Knights of the Night

177 - KotN Actual Play POdcast - DFRPG - Reply Hazy, try Again

1h 9m
Broadcast on:
23 May 2014
Audio Format:

 Worlds apart, living? dead? The investigation is derailed while the gang tries to regroup, but it's turning out to be much more difficult than normal.

(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to Nature that I actual play podcast. This Dresden File Story Ritual was written and run by Jam Time. And now, please enjoy episode 177, titled, "Replay Hazy, Try Again." Actual play begins 13 minutes, 44 seconds. (upbeat music) - Four games of episode, we'll be back in that three. - Count 'em three, I can use one from Hogan, Bowdoin. - What a name, yes. - Hazy Stories, five stars. The Knights are incredible on a diverse group of wickedly talented storytellers. No matter what game they're playing, they are skilled role players and their stories are top notch. Want to know more about the mechanics of the game they're playing? They've got that too. The podcast editing helps to eliminate things found in most other APs, as well as uses music undertones to set scenes and build intensity. High recording quality, great production. If you're interested in APs, you have arrived. - You should have read that. - Oh, I didn't write that, "Holden Bowdoin." So thank you, "Holden Bowdoin." - Does this say what you're supposed to say? - I just like saying, "Holden Bowdoin." No, iTunes is not. I mean, these are all in the United States, so. - Is that Swedish? - It's from North Dakota. - It's Swedish from the Olden Bowdoin? - I'm not even gonna try to top that, right? (laughing) Second iTunes review is from Don Sean. No, actually. (laughing) - All right, let's make it shut up. - I am, it's Dan Sean. Sorry, Dan. The title was Interesting Gamers, and the rating was also Five Stars. I really enjoy listening to these guys play. If you enjoy listening to Penny Arcade 4.0 and Critical Hits, you're really gonna enjoy the Knights of the Night. They really focus on their character development and story exploration, placing interest above rules. They keep the humor alive while also presenting an environment that is inclusive to the gaming world, allowing you to truly tune into their games. I love the new Minaire and Dresden playthrough, but I've not yet listened to the Dungeon World and World of Darkness, or any of their other systems, GASP. And however. - Was that your GASP or-- - No, that was his GAS, I'm I. - 'Cause I was GASping over GASP for no World of Darkness, please. - Yeah, I mean, Scott runs those, so you have to. - Would you say that World of Darkness is our wheelhouse more than Dresden? - I don't, I don't think so. I think we are both our wheelhouse. - I think that's pretty equal, okay. - However, even from my limited listening, I can promise you that you will not regret downloading and listening to this group of gamers. I don't know, I think the majority of the players here would probably pick fate over World of Darkness as their favorite. I might be wrong, I think Rachel would because she's never played World of Darkness. - Kind of, yeah. - Same thing with Michael. Jim? - They're equal, they're pretty equal. - I don't think we have to ask guys if World of Darkness is strong enough. - Just a slight note. - Oh really? - I think if we started telling the purposes, it just, World of Darkness fits my storytelling. - It's darker. - It's darker, and also-- - Players are in peril, you like-- - Oh, I have a lot of players in peril. It just makes me so happy. - To play, I probably would enjoy this system more 'cause it gives me more freedom. To story tell, I enjoy the World of Darkness system more 'cause it's darker. - Yeah, Mike. - I'm on the fence. - Okay. - 50/50. - I like World of Darkness. - It's a little more scary. - It is definitely, it's harder to put the players in peril and fate, most definitely. - Yeah. - Sorry. - In the World of Darkness. - I'm sorry, I don't know why he laughed. (laughing) - What's that word? - It's definitely not. - I don't know, it's-- - Would you say you solo's warden, you? - I'm just saying, I see the girl, they're quite often. - But fate is very flexible, and I like that too. - But you'd say the edge goes for World of Darkness. - Yeah, I like the edginess. - You definitely have a good character with Chew in World of Darkness, you have a good name. - I do like Chew. - Thomas and John? - You're one person. - Yes, we have one opinion. - We do that. - I think you're both are fake fans, yeah. - We read the entire book, so. - There's that. - I know, it's 18, and then you guys said all sort of playing World of Darkness, and I had to catch up with that, and I just didn't feel it, so. - Right. - I read the whole book. - I'm afraid. - Okay. - Did you read the whole book of World of Darkness, too? - No, I didn't. - I've got a copy of-- - She asked her to read it. - Read it, read it. - I forget what you did. - Read it, read it, read it. - I read that one, okay, yeah, it sounds like it's leaning towards fake, I'd like to hear Michael and Rachel once, or Michael once to get a chance to play World of Darkness. - Sure. - Yeah. - In your fate, I would assume? - Yeah, I think so. - Good. - I like the freedom of fate, and that the player narrative control is much stronger in fate than it is in World of Darkness. - The future of GMing style. - Absolutely, I think the both of the systems are really fine-tuned, our GM style is overall. - I actually, one of the new people you mentioned me and the new fans on the Facebook page and one of them, and I had a chat with them in the Facebook chat, and that was what it was all about. He was asking, he wants to run a fate in game news. He listened to the delivery and he was like, did you, how much of that did you actually turn out? And I was like, nah, nah. - I'm actually like-- - There was a skeleton-- - Yeah. - Story line and the rest of it-- - It was all the freedom-- - And what the players drive. - You know, I really wouldn't take a lot to get at a video, a little video camera, and do like a YouTube video of how you would run fates and be able to show and look at things and do some, some blediting. We have the tools for that. - Yeah. - So you're gonna be the camera man? - Yeah. - Who's gonna be there? - I said I'm a tripod. - It sounds like you won't do your behind the camera. - Who are you gonna put in front of the camera though? - Jonathan. - Yeah, Jonathan. - And he has to do-- - I don't wanna do this shit, but-- (laughing) - We have this big idea. - John, we're gonna do it, go. - Sorry, we made someone youth-- - Basic COTN. - Okay, yeah. - Anyway, our third iTunes review was from Groschnick, quality podcast, and it's five stars as well. We've been looking for some good AP podcasts and found some, but they are infrequent, and the Knights of the Knights is regular enough to keep me company on the road. I enjoy the variety of Numenara, Dresden Files, et cetera. I've been exposed to some that I now wanna play, and others, I'm glad I didn't invest my money in. So thank you for that. As for our actual play itself, it's very professional in quality, and tells a good story each time. Kudos to the editor. The only suggestion I would make is to move the reviews at the end of the podcast so I can get right into the story. I can't skip to 12.34 on my iPhone screen while driving. I do wanna hear them, but I'd rather they be at the end. Keep up the good work and game on. - We've had that conversation right now. - Groschnick, thank you for the-- Yes, and at least the second or third person that's mentioned that. - Right, there are loads-- - And everyone always votes for the evening and leave it the same. - The vote to leave it alone is the general consensus. - I look at that name for a demon, Groschnick. - I think it's a good demon, right? - Poor Groschnick. - Fairly regular as well as the last time you missed a week, or-- - I think it's the proper items. - I had surgery and a car accident. The world ended. - I think in the four years, we're coming up on four years now. - Yeah. - There has been maybe two that we have now. Now, on occasion, they've slept farther back in the week. Like, you've missed the day. It's been eight days instead of seven. That has happened on occasion when I'm busy working on stuff. But when the extreme circumstances-- - But there are a lot of podcasts out there that, you know, months can go by and you don't see anything, so. - Great consistency in four. - Fucking huge. - Well, that's the key to keeping it. - Going, yep. - We had a post on Facebook on episode 174. The title was "Mind Games" and it was from Luke Green who said, "The Wardens certainly don't care whether someone has been informed of the laws of magic or not." - They were spoilers. So I'm not gonna read that part of the post because Luke said some things from the book that some people may not have read yet. And then he followed that