This is it, the end of the Dungeon World adventure. Will the crew find a way to tie up all the lose ends?
Knights of the Night
KotN Actual Play Podcast - 145 Dungeon World - Burn it, Burn it All
[music] Hello, and welcome the Knights of the Night actual play podcast. This Dungeon World Adventure Scars was run by your GM Tom. And now, please enjoy episode 145, titled "Burn It, Burn It All". Actual play starts 4 minutes and 43 seconds. We have very little feedback this week because of the barrage we had last week, so we did have a little bit and it starts with Facebook on episode 144, titled "Resisting the Empire", and Ari said, "Okay, now even the feedback is cracking me up. Luckily, as you may have guessed, I was driving or listening. Ari's always driving. He's the most... I've listened to my drive model. That's the only time I listened to it. Ari is actually a call. He's a talking car. He's a talking car. That's true. Every time he sends feedback, he's driving. It's not safe to send feedback on driving car. It's not your car. It's a taxi car. It's not your car. It's your car, it's your car, it's your car. We also got two general messages on Facebook that were sent to KOTN. One from Mr. Mercktees who said, "At first, I was slightly not in favor of you guys playing Dungeon World. While I was looking through actual plays, I generally omitted D&D and Dungeon World podcast. I did play D&D 3 in my youthful days, and I run fourth edition now. Well, let's say I often find a fantasy setting less than demanding for the players to create a serious story. And there you are, KOTN making silly remarks here and there, the bards, the balls, the bizarre stupidity of it all. And still, you managed to make a serious story. Damn. We had a bit of a conversation. You also mentioned that it's one thing to play stupid and another to play a stupid character. And that's, we did it well. We did both, by the same way. What did we do? So, thank you, Mr. Mercktees. Mark Donald's mentioned he just finished episode 118. He's back in the flow here. But in particular, he wanted to say he loved the happy day references. Way to go, Michael Clay. Michael was over in the refrigerator getting a beer. Apparently, he needs it today. Kyle Hurd said, "Hey guys, I just started listening to your podcast and I just finished chapter 10 of Shit Luck, World of Darkness story. I know I'm way behind but I just want to say you guys rock. I love the stories and the way the characters interact and the story that the storyteller is weaving. Keep up the great work and I'll keep listening." He's got a fun ride ahead of him. Oh yeah. I've got a lot of listen to actually envious of him starting. Someone who's way back on episode 10? Yeah. Starting all the way back to the beginning and having all that feedback, all those episodes to be able to listen to. Yeah, episode 10 is like episode 10. I mean, we've got 143. So chapter 10 is really like episode 10. Didn't you skip a few? We lost episodes one and two to the... That's something I got to the internet. That's not a skip I know of, right? Right. One and two got combined into a one recap. It was kind of like a recap that was weeks off but that's what we could do. And last but not least, we have a tweet from Joshua Gresko who was talking about the latest episode 144, "Hide like a bear in the woods." That is awesome. Followed by hahaha. It was the latest episode in which Mike turned into a bear and I said, "You have two bear-like action." And he says, "I hide like a bear in the woods." I don't think I've heard that one before. You turn into a bear? Yeah. My turn into a bear was ambush. Michael. The really Michael. Michael. Michael. Michael's my goal. My goal turned into a bear. Yes, sorry. And with that, we're done. We do have our last episode. This should be right following this. Last episode of "The Dungeon World Adventures." Yeah. So it's any questions or comments? Right. Yes, yeah. Please feel free to send them into us and we'll try to cover them really quick. After that, we'll be doing "Noumenera" and "Noumenera" and "Noumenera" and "Noumenera" and "Noumenera" and "Noumenera" and "Noumenera" and "Noumenera" and "Noumenera" and "Noumenera" and "Noumenera" and "Noumenera" and "Noumenera" and "Noumenera" and "Noumenera" and "Noumenera" and "Noumenera" and "Noumenera" and "Noumenera". Most people know already and if they don't then- Google it. Right side. "Mani Koch's new system" so hopefully they'll be holding it. We'll find it that way. Just say it again. "Mani Koch's new system." Nice things. Because I have no idea what it is. We'll put a link in the show notes and- Spell it for Google. "M-U-N-E-N-E-R-A" "Noumenera" and "Mani Koch is the author." K-O-T-N is our blog site and there we have a Amazon link. If you shop through there we get a little bit of money that helps pay for the podcast. Black Friday. Black Friday's. Early Christmas shoppers. And so with that we'll get on to the adventure. This is our return and potentially last evening for Dungeon World. I'm your GM Tom and I'm the player starting on my right R. Ryan I'm playing Sketch the half-wing road. I'm Mike playing Simon the grizzled human veteran. I am Scott playing Sanguinus the corpulent paladin. Michael playing Zeb the young Elphish druid. Thomas playing Drummond the war-like Dwarven cleric. John playing Dunwick the human barb. And missing from the table tonight is Jim the place Jared the wizard and Doug who plays Shrike the ranger both of them are missing today. And has any of you leveled up since the last time we played? Nope. So we can go on you guys. Someone described to me what happened last. I'm serious. I do. You leveled up? Hey yeah. John leveled up. Congratulations. Right. What are you now? Four. Can we have to make the four yet? I think he's the only one I already experienced regularly. It's love? It's the world. It's the world. Yeah it makes a big difference. You don't keep laughing at him because he's a fuck up but he's also the highest level because he's a fuck up. Oh you think it's stop fucking up at some point? That is not fun. Fuck up you're fun. So last time we met you guys. A costed knocked out two red cloaks and a inquisitor. Yes. So they're down and we said we were going to take them down to the scar and try to change their memories. While we're going down I got to do this magic bit. I mean. Right but that's the true thing. That is in a coma. So you're learning wizard spells? Right. What's up? The only way I can think to do this is we got to come up with our story and then use some magical symbolism. My magic goes like this. I'm going to have to write his past. We're going to need some objects from the story we create. Okay. And don't we have to do the other two as well. All three have to have similar memories. They're going to have the same story. Okay. They're going to have different personal what they went through. Oh right. They were all in the same spot. Got my staff. No I got my staff. You provided an example of an object from the story. Okay look are there going to be. If it's barbarians we don't have any barbarian stuff. Well if you remember we were ambushed before we came to this. By Shrek. By Shrek. Yeah. So he doesn't remember. Well one of you. So it works man. But Jared. Right. No he did his spell to make him his friend forever. It's like he proves otherwise. Which he's seen how Jared treats his friends. So he's never going to be broken. He can't prove otherwise. But instead of maybe meeting us. Maybe we can try to plant the memories of that same bandic group. Right. Instead of barbarians. Then we can use a weapon from Shrek as maybe one of the touch points. And then it might also go a long way with helping the villagers. Because the bandits were causing trouble with the villagers too. So we can blend in with their story straight. Well but we can also kind of muddy the water and blend in with the. Well were we part of that bandic group or not. And their their peasants what do they have. Okay. Sometimes it's better if they just don't know. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. Right. True enough. So the idea is we're covering up. The whole scar thing. Is that our goal? Yes. Did there was no wizard here messing with it? It was just a group of. Or is there no scar here at all? I think they can tell the scar here. They came right here. And Jared came right here. I don't know how we did that. Sure. Not to mention. Isn't there still the body of an ice giant kind of decomposing over by? True enough. I think they melt. Yeah. Are they actually people. But his armor melts. He's still a big pile of flesh. So who do we want to blame these magical anomalies on? Him. The big ice giant. I mean we have a corpse from another dimension there that we could also scapegoat the size of none. Wasn't that believable? The ice giant is manipulating that. I mean aren't they kind of. Did they? Was he in particular right to me? Right. So we stick with the banded idea? Sure. How about if we blame the inquisitor? Quizitor thinks that he did it. He's got to think of a cover up story. That's the funnest coat. Because then you got all his. I didn't worry about that. His own stuff for you. His focus. For the spell. For the spell. It was you. It was more complicated than blaming someone else. Because we've got to get into his mind. We were. No his motivations and. That's a bit harder on my part. Right. Oh yeah definitely. Sorry I don't want to dig us a whole. It's pretty cool. I would also submit that we're coming back and see the repercussions if we fail so. We've got to get right the first time. No problem. No it doesn't really matter. I don't want to do that much. Right. I mean we don't have a village bird. We don't have to dwell on it too much. We've presented some options. And again. Well I think he's like the way he steps ahead. Well do you guys want to stay here? That was Jared's point. He did want to stay here. We want to stay here. You had to be believe before a while. That they stayed away from here. He wanted to do at least for a while. We wanted