The gang gathers at London's brownstone to discuss what information they have so far. But will Allan and Roberto be able to be civil?
Knights of the Night
KotN Actual Play Podcast - 169 DFRPG Dangerous Dialog
(upbeat music) - Hello. Welcome to Knights of the Night Actual Play podcast. This Dresden Files campaign, rituals, was written and run by a jam town. And now, please enjoy episode 169, titled Dangerous Dialogue. Actual play begins 26 minutes, 30 seconds. (upbeat music) Before we get into the third episode of this new Dresden story, we have some feedback. Facebook, episode 167, which was the first one. Skywise posted and said, "Nights of the Night," where every door is a Rubik's Cube and the final episode is forever one more week away. (laughing) - I swear, it'll be done. - That's who is Abby. - Serious though, I love this podcast and I'm looking forward to another great story. - Now get that shit in Latin and put it on our crest. - Yeah, yeah, we're making buttons on it. - Then that could be a saying for us. - That really could be. - He's spot on. - Luke Green also posted and said, "I know that to get a chord status, you need sponsorship from either three or five separate members of the accords." - I don't think you need approval. I think you need signatories. I think they just have to lead the terms. - To adding a new member to the accord, that makes sense. Anyways, he references Marconi, got it from the White Council via Dresden. Mab and Odin, for sure. If you needed five, I'm not sure who the other two were. Neutral ground, I don't know the procedure too well. Mab being in on it seems natural, but I imagine other elements of the accords would want their say as well, especially if a proposed neutral ground showed a high bias towards a particular faction. - Serious. Imagine the big factions in Cleveland would have a say. - Yeah. - Like they'd all have to say. - I mean, I think the way I'm gonna play it is that you need more than 50% of the signees approval. I mean, it makes sense. - I wish. - You have a democratic forum. - I think that's something you should strive for, right? That alone could be an adventure, just trying to get the singing terms. - For the individual parties, I guess. What's the upside? Why would they say that sounds like a good idea? - You know, it's a safe place that they could meet and discuss things when there's differences between the factions. - You don't wanna go to a meeting on the White Court's grounds. - Right. - I knew you were gonna do that by the usual cities. - Safe for all people. - Good answer. - The KOTN Dresden is a bit odd, since the Black Court apparently has accorded status. Whereas in the books, they're pretty much on the exterminated with extreme prejudice upon discovery lists, with all the accord members. Or it could be Constance was jumping at the assumption to try to get into the accords for her new court she was making, so. - She might've? - I don't know. - I don't know. - I don't know. - None. - That's probably the safest way to respond to that. - Yeah, she doesn't have any plans anymore. She's a mindless feral animal. - But Mike, you had a theory on Cleveland and the accords and the Black Court. - The idea that Cleveland is separate and the Emerald Necklace kind of contains it. So what happens outside of Cleveland may not necessarily translate to what's happening inside Cleveland. So maybe the Eastern European ethnicity in Cleveland, or there's a stroke, maybe there's a nonclave, a group that survived the purges. - And you just say historically the Black Court wasn't a member of the accord. - Right, and in a way it's kind of a time capture. That's the whole point of why it's such a big deal in our world is that because things aren't apparent from the outside, you have to get people on the inside of this issue to solve it. And we've all talked about the Emerald Necklace, the parks and water that surrounds the city actually effectively making it almost a magical island, if you will. - I'm sure there's some other city with something like a surrounding thing that could technically be a magical barrier, but. - Yeah, but in our world we've made our respects. - I wonder what it's partly like. - It's got those two halves on some. - That would be a fucking cool place. - Considering its history, I would bet that that would be a good storyline for-- - There'll be two cities on either side and on the other side. - On the Constantinople? - The Hannibal. - Yeah. - So you want to play our next Dresden? - In Turkey? - Yeah, dude. - Straight to Turkey, the hell of a jump. - That place is messed up. - Stay out of-- - The warden just decided to move this. - He egg has moved it to Turkey. - And I'm there as-- - Takes all his friends with him. - I know it's less operative. - How did that happen? - It's okay, it's a right motion. - Oh, yeah. - Bahamas, Cleveland, Turkey. It's a natural progression, dude. It's obvious when you look at it in the big picture. - Back to Facebook, comments on episode 168 where Bruno makes an impression. Andrew D'Entermont. - Wow. - That's the best shot I've got at that. Sorry, Andrew. - Don't pronounce you the last teeth. - Don't pronounce you the last teeth. - D'Entermont. - D'Entermont. - You like D'Entermont better? - He's gonna tell us from wrong. - Yes, he's just like, I'm sorry, what? - Didermont. - It's Didermont. - Didermont, you can't just shit together. - I tried listening to the first episode of arc two and found that there was way too much background I was missing out on. So in going back to delivery, I ran into Scott's opinion of the Dresden book. Here, here. I might be putting words in his mouth, but I personally find the series mediocre. The world building is shallow, except for details created by a Deus Ex twist. And some of the characters are memorable, but I feel like the first person in Dresden's personal style serves to cover up middling writing. Speaking of someone who's read all, what, 14 books? And we'll continue to read. I can't, for the life of me, understand what the fandom is about. - Says, the man is about all 14 books. (laughing) - Who the fuck's this down? - Oh, he said sounds too rude. - Yeah, well, it sounds rather similar. - It's such a mediocre story. - Let me read all six. - Let me write you an RPG. - If I don't like a book series, or if I come to realize that it's mediocre at best, I don't think I'm gonna sit down and read all 16 of them. - 14. - Well, perhaps the next sentence, we'll explain that for you. - That's insane. You kept talking? - Yes. (laughing) - He didn't stop there. - I expect that it's the bite-sized nature of the stories. Dressing his intellectual popcorn, filling only from all the butter layered onto it. Filled with empty calories, but fun to eat. - Thanks. - You're talking about the stories? Did you write them? - No. - Yes. - It's not high literature, by any stretch of the imagination. - No. - I think that's what he said. - So you read the 14 books, because popcorn is enjoyable and light-reading. - It's like listening to bubble gum pop sometimes. You just want to listen to a pop song. Not me personally. - No, I'm gonna say it now. - I see the appeal for-- - You have four frozen a thousand times yet with your girls? - No. - I'm not actually unlucky with that, but-- - It's actually a great way to use it. - I can understand why pop music is popular. It's not 'cause it's in depth and meaningful. It's because it's easing out of your ears. You don't have to think too much, and it's repeatable. - Stephen King of the horror genre? - I think Stephen King is a more in depth. I think he writes more in depth stories, and perhaps his literature is a little bit more challenging than, say, the Dresden series. From my perspective-- - Yeah, you don't know about challenging, but-- - Shiny? - No. - I think they're both-- - I enjoy both of them. I don't want to get any impression, I don't, but-- - So maybe you should read Tolstoy and Clint's his palette before he begins something else. - Or stop apologizing for what he has read. - He doesn't like your favorite books, so therefore you-- - They're not my favorite books. He's intended to his opinion. - You want them? - What's your favorite book? - "Dune" is one of them. - That's good, that's one of my favorites. - I like them. - See that guys, we like "Dune" here? - Crazy, right? - No, I think it's a good analogy. I think it's just how he writes. He does not write complex character fiction. He's writing mystery/core, but more mystery, I would say, and I think it's pretty light, fair. I don't think there's anything he said there that's incorrect, but at least from what I read in the first three books or two and a half books before. - He said he was not wanting to put words in your mouth, but he was-- - I thought he was agreeing with you. - No, I think it's a good point. I think it's just maybe that's what annoys me about it. I don't know. Maybe I just, everyone thought it was so great, and then I read it and it was buttered popcorn, and it just didn't appeal to me for whatever reason. - Buttered popcorn. - That's an interesting analogy. - Right. - Where'd it come from? - I don't know. - Just came right in my head. But no, I think he has, well, I think that's good, and I think there's nothing wrong with buttered popcorn for the occasional, just for whatever reason, it just struck me wrong. - I just met for dinner. - His beginning, and I think it was more that it's not that this buttered popcorn, it was just that the first two books were so utterly sophomoric in the writing style, and it gets better, obviously. You guys all said, his writing gets stronger. It was like something he did right out of college or something. - Or actually in college, please. - Right, exactly. - So he has a sophomoric. - I could only wish that my writing was as sophomoric and popular as his was, but so tip of the cap for what he does, he does well. - I actually listen to the audiobooks, which I think works well from when I'm driving. - I like the guy who reads it. - The pay attention, really. - I like the guy who reads it. He does a really good job. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Wasn't it James Morrison, who's a spy camper? - Which is kind of freaky because he doesn't sound anything like Spike, but-- - From Buffy? - Yeah. - Really? - That's the guy who? - That's James-- - So when he reads, he reads in England, or American accent? - Oh, definitely. - 'Cause he is British, I thought. - That's, no, he reads in American accent. - Oh, yeah, it's straight forward. - I've been meaning to get a hold of those. The books and tape. - We also had some feedback from Sam Ferdinand, who said he was giving feedback about the feedback. - Thanks for starting World War I. - Yeah. - Well, he didn't need any more. - It's the-- - Talk about a grudge. - It's the slow grudge. - Shut up. - Yeah. - Don't be disin-- - Hey, don't be disin' the slow grudge. - You're surrounded by them, you know that, right? - Everyone in this room is-- - Mr. Italian, except you. - It's a slinging norse, so figure that one out. - The Ukraine is not weak. (laughing) - Let's get that fun. - Who are we? - Those long shifts. - As a listener, ask about the dice and mechanics of the Dressing File RPG. I just happened to be listening to the episode you were referring to yesterday. I'll provide a link for episode 55, where Tom starts battling, in quotes, about the fudge dice. - Tom never babbles. - Right away. - Totally done. - I think he's referring back to the feedback in which he was criticized for-- - For babbles. - Hold on, it's more about dice. - I think he could go back to it. (laughing) - Like he does. - So you don't have to skip into the session or anything, regardless. Sam, Ferdy Nann, he spelled it out fanatically, which is really nice. I appreciate it. - Ferdy Nann. - Ferdy Nann. He provided a link in which it led to episode 55 and Balfa, Jap, commented out and said the urban music was pretty dope. Jog. - Yo. - Straight up. - Yo. - Actually it was. - It was when you guys were going to visit that one drug dealer that kind of ran Chicago and it was really urban music that I picked. - Right, oh, right. - That was the beginning. - So that was, yeah, that was the first adventure outside. - The one where I was a