Zelda in the hand of the enemy? And Ryan Nelson is about to feel the wraith of her protectors. Who will be the first to pull the trigger on taking him down? Listen in and find out.
Knights of the Night
187 - DF2 KotN Actual Play Podcast - DFRGP - Drop Your Angels
(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to Knights of the Night Actual Play podcast. This Dresden File Story, rituals, was written and run by a GM Tom. And now, please enjoy episode 187 titled, "Drop Your Angels." Actual play begins immediately. (upbeat music) - I'm your GM Tom, and the player starting in my right is the returning. - Michael playing record and the authentic accountant. - Racial playing Zelda sites in American gypsy views as the lore of the past to construct the feature. - I am GM playing Edmund Shadowski, who is a rich businessman, black court powered scion. - I am Scott, playing the London Deals, a moral seer to the supernatural powers. Mike, playing Alan Montgomery, the soul's sundered warden of Cleveland. - Bob playing Stephen Tomin, a reporter and a photographer, we do anything to get the story. - Thomas playing Maxwell Edison in undercover homeland security. - John playing Roberto Martinez, a people's guardian empowered by a fallen angel. - Still empowered by a fallen angel. - Still empowered by a fallen angel. - All right, we brought Michael up to speed, but we are gonna have to reintroduce Michael into the game and say where he is currently. Same thing with Edmund, but we can kind of just stick you in the truck because the intention was for you all along to come in the truck. So you guys returning? - You being a black woman? - Did we ever decide if I made this potion or not? We're using that potion with any, like that whole storyline kind of got dropped. - The thing is to use that potion, we would have to leave many, otherwise it's not spoiled lunch. He's stolen lunch. - Well, yeah. The thing is we wanted to make it so he was in target. They didn't want to follow. - Yeah, they couldn't track him. - Okay, that's okay. I have no problem with him finishing any potions that he was working with. - Is there any reason why we can't have Roberto and Roberto together coming into this thing? - And that is one of the possibilities, all right. But let's ask Michael what he intended to have been doing in the time of his own missing. - And finish the potion and do a little reconnaissance either in world walking state or in real life. It depends how it works out for the story. Take my sniper rifle along and do what I do. Either covering your retreat or picking off the-- - Yeah, I mean, I think we would have stationed him across the river with a sniper rifle. - Right. - The side across the river is higher than on the estate side of the river. - That's awesome. - So he would be in a higher position looking down. - Right. - There's also, well, let's start with the fact you want to do a reconnaissance of this at night, world walking style. So you do what? You come near this neighborhood, set up in your van, wet up a bowl, slip it on another dimension. - Well, if I'm doing the world walking, I don't know that I have to physically be here. I mean, it could be somewhere close, but not suspiciously close. To do the reconnaissance part. - Let's have you roll a lower roll. To find this location in another dimension and to scout it out, we're gonna save some per buffer. - What's your lower to start? - It's great, which is plus four. I've got a stunt that also affects that. - And what does this not do? Gives you two? - It gives a plus one to the lower. So that's plus five. - And what'd you say I need? - You need plus five. - So you can get at least even. - And I think down, actually that's a minus there, too. So I miss my two. - So a minus two at this point, it allows you to do something to do a fact that to either increase it by two, which will make it succeed or you could reroll, but that would be risky. - Risky. - Risky, yeah. - That's my point for that. - And using what aspect? - Oh, I could use an aspect. - You gotta tie it to an aspect. - I'm using antiogenic organic alchemists. - The aspect to make my wool. - Okay, so you spend the fade point, you use that aspect, it bumps up by two and you succeed. What you get from your scouting mission is that around the house, the main house is here, pretty much in the middle of the map, is the house. There's a huge glowing threshold around that. There's very little on any of the other buildings outlying in this area, but the one thing that is striking and the first thing you notice when you come searching this area is that there is an edge that goes right along the river here. And that edge would be the dome that surrounds Cleveland. By that I mean, the one that was created by Rockefeller to surround the city of Cleveland was built to keep scrying out, but it had a bad side effect. Yeah, it's built into our city. That's pretty much it. - Tell me how that feels for magic people to drive stuff. - So, depending on what realm you're walking in, it would be difficult to cross. Shooting a bullet across it wouldn't be a problem being that's a physical thing. But if the bullet itself had any magical properties, they could potentially be affected by going across that special. So, in scouting out the area, you find there's a very good location on the other side of the river that you would have to shoot through the dome, but there's also a, not quite as good, but serviceable one in the upper right-hand corner of the estate, which is in the woods. That woods roughly has a spot in the middle there that you'd have to climb a tree to be able to see down into it, and it's pretty far distance. So, it's your call, you're the sniper. - Yeah, I guess I like the tree one better. - Not having to cross up the water. - Yeah, I'm not sure that hollow point bullets filled with holy water are magical, but I'm sure I want to test that theory 'cause it's been. - Oh, that's right. You really wouldn't be shooting the vampires. You're saving those hollow points for the demons, right? - Yes. - Okay. - Angels. - Fallen Angels says we were reminding us all that it's definitely an angels, isn't it, even? And to fast forward in this situation, you have been camping out in those woods all this time, or you're just camping in another dimension and you stop fruit at this time? - Doesn't he have to get us the potions or something at some point, or is that something he's gonna toss into that? - To make it easy, we could say that he gave you them at a time because otherwise he's got them way up over there and not very much use, is it? What type of potions did you make? And were they grenades, were they aerosol, or were they potions you had to drink? - I think we weren't looking for something that could be just cloud dispersed in the general area, just to mess with a group of vampires and kind of put them at a disadvantage. - These whiteboard vampires are feeders of despair. And the opposite of despair is hope, not necessarily happy. - To start for a whole potion. - It is a different emotion. - It's kind of hard to be despairing. - Would it be fair to be in a good mood at the same time? - To classify as positive emotion versus negative emotion? - Not when you're talking about weakness to a whiteboard vampire, very specific, where true love is the opposite of lust. For the whiteboard vampires, true love will cause them pain. - So I just need a description of what type of drugs and/or do we get back in? - All right, well how would it be open into the group and they get suggestions? - Yeah, that's probably the way I would have done it anyway, 'cause I'm not, I didn't know about the whole group thing, but they were looking for it. The first thing that springs to mind is ecstasy, 'cause it's very difficult to be and despair. - It's in the name. - Yeah, a little cannabis mixed in and-- - All right, so everybody gets-- - It's having the lines of Molly. - Open it up to the table. What are you guys expecting from him? - I didn't, I thought you were dead. - You're just scared for a long time. (laughs) - I want him sniping across the river and I want a potion that can, you aren't listening? He doesn't want to snipe across river. He wants to snipe from over in this wooded area because he doesn't have to cross the barrier. - It imputes much bullhikes. - No, anyway, the group, I mean-- - I just wanted you to give him something so that they couldn't track us as we were. - Right, Zelda wants something specifically for Mandy to make him not despairing, but if not hoping, he's extremely happy. - Yeah, at least I mean-- - In a better place where we could even maybe convince him to be more hopeful. - Yeah, 'cause if they feed off despair, he's a beacon, he glows in the night, and if that could