[Music] Hello, and welcome to the Knights of the Night actual play podcast. This Dresden File Story was written and run by your GM Tom. And now, please enjoy episode 166, titled Remaking the World. Actual play begins 15 minutes 51 seconds. [Music] Okay, before we get to our first drizzle episode, we have some feedback. The first from an actual email from Greg Putman. He sent us your feedback at kotmpodcast.com. I listened to an episode 79 through 82 the other night. They have some damn fine role playing. The exchange between London and Constance was intense. I love the social combat resolution in this game. Mike's idea to bring up the unseelier chords into effect was nothing short of brilliant. Just a golf party. I really enjoyed the conversation between Alan and William, portrayed by Mike and Tom respectively. The tension was palpable. I would love the opportunity to play with you guys and listen to you play. We'll have to suffice. Cheers, Greg. That's some nice feedback from Greg. I enjoy the role of playing. Actually, that was one of my favorites. When we talked about our favorite scene during the last Dresden game, that one between Mike, because it was a GM me putting something out there and giving Mike the opportunity to really fuck up my story by killing his mentor. I actually thought you were going to off the guy. I was like, "Okay, I'm going to have to totally rewrite how this thing goes." You took it right to the edge, but then you did the exact thing. You came up with an idea. An idea. That's desperation. Which really took us to the end game of the story. It really changed and shifted the entire story, your input there. That was good stuff. See, there's still something about this. Something about how Donna didn't really kind of attack me for real and didn't follow the plan always made me wonder if there was some other scheme going on. Is he really dead or not? Oh, well, if he's not really dead, then I guess you would know and you would find out. I mean, he was charmed for all, but sometimes the baby supposedly. Well, no, he wasn't supposed to hit me with a full powered spell, but he was fighting the... He was selling it. I don't believe... Okay, on to our BCProstock.web.com. Yeah, that's a... That's a mouthful. Mad Mjolnir said, "Good day. Night. This one is rather long and feel free not to read it. It's more to provoke thought than anything else." Okay, thanks for being back. Let's talk to the man. No, it's actually worth reading because it's really good stuff. Listening to your review on new Mjolnir, I got me thinking why the systems are fun to play and why others leave a group frustrated. In the end, I think it's all on how we, the players, approach the system. Take your one sentence wrap up of new Mjolnir. Love the world, like the story, hate the mechanics. And now replace new Mjolnir with Dresden Files. And that's how my players feel at the end of their first campaign using the Fate System. Now, I, as both a German player, love the system, but I just didn't gel with my boys. The reason sighted ranged from not liking how the mechanics of the normal role within the system was more defined by your skill than the randomness of the dice. To the situation where several characters' roles successful massively bad dice roles at the same time ran out of Fate Points and felt powerless. A key conceit to Fate is that you have Fate Points to spend. And once the Fate Pull is exhausted, if there's no appropriate time to either refresh or compel, you're in an unpleasant place. If you focus on the roles. I would imagine it's the hardest thing running for a Fate. Or Fate is when to dish out those conditions. The economics of the Fate Points? I still struggle with that. It is difficult. But he continues. I've been dwelling on this for a while and realized, while editing the podcast, that at least two of the players spent a majority of the campaign approaching the game as if it was a more rigid game. Allah, Numenirah, D&D, or Role Master. By approaching Fate as if it was something that it wasn't, their enjoyment of the game was lessened. I think there's an element of this that colors your Numenirah experience. Strip away any preconceived notion of what a 20th-century role's light game should be, and what does Numenirah system offer? The system that a character is able to influence the likeness of a success before a role. That sounds good. A system where a character can discard a bad role after the fact, that's miles ahead of a lot of games. And in between these two steps is the black evil of a DY-20 role. But the system has two mechanics on either side of it that lets you influence or erase that role. Is there still some mocked up stuff around spending XP and effectively playing level zero characters? Sure. But if you pick this game up 10 years ago, it would have been the greatest thing that you've ever played. If you pick it up now without playing Fate, World of Darkness, or Fiasco. Sorry, it's boys, but I had to put that in there. You're probably still holding it in pretty high regard. Approaching and expecting it to favor massively the character stats over random numbers, while you'll be disappointed. In saying all this, I'm with you guys. By preference, I will play games that give the player more narrative control and let them excel at what they're good at by weighing heavily in the favor of the character's ability with small layers of randomness on top. But as a result, I have fallen into the same trap and tried to bend those more rigid rules and at times walked away very frustrated. Thanks for the work you guys put into the podcast. Not only has it become a stable, low by weekly entertainment, but it occasionally prompts me to get a little philosophical. Enjoy yourself playing Dresden. I know a great number of us will enjoy listening. And not in a creepy way. So I thought there were some very valid points where you're just playing out if Numenair, what it came out 10 years ago, would have been the best fucking thing we ever heard of because it allows you to do some of the things in a D20 that you couldn't do in any other game. And that was influenced by fate and all the things that came before it. That's putting an awful lot of Monty to have come up with all these incredible ideas. I mean, he's obviously borrowing from other systems, which is his right. Standing on the shoulders of John, that's why he's stooping down. He's going to write another blog about a guy 20. Fuck John! That's the whole blog. Monty's going to know you by name. I don't know. Taking something out of time like that is a good idea. I mean, I watched a Twilight Zone episode today that was dreadful. And back in the day, it was among the best things on TV. But now it's dreadful and there's no getting around it. Right. Well, I mean, so it's a good point, but I don't think you really do that. I had to agree with Michael. You can't do that because there's no saying that he would copy these systems. Matter of fact, you know what? He didn't. In my opinion, there's way too much focus on the D20 when talking about Numenair. And I discussed this from the drive over here. I don't think that's necessarily the problem. I'm sure it's part of the problem. But the major problem that I see is the fact that there's not enough things to affect the D20 in the system. There's not enough skills. Either we were playing the skills too constricted and they need to be opened up or we need to add more skills. But there are flaws in this game. And maybe it's just that it doesn't fit our style of play. I don't know. I see you go back and you use three-dye 20s and we would have had a blast. Took the middle result. I think we would have had a blast. So I respectfully disagree. I think it is Dye 20. Let's just say we try that one and go back. Yeah. But we've talked about this. Yeah. I have a rebuttal but I'm skipping it a little bit. Sure. From kotnpodcast.com, John Powell said the primary difference between the Dyson mechanic and Numenair and fate is not the Dyson you roll. It's when you get to spend the resources to aid the roll. And Numenair is front loaded before the roll is made that leads to your frustration you felt. You expected resources to improve the character's chance and when the Dyson roll failed. In other ways, you rightfully felt that the resources were wasted. In fate, you roll the dice first and then you can spend the resources to ensure the success or at least mitigate the failure. This lets you use the resources way more efficiently. Not only do you not waste them on bad rolls, you don't waste them on good rolls either. Another facet of your front loading Numenair system that you didn't bring up. So my suggestion for the future games of Numenair would be you simply allow folks to spend effort after they roll the D20 and then you spend XP