detective that I didn't like playing. - The coffee cup talker, yeah. - That was actually funny, though. I liked making jokes about how terrible he was. - Sam Ferdy Nann posted it on the fans page and introduced himself as a-- - Yes. - I didn't know if you were going to get to that. - I welcomed him aboard. - I'll do that during the, after we only got actually a few more comments and then I'll mention what was on the fans page. Yeah, that was something that I highlighted. Alpha Jap also mentioned that I'm disappointed, sincerely disappointed, Asprint should have been the name of this episode. - That was in the discussion. - That was actually Scott made a suggestion in the episode that Asprint said. - I thought-- - The good cut. - Roberto Mason and Prasham was much better. - I prefer that, actually, but-- - What was it? - Roberto Mason impression. - Oh. - As opposed to Asprint. You know, Asprint's better, sorry. - No one knows. - Asprint turns into A with two dollar signs on iTunes. Roberto Mason impression has more depth to the title. - Well, you could have, you know, you could have one with both. Roberto Mason Asprint. You could have, like, the both same-- - That's not bold. - That's putting the word makes in the front of your title. - How about the takes in at night, I don't know. - No, that's a different thing in time. - Roberto gets cheeky. - Where were you when I was going to have a title? You got a few files. - I just, I just like the impression, let's say. - Right, everyone would try to-- - I actually talked to Alpha and he said he was just kidding. He had to make a kind of, because he thought Scott's suggestion was clever. Tom Rocket also posted and said, "Can't wait to find out about the adventures "of the ghoul royalty. "So glad that Dresden is back. "I mean, rooting against an FBI agent is one thing, "but it feels like this group is up "against the entire city on this one." So he even gets a backhand slap on you shoe character there, Bob. Even in another system. - Let it go. - Let it go, Bob. - Let it go, Bob. - Time to move on. Jason McDonald's posted and said, "How did you decide on the ringtone "in the text message sound for everyone?" In this one, you guys were calling each other back and forth. And for Maxwell, I just used part of the song, Maxwell, that was just a clip where it was just music. As your ringtone, I thought that would be perfect for him. - That was not hard. - No, I really didn't have to stretch for that one. Roberto's, I used, someone suggested Mark, my youngest son, is been really enjoying a supernatural series on Netflix. And there's a character in there that's kind of a badass hunter, Dean, one of the brothers, and they had music for him, and they said this would be his theme music, and that's what I used for Roberto's music. - Marked it. - I only used the Rolling Stones fade to black for Roberto. - I can't remember if it was bad to the bone, or back in black. - Those are good. - It was one of those really hard drive and rock. I can't remember which one I used, but I used that for his ringtone, 'cause I thought I was, you know, he's a badass hunter. He's out there killing the evil wizards and goals. - Sarsaurus. - Sarsaurus. Sarsaurus. These are evil wizards. - Yeah. - So, for London, it's the Beatles I Want Money, because you all have characters all about money. - I would've given some of the Savage Garden or something a little bit more Euro-trashy. - Pink blood. - What did you suggest for yours? - It's in the classical crystal blue persuasion. - Ferrepa. - Oh yeah. - I always expected it. - So that, he hasn't got a phone call yet, but what do you do? That'll be his ringtone. - Which I think it looks like in the next episode. - We'll have the end. - We'll have the end. - It's in, yeah. - It's in, yeah. - You know that one? - No. - Stop dancing, I think. (laughing) - Same arrow, but no. - Same arrow. - And if you watched "Breaking Bad," you would-- - I'm, that's on my list. - It's in the average. - Right after "Walking Dead." - I've never watched "Walking Dead," especially after the last episode that I heard about it. - It starts with a child in peril. It's a little, little-- - Oh, by the way, don't bother to say the rise of the 300 either. - No. - That? - It's more the same, but there's a lot of children in peril on that one. - Oh shit. (laughing) - 'Cause that one's right. - For that, that was sort of-- - Full band of nothing. - Just, it doesn't matter whether you're a Greek, Roman, Persian, whatever. Everyone was a fucking asshole back then, and how we have society today from that is astounding. (laughing) - Did you-- - You went and saw it? - Yeah. - Did you take your son with you? - No. - I thought about it. - Did you review it first? - Well, I did review a buddy of mine wanted to go and I thought at the last minute I decided to, you know, tell him to stay home and-- - I'm glad you made that decision. - Thank God I did. - 'Cause Sean is how old now? - Eleven. - Not appropriate for Columbia. - New, new, new, new, new, new, new, new. Although there was a great naked scene with the lead woman. - I would-- - How did you get a love in your own son? - How'd you get to all vote? - I didn't know if it was a no-no, Sean shouldn't come. Although, there is a good naked. - Well, are you great at that? Should I have connected it? - That was a terrible-- (laughing) - It was a good way. - That's a bad thing. - You like gladiator movies too? (laughing) - Oh, he's with goat fucking? - Awesome. (laughing) - I did that, for the record, I did not bring that up. - 'Cause, let me tell you, it's been 10 years, man. - Let it go. - So is a tripping wolf. (laughing) - It's 10 years. - Oh, so, you probably should fill in the audience on that one. - Oh, no. - Oh, no, I just-- - You could-- - I don't know what the audience is asking about that one, guys. - If they ask him on a one. - If they care. - If you wrap up the feedback, Sam Ferdinand, posted and said, and said. Now, this is what I like about your role playing sessions. That scene in the corridor, that was a blast. This was when Roberto was trying to get past the guards and talk to Mr. Rinaldi. - The aspirin. - The aspirin. - Which is the four mentioned title. - Okay, up so. - Not actually the four mentioned not title. - It should not have been. This is what I, this, that was a blast. And why the dice, in my opinion, the dice in my opinion. Roberto was always in control, but the nuance made by the dice, distinguished this from being cliched. Well, that's really hard to read all that. - Practice. - Yeah, I didn't. - He really shouldn't tell. - But the nuance made by the dice, distinguished this from being cliched. And Tom's jamming turned it into a novelty, loved it. So, thank you, Sam. Yeah, I think the particular scene went well, it got across what would have happened in a situation like that for real. - It was quintessential fate. - Was I sick? - In my opinion. - Yes, actually, you did mention at least twice in that episode I cut out where you said I'm sick. (laughs) - And plenty of time to talk to them. - How was that when she did it? - Yeah, so you probably don't remember that. - Was it that sickness? Or was it the one before that? - It was the only one. - There was enough that I don't care. - Yeah. - All right, and with that, thank you, Sam, for the feedback. And with that, we'll go on to just a fan page really quick. London Swanson brought us up. No, it wasn't London anyways. Logan Swanson brought us up to speed on his dungeon world adventure. I believe he's playing it with his girlfriend and her kids. And he was explaining what happened in the adventure if I'm wrong there, Logan, sorry. But I remember talking to him about that before. Richard Watts asked about top five favorite famous authors that you've read this year. I believe Mike pitched in on that one and listed some. - And Jim Butcher was not in any of the lists. - 'Cause he's never gonna book this year. - That's true. - I know. - I mean, technicalities. - Was that the requirement? I just said the top five that you're reading, that that have been written. - Yeah, I don't think it was necessarily came out this year. It was just that you have read. - The point stands though, you've read all those books. - Unless you're rereading. - Well, it was rereading some stuff. - Okay, very good. - Jason McDonald posted about asking what steam games people wanted to play. Sam Stickwood-Hannick posted that he was trying to start up another Skype gaming group. So there might be two floating around in there. Sam Ferdinand also posted, and as Michael mentioned, he introduced himself and mentioned how he had actually found KOTN. - Go somewhere bored. (laughing) - Way to jump in with those all in, yeah. - In fact, and let's go back to the books you're reading. I was embarrassed by one of the lines. I didn't want to be berated by Scott, so I went back and edited. - You took a book out, self-edited? Could you read about Scott? - Why won't I? - No, it's, oh, twice. - Twice. - Twice series? - No, but I have read the twice series. - I bet you have. - Got it, I make fun of it, right? - If you're gonna make fun of it, you gotta be informed about it. - Which is why I didn't make fun of it. - So what was the book that you edited? - The Demon Accords. They're writing it so bad. There's something about it though, that I just really enjoy. It's a bunch of e-books. It's so cheesy, it's so bad. But I really like it. (laughing) - It's like me writing a best book or something. I don't know, it's just, it, I-- - That would be the only-- - It's the context of what it is, I don't even know. - It's a, it's a, his name is John Conner. He was a stockbroker until like two years ago, starts writing a bunch of e-books that takes every concept from like, every cliches and cliches about vampires and werewolves. He has a couple interesting concepts buried under just a bunch of garbage, the structures all wrong, the descriptions are poor, the typos are in there, but it was two bucks and then I ended up-- (laughing) You know, I don't know why, I don't know why I even-- - I'm sorry, I've got enough to read that it's only two boxes, nowhere near-- - But see, that's really a scathing review. - But it's just, it's just one of those weird things, I can't even understand why I even cliches-- - Enjoy it. - Like why I even bought it in the first place? 'Cause I have a whole list of stuff, I wanna get that's good. (laughing) - I don't know if it works out hard to come back. - But what is it that you enjoyed? I mean, you just gave the speaking a review. - No, but-- - There's nothing-- - And there's one bridge in the back. - It was good, it was only two boxes. - Yeah, well, there's a message in it. - There are some interesting characters, there's like, well, actually, the one answer that I think is really cool is that because this guy, he basically is a natural exorcist from the time he was a young boy, and grows up a very unhappy person, very unhappy 'cause demons are out to get 'em and he's the one that can destroy 'em. But he ends up saving this woman who is so beautiful and ends up being a vampire princess and that's hard to explain. But anyway, the thing is that he somehow becomes this amalgam of a holy warrior with some vampire qualities and some werewolf qualities all wrapped up into this like Superman package, but he's got... So every time he has a fight, he has to replace all the calories he has expended in fighting, it would end some cool fight scenes, but still they're pretty basic. But then he has to... He always has to eat after all the parties. - There's still a bit of anything good. - Mike and Liv did I do a seizure a bit. - I did say, for that very reason. - This is a perfectly valid... So much should throw it up on the fan page, guilty pleasures and that's what I said. - Exactly what I said. - You would have like six paragraphs on this one. - I don't know, it's a guilty pleasure. It's not like a guilty... - I'm telling you, I don't have to follow him. - No, no, no, no, but when I look at him, I'm like, okay, this guy, you know, presumably the difference between him is that, you know, he got some idiot to spend 12 bucks for all of his books. He's got five of 'em. (laughing) - Because I finished one. - Sweet, I did a