Knights of the Night

186 - DF2 KotN Acutal Play Podcat - DFRPG - Waiting for Further Destructions

1h 23m
Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2014
Audio Format:

Actual Play begins 12:57

The group is back together and in white court territory. Will the bickering end, or is Roberto rejoining just throwing more gas on the fire..



(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Night to the Night and Actual Play podcast. This Dresden File Story Rituals was written and run by a GM town. And now please enjoy episode 186 titled, "Waiting for Further Destructions." Actual play begins 12 minutes, 57 seconds. (upbeat music) Okay, let's get through the feedback here on Facebook, episode 184. Mail me the camera. Here's your watch that was just great. I like the folklore and what add to the story and what a cliffhanger. Wow, I can't say that I saw that coming. - What's he referring to? - Your folklore. - Your folklore. (laughing) - Our folklore. - We're waiting for the spoon lore as well. But the fourth nail story that you created. - Key Cop did. - Episode 185, never argue with the gypsy, that's the most current one. (laughing) - And Rachel's laugh, or a money. - No. - You went through the-- - I had a list of many of them and I asked. - You're not talking about me, pal, but I asked for a vote in my household and never argue with a gypsy, it was the winner. - I don't even hear this. - I never get to vote. - He asked himself. - I asked myself, amongst my split personalities, Brian and this pal said, "I think London's high concept needs to change. "Something like aggravating a moral seer "to the supernatural." (laughing) - On a side note, I was wondering what the word count typically is by ratio of player to GM in your group. - What? - It seems like the GM's job is to set the scene and leave, come back 20 minutes later with a Coke and a smile and say, "So, any questions?" (laughing) - That's exactly right. (laughing) - You guys figured out what you want to do. - That's how it works. - Dancing. - No. - Is there a bar in the house? - About 20 minutes again. - Theron Murky said, "Incredible." - Roberto is not there and London is still having issues. I see the first word of Mr. Deal's "Tamani" as being, "Do you know what I had to go through "to get you out?" Congratulations, Jim/Edman for his, if you can't bring the Roberto Tamani. - Kinda mad. - Nice. - Ari also posted and said, "My, my, my, "Hezalda brought some fire and brimstone "into the daily life of the Scooby gang." Excellent. - What do you call that? - Well, according to Ari, it's called the Scooby. - In Finland, that's what we're known as. - Scooby Gang. - Scooby Gang. - This is an excellent episode, superb role-playing all around. - Thanks, Ari. - Thanks, Ari. - And on the Facebook general page, Aaron Frangas said, "Hey there, guys." I was just listening to episode 100. He's back a bit. - Yeah. - The Dresden Files wrap up game, and I've been listening to all of them in a marathon for a couple of weeks now. And something occurred to me that I'm surprised I didn't think of earlier. Abigail is a powerful wizard, right? Well, all wizards of a certain power level are pretty much required to be members of the White Council. Wizards don't like uncontrolled wizards running around, and I think it would have been really interesting, and it still could be really interesting if you go back to the Dresden Files later, we did. If Abigail came back at Alan Montgomery with some White Council repercussions, it would certainly complicate his life. Just something to think about. Anyways, I just wanted you guys to know that I really love the show, and I've left my five-star review on iTunes already. I can't wait to listen to more World of Darkness and all the other games that you guys play. If you're still looking for other games to play, you might be interested in Eternity. It's a sci-fi role-playing game published by T.S. are the year or two before. They were bought by Wizards of the Coast. It's a bit crunchy, but the mechanics are fun, and I had some of the best role-playing I've ever had playing, Eternity. Keep up the good works, guys. - I've heard of that. - I'll turn you. - I looked at it once, it's been a while though. - You're still a traveler? - It's just a couple, well, it was like a couple decades ago. - Mm-hmm. - Literally, I think that it came up. - But yeah, I mean, we're interested in hearing a lot. - Sometimes the traveler was updated. - Very easily. - Yeah, but it's-- - Mike's a purist, he likes the original. - Hey. - This new version is not to his-- - The source spot? - Yeah. Over on Google Plus, episode 188 to Beth's breath, said, "I was getting a little anxious waiting for this one. "I like when you guys end an episode "on a bit of a cliffhanger. "This was 183. "That's the episode that ends with Roberto." Storming out? - No, picking up the nail and then saying, "I've got a demon in my head." And then it took me two weeks to put out an episode. So it was a good cliffhanger. In which I did apologize for that, but he responded again and said, "Don't worry, overall you guys are so consistent, "I can't really complain." Greg Hutton, also on Google Plus, said, "Really enjoying rituals, guys. "Tom, you stole the show on this one, I think. "I'd love to see the look on John's face "during the dialogue with the denarian. "I'm really liking the character development "and happening with all of the players. "The noobs are catching on quickly, gold stars to Rachel. "And the old guard created interesting "and believable interpersonal relationships "for their characters. "My own Dresden fellow game is progressing really well. "Plays are starting to figure out what direction "they'd like to take their characters. "They've discovered the Vatican is involved "in several abductions of changelings in the Prague area "and are about to confront the bishop "who apparently is behind it all. "I would add more exclamation points, "but I wouldn't want to stuff on Ari's toes. "Cheers." - Intro was very dense. - Maybe they're liberty and rescuing them. - Are they native to Prague, do you think? - Greg Hutton. - Greg Hutton? - This. - Oh, the group. - Oh, the group? - I don't think so. - Okay, well, it's just a cool place. - I don't even know how much about it. - Greg also posted on 184, where he said, "Wow, London. "You're not going to just take that crap from that gypsy, are you?" (laughing) And he posted a picture. The picture was an animated GIF of Stephen Colbert eating popcorn with 3D glasses on, like he's watching. (laughing) So that's a good one, Greg. - That's what everybody was at the table is doing. - Yes, pretty much. Just watching. - I would suggest you watch the movie "Thinner" or read the book "Thinner" before you carry out that fight. - Ari posted on Google+ and he said, "Zell the six, London is zero." (laughing) And that was brutal. He deserves it. (laughing) - Actually, yeah, he wrote cough cough. Well, this one, actually it was cough, serves him right. Lastly, feedback at John Compton sent in an email and said, "About a month ago, some of my friends and I "were discussing starting a role-playing group. "None of us had ever played a role-playing game before, "so we went looking for inspiration and knowledge "and we found y'all. "Over the past month, I've listened "into everything y'all have released "and can truly say that your podcast is a source "of no small amount of enjoyment and loss of time "in a good way." Thank you for what you do. It's been a blessing as my friends and I started off into this wonderful world of role-playing and I know we wouldn't start off as good as y'all, but it's nice to have a goal for where we are taking things. One small point of contention. At the end of shitlock, Scott said that while he planned for Lucius to have the shitlock curse inherited from Tony, the fact that he rolled three critical successes to save Tony's life meant that he would not receive the curse at all. Tony was somewhere in a secret medical facility where they could not figure out what was wrong with him. However, every time that y'all had brought up shitlock curse since, Lucius failed to save Tony and he had the curse. Was this a decision to aid the storyline or an oversight in the game you did four years ago? Best of luck and I hope to enjoy listening to y'all for some time in the future. Well, at least the next 10 years anyway, since at this current rate, that's how long it's gonna take you to finish Scott's seven part World of Darkness story. - Oh, Rachel, talk. - Yeah, well, if he gets a chance, I think it would be interesting for him to respond back in the future and let us know what he decided to play and how his story turned out. And it's always nice to provide any bit of inspiration for anybody to start upon some creativity and I'm glad that they're able to draw some inspiration from us, so that's really cool. In regards to Dr. Lucius, that was a story that I don't believe it was actually a slip up. It's going back four years, so it's tough to remember, I believe I made that determination to aid the storyline because Greg was not showing anymore because of his, so it just made sense that there was just a draw some kind of parallel and keep the story kind of-- - Well, I think the idea was is that Tony actually died and then he brought him back. - Right. - So at the moment of death, the curse passed and then he brought him back and it was-- - Right, it was not listening to, going back and resting to the tapes, but I remember that being, for me at least it was, and it could be, as Jim said, it could have actually been by the rules, that could have been what really happened, or it could have just been something where we were trying to keep the storyline going and keeping it interesting and just creative license and all that. - So it wasn't a bug, it was a feature. - Perhaps. - Again, going back four years, it could very well have been a bug, but I think it was a feature. - It could have been a bug. - Probably. - I think it makes sense that it was more of a correction because Greg was showing up. - Right, yeah, I can't remember exactly what it was, so, but fun when they can actually pay attention that much and really find small little gaps in the stories that may be there, either by accident or on purpose. - It is cool to think that we've got four years of legacy kind of content that people are still coming in. - Well, it's kind of neat in a sense that you'll find a good show on Netflix, and I think we all will binge watch an episode right now. I need something less dark, can you believe it? So I went with Eureka from sci-fi. - I know, it's true. - It reminds me of like an older exposure? - Yes, it is so episodic though. - Yes, it is. - It's an incredibly episodic. - Which is one of the drawbacks, but I was looking for something lighter, so I just started with the Eureka mark buzzed, and it reminded me of a lot of the characters from the Northern Exposure, which was one of my favorite shows from the early '90s. It's neat now that our listeners can actually, that was actually a reason we had all that, drawing it back around. Our listeners can actually binge listen to us now, just like we might binge to Netflix or some other type of stuff. - At least 190 hours of stuff