Knights of the Night

183 - DF2 KtoN Actual Play Podcast - DFRPG - Where Was THAT an Hour Ago

1h 13m
Broadcast on:
04 Jul 2014
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The focus seems to have shifted to saving Roberto's father. But the Denarians are still out there an are a danger to Zelda - or are they..

(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to nights of the night actual play podcast. This dress and foul story, rituals, was written and run by your jam time. And now, please enjoy episode 183, titled, "Where was that an hour ago?" Actual play begins seven minutes, 21 seconds. (upbeat music) Before we get to the episode, we'll go for our feedback for this week. I'm Google Plus, Michael Cole, posted. So you've decided, and he was referring to the title of the episode, which I posted in the fan page and let people vote on it. Possible titles were the thing with the guy at that place. Manny in a side salad. It's just what's going to happen. Big cake and a hammer. We don't have ears. 23 vampires. And one that was added by a listener, Michael Cockroft, who said, "I see London, I see death." - Nice. - We ended up with a tie in that being the thing with the guy at the place, and Manny in a side salad. And since I was the editor, I got to choose. The episode was titled, "Manny in a Side Cell." Ari also posted on Google Plus and said, "Oh, exclamation M, exclamation G." I'm behind three episodes, and then followed by about eight exclamation points again. That's what summer invocation does. All the schedules fail, but I have no fear. 4KOTN is here. I have a four hour drive ahead of me this weekend, so guess what, the nights have done again. Yes, save me like a damsel from distress. Exclamation. - What does he commute four hours a day? - I thought it was a long act. - Yeah, it's a crossing like a bunch of, he must be yours. - Yours, he's crossing the road. - He's transporting illegal-- - Do we have illegal aliens over there in here? - Yes, I do. - I'm sure the deal. - Refugees I picked are called. - Jason McDonald also posted on Google Plus and said, "Ari, I think we need to talk some about these exclamation points. I know that sometimes we all get excited about a new episode coming up, but punctuating an acronym with an exclamation point is a serious offense. Exclamation points are a tool, not a toy. Exclaim responsibly." - Thank you, Jason, for straightening out Ari for us. - They're trying to turn on each other. - He was gonna hurt somebody with all those exclamation points eventually. - On Facebook, episode 182, which was of course, Mandy and a side salad, Jason McDonald's posted. He's referring to the episode ended and I forgot to turn off the microphone and we were talking and Scott was giving a lengthy tutorial and you're out by universalis. Jason said that if you like that game, you might like Dwarf Fortress. It's a free game that's basically the most complex city building simulator you're ever gonna play. It bottles everything from air pressure to mental health of all your dwarfs. The user interface is garbage and there's actually no way you can win, but in fighting tooth and nail for your base until it falls apart, you always end up with an unforgettable story. - I've actually heard of Dwarf Fortress as well. - And I think John's played it? - Yeah, I checked it out. - It made me want to go look at it and I saw the interface. I'm like, "Yeah." - They released it. There are mods for that, they make it okay. - And I appreciate the suggestion. The suggestion, yeah, right now I'm having a lot of fun with EU4 and CK2. - Cheater. - So I'm gonna continue playing those for a while 'cause they've released some new DLCs recently. - Other than that, we only have one email that was sent to from Timothy Shepherd. Timothy said, "Hello everyone. "Like many of you, I'm a long-term tabletop player. "First cutting my teeth on the original D&D red box "about 25 years ago, I have played AB&D, "first, second, third, 3.5, fourth wrist "and the original world of darkness, "specifically vampire to the masquerade." A few years ago, I was finally talked into the role of DMing for a group. It was my first time and I ran the world's largest dungeon for 3.5 system. And after finishing a two-year dungeon crawl, I decided that I wanted to play something that actually included role-playing, convinced my group to try something that was a little more RP-friendly. We decided on Numenera, which none of us had ever played before, and I found myself in need of a quick lesson on how to run the system and began to try to find an AP podcast, preferably one with good role players. That's when I came across you guys. This was back in the beginning of May, and after listening to the Numenera adventure, I found myself hooked. I wanted to listen to everything already out for a single system, so I started listening in order to shit luck, then she grinned. - And this is why he's actually to do it all in one order like that, all the world of darkness, and then all of the drives in as opposed to splitting it up as we do when we're playing. - He then went to dungeon worlds, neutral grounds, and now he's in the middle of the delivery with plans to enjoy rituals right afterwards. I have yet to be less than thrilled with a single episode. I find it a great example of deep characters. All of the players do such a great job of portraying their characters that I'm frequently able to predict what the characters are going to do and say before they do it. In fact, I'm considering putting all of the characters from every campaign as NPCs into my Numenera campaign. Since the players want to do an urban intrigue and I really need some memorable characters. - There's a licensing fee. - Is it? (laughs) I am also learning how much the correct background music and sound effects can add to a game, and I'm thinking of trying to introduce them into my own play sessions. My personal favorite episode so far was, no means no woman for its creepy weirdness, all the flashbacks from Chagrin, but mostly the ones with shoe park. As I love it when dark and disturbing is done well, pretty much every dungeon world episode because you guys sounded like you were having so much fun. My favorite dungeon world scene was the one in the inn. I mean, how can you make a meal scene that's immersive and amusing? Let me wrap up with this one comment. I can think of no better compliment than the simple fact that you guys distract me from the, quote, joys of my job as I work in a wastewater treatment plant, which means you distract me from literal rivers of shit. Thank you for providing such a great collection of actual plays. I'm looking forward to being a fan for many years in the future. Tim Shepherd, AKA, direct moral. - Thanks. - Really good feedback. - That was good stuff, yeah. - I'll tell you what, that's an important job. - So thanks for the feedback, direct moral. We are returning to Neumann era. In fact, Scott's working on an adventure that he eventually wants to publish with social combat roles as well. So that's something that we will be podcasting in the near future. I don't know, are we going, we're going to go, I think we're going to go world of darkness next. - First, so we're going to dress in world of darkness than Neumann era. - Okay, and with that, that's end of the feedback. Thank you everyone who sent some in. Reminder, as always, KOTM on the right hand side, Amazon link. Thanks for everyone who's using it. Somebody just used it for a ton of stuff. So we appreciate that a lot. - Yeah, thanks. - Keeping the podcast afloat. - And with that, we will go on to the episode. - All right, I'm your GM Tom and I'm running this dress in files game. Rituals. We have a nearly full house tonight. Starting on my left is John playing Roberto Martinez with people's guardian and power pipeline. - That was fun, Maxwell is an undercover homeland security operative. - Like playing Ellen Montgomery, the sole sundered warden of Cleveland. - He's got playing London deals, the amoral seer to the supernatural powers. - I am Jim playing Edmund Shadowski who is a rich businessman in a black court-powered sign. - I'm Rachel playing Zelda Sykes in American Gypsy who uses the lore for past to construct the future. - I'm Michael playing Rep of Pierce, the fucking stoner. Also at theogenic organic algorithm. - Last week, I think we were having dinner. - No, many weeks ago. - It was the early evening and we were trying to decide whether we were going to strike at Ryan Nelson at his castle at his fortification or whether we were going to try to follow the blood to see if Roberto's dad was actually located at the Niese's house, I think it was? Or the Niese of-- - We figured it was and we were getting identities and stuff. - Oh, we have the inn, but we wanted to verify whether or not that he was actually there or whether we were being led into a trap which Zelda believed to be the case. - I thought Rep of was doing some lab work or am I mistaken or is that-- - He needed to purify the blood so I could track down Roberto's dad. And I think-- - Zelda was, she was researching-- - I don't think I really-- - You just don't know-- - We were still all together. - Yeah, you had done a reading, a quick reading. - I just pulled up a card, yeah. And it was the permit, I think. - Okay, and she was to research creating some sort of-- - Well, I did a lore role to see if I knew the Warden had asked if there was a-- - Anyway, that we could potentially like, stun or temporarily disarm these big bad demon guys. And I