tuster. - I'm gonna have to see what happens next. He bought the next one. Oh my gosh. This guy has to get an editor. My next one. Oh, that's really good to see that coming, but still. And you know, every character is beautiful and gorgeous and... - Is it like ten pages? - The longies books either. No, they're novellas. They can't... You could burn through 'em in a day. But for all the... Again, I know I'm not selling it very well. - No, no, no. - Just throw it hard, actually. - On my Kindle right now, I've got access to 'em because I find myself when I was waiting for travel or when I'm waiting at the store for the kids to do something. I have to get my fix and so I'm reading it. - Wow. - If you were to see some of it, it is. It's the structure, the pacing, you know? - You just shivered. I was like, this, this, this. - But it's like somebody has injected me with crack in this thing and I don't know how it is. - Note to self. Never asked Mike for a testimonial. - Right. I don't think he's gonna put that on the back of his book cover. Let's just put it that way. Dude, it's not listening. - But yet, I'm gonna call they come back to the other sheet. - Anyways, I can go on and on with what's on the fan page. I'm just telling anybody who likes to podcast go there. There's a lot of like-minded people. There is one additional thing that I do want to point out that people should take a look at. Anthony Ertmer mentioned it. There's a lawsuit going on right now. There's a patent troll who's trying to claim the rights to podcasts. - I read that. - I read that. - Good luck. - Definitely, yeah. I mean, I don't think it's gonna succeed, but if it does, pretty much no one's gonna be able to podcast ever. - If you ever know the history of radios, there's a fucking name of it. - Who owns the patents to radio? Tesla invented radio. Marconi didn't, but Marconi wasn't fucking around with the government, so the government gave it to Marconi to screw over Tesla. I think I have that right. So, I can't imagine that they wouldn't. - Yeah. - 'Cause if you remember, not too long ago, so many of you also tried to patent the GIF, the- - Yeah, yeah. - Good. - Well, anyways, the link's out there. In my opinion, I agree it's gonna ultimately fail. - Yeah, it's what should be aware of it. - For like the concepts of a podcast. - It should not like. - It should not like. - It should not like. - The neutrality and what the ads are doing to people. - No, you can't do that. - And with that, we'll wrap up just as always a quick mention, Kio and is our blog site. We have an Amazon link there. If you're shopping in Amazon, go through there. We get a little bit of advertising money from Amazon, it doesn't cost you anything. And it's continually used, helps pay for the podcast on a monthly basis, so I appreciate everyone who's using it. - And if you have a flip-board search for RPG. - Someone asked about that, yeah, so it's bad. - I talked to them, they said they found it, so that's all good. And with that, we'll get on to the adventure. - Okay, I'm Tom, I'm a GM for this Dresden game, we're gonna call it Rituals. And our players tonight, starting on my right. - Michael playing Repa at theogenic Organic Alchemist. - I am Jim playing Edmund Shadowski. I'm a rich businessman, Black Court powered fan. - I'm Scott playing London Deals, the Amoral Seer to the Supernatural Powers. - I might play Alan Montgomery, the only Warden town. - Thomas playing Maxwell Edison, under cover, online security. - I'm John playing Repa at our Martinez, people's guardian and powered by a fallen angel. - So, in starting, of course, we have the minor advancement milestone in which you can switch skills, stunts, spend refresh on stunts, powers, and our rename one of your aspects. In addition, everybody gets back to your refresh. If your current fake points are higher, we stay with that. - When we last played, the majority of the players were gathering outside of a small brownstone, I believe. That house would be owned by London Deals. - Well, no, I think actually didn't, John, say that Roberta was going there first. - Here's Camp outside. - Well, I remember from last week is that Roberta was coming to the house early, and I was coming home an hour before the meeting. I don't know anything about Roberta, but I was coming home at five o'clock. - Right. - We had a six o'clock meeting with the rest of the group, and I needed to camp the wine and get the cheese down to room temperature. I mean, there's important shit that needs to have to be caught. - Clearly, very important thing. - He needs to sit comfortably in the chair for at least 10 minutes before someone arrives. - He must listen to his very carefully swivel around and look at them condescendingly, which is how he always looks at people. - He also has to listen to his music to get in the right mood for deal. - Love with a London fan club. - And so, when I come home at five, I believe that Roberta was waiting outside because I don't think the rest of the group shows up 'til round six. - Where is home? Where is your dog? - Which is Cleveland Heights. I don't have an exact address, but somewhere in the Cleveland Heights area, near Coventry, Euclid Heights Boulevard. - Not at the very city. - No. - Does London own the entire brownstone, or does he have an apartment inside the brownstone? - I would say he owns the brownstone, 'cause it's a home. It's not a unit, it's not a multi-unit. It's a detached, single-family home. I'm thinking maybe around 3,000 square feet, so it's sizable, but not extravagant. - There's extravagant house. - That is in Europe, is in Italy. - The other person who is not currently involved with London deals and what's going on here, would be Rapa, who is doing some lab work, 'cause I'm not mistaken you finish the lab work, because we were doing it at like one o'clock, and we organized the meeting for six. - So we had plenty of time for- - Did one bit of lab work, he was doing a second more in detail in this version. - Okay, so lab work takes way longer than the actual as well. - No. The second process he was doing takes longer than the first one, which only took an hour or so. This one took a couple hours, but that was my point in beginning this, in the first place, is that Rapa would be done before this meeting took place. - Is going there? - Not at this current group, no. So Rapa's done, it's around 230 or so, and in order to get the amount of information that you have achieved by doing this lab work, I would like you to make a role. This particular procedure that you're doing would require a good result. - Scholarship. - Scholarship, yes. To that, we will allow you, well, how would a nice lab work into that? - Instead of your resources minus two, your automatic personal work space is so for quality equal to your resources. - Do you even have resources? - Yes. - What's it at? - Two, fair. - Well, the quality of work space in terms of the highest possible difficulty of a question or project that you can pursue in there. - Yeah, it means that it can effectively pursue the difficulty to task. - I think he should have a scholarship thing where he has a scholarship stunt, where he has like, you apply basically the same thing, but it's your scholarship skill, which is probably much higher. And you have like a grant or something. And that's what buys you that. - Bullshit. - He was originally funded by the Cleveland Clinic. So we're gonna say as you give up on your refreshes, add a stunt of previous corporate backing, which allows you, instead of using your resource, it allows you to use your scholarship as the level of your lab. - That just doesn't seem right. I mean, a chemist would need a few hundred dollars worth of chemicals. - You say that a chemist might just have a minimum amount of chemicals. You have to do analyzing of the information too. And normally you would send it off to a lab to give you some of the information, but you can do that all in-house here. You don't have to give other people the knowledge of what your research is because you can do it in-house. - Good answer. - Okay, so make your role. We've now covered how you can do lab work up to superb. You can do it up to superb. This one is only great, so you need it for or higher on your role, and you get to add in your scholarship, which is already superb. So just don't suck. Let's bob backwards. - Minus two. - Yeah, that sucks. I shouldn't have said bob. - What was wrong with you? - That takes you down to good, which is unfortunately inadequate for you to get the information you're looking for here. Of course, you could spend some fake points to me role and/or add two to your role, which would give you what you need. - So I can add two to your role. - If you give me an aspect that would apply to this particular thing, you're doing here. - Gone, so I'm gonna shoot you if you don't do it. - No, give me the plus, do 'em a shoot. - So you can just say, I am a-- - That's theogenic organic alchemist, dammit. - And so you do succeed. Unfortunately, you get it. Physically, you do this. - Yeah. - I am rough. - So you're doing lab work and you're trying to determine what? - We knew there was ash, but we didn't know what the ash is. - As I haven't, you were going to further test the ash residue to determine what or where it came from. - The first answer we got was sodium. - Sodium and ash. - Okay. - And the ash is from a human body. Unfortunately, there's no viable DNA in here for you to do any further work as far as scientifically, but you do have skills of another nature, which may possibly be useful. That's up to you on how far you want to take this. At this point, you could inform your client, which I believe is Alan, of the situation. Unfortunately, he's difficult to get a hold of because he doesn't carry a cell phone. - Well, I mean, it's what I called Maxwell before. - Did he have relay it? - Good enough. - Did he head over to wrap his house? - We took his beer. - Did not-- - Yeah, you guys came over there. - We stopped off, we dropped off samples and then we headed back out. - So he's now done a few hours later and he's informing you of the findings and he calls Maxwell. - Maxwell. - So it rings and you see that it is reppi. - Which you've added to your contacts after dealing with. - I answer. - The ashes are chemically equivalent to human remains, spurt human remains. - Okay, the ashes-- - There's not much else I could leave from it to normal chemical means. - Couldn't tell which body, like did it match the samples we gave you from corpse to begin samples in the corpse? - We dropped off samples of the residue. We did not give them samples of the blood. - Okay. - Nevermind then. - God, you guys are stingy. - Yeah, apparently, that's bullshit. - I thought maybe it did, but-- - You wouldn't-- - I really can't remember. - Well, if you need anything else, or if you have any other things, I can kind of stop by. - Do we want to wrap it to check out any of the other samples? We want to keep the blood for magical bullshit. We want to keep the residue from the limb from more magical bullshit. - No, but tell him if he can, if there's anything left from what we gave him, why don't you have him bring his report, pack up his sample, and meet us at this brownstone we can give him the address. - Okay. - 'Cause maybe London will have some questions or some ideas for him. - I was gonna hang around and have a smoke, but yeah, okay, I guess we can go. - Yeah, I really had, we'll meet you at the brownstone. If you bring the samples, we'd much appreciate that. - John's character, Roberto, shows up at the brownstone at five and waits until London shows up. - Do I know where a backup key was? - 'Cause I have to point time. - No, I think it's not a guy who leaves a key under a round how forgetful you are. - Plus, I don't know that you necessarily hired Roberto while you were still at this location. You might have already been on the run when that happened. - Fair enough. I'm not sure. I hadn't thought about it to be honest. - So no, you don't know of any key. You can't help us away at a couple hours. - All right, shows up. - Where's yourself in the house? - Stick my foot in the door as a tricycle as a bond. - No, no, where are you waiting? Are you waiting outside