Knights of the Night

KotN Actual Play Podcast - 153 Numenera - An Evening with Teela

2h 4m
Broadcast on:
24 Feb 2014
Audio Format:

Teela is looking for a late night snack. She just can't figure out what all the fuss is about...

[music] Hello, and welcome to Night of the Night actual Play podcast. This new manera adventure, "Sanscape," was written and run by a GM Scott. [music] And now, please enjoy episode 153, titled "An Evening with Tila." [music] Actual play begins 35 minutes, four seconds. [music] Okay, before we get on to the actual episode, we have quite a lot of feedback this week. Now a little bit, but a lot. From our blog site, we had one post on episode 151, the new manera, titled "One Small Problem," in which Logan said, "Another great episode. I always like it when the character issues are treated as real problems that need to be addressed." Good stuff, I'm a new fan. One shopping around for an actual play podcast during my stint as a firefighter this summer, the best I could find were only okay, and the bad ones I found were bet fuck awful. I like that. It's pretty fucked fuck awful. He's a firefighter, he knows about it. He knows about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it all about it. "Yurs is easily the best. World of Darkness, Dresden, Dungeon World, Numenera, have all been wonderful thrilling rides. Each campaign is different and unique in its own kick-ass way, and I'm learning a lot from you guys and really digging the podcast. Thanks. So thank you for the new fan, Luke, for fighting fires too. Yeah, it's exactly for keeping everyone safe. That's a very important job. It really is, and we appreciate his feedback. We'll keep on trying to turn out good stories. Absolutely. My number two fear. Fire? Death by fire. Spider's number one. Number one, spiders. So if you were sleeping and you were attacked by spiders and you tried to kill them with fire and started your house on fire, that would be like a big idea. Normally I like the idea of killing things with fire, the only way to be sure. But you have children and see then they'd be in peril. You'd have like that trifacto of shit. That's what I'm saying. That's why I'm always stressed. What do you mean it's the only way to be sure? A spider could be squished under, say, a boot. You don't like that popping noise when they... I think he's scared it's gonna crawl past that. Okay, I think he's done talking about it. He's holding up the little axe card that says done. Don't want to speak about this anymore. All right, Mike does it. I'm not sure if you're expecting the feedback. I just thought we'd move it ahead. We don't need to make it at the mike show. Well, that's... He needs to get a safe word. The fans like the mike show. The fans like hearing you guys. I don't know how to make it. The fans fire at a music man at your house. You kill spiders, take them out in the backyard, and burn them to make sure they do not come back. Big little fuckin' potato roll. Luna Voco also posted on our blog under 151, and he said at one hour, 11 minutes in 21... The Moon Voice? Luna Voco. Moon Voice? Okay, sure, why not? Okay, just vibes. As much Spanish as I know, or she... I am sure it's a heen. I'll cover that in a minute. At one minute or one hour, 11 minutes and 21 seconds, he said, "Walk without rhythm." I caught that doing reference, and I approve. That was mike. Yeah, that was mike. Nice catch. That was mike. Well, thank you, and welcome to the show, Luna. Show. We're a show now. Right. We've really... They picked up our syndication rights, and... We're all making a million dollars. Thank you, Luna Voco. Episode 152 on the blog, which was titled "All Tied Up." It was... I don't know if you guys remember the episode. There are any of you listening to it. Where we tied you up. and I broke loose and shit hit the fan. Joshua Grasco said, "Ha ha!" I actually said, "Ha ha!" But I don't know. Eugh, yeah, I'm tired. I'm loving the radage bear. Now I'm looking forward to my next game. I have one play that has contracted lycanthropy from multiple weararats and another ha ha ha. This just made me more deviously excited to play it out. He likes the way you're screwing the party over Scott with the use of me. I created a character who allows him up. Yeah, like, that was me. Yes. I would submit that. I don't understand how miney cook could have played test of that and not encounter me. What we did? Yeah. Well, it's feasible that we come into close and over-examine things. I mean, because you could brush this away and just say, "We tie them up." Okay, next morning. There's ways to do that. I'm hoping that's what'll happen the next few days. It's kind of like a show where it happens the first time you flush it out and you go in a microscope. You examine it right. You kind of look at different angles of it and then after that, we tie a rock board. She goes off into the woods where-- I don't know if there's an actual name for this, but it happened is Frances and Buffy vampire. She went down into hell and there's like one vampire and she has this hell of a fight against it and says, "Do you mind, vampire?" But if there's 10 of them, they're much easier to kill. It's one big one. There's one. So it's like the first time it happens, it's a battle. The second time then. Into, this is the first story of Numenara. I don't know. It might be the only story of Numenara, but it's the first one. You're kind of examining each of your characters in a way and I think it would have been, yes, we could have rode the story along a little bit quicker if we had skipped over it, but that's how you made your character. You obviously wanted to examine. It's also how we play a game. We don't tend to just brush over things. But we will in the future. We won't tie you up. In the future, my plan would be to walk away from the group and go do my thing and come back and fade back next morning, I think. The skill to manage that doesn't occur for five levels. It just seems odd to me that... I can't remember, did you choose the Ravage Bear or was that like... I chose it. Oh, okay. So it wasn't like... He could have chosen a fucking wear bunny, but he chose a Ravage Bear. Fuck the wear bunny, I want to be a Ravage Bear. We're fighting some terrifying. You're probably gonna wear a spider, Mike. What do you like? Look through the book, when that thing looks badass, that's me. Well, yeah, I was going for something that was a wolf or bear looking, and you know... Well, he did come out with the Beastiary. The Bestiary? How do you even pet it? Oh, I always call it a Beastiary, but... Yeah. Monster manual. Monster manual. Now I would have a whole plethora of creatures to choose. A common I-152 as well was from Luke Green, who said, "The problem faced by the hunter in this episode exemplifies my problem with the flat-curve system like anything D-20. I know that there are roles for converting the difficulties of a D-22, a 3x6, or a 2x10 method, so I'd prefer to use those rather than a D-20." Yeah. That was a concern I expressed before we even played the game, and I'm sure it'll probably come up during our wrap-up episode in which we discuss how we liked new manera. Yeah, it's another one of these games where I like the fate system or the Dresden system where you could just say what you want to do, put some points to it and make it happen instead of saying, "You know, my character really should be able to do this, but you can't today." A system like that, yeah, I don't want to go too much into talking about new manera, but it's something like that with fate that you have a lot more control over what your character can do. I can see the appeal to that as a player. Yeah, I didn't get the 20-sided guy either, but the flat probability, nothing's less than a 5% chance, and what's wrong with a Velka? Nothing's greater than a 5% chance. I love the 3x6-sided or something along those lines. Yeah, right. And again, we'll discuss it more detailed after we finish the adventure, and we do want to give new manera a full capability to impress us with its system. And onto Facebook, we had a message from Loona Volka again, and in this case, we use his real name on Facebook, but we're going to stick with his handle, and it was a male mic, so that's how I knew that Loona Volka was... Wasn't Virgin? No, I mean, it is a non-gendered name. I just knew it was male because I know who it actually is, and it's actually Obama. Just so you know. Obviously. He's got other things in his plate right now, so... No one is address. And Loona Volka says, "Kiaotian, I stumbled across your podcast, quite by chance, on the White Wolf Hunter forums. For a second, I thought I said it on the White House, so... He's sticking with you while I was like... Oh my god! I have no idea what I was doing there. I only ever frequent the mage boards, but I'm glad I strayed that day. I found your podcast while you were midway through the Dresden Files, but my OCD wouldn't let me start anywhere other than the beginning. Shit luck. Oh my. Yes, there's a fan. Dedication, that is. I was so hooked on the players and characters that I skipped the soon-finished Dresden game so that I could keep up with the project siren in the chagrin storyline. When that was over, I returned to Dresden's storyline, only grudgingly. I really missed the hunters and eagerly look forward to their return. I wasn't enthused to see a new round of characters take your time away from the story. Scott was weaving, but your fantastic performance and quirky characters quickly turned my ire into awe. Now, I have two absent loves as we trip food dungeon world in New Manera, neither of which shared the infatuation I had with Dresden and Hunter. Both are worthy entries into the KOT on portfolio, but there's no love like your first and second. The third is... You're saying that I was unaware of. I often tried to email you, but life usually got in the way, so I just summarized the major thoughts I've had over the course of enjoying your podcast. Number one, I know that you aren't fond of the early episode's quality, and while the newer ones are much better recorded, the old ones are still absolutely listenable. Comment that Michael has made the best. It wasn't a chore to listen to them, and I never thought about the audio quality until you mentioned it later on. Two, your podcast is excellent. It has kept my spirits high as I drive an hour to and from work, or plug away at a massive list of much needed house repairs. I found it funny that as the hunters were choking on gas in their apartment, I was doing the same, coughing up along while cleaning my house of horse-haired plaster. That episode was my favorite. I loved the layers of troubles that the PC had that night. You had the players enjoyed it really a lot. And now Scott casually explained how the scenario got worse, only after everyone thought they were in the clear. Three, the ending of shit luck was epic. And Scott's summary at the end was a perfect capstone. It was very rewarding chaser to what would have been an action-packed but abruptly ending story. It provided a very satisfying sense of closure. Four, the opening music is amazing. Each intro song seems perfectly fitted to the game and sets the mood well. Please pass along my compliments to Zen Audio Smith. Also, I'm really impressed with the way you added background music to your playtime as well. I was exceptionally glad to hear one song in Nominera was a selection from the Dune soundtrack, I believe. Great choice. And that was Mike again. That's two kudos for Mike. Hey, aren't you glad you came here? We had a bad storm in Ohio and Mike said, "Well, everyone weathered the storm to get here." There was one guy who lives here. Or I almost hit the Siri. I am Tom. This is bullshit. Because I went through a squall on the way here. Actually, John was driving on the way here and we were getting buffeted a lot. But we are here safe and hopefully we will get home safe. I believe we were on number five. Your group has inspired me to begin my own actual play recording. We're running May's The Awakening, another white wolf game. So far, we're three episodes in and I'm still editing day one. How in the world do you find the time to play games, have family work, and edit a podcast? He doesn't sleep. I don't sleep. Would it be possible to go over your workflow? How you take the raw audio and get it ready for release? Are there tricks that you have recording to make the editing easier later? Let's take a quick break here. I did talk to him briefly and give him some of my tricks. But actually, the trick is that you guys are much better at recording and less editing is necessary because you don't talk over each other. And if you do make an error, you automatically now go back and restate the thing so that I can take a clean cut rather than have to try to piece together a jumbled cluster fuck. So it has a lot to do with the play group as well as the editing skills. It didn't happen overnight. So for his group, hang tight because they will get better. As long as you have decent players, which it sounds like he does, they'll eventually fall into a flow of not talking over each other and repeating something to beat, which leads to a better role playing too. Not only hopefully your players will realize that's a courtesy you should offer to the other players. In addition to it, it almost comes naturally that you allow those players to have their moment in the spotlight because you're allowing them to time to sleep. Everyone gets a chance to shine. Why are you looking like family? He's looking back and forth like I can't believe the level of bullshit at all. I had two strange thoughts. One, I just thought we should maybe post for the more tech-oriented fans a list of our equipment and software. Yeah, it's not much of an equipment. But it's a software we use that. Yeah, it made a huge difference. And it's really not as expensive as you sometimes think. No, I could easily write up something on how I do the editing process. It's right. And you're right, because we use the Zoom H1, which is an older microphone that you can get on Amazon for 100 bucks. It's not a terribly large investment. It's a little awesome, but it's not terrible. But not only that, but we have it set on certain recording values that might be interesting to people. And I know when we record M3, do we record wave? What level of recording do we do? And why do we do that? That could all be helpful. I like sound booth, and I don't know what you use. I use Sony Soundforge. And part of it was because I started using that, and I later got a better version of that. And again, that was not terribly expensive either. I got it from Amazon, and I think it was like 20 bucks. And you can actually do it with Audible, which is like 10 bucks. Right. And I've learned some really decent tricks as you can't, sometimes you can't even tell, but I've added it sometimes you can hear a little yeah, coming out. But you can. Oh, I'm sorry. Not audible. Audacity. Audacity is freeware, I thought. Yeah. But that's true. Audacity is freeware. Isn't that strictly an Apple product? No, no. It's got it. I use Audacity for some of the in-shit luck for the spirit of Cleveland. Heart Cook's brain. I used Audacity for that. Oh, right. I was thinking that it was. But this is the Sony Soundforge is a tool I've used and learned, and I'd have to relearn. And, you know, it is a hobby, not a job. Yeah, going back to what he opened with