with, well, more spoilers. And then he said, "Molly," and she was definitely didn't, and then there was more spoilers. So I'm gonna say, Luke, that I really can't read much of your message because if people want to go to the-- - Oh, it's definitely still on Facebook. - Right, exactly. You can read that. - So anyways, he continues, that's-- - Is it in our, I'm sorry. Is that on our regular Facebook? - It's on the 174. - It's not on the group fan page, it's on 174. - On our page. - That said, "Mind Magic" has a few gray areas that wizards are safe to tread in. Some surface thoughts that leave the mind, it's safe to read those. And that's how Dresden and, well, now there's more spoilers. So we're gonna have to cut Luke a little short there. - The reason the laws are rigorously enforced is that magic is an expression of a person's innermost nature. When you kill with a sword or a gun or your fist, that's one thing, but when you kill with magic, you imprint the nature of the killer onto your very soul. The willingness to kill becomes a part of you, an addiction that can only get stronger over time. So a newbie sorcerers pop up and with the best intentions start messing around in people's heads, the sorcerers are marking themselves to the soul as being willing to enforce their will on others. This is true of other things as well. Dresden is phenomenal at tracking spells and even without magic, he's phenomenal at finding things, people and secrets. This is partially because he uses tracking magic so regularly. He is driven to learning things in part, it is who he is. He simply can't turn it off. But the tracking magic is not inherently harmful and mind magic can be simply because of the fact that the mind has so many working parts that it's impossible not to knock things out of joint if you go too deeply. So Luke continues on for a while and I'm gonna skip that. Again, if you wanna go on Facebook, you can find his full post, it is worth reading. - It seems very well thought out. - As long as you don't mind the spoilers. - Yes. - On episode 175, which was titled Loose Threads, Jason McDonald said, and people said that splitting the party is always a bad idea. It still was. Ari commented, that was a world of darkness moment when entering the mind, sidearms, checks, sniper rifle, check, nice crossover feeling. And you are all-- - A lot more intuitively. - Nicely building Ryan fucking Nelson into a mystical creature to hate. Kind of hoping that he won't get wardened with a sword. - I think the proper tip is Roberto. - Roberto. (laughing) - I don't think I've killed it, well with my sword yet. - And Tom is really playing it hard this time around and not pulling any punches. The PCs are getting in their fake points worth of the whole nine yards and the dice, no help from that front either. P.S. Tom, you weren't kidding, that it was one heck of a cliffhanger. Theron Mert T said, best wishes to Rachel and Jim. 'Cause that was when you guys were missing from those episodes because of being ill. Things in your life happening, Jim surgery. - Yeah, a lot better. Luke Green said, hey anybody else think of get the ink, he's gonna come after you when Roberto decided to use the magic sword. - I got this little one. - I had some D in there. - I don't know what that is. - The youngins don't know what that means, but I think the older folks-- - I don't even know what that means. - I don't even know what that means. - I don't know. - Do you think you qualify as the old one Rachel? - I certainly do. I don't know what that is. - I don't know what that means. - I don't know what that means. - It's old D&D. There were creatures that traveled the astral plane called Get the Yankees and they traveled throughout astral space and they had a silver cord that connected to that. - I was told this after I cut it. - Okay, Facebook 176, the voice from the past. This was the most recent episode before this one, which is 177. Jason Carter said, woo hoo, long night of work ahead of me, something brightened it up. Jason McDonald, this was the Jason episode of Feedback. Said, why did it have to be Mike with Stigmata? Flashbacks of the Crucifixion song. It's not going away. - Oh, what he did, the animation of the character dancing, it's to the song crucified by Army of Lovers. That one he danced to, he's a hashtag dancer. - I have to dance, daddy. - I have to dance, daddy. (laughing) And on our email, from Bellwyn, he said, I just started running a Dresden foul game for my group, but was unfamiliar with the fate and fudge system. Most of my GMing experience has been with D&D in Savage World. Searching for an actual play podcast for Dresden led me to your site. I've been listening to the first Cleveland campaign arc and I've really been enjoying it. I like how all your characters get a moment to shine even when it means a bunch of them are off scene. I especially liked episode 76, London sees the light. When I think it was Maxwell, the guy with the Denarian, that hammered through the wall of the theater. Actually, it was Roberta who hammered through the wall. - I could say how you could mix it up though. - Lots of silver hammer. Anyways, he finishes with, I'm looking forward to the rest of the first campaign arc and the new one too. A fan, Bellwyn. So thank you for the email. Thanks with the feedback, Bellwyn. And last but not least, we had a tweet from @danscale who said, thank you KOTM podcast. Now every time I see a guy with his arm in a sling, I'm gonna thank Ryan fucking Nelson. - Just to clarify, Ryan fucking Nelson is a New Zealand footballer. He's not from Australia. - Good to know. - As I said in the previous podcast and cut out. - That's not his nickname though, Ryan. - In New Zealand. - In New Zealand, Colin Brian fucking Nelson. - They really do. - They say score, Brian fucking Nelson. - No, Brian. - Don't make it up, Brian. And with that, we will just ask you to go to Amazon link on the right hand side. We're still getting action, appreciate it everybody. And we will get on to the episode. Okay, we'll get started tonight. My name is Tom. I'm a GM for the stress and foul story ritual. And players starting on my right arm. - I'm Michael playing Rep of Pierce an epigenetic, organic alchemist. - I'm Rachel playing Zalda Sykes, an American gypsy who uses the lore of a past to construct the future. - I am Jim playing Edmund Shabowski with a rich businessman in a black court-powered scion. - I am Scott playing London Deals, a moral seer to the supernatural powers. - I like to play Alan Montgomery, the only, well, the only warden in England. - Yeah, we need to talk about your character. - I don't know what he's saying. - The only ghost warden in England. - Ever. - Ghost land. - Bob played Steven Tillman, a reporter, hand photographer, who would do anything to get the story. - I was playing Max Valadisson and undercover homeland security operative. I'm John playing a book on my penis. People's guardian and power is my phone angel. - We left last week with you hearing the voice of your dead mentor, but at the start of each week, we have the option to do a couple of things. One of them is minor milestone. That would be renaming aspects, which is something that you, as a warden, probably want to do at least rename one of your aspects to reflect your current state, which is incaporeal. So you might want to rename one of your aspects. Maybe you're-- - Disembodied. - Disembodied? Yeah, there you go. Disembodied warden. - Do you have it worth? - I'm going to give everybody a refresh because the battle is over. Everybody gets their stamina cleared. So any damage you took on any of your stress tracks gets cleared. The adjusted refresh. That's what you go up to if you've spent any of your - Two, you did? - Eight points. - Yeah, you've got six. We have three right now. - I have three right now. - If you're adjusted as six, you go up two. If you have more than your six, let's say you had eight because of compels you received, you would stay at the high level. - So last we left, the group was split into two. You had Zelda, Bedmond, the body of the warden. - The warden, Repa, and Roberto in one room, and across town, and some abandoned factory was Maxwell, London, and Stephen. - I thought Roberto was in transit. - Yeah. - I jumped back. - You aren't trying to track down-- - Roberto's in transit. - Yeah. - And that sort. - You do have the warden sort, which I'm sure you're quite happy about. Let's start with the warden. So at first you're in total darkness, and now you're beginning to form vision so that you can see around you. You see, standing next to you, some representation of your mentor. You can see through him, he's obviously not solid, but most of what you're seeing is a shimmering ghost-like state, the walls around you. You are seeing the city, though, and you are seeing what looks to you to be abandoned warehouse. A lot of debris around. - Is