Knights of the Night

179_DF2_KotN Actual Play Podcast - DFRPG A Cloak, a sword and a Beer

1h 43m
Broadcast on:
08 Jun 2014
Audio Format:

Research, consultation and planning. Always with the planning.

(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Night to the Night Actual Play Podcast. This Dresden File Story Rituals was written and run by Jim Tom, and now, please enjoy episode 179, titled, "A Sword, a Cloak, and a Bear." Actual play begins 30 minutes, 35 seconds. (upbeat music) - All right, let's get started as a feedback. We had on our Kale, Tien website. We had two messages recently. One of them was from episode 169, "Dangerous Dialogue." It was anonymous, and they said, "Hmm, it seems Mike and I share similar enjoyments "of the series of demon accords." Isn't it that terrible? - Oh my god. - Oh my god. - You were talking about it? - Yeah. - It's the actual fan. - Well, Mike is correct that the editing is poor, but there is just something about these novels that draws you into them. It seems a lot of people agree with us, as the author has garnered quite a large fan base. Oh, actually this was from Hatch. - I know I couldn't be the only one. All right, guilty pleasure, are they? I mean, they're fun to read, and they're interesting, but it's so-- - Is there the equivalent of driving past the accident and staring at the crash? - Oh, I like the type of thing. - Dressing. - Dressing is vastly superior, I think, all around quality, but there is something really, - Too bad Scott's not here to comment on that, so they're trying to fill out. - Scott, he would have an uninformed opinion because he hasn't read anything, so how can-- - No, no, he's read dressings. - He's read one thing. - He hasn't given, you know, there's been, what, how many books are there now? - 14? - 14. - All right, come on. - 18. - I was like seeing the first five minutes of a movie and say, all right, hit this movie, it's hard. - Have you read all 14? - Yes. - We also had a post, this time truly from someone anonymous on episode 171, Data Gathering, who said that the ringtone for when London is calling someone should be, well, the clash, London is calling. - Thank you. - I mean, come on then. - Definitely. - It worked. - So obvious. - I know, I mean, after you, yeah, you're actually right. - Third I blind, I don't want to go down. - We've all got off. - Apparently there's a lot more choices on it. - These are boiled for options. - We had three different iTunes reviews. - That's a lot. - That is a lot. One of them was from Canada and I've been sitting there a while, so I'm just gonna take this opportunity to remind our fans if they put something that is not the United States, you gotta let us know 'cause I rarely go and check other countries that just happen to in this case. - There's other countries? - London, America. - Yes, Bob, there are other countries. - We'll hit it, eager. - We'll talk about that later. - What? - Those exist? - Yeah, isn't he or son? - What? - I didn't teach him anything. - Isn't that just against? - I just learned this myself. - No, okay. - This is a five-star review from 99 spelled N-E-I-N. Five-star best AP out there. I've listened to many different actual play podcasts and in my humble opinion, this one is the best. With regards to the technical details, the sound quality is quite good compared to the others that I've heard. The group is very good at not all speaking at once, or at least it's edited out, and they're able to stay focused on the game. It's kind of both because you're good at not talking over each other. - Most of them. - But not focusing on the game. - And not drifting into unrelated commentary. - That's just bullshit. - Or at least again, edited out. - That's all it is. - Yes. The use of music and occasional sound effects adds nicely to the dramatic touches, and as for the content, the entire group is excellent at role-playing. The stories are in-depth and well-written, and the fact that they move between different systems and make the podcast even more interesting. My only complaint is that they read way too many comments, and maybe they should move them to the end of the podcast so they can easily be scared. - All right, delete this guy. - Let's start with this guy. - This guy, I'm gonna move to the end of the podcast is the only one. No, yeah. Also, the episode number comes at the end of the title, making it difficult to see the episode I'm listening to on a nano. Now, that one I can take to heart, and I can move the episode number to the front, that's easy enough, but we've had multiple conversations about moving the feedback, and the general consensus has been it's fine the way it is. So, thank you for your input. We'll add your vote. We'll add your telly to the vote, but right now it's staying where it is. - The episode number thing is a little too late. I mean, we got like a, well, there are a lot of them, but moving forward, I can change the format. So the very first thing you see is the episode number, which makes sense? - We've been planning out our episode run- - We didn't know what we were gonna get on. - 79 episodes plus. Our second iTunes review is from St. Peter Mage, who gave us five stars, and it was under the title, "Amazing, Guys." I don't know if it's "Amazing, Guys" or "Amazing, Guys." - Currently on episode 123, at long last, in quotes, that's the name of the episode. - I have skipped over the Dresden, because I'm only really interested in the Hunter, the Vigil game. This is really amazing. I even kind of dig the audio editing that denotes the flashbacks, and even the echoing isn't too distracting. Keep on keeping on, guys, and thank you for introducing me to social combat. A quick question regarding the house rules you guys used. Scott, if I gave you my email, could you send me the social combat rules? - Absolutely. I'll make sure that if he has an email address, I'll get him the- - I would suggest you send it to Send us this question through that, and then we can send the social combat rules to him. - All right, give me a little excerpt from- I think it's Dan's Macabre, which is a vampire supplement for World of Darkness. And I really like, 'cause vampires are so social, and so, in the sense, they're hierarchy, and their little ward play is such an important part of that particular system, so I stole them from that particular system, and applied them to our Hunter game. And I'm gonna keep them, actually, as opposed to using the new rule set for social combat that's introduced in the God machine, I'm gonna keep the ones I'm using from Dan's Macabre, because I think it's much stronger, and more suitable to our playstyle. For those who care. Listen to Dresden. You're gonna be incredibly surprised at that system, and you're gonna enjoy it. Spoken from a man who- - I don't think you like- - In the beginning. - World of Darkness. Listen to not the canned adventure, but the adventures that we did ourselves, which could be delivery, and now, rituals, take a dip, give it a shot. You might be surprised after you- - The same rule players, and it's- - It's all about the players, really. Truthfully, I mean, a lot of people get credit to you, and I, as storytellers, and that's- - If you get a player suit- - They bring you the story. - You guys do. I mean, you're good rule players. - Well, you added- - Four hours down to one hour, so- (laughing) - That helps the problem. - Do you watch that? - That does help, yeah. Our last iTunes review is from Phillip Clark, who gave us a five-star review, titled, "Way to Set the Curve." Well, I finally caught up to the present, and I have to wait, which is especially painful, due to the fact that the nights have ruined all of their APs for me, with their fancy editing and sound effects, not to mention the balance of story and character development. They also offer their honest review of different systems that they play. If you're thinking about trying world of darkness, Dresden, Dungeon World, or Luminaire, this podcast should be required listening. Keep up the great work. So thank you. I thought we were a little brutal on some of those systems, but we were being honest. - Well, I think we- - I want the honest feedback, and that's what we give. - I got the vibe that you thought it was that, because, like, we reviewed it for two weeks, and we had to keep talking about how terrible it was. - Well, it was two weeks. - Well, we didn't know it was too brutal. - Yeah, it was just really bad. - It was drawn out. - All right, I don't think we're really hard or brutal on any particular one. I mean, we don't know- - If any reviews stretches on for two weeks, we're beating a horse for two weeks. - It's just- - This is the day that- - Particularly in our house, where we have two gamers, we talk about it while we try it out here. - I don't know if they may be there. - All right. - That's all we do. - Okay, we had some action. - Apparently, we're really born. - Role-playing is our life. We had some feedback on Facebook. So far, just one comment on episode 178, the one part of this, in which it was titled, "We Go Out to Dinner." That's not the most inspiring title by the time. - Oh, it's gonna be nice, it's gonna be nice, man. - It's gonna be nice. - I got it, 'cause you're in. - I gotta go to dinner. - It's on laundry. - Scott yelled it out repeatedly, because it was you, the Warden and Roberto, were arguing about the fire flicking across the fingers. - I don't know. - We go out to dinner. We go out to dinner. - A lot of things, son. - We did stuff. - That's next title. - Next title. - We did stuff. - Looking out the window for more stuff. - Ari has the only response so far, and he said, "Ouch, "another thing I didn't quite expect. "Well played, Roberto." I believe he's referring to you asking help of the Warden on your magic, and then turning around and yelling at him in bitch-lapping. It's all thing. - Yes, no, it's my sister's friend now. - I don't remember a bitch-slap. I mean, no. - No. - I don't either. - It's coming. - No, it's gonna be happy until Roberto and Alan go toe-to-toe, and like a Batman Superman thing. - I think he's more punisher, but that's just my opinion. - Facebook episode 177. Our reply hazy try again. Adam and Danji. - He said not to say his name. - I know that, we're gonna get to that. - Okay. - So, I chipped a ghost town to find the missing soul pieces or something. By the way, if you want, you can skip the and Danji and just use the problem is I don't know how to say his middle name any better than I knew I'd say his first name. - Sir really doesn't help. - R-O-N-N-E. But it's got O with two little dots over it. - It's a lot. - Rony. - Rony. - Rony. - Rony. - See, this isn't an easier, but if Rony it is, - Or Rony, Adam. - Adam, Rony. - Or just Rony. - Susan. - Rony. - I don't even know what to use. - I'm calling him Susan. - Adam. - What's called Adam? - Adam. - Adam. - Adam. - I think you're the only Adam. - Or is it a good point? You aren't from now on, you're Adam. - Right, anyone else gets the full name treat like Adam Jones or Adam Smith, it's just Adam. - I'm the first name bassist now with him. - No. - He's a frequent. - He's like Ari. - Yeah. - I'm mainly writing on a concern for your tongue to throat and the rest of your voice thingies. I've had fun with it and it's hilarious to hear. Thanks for the chuckles and A for effort. I think I really do slaughter his name rather badly. - Houghton Bowden sounds like a Norwegian name to me though. We sweet, mostly only have one A with all kind of symbols over the top of it. Or O's, more symbols. And the more you have, the more likely you are to be finished. And if you have a bunch of O's in various spelling, you're either Danish or Norwegian. - My mom always thought he was concerned for your throat. - I know, and then he throws in all this shit to make it out. And then he ends with Death, Ari, come to set out her up. - You just probably cussed out every one of you. - Yeah, I just squirt everyone in the upper Bowden Bowden. Bowden Bowden, man, I'm just gonna fall back right now. - He's like, I can't believe he just said that. - He makes for the Norwegian recognition. - It's a lesson. - You can have some left side and he'll be fine. - Lots of O's. - I can't dance. - From over to you. - From Norwegian. - It's done. - I'm good. - Dave LaPorte also wrote in and said, hey guys, been a while since I last commented, but I've been listening steadily, and the new story is great. Two things. Between your cast and the Rusec gamers, I was finally inspired to try to run some fate. Going to be running a homebrewed campaign, and I'm wondering if you have any perspective on fate core versus fate accelerated, or any other version of fate that might be out there worth considering. Secondly, I'm wondering about what you guys went through as your adjustment to the fact that there was an audience listening to your games. After recording a few sessions over the 9th world chronicles, I'm finding I'm doing a lot of second guessing and self criticizing. How did an audience change or affect your play style or your stress level? - You got an audience? I think most of you ignore the audience pretty much. - Other than the fact that we try not to talk over each other, which we've done in the past, we've carried multiple conversations, we don't do that anymore. So it helps us focus a little? I don't know, just got to discuss. - Or frustrates the shit out of us? - Yeah, sometimes. - Yeah, because sometimes I just want to say, this is for new menera, social combat roles. But I can't say that because I might talk over someone or recording, no, it may be a better storyteller, it may be a better role player. Yes, there are times it gets frustrating because you have to hold something back and you lose your momentum sometimes or even forget what you were going to say. But it's a small price to pay for everyone getting their moment in the sun. I think it's really important when you go around the table that once a night, if you can, somebody gets a five minute or 10 minute spotlight shown on them and it's much easier to do when