be fixed, that's one suggestion. - Something that the sour the milk or sour the meal, if you will. - Right, that's ecstasy. - Okay, he's got one order. The other one was a crowd control. - That or a distraction or something that would be, yeah, especially if these vampires feed on despair, if there's some kind of, something that either generates the-- - Like salt, lick of despair. - Yeah, or just something that makes it irresistible to them and draws them like flies to something as a distraction. - You're talking like a flair to a heat-taking missile? - Yeah, whatever appropriate metaphor. - Could that be something somebody can run in the other direction with? - Sure. - Now, there is-- - I mean, did you hear what he's requesting? Something that does the opposite, something that creates a huge wall of despair that could be used as a, hey, everybody look over there. - It's all present. - Like a red cord or a black cord, if they see someone spill blood, they're all going, you know, go feeding transit. - They can't, like sharks, they can't stop themselves from focusing on that. And that would maybe give the kind of distraction or crowd control issue that-- - I think I'm going to search along those lines. - Okay. - There's a substance called salvia divanorum, which is a plant that was, until recently, it was legal, and I think it still isn't a lot of stuff. - And it grows wild, right? - Yeah, it's not a party drop team. It's very, very intense. And if you have a tendency to be despairing and you take this stuff-- - No, fuck you up. - You need to go stuff for your research. - That's all that's the way I've done for those two. Ecstasy for Manny. - And then something that's either very small area or a large, dispersed manarium, some kind of aerosol that'll distribute the other one. And in order to make those, we would probably have you do a scholarship role. - Sure. - Some kind of ecstasy mix for Manny is going to be pretty simplistic. - Yeah, that quantity. - Kinda exists in nature, but to maybe put it in a liquefied form, so it gets in quicker or some other. - You're just talking about a great, as in a role that's necessary. Some kind of depression or despair bomb would be fantastic, six. And so which one do you wanna work in first? - The easy one or that? - Yeah, the easy one. - I like this one. - Which is what? - I like it better than Airfly. - The easy one is four, you wanna get too great. It's based on your scholarship. You may be able to add something for your lab. - My scholarship is five. - Well, just don't fuck up. - And my lab is one. - Hold on, that quality works for us. - Yes. Whatever that means. - It's a minus one, so it's four. - So you do manage to do the first one in a reasonable amount of time. The second one is the aerosol. - It's actually five, it's just two. - Okay. - The other one needs to be six, and it's the aerosol, despair bomb. And you have enough time to try this twice. So if you fail both times, we got a problem. - Does that give us two? - Okay. - Your first to tap, it could potentially, if it succeeds both times, yes. - Okay. - So what do I need? - You need fantastic. - And this is also-- - It would also be scholarship. It would also be plus one for your work area. So again, you just have to not fuck up. - Okay, thank you for not fucked up. - Yes, you are. - Right now. - Yeah, it's a watch. So I got a-- - Plus, plus, plus, seven. - So that succeeds. So you do have one of those? - Six. - Oh, shit, plus one, so that was six. - Exactly what you needed. And then you have the attempt of one more. - No, try it. Another one. - Another one. - So, another six. - Two, the canisters. - Two of the structures. - How hard would it be for you to do an air divination where we can breathe clean air? - Oh, you're an air specialist. - Well, as I said in the beginning, the Soviet did an arm is a trip, and if your tendency is to despair, you're gonna go that way. - Yeah, so that kinda is targeted, but I wouldn't rely on that. - Right, but there's a fact that most of the people that were hired here to be serving and whatnot, were intentionally picked because they have a bit of that in them and it makes them act. - But that doesn't include the-- - It does include the damn words now. - I think he can just do his air. - I think it goes, that's true. - I would say it could affect the vampires. And if there's one or two other vampires that are kinda depressed to begin with, they could make them more depressed, 'cause they can feed on each other. - Yes, they can. - What about masks? - They're right here, they're breathing masks probably now. - All are in our outfits, so having those-- - So having those air chiefs and whatever is very simple. - Sure. - I agree. - All right. - You all have bananas, huh? - Your outfits have the aspect of-- - We stopped at it, are we willing to mask or whatever? - Yeah, I can spend a-- - To help the point. - If you think it's important, enough, because it was tight to get there, so I think somebody should have to spend something. - No, what I'm saying is it's either an aspect that you all can spend a fake point on to add plus two, or Mike, if you want, you can throw one in there and we'll say it's like equipment that'll give you a plus one bonus on the roll. To everybody, outright. - Yeah, I'll do that. - All right, we're taking off, or we had the cliffhanger out last week. Who has the different devices? Nox, Zelda. - So why don't we grab by the deep-- - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - Someone in that group would have it, because you were going way over here to distract. - What do you do with different devices? - Right, so I should-- - But the-- - For instance, who wanted to use on a man, who would have that? - Who would have it? - I had the nail, I thought. - I was thinking a joke, because you're being pulled away, so I didn't want to be able to stuff. - Okay, so-- - Am I, did this Mexican person grab me? Or is he just-- - I thought he was just in your way from getting to me. - Yeah, yeah, he just stepped in your way. - Okay, so he's not physically touching you. - Distribution of the drugs. - That's funny. - We still have to have the other two drugs handed off to somebody. Somebody's got to have the two. - If we're going down there, it causes distraction. - Raise your hand if you probably wouldn't have it. - Despair canister. We wouldn't have the thing to help you. - I would say either myself, because of my abilities, of London, because of his magical skills. - Oh, I might have the many one, because I think that I'm gonna be the one, I would have thought that I would be the one getting the same many somewhere along the way, so that's the only one I think I would have. The despair one's kind of freaking out a little bit, and somebody even's got a despair. London's got the many happy Jews, and who's got the other despair? Would it be Maxwell? - Because you were a part of the plan. - Yeah, that's funny. - Yeah, I'd probably say Maxwell. - I would say medical. - All right, Maxwell's got the other one, because you got them in two very different locations. You guys are by the pond, Maxwell and London, and everyone else is up by it. - Right. - So, what we're gonna need is a roll. - This is a little one. - This is down. - Awareness, what's the difference? Or alert on a straight out of a skill thing? - Where is it? - Okay. - Yeah. - And that decides who goes first? - Yes, yep. - Okay. - I got a three. I don't even know if her circles are heavy. - I have a watch, so I have three. - Now I'll face one of those closest. - That's okay. - You have a three as well? And if you think it's important, you can spend an aspect, use a fake point to increase it by two. Like if you wanted to go at five instead of three. - Just to see who goes first? - Right, well, if the creature that grabbed you rolled a four, or-- - Oh, I see you've had a chance to run away. - Sometimes you want to get that fish. Sometimes you're going first has like, if you're going first of all, I pull out the fourth nail and stab it in the heart. - Yeah, maybe I've got six, so yeah. - No, yeah, so do it. What aspect are you tapping? - Truth prevails over, I don't know. Truth prevails over evil is one that I have, and then you can do anything you set your mind to. - Oh, there you go. - I can do it with that. - Right, yeah. - And everyone is good too, because you're being granted by a demon, so you can say the truth. - So then, yeah, can do anything you set your mind to. - So it's all the bumpsters from three to five, huh? - Right. - I'm missing a bad one. - Ripper? - And down. - I had negative two at my fudge die, so that fixed me to zero. I was caught flat for the five. - You're slow, isn't it? - I have negative two on my fudge dice as well, but my skill is higher, so I only have one. - Hey, you run really fast, and I just like get a piggyback right across the ground. 