to do like a research project. He didn't want to live here permanently. I didn't think. Right. A couple of weeks. Just to study this. Well I brought the. Isn't that right Jared. Oh I have to. Too bad we didn't have like a video that I could see. That was a pretty. I don't think it's. Michael had good question in the sense of. What brought the inquisitors here. The inquisitor in the right. Wasn't just. Sorry. Who are you asking? The inquisitor. Hey look at me. I don't exist. Do we know though? We thought it was to do with the scar because Jared found it remotely but we don't know. I'll point out that when he got here he started asking around for it wasn't. Well it might have been that him using it caused ripples. I'm still new to this magic thing. I don't know. Okay so he was concerned with all the things that are popping out of here. Probably he was looking for someone to blame. They could. Another possibility. Possibly be answered by sister. Chelsea. Chelsea wearing a home. She is mean. She was the one that came and told you that they were like in town. Every human shares. He's got gyms. Some of them are dead. No that's a gyms kid. That's him. Sister God's are humans. It's not my God. Both. God singular. That's right. There is only one. I didn't use a plural. I just said he's not my God. If we want to talk to Chelsea before lying down a story we should head back. Yay. I'll stick here with the bodies. It's not a walk. But yeah I guess we have to. You can get your horse while you're back. Man you will fit in the tunnels. I mean the beginning it tells you. You can bring it up not further. On the plus side it is down hill. And now it's uphill. We found one way. We're already under the ground aren't we? Everything's uphill. Yeah. We found one pass. Wait a second. So what color is this guy in your world? We're deep in the hole. Where are you going? Climb the hole on the holes. I didn't. And for some reason we were at world circle round. We were at the. He thought we were still at Pebblehenge. Oh yeah no. They didn't the bulb. We did ambush him and Scott sang. I drew them down underneath to the scar. Got you. That's right. Okay I missed that part. So do you want to go back and talk to Mr. Gelsa with me? Cause she's mighty fine. I can do all the talking. I would piss her off so. So he has on him. You know what? I think we should do that before I want it. All right. Cause we're not thieves. What's up? Nobody thought of that. What? To search the Inquisitor. For no twig. I talked about looting and the. Yeah just looting. We were on the way out. I treated as intelligence gathering. So I can do it. Or a lot of feet. All right. I can read out. Or a and took the time out. You can read out. I'm guessing sure. Yeah we go. All right you live. Oh yeah. We were born in the Empire. Yeah guys I'm about to play. I served with them for 40 years. I know what how to speak. Can you just say service? Service time. It's an end this time. Service time for. There's no basic moves for. Search someone. No. Would it be like a certain. Yeah I think that half one should do that. Which shift is really. Or you could discern reality. discern reality. What you should do. You should strive in a fictional sense. What you want to do. And then let the GM figure out what the move would be called. Okay. Brian go. Searching the Wizard's Robes. Yeah baby. Or a staff. Or a result. Don't hear yourself. Scrolls. Anything that would say like these are my orders from someone. And again the way that the world works is if there's no reason that it shouldn't work. Then it works. If nothing interesting can happen then it simply works. Or a draft. He has all sorts of. In his left pocket. Did they live here with back animals writing or do we know that one? Not. In the woods. They're following you guys. But he means at the village. It's not that you're aware of it. But you don't know. Right. We should wake one of these guys off eventually. And then interrogation which we can learn. Because there has on him currently a pouch. Which I don't know if you're opening or not. He's a half. He's a half. Whoa. Probably a plant. It's a stereotype. Racism. Yeah you'll. In the pouch is some coins. Fifteen of them. Whoa. I don't know what that is. Scroll. He has another smaller pouch inside of it. Which contains reagents that might be used for casting. Well I like to glean over scotch over. No this would be used for. Spells. Our resident spell expert. You knew it this. You didn't know. Yeah I know. That might include. These might help. In our ritual. Is there anything that looks like it might be a tool to locate a scar? No. No. No. So I want to search the guards. Well I search the wizard. I can search the guards. I'll search the guards. One of the guards. I'm looking at all of them. Any of them look like they have any equipment for horse riding. Or any carrying keys or something in the other car. Keys to the horse. Yeah. You mean like family? Yeah. You know. Or any sort of. I don't know. Update. Simon will tell you because he was in the cavalry. Served around them. You were in the cavalry. Right. They are definitely wearing boots that would indicate that they were riding. Both of them have a pouch. One of them has five coins. It's a ring. And I got it. Relative to the plane. A ring. What do you mean? I was the keeper. Yeah. That's what I remember. Put the ring on. Got it in. So five coins. And a ring? Everything we take from them we have to explain in their memory. They got robbed. Oh yeah. We had to wait. By the bins. That was hard. Okay. If only there's some way we could explain how they lose their valuables. The other one has 12 coins. A pair of dice and a letter. A pair of dice. A pair of dice. It's a player. It's a six-sided their barre. Where is this pair of dice? Sort of personal shit right now. Oh shit. It looks like he has a scroll or something. More of a lot of it is scroll. It's folded. It's written on lighter paper. I can redel this. It appears to be... Witness. No it's never been in a site. It's a love letter from some girl in a town. You know what I'm even sure where the town is. It's not a big one. It's not a big one. It's not an Elsa. Elsa is it? Elsa? The church leader. She also. She also. Sister of Chelsea. No. No believe me. She has a car with chest and... Wow. Can she tell me the most hideous palhood I've ever heard of her? Just because she's like a fat pallet. It doesn't really mean she's had any magic. She's had any magic. Okay what do you have? Sister of Chelsea just want to make a video. 15 coins, a scroll and some reagents. So what's that scroll got in it? It looks like it's much more... Yeah, much more official. It's got a seal on it. I'll just try reading it. Do you speak of these alfish? I'm an athlete so I don't think. I thought you were a member of the empire you probably would. What's your intelligence? He went through the empires. What's my what? Minus one. Same thing with me. What does this say? Alright well I told her to... First of all, I'll sketch this upside down. Second of all, looking at the blank side. Give me that. I got a zero. Much better. It looks like an empire document. You recognize some of the script, but it is definitely an answer. There are orders. I've seen military orders before. Yeah it's written that it almost looks like a... It looks like an order. Okay. But most of it... The characters are alfish but the words don't make sense. In code. That's a mistake. Just like to be there. No, but it's probably... It's probably routine to have them use basic precautions to you know encode or cipher read bars. Written by someone with a minus one intelligence. So can anybody do something to read that? Would the swimming reality be a chance to try to decipher it? Or do we need a special skill here? That's my skill skills. Well I mean is there somebody who's pretty good with language and song and music. Would we have a better attempt to break a code or... There are broader glory areas that might be more relevant to this. Of course I know about the legends of heroes past. Of course we have military experience. Maybe we've seen orders before. I have a bee artist before. Yeah but he doesn't have your... Your background of... Okay so... What you want to do is you want to decipher this. All right. I would need someone who has a history in military orders. Someone who speaks and reads alfish. I'm out of the throne. Two for two. And someone who might have a background in magic. That would be helpful. That's all right. Can Dunwick assist me? I think it's possible that you guys can sit together. So this is going to take a bit of time? Okay. Try to decipher this and I will let you make a roll. This is intelligent space? Well I'm just starting to read. I'm thinking to certain reality in that space I'm with. But this is a little bit different so I can see intelligence. I think with code breaking it... You try to break a code rather than to just assess a situation. You can't just intuitively go "Oh I understand this." Yeah you can go either way I think and not be... You're the lead on this. All right. Yeah whatever skill he formed Dunwick. Okay. It might be giving you intuitive hints. Well I can really... For you it would probably be intelligence. All right. Well that's straight up roll though. What am I going to take a while? So in the meanwhile what is everyone else doing? Eating? Eating? Plus wanting to intelligence. I'm thinking it might be a good idea to have the horses here. Yeah of course. So some of you are heading back to town? I can fly there or whatever. Shake-shifted to one great idea. Ask for our horses and bring them here. John think you can do imitation of people. I think your power gets to that point. I read it and I didn't see any caveats against it. But if there's something later then you have to play the game. Yeah look at your advanced moves. You're out there. Can you talk to Mr. Chelsea and find out what they revealed to her about while they're here? You're fine. You might wish to discuss what you want to do as far as that goes. As far as Mr. Chelsea