is the people that I think are my compatriots. And so I wanna, that's why I don't go into the house as well, is because I wanna make sure that I can direct any living vampires remaining away from my friends. Well, I call them my friends, they call me annoying. - We go back to the top of the order and the white court vampires are up. They're mostly dead, Maxwell is the closest, there's a lot of moaning and groaning and going on. - There are a few that just got clipped and they seemed more concerned with getting to where they saw Leo, Salvatore and John and Ollie. They ever seemed more concerned with getting into the house to make sure that those guys are okay than getting to you. - Am I not in the house? - 'Cause the truck backed into the house, you jumped out the front of the truck, so you're probably maybe equal with the back wall as the majority of the truck is in the kitchen. - So I'm in the foyer. - And I'm in the foyer. - Yes, it's Steven's turn. - Steven is up by the tent area. - Mm-hmm. - No. - You were in the cottage. - In the cottage with Roberto and his father. - So Roberto, wait, he's behind a jail cell? - All right, let me try to remember correctly because it's been three weeks. - Okay, so Roberto, you opened the door. Roberto went into... - He smashed that. - And then he used his hammer to smash open the jail cell until his dad to get up or getting the hell out of here. - Okay. I'm gonna let Roberto deal with his father and I'm just gonna kind of keep watch by the door of the shack. Just make sure no vampires come back down. - So you're watching towards the middle of it. - Yeah, ambushed. - Okay, the two that are in the courtyard with Zelda are both unfortunately not here tonight. - I'm kind of halfway between the cottage courtyard at this point. - Okay. - Alan is, if I remember correctly, he was the same. - Yes, yes. - halfway between where the 10th set up was. - Right. - And one of the last things he did was mention that he wanted to be closest to the vampires. - Right. - So he tried to stop them from getting to the cottage. - Right. - But I would assume he's moving along with whoever's still straggling. - And I rolled a really, really poor roll for getting to that cottage. - So you moved one of them. - So I moved one of them. - So Alan moved one of them. - So Alan is actually next and I'm just gonna have him take a step or two towards the main house trying to see what the fuck just happened because it was incredibly noisy. - I'm gonna use my radio and describe what I'm saying through my school. - Let's go ahead. - Put this on out here. He's gonna spend a turn gathering all that information in along with yours. - I think we've worn out our welcome. I say over to the radio. - It is after Alan's turns all this. - We're gonna keep trying to get to that cottage. - Okay. I'd say it takes one more to get to the door, another to get inside. So if you're trying to get inside, you would have to roll an athletics roll and get at least a-- - Plus two, right? - Plus two, which was fair. - I have athletics at average plus one. A negative one. - So you always can move at least one and that gets you to the door of the cottage. - Okay. - So you can see into there and if you wanna say anything, that's fine. What you see is of course, you're standing right next to Stephen. Inside is Roberto standing inside the jail cell, which the door is kind of hanging off the hinges. You get it pretty damn hard and he seems to be talking to a Hispanic gentleman who's lying in the hay. - Who has the drugs, the happy drugs? - I have one of the distractions. I think Stephen was carrying both of the other ones. - Edmund had one. Stephen had one and you had one. - Stephen has one, so I probably would ask Stephen if he gave him drugs. - I think there's Maxwell, Stephen and Edmund. - I'd probably ask Stephen if he gave him the drugs or not yet. - Did you have the despair grenade Stephen? - I did, I think London had the ecstasy stuff, right? - No. - No, I don't think I'd be wrong. - I'd say Edmund. - Because I have one of the distractions as well, we were gonna settle off. - So it's gotta be Edmund and Edmund's kind of standing behind you guys. - Is he there? Or I thought he was with me? - Edmund? - Halfway point, no. - Edmund was. - So he's having one, so. - So he hasn't moved yet, but he sort of can't. - I'm proud of you. - Did Allen have him? - No. - Either way, if Allen had it or Edmund, they're both standing right next to each other, so not a big deal. If we say, let's remind just a little bit, you're standing next to Edmund, you asked Edmund to hand you the ecstasy grenade, he gives it to you. - Is that what we're calling it an ecstasy grenade? - Was it a potion or whatever it was? - It's like a grenade, I mean, it doesn't blow up. The way I described it is you pull the pen and then you throw it in any impact. - Causes and everything. - For all of them were, - Guess, delivered? - Yes. - Okay. - Y'all are gonna be real happy. - Yes. - 'Cause we're up with just, no matter what he's thinking smoke, you know? (laughing) Whether it's a grenade, happy, despair, it doesn't matter, it's smoke. - Gotta be smoke. - Gotta be smoke. - I'm gonna ask Edmund to hand me the grenade, pull the pen and toss it into the cottage. - Okay. You're gonna, I ask Edmund for the grenade, he gives that to you. You then have to spend your one movement walking to the-- - Yep. - Up and door. - And then-- - You get one for free. - Right. - You get to move one zone for free, which is what you do. - I would love the fact that, just, sorry, metagaming for a second, the fact that Zelda is pulling a Roberto, one Roberto, he's just fucking awesome, that's all I have to say. Go ahead, get ready. - So do you warn Roberto that you're throwing a grenade? - No, I think we're in the back. - I don't know what that grenade is. - She's throwing a grenade at him. - It's all I'm gonna do is make everyone really happy. - Yes, but you have to understand the mindset, he's in a war