it familiar to me? - Not at all. - All right. - So your mentor addresses you again. You say, "You all right, kid?" - What happened, Bill? Where am I? - Not exactly sure. - Are you real? - Was I aware of Repa and Roberto there when he cut my cord? - You were taken out of the fight, so you were in kind of-- - That's what I thought. - I'm not your state. - Okay, so I really don't really know what happened. - No, you know you went down and now you appear to be talking to the ghost of your mentor, Bill. I don't know how I got here, or where he is, or how I'm even talking to you, but it can't be good. - Is his mentor? - Well, he doesn't know. He's not sure why he's here either, but something drew him to this place at this time. And he can only assume that maybe he's supposed to help you once again. Maybe you move on. Are you dead? - Molly, I appear, okay, see myself? - If I look down, do I look like I'm-- - But yeah, you look like translucent and you don't see your body, you don't see a corpse. But last thing you remember, your physical body was at Edmund's place. - Okay, do I feel my magic? Do I saw my wizard senses about me? - Let's try. You don't feel normal, that's for damn sure. - So if you want to attempt to do something, what would you attempt to do? - Well, I would probably start with a very simple spell, or something I would either try to make a flame, or like make some light. - Okay. - Now come on, open the third eye, do you want to have it? - I'm saving that one, I want to try this first before I open up the floodgates. - Okay. - I want to discipline a roll. - Okay, we'll go to you guys next. - I have a negative one to the fudge, which will take it down to good plus three. - So apparently you're not able to conjure forth fire. Donovan is suggesting that were you not a bit of a expert with wind. I mean, that was one of your stronger things, wasn't it? - That's one of my specialties. - Flame requires a little bit more-- - Actually, you know you're right, air of spirit. - To push things around, you might find easier with wind. - All right, I don't have like-- - Put classes for your equipment. - No, because I'm not worried because you're not, you know. - Perhaps if you get within range of those items, then maybe it's been half done, all levels, okay. - Oh, I have a road spell called parma, which is the wind shield. So I will try to raise the shield. Negative one on the fudge again, which is making it a good. - That actually works. You conjure up some wind. The roll was the same as before, but you had more success, is as if dealing in wind is slightly easier than conjuring fire in this current state that you are. So if we go to Stephen London and Maxwell, what you guys see are little dust doubles like whirling up in the place that you're at and moving things around where, as far as you know, all the windows except the one that they jumped out of there are barbed up and closed. So it just kind of catches you as a little weird. - I mean, we're in the warehouse that has just recently been evacuated or vacated by-- - Right, on the floor was a pentagram and each of the five points of the pentagram touched a circle. A circle went around the outside, tying all these five points together, and in each of the five points, there seems to have been placed an item. - And I think the one of the items you kicked off into the debris. - Did he perhaps ruin the circle? - The circle. - Oh, he definitely ruined the circle. - I mean, physically. - I don't know your level of lore. - I'm gonna try to. - Let's have. - Well, just examine the circle, I mean. - It definitely scuffed. There is a breaking of-- - The dust or whatever. - Yeah, whatever was used to write it or create it, was broken. - How bad is this wind, though, like? - Oh, no, it's just like a weird swirling and dust picks up in a little cyclone and then-- - What's my compass doing at this point? - It's pointing off in the direction of the demon flood. - Why don't you go get 'em? - Yeah. (laughing) - Yeah. - Are you still a demon, right? - No, no, gosh, no. That's a trick. - Thanks. - I think we should examine, try to find whatever I kicked off. When you kick something, obviously, different things have different mass and texture. - This was of a metal nature, but not like a heavy metal. It's something like a canteen or possibly a flask. - Can you describe all the items that we're using? - The remaining four items that are sitting around, because it was a five point star and he kicked off one. - So I did find the one that I kicked. - You can go searching for it, but you can find it quickly. - Okay, sure. - So it was indeed a flask that you find and it seems to be engraved with some writing on it. - Well, I get out the iPhone flashlight app that I paid for and I dim it a little bit, so it's not too over a flashlight app. This one has various levels of strength. It's not just that blinding flask. So I want to see what the writing is, with the dim light, 'cause it's a metal object. What does the writing on the flask say? - There's like a little rectangle metal thing and it's engraved with-- - Things remembered, I get it. - It's my friend, my teacher, my mentor. In one of the corners, you find what appears to be-- - No idea what that means. - A card, like a plastic card that says Key Center on it. - Those keys? - Key Center. - And written on it is 408, a number 408. - Who found that one? - It's in the, there's five, it's a circle. - It's not really-- - What's starting to find is that it picks it up. No, I mean, just like who was the person here? - What are you picking the shit up? - No, not yet, I'm just thinking someone's walking around. - Stephen's got a pad and he's walking around and he's writing down what each one-- - Are you announcing what you thought? - Yes, I am. - That, I think I would remember. - Would you? - Well, I spent an afternoon there. - An intimate? - An intimate. - It was an intimate, but it did involve Blobster and Champagne, I guess it did. - The Key Center is a motel? (laughing) It's a sophisticated hotel that was the room number that the warden was staying at. When he first came to Cleveland, this is about, Stephen, you weren't involved this time, but it was about, I'd say six months ago, the warden stayed in that exact room at the Key Center. - Okay. - On one of the other corners is something that just looks like a napkin that says, Tommy's restaurant. It looks so much a chocolate on it. - Yeah, we ate at Tommy's restaurant, so is someone who relatively versed in lore, I think I have it at four, so I have it great as my baseline. I'm getting the picture here, these are things that are somehow connected. - One is this thin silver ring that looks like it may have some writing on the inside, and the fourth is a gray material that seems to be singed and burnt, so that's five items. We will go to Roberta, who is driving crazily across the, do you have a driving scale, what's our? - Yeah, it's an average. - Okay. - That's adequate, right? - That's higher than I would like to say. - But you're getting a blip of the demon in the distance and you're following towards it, and as you go on, you pass by the building that they're in, and you can make an awareness role to notice a car parked nearby. - That is blank, blank, blank, blank. - You have no faith. - Zero for my skill. - Oh, well that's enough. - That's fair. - Yeah. - I saw their car. - And you did notice their car parked outside of the building, and you believe it to be, who would be driving? - Oh yeah, we were definitely driving my vehicle. - I don't know, I asked a signal speeding, but I pulled down that street and rolled down the window and laid out. - I said, "Max, well, what?" (laughing) - Barbara's all about to suck. - I'm walking, and now I'm waving. - The thing is not like sneaking up on anybody at this moment. - The demon's not here. - The demon is over there. - The demon is actually fading at this moment. - Yeah, 'cause that means we're not doing anything at all. - The demon is-- - On all there is. - Yeah, I'm not gonna make you make a role, because there's honking in someone yelling downstairs and you recognize the rumble of his broken muffler. - Yeah, he's truck's getting worse as we go along here. - All right, I'll step outside to talk to him, you guys, keep up with the investigation. You know, the thing, I'm good at. - Sure. (laughing) - I'm gonna talk to him. - The loud guy. - So, yeah, step outside, good on the fire escape, because I'm not sure the entrance is actually open. - Yeah. - I don't know, why don't you run in the demons, get in the way. - 'Cause we have a crime scene up there, we're trying to figure out what's going on. - Well, I'm going and I started, I stepped the car on the drive around the corner, if he's not jumping in. - I don't know. - He's a cop or something, I don't know. - He's a investigator. - I hadn't been paying attention. I really