this, he's doing it for the first time and having trouble. And you just mentioned that you've learned things. Right. Yeah. Because a little after there, it's got to get quicker. Right. In the beginning, I had people comment that they could hear the rough cuts when I was taking something out. There's a little crackle, and they've learned how to avoid those things. So it doesn't only get faster, it gets better. It gets better. And you might also be curious as to how much it costs to do a website on it. We do end up spending $20 a month on a website, which is a little costly. Other places do it for free or less. But a, a lot of the people have been helping support that through the Amazon link. And in many months, I haven't had to pay anything. But b, the site we use, which is Libson, keeps the history forever. Every single episode we've ever recorded is still out there and anybody who wants to listen to it can. And it's not costing us any space or time and we don't pay for bandwidth. Right. So that, that was the way to go. Right. I thought it was a great decision we made early on. When you're buying the initial equipment, like the microphone to having people pitch in, the whole group pitch in makes it. Yeah, everybody threw in 20 bucks in the size of our group. That was it. That's only even it was one go around. And then for some reason, the second thought that followed right after that was, I was wondering if Luna Voco was enjoying how I can remember that Jim was a blackboard vampire. [laughter] Was it really, just had a cue into my head that, you know, he's, he's not a blackboard vampire, so. He didn't compliment us, just accept him and move on. Nobody's criticizing you tonight, so. I went this way. I'm waiting for the other shoot to drop. I'm my head. Number six. Recently, Mike mentioned an idea of a very special episode which everyone can share their old role-playing game stories. Normally, this is a terrible nerd sin on par with negligent personal hygiene. But KOTN has long since proved their ability to tell their stories with masterful skill and great entertainment. I fully endorse this idea. Third kudos. Plus, we have a secret weapon in Scott who has provided wonderful stories of how he's intentional or otherwise. Screwed us. He's created scenarios for which we still remember years after the event. Okay, this number seven here and the last from Luna Voco is we now measure all fires by the number of babies. Oh, that's all. Recently, I rented a 1080 baby dumpster to take away debris from our house. I guess one thousand and eighty baby would fit in the dumpster? I'm not really sure. Okay, now you really messed up Mike. So another baby on the fire. It's horrible. Unless it's a baby spider. And to wrap up, London was a great character and truly I'd like to listen to. But I liked Alan Montgomery. Run! Mike, just go home. Just go home. There's no night that's ever going to get down right now. Walk through the door and your wife's going to have a bottle of wine and he naked and everything. She's like sleeping over Grandma's house. Luna is his wife. Who is this person? I'll finish off with thanks for keeping the mics on Luna Voco. P.S. This was supposed to be an email but I couldn't find the address on the KOTM website. You should've went home when you had a chance. Well, they keep the feedback at KOTM podcast. So apparently we didn't put that anyway. So that's Mike. Yeah. So much for you to sleep. Yeah, perfect game going. You should have laughed while you had the chance. There was a comment we had last week in the feedback about the Dresden filed disarm question. John and Mackerer joined the Facebook discussion and said, "So I've been behind on the podcast and missed this entirely. Richard pointed it out to me and I think I have a bit of a different perspective. I'd actually probably run a disarm as a block against the particular skill gun, for instance, or the weapon damage specifically with the block strength essentially indicated how hard it would be to retrieve it. The person disarming would also have to choose to maintain the block to actively keep it away from the original owner. Just another idea thematically." It's hard to parse. Well, he's saying that if you were disarming someone in Dresden, he would treat it as a block and the ability to get the gun back would be based on the level of the block and that the person that did the disarming would have to maintain that block from turn to turn to keep the gun away. That doesn't translate well into what the hell happens physically. How do you have to maintain that? What would your character be doing to maintain that? Every time you try to get it kicks it farther away. No, no, no. So we treated it as a drop weapon? Yeah. A drop weapon. And generally a delay in which the person would have to spend a turn getting the weapon back so they could shoot it. But what skill would you use to oppose the block? Would you just use your gun skill? I think it depends on circumstances. If you were disarmed in a grapple where you're trying to get somebody in the closing distance, you would probably use your strength. Well, I would probably use a level of the disarm as the goal that the other person would have to overcome would say something like athletics. You know, that's a good point. There's a couple of different ways you'd disarm whether it's a hand-to-hand combat, whether you shoot the weapon out of someone's hand or maybe the gun becomes ineffective because usually if it gets to the damage, it has a shot. Okay, return to the feedback. We had some on RPG cross talk in which Mad Mjolnir, so he's from Dicerals and he said, "Good day, guys. Being that I don't Facebook, please pass on to the listeners that I'll take not quite up to the standard of KOTN as a compliment." Thanks, Ari, and thanks, Tom, for the props as well. I'll admit that our current round of Diceral games that we're playing are all second and third seasons of a given system and I think we're finding it harder to give those the same punch as the first run through a given set of characters. I think you guys found something similar between shit luck and sugar in, but I'd be interested in your long-term experience in that respect. You must also be reaching the NW Numenir or playrun in real life. Would be interested to know if you guys are happy enough with the system to add it to your main rotation. You seem happy with the game as a whole when you did Dungeon World. We will, that's the end of the feedback, so we will definitely discuss that in the wrap-up episode in which we talk about Numenir, whether or not. And in truth, we are still playing and we want to give it a fair shake before we start throwing it. I like the characters as from a story from a GM perspective. I enjoy the all the characters are very creative, so the setting it's not just back on the park with setting. I mean it does a very good job of that. It all comes down to whether we can handle the system or not. I think when we get to the wrap-up part of the show, if you don't call it, he did have something that he asked how we handle something. Oh yeah, val point. I think actually we've had the opposite experience with it. The more we play characters, the more we enjoy them and the more in-depth we get into the characters. Yeah, I think everyone has a, and I think, I wouldn't know. The onions wouldn't know they didn't get a chance to go around. They joined us in chagrin and then dressed in soap. All right, I think that at this stage in our role playing, everyone creates a character with an arc in mind, or at least maybe the genesis of an idea of an arc for the character. And that makes going through three, four, five stories a bit more interesting for us because it's not just, for instance, we use Chu since he's not here tonight as an example. It's not just Chu being a hard-ass and being a no-nonsense type character. I think in the second story you saw Chu different side. You saw a huge different side of him, but also the way he reacted to the battered wife I think showed some character growth from Chu and kind of is along the idea of the arc that Bob has in mind for that particular character. So I think everyone comes to the table at this point in our role playing careers with some sort of idea for an arc for their character. It's perfectly valid what John's saying that the newer players haven't had a chance to go through multiple arcs. Or even one arc. I think that's also what they would prefer. Well, they all, yeah, they like the idea of the arc, I think, and that's kind of half the battle because if your character doesn't change, it's like a TV show or a book. If the character never changes, they keep making the same exact mistake. Which is where I was struggling sometimes with when my son was reading Percy Jackson, the first five books. I think he got a little better as he went on, but the first two or three, I'm like, can you stop making the exact same mistake over and over and over again? Have you ever read Pierce Anthony? Yes. He's written one book multiple times. Forty fucking times. Right. And it drives me crazy because how can you not get bored of your character if it's the same thing, if there's no growth, if there's no change? Yeah. I usually enjoy my fantastic literature, but I vowed as a teenager, if I read a description of a tangle tree one more time in Pierce Anthony's books that was taken from every book I'd ever read, I would just put them down and never go back to it. I haven't read them in 30 years. It's not just the kids that don't know. I wouldn't know either because every time I start liking my character Scott. I'd come off. Actually, Michael is also a joint description, so he hasn't got a little to be fair. Scott didn't kill you off. You failed to diffuse the book. And he's not dead. And he is not dead. He's not dead. I didn't kill anybody. That story, except for Brian's character who was not coming back and I thought, how can we make this character really? Every time Brian gets almost close enough to come back, he has another kid that he's off again for. He's done. So I think Google Plus, we had Jason Carter saying another fantastic episode and Scott McDonald saying, hey guys, great picture. This was in reference to the character pictures, which we priced it up on both Google Plus and Facebook. Would you mind throwing the character concept as a comment of each one? I can sort of remember some of who is who. Also, who does the design? I suspect that content comes from various corners of the web. Who actually produces your picture? And that is, of course, correct. We get them from all over the web, whatever we think our character would look like. And Scott is the one that does a design, which it was really good. Just for sure. I love the game. Bruxious. No, the rest in Tom did the background for Dresden, but I did for shit luck and for chagrin and for waiting to dungeon world. But now for Nimanera. Yeah, that's just photoshop. It's cool brushes and a little bit of time. It's not anything to crazy. Did you hear something online that got a whole shit ton of likes and looks and actual people like that. And I mean, I would really encourage people. Well, this is in a distance, but when we get back to World of Darkness to really write down a couple paragraphs because they know your characters intimately from listening to them, but it'll also be cool for them to hear some of the backstory that doesn't come into the podcast. I can tell you that's probably not. Yeah, for you me. But others might do that. Yes, that's about might in particular. Have you written my cafe or my cup of respect that or not? I have. I have. Right. I just. Scott McDonald also posted on Google plus the comment. I think it was Google plus. It might have been Facebook and I don't know. But he said, Oh, dungeon world and Nimanera. You're okay. But you don't compare to your contemporary brethren. I don't know. You guys, I think you spoiled us with the world of darkness and Dresden files. They were so story driven that it always felt that the system supported the story rather than story as mechanism to play the system. I just didn't feel invested in the dungeon world story and spent more time thinking about the system. This is nothing to do with times jamming. And I'll admit that there are some very strong character descriptions, but I just didn't feel it. You know, I agree with that. Nimanera on the other hand seems interesting. Scott is doing a great job with the descriptions. And once again, you guys have made some great characters. But the same problem, though, is that the story isn't pulling my attention. Shit lock and chagrin made you feel like you were there in the dark with the characters. You walk the locks alongside them trying to solve the mysteries. Fate and your dressing files had so much emphasis on empowering the characters that I felt more like each character was telling their own story in a good way. I wanted to see them succeed. And in doing so somehow became more as characters. I'm just not getting that from these other games. These things being said, I won't stop listening and I won't stop recommending the podcast. I think you are doing a great job trying to give each system its due. And you continue to make unique and strong characters. A big shout out to Thomas, actually. My brother and I were discussing how good a job he does at role playing. He always creates characters with great troubled aspects to take a fake lingo. Oh, well, yeah, I'll give you the actual troubles my characters had would make great aspects. I really loved it on the last part. Oh, and remember, beware that was here. I would ask Scott, and I don't know that this factors into it, but it just was my first thought listening to his feedback. Did he have a deeper understanding of the fate system and the storytelling system, the two systems we use for the stories he enjoys so well, he might just gloss over the explanation because he knows them. So that just fades the background and allows him to focus on the characters. Or it also could be that since I think you're leaving in more rules and it's distracting him to some extent, because there are. We're also giving people thanking us because they understand the games better. Right. Which is yeah. So I mean, we're not going to keep on playing 85,000 new games. We're going right back to now after this. And after that, we'll hit world darkness again. I think a number of the players would revolt if we can get new games all the time. Well, that came to my mind. It's not that he isn't right. He could very much be right. And for him, that might be the right answer. But I wonder if his familiarity with the other systems might have helped him along with the story, because this story will get interesting. The dungeon world story. Well, again, it's kind of tough, though, because there's supposed to be one shot. So we maybe even as storytellers, we don't invest as much into them, to his liking, you know, to where it could be. I was jamming dungeon world. And truthfully, that was a really sandbox environment where you guys were driving the story more than anything. There was a built-in, wonderful mystery that was going on. And we were only playing it a quick one shot thing. I think Newman there does have much better in my opinion character development than the New World did. Right. Baked into the game. And the world is very flavorful. So I don't know. I will say it. Anyways, thank you, Scott, love to the