zone, and suddenly, grenade goes tink, tink, tink, tink. I'm sorry, but without any warning, that might freak the fuck out of any of us. Everyone in his squad died due to land violence. - You're on the grenade. - He has PCOs, incoming happiness. - I'm throwing the potion grenade, 'cause if Manny's still on the ground, he's under crippling crushing depression. - All right. - There's no way that we're gonna get him off there in like the one minute that we need to get out. - Okay, Roberto's gonna jump on top of the grenade. - He's done. - Love it. - Pull the pin. - I'm not arguing, but like Scott said, this is great because Roberto has no idea of the happy grenade or any grenade, or the whole entire fucking plan that you guys have been setting up. - Oh, that's fine. - But here we go. - I might have known, but you muted me. - Wait, here we go. - Here we go. - I'm muted, you're muted. - Does he not have one of the radio things? - No. - No. - He was not in that whole plan. - Dude, let's go. - Oh, wait, I got called once. - He was muted. He wasn't, he could hear us. - No, no. - You guys couldn't talk. - All right, I don't believe you guys discussed A that his father was here. Any of this plan, he doesn't know anything about it. - He does nothing about the grenade, so. - You've told me you've put through a grenade. - I'm sorry, we have a bad connection. - I'm just reminding you of how accurate you are. - You don't want to hear it. I understand. - He doesn't want to ask you this. - I need you to roll to throw the grenade. - To see how accurately you throw it. - Yeah. - We use the skill of weapons, right? - Oh, great. - Is that throw to fit? - Yeah, yeah. - Which I happen to. - I remember. - I remember. - Weapon drain. - I'm good. - All of this effort. - I don't think it's very challenging. Why don't you just say it happens? - I'm just throwing a grenade. It's a throw. - It's just an underman. - It's an error. - It's an error. - It affects an entire zone. - Yeah, listen. - I'm playing old school when I'm being a dick GM and I don't want to do that. - You sure? - She's in a small room. It's easy enough to pull it and toss it into the room. - I should say yes or roll the dice. - Yeah. I shouldn't say yes because there's no reason to roll the dice. Absolutely. But I don't understand how Roberto doesn't just freak the fuck out. - Oh, wait, I'll draw it. Why don't I just shout? Well, first of all, he's got them with him. They know what it is. So why can't I just say in coming, I'm throwing the grenade? - Happy to throw it in. - Great! - In coming, they know that it's a grenade. They don't know that it's a potion. - No, Roberto doesn't. - Right, but they do and Roberto's there. So when I say-- - The only one that's in the room is Roberto and his father. - Oh, well, sure. - And Steven is standing right next to the door at you. - So Steven can't say-- - You can. - Okay, you can. - If you don't think of it, Steven may, but he may just jump. - I don't know what he can. - I don't know how much he likes your burrow, particularly. - He doesn't. - And I think Roberto could use a shadow ecstasy. - Oh, whatever, I'm still gonna throw it. It's gonna do nothing but help anyways. - Okay, great, take that. - I'm causing it and shouting heads up. Grenades incoming, that's what I'm saying. (laughing) - What? - Just killing your father. - Do you want it? - Got it. - Okay, man, we go under Repa. - Yeah, well, I'll do what I did all last time. We played Aim. - Aim. - Sorry. - Encourage. You know, we don't need to leave all at once. - But somebody needs to leave. - Let's get the hell out of here. - Okay, which is followed by Edmund, and since he's not here, he decides to leave. That would be the good thing to do. - Say a good example. - Yes, and he rolls exceptionally well. They rolled three pluses. - Pluses, wonderful stats of, I don't know. I don't know what is, I don't have his character sheet, but that takes him at least three zones unless he has a negative athletics, but she's severely doubt. - He's on his way. - At least some decent weirder. - I would say he is, to the edge of the river, down the bank and crossing the water. - Wow. - He just sent me the clip, like, on the painting. - I think he got a lot of athletics at least two, and this is three, that's five zones he could move. - Over the river. - Well, don't some zones take more than one meal, because of the fact that there are very many-- - There's a thing called barriers to slow down there. - Yes, and I understand that, but you've got a baby big foot down there that's helping you down the cliff and across it. I know you heard me down there. What the fuck? - I don't remember what his name is. - That's my name, that's like river shoulders. - I don't know, we say eat the river shoulders. - For patch. - For patch. - There you go. - And for patch helps them down the hill and across the river. So, and we go on to Maxwell. - Okay. - Priorities. - What is those? - I'm at the bottom. - Roberto and London are there. - So all the vampires are looking for their boss in this rubble. - Okay, in doing a quick assessment, you notice there's at least three that are moving around that seem to be white quarter vampires. There are a lot of bodies on the ground. You may have hit some regular staff as well as, unfortunately. That day, as well as a vampires. Two of the three are definitely digging in the rubble trying to find the leader of their family. One of them seems to be coming to the realization that he's just gonna get in the way and he's kind of looking towards you. Like what the fuck caused this instead of how the fuck am I gonna fix this? - So I pull out the despair grenade and I just chuck it into the rubble. - They can do with some despair. And then I go upstairs. So I'm the rescue little girl before the house collapses on. - Fuck it's a little girl. - I did not put this little girl in here. And first of all, she's not a little girl. She's just coming in the age. - You gonna rescue the girl? - Yeah, sure. - So