did a lore role and it was epic. - It was one above epic, it was really a good role. - Really, really great. And then you told me that I had to have one ready for filming that again. - All right, we will then start with Rappa. You need to purify the blood enough so that we can-- - Yeah, I started that process. It was kind of like reviving it because the amount that we had was dry, what that I had was dry. - So I actually started that at home and came back 'cause I live like across the street, catty corner. And it takes like 20 minutes for it to do that. So it's not really a hands-on thing. So that's ready whenever we're ready and I guess-- - I think it's London's ready, I'll go get it. - I'd like to see how well you did this. Now the reason I want to do that is it's a simplistic thing to do. It would just require a good effort but using your scholarship and a role, if you achieve three steps higher than good, you might actually get to spin it in such a way that they get an extra free cap of that. So it might be, okay. I mean, you could, I don't think you could blow it because it's a pretty simplistic thing. - So my scholarship is superb. - You really have to mess it up too. And I got a minus one, so it's great. - Plus four. - Okay, so it's adequate, you get it done, but it's not good enough to give them a free tap. It would have to be fantastic. - It would have to be fantastic. - Just like regular blood. - Yeah, you did revive it. It's not gonna be a penalty to them, but you're also not giving them an advantage. Next we'll go to Zelda. She was looking into her Hungarian? - Yes, Hungarian. - I almost said Romanian. They were money people instead of gypsy. - Gotcha. - That's probably where you come from, but yeah. - So you were looking into your past for some sort of lore or ritual, and not ritual, but a story or a fairy tale or something that would possibly give you some help with this, and your role was-- - Legendary? - Yeah. - Who's legendary? - Who's legendary. - And so we asked you to make up or research and give us something that might fit into this. - Right. - And go ahead. - All right. This is ekulele people. The last of the pneumatic tribes to succumb to conversion by Hungarian king Stephen I were also the last of the migrating tribes to establish a state in Europe. So many of the stories of the old way have survived through their retelling. And it's said that two brothers, Schmul and Ron Schmul, were at odds over the crucifixion of the self-proclaimed king of the Jews, Jesus of Nazareth. Schmul was in favor of Jesus' death, while Ron Schmul opposed it bayonantly. And Ron Schmul wanted to save Christ from his horrible fate, but he could not. So instead, he did all that he thought he could do, and he stole one of the four tinkerers' nails that were prepared for the crucifixion. That is how it came to be that Jesus was crucified with only three nails, a single nail for the two feet. You will find an unexplained transition from four nails to three nails between the 12th and 13th centuries. Ron Schmul went on to become a Christian and is known as the founder of the Romani people. And gypsies would later come to be known as a thieving people for this very story, now forgotten and lost to time. But the stolen nail is not lost, and you will find the tinkerers' nail at the museum, the Hungarian Heritage Museum in Cleveland. It is said that Christ blessed the nail, along with the Romani people. And gypsies have been given the right to steal once every seven years without consequence. But the nail has an even greater power. Once a tool for destruction of the divine, it's now a blessed artifact that can disarm any dark power at work. And if one were to yield the nail, any unearthly evil would be stunned to its touch. - I like it. I like it a lot because as anybody who's read draws and knows that there's actual story right in there about the three nails and this being the fourth. And those three nails are part of the swords that they use by the knights of the cross, which their primary purpose is to fight denarius. And this would be a trick. - Someone say they're sole purpose. - Yeah. - This fourth nail being used for that particular goal would be, it's perfect if it's in the story very well. Nicely done. - So can you steal without consequence? - Now stealing. - Does, once every seven years, does the museum know what they have here? - They have it on display as the legendary nail crown. - Right, yes, yes. But it's a legend. - Right. - It's not real, supposedly. - Apparently it is. - And you can steal without consequence. - Wow. - We'll see. - I would say that. (laughing) And not say that once every seven years of gypsies were given that ability, supposedly as the legend goes. - Well, have you ever used that? Stealing in the past? - No. - No, no. That's great. - Then you'll have to wait till you do. - Number 20, she's got, she can steal three things. - You don't beg these. - Oh, you don't know your bank? - Yeah, it's no bank. - It's, use 'em or lose 'em. - But still, yeah, she can use it. - Do you know where the Hungarian museum is located Zelda? - Yeah, one 301 East Ninth Street, number two. - I thought that was it. - It's actually downtown. - Yeah, I was thinking it was Morin. Sugar in 'cause that's where the one restaurant is. - 1309 East Ninth. - It's located inside the gallery. - Outside the gallery, right? - And the gallery should make it a more challenging locale to break into because it's not a freestanding structure in building where we'd be able to sneak in. - There's a lot of windows in the gallery. - There are a lot of windows in the gallery and two really big openings, so there's really no way to cover a back exit. - All right. - We've lost our sneaky thief guy. - Wow. - What about my dad? - London's got some. - Why are you at that? - Oh, you mean? - No. - Yeah, your priorities. - No, I think this is where we actually, this is the every horror movie in the world. Let's split up the party. And I think this is a situation where I need to go track down-- - I'm not shaking your head no, no. - Don't worry, Zelda. You'll have the majority of the strength with you. I just need to follow and make sure that the blood is located somewhere. The blood leads, its trail leads to somewhere near where we think we're going tomorrow morning undercover. I just wanna make sure it's not a situation where he's located in a completely different part of the city. I'm gonna be able to look at the compass and tell it right off the bat if that's the case. This is a good story on the west and I know that the house is east. Well, then we know something's up. So we don't need, I don't need 10 people to follow me around to trace the blood. I need to go do a ritual in my home and I need to go follow it to its source without getting too close to the fire. The rest of you, I think, and I think it's open for discussion at this point, but I can't think of a better idea than a way to limit the denariance than this potential lead that Zelda's just created. So I think whatever we were doing, this would suddenly become job number one for our little group here to get this nail and see if it can somehow limit the power of the denariance thoughts. Anyone disagree? Come on, Roberto. - We need the nail. I'd like to have it, yes. I'm worried that you said my father would die today if I did not come and now we're waiting a day. - No, no, we have 24 hours. From this afternoon's appointment with John Renaldi. - We're diverting from the ritual's path to go after-- - I don't think we-- - To be perfectly honest and I don't know if anyone agrees with this or not, but I don't think there is a ritual path. - That needs to be solved within the next six hours. - No, I'm not complaining about it. I just want to clarify that we were fucking Nelson. - No, we're not. - This picture's right here in case he was right. We're going after Roberto's father. We're going to Roberto's father tomorrow morning. Right now, it's six o'clock in the evening, so I think that we can pursue both. - I'm researching with the caterer. You found out that the event isn't the tomorrow. It's at least 24 hours away, but it's in the evening. - Correct. - So-- - 20 hours from one John, I spoke to John-- - Roughly, it does. - That the party's gonna take place. - We are vampires, after all. - But they're not, they're white court, which means they don't have a private sunlight-- - Gotcha. - And they don't sparkle. But the morning is just to deliver the items. - Do you know they don't sparkle? - I know they don't sparkle. - It's where I universe there isn't a fucking vampire that sparkles. - Okay, so we know that there's gonna be some item thing dropped off tomorrow morning by three of us. But that doesn't preclude us from working this evening to get the nail. - Yeah, no, I'm just trying to set the timeline. - Yes. - When it originally was given to you by John Ronaldo, it sounded like it would be 24 hours later, which would have put it in the morning. That's not the case. - Actually, we spoke to John right all the time. - I don't think we should forget about what Nelson's up to though. We were going to warn the remainder of the paradigm thing. - Don't. - This sentiment. - Yeah, we don't have the remainder of the paradigm. No one's sharing names with us. We don't have a pointment set for, so three or four days from now Zelda, with the next-- - Zelda can at least listen to her group. - Well, she can't. - Take that. - That will take about 30 seconds to post that on the message board and then she can-- - What am I gonna say? Like, "Hey, watch out." Like. - Nelson's been eating people. - All right, again, since we play weekly, and this is days-- - Ask for a minute, contact with him. - You met with the other gentleman. You did tell him specifically that Ryan Nelson is a problem. - Ryan Nelson is a problem. So it could be that you point other people, talk to him or post something on everyone's forum. Anybody in Cleveland be warned there's something going on. I don't know if you want to call out Ryan Nelson on the board, but if you were to say, we have a problem in the Cleveland area, talk to this guy for details type of thing or reach out to you, whatever, there could be a way to do it. - You really don't want the Ryan Nelson message box popping up when you're on the message board saying, you have a message from Ryan Nelson. I don't think Roberto, we're minimizing the parent letters. I think that we just need to take the opportunities that we have in front of us right now, and an opportunity to get something that limits the power of the Narians, I think it's just too-- - Should we skip it out or just run in there and wing it to try to take this nail tonight? - I'm sorry, are you asking if we're gonna be cautious? - No, I'm wondering if I should be there or if you want to send somebody else first to check it out. 