Knights of the Night

KotN Actual Play Podcast - 176 DFRPG - Voices from the Past

1h 11m
Broadcast on:
15 May 2014
Audio Format:

With the thread cut, what is the group to do? Is Allan dead? Are London, Steven and Maxwell soon to join him? Or will Zelda save them all.


(upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Hello and welcome tonight to the Night Actual Play podcast. This Dresden File Story Rituals was written and run by your GM Tom. And now, please enjoy episode 176, titled Voices from the Past. Actual Play begins immediately. (upbeat music) - All right, we're gonna get started with our Dresden Files Mutualist story. We need this time on GM and we have a full house tonight. - Woo! - This is Rachel and GM, you know. - Eight players, yeah, really. Wow, holy shit. So, starting on my right, the players are. - I'm Michael, playing Repa Piers, an Entheogenic Organic Alchemist. - I'm Rachel, playing Zauta Sykes, and American Gypsy, who uses the lore of the past to construct the future. - And Jim played Edmond Shadowski, a new user of Ethiopianics, and a rich businessman blackboard-powered Saiyan, trying some of this stuff out. (laughing) - Apparently. - I am Scott playing London Deals, a moral seer to the supernatural powers. - I'm Mike, playing Alan Montgomery, the Warden of Cleveland. - About playing Stephen Tillman, a reporter and photographer, we do anything to get the story. - Thomas playing Max Wellesen, an undercover homeland security algorithm. - John playing Roberto Martinez, people's guardian-powered phone angel. - Okay, when we left last week, we left at a cliffhanger. We should probably bring Jim and Rachel up to speed in what's going on. - I believe what ended up happening was that two separate groups left. They followed the Silver Thread going from Alan Montgomery, and they followed it to a warehouse in Ohio City. Meanwhile, the rest of us were following London's compass myself, Stephen Tillman, Max Wellesen. I think that was the extent of that, because it was the three of us. Yeah, it was the three of us. So we followed it to the same warehouse, and we approached it somewhat quietly, stealthily, and at the same time, we both entered the two, Rappa and Roberto. - You're up as a spirit walker, so he opened a gate into another world. - Right. - They stepped in. - They stepped in and stepped through and ended up in this warehouse. - Rappa brought his sniper rifle. - Right, we aren't in the warehouse. - Roberto brought his hammer, and he also brought the warden's sword, and they were viewing it as a different world than what you were seeing. It wasn't to be. - It was the warehouse, but maybe in a difference. - It was more like a maze to them. - Okay. - So they were in a maze. There was a demon there, correct? There was a demon that we fought in the alley that was there at the location, or was that just, it was the location. - Right, that was what ended up attacking you. - They had spiders. - What Mike was dealing with was spiders. Originally, he was in case in a box, he fought his way out. There was spikes involved. - So his Roberto decided that the best way to solve the situation would be to take the sword, right, of the warden and sever the silver core, connecting the two Michaels. - Assuming that that's what was binding the warden to that spirit. - Right, he was trying to kill him. - I thought it was the line he was pulling out to bring a psyche there. - Right. - 'Cause I don't know what shit about a cool court. - That sounds plausible to me. - For meanwhile, the three of us in the physical world worked our way up the fire escape, picked a lock, I think, was that used to even pick a lock? And then we entered into the warehouse in the physical realm, and there was that horrible demon again who leapt down some stairs and attacked us in the stairwell. - We're pretty sure that the warehouse houses the guy who did the magic to pull Mike in, which is why you guys went there in the first place. - Exactly. - So that's when we left off with the board being severed. Meanwhile, Zelda was watching over, Alan, and you saw that he started bursting out into stigmata. He started bleeding all over his body. - We could start with that. Edmond is a terrorist talking to some policemen there, questioning him on what happened. People reported that there was some kind of altercation, and apparently, there's damage to your wall of your business here. - Yeah, and I'm explaining it's no big deal. Some car must have hit a dumpster in the alley, hit the wall, scared people, they ran out. We got it all covered, nothing to see here. It's all no problem. I'm calling the church agency. - Okay. I would like you to make a-- - Report? - Sure. - Supportable rule? - To kind of get them to leave you alone and everything's under control, I would say it would require at least a fair, because they really don't assume that anything-- - My quick terrible-- - Sorry, I was just trying to spread out the information. Got a plus one on the fudge, which brought my great choice superb. - Oh yeah, there's no problem. So while they're wrapping it up, we'll check in with Zelda really quick. You're downstairs. You have seen Repa and Roberto walk through a rift and what appears to be the universe. They just kind of disappeared as they walk through. They were carrying the warden sword. In front of you is laying Alan Montgomery the warden. He's kind of out of cot, and-- - So I'm just taking part of the warden. - I don't know. So yeah, well, you're just kind of watching over them to make sure nothing goes wrong here. And after only a few minutes, things start to go wrong. And Mike described Alan as suffering from stigmata, which is his hands just-- - Because of what happens is-- - And blood starts to drip down. - Not just my hands, but probably my back, my shoulders, and some other places where these seeping puncture rules just kind of appear almost if you have like a, I think like a glass cone being stabbed into me in multiple places all at the same time. So from your viewpoint, I just kind of erupt in these monster-- - These lesions. - Yeah, not even gashes just the whole puncture wounds that are ripping into your body, just open it up. - And the blood starts flowing rather freely on him. So what are you doing? - You're upstairs. - I am upstairs, probably hearing me closing the door and walking the doors upstairs. Or actually, the entrance to-- - It's roughly around the same time. You're still talking to the police when this is occurring. Sorry. - Yeah, there you go. - So upstairs, Edmund, is talking to the police. Not that you necessarily know that, but-- - I hear muck with voices and it's a bit bump around upstairs. - Probably. - I would probably start trying to look around for something to help him, physically. - We established an aspect earlier when I pulled a fire extinguisher out of one of your places that your place was up to code. It probably has a first take. - She might have her own-- - Yeah, I don't know if it's your character-- - And did he grab something on the way down? 'Cause he was out comatose upstairs. - When he, yeah, when we carried him down and then I drove over there and I would have had my car with me and I would have had something. I mean, I am a doctor, so. - You're actually a doctor? - Yeah, I'm practicing alternative medicine right now, but I still have a doctor. - She's got a bag with some glue sticks in it. - But yeah, I have, but I do have medical training as well from my before. - Okay, and medical training is under a law scholarship. - Scholarship, which I have. - Makes more sense, yes. - So then we'll give you a scholarship role. - Do we establish what type of facility she has, where she currently is? Like a standard first aid kit that any type of office would have, or something like maybe the equivalent of what a first aid kit like a paramedic might have? I guess I'm asking, is there a defibrillator in what type do I have? - I don't know, is that something you would likely have? I wouldn't think so. It's not exactly alternative. - A lot of offices have an airport, you may have like these little one shot defibrillators, but you can use a lot of polligators. - Either no optical can be tough for them. - I don't think carbon billings. - That's kind of where I was going at. And there's also a wonderful thing called quick clot in standard first aid kits, especially for, I don't know, bleeding wounds. So, I'm trying to take the water. - I may not have all of these items with me, but that's why I have a defibrillator. - She might have a defibrillator, but I can see her having some sort of alternative medicine stuff. - We're going to say right now, she adds on. She got the leeches. I'm not talking about what she would have, I'm talking about what's in the building that he would have. - So, we're going to say right now that she has her bag of alternative medicines. - So, it's true. - And somewhere in the building is potentially full medical kit with maybe even a defibrillator, depending on Jim's particular resource role. I don't know if you would even think that that would be necessary. I think, I'm going to say that this may require a fake point because that's pretty out there to me. - Well, it's a special restaurant. - Yeah, this is caffeine. - Can I burn it? - As of yet, it's not required. - Can I burn that fake point when he flatlines me? - That might be a