feedback. And for shaking out those M&Ms. Other Scott. One Scott to another. Yes. Back on to Google+, episode 152, I posted it all tied up. Was it named the title? And just a little blurb underneath it was one little tied-up ravage player versus the entire party. What could possibly go wrong? To which Jason Carter said, "famous last words." Yeah, we approached that kind of teal up, but the same thing is opening a door. Yeah, it was a very long talk about it. It was really hard. And it failed still made the world decision. And we had the same success as walking to a door. Scott McDonald also said, "I can't believe I'm finally caught up. It happened last week. And you're right, Tom. Now that I have nothing to listen to." On Twitter, we had a couple tweets. Tommy, who is also from Dice Heroes, and actually might be the same person. I don't know if he uses two different handles, but I don't think he does. I mean, I listened to Dice Heroes and now Tommy's mentioned separately. Anyways, Tommy said, "Knights versus heroes." How would you guys feel about some type of collab? Collaboration. Collaboration, thank you. I was like, an overlapping collaboration? Call that. I had it once. It was off. Do you don't want to get that? It's like collabs. A game with crossover elements. I doubt guest spots were doable, but GMs that collaborate on a story would be fun. Are you interested? Oh, and don't worry. It won't be fourth edition. Were they the ones arguing for it? Tommy was the one that was saying that we were so wrong that fourth edition needed a map, a battle map. I'm still impressed. They played without one. I don't think he does, but he was arguing. He doesn't actually do it, but you can't. It could be done. I told you about it. Talk to you guys. I think part of the problem would be the fact that we have some episodes in the can. Obviously, we wouldn't want to release an episode in the middle of a current storyline, so we would have to time it in such a way and timing it with theirs. I don't know how much lead time they have on their episodes, and then I don't know. We need more information. I'm willing to talk about it. I think it would be cool, especially to cross advertising on each other's podcasts, and maybe drive listeners both ways. I think they're a good podcast, and they're definitely worth listening to. For some reason, I had some ideas just percolated about Winston Tate and calling in specialists or having information or kind of something. So they could another task join us in the world of darkness, hunter world, or they could dress and file it. Certainly worthy of future investigation. How would that work technically? No clue. Magic. That's with a magical shirt. Just budget, just like everything else. That's right. That's how I, Jim, so why the fuck not as an editor. Okay, we have two iTunes reviews. See, whining helps. People go, and none of them are Michael, who said you post one. I never did the money yet. Oh, you're supposed to pay him. Oh, while we're on that subject, we are well over 200 lights on Facebook. So fuck you Facebook, we're not paying you anything. And I believe our 200 Facebook, like was the aforementioned Luna Voca, who gave us that very long and wonderful email. No, it was long, but it was very interesting. It was very good stuff. And up our two iTunes review, the first one, Ninja R69, said great first look into Numenero. You guys are talking about how listeners were first introduced to KOTN Podcast, so I thought I would pipe in. Being consumed by my life's trappings, I haven't been able to get together with my gaming group for a few months. That being the case, I do still try and read any new interesting games that come along. After picking up Numenero, I was very bummed that I couldn't try it out for myself. That's when I saw the KOTN was running a Numenero campaign. I am digging the story so far, and I hope we get to hear more about the mechanics soon. Because this is one of the primary reasons I want to try out the game myself. Keep up the good works, fellas, and keep gaming for those of us who can't. JR from Cleveland, Ohio. He's in the neighborhood. That is close. So thanks JR/Ninjar69. We appreciate you five-star review on iTunes. The other iTunes review was from ASDFKJSDG, which I think was when the cat fell on the keyboard while they were typing in. I'm not sure how to pronounce the name, I'm going to need to try. The cat said role playing is finest. Nights of the Nights is gaming podcast masterpiece. It's deeply immersive, and the players are firmly rooted around their characters. The storyteller is so capable and crafty. The episodes never hit a dull spot. The editing is great. The characters are great, and the storylines are great. If you like gaming, this is a must listen. So thank you, as you've kept cheering up. That's my endorsement, Mr. Metal Flex. Sorry to argue with. I'll argue with because you can't pronounce his name. So that's all the feedback. Again, we are just like maybe two weeks away from Black Friday, so keep the Amazon link in minds. Thanks. Use it. More iTunes reviews are always fun. Thanks for giving. If you're shopping ahead of time, Cyber Mondays. Cyber Mondays? Is that something bullshit we can? Bunny, give us money. Holy shit. All right, enough of that. We will go on to the adventure. Welcome. This is chapter three of the Neumannira adventure, "San Swept." I'm your GM, Scott. And to my right, tonight is... Jim, playing Heshman, who is a mystical nano who works miracles, and will someday be a god. Tom was playing Tila, an intelligent Jack, who housed at the moon, and will never be a god. Is that the poem? It's Mike, sorry. Mike, playing Bas, a tough glee who fuses flesh and steel. Michael, playing Nina, a stealthy nano who exists partially out of phase. Thomas, playing Felix, a strong-willed Jack, who hunts with great skin. John, playing Sig, a mutant nano who talks to machines. Last time we played, we left off, I believe, on a cliffhanger of sorts. Go ahead. I said, despite our best efforts to prepare for Tila's transformation, she has broken free and knocked the music box out of Bas's grasp. That's right. I believe you tried. The first turn you tried to break free didn't work. Second time you actually threw some effort into it. Broke free with such stunning success that one of your quad arms flew out and smacked the music box from your brother's hands. I believe the dice is still sitting at 18. 19, actually, because it was a minor event. So the music box lies partially buried in the sand, right your feet, it fell to the ground. And he does have to turn the three turns over again. Yes, he does, absolutely. Because it's just more interesting that way. We need to roll furniture, which we haven't done before. I don't believe we did that last week when we locked at the cliffhanger. I also have a question. Sure. Normally, if I'm attacking and attacking against someone's level, which is their difficulty. Because that's assumed that I'm going to attack an NPC. They have rules for PCs. They have rules for PC versus PC. Okay. It's in the rules. It's in there. That's right. Well, number one is don't do that. Right. Don't. One thing that I could. Well, I remind everyone and we would have talked about this before Tealah's transformation is that Tealah will not attack me even without this music box to calm her down. So I think he did it. But when she crushed the music box under her foot, knowing what it does, she doesn't want to cheat. The minor effect has already occurred where you've knocked it out. That sounds major anyways. I'm fairly certain the beast isn't that intelligent. Seeing a beast, where's the beast of burden? It's over 30 feet away behind a hill and Ichabod. It's farther than that because he's fucking fired and he can't hide knots. Who believes him? I thought I was sliding that cliff. He was hung on. He wasn't that afraid. Yeah, well, he was. Yeah, because someone drew a thing with him. But it was driving a lot of what it was doing. You. And you chose not to help him. I chose poorly my time because I thought it was fun to quit tying knots. He just tied a bear when he felt more successful. I believe he could tie down the equivalent to a horse. He hobbled a piece of burden. Did you see that thing? That is not the equivalent of a horse. No, it's really not. What does it mean? It's more like a small elephant. Yeah, I said like an elephant-ish type. But it's a common piece of burden. So we are very familiar with hobbling it. That's a very common thing to do with. Piece of burden that you were experiencing from him. He ties knots on the ladies, not on the elephants. Exactly. I don't know anything about that. And he failed there, too. Let's go ahead and roll for initiative. Everyone, please. And we do that for our listening audience. How? Now, your initiative is automatically, well, first off, the initiative for the creature that you're fighting is its level. The Ravage Bear is level four. So you want to be 12. I believe the initiative is just a die 20. I don't think there's any bonus. There could be a skill. You might be able to put some-- There's no textbooks? You would think there would be for those people who were quick and nimble. But-- You didn't take it as a skill. The hunter gets training in a tier two. Right, but no one's tier two. So-- Right. I'm just saying. Anyways, the skill, just no one has it. Except apparently the bear. You could put effort into it if you-- That's what I mean. This is a good teaching opportunity for me, is when we do a speed check and I have a pool of speed, then do I-- You can spend effort to give myself a-- You can, if you want to. Does that mean if I spend three points to do one effort, which I believe is the way it is? Then is that a plus one? What you do is you lower her one level. So then she'll go down from a-- for you, she'll go down from 12 to 9 and only be-- In a competition, an initiative, I would just bump him up because it's easier than saying just for him, she's only three. Well, the point thing is, it doesn't matter just for our listening audience. It doesn't matter what order we go. Like, the PCs, all that matters is who goes before the creature, who goes after the creature. You can then determine what order you want to go in. Oh, I see. Each turn. So it's not a situation where it really matters. It's just you're trying to beat her as all. It's almost like a general initiative role, not a rigid general-- There you go. Yeah, it's a different type of initiative. So everyone role, you're trying to beat 12, except for Bas, who is trying to beat nine. If I'm spending my speed, then-- I miss an initiative. No, no, no, that's-- Yeah, I'm sorry. If you spend some effort in order to do that. And believe me, I know how dangerous she is. Three. Eshman is all the three. So Eshman is-- goes after the ravage band. As I believe, you have an edge of one in speed. So, woo hoo. So these would only cost you two points, I believe, correct, Thomas? Yeah. Okay. So are you spending two points? Yes, I am. I can only spend two points. I only have an effort level of one right now. Correct. So I can only spend two speed points, but I will because-- It's important to you. It's important. So you want to be in a nine instead of a 12. Bas, go ahead. All right. Now I get a 10. That was a perfectly spent two points. [LAUGHS] Thank goodness. Bas goes before the ravage bear. I want to go before-- Can you-- Nina, can you-- well, we're going to go around and scroll around table and roll real quick. Nina, can you roll your initiative? Eleven. Ooh, almost. But you didn't-- yeah. You failed. Did you know how fast this anine is? I want to go before him. The anine is probably his concern. Yeah. It's not-- Can't really-- Yeah. We're going to say that the anine is a level one so all you're trying to beat for the anine is a three. 19. Fucking course. [LAUGHS] I won't hold you. How do you get a minor effect? It's a big chunky effect, right? [LAUGHS] It's a five. That is an older-- Did you want to borrow one of mine? Yeah, this is kind of shit. Yeah. Not that I really-- OK. Now-- Yeah, clearly. Something that we should have done to start with is everyone has their experience points, correct? I don't know. I've got mine. I don't know where I'm going. Here we go, Thomas. How do I go to Donald's account of my character for what I had? You got one right there? I have two. I don't know why. If I remember correctly, Mike got one for the intrusion and he gave the other one to you. Yes. That's why. And now, for last week's adventure, everyone gets one more experience. Now, speaking of initiative, would anyone like to spend an experience point to re-roll their initiative role? Now we all have our experience. I have three. A little rip though. Could I level up? It is a rip off. That's four. I think it's four. And you get to level up. And you get to do one of four things. I'd have to open the book to see what it was. Okay. I think three or four different. Four. Four, right. Areas where you can actually improve upon once you get to four. Pull effort, edge, skill. You're the best. Felix and Boz both go before the Ravage Bear, formerly known as Tila. It doesn't matter who goes first, to go second. You actually need two separate places. I would see my first move is to pick up the music box again and start playing it as fast as I can. Red, still keeping myself or trying to keep myself interposed between Ravage Bear, Tila, and the rest of the crew there and the wagon. Oh, that sounds challenging. But I'm fast. So if you flush in steel. If you were going to air to one side, would it be picking up the music box or keeping yourself between the music boxes, the key to ending this? So I would go over the music box. All right, one of her arms flailed out as she was breaking free from the restraints and struck your hand and it knocked the music box. We'll say within three feet, it's immediate distance in the game terms. It's very close. She's also-- Oh, but later, Ravage. [LAUGHS] She's also-- Quick sand. Oh. [LAUGHS] [LAUGHS] She's also though spinning about while they're trying to get her sent. She's, of course, blind and really deaf I think. To be clear, she broke a restraint, but she's still partially bound, right? Or did she break free of everything? She broke free of everything. OK, OK. He had it all in one central tie, which was the hog tie. And when she snapped that-- Oh, damn it. It was Ichabod. The worst one was Rose. I don't know. He's never allowed to tie. Actually, I think in all fairness, he tied ankles and wrists and then hog tied back. So I'm going to say the hog tie broke. And you can choose as a group, whether you want her legs or her arms to be free. Two of the three broke when she-- It should be the arms to be knocked the-- But it could be-- Of course, because it has horns. I would prefer the legs to be bound, because then you can't really run after them. That's what I was thinking. Testists would be. Could've slowed me down a bit. Yeah. It would make sense. And the assumption is that what's keeping those limbs bound is your scarf, which is unbreakable. Mm. The consensus is we want the legs to be bound. I think that's cool looking beast. I think so. So her legs are still restrained to some extent, which, as the beast, you could make the determination. I mean, obviously, that's probably your next course of action would be to free yourself, so you could feed. There's a dust bunny at her feet somewhere. Oh, there is-- Oh, there's a dead bunny. Yes, right. Which would take her probably all into one turn, too. Yeah, yeah. Well, that was a bit-- Actually, I was thinking that was part of the whole-- She's like, slow down process. A shark. She likes fresh. She wants to kill. She can smell the blood already out. Well, no, it's not-- It's dead. It's getting hard. It's dead. I'm hoping not. But it's a fresh kill. And I'm not-- This is not food? I didn't kill it. Hopefully, the smell of it will distract you from the smell of us. At least for a turn, or something. Bob, go ahead. Would you grab the music box? All right. Because she's fling about with tusks flaring, and she's not trying to hurt you to the extent, you've never had her restrain before when she's turned. So her first instinct is to break free. And if that means gouging you by accident, that means gouging you by accident. So even though she can't hurt you, she's not intentionally trying to hurt you. She may accidentally hurt you. So well, I would imagine that-- You're playing motivation to a irrational-- OK, no problem. Go ahead. I can handle it. I thought I broke free. I will not harm him no matter what. So I go to dodge around him. And in doing so, realized that my legs are tight, I'm a pretty dumb animal. All my intelligent pull is gone. I can't use it to rationalize. So in an attempt to do that, I probably end up flat on my face flailing around on the ground. So as she is trying to get to fresh meats and trying to avoid you, she actually stumbles and is falling towards you and the music box on the ground. He said a little bit. Go ahead and make a speed roll in order to grab the music box from danger as these tusks and basically a one-ton creature is probably spinning, cascading, torlings falling towards this music box that's laying on the ground. And you're like, oh my god. I've already spent two of my speed pool for the initiative. Now, am I allowed to spend-- This is a new turn. You're allowed to spend after every turn. And then how do I regain my pool? Very robust. An action can be a recovery roll. After that is 10 minutes. And then-- Oh, OK. It goes up in time. Like the first-- you roll one day six plus one. The first time you do it a day like, it's an action. It's one second-- or 10 seconds. The next time you do it, it's one minute, correct? 