and your feet up there? - All the way you will. - Ospacious vehicle that the police come by three times and hooves by slowly. - Ross, that's a good color though, please. - Clued heights, man. - Is it possible, I don't know this neighborhood all that well, but I mean, I assume there's more parking behind the apartments or the housing. - It's an actual house. - It's an actual house. - It's an actual house, so. There is a driveway with a-- - Is this a high traffic street that he's gonna have trouble parking in or? - Let's call it Del Marin. I'm just asking, can he park in front of your house or is it a major street where there is no parking? He's gonna have to park in your driveway. - Yeah, I think he's in one park in the driveway. - Okay. - And I haul a cooler out and I sit on it, and wait. (laughing) - Puts down the back, I'll get here. - I'm sure he gets a couple of the curtains, the nosy neighbors looking out. He's all good. - You don't quite fit in this neighborhood. He's sitting on the back of your pickup truck, drinking beer, but not. - And then he shows up. - Yes. - And it's not full of me before he even parks. - You're the most dangerous Batman I've ever met. (laughing) - They must figure you're the plumber or something. Anyway, I pull out a bag full of-- - No, I gotta get my car in the garage. Can you back that thing out, please? - Yeah. - Allow me to-- - I didn't know I was in the driveway. I wouldn't do that. - You're welcome to pull into the driveway afterwards, but just let me, I want to-- - It's supposed to rake-- - I thought I was in car, girl. - I do not want to-- - Apparently I saw her on the vehicle. - So I pull out. - And I pull it? - I'm running inside the driveway, girl. (laughing) - What a fucking adventure. (laughing) - Anyway, I come back out with a bag full of bloody glass and hair scrapings. What do I owe this? I'm here to hire a distinct pleasure. (laughing) - Oh, that's cute. What's in the bag? - Hair broken glass blood on it. And he's holding it up and saying, "I've got something I need to track." - Yeah. What's in the bag? - It's my dad, or all that I can find with him. I'm gonna pay you to help me find him. - Well, let's go inside. - Okay. - And so I open up the front door, let Roberto in. Just so you know, in letting him in, you're inviting him into your house, which to my mind, I don't have the same suspicions that the warden has at this point of him. - But you have enough knowledge to know that if you were a creature of magic, that that would have an effect on his power. You also know that at the warden. - I think I think of Roberto as having less than magic at this point. In London's eyes, he's still a failed employee, not really an equal. And he's struggling with the whole idea of him even being considered an equal. So I work my way into the kitchen and feed the cat and get out the wine to be decanted, all the while talking with Roberto about his current plight. So, Roberto, before we take the step into hiring, which I must say seems quite unlikely. I want you to tell me a little bit about what's happened with your father. From our recall, he had some gambling debts and was a near-do-well. Is the situation changed much? - Those deaths have been paid as far as I understood, but apparently one of the conditions was that he'd worked for them and he's disappeared now. Could he not just be working for them? - At a casino? - No, I mean, obviously, he worked for an underworld, like he's out of the job. He sent him to St. Louis to collect a debt, or he's in... - He's drunk, almost 24/7. If he was dealing with anything underworld, he wore the next poem at one piece when he's not dealing with the underworld. - Which would lead me to my next question, which was why would they ever want to hire him if he couldn't perform a job without passing out? - I owned his debt. I don't know why they took him. It's really my business. I don't know why they believe it says. I don't know where he's gone. I don't know if he'll survive, but it's none of his business. - What did he disappear? - Your mother said that she hadn't seen him in over a week. - Okay. - I would call with him. - Yeah, all right. - Okay. - I mean, he goes off on a vendor and disappears on many occasions, but a week, even for him, is extremely excessive. - Correct. - He tried the authorities. People who won't actually charge you to find him. - They're not good with these men. They've got an understanding. They just don't deal with them. They're a legitimate businessman. If that was a debt they were owed, he's doing work for them. - So he just told your mom he was going out to work one day? - She heard a disagreement with the collectors and then they were driving away. - So they came and actually took him from your home a week ago? - A week ago. - Okay. - So you want me to perform a ritual and try to find where he's at, is that what you're looking for? I mean, you're looking for some supernatural help here or you just want me to call some contacts and I'm not really sure what your wallet will allow for. - Isn't the ritual cheaper? - No, that would be much more expensive than just calling some contacts and asking questions. - If you can get it. - Performing magic is always the higher end of the spectrum on my-- - I always thought a living person was easier to find than most of the stuff you try to find. - I would agree that finding a living person would be fine but what I'm saying is I can call some contacts and see if they know anything, that's just a phone call. Performing magic is taxing and exhausting and so which we are looking for? Were you looking for an immediate answer through magic? Are we looking for get back to me in a couple of days kind of a situation? I'm just unsure of what you're looking for and the last time I knew you, you didn't have a lot of cash. I'm just trying to keep it as affordable for a former employee. It's like a context and I'll see about it in a couple of days. - So he's been gone a week. You can survive a couple more days. - One would hope. - At this point, the warden pulls up in the driveway. - There should be enough space. It's a longer driveway to the back of the home, so-- - The rock is gonna be in a minute too, so-- - Right. - Apparently it's a one-car garage. - I think it probably is maybe a two-car garage but he's probably got some stuff on one side of it. So one fits in, but the garage is behind the homes. So it can fit four or five vehicles. - Would you say we would recognize the truck in the driveway? - I would say definitely recognize the truck because it was being used during the previous adventure as London was reluctant to have any vehicle that he would use to be known to anyone. - Right. - London, already found me. - That's great, Scott. We'll burn out. - I guess I get my down payment for that, right? - I don't know, it's not my money. - I believe that there are former associates, our former adventurers that we had our little fun with before are actually arriving and they were interested in talking to you, there's a new assignment I think that they wanted to try to hire you for. So I think you might want to stay for a little while. - Is Rep a someone who is early or tends to always be late? - Right, it'd be pretty close to out time. - So you should be arriving in the next couple of minutes. - It's a scholarly, you know, sort of-- - Maxwell, Allen and Edmund get out of the car. - I'd grab a couple beers out of the home. - There is still a cooler on the back of Roberto's. But then, not a big blind fan, and I know that's what he's gonna have when we get inside. - Oh, of course. - What does Roberto normally do? Do you wear like a big army jacket and you're like an old and this? - I mean, did he throw like a few beers in the pocket while Roberto is that classy? - He might be, I don't know, I'm just asking him. - No. - So you're still having a discussion with London when-- - Sure, we're just-- (knocking) - I'd go to the front door because I don't leave it unlocked and I also think it's very poor to quorum to let someone just walk into your home with that answering the door. So I am locked, welcome to my humble abode, shoes off, and we are gonna meet in the library, which is off to your right. - Well, London, how are you? - I'm doing well. - How about yourself? - Well, I have some questions and there's something going on and we need your expertise. - Excellent, expertise is something I have and good standing, so I'm sure I'll be able to help. - So what is it? - The library. - Yeah, there's a library office, that he calls the library, it's more of a study 'cause he's pretentious. And he's got some wine decanted and some cheese and Roberto's probably, maybe that's what we were talking, was I moved into the library because I knew that they would be arriving shortly and he's gotta look good. He's gotta be there waiting for them because they wanted him, and they wanted me to find him. - Everyone says hello, I say hello to Roberto. - I've tossed my beer. - Squinted it. - Thank you. - And for the beer, here's the one for you. - Anyone want some wine? - I have a perfect Marlowe, room temperature. - Is that all that shit? - Decanted? - Yeah. - I only like Marlowe. - It's not Marlowe. - I'm not having any fucking Marlowe. - Ice water as well, you prefer? - I have no idea why, but London seems to think you want to hire me for something. - I remember to cut right to the chain. - It's not what I was told that you needed to be found, so. - A knife. - We'll talk grittainer in a moment, but I was able to find him quite quickly for you. - Well, we can start a tab because there's a few things that I think they need to talk about. - Excellent. Well, please, you could have a floor. - Okay. - Right there, yeah. - So yeah. - And the lights go up. There's another car pulls in your driveway and your lights. - Yes, we are. And in fact, I'd like to see what is information as first, 'cause it might help clarify people. - Who are we inviting into my home? Do they don't know as I write this home? - His name is Repa, an associative eds, you know. - Two questions at, is he hygienic? And do I need to worry about inviting him into the home? - I don't think so. - It's magic. - Or hygienic. - I don't know. - It's self-in-a-size. - That's the one. - That's the one. - It seems a good guy. - Lab technician. - Good, yeah. - All right, go ahead. - So I will open the door and introduce myself to Repa. Choose off if you will please. - Yes. - Thank you. - The library is off to the right, and they have some Merlot, mice water, and apparently, someone brought some beers. So, whatever you prefer. - Do you serve yourself wine, or do you wait for the host? - I've never been very good at fancy meetings with NASA. - The host will pour the wine. - Alcohol's not exactly my drug of choice, but Merlot's great, so I'll end with this. - Excellent, so I pour him up. A glass of Merlot. Happy that someone will join me in the wine. - Sir, it is absolutely French. - If it's London, it's French, but label. - Absolutely French. - I would think that he'd probably picked one from his cellar that was middle grade. Wasn't gonna go all out because this is, this is a high society of Cleveland. He sometimes deals with, but it's still good friends, so. - I agree. - Good associates, as he would probably think of it. - Would you like the floor to discuss it? - Yeah, so, I'm sorry, it was wrapped in here now. - Yes, right. - Are you here? - We've made introductions. - I reiterate my report if that's what you're looking for. - Yeah, I just wanted to know what I found with the ashes, the sodium initiative, and then the ashes were consistent with what you would find when you burn the human body. - It's been an unusual murder, we're investigating it. - Actually, a series of murders that have a ritual quality to them. - Interesting. - And there's missing body parts, there's multiple victims. - Well, missing body parts per victim, or just one or two victims. - How does that remind you? - For replacing body parts per victim every time, each removal was more expert than the last. This one in particular was down to the most surgical precision. - Well, it was unconscious? - The person was unconscious when the body parts removed. - Yeah. - No signs of a struggle, no signs