'Cause you just fly across the ground. - I don't have a lot of my-- - That's all right. - I guess I'll just be in the trail. - Yeah, I got a close to you. - All right, we're gonna start with Dover. - Actually, you're not the fastest, but the fastest people have already gone, which is Ryan Nelson who's slightly faster than you. - Oh, hey, let's have a grab. - Jesus. - The person who stepped in front of him. - So they just appeared, like, out of a fail, or they are wearing the same uniforms you are. - And we've had a notice them before? - Well, it's the same group of people that have been working up their way up the lanterns. - We've subscribed it last week. - We all, yeah. - We all, specifically, I said they were working their way off the path, setting lanterns. And when you guys went back to the tent area, they were among the tent areas setting up like that. - And I never noticed the gippy arm. - It's not a gippy arm, it's not a gippy arm. - You're gonna get real world. - Well, he doesn't exist. - Well done, yeah, we're perfect in response to that. - He's between worlds though. - Kind of. - The warden does live in multiple worlds. - So, I can pull out the nail since it's the only blunt object that I have. I would probably pull that out and use that to swipe his arm or whatever it is that he's got wrapped around me. - Is Ella taking like personal protection classes? - No, it's not. - Biggest boxing. - No, she's a Romani, they know how to defend themselves. And you're supposed to have defenders. I am. - So, Ella has been on her guard this entire time talking about how she doesn't feel safe. So, of course, Ella's gonna fight if someone grabs her from behind. - I would also submit that since she is using the fourth nail, she's basically invoking its holy power. - 'Cause I'm trying to use it to protect myself. - To protect herself. So, whatever effect that has on the immediate demons in front of her and the protected estate of the wedding court is basically setting off. I would imagine like a big gong. - That's what we sneak in. - Yeah. - It's a good plan. We can do it. - Man shot to shit, it's funny. - Orion Nelson doesn't really have a strong grip on you. In fact, it's the block of one towards your actions. So, you have to overcome that one to perform any actions. He's holding you. - That's the shit is grapple. - Oh, it's terrible grapple. - Yeah. - So, she needs to roll above an average to break free? Yes. - If you're using the nail as a weapon work. - Which he is, then you probably use weapons, which you don't have. - I don't have any weapons. - I bet I am athletics, but should I have to use weapons? - Well, if you're using athletics, yes. - Well, I'm breaking away from him. If you want to use the nail, you would have to use-- - I mean, I'm using the nail, probably. - Well, then you would have to use-- - Well, because it was assumed that his arm was like-- - I would also rush it. - At some point, you want to give me a clear light of fire. So, don't be between me and him. - If his grip's not that strong now, then-- - It's really not. - Then I'm not gonna at least then nail. I don't think I'll probably just try and get away from him at first. - Okay, that would be a lot of-- - As Roberto just mentioned, it could be athletics, fist weapons, for me. - Okay, well, athletics, I have this average-- - Negative two, negative one, poor. - Yeah. - So, as poor as his hold is on you, you're attempting to leave it as-- - Beep. - You want eek, as opposed to breaking free butt, you can still re-roll. 'Cause two just ties. Does she win on a tie? Or she has to beat his new equal and new fake core. You succeed, go with a complication. - With a complication. - He breaks free butt trips and falls to the ground. Or is she something like that? - Right. - I'm gonna re-roll. - Wash, so I was at average, so I'm still at average. - Is the, what you're gonna roll? - You're gonna roll, plus two. - Plus two would have brought her back to average. - Oh, sorry. - So that's one, our average right now. - Right, right. So now, if you wanna tap another aspect of-- - Good. - Because you're back to tie. If you were to add a plus two, you would have been tied, and you'd just roll plus two, you're still tied. So you're gonna succeed, but you might stomp one fall on the ground. - If you don't wanna-- - That's out of a lot of consequence, you can burn another one and say, you just this aspect and-- - But in this case, it could not be the same one, because you've already used it for this action. - Right, exactly. - And I'm just encouraging you to do so, because you have a lot of them, and you do not wanna be in, we don't wanna be in Ryan Nelson's grip at all, ever. So if you don't know what's happening, you can take it another dimension, you could anything happen. - I use that though, the truth prevails over evil, or good prevails over evil. - What are you asking for this action now? - No, I use, can do anything you set your mind to. - Okay, so you're asked-- - The other one, I don't know if that fits. - What is this many new ones-- - It's true prevails over evil, 'cause-- - It's up to the group, you guys. - What is it? - Truth prevails over evil. - It's, yeah, because my truth is fine, but I believe in my terror card. - That's what I was going with. Her truth is in her tarot cards, and she believes this wasn't supposed to happen, and he can't possibly contain her. - So yes, I think the group consensus is you can use it, so toss another fake point in, and you succeed at getting away. - Oh. (clapping) - You've learned that completely. - Absolutely, you've all been forgotten away. - Yes, I know you have. She's burned three fake points in one round. - Yes, I have. - She's free! - But I still have three more. - She's away from rank. So you can take another action, but just, it would be like a minor one, like for instance, taking out the nail if you wanted to, in front of them, like wait a minute. Did she move a little bit? - Yeah, can I? - So I did move to get away, but she can move a little, take a few steps backwards, draw out the nail and wave it around. - Can I get over to where the word is or no? - Well, there's, instead of someone in between, yeah, there's a guy that's, however, if you're close to the ledge, Roberto's just about to come up over it, or you can run away. - I think, yeah, 'cause I don't know where you are, so I'm probably just gonna try and get as far away as I can, but I probably would at least pull out the nail 'cause it just does like a defense. - So take a few steps back and you pull out the nail. - Right. - And we'll go to Roberto, your demons whispering in your head. There's at least two of them up there. There's the spider monkey. He's very close, but he's still in human form. - That means he's active, right? - No. - He's still in human form. - He's still in human form, but he's very, very close. - But if you can see him, fine. Okay. - I mean, we're almost standing up. - For a patch. - I wave to the warden's favorite friend and say, "I need to get up there now." - Okay. Let's have you try to convince for a patch. What are you gonna use? - Intimidation. - Oh, his wonderful social skills. - Hey, I have intimidation. (laughing) - I see. - Can you do? - I have a stunt that lets me - Intimidation for ordering people around. - He's gonna try to use a skill to convince for a patch to lift him up 'cause he's trying to scramble up the-- - But I don't, what I guess I don't understand is why a third patch wouldn't do that all the way. - Since he's-- - Because the warden-- - The warden has got for a patch as a friend and he's talked to him about all of you guys. I don't think he's ever mentioned Roberto because-- - You guys did not know Roberto was gonna-- - We never did a show up. - Yeah. - Didn't know Roberto was gonna show up, right? - That's true. - Yeah, he was gonna show up. - He said he'll probably show up and fuck things up, but anyways, he rolled terribly minus two, which wasn't terribly hard to begin. - Well, if I knew I was gonna have to roll, I would have phrased that differently. Like, give me the fuck up there now. There's a fight going down and your warden's about to get his head torn off. - Bigger threat. - It adds to the Roberto we know and love. - Yeah. - All right. Watch as well. - So this is intimidation. - A convincing argument is only Roberto can give it. - I rolled a superb intimidation. - Oh yeah. - Eat it for a bit. - It goes off the cliff and then you land-- - Do I still have an action? - Certainly your movement. - You probably might need to give me a roll not to land in athletics. - Yeah. - At least land on your feet. - Let's see a minus. - And then two questions. - Oh. - Yeah, it was a wash. - Yeah. - It was two questions. - I only have an athletics of one. So that's a one and everything. - I showed him a good way to get up the mountain, but he told him. - Oh yeah. - Well he took it down the mountain and then he was coming up. - Sit him up. - He let's go. - He gave it a fucking Ohio. - Sit him up. - You wanted to come up the cliff side quickly so fur patch grabbed him by the back of the neck and threw him up. You try to land on your feet. You land on one knee instead and you-- - I use that feed point of the good cliff climbing and the instructions because there's hand holds and stuff though. - It was a maneuver I made. - So I get another plus two is three. - Okay. - And your feet, although I don't know what that path is, anything to do with a big thing throwing you up a hill. - He threw up the path. - Clearly straight up the path. That is your action. And now we go to Edmund. - Who is-- - As far as bad guy-wise, close to me. - You are closest to the disguise warden and the gentleman you believe to be the spider monkey do. - Can I slip on that gauntlet and walk up to it and punch it in the face? - Did you smuggle or not let in you? 