you're thinking about not talking over each other and actually listening to what's happening between, let's say, Roberto and antagonist where, otherwise, be like, okay, time's talking to John. So I want to talk to Mike for a little bit. If it was old school, we weren't-- - Yeah, we actually split up and go-- - Yeah, we used to do that a lot. - Right, sometimes you do that or sometimes again, you would just talk at the table because then you'd miss what he said and you'd be like, okay, so what happened over there? What, what do you say? Because you didn't think it was important but it ended up being important. So I think we're more in tune with the story. I think we're-- - Any more stressful as a GM? - No, I don't even, I don't think about it in that sense of somebody's listening. Ever, I don't think I've ever done that. I do it in the sense of-- - I do it a little bit only in the sense of if I blow a roll, calling-- - Oh, right. - And then I'm like, oh shit, I just told-- - Yeah, but that's how I do it. - A bunch of listeners, the wrong thing. - But right, you fix in the feedback, so that mistake was more edited out. - Yeah, more edited out. - Yeah, that's the thing. - Yeah, but as far as playing goes, when I first started playing the World of Darkness, and we had voting to see who's the most popular player and I was on the bottom wrong of it, and I was thinking to myself, why am I? What could I do to change that, to make my character work interesting? What are the people in front doing that I can do the same kind of thing of? And I think it actually helped me for the way-- - Better play. - Correct. - As far as fate accelerated and fate core, none of us have ever played fate accelerated to my knowledge, so I don't think we have any experience. - Right, right. - Do you know what basic difference is on it? - No, I have a book that I got that was part of the Kickstarter, but I've never read it because I was more concentrating on fate core, which we're using to blend in with residents. - No idea. - I might get to play it while we go to that convention. - How many days is that convention? - It's just the weekend-- - Is that the origin? - Since Saturday, Saturday, something? - No, not Origins. - Okay, I was talking about it. - Origins is coming up, and that's June, we talked about going, so we'll talk about that. - That's like a word about it. - At least that's in Columbus on. - Yeah, we went last year too, that was-- - It was fun, the kids enjoy it. - It was pretty cool, I think. - Is there a big crowd? - Other than the crowds? - Yeah. - Oh yeah. - 30 something. - A lot of people dressed up, bought an anime, and yeah, a lot of costumes and stuff. - And at least one cross dresser that Davian asked me about. I was like, I don't know how close that one is. Literally. - I don't know why that guy's wearing a skirt and fishnet stockings. - He's a character in some movie. He's an actor. - Oh, he was a character. - Yeah. - Nobody wants to fight him. (laughing) - Get all run away. - All right. - On to the feedback, Ari said, in this commentary, I will most likely concentrate on the after episode fun. So no spoilers, no wait, actually there is one. So spoiler alert. It really took me by surprise at the new outro. At first, I was like, what the devil is this? And then I changed you, hey, this is nice, and shiny and new, and I'm e-likey. And also the end banter sounded like sincere, often like talking. No, he actually wrote Mike with M-I-K-E, and then changed it to no, I mean, Mike, M-I-C. Fun between all the participants, kind of up close and personal touch to the players behind the podcast. And I got all awe inside. - I'm trying to remember what we said that would have generated awe. - It was really just us sitting around bullshitting type of thing, but it was more off topic. So I guess it was more-- - Was that our, everyone got an electrified story? - No, I don't think it was. Don't talk to me. - Mike, I can't remember what it was. - He thinks we all sit down at the table and play. - We're playing. - Okay, time to series up. Yet another good episode. And the card thingy with Zelda/Rachel was priceless. Two swords, whether two wardens are again in contact with each other. Nice, what's next? Oh yeah, half the way to week. So that was the only comment about Rachel and her cards. Romulus Powell also said, Aria came here to say exactly the same thing. Zelda is really moving up my favorite character list, and her power is working out perfectly. And with that, I have to say, goat on goat. Heh, that's sad. - What? - That was the banter. That was what the crowd was talking about. That was the part I included, and that's what Aria was talking about. - That was the longest. - Oh, it was the longest clip that I, I mean, I couldn't leave it in the episode because it was just talk bullshit, but it was, I couldn't got it either, 'cause it was hilarious. Tom Rocket also commented, caught up on the episode backlog, really enjoying the next chronicle of London deals, King of Play 1, London rocks. Wow, wow, I gotta face it. - No one else is here doing it. - Yeah, you guys all saw it, London's like the buzz. - At least he's not picking on me. - Yeah, exactly. - Mr. Rocket just even threw the shit. He's picking on Bob. - I will say as a player, my like when Rachel, Aria and Zelda will do her reading, and take the fact that it's random, and yet we can apply it to what we're doing. - There's another comment in here that I wish to discuss it, but we can discuss it now. - Oh, okay. - And they were equating it to saying that when you get that di20 that comes up at exactly the right moment and it's perfect, and I gotta disagree a little bit. It's similar to that. It's great when she draws a card and it's absolutely perfect, but the thing is that usually it's a paragraph or six of different things the card could mean, and Rachel's pulling out the pertinent parts, the parts that are important, and are meaningful to what the story's going on, so she's got a little spin on there, and she's doing a great job doing it, but I'm just saying you can't interpret it di20 as anything but a di20, you know what I mean? - But that's my point, that it's open enough. - It's a much better tool. - You have some wiggle room to kind of make it fit to the story and give us some opportunities and directions to go into, and at the same time, it's kind of cool that what it means when it does show up, you're like, oh jeez, it gives you as the GM an opportunity, and you're like, okay, I can now have some opportunities to weave in to how we're gonna screw them over. - Yeah. (laughing) - That's all. - And we're actually gonna go to Google plus really quick where Jason Carter said I was listening to this and asking myself, how cool is it when a random element comes up at just the right moment for great storytelling? Like when the tarot cards came up in just the right order, and I didn't want to come across that later, because it applies exactly what we were just saying, that it's not... - I mean, obviously, we could pull a card that meant that it wasn't. - No, there were two cards out hard and there were two characters there. - They're too much fun. - They're too cool, coincidence. - No matter how much you want to spend, it's some cards just aren't gonna fit the story. - Right. - Exactly. - Doos, doos, doos, well, you're full of shit. (laughing) - Okay. Episode 176, voiced from the past, Luke Green hosted and said, if Roberto doesn't have it yet, he should have an aspect called nice job breaking it, hero. Ever so much, from walls to spirit. (laughing) - That's a bad one. - You had a million fake points, though. - Yes. - No, John's not here, he's set the way. - Because in a way, it's kind of sardonic, but it's also, you could, hero's a little sarcastic, but not, it could be both ways. You get the body so much. Which makes a good aspect. - Perfect aspect, I think you should take it. Simon Chambers also posted on 176 and said, "It's good to hear compels used in the last few episodes." I'm a newcomer to the podcast and wanted to hear some actual play using the Fate System. You guys have a great show full of great role players, and I'm learning a lot about how to split a party and still have the story flow. Everyone having their time to shine in a spotlight props to you all. - If you want a more thorough rundown of the system, the first one we do, despite it being a canned adventure, we investigated a lot of the mechanics because we didn't know how they worked. - Yeah. - It sucks, though. - I don't think we actually made any terrible mistakes with the roles either, but it's not as good of a start because you guys weren't invested in your characters. - Right. - On to the Facebook wrap-up. We had a general post on Facebook from Travis East Hope, who said, "So after about three weeks of progressive listening through the podcast, I'm finally caught up." Now what? Out of all the characters, the best one so far is definitely the Savage Bear. Not Tila, the Savage Bear. I can't wait to watch her pull off some sort of TPK. - We played in it. What happened? - No, she's got it under control. We also had a general post from Nick Runed Rise. Hey Knights, just finished up with both delivery and she ran. I must say I enjoy both World of Darkness and Fate. I had played Vampire of the Masquerade before, so World of Darkness was familiar, but I still learned a lot from both World of Darkness stories. I must say I enjoyed she ran a lot. It ended very well. I'm a Jay Condord. Fate was surprising. I expected to dislike it, but it seemed absolutely amazing. Thank you for the amazing series and amazing podcasts. Keep up the great work. Thank you for the feedback, Nick. I'm glad you enjoyed both the World of Darkness and the Fate stuff. - Yeah, I think we have a few. - I wonder if I'll give him an ear to try and listen to that and see if he likes that system as well. - Phil Clark also posted and said, "I started listening because of Dresden "and I stayed through World of Darkness. "I far prefer Dresden to World of Darkness." And I hope it's because I haven't listened to shitlock and lack the context. Probably what I'll do while I wait for a new episode. I'm impressed by the use of flashbacks in chagrin, but I felt like I didn't understand why they were at the compound and why they were risking their lives. The one shots you do are much appreciated, though you guys didn't like the D20 in New Manera. I enjoyed the setting and the characters enough to purchase a copy from my local gaming store. I plan on using your Amazon link for some other purchases. Please keep reminding me. In general, I agree that the wide range of distribution on the D20 can be frustrating, but I feel the group, such as yours, should be able to have fun failing at succeeding. Rather than using a three-dye 20 and taking the middle one, which does create a bell curve, but you make rolling a one or 20 very rare, you should roll two-dye 20 and take the high one when training and just shifting the curve up. I know some of you are getting tired of dice theory, but I am a math teacher, so deal with it. I've been impressed with how well you have been handling the in-character conflicts in your current storyline without getting petty or without putting too much pressure on the others to play the characters your way. - I did a, I'm starting my own dressing game this week and I have to go back and listen to the beginning of delivery again for inspiration. I've already had a plot which should interest all the characters, but the chances are that they will do what I least expect, but I just have to roll with it. Sorry about the pun, but I couldn't help it. Keep doing what you love. No, I don't think there was too much dice theory there, Phil. - Having like the multiple D20s at all, because even if you use two of them, your chance of rolling a 20 is now one in 400. - Right. - If you're using three, it's ridiculous. One in 8,000 I think. - We have spoke about maybe going back to Nominera and I'm all for just sucking it up and trying to deal with it. I mean, just accept the fact that it's different. - Right. Stop being a whiny bitch. - That's me. - Right. - Five edition is right out. (laughing) - No, because I'm writing an adventure right now for Nominera, I've really kind of delved into the rules that more deeply than when we were playing. And it just really, not so much the rules, but the setting itself is just so robust and so Monty just does a fantastic job with coming to the settings. I'd like to give it another shot. Again, maybe we do-- - I think it was consensus on the group too. - I was 10 minutes wider. - You know, we might do something with the dice, but I don't know. I think we'll probably give it another shot. I think everyone enjoyed their characters and the setting. I think it was just the anguish over the die 20 and maybe even being second or third tier might change some of that anguish as well. - It could be coming, do we come directly from faith? - No, we came directly from dungeon world. - Dungeon world. - Dungeon world, right? - I would recommend going back to shit luck and because I think some of our best stuff is-- - Oh, listening to it, for listening to it. - Yeah, it's definitely a great character development. It's very dope. - And if you try to listen to chagrin, you probably would be a little bit confused by the whole setting and whatnot if you hadn't listened to shit luck first, but it's okay if you like state better too. Maybe the system just appeals to them more. So that's a good thing too. - Shit luck? - It's our first story. - Scott made the title line on. - Okay. - It was about a guy who had shit luck and ended up dying and they had to figure out why he was cursed with shit luck. - Didn't Lucius get the shit luck? - Someone got, oh no, Tony, I got this. - I thought he had done shit. - And then he ended up getting himself blown up and then Lucius got it, ended up getting the shit be out of him and out it is by his-- - You got it so bad to-- - You got it so bad that the character, I mean, the player doesn't show up anymore. - Right, that's