for a reroll. And if you roll 10 or less, just add 10 to the result and effectively you've rolled die 10 plus 10. I'm not sure about that last part. Right. But his general idea. Oh, correct, John. The world of darkness isn't like that either. You use it to improve your rolls before the fact. Right. Well, the darkness, the chances for success. Yeah. It's a nice pool. Yes. Because you've got a nice pool and you only need one success. Yes. It's not quite apples to apples there, I would say. It's a good point, John, but I think his point is pretty strong, too, that the front loading does add to the front loading. Yeah, that was one of my complaints. The front loading adds to the frustration. I'm spending massive amounts of resources and I fail. And then I spend more resources with the experience and I fail again. You guys what? We failed again. Now I'm ready to kill somebody. Right. You're also ready to be killed because it's affecting your characteristics. True. We're doing it the other way around really affecting anything else? Absolutely. I mean, you just explained that, you know, with faith. I listened to that, I said anything else. I'm trying to think of a downside to this. I can't come up with it. I know, I think he had a really decent idea. I think it's very interesting. Yeah, I agree with everything he said. And I see what he's doing with the experience. Right. It's costly to spend experience on a re-roll and you should get a bonus other than just re-rolling. Right. I'm not sure, you know, about plus ten. Right. Ten years. Yeah, that's good suggestions. All right. Facebook. That was a 165. That was the listener question episode. Richard Watts said good Q&A session. Thanks for taking the time to answer a bag full of listeners' questions. Logan Swanson said good breakdown sharp points. Now let's go to Dresden. I can hear them there. Let's go on. Ari said Dresden, bring it on. I just downloaded the whole delivery series for a warm-up. What was that band with? Do you think that takes? Oh, but Ari's got a lot of drive time to fill us in. Yeah, it does. Luke Green said, by the way, I have two plus hour drive to Coriama, I guess, would be his city in Japan that he's speaking of. Two hour drive to Coriama today and another after. Might as well rehesh Dresden while I'm at it. So he too is listening. He's listening again. Yeah. Delivering. Joshua Grasco said, as previously stated, I will start a new World of Darkness campaign with a group that has a limited D&D experience and no other role-playing experience. That is why they contacted me. I'm DMing them through two years of 3.5 campaigns up to seven wobble. And they trust my experience and I'm transitioning them to the new World of Darkness vampire. I have extensive role-playing experience, but none in the new World of Darkness. I played everything and DM'd most of the old World of Darkness. The new World of Darkness seems very foreign to me. I've worked through it and I will have no other reference if I screw up, so hey, whatever. I'm looking forward to abducting these 20-some things from a Wednesday night church service in game and turning them in our Kansas City hometown and see how they will react. Turning them, I think, being turning them into vampires. I don't think so. I think it's vampires. I think it's turning, like literally turning. Kansas City has always been a great World of Darkness setting. We have a population of just shy of one million and both Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri combined, but spread out over a huge area. Caverns, caves run under a substantial portion of the city, and we have excellent districts and diversity. I'll give you a little geography if you want some more, right? There you go. Plenty of the rural small towns completely surround the city that date well back before the United States and really look forward to putting these church kids into a dark setting. They're a little twisted. I'll be sure to keep you up to date. Be blessed gentlemen and keep them coming. You get me through some boring days at work. Fantastic. Glad to help you with Joshua. Yeah, I'd like to hear about that adventure and how we work. Sure. This is all the minds of children. It's good to be part of your boring day. We've got another iTunes review. This one by Exis, who said the only actual podcast worth listening to. All the suck. All the suck. And said I've heard others before. This is the only one I truly enjoy. Keep them coming. So thank you for that. Sweet, nice. Thanks. I like the five stars. And on the fan page we had a little bit of activity. Braden Astel said he asked about maps and the storytelling system and how to use them. I think both Jim and Scott chimed in and gave him some advice as well as many of the other fans. Jim posted an article about claving being number 17 in the most miserable singing poll. Yes! I think we also hit number one on... I think we won. Paul? Puck up a yours, is that just a poll? Just a poll. Detroit's number one everywhere now. You have to have to be. Yeah, we'll take our scene off. But I believe it was based on the number of politicians that were convicted. The history of your sports team, the weather. I think it wasn't just a... I think Youngstown poll where they say... It was close by. No, they had all of these things and they added them up and raided them and we suck. But we do that. That's why we based it here. We also live here. Jason McDonald posted about Scott playing what game is it you're playing? I was Europa Universalis, which I've moved on to Crusader Kings as well. Both of them are really enjoyable. But he mentioned that was on Steam and that he had a Steam account and he started asking people for their Steam login. So maybe they could play games together. A lot of the fans are putting out their things. I put mine out there. What games are they talking about playing? I'm not sure what games they're talking about specifically playing. Perhaps you could post and find out. Is that even a game? I'm sure. I'm sure there isn't my little playing game. I don't think it's possible. Well, I don't know how many former fans are Bronies. Anthony... Anthony... Anthony Hurtmayer mentioned that he has a new blog up in which they're doing a super hero's campaign based and savage worlds. He also posted another one about music that is in role playing. When you role play the different people throwing up songs and different ideas on what they like for background music. So I actually liked that I might use some of it. Logan Swanson had a post in which he asked about a good map making system. There was a few responses. And he also asked for horror stories about Badgy M's. I think you actually posted on that one, didn't you? I might have. I don't know what you're talking about. It wasn't about Scott if I remember correct. I know, but it took me a while to find a certain bit of fun. And it's still open and it's still a possibility. There's a favorite character in New Manera. But since we're starting Dresden, we're going to call it, because Sig is ahead by one. Sure. John's character, Sig wins. All right, well done, Sig Manera. All right. You won by a tail. I just had to script it. Thank you. Just your ex-woman. Well, that character. And that's everything that I noticed going on the fan page. I don't know if anybody else noticed anything. But I try to look at it every other day and at least maybe throw a comment or two. I saw that Jason McDonald created a nice picture of Oz. Yeah, he said that was the smallest sort he could find in that. It was a huge one. I know, I would have had the real one. Yeah, it told me. So yeah, while we're at it, thank you everybody for the birthday wishes. There were many, many wishes today. Nice. So, appreciate that from everybody. When with that, we'll get on to the adventure. Just a quick reminder, kotnpodcast.com, the Amazon link. Thank you for everyone who's using it. And with that, we'll get on to the adventure. So what we're going to do, we're going to start with Dresden. Again, we're going to play the fate core system, which is a little bit different. Honestly, major difference that you've got to find is that they streamline the system a bit. The one that's most noticeable for you that have been in the previous Dresden game is that you only have five aspects. So you're going to have to cut down on some. So it is one high concept in four troubles? No, it's one high concept, one trouble, one major adventure, and then two that have to do with other players. They're involved in this story. You remember how we did that in the first creation? One of the things I was going to suggest is that it's already existing characters. I don't know if those are still tied down to that, because we may have developed aspects that weren't necessarily related to the first adventure. That's