'Cause I sure as custody and smuggle my gum. - No, were we searched at the door? - No, we just thought there might be some kind of detection. - They're obviously losing 'cause we brought one of the biggest artifacts in the world, but I know they know it. - I didn't get them. - But it wasn't activated. - Well, we haven't activated it yet. - Right, 'cause this is where we're here. - Yeah. - I wanna say that your gauntlet is in the truck unless you wanna pay a fake point to have it on you at this time, 'cause it doesn't really make sense. The truck that's over here in the parking lot. So it's on the estate, but it's not in your hand. - I'd assumed things were gonna go bad. I thought I would have brought it with me, but it's in this state, it's over on the truck. It's not like you guys carry on big, huge backpacks if you can have these things. - We didn't expect fallen angels to show them. - I did. (laughing) - I did. - Then you have a fake point that says that? - No, I just-- - What do we not expect? - I didn't expect-- - I told everyone. - Don't we tell me about the right plan? I would have expected it. - Regardless, can we move on? - Whoa, it says I don't have my-- - It was there. - It's been a fake point. - Yeah. - I got one. - Well, then don't spend a fake point. - You're gonna need it. - Yeah. - Gotta need it. - I'm just gonna walk up to them and look at the thing that looks threatening at mine. Do I know it's the human form of whoever, 'cause I've seen it before? Or do I just-- - The only reason I've never seen this in human form. - The only reason we assume that is because we got an eyewitness account from a dude who was freaking out the entire time, and he described him as a middle-aged-ish mechanism. - And all he's doing now is he's kind of stepping in front of Alan every time Alan moves, and maybe puts his hand out on his chest. - Right, so I don't tolerate that. - No, I imagine you don't, right. There's no physical attack. He's not rustling him to the ground. He's not doing anything, he's just-- - But you know that he's obstructing. - Yeah, well, he's definitely obstructing. - So, yeah, you know. - I'm gonna punch him in the face. - Okay. - So, and I thought you were gonna be-- - Dude, everyone's going loud instantly. - I tell him to back off and-- - Get him, Ed. - I got a-- - Help. - She's out there. - I punch him in the face with one better than a superbun, six. - All right. - That's fantastic. - Are we outside where it's sunny? - Actually, the tent isn't up here. You guys are still putting it in the pole, please. - Yeah. - Yeah, we're still trying to figure out the poles in this one. - Unfortunately, there's only a three to blocks. He's just a small, Hispanic guy, he's not-- - So, that punch was three better than-- - Plus, one thing you can do? - Whatever. - Is it sunny? Do I have my super toughness and-- - Oh, it's sunny? - Oh no, it's sunny. - She'll set up the tent. - You punch him relatively hard in the face, and he kind of staggers backwards. It's at that time that you do hear one of the guards over at the cottage shout out, "Hey, what the fuck? "What are you doing?" - Just so you know that sun ticks away, my toughness does not tick away my human strength. - Okay. - So, hit the additional tube. - Two, yeah, three, five. - Okay, so that is a busted lip. You actually do blood. - It's a legendary. It's a legendary. No, it's not. It only takes, it only needs to soak up two. It's a minor consequence. It's a busted lip, and a four. Stress some health. - There's a bandpiper behind you. - Could I make a fair assumption that if I just watched Ed haul off and belt a guy, knowing how strong he is, and this guy kind of takes it and gets just split lips, then is that an assessment of how tough this human appears to be here? - Is it the kind of like boy? - There's nothing supernatural about that. - That's a four, anybody who has a healthy endurance? - Oh, okay. - I guess my point is, I think he's a human, right? - Right now? Yeah, there was nothing about that like he shrugged it off to be a supernatural thought. - I know, but you said that he was a spider demon, and I'm just, you know, I don't know that yet, right? - I didn't say that to you. No, I said that to the bird who is demon with his head. - Oh, okay, I'm sorry, I'm just understanding what it. - No, you might assume that because you see Ryan Nelson, and you see a Hispanic guy. You've never seen him in a human. But it just depends on how I attack. Do you mean-- - Absolutely, absolutely. You've never seen this guy before, you've never seen the demon turn into a human, and what he just took damage-wise, any human is a little bit-- - But I recognize Ryan fucking Nelson. - Oh, absolutely. - But doesn't he also have the eyewitness account? Didn't he know about that? - The eyewitness account said there was a Hispanic guy there. - Yeah, so does he know about that? - Absolutely, that doesn't make any sense. - All Hispanic guys care for all angels now? - Right, but the Hispanic guy and Ryan Nelson. - Yeah, this is my experience. In court, it's gonna still get your ass thrown in jail, but yes, maybe in this particular system. - So we'll snap, oh no, if we deal in coincidences. - I don't believe in this. Is it my turn? - It is now Maxwell's turn. - Sweet. - We have no idea this is happening. - Done. - Okay, so you're not doing anything. - No, we are doing something. - Okay, we're gonna go, we're wailing the-- - We're knocking the one guy out. - Yeah, we're gonna knock out the chief of staff so we can pretend to be him, and then sneak into the cabin. - And he was talking to two people by the pond here. - Right, yeah. - But we need to talk in private, please. We have it in here. - Would they have heard the shout of the guard? - No. - That's pretty far. - That's super far. - Quarter mile, probably distance. - Okay. - We're going to meet up with the-- - I think you walk up to him, turn around, turn back, turn around. Fully, yeah, you couldn't decide what you're doing. London says we are gonna talk to him. You walk with London, you can do both of you at the same time, even though London's farther down. But you walk up to him and he's talking to two people. And then he seems to be arguing over a parking situation. - Right. - At this point, we're not in a rush. So we're gonna let him politely finish his conversation 'cause we want him to be alone when we wailing him. - They're just kinda standing there looking like, hey, we're gonna talk to you. - We're gonna talk to you. - I'm looking at the clipboard, look at the guy. - Looking at my ex-wife. - Steven. - So, I've never seen Ryan Nelson before, right? I mean, I'd-- - Did you see him? - You've seen the spider monkey. You haven't seen the Hispanic guy. - You saw Ryan Nelson sitting in a chair, didn't you? - Yeah, you saw him in the warehouse. - He was in the warehouse. - In the warehouse? Yeah, I guess I was sneaking around. I'm not sure if I got a good glimpse of him. - No, I think you walked into that room and he ran and he picked up Ryan Nelson and took off. - That's right. So I know it's Ryan Nelson. - Yeah, you're the one who got closest to him. - You saw Ryan Nelson go, hold his elbows all the spot around and escaped. - Okay. What have my gun on me? If you want, you can say it's in the truck, but-- - What about the despair bomb? - I do have that. I don't know if I'm gonna insert that off here. - What's up, dude, it's through. - I'm gonna shout, "Hey, that guy has a gun to the guard." And I'm pointing to these short Mexican guy. - What skill are you