and the horses. Okay so Simon? Yes. Which is your higher attribute? Wisdom or intelligence? Intelligence. And yours too? Intelligence. I'm pretty wise but I can't talk television. But since I was an infantry my orders were pretty simple and basic. Yeah I'm just saying one of you will have to assist with intuitiveness which is wisdom. A successful role on that will give plus one to the other one to role for intelligence. So you have to pick who's lead on this and who's... Well my wisdom is at a disadvantage. So if either I'm helping you with the military order aspect and reading. Because you read others as well and you have magic. And he was... How is that supposed to help me? Is this some sort of, sorry for this deciphering by magic? It does have bits of magic in it. Okay I'll take a second guess. Oh so I... Box car. Double. Double sixes. You really got to be done. You can give him hints on this part here. It should be the part of the order where they give this this part. Well to be fair that's an 11. Whatever that's an unequivocal success. Okay. You're not about it. You have really helped him. Which is to say a straightforward plus one. In the middle range you would have been giving him enough information. But messing up some of it should have been a break even and then a failure would have been a... Maybe I recognize some of the signatures or seals on it from my ear. And just to some of the spacing you're like this is obviously where they've got to be. Right. Okay. That's enough for him to... I've seen this before. Now I've got to roll in regards to wisdom. And I don't know. No no no you're rolling intelligence. Oh yeah you're right. He was doing the wisdom part. It's hand up. Two and one. Two and one. This is a three. Can't get two successes on a roll and be ridiculous. Plus one is four plus so much to dig in the ear plus one. Hey you got an experience point. You're on the way to the next level. Don McRealizes that this requires magic to decide for this. Like there is a spell that there's some kind of hand waving that makes it possible to read and he just doesn't have it. Right. Just not have the skill. I've got maybe vomit it on it or something. And um... Order is order order. I've got an idea. Well okay this was a bad idea. I failed this. I'm sorry. That's right. But if we're getting rid of the horses it can be a part of the story that they were ambushed. The horses reared and ran off. And sketch can help free them by sneaking in cutting a little bit of hair off the tail or something. For the spell. For the spell. And then let them loose in the woods. So they're just wandering around close by. Don't get to find it. That's what I'm gonna go with him then and create a description. So you can do that more easily. They'd probably be at the end right. There's only one in. There's only one in. This is very small. And even the count per site. Literally. And they're still repairing from the damage of fires and stuff. Easily distracted. We could still use this role as part of the... We don't need to understand it. We don't need to understand it to use it. This represents his motives. We understand that it's his motives and we could use maybe tap into that for the spell. That is what Simon truly believes. That this is his reason for being here. Right. If Simon says it I believe it. There's only one thing I could think of. So it's not a grocery list. The townspeople would be at least one of them. The owner would be expecting them back and know that they were here and checked in. They might even have stuff in a room. We probably shouldn't use this scroll to make it part of their story because that's why they're here. Yeah. And we don't want them to know that. Right. Steve's wouldn't have any interest in the orders. But you need to tap into it to change his mind. Because what he's thinking about with the scroll you go in there. But we're gonna leave it with him. We're not going to leave that scroll. Because it has the real orders. We want to change that. Well they're going to run. We take it with us. If we take everything yeah it won't be particularly suspect then will it? No. I'm just wondering why these would give a shit about encrypted elvish. Could it have been a scroll? Could it have been magic? They don't know what it is. They took everything. Yeah they don't know how to read. They took everything. Troy? Okay well so this is in the black market somewhere. You know what they could have checked in and still got way late in the woods when they were going to search for the scar. They did. Exactly what happened. Right. Not only light they end. All right I like that plan. Okay so good luck. Gentlemen. Deliberate some horses. Deliberate some horses. Going old school. It's not stealing it. You're doing it for good. Something's free. An elephant has like walking into this label. Do you want to potentially one thing I just thought of? You mentioned they might have a room. If they have a room they might have something there that indicates why they're here. Don't think so. Orders? Yeah is it like it? Well we think that that's the origin. I'm just saying if you want to double check just make sure because it'd be really a shame if we did everything and they went back to their hotel room and it said why they were really here. And everything was fucked. So going back to the town is uh in sketch. Are you taking any special precautions? A time of evening is it now? We should check the room first. It was afternoon. Last time I checked. Yeah so it's coming into early evening. It'd take you a while you guys discussed they did the decipher things. Let's say it's just dust. You guys go back into town. So I know that there's not enough business in this place. The guy who runs the stables also works in the bar area. So I just want to make sure he's in there before we do anything. You don't want to do the stables. I'll change them to something. The bar is certainly run through. Tavern Inn in town since both. He does own both the stable and the tavern slash Inn. And it is evening which is the busy part of the day for the tavern. All the people that work in the fields and whatnot. This is when they come in a time to relax. He is in the tavern. How are you approaching the stables? We have a lot of time. I was thinking of shape shifting into something semi-dangerous and running through the inn to create a distraction. How are you doing this? Like a skunk would be cool. Okay, I mean the stables are outside the bar. The stables are outside the bar. It's separate. There's a short walkway in between the two. Would you want to check out the room first before you steal the horses? That distraction with the skunk would be really useful for him getting upstairs. Yeah, I don't know if I want to bring people out towards the stable. That's true, they might run out of the goo-ooh stink. I was thinking going right from the back door to the front door. But yeah, maybe getting into the room first or second. How do you want to do it? You're the thief. I'll check out the room first. All right. Because it's kind of interesting. Do you want the distraction? Well, leaving the horses away. Do you need the distraction for that or can you do that from outside? I don't know, I'd have to go inside to check it out first. All right. He does that. We'll go inside the bar slash in and case in the joint. You're walking in by yourself and looking around. I assume you're under by the front door because the back door seems to be the kitchen by where you kind of be going in the private area. So just an under in the front. It looks like it can hold more people than it currently is. It isn't terribly busy. There are definitely a few people here that the town drunk, for instance, there's the bar made. There's a guy behind the bar, which is the owner. There's a couple other people there. They're sitting along the bar drinking. Fireplace. There's a stairway and that is the only what looks like a public entrance or exit from this room because there's you came in the front door and all you really see is another door that heads back into the kitchen. So if there are rooms, which you know there are, it would have to be upstairs. Okay. The bartender looks at you and nods. And the dude isn't out with me? No, I'm going to stay outside and get ready to make a distraction. Should one be necessary? If it sounds like he's in trouble. Otherwise the bar made us you have to come on a table or you can drink it to bars or anything she can get you. I'll take a drink and a room if there's one now. Oh, wow. She points you over. You got to talk to Rufus. He's the guy behind the bar. What can I get you to drink? I just did an ale. He pours one up the tab. You need a room? If you got some. Oh yeah. Got a room. Two points for a room. Bye night. I'm staying for a week. Just a night. Damn. Rufus is clever. I hope so. And so that'd be two points. And he'll run a tab for the drink. It's just for the YouTube. Yeah. There's a hearty meal. It's like one. I'll take a hearty meal. So yeah, that would include the drink. How much does a buttsum winch come? Yeah, I'll finish up my meal and drink and uh. Isn't that type of establishment? I'll actually head back outside. Unless I have to be like showing my room a keys or something. Yeah, he asks you if you want a big team to show you how to do your own Mario. Didn't go back and get her later. Come back and get Dixieland. They bring you out a meal afterwards. It's like mutton and uh. Just stay outside. Don't tell me. You need to distract me. You need to distract me then. You didn't think you were coming with a thing with this digit. There's some talk about why you're sitting there. Some of the villagers are talking about. What the fuck kind of luck are we having? First, the town nearly burns down and now we've got any visitor here. Nothing bad about that shit going on. That dude with his fucking horn. It starts spreading rumors about being killed by a sister. They've just gossip a bit about how bad they'll luck has been and how nasty the inquisitors are. They don't like the