Knights of the Night

178 - KotN Actual Play Podcast - DFRPG - We go out to Dinner

1h 4m
Broadcast on:
30 May 2014
Audio Format:

The gang regroups, some a little more "there" than others.. What to do, what to do..

(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to Knights of the Night Actual Play podcast. This Dresden Foul Story Rituals was written and run by a GM tab. And now, please enjoy episode 178, titled, "We Go Up to Dinner." Actual play starts immediately. (upbeat music) Okay, we'll get started tonight. My name is Tom, I'm a GM for Dresden Foul Story Ritual. (upbeat music) - I'm Michael playing "Wreck of Tears" an entheogenic organic alchemist. - I'm Rachel playing Zelda Sights, an American gypsy who uses the lore of her past to instruct the future. - I am Jim playing Edmund Shadowski, who is a rich business man in a black court-powered cyan. - I am Scott playing "One in Deals," a moral seer to the supernatural powers. - I like playing Alan Montgomery, the only, well, the only warden in Cleveland. - We need to talk about your character. - I don't know what you're saying. - The only ghost warden in Cleveland. - Ever. - Ghost land. - Bob playing Steven Tillman, a reporter, and photographer who would do anything to get the story. - I was playing Max Boettison, an undercover homeland security operative. I'm John playing Roberto Martinez, the people's guardian and powered by a fallen angel. - No, while all this is going on and everyone's, I want to jump in. I asked Bill if he, before he became aware of what's happening right now. I mean, does he, how far back can he remember? Does he, like, is this related at all to these ritual killings that have been going on, or do you not, what's there really to see you remember, you know, just finding me here, or what, or what? - He was relatively peacefully resting in the other world, something yanked him out of it. - Well, too. - Potentially defiling his grave, so we're, you know, all right. - And we buried him in Lakeview? - Yes, of course. - Could we do the opposite of what they did in create a pentagram here to pull his soul back into his body that's in the pentagram here? - If one of us was good enough wizard to do that, but our wizards did, so. - My dad. - Our wizards, the one we're trying to reunite the soul with, so no. - And what happened in Zelda's abilities, like Terra was asked back here. (laughs) - I just need to do the ritual, sorry. - I just need to do the ritual to get it back. - She can change the understanding of the universe with her terrible powers, so. - But we would need to protect him long enough for me to set up that ritual, so that's the most important thing. - Is Roberta telling me that he used the sword? - I don't know what Roberta was telling me. - 'Cause he's wearing a round of the warehouse, with the sword whipping it around, and I am going to be livid if he actually shared with the circle, and I was dragging across it. - He's like, "Hey, Warden." (laughs) - And I said, "It's already broken." - So, yeah, I know. - I broke it. - Or I thought I had. - No, we went into the-- - The theory of-- - He had been trapped by this circle, presumably, I don't know. And they had this thread going to his body. - Right. - And I said, they ganked him here through that. And then I severed the tie, 'cause there's no manifestation of spells in this realm. It's just a maze, and I could slash walls, but the only manifestation of the wall I could see was a couple spiders in this court. So, I sever it, and then we drag him back to his body and he shatters when we try to bring him through. - You cut his court, his silver court. - Did you ask anyone, anyone with any more war-- - Could ask. - Than yourself, before you decided to slice the court-- - Can you even know what that court does? - How do you-- - I do. - How do you know-- - And I would guarantee, with a 100% accuracy, that the man you traveled with, etheorally, knew exactly-- - Look, he was coming at the mouth about to die. I severed any connection he had to the-- - Did you ask anyone, or did you act recklessly, which is exactly what you do every single time we send you somewhere without an exact, explicit instruction of what not to do. - The sword cuts your spells. - It doesn't come through souls. I think I'd be, apparently, it does. I think it's probably when a text message comes through saying, "Bring the damn sword back." (laughing) 'Cause that's about all the anger I can really muster up at you right now. I don't have that much in me tonight. So I just give him a severe tunnel-ashing and I have to walk away because I am just, I told them, I talked to myself as I walk away. I told them not to send him. I told them explicitly that he would do something reckless. - Oh, we're not gonna listen to London. - So what if he just smashed a girl to hammer the last time out? - I smashed a vampire he referred to as a girl. - Yeah, the woman. - The vampire, it's not even human anymore. Good thing we're not arguing. - Yeah. - I'm talking to myself, walking away and just living. - And I sort of, apparently, get a text