possibility, yes. - Believe that. - We'll wait 'til that point. So, what I want from Zelda is a role. You're dealing with someone who's breaking out and oozing wounds all over the place. - Fun times. - This is going to require, I'm thinking grayed, actually, as a great role under your medical skill to, - Okay. - So having at least stem the bleeding a little bit. - So having the power of doctor, what does that give? - I'm not even sure, I've never heard of it. - I have it. - It would add to your scholarship, I would imagine. - Yeah, it would certainly be the thing. - I mean, it should just-- - I can look it up, actually. - It's a doctor. - You have a medical degree or the equivalent of such an education. You may use your scholarship skill to declare appropriate justification for recovery of moderate physical consequences when outside a medical facility and for the recovery of severe physical consequences within a medical facility. For research purposes, gain plus one on scholarship for any medical research. Additional plus one in specific area of medicine. - But, the key there was moderate wounds and rights. - Right, right now you have to take a moderate, well, all of a sudden, that was four. - So moderate, what can you do for a moderate? Is that something you can handle outside a medical facility? - The moderate is something I can handle. - Okay, so we're not yet up to severe. Do you get to severe? - I thought I had to choose between severe and then I had to, I got a negative six and I had to check out. - Okay. - That was poison. - Okay. - So that was poison, would I agree? - Right, so we're not there yet. - So right now we're at moderate. This is a moderate wound and you're attempting to do something about stumbing that. - Still, when moderate occurs, her treatment while valid and may solve the problem, the consequence doesn't go away when she successfully treats it. It still requires time after treatment to go away. - Yeah. - That's the way the rules work. - Yeah, I'm not wrong about this. - Hotter it might be an entire session after treatment, if I'm not mistaken. - That was like days or something. - So beer was like, no, it goes by like scene or a session or adventure for the severity. - So first we need to do the roll, which is to do the treatment and that treatment would be at least great, which shouldn't be a problem because your skill is great and you have a plus one because of your. - Is that a plus one or a plus two? - I would say it's plus one. I don't think, I mean, while she does specialize in alternative medicines, that's not really, that's more preventive or holistic. This is kind of almost surgery where it's not in that wheelhouse. - Good. - Pusted? - Oh, I forgot which ones are which. - Oh, these guys are plus. - Okay and those are the, right, so those are blank. So that's actually the plus two. - So on plus two, so then yeah, I have seven. - And then you roll two, so that's epic. - Dude, that's epic. - Is that spin for, I don't know, something that's what that happened right? - Yes, so actually that is spin. And by that, I mean, you've treated them so well that you're gonna be able to get a free plus two in a future problem that occurs, which, trust me, will occur. - Yeah, 'cause we already know what he went through. We're gonna take that spin, we're gonna assign it to the aspect of stabilize. You've got him, clearly, under control. - Okay, so I'm curious, can I contribute fade points like I'm throwing in to say, and not only for the stabilize, I'll contribute a fade point to help. - Can I swing the pot? - Well, other players can contribute fade points, but usually they have to have an aspect of theirs that they're treated, is that not true? - I've got stigmata, that's my aspect. - You can't tell me, I'm poison, that's my aspect here. Please help me. - You can't turn good and help me. - Yeah, those are positive, relevant aspect would be. - Oh, and I have to choose a positive aspect to do it? - Yeah, I mean, something that would make it easier. - Well, I think it would justify you being do something. If you were a hardy mountain man, you could throw a fade point in and say, look, I'm really easy to heal, 'cause I don't get hurt that day. - Just to bring everybody back up to speed, Edmund has the opportunity since she has successfully handled this on her own, you usher the place out of your establishment, and you do flip the sign over to close, and block the door. - And start heading downstairs? - You start heading downstairs, and when he does start heading downstairs, Alan suddenly, you see two puncture marks appear on his neck, and you can just see him start to go into seizures. - No, Alan, the body in front of you on the cot. As it appears, he's suffering from poison. He's going into a spasmodic compulsion. - My skin will become clammy and sweating profusely. I start to foam at the mouth, my eyes start squiggly rolling up in my head, and you can see the veins all atrophying, and you see that you're sweating all of the poison here, it works into my system. - Yeah, if you're-- - That's not a good thing. - You see the CGI, you get to see the little blackness going down the veins. - I think this is where her holistic medicine-- - And realistically, I'd probably start avoiding my bottles, but that's just really-- - You're really good at dying. - Wow. - You got the dying thing down cold. - It's perfectly legitimate, as I've been pointing out. This might be a place where her holistic medicine might be more helpful than-- - Blocked, this was what level of-- - Maybe this six. - Okay, so this is more serious. - This is severe. - So we're gonna kick this up to fantastic, because not only do you have to once again stabilize him, but you've gotta actually pull the poison out of his body to prevent it from-- - Well, I'm not saying that you necessarily have to suck the poison out yourself. I mean, you know-- - Stop saying you're gonna die. - Maybe you have alternative medicine. You might have slugs there. - You have slugs. - They're leeches, yeah. - Maybe the best way to cure her is to pull her soul back in here and then just cure my body. - Yes, I can do it. - Yeah, so some alternative medicine. Leading him might be-- - You can make up your own way to do it. - Yeah, sure. - 'Cause you don't want to suck his neck. (laughing) - Maybe you have some who are dead old. - Can't solve the poison. - Another option, you've always got your turtle cards. Kitchen's right on the corner, turkey bakers. - But I'm still starting when I roll off at superb, right? - Right, and in fact, you've got a plus two sitting there because of your previous success. So maybe you don't need to, because the tarot cards would just give you another advantage, they wouldn't do the actual healing. So if you don't think you need it, then go right ahead. You're gonna try to cure him of the poison aspect on his body here. - Mm-hmm, he's an alternative. - Right, which will give you plus two. Would you care if you find those? - I wouldn't do it. - No, not really. - So what happens to this room stays in this room? - No, it's not released to everyone. - No, no, I meant what happens in the room with Alan, no one else is there. So you stay there. - Yeah, no witnesses. - Yeah, no witnesses, man. - So you're starting at great. Your alternative medicine takes it up to fantastic already. - Yeah. - You've got a free plus two in your roll. So as long as you don't roll horribly, you should be okay. (clicking) - Mine is fine. - So it's a total of minus one, which would lead to a failure, unless you tap your previous plus two for stabilized, and then you manage to once again. - No brain. - Not so stabilized anymore, but. - Like that's stabilized, but he's definitely healthy. He seems to be okay. - He's not spreading. - Yeah, the poison isn't spreading. It does sound like stabilizing. - Yeah, it sounds like. - It's like the definition of stabilized. - It's not stabilized, it's just not getting worse. - And then it's going down the stairs, heading towards the room to find out what's going on here, when the third thing happens, which is. - All his things. - Yes. - Which is the severing of the cord, which sends his body into a rust. He just flat lines before your eyes. - Oh, you're like, I fixed him. - I fixed him. (laughing) - I'm sorry. We've kind of got everybody caught up. We've got, I've been walking down the stairs. We've got Zelda with Alan, relatively stable. We'll quickly go back to Roberto, who finishes his swing, and the silver thread goes, pops, and Alan's character in two worlds, goes into a rust. One in front of your guys' eyes, being Rappa and Roberto. And one other version of Alan, which is his physical body in front of Zelda. - What happens to his spiritual body? - It kind of, collapse, completely as if dead, stops moving, no breathing, no nothing. Just, I thought he already had. Well, he was unconscious, but there was still some. - What did, no, just what was, Roberto expecting to see when he cut that cord? - He didn't reel back to his body, 'cause that was the line he had used to pull. - Okay, I just want to make sure that he, I want to know what he thought he was going to see, and what he did see. - Roberto assumed that cutting, the silver thread, that would break. What you guys believe is, Ryan fucking Nelson, is in this place, trying to pull Alan's spirit into here, and that this was the line he was