should have picked up a chance. - Yeah. (laughing) - Where was he? - He was in the basement. - He was stealing. - So you drive on, the demon seems to be fading, which doesn't make any sense, because you know you're moving faster than someone couldn't play. - I saw a thing book up the side of the building, so there's no-- - Which is true, but still, I can't move faster than a car you would think. The basement, we have Zelda, we have Ruppa, we have Edmund, and the body of the warden. - Oh, I'm phone enough. - You're driving and tech? - You are reckless. - I'm not texting, I'm calling him. - Who are you calling? - James Kerrington. - What are you guys doing in the basement, Edmund Zelda? You have a body, you asked about the warden, he is no longer bleeding from the wounds in his hands in different areas, because-- - And the poison's not spreading. - He has been saved by Zelda. - Thrice. - He's breathing shallowly, but he is breathing. - But he's not waking up. - He's definitely not waking up. You still have lingering effects of the ritual that you did. The room still contains the aspect that you put on it to enhance the ability to contact that plane in. - So I'm smiling and I think everything's just fine. (laughing) - That may well be. - Except for that. - It's the whole thing where it's so shag. - It's so shag. - There are a million pieces, that was kinda cool. - I'm like, far out, man. - How do we get it back? You guys are the experts at that. - Zelda, do you have any diagnostic tarot that you can do in this guy to see what's-- - It's about the only thing I can do at this point. There's nothing else medically that I can do. We've got him stable, so I'm nervous. I'm just gonna pull up a card. - It takes a serious amount of time for you to do a more formal ritual. - Yeah, just pulling random, right? - Two of swords. (laughing) - Help it in. - Yeah. - Swords. - Two of swords. - What's the picture on a two of swords? - Oh, it's the giant slate. - It's not inverted. - No, it's not. - It's a version of bed? - Yeah. - No, not necessarily. - It's the opposite of whatever. - The card tends to be the opposite. - Everything gets pulled up. - Okay. - There's more information. - Two of swords is a card of choice and of the difficulty of making a decision. The woman in the card's blindfolded, intentionally. She's avoiding making a very difficult decision, but she's in a very calm, relaxed state. The blindfolded woman is an indication that you lack the information you need to make the right decision at this time. You may be missing some things, such as friends, the rats, potential risks. - Still. - It's a magic 8-bar when you're gonna be trying to get a lighter thing. - Yeah. - I like this where we go, "What's going on? "What's wrong?" - Like, "I have no idea." - I don't know. - I don't know. - I don't know. - They literally told me nothing. - The universe has communicated to us. - Well, he's calling though, right? - Yeah, he did explain the situation here and there. - Very well. - We need more information in order to make the decision on what to do next. - And she says that with such authority that you really believe that it's true. - Yeah. - We cannot make a decision without getting more information. - Yeah. - It's a very valid statement. - No, we might want to. - If we do a ritual, that's gonna require a setup where she's got to do it over your body. - Well, given the action, her ability is to pull up one card and affect the future by saying, but in this one, it's kind of like the lines are busy and she can't force an issue. - It does say though, in a reading, it may be helpful to draw two further cards on either side of the swords and then make the decision between the two. - You certainly can do that. Go for it. - Well, she's doing that. I reiterate what happens so that she has a little more information about what happens to see if that affects the reading at all, as far as we went out there and shot off a spider from him and then Roberto caught the line and came crashing back and the ethereal body or whatever it was, shattered as we passed back into this world. - So we don't know where his spirit is? - Perhaps it's a right hand. - Kicked something and broke that circle, just a fraction of a second earlier. - I try. Perhaps if someone were to listen to London and not send the reckless Roberto on the ethereal mission, London would have to get the bitch later. You don't even know about it yet. - I know. - All right. - It'll be smug later. - I'll be smug later. - Cool. - Oh. - Oh. - Oh. - All right. - That's all kinds of interesting. - An inverted queen of wands. - Queen of wands inverted. Night of pentacles. - That's great. - It's not so inverted. - That's a big girl. - Queen of wands could be an advocate. Well, she looks at those. We could go back to the three guys that are in the warehouse. - Or the phone call that just was made. - Oh, I'm sorry. There was a phone call. Did I get his call first or did I get my call up? - You would have got Roberto's call first. - He picks up and I say, Edmund, the demon's getting away. We need to track this thing down. I'm on its tail, but I'm on the corner of, and I say his street, then I say another street. I'm going really fast. - He's getting away. That means I can't catch up to you to catch up to you. - If I find him, I'll let you know finally, but I need you ready to go. - Yeah, coming back when you find him, but you know, I'm not really looking to go toe to toe against the demon right now. - I'll wait and make another call coming in. (laughing) - I gotta go. - I'll talk to you about that. - Does anyone in this room want to kill the demon? - I'm just gonna ask. - We're concerned about our fallen comrade than the demon. - I know what I can do, and I thought I knew what he could do. - Well, he can kill a warden. He can probably grab for a demon. - You got something for us, Zelda? - I have something on the Queen of Wands inverted, if you want to know about it. - Sure. - Well, the Queen of Swords at our wants is all about communication information, reverse this card, and her ability to solve the problem is blocked. As is access to information. - It's like it's real or something. (laughing) - The Knight of Pentacles? - I'm sure. - You got something else? - I'm about to do Knight of Pentacles. - I'm about to do it like a real tail card being right now. (laughing) - It's real or a tail card. - So we had another phone call being me. - Calling Maxwell, how do you ask him? - Hey boss. - What the hell happened on your end over here? Not so good. (laughing) - You sent the three most normal combat people to fight the demon. We did that. It ran away. - Good job, it's a great way. - Suck it. - Yeah, Roberto just found this at a job and all you did. - So I'm sure that'll go well, but. - And then we found the set of the ritual that was affecting the warden, maybe probably. We're checking that out. I'll get back to you. - Yeah, the warden, the warden is his body's alive but he's not in it, apparently. - The warden's dead. Wait, but his body's alive. - From what it sounds like real quick is somebody may have cut the little life cord that attached him to his body and his soul is in somewhere. I don't know where. - Somebody. - We're trying to figure that out right now. - What does everyone think it's a life cord? It's just a natural assumption everyone makes. - Sounds like a thing, Repa would do. - Yeah, probably Repa. - Yeah, freaking stoner. (laughing) - But they tried carrying his body through the portal. It's shattered. We don't know where his soul is. And such as we're trying to figure out a way to get them back together. And if you guys can do anything in your end, help us out or find anything on the scene or where you guys at, let us know. - Well, we got-- - I'm really interested here, Maxwell's interpretation of that phone call. As Steve and I are walking around looking at the-- - Is Praggy Rocket back in from the-- - Yeah, a speaker phone or is he coming in? - No, I was just coming in and talking to this dude. He told me to go on to the phone. - How did the mission go to a theory where we saved the warden? - It failed. - It failed the sense that he's still in the basement, breathing irregularly and still out of it or he's still out of it. - Okay. - They got his spirit and when they brought it back, it shattered into a million pieces. We all know what that means, which means we don't know what that means. - He's fine. The body's alive, but the spirit's missing. And they want us to figure out what went on with the ritual on this side and get back to them with that information. Maybe we can work it backwards. - Sure. We'll do our best. Guys that are there, who's got the highest lore? - Ooh. - I've got a four. - Nah, that's cute. - Now, any of you have any decent lore that many can aid me in searching here? - Well, it's good. - How does it work in this sense? - So, the