of defensive wounds. - Do you say ritualistic? What made it ritualistic? - There was a pentagram, there was a symbols that I haven't quite been able to decipher yet. I can probably share a photo from a cell phone with. - I have war. - Maxwell can share that. - I was gonna say, you don't have a cell phone that could, boy, you don't have a cell phone. - Right, yeah. How long have you been investigating this? - Since, for the past three hours. - Oh, okay. - Well, you came quickly to the right source, good work. - Ripo would like to know that there's any legal. - Have physical evidence from any of these other ones, or you just, I assume if you're only into this three hours, there's only the one case that you have evidence from. - Me and Ed were investigating another one, while the firm was investigating another one. - To try to encapsulate all his information, there's been five murders over the last several weeks. - Three months. - Three months. - Each murder has become progressively more clean. - Refined. - Or refined, as if the murderer is either gaining more knowledge in his art, or becoming calmer, or becoming, whatever, that's an estimation. We cannot make at this point. Every single murder site had a pentagram, made with human ash and salt. Is that a correct statement? - No, that's the latest, we just analyzed the latest circle that I became involved in. - You have murder, you have photos from previous murder scenes, what do those contain? - We have yet to see those yet, but we have a contact in the police force to probably get that very empty. - Okay. - I thought they had actually seen those. - No. - The only one of these that has been investigated by anyone, to any extent, was the one in which Edmund and Maxwell were hired by the Spencer family to research their daughter's murder. - It was a bad fact, too, so we weren't privy to the actual scene, probably. It was probably days or days after. - Right, they were. - But you know what the scene was from the parent's description? - Yeah. - The body part was lost, so we know that-- - Right, but it was turned high. - Was there any kind of ritualistic? - Yeah, we just knew that-- - Besides the body part. - Besides the body part missing in the obvious pentagram. - Well, the thing that's been going on, I think that's it. - So just to clarify, it is true that the murder that they were hired for the Spencer, which was which number, which one of the five? - Obviously, it wasn't the fifth, you know, it just happened, but which one was it? - We know that the first, so it was the second I'm onward, any of those? - Yeah, it was the third. - And there was a pentagram at the scene. They did not have access to the scene, but they were given information via the parents that the parents were given by the police. In the paperwork that they got, there was descriptions of a ritualistic site. They weren't unable to get actual photographs or into the actual police reports, other than what they got in almost the second hand from the parents. - No, no, no, no. - Parents weren't given the sleeves for now either. - Right. - They didn't know, super in depth, what the kind of information we'd be looking for was. - Right, well you'd think if the body was in the middle of a pentagram, the police might mention that. - The police also seem to be keeping back some information. - They do, right, that's what they do. - Well, you don't want to spread the information everywhere, because then you get copycat murders. - Or you can prosecute the person because facts widely known can't be used in court. - Yeah, exactly, yeah. - Okay, well, if we can't, I mean, I have to assume that this pentagram has been going on. I mean, it's probably not a recent development. - Isn't the use of salt and pentagrams really common? - To my mind, would it be a war roller? - No, that's pretty common. - No, based on the photographs he has of the ritual site, may I make a war roll, just to see if I gain something from it that he doesn't, since I am also a practitioner and deal with this mysterious... - And then we'll get it on the agenda. - I rolled a minus three. - You can do it. - I'm my proudest guy. - Yeah, my war is great, so it takes it down to average and London bitches about the image quality on his thumb. - Well, the phone is getting kind of an apple, iPhone. - The phone is getting kind of glitchy because there's a lot of users of magic in this room here there. - Of which you were one, so please, have you ever heard of an apple? - I have, of course. - You're not a full practitioner. - No, sorry, I need to actually, yeah. - You can tend it. - I can bitch about image quality, Dan. - I control my magic. So if that's an issue, I'm muted down. - The information partner to you, we have a few samples. By the way, make a roll. - Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. - It's a lovely stereo system in the wheels here. - Or actually, you're zapping the motherfucker 'cause your mail is-- - No, it's the whole house and the actual thing is in my bedroom. It's like, control the music for this night. - Holy mackerel. Repa is-- - Oh my God, my door is good, plus three, and I rolled three, so it's-- - Fantastic, plus six. - I had another thing I wanted to do. - Are we trying to figure out what the pentagram would do? - I have a nation of salt and pentagram. - Okay, he would remain. - Instead of having Repa, I don't know how he would know that exactly. - He just has to see the picture, and then, enrolling a fantastic, he may have noticed something that nobody knows. - Repa brings 60 years of experience to bear on this scene. He has many different disciplines. - Okay, some of their cold, demonic rituals go on. - Shh, those are back in the days. - Back in the days. - Just listen to all kinds of stuff. - So in Repa looking at this, you're an elderly gentleman, and you've traveled a lot. You enjoy going to different countries, and in searching for kind of like the truth. You know, you like to do psychedelic drugs and commune with alternative sources. - So you've seen other rituals and processes done to help focus, and that's what you're getting from this, is that this circle, you remember seeing somewhere, and you don't even remember exactly where you saw it, but there was this ritualistic pattern that's being used right here, and it is to focus energy. It focuses the big thing that you pull from this particular picture you're looking at, that in the past, it was to focus the mind, and to focus clarity, and to focus communication, and that's what this pattern here reminds you of. Something in your past where you dealt with a ritual, partaking of a certain mushroom, and the stones were arranged in such a pattern that that's what comes to mind to you, is that this pentagram was specifically used to focus something. - I think there were no information. - Interesting. - Does this add to the knowledge already learned that the ritual appears to be involved in capturing or encapsulating an essence, or somehow refining something? - I don't think anyone's mentioning it yet. - That's why I'm asking that. - I'd love. - They do potentially seem to fit together nicely as a piece of puzzle. - So here we have an example of, based on Repa, what you just said, and I'm saying this a lot for everyone, that a pattern suggests itself to you of focus. I saw hints of something that made me think of somehow capturing or packaging, or encapsulating an essence, or refining it. So we have a ritual that is building up towards something, that it's somehow progressively building, and trying to, I don't know, refine or escalate something. - Let me ask you something. - Was the ash part of the outline, like the pentagram, or was it a pile, like somebody was destroying it? - As I understood it, the ash and the sodium were used to make the pentagram. - You took just a scraping or a little gathering of the actual pentagrams. - However, there was another material. - Now you didn't take-- - No, I didn't take-- - You just took a small piece of the pattern. But if you would have taken other samples, would it have been different? - Right. - And you don't know that. You only took one sample. - I only took one sample. And I don't know if we're gonna get a chance to go back to the circle if we've already been cleaned up. - Who's the benefactor who's hired you for this job? - Right now I'm helping out the clean police. It's helping the police. We have what appears to be a person using supermational means to hurt the people of the city. - That's right, that's your-- - Kind of in the job, it's gonna look great. - However, there was something else at the site, which leads me to wanna ask Roberto some questions. - Can I look over at-- - Can I get to the fire at the picture eventually? - Sure. - It's with all the fire. - No, that was actually on a wall. It's not-- - I thought it was all over the room. - It was the circle. - Okay, yes, sir. - Well, that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. Is that something that you've seen before? And it wasn't-- - It wasn't in the picture, sir. - Hold on. - Well, I think he just saw it. - I thought it wasn't the picture, so that's why I didn't-- - The picture does not show any indication of Hellfire. The picture shows a pentagram. Hellfire was splashed against one of the walls, burn marks, et cetera. That would be a separate picture. - Max, show me another picture. - Look, the other wall that I took a picture of just by never reaching the inside. - Oh, that was a-- - On the wall at a pentagram? - No, yes, pardon me. - Well, these are burn marks. - And truth, it looks like burns on a wall. I mean, there isn't like a watermark that Hellfire leaves. It looks like a burn on a wall. - I've seen arson. - Okay, since the last time I saw you, have you heard any rumors of sorcerers or some practicing black magic around town? - I've got a list full of them. - You have a list full of them? - Yeah. - People who used, who did the ritual, to tear the souls out of children and put them into the vampires. - At this point, I would like, Alan, could you make me an empathy role, please? - An empathy role. My empathy is-- - Mentalistic. - My empathy is fair. - That's right. - I appear to have a negative one for my fudge, so that takes it down to average. - And Roberto, if you could also make an empathy role. - The empathy role for you, Alan, is you're trying to read his response to the situation you're asking. - I got a plus two. - Fair. - All right, so you have known. - You have known. - Wow. - You're telling him these things and you're watching for a reaction in his face and you're not able to read. - You should not have been rolling to seat. - You were lying? - That's true. - You're showing him a picture and he's saying, "Oh, it's arson." And you're saying, "It's hellfire." And you're like, "Watching him." - Nothing. I mean, you don't get this any worry in him, like, "Oh, shit, he's on to me." - Right. - That type of thing. Where you're trying to watch him for any kind of giveaway, but you're really not the world's best detective. But that's what I meant by that. Sometimes when you bring questions about magic to people, you're looking for some reaction, like, "Oh, shit." - So basically there was nothing-- - He's on to me-- - He's on to me. - You didn't get that, but Roberto's eye's been difficult for you to read. There is always the option, but you two have, up to now, in your relationship, avoided staring too deeply into each other's eyes, you're locking a gaze from it, because that triggers a soul gaze. - Well, thank you. - Now, let me jump out of here for a moment. - And truth, I don't think you've done it with anybody in this group. - No. - Okay, thanks. - In the context of the story, that happened almost instantaneously to Harry when he first came across a denarian, and that he didn't have to initiate it, it smacked him in the face and took him by surprise. - I remember that. - So, it's not-- - I haven't read it recently. - Yeah, I think he-- - Was it a denarian or was it a denarian who didn't know he had a denarian coin? - To be fair, it was a full-blown denarian. - Right, that's my point. I think it's different. - Just in the game sense, it would require either of you wanting to trigger it just because you-- - Okay, I'm