message in the same. - I can't help here anyway. - Welcome to the investigation, they're swinging your sword around and they're leaving. - I thought I'd fill you, I'm gonna catch you up on the details, but London has no one's pissed, I'm sorry. - I'm sorry. - I'm sorry, it's already happened. I don't know why. I can be blamed again for, and I leave. (laughing) - So, sorry, I took you to it. - And, yeah. - You got your camera shot? - Yeah. - Let's hope this picture can miss all this, I was getting to be here, so I come back. - Last one. - Yeah, we were still on the phone. - Yeah. - Didn't you heard that? - Yeah, it was, it was supposed to be in the saw. - You gave the hell off the phone, you gave some soul. - Yeah, seriously. - What's up, boss? - Do you think Steve's camera could capture the soul and you can bring that image back in a picture? - I'm not sure. - What the Amish thing? (laughing) - I was like, I was literally, what do you have about it? - I was like, why do you install all our Amish? - Let's finish. - Oh, half hour of that. - Wow. (laughing) - It's not a great time on. - We can fucking try, we're already about to take a picture if it captures a soul, it's a lot easier than what we think is gonna work. - Well, it's our list of things to try right next to fuck all else. - Well, I'm gonna talk to Bill. Did I hear all this stuff happening in the warehouse? - You have to concentrate, like ignore Bill and try to listen to that universe while this is going on. - Shut up, shut up. - Why don't I interrupt your conversation with your old buddy? - Well, I'm gonna start trying to save you. - Right. (laughing) So I can't wonder what they're doing, but I'm also at the same time wondering, this might also be an opportunity for me to try to find out more about who we're being attacked and who's doing this stuff, because I'd like to try to take advantage of the situation and collect as much intel as possible, because I have a feeling that, first of all, I'm not confident that there's enough spell craft knowledge to successfully and easily-- - Can search you into your body? - Yeah, give me back to reattach my soul since I don't know about this stuff either. And the other part is I knew that I was not in good shape before, and I'm kind of concerned about-- - I don't wanna go back in there, buddy. - Well, I just, I'm wondering that, you know, when I do get back, which I do wanna get back to my body, but I'm not gonna be in any shape to do much of anything if I understand what has happened based on what everyone said so far. So, what was the word in the view of all of the art? - It's a wash, but that makes it a, my alertness is good, plus three, to listen to everything going on in the warehouse. - Oh, so you're listening to this universe and what Steve and London are doing? - And you're all up, and that's all, good. - Is it easier for him to listen than it is for him to-- - Speak? - Yeah. - Most definitely. - Anyway, since the presence of my sword in the room before I leave, so I mean, can I-- - You have to fucking-- - See, I fucking saw that. - Yeah. - Oh, God, he's over, he's over, he's over. - You're sticking to the stage. - You're like it, how much you like it. How much you like it? - Yes, your role of good is adequate enough for you to listen in on what's happening. Now, you're affecting it back the other way is much more difficult. But you do hear what they're saying. You do see the sword being waged around. You do see Roberto and London get into it. - Can I see everyone from my advantage as a spirit? Do I like see a glow around London, or do I see some kind of a fact around speed or, I don't know, anyone else who might be there? - Give me-- - I'm not really blind. - Good, give me, I glow, I don't perspire. London does, yes. Give me an alertness role just for the general room. - Oh my God. - Oh, it's negative too. - And it's fitting. - Yeah, very important. - So you're one chance to possibly see something around Roberto. - And you're too busy listening. - And yes, you're focusing your other senses on this room, unfortunately. - Yeah, your sword is blinding and blocking this. - Shh, shh, shh, shh. - So we have Steve-- - More frustrating, aren't you? - We have Steve setting up his camera. We have, over here, you guys. - Keep in, I'm trying to keep the lines open. - You got two people saying, "Get the fucking saw." - Where's Steve? - I'll get the damn saw. - Yeah, go get the saw right now. - What are you doing otherwise? - I'm not on their side. - Because they've been saying it. - I can't talk and get saw at the same time. (laughing) - It's an awesome set up, do you go get the saw? - Don't you think Ray did she use the work better? - Well, he is right up for us. - I'll get back to the saw. - It's one tasty magic, sir. Wait a minute, is your character Italian? - No. - Have a question. - Yes, ma'am. - If we're setting up this thing to protect him. - Yes. - Would that also adversely affect his ability to get back into his body? Because it's a good thing? - Potentially. - I mean, if it's keeping things out and he no longer