using for-- - Oh, crap. - How about a social seat? - They pulled him out. - Yeah, you're different performance. - Yeah, can't use performance? - I think you're using the seat. - Oh my God! - I think you need to stunt. It'll say I can use that for the seat. - I can see that. - Yeah, I don't. - So, so you'd be rolling on a zero. - Yeah, just roll good. - Roll on a zero. - That is smooth. - Oh, it's a watch. - It's plus. - It's a good news. - We got negative four. (laughing) - That's all he said. - What, do you have a gun? - I'm carrying a gun. (laughing) - Thank you. - They came out wrong. - Yeah, he's not buying that at all. - He rolled a plus one. - At all. (laughing) - You're all ready? - He's not buying that. - Why? - He rolled the total of one. That's all I need to say. - He's buying it at all? - Well, no, he rolled the one on the dice. - Oh, he's got skills. - The sympathy's like a two. - He got skills with the bow staff. - Yeah. - It's best. - It's possible. - He tore down the gun. - I'm not wasting any fake points. I mean, it's just, whatever, if he doesn't believe me, I mean, he knows something's going down. - If only someone had a talk, clicked a talk phone that couldn't alert. - His number was happening. - So, we have pushed a talk. - Yeah, yeah. - Okay, then I'm gonna say, we need help over at the 10 right now. Ryan Nelson's here. - Should I shoot him? - Yeah, that's, oh yeah, it's sniper. - And with that, we'll go to Rafa's turn. He's up in a tree, and you hear, we have Ryan Nelson down here. - We've seen Ryan Nelson throw Zelda down at his feet. There's all the- - Right, right, right. - What's the matter? - What's the matter here? You're living, dude. - He got away. - I was correcting my story. - Everything was weird from up in the tree. - He's wrestling. - Who knows what he's seeing? - He's got drugs on him. - He's got drugs on him. (laughing) - I saw this an hour ago. - This is a cool show. (laughing) - It's good, I'm gonna go get some munchies. - Put it across here. - Everything in Rafa comes in to the scene. I always imagine like a sitar playing. (laughing) - I've been done to it. - I need to go to spoil the surprise here, but it's Ryan fucking Nelson. I'm shooting him. I happen to have a hollow point with holy water in it, so I don't know what that'll do to it, but it's still a hollow point bullet. - It'll cover his brain to a hollow water. This is what we need. - And you're in the trees, so. - That's surprise. - Get him Rafa. - I forgot how surprised it works on this, okay? - What it is. - Take his ass. - If I'm not mistaken, he gets just his role. There's no athletics added to it. - Right, you're right. - Gums. - The guns is straight four. - It's a big L.M. (screaming) - You're not just, yeah. - He's good, he's good. - Burn it. - What did I need? - You need to be his defense. - Yeah. - Defense is his role straight up, because he doesn't know you're there, so he doesn't get to use his athletic skill. On his role, it was a minus one. As you take a beat on him, he steps into the bullet, so that you actually get to add an additional one, because he rolled so poorly. So your gun is four, you rolled a minus two, that takes it down to two. His brings it up to three. You hit and do three damage, plus the weapons for the gun. - And then he can throw a face four. - It's a four. - And he had two damage, right? - Yes, right. - I think it's-- - We're sniper rifles weapons three, three damage. - So he does damage. - Yes, that hurts. - He said he, like, done, in terms of physical. - No, it's not quite that easy. - Do you have a silencer on that? - Yeah. - He's just far enough. - He's just far enough. - He's just far enough. (laughing) - Up in the woods. - Well, it's a distraction. We got lots of distractions. - Yeah, I told you he had a gun. (laughing) - Yeah. - Currently, in his human form, he only has three. - That's right. - So he can't take eight. - Right. - So he has to take a severe consequence. - Just to soak up six of those eight. The other gets marked off on the three blocks. - The other two get marked off on his stress box. - So he has one stress plus. - As he's not. - No, he has a one and a three. - He has a total of three. - You marked off the two. So there's a one and a three left. - Got it. - And he took it-- - They came for the points. - Right. - I don't know where to do two damage, or roll up to a three or something like that. - I understand. - Okay. - We have to give this severe a name. - No head. (laughing) - No, I think you're dead, dad. - Wasn't-- - Quick death. - Quick death. - Get by him. - Get by him. - No, the other-- (laughing) - Yeah, you know what? We're gonna go with re-gimped arms. - We can't go. - Hey, if you get to choose what you're shooting, you know what a headshot could be like blinded. It's kind of severe. - Yeah, I mean-- - I mean, gimped arm. - You're wild. - I want to block, I want to blind it with your blood. Yeah, I want JFK, he's missing half of his skull. - All right. - Or if that arm gives him some power, maybe it doesn't do it anymore. - All right. What do you want to call the severe-- - What do I want? - Broken leg, bad second degree burn. - Crippling shame, trauma-induced phobia. - Well, now I've got to go with the arms thing. - Do you want to do the same arms or do you want to call it the re-gimped arm, or do you want to give the other leg the same arm? - That was wrap-up, London already went, and we are-- - Yes. - We're on Elton. - You see just an explosion as Ryan Nelson's arm is almost ripped off his body. I mean, it's pretty severe. - And Ed is engaged with the guy that's trying to block me from getting to Ryan. - Oh, he just knocked him a good one, yeah. - Well, then I'm going to slide past this guy who's trying to in front of me, and I'm going to attack Ryan fucking Nelson. - Just make a snack. - It might be wrong to pull out my sword right now, and we're going against the laws. - That's just against human laws. - Well, I'm going to move with my rights to hurt Nelson, so I'm going to-- - Hold it in the back. - Yeah, no. - The surprise is lost, attack. - Right, I'm going to draw my warden sword, and I'm going to use its special attack, where I can use a fantastic attack against him, and I'm going to finish Repa's, what Repa started in-- - He's no longer surprised, by the way. I mean, he had no idea that Repa was up in the woods of Iowa. - Right. - You and he sees coming, so he does get an active defense, but go ahead. - It's not true, but he's also damaged and hurt, right? - Yeah, so my weapons is soon. - All right, positive one, which takes my weapons to a great. - Well, there you go. - Hold the shit. - I'm not about that. - Wash on the dice, and his athletics are good. - I want to count towards the lunge. - That counts towards the lunge. - Does he have any minuses for the wound? - No, but the wound is a freely tapable aspect, right? It's a free point out there. That Repa, if Repa says, "Go ahead and use it, you had plus two." - Well, why wouldn't I use it then? - It doesn't, it doesn't want you to, but I'm sure Repa-- - Excuse the wedges. - Oh, it's all used once. - Yes, it's a one-time use. - Clean house. - Clean house. - Yeah, we gotta hit him hard and fast, so I'm going to take it-- - It's so fantastic. - So that will take another plus two to fantastic, you're right? - Good. - That's good, he was a good three, and you rolled a total of six, so he knew three. - Well, now, plus the weapon damage. - The weapon is six, so that's not-- - Six. - One attack. - It's a special attack, I can choose one attack. - Jesus, like the whole adventure or something. - Okay, so that's-- - I've been saving this one up for you. - It's wonderful, good. - You don't take my mind and then play games with it in a maze. - You see this? You see this? He's wearing his little chainsaw. - Hello. - Okay, so that's nine, two-- - With nine, you can take four, a moderate consequence, two, a mouth consequence, that's six. That remains three, so he has to take his third spot. - So, he's used up every consequence he possibly can. He currently only has one point left. - Just pop him in the shin, his title explode. - Do you sign-- - Holy cow, so I've got three. - We've got two that you have to name, a two and a four. - He even uses extreme, did he? - Well, not yet, he can, you're right. - Okay. - Sure, I'm in the moment. - And he's a major, major villain, so he gets to use them all. When we're dealing with MOOCs, they get like one, and then they're right. - A moderate, I got to do a moderate. - Slash across the left arm. - Yeah, slash his other arm. Can I knock him clear away from Zelda, or-- - Well, it's got to be more consequence. It's got to be something that you can-- - I think you can-- - Can I invoke fear in him, or can I