out there. - I think there's a lot of content. - That is a lot of content. - We also had a feedback email from Darren T, who said hi all. Just wanted to say that you guys are doing a great job with the podcast and the Dreds and actual games. Somewhat familiar with Fate, but I wanted to get into Dreds and Files more and surprise at how few audio actual plays there are for the system. After hearing all of the first season, and now in the main delivery storyline while catching up, I'm quite impressed with the quality of it all. One system that I was introduced to recently is Dungeon World, which is based on the apocalypse world, which is cheap on drive-through RPG, and is like playing D&D with more familiar trappings, but with more story/character stuff, improv, and none of the tactical stuff of D&D. The fights can still drag on, but not as bad as D20 games. Another system would be Cthulhu Invicticus line from Chaosium, which is the core call of Cthulhu D100 system. But at the Roman Empire's or the Dreamland setting, which has plenty of magic and horror and more in it. Again, I'm loving the podcast, the setting, the cast, and the story keep up the great work. Well, quick note, as going through delivery, one site you may or may not have known about is Roleplaying Public Radio, which got me hooked on the Fate system with their base Raider game. The discussions they have on gaming podcasts are also good. Cheers and keep up the great work. And he put in two links to the actual play of the - We could recommend our, when we explore Dungeon World, they can't remember the game. - Yeah, and I don't think Darren knew that we have actually played Dungeon World, so we did have. - What was the campaign name for that? - Scars. - Scars. - Scars. - Scars. - Scars. - Scars. - Scars. - There you go. - It is on our webpage, and as well as it's available on iTunes. - It was all right. That's the whole review. - Turn that on. - At home, we're playing the Edge of the Empire Star Wars game, and I'm finding it to be similar in ways to Dungeon World, and that when you roll dice, you have advantages and disadvantages, and they're kind of like you succeed, so you've got a lot with a complication, so you've got a lot of that ability to mold the game. - Has anyone seen the trailers for the Star Wars Rebels? - Guessery. - That looks very promising. - Oh, cool. All right, with that, we're going to wrap this up really quick. on the right-hand side, link. Thanks for everybody who's been using it. It flares up every once in a while, and it definitely helps. And with that, we will get on to the adventure. - Okay, I'm your GM Tom. I'm running this Dresden Battle Game Rituals, and the player's here, I'm starting on my right. - I'm Rachel, I'm playing Zelda, so it's a Hungarian gypsy who uses the lower perpass to construct the future. - I've got playing London Deals, a moral sear to the Supernatural Powers. - Mike playing Ellen Montgomery, the Soul-Sungard Warden of Cleveland. - Bob playing Stephen Tillman, a reporter and photographer who'd do anything to get the story. - Thomas playing Maxwell Edison, undercover Homeland Security Update. - John playing Roberto Martinez, a people's guardian and powered by a fallen angel. - Missing tonight is Michael Eichlion-Reppa and Jim playing Edmund. - I have released most of my-- - Very good. - Seemings, your hammer no longer looks like a sword. The only one I'm keeping is the fact that he is a-- - Yes. - Bodyguard not looking like them. - And, of course, your devil should look. - All right, well, that's-- - Tech comes natural with the baggage. - All right. - So, I have one stress point and that's him. - That's fine. - Everyone else, everything else reverts back to what it goes. - So, if they go to the museum and look at the nail, they'll be looking at a big pen? - Yes. - Okay. - Although it's inside a box, so hopefully-- - Well, inside of a box there being a clear plastic box that is built to display it, but yes. - The fourth nail. - The fourth nail. - I need my magic. - Is a number two pencil. - Let's go. - We're spreading the rock. - All right, in the center of the table, we have the map. This will be posted on our Facebook page. This is a Google representation of the estate. You guys are coming in the main door. So, this would be the main driveway into the estate. There's a long, long, long, long path that heads back to the area that you'll be setting up the major tent. - Right. - Oh. - It's got a slight garden look to it. You'll be putting the tent over the top of all of that. The chairs will be set up in that area as well. - So, that would be, it looks quite a distance from the actual house. - Very much, I guess. - And, yeah, man. - Okay, excuse. We have to run a power cord off the way from a house. - Steve, they have power out there. - Steve Warden, Stephen Maxwell, and Roberto's not here, right? Roberto's not here. Okay, so, you three are dressed up like workers. I was a supervisor because I don't look good in that color. - Yeah. - I think I was up in the areas to whether Zelda was going to wear a uniform or whether she was gonna come in or whether she was gonna pout in the car. - Well, you can't leave a lot of things where I argue different ways. The nail is with Zelda. - Yes. - And I would like to forgive. - And everyone else is in the van as you pull up and pull into that parking area there by the house. - I mean, the assumption would be because there are only four of you in London here that you are all wearing uniforms. Potentially Jim's character. Edmund could be wearing one. - I know that I wasn't gonna stay in the car because I'm not gonna leave myself unprotected. - So you're wearing a uniform? The warden is back to me. - Maxwell is, and Steve it is. - So, the plan is, no, I was being here last time, the plan is to do what now, 'cause there seems to be-- - Wait, if you can't-- (laughing) - Let Zelda and I will tell it together. I'm kidding, bro. - I broke down the plan, but I don't think this is it. - Are we using the tarot card room? As sort of an outline as to what we're supposed to accomplish here? Don't even bring up the tarot cards, please. - Yeah, it really fits on it. - But subject is all limits by-- - Yes, our fate is not predetermined. Okay, let me stick yet. - Would it be a positive thing? - Yes, I agree. Our fate is not predetermined. - Because it means we're not quite as fucked as those tarot cards make us seem. - At least the tarot cards have a visible pass. - You're not here. - Okay, so I'm sorry for that. - You have a very legitimate question, Stephen, and I'll do my best to answer you. And if I make any mistakes whatsoever, I'm sure Zelda will correct me. Respectfully. I believe what the plan is is for us to enter. The four of you, the four of you meaning yourself, Maxwell, the Warden, and Zelda being employees to set up the tent and the other things for the festivities. And I'll be the supervisor. You will, and I will, do our best to sneak away at some point to try to follow my compass to the location of where Manny may be being held. And, really? - Okay, go ahead. - No, finish your thought, no, finish your thought because there's some steps I think you're skipping. - Oh, of course. He's skipping a lot. - I'm generalizing because-- - Right, so that's why I said finish it again, I say then we'll go over. - So at that point, we rescue Manny once we realize where he is, whether that's by a diversion or some other source of magic. And if the opportunity presents itself, we find the lovely young Lass who is going to feast upon Manny and try to change her from her wayward opinions. Thinking that we're not just trying to save Manny, we're trying to, according to the terror reading, we're trying to stop a greater evil in general and not just focus on this one evil. So then, go ahead. You're not only trying to rescue Manny, we're trying to, only if the opportunity presents itself. - Persuade a Red Court version to-- - Why not? - Why not? - Yeah, I can do that, that's not a problem. If I find her, I can save her. Maxwell in addition, 'cause he's very good with words as well, but I've had success in this area before, so I think I'll be able to do it. But again, it's only if the opportunity presents itself, award and please, dear friend, good. - Well, one of the things in order to find and get Manny to go with us, it's imperative we find Roberto, or have Roberto with us, or that Roberto is somehow involved in the collection of Manny. Or we have a large brick to smash over his head to document conscious temporarily, of course. - You watched too many movies, that can just kill him. - Really? - Yeah. - I'm speaking of the foretelling that Zelda made, and one of the key points that I seem to remember as being critical to the success and failure of what we're encountering is that Roberto be involved. - Luckily, Roberto will be involved in-- - Disappeared into nowhere. - The big hug at the end when we all get together. I can't produce him out of the air, we tried to ping him. Apparently, the Cleveland police have no ability to ping. - Uh-huh, police officer. - Yes, and so we can't track him down. There's no way to find him. With the exception of, I'm sure I have some saliva on a beer bottle somewhere, which, but at this point, it's a little late in the game to go looking for Roberto, don't you agree? - I agree, but then if that was a key factor to our, that will choose the success order. - Oh, wait, let me get my way back machine. - What do you want us to do? - He's lucky left. Given what we know of Roberto's habits, he will appear at just the right time to fuck off up. - No, just the wrong time. - That's what he said the right time too. - Yes, to fuck us up, right? He is the true obstacle. Completely-- - I'm not trying to call him audible here. - Potentially. - Now, as Jim, I'm assuming this entire conversation took place-- - Oh, of course. - Like, by you, or by us. - Steven was like, you guys what? You woke me up. I was on a winning streak last night. - Okay. I lost, but I suspect our disguises will not last very long the minute we're on in this estate. - Right. - Didn't we have-- - You pulled into the estate-- - We do have back a plan. - You're currently in the parking lot. - Would it be-- - The truck is idling. - Would it be safe to say get away cars are in this road here. - That would be safe to say. - Okay, so that's where the get away car is. - There is also a creature that is prowling in the woods on the other side of the river. - For Patch. - For Patch, which is a friend of Mr. Warden. - There's a river between us and them? - Look. - Because it's shallow. - That's actually a good thing today. - It's a street. - You're right. - We're being chased by bad guys. - They can't go across-- - How are we going to play out Reba's potion that he was supposed to make the we were relying on for this? - Perhaps Tom, you can take his role for the evening? - If it becomes necessary. - Okay. - I prefer not to. - Correct people play their own character, but if it's required, then it wouldn't be one. - And also, I believe that we had to drive another vehicle besides the van here, I thought. So I think that-- - I picked up the van. You guys drove in something? It was-- - What? - I'm sure it was my Jaguar. - Clearly the best