has a relationship to his body via the-- - I'm thinking it'd be good. - That it's a possibility that it might. - Well-- - But it would keep his body safe and still, but we'd have to take it out. - Instead of doing the circle, why don't we do a pentagram thing with items off of his body, take his shoes off or whatever, and make a thing just like they had where it'll draw his soul to it. - So it's almost a gate? - Yeah, a gate or a trap or something, only he can pass it. - Connected by stuff. - 'Cause no one knows how to do that. - Well, I think it has a lot to do with intention. - Definitely not there. - No, I'm not there. - You can pull out that ritual. - I don't know. - You can do-- - I have war, so I do circles for my divination, so I don't know how much the stretch it would be for me to try to do one instead of to see into the future, to protect from future events. - Okay, do you have rituals or telematurgy? - I have ritual, divination. So in the parentheses, it says, "Thematurgy." - What's some minus next to it? - Two. - Okay, that answer's all I need. No, but keep going. - One of my ideas was to go talk to that angel, but I don't think I'd wait 'til the night. - Yeah, you definitely communicate with it better at night. All right, gentlemen, Zelda and Rep are trying to set up a defensive circle, right? Now, we need to know the strength of that shield. - When they say ritual, are you talking about understands? Or under what? 'Cause it's not a stunt ritual. - Is it? - No, it's not a stunt. Your ability to do spells would be under powers. So it's powers and our stunts. And it might be something that your character may not be connected to, as of yet. But again, your character's in unstuck right now. - I mean, under lore, I have a cultist, but that's... - Maybe she has any cultist type of-- - A cultist. - Protection? - Protection? - I mean, a cultist would have some knowledge of-- - A cultist might have knowledge but not power. Like, they're... - Well, what's the power that you put into the protection? - What skill would it be? - It would actually be a power that she needs to help. - Oh, did she kill any of these two rituals in power? - I gotcha. - She's got a different type of magic that she could use to keep the demons up? - Well, she does have a different type of magic 'cause she's got her tarot cards that she deals with them differently. - So maybe that she cannot do rituals of that nature. - Might be that I can't either. - Because neither of you are truly full-blown wizards. - I'm a focused practitioner. - She's doing this to circle to keep stuff out, right? - Right. - That's-- - It's a common ritual. - It's pretty simple. - Is that what you're reading, right? - Yeah. - There's an application of lore under the skills that says just common ritual. - Okay. - It's like setting up a circle to protect something you're-- - I think that's something I would-- - Yeah, I mean, it does. I mean, that'd be like, more, one-on-one. - It's like a protection. - If we go to the Dresden book-- - We're gonna face it off, Lord. - Or you need a lore roll. - Elle whatever. - And this will determine the strength. That's our costume. - Well, can I assist? What's your-- - Yes, you can. - My lore is superb. - Okay. - And you, so I'll get it. - Wait. - You can assist, you would roll, you would add your lore, you'd have to get-- - I think that's a good one. - Of having someone draw a circle. You're just gonna get in the way. - He's got knowledge that she doesn't. They're working together. - Yes. - So you need a good or above, Michael, to give her a plus to her role. - So you're rolling lore, adding dice, and you want to achieve better. - Oh, good. - Soul related visions probably doesn't affect us. - Oh. - Not visions. - Oh, yeah. - Okay, so good. Plus three, and I got plus one, so that's great for us. - Plus four. - So you are able to help her by explaining some of the extra tweaks that you would add to this circle to make it stronger. Which means you get a free plus two on the roll. - Are we trying to use his, like, shoes and stuff like that? - If that's what you wanna do, sure. - Does that make sense? - I think that makes sense, yeah. - Plus one plus his two that brings me up to eight. - Wow, wow, that is a legend there. You are well protected by a good friend. - Nice. - Do you think Senate? - Now try to get back to your buddy. - I never liked it. - Well, I just wanna protect it. - He's like pounding on the dark eyes. - Do you think Senate my limo with dark windows up there and he can kind of float into it and then dry it away? Wow, that's a nice story. - Why not? - I'm gonna try it. - I just want to try it. - What are we doing? What are we doing? - We're doing nothing. - Micah's gonna possess a limo. He's gonna be ghost right here. (laughing) - I don't know. - I don't know. - I have to warn him, let him zoom. - It might be that in your lab, because you're doing work and creating different things. You might have something that can hold the spirits. - I was thinking about the fact that we've been fighting things that are stealing souls and