sucking the life out of Alan. And then he was stopping it by cutting the thread. Roberto has a lower of one. Very little understanding of how magic works. And truth be told, the rest of the people at the table are making assumptions based on D&D in 20 years of all playing. I don't know that, yeah, any of these people, including Zelda, Thomas, and Roberto, and Max will have that assumption. I mean, what do you assume that? - I don't doubt Roberto's ignorance in this manner at all. (laughing) - You got my back? - I guess. - And something else since I wasn't here is the people in the spiritual fight, they see Ryan clicking Nelson there, but they'll do not see. All they see is his body here, and spiders, and that box, and all that voice. - Can they hear the voice? - Only like has heard the voice. - Oh, wow, since he talked. - Can not. - Reppa actually spotted something that indicated far away a foe, a powerful foe. Again, it wasn't clear on what it was or where it was, and his major concern was the spiders that were climbing all over the warden, potentially killing him. - As my thing, I've had a lot of change for my character. Probably right, one of my aspects is to reflect the ignorance of magic that I have, apparently in spades. - Okay, so that's fine. - I don't know, if I do mistakes like this more often, I should be paid for them. - 'Cause we're probably paying for it. - I don't remember what I wrote. - I could use fake points to pick some shit I break, like this today, right now. - With the finish of Roberto, we're gonna go up to the top of the order, and we're gonna deal with Maxwell, so therefore we're gonna deal with the Maxwell group, which is Maxwell, Stephen, and London. - Okay. - Hold on. - I think this is so exciting. You should just handle him, 'cause we can't really affect it, can we? - Well, you're a big guy. - You're also a demon. - Wow, that's beside the point. - Don't worry about that. - Can't worry, can't worry about that. - I think we're gonna just stroll on back home. - Actually, he's dead already. (laughing) - It'll be more tantalizing to hold the audience off with him. - Yeah, we're gonna go with Maxwell actually going first. - Yay, surprise. You're facing a demon. Stephen, you were right behind him. - I had previously attacked it, and it looked like it was affected. - Yes. - I'm gonna shoot it again. - Okay. - That looked effective last time, and I'm the only one who shot it so far. - We get more fake, all you people who have no-- - No, you're middle of combat. - No, I'm wondering, why aren't you? So go. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Plus is there? - Nice, plus two. That's way better than last week already. That's uh, there you go. Yeah, let's just leave right now. - It's dead. - It's grand total play. - It's dead, right? - Great. - Great. - That's fantastic. - No, it's great. - Oh, wait, that's another thing. - All right. - It's, defense will superb. - Bastard. - Yeah. - It's plus one on the roll, and it is right to start. - That's a GM. - I do, I want it. - One hit, eight point left. - Oh, you are correct. - I do have one hit point left. - Yeah, you spent three on the first attack. I am going to hit it. I'll spend a point on undercover homeland security operative. - Okay. - You didn't use last turn. - I totally-- - It doesn't matter. - It's each turn. - I know it doesn't matter. - So that is a plus one, you hit, and then the weapon is what? - Three. - So that's a total of four. - Which is what I hit last time. - Right. - Which consequence? - He actually does get a minor consequence because, or a mild consequence, because he only has a total of four. He has additional ones, but they are not counting because you are using his catch, which is holy weapons. Blessed ammunition from Brother Francis. - Mild consequence? - Yes, it is a mild consequence, which is-- - Should we have that boo-boo? - Holy hand. - You can't nail? - Yeah, I would say-- - We're going to call it a mild consequence of bloody. You actually did a little bit of damage to him, and we're going to go to Steven. - Let's go. - Hi, we're coming for you. - Oh, thanks. - Let's take them up. - So did the demon drop down from the staircase above us? - Yes. - You're in the stairwell itself, and it's dark, but the door is still open? Or do you let it close? - I hope it let it close. - I don't know if we had time to. - Right, we were in the process of closing, because we're not going to leave it open, we were trying to sneak in, so we wouldn't let the outside light coming in. - I got an icon with the flashlight on the flashlight. - Right, exactly, it was awesome. - It was awesome. - That's my idea. - Go for Steven. I'm just going to run up the stairs as fast as I can. - Ask the creature as fast as I can. - He dropped down, let's say the stairway's winding. He's kind of on landing. You can run up, and you're running away from him. Of course, out might be safer. - No, I'm sure. - But, stories in here, man. - The story is definitely in here. Someone throw that man a fake point. He heads up on the stairs. - I'm going to do all this. - Yeah, because it's the dumbest fucking move you can make, Bob. - Oh, long eyes pay off in the best. That's another fake point. Bitches. - We'll see about that. - I'm making a full defense maneuver and springing because I have the-- - Okay, so you get one zone, which will take you up one flight of stairs in addition to doing the full defense of maneuvering. - And with this stunt, I get a plus, additional plus one, so I have a total plus three to my defense. - And can you see in the dark? - I can, but I have a flashlight. - Are you trying to be like with the point, Gia? - I'm just going to, I'm not triggering it. It's a dark flashlight for that. It's an abandoned building and a stairwell, so it's pretty fucking dark. - I have a flashlight in a can't quarter. - It is one of the aspects of this stairwell, dark. - London. - Okay. - Doesn't get to go before the demon does. Sorry. (laughing) - But David, once already. Did it? - And it's a surprise round. - Is it a joke? - Now it's a regular round. - And it's an initiative aside. - And it's an initiative. - I don't think wedding by Perry Ellis dress lacks is really an appropriate response. - That was your first turn. - Right. - That's your first turn. - You're Perry Ellis? - Dress lacks. - Wow. - This second turn is going to be shitting him seriously. - Yes. Okay, good enough. Stephen has left the zone that the demon is in, which leaves these two Maxwell and London in this zone. What is your relationship to the demon? Are you closer with the shotgun? - Oh, he's closer. - He's closer. I was caught. London hiding behind you? - Yeah. - When he first attacked, I mentioned he went backwards. - Yes. - Unless that was apparently impossible. - It was apparently impossible. - Right. I dodged backwards. - On the door. - On the door. - On the door. - The sear. - Yes. - And then we, I guess, kind of probably hit the door. - Or I put a stubble back and fell down. - Yeah. - Dropped my iPhone. - That's why he was too busy to react. - Am I using a DM intrusion against you? - I don't mind. I really don't mind. 'Cause London would have been absolutely freaked out for at least a good five, 10 seconds. - But then the DM as attack was not that successful. And Maxwell was very graceful in getting it away. - Yes, but it is a sore arm gorilla. - Yes, it is. But he used two of those arms to attack two different people on the same turn, but it's not getting carried away here. - Okay. - It is, you go to attack the closest one again, which is Maxwell only because he's really pissed. You've hit it twice and you actually bloodied it. So it's kind of fucking pissed. - So it swipes you with his claw. - The attack is a plus one on the roll. So that makes it, it shits, not a shit. It makes it a six, which is... - Fantastic. - Fantastic. - I can do this. You can do this, but I want... - Oh, not like that. - Yeah, okay, that's nice. - That's nice too. - And I can't have that shit because I'll just die. You're gonna use your last bait point? - Well, it's gonna have like 17 of them. - Blooded. - Oh yeah, but I could use it for an attack. - Yeah. - You're not gonna be able to attack me for too long. - Yeah. - That is a true fight. - All right, it's hobbled because it's bloodied. Wait, that only gives me up. - That only gives it a plus two. - Or a reroll. - I'm pretty sure it can't be used it. - I thought it was just a beat. - That's a silly roll for me, that roll. - Please look it up. - Let's assume that it is the one that I'm gonna get up. - Could you move back to the next day? - Probably. - Are they fighting in the warehouse in the real world where I am in? - Yes. - No, you're not. - You're here spiritually. - Right. - Yes. - That is correct. - But I'm unable to do or censor. - I would say. - At this point. - 'Cause that was about the wrong way. - At the very least, your mental is kind of-- - Short-circuit. - Yeah, you've gotta spend some time to reboot and reorient your abilities here. - 'Cause that was a little, at least a turn. - I'm gonna throw a fake point and turn off the targeting computer. - Why don't you just go ahead and keep moving and then take that one if it ends up being the role so it can keep the action rolling. - What are you doing? - I'm gonna dodge. I'm gonna use only-- - You're gonna reroll? - Yeah. - I'm gonna use