10 minutes. 10 minutes, excuse me. The next time you do it, it's an hour. And then the next time you do it, is it four hours? 10, 10 hours. And then a resets. So. Which is like resting for-- You can heal up to four times a day. Each time, it takes a longer period of time to catch your breath and basically heal yourself. I see. That makes more sense now. OK. So in this case, then I'm going to spend another two-- So my speed pool to change or to reduce the difficulty level. I'm going to say that this is a demanding task, which requires your full attention. Most people have a 50/50 chance to succeed. It's a target number of nine. It's level three. If you're going to use your effort to reduce the level, it goes from level three demanding to level two standard, which means you need a six or higher on your roll in order to save the music box. Come on, boss. You can do it. 16. Nice. You deathly, reaching to the sand as the beast is falling towards you, pull it out, spin your body to protect it. She kind of clips your shoulder as she goes by and hits the ground with a beast you'll feel like almost like she loses her air. It comes out of her as she smacks against the ground. But the music box is safe in your possession. All right. That's my action, right? You are allowed to take an immediate move with your action, which means you can move anywhere up to 10 feet, one to three yards. In that case, since she just tripped as she fell, when you start hearing the music, do you immediately respond to it? Or does it take three rounds to get through to you? The second. I don't call until the end of the third round. OK. So in this case, then, when I rolled, did I roll away from the wagon? Am I between Tila and the wagon? Technically, you're still in front of her? OK. Because she fell in front of you, and you're between her and the wagon. OK, let's go. I got a minor effect for rolling a 19. I don't think that counts on an initiative. I'm going to say it counts in a sense that I think what would be good is, right now, Ichabod is about halfway down the dune, with his arms wrapped around it. And the creature is moving and bucking. And it's tossing itself more than it's moving. And it's yanking him down. You can latch on to him, the rope, or something along those lines. It seems to make the most sense for a minor effect. As you don't even have to try, you just dive down and grab hold of it or hold of him. That seems to make the most sense, unless you've got something else you want to do. Because we're supposed to agree upon the effect. I was trying to remember how far away I was, if I was far enough away that I was off. He was in immediate ranch. He's within 10 feet of you. All right, then, yeah, I think latching onto the rope, and then allowing me to try to chop him this turn without. Yeah, without having to catch it. Exactly. You don't have to actually catch the rope. You already have it as part of your initiative. You were so quick thinking that you basically left down that 10 feet grab down the rope, and you've dug your heels into the sand of the dune, trying to calm the beast. OK, and then I guess I'll spend my action trying to stop it. OK. I'm not trained in any strength task at all. I am not strong. I'm kind of tiny. You're a small man. But calming a beast could be from the intellect pool, or if you're just trying to brute strength it to the ground. I can see either way. Do you have any sort of-- What am I-- Imagine you don't have the skill that has it with animal handling. I don't actually have anything to do with animal handling. I have tracking and survival. Aren't you going to pick that up? I'm going to say with your tracking, you picked up some, which will allow you to make this an intellect roll as opposed to a might roll. OK. But not trained or anything. Yeah, you're not trained. You don't get that advantage. But you are able to use either or for this skill. Right. I would use intellect, except I want to throw effort into it. And I spent a lot of intellect hunting down that rabbit that isn't going to help at all. If this goes well, you're going to have the opportunity to rest up. Yeah. And cook a rabbit. And I have much less intellect at this point than I have mine. I'd rather just spend my-- If it doesn't work, I might spend intellect. I've got plenty of turns to try to stop this while you fight a bear. So I'm going to roll, spend some effort, cross three points. It springs me down to nine. Talk about how I don't want to bear. You have more than nine? I have 12. I have 12 pretty much everything. I have 14 plus whatever the-- that reduces the difficulty with the ones. It doesn't add to your dice roll. I just rolled the 14 plus-- You succeeded. So you grabbed onto the rope. And based on the fact that you've been around carabams and been in the South for a long period of time, you mimic a noise that the trainers of these beasts use. It's like a noise you make that kind of tells them to calm the fuck down. And you're in control. And much to your surprise, the strength you had on the rope and the noise that you made got the beast to stop pulling, at least for this moment. You're an meaningless bird. OK, go ahead, Ravage Bear. But you're not. See you all anymore. The way a player versus player works is I still roll to attack, as I normally would. And they still roll to defend, as they normally would. So there's two rolls involved. If there's something I do that adds to the effort of my attack, then it's plus 3 to my roll. Got it. OK. Same thing for that. Anybody that's defending. However, I'm not doing any of that. Instead, I am, since I'm rolling on the ground, trying to walk. Angry. I walk. I'm very angry. I'm just trying to rip these off. I assume with picking your legs and then reaching down with your claws, maybe even a tusk to rip through. As of yet, no effort if it fails. Then in the second turn, I'm going to go with that. I would suggest that when you came into the rage, the first turn, you didn't use your strength. And you didn't break the bridge. I did the same thing as this. I could use my strength. But I didn't use effort. When I used effort, I broke free. Right. And so you're still restrained here on the third turn. I'm not sure you go back to your default level of not using your strength. OK. And go on. That's right. I'll just try to break free. You're even more furious that you-- Because I'm still restrained, so-- And you're still restrained. So I would say you almost have to use it. But of course, it's your character. No, that was fun. I agree with you. That would be my suggestion. That's a valid point. So I'm going to use one level of effort here, which is two more from my might pull. So I reduce the difficulty by one. Yes. And it's not quite as challenging as it was originally. Because you're not as-- Yeah, not as tied. So OK, go ahead. 16 for you. Does someone have a cypher that sticks people so they can't move? Yeah. Yeah, I do. Throw to me. All right. With a disconcerting, shredding noise, and then a leap up to, say, like a hunched position where she's ready to attack, she grips off the remaining restraints, moves her head in the air, snipping, and stares quite intently right through Bos at the wagon that most of the group is still on. Yes. I'm being behind him. Closer than the wagon. Right. Because you thought that-- I wasn't much thinking about that. Right. I was going to say-- This is a hot cluster, fuck. I would have figured you would have been up. I would have figured even if it's far away, far enough way not to get jostled with the thing. And I figured that the rabbit would have wished you at least one turn on that turn and half, thrown it over the horizon or something. Ah, the best laid plants. I would think that a ravaged bear would know in literally five-tenths of one second if that. That would be one-half the second for those of us first men. I would want to say one-one thousand of a second that you would actually know that-- That was pretty kind of funny. That you would know that it was not something you killed. It was definitely a creature. He would know what kind of creature it was. He would know how long it's been dead. It's like shark. They can tell things. I think if you scroll a mile away, one drop of blood, they could tell you all kinds of things about it. There are three creatures that will do different things. There are creatures that will not eat something that's dead. It's that simple, but you will not eat something that's dead. I don't care who is dead, one second ago, it's dead. I'm not going to eat it. I still think that's how I'm doing this. One second, move on. It's a 10 second turn a 10 second, so she could have sniffed it and said, not mine. OK, moving on. That leads us at the wagon with Nina directly behind Basz, and then also on the wagon itself. I believe we have sick. No. You're not on the wagon? I was close to Basz trying to turn it off so that-- Oh, I thought you-- And then at the last second, I pushed-- tried to push Tila away. Yeah, and you ended up on your own answer, right? It's on more than I did at that point, so I just kind of flew. OK, Nina. Before Nina goes, maybe this is retroactive. But can I spend an experience point to give my detonation web to someone to use as a backup plane? Yeah, I don't see why not. That's a good backup plan. Then whoever's going to be in the caravan-- I was kind of focusing on it. Maybe you gave it to Nina. All right, then someone has my detonation web because my hands are going to be occupied with the music box. I can't stop to pass off to someone. I'm thinking of taking out a cipher, so I guess I do that. All right, taking out a cipher seems to be something you can do and use in the same turn if you'd like. I do that. Nina, you have this exploding device that will restrain supposedly, because everything's gone to fuck. But supposedly, it should restrain her. This was something that Boz gave to you before the whole-- This is a last resort. Yes, why? That's why you're there. We've got the correct. Ten seconds in, we're out of the way of doing it again. This is the case where you both get the roll, right? Tom. In this case, because you're not-- I get to dodge it, so I guess. Go ahead, Michael. Not to swing myself, but I am in relatively close practice. I know you are. I'm not going to forget that. I know. I don't know. I think you need to remind you that. Nina is directly behind you. The wagon's further away. I'm not halfway to the wagon. She can reach out and touch her back. So it shouldn't be-- in the Ravage Bear, when it got to all fours, it's within immediate distance. I will say it's five to 10 feet away. It's not far. That's why Boz had to reach and spin and pull the music box out of the way, because she literally came down very close. Then when she broke free, she kind of spun in the circle a couple of times and sniffed the air. So we'll say, within 10 feet-- Isn't this the same turn, or is that not how it works? It just broke through. How could she dodge it? She broke-- is that just a piece of-- Yeah, it's just a thing. It doesn't cost you-- if you do an action-- Not an action, didn't it? You get to dodge as well on your turn. It is your turn. You're right behind Boz. He's kind of blocking your view, but he's-- he did kind of one job the way to get the music box. You've got a good sight of where she's at. Plus, she's huge. So it's pretty easy to look around him and see what's going on. What do you choose to do at that point? I'm hitting her with it. So you get to roll a die 20. You can add effort to it. I'm doing that. OK. So this would be a-- if you're throwing it, it would be a speed skill. And you would roll a die 20. If you want to apply effort, you would-- you would need to spend three points from your speed pull, or less if you have edge. Do you have edge in speed? No. OK. So you need to spend three speed in what that will do in this instance, since we're not lowering levels, it adds three to his dice roll. My god, does everyone have to choose-- Everyone has these ridiculous dice. 15, that was almost a one. It was. 15, it hung on a one for a minute. 18. 18. So she did a very good job. OK, I do have an edge in my speed, but I'm assuming I go by smell. It's a mechanical device. I don't know if I would even know to-- Oh, there's an echo location for you, absolutely. I can't wait to unleash you in our enemies. Yeah. In that case, she's level one. She's a kid. She's a kid. She burns and winds her way around their legs, because that's the way it works. That's tough. So I'm just going to show you a speed roll. Unless you think, are you a trend in logic? See, I would again say that you feel like you're in a threatening position, and why would you save anything? Well, because-- I would say, why would she have anything left with her, actually? And fair enough, because my pulls are what knock me out. And as a beast, I know that you don't overextend yourself like crazy in the first few seconds. But you are-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] Bear. Mindless rage. You're showing up for a fucking pebble at me. Why would I dodge out of the way? Echo location is an indication that it's a dangerous mechanical device. No, but I don't think even a lion likes to be plunked with a rock. Not too bad. It's the size of the door rock. I mean, it's a-- Smell like an egg coming. It's a literal bear, it says. Intellectual bear is not. So I'm just going to roll straight up. Are you trained? 