a pretty ass shit right there. - He tops the charts, crushes right over the real life. - To wrap up the feedback, we have a few tweets from Twitter. I have to look at my shirt. - Hey, look at that, you can call it the right thing. - You're a rocker. - Not a few Twitter's. - You're on the people terms. - And my doors man. TR Dickey. Hey guys, thanks for bringing my attention to Hunter of the Vigil. - Thank you. - I've really only played Mage before but I'm going to have to give HDV a try in my next game. - Nice, HDV. - He wrote HDV, I'm-- - You avoided taking the visual sent to him. - Taking the crap out, yes. - You later tweeted, "If you're a World Darkness player "new or old, check out KOTN's Hunter Game, "shit lock and chagrin." So apparently after listening to it, he was impressed enough to advertise for us. - Good. - Thank you. - Thank you very much, TR. We got an email from Real Life Is Too Flat who said, "Hey guys, listening to delivery and loving it." But you asked if anyone out there on an Android has found a podcast app. This might not be relevant anymore, but I found that I like Podkicker. I think he was listening to the episode like 60 and we're on 178, so. Thanks for the suggestion. Yeah, there's always new listeners listening on any kind of device, so they might find it useful. Thank you. So that's the end of the feedback, other than there is something that was, I don't normally do this, but I'm going to do it because I think it's important. It was on the fan page in which Christopher Foster said, "I was so inspired by your Dresden foul RPG run. "I've managed to convince my gaming group "to play a fake core game with me, "hacking it slightly for a fallout setting. "I've been running an edge of the empire game for them "for about a year and a half "and have them halfway unbrainwashed "by their decades of being wandering murder hobos "with second edition D&D." (laughing) Any tips on how to run a fake game which has no loot mechanic and almost no emphasis on leveling to a bunch of loot hungry power gamers? I hope you guys realize just how bit of a gaming group you have, no offense to Tom or Scott, but the players have right, your campaigns for you. Thank you for the entertainment. I really enjoyed Mike's pun rolls that get put at the end sometimes. - Hey, there's this one, I got a lot of things. - You got a thing. - If nothing else but that last line I had to include this in the future. - There you go, there you go. - So, suggestions on how to-- - Can't work power polluters, how to help people? - Yes, I didn't know what he was talking about first. - beforehand. - Seriously, set them down, they talk to them and out of character as your friends or your role playing group or whatever you wanna call them and tell them this is different. There's not gonna be treasure and magic items or anything else, we're gonna go for a story. We're gonna try to tell a really interesting story, try to develop characters that are gonna have arcs and interesting aspects and see if they can transfer some of that crunch power gaming desire into really interesting characters who have an interesting arc. - Yeah, we managed to do it. - Yeah, instead of going for an Uber character that's leveling up and it's got an Uber gear go for an Uber story and something really interesting and a really interesting character and something that makes people go out when they hear it. - If that doesn't work, wait 10 years and try again. (laughing) - Says to the old guys yesterday. - And if you don't like it, go back to what you were doing before. (laughing) - Two other things really quick from the fan page. One was Tyler Houdak who said, just curious if any of the nights are going to the origin convention in a couple weeks. Maybe. - Considering it. I was considering doing the family day thing. Maybe. - Actually I've heard that's moved to Sunday instead of Saturday this year. We went Saturday last year. So there's a really good possibility that some of us may be going. - You have origin things in Columbus? - It's in Columbus, Ohio. It's for a week. - Will you be dressing up? - What date? - I will not be dressing up. - What are the dates of? - Mm. - It's just something. - It's your 11th to the 15th. - One last thing, Ramon is Powell, also posted in the fan page, in which he put up a link from YouTube. It's Geekstorm, they've done other videos, but most of the videos up to this point have been board games, comics, movies, just general geek stuff. This was the first one that they called Game Table, in which they talked specifically about paper role playing games and did a review of Savage Worlds. It starts a little slow, the video, and it's 45 minutes long, but it's well worth watching. It's a pretty good video if you're interested in Savage Worlds. - Did you finish? - I did, I watched it all the way through. But for the record, Romulus is one of the actors in the movie, because what they do is when they're describing the game, they actually play out a turn or two, but instead of showing a chart, they have live action people, and then they explain what's happening. - It's cool, it kind of works. - Oh, my model. - And Savage World was what-- - It wasn't his, or Savage World's system. - It's a very popular system. - It's very-- - I think we played it once. - We have, I played it at a convention. - It's very crunchy, right? - Oh no. - No, no, no, no, no. It's fast, very quick resolution. You die, you die, you're okay. - Pretty much. - I flipped a ball. - I think as a player character, you have three hits you can take, that's it. - One more? - Yeah, it's Savage World. Okay, got it. It's all the title. - So, with that, we'll wrap up. We'll get onto the episode of, right hand side, Amazon link. Thanks for everyone who's using it. - And join the show. - My name is Tom, I'm the GM for this Dresden Files game ritual. We almost have a full crew tonight. We're missing Bob, so the players that are here tonight starting on my right. - I'm Michael, playing Repa, and it's theogenic, organic helping. - Hey guys, I'm Rachel, and I'll be playing Velda. I'm American Gypsy, who uses the more of her past to construct the future. - I am Jim, and I believe Evan Chavoski was a rich businessman in a black court-powered cyanide. I'm Scott, playing London deals, a moral seer to the supernatural powers. I'm Mike, playing Alan Montgomery, in the last Warden in Cleveland. - Thomas, playing Maxwell Edison, and undercover homeland security operative. - John, playing Roberto Martinez, beat the Guardian power by a colony. - Okay, last time we played, I have absolutely no idea what happened, 'cause it was released two weeks ago. I'm thinking you're all 10 results, the issues that were at hand. - There was some discussion about the Warden, Alan, being reported as dead. You guys wanted to maybe do that. - Yeah, or at least he wasn't reported as dead, it's just the last he saw, the last, what's his face on. - We were gonna have a wake, potentially. - Oh yeah? - I think that might be too obvious, but-- - Okay. - Maybe it won't be true, yeah, it was. But I was thinking about it. I think what we might wanna do is make it look like we're trying to hide the fact that he's dead. - We have some dealers with the-- - What's the alternative? - The parent of the parentette and see if anyone knows of a solution for this imaginary problem that might help the dead Warden. - Right. - Can you just-- - Help us contact the spirit of the spirit of a dead Warden. - Anybody who did any research would make it look like we were trying to revive the Warden, or would we, outside of this? - Sure. - Well, the Warden died. - Could he have let go of his workers? - He could have, if he knew who was attacking him. - No, he never died. - But he did die. - He never died. - His body never released. - Not dead yet. - I thought we had to let a shot into a bullet. - As I remember, I didn't even have time to react, so I wouldn't have had a chance to get my death curse out, 'cause I didn't even-- - That's the way I thought it was severed. - Yeah, I mean, it was like instantaneous. - No, I'm talking about the original attack, the original military attack. - The original attack that took him out, he said I'm gonna be taken out of the scene. He thought that the rescue party was here. - Right. - And now I recall it. - Yeah. - Okay. - But I remember the other bad guys, they are clear as to what happened to the Warden. They left. - The end scene was them leaving the building and Nelson laughing badly that he had destroyed the Warden, or something to that effect, if I remember. - Well, we had a lot of things last time. He actually woke back up and his soul's independent, so he's just separated. - Would you put that pen back on the body and he literally is the-- - He acts and walks and can do everything he used to be able to do, which is soul assistance. - Yes. - The mind body. - Right. - Right, exactly. You're like a dualist. - Actually, more like a, like a flesh golem now, 'cause I'm-- - Meat puppet? - It's true. - We went to a-- - Wait, are you a meat puppet? - Restaurants and planned our next day, I think. - We did? - Yes, we did. - No, no, we went to the town behind pens. - Yeah. - I had some-- - You had some-- - Okay, yeah. - Zelda, could you possibly put out some fake feelers with me? 'Cause she is the one that has the best contacts within the perinat. Kind of say, don't tell anyone. This is a really big secret. But-- - And then tell the biggest cybermouth. - Right, and yeah, exactly. The one who gossip's the most. - Prepare to say, if the warden had died, I would, in the meantime, take up his sword. If we wanna act like he's dead. - I have no doubt you would do that. Absolutely no doubt. I have no doubt that he will not give you a sword. - If we wanted to put up convincing, well, we could use his mentor sword. - Or? - Or I could do a seeming and turn a toothpick into a sword. - It's meant to just, but it's actually, what the fuck am I gonna do with a toothpick? - He's gonna spare someone. - No, tell him. - Tell him, tell him, tell him, tell him. In the Dresden universe currently, the person who made the swords is dead. They would not bury his mentor with his sword. - No, it has been passed on to another person. So, your suggestion of making a seeming could be done on his hammer, which he tends to use anyways, and he would be, in effect, carrying the warden sword. - And I would strike-- - And they wouldn't have to fight each other about giving up the sword, is all I want to avoid. - There's no way the warden would give me the sword. - He's not giving you his sword. Even for play, he would-- - He stepped out of the room for a minute, but yes. - If you really wanna put something over, you can put on a warden's clock and say you're the new-- - No, we don't want a warden. We want the warden to be dead, and we're trying to secretly bring him back so that they drop their guard a little bit. - Yeah, but-- - I'm sorry, Mike, I'll kill you again. - Show him how you're going. (laughing) - Oh, shit, I won't die. I just love the table for two minutes. - Actually, we gave your sword away to Roberto. I hope you don't mind. See, see, this is what would have happened. The idea is Zelda lays out the false leads. What do we do to capitalize on that? We can track Ryan fucking Nelson back to his lair. I can do that, I have a compass. It's pointing right to his lair. We're all assuming that's where he went after he was maniacally laughing and saying I destroyed the warden. You go back to your gigs, you crack open a cold one, right? What do you do if you were like some white trash guy like Ryan fucking Nelson? So do we need the false lead with Zelda to go attack him at his domicile? - It doesn't hurt to just throw it out there for now. - He's gonna go after one of these people. One of these-- - Every-- - Paranetters, whatever the hell they-- - The next one, next body party needs. - Have we figured out-- - I think we should round him up and try to protect him. - Have we, yeah, just a lot of them. - Have we figured out how? - They have meetings. - Is he trying to steal specific powers from specific people and use those powers himself or give them to somebody else to give them the same powers that these paranoid people have or is he just stealing their juice? - So far they've been missing the body parts that seem to give him the power, that the powers relate to. - That makes perfect sense though. He, his power is accentuated or able to amplify others. So he's trying to create some sort of golem for lack of a better term. I think that was when you-- - Do you know how many powers you had called him? - Zelda? - I don't think he is. - I think he's trying to build one and then he can imbue his power into it and he's got all the power he wants because he controls the golem and then he can amp up its power. - You know what? - I remember from the position I saw of him, he had one arm that was really sickly and atrophied. So maybe the next target-- - How'd you get a vision of him? - When I was fighting him mentally, I was able to defend myself long enough to kind of have us-- - Well, I had a soul gaze with him, didn't I? - That is the, that is my damn soul. - Back when he had one Roberta. - Yeah, well. - I still have a soul. It's just a soul. - I have a portable now. - I was in here and I didn't look at that podcast yet. - What was that, Rachel? - He had a sickly arm and took a kiss. - Yeah, well, I remember I had a vision of him and if I remember from my ample notes that I keep 'cause I was so-- - Oh my God, you have a big competition. - That he had allen a soul gaze. Ryan, Ryan appears to be jigsawed and malformed. His broken arm is atrophied, but the other is heavily muscled. So if you're saying that he's building up kind of a flesh comb or trying to add and aggregate power, maybe the next target or the next piece is that art. - Right, I'm just surmising. I don't know for sure, just a gut feeling I have. Zelda, you know of the parentators who have died, correct? - Yes, they're anyone with a really bad thought. - What, the body parts have been taken so