empire here much. Unless you're doing something, you finish your meal and then. Head back outside. Tell them you'll be back in a bit to get your own key. Yeah, I'm gonna head out. I'll be back. If you come back smelling it dude, you gotta bring this. What was I doing guys? I'm sorry, I got lost in there. They're not that hungry anymore. Maybe you can fly by the windows upstairs and see what room might be the inquisitor's room that I can break into. Okay, how many rooms are there? From the outside, you can see space wise. It's just the two. It's pretty wide. It's a very big building for this little town. But there really isn't much room up there for more than four rooms. Two in the front, two in the back. They don't have windows. So I'll say that the two rooms in the front both have a window and the two in the back don't. They're like the cheap seats. So I'd be a birdie and go look. Birdie with thread box. That was just doesn't have to drive by. What do you first? Nine. Dust it. This is a lemon. Okay, you have three successes as a bird. You step around the corner, you can do your transformation into a, I mean bird, song bird. You can go home for crow. To the box. To the right end. If you've got almonds. Much better. And you fly up to the right window left window. What do you want? Right first. The windows are actually pretty disgusting. It's hard to see through them. But you can see in there, what looks to be like a bed has been turned down. It's been prepared. There's actually a little fire going in the fireplace. It's a wall to do little room. It's quite impressive actually. And not that you like that kind of stuff. But you can see it's city dweller. I think this is such a small little dinky town. This is a pretty impressive room. There is a large single bed in this room. But it is empty. There's no one in there currently. You hop over to the other window and you peek through. And it's similar but not quite as impressive. And there is a double button. There's two beds. There's a bottle. And it looks as if it's similar. That this has been propped for somebody. But there's nobody in there. That looks suspect. Those are my own choices. In the front in the back there's two additional rooms. But if you fly over there and look, it's actually the roof is there's no place for windows. And it appears that if there are two more rooms out there, they don't have windows. All right, well, return and explain that it's probably the ones with the windows. On that side. Should I go up by myself? Wait out here in case you need the distraction. You've got a room and you're going to pretend to go, well might as well actually go up there. Yeah. I don't think they're going to be a major of returning. And maybe I'll go in and I can give you a warning if somebody starts going up which seems unlucky. We've got something subtle like screaming or something. Yeah. So, sketch returns to the tavern, talks to Dixie. Yeah, we'll go through my room, let her show me around, or whatever, and then she takes you up the stairs. They go first back into the building then up. Because the hallway is kind of off center. The front two rooms are much bigger than the two that would be on your left or the back side of the building. And that's where she's taking you. To one of those smaller windowless rooms. She gives you the key, she shows you in. Down at the end of the hall, there's water closet plate. That's shared by everyone. They have indoor plumbing in this shit heap? No, but they have a bathroom in there that they, unfortunately, empty the pockets and the chamber pot and then they can hear a bath. Or the convenience of our guest. You don't have to go outside to the house. Okay. At least it doesn't just... magically slush on the house. I don't know how a shit cold it goes. She lets you in, she shows you around for what little there is to see. It's really a Spartan room. And it says if you need anything, come down and we'll get it for you to let us know. Breakfast? Okay, thanks. Breakfast is done. She goes down, leaves you alone. You are in the tavern, what's that? Okay. That's up with the tavern set up and you are in your house. So, I get all the drinkers to sing a song about it. I wish I was in Dixby. (Laughing) But, strangely, as long as they live from this town, they never thought of that. (Laughing) Well, this should have been fucking rude. Are you buying a round from the villagers? Are you just... If I had any money, I'd buy myself a beer. You didn't have anyone? He has me holding it for him. Yeah. Stuff's heavy. (Laughing) After I know she's gone down the steps, clear. Oh yeah, you can hear her. I'll spend some time inspecting my door and key to try to figure out how it might unlock. And open my door and slowly make my way to the other side of the hall where the nicer room. Okay, and by now, it's actually gotten dark out. When she did come in, there's no fireplace in that room that you're in. So, instead, she had brought you a probably more of a lamp that you can keep on your bedside. Please don't burn the place down, you know. She didn't need to remind you that you live in a time and narrow. But do you leave the light in the room? Because in the hallway, it's kind of dark. Yeah, I leave the light in my room and now I'll make the bed look like I'm in it. Okay. You're gonna... Flop up the... like it's or whatever. So, you go in the hall, do you close your door? Because that's gonna leave you in the dark out here in the hall. I'll leave it open a little bit so you can see it'll crack away. And there's two doors right and left as you remember. Zeb described the one on your right to be what was a two bed set up and the one on the left to be the slightly larger with the queen size big old single bed in there. Start from the left one, the big queen. I'm gonna give you a plus one going forward that you studied your lock before going on this one and it isn't deep the same lock type. First, I tried to see if it's locked. It isn't even like that. Tricks of the tray. Okay. That's uh, dice plus dexterity. Nine plus two is eleven and then he gave me plus one. I'm close to a full success. You hear a soft click press on the latch. The door opens easily, quietly. And you step into the room which is pretty pretty well lit. There's a fire going into the fireplace. Now I'll shut the door behind me. I'm assuming you're not locking it. There's a large bed. There's a dresser with a pan of water. There's a mirror. There's the fireplace. There's even a small table and chair in the corner. At the foot of the bed is what looks to be a foot locker of some type. Check out the foot lock. It fits the decor here so it's part of the end. It wasn't brought yet. It is locked as well. I just want a simple lock that you just cut. It is a pretty simple lock. Not gonna roll for it. I'll make them roll but you get a plus one for this and place the blind. Thirteen. Yeah you didn't even think about it. Is that why I haven't leveled up yet? Apparently so. So in it is what appears to be a sleeping bag rolled up some blankets. Just some travel gear that someone has been on the road for a while. At least a week plus. I have a backpack with additional things in it for traveling. Nothing that seems particularly useful. Okay I'll spend some time searching the rest of the room onto the bed. Your memory and the mattress is out and Dunwick says anything that used in their travels can be useful in this magical spell. I did think about that. That's something that looks meaningful. I don't know what he has there. If they have something more valuable. I mean obviously they take that because we're going to hawk it some more. Long term. Why not? Steps ahead. Down the dresser there's really not a lot of clothes that he has in there but he does have a few garments in there. And there's a small drawer and middle in it. You find a key which upon reflection looks like it might have fit the footlacker. Whatever. He falls back in there and he keeps it. So it was long. But nothing that catches your eye is being of usefulness. Okay I'll move on to the next tool. All right you go back out. Do you lock this one as you exit it or do you leave it open? I won't walk it yet. Same roll for the other one. Oh that's a three plus three to six. Oh that's an utter failure. So what is your... This is hard. It's apparently... It doesn't have anything for under seven through nine. Doesn't it get any one fruit? Unlocking the... When you hold the three. I rolled the three. I rolled the two from my deck snake. That is one because it's a similar rock. Right so I get some to six which is still a failure. So you put your lockpick in there and for some reason it's as if this lock is slightly rustier than the other one is. So you're working it a little harder and you hear it snap. The lockpick broke off inside there and you're like... Because you break out another parent as you're putting it in there you can feel your other lockpick wedged into there. And it's like god damn it now. Even if I had the key I don't think I'd be able to do this lock. Hope you have a clean save before you try to pick that one. Always. It didn't seem like the window's open. He didn't try to open the windows but... He was a bird. He was a bird. So that doesn't make it difficult. And the windows are not really... There's really large. It would probably be a tight squeeze for a halfling to fit in but Michael you're halfling and you probably could squeeze in there. I'll go back to the first room. Right. There's a window there. See if that window opens. It does. And if there's a ledge to walk out on I'll try to get to the other window. There's a roof. That's where they go all the way through the window. And you'd have to go a roof a little bit and slide down it to the other window. So it's not a ledge in between the two per se. But it can be definitely be done. You realize that anybody walking down the street is probably going to have a decent job of spotting you. Although it is actually dark now. So it makes it a little more difficult. So do you have... I'll say that he