moving them around and I was looking for something that I can use to trap the soul. - Give me a fake point and you absolutely have a device. What would you like this device to look like? (clicking) - It is. - Right on a ghost bus. - Containment unit. - It'd be a semi-precious gem. - Okay. - That's not right on a ghost bus, too, but I like it better. - No, it's okay. - What kind of gem are you gonna put the word in soul in? - Um. - Yeah. - Mike, you have a preference? - Yeah. - Malakite? - Star Star. - That's really cool. - That's expensive. - That's expensive. - That's not a semi-precious. - Oh, that's really cool. - That's going to be an emerald. - Coal. - An emerald. - Coal. - Coal. - Coal. - This is the spirit of the war. - It's got a little bit higher. - I'm going to burn it. - So Arnie Stone. - So, I've been thinking he has some way to get the warden soul here and he rushes off to his lab to-- - You see, I imagine it's a receptacle similar to what Bob the Skull is. - Sure. - It makes sense. - Yeah, Bob, you know, how the spirit can go in and out of the skull to protect it during the daylight hours or to recover. - So he's got some kind of device with his job and that's like portal into that device and he can go and get you and he says he's on the way. He lets you guys know and in the meantime, Steve didn't take some picture. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I'm going to take a couple minutes to take the photograph and then probably like 45 minutes to an hour to actually develop it. - Okay. - So it takes some time. - What is you trying to achieve from this picture? Because you have different, I mean, you just want a general scout of the area like you did last time to see what's in it. - Yeah. See what else is going on within the circle. - Is the warden total bombing this picture? - How many-- - I'm not sure you're taking that. - Oh, it's just-- - One more. It's your camera. - I'm going to stick around. - Because I just-- - It's Maxwell's leadering out. I don't want to leave him alone in this high-- you know, warehouse is an evening is getting closer and there's been things that went down. So I'm second to leave him on his own. - Okay. - So I take the lens off the camera and let it expose about five, ten minutes depending on the lighting. - Okay. - I will try not to obscure his subject, but I do want to kind of pop in and say, "Hey, you know." - Wait for me. I just give a thumbs up. - Some kind of message? You want to send a message? - A message in the panel. - Do I arrive back in? - Yes. - And they're talking about the signals and things. - Well, it depends on where you arrive back at. If you arrive back at the restaurant, admins, they're working. Zelda and Rupp are in the basement and they've got a kick ass defensive spell going around the ward's body. - Okay. Didn't Janice have two souls in her? - So the humans could have two souls in her. - She wasn't exactly normal. - You're not here. - Why am I talking with you? - Because I'm the first person to respond with the truth. - She was kind of born that way, not forced into a situation. - She was kind of born that way, not forced in there. I think it would take something. It would take another wizard to force another person's soul into somebody else. - I'm just thinking. I don't pretty much know what can harm him right now. But if we put him into a gem that's kind of asking for it, it's a gem. - Also, how is this so much supposed to help him? He's just sitting here. - I have a problem with that. - Well, the fact that it's connected to me and that it has a sphere of influence and power and magic that I would have just thought that I responded that he asked for it. - You need an object of power that is connected to me. - I'd like my sword. - I think he said something. - I think he said something. - The money wakes up. He wants his freaking sword in his hand. - And Roberto in the same way. - Roberto in the same way. - I don't know how to reach a business. - Okay. - I probably won't be able to lift him when I wake up. - I made a fake point, so within an hour he's at the warehouse with the item that he believes that the Warden can use as a receptacle. - It's a gem in the middle of like a pentagram, a metal pentagram with runes and stuff around it. - Okay. - Can I take Bill with me or can Bill be a part of this or does it have to be just attuned to one? - It's a one-room apartment. I'm sorry. - I'm just saying. - But is Bill seems that he's linked to the flask. He thinks he's not sure. So maybe if they bring it along he might be able to reappear in the night or move to the flask. He doesn't know. - All right. And Bill had no idea, again, how this could be related to... - So you're about to stop it in the gem. You're like, "One more thing, Bill. One more question. Go ahead." - Let me ask. Do you have any other awareness or he didn't see or experience anything before I woke up and then was talking to him? - No. In actuality, he wasn't living in purgatory. He thought his job was done and he had a good finish and he was kind of yanked back. - All right. - He