far? - We've got leg, the leg was taken from Darnell. - You left or right, do you know? - Who is the right leg? - Okay, right leg. - She's gotta stay with her. - I have patches of skin. - Taken? - Patches of skin large patches of skin? - Yeah, it was almost as if she was flat alive. - That's gross. - There's patches of flesh for the dollums. - Yeah, Terra had her eye taken. - That's three, so we have nothing else. - Oh, those are eyeballs. - I thought there was five deaths. - There were five deaths that at least think they're eventually gonna link. - They gave reports to Alan of three that they have definitely linked into this MO. And those are the first three that, well, the latest three, which is Terra. - We need to know the other good body parts. - No, about the other two, though. - What was the night? - Did you wanna do a role for that? - I would think for you to know of that's of parent members is definitely something you can roll versus your contact. The difficulty of you being able to identify the two remaining ones that you guys believe is total five would be-- - Oh, I mean-- - Superp, since this is a contact, contact is a measurement of who you know. - We're sitting in the mall. - Which is good. - We're supposed to meet with them tomorrow. - Who? - The parent members. By then, we'll know who's missing. And it'll be a much easier role to figure out who's now. - I don't think parent members are there, though. We're really gonna-- - Parenting is kind of like, it's a PTA. Small groups of people here there scattered throughout the city that gather together and they kind of have their little meaning group. - It's like, if someone doesn't show up. - I think if they're running, like, I mean, it doesn't mean-- - But there's a lot of these groups sprinkled all over the place, so. - I think a bit more is like an internet forum for, it's a big organization. And you go to the forum and get the general news on what's going on in the general's magic world. And then you can go into, here's what's going on in the Ohio Paronet, and here's what's going on in the Cleveland Paronet. - I don't understand that. - And we're gonna get it. I think it's that organized, 'cause it's on the net. And I think they have three general areas where you can post and exchange messages online with each other. - I would think that if the first two of the ones we're looking at, right, so they've been dead the longest. - No, three that you mentioned are the most current. - Right. - And they're the ones that group together. - Oh, you're looking for the oldest two, yes. - I would think that if you're in the Paronet and people are dying, you might know about the oldest two. Just stand. - Not the most current two? - Yeah, I can just see the messages on the message board. It's like, please don't have a clue. - They would care. - I left three messages with the detectives and they haven't even responded, that kind of thing, where there's kind of outrage a bit in the community, possibly. - That may not be something Zelda knows offhand, but I think just a little recent can. - Would Donovan's records in his house have any reference to the Paroneters, 'cause he would have kept track, or Wardens would have kept track of power levels. He would probably have a short list of names of people who were still not at wizard level, but were they called hedges or talents, or? - Yeah, you'd think if he's in the area, he would know here's the heavy hitters and the low hitters and what they can do. - He was in the area for long, so let's say he did in his notes, if you have gone through them now for three, four, five months, you've been looking at his notes whenever you have a spare moment, and you've categorized the area of, I'm gonna look at this eventually type thing, and you shuffled off his notes on the Paronets, so it's easy enough to find, but he's got met with a group in North Olmstead today. - Well, but let me see. - He's a group in Strong'sville yesterday. - Right, this guy in. - And so he does have a list of two or three that are pretty high level, but none of them fit any of the five that you're aware of. - Oh, darn. - Like you said, he was watching for the powerful one, that are potentially dangerous. These people had unique powers, but not necessarily powerful. - Okay, okay. - That if we're gonna be getting time-take with the Paronet, it might not be a bad idea to give them a heads up to stay away from Ryan Nelson. - Because one thing that you did see in the notes, and you've dealt with Ryan before, is he was kind of the head of all of them. He would follow around from group to group. - I think, do they meet physically? - Yeah, they have like, that we're gonna meet over Mabel's house this week, bring cookies, and type of things. - Six of them show up, like they're calling them. - Like 40 of them. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Something like that. - And it's just, it's little areas, like you've got the one in Karma, where the ones in the surrounding cities come and visit, and sometimes they go visit other people. - Some guy who should read follows is gonna drive out to the Parma, meaning unless he's won lonely some of a bit. - The Parma, people might meet once a month, the Cleveland group might meet once every other year. - And Ryan would kind of drift from one to the other, because he was like a social guy, trying to connect them all together, and keep them in touch with each other. - Okay. - So what was the Rachel role? - It's contact. We want superb- - Just know the two names of the other people who are killed. - Or see the future. (clicking) - It's negative two. - Negative two and a roll, and you started with good three that takes you all the way down to Hammer. - You didn't tell her what she needed to be, though. - I did. - It's a perk. - The fact is she's, well, what is your character's all the live? - In downtown Cleveland. - She's in downtown? - Yeah, in the city. - Yeah, in the city. - So the Cleveland proper, like the warehouse district or something like that? - Yeah, like. - Has a West Cleveland Paronet, and they've also got a far East Cleveland Paronet, and you tend to hang with the West proud, and you don't know of anybody that's been from there. You visited the East once or twice, but they just weren't your kind of people. So you knew a few of them, and you don't recline anything. - She could tap her aspects to get the superb. - Right. - That is up to her. - Right. - Just wanted to make sure she was aware of that. - I know. And I do want to tap. - Oh man, can you pass that? - Yep. - Tap that aspect. (laughing) - And tapping that aspect, if you can either re-roll, and that roll was pretty bad. - Yeah. - Or you can add plus two. Adding the plus two is not gonna be good enough for you. It's only gonna take you up to a good, back to your good. So re-roll. This re-roll is much better. - Plus two. - All right, so you start with good, you get plus two, that takes you back to superb. So, there you go. - Just like that. - Just like that. - Awesome. - That's many questions. - So she might not have known them, but she was able to find the various messages, the threads on the message boards. - What we're gonna say is, yeah, you did some research, and in fact, you find out that there are three people, that they're talking about, which, if she knows-- - Really pause, because it should only be two. - Right. - Yes. She doesn't know many of them, but she gets names because she's did a little bit of research. - Oh, she's doing research. - Whether it be calling people and talking to them. - I bet she's like reading a fortune to determine where they're gonna be. - No, no cards, she was just going on to the plate. - No, not yet. - Do we have body parts and names? - No, just names. - They dullest the body. - Really, there's no rumors on them. - I just do that. - They're just like, has anybody seen Carrie Raines in a while? - Right. - Carrie Rain-- - Gotcha. - You know, she just disappeared, and you think, you know, she might have been involved with. - Do I get to know when they disappeared? Is there a time for your moment? - Sure. - Sure. - We have Leon Hoffman. And this was-- - Carrie Spencer, Claire Adams, Darnell Norton, Carrie Raines, Leon Hoffman. - Right, this is back in August of last year, so 2013, mid-August 13. No, this is Leon Hoffman. Carrie Raines is mid-September of last year. And Ray Barnes is late September of last year. - Ray Barnes? - Ray Barnes. - Ray Barnes. - Well, that's Ray Barnes. - I don't know. He was a parent out of space. - Okay. - You said that was late September? - Late September of last year, the '19, '13. - So, what would be a good thing to know is if the parent out of his name, don't care about which body part it is, but what power-- - Did they have-- - I specialize in, so we know what we're going up against when we hit Ryan Nelson the next time. - I think we should gather them together under the pretense that the warden needs to speak with him. The warden's dead, so I'll pretend to be the warden. Just do your pretense that. - Great solution. - We're going to tell them that he's dead. - No, I'm actually-- I want to meet these people. We need to tell you-- - What people do you want to meet? - Aren't we supposed to be-- - You want some marinettors? - There's a pair of nettors. - You know, the last time you met a bunch of people, you took them all out and killed them all. - When? - That is so fucking vague. Look, they were either vampires, or they were fucking ghouls. - I don't know which group of these evil monsters you're talking about, but yeah, you're right, I fucking killed them. - I agree with London. They'll send you out to the middle of a social interaction like they could prove. - I want to meet the people whose friends were killed. - Understand. - They'll know what kind of abilities their friends had and then maybe we can-- - We can't find us from the message boards. I know body parts are not allowed, but don't-- - I understand they're not allowed, and people don't think-- - No, no, I'm sorry. The body parts weren't known. What was missing from the three murders that she just thinks might be linked in, right? - First of all, you have actual folders from the police station of the three. - The three. - Yeah, there's three new ones. - Pictures and everything you possibly want. - Right, that's all good. - She found three new names, and they were simply mentions of people saying, have you seen so-and-so's been missing? He hasn't shown up lately. She hasn't shown up immediately. - Would she know the-- - Go ahead. - Why don't I just contact the person who posted on the message board and ask them about that person's and see if they found out. - Would she know? - Because also, we need to make them understand that they're all in danger. We need to find some way to protect them. - I think if you tell one of them that we're just gonna spread for life. - Yeah, you could just total a general message-- - You could do a post. They're trying to get them all in one place. We get them to scatter. We can't protect them. - My fear is that if we get them all in one place, they could all be, you know, attacked at one time. We're still missing an overall point, which is if we're afraid of these people are gonna be attacked, why don't we go take out Ryan Fucking Nelson? We know exactly where he is. - He's weak right now, as well. - The biggest problem with taking out Ryan Fucking Nelson is last time he saw him, he had a Denarian-- - Yeah. - Last time we saw him. - Last time we saw him. - And we didn't have award. - Yeah, but he's still-- - But he hasn't recovered enough. - He still got a Denarian bodyguard. - Well, that's my consequence is I'm still poisoned and wounded, so I'm not sure what that. I mean, I know I'm not in fear of death, but I've got severe consequences to deal with. - You traded in the majority of those for your severe one. - Extreme? - Extreme, sorry, thank you. - He's got off on. - So you traded all of those for an extreme. Those occurrences happen to your mind or your soul, so they really didn't stick with your body as far as poison, you're not ragged with. - So the extreme is that my soul's-- - But they were all traded in for one giant's extreme consequence, which is no longer ever sold connected into your body. As far as physically goes, you're more or less fine. You've been kicked around a bit, but I mean, there's nothing that's a tapable aspect on that. - Okay, body. - If someone's posting on this message board, it completely and totally is within reason that they care about this person and would be willing to tell me what their powers were, when they went missing, when they saw them last. All I have to do is talk to him. - Right. - I tell him I'm looking into it. We need help. We're looking for help. - So we have two paths here we can take. You say that he's wounded and we can chase him down now and track him, but we could also do research, find his powers, possibly devise some weaknesses, come better armed to take him down and his friend. - When you say we, though, why can't we just do both? Why can't I just do the research and-- - He won't be wounded later. And what's more, I think your spell of tracking wears off at some point. - In the morning. - In the morning. - Well, there's more options than just that. - Sure. - We can set up a trap. If we do research, there's so many options, yes, but. - Right, there's the warden trap. There's the, we think it's weak. Let's attack right now because he thinks he's won. And if there's ever gonna be a time that he's gonna be at his weakest, I would think it would be right now. Not the advocating. - Can I ask why are you gonna say he's weak? - What have you done to them to make some weak? - Well, we've done the Ryan Nelson to make him weak. - He had the fleet. - His denarian bodyguard might be a little damaged, but I have a feeling he recovers quick. - Okay. - He would recover. - And the fact that he flopped. - The holy water wounds. - I feel like maybe he's getting more power from. - If you remember, I heard a third voice speak that says ordeal is time to go. So we gotta look up that. We gotta look up how to get your soul back to the body. - I think we should think about the combination of research and laying a false lead that the warden's got. - Same thing I could agree with. - Yeah, if we, well. - I've set out this picture because. - Why can't I read this? - Roberto has on it. Multiple occasions say that he wanted to get him involved. - Can we talk to that guy yet? 