option. - So I'd be parked a little bit further off the street 'cause that's-- - Well, that in the bottom right hand is basically a parking lot in which they have valets. Now, you're the help? You don't get the park there. - Right. I wouldn't imagine. - And you don't want to leave London's gonna be-- - If shit goes to pot, you don't want your name all over this. I think you could-- - No, but I mean, where am I supposed to park it? - We could park a few blocks away and then I picked you up in the van and go up here. - Sure, that works. - We're setting shit up. Then we need to take a van right to the setup area. - We do. - Where are the van? - Oh, you're not driving down that path. It's got trees, you'd knock down and then-- - Oh, really? - So you're talking to someone-- - Well, who's doing the talking? - To someone who represents the estate-- - Yeah, that would be me. - I'll stand close by in case we need to sound like someone who is in a megalomania. - Excellent choice. - I carry a clipboard to the professional. - Oh, no, no, no, no, I carry the clipboard. - I carry the supervisor. - Right. - I hand you the paper. - So there's a gentleman who's in charge, there's a gentleman who's in charge of all the hired help to make sure everything goes smoothly. - I think he's the one you're talking to. - Mr. Foley. - Foley. - He's in charge of the estate and tells you-- - Yes, Todd Johnson. Good to meet you. - That's your name. - How can he assist you? Are you guys, you should be setting up? - Yes, exactly. We have a form here for a party set up. Looks like you have the party extreme package and we have four workers as well. I'm gonna come onto the premises to help set up the party extreme tent and the other-- - It was just the tent. And at that point, you actually hear something down the road back the way. - Yeah. - It's an additional two, one is a large panel truck and one is a smaller van and that's coming up the road. They have the same logo that your van has on it as additional workers are trying to. - Okay, cool, we can work with that. - Yes. - Oh, we have the gate right now? - You are not the gate you've been let in. You're actually in the parking lot, so you're past London-- - Point them down the road. - We stopped to talk a bit if you want to place the place. - I would say here, it would probably be the area that where exits closer to the path. - Right. - So they let you pull the truck there because you've got to carry stuff on the path. These other ones come in, they're setting up, they're doing lighting and they're setting up the buffet area and-- - We're tent specific. - So yeah, you are the main event tent area which is down that way. - I'm gonna try to look for any weaknesses in their security. I'm gonna try to case the place to see if there's any way that we can enter without being noticed. - Sure, you have the skill of burglary. - And so do I, I'd like to take a look as well. I'll go, I'm sure that Steven is much better than I am. - I have a stunt called The Big Picture, which when I'm casing a target, I gain the ability to define an additional aspect about the target. - So when I succeed at the role, I can define two aspects instead of one, one casing a target. - So if you look for vulnerabilities and on a success, he determines to-- - Okay, in order to find vulnerability, I'm going to say that it would require a superb burglary because this is a very well-to-do estate which very expensive security features, which have been hidden or attempted to hide most of them, could see they don't want people to know that they have security but yet they have security. - Gotcha. I wanna know what there's cameras, I wanna know if they're-- - Okay. - What type of security do they have? The more information we have, I think the better off we are. - But when it goes down and I don't want pictures available to them. So when it starts from a magical round, hopefully that's also gonna short out a lot of this stuff. - We probably want to use that as a last measure. - I agree. Yeah, systems failing may trigger some-- - Yeah. - May cause cause for us to concern. - So let's see what you got. What skill level do you have with that? - I have a great tech accessory and thanks for all the space in the building. - What is it? - He's case of burglary. - He's trying to, nope, details of this security. - Oh my gosh. - I think it a good UKU of what was going on here. - Any point to re-roll the minus two? - You know, I have friends in low places and I've been in questionable situations and they've taught me about security systems, so. - As a group, we like that? That works? - Sure, it's good enough for me. - All right. - Or he has friends in low places that design security systems or-- - And sold him. - Yes. - For hints and stuff. - Either way. It's where it'll look. - Sure. - Indeed rather. - Can I just keep burning the tape once? I suck at it. - Well you could, but you know, it's always got to be a different aspect. You can't use the same one over and over again. - So you can only burn five and one go. You'd have to tie in different reasons that you re-roll. - You just don't roll two minus six again. - All right. - That's the easiest thing. - Yeah. - Oh, that's better. - So I pronounce it? - That's a rolled A plus one. - Which is exactly what you needed, right? - Yes, it's a tie which means this is successful at the minor cost. So you could spend another fake point and tap an aspect to add two and then you would succeed outright, but it's not necessarily worth it. Your stunt also gives you a plus one aspect you could do put on it as well, right? - Right. - I won't tell you what the minor cost is until you tell me whether or not you want to spend the extra fake point. - So I'm confused here. - So you do succeed, you'll get to put two aspects that you want that are beneficial to you on this security system. One is everybody would normally for a success. - Right. - And then the additional one because you have a stunt and there's going to be a minor cost, but I'm not going to tell you what it is until you decide whether or not you're going to, if you just spend one more fake point and say find it an applicable aspect, you'll succeed outright. There won't be a minor cost. - I think I'm just going to spend it because I think it's important for us to get into it. - Okay. - Which one of your aspects are you tapping? - I guess an aspect I could use is that the long odds pay off the best. - You can do that and that's fine. And I will tell you that the minor cost was somebody would have noticed you scoping out the place and then you would have a social conflict with them coming and saying, what? - Is it a minor? (laughing) - It could be minor if one knew what it stepped in and-- - Yeah. - Okay, do you want to write some aspects that were there? - Yes. - Great, two aspects, put them relevant to the security system. One of them could be, there's a few blind spots. - So I've seen them there. - They have cameras. - They have cameras, they have security guards. So it could be different things like, it's a predictable patrol, could be one aspect or anything like that. - It could be architecture one. - Like the building rolls. - Well, this building's in the way and blocks that field. - Yeah. - Potentially stuff like that. - So it's free, foliage, writing that, that. - Come up with something. Take your time, it doesn't have to be right on this spot here. If you could, you're gonna throw two in the middle eventually. - I asked the gentleman that I'm speaking with during our casual conversation of setting up to 10. I just say, I have some hip work that will need to be signed once you're happy with the setup. Will that be signed by yourself? Check them out for you? - Or will be Mr. Salvatore. - No, most assuredly, I will handle that. We don't bother Mr. Salvatore. - Well, of course not, sir, in nature. - Did you meet anything specifically from me? He's a very busy man, you know. He doesn't have time to deal with you all day. - I'm just assuming that your underlings can get in touch with you if they need you, 'cause I'm sure it'll be difficult to find you once. - Yeah, actually, any of the estate guards or you'll see some gentlemen stressed like that one is somebody's walking behind, he's got like this outfit that indicates that he is a house staff. - Does he have like a walkie talkie? - Yes. - Or is it like a press to talk from one? - Those walkie talkies. - It might be important later on. - Yeah. - If one of them happens to be, I don't know, hit on the head. - This gentleman is welcome to do. - So I think a press to talk from would be 'cause they, then you have the ability to call outside-- - Yeah, I would say both normally, you know, you just hit quick button, you're talking to the staff inside the building and the ability to call outside, yes. So it would be a press to talk from. - And what I'd like to do from one perspective is while we're moving the tent, and quote unquote supervising, I want to look and see how many house staff I've seen him before, I haven't seen him before, okay. And I start making a mental note in my head as to what type of numbers the staff have. - Obviously people are moving around, so it's gonna require an alertness roll for you to pick up the different people and not say, not miscount because of those things. - I've also had some military training, or at least in the, you know, fighting the supernatural. So can I look at some of these people? And am I able to give that assessment of, okay, that guy's security, that guy, I'm not looking for supernatural ability, but like that clearly is house staff, and no, that guy is security. - He looks uncomfortable in it. Oh, oh. - He's got a buzz cut, he's got muscular-- - So you're not trying to say, identify anybody who might be-- - Supernatural house staff, but a little more. - Yes. - You're just looking for, this is house staff, this is security. - I'm looking for the people who are clearly or physically capable of being so insecure. - Okay, it is evident without any kind of roll, that security's dressed differently. - So we can review. - All right, they're not all dressed the same. And security is carrying weapons. - What kind of weapons? - Looks like handguns. - I rolled a minus two on my roll for alertness, so I actually did terrible. - What it actually says, terrible. - Yeah, you're having, there's just too much activity. - Right. - And there's now your men are dressed in Zelda as well. Are dressed in uniforms of-- - That match the other, the white piece. - That match these other, yeah. - So people are just everywhere. - We're winding together. - And some of them are gonna stay, so they tried to get them to where it's similar to the house staff clothing. So if people are still on the grounds during the time that people won't, oh, those are the rented ones. So it's really, really confusing. There's a fuck done of people here, is what you got out of it. - Okay. - Even with that bad roll, it's just a lot of people moving around. More than 20 house staff. Is that a, I mean, just a ballpark, but you know, it's a terrible roll, but you can't, you know, just looking. Right, okay. - You want me to tell you what I found? - Yes. - More than 20, less than 50. - Just a second. - You know, it's ballpark because