defined any of your... Do you have your night gear, your dark cloak and... Well I have dark eyes on a hood. I'll take the chest and kind of block the fire a little bit. Okay. Then you can arrange something that... Look at the majority of the house. The majority of the... Wasn't me. We would see that room. Within the fire. No one was in there. Cover the broken lot thing with it. You won't burn him down. So you get over to the other window and you know how the latch works from this window that you just under. There is virtually no protection to prevent you from opening the window. I would say it's like a plus two. You might have to slide something through a crack and then kind of shimmy a bit to get it to pop for you. But it's really simple. Was it done by the window? I'm still fucking right. Okay. 13. All right. You have no problem opening the window to the room next to it and you climb inside. And here again you have a fireplace. You have two beds. There's a footlock around both of them. Look for a key before I try to open the lock. And look around the room like I did for the other one. Strangely you look around for a key and do not locate. There should be two. And there are not. And of course you know you didn't check the bodies. So they probably didn't do a thoroughless job as you did. Or would have done. Else. You do have another set of lock picks. You were trying to unpink the lock, but you had jammed it with your first broken one. So you can give these a go. Okay. Another nine plus two. All right. It's still easy though. And Fuego tonight. Oh nine plus two. It gives you a year way over the necessary ten. The first one opens quickly. Again you've got a bad role. You have a backpack. You have a lot of what looks to be more military gear. You have a wet stone. Just different type of equipment for sharpening of spares because that's what they had. And equipment for keeping their armor in working order. You also see what looks to be a military. A type of what they were showing you was the scroll. This is similar. It's a scroll. It's got a mark on it. And it's gibberish to you. It's like a pitcher. I'm taking that. Okay. I'm not a lock set up button. I locked in the room. Now that the lock is jammed up or it's like a latch. Yeah. You can just walk it like I'm a mike it from this side. Okay. Yeah. I'll shut the window behind me. I don't know if did I just search around the room? You didn't open the other foot locker and you searched the room. I'll do both. Okay. Foot lock is the only thing that's going to cause you trouble because it's got a lock on it. Oh, that's a three. Oh, yeah. You just snapped off your second one and earned your second EXP. That we're going to be really confused. Yeah. In this case, I'm going to say you do not have any different. You're just breaking in. Are you marking an experience for this because you've got at least two now. Yeah, I did break into the room, but I broke a lockpick in the chest. You're going to have to burn a place down. Take a drive. Yeah. Really? Let me. Yeah. Match the rest. The nuclear allergy. You searched the general area and in one of the drawers, you'd find a scrap of paper with, again, some writing on it, but this looks like it was handwritten. I'll take that just in case. Right. And it's really a small thing, which is maybe for your work. Or note about it with some take marks of some sort. Yeah, it just looked like anything. People have to be headed. Yeah. Did he, as he failed to pick the lock, is there a way you can force it? Well, obviously. He put some noise on it. I'm just, I guess. Throw it out the window. Well, hopefully, there's something with what I found. I'm going to make my way out. Shut the window, burn it off. Cover my tracks. Okay. Yeah, you are the good guys. Um, go back to the other room. Shut the window and lock the door behind me. Okay. He takes the time. Seb's like, "What are we doing, man?" So you guys are done with Ian, and there is the stable. What do you want to do? Hey, so I'm going to become a pyro. Burn everything. Burn everything. Burn everything. She's never fucked up. There's two locks up there that are broken. You're going to have to burn it down. Yeah, yeah. I fell as I've been on what I found. I don't think I want to show it to them. Bar. I bet if you turn into a mouse with those little mouse claws, you could probably pull those stroke and, uh, a lot of picks up. It totally cover your ass. That's a little bird beak. And if not, burn it. There's nothing that would tie you to that. Well, he's not going to be in his bed. Come morning. Right. Either of them. And he's a half-linker right now. Of course, he did it. Clearly, the solution is fine. I don't know why you're all squeamish about it. I don't know, free the horse. We know what you would do if you're here. I'm perfect. Is there anyone at the stable, like manning the stable or is it just? Are you walking in and checking? It looks kind of suspicious. The guy who runs it was in the inn. And I suspect he's still in the inn. The only reason you have to go out is if someone new came or had to feed the horse. He's locked the horse again, yeah. Maybe you can check it out. It's like a mouse or something. Yeah, I'll check it out. Five plus two is seven. Okay, you get two actions as a mouse. Okay. You scurry in there. He likes to live on the edge. You know, a horse who have like total death just around the corner. Like run into the edge. Turns into a fruit fly. He's turning into a van. He's snatched up by the stable. So I think I'm going to run into the stall. He's running down the middle. You come around the corner of the door and you check it out. And there are three stalls on one side, two on the other. And then in the middle, they have a big huge pile of hay and a ladder going up to a loft. And sitting on the hay is a young kid who seems to be probably the stable boy, who's just paid to muck out the stalls and such. But he's sleeping. It's evident, you know, he's leaning up against a veil hay with his eyes closed, just kind of snoring away. Burn it. Burn it. It went down. How do we know which horses are there? There's not that many in there. Actually, there are only three horses up. Yeah, there are like the country horses and then there's the empire sources. These are some serious horses. They look out in the stain on my horses. Under 12 in danger. He's not in danger unless you guys put him in danger. Oh, he's in danger. For the fire. There's no child in danger here. He's in danger because any of us are within like 50 yards of them. The only danger this child is that one of you tries to help him. Can we save Tim from an ice giant? I don't know if three horses would follow a half lane that they don't. Actually, these are imperial horses. They're a fucking big. I don't need to get kicked by one of those either. I'm gonna sneer down here. We could scare him out when I'm fired. Well, back to the burning. I love it. The kid is sitting out of a fire. I don't know. How much more danger could he be in? I told you he wasn't in danger till you guys got involved. Clearly he started the fire. By falling asleep. Put a cigarette near him. Play with a badge. A pipe. Put a pipe near him. Are horses afraid of any animals? They're afraid of fire. All right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This jokes. Like I could cut their ropes and open the doors and you can maybe they'll just wander out. You can use something like that. I hear that works. It could be a bear. Horses are afraid of bears. You might wake up the kid going most rational animals. You wouldn't be afraid of bears. It's fucking scary. I'm afraid of bears. Yeah, but if you have the horses panic, people will notice in the bar. Yeah. I mean, this is like a war horse too. They're not going to panic. They're going to like stomp on. Not the bear. But if you tried like some smaller thing, like a wolf or something. Coyote just. Yeah. They wouldn't. They're not experts on horses. These two here is up. That's why the child is in danger. And they're really like fucking impressive horses. How about you sneak up on him and... I would pay for a while. The kid. Your little gaggle time up here. Slowest rope. Yeah. No. I mean, you don't want him to see. Are you talking about the dog? It's dark outside. It's, I don't imagine this is a brightly lit stable. No. Just don't let him see you. And yeah, he's probably not much bigger than blindfold him. They generally try to keep the fire away from the stable. Good plan. So it is dark. That's going to stop us. Do they have hanging lanterns? They have to hide the back of the end. Right. And off to the right of the path. There's a path that heads back to the stable. Is an odd house. What I could do is fly in or something with a bird. And if I need to change it to myself, I can just drop down. No, why is leading the knock going to be difficult? The staple boys here. Should I just knock them out or should I tie them up? No, I don't think we need to hurt the boy. We just need a few minutes. The grunts, sparks, chirps, and calls the animals of the wilder language to you. You can understand any animal native to your local land. Oh, absolutely. I came to want to ask you to study. Are horses maybe more like that? Of course. Tell them, is the bitch-nessed hay just to run out of bed? So do that, man. Yeah, yeah. Are you charismatic, man? No. No. Horses to horses, I hate it. You've got a convince on horse. You have to beat it. On the door, horse. It's a horse, good way around it. Maybe if you have bad Christmas, it's actually a good thing. Or it's just kind of under watch. The stalls are not locked, but there's like, well, like a little piece of rope from over a, you know, type of thing. Where is it? It's not a latch or say, left, left, left. How about you just turn into a horse, and I don't be the horses and you say, follow me out. Here we go. And then we just dip the boy wakes up, he wakes up. That sounds like a good plan. What's the other thing? It's not just starting. There was a horse in there talking to the other horses. I'm