'Cause I've missed the episode where you guys ran off to do that. - Officially no, we did a quick montage where you guys went there and equipped yourself with holy weapons, but there was no actual scene with the brother. - 'Cause I was, I would like to talk to him. - It's always a good idea. Dip your gun in the water. - Something I could use to help me fight off one of these things and do more damage than I usually can. - London. - Yes. - I have a question about your direction finding capabilities as far as. - Impeccable. Top. - I am fucking Nelson. - Is it? - Maybe I can track him through the same procedure that we used. - I'm sorry. - Not in the world. - Right. - Because I was just gonna say because it works so well this past time, but that wasn't really your fault. - Well, no, what I'm thinking is I'll stay or whoever goes along with me. Well, we'll track him without him knowing about it. And then, I mean, we'll know who he's looking at to attack next time. - So you're saying like an espionage, if you will? - That's one option. I'm thinking if we can figure out who his next victim is, we can set him up for real good. - Are you saying that you would follow the beam or the thread that his compass follows, but in that magical world? - Is it just me? - It's been following here, but yeah. - Where do you think his compass thread leads to? - I think the blood of the victim, which I think is at Brian Nelson's hideout or wherever he's staying. I think there's a thread connecting those two, which is what leads my compass there. - The compass led you to the winners. - I think your thread is not leading, is leading to whatever it is. It might be Brian fucking Nelson's blood. And if that's the-- - I just wanted to point that out because your character did it mere hours ago for you. - Yeah, for me, it was awesome. - It was almost a month ago. - If you're tracing the aura that was on that leg, and it is now part of Brian Nelson, it's going to point to him all the time. - Right, which throws off the whole golem aspect of him creating a golem. It's more as if he's incorporating those body parts into himself somehow. Maybe it's a spiritual golem that he's creating in the spirit realm. I don't know what he's doing. - Or another Merrion demon possession thing. - I'm just trying to help you guys remember what your characters would know, as opposed to what you know, because-- - Right, no, I appreciate that. I think that's a very realistic possibility. Wrap up Maxwell, how's your stealth? Remember it being someone-- - You gotta say satellite coverage. - No, no, no. His actual ability to move silently and to do things that are considered, perhaps, surreptitious in the-- - How do you relate to society? - For my last-- - No, I mean, how long did you think I did? - I thought you did fairly well. No? - No. - Stephen is really good at that. - Stephen was the one who was good at that. - I'm okay, that's being stealthy. - Perhaps then, since Stephen isn't here. - He went to catch your check. - Right. - Damn fine priority, Stephen. - I'm really good at that, because I'm part vampire. - Right, then it would make sense for Edmund to go with Repa on a surveillance mission to see if this thread from my compass truly leads back to his lair, while Zelda is doing her research, while Roberto is doing absolutely fucking nothing to hurt the plan, while Maxwell is-- - I can do fucking something. - Yeah, I don't have to-- - Do you understand that you can do something? - Why don't you visit Brother Francis? - Perhaps. - He knows you. - Give me some holy brass knuckles. - You need more information. I mean-- - 'Cause even you will not attack a ordained priest. - Yeah, an ordained priest by accident. - Brother, brother, whatever. - Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - It's holy friends. - You're baiting him. Let's not get into another shouting match. - I can't cast a tracking spell. If there's any blood, or skin, or hair from the fight we just had in this warehouse, - Two tracking can be done separately, same. - Well, he's using a different kind of tracking, but I'm hoping he can cast a simple spell to-- - We took five pieces that belonged to you, but we're also touched by Ryan Nelson. Does the fact that he's touched them, or does they have to be his? What's the-- - No, I think those items are more attuned to me, so I don't think we have blood or hair or anything like that, or did anyone have a fight in the warehouse? - Yes, we did, but we only injured the demon, we injured-- - The demon that was there, Ryan Nelson, was inside of a-- - Protective. - Oh, okay. - He just got picked up. - I'm sorry, I'm a so concerned, though. - At the higher ground, we had the blood for the demon. If the demon's in the same place, let me know now. - Right, definitely. There was some blood that was on the axe. - No, a fan fire axe. - Warden, it's a fantastic idea, but I think we'd have a better chance with a stealth mission in the spiritual realm of being stealthy and sneaky than we would if we actually went in the physical realm and really had a chance of blowing what little surprise we have at this point. - So-- - It's my-- - I'm assuming that you've brought the Warden fully up to speed on what's been happening while he was out, which is that the demon was identified as a-- - I keep talking into the gem. - Thinking that he's like hard to hear him. - Yeah, he keeps leaning into your chest and talking into your pendant. - So, Warden. - What do you know about the Narnians? - I think that's the best plan right now, is that Maxwell and Roberto go speak to the brother and then Repa and Edmund going on a spiritual stealth mission and then Zelda going ahead and doing her research with the parentet, which she obviously has the ends with. I'll stay with the Warden while he convalesces and I'll get him more up to speed if there's anything we might have missed. - And I'm also gonna need you, if we're gonna, I think we're gonna have to eventually physically confront them and I'm gonna need your glamour to hide me into the last minute. - You don't have to-- - Surely, did you glamour? - I wanna save my magic for fighting with a demon. - He used that as well at the point. - That's also his specialty is the glamour's. - No, yeah, I completely agree with that. You got the big guns, I'll use my magic for the secondary or tertiary-- - How far away from you can your glamour's travel? - I want the sword, how far away can I walk away from you? - Oh, there's nothing in here that says that my seeminglys have any range at all. So my seeminglys have no range to best my knowledge. - What do you mean that you want the sword? - I want to seemingly have taken your job so that you're missing. - Can I have some questions for the guys? - And instead of giving you, tell me you're giving the sword, which I know is the, which I know is a problem, actually-- - It's like I just go over really well. (laughing) - Well, I didn't change my voice, just for that catch it. But I think I should just change its hammer into your sword. So he starts carrying it around as if you've disappeared and you go incognito for a while to both convalesce and to stay hidden because we're gonna say, we're gonna put the word out in the parentette through Zelda that we were just in some sort of combat with Ryan fucking Nelson, parentette. - I wanted to tell them to stay away from Ryan fucking Nelson. - I think it'd be a good thing because I think right now these out there-- - Yeah, I can't see it being a negative right now. - It's a name job. - Unless somebody's got a reason that that's an actual thing we would do. (laughing) - Yeah, otherwise I'd find out another one died. Oh, we should have told them at it then. - Yeah, no, I think it's a great idea, Zelda. And then if there is someone spying on Roberto or us in general, they'll see him carrying the sword. So no problem with, do I need to make a roll for the glamour? - Well, because you need to establish how good a seaming it is. - Yeah. - We'll get the copy, but he's got the original right here to look at it. - Yeah, so I would say that's a little bit of a benefit. - Okay, you could tap if you're poorly at the seaming, but you're setting the level at which it would be difficult for somebody to see through the fact that it's not really a sword. - And what do I roll? Discipline? Is that it? - I thought deception was. - Can we do this tomorrow? - I need to blast this hammer and we can't do it. - It's not gonna change, you can just blast the sword, it's the hammer. - Should I work? - Yeah, I'll probably. - Okay. - Can I support or aid his-- - Can I have your cloak? - Yeah, the sword skin. - Okay, if you want to help him, tell me some kind of skill that would help him do this seaming. My lore or-- - So, let's use lore and I want you to get over good as far as a maneuver. You're spending some time describing all the intricacies of what makes it a warden sword so that he can get all the details right when he's making this seaming. - It's a wash on the, so it's a, it's a grate. - That's adequate to give him plus two. - It's not deception for? - It's either. - It's deception or-- - I have a deceit of plus two, I have a discipline of plus five. So, a lot of use by discipline at crafting, I'm gonna use that. - Either would work. - Okay, I roll a plus one, which gives me fantastic plus two from the warden's fantastic description. - Actually, she's great. - Here's a legendary. - Okay, so you have a legendary. - This looks like his sword without a doubt. It has him confused. - Well, I wrap it up in the cloak and say, all right, sure. - Now, and say you meet a denarian in the alley. How well do you think you can go toe to toe with it? - Just him? - Just you by yourself. - By yourself. - I could probably last two rounds. (laughing) - You can't take it out. - What? - Time, I subtracted a mental-- - What kind of allowance can you wield? - A water errand spirit. - I've never seen you do water. Why is that? - I've been nice before. - Okay, if I brought you like a bucket of holy water, could you hit the demon with it? - Bring water in. - Holy water, and then, but water bent. - Oh, yeah, I guess. - Seriously, guys? - Well, you've been a cleaver. - It's growing. - Okay. - I'd like to put a glamour on the warden to make him look like one of Jim's, or excuse me, Edmonds. - Cool. - No, just one of his, yeah, one of his security guys. Like, I have a security guy with me guarding me 'cause I'm London, and I'm a heterosexual, and people confuse that with weakness. So, I should have someone as a bodyguard right now in this tense situation. Do you have any problem with that so we can disguise you further? - Okay, so I go ahead and do a glamour. I'm using discipline again. - But I don't have any help. - Any help, so... Oh, I actually ended up being a watch. I thought it was gonna be bad. So, it's just a, well, it's superb. It's not just superb. It's superb. - It's just superb. - And I'm going to-- - So, please mark that down, John. - No, because this is important. I'm spending a, but I'm London. That's my catch-all. - That's all it is. - Yeah, sure the hell it is. - Yeah, but I only get one of them. All the rest are happy with information gathering in divination, so it really is kind of limiting. Anyways, I want to take it to a plus seven. I do not want someone seeing three of this glamour. - Mike, your character, Alan, is epically disguised as one of the bodyguards of Mr. Edmund's establishment. John, please mark down a Roberto sheet that you have a legendary glamour. - I guess I'll put that in stunts. Hammers on the door. - Okay, and then the last thing I want to say is Zelda, when you go ahead to make these phone calls and message board postings, how unnerved is Zelda right now, Rachel? Is she, because of the battle and slice thing, is she want to be alone and just walking around out there? Or does she want to hang with me and the warden on a computer while she has some sort of protection? 