of the horrible roll. - Am I able to tell that they're human, or do I need to do like a lower roll to see if I can detect if they're white cord? - If you're trying to make that determination yet, that would be a lower roll, yes. - All right. - Would extending your magical senses tip off anyone? Is that what you're doing? - That's, no, no, no. I'm trying to recognize the, you know-- - Yeah, well, it would be the sense that white cord are supernatural creatures. They move with more grace and faster. You don't need to-- - There are times a little bit different. - Right. - You're just like, that dude's moving. - I mean, he's way too pretty to be a human. He's got to be a white cord. - Also, my senses are like passive detection, right? They're not, I'm not actively pinging, and that's like my soul gaze is an active-- - Right. - You're gonna know what when you're in a slow gaze. - We're saying here, if you're just doing a lower roll, you're just reading body language and movement and focus. - That's a wash with the rolls, so my lower is great. - Great, great. - Actually, that's a good enough roll to be able to pick up the fact that there are at least two white cord vampires walking around just as staff. - It's important because I drive to be careful. - Specifically a staff, not as security. - Okay, shit. - Tricks and mansions. - All right, the first opportunity-- - And you know them. As in, if not know them, like you know their names. If you see them again, you will remember them. - Okay. - I'm just saying-- - I can recognize them. - You can recognize them. Very good, thank you. - While I'm talking with Stephen and the Warden, I pull out my father's stopwatch, and I look to see if it's pointing towards the main house or towards the guest house, or exactly where is this pointing. - See the path that goes up? Is it off to the right? - I'd say we're in this area right here right now. I'm setting up the tent, so-- - Where'd that be started with that? - Or we just-- - I hope you guys are apparently carrying it down. The guy would have lent you something, but London never asked for it because he didn't think about you. - Right, yeah. - So you guys are there, and the compass is pointing there. - Of course. - Right towards you, which is to say, it's pointing on the map. You guys are near where you're setting up the tent, and it is pointing almost directly east to a house that is set off and way by itself. - Got it. - The house itself is like plenty of all or-- - It's very, very small. It's more of like a little cottage-type thing. - A two-level cottage or a single-level cottage? - A single-level cottage? - Okay. - It appears to have two very large doors, almost barn-like, so that it stores some kind of equipment for the art or something like that is what you're getting. - Don't go from lower. - Looking, I almost need a fleet of them for this to cut a lot of land. But there is also two gentlemen that are most definitely doing nothing but guarding that building. - They're standing right outside of it? - Yes. - One is standing on the-- - Security. - One is standing on the path, kind of looking at you, looking at it. And the other one is on the side, which is to the south. So it's to the south of the building, which is where the two large doors are on that side. And that guy's kind of leaning up against the wall, but the one that's on the-- - Obvious security. - West side. - Oh, yeah, they're dressed as security. There you are, you can see the guns from here. And the one on the west side of the building is standing at attention, kind of looking right at you and wondering why you're spending so much time looking at this building. - Well, I wasn't, this is all taken in, with one, this is all taken in three tenths of a second. - Right. - It's a passing glance as I look past. - Yeah, but you get the impression that he didn't even like that. - Right. Well, I get back to talking to my employees. And so I share the information with them so that we're all on the same page there. - I did the same that there's white cord, there's serpent angels with the security as well as mixed with humans. - Coming up the path towards you are a number of people that-- - Coming up the main path? - Yes, okay. - That are carrying things. And by things I mean ribbons that they're putting, there are trees along the way and they're setting up lanterns that have design. I mean, it's really a nice design. - Something likes it. - Yeah, I bet he does. But they're heading towards you because they're decorating as they go. Just to make you aware that you are not in a vacuum here, people are definitely moving all around the yard. - Okay, what did you have to say, Stephen, about the security system? - Well, when I did the casing, it was kind of on the main area here. It wasn't a barn on the barn. So I don't know if I had to make a separate roll or what the call is on that. 'Cause it kind of made these aspects for that. I mean, this appears as a VR target. - Okay, you made them specifically for the house? - No, I mean, they're kind of general. - Okay. - And I guess you can apply them to the barn, but I don't know if you want me to do it to me. - No, I actually would want you to renew a roll because you were doing a general scoping of the entire estate. And now when it comes to you and goes, he's in there. - If under would have rolled just a bit earlier, then you might have had some knowledge to build off of that, but he just was carrying that compass all of them, so all day long. - What's going to lay on the land? - I don't know if I could be able to case that place, given that they could-- - Well, security is what you write at us, so it's going to be a little tricky. - There is that. But you guys have plenty of other tools at your-- - Setting up poles, and if you're setting up a pole, you could be looking right past the pole towards the house. - It can't be impossible to look at the house. - Did the rest of the caterers come into the building now? - Yes. - And catch up with them? - They are starting to do decorating around the area. - Okay. - Then Maxwell gets a text that says, the address of the place they're at, and the street name, there's a demon there. I'm coming after it. You guys should catch up. - We should catch up. - Well, he doesn't know you're there, he seems you're-- - Right, I make my subtlest way towards our dear man in charge. - Maxwell, by the way, who won the coat? - It's so good. - Thanks. Yeah, I really picked it out and everything. - It's all right, this is coming from a man who doesn't like to get dirt under his fingernails. - Mm, it's disgusting. Why would he look like dirt under fingernails? - Good, no, it's so-- - Good, no, it's labor. - Invert telling us where we are. I don't know that he knows we're here, but he knows there's a demon. - Here. - Scryze, spryze. - Right, a demon here. - He's on his way. - It only he has, we should catch up. - Well, I think we're going to do-- - What do you think I should tell him? - And this is open for any one of us to add in here, but I think we should be honest with Roberto and let him know that we're here as well. He would assume that we're going to be here, I would think, because he knew the plan. - No, he didn't know the plan. You never told him. - He never told him you're dead. - I found my dad. - I never told him that you located his father or where this, he has none of this information. - Oh, right. - I'm writing the response. - You stormed out. - You stormed out? - Sorry, tell him that we're already here. I also suggest that you tell him and so is your dad and we need you to get him and get everybody out safe. - I hit 10, it says-- - Okay, as he just said. - Yes. - All right. - Four, just for my understanding, all of you are standing at the end of that path, kind of looking towards the area where you're going to start to set up or you're starting to set up. What are you-- - You were starting to set up, but we're all within 10 or 15 feet of each other and kind of just coming back and talking and talking and low tones back and forth through each other. - Does anyone know how to set this fucking tent? - No, just pretend. - There are instructions, by the way. - Right. - The exact text was-- - If we could cast a ritual, we can put up a tent. - The exact text was your father's here, we're here, you catch up. - Whoa. - Oh, wait, okay. - It's good to be right there. - It's not like you just challenged Robert. - Maybe we want him to park over here? - No, he's already got-- - I already have the-- - That's what. - Edmund has already put cars there. - But we don't want him coming through the front gate. - So we want him coming up the-- - 'Cause he doesn't have a uniform. - Well, I don't know how he's going through-- - That's a great diversion, though. - Shit, that's a good point. - That's not a great point. That's not how I was talking about. - 'Cause they don't kill him. - We need a murder. - No, we-- - We don't need a murder? - We need-- - No, we need a murder. - No, we can't be going through the front gate. - Wow, you guys agree on this? - Wow, I don't know what to say. - Was that in the cards? - No, that was not in the reading at all. - I think we should have Maxwell Park here and then wait for further instruction, meaning what we're going to try to do-- - That's a tax tax. - For the tax. - This is a stock on Warzone. How did you get in? As if you did not burn your way in. - He's insulting you. - You know what? - I didn't hear a goddamn plan. I don't know if you guys have uniforms or a truck. - Yes, yes. - So I'm asking how you got in. - Clearly there's a way to get in. - In plan for it. - We're wearing uniforms. We appear to be caters. We'd like you to go up the fucking-- - West River Road. Okay, West River Road and ascend to the cliffside like a maniac. - No, don't wait for further instruction. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - We didn't hit him today on that. - In the garden. - I'm formatting. I didn't send that. I'm trying to figure out the best way to share. - Gotcha. - That's why we're talking. - Excellent. - So, amended. We'd like you to drive up West River Road in the Metro Park, park your car there with the convoy of, what's his name? - Edmundsman. - And wait for-- - Unmarked instructions. - Edmunds vehicle. - That's wonderful. - That's wonderful. - That's wonderful. - You can see the-- - I didn't respond. - All right, that's the text we sent. - I'm wondering what would happen if we did drive the nail into this ritual area. This is a like instant hallowed ground. I'm wondering if that would-- - If we, when you say drive the nail, do you mean like-- - Look into the ground. - You take it and you place-- - You put your hands on the ground. - You set up one of the 10 holes. - Well, you plant it with intent and authority that could-- this is a relic, and relics are used to hallow. And we're not necessarily looking to establish a church here, but it might be its holy power is probably pretty enormous when invoked, when it's not invoked, it should just be a normal piece of metal. And I would know this from magic. Until you invoke the magic, it's not going to be setting off allowance because it's just walked in there. Intent and purpose is required with these kinds of artifacts, these kinds of magic items. - I'm just wondering, a very fast way to disrupt a ritual, a place that's already been prepared for a dark ritual might be to hallow the ground that it stands on. - Which one was you? - And she has the means to affect that pretty effectively with a holy artifact. - Right. - Well, if I were to do that though, what you were just talking about with alarms and bells going off, isn't that a pretty big thing? - It is, it will be, well, I don't know. That's a good question 'cause it might, you might. I would need to assess the ritual site with my, with my lore, I guess, but pardon me wonders. In the act of setting up, we might be able to do that. - Question is whether or not it would draw attention. - It would, it would, well, it'd be a rare motion for risk. So it's only keeping in mind, and that's all. It's a fast way to disrupt some dark magic. - Maximum pass me a note. It's just a question, I'm not about to go over there. - Right, you are near that area, but you would have to wander away just a little bit closer to the river to be able to scope out using an investigation to try to determine a good place for that. An escape route or entrance or exit out the back way, which is what you guys talked about. - I also have another idea. I'm not too happy about trying this, but if we need to scope out that cottage, I have an idea. - I can just say it's all visible. - No, I, without, 'cause you're, I think you, I want you to kind of keep some of your magic on hand. I think you've already expended a lot, and I want to save up my magic. But if I can find a bathroom or something, so I can... - Go to the bathroom. (laughing) - I could leave my body as an astral spirit. My body's gonna slump, and that's why I want it to be. - It's called a union smoke break in the back of the van. - Yeah, but I want to be a peer, you know, lifeless in the place. - No, you'll be back in the van. - You'll be in the back of the van, go ahead. - Also, I could astraly go and see if I could perceive anything over there. But if there's a demon around, and that's a risk, I don't know if I want to take. - Okay, thank you, that's an excellent bit of input. One second, 'cause Zelda had something. - I mean, it's not anything we're reading and talking about really anymore. I was just gonna say, in terms of getting Roberto onto the property, you might easily use one of yours. - Your ceilings? - Yeah. - Yeah, I agree, that might be, that's something just thinking of as well as changing him, his whole appearance, to being a worker. - What kind of thing would I have to do to, I mean, could I just walk over there? It's not that obvious, that I'm just staying out over the cliff, or do you want me to make a roll that make it solve? - It doesn't. - If we're setting up a huge tent, I mean, you get it. - We're in the general area. - Yeah, dude, you can just walk over there. - There's no reason to. - Like, this is where we're setting up the tent. - Just look, me actual. - Yeah. - I'm so excited about that. - Yeah, you would have to go like to the farthest north corner of the area, of the tent, to get the best view of that. - I go tie it down. - So, the guy at the cottage seems to be watching you guys, because you're the closest one to him. I mean, it doesn't seem like he's overly. - He's doing what he's supposed to do, guys. He's being attentive. - Listen, I need to get close to that cottage, so we need to come up with an excuse. - Okay, so maybe we forgot something, maybe we think there's rope in there, or some tool, 'cause it looks like a tool. - Challenge? - Something like that. - Give me a little, I go. - Yeah, I give him a little one as well, or no, just down. - You can't. - 'Cause I have one. - No, it's not. - Oh my god. - Jesus Christ. - Six, six, six. - He left his body. - Holy cow, it's a negative four on the-- - I don't have a magic barbell, so-- - It's a negative four, right? - Yeah, I don't think Zelda would have too much of a chance at that. - The face of the line, because he rolled a negative four, I rolled a plus three on my floor. I have good lore, so that takes it up to fantastic, plus six. - Yeah, now, it's because of what I do. - You pick up that the moves of a guy, it's definitely a white court. - At the door, front door. - At the front door. But, Ellen failed so spectacularly on my floor. - Do I have an opportunity to spend a point to change that, or is this one of those where-- - I had a chance to, 'cause-- - My intent isn't to lead me over terrible, or bleed you. All it means with a terrible role is that there's some sort of complication, which is you apparently were staring a bit too long at the guy, and he starts taking a few steps towards you, and then-- - All right. - Stay down there good. Go to the cigarette. - Walk up, Tom. - All right, go up, Tom. Let's go. - And when he sees you walking towards him, then he continues to walk, 'cause he had taken a few steps, and kind of checking out you guys, in particular you, and then you start walking towards him. - When I said walk towards him, I kind of said, "Go ahead, ask him to bum a cigarette, "we're gonna go for our union smoke break." One court, that part. You know, a guy, I very-- - Muddered, so he's not taking totally unawareness in case something happens. - No, I have an idea. I go up to the guy, and-- - What do you lie? - No, I guess I have some deceit, but I'm asking actually a legitimate question, and that question is, 'cause this cottage, the engineering or utility cottage, because we've got a bunch of chairs, and if you guys got a transport that we can use to move this stuff, it would be moving a lot faster. - Okay. - Give me a social role for, in rapport. - I have deceit, I have empathy, and it's about all of the rapport role, it just means-- - I don't have any, but he doesn't like you. I mean, it doesn't-- - Well, he's a security guy, is that supposed to be? - Yeah, it doesn't make him suspicious, he just goes, "Fuck off." - I guess he would be deceit. - I would say probably deceit, 'cause you're kind of trying to lie to him. - I wanna go up there with him, 'cause I wanna get a closer look. - All right. - Yeah, I mean, we're just trying to work out there. - Yeah, so. - I just want him both that direction, go ask him to question, and just try to sell it. - Jesus, negative one on the roll, which gets its mediocre. - This ain't none of your business back here, just keep your fucking eyes over here and do your work. - Man, I don't need to be rude, sir. - Hey, rude, you're the man at that percent, sir. - All right, we got it. - Are you paying to stand around and look? - I'm busy. - Once I see the situation starting to spiral a little bit, I'm like, "Hey, Johnson, back here." - When I'm looking at him, is he a white court? - Oh, yeah. - You were told that, though. - I got whispered it to you, Edgies. - Yeah. - Oh, those two were white courts? - Yeah, apparently, Alan didn't hear either, and neither did this. But you did pick it up. He is definitely, he's white court. - But I call him back, like, he's like, "What's going on?" "Yeah, get back here, we got work to do." - Maxwell, you want his scope out to see if there's a path in the back there. I would say an investigation modified with athletics or the other way around your choice, whichever is. - 'Cause, yeah. - Nah, it makes sense. - Yeah. - I'm here to go with investigation modified by athletics because that's four plus one, rather than five minus one. - Oh, fuck. - Two pluses? - Two. - Two plus five. - Seven. - Epic. - Maxwell, you definitely identified the easiest path up and down the hill. - By the way, in case you didn't know, part of my deal with fur patch was to facilitate our transport down the-- - Down and through the woods. - And also. - And to hinder any pursuit. - Right. - I try to sum up a travel route for Roberto. - He's probably down there by now. Like, wait a minute. - Yeah. - Giving you handshakes on him over here. - I tried it too over here, down there over there. - Steven had something he wanted to do as well. - Okay. - Slog to the road. - Well, I was walking over there with Alan to the tool shed and I just wanted to case it while we were over there, but I think we were. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Oh, five seconds. I don't know if I can pull off the casing in it. - Sure. - Okay. - All right, Roberto, a quick message. Stay down there. Bug out, I will throw up your bottles at you. - All right. - I'm gonna kill him. - Go for it. - Drink from the van. - Actually, quite a long walk. - Did you just make me sit down here? Or was it? - Wait. - Fall on Angel up there? - Wait. - Wait. Sit, wait. - Damn it. - So close. Plus one, so it is superb, but it could have been. - This only required a gripe because it's a much smaller area that you're looking at as opposed to the entire estate. So you succeeded outright, which gives you, again, two specific aspects on security of this particular shed. - And what is the security in this particular shed? - It's exactly what you have seen, which is two guards, one in the front and one on the side, which kind of leaves a back corner over here, which you think would be easy to approach, but you'd have to swing all the way around. It's not easy to get to that approach, but that back part seems to be covered by a camera. So you did notice a camera back there. - Do cameras pick up your invisibility scene? - And cameras can be fried by magic. Magic, tech doesn't-- - Yeah, but when you got alert for that process-- - Well, yes. It's definite. - I don't think his illusions can. - His illusions can't fool him, cameras? - Can't harm cameras. - Oh, right, that is correct. - They are elven magic, if I remember correctly. - Right, but they're wardening. - The wardening wall. - The wardening wall, yes, he would blast everything. - So, are there any windows? - There are. They seem to be frosted, like it's difficult to see through. - Like block glass or not? - Yeah, but you think you noticed the shadow through the glass, which seemed way too systematic as in that there might be bars on the other side of glass. - Hey, you're not helping. - No, I'm not. But you get to make up two aspects that will help. - But they're a glass block. - It's truly flammable. - Not glass block. - No, but they seem to be thicker than your average glass and they're definitely frosted as in making it difficult to see through, like, not necessarily frosted, but you know how some people will put a pattern on their bathroom windows so that you can't see through them at all, like it's-- - Right, they kind of diffuse a little brush. - This is actually kind of a more depressing thing because this suggests to me that just structure on this property means that they've prepared this kind of thing for a long time. - Or they've used it a lot, so. - Union smoke break, so we're gonna, I'm gonna call Union smoke break and we're gonna go do the van and talk it through and you could hopefully Maxwell text Roberto to keep him in the loop throughout our conversation or call him and just put him on speaker and we have to come up with our-- - As you say, Union smoke break and start heading down that main path back 'cause the rest of the guy, shrug their shoulders and say okay and start walking with you backwards in there. - That's fine. - We're