perfectly valid. Mike, sorry. That's not really the case for me. What is it? With new characters, I would still like the fourth and fifth aspects to have something to do with the other adventures. With the other people. So it just gives you a tie to someone else. It doesn't necessarily have to be linked with them directly, but you're supposed to tell a story, kind of like this isn't the title of a book and this adventure happened. One of these other characters was an actor or a participant, and I acquired this aspect. So we're using Dresden's skill list, still, I think so. Yes. We're using their skills numbers. And their powers are pretty unique. You don't want to switch to the-- No. I'm not throwing out Dresden entirely. I'm taking some of the components that they've slimmed down to in fate, some of the mechanics of the game. Is everyone has three refresh and three free stunts? We're not doing that, right? No. Okay. It's based on-- I don't think he's driving. No, I don't think he's driving. I don't think he's driving. Especially, no, but I would like to stay with five aspects. I think we should also look at the city of Cleveland and redefine that, perhaps go over the locations that we had and throw away ones we didn't use and add no ones that we might need. Tom, is there any regard we can't copy our old skills? No. We actually have one additional skill point on top of that. We have a total of 31. Just make sure that-- There's no reason you can't do that at all. Right. I can't remember, but did we gain any levels or any-- Yeah. The advancement was one refresh and one skill point and two skill points. Two skill points? Yeah. I have 32. Shit stacks. At the end, we did something big enough that everyone got another refresh, Thomas. But you get every lower tier advancement as well. So we did everything so massive, we get an extra skill point. One. You're going to need it. You're going to need it. Hey, this game is not about advancement. I know. It's about characters. It's about-- Um, hearts. 32, though. I'm looking at the Cleveland City sheet. We have a theme or threat being the city sculpted by ruthless ambition and dark purpose. What a good name. A city cursed. The name under the face of that particular threat was Abigail Rockefeller. Right. Which one do we have left? Um, but that's not right because it says blackboard vampire establishing a new world vampire line that should have been Constance Rockefeller. Are you sure? Yes, I am because she was a blackboard vampire and Abigail is not. Uh, Abigail is the one who's still not crazy. Right. Correct. So I'm going to run back out. So Constance Rockefeller being the face of that particular threat is no longer accurate. Really a threat for the city. Well, we're going to start and it's going to be a few months, let's say three months after the last events that we played. There has been no sign of Constance. Abigail was missing for two of those three months and is recently shown up again but is being very low key and not making herself a nuisance. Yes, she's not as active in the community as she was in the past. You don't know why or what she's really up to. Okay. The other themes and threats was that no law survives. It's a den of inequity. That's changed. Uh, Wardens du jour and the concept is no wardens survives. Inaccurate. We've had one for a whole two months. Three. Change the papers. Survive for long. Right. Mail off of the bill. Is that a record? It's a new record. It's actually not a record. How long was it? No, I'm sorry. How much in charge for a number of years actually. Not Alan. Uh, Donovan. Donovan. Donovan was in a war for a number of years. It's not a new record. Does everyone remember that I worked for Dale Williams? The reason being that Dale Williams used to be in charge of Constance's shit but then when all the vampires weren't being ruled by their queen anymore, they're more liability than anything else. They might harm him and what's more. If Abigail is going to come after him for his knowledge of the process. He needs protection. He needs protection. I convinced him of this somehow. Despite not being a very convincing man. Possibly with threats. You are very good at those. But I don't think he wants to be threatened by a bodyguard. It'd be like the mafia. You need protection. Look at all this broken shit I just broke. Look at all this broken shit I just broke. That's what the mafia says. After they break your shit. Say, "Wouldn't it be nice if you had insurance?" From the mafia. Who just broke your shit. The third theme and threat was cultivating the despair of something wicked this way comes. Something is siphoning the despair for an unknown reason. The face is unknown. That's still valid, it's still in place. I'm sorry, siphoning despair or generating despair? I think more generating despair. I would say sapponing positive and leaving either negative as a residue or enhancing the negative for some other person. That's still valid. I actually think the second one is still valid that no loss survives and it's a done of equity because that was portrayed in our story more. We might want to change it a bit that it was more that Cleveland is the badlands of magic world. We can't even get a coach. Well, get a coach, but it took a while. We can look stupid doing it. Let's play them. Oh, you know, it's funny driving home these past few days from work. I had the distinct impression of what we were talking about, how we described it. Well, the north of 480. I would go north of 480 and all of a sudden it was white out, squalls, bad driving. The snow wasn't awful. I was going into this dark and very dangerous thing when I was driving to work. I mean, I would leave as soon as I came out of Cleveland proper and got over the bridge. It's like, oh, everything's fine again. It's called the lake effect. Yeah, I know, but in the context of the story, yeah. Do stunts and powers change at all? I need to be concerned about it. So for now, we're going to go with only two themes and threats, badlands, and cultivating of despair. If someone wants another theme or a photo, they come up with something. Which one did you remove? Constance. Oh. The one thing that I was... She's not a... Well, would you just replace her with Abigail? A threat from a different angle, but still, I mean... She wasn't an active threat. She is now. Constance was... Maybe she is now. But she's not a threat to the entire city as much as Constance was. Okay. I mean, Constance was... I didn't know what she was shaken by what happened to her sister, so she certainly could come back where we realized we're even worse off than we were with Constance, because we knew what Constance was. That's not evident right now. Fair enough. She disappeared for a few months. She came back and she's done nothing. Constance was moving in the background so long and affecting the city so much that it was noticeable as a threat over time. If Abigail is that, it's not evident right now. I move my resources up to superb and a reason for it happening. As I'm saying, I'm trying to expand and own more businesses than just the private eye business. I was thinking about having him open up a security business and another thing he was thinking about doing is opening up a restaurant and trying to make it the accorded area of Cleveland. And he wants... I'm thinking he's in the process of trying to get whatever okay he needs from whatever whoever does that accorded ground stuff they... Cleveland, if I remember, doesn't. Having accorded neutral grounds? Because the whole thing is kind of... It's wild and unrecorded. The closest thing they have to that was the area that we were using in the West Side Market. And there are plenty of restaurants in the West Side Market that you could... How about now? There was no place. No. In the West Side Market, we're really crossing the street and around that area. Ohio City, there's plenty of them. How about this? Instead of having it be an accomplished fact, have you start that process? Oh, that's what I'm thinking. I don't want to say he's done. I'm not saying he's going to succeed, but he can just bought the restaurant and he's... And actually he wants to have it where there's a regular person restaurant in the front and then there's another restaurant in the back or in the basement where he's got where the... Meaning Room's happening and stuff? Well, an actual restaurant where he caters to everybody else. Okay. And there's an opportunity for natural people in the area. Again, I would suggest Ohio City in the West Side Market area. You have an aspect room for this, right? It's definitely going to have to be a part of your character. We're resources. Let's go. Let's go. But if you're aspiring to be the mayor... My concept is a businessman. Who happens to be a... A businessman