'Cause you've never seen a demon before. - Right, I definitely prefer to have someone with me. - Okay, I'm in London. - At this point, yeah, it's a stretch, but yeah. - So you're seeing you guys out there in this field and everything. - This guy got taken out just at a table by himself. This guy, so I'm gonna say that-- - I appreciate the company. - Okay, well, can we all live the group so far? You can wrap up with the shotgun and Roberto with his-- - Right. - Just utter mayhem and-- - It's getting late in the evening, so I'm thinking about retiring to the brownstone where I have plenty of wireless and a laptop for you to use. We'll be there, at least in the same room. I have a guest room for you, so it might be a safe place for you for the evening. - Yeah. - Okay, so the three of us will head back and you can take care of whatever you need to take care of. - And as long as there actually is-- - 'Cause you know, there are a couple actually. - Yeah, they-- - No, you're in the water, but I am by the book and I'm all about good, so I'm trustworthy. - I think we can cover what I do pretty quickly if we can just get that out of the way. - Sure, let's do yours first. You go Roberto and Maxwell head over to Brother Francis's-- - We go to St. Ignatius, but it's closing time and the brothers sit in there and I ask him if he could visit my home at the time. - Oh, he's doing some paperwork because he's got-- - Fuck, no, I need him to come home. - Did you just say fuck to the brother? - I was saying, I guess I'll stop. - I guess I'll spend a big point and look. - I need him to come bless my house. There's demons afoot. - Roberto, I'm the next target. - Don't forget to ask my first target. - I'm making myself a target by attacking. Look, fuck it, it needs to be blessed. I don't know if you have family, I don't want them to die. - Roberto, give me a hand weapon that's blessed. - Oh, you did ask that. - You're not going to stop. - So, do you just apply me with these? Am I supposed to go there and say, "Brother Francis, "where are your holy brass knuckles?" - Yes. - Well, actually, Brother Francis is a warrior. He's a man in the know, he knows of the evil things that exist. - It's warriors. - Does he punch stars? - He does have some weapons. - Those are his objectives. - Pause. - Just a really quick thing about stress boxes. Do I still keep my spiritual stress box? - I do want you to keep the track. I don't foresee me ever forcing it on you, but it is still an option of you to go into a spiritual state. - So, we go to the good brother's place. - On the way to going to the brother's establishment, St. Ignatius, your phone rings. It is your mother. - So, you go to the brother's place, man? - Is something, what, something the matter? - Just checking in, you find? - It's a dead thing. - My friends have a lead on dead, but I haven't been able to find him yet. It seems like he's with a rough crowd and it might be a while to find where they've gone. - Okay, well, just be safe. - I'll be home in an hour or so. The brother's coming over if you could make a, I don't know what time it is. - It's getting towards him. We're gonna say 10 o'clock at night, so it's pretty late. - And that's it. - So, if she can warm something up, they've already had dinner. - So, we go there and he has weapons, what kind? - Well, I mean, he does have some weapons that he's used to fight evil in the past, yes? - I'm impressed. And what does he have? - Like, does he have a melee weapon for fist weapon for what's his vampire Kung Fu? - A silver tipped baton. - Made of cold iron. - That's a weapon skill. I'm looking for something that-- - Now what you want? - I want any something that I can use on my fist. My weapon skill is low, my fist is high. I'm a scraper. - Maybe if it's an older artifact, you could have something like a Roman cystis, which fits over, it's like a gauntlet or a glove-- - I was thinking on a gauntlet. - Isn't that a blade? - Yeah, I think a glove or a reflex and blade is on-- - You have a ring that's just blessed. - I'm gonna say that-- - For a fake point, you can have a gauntlet that you can-- - Am I paying this? - There's also-- - Oh, hell no, he wants it. He's good, I'm not buying this. - Actually, there's also something called a cubiton, which is like two stacks of rolled quarters in the hand. - In the hand, if that's cool. - Now, I'm gonna say Jim plays admin. It's about a fake point. So that now, Brother Francis kind of collects historical weapon tree and stuff, so he might actually have something like a gauntlet that did fist that he can now use to punch and he can give it a blessing. - Here's your-- - A little bit of holiness to it. Make it a holy punch. - I think those are called cystis. - I think it's kind of funny that you have a black core vampire yielding a holy weapon. - Well, you're not even saying you have a full black core thing. - Is it bursting in flames? 'Cause I'll kill him. - Just a cystis. It's not hellfire though. It's okay, so it doesn't-- - Okay, so he introduced you to his little collection and you go, ooh, that one. - I have my own. Can you bless this? Here's what it is. It's a hammer, but it's not just a hammer. I've etched ruins in it to be my focus item for my hellfire. - Is this the thing when I-- - It's a sword. - And he's looking at it, like it's a sword. It's not a hammer. (laughing) - Can you bless him as a hellfire? - Yeah, that's what I'm gonna run into. I wanna be blessed, but I don't know what the fucking fire is or even it can't be-- - I'm pretty sure he-- - Well, the mystery's in the name. - Well, he doesn't know-- - It's fire from hell. - I don't believe you. - It landed. - He doesn't believe you, because look, he shoots fire, you shoot fire. They're both burnt. Where's the evil? - You can argue that later. - So you're saying you believe the difficulty in blessing this weapon is the fact that it's a cursed weapon? - It's not cursed, it's used to channel hellfire. Has that tainted it in some way? - That is a bad thing. - Do you-- - I'm saying that to the brother. - No. - I'm asking him to bless it. - No, no, no, I get that. - I wanna know what happened to what he does. - 'Cause he doesn't believe that it is hellfire. What should happen to you? - Nobody really really interested in it. - Nobody ever told him it was hellfire. - He did tell him it was hellfire. - Right, but what's that, what? It's just fire. - I said, yeah, but don't do that anymore. - I don't remember. Brimstone smell. - The fucking doesn't, and it totally does. - I remember that, yeah, hellfire question thing is he was asking, can you help me figure out what it is, and Alan, and Alan saying-- - I remember as well. - And Alan saying, we'll talk about it later. - Yeah, do it. - And he said, don't you, hellfire. - He asked me a later. - He asked me a later. - And I said lesson one. - Don't use hellfire. - Don't use it for now, we'll have to talk about it later, but not him yet. - No, 'cause he said fuck you, I'm gonna use it anyways. - Yeah, he never is. - I said, I'm gonna use it if I have it. - It was the shortest class ever. (laughing) - I'd like to use what you're doing. - Don't, shut up, I'm done with this. - Wow. - First of all, Brother Francis tells you, I don't have a conveyor bell here. Things go by and go by and bless, and bless, and it takes a while to actually imbue a weapon with a blessing. So I can't do that at this moment. You mentioned something about, you fear for your mother's house and safety. - Yeah, if you could perhaps stay the night with us, if you've got, if you could be convinced to do that, we have, I've angered a demon. Those, we came to ask you about. I threw an axe at it. (laughing) - That does tend to anger demons. - And it said, well, I didn't say anything, but I'm trying to hunt it down. It knows I wanted dead, and I'm afraid that it might go after my family. - I'm sure I could find someone to cover me, and I can keep your sister and your mother safe. - If you could bless her house, I'd appreciate it. - I think we do, then. - Okay. - So he starts going about, he talks to some other brothers and collects. - Bang. - So Brother Francis apparently had no problem reading that Roberto could piss somebody out. - Oh, piss a demon off? No. They've actually had dealings before, and probably gone on a few missions. - They did a whole action. - Brother Francis? - Yes. - Brother Francis and Roberto are. - So he knows Roberto could piss off the Pope. - Oh yeah. (laughing) - He's going well. (laughing) - I like those beautiful. - I bring a sword and fuckin' cloak into the house, and I go, bring your book. - Hey, sis, and I throw the cloak, and I kick my feet up and open a beer, and I sit down for the evening. - London, the warden, and Zelda go to the... - The brownstone. - Brownstone. - Over on the east side. - The brownstone is pretty welcome to active. We've got a security system. - I imagine you also have a med school ward. - Oh, what I have is I have salt that is poured into like molds, like thin molds, that kind of go and set my circle around each door, window, or fireplace, and the place just to keep it safe. So, and I can remove them as needed, but I keep them up most of the time. - Okay. There's actually wards that you can put magical protection that surround your house. I don't know if you have that power. That's more of a full wizard power. - It might be something you might've hired somebody to do. - Well, I would've maybe, if this is part of a crew that I would work with, I would've offered-- - You haven't worked with him the second time since that. - Oh, no, there's three months have passed, and him and money were pretty tight after the adventure. - And there's also, this kind of shielding can do it. In thresholds, you can put salt and feathers on the top of the lintel of a doorway, too. - Then I would have done that. - So, I don't really want to show him-- - No problem, no problem. - The island and its feathers are out of his house. - Of course. - I would say-- - Die blankets? - Could you sleep with anything else? - What's a thread count on that, sheets? - At least 3,000-- - 1,500, okay, great. - Yeah, after that, you can go higher than mine. - Oh, you can go higher. - Is there like a board? - No. - It's like silky. - Now I'm sorry I asked a question, all right? - So, how much time after are you gonna spend on London's house? I mean, what would you have made it in the past? - Well, if I had all the time in the world, but I wouldn't have created it strong because-- - Let's face it, he wants the best, and people really don't like him, so they're gonna threaten him after him. - Yeah, I would have paid for him, too. - So, you've already got some of your money back. - You don't need to roll. - Yeah. - Three months to do it. - I just want to know the general idea of how strong the warding around his house is. - All right, isn't that the ritual and game? - Yes, pretty much. - London has a superb market down, please, so that I have to remember. Warding around his house, you also have a-- - I was just assuming as Elle did written that down already? - Past, don't you slack it. It's really quite sad, actually. I mean, she wants a challenge, Mike, but she's not writing shifts. - Sorry that I'm too busy doing research over here. - That's all right. You have a word, something that you can tell people about that they have to say before they pass through, otherwise it's going to blow them on their hands. - All right, Debby's London is awesome. (laughs) - Did I say? - It's my favorite composer. - You tell them what the password is or you say the password, let them through, you know what I mean? - The word no, the word has no word, so he set it up. - And Elle distracts me as relatively pragmatic by her bitch slapping in the restaurant, so I'm fine letting him know. I'd probably something I also, maybe, is it changeable? - You can tell if I'm in the middle item, like your key that you-- - I like the word. - The word-- - It can changeable, but it's a small ritualistic adjustment by the word because you don't know how to do this stuff. - Right. - You're not a full wizard. You let them in, you set them up in their rooms. - Show them the kitchen, where things are, in case they get hungry during the evening, and I am exhausted, so I am going to sleep. - Elle, what are you doing, where did you get set up? - I'm gonna be googling those names probably first and finding out anything that I can about the three that we don't know anything about right now. - Okay. - Also, skating the forums to see if they put any messages or posts on there, or do anything on their powers. - Do you have any scholarship? - Yup, yeah. I'm great with scholarship. I also have a lot in discipline. - You know that there is a way in Google. You put sites and then colon and then BHD. So you're limiting the search to just that site, so in searching for those names, you could limit it to just the parent at site. So you know any hits are gonna be very relevant as opposed to searching the web for just those names. So you go through that process. Let's do a scholarship roll on the first name. Which one do you wanna do first? - Let's go in order. Let's start with the first one. Leon Hoffman died in the mid-August. - So what scholarship level of skill do you need to know that? - That's one, so. - The search thing of Google? - Yeah, I wonder where I scale on this. - Oh, I would say that that's not too difficult. That would be like fair knowledge. - Right. - Two? - That was like, I don't know if that. - And real what? - Because you're gonna know about the Google. - I mentioned it several times. - Okay, just curious what a scholarship you're going. What was your total? - Plus one on the roll. I was already great, so I'm never super. - So you do manage to find an additional reference or two about Mr. Leon Hoffman. There's two things you want. One of them is the body part and the other one is the power. You manage to get one of those. And that is the body part. And apparently Leon was found and it was a ritual and it was the crudest of them. That it was barely recognized as a ritual, even among the parent letters. But the fact was that he had lost his right arm. - That's Ryan Nelson's gimp arm. - It was the first one probably and rudely done, so that's why he's gimp. - When you saw him recently, he was not still on a slang and he was not gimped. - No, but prior adventure, he did have an arm in the-- - Well, I didn't, the warden say that in the-- - In his mind, in my soul gaze, he was jig-sawed up and his one arm was kind of act repeated and weak and spindly versus his gimp arm. - So which arm was spindly? The right one? Could you check your notes? - Actually, I think that you're confusing is that the leg that was taken was specifically the right leg. Not the arm, I don't think we said whether or not the shriveled arm was right or left. - And we need to know because at least in the last where he had a broken right arm, and I'd just like to know if-- - You didn't have his arm in a slang and he has his right arm. - His broken arm is atrophied, but the other is heavily muscled. So his broken arm was the attribute one, so it's the right one. - And he took a right arm. So it's still atrophied, in a sense. - Oh, darn, okay. And it was just a guess. - Sure. - Or maybe it was in a sling. - Yeah, particularly after that. - The rituals were getting better and better and more precise as they were going on. - Maybe the first one is done. - The first one was done when we met him, and that's why his arm was in a sling because it was not done. It was crudely done when he had it done. - They had a big gun. - They had a big gun. - They had a big gun. - That's true. The person who was writing and questioning where has anybody seen Leanne was our barns? - Our letter. - Well, it's just our letter, our, and then barns is if they don't use their full name. - The person who started missing later? - That was the person who was asking on the form, or that was the person who posted about the crude ritual and his arm being taken. - That was the person that posted just asking about where has it been? Has anybody seen anything? - That's all I get. - On that one, yeah. - On that one. - I mean, it's a Google search, so. - No one responds. - You got what there is to get, except if you use different words. I mean, for that word, that's. - I just wasn't. - For those names, that's the only rough interesting thing on the whole form. - Oh, the whole thing. So for all the three people I searched for, there are responses under that saying, "No, I haven't seen them blah, blah, blah," but nothing of value. - Okay. - That was just for the first point here. - Yep. - Okay. - Do you think Ryan was trying to take you out, Alan, or take your power? - I don't think he was trying to take my power. I think he was trying to seek revenge upon me, or torture me and kill me. I didn't get the sense, unless the ritual wasn't to take my power. It was to trap me. - What are you doing in London's house while you're there? - I was just doing anything to just conferencing it. - No, I'm conferencing that I'm also trying to think ahead to what I'm researching, or not researching, but I'm mentioning going over for the spell. 