Maxwell's all about it. Every life you're sacred, it's a good thing. - Except the ones you-- (laughing) - Except for the third you just killed a-- - She's actually assholes. - She's a vampire too, and you just killed that for family. - She's not a vampire yet. - She's about to be. - That's why we need to help her. - We're trying to change a whole culture. - What? - Okay. - How do you say you save a vampire? - I don't know that. - I mean, no, I mean, would we know that? I mean, I'm just asking for one, 'cause one who wanted to save her too. - I heard that there are not vampires until after they eat someone, so I'm gonna stop that. - I'm just wondering if there's a way to rehabilitate them that we know of, or like a-- - Is there all stuff about that? - You'd have to convince her never to take you. You'd have to convince her never to take that first sip of emotion. - Is she compelled to take it, or is she being kind of forced to want to take it? - You have no way of knowing that. - Okay. - This is not what I said. - Save the girl. - So if you use an action to throw the grenade, you can only move one zone, which puts you in the middle of the wreckage, which is the entrance to the kitchen. - Okay. - Because it's more than one to get in. It's not just-- - I'm going up the servant's day. - I don't know where you're planning through rubble to get through this big hole in the wall. I mean, unless you're walking along and looking for another entrance. - Right. - Do I need to roll a throne screen aid, given that I'm in the same zone as them? - No. - Can't I just pull up, drop it up my feet, and then take a step out of the room. - So are you walking along and building and looking for another entrance? Are you simply trying to walk through the rubble and get into the house? - Another entrance sounds like a family ass. I just made a big one. - Okay. - Unfortunately, it's not just walking up the stairs and do a building here. You're climbing over rubble, which means it's more than one to get through. - Right. - So you're starting to climb through the room? - I'm thinking three, with a twisted rebar and-- - That sounds like a good thing. - They have a rebar in their walls? - Of course they do. - He's gonna be able to move faster next turn if he just concentrates on moving fast to smell the fuck that you haven't met. - I will find him. - Monkey climb over it, then let's go. - Excellent. - Right after I was around this grenade. - Roberto. - Okay, Roberto takes one look at his dad and says, "Get home." - And he jumps on the grenade. - I thought you were probably with his body. - I thought you were gonna play golf. Slap it out of the building. - Well, Kitty really jumped on the grenade and he hasn't already hit the ground and exploded. Since on her turn? - It's not really a grenade. I thought it was just a pull and then the gas comes out. - You said incoming grenade. Those were your second word. - Right. Roberto doesn't know the word. - I'm saying, I'm saying as soon as I click the pin, doesn't it come start coming? - No, no, the way. - What I was excited about. - What I was excited about. - When you pull the pin it activates it so that the next impact hitting the ground or a wall or a person. - Roberto jumping at me. - It acts instantly at net one. - Well, the ground. Okay, so hitting the ground, it does start to spray or make a hissing sound. Roberto still jumps on top of it. - Well, doesn't Roberto just get a big smile on his face and he's sitting down. (laughing) - We're all gonna die. - Happy y'all. - It's all so clear. (laughing) - We're all gonna die. But like, yeah, it'll be fun. - Absolutely. - I actually do like these demons go. - That ain't quite like me. - It's so much happier. - And then it's London's turn. - Oh, I continue to move invisibly along the take a look alongside of the house. - I've got how many zones you said it was. Was it me two to get back? - Yeah, yeah. I'd said two or three. - I think I would go actually around the trees. What would it end up being the north side of the home? - Yes. - Closer to the river. Because that's where the commotion is, and I'm fearful that Leo's gonna step out of the rubble and start commanding his shows again. - So are you trying to move quickly? - Sure. - Then that would be... - Aspotics plus sure. Or zero plus power roll. - I'm wearing my, the nice shoes. I mean, there's no way I could be moving through rubble very well, but I rolled a plus one. And of course I have a zero athletic. - So again, the minimum you move is one. So you're trying to move fast, but you're just not used to moving fast. And in truth, you're not moving through rubble. You're moving your way over on the west side of the building. - I moved one way to go. - I moved one way to go. - And then I moved another zone, this turn. - So you're about in the middle of the house, next turn you're gonna start entering the rubble zone. - On the north side of the house, in the middle, is there an entrance? I'm not going for it. I just wanted to know if there was. - The picture would indicate that there is. - Okay. - What I'd like from you is an alertness roll, and you need to get to the leaves. I'll tell you. - No. - No. - No. - Higher than that. - She was shocked at those, no. - I am a television. - No. - Damn. - I think I'm focused on the rubble and smoke coming out of it and looking for Leo's, him rising from the ashes. - Well, other than the fact that you just said no. I and the listeners have no clue what you rolled or what your alertness is. - Ah, good point. - My alertness is nil because I am neither alert nor athletic. And I rolled a minus one on the fake dice, which makes it a poor roll, if I believe. And that means I don't see anything that you'd want to tell me. - You don't see jack shit. - Okay. We are back at the top. And once you've failed to notice, it's probably the girl running out of the house. - No, it was the white court damper that attacks Maxwell. - It was the front through the rubble. - Yeah. - He