thinks. - Well, let me figure that out and I'll do what I can and put you back to rest. And if this is the last time we get to talk, I'm very sorry I organized your test. - The whole thing where I got you killed. - I mean, in honesty, he said, "You know that's what you had to do." - Yeah. - And I know, we spoke about it. I had fallen too far down the path that there was no coming back from that. Once a wizard goes bad, you can't allow it. It's your job. - Well, I also want to redeem your memory and also if you can help us out with figuring out what's going on now, that could be really helpful. Because I don't know if I will be able to put sword to villain here. Because I don't know how bad my body is hurt. And I'm kind of now pretty scared that this guy even got a hold of me the first time. - Yeah. - It got through my defenses like they weren't even there. It wasn't like I was here. - Once again, he keeps surprising everybody with how powerful and things that he should not be able to do. - Well, we're behind the eight ball, we need to get ahead of this guy somehow, so. And I don't know if the two are related. I want to say they are, but we've got two different things going on here, so. - Get in the gym, kid. - All right, I'm getting in the gym. So, I become the genie of the gym. - Edmond's getting you the thumbs up Londonese. - I got him. - See how it's glowing? - Yeah, you're like one-out. - Can you please, kid? - Shouldn't there have been some ritual to draw his soul in? - My guess is something that's supposed to pull the stolen soul out of something. - It's almost like the body that's the receptacle was he wanted to go into the gym, so. - Sometimes we could get close. - It's an offering, and it was accepted. - I would picture it. - If it gets close enough to a soul that's not supposed to be cashed or floating around, it gets pulled into it. - Well, I was thinking of it more as an open receptacle that things that would want, but no soul is going to want to trap itself in there. - Is that all those things standing outside of one's body? - Yeah, those nasty things. - No, because those things standing outside of the warden body, we have control of the body, and it wouldn't be trapped in a gym. - Yeah. - Okay, if they can tell the difference. - If it's, you think it's the difference between a living body and a gym? - Yeah, I don't know. - Well, if they snuck in the gym for the warden, we're almost out there. - Ha ha, I put in bed, and we're like, hold the door. - That's fine. - I got him. - Look, I got him. Let's go, guys. - No, no, wait. - We got squatters. - I can bottle. - I can bottle. - That's funny. - I'm sorry, Joe. - I know. - Okay. - So, yeah, okay, great. - I need soul. - That's what he's telling you. - I guess we're done here. - You have the picture, and it has to be developed yet to get an hour or so. - I don't know what the point would be. We got a soul. - Well, it may give you more information. - I guess we don't want to send a photo. - No. - Just to get it. Now we need to get it out, and to where it needs to be. - Well, that's the hard part. - Do you guys take any of his objects back to things used? - Yeah, I think I don't just leave them there. - Then we can go and collect them. I mean, there's personal effects. - It might be easier once I'm in proximity to record this one to discuss them. - You can take it. - No, they're saying that they don't necessarily. These items were used to affect you. They don't want to leave them here. - Absolutely not. - Right. - So, did Nelson leave on any focus items that he used for his magic? - His? - Well, they're not only the ones that are aliens, apparently. - Oh, okay. - Does it need focus items? - Yeah. Dude, he's got a demon doing that. - I mean, we gather up his stuff. - Yeah. - So, I'll say you guys are all in my car, so you're back. You guys are all re-gathered at... - Yeah. - Zelda and Rappa bring you up to speed and can't touch this body. It is protected. - Right. - The unbelief. - How's you going to get back in? - So, you guys did such a good job. - We used to hit the gym somewhere. - Yeah, by the moment. - You go for it. You had a fun time cocking. - It's just glowing. - You don't have to do that. - You can hear me now. - You can hear the word. No, no, no, no. - You can hear me now. I'm in the gym. You can hear a scary guy, and I can hear you. - Well, I guess that's the first thing that I think I would like to know is, is he actually in the gym. - You can't hear him. - He's much closer to you, and he's saying, no, no, no, no. - No, it was her. - What did you say? - You can hear him. - You can hear him. - You can hear him. - You can hear him. - Right. - He lives in another universe. - He absolutely does. And I respect that. - Can I interject here something? This might be an opportunity to, because the ritual to get the thing connected to my body, it's going to take time and resources, and maybe we don't have that kind of time and resources. - Time and resources. - At least, immediately. - Well, so you don't want this entire adventure to focus on that? - I'm