'Cause if we're gonna go warn other parent letters, I could protect Zelda as we travel. - Right, I think she's gonna post though. Correct, Zelda? - Yeah, I'm definitely gonna post, but as far as going to Kathy Newman's little group. - Yeah, tomorrow though, right. - We want that protection tomorrow for her meeting with the parent letters, yes. But tonight, I think if we're gonna try to go in and steal something, your skills lie elsewhere. I think-- - Be the distracts. - The one person that probably had the best skills for this unfortunately isn't here, that's Steven, he's gone on some kind of bender and disappeared from your group at this time, is he is known to do on occasion. - Oh, sorry, I think not real. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I don't think Bob's on a bat. - No, he's got the, he's got sickness. - Yeah, he's got the flu. - Yeah. - But Steven is a gambler and occasionally he wanders away and he disappears. - Emergency poker games, you got tomorrow. - If time is so critical, I mean, are we doing basically a smash and grab or are we trying to be stealthy about this? 'Cause in a way-- - That's in a way. - I could give it a once over first with my investigation skills. I'm not the same as him. - Don't you have like ID? - But you are a detective, correct, a former detective. - No, at least I was a detective. - Oh, yeah, I was a police detective. - He was a police detective, correct? - That is the agreement, true. - That is his cover. - So certainly you have some sort of, he's flipped a badge before with us from the last story. I believe, so-- - I think I'm out of it. - You should be able to do the reconnaissance without too much-- - Absolutely, right. - I can just go in, look it over. My investigation skills don't make me a burglar, but-- - That's true. You gotta remember, Edmund here as the shadowy-- - Oh, Edmund is definitely one of the ones I want as a part of this project, I think. Would you not say that? - But it's also, well, it's also muscle, so for protecting Zelda. Well, Zelda's not, she's just me protecting tonight. Well, she might be protecting tonight, but she's not going to meet the parent editors until tomorrow. - Okay. - She's connecting to do it every night. - It was mentioned again, at least last week, if not the week before, as a parent editor. - She could be, did you make the post to meet up with these people on a public forum, or do you phone them up? - No, private. - Is a private message, or a phone call, which is amazing. - Yes, Zelda, what is your-- - Stealth is great. - Oh, shit. - You're really good at it. - Yeah. - So you want to show-- - Oh, my God, you're right. - That's so scary. - That's not a race, isn't that's true, is there? - My stealth is great, my deceit is good. - She's living up to all this stuff. - She got any burglars? - Later, anyway. - Okay, so here's the idea. After hours, before you go in, 'cause I don't want to ruin your injuries, I just wanted to clarify something in case I missed it. Does whoever possesses this nail know its properties, or has your-- - They don't know that it's real, but they have it listed. - As the legendary. - Right. So there's a couple different ways that, I think we can do this. We have a rich businessman who can simply procure it through funds if that's all-- - It's legitimate and shit. - The A, a smash and grab attempt, who, he's also a blackboard vampire with powers, and I'm right this time. - Absolutely, sir. - So, that's another way to do it. - And then the right way. - Which is to, that's London, that's not Scott. - I'm just cruising up. - That's London is not Scott. - You just used that. - And then there's, the right way. - Just life. - This is just thing in the role-playing community, where someone is a dick when they're playing, and they say, "But that's what my character was." - My character's a dick. - That's what Scott's doing. (laughing) - No, I am not a. (laughing) Anyways, and then there's the right way. And that would be to send in after hours with your detective badge, Maxwell, go in there with the alluring Zelda, who will also have a detective badge, and there's been a report of a break-in at the precinct, and then you go in, he has the keys to the Hungarian Museum, to all the stores, the night guards, and will. Zelda can preoccupy him, just by asking questions and fluttering your eyes, because that's what women do. And then you can go with the cure of the item while you're searching the actual area, and say, "Seems if it's been a false alarm." And then you leave, there's no smashing grab, there's no chance of anyone getting caught, her little fancy, he's got all made up, and he's always raising your hands. (laughing) - And then you have Zelda, how do you feel about that? - I always said, was she bats her eyebrows, she's obviously been attracted. - I don't know what she meant. - And she can distract the guard while you procure the item. - Tell them. - I would like to point out that if we know that this thing exists, and that it's listed as the legendary fourth nail of the cross, that maybe other things, such as demons, are aware that this exists also, and maybe we should be a little more cautious about going in there with just two people. - Well, having to-- - Now, wait, wait, wait, wait. And the worst fighters, I just wanna make that happen. - Yeah, two, I've got nothing, except one more. - I wouldn't mind you that it took you a legendary role to find this information, so it's probably a bit buried. Now, they might advertise it, but the fact that you had to do some research to verify it means that probably most people consider it a hoax or a joke. - These hinges are older than the cross. - It's like every church in the United States has a piece of the cross. - A real important thing, maybe not. - Just reminding you that it wasn't something that was easy for you to find. - Right. - So, your point is still valid, but keep that in mind. It's not like everybody in Cleveland's go. - It's white, you can tell that we can certainly have the heavies right outside in the second car, but you can go in and do the stealth with Maxwell because he can easily pull that off. - If you tie your top, they're not like, they're not. - You can take your, I'm pretty bad at pretty tired. - Well, his cover story is that he's a retired. - I'm no longer an actual top. - I am a private investor. - Do you have a badge or not? - Yeah. - Okay. - You can't flash a retired badge and expect what is happening. - You can't even do this. - As long as they don't notice it. - Well, that's true, that's true, I suppose. - And maybe if there was someone who could do illusions. - So, does anyone disagree with the idea of a cover story of police being going in there to check on a reported burglary? - Oh, you didn't get the message to the security guard. Well, the call came down to the precinct. Sorry, you didn't get the message. - Well, they wanted this for a picture. - No, then she's distracted by Zelda for any reason. Could just be taken to another part of the store. This is the part where he said something. Maxwell lingers behind, grabs the item, and we move out. - Love it's gonna be picking your clothes. - Well, and the reason why we're doing this, is because we've already, it's already nighttime, right? - It's getting out of to us, right? - Yeah, it's dusk. - There's no business hours that we could even approach the owner of this place because it just seems like, during a weekday night gallery, it closes at five. We should go. - Okay. - The rapper would like to suggest that you, maybe we replace this item with something that looks vaguely the same. - So either it's-- - He's gonna do that, but that's a really good idea. - That's a great idea, rapper. - But at the same time, I mean, rugby could even conceivably open a portal, come in, and go back through the portal, and get out, and make it very easy, right? - The rapper doesn't do stuff like that. - For, for, oh. - You're not a thief? - Not even every seven years. - Not even every seven years, right? - I'll do an illusion on the pencil I have in my pockets to make it look like the fake, you know what it looks like? - You know what it looks like? - No, but I asked Zelda to give me some feedback