partner. I'm more than just a businessman, right? I'm a businessman, black court, power... There you go. ...scion. Cyan. Cyan. Whatever. That's right. So, from the last time we played, we have to remove two aspects. And you had to remove London. And you said you wanted one that... ...if you can that or tied to other people, so I'm trying to figure out... Right. What I would do to do that. Keep some of that. Well, I mean, you guys are all established characters and have ties. So, that's really not necessary. It's a little more helpful for Mike. In the fake core book, in the back, they have extras. And one of the things they talk about is using wealth or resources and having a separate subsystem for that. If that's something you want to make a bigger part of the game gym, that's something we're going to have to look at. I'm actually going to have wealth stress tracks for using your wealth. I mean, if you want to take it to that level, I don't have a problem with that. I have resources of three because, beginning of the first story, I was obviously on the outs and had lost access to my money. Now I have it, but I think one that lives above his means, definitely. So good is fine. I don't need it to be any more than the plus three that way. I'm not really stepping on Jim's toes about the direction he wants to go in. I can certainly track it. He also flees to me. But I did get another $40,000. But hey, you roll excellently on your resource. You have a house now. I bet that's your bunker. Dude, you've got like a... You have a magic bunker now. Well, I had... That was... You took half of it. Part-time real estate guru? You owe me a favor by the way. You owe me a favor by the way. I do owe you a favor. That's correct. Jim, your resources are superb? Yes. Okay. That's what I do on my house. What we're going to do with that is you're going to have a stress track for resources. You would as well, Scott, since you have resources that are at least good? Yes. Line of fear. Use your fear? Okay. That may or may not play a big component. We'll see. I mean, basically like the social system they have one for wealth where if university hospital suddenly decides that you're a problem, that may play a part in the game where they're using their power and money to cause you issues. That happened all the first story for me. Yes. But it could happen again. And we could have used it in that one as well, but it didn't exist at the time. Right. Well, you used it. You just didn't use it in that sense. Yeah, it didn't use it as an actual system. Right. Because London definitely felt the... I mean, he had to actually drive in Roberto's car. He was scary. The pickup truck was... It was something. I don't know. It had rust and was noisy. That's all one of the members of it. And he smelled the rest of McDonald's. Yeah. He smelled of McDonald's. He smelled of McDonald's. Right. Which is basically French fry farts, which... There's nothing more than that. I don't know what McDonald's smells like. He smelled it. He's like... There's nothing worse than if you drop a fry in your car and you can't find it. It's also bizarre. If I'll go right now, pick up McDonald's for the kids or something. It's been in a bag. It hasn't... I haven't pulled and not haven't eaten them. Yet, I will come into my car for a couple hours later and I'm like, "Why is my car so small like French fries?" Okay. I don't need to do anything else, though. My character's done. I removed... If you got down to... Five aspects. There were two skill points you did to let us. Previously, before the game starts, I want to reiterate this. You said that his presence can be fantastic. It only goes up to superb, but you let him have a plus six. I can't remember the reasoning for it, but there was something. I just want to make sure he's not abusing the system by having that one. It's enough. He's one. It's enough. We left it like that. We left it like that. The thing was we had a problem in the middle where some people misunderstood how the skill... Yeah, you have to have it's farting underneath it. Right. Maybe all characters were not valid. We'll take a look at that. There isn't a command. Reputation and social fortitude is... Well, that's from the old notes. I don't know if that's the new rules or not, but it's still accurate. Okay. Well, I will only use it for those types of situations. I think that sometimes... I think sometimes, like Thomas was saying, we just used it kind of as a catch-all. Whether it not be just one in his presence, but other things as well. Yeah. I think we need to narrow the focus a little bit this game. Right. Maybe it should allow things like that where you should be allowed to say normally in this situation it would be this skill, but I'm doing this so I can use that. A lot of times you should have a staunch that permits you to do that. Or at a lesser level. We could do that too as a house rule. But also in the spirit of the game. If you think you're abusing it, and I think we all agree that maybe that was abused just a little. Yeah. In the last time. So, we'll play it differently. Okay. That works for me. I think it would have worked fine if we had just spent a refresh to make it a stunt. I think you can use this... How much does a refresh cost to make it... One stunt? Is it a stunt? There's one refresh. So... Right. And a lot of stunts will allow you to use a skill for a different purpose than you would normally use it. Right. For instance... Well, if someone's shooting at me, I want to use my presence to get him to stop shooting at me. 'Cause a command in charisma doesn't quite fit in, but maybe if you spend a stunt point or two... Or... Is that what's going on? Well, you would spend a refresh to buy the stunt and the stunt will allow you to do that. Right. And some... Can you come to a nerve by your presence or something? Right. And some stunts are so powerful that you actually have to spend a fake point to activate that stunt. Okay. So, what's the difference between... Well, if it's something that's extremely powerful and you don't want it to happen all the time, you give it a cost. You say, "Okay, you can do that, but it really, really is an expensive thing for you to do." So, across a fake point. In addition to the refresh... What's... I don't refresh... All right. The mechanics of the games are that all characters have a certain amount of refresh. And by buying stunts and powers... You start at nine. Right. I ended up at five. You bring those down. Right. So that's supposed to keep your character in balance. Yeah. Your refresh determines how many fake points you have to spend in your day-to-day activities. I thought your refresh was how many you've got at the end of the day when you refresh. It is, but it's also used as a balancing point between your characters. So, those characters that are very magical are pointing at Mike's character now. And he's a warden. He only has a refresh left of one, so that every time he starts with one fake point. He is very powerful, so he can't control the story. He's kind of forced along. I want to understand the rule. Let's pretend I have Mike's stats in a sense of one, because it makes a very easy scenario. I have a refresh of one. Yes. I currently have one fake point. Someone points a gun at me and I say, "I'm one in deals." What do you think you're doing? Trying to unnerve him so that he doesn't shoot me. It doesn't follow the purview of presence. You say, "That's going to cost you a refresh." That's the whole fake point. It's going to cost, just for this argument, it's going to cost you a refresh. That's not how I would sort of... No, I was saying, when you buy stunts, it comes out of your refresh. Always. That's how that balance is created with your character not being too powerful, having too many skills. Right. I'm not buying it. I'm saying this is a situation where I'm thinking on my feet, London's thinking on his feet, wants to use a skill for something that's not supposed to work. I would never say it costs you a refresh, because that would affect your character forever. Right. That doesn't make any sense. That's why I understand, because then you could actually... No, I would never say that. I would never spend a fake point. That sounds better. I'd rather spend a fake point. No, I was saying there are stunts that are so powerful. Got it. That you also have to spend. You use that stunt in that way, costs you a fake point every time you use it. Go ahead. I just want to understand how it works. You can make declarations and that costs a fake point. That could be something like in my house, I always keep a baseball bat by the door, so I reach over and grab the bat. You're basically making this bat up here, I don't know where. It might be even a little more far-fetched than that, because that's