10. All right, so it wouldn't matter if you spent any of that. Would be closer to being knocked out, and I don't want that. Right. Are you trained in speed defense? Tila is so sh-- Right. --could. And in fact, would. So that would be a 13, because of that reason. Still, still struck with the item. Because someone can be a brief description of what happens when they get hit. OK, the level of the-- The cypher's a level four. So that is the difficulty in me breaking loose. 12. Yes. Absolutely 12. So like a really shitty rope. It only has to make some turns. It stops me for at least one turn. Exactly. It only has to be three turns, as the sphere strikes the fur of her torso, because it was a pretty much a direct hit right in the side of her-- Well thrown. --a flank. Right between the eyes. Now more on the body, there is a blinding flash of light. It seems as if there was-- It's almost like a crack of lightning in a darkened, moonless night, OK? So the scene just lights up for milliseconds. And-- I'm sure that does wonders for the anne. Right. You got everything we had in control of. Shh. Can I get it? Is it a web-like? It's like an adhesive. An adhesive. So we'll say these are strands that-- It's some kind of synth sticky web that spins and swirls and really encases her in it. It's not just like it just goes over her like you're dropping a blanket over something. Right. It's spinning. It's just incredible speed. And so it kind of wraps around some of her legs, and she stumbles, and she falls over to her side, stunned by both the blinding light, which doesn't bother her, but the percussion from the explosion, the detonation, certainly messed with her senses. And then the spinning web-like strands, just moving at such speed, they just sweep her right off her feet, and she lands with a thud on her side again. And she roars in anger. That leaves us with Sig. All right, Sig pushes away to his feet and tries to rush over and do a scan over the ravage bear before it breaks loose, and he has to run again. OK. It's a good priority. This is another esoteric he has. Right. So you scan an area equal to 10 foot cube, including all objects, creatures in the area. The area must be within short range. Scanning creature always reveals its level. You also learn whatever effects the gem feels are pertinent about the matter and energy in that area, which is what I'm concerned about. Sure. Short range, I believe, was below 30 feet, right? 50 feet. Wow. I'm in range for this. And maybe it is 10, short as 50. I don't think I flew that far, so I just stood up and scanned. Sorry. OK. This esoteric doesn't tell you what the information means. You might learn that it's composed of synth and metal, but you're not sure what the synth metal device does. Many materials and energy fields can prevent or resist scanning. I don't know if these are actively doing that. I don't imagine they are, because whatever I'm scanning. OK, so let's go with a descriptor. You're reaching out with your mind and trying to basically scan. I'm consulting with the nanobots to what they understand about the area, the 10 foot cube that I'm scanning. OK. So you scan the cube, and what you're able to ascertain from that cube is that the ravaged bear is a unique mixture of flesh and bone, blood, basically what you would consider to be an ordinary living thing. Ordinary organic matter. But there is an unusually high concentration of nanos in the brain of the ravaged bear. So the brain itself seems to be the center. You're catching almost no 1,000 nanos. So you're not inside this thing? Tia has changed to this thing. You detect a ravaged bear with very little concentration of nanites. There's like one part per 10,000 of these nanites within her body, but within her brain, it's almost 75% is nanobots. So you've got a very, very high concentration in the brain of her. If you kept on scanning, you might learn more in different-- in other terms. This is what you've learned from this term. Eshman, what do you do? If I do a mental onslaught on her, will it kill her or just knock her out? If you reduce her to zero, her damage level goes down a level, and she becomes impaired. In the damage track, when you're impaired, impaired is a wound or injured state when an impaired character applies effort. It costs one extra point per level applied. For example, it costs four points instead of three. If you do two levels of effort, it's seven and five. Seven and five, yes. An impaired character ignores minor and major results on their dice roll, and they don't deal as much extra damage in combat. When an impaired character takes enough damage, then they become debilitated. Depilitated is a critical injury stated. Depilitated character may not take any action other than to move, probably crawl, no more than immediate distance. If a debilitated character reaches zero, they can't move at all because they're dead. I was going to hit her with that. I had it get edgy now. Got tied up, but since she's tied up again. So what are you doing? Right now, I'm just watching. Okay, and where are you on the action wagon? Yeah, I could have booked him for the hills. No. That's from a predator? That was the whole point that he is tied up. I am fascinated by the change in form and how it works and how the numero... Numero, numero, numero. No, I did discuss it. I think it's cool. I'm learning from it, how it works and what numero does to people, and I think it's unique. I'm my person hungry. Where is the best place to be? Where are campus at right now? Where you can get a good look around. I'm looking for some place in the area where we're standing because we've been making a lot of noise and a lot of light, and I just want to make sure nobody creeps up on us. So I'm going to look for a good place. This is relatively flat, but there is a dune about an eighth of a mile away that is where the annean and the other two members of your party are. I'm having an average up on us now. It might solve our problem. Up there. Stupid fear. Who looks going on the back? I'm not going to leave, but I'm going to keep an... You just can look around. And it's pretty flat, right? Yeah. It is dark. It's cloudy, and there's... That's about as high as I'm going to get. A little bit of sand moving through, so it's a little bit tough to see, but you're on top of the wagon doing the best you can to scan the area, if you will. That takes us to the following turn, back to Felix and Bos, who get to go. I tell everyone to make sure that they stay behind me or at least keep me between them and Tila, and I start playing the music box. So you're backing up a bit, would you say? I'm backing away from Tila, but I'm trying to make sure I stay between any potential victim. Nina had moved behind you and thrown the sphere. Right. Mine was? Yes, Nina. Do I have to move after the throw? Yeah. Okay. Well, I reinstalled myself directly behind you. I would say it's more than appropriate. So there is one person behind you, but Sig definitely is off to the side. Basically he's got his hand on his forehead. He seems to be concentrating very deeply, looking at... Because of my push, I'm at least a short range. You're a ravage bear. It's not immediate. No, no. You're immediate now. No. I thought I pushed away. Oh, wait. You did, but you only got not that couple of feet. Immediate's up to 10 feet. You're not further than 10 feet away. Can I play the music box and move myself and interpose myself between Sig and Tila? If you do, you'll be moving out from Nina unless she moves with you. Well, I'm saying out loud that please stay behind me, people. I'm trying to give you as much context as I can. You're just moving with him. You move to Sig and that is your turn, which takes us to Felix. You've got a somewhat calmed, a mean, until the thunderclap and the burst of light, and which case it started bucking again and trying to pull you down the hill. So you see feel yourself jerked forward. You and Ichabod, grab by and whoa, you start to slide down the dune a second time and you dig my heels in again and cuss out your thoughts some more. Make the chopping noise with your... It's an interesting viewer. We're trying to call the beast on our end of the dune and you're trying to call the beast anywhere into the dune. Good. I, however, I'm going to eat that. Yeah. Dig my heels in some more. You think you and Ichabod have done, are you using mite or are you using intellect, the chopping intellect? I'm doing chopping now. I figured it back. Because there is a way to aid each other since you're in a situation where you kind of team up and he can help you. So he tries to do the strength part of it while you try to do the chuffing part of it, and we're going to say that he gives you a plus one level. It takes it from difficult down to demanding, which is a nine. Good luck to you. Two. A two is not higher than nine. You know, it's pretty close to almost. Oh, I would stop it. You were being defeated. I think it was a one beast of burden. This guy got to learn his fucking ties. That's all I do. The great hunter. I will find it tomorrow. I'm going to fucking defeat you this elephant in monster and save some shit. Oh, man. Actually, probably what I'm saying to Ichabod is it runs off and it. Absolutely. Well, what ends up happening is the rope is pulled out of both you and Ichabod's hands and you both take one mite damage from rope burn as the hemp digs into your hands and slides through at an incredible speed causing quite the burn, causing you to scream out and of course, interfere with your chuffing, which I just threw the whole chuffing to the side. The beast is now loose in the sense that the rope is no longer restraining it, but it's still hobbled so it doesn't get very far away, but it certainly is off now and Ichabod is cursing under his breath and trying to pick himself up and start chasing after the rope that is now sliding its way through the dark sand. I've got a movement. I run after. Right. You don't have an action, right. He used his action to help hold the beast, which of course didn't work quite as well as he would have liked. So he curses your chuffing and gets off and chases after the rope as well. That chuffing was fine, it's the ropes that are the problem, who the fuck uses hemp to tie down an animal. So silk ropes. That takes us to go ahead, Ravage Bear. I'm really pissed now. I would assume that you are as angry as you've ever been as a Ravage Bear. I am. There's effort into this bad boy. So to break free, level was four. Level was four. So that's a 12. Everybody's about one because of my efforts, that makes it a... Anything else is a Ravage Bear, no extra, nothing. Nothing. It's got plenty. Well, I do. And the fact that, first of all, it gave me eight to my mic pull. Oh, it's extra tight. It's not eight. I haven't even burned all those yet, so I'm just being very bare like here. The other thing is, I have an edge in the mic because I'm a bear. Normally I don't. There's plenty of benefit that's happening here. Go ahead, Ravage Bear. We're going to... Oh, my God. Where are you rolling? 20. Oh, yeah! That's a major effect. Yes. Major. That's that minor. That's not a little... Oh, my God. My music box. Look, I have two experience for a second. I find that ironic that I'm the only one that I know is absolutely safe no matter what happens. Yeah, you're so fucked. So yet, I think... I'll just pick the end of that. You know what happened, Scott, is I flexed so angrily and so hard, it just exploded the webbing that then coded Bosco so he can't move anymore. Yeah, that's what happened. Or all of us. As long as I can do this... Yeah, he can't... Did you do this anymore? I can't move it all. At all. No, what happens is... What happened? You do... What really happened? Yeah, well listen, because I'm not sure that that's not really happening, so I want to hear what Scott said. You do burst forth from that webbing in an incredible show of beastial strength. Nice fucking webbing. Mm. Yeah. Yeah, playing... Hey, fuck you. Hey, come on. All of your fault. See? See? See? Oh, we got a plan too. You guys can't see this shit. See? Is that just my rope? I didn't plan F yet. Fucking Rod. You guys are getting close. I'm fast rolling. Oh, you're not running. I'm running. I'm planning to reroll a character. And I'm pretty sure Vina and you are bonded together for like a good... Oh, yeah. No, she's a femoral. She is. She can just walk through. She's actually encoded your face and your arm and your hand and you cannot... It got into the inner gear work of the music box. It just turned. It won't turn. He has to start over? No. He does a bit of action. He can work and then start over. Yeah, he needs to repair it and then start over. I knew this thing would come and maybe we all had to kill my sister. Yeah. You need your sister. Yeah, I don't know. You can't. You need your sister's frictionless bullshit to pour in there and fix it. Well, she has a sci-fi. Yeah, well, yeah. No, I only said last week that I took off all my stuff and I took off all my ciphers because I knew I was going to change. You put it in the back of the wagon, I believe was this. Yeah, okay. That's what I did. So she is back on her feet ravaging and sniffing the air again. That's all you can do is pretty much stand up from a prone position. Maybe move forward about five feet or so so you're really close. You can feel... I'm going to take a few tentative steps to make sure I'm not going to fall in my fucking face again. And just the breath in this cold desert, the hot breath of the ravage bear, just it's like breathing over your face and just the mist is coming out of her nostrils and she is furious. You got it. He's not dying. I'm not going to go with the lie. Fine. Well, he'll starve to death in a desert, but you know, besides that... If I attack her with the intent to kill, is her condition still refused to attack me? I saw nothing in the description that says that it says she can not harm you. Even if you're stabbing her to death, she's like a dog being, you know... For some reason I'm imagining Claude Raines beating up his son in Wolfman because only he could kill him because that's just something they has to do. Right. I'm just saying, I'm not going there right away, but we'll see what happens. Maybe next time. We'll see if I can bust out of these webs as efficiently as a ravage beast. Well, you're pretty strong. Hold on. Do you have a broken shirt? No, wait a minute. Is he in any way restrained or just around the back? He's not restrained. The box itself became googed up. You got slimed with the webbing, but you are completely able to... I can move the maneuver, but the music box... Just got gummed up a little bit. Right. It's stuck. There's some webbing. We got to bring that to play itself. All right. So that's Tila making it work as the ravage bear. All right. Better than all of the... And that leads to everyone who goes after the ravage bear, which is Sig, Nina, and Ashman. Sig digs out his force nodule, which adds plus two to armor, and he snaps it into his chain of... You're something I'm interested in studying on anymore. I really can't afford to be... Okay. Just throwing pieces. There's things smelling for