my concept for like the second time tonight and the third time you're trying that. - You're trained FBI agent. You go through Homeland Security, man. - You're a dodge. - You're all too naive to be FBI. - You're trained FBI. - We're all reroll. - It's open, it's only a minus one, at least. - Here's open. - Instead, it's zero. - That's what we're gonna do. - Five. - All right, I'm gonna use blooded because I don't wanna get hit. - Okay, that takes it up to Epic, which is enough to avoid the attack yet again. It slips on its blood as it moves towards you, causing it to take a chunk out of the wall instead of you. - Right, London, Ron, that's a good choice here. - And it is London's turn, in fact. - Oh, look at that. - We still have fire escape on tap from London. - Right. - Plus he has lubrication. (laughing) - Hey, no one knows about the trickle down my leg but me. - He's invisible. - I can't even tell. - I shouldn't, you know, London is very, he believes in self-protheration, but he's not coward. He certainly has been in tough situations before. He just prefers not to be in tough situations. He thinks it's the worst idea. Take the easiest way to do it. - No, good plenty of-- - I told you so's later. - Yes, there will be plenty of I told you so's later. - But right now, he's a demon really noticed me. - It didn't seem to have a problem with hitting both Steven and Maxwell, and they were under the same veil that you were. Now, hasn't given any-- - I was the last behind this other two. - Right. - Has it made any overt notice of me? - Apparently if it knows you're there, it doesn't think you're worthy enough to take into account yet. - We should shoot it. - Proves it wrong real quick. - Proves it wrong. - Proves it wrong. - And the door opened in or out. - Most fire exits would open out. - Yeah. - They can make the cherry rolls. - You see what I'm saying? - Yeah. - It doesn't matter. - Well, Tom was wrong. - I didn't miss both of them. - Okay, audience, Tom was wrong. Faith points that are free consequences can be used for a reroll. In addition, aspect points can be used, right? I mean, the ones in the environment. - Yeah. - I thought you guys picked up some Maxwell. Could use this blooded again if you have free. Faith point that he didn't burn them all up. - Well, he actually ended up using both. - Right. - But go ahead. - So I could touch that? - Yeah. - You don't get it free, but you could spend a point in doing that. - Right, so you can use that. - That's right. - I don't have one. - I thought you guys got some holy fed up. - Yes. - Oh, absolutely. He's hit it twice with slugs and actually damaged a demon that. - If he did have him? - Oh, fuck no. It wouldn't even close. - Okay, I'm just curious. - He's not having a good time, but neither are we. - This is a very, very powerful demon, and he's managed to scratch it, which is impressive. - Which is like deadly, but impressive. - So the door is closed or it was closed in? - It's still open and cracked. It's also got one of those press bars. So simply walking backwards into it will open it. - I walk backwards-- - It's not really a barrier. - Into it only as far to get out of the demon's sight. And I say something-- - All right, but do you realize the door is opening again by itself? - Yeah, apparently. - Yeah, okay. - And I say something cowardly in the sense of flea, and I walk out, but I then do a seaming. - Okay. - Which is something I'm able to do. - Right. - And I turn myself into a larger, slightly, fatter ass, six arms, denari-- - Just four, six. - Right. - I turn myself into a denarian demon. - Okay. - Well, I don't really turn myself into a denarian demon. I put a glamour over myself to look as if I'm a denarian demon, in which case, I already enter and say-- - This one's mine. - Okay. - One moment. - This is just my like hearing. - I know. (laughing) - What's happening? - What's happening with that? - That's a general idea, what I'd like to-- - Right. - I have knowledge that you do not. - Which is? - So I'm gonna go to the-- - The only half for him? - No. (laughing) - Two, three, four, six. - Other people that might be more knowledgeable. Denarians, is there any communication that they would-- - Are they all familiar with each other? - Well, I don't necessarily mean that. I mean, is there some Wi-Fi connection that they can talk, mind, speak, is there something that would just, could this work, is what it comes down to basically? - And personating a demon? - All right, it gets another demon. Is a demon gonna see right through it? - Is a demon gonna-- - Well, he already saw through invisibility, so that-- - I will point out it's somewhat dark. However, I don't think they have child communication, mind, shit. - So if this were badass enough, like you got a high enough level, maybe you could fool it. But it would require epic. - What is war is great? - However, I would say that that's risky. - Fighting the steam industry. - In what sense? - That if you imitate a real Denarian, then you open yourself to-- - Well, you might give their attention. - Yeah, it's all right. - We already have their attention. - Okay, I just shot it. - Okay. - We're gonna say that you could attempt this, but London knows that this may work, but that he believes it's gonna require, at least fantastic. - Sounds challenging. - Yes. - All right, it does. - Well, they found deception. - Yes. - I think glimmers are. - Glow reserve deception? - Okay. - Seemings, I was told that that was presence, which is why I don't know if he's not even trying it. - Yeah. - But if it's not, then that needs to-- - That's not gonna be anywhere but-- - Discipline or discipline? - Discipline. - Well, that's okay. - I got a discipline of superb. I'm gonna give that a shot. - That could be fantastic. - Just to know, represent deck followed by Roberto and the guys are-- - Yes. - Be thinking what you're doing. - And did you not growl at one of them in talk in the alleyway? Or no? - Yeah. - I thought it did. So I just, my character would know that it talked. That's why I was saying I could say this one's mine and try to intimidate it. Well, not try to intimidate it, but try to out presence it. Or intimidate it. Okay, so what do you want me to do? Roll discipline? - Yes. You're gonna need to-- - Discipline. - Discipline and you're gonna wanna get at least fantastic. - Good luck. (gun shot) - It's close. - It's close, it's close. - So, wash. - Wash. - I have a superb discipline. I spend one of my two remaining fake points to bring it up to epic. And yeah, I gotta go with, but I'm London. 'Cause this is a London moment where he loves his seemingly and he likes to change who he is and like the police car in the last story. So this is exactly up his alley. So he thinks he can pull this off. So he does the seeming, he turns himself into this great demon, walks back through the door, roughly of course, pushing the door open and putting his shoulder onto Maxwell and says this one's mine. - Okay. - Let's go to the hell out of the mix. - Wait, yeah, you just find yourself surrounded but I don't think you're buying it. - He's seen London. - Right, right. - I know he wants mine, wink, wink. - No. We'll hold that scene there and we will go to Repa and Roberto. - And we start with Repa. - I'm going to do as quickly as I can to get to the warden. - Okay. - And just fall on him, grab him and I'm heading back home like at light speed. - Okay. - And I'm telling Roberto, hold on. - Grab on. - Grab on, grab on. - Grab on, that was great. - All right, what did we do next ride? - Yeah, you wait here. (laughing) - That's the bus. (laughing) - We'll go with conviction for you to assert your will over this mindscape. - All right, conviction is good. It's a plus three. - We're going to go with great. (clicking) - Wash. - Plus plus minus minus. - Wash on the dice. - I'm washing all that today. - Greatest plus four of you have a three. - Yep. - Good. - So I need one. - I'm going to use that right now. - Wait a minute. - We have an aspect here in our land of happiness in a fun time because we had that drug - It was harmonic. - It's been used. - It's been used. - It doesn't matter if it's been used, it's still around, you can tap it. - Yes, he's got one faith button and he can use that. - That's exactly what I'm using. - All right. - Romantic residue. - Do the splash. - Okay, so there would be the equivalent of rolling a athletic roll to the lobby to move enough zones to achieve what you need to. This was enough to achieve the portable back hole. - And do I get to hang on? - You get to hang on. I'm not even gonna make you do anything. There is a response that you hear now, which is just a laughter. Wicked, but yet kind of weasily. You've never met him, but you know who it is just from the laugh alone that it's Ryan fucking Nelson as far as the voice goes. Hey, he says that he want, did you have a question? - Why did you call him the husband? - Yeah. - Okay, this, because a lot of you call him that. - I'm not gonna call him that in the first one. - We spent like about 45 minutes talking about not entering a door. - I think you contributed absolutely to that argument. - Because of Ryan fucking Nelson, which is how it got started, I got pissed. - He was a minor non-player character in the previous story. They had him in a safe house. They were trying to keep him safe. It turns out that he was