almost believable and I might allow that. It could be totally, totally bizarre. In our line of business, that's almost prudent to have a baseball bat behind your front door. That's called making a declaration and that costs a fake point. But there isn't necessarily a mechanic in place to say, "I use this fake point and I want to misuse this skill." But if you could justify to me, somehow there is some reason that this guy would be awed by the fact that I'm London. Convince me, spend the point, don't do it all that often, don't abuse it, that type of thing. Well there it is. Every time, get a stunt. Spend it a fake point as well. I mean, there's situations where imagine a mafia or a gun or a thug. Anybody watch Lily Hammer? Yeah. Where he goes up to the guy and he wants to do something and he's like, "No." And he pulls pictures out of his pocket about him and those girls and the one cabin up. What he did is he just spent a fake point to create these pictures out of, not really, because there was a story thread that went backwards that did that. I mean, that's the equivalent of doing that. So then he's using something else as a different skill to then- But I can see what Scott's saying is that the force of a personality, the sheer confidence, is intimidating where you're like, "Okay, I've got a gun on this guy. I've got the drop on him." But you know what? He's not flinching. He's not scared. He's not reacting. In any way that I'm expecting, "Holy shit, I'm in over my head." And his force of personality and presence is now rattling me because I thought I was in control. Now I'm not in control, but that I think is, are you saying a fake point to create a situation like that or you're in a way almost creating a power? You know, in which case then your refresh would go away because that becomes almost like a stunt. That you're giving someone the evil eye, the maloik, something that unnerves or rattles them because even if they don't know who you are, or maybe I don't recognize you, but the minute you say your name, you're London. Well, that's a whole different thing. You are, in fact, doing a social attack against that guy. So he would be using his discipline, his defense, but that's a perfectly valid use. I don't think you have to spend a fake point. Now, you might attack him well enough to create a consequence on him that you can use when he actually does pull that trigger to make him miss. Right. Just wondering how that plays out. Because it seems like there could be a scene where, again, having just watched Breaking Bad and without spoilers from Mike, but you know, as the series goes on, he becomes more confident and it, it actually translates to some of the threatening scenes that occur. You know, there's an example in the movie, the Count of Monica Crystal, the recent one, where the three musket, or the four musketeers are forced to charge, to defend the king, and go against their own battalion. And all their battalion, these four people that they honored, respect, are now the enemy. They've been given orders to shoot them by the false king. And so all of them have their guns and they're in a corridor and they're all like, "Ah, jeez. Well, each one of them kind of says, 'I'm not going to be the one that kills start hanging.'" So they all kind of mean that. They're a little bit to the side. You know, of course, the muskets go off, there's a big cloud of smoke, and they all walk forward unharmed because all of their measurements, they followed the order yet they deliberately miss. So look at the city locations. We have the university circle, still valid. I think so. We have a thing, so. Cleveland Clinic. I think that's still valid because what it's like. Well, there's no longer the face. I think we have the change, Dale Williams to the face. Right. And that actually might be something that Mike's character... Are there aspects to that question? Repa. Repa. Repa. Might be involved in that. Does each location have aspects to it? What's this like? A new oral vampire court, the aspect is ushering in a new era. So that's obviously changed. Right. No longer accurate. Michael, how did you pick your name? R-E-P-P-A. Repa. Peter. Repa. How did you very quickly easily describe what he is or what he does? Repa is an antiogenic organic alchemist. What? Theogenic. That's that. It's very complicated. Alright, so the clinic is still a valid location. What would you say the aspect of the clinic is now, John? I'm not sure. And the new face would be Dale Williams. Definitely in flux of some sort, right? Mm-hmm. I think they're trying to retain whatever power they had, but I'm not sure how to say that. Is Dale, like, I mean, did Dale just walk in and take over or is there going to be some underlings who maybe were more... Is it a battleground? Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Like, now it becomes almost like this battleground where you have the... The thing you have to do is say you have the... It's a power vacuum. In a sense, but Dale has the power, but there's definitely an undercurrent of subversion. And maybe that makes for some interesting role-playing opportunities. I don't know if it's happening in that location, though, because the vampires weren't necessarily... He's trying to take over it, but the vampires don't want to work under a human. I'm not sure that researchers even relevant anymore. Those who are burning out have burnt out probably by now. Alright, it's been three months. But there was no one working on it besides Dale, a human? There was. I'm hunting them down for him. Well, that's bad to be solved. Like a power struggle, then. Yeah, it is. Okay. I just don't know if it's happening at the location, which is kind of what we're writing down here. It might be an aspect in the city. Yeah. I'm sure there's probably some clandestine stuff. People sneaking into labs trying to get notes, people trying to destroy or hide evidence. Perhaps it could still be there to some extent. Okay, that's fine. Lakeview Cemetery. We still have no idea what you're going to leave it, but it's not... This is gin there. It's awesome. We're sussin' gone. Isn't it? That has our identity. That has our identity. That has our identity. That has our identity. That has our identity. That's our identity. That's our identity. Knowledge. Knowledge in a cause. Cleveland's lost subway that did play a part in the last one of the conductor still lives there. That's why the undergules aren't a problem. The ghouls are no longer a problem. Are they still alive or did you come home? Oh, I killed them all. They blew up. My car exploded. I would like to say that he didn't kill them all. But he drastically reduced the number of them and now they're maybe in hiding and trying to repopulate them. Well, I guess the question would be... Well, did every ghoul unclean live in that particular tunnel system? Seems unlikely. Right. Well, it was Cleveland lost system. The theme was, or the threat was, "here evil dwells." The aspect was a hungry darkness. I wouldn't say... I don't think that's valid anymore for that... Yeah, let me suggest that any ghouls that had survived would have gone untimely. They would have gotten untimely. They were asked to lift this ship after seeing what they knew. Okay. I think they're either... I destroyed the only kingdom down there. I think they're either out of town or, like, easy to hire shitty mercenaries. They're just throwing them in days living. It's certainly scattered. Right. Yeah. Down there still, I want to point out that they had a kingdom of blind warlocks. What the... Some aspects could be that it's now home to the poor and lost or something. Okay. Well, would you say that it's impossible for a ghoul to be civilized? No. No. Not... Yes. You want to kill everything in. In Rokas' books, what's the... What the hell's Dorkas' book? Tim Butcher. Tim Butcher. Yeah. What was his ghouls like? I mean, were they just ravaging maniacs? No. Or were they just... They were intelligent. They were contracted as assassins, so you could... Someone. You could... Well, yeah. Mostly human. They needed to eat pounds of meat a day. 40 pounds of meat a day. What? Like 80/20 ground shock or... Like kids. Did it have to be kids? Could you hire one? Could you hire one? Could you hire one as a bodyguard and you pay him by just feeding him a ton of freakin'? It does even look like a human. No. I don't think they look like it. When they can be disguised, but when they're attacking and doing their thing, they... They transform. Right. Okay. I'm off work in the ghouls at my restaurant. Wow. I believe I got them. I'm not sorry. I blew them up. I think John deserves some say because... Yeah. If we're gonna say that you didn't... All right, but that's the right way. Then he should win that out, right? Let's put it this way. You're