offering an idea of that. - Sure. - Much like, for lack of a better term, the genie in the bottle, that this gem can be carried around, and I can enter and exit it at will, so to speak, and we can explore some of the opportunities we've talked about, about me being disembodied. - Right. - Because once I read, reattached to my body, however we manage that, I'm going to be out of commission. - Well, you keep saying that. - What? - The poison, the effect. - He's really not in line support. - He's stable. - He's stable. - He's stable. - He's stable. - He's stable. - He's stable. - He's stable. - He's stable. - Now, there was something you said the last time he played, though. He managed to stabilize him three times. - Right. - But if he didn't end up in a hospital sometime soon, he was going to die, which is the right thing. - What can I have got all these consequences, I thought? - Right. - What are the consequences that your body had? And were they consequences that your mind had? Do they transfer to the body? These are all things that we want to do. - And I would argue on this for story's sake, the disembodied Mike with us as a group trying to find out, maybe needing something to get him back into his body, went make for an interesting small one or two-week diversion before concluding the adventure with kicking the shit out of Ryan fucking Nelson. - Okay. - That's what we are. - I'm over the other one. - I'm just wrong out there. Think of whatever people think about it, because I think that would be a neat thing. - Yeah. - Well, my other idea was to get him back in his body and have him around with a lot of consequences because he just got his ass kicked, just like a typical Dresden wizard, and having his mentor going in and out of the gym and being able to talk to us. - Well, that's the fastest for her, but we brought that. - I'm afraid of you walking around like, you know, zooming around in a wheelchair like Christopher Pike. - And what kind of consequences do you have? - There's a, okay. - We can. - I don't know how many people got that one. - Um, what kind of consequences do you have? - I got like negative, I, what kind? - What kind? - Oh, I'm poisoned, and I got my body poisoned. - Was that two, four, and six? There's different levels. - The negative four, nine, and six are gone. - All right. - So you've got the two of the higher ones. You're pretty messed up. - And I was going to, because like Steve Mada, right? - Yeah. - One of them. - And then the poison. - Just poison. - This dude. - Did that get you a dove, right? - Mind you, she did cure them, but the way that works is depending on them. The level of the consequence, it takes, first, a curing has to occur, and then it takes x amount of time for it to truly heal. - And what's one of them? - I mean, you can't just say-- - I have a broken arm, and now it's healed. You can say I have a broken arm. It's set, it's in a cast, now with an x amount of time. - But he didn't get poisoned, I mean his body, he didn't get poisoned. - It did. - Go with this. - She just drew out enough of it to not threaten him. - I thought this is soul. - It killed him. - His being. - It transferred him. I mean, it was, it was real too. - What is it? - I'm like, how long does it take a minus six to get healed? - It's a severe consequence. - Yes, severe. How long does those take? - I believe they say two sessions, or the rest of the adventure which ever takes longer. - And for us, so he would be a little, could be a little bit out of it, to an extent. - That's not all that the damage transfers over, because he won't have to go this long. - Never, never. - Or maybe something that Ryan has to do. - He was never and then never, never. - Wherever he was. - Can we take-- - Did he just say it? - He did. - Well, we don't say that around the table. - What's wrong? - I don't say that around the table. - That's what it's called. - Maybe, maybe Ryan Nelson needs to be forced. Like the end of this is us defeating Ryan Nelson with a disembodied reward. And having forced him to help put his soul back since he's the one that took it out. - Well, it just took it out. - Roberto pulls out a list, and he puts it on the table, and he's like, here's a list of people who can attach souls to bodies. - He's spending time at the Yellow Pages today. - He's one of the winners who tore the souls out of children. - I mean, he's better be right over it. - Before I kill him, I just want him back. - Yeah. - That's what the vampires were. - They're good. - Yeah, that's true enough. - I think the warden has a concern about that, that he might be trusting to rep, but I had this exact moment. (laughter) - Well, rep ahead. It's much easier to get to that area as far as-- - You get to fuck with the warden. You can say things that can be interesting. - I don't trust one of these people, but they have the knowledge that we need. - They don't need necessarily to do it themselves. - I don't trust anyone about the day as soon as I find them. - I tell you what, speaking from the gem, I'd rather take the time to get Repa and Zelda up