wasn't distracted by the fucking black smoke. - No, this was the one I described that was not looking for his boss. He has picked you up as traveling towards him and into the house. - Yeah. - And he moves swiftly towards you and attacks. - Pretty boy. - As soon as I find people. - I don't get it. - That's tough for other people. - That's what I miss the other people. - Is this within my vision? - I have no idea. - It's a good possibility that this is within your vision. - Please let me shoot something. - I think that you have been not doing anything long enough. - Did 12 seconds since he shot someone. - So I guess there's a part of this mission I wasn't informed of. - There's this little girl. She's going to die because I'm not going to house down. - She's the one who they were going to turn, but she hasn't turned yet. So she's technically human and his whole thing is no life is sacred. - I don't know. - I don't know. - Like, ever. - Everybody leave that after we ran a truck into the house. - That's why I was like re-uelling. - There's 30 guests here. - We had to explode. - There's probably some time there. - I love that. - That's the London girl. - No life is sacred. - No one is sacred. - You're a trashy girl too. - Like, every life is worth saving or something. - That's the exact word. - And so. - I used it when I ran the truck into people. I really don't know how, but. - Because they're not people? - Yeah, that is my-- - He actually did run over him. - They don't have soul. - He did? - Yeah, some of the staff. I wasn't in the plan. I didn't intend to go so far into the house. - Right. - Can you get knocked down for doing something that your character will be doing? - Can you get what? - Like, if you say I'm gonna do this, even though there are people, like what he did, and then hurt people. - No, and you lose a doll above, definitely. - Yes. - Like, can you get-- - Well, the darkness, I would lose, like, two morality for this. - Because it's not really something you would do. - But a little darkness has a morality scale for you. And the lower you go on it, the easier it is to do bad things. But the more anti-social behavior, you pick up as part of your persona of your character. So you might be a little paranoid, or you might be a little more aggressive. - Yeah, insane. You don't actually lose anything for going against what your aspects say, because that's the human being's ability that you couldn't go against their nature. It's still messed up. Not character doesn't like the fact that you just murdered a bunch of white staff, but-- - Right. - That is a problem for what I'm not trying to say for a bunch of white staff, is the term I used. - So, in fate, it's more put on your shoulders. Rachel, to roleplay that. - Degradationally, right now. - But in the world of darkness, there's actually a mechanic in the game that handles it along with your roleplay. - Maxwell will deal with this fight 'cause later. - So, this fan fire, he walks towards you, and he just-- - He doesn't try to grab you. - Yeah, he's doing the ghost thing, no. He doesn't try to grab you, but he seems to be indicating with his hand that he's trying to affect you mentally. - And not at all with that. - Dependent, he enrolled a plus two and his deceit, which is what this is based on. It's an emotional attack in which he's trying to hit you with crippling despair in his three. So, the total is five or a superb attack mentally. - I can't dodge that, my feet. - But, as some of this, do I use discipline because of the mental attack? Or can I use empathy to realize that this isn't a natural feeling? - You can use anything you can convince me of. - And you don't believe the empathy? - Well, social defense is not a big thing. - But it's not really a social attack, it's very-- - It's not? - It's more mental. - Yeah. - Yeah, I don't know if I'm buying the empathy. - Same as, yeah. It's meant to be able to notice when it's such-- - I shouldn't convince me, otherwise, disappointed as to how many you should be using. - You know, by the empathy thing, 'cause you're like, "I really don't beg the emotion." - Okay. Okay. - Could empathy maybe give him a plus one on his discipline role because these are emotions he's dealing with? On some level? - Yeah, I can see you're about a five-by-a-half. - Is your empathy higher than you get to have plus one? - You use it to tell when someone's lying and I think a false emotion is very similar with my argument, but it's probably a plus one. - I can agree with that argument. - Plus smallest, nothing else. - All right, with the discipline of average and then modified by my empathy of grade, so I rolled a total of two and I'm out of fate points. Let's see, what's my mental stress track? All right, 'cause my discipline is a one, I don't get any bonuses. Oh wait, it's based on conviction, which I don't have at all. I don't get any bonuses. I rolled a total of two, he rolled five, I take three stress. - And that's your weapon, slower? - Yeah, mental stress, and I don't have any additional, so it rolls over into a mod consequence and then ticks by one box. - Okay, the mild consequence is despair, because when it hits you, you kind of stagger backwards and you look and you see underneath the truck the body of a small girl, twisted and mangled. - And then I shoot him, do you just make him feel despair and I don't dig it? - Hold on, you're in a room for gas and you fire your gun? - Actually, it isn't your turn, that was a white quartz turn, which means it is Steven's turn, but before that, Ruppa has the option to go because in his sights, he sees what's occurring. - Right, if his head explodes, that's fine. - I have different priorities. (laughing) - Is this in the house or? - This is along the side of the truck, he's trying to get past the truck and into the house, and you see him climbing through the rubble towards the house when you see what you know is a white quartz vampire, step forward and kind of do the force grip and