actually involved in what was going on and he disappeared. And now it appears he's come back as more of a player. Even in the previous one, it was, he should not be as powerful as he is. Yet he was and now he seems to have increased power greatly. Not a fan of nobody in the group like so. He's Ryan fucking Nelson. - We didn't like him. - And yes. - And we thought he was a good guy and that's a bad guy. We really don't like him. - I looked at Dweeb and that's a picture that came up. - Your Google Dweeb? - Yes, I think I did, I don't know. - Is it just arms wrestling? - Yeah, it is. - At the time it was broken, I think. - Yes. - To make him more victimy and trustable. - Right. - Fucking hell, broken himself. - Yeah. - He begged for his arm. - I need a clarification, when I did the world walking, I'd assume that we were going astraly, astral travel and having a duplicate guns and all that stuff and that, not the case. - No, you actually physically came in here. - Your ability is actually to walk into other worlds, to go into the fay, to go into different things. - But you get back to the porthole? - Right. - And you step through? - Oh, coming back, yeah. - Yeah. - When you do, you go through, Roberto goes through, Alan hits the barrier and just, there's shattering. And you don't come through, you don't come through with him, you go, both of you go through and he's not there. That's when we go to Zelda and Edmund, because he just went into cardiac arrest, his body. Well, they were carrying his soul, his spirit, his, as they tried to lead, it just seemed to explode. - And his body went into arrest, his heart stopped, - His physical body went. - Yes, his physical body, which is right in front of you. Stigma, I got it, it's covered. And that boy isn't got it, it's covered, then flat line. - Sheddard soul, I'm walking in the door like, what? - And yeah, she's probably now looking for something. - You turn around like, you part of the last turn, like, do you got a defibrillator, Alan would be like. (clicking) - Yeah, I'll throw us a fake point in and he's got a defibrillator. I'm like, do I have a defibrillator? Money's a good servant, but a bad master. And I've got the defibrillator, and defibrillators over here in the other room. - Excellent, that's what you're trying to defibrillators. - The rest were my goats, I'm gonna take a coat off. - The defibrillators and all of them, just to show they should get involved there. - Hey, it's a fake point. He's willing to pay, you know. - I figure we're gonna have all sorts of creatures down here, and I got a big ass dick. (laughing) - I got a six, I'm gonna say this troll. - I've seen him, they do exist. I know what you're talking about. I don't know the restaurants would happen though. I don't believe I've ever seen him in a restaurant. I've seen him, like, in the suit. - I've heard a ground restaurant might have one. - If you just came back to me. - Absolutely. - I'll say, I'll just blocks up those arguments. - Yeah, next time I go to a restaurant. - Take a picture. - I'll be like, oh, give Jim his fake one back. (laughing) You've got him flat lying, you've got one that, if you're spending a fake point, it happens to be with all the other construction equipment right next door. It's right here. - You may have installed it on the wall yet. - Right, you don't have to run again, here it is. - So that is definitely gonna be a plus two to you. It's an aspect of this basement. I've not even got an attempt to scout off the ventilators. Do you do a job? So that is Edmond's turn unless you wanna do something else. I mean, you're spending a fake one isn't necessarily your turn. If you wish to assist her somehow, you might be able to do just that. It would be a role of just good for you to give her an aspect which is assisting resurrection as a word. (laughing) - That's easy, that's simple. - I could punch him in the face. - No, no, no. - What's going on with it again for him? - It would be-- - Punch him on the chest, check him the hurdle. - While it would be scholarship, do you have that? - I don't know. - It's not about any skill that's probably gonna help. - How about empathy? - Empathy, I have. - Okay, I'm spinning empathy in a way that you are watching her and trying to help do whatever she needs to be done. And so you're trying to sync up with her and be your apathetic to her needs right now. - I'm calling her ass down so she could be-- - Yeah, maybe that's it as well. So give me a role of empathy, it's gotta be at least-- - He's gonna, he's dead, is that? No, you can fix us. - He's gotta be at least plus two for you to help her. - How long have you been since we left the room? - Five minutes. - No, why did I have no idea? - Well, we had to drive-- - Well, my point is the room was filled with smoke intentionally-- - To calm and-- - To increase the empathy, even to the war, who was-- - No valid point, that's still there. So you get to add plus one to your apathy because of a smoke filled with happy smoke. - Well, I got a truck. - A plus two with that plus one brings my pair up to a superb. - Plus one for the hot hot hot hot. - You not expect your-- - Not only got good, you got superb, not quite enough for an extra spin there, but you do give her a plus two maneuver. - You call it munchies? - No. - It's-- - Okay. - His light is literally in your hand. - Yeah. - No pressure. - It doesn't represent-- - Good thing you're high. (laughing) - We're all about the-- (indistinct chatter) - That puts him in three places. - What do you mean? - Is the defibrillator-- - Is this a hard armor? What's he doing in there? - That is not a B, whatever. - There is a calm demeanor and a defibrillator. - Well, for the record, the calm demeanor has been used. - But that was the-- - How am I going? - Oh. - I'll give you something else. - Are you making shit up now? - I don't remember. - It's-- - Jim's giving you a plus two. You've got defibrillator, you've given an additional plus two potentially. But this man is just flat lined. So we're gonna want-- I want an epic from you. - He was flat lined anyway. - Whoa. - I'm sorry. - You're pulling this body back that doesn't contain a soul anymore at this point. - Yeah, you're pulling onto a blue stick. Or a spirit, or whatever you want to call it. So it's gonna require you, your scholarship roll, four dice. Go for it. - This'll be a story told through the ages. Epic. - Okay, plus one. - Plus one on the roll. - It's a good start. - So, and I started at four, so that put me up to superb, and then plus-- - Is that her far away? - Actually, epic's just two. So she can tap the-- - You don't even use the defibrillator. - Well, I think she's using the defibrillator. - Yeah. - I think that's a good help. - Absolutely. - No, I just look at him, and bring him back to life. - Let's hit me with it. - Get better. - Yeah, so you can-- - You know what's sound effect to use that little, that sound of a flash, you know, that charging. - Reeeeek, go bang, go bang, touch your flute. - Throw your fake one in. - I'm not gonna throw them at a deal that last time. - Oh, yeah. - Okay. - Yeah. - No, it's just a deal. (bell dings) - Yes, defibrillator, shotgun. He comes back to life. Still, I mean, he doesn't wake up. - He's not a pulse. - He's conscious. - But the pulse is there, and you guys realize if this continues, unless, but these guys come walking back in the room and they can explain to you what they think's going on. - He's a soulless warden. (laughing) - He always will. - And, oh. - That's just me. - Let's get my throw again. - Fuck you. - Oh, sir, well, you went, okay. Well, you and Repa come back to me. - I don't really have much to do. - Okay. - Unless the door is open, I can go back here and try to get his body again. - No, I'm assuming the gate closes behind you when you return to a normal realm. So, the gate closes. - That would be good thing. - Yeah, and he could potentially open it. - Well, another one. But we're gonna go to Maxwell and Steven. - Let's go look at Steven who's running up the stairs. So, my photographs seem to indicate that the source of whatever we were looking for was on a third or fourth problem? - Yes. And you guys, enter it on the third floor, you're running up to the fourth floor. - Okay, and that's where the demon came from, the fourth floor. - Yes. - So, I'm gonna... - And you just have that sense, because that's what you do. - My spider senses thing on you. You think this is the right way to go? - Okay. - 'Cause that's the way you went, right? So, must be. - All the elements of the photo are falling into place. - That's starting to make sense. - It's staring at it as you walk up the stairs, past demon. - That's right. - Then what do you think? - So, is there a door there? - You run up to the top of the stairs, there is, in fact, a door. There is a handle on this side, the bar on the other side. - Okay, I open it. - You're looking at a vast room. Again, there's a little bit of light standing in, because you're not in a cinder-blocked stairwell. But there's really dirty windows. It's a very vast, large floor that is open. There's some scattered debris about. There's a lot of dust, but in the center of it, you see what appears to be a ritual circle, and there appears to be this gentleman, Ryan Nelson, sitting in a chair. He no longer has his arm in a cast. And as far as you can see, he looks relatively