really from the other horse. I'm kidding. They're not right in me. Oh, yeah. What's the seventh? Good one, man. Yeah, I'm going to make a roll to be sneakiest. All right. Seven is adequate to do two things as a horse, and one of them could easily be, you know, walking in there, talking to them and leaving the boy. I'm going to try some of them. Leave the stables before they make all the noise, and he wakes up and sees me. Okay, so you're trying to sneak in there, be quiet and open the latches, so that the horses can fall you out, and then get out of the way so he can do this. And not step in any horse, don't. Well, they're okay. Because it's fine as well on you. That's hard. That's a miracle, dude. I would say this is defy danger, in which dexterity is your friend. Six told I rolled a four plus two. Wow, you knocked over. That's so bad. You put the boy danger. What is plan B when the boy wakes up? Because you walk into the stable, you're quiet as it could possibly be, no one can hear you moving. You reach up and you're like, "Oh shit, this is almost out of my reach." But you flip over the rope, and you get the first one open, and the fucking horse bites you in the hand, and you scream as you take a die-four damage. This is a fucking empire of horse. You're a little half-ling shit. Get out of my stable. You're not even able. It was a drunken duet. I didn't expect that to happen. There's a bite, there's a scream, there's a thud, there's a half-ling slip time. Horse shit and falls backwards. His finger bleeding slightly. I knew it. And the horse outside the stable does what? Well, I come in and try to undo one of the things myself. That's how it's flipped in a rope, I heard him. Yeah, but that is taking a horse action, which will be your second one. But that just means the next thing you try to do, you lose the focus of the form. So you can actually, now two of them are out. The boy is standing up. Are you in the horse form now? Yes. And you in the eyes. Do you need to stop and say you can talk to the horses? He can talk to the horses. So I say, follow me, there's some great grass over here, and I think I smell smoke. But what about Bill? He's still stuck with the stable look. That's not a horse name. No, the horse, come on. That has a fine tradition. It wasn't, it wasn't at the building. Same size kinky. That's your history. Yeah, but not it. The horse will carry a horse, right? No, but it was a shire horse. It'd be like, oh, sorry, he is right. The imperative would be William. What about William? The third. It's got about one in the third. It's still chopped in his-- Really? Like for a maximus or? So the boy is shaking off the sleep in his eyes, and he sees strangely four horses in the stable. Now three of them lose. It doesn't really spot the halfling right off, because you're the smallest thing in the stable one. And he's not as seated as smaller than him. But he is getting up and saying, oh shit, what are you doing? Three are looser, they're still one. Well, there's one being zapped, and two of them. But they are not. So he's got one in the dreadlocks. And why does that horse have dreadlocks here? You beat me to it. So it's the main collateral damage, man. But it happened just the main damage. So the pallet-- What the pallet are you? Seriously, you're talking about killing a little kid. Do you have anything that could bring danger to a 12-year-old? Yeah, you're not going to disappoint any of our fans. We're going to play that our pallet in here. Yeah. My personal opinion is you should have gone full pallet in. You should have gone-- Oh, sick. --and so pallet in. Right. No. Because it was a one shot. I should have. You're right. You made the London of pallet ends. The Tick pallet ends. Sorry. Run up to the kid, and I throw five going towards him in S&E. Go back to sleep. He didn't see anything. OK. He definitely grabs the coins. And he then runs out the stable. Oh, shit. The one that is actually towards the tower. Yeah, he's getting the best of both worlds. Boss, someone threw cash at me and told me about the tell you. And my atom moves as a horse. If you want that move-- Well, the last move to be lead these horses out of here, then you are. If your last move is to let the last horse free, then you're going to do that and transform into a human. Now, the kid just bolters. I'm going to leave and leave the losing of the last horse too. OK, so you leave-- I'm assuming by the back. Yeah. And that's closest to the woods as well. So you knew that. I'm going to try to set the last horse free. It's not an-- It's really not a-- Yeah. Well, you're not doing it in stealth mode, and there's no longer a kid here. So it's really nothing to-- I mean, even if you just pick up a stick and go, and smack the rope off. The horse is probably interested in you doing that too. Right, because he's hurt from the-- Just keep right behind here. And the fire here, apparently. Yeah, I don't smell it, but there's apparently a fire. I believe him. I'm dumb as shit. Scamper towards the horses as quick as I do. So you're leaving by the back exit as well. Yeah. OK. And you have no problem getting out, and you hit the wood line before you do think you hear a commotion coming from the end. Kids are dick. I should have killed him. Should have killed him. That kid's going to be nothing but trouble. He'd come back to be like the dark knight. We come back to town. Sketch is never assisted. He's a guy. Shut up kid. It is Brad, the tavern. When we play this one shot five years from now, again, he's totally going to be the dark knight. But to steal my five coins back. That's not my five dollars. I'm a squire of evil. So you guys are in the woods with horses. You're still in horse mode. Are you giving them any additional orders? Plans, suggestions? The wind's our mains. It's cool outside. Absolutely. You've got them free, and but it would be a simple thing to drop back in the new minute or elf, and then back in the horse to get them an additional order. It's not a big deal if you want to get a horse. This seems to be extremely elaborate to move a horse and point it to point it to point it to you. Yes. Well, it's us. You forgot what's lost. If there's any if you should after that. I don't know what would be on them, but if there's anything that's noticeable, like equipment on them. The horses stay. No, actually when they stable horses, they generally take off their saddle and they're the whole thing, so. They lost the diamond bridle. There might have been, but yeah. I don't think so. They're always in the footlocker. They're braided mains and they're pent up saddles. Saddle gears and bags and all that stuff. It's probably still in the stable. Yeah, I think our story's falling apart here. This is pit my ride before MTV. Check out my new fridge. Look at this. Every episode I mission impossible, and they were able to do it. So we should be able to close this deal here. Yeah, so the horses go back. So do you know what the first one is about? The first one is the stable one. No, they go back to the whole big one. What do we do now? Time up to a tree or something. Sure. Wow, you're going to kill the horses? No, we're going to sell them somewhere. Oh no, we're going to leave them here, I thought, for the guys to find. Why do you get those clearly empire horses with their brand? The barbarians stole them. It's part of the story. Okay. Are we using them right there? Sure. It's all good. Hey, that's fine. So, okay. Preparing motivator. We're supposed to cut some hair from the horse. We take it down. He does a style. Yeah, it's a problem. And they're none the wiser. Yeah, I really mean for you to tell me what the story is that you're trying to sell to these empire guys because... I'm setting it up. I'm not. Absolutely. I've got it, man. So you're getting rid of the horses and rod and be free? No, we're tying them up and we're going to hawk up somewhere. We're going to take the horses. We need horses. Yeah, we're going to run them back, and then when we get to town we're going to sell them because we need horses in town. Keep them apart. Yeah. Okay. Don't need them for the charters. I'm sure you would like to do that, but that's not going to happen. Well, yeah. So we have... This is what? In the stable. Did you? Settle. And saddleback. We have up in the room. Backpacks and barrels. And two broken locks. And then we have at the scar, two red plugs and a inquisitor. So tell me a story. Bar and paper. They come and investigate the town when they're getting fuckin' sense. Okay. Let's pull this back a bit. Scutch and returns. They tell you what happened. Scutch weighs around two pieces of paper. All right. Translate this really fast. Put it on. Well, actually you don't need to. It's written in Elfish. Oh, he just can't read. He just can't read. Jeez. He can read in Elfish, you know. The first little tiny bit of paper is just parsley. Who knows me? And then there's tick marks. And there's about eight. Damn, Carson. So Carson, who did his... Oh, somebody. Something. Eight of them. It's a sequel hook. I'm going back for this. See, the other one is... Written in Elfish. It's not encrypted. And it assigns two red clips. One of them. Shucked Bentley. And the other one. Yes. The other one, Carson and Monroe. As... These are out of shape. Seriously. I know. So they've been assigned to Clavius. I think that's the name you guys came up with. So can't play me on that. Yeah, no, we did. Clavius. Clavius. It's a curio. The curio. Yes, there you go. The equipment. For the foreseeable future. Come on, you know this has come to... Shockley shit. Bentley. Hi, my name is Chad. Do you have what it takes to be an imperial soldier? I think you do. Come join up. Come down here, Pilar. Okay, let's dial it back. I want to finish tonight. So we're doing the spell. Alright, so you think so, right? I'm doing the spell. Okay, here's how it goes. We went to the scar. We passed by the Giants corpse. I tore up that tooth. Drummond. Drummond hauled out. He accidentally killed him when he chopped into his