gonna go ahead and pay it. - 'Cause I've got such a presence. - He's lying to me. - So when we get back to the van, I say we're gonna take this opportunity to talk over our attempt construction, so if you guys don't mind, take your break, that you're-- - Oh no, they were heading towards the-- - Right, okay. - 'Cause they have the other secrets that are over there and-- - All right, so we climb into the back of the truck so that it's not tucking out in the wide open and we put-- - You won't try to come in, you're like no, come on, go. - We put Reverter One speakerphone low. Can you do your silences in time? - So pretty small, simple spell in there. I wouldn't set up any-- - You'd be doing it just in this truck area, you should be okay. - All right, first off, all the phones go on a pile, put a chalk circle, see, I wanna fry all our phones at once while you're casting a silent spell while we're calling someone. - Fair enough. - That makes sense. - But I put you in the circle. - Okay. - So I put the circle around the active phone and then I cast my mumble spell. - Steven, can you take this opportunity to place two aspects to we know exactly what we're dealing with in the weaknesses of this particular cottage? Because right now it's coming down and this is the most important moment. - I noticed one of the security guards, the Southern security guard was busy texting. So hopefully he won't pay much attention if we try to sneak up to the building. All right. - You guys are allowed to help him create these. He doesn't have to go by himself. - Okay, just brief to lay out the groundwork. I can create a glamour and I can create a seaming. Those are two things that I am very well versed at. The minor veil is a type group of people who are invisible. So basically four or five people within an arms length of me, it casts an invisibility, projects as invisible. That's one thing. The second thing is I have the ability to do a seaming, which means I can make anyone look like anything, which also means that I now have a very good picture of the head of the household servants. And I also have a very good picture thanks to Alan and Steven bringing that one white court vampire closer. We also know what that particular security guard looks like, which I'm thinking he's more trusted because of the fact that he's white court. So two ways we can go here, I can change one of us into one of those individuals to either slow down a response or to go inside the house and scope out the security system that's present within the home. - Am I on speakerphone? - Yes. - Yes, you are. Or to even try to rescue the white court vampire. The second thing we can do is- - Stop a minute. - Sure, Roberta, what's up? - One of your caterers is a fallen angel. - What? - Retreat that for our- - As I tracked them here, it was one of the caterers that was a posting of fallen angel. - You mean like it was following the truck? - It is one of the trucks that followed you. There's a fallen angel among those- - I would immediately like to recall the face of the individual who tried to come into our van. - What? - One of them tried to come into our van. One of the helpers, one of the caterers tried to come into our van and have a smoke break with us. Probably just a coincidence, but if one of the caterers is also a fallen angel, maybe not. - I think they just started walking that way. I didn't realize someone was moving. - There was a number of them, and most of them went off to their own trucks because that's where their cigarettes were and stuff and they're in trouble. - But one of them- - They didn't say they're so loud, didn't they? - Yeah, absolutely. - I'm totally whistling. - Yeah. - I did not hear that enough. - He said maybe one of them comes over and you're like, man. - I said one of them tried to step in the truck with you guys and London said no, move along. - Oh, I totally missed that. - The point being that I memorized- - Can I remember what he was saying? - I'm saying these who already failed their alertness, so they didn't notice that guy happening. - I'm gonna try to make your alert and scroll. - Also, from my experience with traveling astraly now, if I travel astraly, will I notice a demonic presence or do I have to still detect or use my magic? - I remember that when Alberto entered the room and you were a fallen presence, you had to use your lore to try to see through this haze around me. - Because your demon was deliberately, well, I guess this demon is trying to hide too. - Otherwise. - It's not that they're trying to hide, it's that the humans in control, the demon's kind of riding in the background, so it is hidden and does require an effort. - In this case, the other one is probably trying to hide. He's trying to- - But in this case, I'm just thinking it might be faster for me to, well, we're in the privacy of the van. I can be cast for the ghosts and go look at the- - Perfectly valid, but you wanted to do- - I wanted to know what that must look like. - So let's say London, Allen, and Maxwell. - I'll have a shot. - We're not even gonna let these two, because any of these- - Okay, they're speaking to each other or out of it. - Right, they were busy thinking about something. - He was about to close the door, and we had to try to come in and say no. That's why we didn't see it. - Well, it's just an alertness role. It didn't at all seem important to you, but now suddenly you think it is very important. - Exactly, right. - So it's gonna require a superb role of alertness for you to have noticed it. - So I have to exert effort or control to- - No, it's just a straight up role. - I rolled a wash, and I don't have alertness. - So yeah, you're just mediocre. - Yeah, somebody's just another member of the unwashed man. - What did that guy look like? - A plebe. - I don't know. - Did it right there? - I guess. - Go. - I- - Maxwell? - No. - Jesus, I have even less luck. - Minus one. - Minus one. - I went down to average. - I started it good. I rolled a negative one. - So, he's not remembering with a fair? - No. - He doesn't know, or does he not know? - Not with a fair. He just like- - He should always trust you. - Yeah, with fair, he would be like, "You were standing in the way, I didn't see him." - What? - So do you want me to do my- - Well, I should just type it in- - Just remember all of the details. - He's got a palafay point said he could use it. - Five. - He thinks it's that important. - Sure. - I'm gonna undercover old man, security operatives. It's almost like- - That's my hypothesis. - I had a concept. It's everything. - That's one of us. - I do, especially with undercover, you should know it. - I'll be- - Okay. (clicking) - Oh, yeah. - Frat and a negative one, so- - Well, what, maybe not? - Yes. - She's zero. - That makes it a four. - Which now, with this point- - I don't have anything- - I would have gone completely attached to that. - This is gonna bend the demon, though, baby? - I've won so no, you didn't get it. - We can work this out. What color was this? Did anyone see his hair? Didn't anyone see, you know, I mean, it's a social. - It was meant to be social, but that's what- - It's also a good one. - You wouldn't do it the same way. - Well, it's a DMS call. - You need a shoe horn to do that. - Yeah, it would do difficulty. - Okay, it is not actually my call. It is the group's call. If we think that he's trying to make it fit, then we say no. - I think he was right the first time, and you tried to make it smooth, yeah. - I guess we just don't know. - Yeah. - I guess we don't know. - We could look at the window and look at the other people taking a break. - I opened the back door just to see if anyone's leaning against the listening. You know, nobody is outside listening in. - Okay, so back to planning. Does anyone think that Alan going supernova is? - Not that we know there's a demon. - Super Saiyan. - Do you want him to leave his body? - Yeah, the recipe then. - It sounds really dangerous. - Well, the risk was this is how the, well, they had planned a risk rolling trap me in it, then I got severed, but if they can detect me in my astral form, then that's kind of tipping- - Roberto, Roberto, how was that who you find him? If you don't mind me asking him. - The same way I tracked? - How is that who you people, I can sense the demons. - With your coin? - Who you gave up? - I am carrying the coin. - I summoned it before I left. - Oh, right. - You can summon it? - I don't know, I pilfered in an answer. - Oh, I do pilfered. - Well, you were the, it was plaguing me. - So, there were at least two- - You weren't being attacked or anything. You were like, huh. - That one was supposed to mean. - That's true. - So, I'm sorry, you summoned it, you were like under attack, and you needed to mess your- - No, and now we need it. - Now we need it? - I can detect this creature and fight it. - I can go over to the guys and probably find out which one it was. - I heard you all stumble over your fucking tongues trying to find this man. And you know what he looks like. - It was a random man who tried to barge his way into our van. If you were- - Look, if I'm a little defensive, it's because you all of your bird out. - Believe you know what this coin does, and you do not. - Is it a demon in your head? - Is it someone who helps me fight evil for the past couple of years helping you people? - Yes. - It actually helped you kill people. We don't know if they're entirely evil. You're using- - You were fighting the same people. The whole- - No one had that, so that's a whole different thing. - Okay. - This is a whole different thing. - Outside the tent you hear someone saying, what the fuck, get back to work, all of you. - What the hell is this smoke right here, asshole? - Does he know yet? Like, what the situation with Manny is? 