way it works is you spend a turn your action setting up a maneuver to be helpful for someone. So, what is it you're attempting to do? - I'm attempting to ascertain from the shape of the pentagram, the substances that were used to form this circle, the pentagram within it, and the five personal, which I think I've deduced now, pretty much were touched at some point by-- - Some relation. - Do we make a role for that? But it seems pretty obvious at this point, but I certainly would make a role if you like. - No, I mean, it seems reasonable that your character could make that assumption, because at least three of the four items you know were distinctly linked to the one. - Right, and he's the one that's unconscious, and they were traveling here as well. So, I'd like to try to make an estimation of what does it mean? What were they trying to achieve when Ryan Fucking Nelson was in the middle of this circle? Was it to summon the demon? Was it protecting from the demon? What was the other voice that was there? Could we hear another voice, or was that just the ethereal gang? - The two that were ethereal, Rappa and Roberta. - There was another voice there beside you. - You know that Ryan was sitting in a chair, you know there was another demon. - Yeah, but there were the third two. - But it was a chair. - There was another voice that was talking to Ryan. - Chair in the middle of the circle. - Well, you didn't know that you didn't know that. - So, some idea of what this circle was meant to do would require a lore of great. - Could I have your dice, please, Bob? - If Bob wishes to assist in that, he would need a lore of good to share knowledge that he has might be used. - His would be one lesson that? - Yes. - What if I roll less than that? Do I have a chance? - You just don't help. You don't cause a minus. - He's way stronger than that. - All right, so I have a fair lore. Okay, so I started out with some questions, hoping he can help out. Can I talk to you real good, please? - I'm trying to-- - The one of those was caught. - No, that one. - Yes. - Not plus. - Yeah. - Well, let's say average, so. All right, I asked some questions and realized that this particular pedigree doesn't-- - Not his area. - Yeah, I should taste. But he knows some things. - He does. - I learned a little bit about it. I rolled a wash on my lore role. My lore is great, normally, so it stays great, which I think is where I needed to succeed. - Yes, which was enough to tell you that this is a type of pentagram, which is really pretty standard. It's a containment. It was meant to keep whatever was in here, in here. - And I shared this, obviously, with Maxwell and Steven. Yet the demon was outside of the circle. - Yes, but these things are related to the warden. So the warden's essence was being trapped in here, kept in there. - Yeah, that would have been the next, right. - So it's sort of like a binding ritual? - It seems. - It's a soul trap. - But what doesn't make sense is your soul should be free now. We've destroyed the pentagram, we've made them flee. I don't-- - At this point, you're starting to see more in this room. You're starting to see them as ghostly figures flitting about and you're hearing like a high-pitched buzz when they're talking to each other and you're not really understanding it, but you're starting to relate more to this world than you were prior. - Is Bill still there? - Yes. - Bill, you've been, I'm guessing, were spirits. - Yes, he is, he knows that. And he assumes that you are as well, but you seem to have more power than he did. He's never been able to affect anything on this plane. But he has to warn you that you are a creature of spirit and that the more you do to affect things, you're basically draining your life force. And it does take a while to recharge. - Okay. - So you gotta be careful with that. You can apparently affect things in this world, but at a cost. - What do you know about being in direct sunlight? All that day break usually resets all spells and magic. - It definitely weakens him. - Okay. - It's not sure about you, because you seem to be a different beast. - What time of day is it? - Mid-day. - So I guess if I go out into the sun, will I know before I do something stupid? - Oh yeah, I mean, you can do it slowly and you're not gonna just burst into flames and go right out. - It was gonna come day, it was smart. - As the world's coming into focus, you're noticing the things and one of the things you notice is the flasks that you gave him when you became a full-time warden is one of the items that they're looking at and they're there. - All right, so I'm able to perceive the pentagram and able to perceive the objects in that? - You're starting to, yes. - Do I have the ability to use my lore to try to figure out what that is? Or, Bill, you were headed right? - Yeah, while your lore is gonna be higher, but you can make a role. - Hey, positive two, which makes my lore a fantastic? - Yeah, so you have absolutely no problem picking up the fact that this pentagram, while some of the things that are in it seem to have a secondary relationship to you, for instance, you know you gave the flasks to Bill. - Right. - Well, it's a strong tide to you, but it was also a very strong tide, Bill, which might explain why he's here because it almost had more to do with drawing him here. - It'd be very, now, when I actually killed that, you remember putting it into his coffin when he died, so. - Shit, Bill, I gave you that flask and you put it in your coffin with it. - That form, right? - Oh, this guy. - So I recognize that it's a soul trap. - Yes, and the great thing is a cloak from your-- - Yeah, I figured that was a cloak. I don't recognize the silver ring. - I actually do, because you gave it to Megan. - Oh. - Yeah. - That's right. - And that's his daughter. - Yeah. - But you guys had a relationship when you were younger. - Right. Was this my silver ring? - It was a ring you gave to her that she had so much-- - Oh, that's not great of, okay. - It's concerning that she no longer has it. - Okay, I gave that ring to your daughter. And that's not, yeah. - The other things are, the napkins are barely. I mean, come on, you went and chopped it off on your face and the key to the hotel-- - That's not chocolate. (laughing) - I don't know what that is, Bill, I have no idea. (laughing) - It seems that Ryan was grasping at shots to get items to link you, but it also seems that he was able to use them, which means he had more power once again than he should have. - I tell Bill about what I saw of Ryan through my sight about how he was all fragmented into smaller pieces, how one arm is broken. I was like this shriveled little atrophy thing, but everything else was kind of strong and he seems to be, oh, and I did learn that he is a catalyst for power, that he can't use the power, but he-- - Yeah, I mean, that's what he informed you. He was just, he was a paranetter. He had no power of his own at all. People liked him because he kind of juiced other people's powers, but that made him popular in the paranet because they all got to pretend that they were more powerful while not pretending, it actually did make them more powerful. - Well, Bill, you were here in this town longer than I was and you dealt with Ryan and things that are on that pentagram are from what I came here to do and that involved the baby Janis and with that Fae Lord and with that vampire. So you were here ahead of us and you know what happened. Can you tell us anything about Ryan or why he would even be doing this? - He tells you that his link to Ryan was not very strong, he was dealing mostly with Constance. - Big player. - Now Constance might have been dealing with Ryan. - There was three voices dealing with Nelson. There was two other entities. I caught a name of a demon. Or I think it's a name of a demon. But I don't think-- - 'Cause it was literally-- - I don't think it refers to, I think it refers to a denarian. There was Nelson, there was another voice that he was talking to that I'm taking, I suspect was the Fae Lord. 'Cause we're talking, I mentioned the baby Janis or things in the Fae, I remember correctly. And then there was another voice. - Okay, is there a question in there? - Did he hear the name already old before? - He was never really a denarian specialist. - So the answer is no. - No. - I don't think it's, I suspect that's the name of the denarian. - Right, that's a separate issue. - But William was not a specialist in the denarian. He had more than enough. - So-- - The deal with him played them without messing with the big. - I look in this room, and am I able to focus my senses to perceive the room and see everyone in it? - It requires a discipline role for you to do that. - All right, well then what I wanna do is I wanna get real close to, is London there? - Yes. - Now London should be the one with the most magical talent in the room, right? 