things, and I think I'm... So you take out your force nodule you say? Yeah. And what do you do with that? This is a safe bear. I snap it into my ant priest. Okay. I got you. I'm not off the speed. Whatever. So you attach the force nodule to your ant priest. Your ant priest garb, and it gives you extra protection if not mistaken, correct? Yeah. Okay. Extra armor? Yes. Oh, wise choice. Okay. Nina. It saves your life. I'm not sure about this. The phasing is slow. It's a little bit slow, I believe, to go through. I think it was like one inch of a solid material, each turn, ten seconds. How long have you come that way? It just happens. It says in the description of your character that you're not really in phase ever to even start with. Does she have any bonus for being like defensive bonus? I don't think so. You do down the line. Yeah, I do. That was what it was all about. In tier two it says you can change your face so that some attacks pass through you harmlessly. Yes. So it sounds like you're going to have what you want to do next tier, but for right now... Me too. Just looks pretty easy. Yeah. Everybody's waiting until the next... Right now you linger a little too much to the point where you do get hit unless you really focus all your concentration and it takes minutes to get you through where to the phase you want to be. I don't get any control. Take out the next cipher. You can take it out and you can actually use it, I'm going to assume, is your action if you would like to. Do you like it? It's probably wise. You like a major league umpire, you got like another one? Here's another one. What are you doing? Yeah. I'm using this cipher called Subdual Field, which is on page 296. It's basically a chill out field. Level 7. Wow. No. Hostility for one minute. But it takes three turns or something to activate. Subdual Field. Two rounds after being activated, the device creates an invisible field that fills a specified area such as a cube of a certain size within long range of the device. The field lasts for one minute within long range, that's pretty far. It affects the minds of thinking beings within the field, preventing them from taking hostile actions. The effect lasts as long as they remain in the field and for one die, six rounds after, although an intellect defense role is allowed each round at normally, full in the field and after leaving it. She doesn't have much of an intellect. I don't hit those. Yeah. So she can't even do that, which is weird, because your rage actually makes you become. But if you all die first, I have, I'm good at mental defense. So you could be pissed off while you're on. Yeah, I can kill you. So I activate that. Okay. We don't have a cube of a certain size, a cube of a certain size could be anything since it's level. It's level seven. Seven. I'm going to say 20 by 20 by 20 is the size of the cube. I had to include the wagon from where I am behind. Could. Pause. I'd say you're within about 10 or 15 feet of the wagon. So you could, if you placed it strategically, it can include where you're at and the wagon itself. Toss it like five feet, so I'm going to be erring in the size of my caution. All right. Closer to me. A little red light starts flickering very quickly as you twist one side of it one way and we know it's the other way. 20. Thank you. And is anyone, but her node? Yeah. Well. You're fucking wrong. Bad choice. I'm already not there. It's a protection device. Yeah. Yeah. So she twists it and flips it on the ground and it makes a slight hissing noise and then a red light starts beeping. Does it have a holographic display? No, it doesn't. It comes from gibberish. And it says to don't hurt. I think so. Right in the air. Sink. Eshman. Hitting her in the head with the headache. No, you can't. All right. Give it a shot. No, that doesn't activate till two rounds from now. Yes. His cipher takes it. That's what I said. 20. 19. Let's work it worthless. We'll see. In two rounds. It was a ceteric chord. We should have started this on fours each hour. No. Two rounds ago? No. A maximum of two of you. Let's look at what's going on. Everything. This is broken free. She has rolled so well on her broken free attempt twice that she both knocked it out of his hand, the music box, and gooted up with the web-like device. She's disabled. She basically disabled it, correct. She... Standing too close. Yes. I mean, you have two breakfrees, two for the lack of better term, one of the fact, a minor and a major effect. I mean, you couldn't ask for things to go much more wrong than they have up to this point. The elephant is... Even the anene has broken free from, or at least, you know, caused trouble for their... It's keepers. Anyways. That leaves us with Eshman, and that's it, as you start to do turn. Could you throw me the limber kit that Tila has so I can use that cipher to get this gunk off the music box? Can I hit it with a metal onslaught? Yeah. And do that at same time. That's true. Actual action. You can move a little bit in the immediate distance, which is up to 10 feet, and you can do an action. Throw away. People are screaming, but you're close. I'm not a very good thrower, but I can try. I've got sticky hands right now, believe me, this will be the best time to do it. Stick them. Fishing up the universal... You have no idea what that looks like, but you can throw the pack to them if you like, or you can fidget through it, trying to find what they're calling you. You only had one cipher, right? Yes. I had no idea. I had a flash bomb, and you had a fish on a juicing gel. Told you to throw it in the flash, right? Which is why I said... You can either... You can either toss them, point the satchel. I'll toss them the whole pack. Alright. Let me figure it out. So go ahead, and you can make a roll. It'll be a speed roll. I don't want anybody going through my purse, except maybe my bra. Go ahead, and it's going to be... You can spend any effort. He's only about 10 feet away, it seems pretty simple. Not so simple that nothing could go wrong, but pretty simple. If you throw it to the bear, possibly go to the bear, eat it. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, my insides are duplicated. Alright, I'm going to say that this is a standard difficulty, a typical task requiring focus, but most people can usually do this. So even in the swirl combat, it's not that difficult to reach down, find your satchel, pick it up, and make a decent throw to her brother, just standing 10 to 15 feet away. Standard is six. Are you going to spend anything, any effort? No. Okay, so you need to beat a six. I'm calling it. Six. You're all one, and all of my ciphers are going to detonate at the same time in the pack as it comes over on the top of my... 17. As interesting as a story as that would have made, Ashman gathers himself calmly, picks it up, calmly, underhand tosses it to you through the air, which, to be fair, everyone's eyes are still blinking a bit from the flash, that massive flash that went off. But you gather yourself, crannling the music box in one arm, with your other hand, you grab the satchel before it strikes the ground, and it's your turn. I opened the satchel and tried to dig out the lubricant. One handed, I'm assuming. Yeah, but... Are you sending the music box down and searching? The theory was that getting a cypher is really easier. We have, but we also have someone who's recently been discovered in the web, has a roaring monster in front of them, that they can't be heard from, but are worried about their companions. That's much. And it's dark, and... You don't know these guys. These aren't his cypher's, they're yours. So there's some things that can come into play here, I think. First of all, can I put the box... Safely down? Sure. Okay, but you guys thought... You could know, you could slide it off. She's poking you with her hand set. Oh, don't put it on the ground. I can't see the GM, don't put it where the feet are, I'm just saying. It's a ravage beast. It doesn't look weird. The music box to Nina. Okay. That's your action. I can allow for both. I opened the satchel. Okay. I've got two cypher's, among other things I don't really want to talk about, what's in her satchel. Right. All right. Now, I'm a glaive, and I've known her. Sure. I'm guessing I know the difference. You know the difference between the two, I say, without any difficulty at all. To pull it out from a secure place, I'm going to say it's a very, very simple thing. Let's say it's a... It's simple. It's the description of difficulty level. You need a three or higher. Okay. But you did do two actions as turned technically, so I just want to make you make some kind of roll. But it's the lowest roll you can possibly make. For crying out loud. The only thing that's stopping is a one or a two. Did you ever try to find any? I can't find any. I can't close. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a marble colored dicing for something. All right. So you reach into the satchel and grab the cypher that you're looking for, but you cannot use it this turn. That would be clearly the actions, and I think it's a little bit more. Well, I'm still making sure I'm between Nina and the... Right. That takes us to the other person who moves before Tila, which is Felix. I'm not a flex skill. I am suddenly skilled in handling me. I want to get to a place where this animal cannot easily throw me off. I want to be on its back while I try to calm it down so I can stop. You don't think that's going to freak it out at all? Nothing is bad. Nothing bad can happen by running up and leaping out of the back of a frightened anne, right? I'm really good at movement. I don't care if it freaks out. I will calm it down because I'm suddenly really good at that too. So you are above it. It's moved a little ways off, but taking a couple of steps down the sand and leaping towards it with the reins and the harnesses and the bits that it has to control it while it's being driven by the handler, which in this case was, I think, pause. I'm going to say you have a pretty decent chance. You're not going to land on its back because if you were playing a quick side here, if you're playing sand volleyball, it'll go very far when you leap off from sand. It just... It doesn't... Yeah. You don't get any traction at all. You are not going to leap onto its back unless you roll an actual 20, maybe a 19, but certainly a 20. So, you may be able to grab onto the reins and the side of it and pull yourself up. That's... But that will be my action this time. That will be your action this time. I'm going to leap onto it. I'm going to spend speed to do that. All right. I am trained. I am spending effort. Good luck to you. Yep. Requires your cool attention. Most people have a 50/50 chance to succeed. That sounds about right. Target number of nine. I rolled a 14. Oh, I can't do that. I am out of the anne. I'm on it. Yes, you do. Yes, you do. Well, no. You grab onto the side of the anne. And then I push. Now you pull yourself up to the anne, which is a might roll, please, and thank you. Okay. Right. I'm mighty as hell. And by that, I mean, I'm spending more effort on this. Okay. This is going to be... I'm going to give it the same difficulty level because I don't think most people can pull themselves up in a need if forced to... I'm trained in ballops moving. What's that? I'm trained in climbing. You're trained in climbing. I'm trained in all forms of movement as a hunter. And you're spending a level of effort? Yeah. Okay. That takes you down to a three. A simple. Yeah. Okay. I don't think I'll fail. It's a six. So I didn't. But I'm also done with this dice because I can't read it. You pull yourself up to the back of the anne. We then go to the ravage pair. I believe the closest snack is Nino. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Directly behind your brother, but not going to have his ass as we're really hurting him. I'm trying emotionally. But here's my feelings. Yeah. This whole turning hurt you emotionally. I have attempted to attack Nino around Bos. Okay. Bos has already gone this turn, but I still think Nino could look as Bos as a asset to increase the ability. It's going to be dodge-ability. Right. It's going to be some sort of cover. So Nino, you are making a contested roll with Tila. You need to roll a defensive roll and the ravage bear needs to roll an attack roll. My attack is white. Mm-hmm. I'm spending one effort, so that's three to the roll. Fifteen. The 12 plus three. Okay. Your defense, Nino, is a speed defense. You get plus three to your roll because you have the cover of a large half-man, half-machine that I refuse to hurt. I'm going to go ahead and give the plus two in this instance. So it's a total of plus six to your roll on defense. Are you spending the points, so draining your speed even further? Three more points of speed gone, correct? Is that how that worked? Yeah. Yeah. Unless you have an edge. So you get plus three because of your effort. You get plus three because of the cover, you get plus three because you were mirroring. Because the ravage beast literally lunges towards you and then kind of comes up a little bit short as it realizes that Bosco is between you two and swipes with one of its claws trying to go around him to get, you know, so it's kind of attractive. Swipe. Yeah. It's like changing its whole attack pattern, which throws it off. So you get plus nine to your roll total to beat the fifteen of the attack. Okay. 10. It's a two digit number. 