describing two jihads going on in Cleveland. One against the blackboard vampires and one against the ghouls. You can't be everywhere at all times. Where's your main focus? I thought I annihilated them when I used all their fighting forces in the battle and then blew them up. I imagine you did think that. I'm not saying that there's a ghoul empire here. I'm saying there may be some scattered pockets where a ghoul still exists here or there. Unless you're concentrating on entirely annihilating every single ghoul, there's probably a few still existing. It seemed to me that your ghoul is to annihilate the blackboard vampires just in place. We're in my neighborhood. True. So to protect that, I hunted them down. So instead... At the expense of... Are you saying that neither the ghouls nor the blackboard vampires were your main ghoul, but your neighborhood safety was? The ghouls were. Because my neighborhood... The vampires are still a problem. I'm okay with that. I think they should still be a problem. I think it was a good theme. I don't think it should be wiped out. I'm wondering... Okay, so you have three months of time that it passed. The majority of it was first making your neighborhood safe from ghouls. Then you started dealing with Dale Williams and the vampires. And you're still in the midst of that. Yeah. Okay. Are we still dealing with his gambling debts and the mod? You aren't. I have five aspects. I don't want one of the aspects to be, boy, I owe a lot of money. Did you remove that aspect? Yes. Oh, wait, you only have four. I have a spiper one. I know, I can think of some better one, though. Where'd you get the money to pay you off? Well, you'd pay a little. That's a good question. You didn't get it from me. You didn't pay him? I paid him his salary, but that wasn't enough for his debts. Okay. And the money I stole, I mean, negotiated from Alan's. I got kept to help rebuild Miami. What's your life worth? I just don't see Roberto being threatened by a mobster anymore. Yeah. I agree there. I don't think he would feel threatened. If he went head to head with a goldlord to go earn the kingdom, then he's not going to be afraid of the white carpet vampires. No. No. No. He's trying to have the mob trained in. A mobster's goons come and say, "Give me some money." Yeah. I still die if you can shut up. My law is zero. Those are what? What? My law is zero. My law is zero. Knowledge is the supernatural world. He might not be afraid of the mob, but the question would be, does the mob still want to get him? Yeah. How is that situation resolved? All right. How about this? You go to pay Tony, he informs you that the debt has been handled. You're welcome. Yeah. I'm sure it was you. Oh, I'm totally going to get it. You're welcome. You're welcome. Three people around the dinner table let your ad say, "You're welcome." Yeah, you're welcome. That's great, man. Now, if you want to explore how that happened, feel free. I think I count my blessings. If someone wants something of me, I think I'll know soon enough. You know, they're very curious, man. I have shit to do. Your debt's been paid, by the way. No, they're still perfectly valid. No, I'm sure. They'll come back and fight them in the ad. All right. So, we're going to keep the Cleveland's lost subway. We're going to say instead that it has been transformed in kind of a... It's kind of lost in the blind. Kingdom of the lost in the blind. Yeah. What's the aspect? I don't know. That sounds like an aspect of something. Kingdom of the lost in the blind. I would think it's a new... Now it's a new area for some of the... Hopos are afraid to go ahead anymore. I think that's... Creatures of the city that are trying to find a place to hide. They've got a new place to hide. You know, I mean, blind, you mean, oracles? You know, blind? Maybe it's a place to hide. We already have an oracle over at the... Please, visually impaired. Where? The cemetery. The hazardous angel is supposed to be like an oracle. Oh, okay. So, yeah. They don't want double oracle. How about a new threat is moved in? That would be... Well, that defeats John's whole purpose of focusing on removing that threat. Yeah, it was me. Well, that threat was trying to eat his people in his neighborhood. How about a threat might not be doing one to do that? What if it's just a face, slum? You know, where the... I like that. I didn't... Or even though it was like a refugee of what's now been happening for the past two months, I mean, stuff rolls down hills. So, the aftermath of everyone's activities, that could be where... Is that a refugee camp? Yeah. Almost like where people are being... They're displaced by all the activities and this is where they're ending up. That's cool. Nature horrors the vacuum. So, what am I gonna call it? The under slum. The under slum. The under slum. It's like the slum fucking works. That's something advertised. Come to the under slum. Welcome. But don't. Don't. That's what we call it. If you live here, you're gonna be home by now. And the conductor is still there and he... Are you even lost? He gives people the route to the under slum. Right. To get out. Forward Cleveland coaches live there. Shouldn't... Shouldn't... Shouldn't escape. They move in. Uncle Chud. Can a whiskey even? Yeah. West Side Market. We're gonna leave that alone. Anything can be found here. I mean, then we used it last time. It still works. We might expand on it and get more useless. It might be... If Jim's trying to open up a restaurant there, it might be even more of a neutral grounds to harden the pond of Cleveland, maybe Cleveland. So, currently, the face is Otto Wagner, the butcher of the supernatural. It may eventually, the face may be Jim. Right. He's the guy that you don't like to use. But right now, it's still Otto. Market of the Macabre. That sounds like Scott's description, if I ever heard. Why do I sound like a mic one, actually? Market of the Macabre. Either one. They can do... I'll take credit for them. Oh, we have Cleveland's Bohemia, which we had as... Yes. Now, we're talking. Oh, look at that scotch. That's why we lose tonight. Enclave of the elite. We never really used that. What's the Behemoth thing? That was Lakey of Dubin. It was pronounced wrong. When French Mike was the upscale meeting restaurant? Or what? The wine case? Yeah, I hate to have it, but I lost it. Okay. Someone actually criticized me, politely, of mispronouncing it. Yeah. So I'd have to give a French translator. So that is Coventry. That's actually located in Coventry, very close to Tommy's. That wine bar, which is a place not so much... I don't think I have a neutral... I don't think I have a neutral... No, Tommy, that would be a wine bar. Which is the wine bar in the same stretch I wrote, which I had. It's kind of like a... It's almost like a place... Not a neutral where you negotiate, but where people came to buy shit. Like, I want to buy the services of XYZ. Well, we have Enclave of the elite, where words are weapons. That's different. That's a little bit different, sure. Yeah, so we need to rewrite this. It's like the Moswe Isley Cantina. I don't know what that is. I mean, if we're lumping Coventry into that, it's changed. Yes, but I think... Oh, so that's like a different area? I don't have Coventry listed anywhere else, so... Well... Let's go through the other ones really quick. I think we need to rewrite that one. But we also have the Emerald Mac list as a dangerous... It's dangerous after dark. It's a boundary between worlds. That's great. Rockefeller legacy. I mean, we're keeping all that. Yeah. Public Square Playhouse. We didn't really use that. Hard of Cleveland Ground Zero. Spirit of Anthony Blake. And... What the fuck? Despair and desperation was a concept for that. Sailor's Monument. We didn't really use that one either. I don't know. We can still keep it. And lastly... Oh, I'm sorry. Lastly, we had the casino at Thistledown. Generate evil and despair. We're hope goes to die. Renaldi Family. White Court. Mafia. The concept of the boss. So we still had that. It still may play it apart, so we're going to leave that one. The only... Playhouse Square and Cleveland's Bohemia, which we said was Coventry, that might need to be redone. And do we need any new ones? I don't know if it's worth it, but there's a lot of new development in Cleveland with the port system. I did see that. And they're now, for the first time, going to be having a direct line, empty or full, every six months is going to be aligned directly from... What is it? Not Belgium, but Europe. I can't remember exactly where. But from here to there, no stops. Whether empty or full, there they go. So that would be a direct... A cruise ship or what? No. A cargo ship. Okay. They're opening the port to... It's the first time... For the vampires. Yeah. Well, that's