on it. - They probably have a picture on their website. - You can just win it, and then when we get there, make it look real. - We're gonna let it ride off the legendary road. - Are we going to have a resource time? - Okay. - I'm just saying she can give you a definition of it. - I'm going with it, it is the actual nail that's on display, and we're pretty sure it's there, and a lot of people don't know it, or it might be somewhere in the place, and it's under lacking keeper, and a shelf, or a cabinet somewhere. - It's going with Zelda Belize, it's the actual nail that's on display, but people don't know it yet. - Belize? - Powerful. - I make a roll, which I believe is discipline. - If I believe in some. - For the illusion. - There you go. - It's real. - And the roll is superb. - Yeah. - This now looks, yeah, please. I had to reroll several minus three on my first roll, a fake point, and turned it into another roll, and then I rolled a wash, two pluses and two minuses, and my discipline is superb. So I crossed off a third stress box, and menthols, I'm holding Roberta's hammer as a sword, you're a security guard, we're Edmund, and now this big pen that turns into the fourth. - No, no cross. Okay. - We have a plan. - We have a plan. - We have a plan for them, what is it? - Myself and Repa are going back to Repa's lab. He's going to do the work, and that way I can go immediately to my home after that. - He's pretty much going back to lab to get the blood, the worst on. - I thought he had to emulsify it or something. - Well, he started that game battle. - Oh, my bad, sorry. - We had discussed last week the possibility of replacing Manny with someone, possibly Ryan fucking Nelson. If we don't worry, he is, maybe we can surprise him. - That's not. - Repa, I would say that, in this particular instance, if we get the nail of Christ, which Zelda has pointed us in the direction of, we may be able to actually strike tonight, and get Ryan Nelson and swap him out for Manny so that he's the one who dies. - Right. I'm not going to be any part of feeding this beast. - Even to say your father. - I would kill this beast. - It's a monster. - Oh yes, we did that in the first story, and-- - Wait, I'm sorry. Were we talking about the white bar fan partner? - Yeah, we're not going to feed that thing, no matter who it is. - It's not a vampire yet, didn't that come up? - They want to switch it out with Nelson. - It's a young girl, actually. - So you don't believe in the greater good. It must be nice to have him around. - You want to create a monster? - That's legit. - By removing a more dangerous monster. Sometimes, that's-- - Were going to remove that monster whether or not this beast gets fed. - Oh, are we? - It's Nelson. - Okay, I know. - We're asking him to be a more complicated plan that is not easier to replace him with my father. If we can take him out, we can replace him. It's subsequent of us taking him out. - There are ramifications for just stealing your father and the party not having their subject unavailable there. Heads will roll. - I think this is an argument for if everything falls into place. Right now, we don't need to decide this. What we need to do is we need to get the damn nail and we need to move forward with the blood and make sure we know where Manny is. - If Manny does go missing, they're going to assume it's us. - Absolutely. Which I'm undecided on how I feel about that right now but I think it's a discussion for another time. I think we're under a time constraint right now to get the stakes because for all we know, Zelda could be the next target of the Daenerians and they could be attacking us tonight and I want that damn nail for her protection and for ours. - Right, just another vampire kick out of town. - Just for planning ahead purposes, move here is the best person who can talk Manny into cheering up, have giving him hope. Who can give him a good pep talk? - I'm trying for years. - I know that but if someone could do that while we're trying to rescue him. - What would be the skill that it would be? - It would basically sour the milk of the sky. He would make him not happen. It would make him not. - I think you're talking years of counseling here. - Right, I'm just like, a pep talk. - I don't know, is he trying to get him? - If you can get him, if you can get him anything. (laughing) If you can give this guy any way of hope, it's gonna make him less desirable as to somebody they want it. - I have training as psychiatrist, sort of. I took it during the off time, but I don't think I can reverse it. - You know, classes, what if he got suddenly-- - I have a busy life. - Well, for sake of argument, what if he just, what if he gave him per town, of course, with through an illusion? What if he suddenly has a million dollars? - Oh, of course. - They can be pretty happy? - Here, Manny, just hand out 10 stacks of-- - Let's go with 100. - I'm just saying that, if you do that guy hope, he's not gonna be the guy they wanna feed on it. - But, okay, it's an interesting idea, but let's go through with the plan. So, I would suggest, and again, I don't wanna step on your toes here, kind of. I think everyone, except for myself from Rappa, should be in a car outside in case something goes wrong, to protect Zelda and-- - All right, I'm gonna stick around Zelda, but just to be clear, we're getting the nail, just to protect ourselves, or to protect, we need more and more weapons against the denariance. - Yeah, we just have a really cool trap for him too, if we decide not to attack them tonight at the castle, we could then take this nail and set an ambush, or they come into an area, and we need to learn more about what the nail does, obviously, but-- - And then we leave this venue once we get the nail, and then scramble over to where we believe the ritual is that involved. - We wait to see if it's managed where he's supposed to be, which is what I'm doing while you guys are doing the bait and switch. - All right. - So, Maxwell, I give you the, 'cause I think, well, obviously, it depends on if the security guard is a male or a female, but if it's a male, I think that Zelda distracts him, if it's a female, you distract her, and Zelda swaps it out, so-- - I just feel like we're over killing what needs to be, like, why can't I walk in and set up all the cameras and securities, and then we just take what we want-- - What are you gonna do with the security guard? - Knock one, patches, kill 'em? - Yeah. - They got five security guards walking in there. - You're telling them you guys have laws? - You're telling me they don't think-- - Knocking out an entire city block and stealing a whole layout effect is not against your guys' laws. - Don't-- - Don't you say you have a conscience? - All right, no, I uphold supernatural law. Don't start schooling me on the right way or wrong way, 'cause there's a lot of things that you and I can talk about right or wrong, but I'm tabling that in the interest of trying to save your father from apparently a fate worse than death. And if anyone's gonna give him hope, it might be his son showing a little gratitude. (laughing) - Yeah, when you see your dad give him a hug, does that mean he'll love him? - I'll just run it up. Roberto, this is incredibly powerful tool. It should be sitting inside a museum somewhere-- - He can put it to you, I know that I don't-- - So what is the problem if the warden's gonna be there when we need him? - No, he's gonna be in a car, give you a ruddy, in case there's a problem. Listen, I've run a lot of these snatching grabs before. It's what I do. I find things and I steal things. - To be honest-- - You won't be there, though. - In a car, though. - Why? The ability is also affect cars. It depends on how the vehicle is parked. It depends on how the vehicle is parked. I don't care, whatever. Just be close. If they say help, then you have to go. What type of car do you have? I have. They're not driving in my car. Can we get you in? I have a gym. Seriously guys, we've sat around and talked about this idea. This gallery is going to close. Yeah, it has close. That's the whole idea. Why do you close? Oh yeah. Wait, how do I get the thing from the glass case? Why do I break it? Thank you. Do I cut the glass? Am I magic suddenly? I didn't know it was surrounded in glass case. Actually, I don't know that it is. Shut the fuck up. If you don't give the GM any other idea, tell me. You already stole my idea of having the security guard at female. So fuck you. It's hanging on the wall. Don't. I'm only. This is actually better since I'm more. Make him, uh, would have lost. I'm stealthy. I think so. Zelda, what are you like females? No. Yes. Damn it. Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. Let's hear this aspect. Oh, now we're at. We're on a London dream and we're going to hear this. I got you. What are you asking? I was asking what your powers are. It was the tarot cards, I believe. Nice. Yeah, I have the beholder, which is reading the cards and then doctor. Supreme concentration tower of faith and takes one to no one, but I'd have to look at them. Okay. What would be the skill of removing something from a locked case? Burglary now. Burglary? Yeah. There is. Does anyone have Burglary better? I don't. I don't. I want Steven. Burglary now. Oh, I have it. Steven is not here. Who has Burglary at the highest? One. One. One. One. He's not here. He's not saying Steven. Can't rep a mix up a little concoction for us to kind of... But if we have to eliminate a guard, I'm sure he can't... We don't need to eliminate a guard. I'm not saying we want to eliminate him, but just move and utilize him. Hey, look. There's a picture on the internet of the fucking thing. What is it, the glass case? They're throwing a fake point in and you're declaring that there's a picture of... I'm declaring that it's not in a glass case about a decree. No, I mean... That's a... Well, that's fine. That's fine. That's fine. I'm saying you're... I can stay with you for the rest of the night. Does that work? Fuck you. There's a museum site. There's a website. Yes. There's a picture of many things. But one of them is the nail. Yes. I see that there's a door in the back and it's got a little latch. It doesn't seem like the art museum where they have... Right. ...harmatically sealed with climate control. No. Okay. We got another... Wait, I just... What are you doing? We got another fake point. Are you just like that? I want to... I want a security firm and we... Are in charge of the... Yeah, already. Excellent. Very good. Very good. There you go. You're not going to go. It's just a form of the bathroom to speak of that. That's actually a lot. It's going to wait. Apparently he thinks better in the bathroom. No. Here we go. I just wanted to hear how you guys wanted to break into my... So you can share it in the future? Yes. Okay. So his security system says what? To answer the warden's question, yes, I can create something. I don't know. We need to do that now. That's a better solution now. But yeah. I was looking for... We haven't had a lot of those lines, Roberto. Your dad's drug of choice, I take it as alcohol. Yeah. Okay. Because I can make up something like ecstasy and it's impossible to be in a bad mood. When you're under the influence of MDMA. What if there's like... So... If we need to change his mood. He could feel hopeful from a drug for a while to make him not... Right. He would be... He would be... He would be happy. He would be happy. And we go. Oh, he'd be really happy. He'd be genuinely happy. And we go. I thought it was tomorrow. Okay. Okay. No, we don't go to dinner. We don't fucking waste. So we just like ask for the keys. Hey, you worked for me. Give me the keys. No. Actually, you're in charge of... He's in charge of the detectives. Right. Detectivate. You're doing more of the research. So, you're their boss. You could walk in and say, you know, I'm checking on... Do you... I should know this shit. Well, you should. The security firm has something that's just been recently added. So, it's something that wasn't a part of the type of agency. If it's a him, he'll still need to be distracted. If it's a her, she'll still need to be distracted. Which is why two need to go in. And... And so... There's another one with his idea of saying that there's... That we heard that there might have been a possible break. We're saying this. We're checking it out. All right. So, you stop at your place of business, pick up a couple of your uniforms. Because Zelda doesn't normally wear one. Yes. Maxwell has got his own. And you guys go. Okay. You want to do a slight distraction. It is, in fact, a female guard that is in charge of this particular shift. There are four guards in total. So, there's her and three others. And they're currently controlling. But you would check in with her because she's in charge of the shift. So, she's got a small little office. Little cameras. They're mounting her and still. So, we're coming in and checking out a possible call. One of the silent alarms went off. I'm going to check on it. I have to like, keys. All right. Well, first of all, you need only a fare to convince her that there's nothing unusual going on here. Am I going? Because she has literally seen you in the office. You are her boss. So, she doesn't really have a problem with this. You just are trying to make it so that in the future she's probably not even going to remember this, that it was so routine. So, what skill will you use? It's totally up to you. Good. I'm really good at empathy, but I don't know how to work that. Do you have rapport? I am sort of good at rapport and presence. And I'm kind of average at lying. Can I say I called ahead of time and told the man he's coming? Sure. If he's the boss of the security firm that's providing security for the Galleria, why does he have to deceive anyone? He doesn't. He's not deceiving him. I'm saying he's trying to make this as un- Okay. Remarkable as possible so they don't even remember. Like, yeah, I think I remember him stopping by here. You know, this is very routine. Jim spent a point that's big. Yeah. So, we're going to not only feed that into, but like kind of let it ride and we'll say it's an additional plus two to the roll. Then I guess I'll use rapport because that one makes the most sense. It just makes it seem like regular, polite talk. You know, I'm just going to borrow a piece. There was an alarm that we want to check whether it was enough function or something actually happened. And then maybe change how the alarm was plus two from Jim. My rapport is fair. I rolled a plus one. I got a plus two from Jim, so five superb. Fair up to superb. It gives you an aspect and one point free tapping of it if necessary. She hands over the keys if you want some help. You know, she can show you, I don't know how familiar you are with the establishment, sir. I can show you. Oh, no, I know this place just fine. While you're talking to her, you do notice that there are cameras and monitors in different areas? Yeah, but we own those. Spread the tape. That would be a little more unusual. It was an accidental fire. Well, you know the software, so they just tap into that some potentially. But what I'm saying is she's standing here watching the screen. Watching the screen sees you walk over. Jim. So there is at least a couple that are, is it a museum? Do you have an overall eyespray? As you can say, they'll cause them to loop. Well, that would be at least another fake point. I'm sorry this. That's really thinking of it. Yeah, we have those in all of them. Oh, couldn't Zell to just stand like they know where the camera is? Well, that's what I was going to get to is in watching the different cameras that are in the museum, you notice this is a certain place that you could have her potentially stand to block the camera from taking a picture of the exhibit you need to get into. Perfect. Or the other way around, depending on who. Yeah, you see it right now. I hear there's some stuff with that. Sure. I'll stand in the right area. And here's the keys and I will just stand right here and not break any laws tonight. Just checking this camera. Uh, use this once in seven years. You're going to head up to your... I'm going to head up to the same level. I'm going to go to the same level. I'm going to go to the same level. Yeah, they're absolutely or sweet too, wherever that is. I'm impressed. Heading to... Heading to the same level. Heading to the same level. Heading to the same level. Heading to the same level. Heading to the same level. I'm standing in front of that camera. You have burglary? I don't have burglar, I have stealth and deceit. I love that you're trying not to be obvious or seen by the camera. You got him blocking, so really we're talking fair. Only in the sense that not leaving fingerprints, not leaving anything obvious. When you're replacing the illusion of a replacement that you put it in some way, that's not obvious. I mean, it's really pretty simple for you to do. That's going to be a pencil. We'll actually go down to average. Plus one, so I'm at superb. Better than the original. Absolutely no problem. You've got yourself one holy nail. Easiest price to have done. Would you own the security department? Yes, it is. It's probably easy. Okay, so I have the nail. And we're going to leave it at that. You guys leave, I mean, there's none. There's a huge waiting for you, there's no reason to draw this out. It was a false alarm. Thanks for the keys. It's a good training for your trainee, though. I appreciate it. It's good to know that you guys are there for us if you need. It's my job. I'll see you at the next company picnic. Good day. What is that? Yeah, we're going to strap up. You guys, they come out with a nail on the car. We did it. Can I just follow the blood? Can I go do a ritual? Yeah, you do need to do a ritual. This is whose blood mannees? This is mannees. I would like to know... Does Zelda, how is she feeling in regards to her well-being right now? Oh, I still feel like I could be the next target. Absolutely. Would you be more comfortable if the warden spent the night again and you were in a house that was protected and warded? Yeah. Okay, then these two, we're going to have a... Alright, there's a lot of cool in my house. I'm assuming you have at least two cars here. More convincing if you had a company car when you showed up at the site, so there's at least one of those. My car, but I was going with Wrepel off to do the blood. So there had to be a second... Somebody else had to have a car whether it was... What type of car does Jaguar? Jaguar. And he says "Jaguar" instead of "Jaguar." Right, because it's... Isn't that Jaguar? Well, Roberto was with the heavens, right? Yeah, he was. He's got his Dodge Ram from '88 or something like that. Is it a four-door or a two-door? Yeah, you're a pick-up truck, right? So you guys just sat in the back. Right. He's totally sat on the beer bowl or in the back of his beer bowl. Between the car that had four people in it, the company car in his pick-up, you can get six. That's