10. Plus nine is nineteen. So you are able to, with the music box in hand, all fall over to the side a bit. You know, you catch yourself with one hand, you got the music box cradled on the other hand. And you kind of tilt to your right as this huge paw comes swiping around Bosco, just rips up some sand and some of the soil that's underneath it a bit and it roars in anger as it's like fending back and forth trying to get at you with Bosco in between. And that will take us to the people who move after the ravage bear, which would be Ashman, Nina, and sick. Sick. Resume is gentle walking backwards and scanning. I had to remain within short range. I don't think I've pushed that limit yet, so I'm just going to keep that going off. Oh yeah, you're finally short range. Matter of fact, if you keep backing up at a nice, slow pace, this turn is a turn that you could if you wanted to bump your back into the wagon. Okay. I didn't know that's what I was backing up to, but that works. Right. Well, we'll say that this turn, you're, you try to regain your focus and really what you get is a carbon copy of what you got the first time, because you walk over this to get more. Yes. You are able to see. Okay. Still draining that course. Yes, unfortunately. Her whole body is a swirling mass of organic material, but the brain is an insane concentration of nano spirits or nano bots or whatever you want to call them. That takes us to Ashman and Nina. I want to hit it with an onslaught. It takes one intelligence. Does that mean it costs me one intelligence to do? Yes. And if I have an edge of one, does it not cost me one to do? I believe that's the role that I'm going to do that. Yeah. If they're all against level or if they have mental defense, they would roll that. She has no mental defense. The ravage barriers and she could play a mental train because it's still an attack. You don't even get a mental defense. I can't use any mental skills. Okay. That's fine. So go ahead and make a role. You can add effort. If you'd like to, doesn't cost you anything to do the esoteric. That it will cost you want to give effort. Can the edge be applied again or no? Okay. You'd have to spend a full three into life to bump up your role or to lower level, either or. I'm assuming it won't need to. Okay. I think it's a pretty decent assumption, but go ahead and then make your role. Maybe I should have had something maybe four. She rolled a 14. Unfortunately, there's nothing to hang on to or to connect to. If she was a level one ravage barrier, I would have needed it. Well, that's tired of three. So technically, he would have in the sense of if you were an NPC. No, ravage barriers are not level one, they're level four. Right. But he's saying if she was a level one. So there you go. You gave it yours all, but you were overwhelmed by the amount of rage and the thought just wasn't there for you to grab onto this turn and to really squeeze and to manipulate the way you normally do. Okay. So that takes us to who's the last person has none, Nina. Isn't there a hand the box back or would that require an action from the boss? I don't really, I'm not going to worry about that. If you want to hand it back as your action, it's... He had it as hard as it is, yeah. As my move action, I am getting out of the cart on the opposite side of the bear. I want to begin phasing into the boss. Okay. Bigger pardon. Buzz is... You feel this tingling, Buzz? This is a bad touch. So make me more difficult, obviously make me difficult. Right. Exactly. So... My second thoughts about attacking me. I don't think it doesn't cost anything. There's no role involved. You just start to meld yourself through him. In a sense... The explicit baby. Aren't it? It feels so wrong. Just the tip baby. I don't want to kill you, but I don't want to kill you, but I don't want to kill you, but I don't want to kill you. Wait, how fast is this thing at? I have to be like... One inch. Oh, it's happening real slow. What is Richard? You said it is the tip. It is the tip. Oh, it's not weird at all. No, it's not weird at all. No. This is not wrong at any way whatsoever. There's nothing wrong with Richard. It's not weird at all. It's not weird at all. No. This is not wrong at any way whatsoever. It's not wrong with Richard. It's not wrong with Richard, you provide. No. Meanwhile. It's not wrong with Richard. Why do you have to really move? Nina starts to merge with Boz as her action, that turn, in order to make herself more... More at one and more protected from the ravage. Aww. Okay. This took a nasty turn. This is the worst I've ever had in the desert. Oh, yeah. It is. Is that your hard-cooked spring? Oh, almost. Yeah. Okay. It takes us to the next turn, which goes to the two individuals moving before the ravage bear, which is Boz and Felix. The anene reacting to your leaping opponent. I'm going to say that that panics it to a great degree. And you'll make the roll, because I don't make rolls. And you will have to use all of your animal handling ability, which you don't have much. I'm trying. This is a difficult challenge for you. Level four, target number 12. Difficult is the description of this endeavor. Train people have a 50/50 chance to not have the anene hurt itself due to the sudden panic of having something on it. It's scared, and it has blinders on, and all of a sudden something left on it. It thinks you're some kind of beast of prey, and it totally panics this point, potentially snapping one of its front legs that are hobbled. This is the best clag I've had so far. All right. I'm going to spend effort, because I don't think Felix ever doesn't. And once again, at this point, Ichabod is going to try to assist you. He's calling out to the anene by name. He's grabbing the rope. Little shit. I don't know. Big shit. Big shit. Calm down. I was going to say it's called flex. F-L-A-X. Okay. And I still call it big shit. Sure. And so he's trying to calm it down and trying to rein it in so that it doesn't leap forward too much. So once again, he gives you one level of aid. Oh, yeah. So you are reduced two levels from a level four to a level two. So you need a six or higher. You didn't mark off the points for the effort. Yeah. I'm also trained. This is easy. You're a jack, right? Yeah. That's why you're certainly trained. Got it. Okay. It's actually simple. Then. That's good enough. Yeah. The anene. Calm down. Right. Right. It's the noise. I like this. Open palm. It's very calm. Right. And do it to all my bounty contacts after I break one of them. That's no word at all. That's what I see. Fucking work. No, no one right. You got to wait for me. No, it's actually your turn again. The Alexa and bots. Do I go first? It's calm. It's stopped, right? Or is that just to stop myself from falling off? Right. No, no. You're on it. It has stopped bucking for right this moment. There's still roars and grumbles and things happening in the background. I don't know what a fucking part is. He's got, you know, Bob's got the rope. It seems like you've calmed it at this point, but it's certainly going to react again when something else happens. I'm going to put this thing to sleep. Put the sleep hole in it. Yeah. I'll choke it out. Except. It's still needed. Eat it? Does someone say eat it? I'm just going to calm it just a little bit more, try to get it to kneel down and stop. There's got to be a noise to make it kneel down because how else can you climb on these damn things or so? No, it's definitely Campbell's. But they don't always have a dune around, you know, a jump on the side of it and scramble up it. So I'm going to take it down from a difficult task to a demanding task. Right. So I'm going to bring any effort I tell you about to make the noise, dude. Make the noise. He goes ahead, gives you one level. You have another level because you are now suddenly trained, taking it from a nine down to a three again. Three. You roll a three. I roll a three. Just enough to get the anine to finally settle itself into the sand. Go ahead, Bob. I apply the lubricant to the dunked up mechanism on the music box and let the cypher do its work. Talk to me about the cypher holds here. There's no roles. What level is this? Okay. The problem is the gunk is level four and the friction reducing gel is level three. So it's going to. So it starts to eat away at it. But it does not. Does it require a strength roll to turn now? No, strength roll might actually snap it. I think he's smart enough to realize that that's not the case. You want to wait one more turn because you can see it actually eating away at the webbing within your own intellectual like one more turn. One more turn. Right. You don't want to try to start turning it and jack it up this turn because if you snap the mechanism inside, by say I don't know rolling at one, then the music box shall never get out. Yeah, a little bit of play there and you're going like, you know, back on. All right. So another round will do it. Another round should do. All right. Okay. Then I. I'm going to say it eats at three each turn. So that'll be six. Then I cradle the music box, make sure I have it secured. Right. Right. And I will slowly back it. I need it. You can't because you chose to apply the lubricant. That's fine. It doesn't matter because apparently we can't do this without lubricant and Nina. It's more important. He's slowly walking backwards into Nina. There's always time for lubricants as all I'm saying. Go ahead and ravage Bear. I got some really confused sense. Mm. Yeah. This is second closest to Sigg. Hi. Sigg. Second closest. Nina is merging with Bosco. Yeah. And I know I can't hurt Bosco. I'm just saying, okay, this is beyond my comprehension of what the fuck's going on. It's not going after the next question. I think that makes the most sense. All right. So I move. I'm at the car. You said I backed into it. How far away is the car? The 15 feet was the story that I heard. Yeah. I mean, your distance is 10 feet. So if the ravage Bear can attack farther, like it's from short range? No, I don't. I think it's immediate. You're good to go, if not, then he's protected for one more turn. My movement, however, is long, so I can move pretty quickly. I think movement for a creature is where they can move in a turn, totally dedicating it to that. I'm not sure. I'd say I dash across and get in his face. Right. And roar. So you have a raging ravage Bear that stands up on his back to paws and it roars and there is spittle that's flying and its horns are, you're ducking them and you're kind of crouching back against the edge of the wagon. I trust in the new one, they are protecting me. Right. And stay my ground and scan some more. Well, dumb. Stay near the subdual field. She screams up. They died the way you lived. Scanning them in there. That's all I did, really. Okay. So those who are after the ravage Bear, Eshman, Nina, Sig. I'm doing the headache thing with the-- That's much closer now. Yeah. On slot. Is this okay? Yes. I'm on slotting her brain. And you attack her again probing deeper into her mind trying to find the rage against her. Yes. Your die roll plus three. A nine. So it's 12. You're a straight up roll. One. Holy fuck. You'll try dicing some of them. Well, there's some type of feedback that comes back and stuns her. What's that you want? Well, those are some really active medics. What just took my die. That was the most terrible pro to hit him in the pancreas. It was up 10. It's two. Stay away from the gallbladder. I think my-- It's-- I give you a left hand at all. I think I really don't want to hurt her, so I'm going to be easy. What damage would you normally do with that? Two points of damage. You take two points of intellect damage as the rage she feels. I think the damage. You take the damage. She rolled the 20. The major effect. And not only you take the damage, you take two plus the rage and hate that she has burns itself into your brain. And literally, your nose starts bleeding, your ears feel like you've got some kind of white noise. It's just going to blow your-- you feel like your brain's going to explode. That is insane. It is insane. And you take six intellect damage from her. That's it. Let's try and do it. And that comes from the pull, right? That comes from the pull. So you hear-- everyone hears Ashman scream out in pain and surprise and clap to his knees on the other side of the wagon. It's just a fact. It's just a fact. I think that would be surprised at this point. This ravage bear is fucking nasty. Only four more nights after this, guys. We're almost there. All right, Sig, you said you're going to do that. I say that there is no way that a eon priest truly is someone who is somewhat sheltered from the fact of ravage bears with one in his face, literally breathing on him, drooling on him with its disgusting saliva, the smell of its wet matted fur. I just can't believe that you can just do that without having to make a confidence roll of some sort. You have to steal your intellect to continue doing it and not run away. Am I paying you a point or I'm a two roll? You're either saying, I'm going to make the roll, sounds like a good story device, I'm going to make the roll, and if I fail, you can't do what you want to do. You have to run. Or pay you and not roll at all. Or give me the two back and pay me one in that roll at all. GM intrusion. I'm going to roll. Okay. I get it. Yeah, you don't want to attack it. I'm not going to do that. All right, so I say that if there was a trained ravage bear handler, they would have a 50/50 chance to succeed at this daunting task. That makes it a difficult task, which is level four. So are you going to use any intellect to help with the roll or are you just going to roll? I'm going to use intellects. You're going to use effort. Yeah. Are you also using your edge, do you have an edge, an intellect or no? I do. This would cost me two then. Yes. Seven. If you fail, you have to flee. And I'll level up, so that's fine. Little bit one fourth of the level of hope. Nine twirl. That was dancing nice. It was a twirl difficulty because you applied effort. It went down to nine. So you rolled enough, you steeled yourself, and you look deeper into the soul, well, into the being of the ravage bear. And the brain... Partly reacted to the attack by Ashman. Oh, absolutely. What was really interesting was you start to see the brain in your own mind as a kind of a 3D imaging. And you see where the frontal cortex is on the brain. That is an area of, I mean, the brain is full of these nanosparits, but the frontal cortex is actually sick with them. Yeah, they're normally small, and it doesn't have a small frontal cortex, but it is actually absolutely sick with nanosparits. And you saw the nanosparits actually leave the ravage bear, and as you look backwards, you saw it strike the forehead. Again, this is something that no one else could see, but because you're looking at it in a vision that's much deeper, it strikes the brain of Ashman, and you see him collapse the ground screaming and his blood starts pouring out of his nose. And so you do realize that the brain isn't just the entire brain. There's actually a part of the brain that seems to be more hospitable or more teeming, if you will, with these nanosparits than just the brain itself. That's your turn. That takes us back to the top, which is Vaz and Felix. Felix, you now have a docile in need. Can I come riding over the hill with it to save the day? Yes. I can't believe it. Ah, fuck that. It's more riding away than I'd say to myself. I'm just shuffling all the way. Here's dinner. Maybe we'll end up eating this and we can just eat it all the way. Ichabod says, "Just keep your calm, keep your calm." And he's reaching into his adventurous pack, and he's got a spike in a piton, and he's trying to hammer down, clear out some sand, try to hammer down something to tie the rope off on. Oh, more time. Right, Ichabod. Mm-hmm. Watch this. Put your fucking ropes away. Your calmest in need you will ever see. We are good. There is probably no more explosions going to happen. You're sure of it. If it happens, I'm still on the in need. There might be some explosions about the screaming by spreading it into your mouth. There was a small muffled scream that made its way one eighth of a mile away that you recognized. I don't know. It's the only word. It was God. Who did you say God? I'm having trouble. Ah, let's go ahead. Has the lubricant... Yes. It seems to have eaten through the webbing at this. I start playing the box and I try to maneuver... Are you spinning around so that Nina... Where's Olax? I'm assuming Nina is... I didn't say it, but she's partially in need for Nina's move. I'm lubricating the box. Oh my God. But you're facing the opposite way of... Then I... But now I can move and I will try to move or try to block or obstruct Tila. Right. No. Nina. No, he's trying to keep himself between Nina and... Right. But... Nina is stuck with Nina. Right now Nina is in the back of you. So when you turn around she is again... Is it the back facing Tila? You're protecting Nina. You're facing towards the... Yup. The... What does Nina... What does Nina... You're facing towards the wagon now. You turn around and you face towards the wagon. This is where she's at. And Nina has to follow because she is embedded in your skin. No, that's not so bad. Embedded. Embedded is much better than... Oh, she's two inches into me. Oh, yeah. This is two. Right. Next