what it means. I want to say it's Belgium, but I can't remember... Antwerp? Well, it's a B. When we originally made this playhouse, I had just read... Belarus. Dracula. No, it's Europe. It's European. Not Eastern European. Eastern European. But the thing is that the thing that kind of sparked my imagination is it's an hourly vessel. You're bringing goods. We feel good. Right. And my buddies who are telling me are cops who are talking about the department of homeland security and their special task forces that they've had to get involved with... Wow. ...to protect and to monitor it. So there's aspects for DHS getting involved. I'm part of the department of homeland security. All right. Yeah, Antwerp, Thomas has a connection into that. I'm sorry. I'm part of the department of homeland security. I got transferred and it was complicated. It was my idea. It was a good one. Yeah, you might be involved in that. Oh. Oh. Wow. You can be part of the DOA, the department of anomalous activities. Anomalous activities? It's dope. John discussed the effect that we want to add up a couple new phases. So we'll discuss those really quick and then we'll... I did. I'll call it. It's covered a little bit of interest. That's good. A lot of interest to you? Absolutely. Because we need your superior. Who is your superior? It's not Slutvana. What? She's already established. Slutvana. She was appeared. Because now she's a joke. You can't have a joke. Yeah, you can't have a Slutvana joke. I don't think I called her Slutvana for the first time. I think we'll go back and listen, John. I thought somebody has pronounced it originally and then we just went with it. Right. It might have been Mike said something and I misheard it or something. I heard it and said Slutvana. Slutvana. Slutvana. Did you say free loving man? So, anyways, we need a superior officer for Thomas' character, Maxwell. We need one for the Warden. Probably want to add a police officer. You guys will be involved or probably have been involved with that person. Shane is moving to my executive secretary. Is she? Okay. I think I still have her picture. She's got a lot of bigger job now. She's going to be in the now as far as me opening up the, me being Black Quirk. Hey, I don't lie. Shane, I have a better role. No, it's Ryan fucking knows. He's fucking knows. He's fucking knows. Is he a face? Look, I was going to beat up. You disappeared into the face. No, he's, he had more power than he was supposed to have. Can you be the face for the theatre, Dad? Yeah, she was. Can Ryan fucking Nelson be the face for the theatre district? Well, then tap that. Yeah, he did. He wouldn't shut up about it. Look at the baby sitting in the counter. That's so bad. So let's start with Maxwell. What's your boss's name? Who do you report? My spoon while my mouth is... Okay. Let's start with Mike. What's your immediate superior? Who do you report to? How about Rachel Powell Trinidad? Oh, she sounds Caribbean. Rachel. Yeah. Powell. W-E-L-L. Trinidad. Trinidad. That's a very long name. It's three names. What do you call her? We'll be playing by Scott's name. Yeah, Trinidad. To you. Are you going to find a picture for me? For her. Sure. I know you are. Yes. Any traits you want to go with her? Vision. Just find me the picture. Totally the question. That's the trait. She's elven. Y'all. She's elven. She's elven. She's right-headed and she's Asian. Can that even happen? Okay, so we're gonna have to come up with a personality for this, uh, Rachel. So, she's a pretty dead Asian. She's Asian. That's an aspect. That explains her aspect. That's an Asian. She doesn't speak a lot of English. That was a joke. Asian was an... Asian was an... And to all our Asian listeners, I'd like to apologize for my stuff. No. I'm like, "You don't know what I'm saying." I'm still reading your culture. I think it's awesome. So, Matt. So, Matt are great. Thomas is character. You have an officer that you report to. Good government name. I think we had a name. But I can't remember what the fuck it was. He was saying. That was Mike's idea again because I suck at names on the spot anyway. Who's the guy that is? I was Roger Matusse. Good thing we wrote a name. This sounds like a government name. I think it was too sick. Thank you. Did you want to amoralize him? You can find me a picture of what Roger looks like. He's an immediate supervisor and he knows... It's just gonna be Professor X. He knows if you're under cover status and... He's who I report to and who I report to. John suggested possibly a religious figure. We settled on that so that if the nights ever show up, they'll show up there. Yeah. Did we come up with a name for that? Like an archbishop with Cleveland? Oh yeah, we talked about it. I'm gonna jump a diet back in. Jump a diet? That's a old name. That's a real name. Is it Catholic? He must've been. No, that wouldn't be. That wouldn't be Catholic. That would be... Give me that old term of religion. I mean if we want a spiritual leader in Cleveland. Well, Cleveland is definitely a Catholic... I'm like a Joel? More so than anything. Joel Hutt was a... Father Belo. That was one of the names of a priest at Tea Francis when I was born. It was real. Father Belo. Belo. I like it. Let's go with it. Let's go with it. It's a werewolf. Yeah, he's a werewolf. Sounds like a werewolf, though, though. Sounds a little... Maybe actual pastor's name for St. Francis who's involved with the child. The child's not on the station. I don't think we want to go there. Francis Belo. I mean Cleveland does have a... I don't think they have a cardinal. I think they have a... I don't think we want it to be a cardinal because that implies that the highest is the most important. I think you want a street-level father who's just... He's a good soul. He's not a real. They're kind of work the edges there. Right. He's the real guy that works on the street. He's not this famous cardinal dude. That's not a bad idea because a lot of the local schools and the pro-co-schools also have the brothers, the monks. Yeah, they're on them too. Yeah, it's saying their words and saying their connections. They're the stuff that priests and bishops like that. So you can come up with an obscure monastic order. So rather than a father is a brother? Well, instead of saying saying they should not be called. Hey brothers. You don't want to throw one. Ignatius Beyla. Father. Ignatius Beyla. Brother? Or father? Or brother? If you want to make him a priest or you can make him a monk. Brother, because what do you like? Well monks are sons of bitches. They kick ass sons of bitches? Yeah, they don't have any problems smacking them. I didn't know that monks were in Cleveland, but that sounds pretty cool, just in general. Oh absolutely, because St. Ignatius is a Franciscan order. Yeah. Okay, that's pretty unique and I think we should represent it here. He's a ninja Franciscan monk. No, he's my character and he's not. He's yours? All right, so he's from St. Ignatius. He is brother... Beylum home, brothers. We're not sticking with Beylum. Brother Beylum. That's a little alliterative, isn't it? Yeah, it is. What kind of father? Because there's not a more game. Well, the monks are not ordained. And we're looking for someone who's more street-level. And also, because St. Francis is a big part of... I mean St. Ignatius is a huge part of Cleveland, so... You know, like Brother Beylum? I don't think it's two. Oh, that is. Okay. I mean it is. I mean, I don't know, Brother Beylum. No, I don't think it, like... It detracts... detracts to a relationship. Oh, go ahead, then. It doesn't rhyme. I mean, but it's... Brother... Brother Beylum? Is he like... Brother Benedict? Oh, you feel good calling BB, aren't you? (laughing) Is he down? Is he down? Is he down? Is he down? Is he down? Is he down? Is he down? Is he down? Is he down? Is he down? Is he down? Is he down? Is he down? Is he down? Is he down? I don't think he's... He's not a highly order. He's not a powerful individual, but he's a religious, righteous individual who believes in... Brothers are kind of old world, like Italy, maybe like Brother Emilio or something that's more ethnic sounding. Ignacio? Don't you think not to... Don't you think not to... Yeah, maybe that's good. I mean... No, I meant that. He doesn't even... We don't even call him by his last name, he just... His brother... Frank. Frank, you know what I mean? Oh, wait, I forgot. I don't want to hear anything. You know, like... How about Brother Francis? I mean, he doesn't have to be Frank. Sure, yeah. He's Francis. Yeah, it's a... You like that, John? Is that right? Okay. He's your... Francis Paylow, yeah, Brother. I'm a vocalist. He doesn't have a super name, like... The Neville? No, he's not down. It's pretty like... Yeah. We're going to need to know what