to speed and take a long recovery than to put my soul in the hands of these necromancers. - And what does Repa say at the warden says? - Warden says he's cool, whatever. - Well, I don't trust these people anyway, but I'm not going to use them to do this process. They're going to die as soon as they-- - They're a possible resource. - What's up? - What's you put on the table, if you're just going to go kill? - They have knowledge that we can use, but-- - Why would they help us? - Because they don't want their high school-- - Because they don't want to die. - What if they know that they are going to die? - They're going to die. - They're going to tell them? - You know what I mean? - You threaten them. - So is what you say. - Why would they help you and then just head them? - Right, and they might have been carrying up their buddies, you know, the first thing. - For their boss. - For their boss. - It's just appearing. You've killed other ones. - You have killed other ones. - They have heard it through the fucking great-- - I haven't found anyone who's been able to do it yet. - I've been trying to hunt them down, but they've been elusive. Even their boss can't find them. - Well, again, I go back in a better gaming sense, but also from London's point of view, I don't know a ton about magic. I know enough to be dangerous. But if Ryan tore his soul from his body, then perhaps it's Ryan who needs to put his soul back. - That's even harder. - Yeah. - To trust that, man? - I don't trust him at all. - He has no-- - Well, these necromancers at least have some detachment from the situation. Nelson, what that guy? - He's just way too deep in this, to have a survivor. - I have a-- - I don't know whatever it takes to survive, sorry. - Look, I'm-- I'm an alternative to that. I don't want to spend any more time talking about it like this, because I have one and I don't want to hold everyone else. But we can probably talk about it. - I think this has become the focus of it. - Then-- - You might not have wanted it to be. - Well, then maybe what we do is we have a compromise, and that is that this gem is going to become a very important possession of mine that I have to wear around my neck, and my soul-- it's going to be the only tether between my soul and my body. - Are you a litch? - Maybe for the time being. - Maybe that's Zelda's-- - Maybe that's the toughest-- - We can do it-- - We can do it-- - Or when I'm blocking-- - She can-- - To a temporary patch? - Right. - But not a permanent joining. - It can link it to the body, but only when you have the gem on you, if you were to separate, you would be back in the state you are now. - Right. - So the soul's in the gem, but sort of linked to its bodies right now. - Right. - Or it's going to be-- - There should be-- - There should definitely-- shouldn't just be no offense. He's got all these consequences. It shouldn't just be like, "I just have to protect the gem," which is cool. He should. But there should also be some kind of dissonance between-- because magic is such an otherworldly or ethereal thing. Maybe he just has a minus one for his-- to do anything magical? - Yeah, he's not-- - Or something he's out of sync. Yeah, I mean-- - He's out of his body. - His body's controlling his body from the-- - So you take away his consequences so he can still play the adventure for the rest of the adventure. His character can get up and do things. - Yeah, there's some deeper metaphysical damage that-- because the soul's outside his body. Just throw it out there to maybe not just to magically repair it. - Is this something we need to figure out right now, or-- - Well, just in a sense that we need to figure out if Zelda can do it or not. - I just know that we'll have a whole week to think of it. - No, I mean, if we figure it out right now, we can then go ahead and do something with the warden back up and running. - Yeah. - Well, Repa actually has some real-life experience in this, to some extent, because that's what he did at the clinic. - Right. - I'm not really clear on how much he goes into it, or how much he can affect it. They can certainly be a resource for Zelda. - Well, and this is what I'm saying. It doesn't have to be a perfect fix right now, but it's a fix. - Right. - And let's-- - Yeah, we get to that later. - Right, and now give us other opportunities to explore better solutions or get more information. But right now, I don't want to be about saving my soul and connecting my body so I can be sitting in a wheelchair, I just would rather-- - That does combine both. It gives them some flexibility to be able to get up and be done with this condition, to some extent. - But it happens to be presently when we-- - Or I use it. - Depending on how long it will take to deal with this, could it be the extreme consequence that changes his aspect? The consequence no one ever wants to take? - Hmm. - Even with the effect consequence. - I know. - He's just on the verge. - But-- - Doesn't he? - Okay. - Well, no, I think what John's saying is maybe that's what happens. He retreats in his other ones for one. - He