turn it'll be a full three. Oh! That's no longer the tip. So... That's a full commitment. I could imagine her laughing the whole time. Mm-hmm. You turn the back and you have to... The back and you have to apply a loop to a box. Yeah. While this was happening is just ridiculous. It is wrong on somebody a little bit. How do you like it, bitch? What? No. That's inappropriate. Oh, yeah. Go ahead. Go ahead. You're up. I... To me it would be a Nina's turn. The motherfucker. Yeah, it would be a Nina's turn that the effect would take place. Okay. The third turn of the effect. Sure, absolutely. So you bare one last. Sig. Right. And you use both claws to just run. To run him. Right. At least I think that's what I thought. Okay. You know, this has gone on far fucking un-off. I couldn't agree with you more. So, I spent effort to rip him a new one. Okay. Sorry. Yay. It's okay. I have two armor. Oh. Thank you. Maybe I don't. Come on. You have two? I've used eight. And this is going to take me to ten. I've only had a total of eighteen. Oh, more than half and dead. Yeah, but you've got a creature beating a heart right in front of you. This is when you would go insane, I would think. I'm stuck in Nina with death. It's a snowball. So if you can't manage far medium end, you can't do it. Twelve. Now, you made a straight up roll? No. You don't get any pluses? Okay. What are you doing? You're on defense. Speed. Die twenty. I give some effort if I read. Does this interrupt my scan? Yeah. It's amazing. I'm afraid. Yeah. This is so cool. Now it's ripping me apart. What's going to happen? I try to roll under the wagon. What's that? I try to roll under the wagon. Okay. That's still defense. Yeah. Well, that's what I'm doing. Right. So, speed. Are you using any effort? You really should have waited until he made his roll. I really should have. That's right. No worries. I didn't hear what it was. Okay. You don't know that it was 20 again. No, I think this isn't too far away. I can handle this. Okay. Good luck to you then. Five. Yeah. Yeah. No. He tries to go up down thinking very highly of his abilities as a acrobat. And he fails miserably. And you do whatever damage it is. Okay. Now here's the thing. I'm not a bear. I'm a PC. We can deal differently. They have poles and everything else. Sure. So, I've now spent 10. Yes. In my mic pole. Mm-hmm. When the bear, their average bear, takes 10 damage. They go kind of berserk. Right. And their damage level increases. Now, this didn't happen until I'm assuming. So, I'm going to say in this turn I do four points of damage. Okay. And moving forward from this, I'm in a frenzy and do heavy damage. Oh, it gets worse? It gets worse. Okay. So, because if I took 10 physical damage to people hit me with it. It could happen. I'd be dead. Dead. It'd be unconscious. It can't blow. Next turn to none. I explained the rules of what's going to happen in the future. If I ever spend or get hit with 10 points of might, I go berserk. Right. And this was the turn that you spent 10 to attack. So, I don't think this is the case. Right. Exactly. You have two armor. In the future, I'm going to do six. You lose two might. That's manageable. Yes. Down to seven, but yeah, that's doable. There's a bit of screaming, grinding. Nine. Yeah. I was assuming you're screaming a little bit. Oh, yeah. Picked up in a grab of berserk jowls. What am I? No, no, no. The bear hog. Bear hog across the back. She's gripping open the flesh of your back through your armor. Kind of butterfly. You like the armor. Yeah, right. I really got the mutant. Okay. Is this damage or is just strictly defensive? It's just like you have a shock. I have two. Okay. The only defense. The other one doesn't offer armor and I figured I needed to save myself. The damage you have. The after-ravage bear team, which is Nina Ashman. Sig. I think Nina. Sig goes first. Okay. Push us. What? I think Nina wants to go first because I didn't hear her. I want to know what happens is all. They might be a good move because that might push you away from him under the wagon in a way too. We're just like into the wagon, get a concussion fall unconscious. People are still first. I think we also got the special spiked wheels, so I'm sure that there's like little dagger pull. Because they grab the sand so well. Of course, of course. Okay, go ahead. I don't have the role for that. I do it. Things smaller or equal in a way to fly in an undetermined direction. Oh, I am so not smaller than that. Yeah, so I fly. But it's not really what that says. But cinematically, that might be a good way to put yourself out of his range. If all it does is accomplish cinematics, it doesn't matter because at the end of this turn. I'll give you the piece goes off. Yeah, but she gets the fight through it. She gets the fight through it. And I give you a choice because you're not an open terrain that's nice and clear. You're back against a wagon and you've got a ravaged beast clawing at you right now. He hasn't just let go of you. You're trying to push away. You can take one point of damage, might, and be underneath the wagon as you push yourself away. Through the claws? Like kind of through the claws. Bang your head on the wagon as you slide underneath right. You can take one point of might damage and be underneath or you can stay where you're at. I'll take the damage. Okay. Because I've got armor. Then you're underneath. No, no. One point of damage. One point of damage. Right. Okay. And that takes us to Nina. Unless Eishman wants to try something before the definition goes on. I want to see if the bear comes on before I hit it. The wind's blowing. There's some noise. There's some ambient noise here in the desert. The wind and sand is blowing on this night. And of course there's the ravaged bear making its unearthly growls and some screams as well from some of our brave adventurers. But you all hear a deep hum. And the capsule that was dropped to the ground splits out. There was one groove in the middle of it that was circular. The one along the full circumference of the capsule. And so it kind of pushes out. It detaches itself in the middle. And a light blue light. Yeah, it's very calm, very serene. So there's a ten foot radius from the center of the capsule that is now bathed in the white blue humming light. And everyone within that radius is calm. Except you're allowed to fight through it. It's level seven, that determines the difficulty. I can't fight the attack. Yeah, I know you can. That's my point. Oh, you can. There's something... That's 21. Can someone read the description real quick on it? Yeah. I opened it already. Two rounds after being activated the device creates an invisible field that fills a specified area within long range of the device. The field lasts for one minute. It affects the minds of thinking beings within the field, preventing them from taking hostile action. The effect lasts as long as they remain in the field and for one die six rounds after. Although an intellect defense rolls are allowed each round to act normally, both in the field and after leaving it. However, the difficulty to defend... Yes, it would be 21. It's based on the level of the device. I do have an edge in that, but I can't, has the bear even attached to it. Right. You know, you can't use intellect. So, the music box plays for two more turns. The ravage bear looks around, sniffs, snips underneath the wagon a bit. You're calm, so there's no reason for you to want to leave this area. There's no compelling reason to... you're hungry, but there's no... I can't think of a compelling reason for it. So, did you have something you want to say, Nina? Yeah, I'm unfazing. Great. God. Wait, get out first. Yeah. So, after three full rounds of that playing, I assume you refer to... Yes, I were to eat human. Right. Well, that was easy. All right. There's a couple things that we need to discuss here. One is, since I did not feed, I'm going to be shit the next day. There's a rabbit right there to eat that. Well, I don't have to eat as a ravage bear. But this is something my character will find as the day goes by. The other thing is, I took 10 mic damage. Eight of it was temporary because of the bear. So, I'm assuming the other two gets transferred to the bear. I think it's a fair one. Or, we could say it's a half and half ratio because... Yeah, I'm going to be over. What if I spend six and I need river to human? There's nothing. I just use bear stuff. I don't mind that. Yeah. I really don't mind that. I mean, it's enough of a fucking disadvantage without... Okay. Okay. I'm not sure to penalize myself without doing anything more. So, I end up with a pool of eight instead of ten because... I can't wait till tonight. We've got to get more of this. A bear's? Bear her in the fucking sand. Bear her in the fucking sand. He says we're leading the ending back to the... That's starting out. It was my plan to begin with and I just got ravaged, I think. So, can you try to say? I think it was amazing. Nearly cool and scared the hell out of me. And I don't want to do it again tonight. I think I've grown an experience way for no benefit at all. What was that for? I spent an experience point to say that Nina had my... Donation win. Well... But you had no idea. Did it take a turn? No, it actually showed me one turn. It showed us one turn. It did. And disabled the music box. And disabled the music box. Only because he rolled it. Like he predicted he's gonna roll a 20. Which, I attacked Sig one turn. I would have been able to attack him too. And I would have been in berserker mode. To the front of the nose of what would have happened. Yeah. So, I don't think you wasted experience point at all. Everyone gets an experience point for surviving the night with Tila. Tonight with Tila. That's the episode name. I think just mark it on your sheets because we're not gonna remember it by the time next week rolls around. I would argue too that Sig might get an experience point because he gained knowledge. And that's what this came to about, isn't it? He did learn something that he didn't know before. One could actually argue that everybody learns a lot of things. What kind of experience one I got was when I decided to roll for courage and scanning. You're supposed to give two to four at night. And this was a pretty decent night of play. I mean, I could have got a little bit more in, obviously, but I needed to vent about it. That's what I said. I was hanging out just to watch it. He didn't leave. He wanted to stay and watch the transformation and learn about it and see how it was. Right, so everyone gets two experiences for surviving the night with Tila. And I'm gonna assume that she actually just passes out when she returns to form. She's just so exhausted, she's sleeping. No, she had a cloak or some baggy clothing. She wears over when she can get ready to change. I wear my whole clothing. Big purple pair, in purple. What single pants you like? And you guys make camp. We'll wrap it up here. I think it's probably at least 11.30 at this point. Yeah, it's like minute. Who's step pulls are really down? Just out of the intensity. Yo, me. Nice. Not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Mine reduced a little bit in speed, but no. Mine needs to like pulls down to five. I apologize. I've lost two turns, and mine's like full. Hey, any pour in the storm? I was scared. I'm down to half on everything. Can we roll for the recovery before we leave? It's actually a good minute. I had to do it. No, it wasn't. Well, no, I'm not sure how the night's gonna play out yet. 'Cause we're gonna see if there's any random encounters throughout the evening. Yeah. So if there are, that would then affect how much healing you're able to do within the storm. I think we've had enough random info. That wasn't random. That was absolutely, yeah. Yes, but what's happening? What's receiving our workers? Right. Well, with T-Love/TheRabbageBear, the rest of you gather back together. We had a small fire to talk about your experience and decide that you should probably... We cooked a dozen. Was that funny? Was that funny? Right. And decide that you should set watches for the rest of the night and you'll pick it up when you're into it. Thanks for listening to the nights of the night actual play podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures. Where you'll find character stats, photos, storytelling props, and even a forum for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at Or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit And please join us next episode for more Vistri and Adventurer. He ties knots on the ladies, not on the elephants. Exactly. I don't know anything about that. And he failed there too. So... Everyone has their ass beat, right? We do that again. Everyone has their experience points, correct? No, that's not funny. Go ahead. Robert's Bear. You're not Teal anymore. You didn't remember my name. Don't lie. Well, you hit it. Okay. How are you? I have a place card that said Teal and I covered it with Ravage Bear because that's what I am now. And you kept calling me Ravage Ravage Ravage Ravage. Ravage? Ravage? We got the card. Ten seconds in to Ravage Bear. Do you get... Elsewhere in the rules. It says if you... You pull in the elsewhere in the rules. Yeah. If you look at the other part of the rules... Dang it. But I don't know. Did you say Tommy or Tandy? I'd say he either. I said Tandy. Do you want to say Tandy? Tandy. Tandy. Exactly. That's what he was a girl. And it's male, Mike. If you're a Swiss-licking, what country is he from that he doesn't have such an end of our language? No, that would be me. There's nothing to do with. Yeah. This is about the fourth or fifth page of feedback here. Now, you could have had you been a more, I don't know, noble or, you know, a sugar-less man. You could have foregone the digging through the lipstick and the compact and the tampons. And you could have actually protected, like, defended her. And that would have, uh, she... But that isn't the savage bear. No, the ravaged bear would have had to get past you in order to get to her. But you chose what you thought was the best option in these circumstances, which was to bend down, leave her completely revealed and to dig through with us. Yeah. No, sit on us with stupidness. You're a lawyer for the prosecution. Look at that, man. I'm not the sign of those. I'm not the sign of those. I'm not the sign of those. No, you still give her some cover, but really in all seriousness, just a thought for next turn or further turns in the future, you can choose an actual action that helps called defending, where you can actually defend her. But I still had to exert... You still won't be able to use your actions. Yeah. It would take up your whole action to defend her. Right. And I have to, we have to get this music box for it. I couldn't agree with you more. I'm just letting you know there are other options because we're learning the game. I'm just letting you know what those options are. I'll be all serious now. I'm not playing with you. I was playing with you before and now I'm not playing with you. I can't tell the difference. All right. This is tough. Before I was being a dick. No. No. I've just been to Scott. No. This is Scott. We just, yeah. Yeah. I'm just cheating. Six of one. Yeah. That doesn't matter. This is Seagreen and this is Teal. Seagreen. With... Cause you thought that... That wasn't much thinking involved. Right. I was gonna say...