'Cause I saw a denier in the game. - Give me a lower role real quick. This isn't a reference to what you were just talking about, and Zelda will go with you to the second person you wanted to research. - Oh, wow, we're approaching on somewhere else. A positive three on the fudge dice, which takes my lore up to Epic. - In reflecting and looking back and trying to organize your thoughts, you do know for a fact. - I'm gonna assume that London, or someone took pictures of the ritual site where, Brian, we had LC call the refer right there, right? - And then you got to see these pictures, and in looking at the circle that was around Ryan, it is not in any way, shape, or form, similar to the ritual circle that you saw at the very beginning in the ritual house. So you know while circles are circles, the patterns that they are written in-- - Definitely, yes, and this was more along the lines of, similar in that it was a containment, but it was simply that. It was a brute force containment that seemed to focus in the five points of the pentagram that was within and without the circle. As if the sole purpose was to keep you there, or your mind there, or spirit there. - So to be clear, because I've already seen the circle with Leon. - The circle with Leon, it was more convincing. - That's interesting, right, that's focused. - Power down, focus, this is different. - So I guess my point is that looking at it from a signature point of view, just a coyote, a bomb maker. They can tell who made the bomb because of how it built it. - With an epic roll, yes. Pattern are related. - Oh, the patterns are related. - The makers of the circle was the same person, but the powers and the purpose of the circles were entirely different. - Well, they did want to definitely trap your mind in there permanently. - Can we do carry? - We should do carry? - Roll away. - You would be doing research as well. - Oh, yeah, this is a lot. So I've had class four on the roll, and then I'm already great, so I'm up to eight. - I'm already great, as you said. - I'm already great, so we're up to legendary. - That was an incredible awesome roll, unfortunately she was a red herring. She is not one of the murder victims. - Oh, you absolutely know that. - Yeah, you know that, because someone's like, "Has anybody seen Carrie, I'm so worried about her?" She's like, "Yeah, this was on vacation." She's getting back, I think. Well, I gotta give you something for a four on your roll. That is almost the same as rolling a 20, right? I mean, I get an epic roll, and then she, of course-- - It's more plus, you know, it's different. That's, no, no, I'm not saying that's harder. - What are the percentage chances of rolling four plus? - It's less than two percent. - Right, I mean, I just decided yesterday I was saying there should be, when you roll four pluses or four minuses, there should be some effect. Almost the same as rolling a 20 or a one. But, I don't know that we want to introduce that, but-- - No, but it is an extraordinary roll. So, maybe in revealing the red herring, some other clue gets shaken loose. - Yeah, that's just thinking, 'cause they need not, not like so-and-so who's still missing. - Totally dead, look at the body parts that are all over the ground. - Katie made another post, because she was friends with-- - She used to be a great bar, and she was gone missing. - What we're gonna say is that gives you a spin and the next roll, to help you find Ray Barnes. - Legendary, probably you should have gave us Ryan Nelson's address. - That's one, so I'm up to superb, there's a spin. - Well, it's been, is an additional plus two, so we're out to epic. - All right, cool. - Which is, you know, it's good as Michael. Two legendaries in an epic, it's only epic, so-- - You just wanna head home, she's got it. She'll take notes, too. So Ray Barnes, the first thing you find is the post where he talks about someone else, but then you track it down farther, and someone mentions the fact that there's something weird going on, that Ray's asking about Leon, and now he's gone, and there's a much longer post talking about the fact that they eventually find Ray's body, and that someone cut out his tongue, and that was really freaky, because they also mentioned what Ray's power was, which he had the ability, you could talk anybody into anything, and that-- - Oh. - Then someone kinda yells at them for mentioning that, because the warden's ever found out about that, that would probably be a bad thing, because it's probably borderline on-- - Which is why it was big and cold somewhere. - Mind control type of thing. - Yeah, it was, if you had a silver tongue and can convince people, you were fucking with their mind, so it's like, shut up, bad thing. - What if you had it always on-- - So let's say that-- - Turn it off. - That took something a little more difficult to find as if someone had deleted that record, but you managed to find it. They took it off the board, but it was some more-- - Why else? - Another way I could hear. - I found moderator. - Yeah. - Nice job, Ray. - So we have you finished with that. Did you wanna do anything else while you were at London's house? - No, I'm thinking it was bedroom, I'm talking about-- (laughing) - Maybe a little bath salts or something. - No, I'm thinking of basically my combat, magic, and my sword, and what, like whether, if there's gonna be holy water there, that I could magically freeze it into a spear, and you have, like, a holy ice spear that I can throw at whom ever, and just, I'm trying to think of-- - So you're about planning. You're coming up with-- - About a plan. - Could you come up with some weakness or backdoor way to stop a monster powerful scenario? - You haven't directly experienced them before, as far as I know, but I will try to-- - You have contacts though in the White Council. - Yeah. - But I don't know if I'm gonna be able to tent it in tonight, and I'm inside your ward. - And do you want to-- - I don't know why you wouldn't, but would you want to make them aware of the fact that you think there's Denarian here? - Well, I saw one, and then sure, there was pretty clear protocols about that, so-- - Would you draw, well, would you draw the conclusion to Roberto's Hellfire in the Denarian, and then decide to-- - No, because he wanted it? - No, I don't know where he's getting his Hellfire. I wouldn't have-- - It could be from other sources. - He'd be a practitioner, not that he's possessed by a demon. - Gotcha. - So-- - Yeah, he's never shown any of the, you know, dual eye. He's never allowed to be even half full control, ever. - Tonight we're gonna end with Ruppa and Edmund's little adventure, side adventure. Then the assumption is all you guys are gonna go to sleep although we'll probably have to-- - It's gonna be the cliffhanger, and we're gonna start ours next, right? - We'll have to address-- - We'll do that tonight. - We're gonna have to address Roberto and the brother's actions over his house, but we'll do that next week. What are you guys doing as far as you're in Edmund's restaurant, and you're preparing to do another one of these? - Yeah, what did we leave the compass? We assumed it was pointing at Ryan Nelson. - Okay, because he's got the leg? - 'Cause he's got the parts. - Potentially, either in a spiritual realm or whether he incorporates it in some way into his own body, we don't know, but I think the compass was primed for the leg. - Yes. - And if they're following the thread, you had to leave the compass there or they had to start it before you left or-- - They had to start it before I left because I just can't see London leaving that compass behind. It's his thing, and if you lost it, that'd be devastating 'cause it's important to him. So not just for the sentimental value, but for the actual value of tracking things down. - What time of day is this? - It's getting on towards 10 o'clock at night. - And this is the day of the-- - It's been a very, very long day. - Good, Alan, I'm not sure this is gonna be-- - What's up, a tragic thing for us to use instead of that, the track where we needed to go? - No, his skill in tracking is decent. He's a wizard, but it doesn't even come close to London's. And London had difficulty setting up this tracking simply because we're talking about a body parts rather than a full body. - Did you say we're gonna have both of us all? - I would stick around. - Good night, now? - No, I'm gonna lose the power when morning hits. I only get up for 24 hours. I can see how long we can see the magic and-- - I can sit around for a half hour and sip some wine before we take off for my brownstone, or why they make their reconnaissance run. - Do we know where Ryan fucking Nelson lives? - Oh, we assume it's somewhere in Ohio City, but we don't know. - Okay, so that's probably what it's gonna tell us because he's not gonna be, I don't think he's gonna be out. - But it's gonna tell us exactly what it is. - Well, either I'll hide for his next victim, or I'd be going home to-- - Yeah, that's what we think. All right. - I'm confused, what are we doing? And what are we doing there? - Well, we're following-- - No, we're just gonna jump on the current and follow it. - No, we're doing a spiritual thing. - And you're gonna go with us for the compass? - No, I'm just gonna point. When he, I'm gonna keep my compass here 'cause it has a thread through the blood, we think to Ryan Nelson. So you're gonna follow that thread. You're just gonna follow that thread in the ethereal realm to Ryan Nelson. Find out exactly where he's at, what his defenses might be, who's with him, and then head back. And we think it's better than going on physical surveillance because you're gonna be doing it in a ethereal sense where you're not as recognizable or as hopefully findable. - Cool. - Okay, there's some magical thread coming off of your compass in this world and you want him to chase that. - All right, so World Walker? - Yes. - What's it, the Lord? - Can you have some of them for first? - Mm-hmm. - I know, just find it somewhere. - No, but yeah. - It's gonna be magic. (laughing) - It's a good idea. - Eyes roll. - It's a roll. - Oh yeah, give me a lower roll. (clicking) - Oh, that's terrible. - Wow, you've got some bad weed, dude. - No, I didn't smoke it yet. - So I'll lay you up. - And you can't do World Walking Without Your Weed? - So I can... - Fake plant. - Smoke plant. - Fake plant. - Smoke again. - You know how different it's gonna happen? - That bag was bad, man. - I got some good shit right here. - All right, see ya. - Plus one. What was that rolling again? - Lord. - You didn't really smoke the weed, did you? (laughing) - It's like, man. - So the war is three, so that's four. - Great. - So you do open a gateway to same-ish world. - Okay. - And you and Edmund make stuff through. - Yeah, we see where the compass is pointing and see if we can find a thread and follow it into the... - I like that. - Other. - You don't see a damn thing. - Damn. - Now you could try to focus and see more clearly in this world, but just a general last year, you're not seeing a thread like his thread. - His thread was a... - His thread was a beacon in the darkness. - Strong looking at each his office. - A scrap of blood. - Why don't you look closer? (laughing) - Look harder! - I shout through the gate. - Don't you try that compass on your hand, dude? (laughing) - This is a cold piece of hook a metal. - It's a very important thing to have. - So trying out if we're involved, what? - Yeah. - Is there any assistance I can get here? - Not for me. - I have not heard of that. - He's like, look harder. - I have pretty good lore. - I got invested. - I agree. - I can investigate the area and try to look really hard for a really painful beacon line. - This would basically be seeing magic, so it's either discipline or lore, so it's probably lore. - I have no lore. - I have so lore, lore. - And then great discipline. - So you walking through the gate into this magical realm? - No, I'm researching. - I'm going to do all my research. - Did she help open it the first time? - She was around for the first time. - But you didn't, you didn't-- - And just 'cause you were in the same room as the war. - I think I did aid, actually. Maybe, I don't know. - I thought, no, we had-- - Someone, it was a compromise. - He had like a hooka gun that was-- - Oh, it's more of an incense. - It's almost wrong. - Right. - But she was busy resuscitating me. - I think we did a time slip, and this had to have been before you want to do your research because-- - Why are you still at-- - I was gonna say, exactly. - That means we're not meeting yet. - I'm not with you yet. - Right, but it would be-- - I could be. - You could, 