normal. - Does he seem like he's preoccupied with something? - Yeah, yeah, he definitely seems to be out of it. - Okay. - What do you do? - I'm not sure how out of it he is, so how far is it from the door to the middle of the room? - The distance one. - It's a very big floor, and he's in the center of it, and you're on the extreme end. So at the very least, it's one zone away for you to traverse to him physically. - So if I were to sneak up on him, I'd probably think that would take just-- - There's debris here and there. It would take maybe two turns for you to move relatively quiet up to him without any noise. You know, I mean, we require a stealth roll, but-- - And if he wanted to go to just bum rush and tackle him? - He can definitely bum rush, but he couldn't get that distance in one turn. - He's in the circle? - He seems to be in a circle of some sort. That is faintly glowing on the ground. - I have a fair war. Would I be able to determine if I'd be able to go into this circle to kind of break it, to tackle him or assault him? - Actually, from this distance, you can't see the circle very well, so it would require something along the lines of a great lower roll for you to determine that from this distance. - So if I got closer, I'd-- - Yeah, you can definitely. I mean, right now you're half a floor away, and you're seeing faintly glowing. You have no idea of the sigils and runes that were used to create that circle. You have no idea what it's meant to do. - All right, I'm gonna go ahead and sneak up on him. - Okay, so you start the sneaking process. Give me a stealth roll. I'm not gonna tell you what you need to sneak up on him that obviously a higher better. It might give you a little too much knowledge as far as-- - Sure. - All right, so I have a stealth of good, and it's a wash, so good. - Okay, during the time that you're moving, it doesn't seem to change or move. However, you do hear something behind you, and that is, because we go to London, this was a pretty decent roll, and he seems to have bought it. - Isn't he go first? - Yes. - Well, but Maxwell does get to move. - Okay. - But you spoke to him, and you see him what appears to accept this, and his glance looks up the stairwell in the direction that Steven ran. - That one's mine too. (all laughing) - Go home for the day, like with this. - You probably have a good idea that this one in front of you is London, because the voice, I mean, he's not much of an actor. It's definitely deeper than London's voice, but it's London's voice. And you know London well enough where this demon doesn't, and apparently seems to be buying it. - He put his hand on his shoulder too, which might give him a little-- - Right, might give him a little squeeze, saying it's quite a long type of thing. So your choice of actions are to do what? - I could run, be a pretty good plan. I don't have any fake points left for emergency dodging. - To be clear. - Yes. - London seems to have convinced him that he's going to eat you. This other demon seems to have bought it. Are you playing along with London's plan or? - Well, I should, but I don't really know what I would do for that. - Pretend to die, I'm not a variety liar. - Ah, don't attack me. - Well, it's a valid point. You wouldn't say, oh, he's right, I'm his. (laughing) - Yeah, I'm his bitch. - Yeah. (laughing) - You might say, fuck you and struggle a lot of it and run down the stairs. You might take a shot at London missing on purpose. You might, you know, or not, or not. But the point is you know how tall London is this demon supposedly taller, you know, just shooting above him could be a safe option. - You're so shook. - But it's a slug, he doesn't have. - His? - Yeah. - Okay. - He declared that because it was soaked in holy water. - Yeah, shit. - I really can't lie. I don't want to say anything to throw this guy off. You can go with the general, fuck you to the area. - Okay. - And then miss shot into the ceiling and then run down the stairs. - Not off. - I don't want to run up. - No. (laughing) I need a clarification, you're running down the stairwell or running down the firescape. 'Cause that would, you know, shouldering past the demon and running. - Which is valid. You should only pass London, Stephen. - Yeah. - I don't know. Down the firescape safer, but also totally removes me from the comments and I want to maybe find a way around. So I guess I'll go down and look for-- - You going down the stairwell? - Yeah. - I'll go ahead and try to go into the floor below and find a way. - All right. - Click the other shotgun, fuck you, and you pretend to shoot at London, but you shoot way high into the ceiling and you bolt down the stairway. This demon is letting you go because his action-- But you don't need to aim. You're just, you're not trying to shoot London. - You're not gonna aim. - I'm right over on as fast as possible through the next floor so that I can find the other stairwell if there is one on the other side of the building. - So I'm gonna need the athletic role to see how fast you roll and he's gonna let you go because he says you get him. - I'll get that one. - And he heads up the stairwells after Stephen. - I'm gonna need him to believe the law. - Anyway. - Could you go up the firescape to the next floor? - He could if he went. - That would've been very smart. - What do you need to think of it? - No, I didn't. - So I roll athletics. - Ooh, that's like a negative three, which barely matters because I have-- - Unfortunately, you have no faith. - A positive. - A positive seven. - All right. - So I roll-- - Fell on steps? - Great. - Okay. - A great, man, you move fast. - I'm fast. - That's what he does. - That is amazing. He gets minus three and he's four. - It's the one thing he does well? - That allows you to move-- - Did more damage than you did? - No, I see there's a negative thing. - Yeah, but it's the one thing you really excel at, sorry. - That's true. - That allows you to move easily down the stairs through the door and across the major part of this floor. However-- - Yes. - Is there anything in this action that you think you can tap as an aspect to grant you a faith point? - I have every life is worth saving, but I'm not really saving a life beyond mine. And I have, I didn't think this all the way through. - No, no, I disagree. So I'm gonna give you a faith point because you're doing something charging into a building that has demons in it instead of leaving, which was a valid action. - Fair enough for me. - That's-- - How does he get that? What kind of valid action? - I turned into a demon and walked into a building. Do I get what? - You may. One of his aspects is every life is sacred and he's doing something foolish to try to save somebody. - That's two aspects of one. - Yep. Good enough. - Don't work for me. - Do you? - No, I'm London. I don't care about anyone else. - You'll learn more from being London. You are London. - Exactly. That's what I'm saying. - I can't give you a-- - It doesn't work. - So the demon seems to head upstairs heading after Steven and what do you do? - There is debris on the floor, is there not? - There is absolutely debris on the floor. - I pick up debris on the floor. I turn it with a seaming into the ravaged mango body of Maxwell Edison and I throw it off the stairwell and then start walking up the stairwell. - I'll get this one. Look, he's dead. - I'm coming with you. - Yum. (laughing) - You need a-- - Each seaming is cost you one month of stress. - Let's give a how convincing a seaming this is. - And this is disappointed for that mistaken? - Yes. - So much discipline. - Oh no, no, no, no. - I don't wanna release. I just read once I don't roll. - Oh, yeah, dude. - I call it before I even saw it. I hate those red decks. - It's a quick call. - Yeah, it looks. (laughing) - I realized the error of my way. - Oh, you can't do me like that. - Oh, oh. - Behind this wall. - Just for argument's sake, roll the reds just to see what they would have been. - Come on, believe it. - I think it's a word. - Wow. - It's better. - Okay, so it was minus one. I have a superb discipline which takes me to great. - So it's a great illusion that you cast. Are you attempting to cast it in front of them? Like, hey, look. - No, no, no. The harsh is just like. - So like I ripped his body and shreds and threw it on the ground. - At this point, he doesn't really care. So the noise was enough. It sounded like a body. He was like, all right, whatever. - The reason I did this is only to further, if I go upstairs to further the idea of, I've taken care of my business. - Right. - Why have you taken care of yours? - You piece of shit. - Sure. - Who doesn't know me? - I'm totally boned. - No, I'm coming, baby. - Oh, good. Much better. - So, hey, the seeming is the action. I still get to move up the stairs, right? - Yes. - Okay. - Which is up the stairs. - Which I do. I clamor up the stairs and try to just get a quick lay of the lamps. I know Steven's in trouble and I want to make sure you guys are supposed to have the demon. I was going to take care of the thief. - Happy this one. - I understood that from running away. - Okay, the other demon rolled it even on the fathites. And that is for his athletics, in which he is good, which allows him to move free, which is up the stairs and through the door. And halfway across that floor up there, he seems to be heading towards