he's attempting to affect that. He doesn't know the shots coming because you're a mile and a half away. - I forgot the bit where this lever was blowing up people in the courtyard. And it happened a while ago. - It happened way over there and this guy might not necessarily know of that. - And there was a truck in this rubble all over, he's rather distracted. - He doesn't get his athletics roll and his fate roll was even two plus his two minuses. - Kellum, please. - My guns are great, just plus four. - And it's minus two. - Which is two, I think two. - Your total is two, then you add the gun, the modifier into it, that would be three, so that would take it up to five. - Unless it's like meant to take out tanks in which case it might be four. - Oh, you can't buy those. - Jay uses one. - That's a different universe. - Repub makes drugs, you can't buy those either. You can do one of the legal things. - Yes you can. - He has a total of four physical. If you did five damage to him, that's a consequence. If he's a MOOC, a consequence hit'll take him out. - So, describe to me the taking out of said vampire. - A small red spot appears in his chest and a large red spot appears in his back. - I had to spare for the dead man. - I was just getting a gnome. - The white court vampire in front of you stops a hole appears in his shirt, his white shirt, and his pale kind of very light red, and he just collapses over to one side. Your head clears and you realize that that body underneath the truck is not at all a girl. It's another white court vampire. - No fault. - Wait, it's dead. - Wait, it's dead, fuck it, it's dead. And we're over to Steven's turn. - I see Roberta when he's on top of the screen. - Giggling now at this party. (laughing) - You giggling? - It's not really, though, either way, it was a win win. - Yeah. - Yeah. - They go Roberta anytime. - It's amazing how happy you get. We don't have two demons vying for control of your mind. - They're happy too. - The person in the cell seems to be stirring in the process of getting up. - The person being man? - We assume it's Manny. - Well, you actually know it's Manny. You've got Manny before you. He's a gambling bunny, have you? - Right, they party together. - I don't know, Manny. - So I have to put on a first-timer's life. - Yeah, exactly. - Oh, he's definitely smiling. - I'm gonna put on my gas mask, so I'm gonna break this stuff anymore. - Not even gas masks, per se, but my little-- - It's something to cover it up, yeah. - Yeah, it's just, I have to filter. Hopefully that'll keep it out. I'm gonna hold my breath, though. I'm gonna go into the jail, so I'm gonna help Manny up. - Okay. - Come on, we have to get out of here. That part of the calm down. - Let's give me a athletic girl to see how successful you are kind of helping him along. - We're going to subtract two, because you've gotta help him. So in all likelihood, you're just barely gonna get him out of the building, but unless you roll exceptionally well. - Okay, I have a great athletics, and-- - Oh, that again, you, yeah. You might-- - You're staying correct? - You might do better, but they're gonna roll fast. - That's a good rule. - And I'm just gonna try to help him to his feet and just come out here and just leave a burrito in there. - It's a wash. - Okay, so unfortunately it minus two. Good, he comes. - It was great, I'm just-- - It was great? - It was great. - Okay, so it is fair. So you do manage to get him out of the cell through the door. - It was great as a wash, so my athletics is great. - But it was minus two for helping him. For helping Manny, for helping another person do his feet and out the door. So you're-- - Well, Manny is inhibited, so-- - Also, I thought that's what the athletics rules were. - It was, but it's minus two for assisting him. You're helping another person who's barely able to walk. So that's the minus two. - Okay. - So you've got a total of two, you're moving two zones out of this building and then a little bit across the grass towards the stream. - Okay, so this is just, I failed, like-- - No, no, I didn't know that at all. And even if it would've failed, you would've managed to get him out of the building one zone. - Okay, that's fine. We're gonna head towards the river thing. - Yes, it's Alan's turn while we're going to. Alan is going to maintain his position of holding a defensive pattern. He's still got his shield ready to go. He's not using it because he doesn't need it yet. And being like, he would probably be yelling at you guys faster, God damn it, move, let's go, we gotta get out of here. - I think you'd be really upset about us trying to rescue the little neurons completely. - I don't think you would know that from the distance he is. - Yeah, that's true. I think he would still complain about it. - All right, he went. Which means-- - The purpose of inquiring a what the hell's going on, it's time to leave. - Actually, he does have to go next, but Ruppa, since you shot your position is up here by the way courts, right after the way courts. - Okay, that's nice. - But that's fine, you could say that as well, and it's all this turn. - Since he walked right past me, I'm gonna get on the other side of Manny and help him head out. - Okay. - Get out of there. - Quickly. - I mean, my athletics are only average, but I'm gonna try and help, or at least like, you know, somewhat help. I feel like-- - Not a problem, not anything to require a role. You guys are probably back to where the warden is. - I put my mask on too. - Hey, let's warn you. - Why, I'm doing that. - And, Edmond is across the river, he's working his way up the embankment on the far side towards the cars. We then, we have Maxwell. - Sweet, he's dead. I put my upper filter on too. Then I run away from that. - But into the house? - Into the house. - Into the gas-filled house. - All right, now let's put the upper filter's for. - Doesn't. - Well, I helped you, you're not breathing the gas, it doesn't stop the explosion. - It