like, you know, shatter his confidence, or does it have to be like a physical-- - Or, alternatively, you can say, you've caught across his left arm, and then with a pommel, you smack him upside the head, and now he's got blood dripping in his eyes. - Does somebody have to be physical? - Like, yeah, so it's not a severe cut, but it's annoying 'cause it's a lot of blood flow. Maxwell, you guys are standing next to Foley, and you hear crackle over the radio. Security to the tent area, we got some shit going down. Coming over, and you guys can hear it. Well, actually, it's the guy that's closest to you calling over on his radio, but he seems to be doing something as well. He's drawing out his gun. - Didn't Foley hear-- - See, your guys' push to talk, phone, when it's Ryan Nelson's here, goddamn. - Yeah, I'm sure. - He has a meaning to him. So, he, Foley, heard a message from across that there's shit going down at the tent. The two men he was talking to? - They seem to be talking. They were parking lot attendants, and they don't seem to be-- - They're not paying attention to it? - Well, other than Foley telling them, just fucking deal with it, and he kind of pushes them aside, and he's reaching for his radio, and calling for security to the tent. - And he can't stop him, obviously, 'cause it's not a turn yet. - I just want to say, we were kind of delaying our actions until Foley would respond to us so that we could make our physical points. - He's doing this while he's saying you two, get the fuck away from me, go back to the parking lot. There are only two steps away. - We cannot enact this, right? - To be clear. - To be clear. - You can, but with you guys that are walking away, our mirror steps away, they're gonna see whatever you do. - Well, I'm gonna expect you to solve that problem, because I'm grappling with this dude before I can say anything. Yeah, it's my good roles. Plus one, grapple with athletics because of that stunt I have. - So I roll a total of six, I jump on him, grab his hands, and wrestle him to the ground like crazy lunatic. - He is awash on the dice in athletics to try to dodge this in his athletics. - It's only two. - That's a success. - Do I know what the white court vampire leader this house looks like? - Leo Salvatore is the house owner. - Yes. - You have not met him yet, no. - Can I say I met him once for a job a long time ago? - From a face point? - From a face point, sure. - What did Foley roll to resist? - Two. - Okay. - He has a block of four against any action he tries to attack. - He gets the message, he reaches for his walkie talkie. He gets it halfway, and suddenly you just see Maxwell tackle this guy on a fly, knocks him to the ground, and pins him there. The two guys that are walking away stop and turn around, and that's when I become Leo. - Good luck for that. - Yeah, I've seen him once in a photograph. I've met him once, I gave him a face point. - So it's usually discipline. You can jump in 120, say anything differently under these stressful circumstances, or no. - You. - So I roll the plus one. My discipline is superb at five, which takes me to fantastic. So then I use my presence as Leo, because that's London's eyes. He's about the same level of importance. So I puff up my chest, and I say, this will be your last day working here. - You two get back to work. - So I try to make it seem as if him being tackled is all very normal to have. - This is what we do to people who just be misbehaved. - That looks like he's got him in a full Nelson, but no, that's normal. - Foley, you're done here. - And then-- - You're back to work? - Go ahead. - I'll tackle your ass too. - So what do you want for that? - Well, I got it. I will do it. (laughing) You have very little to work with. I'm impressed. - So wait, are you acting like Leo, or are you acting like Foley? - I-- - I thought we were supposed to get you as Foley. - He was kicking us out with Foley, because I can't go sneak in there now. - I only can't fire a Foley. - Right. - So I have to tell him Leo, so I changed myself to the Leo. I can change again later on if I want to. - So Leo-- - I just changed it to the owner of this estate and said you two get back to work. - Oh Leo is still floating around somewhere. - Yeah, I think in the house. But yeah. - Just want to make sure. - We'll deal with that later. - He doesn't deal with pre-par setup. I mean, come on. - Yeah, this is all very-- - It's Foley too. - Kick attack for him. Right, so what do you need a role? Is present something I can use for ordering these two lackeys to work or do you need a deceit or do you need a rapport? What are you looking for? - I think I needed a deceit, but you can use presence as a modifier and I'm sure your presence is higher than your deceit. So that means you get to add one to your deceit because you're bluster and you're confident. - Right. - They're not going to make the deceit more believable. - Okay, I rolled a minus one. That washes the plus one for the presence as a modifier, which means it gives me a fair deceit and I think it's kind of important to make this happen. So, but I'm London and this is what I do. - Ha! - He goes to a fair to a great. So he's ordering them with a great result. - Might as well, I'm going to roll for them together as a one rather than-- - I probably should have done it before I spent the fate point. - Shh, just do I. - Yeah, probably. Those were the only ones, so it is actually a minus one, so they would have bought even the-- - So do I have to spend that point? - No, man. - I was supposed to know that, right? - Yeah. - The bluster was enough for them to-- - Sure. - But continue, they just look away and continue just right back to the park. - Yeah. - This is totally normal. - We're going to go back to the top of the order. - A question about the hollow point, for the only water of any effect or this-- - Yeah, it would have been-- - He had transformed. - Yeah, he has transformed. - Would he have transformed? - Or if he does transform. - If he does transform, he has recovered a little album. - I mean, if you-- - The maybe being, he has recovery other than demonic. - He's got medicine. - And there we go. - So we go to the top of the order and that is the Hispanic individual who is not Roberto. Who's just on the ground looking up at you going, what the fuck? What is wrong with you? - What's wrong with you? - Back off. - I didn't even touch anybody yet, douche. - He pulled up. - He's better to have told you it even. - I see not noticed a bit where Brian Nelson's skull just exploded on him. I mean, that's-- - It's arm actually. - It's skull, but it's kind of a big deal. - It's behind him. - Regular people would be-- - No, it was a very loud noise. - But the loud noise was over that way. - And the-- - But there was a-- - I didn't scream, you know, you don't get your arm blown off without making noise. - And he was trying to get into my face and I rolled up and I got my sword in my hand. What are you going to do? (laughing) - You don't even-- - You're not going to get his face. - I know. - You stepped over him in which sword gone. - So that's perfectly valid. But he does not seem to be doing anything overtly-- - Hot stuff. - Brian Nelson, however, is turning into a big fucking demon. He's taking this turn to transform-- - Shucks. - And gosh, Don. - Almost. - Oh, well, we're all done. - We almost got on one turn-- - Yeah. - And one round of-- - That's how we almost took our constants. - Mm-hmm. - The cut above his head just closes completely. The cut on his arm starts to knit as well as the shot in his shoulder. The shot in his shoulder still looks really, really bad. - Do I have a chance to react it or this is just-- - This is his turn. - Oh, okay. - He turns into the demon, but he apparently spends a turn to healing himself. What demon does he turn into? - I kind of had a maze scene, Don. - Yeah. - We're going to go with Matar. - A Matar fight creature. - You're not going to start over the front door. - Yeah. He turns into that. - And-- - With spines. - His skin does sizzle a bit on the shoulder where the holy water is, so he's apparently having some effect now, but he pulled out the demon part. A second set of eyes come into effect above his eyes. - Right. - They're glowing green, and there are horns on his head. He's a Matar-like creature. And then we go to Zellner. - I'm terrified. - Yes, good. - I'm going to go over to where the warden is now, because there's a cleaner. No, I'm just for-- - I mean, you're holding out the nail. - Obviously. - But I'm going to still make my way over to where the warden is, because I don't know how to wield the nail at this point. - Roberto does. - A little too severe. - Hand up to you as you're walking away. Did you warn