Ryan Nelson. - So I can look through the doorways. - So you get up to the top of the stairs and he is saying, as he's walking across the room, he's yelling out. - Ryan fucking wake up, things have gone to shit. We've got to get out of here. - Doesn't seem to be. - Doesn't seem to see you. - Your father's stealthy. - We'll touch you guys if you want it. Is there anything you guys are doing? You've got the Warden body, which is-- - Looking at him, sir. - Amazingly, stabilized three times. - You thought he'd be in pieces and-- - Right, I mean, you do see blood. I mean, there's way more blood than you would think in this room, there wasn't before. But the Warden seems to be pretty stable and breathing relatively normal. - It's just-- - I'm effectively in a coma, I guess. - Yeah, it is. - And brain food. - Could we have an-- - Exident there? - No, not the way I understand how it works. - Okay, now we gotta get there. - He's mine's still out there. It could be grabbed by the sky again. I thought the blind would break his connection, but if you can't go information and you acted on it, that's what happened. - Do you know what the spell was? - Well, actually he's kind of an expert at that. (laughing) - Yeah, you should ask me about that. (laughing) - Fucking rank amateurs. - I just asked-- - Don't sell the suits or anything. - She needs her anything. I can do. - You believe that you're gonna have to, I mean, if he's gonna stay in this state for any length of time, you're gonna have to provide him with-- - What's for? - Probably a good idea of oxygen. You're not sure how well he's breathing, he is breathing. But you would think assistance with oxygen would be a good idea along with an IV just because if it's really extended, then you're talking about nourishment and something to keep going. You don't know how long it's gonna be. Their story is, you can't really make much sense of what they're talking about. - Okay, but we need to tend to his spirit, right? How do we do that? - I can't make much sense of what they're telling you. Why is that? - Well, they said they went to another world, they found his spirit and it shattered while they tried to bring it back. I mean, you never really covered that in the medical books as far as-- And even lore-wise, who the hell has heard of that before? - Yeah, I'm not clear if his spirit shattered and that's his one and only spirit or was that just the one that was created for this particular episode? I don't know. - I mean, there's just so many definite research is gonna have to be like, what the fuck just happened? What was that? What is this? Where is he? Is he? This doesn't have anything in it, is that a problem? I mean, obviously, health-wise, that's a problem, but-- - So they know the name of this demon, or what do they call it in starts with the demon? - A denari. - A denari. They know the name of it. - It's more of a title character. - It's a type of demon and what it actually represents is in this lore of Dresden. They took the 30 coins that Jews was paid to sell out Christ and each of those has a fallen angel bound to the coin. So if somebody picks up the coin, that demon is inhabiting their body then and it tries to tempt them and there's a whole storyline that goes-- - So there's 30 denari demons. - So there's 30 denari demons? - Yes. - And there's a group of people out there that are trying to kill the demons, collect the coins so they can't turn other people into demons. So there might not be 30 demons out there. They might only be one of your 15. - In fact. - 'Cause somebody's got a bag full of coins out there with their demons attached. People attached to them. - So there's a potential for 30 of these demons to exist. This was one of them. - Well, Repa was claiming ignorance as to what happened here and how the spirit works. Can I make a more role and try to understand what happened? - Is there any fake point or role they can do to somehow gather up the pieces, parts of his shattered spirit and pull up? - Unfortunately, they're coming through. - Back in the hand. - Did he close behind them? - Yeah, close the gate and Helen never came through with them. - Right. - So it was kind of like they were fireman carrying him or not fireman, but they had a arm over the shoulder kind of then they both stepped through and he didn't. - I understand that. - So they were battering and then the door was closed behind and now could they open another door and look around for pieces? - I guess. - That's a possibility. - I found a space. - You can make a lower role, but really we're talking legendary to even have ever run into something that was familiar to this. That would give you, oh, I know what this is type of. This is probably gonna require a little bit of research to figure out who's heard of this. - I don't think I can help you. - I don't think I can help you. - Probably not. - You have to put it out into, yeah, no. - I didn't do much in this kind of a terms now right here 'cause it's not. - Sure, you're gonna rush out of the building and try to head where they are. - Yeah, but I don't know where they went. - What the plus four could you make a legendary, she could make a legendary lower role on a plus four role. - Which is why I was asking why I wouldn't really necessarily know anything. - There are areas of expertise. - Yeah, I mean, just saying. - And you said that I'd seen this before at the last game that I played. - You said I'd seen a trance like this before. - Yeah, but that, well, she could've heard or found a story of it. - I would like to research 'cause I have that to nurse scholars, like discipline. - Your particular area of expertise with lore is what though. - You're right, my particular expertise is more-- - Remain in full lore and-- - Right, exactly. - So although in an incredible role could make it, it's really not likely that you would have ever heard of anything like this because I don't know that anything like this has ever happened before, period. - Because you may be able to research something and it's just not gonna be this exact moment. - It's a Romanian spirit that happens there. - Or a spirit eater, or yeah, it's just something that would start to make sense. So we're gonna say for now in this scene, that's not a possibility. We're back to you, you're still sneaking. The demon came in and he's heading right towards and you're probably gonna arrive there at the same time depending on what you're doing. 'Cause actually it'll arrive quicker 'cause it's moving fast. - You're gonna kind of stick to this shadow that's moved a little bit closer to the circle. - Okay, you can get close enough and make a stealth role so that you don't totally box this in someone else's pocket. - Stealth is good. And I am not. Just a, it's fair, it's minus one. - Yeah, so that's not-- - You could-- - Good enough, unfortunately. - Did he see the demon, right? - Well, the demon-- - He did see the demon 'cause he kicked something in it with it. I'm just saying, he used a state point if he wanted to. - Oh, he has the-- - Oh, yeah. - He's aware of the rest of the demons here. - He could take that bear up to great. - Here is, he might as well-- - He might as well have nothing that I could really tap that would-- - I think it's dark in here though. - Come on. - I think that's a lot of it in here. - This dark. - Yep. - Come on, the room's dark. - The room's dark, the room's dark. - The room's dark, the room is dark. - Oh yeah, the room's dark and funny, both. - I'm gonna have to use that 'cause I don't wanna be found out right now. - Do we roll or a plus two? - I'm gonna take a plus two, I guess. - Yeah, it's safer. - Yeah. - It is so-- - Okay, great is unfortunately a little low still. So you still make some kind of noise where the demon looks in that general direction, but just not spots you out right. He knows something's there. - Does he roll? - Let me say does he roll? - Yeah, does he roll? - He equaled a great. - Which is-- - He probably gets you the same result, which I just described. - Right, man. - Which is-- - Just a complication. - Something's there. - Something's there and they-- - Don't know what. - I don't need to track it. I can sense the demon. I'm driving around my car. (laughing) - Yeah, that's a valid point. - That's why I burst out of here in the first place. - That's cool. - So you're running your car and you're starting to drive. - I'm bringing the sword. - It sounds like giving me a sword effect. - The new warden. - Oh. - Oh. - Give me the new warden effect. - Give me the new warden effect. Give me the new warden effect. (laughing) - That was Steven. - Excellent. - Yeah. - You were across and then give me a roll on how well you find another stairwell and head up it and-- - Oh, you don't want me to roll. - Yeah, I thought that 'cause you just moved fast. - I'm just moving fast. - It's a generally open floor-- - Seven. - Lotful Jesus. - Pretty sure I found him. - You ran three times around the room until you found the door real quick. - Where the hell is it? - That led to the stairwell and you went up another flight of stairs and I mean, are you moving that fast that you're bursting out onto the fourth floor? - Like making noise. - Are you stopping it? - No, I'm joking. - I don't think you can move if that's a not make noise is my point, unless you're stopping outside the door to the fourth floor. - I intended to provide