more than enough to make it happen. So anyways, there's a standing invoice. So long, is Jaguar? You brought Wrepel. Well, I'm with Wrepel. Right. With one that smells like weed. In this particular instance, I am so happy I have the plastic over the passenger seat because he just totally wreaks of chemicals. There's an open invitation to Alan Montgomery and Zelda to come back to my place for the night for protection. Because of the fact that it's warded and it's at least a place she can feel safer and the warden can take care of her. Yes. And you both remember the password to get into it. Right. Yes, his words, right? And Alan has a key as well. Well, what's it? The password for home security? Yeah. It's Sisyphus, my cat. On the back side. You said it was downhill and up again. Yeah. Yep. Yep. You know the rules. You have to feed water. Sisyphus because he gets grumpy. Okay. Okay. I want to pee on your shoes. So wait a minute. First of all, how are they getting to the brownstone? Because he can't drive a car. He'll fry that puppy in a half a second. I'll drop him off in a company car. Well, yeah, we're in his company. Like in your closet, right? Well, it's fine if you can. Give me a discipline. You're driving in the company car. You got to control your discipline. Oh, please don't. We need at least a grade because it's a newer car you have built in GPS. Oh, that's a great thing. And that's my discipline? Yes. This is a modicum. We got to build a triangle. Negative one, which takes that to a plus three, which is good. It's good, sorry. Yeah, you needed great. So you don't destroy the car per se, but you definitely fry the GPS out and the radio doesn't seem to work anymore. Whose car did you get there? Um, radio was old as fuck. How did you do that? It was not a satellite. It was a satellite radio. It was a satellite radio. This is just dumb. Okay. This car. It's a company car. Jim just upgraded as well. He's like, I've never been in the car like that. What does this do? You drive like a 57 Chevy. You do get there. Give me one of those ones with the steel. Oh, unfortunately Max was pissed off. The word is like me. Sorry. And I'm probably in the basement doing the ritual to follow the blood. It takes, I think, four to six hours. Before we split up, I wanted to ask so something. Yeah. We have the brother Francis, right? I would probably know a thing or two about this, how we might use this dagger. Do you want me to take that to him? Would you mind the story of yourself? Yeah. Nail. That's a dagger? Yeah. That was my idea of making a new dagger. No, I agree. I think he would probably know a lot about it. Since the other nails are made into weapons, is this thing have been made into something or does it look like a werewolf? This is just a nail. It was stolen right before the crucifixion. Nothing. And then nothing was done to it. I think it would be almost as big as a werewolf. Right. The whole person. Also, nails back then would have been pretty big. Right. It would have been a giant spike. It can transfer its power to a weapon if it's in late. So, there's a number of weapons around, isn't there? I don't know if there's some special process that created the blades. I'm not just going to stick it in my hammer and try to smack things. I want to tell Zelda that she is invited to tell the brother he could come to a safe, secured location that's warded for demons and other types of supernatural entities and come give his advice on that. If you guys want to handle the... He's lost my house. That's where we're going to meet anyway. Yeah. I feel like we're going to talk to him. Yeah, that's fine. More so than me. I don't even know this guy. So, I've never spoken to him before. But I do think that he would have great insight. He definitely would. So, what are you guys doing? I'm back at London's place. Where's the nail? We have it. Well, I'm not going to London's place. Well, I might. I don't know. I thought I was just going to order it to my house because no one's in my car with me. I was just there to make sure nothing went wrong and nothing did. So, I was going to take that as we split up. I'm not around, so I don't care what happens. I'm doing the blood thing. So, however they want to handle it. But, Zelda's afraid of Denyrian's attacking her. Right now, the only one defending her is the warden. Is that in the truck? Are you going to push them to help? Or... Get my number? Oh, yes. Then, I'm going to go see the brother and call me if anything goes bad. But, I'll be protecting my family. How are you calling my response? I can still use the landline. That's true. It's a landline. I have a landline. You're going to go there again? Because it's needed. It's also a rotary dial today, probably. Of course. So, I take the nail and... Oh, no, no, no, no. She didn't say she gave you the nail. Just talk to him about it. If one thing can go terribly wrong tonight, it would be you giving the nail to Roberta. This was a discussion we had before we left. I don't like that. I didn't give you the nail. Okay. Oh. I said, "Can I bring it to the brother?" And you said, "Yeah, I don't know him." It might be easier to say for the brother. I said, "I don't know him. It might be better for you to talk to him about it." Okay. I have never heard of this. I don't know if he had... I thought he'd recognize it on site or know it by its holy aura. I don't really know what the hell he... There's a couple of things here. It might be pretty esoteric knowledge that everyone knows that there were three, but she discovered through a legendary role that there was four. And it actually might be a little bit of heresy for him depending on how religious he is. Second, it might be easier and safer to have him come to... I would say how religious he is. He's a brother, so he's pretty religious. How poor that acts he is. I mean, well, monks are a little bit different than priests when it comes to certain things. That's all. That's all I meant. Okay. It might have been London's house. Okay. I'm not trying to force it. I'm just thinking it might be safer to have him come to a protected, warded fortress that is London's place. My church is about as safe from demons as London's house, I'm sure. Well, right. But my point is that in transporting this holy relic through the streets... And we'd have to give it to you. I'm trying to... What the fuck are you talking about? It's everyone's subconscious knowing that this is what I would say. I'm very interested in giving it to you. I just want to see what I'll have to look at. Yeah, me too. Stab it, doing it anyway. Fine. I'll bring the brother over. I like to return to my house at some point to protect my family. Can I go ahead and make a role for the blood ritual in the basement? Yeah. How difficult is this one? It is of great difficulty. All right. And it's discipline, correct, or conviction. Which one is it, gentlemen? Talk about that in a minute. What's your lore? My lore is great. And you got the blood, which is supposed to. He's covered. We're ready for this. All right. The actual... You're putting power into the ritual. You need to eventually achieve great. You have how much conviction? I have a conviction of three, good conviction. Okay, so you can't do this in one swoop unless you... That's why I always have to do like a four-hour ritual. I can't just do it unless you put in one extra one, which is costing you... Is that a fake point? No, it's mental stress. No, I prefer not to. That would give me no mental stress left at this point. That it is going to take you a number of hours, because you're going to have to do it in steps. Okay, we don't have a number of hours. I'm out of mental stress. I use mental stress to do it. Next? I can't aid him in his ritual and try to reduce it. I was going to ask him if I could because I'm with you. Right. Is there anything I can do? They can't. They can't aid in him as adding power. They just can. Well, yeah, if you have multiple people doing a ritual, I mean, it's a current ritual. That was just a bit of a difference. He might not like that in the way he does rituals, I mean. No, this is, yeah, this is me and my dad's compass. I appreciate everyone's offer. I'll spend a mental stress and just keep moving. Okay, so now we are talking about you controlling it. And that is discipline equal to the amount of power you just put in. And in this case, that's great. Great. And I roll plus two and a minus two, so it was a flush roll. My discipline is superb plus five, which is one higher than great, which means I did the ritual successfully. I now look at my father's broken compass and see where it leads me to. Where's the point? Point off to the house that's the ritual is going to happen in. It's against mills. It's a very large estate lot of room for hosting such an event like this. Right. And the compass is pointing in that direction. I mean, you know it would be a south direction, so it's pointing south. Great. That verifies it for me. Well, I mean, it doesn't point to a specific house. You can't tell that from here, but it definitely points to the house towards that. You know that the house is engaged in mills because you were given that by the catering company. So from here, big zone of could be in this direction. Right direction. Yeah, I'll need to get in the Jaguar and head out on an investigation to make sure which I'd go with the Repa. Or the trip. Or the trip and sure. I'll take Edmonds for the power and I'll take Repa for his esoteric knowledge. And I'll leave the rest of them at