you? - See? (laughing) - It might be a badge, boss. - Yeah. - She sticks it in your eye. - I don't think that Roberto can wield the nail. - If only in terms of the conviction aspect, that we spoke. - That's a war. - I think I would probably go over to the warden and ask-- - Like, stay on vote. - I'm focusing on-- - Yeah, stand behind him and say, "I have the nail." - I guess my point is, if you are standing next to me, if he's transformed into a demon, and you've got the fourth nail in your hand, I would imagine you become more of a threat to him than I am, even though I'd put the whammy on him already. - Right. - So, how does Ryan react to what Zelda has done? I mean, he doesn't know what it is yet. He doesn't activate it. - It's not activated. - Zelda has to make a decision for herself. - Yeah. - I just can't just hate about it. We've got five seconds for her to act. And unfortunately, all of these are waterfall ideas, but no one has ever used the nail before, ever. - Well, then I put my-- - Well, other than Roberto. - For probability magic. - Roberto did use the nail once. - I put my faith in Zelda. No offense. - And just saying that really quick, too. - No, I'm just saying that Roberto used the nail once, and you know the effect that that had. That's the only facts you guys could have about this nail at all, right? - It goes down temporarily. - Well, I have to get close enough though. - And just to touch it. - If we're using a weapon score, I have that at four. It's what I use for my hammer. - Right, but we don't know if you can-- - We don't know if someone who's-- - I can tell it before. - But using the nail. - If you use a hammer because it would be working on you, because you have a demon inside of you. I don't know if you can take that and then use it on another demon. 'Cause it would all, and you can't necessarily be on it. I mean, you really can debate this, because you've only got a few seconds left. - Yeah, okay, all right. - No, I can't-- - This is going through your head all as quickly as possible. But the debate part-- - Not really, let me just say that the only thing that you said, I think, is the information that you can probably use, and that is that the only thing that we've seen this nail do is when-- - Yeah. - She's researched it, she read about it, but the only fact you know about this nail is what happened in London. - And Roberto revealed that, hey, I've got a denaring in me, and it's quieted when I have touched it. So there is the information that she can use-- - So he hasn't changed into a demon yet, but he's processed up. - Oh, yeah, no, he has definitely full-- - He has changed into a demon. - And he put Minatar-- - That healed himself. - And he has this. - He's kind of looking at Hispanic do it on the ground, as if he's expecting something from it. - Yeah, I'm gonna wield it on him then. - Do you get a tattoo? - Yeah, I'm gonna try it. My first reaction would probably be-- that would be terrifying, but I would do it, yeah. - He'd plunge it into his forest. - So, you-- - Yeah, I mean, he deserved it. - And jab him. - Yeah, I'll try and see what happens, so he can at least know what works. So one of my-- - Weapons. You're using your weapons, girl. - Which I don't. - You're not existing weapons, girl. - I'm not existing weapons, girl. But all I have to do is touch him, right? - Right, do you have fist? - No, I don't. The only thing that I have is athletics. - The swords give you a bonus for using them in the right manner. - Really? - Yeah, plus one. This is certainly the right manner. - Sure. - As far as we do. - Yeah, so plus one to our roll. Okay, now roll plus four. - Oh, negative three. - Negative three? Throw up, same point. - Yeah. - You get a re-roll or add two? - No, a re-roll. What way do you have to tap the aspect? - You can do anything you set your mind to. - Should I wear a mine? - Yeah, I'm gonna demon. - Come on, plus the one. - That's two. - So that's plus two plus the one of the nail acting in the way it should. - It's good. - Which is plus three. - He is alerted now. - He's definitely alerted now. - He's a splatix arc three, and he needs a plus two. So that makes it a total five. - All right. - Two bed is injuries are slowing down. - Oh, but she's a eight. - Well, you've got a plus two from that. - So did she have to tap something? - She couldn't. - Plus four. - So he currently has a five. You have a two. - Three. - Three. - You can tap. - His injuries? - Well, the one has gone away. The cut above the eye has healed itself. But, I thought there were two minors. Yeah, you got the other one that was moderate that has actually downgraded to a mild, but it's still available to tap for a plus two. - Let's show you. - So if you give that to her. - Yeah, please. - And that takes it up to a five, which is equal. The way it works in combat attack is if you're tied, you don't do any damage, but you gain a boost, or you get the weapon rating in damage. - What's the nail, then? - It's only a nail, but it does one. Unfortunately, he has Armor of two, but the Holy Nail contracts that. - This is its lowest, right. - So he does get through and do one point of damage. That cancels his changing into a demon, and he reverts back to human. - That's what I want. - Excellent. - Well, if that happens. - It also only does one point of damage, but that's all he's got left as far as physical. So, he's still conscious, 'cause he's got that six-pot open still. - Right, and his wounds will take that, and any second hit will take him out. - Yeah, so in the next two hits, they're gonna actually take him out. - Okay, but doesn't she lose contact, since she stops while that, yes, that is true. So, do you like poke him with the nail and leave it in there? - No, I don't think so. - Or hold it in there. - 'Cause if you pull it back out, he could turn back in. - He could turn back in? - You don't know. - Wait 'til I go touching him with the nail. Can you say this? - It's my turn right after. - You can say quick enough that she drives the nail and say hold it there, hold it there, hold it there. - Yeah, if I see her touch him, I see him transform back to his-- - He starts to revert back into human, and then Roberto goes. - I'm rolling the coin through my finger and say one chance to drop this boy's tar-seal audio, drop your angels. And I'm walking up with a hammer, ready to swing it into the nail, into Ryan Nelson. - It's so that you can fleet your action. The Hispanic individual seems to be reaching into his pocket. Ryan Nelson gives you his finger pretty much in your face. - All right, then I swing it through and push Zelda. I kick out of the way. - I can let go of them. - Leaving it in there to be hitting you, trying to hit the nail. - To drive it deeper into the-- - Oh, I see what you're saying. - No, it doesn't matter who gets hurt. - You can hold it all, hit it. - Got it, so yeah. - You hold it long enough for him to hit it? Or do you just-- - I don't hold it until he winds up, and then it's like-- - Okay, yeah, you hold it as long as you can, and the hammer is just about to hit it. You can get your hand down on the way. Do it. Wow, what's three? And Ryan fucking Nelson rolls a plus one on his athletics to get out of the way. His athletics are, I believe, a three, so that makes him a four. - I roll a seven. - So that is three damage plus the weapon, and the weapon would be your hammer, and we're gonna add plus one in for the nail. - It says it's a weapons three, 'cause it's a two-handed weapon. - Okay, so it's four more, you're back up to seven. - By the way, it wasn't that-- - And I do two more damage because I have super strength. - Nine. - It wasn't that weapon wholly by Brother Martin? - He tried, it failed. - All right, sorry. - Yeah, damn demon hammers. - But the nail is. - Yep. - Okay, the highest amount of damage that you can take on a consequence. He takes the extreme, what do we call extreme consequence for Ryan Nelson? - That's got a horn chest? - That's changing, thanks. - It becomes an aspect for him, a part of his life. - But what advice is gonna be very, very short-- - I think I put this nail into his spine. - Yeah, he just becomes a triplet. - Okay, we'll just say, yeah. - Caroline's almost done. - Caroline's as you spike the nail through his spine. - I imagine he hasn't actually done anything wrong yet. Like he's trying to help us somehow when you fucking murder him. - Oh, no. - He's a dick. - He wouldn't have grabbed me. - No. - Unfortunately, you hit it with nine. That was only eight. He only has one more point to soak up and no other place to soak it. It has to be the sixth spot, does that kill him? - Well, he's not long for this earth because he's violated all sorts of rules, so I'm going to be taking this life the second