'Cause it's Maxwell. - Yes. - Maxwell's a normal, Steven's got some, but not as much as London. - Can you make the wind whisper? - That's what I wanna try to do. I wanna try to yell into, or I'm going to London 'cause he seems to be the one that's the most magical. Or has the most access. So I'm going to say-- - Oh no. - Oh, what? - Well you don't know Steven Law enough. - Right. - Yeah, he's new, but I will try to float in, like if I see him using his camera, or not, photo bomb. (laughing) - Photo bomb the spiritual camera, man. - All right, so I will go to London and I will say, yeah, I will shout, depending if I can reach across this. - We want a superb effort of your whole power to force London to notice you. - So are you actually using any spiritual powers like you whipping some wind around him, or are you just trying to-- - At this point, I'm just using my-- - Okay. - 'Cause pure discipline to say-- - Yeah, because if I've got a limited battery, I wanna be real careful. - Oh, oh my goodness, I'm not clear on who's doing this. This is spiritual. - Is it in the body corner? - No, this is in his spirit somewhere, babe. - Okay, go ahead. - It's negative, see on the fudge, I'm new at this. And it brings it down to fair, plus two. - Right, so you're like in London Space, and screaming and waving your-- - Nothing. - Not a damn thing. - I often try to punch him in the face, as far as I change. - I imagine you do. - His spirit and mind was pulled out of his body and taken to this warehouse where it was trapped in a circle. You guys tried to pull it out of the circle while it still existed, and that's what shattered it. - Circle still existed? - London kicked the circle, breaking it, which allowed his spirit to kind of leak out and recongeal. It is existing in that room at this time, very far from his body. So these events are happening in the warehouse. While you guys are sitting back, trying to figure out what to do. - I would like to try something once my turn. - Let's say it is your turn. - Zelda had another car, okay? - Yeah, but-- - Well, we're going back to the basement and you guys, so what's up there? Start with Zelda? - Sure. - Just to, you guys, the cars-- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - The entire car's just ready, go ahead. - They're not, the cars aren't talking. - They're not talking. - Another black channel? - Well, not necessarily, it's just that wherever he is, it's gonna take a lot more to figure it out. Specifically, I mean, this car is a car to discipline. It asks you to continue what you're doing. - Which car does it? - But you need to put a lot more into it, meaning I would have to do a good job. - No, I couldn't even wrote that better. - Yeah. - You don't have enough information, you gotta try harder. - Yeah, you just gotta do a full-- - There's no need to change your approach, just more of the same, your usual routine, your usual ritual, over time you'll reach your goal, but you have to be disciplined. - Okay, so you're gonna have to set up a more serious, you wanna do a ritual, but you're just pulling cards to do a quick. - Right. - You think that you need to do a full reading to get this-- - Definitely. - More information on the situation and what's happening here and how you can resolve it. - How about skipping a nice deal or something? Are you in front of it? - Yeah, I mean, medically she's got you stabilized. You are doing the facilities and-- - The wages are working just fine. - The fact of the matter is, your body isn't gonna starve within the next five minutes. You're not burning-- - I wasn't sure. - No, but I'm saying, you are breathing. - I mean, I was poisoned. - You were poisoned, but she solved that with-- - Polituses. - Polistic medication. - Yes. - Polituses, it was not with-- - She did not suck them. - No, it was no sucking involved. - No, no, no. - There was-- - It was a chamom. - Hey, you're living. - You're welcome. - That's true, by the way. - She doesn't even charge, shall I? - Why do we bother? - Huge. - Oh. (laughing) - Three times. - It's Obamacare. You're-- (laughing) - It's Obamacare. - It's Obamacare? - It's Obamacare. - It's like the fix. - It's Obamacare. - It has an idea? - Well, Repa would like to try the sight. - Okay. - See, I mean, specifically laying out of hands of the-- - On the-- - Yeah. - Gordon's body? - Yeah. - So we've left something new one? - Maybe. - And I think I'm still, as you just mentioned-- - Oh, you're still in the zone. - You're still in the zone. - You're still in the zone. - So, plus I've got that plus two for soul-related visions, which I suspect this has a lot to do with. - All right. Part of the problem is that his spirit is so far from his body. - Oh, not that far. - What's in the same town? - A couple months. - And a box, but it is a distance. So I'm looking for a superb role, five or higher, for your skill here to do this, to open your vision and see him, or communicate with the body in any way. - Well-- - Is that what you're attempting? - Maybe, but, I mean, that would be a bonus. I'm just trying to figure out whatever information I can from the sight. - Oh, okay. Okay. - So, maybe that's a second role. - Is that the first role, is a lower role then for you to understand what you're seeing? - I believe so. - Okay. - To process role versus lower, to close role versus discipline. All right, so let's start with the lower role. My lower is good, which is plus three, and I've got the plus two on sole related visions. So it's five, superb, superb to start. - Nice. - And it's even? - Even. - So, which keeps you as superb, which is, you get a good read of this. What you see is primarily an empty vessel. His body is null and void. You do see what you believe is unpleasant things on the fringes, kind of. It's almost like there's a campfire here, and that is you guys around the body, and you're keeping at bay these things that are like looking at an empty vessel over there, going, "We'll throw on the fire," huh? What's that? Think we can use that? Why don't you try to get into that type of thing where they're on the edges circling closer? So that definitely concerns you, because you don't see him. You don't see his soul. You don't see-- - No cord. - No cord. You see a little frayed, played in the cord. - Can I expand the search and try to find him? Knowing the general direction, at least physically of where he was before. - Okay, with the vision, is it not that he has to roll a discipline not to take damage? - Yeah, and I think the further he wants it from the fire, the more horrors he's gonna see. - So, the assault you're getting now is great for. So you have to do a discipline and roll a four to keep this at bay to not take any mental damage from the stuff that's assaulting you, to keep the vision open and to keep looking. There are some really nasty things out there in this other vision. - So a failure would do damage? - You start taking damage. No, you start taking damage. And in fact, you can't close the vision until you-- - Make another roll. - Keep it at bay long enough to shut it. So if you're attempting to keep it open, we're starting with a discipline of, let's say good. We're gonna start with a discipline of good, three. - That's my discipline, so it'd be straight up roll. - Right. - Now is this part of the expansion of the consciousness? There's just to keep me from being attacked. - It's actually both. It keeps it at bay, it keeps the vision open. You don't take damage and you can go one more round, but you know it's gonna be more difficult the next round. - Just so you're aware of that. Yes, Mr. Ward. - Can I spend a fade point to declare that that Shadaski would have put in some kind of ward or circle, not something that you can get me to in his place that he's established with. - What's disgusting, I mean, when Rappa comes back and says the wolves are circling, that might be a perfectly valid time right now, nobody knows that. - One out of chalk or lipstick or something on the floor. - Lipstick? - Lipstick? - Well, he's gonna go to Edmond, so don't worry. - No, I'm hard on my lipstick. - Come on. - Good talk. - I think I don't know that at all. - Minus one, that's gonna be a failure. - Okay, so it goes from good to fair. - At this point, your defense is fair, which means you take one point of mental stress. As these things that are circling are-- - Freaking you out. - Yeah, causing you a bit of EVGBs. - Princess, it's the kind of stuff you can't get rid of. - But you're forced to keep your site open because of that. And you can see farther, and you think you see greatly in the distance what might be the form of the warden. But you need a lower roll to interpret that, and it's to stop hiring. - Shall I? My ward is three, I'm assuming I get to still get the plus two because it's the slower level you do. - Third. - And that is actually a small bit more hard and