'cause it would be prior to that. - Still here, 'cause you still-- - Just don't die. - Don't die, it's true, it's true. - All right. Do you want me to notice this too? - Well, yes. - Sure. - So you actually have to walk through the gate and enter this world to take a look. - Fun. - There's a most interesting people. (laughing) - Never met people. - Yeah, what break through the wall? It's fine, really. - Yeah. - People never did this stuff. - No. - Give the laurel to see if you could focus your vision to see what he is seeing. - Just minus one, so I'm too great at this one. - So you're great. - And he rolled a great-- - You could throw it at the point. - I could, yeah. - Didn't do it because you're this or you're that. - Yeah. - What aspect you got? - For this one, for this one. - For seeing in the magical realm. - For seeing in the magical realm. - Oh, she's got it. - You'll have to find some-- - Oh, really an aspect. - I mean, you have supreme concentration and discipline as one of my stunts. - Have you-- - Do you really? - Yes, as a stunt. - As a stunt. Supreme concentration. - Not a skill? - Excuse me. - Well, discipline is a skill. - I am disciplined as a skill, but I don't-- - But supreme concentration is a stunt under discipline. - That is what your discipline is considered fantastic whenever discipline would restrict, implement or otherwise modify another skill. - Okay, so you really have to focus and it's difficult to do discipline would help you do that. - It takes you up to fantastic. If ever your discipline is challenged and you need to focus. - Right, yeah. - Which you did. - I just did that. - So minus one from fantastic would be superb. - Right. - Still not enough? - Yeah, I would say that that is enough. But the problem is you're concentrating on seeing this silver thread that they keep telling you should be here. And you're not seeing that. You're seeing a thread of magic that's connecting from his compass to off in the distance. But in focusing so hard that you can see that you're also seeing a swirl of magic virtually everywhere. Connecting all things in the world. So it's difficult for you to trace this thread. It is not, she inhaled it, she did, she so inhaled. It's not the same as the warden. The warden had a soul or a mental that was over here, that connected to his body. This is a spell that's showing you the way, but it's going through all the kind of things in the world that are magical. That exist, lay lines. And I mean, it's just really difficult to pick up. - Like it's like a web instead of a string. - Right, well, there's a string that has been crossed with so many strings all over. - Yeah, after a very short distance, you're like close to me. I see it here, and then heads, I can see it directly to his compass, but after only a few feet, it's in a weave where it's just, to obtain a little angel here, pasta. - Right. - So I'm literally like-- - Unfortunately. - I stepped, so you succeed, but-- - Geez. - I'm doing nothing. - I stepped through. You say, yeah, I mean, you clarify the situation. - Yeah, way too much. - So London steps through, and this thread becomes actually thicker and more vibrant because you've brought this into the magical realm. - And I'm just gonna roll my mind to see if I can follow it as well, because maybe since it's mine, the compass, there's some kind of connection there. 'Cause my discipline is fantastic. So, I mean, excuse me, superb. And, well, it's a wash, so it stays at perb, but information is power. - Okay. - So the information of this blood, I'm imbuing it with even more power to help us trace it in the spiritual realm. - Which is fine, it definitely becomes more of a, I mean, you can't but miss it now, even though it's still going through a weave. - So you guys, well, I'm sorry, you guys leave, not you necessarily zelled up, but the warrior types. - The warrior types? - Yeah, well, Edmond is a fighter. - He's probably in a lot of work craft lately. - Right. Edmond and Repa, you wanna take the lead on this, and I'll concentrate on imbuing it with power. - Yeah, I just don't wanna eff it up in stubble. I don't have any stealth at all. Zell, you're welcome to come along if you want, but you can also step right back. - I am trying to stealthily fuck ahead of these guys. - Okay. - Because something's in, you're looking for us. - Give me a stealth roll. - Can you see it now, or do you need me to, or what of us to point it up? - I think I've imbued it with more power, or do you guys can see it? - The actual bringing of the compass into this realm has definitely increased it, so that all of you can see it now. - I took it up some amount of others. - So now that you guys have it handled, I'm gonna go back to the research. - Right, in the future. I'll be back in a second, because you have to wait for me, or warden, you can just take off. Do you have a vehicle here? - I don't know. - How do you think he owns a vehicle? - I don't know. - That's right, you can't drive. - The world minus three. - Wow. - Geez. - Power science, so-- - That makes you sneaky. - Right. - Which is what gave me the power to begin with. - Sure. - That's better. - So I start at average plus one, and then plus two because of my power, which is a plus three. So that brings me up to great. - You managed to sneak through this realm, following the thread, to get close enough to see where the thread seems to end. But you're far enough away that you don't believe anybody has seen you. What you see in traveling through this magical realm is really wild and crazy shit. But where the thread ends, looks like a black castle surrounded by a moat, and it is a seriously defended situation. So you've never really been in the magical realm looking before, but what you're seeing, you think, is equivalent of an extremely powerful war to protecting something, some abode, some house, that of course doesn't look like a castle in the real world. - Does he know where that abode would be within the scheme of Greater Ohio City? Like, would he be able to point out what house it is, even though it doesn't look like a castle in real life, the street's the same in a basic sense? But you obviously-- - Look at the house is next to it, or-- - Well, one of you is going to have to make some kind of-- - I'm staying back. - Were you standing way back at the entrance? - Just in doing it with power, yeah, this is not my scheme. - Okay, so if Edmund's the only one going, he's going to be the one that needs to make the role to understand the link between these locations. If Ripa went as well, he can. - I would be comfortable trailing behind him. I have a-- - You're not as stealthy? - Yeah, I have a stealth of one, so-- - That's what I started with, but I had a lot of this-- - What's still with-- - I'm not going to state the opening. - Well, one thing you do notice in addition to the castle and the defensive position of this, which is very heavily-- - Right. - Is a guardian, and it is, you don't even have to roll, it's the fucking demon, you know, the spider demon seems to be wandering the parapets on guard duty as it were. - Can I see this too? - Yeah. - Through my scope? - Yeah. Let's check it out, back here. - As of now, it doesn't seem to know you're here. Placing a sniper shot between the eyes might indicate to-- - Can I roll an investigation to figure out where here is in the real world? - Absolutely. It is going to require-- - On the side of the castle. - A fantastic roll, because nothing in this terrain looks anything like a suburb of Cleveland. - I think this might be influenced somewhat by Laura. - Like, if he has a really shitty large-- - Sure, if you want to do an investigation with an influence of Laura, that's fine. I don't think you have the option here. - What's your lore, what's your-- - I have no lore. - That's a lot of-- - I have an investigation. - Now, unfortunately, it's a minus one year investigation. - And a investigation of three. - Okay. So that takes it down to a two, unfortunately, because you're trying to relate magic to the real world, and it's like-- - Thanks. - Can I use my lore to assist? - No, you could use a lore and investigation as well. - I don't have an investigation, will I? - Yeah, that's the opposite. - That's the opposite problem. - If I can help him with my lore, hope they'll do an investigation. - Or a vice versa. - I don't know. - I would say you can attempt to make a lore role to give him help, but we're gonna say it's gonna require a superb, because you're trying, you like speaking two different languages. - This is great. - He's trying to talk about the goals. - No, I'm trying to present things. It's very simple. - So I want a superb role, which is a plus five on your lore, to give him a plus two on his investigation, and we're gonna take the minus one away, because he's doing the lore part of it, if it succeeds. - Okay, this time I'm gonna use the stumps. Did I also have the lore, which I forgot about last night, plus one to lore, plus two for soul related visions. - Dad, it's very applicable. - Okay, so it's plus two, so my lore is now three, plus two is five, superb. - So you just gotta get an even on the role. - Wow, that's awesome. - That's a hard one. - And that is a nice one. - Isn't that uneven? - Well, we're gonna throw it here. - I would be okay with you throwing the sniper thing at it, you probably, in your occupation, have described location. - Finispot. - Two other people, been a spotter as it were. Good work. - You changed that to good, and they're done that, but that kind of qualifies too. - I got you, either one. So that plus two is enough to give him the plus two, and take away the minus one. So straight up investigation and plus two. - That's awesome. I got plus one. So I'm starting at good. So the plus one takes me up to great, and then he gives me-- - Takes you up to fantastic. Which means you have located it in the real world. Now, I really don't have a location for the real world. What would be an interesting location for someone to set up? - In Ohio City. - A cool location. - No, silly. - We can be, yeah, we can be, yeah. - You know, in Midtown, there is a-- - A old looking building. - It's, it's not a cool looking building, but it's a kind of a spooky looking building that I pass by reading. - Or is it that one? - Oh, hello. It says huge building, and it has all the bird out windows and, or no. - There's one right next to it that is a building that's been bricked up. So like all the doors and windows have all been bricked up too. - Did you get a picture of it? - I had done the way to work. - Well, I'm always driving in traffic, so I gotta be careful. But I will try to get it. - Yeah, done, done. - Good little self-kill. - Yeah. - I'll have to shoot you, my friend. - Yeah, I'll have to try and find that. But I always think to myself, and it's right next to a really like a Blackstone church, and I know what you're talking about. - I know the one. - Yeah. - That is kind of a weird one. - So give me a location roughly. - Midtown. - Midtown. - Okay, so you have a location somewhere in Midtown. - Midtown is between downtown and university circle. That stretch of bird out land between the two. - It's good to shoot. - Near the Cleveland Clinic area, right? - Before it gets to a place more than the clinic area. - More than the clinic area. - There's a kind of a bird out area. It looks a little bit rough around the area. - So on the east side, right prior to the Cleveland Clinic area. - Right. - We'll get a picture of it and we'll show everybody in line. - All right. - Awesome. - We'll be right away before the night. (upbeat music) - Thank you for listening tonight's of the night's actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter, @KOTN_podcast, or by email, And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page,, where there's an Amazon link on the right hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. (upbeat music) - We, last time, I don't fucking owe you a deal. - Stop it, stop it, don't look at it. - He's pantsing on me that you broke his heart. - Did we decide that he is by background? - Oh, you never been watching movies? - I'm sorry, I, uh, eat. - So, when we laugh things last time, words, right. - No, I believe you, I, oh, we have dueling notists. All right, now with Mike, there's gonna be, something that's gonna be showdown. Who has the better notes, I can't wait for it. - And we have a throw over who's right. - Right, but I couldn't go back. I think he would listen. - I think he would listen. - Just so you can take the notes. - Right, it's not a competition. We are working together towards a common goal. - Yeah, you just keep saying that, she doesn't blow you away. - Yeah, it's done. - We put your soul on an old shoe, and as long as you're wearing a shoe, you're fine. - Oh, what a night. Stop dancing, Mike. - I'm not dancing, I like that story. - I gotta dance. - One of them is, one does them. He's brought the fuzzy part. - Why are you saying he's a fun member of memory? (sighs) - Make a good decision. - Because, right, what you see, thank you. - You're welcome. - I need your help. (laughing) - Which I believe is exactly what I said you needed, was it? - Yeah, good. - I'm glad you guys remember, 'cause I can't remember shit from the five seconds ago. (beeping) - Have another very time. - Meanwhile, dude is rocking him. Man, I know, I'm sorry, you think he-- - Did those even-- (laughing) - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's just me. - I have a nano. - Hunter of the visual game. This really is amazing, I eat it. - You're so visual. - Hunter of the visual. - The visual. (laughing) - That's better. - The visual. - The visual. - What's the word? - I'm only visual. - The visual. - The visual. - The IGIL. - Yes, yes. - Okay. (beeping) - Chamber. - Goodnight. - Pause. - Oh, okay, come on, just pop inside. We're real quick. - Aren't you recording? - We are recording blank. We pause for a device. - No, no, no, no. - Goodnight, sunshine. (beeping) (laughing) - Visier. - Visier. - Visier. - Visier. - Visier. - I had a really hard time.