'Cause I know he knows that his dad's here, but have we told him any of this at all? - We told him his dad's here, and that he should catch up. - Yeah, but we haven't told him anything. - Because text is very communication. - Maybe we shouldn't talk about the coin. - Right. Primarily that. - There seems to be something outside going on where the people are getting back to work. - Right. - We've come up with some bullshit excuse not to go back to work. - Yeah, yeah, we'll be right there. - Okay. - Now, for the plane. - I think the wearing that's bent on revenge now. I mean, it's getting, not talking about that. Won't solve any of our problems. Make some worse, but that's Roberta. - Well, now we have Roberto, so at least we can do what we need to do. Let's talk about how it's gonna happen. - Yes. - You know what's humorous is that her reading was-- - Oh, I don't know. - But there were events that didn't know that you couldn't work into it. - Roberto. - I think we should have Roberto focus on trying to take out the demon. - That would make you happy, right? - Is Roberto there? Can we speak to Roberto? (laughing) - Fuck you, who's this new guy anyway? (laughing) - You need to get me up there. I'm currently, I can move. - Yeah, no, you can't right this second, but I will get you up there. I'll get you in a uniform. Don't worry. Now, I reach into the circle and I hit the mute button so he cannot hear what we're saying, but we can still hear him. So he just sounds with their very long pause, like we're thinking, okay, go on, let's talk about Roberto, why he's not here? Let's really not, we can't talk about Roberto. - Why do we want to do this demon thing though? - Because he's gonna, because he's gonna anyways. I've worked with him before we can't stop him. - We still get to explain the situation with his dad and how he has to be there in order to save him. And you don't think that that might. - Well, you can give it a shot if you want. - Yeah, sure. You guys were going on the assumption of the tarot with the reading and how you're gonna save man. And you did get the thing where you knew Roberto had to be here. And it could be the reason that Roberto had to be here is because of some stuff you didn't know, which is. - There's a demon. - I guess he's saying. - I'm not saying that is the answer. I'm just saying, there's apparently some information you didn't know. And one of them was that he has the coin again. The other one is there's an at least one denarian here. - Well, there's at least two denarians here. - Yeah, why would there be a denarian here? - You know, why do we need to fucking Roberto? If he doesn't fuck something up, the son didn't rise in the fucking east. If he doesn't fuck something up. - If it's Tuesday, he fucked it up. - Okay. So does anyone have any brilliant ideas that completely escaped me right now? Because what I think we should, did you fucking hang out? (laughing) - Okay, well here. - I unmute it. You're cracking up. Mute again, go ahead. - You were talking about how you know the faces of a few prominent people in this household. So you could disguise one of us to look like. - Correct. - So if we were to go down that road, were you planning on having that person? - You clearly don't want me in on your plan. And I hang out. - Good job. - I think he's going to farm. - Where he's being kept. - Look, if they're making a plan, why do they mute it so I can't hear them? - Sorry, that's a paranoid demon shit coming. - It's not a paranoid demon shit. It's a dick shit thing to do. - No, it's not. - Because if you were going to do that, and you were going to have the head of the house, the guy right under a salivatory, come out here, and that's how we're going to get inside, you would probably need someone inside disguised as just a regular worker in the house to keep him busy in there so he doesn't come back in. - Right, agreed. I was thinking more of, yeah, I mean, that's a great idea, but I would have to burn through two seamings. - Exactly, and then that's not how to make him invisible. - Right. - If we still want to do that. - Possibly, I just, I don't know if that's what it is. I mean, Robert has got the fucking coin event. It's like, it's like a nightmare. - We just can't worry about him right now. We just have to plan our own shit. I mean, he's going to do what he wants to do. - But we can't do our shit without him. - Well, we can't. - Tell all your buddy friend, the Sasquatch guy. Isn't he up with Roberto right now? - Well, if Ferd Patch can see over him, so make sure Ferd Patch doesn't let him cross the river. - Make sure Ferd Patch doesn't look down here right now. - I don't know, because he's that too. - I had to stop him from climbing up the cliff while I was trying to tell him how to-- - He already crossed the river. - He said to stay there and wait in his car. - And to Roberto, oh yeah, sorry, he doesn't listen to anything. - That's a test. - You should have told him to storm the castle and then he would have set foot. - Maxwell sends Roberto a text. - Yeah. - There's nothing we can try more. - I don't know. Can you say she can go forward? - Can you situation guns all around? Shit goes to pot. We'll need you. Please wait until then. - Wow, Maxwell, let's work. - That's kind of a good job. - Good job muting him and then going all the way around. - Look, right, I'm sorry. He just picked up the demon coin again. - Yes, that is a problem we'll deal with as soon as we're not all about to die when he fight. - I'm texting. - Who is it now? - Look, my father's there, you have a plan, but you won't tell me what the fuck is going on? - We don't have a plan. - Our plan was shit. - Do you tell me this? - Shitter. - Shitter. - I'm trying to find a better plan. - Let me help. Let me talk to you. - I think you can imagine now would be to - Save some kind of distraction and divert resources and then try to do an extraction. - What if we go invisible? All of us. - Here's my, here's my answer. - Right, we all stick together. We all go invisible. We track down Mr. Head of the household. Like every bad detective movie you've ever seen, we incapacitate him. We then take one of us becoming him. Then we don't have to split ourselves into two different people, like distract him. He's out of the equation. He's in the closet somewhere tied up in the huge house. And one of us takes his place. It can't be me because I need to hold the invisibility together. One of us steps out as now the house leader, whatever. At the very least, he can call perhaps the security away. I don't even walk up there and say, hey, security, let these strangers in. - No. - But if we're invisible, he might say, I need to get in there. And just see what the reaction is. Maybe they'll let him in. If they do, we can slip through with him past the guards invisible. What do you got? I'm not saying this is a great plan. I'm just, I'm spitballing here. - So what everyone's got? - The Head of the household is a white court vampire. - Yeah. - We're talking about the head of the staff. - We're talking about the head of the staff. - Head of staff. - Oh, okay. So the house guy says, I gotta go in there and check on something. He says he needs some information from the prisoner. - That was Mr. Foley. - They don't know if Mr. Foley, we all are invisible and go right in through that. Now will the white court vampire realize that? I'm not as well versed in their powers as some. I know a little bit about them with my lore. Can they smell us? Can they see us? - They would sense our emotions more than anything. If we're two, if we can't control our emotions, then-- - Display the role. - Then let's get Roberto in here then. - We're going to be-- - 'Cause he can control it like that. - Roberto-- - So we need not only discipline. - My discipline is five. We're not gonna report a four. - But you just said you can't be the one pretending to be there, so that rules you out. - You can't slap me, it's a phone call, jackass. - So we need someone to pretend to be him who's got great rapport and also great discipline. - Roberto wants to shout at you again. Would you like to like wait a few seconds? - I'm trying to think clearly and he distracts me. - Yeah. - Does anyone else want to talk to Roberto right this second? - No, keep going. I want to-- - I'm thinking that-- - He'll text me and I'll interpret it. - Okay, thank you. Keep 'em involved in the loop, but by all means, whatever he speaks, it just like-- - I'm thinking that our best choice is to disrupt their ritual site-- - With the nail? - With the nail that should delay or upset whatever they got going and we're just gonna have to-- - Yeah. - Double's advocate, no pun intended. The nail goes in, ha ha, we've thwarted your plant and one of the human guys guards just walks up and pulls it out of the ground. - Well-- - Takes it throws it in the river. - Because the fact that they have taken all this time to prepare a ritual site and then we held the ground, but we also take the nail with us. We're not leaving it there, but we've disrupted it. We've tainted it. - How does that save me? - That delay, that means that they shouldn't be able to perform their ritual, which means they don't have to exchange money. - How do we rescue Manny? - That's just about some time. - I'm trying to, we need time and that's the only thing I can think of. - My plan seems to allow us to rescue him without alerting all 15 guys. - But is your plan even possible? Again, like what is your discipline and reform? What is yours? What is this-- - Yeah. - Is it really-- - This problem is strong, but I have been-- - Max, what's your discipline and rapport? - I don't think I believe in this mission because-- - Discipline was a thing for other people. - Repores to-- - Okay, I have no rapport. - But Roberto would like to be brought up, disguised, and let to walk around and pick out the angels where they are, as you can track them. - The what? - The demons? - Yeah, the demons. - Here's another angle. The back of the tent opens up. - Let the-- - Okay, the van? - Yes. - Oh, the van. - I'm sorry, Dad. - Yeah. - It's locked. - You can lock it from the inside? - No, you can't. - What? - You can't lock the van? - No, you can't lock it. - There's someone from the-- - The back of the van. - Inside a mumble spell, can you hear people outside? - They really can't. - They can't hear you. - But they wanna-- - Can you hear me? - They're like, go outside, you're talking-- - You guys are supposed to be putting up the tent, go back and-- - Yeah, yeah. - But you guys are gone, bro. - Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. - No, we're not. - This mumble-- - So we stop talking when that happens. We know-- - Well, he's got a mumble spell, so-- - I know, so I step out of a mumble spell with a cigarette in my hand, is my prop, and take a drag and say, "Listen." - You prize me, this is-- - 15 minutes, this burns down in 15 minutes, it's getting towards the end, but it hasn't been 15 minutes yet. We'll be right there. We're looking over the plans. We've got a couple of newbies here. As you see, we have the plans open on the ground there. We'll be there in a second, okay? Just a few more minutes, sir. And who knocked down the door, by the way? Who knocked down the door? Was it happened to be the-- - Same guy. - Same guy? - No, this is someone who is actually forming-- - A real forming of the lighting setup or whatever. - Right. - We'll be right there, okay? - Now he's fine with it, he was just-- - Yeah, sorry. - Real quick, the other thing. We could let Roberto be Roberto. Let him thunder in here. - That'd be a great division. - Well, that's what I'm thinking. Let him do what he does best, disrupt everything. - Everything you can count on. - Time to go get the demon, we'll just-- - Well, okay. - And as everyone is running around and doing that, that might be our opportunity and might be our diversion. - What you're thinking is, I have a great discipline. - I have a plan, I think, might supersede or change. Okay, I cast, I can't, this is my idea. I do become the-- - You are going to become something? - Yeah, I do. - What's his name? - Andy. - I risk it all as you guys are working. - Okay. - And Roberto is perhaps surreptitiously walking about, trying to find the demon, but not attacking anything. Not attacking anything. I go up to the white court vampires in front and say, I need, what's the same again? - Fully. - Fully. - You're fully. - Fully. - So I, as fully, I go up-- - Tell me where everyone is. - We all get out of the truck, they go up, I go towards the house, I need to speak to Mr. Foley. - Towards the house. - I go towards the real house, the big house. I get in touch with Foley, I somehow get him alone and we knock him