gums. Took his tooth out. I'm with that. We killed the frost giants. So I take his tooth and I bring it down here. And we've got the horsehair and these papers. I don't know, they're relevant. Because we haven't been able to... Well, they're from the mission. These guys are up. Right, they're relevant because they're that. They came into the town and they... Just to be clear. This is what really happened or this is what your... This is the story. The story you're imprinting into this. Because we have no idea what the fuck do we have. I have no idea. They had orders to get come here and do whatever. I don't even know how to touch their memories. What happened next was that they went to the scar and they got way laid by a group of bandits led by a shaman. This is after they checked in. It's going to run a print. After they checked in. They got attacked, they got captured actually. And their horses were split... Their blood was spelt to summon several things. They were just fucking with the magic and they don't know what the fuck they're doing because they're barbarians. This is their motives. Yeah, that's pretty accurate. This is how imperials think. And they summoned up a nice giant and demons that assaulted the town. They... The town was able to defend itself. But then they were able to break free in the chaos and they ended up killing the shaman and gathering the bandits to the wind. Those that they didn't murder. But they... The town's destroyed now and there's no reason to ever want to go back there or here go out on the road or... But how did they end up in the cavern? They were captured by the bandits and dragged down here. Okay. With the wizards messing with the scar here dead, I presume that coincides with their orders being complete unless anyone has any other ideas on that. No, perfect. That's awesome. Roll that baby. I haven't been telling you to paint. So it's all good. We have weapons from the bandits. We have a magic circle and some devices left over from clock check. That'll be the shaman's utilities. But we've got a small giant two. So if you do this memory adjustment, you're leaving the guys here and walking away waiting for them to wake up and deal with it on their own. Not exactly here. In town. And we're going to sing their praises in the bar. Okay. And then... We're going to walk away. I'll wait outside. Just in case. I'll wait outside the town. Good luck. We're on time. I can take a snake out. I cut each of their thumbs and drag a circle around them around the scar. And then start to alter their minds. Okay, I'm not exactly sure that all your compatriots are really happy with this story you're implanted. So you're going to survive? And I have to revise what you think. Well, I don't. What are we doing with the horses? We're taking the movement. We're selling them. I'm not comfortable with that. Uh, we could eat that. Well, argue about that later. Shit's natural. What do we want to do? What do you want to do with the horses? Free? Yeah. Okay. Okay. I guess. I got that one. I don't want to gravitate. I mean, they're fine horse. I'm in. It sounds like you've accounted for all the elements of your story that you want to create. I'm okay with it. It's not the best story. But look, I don't have a lot to work with. So unless you have something else to get out. I mean, there's enough physical evidence of all these other things that let's really. So they came here. They went and checked into the bar. They then came out to the scar to investigate it. They ran into bandits. I thought we were doing bandits. Not barbarians. They're led by a barbarian shaman. That's all. Sure. Because we need something to do. They're both barbarians and bandits. Okay. They're one of the case. They get way laid, tied up, and brought into this scar. Their horses are sacrificed. And in the ensuing chaos of what they've summoned, they break free. They think that- You skipped a group there. The horses are killed. To do the summon. They're used- Summoning brings additional monsters. They fuck with a scar and they're encountered in. The bay and aquaerts. Yes. Okay. The shaman in particular. Sure. And they were going to use the inquisitors and elves for magic too. But the first- Yeah, they just talked up so bad that- They all died and- No. In the chaos that happened after the summoning, the inquisitor broke free using his magic. So they wake up with all his implanted, walk back into town. We might drop them in their inns. Okay, then they're back in the inn. We just can't, they say- Do you're assuming? You're assuming they say- We're done. We did what we were supposed to. Let's get on our horses. Oh wait, we don't have horses. What do you mean someone came in and stole them? I mean, walk. It was the barbarian bandits. There's going to be conflicting stars with the townspeople. We don't want them to talk to them. That's kind of- We change all of them. They're not quite as simple as you know. The townspeople sold them out to the bandits. Go knock out all the townspeople, bring them over here. If the townspeople sold them out to the bandits, they don't want to- What do you not call to do with them? I think Sketch has a better version- Or better solution for the townspeople. Burn them? Burn it all. Burn it down. Burn it down. Pretend we were never here. There's only one way to be sure. Nook it for more. Did he grab their sleeping bags? Yeah. Why? We could just set them up somewhere and like, they skip town because their disguise of fucklets is sold. No. You still have a key to your rum and you're supposed to be- If you say the villagers hurt them or screw them over, then they're going to come back and hurt the village. Yeah. I'm sorry, that bothers you. Not nearly as much as you're opening up a dimension and tossing these ass wipes in it, but that's just me. You said it like 30 times while we were trying to figure out what did- Do we not focus on this right now? Because we need to come up with- Don't correct me. Don't confuse the issue with facts. I realize what I did. We've done a lot of good here. I don't think it's time to start killing things. I know right now. And I agree. Now, how do we solve this? We give them current memories up to the moment and they think they were walking out of town when we leave them walking out town. With a wake up and we'll be like, "Were you asleep?" Yeah. What the fuck? narcolepsy. I don't know how that- It's night time they crashed the scar. They came to the scar to- Where's the hump of the camp at night? As long as they forget about us. Or we could go- They closed the gates. They're heroes. Sure could kill them. I take some of the boulders that I collapsed now and I blew my horn and put them around the circle as well. Why? When the magic was used to summon these creatures, the whole scar fell in on itself. They're gonna know it's still active. They're gonna know it's still active, but you can't get to the tunnels. They're gonna block each tunnel with a- We can dig our way out of here. Look. Okay, it's work. Just leave Jared down there. It's just him. Jared? Jared? Yeah. Well, why can't- Why can't we just disappear? Why can't we all disappear and leave them with the last memory of- We closed the gates that these barbarian bandits were using. We've solved the scar issue. There's a scar here. We've dealt with the problem. We're heroes. We leave their horses maybe back. You know, or just leave them close to town. And so what? There was a- There was a- Well, the boy saw- Are we gonna have to reiterate this? Or no? Does Sketch think he was seen? I don't think he's a reliable witness in the day. Sketch doesn't think that he was seen. Oh, through money, Adam. Sketch thinks he actually- Yes, I'll leave that in. We're great at this. I had to put on this. We're the best adventurers. Pretty sure I'll put my half wing in town. Well, we're the great criminals. There is another half wing in town. So our story goes- There were so many things. They broke out in confusion, murdered all of them, and managed to close the gate. They're great! And heroes. Then we send them on their way. It's not gonna work. Why? Because if they go back to town to get their stuff by the bar, they're gonna say, yeah, that a half wing that was part of that group that's gonna lead right back to us. We don't follow this, we'll do the best he could. That is part of our cleanup, and part of our dropping them off. Can we get the stuff out of their room and just leave it with them? We have to go back. He's not gonna be able to go back into that bar. Well, he's got a room. It's not gonna be able to go back into that bar. All right, because- They know. It's gonna be- It's gonna- They don't know what's him, but it is with 99% certainty him, and he's gonna be arrested as he walks back into town. At least I would arrest him if I was the law in this little- Then let me pick it up. I'll pick up the steps. Let me just throw a quick twist out there and see if anyone likes this. Yeah. What if the Inquisitor in the red cloaks fucked up beyond belief in their own minds? They screwed everything up, ass backwards, and they need to flee back to the empire and cover their own tracks, as if nothing here happened, or was of any importance at all. So they have the mind to tell the empire. Oh, what? Right? Yeah, no. Exactly. No war. It's the exact opposite. Don't look here, because they think they screwed up. They think they're responsible for the ice giant who's lying out in the road right now. Failure equals death, so they wouldn't want to protect themselves. It's the exact opposite of what you're trying to do. What if a shaman- That credit, that was something you mentioned earlier. It's a- Oh, I totally spin off of that. Yeah. Awesome, awesome. On this way then, they got captured still, barbarians and stuff. And in an attempt to free themselves, the Inquisitor summons forth, just spews out random-ass shit from both ends of the elemental spectrum. Right. Demons, ice giants, fucking chaotic thunderstorms. Then they end up killing the majority of the people there, and their horses, if