explodes in that evidence. - That's a problem for later. - Your lungs won't explode, 'cause you're flying through the air. - Right, so I'm going to the nearest upstairs, because that's where you keep fancy people. I sleep upstairs. Fancy people. Fancy people. - This is how Maxwell thinks. - All right, well, give me a role that you get your movie. You've got at least two more to get through the rubble and then one per room. Plus, minus, minus, who gives a shit? That's still plus five. - Okay, so two gets you into the actual kitchen. One, to go through the kitchen and into a hallway. - That's three so far. - That's plus six. - Yeah. - Two, what? - It's plus seven and it only came out to minus one. I did both minuses, but I had a plus. - So you have six. - So two, three through the kitchen, four into a hallway, five into a foyer, and you see six upstairs. So you're getting up to the top of the stairs. I have no idea how to go with an explosion, so we're going to say-- - How about you need to reach a collective number of bosses? So it gets increasingly more likely. - But the number is like 15. - Eight percent chances. - Let's say we reach a positive eight, but did minuses count then? - No, that would take forever. - Yeah. - So you either roll zero or higher. - So-- - Either way, it's going to explode. It's just a matter of time. - Oh yeah, yeah. So we got to get to eight and we're currently at two. - Right. I got time. - Like at least two. - I'm tired of it. - I don't know what you know. - It is now. - I have Roberto's turn. - Okay. - You come to a realization that this is not really a real grenade and that it is-- - It should call, but it is. (laughing) - There's some aerosol. It sprains the gas and that gas is-- - All of 'em. - Making you pretty euphoric. - Is that like manic? - No. - Just feeling good. - Super happy. - Just, yeah. You're like-- - It's a foreign sensation too. (laughing) - You're like, you have no idea. - My team is going to-- - It's so good. - I'm not angry. - It's so good. - I found my dad. - I hate him. - But I found him. But I won't be so happy. - Sure will. - Okay. - Well, he'd hire someone. - Well, I don't need to carry him out of here. Apparently he's walking. - So, I'd-- - Why is his being very buddy is helping him. You do know-- - Anthony. - So, look. - Well, yeah. - Well, he doesn't know. - I didn't even see you. - But he did see Steven you know, because he's a drinking buddy. - He's always like Steven. - Steven really doesn't like you. - Eh. - Well, like they're going to go gambling right now. - No. - He's apparently helping. - He's working right now. - Yeah, he's-- - Steven. - Oh, so what? - Steven. - I love Steven. - I'm going to go-- - Steven. - I think I found a way to get the other Hispanic guy in trouble. - You kill him. - But he's unconscious on the field. Edmund smack him in the back of the head, so he's-- - I'm going to go pick him up, so I get up and then run over there. Okay, so you're standing up, you're leaving this room, then you've got to-- - There you go. - So, you got him. - You got to go at least two or three times to get to him. - Yeah. - Three. - All athletics. - Three. - That goes miserably. - What is this? - It's a plus. It was paying. - It was important. I have a lot of niggas here. - Yes, I know. - This is dice, man. - I got zero. - So, you managed to stand up off the grenade and stumble towards the door. - Giggling. - And lean on the door-- - Might have paid a little bit, too, but you know. - You know the door, so you can go in for sure. - You lean on the door frame a little bit and smile. It's just nice outside. It's pretty sunny. - Yeah. - It's just like the long full of air that isn't-- - A little of a day. - What he would know? - What? - Yeah, well, they used to give you gas back of the day when they did the-- - Oh, I'm not that shy. - You didn't even know. - That's so funny. - He's like carrying the grenade with him. - Right. - He might just be like, "Just walk with it." You know? - We rescued my dad. I got such great plans. - He took this one way he would know. - Right. - What was going on? - 'Cause he's so happy. - And I didn't explode. That was the most important. - Right. - What is he doing? - He's getting logically thinking that must've been something that Rafa made. And it makes me happy now. Like, there's no way he's rationally thinking that. - He's just right. It's high. - Yeah. - He's happy. - He's just so happy. - And I don't see Roberto. - We keep the person who does that for a while. - Like, permanently. - That might take a little more work. - I asked-- - What do you think about people talking? - We're talking about-- - Maxwell, where he is. 'Cause I'm coming up, when I start around the building, I want to try to help him. And I don't have any idea where he's at. So I'm getting a quick push to talk of Maxwell, where are you? - All right. What is your action this turn? Are you moving? - I don't know. - You didn't move at one, or you went faster, you don't know. And of course-- - I don't know until I hear from him. - I know where breakfast goes. - I could relate it. - Well, you don't know, so you know he's in this building. - So this appeared inside the building. - He went upstairs, though. He could say that, and I'm sure he does. - And he might be able to tell me about the gas leak in the truck, as well. Which could be-- - I wouldn't rely on myself. - I say, you've got the girl, let's go. - Okay, I apparently didn't describe that well. The gas leak is not gasoline. This is a kitchen. - Oh, it's natural gas? - Yeah, it's like-- - Yeah, that's what I thought it was a kitchen. - Right, next. - That's why I'm waiting for it to literally-- - To get out of here. - Yeah, oh no, it's not gonna be like the truck going. - That's why I had to tell it out of there. - It's visual, so. Yeah, you potentially could take the truck to house. - Well, the truck is running, and it could one little spark, or one little-- - Yeah, thank you. - Yeah, he turned the truck