unconscious. - Wait, I know it was just you. - I'd like to get you in. - I need to be with someone who could actually do that because physical violence is not my important day. - Well, I don't do that either, but I can get you in. - Was Foley a white court? - Not to your knowledge. - At this point, I become Foley. - He looked right at us and talked to us. - Yes. - So wouldn't they notice? We said that they couldn't notice. - I-- - They could, and they didn't. So you're assuming he's human. - Okay, so I become Foley. You guys are all working, Roberto is searching out the demon. - Do we have a-- - What? - Separate uniform for Roberto? Are you gonna just go ahead? - No, he has to wait. He just has to wait for a bit. It's like we become Foley. At that point, we knock Foley unconscious. Whoever I'm with, if it can't be you, Steven, it'll be Alan or Maxwell, who both have. - Well, you have to pick somebody because-- - I don't-- - Me, three of them, Zelda and two others are heading back up to work on the town. - Right, I'm forming this plan as I go. I'm asking them, but they think it's a good plan beforehand, I'm not just doing it. - Okay, that's fine. - I think it's good at this point. - At this point, I become Foley. You guys are all working. So then the first thing I'm gonna knock out, Foley goes back to work. So all four of you are working. I then go as Foley to check on you guys working. Being by the river, I can then change Roberto into something suitable to allow him to enter the premises. I can then walk to the white court vampires, guarding the cottage. Mr. Salvatore wants me to check the prisoner. I then get inside, case out the situation, realize what we're up against. I then come back to you, we go to our second smoke break, we go invisible. Knowing what we know now, perhaps I left the door unlocked, perhaps I left something in the door jam to allow it to be opened. We then move towards the vampires under the cloak of invisibility and take them out quietly. And again, surreptitiously, maybe the guys facing to the south. Maybe there's, 'cause you haven't done weaknesses yet. And in the west or the north where it's against the security cameras or away from the house security cameras, we can enter from that location since we're invisible. Maybe I can unlock a window. Whatever it is when I'm in there, I can do something. I come back out as Foley, I've actually changed back into London. We do the, or maybe I didn't stay as Foley. Go invisible with everybody and go back in through a weak point. - Let's do it. - It's gold. - Let's do it, that's fine. - Comedic gold, but gold nonetheless. Does anyone see, I mean, besides 8,000 weaknesses in that plan, does anyone have a better plan that can put forth? - No plan, just information. - Please pass along. - You're reading the text, it's kind of long. We're both motherfucking. All right, it says do. It says the angels. - It's ready for two. - As far as you can figure out. - He's not. - Not the angel, please, that's the angle. - Since the following is, all right. - Okay. - We come. - The demon. - The demon. It's not on the side of the white cord vampire, far as Roberto can tell. It says if a fight breaks out, it'll be a three-sided, which is great. - Let Roberto know that I need about 15 to 20 more minutes and then I'll be outside to, I'll be at the bank of the river to give him his disguise. - Right. - It's like asking him for days. - I know. - There's another text back from Roberto immediately. Well, after that's related to him, that the angel's not here on your time schedule. If he causes some shit, I better be able to get up fast. Then if he causes shit, then the gig is up and you attack. - You should attack me when that happens. - Well, you'll hear it. - I'm sure apparently I need to have my gate open before Leish let go. - Okay, don't need to get Patty. - I didn't read that part. - Right. - And I don't say no need to get Patty. - He goes on for another paragraph about-- - And I don't think she'd really be included in plans-- - Delete, delete. - Especially if you don't want to fuck it up. - You do or the one who stormed out. - He doesn't like how her plan was out. - You can't fight, you can't fight, you can't fight. - Right, this is how I'm not letting them stop. - That was a discussion in the truck. You guys leave. - I step out, Steven, wait, wait, wait. - You're waiting for someone over the head. - Shit, one thing, I really leave the truck. You become Foley. - We all-- - No, no, no, no. - I go in if I'm Foley, and I'm going with you actually. I trust you the most to be able to talk your way out of a situation. So you and I are going into the house to not fully unconscious. - That's great. Then Zalba, Alan, and Steven are heading up back towards the tent and-- - No. - Steven is helping them break in entropy. - No, no, Steven, I'm gonna go straight in and talk to him. And since you're not comfortable smacking outside the head, and Maxwell is really comfortable with that, I'm gonna take Maxwell. But we will still need your talents coming up. - Well, let me just tell you that there's a window that you might be able to sneak into. So I-- - Okay, as you are going that route. - On the north or west-hand side of the building, right? - No, I'm talking about the main building. - The main building. - Oh, the main building. - Originally case that I did for the main building. - Right. - If for some reason we don't see an opening, then I'll have to use that option. But I think I'll be able to get in just a talk. - Okay. - Okay, so everyone's got it, right? - I believe so. - Yeah, nothing we won't be able to-- - Fuck up. - Oh, yeah. - So London and Maxwell head off towards the house. You guys get up to the house and are informed that Foley is dealing with the floats and the lighting near the pond. - And here's a pond. - This one. - All right, fantastic. Which is exactly-- - That's where the tendings go, right? - No. - The pond, the pond. - Send me to go near the garden with a fountain or something. - He's really far away. I don't think we need to do any of this shit. I'm just gonna change it to Foley. - So, you start walking towards the pond or you turn around and go the other way? - We don't have time to waste. We're gonna go back to our construction, I say, to whoever I talk to. - And then, by that time, Zellva, Steven, and Alan are up in the tent area and now there's a lot of people around that area as well as they're setting up additional stuff. - All right. Actually, can I get a bathroom? Is there a bathroom here? One of the, I have to use the washroom. - Sure. - Stop. - We need to joke out Foley. You can't go up and be Foley and say, let us into the thing we need to talk to someone. They're gonna call on the boss and Foley's gonna say, "What the fuck are you talking about?" - I am Foley. - Foley is not choked out. If he's not unconscious, he will pick up his walkie talkie and say, "Who the hell is pretending to be me?" Who told him that was okay? - Yeah, potentially. I see that now. - Let's go solve that. - So you guys turn around and head back towards the time. While you guys are setting up the tent area, that was Roberto, A+ for him. - Yes. - I mean, the demon. - No, it's not because I don't know this plan. - No one fucking tells me this. - I covered it. I can't wipe all that out. That would take me an hour. - We will end the night with a arm coming down on Zellva's shoulder that attempts to start to pull her away. - From the tent. - From the tent towards. Towards the bushes over in this area here. Just easing her in that direction. - It's kind of arm. - A Roberto shaped arm? - A gimp one? - Oh, crap. - While it doesn't look like it. - I should be fine. - I'm embarrassed. - And as Alan's takes one step towards Zellva to help her, a short Mexican looking fellow steps in your way. - Who's not Manny? - Definitely not Manny. - Okay. - Where was he? Do I recognize him? - None of you have seen that. - Brad Herring. - And we'll end there. - Okay, well done everyone. - Nobody recognizes him. - Nobody recognizes him, but he was described in the very, very, very, very beginning. - Yes. - So if you look at us, the one that was helping, Ryan fucking knows him. (upbeat music) - Thank you for listening tonight's of the night's actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter @kyotn_podcast or by email feedback at And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page, where there's an Amazon link on the right hand side. - Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. (upbeat music) - I really have to roll the ark. - I really have to roll the ark. - I didn't take on my gun to do that. - London? - Just a character here a minute. - Sure. - Roberto gave you some blood of his in the past. - You know, that's a good point, but I really don't care. - Well, I'm just saying that. - 'Cause I can't do fast stuff. Okay. - I just want you to remember. - No, that's right. You're absolutely correct that I do have. - So we have to- - But you don't kill him. - Can I cut his silver with press? - So, the Sasquatch is driving the gateway car. (laughing) This can't go wrong. - Roberto's somewhere out in the loose. - This is, this is sounding great. - I'm gonna see if I'm out snooty London. (laughing) - And on the kitty with you. - No, I know. - I gotta get it all right back. - Right. - That would be fun. Do that. - Do that more. (laughing) Rachel's getting way too much to talk about that. - Worth the breath. - Probably sell the two. - Right. I think, yeah. A little of both, maybe. (laughing) - So athletics, parkour, parkour. - How's your parkour skill? - My parkour skill is. - Yes, grandpa. - That should be shit out of me in that last book, by the way. - This is a lot. - So it would be. - Yes, easiest. - Well, with applause too, you'd go to great. - I mean superb. - Yes, I said superb. - I didn't hear that, failed my learner's role. I didn't think that all the way through. I totally ignored that guy. - Yeah, she's gonna fit more for that. (laughing) - Yeah, totally, yeah. You can't really turn that around. - Every life is worth saving. So I should figure out which guy this is, so I can rescue him from the demon that's possessing him, I guess. - That's borderline. - Yeah. - I walk where angels fear to tread, which means I'm not afraid of shit. Like told me that. - That's a good one. - Yeah, I figured out the quote later. He's calling me a fool. - Dude, he's a funny one. - I don't need money. I'm keeping that. - That's good. - Last one. - We can work it out. - So much of my time. - You can just cut me off. - Just wait 30 more seconds. - Oh, no, that works. We even better when you sit there and make it. - And then this, and then that, and then this, and, uh, fuck. - I don't know why, even the phone was a good idea. - It really wasn't. - It really wasn't. - But the fan of you's here for-- - I'm sorry, I mean, we just don't trust our-- - We might have another week of-- - Hey. - Can I get a fifth point? - Yeah. - We sure we can work it out. I stopped arguing. - There you go. - I like it. - Baths, breath. - The best. - You nailed it. - Baths, breath. - Baths, breath. (laughing) - Mjolnir. (laughing) - Oh my god, I had a mjolnir. (beeping) - Okay, the top of it. I had to think about that. (beeping) - Future.