my home to handle the entertaining of the brother and the research of the nail. Okay. To kind of speed along, you guys drive out there and you definitely find that it's this estate. It's the same one. It's the address that you were given. It is a walled gate into state. Yes. And there's a little gate and it appears there's an intercom type thing. You have to contact somebody. I mean, you're not doing that, but in a drive-by and looking at it and stuff and it's just the compass as you pass. Not only does the compass point to it, the compass also thrums with power. For distance, you're definitely closer. As you drive by, the compass swings past the same house. At least as of right the second, I can confirm that Manny Martinez is in that location. And we head back to unless someone's got something else they want to do. Edmond and I had done some reconnaissance in the world walking phase. Yes. We saw this from a different direction. No. We saw where I was. We saw where I arrived from Nelson. Oh, okay. This is not the same place. That's the castle and it's located in a different fortress. It's more saturated in town between University Circle and downtown Cleveland. Yes. What are you doing next week? I don't know. Probably. Paperwork? More paperwork. Government's got to know about these new vampires nobody fucking told me about. Wait for it. You never heard of them? No. Why am I talking so high? I don't know. I don't know. We like to stop and buy the research facility for something I'm probably going to forget. There's something specific the white particles were. I said so if later I say we see we need something I can say yeah I picked that up the other day. Okay. That's that's felt. If you have a motor pool I'd like to have a 72 lemons. I can drive around and have an old steel car that could be with 75. You can break, you can drive. It's got the radio with the physical push buttons. Yeah. You have no radio. Awesome car. You wanted steel so that one would hit a troll. It dies. Roberto is heading over to St. Ignatius where the brother of Francis hangs out. And in going there your voice is talking to you a bit. Okay. It happens a long drive. We can be concerned. There's some concern about the upcoming battle. The only one we can trust is ourselves here. I'm not sure we want to be dealing with a magical artifact. I was sitting in a little box in the middle of nowhere. I'm not sure it's actually going to work. We should just hammer. That's the way to go. It didn't work well enough. The last time we used it on the island. You didn't have a chance. It was in the back of the car. I'm willing to try anything once. If it fails us, if it's a trick of the wardens we'll see. I'm afraid that it's going to interfere with us. It's like a cold steel thing. It's not something we should be messing with. I'm not worried. We'll see how it goes. I doubt we'll find something useful to use with it anyway. Let's ask the brother. I'm not sure we should trust the brother either. You arrive at St. Ignatius and the brother's there in his office. Doing paperwork like apparently everyone does in the evening. Hi, Roberto. How are you doing? How's your mother? Everything good? Yes. Nothing we showed up last night. Good. Your blessing is holding firm. I intend to protect them again tonight. But I think we see an end to what's been going on. These things that came in the town? Is that a good thing? We've discovered an artifact that might be able to help us take them out. Okay. Some tinker's nail or something to do with the crucifixion. I'm not exactly sure how. But I'd like you to come. The crucifixion? Apparently. I'd like you to come verify it. Well, we know where the nails of the crucifixion are. I found one. If you want it, there's three of them. Yeah. Okay. Where are they then? They're in the swords. The knights of the cross carry them. It's not in the sword though. Hard? Maybe it came out of the sword. Can you come take a look at it and see if it can fit you. This is a nail that fell out. No, he explains it. Since you brought up the denarians, he's been doing some research. And there are three knights of the sword. And they have the nails of the crucifixion there. They use his weapons. How old? Have you seen anything? Maybe one got taken out. I guess it's possible. I don't know how they force these weapons, but if you could possibly connect one to something that we could fight with, it would help us to do the work. It would be a very effective weapon against the denarians. Very effective. So, you want to check it out. Can you bring your tools and we could see maybe we could bring your religious toolbox? Bring your religious toolbox. My father's got an awesome set of tools. Your religious Blacksmith tools can be a little bit different. That's my father. Well, as you remember, I think it was Edmund that's fun to fake point to make Brother Francis a collector of ancient artifacts. So, he may have tools for dealing with metalwork and whatnot. So, he gathers together his tools and where are we going? Your house? No, a colleague of mine. He wouldn't let me have it. I'm not exactly sure why. Okay, it wasn't me. But, I'm sure they'll trust you. Sure, I'd gladly take a look at it. So, he enters your car and you guys head off to the Brownstone. I'm the drive over to the Brownstone. Brother Francis starts to bring you up to speed on the research he's doing. And he speaks of the denarian coins and the fallen angels and the money that Judas was paid. And some of this is perhaps concerning to you. A little bit. I say, where do these coins show up? Where do people find them? I think God keeps them around to, there has to be tests and trials in life. I think they're meant to be a testing point for people. So, they show up to people who will be tested by God? That's my belief. Starting to bring it, Bill? We'll talk about this more later, because we're here, right? Yeah. As the plot would have it, you show up at the Brownstone. Everybody's at the Brownstone at this point, except for... It must be Mad Men and Maxwell, who are at their facility. Oh no, Ed Men was with me in the car with... No, Beth. What's the name of that guy? Steven. But... Yeah, he's on a banderstone. Steven's on a banderstone. He's off drinking and playing cards with his voice. Okay. So, the brother shows up at the Brownstone? I don't think you've given Roberto the password, so you might... Are you kidding me? I'm just not going to say your life yet. Am I allowed to let him in? Oh yeah, he's logged in the Brownstone. He doesn't have carte blanche to enter it whenever he wishes. Well, I'm there at the door to let him in. I don't even know there's a shield, so I just knocked. I let him in. Okay, introduce Francis to... who's out here? Everyone. Well, everyone. Everyone, except for me. I'm a... Maxwell, not Maxwell, Ed Men, London, who's house-wearing, and... This is the Warden in town. So, is your order pizza? Is everybody's here? I don't think he orders pizza. I'm still under my veil, so... He had sushi prepared. He looks like he's getting an order pizza. And this is long in security. Personal bodyguard? I don't know. I don't know. Who is he? He's getting a guard pretending to be right now. I'm still there's protection. What can I say? He's from my bodyguard. He's actually... He dressed him in a... In a outfit of Jim's security company. So he's just another security company member. He's heard a sword. What's your dress? So, yeah, I mean, why sushi? Actually... We're going to use the clutch to dice tonight. I need some dice here, please. We lay the... Pop dice. We lay the... Pop dice. We lay a lot on the table. We lay a lot on the table. It's all this holding the nail. I don't know what she's doing. I don't know what you're doing. Nothing, yeah. It's pretty. Are you going to roll? No, I was going to roll, yeah. I mean, the brother at some point will have to make some sort of roll, I'm sure. Okay. Did you show? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, I re-tell this legend. And... Sure to see. Explain that it's the fourth nail that was stolen for the crucifixion. And we have it here. And the legend behind it, and now it supposedly can stand up. The brother is fascinated with the story, because he is a bit of a collector of ancient artifacts, as you may have heard. And he's willing to believe this story. Yeah, although he's not quite sure how or why Jesus would have blessed it. But he does. After the rough rush. He came back around. Assuming that all of this is true, he reiterates that it would in fact be a powerful weapon, I guess, is an irons. Very powerful. How did you intend to use it? Well, I've got a hammer. This is a nail. So that's just a nail. First of all, you're holding up a sword. I was led to believe that if it were into an weapon, then the abilities would be transferable. Maybe my gauntlets are your sword? Well, he's attacked with it, I mean... As he says, there's a number of ways. I mean, we could take a knife and do it. A sword, as you know, or may have heard, there are the knights of the cross who definitely use swords. It's done in such a way I could do my best to do that. Well, the weaponization... The gauntlet that I let you, that would be particularly nasty. But these are symbols of faith that necessarily, yes, they're weapons, but their power is in... Exactly. If I may interject slightly, the weaponization of the nail is fascinating. But what would really help us at this point is to know what it actually does. Besides, you could give me great. We can stick it into a