off. - Someone could buy a cigarette, and it's gonna go. - Right. - I backed the truck through an entire-- - Maxwell. - I was going like 90, and I'm gonna-- - Yeah. - Back to the current situation. Maxwell, where are you? - Upstairs, looking for the girl. House is rigged to blow, you should leave. - Again, to be clear, I don't know if you heard that it was natural gas that you were smelling when you went in that gasoline. - I figured, 'cause I hit it. - Much more explosive. - While they were cooking. - So it's not just the house that's gonna go, it's like that-- - A lot. - As much as far as this gas has depleted. - Has it hurt to hurt any of that? - I was never on ours from now. - People around him have phones, huh? - I can see you here. - Oh yeah, push the top. - That's right. - Okay. - Think of air pieces. - I'm trying to move fast. - Okay. - Yeah. - Plus one. - Plus one. It takes me from zero to average. And I'm spending my last bait point to kick it up to three. - So you can move three zone. - Right. So what I want to do is I want to get to the truck because in London's mind, that is the most likely cause of a spark that will set off an explosion. - Okay. - There are people here with guns. I meant you should leave, but I meant like. - So I step in, well, I'm assuming, I step inside the truck. - With three, you can get inside the truck. - Wait, I'm sorry. You're going to like, cause this guy out? - Mm-mm. - Because that'll kill us. - I wasn't. - Yeah, I guess. Is it covered in rubble and rebar? I mean like, is it? - Yeah, the whole back end of the truck is. - It's a lot of shit in there. - Okay. - It's a lot of shit. - It's a whole different story. - But the car is still running. We're going to die anyway. - Right. So I get into the truck and I turn the key off. Okay. And I do not remove the keys from the ignition. Well, what's the scene there? I mean, obviously there's got to be a ton of dust in the air from. - Yeah. - And there's smoke in the middle of the house. - There seems to be some action in the kitchen as there were two white court vampires that were digging in the rubble looking for John and Liam. - Yeah, I don't know. - There's despair. I left the bomb. - I hold my breath, I guess. As I walk through it, if that's possible. - Hypofilting. - Not that worried about it. No, it doesn't go with my suit in the match. - You're kind of done because you roll free. - Sure. - And when you're moving all you-- - I just want to be able to do is move. - Right. - And we allowed you to move one zone to the truck, one to get into it and to turn it off. So. - Just hold my breath. I'm going through if I can to go. - Okay. - With that, we go back to the top of the order. White court. White court. - Thank you for listening tonight to the Night to the Night actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter, @KOTN_podcast or by email And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page., where there's an Amazon link on the right-hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. - Why they made up to get us to come here so that this magic thing with the shield would happen? - So what I said was happening? - Probably. I wasn't there for any of that. Nobody told me about even the meeting. - Yeah. Well, I thought that this whole thing was a setup. And no one listened to those guys. It's out of the blue, all of a sudden, really, like, it's a setup, but no one has something. But it could still be a setup. The whole idea of saving what's her face was London. 'Cause he didn't want some innocent girl to die or become a vampire or whatever. - Well, I don't think we're going for that plant anymore. - I don't know. - They were really like having a party unless they were in on this whole thing. - Maybe they were just thrown. - We just killed half her family. (laughing) - No, because we found that they were carrying a face. - So like, why would they prepare a feast if they weren't going to? - If they're rich and they wanted a sufficient reason for us to believe that they were doing that party. - It would be easy for them to say let's do that. But I don't know. - This is a legitimate culture of theirs. I mean-- - It's just our party's office. - Are we going to change that? - Thursday party. - It's like saying, okay, no more departments. - I still think the whole thing was a setup 'cause they came to us. They told us about it. They didn't have to do that. There was no point in telling the issue. If this was a legitimate thing, there's no way in hell that they would come say, "Hey, we've cut Roberto's father and we're going to kill him." We just wanted to let you know. There's nothing you can do about it, but it's happening. - I'm pretty sure London phoned them off and said let's have a meeting and then they had their conversation, but-- - Yeah, it was a bump. - He didn't need to lay down any of that news whatsoever. - No, he totally didn't. That's what I'm saying. He was like baiting him. - So I think London-- - Of course it was a setup. - That's what I was, yeah. - But-- - Yeah, what we want. - And also the villains got what they wanted. - Maybe there. - It's the win-win except maybe we die. - So the deniers used Ryan to do what? - When he died, he used a death curse, but the area they were in is an area that can be used to charge this doll in the surround's Cleveland. - It's a protective doll? - Yeah, it's the thing that keeps all the-- - It keeps magic in and magic from coming through. - It prevents-- - It was getting weak over the years because it's been like 100 years since it was made. - Why would they? - He used a death curse. It emptied into the ground and supercharged it. What? - So why would they want to do that? - Well, in the beginning when we were making this, we said also it affects emotions too. It's just an echo chamber from Missouri. And these vampires feed on Missouri. - So they would love that. - I don't know why they would-- - I don't think the deniers were working with these. - No, yeah, that's the