fantastic. - So you are able to interpret that. In fact, that is his small way off in the distance. It does still exist in this world, and that he has pulled himself together. You see not only his spirit, that you can identify as his spirit, but there seems to be a thank you or one that he's next to our community. - Yo, warden, over here. - Do I hear him? - You can try him. - You can try him in any manner. You can try him for a yell. And I would need a good alertness to notice this. And that's actually kind of low because he's speaking in the same universe that you're now existing as opposed to things that are quite much closer to you. - Plus three fudge, which makes it, would you say my alertness? - Yes. - Which makes it fantastic. - So you actually do hear up a yell out. Yo, warden, over here. I look in a direction I've never looked before. Do I see Repa? - You do this only time. - You can see Repa. - You do in fact see Repa far off in the distance and he's waving his hands. - He's got a long beard and a robe and light pours from his head. - Head towards the light. - No, don't enter. - Am I able to move at the speed of thought? Do I just will myself next to him or do I have to-- - No more. - No, do I have to-- - Have we just established communication? - You establish communication and you can start moving in that direction but you're not moving at the speed of thought. You're moving at what appears to you to be relatively normal speed and you do have trouble when you try to go outside and the light is painful for you. Not-- - Well, I'm terribly damaging your stuff but you get to the edge of the building and you're like, shit, how do I get from here to there? - I go Repa. - You're counting in distance. - It may be daylight but what the hell happened? What did you see? What went wrong? - We need to connect you with your body this way quickly. - Unfortunately, you need to make another role on discipline because you're-- - Already? - Yeah. - Oh, well I'll tell you what, put my body in a protective ward to keep other things from entering it because that could be bad. You don't want demons possessing me until I get there. - Like a body bed? - We'll do. (laughing) - So I'm rolling against a display. - You're rolling up against a display? - Are you gonna try to shut it down or are you leaving it open? - Well, you're gonna try not to be damaged first and then he has the option to leave it open without the damage. - So the, what am I rolling against? I mean-- - This one's good, plus three. - Right, your previous role is good and now it becomes great as the pressure becomes more on you. - I need a plus one. - We got nothing, nothing. - Yeah, and a whole bunch of nothing. - You wanna use a fried bread? - Yeah. - You're gonna take another mental stress unless you spend the phase and your aspect you're tapping is. - See, every human life is sacred. - Okay. - Even the wardens. - So you have the ability now not only not to take damage but to shut down this connection and 'cause it's only gonna get more painful and more dangerous as you go along. - What do I suspect that would do to his travels? - Shutting it down? - Yeah. - You don't know, you're just shutting down your vision. You're not closing any portal or clearing this room of the smoke that would prevent any connection. You're just closing down your vision so you're not seeing into this other world anymore. So you don't think it's gonna have any effect on his ability to travel places. - So I guess he might still be able to see me? - You know you won't be able to see him as the only thing you know. You know that this procedure you're doing is allowing you to see him. You don't think that your sight is what makes him able to see you. That doesn't make any sense to you necessarily. - I'm gonna let her roll one more time. Not shutting down. - Are you letting us know what he said? - Not sure I can. - I think that once you're in the vision, you're in the vision to be able to communicate. - I would agree that way. - So the rest of you are just seeing him stare blankly with the rest of you being celled in. - Right, shouting away. - No, I'm anxious. - If you can get my sword, you can, my sword should be able to protect my body too. - Yeah, well, really? - What, where's my sword? - Just get over here. (laughing) - What, what, what, what, what for a walk? - Oh. - I don't wanna call him over and then disappear. - I can't really travel. - That's not gonna happen. - To protect my body. - I can't get there. I need some kind of sanctuary or some kind of, but like a little, a mess of object that I can hide in or maybe even ride along with one of the other guys here. I don't know, but I can't be exposed to sunlight without dissipating. - So you have the option since you succeeded to shut it down after you tell us. - It sounds like I might as well shut it down now because. - No, because we've had the connection, I can't communicate with him anymore until he turns it back on, or I would be exceptionally-- - I'm gonna say that you guys have an aspect of, that you could spend a fake point to have plus two. It's just an aspect of that Rupp is easy to communicate with because he tends to live in all their worlds as it is anyways. - Yeah, I wouldn't mind straight. - You're leaving an upper crack in the door, so I-- - Right, right. - So do you want me to spend a fake point for that? - No, I'm not saying it's, it's-- - You might need to spend a fake point for the end of it. - It's something you can tap an aspect which is, you've got a way to communicate with Rupp, and no matter where he is, you can send him a message, but it's gonna cost you a fake point to send that message. - There's also the empathy thing we had going, which-- - In the room. - If I'm still feeling it, then possibly his-- - 'Cause I have still an echo answer too, if that has any benefit. - You are, which is probably why you could talk to your mentor so easily. - Okay. - All right, hand here. - Roberto, the signal's going winking out, and it's not distance, it's definitely not distance. The voice in your head is saying that the power is receding, it's being rejected, it's being shut down, it's not-- - How good is it? - No, no, not your power, the power you're tracing. - I'm asking him that, questioning the worth of this power he gave me. - Because, whatever. - You asked for it. - He describes it as there was a human that the demon was in control, now the human's coming back. I can't track any human, I don't know, humans. I can track the power source, but the power source is receding. - Then I trace it for as long as I can, and get a vague idea of the direction it was in. - Then I'll drive him back to the warehouse. Park and sit on the back of the truck and watch him come out. - We're going to beeping y'all up. - No, there's nothing to hurry for. - Okay. - So, who needs to do something? We're back to nothing? - What do you got? - If I can speak. - You're back to normal? - I'll go up to where the fire's been. - Okay. Do you think I should set up my camera? Try to, is it something that we can't see here? Is there something else going on here? - You know, this, I tell them what I believe to be the case. I believe this was to contain the warden's soul. And something, sounds like something really bad happened, and somehow his soul got shattered, as you probably heard Max well say. And I don't have a lot more I can do here with my talents. I think that we take a picture, we bring it back, and we try to discern what the next step is. Something got fucked up in a major way. As you head down to the car to get your equipment, apparently you put it in his trunk. - Which I'm fine with. - Yeah, yeah. - And Roberta will show up roughly at the time that you're going back upstairs, and we'll go to Repa, who is now out of a trance in which is to speak with the other two in the room. - Is it Edmunds? - Edmunds in the room. - Edmunds out there are still here. - Can you call Roberto and ask him to get the sword back here? - Yeah. - As soon as possible. And I wanted to ask you and Zelda, if there's any other of the wardens equipment around here that it might help to have it close by his body. And we need to get a pentagram or something, some kind of. - My body should still have some magic. I've got a ring and-- - But that was my question. Did we have any of your items that weren't on you that should be near you? - I was carrying everything with me. So I mean, there is some equipment on me. - I've got those magic stones in my pocket, in my jacket. - Dude. - I have a rope ring. - Oh, man. - These stones. - So I got the gloves and I got the ring. - What did you want to ask? - Zelda, why can't you-- - Oh, just if the warden had any equipment or personal items that he brought with him, but aren't already on him. We want to get him near him. And we need a pentagram around him. There's some kind of protection. He would know better