not gonna force a soul gaze on anybody. So, don't get a read from him on that half, if you don't see any surprise, and up to now again, I said you haven't locked to figure out what's really behind both of you. - I have heard your information. It sounds intriguing. What would you like to hire me for? - I need to know first. - Oh, the sheet. I'm not sure what Hellfire is, but any one of these wizards could be using it. - Oh, it's not like flying, right? (laughs) - Okay. - He doesn't know he's using Hellfire. - I don't know if anything-- - I don't know if anything-- - It's even said I'll give you a power, and he shot fire. That's all he's aware of right now. - All right. - Look, it's a voice in his head. It doesn't even say it. - I said all right. - Lucifer. - I said all right. - Okay, I was just explaining further. - But your face said no, no, no. - Roberto has, what is your lore? - It's like one. - Yeah, it's one. - No clue. - It's amazing. - About magic at all. And he does have the list of characters that he has been hunting down that are wizards. - What is this victim's name? - What is this victim's name? - This victim's name is Danny Norton. - I can go down the list briefly. Actually, it was Darnell Norton, but-- - Thank you, Darnell. - Let's skip past the ones that actually-- - I'm gonna trap 'em. - I'm sorry. He didn't, he doesn't know that, he asked you. - Is Darnell Norton on his list? - All right, I need Norton on the list. - No, you're looking for a relation. - So that's a list of-- - He at least wasn't involved with the clinic. - Is he most sorcerers? - These are clinic sorcerers. - Can I have a copy of that? - Sure. - Wait. - Wait. - What do you do to them as a warden? - If they're breaking the loves of magic-- - They all have, well, that guy didn't. - You don't know the laws. - It's great. I've investigated some of them. - On the list is Rappa, and it's like crossed out. (laughing) - I already talked to him. - I just read it. I didn't. Did I talk to him yet? - Oh, Rappa? - Yeah. - I'm going down the list again. - Yes, you actually have a relationship with him. You've mapped before him. - This is really-- - I've met before, but I didn't. Now I'm going down the list. - Oh, he does. - And I read the Rappa. - I know this. - It does. - Because he worked for the client. - Okay. - And it looks awesome. - Yeah, you're gonna have a list. Look at this shit. I come over there, and I'm like-- - I mean, if you've discovered something-- - I've investigated a couple of these people, and they were not tearing the souls out. I haven't come to the guy who devised how to do that yet, but we have one of them with us today, and I hand over the list, and I pointed Rappa. (laughing) - Eyes are darting back and forth, and-- - All right, so-- - So you said not everybody on this list was taking part in the soul, baby soul reaping. - This is a list of people who weren't-- - I haven't found it yet. - These are some magic users, too, but I'm trying to find the magic user who was manipulating souls. - So this isn't a list of wizards. This is just a list of people that were-- - I found a couple wizards. I've found a-- - Hand sourced artist. - Yeah, whatever. I don't know the difference. - Well, you guys were not bad. - I'm sorry. - Wizards are good. - Well, I'm sorry. - Wizards are bad. - Well, that's a very good one. (laughing) - I'm getting Laura Vaughn over here. - Well, that's why I'm interacting with him. - I'm educating him, yes. - And it's part of my-- - As convincing as that is. - I'm pretty sure that's what everyone would say. - Well, but I'm looking at the list. Do I see any names that I would recognize? - What's the other gentleman who died? - A terrorist. - A girl. - Is she on there? - Terror Spencer is not on there. - Any other Spanish relations? - You know I get you. - No. - Okay. - Do you have a copy? - Of course. - That would be my home office. - Which we're sitting in though. - No, this is my library. - Now you get a photocopy of this list? - Sure. - I'll go ahead and take care of that for you. Why don't you discuss that? - You can keep this. I have another copy. - What was the-- - Oh, I can keep this list that you've been keeping? Okay. - High freshen up the wine, freshen up the cheese. - Carry you next. - Okay. - Did you get burned? - So what is it, a clinic contact list? - Former employees. - These were Dale Williams' employees. I got the list off of them. - I'm not sure how all they were related into the actual ritual that was involved in making these vampires. I just know that they all had pay for doing that. He wasn't in the know about what each and every other-- - Well, we're showing you here as a list of-- - There was probably somewhere in a clinic, a certain account. These could work in a deployment. - Why am I telling you my weaknesses? - It was a hidden department. These are people from that list. - You were showing me a list of people that were possibly involved in rituals. We're looking for ritual lists. It may be related. And this is good information, and thank you for this. - That would be my thought that we have-- - What we're here may be on this list. - Right. - More in the room. - Can we go over again? - Well, we were in the-- - I'd choose. - Well, we were in the work territory. We didn't have to buy. - Yes. - And there was a tourniquet. - Yes. - And there was one side of the tourniquet that the magic blood burr was different than the other side. - Yeah, we have it there. - It's over what that was, again, why it was the one side was different than the other. - I think which was all the fact that there is potentially. - Okay, stop saying that. You have had-- - I've met him as a veteran. - I've met him as a veteran. - Spoke with him and talked to him about the situation and cleared him off. - I did? - Yes. - I don't clear that. - Yes, it was an adventure that's listed on his character sheet. It's not like you still think he's a fading murderer. - That's all ripping. - Yeah. - I've been accused of worse. - A body that's recently died usually leaves an after effect of an aura that you can still observe afterwards using. Did you use the site or was it just your wizard senses? - Wizard senses. - And typically his wizard senses. - Or is last for three days after death. - About, well, I mean, you can obviously explain it better than me, but I don't know if I'm doing the same characters. - Every living cinch of being, yes. - If we're cool here, you knew about sorcerers, at least as far as anyone operating in the thing you've given me this list. You don't know about any hell fire. So, or at least that I could tell. So now I think we're done with that part and we're moving towards what we want. - The last bit of sample of dealing with London here. - No, just take your time. This is our way to consultation. So I'm fine if you want to investigate some other-- - Since we haven't started the commission yet, where would you like to start? - Yeah, the consultation fee is separate from the action. - You didn't use it aware of what his job is yet. - I have no idea what you want me to do. - What would you like me to do? - I have a sample here taken from the actual corpse of the young man who's missing the leg. - What did you take? - Skin tissue? - Blood. - Blood, okay. - And blood specifically taken from the last vestige of his aura before it completely winked out. Which is unusual and I'm still trying to figure out how that can be but it's only been a few hours. - The aura on one side of the tourniquet kind of was gone and then the what was a little bit left of his leg on the other side of the tourniquet had the aura on it and that's where we took the blood sample from. - Yes. - So my question to you is that we got the body and it's he's in the morgue. The leg is missing. I'm hoping that where that leg is can lead us to who took it or where it might be. So my question is, are you able to track down this person's leg? - Yes, I'm able to do that. - Think you're well aware. - I just want to be clear. That's all. - With the blood that you brought along it shouldn't be an issue. - Do you think that ritual that refines or focuses things could draw someone's life force out of their or pull it into one section of their body and then you just lock that off and use it without more information? I mean, this is all fresh and without a chance to study and think about it, I don't know. - If we could track that leg you'll have just what you need to study. - Well, I can also look at the blood and find out a lot more from actual blood than dust. - What I propose then. - My goal is we grab the blood sample from the body. You grab the blood sample from the thing. - What I'm proposing is let's get together. We have an opportunity to stop someone from committing rituals and hurting people. We have a chance to stop criminals who are apparently doing stuff. - Bad. - Do you want me just for the divination or did you want me to pull you? - I'm talking about getting the band back together so we can go solve this problem. - I'm already down. - Well, band. - Okay. - You played better. - I suppose I can be fine retainer for a week or so if that's how you want to handle it. - Sure. - All right. Standard fees apply, of course. - Which are? - We'll discuss it in. - Okay. - Do you get dinner afterwards after this meeting? So I'm getting a little bit hungry. - I've told you again, I'm not kidding. - I understand. - I'm just saying. - He's really sad about it. - He could ask him. I was just saying, the specular. - I thought perhaps you'd take out. - I like the ladies. - As a whole to a nice dinner to celebrate the reform of the band. - I don't know if that's time for that. Ask me back to work. - You have a job? - What? - Yeah, what do you do? - Dale Williams, I ended up working for him. - You're working at the clinic? - Yeah, this is how I got the list. I ended up protecting Dale Williams from the vampires they used to work for him. Do you have a protecting man on the phone? - I'm killing vampires. And wizards when it comes to that. - Source groups. - What's the difference? - So you want the divination done now? - Honestly, I divinate better on a full stomach. - He wants to go to dinner. He wants you to pay for it. - All right, we can all pay for dinner. - They're all there. - That's rich. - Oh, actually, yeah. - That's probably-- - That's got resources. So yeah, let's go to dinner and dinner. - So apparently you are a mercenary. - Yeah. - Contractor. - I think I've more than deputies. - It's definitely called a contracting. - Repo would like to explain his involvement in this. I don't know if this is a good time for it, but-- - Perhaps it over dinner. And where is it you're going to dinner and how are you all getting there? You're all taking the separate cards, I suppose. - Oh, he's as far away. I don't know what my recipe is. - You really don't like it. - I probably would all fit into-- - Oh yeah, he's going to work. - I have two cards and one of them is-- - Give me a phone number. - The price for the town of the country that seats seven. But unfortunately, I drove the small car here. - I'm comfortable doing that. - You have a private seat seven. - I'm going with Ed and Max. - All right, cool. - Do you have a phone word? - Magic doesn't play well with technology. Please give me-- - Well, I mean, no, I do have a phone. You can't reach me. There is an answer. - There's a landline. - There's a landline. - A landline. - A home. - You can use that. But-- - I'm going to get a couple phone numbers while I'm here. I get the hiss and hiss and hiss. And I point and confuse the audience. - Well, that's fine. - Everybody has a call for you. - Roberto. - I'll be in touch with Dan. - Hopefully I'll be over there. - It's not sooner. - I'm sure we'll come to some sort of reach. - I think maybe Hyde Park Grill sounds so-- - Okay. - I have a job now. - I thought you could give you a motivation that looks like you're forehunting someone who's doing the kind of things that you've made. Which one in the morning? - I do. - I was just waiting for him to get his thing done. He's got to do that ritual. - Yeah, but we're going to have a bite deep. Are you hungry? - Yeah. - So I have a bite deep. - Okay. - Yeah, Hyde Park Grill, I think we'll do fine. If there's one