thing. - I think they're deniers. - You don't think the deniers were what? - I think they're capable of working with the angels, but I don't know necessarily that they were. - No, they're vampires. - Oh wait, you mean the vampires? - The vampires were working with them. It seems like a win-win for both of them. The angels would be down for it and the angels would get their echo chamber of Missouri. - The vampires. - Yeah, sorry, the vampires. And I don't know what it does for the angels, but they're nefarious anyway, so whatever. - They're like chaos. - I'm just straightening them up. - Yeah, it sounded like he was a young. - No, he was dirty-hulling. - It sounded like he just had a braw back. - Right, we did. - Just the cook. - Is he gonna wake up? - He's cleaning up. - He sounded like he totally just kicked his ass. (laughing) No, we couldn't. - I can't believe he wrote this story. - At the end, there's gonna be a fade scene, Rachel, where you come over to London's house. - No. - No. - It's not gonna be like that. You're coming over for your expertise, which is really weird because London has been fighting you on your expertise the whole story. So he's asking for your advice. - So it's more like a setup of more of an angry argument out of the energy. - No, no, no. It's the end. It's the end scene. - So it fades to black. Hi, did you bring your cards? Yes, I did. Okay. - I want evidence. - And then you can kill them. - And then that's the end. - That's so like, did you bring your cards? - The terrible cards. - Did you bring them? - Not those cards. (laughing) - Oh my God. - Is it in the cards? - Yeah. - Is it in the cards? - Is it in the cards? (laughing) - What the honey means is crazy. - E-ball says no. (laughing) - Reply is a duffin' it? - No. (laughing) - Okay. - So. (beeping) - Fight. - I actually had you with your shotgun. - Yeah. - Just for the heck of it. You know, you got to cock the shotgun with you. (laughing) - And jump out of the picture. - Right, absolutely. - Time. (beeping) - I think there's-- - I think there's-- (beeping) - I think he was talking to his father a little bit. - Since-- - It's a sensation. - Yes. - No, I was talking to angels in the way over. - But he was arguing with angels. - Oh, great. - You know, the two in his head. (laughing) - I'm sorry for all the noise. Future time. - Ruppleboro will be heading for us in a few days. - That's some consideration for the picture. - Yeah, the future itself. (beeping) - I really want to maximum shoot the gas field room. - Man, you just set a precedent that people can help each other move at minus two. I mean, I'm not gonna-- - You think it's a bad precedent? - Oh, I think. I think that lesser people would exploit it. - Okay. - For instance, I move at plus seven. - Gotcha. - I could move him way faster than he could move on his own while he was completely competent. So lesser people would exploit that. - The total is seven for athletics. - I have five plus two for a stunt for sprinting. - Okay. - Yeah, don't use that. - I'm not gonna do that. - Well, no, this stunt though, don't you have to use-- - Yeah. - You don't have to use a point for that? - No, no, no, it's not what you're gonna do. - I'm just really talking fast. - I would say, I would say though, that stunt doesn't apply if you're helping someone, obviously, right? - So, you're still gonna lose just five of you? - Yeah. - Way faster than him. - He probably would. - Probably a bit abusive. - We can do it. - We can't do it. We can't do it with him. - Not gonna do it at all. - Good enough, good enough. - That becomes a cluster fucker as far as-- - That rules go. - Don't pay attention to it at all. Just let her do the same thing he did. - Yeah, just let her do it. - I will never exploit it because that would be ridiculous for them. - 33-- - It's an interesting. - It's a 33% chance to roll on any die. - We can make it a contest like a race. - Plus, so if you go with two dice, then it would be 16 and a half percent. And if you go three dice, it would go down to 8.25%. So my guess is a plus three is about an 8.25%. Just straight up, not doing any of the minuses or any other factors that might come into it. - I have no idea what you just said. I'm sorry. - That's quite a right, but I think the point being within-- - Plus some 10%. - It's less than 10% chance to roll three, a plus three, I think. - Thomas, I don't want to do a race because that's like each person rolling a certain number of successes, and that doesn't make any sense for you. You're just-- - Yeah. - We could go with where you said we have to-- I was a lot younger. Mike suggests this dentist because I had a problem, and I'm laying there, and they fill me with a happy guess. And the guy's like, "Well, Mike, "we're going to have to pull that tooth." And I'm like, "You got to be Mike." He's probably going to pull it wrong, too. I should probably say something. Nah, I'll figure it out, he's-- And then the assistant goes, "Oh, you call him Mike, "that's Tom." - Yeah, yeah, wow, that was so fucking-- - But did you realize-- - No, no clue. - Right, see, that's what I was saying. - Happy. - Welcome to the ADD podcast. - Give us a phone call, we won't answer, but-- - Don't think we gave a phone call. - We'll take a message, supply a number. - Well, it is-- - No, don't face me. - Okay, that's wise. - Yeah. - That's really wise. - Well, I'll think. - We haven't mixed you forward, right, to the base of my stuff. - Studio. - What are we-- - Number Joe, okay, what's that? - Yeah, Joe Davis is a-- - Oh, that's right, he never used it. - I know. - What do we have? - We'll go high-tech, I'm mixing with you. - High-tech. - Continue. (laughing) - Please stop. - We're the disco ball in the middle, come on, it's awesome. - It'll ruin the moods for world of darkness. - It will, yes. - The world of happy dancing. - After starting, after the starting? No, after starting, yes. After starting, three times. After starting-- - Four, four. - Four, four. (laughing)