we want to get rid of them or something, whatever it does need to happen. Right. And in their mind, they need to flee the scene and cover up. Not go back to town, not get their equipment, just on close but back to the empire, as best they can, even though that's more lengthy. Where are they waking up and what do they have with them? They're going to wake up- I'm fine with them waking up next to the scar. That's where they summon all this power, and did all this damage and ruined everything. Now that makes sense. Yeah. Now the towns and shambles, the town hates them, the town knows it's them, because a few bandits escaped and told them, you know, the Inquisitors are down there, you know, tapping into the scar, and they are absolutely hated in this area, and they need to get back the empire in damage control before message gets back from somebody else. Well, you might choose this out of the town, though. Now, there's three of them. I didn't see anyone armed in there but us. Well, there's us. Put it into their mind that they fear us, or that we're a local group who protects them, because it's under our protection. Sanguines. Jared needs to stay here to study the scar. I have no problem sticking around in town until they clear out. Right. And then he can go to study it. Yes, we will be a decent deterrent to that in that eventuality. So I like this plant, this is what our story is. They wouldn't poke any holes in that, because I have an IQ of eight. I have a decent wisdom, but I don't have a good IQ, and I might have missed some points here. The horses are a bit of a trouble, but Zeb can deal with them until they clear town, right? Yeah. Yeah. They're not going to go back to get their horses, as far as they know, well, the bandits stole their horses. They might cut their way into deal with the horses, but I'm going to tell them that the horses were dealt with by the bandits. Okay. All right. So one quick recap. The empire walks into town. They get a room. Get a room. They look into local troubles, and the townspeople tell them, they learn of our existence as a protectorate of this town. Not our names. Just there's a group of very fierce warriors who were actually frightened of that protect this village. They get pointed towards the scar, and they get way they'd buy bandits, because they were loved there by the filthy townspeople. And the bandits capture them, bring them down after they've taken a ritual. They've taken a ritual summon. But they break free during the ritual, and turn the ritual around. The bandits. They summon full of hell. Lots of hell. And the bandits get totally screwed up, and have to flee the region. And now they're going back home to tell them we didn't totally mess up, and disobey our prime directive. Okay. Everything's fine there. Because now the people who were screwing with the scar, the bandits, have been decimated and fled. They're in terror. So they're gone. There's no reason for them to stick around. And they need to go back and cover their asses, because they unleash such devastation that rumors going to get back to the Empire sooner than later. And if they don't high-tail it back and beat the story back to their granny-gwizner, how about if we back that up by going back to the village and enacting all off the chip, and saying, "Boy, those guys really fucked up. They were the cause of this." That's what I'm going to do. That's fine. As I'm hard, I will spin a tail over such him. Yep. All right. That works. And Ryan, your sketch and check out. Yeah, sketch is going. Well, he'll just look like he was the bad egg, right? No. No, I mean, we can use part of the cover story that, you know-- But the townsfolk aren't going to believe him. The townsfolk think he's the enemy, right now. You think the kid's not reliable enough to-- Or, I think he sees either if he just disappears. Yeah, he right here. And we're like, "We don't know what the hell he was doing. We're just here to protect you." He sells it down the river. We're not going to stay here. Not in character. Yeah. It's a piece of chaletina. Yeah. So this is what we're going with. And as for doing the magic, I don't think anyone can aid me in this, particularly not Jared. Now he's in court. So I start to pull together all these elements with things around me. And further, I reach out to the scars this magic is left across the land. The dead ice giant, the holes in the town, the fires caused by the thunderstorm. The dims and all that. Dim corpses, whatever's left from this magical havoc. And bring this all into the inquisitor's mind. First off, the inquisitor is-- resistant to magic manipulation. Is that only while he's unconscious? He might want. And can couch a spell? And it's kind of-- It's more potent when he's conscious. Whatever. He's an elf with their magic, kind of infuses them. Okay. Fair enough. So I'm going to give you a minus one for the mental manipulation of this guy who's trained in the art of magic. However, plus one, because of the power you're sitting right on top of a big ass car. Plus one for all the components that you've tied in to this magical spell. So then that is a plus one to your all. And what's your normal? Plus two? This is intelligence, right? Yes. It's plus one. Okay. So a total of plus. Time new to magic. And yeah. Yeah. Plus two, 12. If you've ever, ever rolled an eight or above in your entire life, please do it now. Anyway, got any suggestion for dice? I'm not above being superstitious at this moment. It's one of these. Hey, is this excited? That's an eight-sided-- Seven! Damn. You rolled an eight out of six-sided dice. All I do is put them both on the ones, then pick them up and roll them really good. That's the title of superstitious. If you're going to go superstitious, John, you might as well-- I'm going to sneer, but I'm going to do it. Yeah, all right. And here's Bob's thing. See these? You have to roll and bounce it off of that. I remember bringing up all the rolls. Why wait? Nice. Four and a two. Six plus two is eight. It's a success with the qualification. We're on. Mine is fucked up as well. So one for scene consequence. So he really believes the story. It's sort of aesthetically listening to people. It's great. I like to leave dice at the highest spot, so they're comfortable with that. That's a lot to be in that spot. All right. So you did succeed in setting these minds into this story that you've concocted. It's just why I was six when you rolled it over here. I know. You dropped it. You're all just six. So you've managed to set up this story in these three individuals' minds. But something unforeseen has happened, and this fell the few. And if we ever return to this, I want to have it have longer. Sure. Yeah, I think it's great if we all know what it is. Right. That makes a little more interesting. I'm going to leave it at that. As far as you're concerned, you have succeeded brilliantly. That's great. Guys, you did really well. Does Jago show up in the days we stay here? If you stay here a number of days, Jago does show up again. He has a hidey hole out in the woods that he goes to when shit gets real. And sometimes shit gets real, and he goes hides, and there's really nothing wrong. Because he's a little clutched in the head. He's pretty old, and he's... It's also somebody who'd cast him to the memory spell on him before. It's the first time I've been here. I'll just say it. Let me see what's there. Thanks for listening to the Knights of the Night actual play podcast. Visit for more information on this, and other adventures. Where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling props, and even a form for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at feedback at Or contact us via Twitter, or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit And please join us next episode for more Vistri and Adventurer. Marian! That was a heavy reference. Yeah, I know that is. I don't remember the ones you gave on. Marianne was totally better than Ginger. That's not happy. That's all. You're talking about Marianne. I'm just living a personal fantasy. Also, I'm talking about Marianne. And we have the clothes for the end of the show. Thank you, Scott. Let him do my part. Refresh my memory. Did we actually find the scar? Is that what's under it? And then the tunnels? You need to defrag your memory. Running boots. Probably. It's probably good. That's what they call them. I think it is. This is cleverly named... It's hard to try riding boots. They're written here on the side. You're not sure what riding boots are used for. I like boots of riding. Better boots of riding. Plus two. Two. Two. Riding both. Click them together. You know what I mean. So you turn into a cute adorable puppy running there. Look him in the face. Or a camper off of the kids' knowledge. Or this Mikes Adventure? Come on. Like liked it? He was on. Aw, how cute. If you need to do anything else, clever as a horse. It's like taking a gun while walking. It's amazing. I couldn't do this. I kind of like this. I'm going to try to ruin this when I'm a human. But the horses really don't have intelligence to really... Don't worry, horses are really... Horses talk there are burial horses. Okay. Count. What a dink thing to say. Well then... Boy, this turned ugly real fast. I didn't know I wasn't talking too much this episode. I was just thinking maybe if you talked and asked the horses about their masters, and maybe when they were reading the... Oh, they're not that smart. Ice time working fun. That was wrong with you. That was what you were like buddy. Yeah, you got it both ways. Did you guys remember that? Actually, it's not going to like... Do you have some information about travel where they came for sure? I mean, that would be very valid. Yeah, rams. Fond with holes. The weach was great. We went past the first meal. Which horses were famous on? Trees. Six feedings. All right, awesome. Fucking horse. But that would require more horse actions which you don't have right now. If I only had more horse actions. That's something to hear every day.