you should grin. It's not that far out. - Okay. - You go to the Hyde Park Grill. It is, you want to get them in me in the description here, but we'll throw some aspects in case you guys get in trouble here. - Quite sophistication. Is there any place there's you could have a private area? - Oh, there's area. - Privacy. London dines here often. There is an upstairs that they usually only open at nights when they're busier. I would assume if this is some slow Tuesday night or something like that. So they can open a proportion of the upstairs dining hall to London and he'll be happy to-- - Is the area crowded or are the tables close together? - No, this is a separate dining area that they only open at Friday and Saturday nights. - Right, but it's not just one table for a six-year-old. - Oh, there's multiple tables, but there's no one sitting up there right now. - Right, but I'm saying, are the tables close together? Do they try to pack people in here? - If we were to get into a-- - Very spacious. - 'Cause it's a higher-- - No, it's higher end, so there's a little higher end. - It's definitely more spacious. - I sit facing the entrance so that I can see people coming through the door. - I also have my road spell, the hush. - 'Cause we want to keep the servers in the dark as well. - I think we just wouldn't driven a lot of privacy. - That's all. - It's second, it's on the force field. It's second to stop on bullet. - You guys-- - Yes. - Order the attendant leaves to get your drinks. He'll be back to that. - They actually bring the steaks raw out for you to choose. - Pepper corn filet. - Mike's got his autograph. We reminisce over old times, over glasses of wine, beer, or-- - We don't worry, we bring up any old times at all. It's like, yeah, let's just-- - Come on, come on, horrible old time. Remember that one time when Roberto-- - I might be going over the list of-- - Tilda, sorcerers, whatever. - So you and the warden are sitting down and discussing, like you've researched this one a bit, this is what you have on them so far, a type thing. - I'd like to see some of that. I might know some of those people. - You probably do? - Okay. - I've been on good terms with any of these people. I've been asked to cross some names off with someone I could trust. - And then if we get down to business, my retainer is 10 pounds per week, 10,000 for seven days at your disposal. - 24 to sevens. - Allowing for perhaps six hours of sleep a day, if necessary. - Flat rate or expenses include-- - You're a friend. Expenses included. - Of course. - So we agree upon a retainer. - Right, yeah, in terms worked out. - Should I go? - They bring out the food, you pick what you want, they take it back to cook it. - New York Prime with lobster. - With lobster. - Oh yeah, surfing turf. - I know, so from perhaps you're familiar with the term. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Outstanding here. - After you eat, you've got a little bit of time to discuss whatever you think might be. - If you want to give me the sample, go back to the brownstone, perform the ritual. - Is there anything at dinner that we need to talk about or discuss while we're all here? - Yeah, has anyone heard what happened to the vampire? - You're talking about kind of shit. - Constance went into the never-never with Abigail. - I don't think I have. I've been in touch with Abigail, but she has been rebuffled. - I shouldn't mention anything about it. I just wanted to know if you've heard of any feedings or massacres. - No, from my point of view, I have not heard it all. - For Repa, this is all new and interesting. - So I'll just explain an overview of what I did at the clinic. I was working with something called DMT, which is commonly known as the spirit molecule. It's an anti-agem that invariably, when ingested, it's very short acting. It only lasts for five minutes or so, but it always has some kind of mystical component. It's like a religious experience. Most people describe seeing God or whatever. And it affects the pineal gland, which is theoretically the seed of the soul, which ties in with the clinic. I eventually discovered that why they were interested in this. I left shortly after. So that's what I was doing. - Because of shockingly little baby murder. - Yeah, I didn't like the direction it was going. - Right, it was more like a-- - That's a good concern. - Yeah, conscious, the type of conscious or ethical concern. - But it might have been, his research was crucial in the attaching. - Yeah, of course, all the work I did there, they have copies of it. But that spiked my interest in what I call the other, other than the old, the other double name. - Right. - London doesn't like it. - Well, if you have studied something to achieve it, have you found a processor way to block it? - Or remove it. - You're talking spirits and so on. - Well, no, if whatever effect that you seem to be having success with the DMT, usually when you're doing research, when you're trying to achieve something, you've got a lot of failures or obstacles or blockers to that. That stopped you from achieving it, but you found a way. So you would know how to maybe divert that or stop that or counter that or inhibit that. Maybe inhibit that. - Are you saying that? Has he found a way to sever the human soul from a body? - No, I'm not. - No. - If someone had to stop the experience. - If someone was using that process to attach souls to something that they shouldn't, could you use a process that you know to detach that? - Reversal. - Or to block it. - And even happening right here. - That's what we're applying it to their ritual. Is there a way to stop that from possibly happening? Because it all involved. - I would have to research that and I would think that it would only be on an individual basis that I'd be able to block it. - It sounds like we're almost got like three different things going on here. And I'm trying to keep the focus on the rituals, but that's other stuff that we need to keep on the back because we got a lot of things going on here. - This seems like a different matter than the soul business that Constance was up to. - Not necessarily. - But when you're doing, for instance, a transplant, someone needs a new kidney. There is a drug process that has to become involved to prevent rejection. And that almost is kind of what he was working with. - Okay. - To allow the soul more malleable to fit into somebody else, to allow for the attachment. - So it wouldn't be rejected. - So it wouldn't be rejected. - Not exactly related to the matter and from his point of view, he wanted to have found on what he did in the project, given that we were all concerned. - Yeah, my name had been silly by just the mere fact being on that list, so I wanted to clear what I was actually doing there and why I learned. - Is this magical aura is similar to a soul? Is it just someone's magical potential? Or is everyone's magical potential connected to their soul? Do you wizards even know that? - Yes, it is because-- - You fucking wizard whisperers Mac. - Well, I don't want to get-- - I would say give away the secrets, but yeah, I mean, it's kind of like a, it's kind of like a trinity. - I would say that it depends upon-- - I'm just wondering, you're doing in certain magics, you will take from your soul in other magics, won't. - Like, if you're doing divine magic, it'll pull from your soul more than-- - Would I know about-- - To divine magic? - I know from the books that they exist. - I think a traditional wizard's education doesn't teach you about divine magic or how it works. - I don't think so either, but-- - Oh, yeah. - I mean, it's always up to you as-- - Because you've had experience with that. - From what you've described as your background of your character, I don't see that as likely, but Rupple might know about divine magic. - That would seem more likely. - What's your question, Roberto? - I don't see how it can be related to the soul unless this magical aura that was sealed off and this person's like, somehow, is part of the soul. - Or is life energy, it's probably connected to soul. I don't know without kind of getting into some pretty-- - Yeah, you are a lot of great stuff, right? - Yeah, you're already past Roberto's-- - I don't want to diss your education because I don't have it. - But-- - Doesn't seem related. We're trying to solve a little too much because we have enough information. - We might guess. - Yeah, we can speculate all night. We need data. - Yeah, I think that'll likely be most useful in our area. You would be able to discover something from it, Alan. - Which is why we want it. Let me go find it for us. - I would like some blood. - How much do you have in your body or from your life? - And also from here is if you have samples of your father's blood. Just because I could tell you the-- - Is the blood alcohol content at the time of bleeding? - Well, maybe, yeah. - Or, you know, the blood type. And if it's found later on. - You know, there's a chance-- I'm sorry to put you off, Roberto. But if we also need to find your dad too, if you consider, consider so closely related, I'm sure you're sure, as a son, but a little bit of your blood to London might be able to help track it on your dad. - You hear whispering in your head, "Oh, no. That's not a good idea." (laughs) - I'll take that one to work. - And you've got this one in the bag. - Yeah, I have like dried blood on a bottle. He doesn't really know that that's kind of worthless. - Personally, I think we should keep the two things separate at this point, that's something-- - It doesn't seem-- - I can't afford the father. - I can't afford the right the tracking would cost. - I was just trying to find a way to-- - I appreciate it. - Make it work. - We might be able to fold it in as a act of goodwill on my part. - I could work for that. (laughs) What's going on inside of it anyway? - I'll see you when you hide it. - How much are you bleeding here before? - We haven't discussed what we should. I've actually some mixed and phone calls to see a game of way back to the-- - Oh my god, dinner. - But yeah, that would be two separate contracts if you wanted my retainer and his father. - That's a separate job, I'm sorry. - I share some of the cake blood on this room to know the beer bottle with Repo, 'cause I have enough to go around. - What? - He's got it. - Everyone wants some, he wants some. - You brought that to the-- - The blood being here-- - No, I did not. - This is after 'cause I assume we're down here? Are we down here? - Yeah, he deserved and served in a little aperitif, I think. - He keeps all of his bloody beer bottles out in his truck. He can't even bring it to the table, so. - He's thrown in the back bed. - He's got a dig through it. - It's a different thing. - No, no, I've got one. - Somebody's mad. - I wrote on the Ziplocs, all right? Dad, treat it. - Dad's blood. - I think Ed, for a fantastic meal. Pleasure seeing you again. Look forward to the next week of the-- - Does anybody roll in the resources for dinner? - No, yeah, yeah, there's no problem. It's an expensive dinner, but it's not gonna bankrupt for someone who-- - Fantastic. - Was somebody by? - Ladder was all. - It was Ed, actually. - Oh, so he skipped that bill. - That's pretty good. - Thank you for that. - Ian ran. After you leave this restaurant, I assume the majority of you are gonna go to bed, or if not, what are you gonna do? - I am making several phone calls to contacts from my car phone, 'cause I have one, you know, it just leaks in, it's all Bluetooth. And I'm gonna be making some calls regarding Roberto's father on my way back home. - Okay. - Because I told him I would. And then when I get home, I have a special section in my basement where I do divinations that have the appropriate accruitments, if you will, to allow for proper tuning of my divinations. - So then you're gonna start the ritual with-- - I'll start the ritual and then report back to both Roberto and the Warden tomorrow morning. - All right, that's London. - I'm heading back, figuring we're gonna probably end up tracking this place, or someone's gonna shoot at us, so I'm arming up and getting a larger vehicle to haul people around in a big black-ass blade or something. - Would be like nine