demon. It doesn't really matter how we stick it into the demon at this point, because it matters what it does to the demon. Oh, it says we have to stick it in a demon. We're not going to use it in a ritual like a card reading. That's my point. Don't know what to do with that. The first question is, is it genuine? Yeah, and if it is, what does it do? That would require an amount of research and time. I could probably have an answer for you mid-day tomorrow as far as... It's legitimacy. I mean, I don't have a spell like that's going to say "detect magic." I'm very disappointed. Okay, call a cat. It's good. However, my best guess based on the Knights of the Cross, I think not only would it be able to damage the Denarians, but it may suffer the length between the Denarians and their hosts, depending on how it's used. We have a series of plus weapons you've given us. Is there any way you can transform this into a protective object, a shield? First of all, as your friend London Hare mentioned, everyone else in the room kind of smells that. We sniggered. The amount of power that this relic is going to be able to draw upon is based upon the wielder. Who's got the best faith? I have the absolute most amount of faith in myself, and that's about it. Is it going to be religious faith that we wielded here? Yes, we're talking about faith in our father. I think the person has the most faith here, and the most power in themselves is the person who can actually affect the future with the faith that she has. Well, I think the template of her character is actually based on a true believer. Now whether that sucks to be you. Literally one of my stunts. Why don't you go make a weapon out of this and we'll have faith in Zelda, and then you can punch that in areas of faith with her? It sounds to me, brother, that you're saying that this is not a defensive weapon. It's not a defensive item. It's more of an offensive item. It could be used potentially to protect the wielder. But again, it's based on their faith, and let's not forget that any use of this relic would have to be used in a way that it should be used. It has to fulfill its purpose, otherwise it can be rendered vulnerable. So do we need the research? Are we willing to buy the time, or are we saying that things are so urgent that we go to Ryan Nelson tonight and try to end it with the weapon in hand in the protection around Zelda? There's a voice again in your head saying, "There's been no blips, there's no indication, whatever." Yeah, our touch, the nail, the silence, the voice. And mid-sentence, the voice just drops. I keep my fingers there. I say, "Who do we trust to wield this?" Based on what the brother said, I have faith in one person right now, and that's Zelda. Now, I don't know her. Who has faith in God? Zelda. That's what I'm saying. That's the reason. I don't have faith in Zelda. I have faith in Zelda's faith in God. Zelda's belief might not necessarily be Christian based, though. I mean, I don't believe she's... What? Does that matter? It might not be Christian based, but does she believe it's not? It's some type of Catholicism. Is it not? Is it not? Yeah, there might not be. It's not going to work. Right, but from the brother's count of view, he's saying, because that is who he is. I understand, which is why we dismiss him out of hand. But I'm saying that this particular nail was given kind of as a gift by God to her people. So she would be the best one to use it. And she prepared it. And she masturbated as an absolute validator. I think that if we trip a demon and it falls on the nail, the nail is going to work. Yes. It doesn't matter who's wielding it, but... I agree, but I don't sing in his own tune here. He is singing his own tune, but if there's any chance that he might be right... I got to agree with that part. Yeah. Right. So I say that everyone around this table, with the possible exception of Zelda, agrees that Zelda should wield it. I just don't like the image of her having to go out and punch one of these things in the face with it. Well, maybe... Hey, let me get these things out. I'm sure she doesn't either. Man, I suggest a missile weapon. Man, I suggest her right cross is just fine. I can vouch for it. Well, you're still thinking of it as a simple weapon. It might be enough to be in the presence of this thing that gives us the ability to affect these demonic creatures. I mean, even just being within its radius of effect, for lack of a better word, might be the kind of weapon that it is. Right. Also, that would be metagaming, but one of the knights is an atheist. Absolutely. And also the... I can hold it between his fingers. I have one of these coins. Are you saying this out of my head? Are you saying this out of my head? Yes. The minute I let go of this, it will resume talking to me, and I don't know what it will do. Dad, it's where we lay that. That's a good wrapping. I've got it deep into my head, I touch the coins. It's... I mean, I touch the spiking stuff. That was a common job for a good cliffhanger. Yeah. Nice work. Well done. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night's actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter @kotn_podcast or by email And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page,, where there's an Amazon link on the right-hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. And the reason I know this is Brave the Side, which has actually nothing to do with the story. Remember when Charles Sucksen came to town for his head show? Sure. He is a Hungarian artist who lives in Canada. And he visited in the curator of the Hungarian Museum in Cleveland wanted to come to the showing because it was a big deal that he was actually getting a showing in our house, this famous Hungarian artist. He didn't work in his head. And you know, he had some really large bunnet that he had to go to and couldn't bake it, but he sent his regards, which I passed along to Charles. And that's how I had some vagric watching that the museum was downtown. And as soon as you said the address, I remember that it was the gallery. You kept in touch with Charles? Yeah, we email maybe a couple times a year back and forth. From this afternoon's appointment with that customer, he not exactly. But we're in all day. What can you rearrange the tree so instead of like a four, three, two, two, two, you can have three, three, two, two. Yeah, it could be a tower. When can you rearrange it? Time you want. Well, anytime you want within reason, you can do one adjustment each session we play so you'd have to do it over time. But if you rearrange your tree to be like a four, three, two tree to be a three, three, three. You take the four from the bottom and move it up two steps. How do you have to move two skills to rearrange that tree? And I want to do that, but... Just ask, he'll probably allow you. Right, I mean if... It's actually by the rules you'd have to try to find a way to do it over time slowly. Really don't give a shit. If you're not just taking something from a one up to a four and a four down to a one. And doing it weekly. Yeah. There was a time when somebody was taking a driving skill just because they needed to drive for that particular week. Give me something. And then losing it the next week? That's bullshit and I'm proud. I got out of the car. You have to use the force, Luke. You have to trust yourself. We don't need things like... Does he make Star Wars reference? No he doesn't. We're an angel. You might say the pennies dropped. Do these coins... No, I definitely wouldn't. You might. No, I might not. I love you a total of maps. I like the coin. Because you like to use puns for those. I don't like talking about this. I'm going to just turn on the radio, okay? It makes me uncomfortable. All right, we are almost at eleven. And I think we're losing Rachel. Can we just see how we manage to put this together? Is everyone ready to vote? I think the way is fun though. This is getting better. No, no, no, no. I'm not going to say anything. Even for the audience. No, I won't. But we're trying. There are calls for the night. Anyway. I'm not going anywhere. It's just the discovery of powers and faith. Can I stop you just for a while? Sure. You guys are dealing with the knowledge that you guys have. The only expert that knows... The person who knows the most is the brother. And he's trying to sell you something that's... Now, as a metagameer, you know isn't necessarily true. Right. I get him. But this is the knowledge that your characters have. And he's kind of saying, it's a weapon of Jesus. What is his eyes looking like? I mean, he's really... Are you actually... Do you want to? I'm thinking about it. Okay. We will have to... If you decide to do that, we'll have to carry that to next week. But he seems to be trying to solve the fact that... It's an artifact of Jesus. And faith. You would say that that would be the best wielder, but... Was that you? What is that? What? Yeah. I have a little stingling. Can you have a little stingling. I gotta say, Rachel, I was impressed with that story you found. That was perfect. That was awesome. Into the Dresden universe. It was amazing. It was awesome. Okay, John's not allowed to sleep. I don't know, but... Okay. Just checking. Yes, you are. Ross Knight? He gave blood. Oh. Actually, they took it from him with this whole other story. And he also swam all day, so... Credentials! He's got... He's got pedigree. - I agree, yes. - I'm going to be showing off this pedigree before you even tell us what he wants to sell.