bumps up all the consequences to a major life-changing one now, you're-- - Not at all. - My soul's in the gym, consequence. - No, I'm a witch. - What are they? - I'm not really undead. - You know, I-- - Well, yeah. - I guess they're golden, man. - It sounds like-- - Is your piece as Horcrux? - Yes, definitely. - Okay. - Smell it with an heart, yeah? - He wouldn't even feel it. - They've drafted on a new ethereal core feet. - No more. Whatever the fuck you guys call that shit. - No, I think that one's over there. - Yes, this is a gem. - I just got to screw it in. - Your belly button, maybe, or-- - I'm glad you said belly button. - Absolutely belly button. - I do think you should have, at some point, the idea of genie, that little sound, and do the-- - You think so? - No. - I think it literally is. - So me, after the last part of the fucker. - Right before what he just said, at the end of the podcast. - Rep unzled. Make it happen. - You're so good. - I am. - Imagine what it is. - Go. - Can you assist? - I don't know if you have lore to a great deal, but I think that the one to assist should really be Repa because this is his area of expertise at the Cleveland Clinic and ripping souls in and putting souls back. - That's not-- - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - He says, "Conch." - 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I haven't thought it through, but. - Could he be? - No, but I think he's in league with some absolutes. - Yeah. - He wants power, so maybe he's trying to convert himself or change himself. I suspect he's a pawn. - Yeah. - I mean, you don't have to go off him. - I mean, as far as-- - I'm playing. - They, uh, the Nigerians grabbed him, which you guys said, grabbed him out of that circle and took him away. They need him for something. So they're definitely in part of this, whatever's going on. - I heard three voices. - I heard three voices, Nelson and two other voices. - Right. - I heard a name being mentioned. - Or was that Anagad? - O-D-I-E-L. - Okay. - Is it an addition to the demon? - Maybe he has the one pulling the strings. But if we can get Ryan away from his denarian friends and away from whoever's power exemplifying by himself, he's probably not that powerful. - What? - I also wonder. - We don't want to lose track of the denarian. - No. - If we jump him while we can, while he's not having his friends around or being powered by super power in somebody else, that would be the time to jump on me. - And this might work for everyone here that at least has magical power. And that is, I wonder if we can tap into Ryan Nelson as well. If he's a catalyst for enhancing magical power, does he have to let somebody in to do that or just use-- - Can I use-- - Or can any of us that use-- - By proxy? - Yeah, well if you're here, I'm going to amp up my stuff too when I'm dealing with you. - I think it's the body parts. It seemed like one ended a pretty convincing job of pretending like he was-- - I think that-- - Maybe we can use that, like you said. - I was thinking in the final conflict, if a denarian comes to that conflict, I could try to perhaps do that again if there's no other recourse. Obviously, combat's not my thing, but if it's needed, I'm certainly willing to give it a shot. - We were also talking about being able if we're in a fight with Ryan Nelson in an area if we could try to bounce one. I think the powers, people have powers who can try to bounce their power off. - If they're-- - Ryan, his power fight, whether he wants to or not. - I'm just wondering, is that an aspect that either we-- - Okay, well this will find out. - Certainly is a question, isn't it? - I would think that he would have to direct that. I mean, if you're helping-- - But then maybe it's a scientist of wills and maybe we can make him force it. - Yeah. - Well, you like-- - Or separate. - You like it now? - Yeah, easy though. Sorry, yeah, lonely. - Okay. - I'm the one who's carrying around my head in the gym. - Where's your warden sword? - All right. - You gave it to him. - No. - No. - Your mentor sword. - It should be buried with him. - Or reclined with him. - Would it be? - I wouldn't-- - But then-- - Sorry, I'm assured it's a sword. - That was an interesting question I had. - Oh, look over here. - We're gonna stop here for the night. We're gonna stop here for the night. - Thank you for listening tonight's of the night's actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter, @KOTN_podcast, or by email And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page,, where there's an Amazon link on the right hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. I think this is probably when a text message comes through saying bring the damn sword back. Because that's about all the anger I can really muster up at you tonight. I don't have that much in me tonight. So I just give them a severe tunnel lashing, and I have to walk away because I am just- I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. I don't miss any more Friday nights. and so, are you one of the time you know the day after?