maybe. He could trace something quickly. And unfortunately, I don't know about the little-- He mentioned something about a container to hold his soul. I'm not sure where we're going with that. - So you saw him wear? - Well, I explained what I did see when I was able to communicate with him and he was heading this way, whatever that means. - All right, I'm sending a burrow a text. Saying, can you please bring the words, sort back your ASAP. - Okay. - I'm calling Maxwell. - Okay. - Again. - Okay, up there. - What are you in the sword? Through the magic circle. - Can I cut anything else while I'm here? - I was retelling the story of these people. - And I'm basically going to say, hey, Maxwell apparently sounds like Alan's soul is stuck there in the warehouse with you guys. And he can't get here because of the sunlight outside. And he's looking for a way to get back here to his body. There's anything you guys can do to help him over there. He's over there. And we're over here trying to keep his body safe until we can get them both reunited. I just pull out my soul vacuum cleaner. We'll be right over. - It's only this someone had a place where they were constructing the equipment for dealing with a supernatural, you know, sometimes my lad is dealer or-- - Or really it's all right. - In a restaurant. - In a restaurant. - Businessman, yeah. - Any of those things. - Thank you for listening to the Knights of the Night Actual Fight Podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter @KOT_podcast or by email And don't forget iTunes reviews or our Facebook page. Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there is our blog page,, where there's our Amazon link on the right-hand side. Thanks to Zen AudioSmith for our intro and outro music. Get your own music at And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. (gentle music) - The reason that the laws are so rigorously, that's hard to read. (laughing) The reason the laws are rigor, wow. Seriously, I'm not gonna be able to do this. Someone else wanna read this? - Rigorously. - Collaborative. - Collaborative, Lee. - Collaborative, Lee. - There you go. (laughing) - Just spliced that in the- - Collaborative, Lee. - Twitter. - A tweet! What the fuck is a tweet? How hard is that? It's dead! We had a tweet on Twitter. What was that, Rachel? - You had a Twitter? - I had a Twitter. - I had a Twitter. - It's like eight times you say, yeah, you don't know. It's been like years. He's still can't get it, right? - Really? - No, he's lying. (laughing) - Is it Twitter? - It's Ryan, thank you. - Yeah. - And it's a Twitter, not a tweet. (beeping) - I don't know why I started a character. (laughing) - Mine, what's up, guys? - It's like when you're on a hold, then you start, you know, you play the fight or something. - That's when the- - That's when the game. - Yeah, that's when we get you. - I'm John, playing Roberto Martinez. - I was gonna add any title to him, but it's not appropriate. - Slayer of warden? - I was gonna say warden slayer. (laughing) - Not dead yet. - Yeah, no, don't do it. (beeping) - I'm on both pain pills and cold medication. I'm in trouble this week. - Let's start with the warden. (grunting) Since he's playing on his phone. - I'm looking up in corporeal. (laughing) - Can I spell it? - Not in corporeal. - Not in corporeal. - Not in corporeal. - What does that mean? - Believe me, it's in corporeal. - Look at it. - We've moved on, Mike, it's okay. You're a ghost. - Oh, you'll get off sorts. - Before it goes. (beeping) - Is that the noise it makes? - It's closing, it's closing. - So Bill admitted to me, this is why I had to kill him, was, you know, Bill, you wouldn't kill him, by the way. - What? - You didn't kill him. - Is that good? - No, you still didn't. - That's right, that's right. - No matter how much you want to kill, no, no, no, no, no, I, I, - You set it up. - I engineered his gun. - You're playing yourself. - You actually left him and you may blame yourself, but you never killed him. - I know this is gonna be a surprise, but Jim is a blank. - What? (laughing) - Oh. (laughing) - Boy, that's old. He never gets lost. - Kill. - I saw this movie. (laughing) - Is there, oh, is there a clay table? Is there something that we can kind of-- - I don't even want to go. - Yeah. (laughing) - It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. I think you're very much. - A penny, maybe. - His, his spiritual, it's ghost, the moon is. (beeping) - But it doesn't make sense that I did, and did that last, so it was a, it was a, it went on for like five minutes. The, (beeping) - I think anyone who spoils anything is just a real son of a bitch, (laughing) - That's all I'd say. - That's all I'd say. - The king of spoiler. - Self-wielding. - I would just spoil it, but, (laughing) she'd just fuck by a goat. (laughing) - First of all, you're wrong. - You're missing your options, man. - There was no fucking, yeah. - What was a guy? - It was a guy. - Get him, right? - Holy shit. - I thought it was the other one. - You think I had a problem with my diarrhea. - Yeah, I think you wouldn't really have a problem with your daughter. - Well, what did he go fucking for crying out loud? - He was 11. - Hey, handle it. - It's Davey on, Davey, just Davey on. - What? - Go fucking was all right? - A book that had that content in it. - Micro, actually, you know it. - It has a sentence, a sentence of it. - You know what? One word was called lamb by Christopher Moore. - I don't know. - It's a very good book. - Lamb. - It's, it's a lamb. - Lamb of God. - Lamb of God. - Lamb of God. - Lamb of God. - It's about, well, no spoilers, but, (laughing) no, it's the Gospel according to Biff, Jesus's childhood pal. - Biff. - Biff. - And apparently there's a sentence. - It's a 13th apostle. - Right. - And it's a very well, the whole series is actually wonderful. - They did get good reviews, though. - I remember coming out. - Yes, it's an excellent book, and maybe you should read before you judge. - Well, all I'm saying is, if I'm gonna recommend a book for an 11-year-old, it might not have book fucking in it. - She might be first of one, maybe. - First of all, she was in front. - She was in front. - She was in front. (laughing) - You're making this up, 'cause she was in her high school. - I mean, she was just... - A change of meaning, like, for grand out loud. - She was 11 and she was in high school. - No, no, we're making it worst. - Oh. - Mike, and we like to pick up the direction. - She wrote a play, and it was a reverent. It was a reverent, it was extremely reverent. And Mike said, "While considering that play, "you wrote, you would enjoy this book, "because it was also a reverent." - And Mike, you did enjoy it. - And it did have an offhand comment about go-fucking. - It wasn't a septal, I was reading the novel. - I was reading the book as well, and when I got to the apartment, like, really, you suggested this book to my daughter, really? - But it wasn't really that bad. I just, it was not really like that. - She's still scarred by the whole episode. - I can't really, I don't think she would even remember it. - She brought it up. - She just, was it go-dun-go? - Isn't it so go-dun-go? - Don't you know, she was not go-dun-go hard. - She would. (laughing) - It was not go-dun-go-d action, no. - Yeah, I think this was involved, if I'm- - I thought it was go-dun-female, because- - Is this the feedback that we were rolling here? - And we're done. - Yeah, and we're done. - And we're go-dun-go-fucking. - We are actually recording all this, and we'll go into the episode when we make fun of Mike. - That's what the whole world is for. - No, actually last episode, Mike, did you listen to last episode? - No. - The last part, making fun of? I was making fun of Thomas. - Holy shit. - Hey, there's one part where he says, I'll look up the rules and tell you how you're wrong later. And followed by a beeb, and I was totally wrong, please cut that out of there. (laughing) - Nice. - You always do. - It's good to be straight over there. - For the fans, like a little- - Oh, he's trying to be out of there. - There's no wall in the house. - Rachel had a moment when she corrected. - Oh, yeah, you were in there twice. - Oh, that's correct. - That's the rules. - Twice? - No, it was where, what do we say, something about when you rolled the term initiative, it's, we said awareness, and she corrected all of us. - Right, awareness? - And I said, oh, I'm gonna cut that out and I'll make myself sound really intelligent 'cause I said it right at the end. - Right. - And then you said, well, yeah, you said, well, you can take away her moment when she gets to correct all of that. And so I actually put it in there twice, once with the whole thing, and then once at the very end is, did you mean, so we play too many systems. Right, 'cause I'll confuse everyone. - Sure enough. - Awareness or alertness?