o'clock by the time I get home, hopefully. I mean, we got there at six, right, to dinner, and-- - All right, well, we got to my house at six, probably left there at seven, got to Hyde Park around seven, 30, a couple hours for dinner, maybe. - Is everyone here or something? - Yeah, there was a lot of talkin'. - Yeah, you guys have a lot of catching up to do, and it's been a while. - What are you, you were gonna do what? - I'm gonna do the minor blood work. I got a sample of the blood that you have, right? - Right, I have a portion too. - You have to, I want two blood works, just basic stuff. - Which was first. - The mystery center. - Darnell. - Okay, murder. - And then later-- - The Beatles, dad. - They're called Manny. - Manny. - Manny, Mark, we did. - Manuel. - We have to contact the police department and see if we can get any information or talk to the guy-- - Well, yeah, so who's doing that? Because Maxwell is supposed to be the lead investigator now, so I don't know what he's doing, so what Maxwell-- - Maxwell, the guy would probably do that then. - Okay, Max, what are you doing, what? - Apparently, I'm contacting the police department for details about the prior murders, maybe pictures of the crime scene. - They got the roommate there, but they don't get to hold him for questioning. - We want the question in? - Yeah, question number, at least find out what they found out. - Is that something you're attempting to do tonight? - Philip Cook, am I aware that he is a-- - That's true. - Homeland Security guy, or is that-- - You do not know that he's a Homeland Security, no. - All right, I don't believe he's let anybody know that. - So what would there be a reason, like, should I try to do my contact with Ron Logan, or can I share my contact with Ron Logan if he's gonna be our kind of our chief investigator for the little band here? - Now, you don't know what he has as far as true power to talk to people, but he also might not necessarily wanna do that and blow his covers, so. - Well, you said that he was an investigator, but were you saying that as the GM, or the storyteller-- - In the environment of Edmund and Maxwell, Edmunds elevated himself to be more of a businessman. He, the whole investigation portion of the company, the lead investigator now is Maxwell. So, and Jim, actually, I believe, took his investigation skill down a bit to put it into resources. - In that case, if I know that, then I would say, I wanna work with Ron, but Ron, I'm also working with Maxwell Edison, who is helping me with this. - I wanna use both types of blood on the divination. So I'm gonna do two divinations this evening, I'm gonna get back. I don't think I said that when I first. - No, you said you just wanted to start the ritual on the blood, but you did not specify which. - Both types. - 'Cause one might be-- - Right, one from the amputated leg, one from Bobby. - Well, it's gonna take time, and you've only got the one watch, which is just the point, things. - Yeah, but I can do two divinations in a full night, wouldn't I? - Well, one's gonna point in the direction, that doesn't give you too much. You gotta do the tracking thing all the way down to find the location. - He's got a map on the wall. - It does, I guess my question is, if there's a lot-- - He's got a Google map and a little pin there. - If there's blood from the murder site of the victim, it's just gonna lead me to the morgue. - No, we did give you that blood. Yes, you told him you could track the leg. - That's why I asked the question. - Specifically, he asked. - Right, could you trace the leg, and you said-- - Well, of course I can't. - I thought the blood was from the leg. - We got the sample. - The blood that the leg's missing. - The blood. - We got the sample from the site of the cut. We believe it had a magical connection to this leg. - Right, okay, that's fine. - I can't understand the leg that has the orange. - To clarify, you have run it as a problem before, tracing a dead person. - Yes. - You knew at that time that the reason you failed tracing it is because the person was dead, and you said that's a different type of trace. In this case, you know the body's dead, so you will use the different type of trace. But it is increased in difficulty because you have two parts of the body, and you are searching for a different part of a small one. - However, I would add that we are as aware of it, we've informed you, and we know where that other body is. We know where the body is, not their leg. - I'm not saying it's impossible. - So he has all the information he needs, I'm saying the difficulty love is gonna be higher because you're searching for a body part. - It's a filter, a filter, all right. Back to Maxwell, you're contacting the police, why? - We wanted an interview with Phillip Cook. We wanted pictures of the prior crime scenes. We wanted toxicology reports from the body. We wanted the autopsy. We wanted 12 different things. I wrote them all down very nice when I asked during dinner. - I'm not gonna make you even roll. - Yeah. - You have enough time to call and get a hold of this guy. - One of the most people in the police department. - Yes, but this guy knows specifically an officer that's asking him for help. So he owes him help back. - And that leaves us with-- - Oh, then I wrote a report for the government about everything I learned today. - Yeah, you're gonna be late, you're gonna be a part evil. Go figure. White counsel, something he mentioned in passing. - Our fire sounds terrible. (laughing) - All right, I'll educate him then. - Sit til day things. - All right, best of you. - We have a fucking database full of, like, longhand or bullshit nuts there. - You are like, no one, but me. - You're a locker. - I don't know what the warden is doing, and I don't know what Roberto's doing. - New gopher. - Okay. I was thinking you could phone up your, White counsel to see if they know anything about the list of sorcerers we have? - That's what I was willing to end up doing was-- - See, I didn't even tell them what I was gonna do. - Yeah, I'm still waiting for what you're doing. - I can't track anybody. I have no leads, and I'm going to bed. - Roberto, this is nice. - There's sleep fighting. - I'm not gonna make you roll for sleep. - Yeah, it's not. - Anyways. - I'm pro. - I'm going to check any of Donovan's records or diaries or notes about, and see if I see anything on the list that I have, or I'm also going to maybe do a little more in-depth research on these rituals, and what we've discovered from Repa, with the blood and the purpose of this magic, and what it could be building up towards what it might be used for. - You're looking for names, any kind of match up? - Right. - Any of these names that-- - And I'm also going to try and think of what options I have to possibly use a ritual myself to summon aid to answer questions, if I need to. Like, do I need to-- - Theology. - Okay. Just to remind you, your character has a special ability in dealing with ghosts. Cleveland has something that you guys designed. - Oh, yeah. It has a real angel. - It has a real angel that exists in the-- - Lakeview cemetery. - Lakeview cemetery on the east side. - Right, so-- - So maybe what I'll go do is-- - You know, you add your priorities here, which ones are you doing first here? Are you researching Donovan's paperwork? Are you researching the ritual? Are you visiting a graveyard at midnight? That sounds like a blast. - That's one of the best times. - It is actually the best time. - I will, actually, 'cause we're kind of in the area if we said that we were in Chagrin. - You're on the east side? - I'm on the east side, so on the way home, I'm going to first go to Lakeview cemetery, and how did we get here? - Again. - And who's car? - You were the driver for you being an admin were the driver for Maxwell and Gordon Allen. - I think I'll go to the cemetery with him. - Okay, so while Maxwell's going to-- - That's who that one was. (laughing) - You're gonna be doing a paperwork or anything, guys. No, let's go to the fucking cemetery. - Well, I can take you back to Ohio City if-- - What are we doing with Mr. Machia over there? - We can discuss this next week. I just wanted to general outline of what you guys were doing. (upbeat music) - Thanks for listening to Knights of the Night at Action Play podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures, where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, props, and even a form for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at feedback at, or contact us via Twitter, or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit Zen Audio and please join us next episode for more Vistri and Adventurer. (upbeat music) - Anthony Eartmer mentioned it. There's some-- (laughing) - I actually apologize to him for the way you guys treated this thing. - Anthony, and it's continual use help, Anthony. (laughing) - And giants upstairs or something. - Always. - Yeah, I mean, yeah. (upbeat music) You know, just just edited out the part of YouTube girls. (laughing) You're really funny. - The west side might as well be Kentucky, as far as London's concerned. - That's not true. You have been to the market and so-- - Apologies to all our Kentucky listeners, 'cause London just doesn't know that there's really cool hip places. - And nothing to do with our Ohio city listeners. - You don't even have electricity. - Let's just call it West Virginia. That way we won't offend anyone. - Right. - They don't have the internet in West Virginia. - They can't, but listen to this shit. - You guys know this is all gonna be cut out, right? - Okay. - West Virginia. - Coward. - All that corn's gonna be so angry. - Three-third-ish. (laughing) - Dude, you have to separate your guys? - Seriously. - What the fuck? - He's like a school girl for crying out loud. - He's the school girl. Am I getting this right? - Yeah, Scott's teasing her. (laughing) - Stop pulling his fucking ponytail and dipping it in the ink well, and let's move on to the-- - I don't think so. - The ponytails, man. - It says Rappa. - I just saw all those listeners from whatever. - Who wear a ponytail? - A ponytail. - A ponytail, right? That's why it says-- - Lord, people. Lord. (beeping) - Fuck. - I'm not even looking at 'em for crying out loud. - I have to. - I have to. - I want you done. - Let's go ahead, I'm real. - Lab work up to Supreme. - This is-- - Thank you. - This sandwich. (laughing) - Turn, Lisa. - Oh. (beeping) - I didn't know you had a cat, but yeah, that makes sense. - It makes perfect sense. (beeping) - No anal intrusion? - No. - No, it's a different-- - Or a gel intrusion? Sorry. (laughing) - It feels like an anal intrusion. - Again, what happens between you and Scott is the difference. - Anal probing room. - Did you have a group? - So, unless he happens to be a chimera as well, which is the only time in my adult life I've ever failed to. - Wasn't that what she was? - I mean, it didn't really fail, per se. - Well, from London's perspective, the reason he got in trouble with Constance was because he couldn't pin down what had happened, so. - You think the baby, you're gonna have your turn left around? - That's a child, the chimera, right. She's the only thing I wasn't able to track in my entire adult life, so. - For she, well. - Assuming that it's not another chimera, yes, the answer is yes. - Is that what you agree to call her as a chimera? - That's what you call her. - What does it do? - It's a genitical genetic biologically. - That's what you're talking about. - That's what you're talking about. - He's being science. - Science. (laughing) - You always had to shout that. - Apparently. - It's gonna be interesting. - So you're gonna have to get the Thomas Dolby song and make sure we have that one. - I like it. - Science. - I'll be playing the background for the scene when we're talking about dice rolls. There, by smacking across the face, just reflex and then apologizes for peace. - Well, we know. - She hates the word never, never, so. - That's gay. - Somewhat out of character. - Sorry, madametta, gaming, gaming. Maxwell Edison, who is helping me with this. - I wanted to see majoring in medicine. - Yes, but. - I was so crafty with these character names. - It's the Beatles.