happened to the child in the three months. We are good about that. I don't think you're a result. My character wants to know what happened to him. I thought it was clear that the... What knowledge of it? Yeah, just a good... It's the deadline it had taken away and it was in a secure custody. Yeah. Yeah, it's going to be a factor of that. It's going to be a factor of that or something. It doesn't... It doesn't belong to him. Maybe. Maybe. I'm saying... There was something. No, there was an answer. I just don't know what that answer was. Right. It wasn't so long ago, but there was an answer. Actually, reading the books that... I read more about how the Fay interact with humans, and actually that's part of the natural society. That's how Fay are born, is that they do mate with humans. Mm-hmm. And then the humans are changelings, and then the changelings decide to either become human or Fay. That's true to his lore. I was thinking of changeling his real life where they like swap the place of a baby, but... Well, that's the real life. That's the folklore of the... R.R.L. of the thing. I'm loosely sweet. And I went on to the two black court vampires. I thought they were cured, Bruce. They were cured, Megan, and Bruce gave him up to the Abigail. We don't know that they were cured. I had to be asked out of that. No, well Megan was alive because she was going to be alive with a hate knee. Right. I was finding Bruce was doing work for... And Bruce has no eye. Bruce has an eye patch. Or he lost eye? He's a pirate. He's a pirate. Megan's my little interest. He has to get yours? No, that's not happening. Oh, sorry. I was imagining... Sorry. No, Megan is currently missing. She was cured. That is the word, and Bruce tells you that. But she hasn't been able to contact her, and she is currently missing. I imagine Bruce... She does hate you. Yeah, of course. Rightly so. And that bums me out even though I saved her life and helped her out with a lot of things. And killed her father. Yeah. Well, yeah. But she knows there was. Can't get everything. So... But I always imagine Bruce as that... That Stuley and every bed crime movie that everyone... All the counselors go to to get information. He's just this little... He knows what's going on. He knows what's going on, but he's a weasel, and he's just sick and terrible. He says just enough so you can stay alive and plug in your ability. Yeah. Yeah. I think you've nailed Bruce. But I also suspect... I don't know if you've nailed Bruce on my piece. Hey, it's an old different angle from a new aspect. That's a new aspect. You can go there. You can do picture of Bruce. Would it help us? Would you patch him and I? With less vampire. Less vampire and with a bunch. He's also maybe even a little bit more sinister and dangerous because he knows what power is like and now he doesn't have it anymore. So, who knows what type of deals he's willing to do? Or do... Maybe he's an alright guy. Jeez. You can't go there. Maybe he's an alright guy. He's an untouchable demeanor. Says the man who plucked his eye out. This is the guy playing character with plucked his eye out. I don't kill anyone. He hadn't had a real band. He wanted to end it's story. Yeah, it's like Michael had a picture. It's a cool picture. Back to the baby. Was there someone in particular who was going to determine? I thought we were... To be honest, I thought we resolved that line. But I don't remember. If we gave us the task of hiding her. I think it was a story to leave it open ended where we don't really want to know what happened. If we're not going to... Then we can't give up the secret. It's kind of just out there. I'm not saying no. I'm saying that if we're going to have that as an open line for this next story instead of maybe down the road a bit, then you're going to involve another front. The Fey front. And that's going to probably have to involve Ryan Nelson because he was the one that orchestrated that whole thing. As far as I'm concerned, I think we are plaintiffs full with Roberto, with London, with Abigail. I don't know if you want to squeeze... I wasn't in the problems category. No, no, no. I didn't have problems category. These are plot points. I don't see... I think this plot point shows up several series down the line. There's what Mike's trying to say. I do not want to do the... She went off to Fey and grew up and now she's... No. She's a baby. She's still a child. She's now a three month old child. Where she is, maybe you guys don't know. Well, I think you should go... We decided before we decide really what the answer is. Oh, you... I think we didn't want to know because we didn't want to pluck out of our brains. I didn't listen to it and I don't remember any resolution. I mean, I missed it. No, I don't think it was ever recorded. You guys turned her over to... Svetlana. Mike said take her to the white console. And... I don't have a warden cloak anymore because it was destroyed. I got the sword, but... You've got a new one. We really said that it was considered like a magical item. They're had properties and I destroyed it and we were able to get a new one. I think it's a sign of authority. I don't know if it has a magical problem. We enchanted it during the game. Definitely does have a magical... As do the swords. The swords can no longer be made. I don't think there's a problem making a new cloak for you. Okay. It might be... Different if you want it to be different. A little more panache, a little... Sure. I mean, it's your call. Allen and the Technicolor Dreamcoat. It's not vinyl. If you insist. It's a long leather trench coat. If you have a leather, you have a leather cape. No. I think it's a gold. Unless somebody has some character stuff that you've done. Then we didn't want the next adventure to be black, court, black... Yeah it's not. Driven black work after. Cause that was the only problem we tackled. To give you a slight indication of where we're going to start. If you remember on the last adventure there was mentioned where... I was keeping you informed of certain updates that were happening and things. Other cases. And one was ritualistic murders that were happening. That seems to be... Love a good ritualistic murder. Still, I agree. Mark needs to leave. Mark needs to leave. Locally. In Cleveland. Becoming much more frequent in the last few months. And probably one of the first scenes will be the police commissioner calling the warden in for some help. Because there's magic here. Can I be with the private voters? Maybe I'll wait a couple hours. Thanks for listening to the Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. Visit kotnpodcast.com for more information on this and other adventures. Where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling props, and even a form for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at feedback@kotnpodcast.com. Or contact us via Twitter. Or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business. Please visit ZenAudioSmith.com. And please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. If we're not going to involve Ricky Nelson, then we're not going to... I don't think... Ryan Johnson. Ryan Johnson. Ricky Nelson. Sorry. I can't. You know what I thought we gave it to the white court. Grags. Grags? Is this fun? Cheers. How many of them are there? Take six. That's a colony of Grags. Cheers. Spotes cray cray. Cray cray. Cheers. Grag. And that's all you'll hear. You won't hear all that crap. It'll probably be at the end. 'Cause he's the editor. 'Cause I'm the editor and I never make use of that yet. Anthony Er... Anthony Er... Anthony Er... Anthony Er... That's sad. I got it. I got it. I got it. Oh, I like that it is. It's like a bunch of muppets talking. It's like Charlie Brown's teachers. Yeah. Anthony Er... Anthony Er... I can't do it. It's going to stop wrong in a better way. Yes, it is. Anthony Er... Anthony Er... Anthony. Anthony. Anthony. Anthony. Meer. If it counted the votes or was it just... Oh, yes. It is not a signified accord. It's not a script. It's just users of Facebook. So each person that votes, it shows the person who voted and stuff. There's no way that you can... It's a post. And you can do a post that is a poll in which people can vote. Oh. It's just different ways of... Are you sure? Posting. Hey lady, stop talking. I'm talking here. Sorry. She got her first yellow out of the way. Yeah, I think I just don't know where it's. Yeah. You're going to have to do... Yeah. There's about six more over there too if you want to really bundle it up. Sorry. That's okay. That's okay. That's okay. You didn't say we can ramp ourselves in breakout. We're going to play. We're going to go in there, buddy. Jason. You want to say JMac, didn't you? I sure did. I had to stab myself because anyway... Jason. You put up a nice...