distraction and assistance. - You do it in spades. - I'm sure. - As you come bursting through the door, it slams up against the wall, the demons-- - The shotgun. - Which is searching the debris for Stephen, suddenly flick across the room as where you are. - I'm not really dead. - I had some problems. - You do that, you clip your fingers and point at the demon and go, "Not dead, motherfucker." (laughing) You're gonna click, come in the shotgun. - 'Cause I can't shoot, unfortunately, 'cause you moved so fast. - Man. - Yeah. - London. - I'm gonna be dead. - Oh, yeah. - Maybe a lower role to know if we disrupting in this circle that Ryan fucking Nelson has around him. - Again, we'll dispel-- - You're at the doorway. You're looking across a floor. You can't see enough of the circle to know what its purpose is. You really just can't-- - By no of circles in general. - You do, but I mean, there's-- - But is it kind of like all, if the circle gets disrupted, does it-- - Some of our two contain inside, some are to keep, you know what I mean? There's different reason. I mean, you just know for a fact, the one that the ritual will go bad because that's what I'm saying. - Oh, okay. I mean, if that's-- - It's a bad thing, right? - Yes. - It's counter to the purpose of what the person is doing the circle. - Absolutely. - Right, so I growl out in my demon voice, which doesn't sound like a demon to anyone, but the demon, apparently. - Destroy the circle. - So I say that, and I try to make a movement of the room because I would like to-- - Just run the circle. - Oh, you can absolutely move the room. - Is that one way? - It's an athletic. Well, to move the full distance across is two. - Just a quick thing. - I didn't see him turn into a demon. - No. - And I don't think he's another demon. - So I just think he's another-- - No, well, the voice. - I mean, true to things. First of all, I want, we're gonna go with only one role for you, Steven, and I want it to be alertness. Just give it to me, and that'll explain what it is. - I have a stunt that might apply corner of the eye passively to pick up on details. - Okay. You got a lot of shit going on in your vision here, but you can add that to the role. And how much is it? - It's plus two. - Give me the role. You're tempting two things. One of them is passive. We'll add it to that one. You try to notice a number of different things. - Okay. - I mean, primarily you're freaking out 'cause the demon spots you and is looking at you, but then he comes back to you. - Well, the second demon shows up in this. - The second demon shows up in this. - Third distract. - Okay. - But the third demon. - It's a watch. - Fuck. - I can get a plus two. - And your alertness? - My alertness plus two. So that is-- - Which is superb. - That's a plus two for the passive. - That's a plus two for the passive. - Good, normally. - So you got good, which is, you were moving close to the circle and you notice not enough to see what it is specifically but there are six points of this circle that seem to have items in them, but you don't know what they are. The higher role was to notice the voice of the demon, which you is enough of a clue that it's London doing some shit or this demon ate London. You're not really sure. - How? - That it sounded familiar enough, close enough. - Does it smell like perfume? - It's cool. - It's cold. - All the way from over on the other side of the room. - I can tell that's it. - It would be toilet. - Come on. Give me the dice. - Leave that douche. (all laughing) - All right. - He has his own scent. - I can, it's-- - What? - Yes. - All right. I know it's a surprise to everyone. The table. - You actually have that touch. - Oh yeah. (all laughing) - I'm gonna say you actually have athletics. (drum roll) - Minus. - Plus. - Plus. - So, plus one. So, I have a one. - Oh yeah. - And I am good as... (drum roll) Well, I could move one. - What's that? One extra, then? - You could move one. - One, if you roll two, you can move two. - So, rolling a one up doesn't, that doesn't do anything. I could always move one, but rolling a one. - Just like that. - You didn't even try. - All right. - It's like that. - No, you tried to run, but you wanted... - I'm wondering a little for a stab at it. - You see the debris? - It's slippery air. - And you look like a demon. You need to keep up with his hat. - Okay, we're gonna make it two spaces. Could I then kick one of the five corners of the pentagram? - Oh wait. - Could you fuck up the circle? - Oh yeah, yeah. - The ends justify the means by last fate point. And I am not pleased. So, I go from a plus one to three. So, I could move three spaces, which I move two, and-- - Three zones. - I move two, and it's kind of like a fly-by as you kick. - Can we pick it up? - Can I try to maintain the illusion that I'm still a demon at this point? - You're very clumsy, dude. - Not to them, but to Ryan and the demon, and say this is my town, is I kick the edge of the pentagram, and try to destroy it. - Motivation is all over the place, I'm actually thinking of a scene London. I don't know. - Yes. - Let me help. - I can actually try to do that. - Did you want to pick the item up, or did you want to kick it, or scuff it? - It took any... - I don't think I'm picking anything up at this point. - I hate the Italian lovers, but I really hate to scuff them, but I don't want to pick anything up that Ryan Nelson's got yourself. - Oh, okay. - Even though it might be interesting, unless you want me to tell you what it is, is I'm moving in the room, but it's probably too dark. - You can make an alarm this role, too, because it's passive, and-- - It's gonna surprise everyone, but you have no alertness, too. - Whoa. - Mine is three, so I kick that thing across the room like I'm-- - What was that? - Oh! - It didn't look like a spider. - Whoa! - Whoa! - It's supposed to be sick of me. - The large demon. - Actually, you roll the plus one on the roll, which gives him four on his athletics. He is moving even faster than you are. So, he was already halfway to Ryan. He moves in, scoops him up, heads right towards the window. - Before I could even kick it. - No, it's, you do kick it. So, by the time he gets to Ryan, Ryan's eyes are starting to flicker a bit, like he's waking up out of a sleep or something. He scoops him up, just heads towards the window, and he's out. - That's fine by me. - Alan. - Yes. - We're gonna end with you. Did your mentor have a name that he called you that was not Alan? Some kind of nickname that called you that-- - Kid. - No, even Kid. - Sure. - All right, the Kid, sure, why not? - The Kid. - After everything that's Alan's been through, it's utter darkness. You're not really seeing anything, but you hear a very familiar voice, and it's just, Kid, can't stay asleep all day. Come on, it's time to move. And we'll end there. - Go. (laughing) - All right, and we'll continue it next week to find out why you're here in your death mentorship. (upbeat music) - Thanks for listening to Knights of the Night at Actual Play Podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures, where you will find character stance, photos, start telling props, and even a forum for comments and suggestions, where you could email us directly at feedback at, or contact us via Twitter, or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit, and please join us next episode for more Vistri and Adventurer. (upbeat music) - I'm Michael playing "Rept of Piers", and I forgot what I am. - Anthony Ojicha. - Anthony Ojicha. - Anthony Ojicha. - That does too much drugs. - Yeah. - A Bizor. - Can't say it in trouble. - No. - Gillyweed. I don't know. - What's up? - Stop quoting Harry Potter here. - Are you supposed to be quoting Harry Potter? - Gillyweed nerd. (laughing) - Shit. - Take one of them. - Nerd, call the nerd and nerd. - Yeah, exactly. - Nerd check. - Can you pronounce me? - I just got that. - Gee, Roberto acting reckless. Who argued against Roberto coming along? - I don't recall. - Most everybody. - No. - Most everyone voting. - Who asked for a banger? - At the end. That's a medic aiming. That is a medic aiming. - I don't think you did it for a fifth banger. - I did it. - I think you truly saw you were selling him free. - All right. - On the side. You guys are arguing to change. I don't think John wants to change. - I don't know if you would understand. - I just want to understand what I did. - I think this is better for the story. I'm not arguing it. I just want to understand the rule. That's all. - Okay. I think the GM would say. - If I were to do something that my character wouldn't, he would say, but your aspects say you wouldn't. And here's a fake point. - Right. - My aspects are greenwood. - Awareness. - Awareness plus a die for. - Awareness or alertness? - Oh, shit. - It is alertness. - Yeah. - My fault. - We know this game very well. - Yes. - Made that same mistake last week. - It's fake dice plus alertness. - Oh. - And it'll sound like round bro. - Right. - Yeah. - We know exactly what we're talking about. - Well, you're going to totally cut out your moment of glory. - Oh, it's right. - Yeah. - The veteran players. - Have a name that he called you that was not Alan. That was like a. - Oh, yeah. Wonder. - Shit. - Shit. - No, I mean like a. - Oopsie. - Young one or a. - She cries so far. - Young gone. - Awareness or alertness? - Oh, shit.