minute. - His head's gonna be gone in a-- - No, Roberto paralyzed him and he is down, but he's not out. Are we gonna skip right to the warden who's standing over him and let him finish him off? - Yeah, 'cause I-- - Well, we still have one of the things to be resolved to. - Yeah, right. - That's what I'm concerned about. - I'm going to aim. - Okay, you're just gonna-- - You're also spending a turn aiming at the Hispanic individual. The warden does what? - I will, because he's a sorcerer, I execute him. - Okay. - Do you say something-- - I was thinking about it. I was thinking about it. - I was thinking about it. - He's still in his body driven intensity. - Yes, I have to follow by the book, and so my pronounce sentence upon him according to the rules of being a warden and-- - Hey, I'm an alien. - It doesn't mean it's a sword. - Bitch. - I love it when he says hello, bitch. I pronounce judgment upon him. I collect his head. - Well, unfortunately, he's still a wizard, and in fact, he's a wizard times-- - I really cut him fast before I could say anything. - And when you kill him, his death curse is incredible. But what happens is the area you're in, it seems like there's veins in the ground that just absorb. - Yeah. - This power, and it goes into and hits the wall, and it goes up like the northern lights, that wall that circles around Cleveland just lights the fuck up. - Peace. - And you can feel it getting more powerful and stronger as if it was just recharged by an incredible amount of magical power. - That might be bad. (laughing) - On the plus side, oh, it looks really fucking awesome. - On the plus side, it didn't appear to be me. - But-- - You did avoid the death curse. - Do you feel this is the worst? - Well, there's a dome around Cleveland here, and it seems like there was a discussion on how the hell that lasted as long as it has, 'cause it was created back in the days of Rockefeller. - Oh, yeah. - It apparently just got recharged in a major, major way. This fanic individual just seems to point out smiles at you guys' chops on the ground. - Roberta picks it up. - No, probably on it there for a little bit next week, 'cause it is getting kind of light. The coin is on the ground. The after effects of the wall are shivering down in light. - Didn't he shoot the guy though? I thought he did. - He's aiming. - I was just aiming. - He said he was just aiming. - Oh, you didn't know he was going to shoot the guy? - This fanic individual has never changed the skin human the entire time. - But he gave up the coin. - Through course. - When he wanted us. - Yeah, I mean, he wanted us to kill him. - 'Cause it's not a real give up, he was coerced. - Well, he wasn't coerced. - You ordered him to, I said one last chance to drop the coin. - That's coercion. - You're threatening him. - No, I'm letting him go. - I don't see. - One last chance to drop the coin. Oh, this will happen to you. (laughing) (upbeat music) - Thank you for listening tonight's of the night's actual podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter, @KOTN_podcast, or by email, feedback@KOTNpodcast.com. And don't forget the iTunes reviews. Or our Facebook page, Facebook.com/KOTN.podcast. Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page. KOTNpodcast.com, where there's an Amazon link on the right-hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at zenaudiosmith.com. And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. (upbeat music) - I get so eddy, you had a podcast. It'd be like- - You're really fucking- - It would be a Jar Jar free-star war, as you can go. I just called you Jar Jar. (laughing) - You nailed that. - It was a perfect sentence. - All right, good possibility tonight's last night of this drugs and files for your ritual. - Not if we can help. - Are we recording now? - Here we are. - Is there a door? - I should stop. - There's no door, so we should go quickly. - We should be okay. - Do you think it's an hour just to get out of the car? - Well, we're already out of the car. - Who did we ask in it? We played last week, where the hell were you? - We were in the car, we were out of the car, we were back in the car. - Oh, I have to be out of the car. - I know. - Because I'm ready for a set. - I'm ready for a set. - We don't want to tell anyone what happened. - No, he just said he said he said he said he said. - What fellow's ready set in your mind? - Go, go, go. - Talk. - Go in regards to- - Okay. - Me's like going, who's playing? - Me's like going. - I was saying do we want to explain to the people who work here what happened. Ready set exposition. - Clearly, that's how I go. - Can you say go? - Question one. - Stop. - Collaborate and listen. - It'll be a fun night. - I think we're in the day. - I've only had half of this for sure. Yeah, we're going to get it happy. We're going to get it happy. It's going to end. - Okay. - Two. - Thank you. - I'm sorry. I thought you were just done. - In the middle of a sentence, that's usually where I quit. Yeah. - Unless you do something to you. - Yes. Unless you do something to you. That woods is a hill that ruffily, ruffily. - I want it ruffily. - Maybe she, you know, admin, he's a vampire. - How'd that fail? How's that work for you? I don't know. She's another. - Reminding us of it. It's definitely an angel, isn't it even? - Well, technically, I don't know. - I'm sorry, mom, what I heard. - Hi, mom. What did you say about it? - He's talking to the dean. - So, what is hollow-ponged bullets? - Deliver them. - Happy bullets. - Happy bullets at long range. Like, he's got a gun. - You need to be pulling out of your just-- - We're shy out. - Come on. - What am I doing? - I'm going heavy. - It's... (grunting) - It's... - It's... (clears throat) - The wound. (clears throat) - Sorry. - The wound? - It's not the wound. - Not my gun. (laughing) - You're gonna kill him. (clears throat) - Like the black knight. (laughing) - You gotta do bleed on me. - Oh, invincible. (laughing) - You wanna attack him and get-- - You make it look like a handgun. (laughing) Or a scorpion or something. - A scorpion. - A scorpion. - His bone. - He pulled the snake. (laughing) - I'll just take this off of my belt. Holy shit, I had a scorpion on my belt clip. (laughing) - The first person to axe. - Axe. - Axe. (laughing) - The other. - Other. - Other. - Hispanic. - Senor. - Red herring. - He's not a red herring. - That's what I'm following. - You're rising a bait here. - No, I'm not. - Boing. - You got a reroll? Or add two? - No. - Reroll. - I would so say reroll. - So say we all. - Drop your angels. - Drop your angels. - They're angels. You need to drop the coins? - Yeah, they can do that. - Mm-hmm. - By the way, they're fake dice, guys. They're not fudge. Fudge was like four. - You can't put it on where everyone keeps pulling it on the-- - Seven. - It's fudge. - They came in a package that said fudge dice. - No, no. - All right, so I'm gonna put a list in her shnecker every time you say that. I'm just trying to help you. - It sounded like to me, honestly, you know how in a Christmas story it says fudge instead of fudge. - Oh. - It says fudge instead of fudge. - On a fudge? - Like on the-- - I didn't understand that. - I didn't understand that. - I can't keep track of all the different systems. - No, no, no. - That's like that. - No, just used to be called that. - Right? - It's fudging milk. - Mm-hmm. - Does anything happen to Roberto? He's technically touching the-- - No, he's not. I mean-- - But the same thing with the coins, you have to physically pick them up, Jim. So he'd have to physically pick them up. - That means the idea of picking it up with the gauntlet would have worked. You guys want kind of nuts on them, right? - Right. - Which we just understand about in the situation if you guys were unsure. - Right, okay. - But yeah, I just wanna make sure he didn't lose it again or the-- - No, all I'm gonna do is to link out his demon for a second. I mean, none of the power or anything were really the demons of his yours, right? I mean, except for the superstar. - Right. - Okay. - And I should have anticipated something really cool to say. - You could be only one, should have thought of it. - Yeah, I'm the right to remain silent. - That's what you're saying. - You missed me bitch, I'm going back. - How do you let me know? - I could actually drop it so he knows who's counting them 'cause you don't look like you. I mean, you know. - I shouldn't, but I really want to. - Oh, dude. - No, I gotta be smart. I gotta think of the bigger picture. - Okay. - But that's something-- - But I do it, I go-- - Do you disagree here? - Yeah. - That just absorbed this power, the wall that circles around Cleveland You just light the fuck up! - Good morning. - Good morning.