Knights of the Night

KotN Actual Play Podcast - 156 Numenera - Mental Intru

1h 29m
Broadcast on:
24 Feb 2014
Audio Format:

The gang gathers around the wagon as the spider digs back under the sand. But what are all those figures moving around the dunes?

(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to "Night to the Night" actual play podcast. This new manure adventure, "Sand Swept," was written and run by a GM Scott. And now, please enjoy episode 156 titled "Mental Intrusion." Actual play begins 22 minutes, 23 seconds. So before we get to the episode, we'll cover feedback on Facebook. We have some responses to episode 155. Ari said, "That was most probably the best feedback session." You wanted the issues that I guess many of party faces at one time or another. I know our parties have educational and entertaining, a new tag to be attached to KOTN. Oh yeah, saving the actual play session for the drive on Sunday. You know, I just had to say that, 'cause Ari's our driver. - Who listens to us now? - Not the only one. - No? - No one listens to us unless I'm driving. - So thank you, Ari. Actually, I had someone else I believe comment on the fact that they enjoyed the feedback session. - I remember talking a lot about what-- - You're in Mike's meltdown. - Or Mike's meltdown, excuse me, 'cause you weren't exactly melting down. - And we talked about playing characters and acting and that sort of stuff. Where the line is. - So Richard Watts also commented and said, "Now you've done it. I'm gonna have to go back and re-listen to delivery." Now, so that I can relive the Allen Roberto showdown. I love the characters in that story. Thank you Richard, and hopefully soon we'll be returning to that story. - Now hopefully, most definitely. - Most definitely. - Well, by hopefully I met soon. - Right, not the time factor. - Not the we'll be returning. - Hopefully, before your surgery or after your surgery? - Oh, after the surgery. Seeing as a surgery is next week, so. - Next week? I was wondering about that. - Isn't it? - Friday of the 13th? - I love having surgery. - Right, that's funny. - You and Omar. - Right as well. In the general chat on Facebook, David LaPorte said, "Hey guys, I really enjoy your podcast. I came to you through a suggestion made on the ninth world of." I get the sense that some of you guys might be as old as I am, 42. And still, I've been RPG. - Mm-hmm. - What's that? - I've been there. - You've been to 42? - Right back. Was you time travel involved? - All of us are older than 42 with the exception of Thomas and David. - Yeah. Seeing you young. - Who together? - And Ryan above. - You're still not 42. - Very close to 42. - Good close. - That's why you guys are happening. - So you're 23, right? - That's 42. - There you go. - You're with the tag too. (laughing) - That's why you guys get in. - That's why you guys get in. - And they're my kids, and I don't even know how they are. And you're right, Bob and Ryan who are former players. - Let's get in close. Bob's getting close, but Ryan is nowhere. We're nowhere near close. - No where near close. - Nice to lessen the kindred spirits doing their thing. I think I'd feel right at home at your table. - I'm still gaming with the same guys I've been playing with since I was 17. You've just branched in a new scenario while searching for something new. And we've been all the way from basic through 4E. You, does his or his not mine. - Just to be clear. - Yes. And a whole host of other RPGs over the year. I'll be running my guys through the vortex soon. I'll be borrowing heavily from you. Keep it coming, looking forward to your discussion of new manure when you wrap it up. - Does the vortex say? - I believe it's a. - Can the structure? - Yeah. - It's all okay. - Borrowing, does that mean we get it back? - No, but it'll have a little label on it that says borrowed from KOTN. That was in the general chat. I believe Jim was who responded, some of us guys are older. And he mentioned the fact that he had a birthday at that time. So happy belated birthday Jim. - Yes indeed. - And David responded with, hey now let's not start having a pissing match over who's older 'cause you know younger guys can still pee. Happy birthday. - As a grandparent, the younger they are, the more they pee. - Is that what it is? - Until you get old and then it starts. - That's not so true anymore. - Yeah, it's a circle, circle of pee. - A Ken Brown responded as well and said, when I picked up my daughter from her Girl Scout meeting last night at another troop's house, I noticed that the father who lived there had a first edition D&D manual from Ankenedian as a bookshelf. Awesome. To which Dave LePort said sounds like the universe is trying to tell you something, Ken. And he said, "Hey Ken, you should check out "the nights in that actual play. "If you can't play like you used to, "you can always listen to some good gaming." - Live vicariously through our griefs. I think a lot of people do that. - Yeah. - That's why we have as many listeners as we have a belief. - That's kind of sad in a way that they can't find a group right to play with, that they really would enjoy playing with. Something we've talked about in the past, feedback sessions of how lucky we are to have a group that we're comfortable with and yet they're creative and funny and witty. You know, like all the things that you really want, no one's really power gaming or really undermining the entire story to their own. - We have people like that. - We have a little bit, but certainly we need them out through the time. The group is at a core as Dave Strong as opposed to. - The fact that Jim posted on that brings up something I said I would mention. Recently, Facebook changed its way it handles pages like ours. And when I posted a episode 154, it was posted under my name instead of how it used to do it, which was the Knights of the Night. - Knights of the Night, Kyoto, yeah. - So then that shuffles it off to another sector that people can't find it. So what we have to do when we go in as admin is go up to the top and say log in as Kyoto and then anything we post will show up as Kyoto. But that also explains why 154 can't be found because it's kind of shuffled off. But yes, in the future we'll make sure that doesn't happen. - Jason Carter posted and said you guys aren't alone in lengthy process of decision making. And once I had a player take 45 minutes to make a single decision. - He'd fit right in at our table as well. - What was the decision? - He didn't say. - Well, I'd like to know. - If it's not too much. - Is whether to target the left shoe first or his right shoe first. - That's a tough one. One of them could be trapped. - Sounds like a dead character to me. - Oh yeah. - If it's a dangerous situation, it could be. Under the big dye picture on our Facebook page, Richard Watts said, did he give a reason why he stole Daniel Mountain Man Morgan's dice? I also, how would one do that? - I think very carefully would be the answer. - Well, he sleeps with a club. - Right. - Taylor McClure asks, is that a new manera map? I responded, yes, yes it is. And Jason McDonald asked, did the map come with kicks as a kickstart reward? And I don't know. - I think it comes with every book because it was like in the light of him. - Yeah. - But it may have come as a kickstart reward because we started to leave out ours via kickstart. - Do we have to extract it from the binding? Do we have to actually rip it out? 'Cause that would insinuate that the printing of the book is put in there. Where if it was just a kickstart, it might have been folded up and slid into there. I don't know, because-- - That one wasn't sealed, right? - The only book I bought was kickstarters. So I don't know how it comes out without-- - Right. - There's a map right in the inside. - I think it's a hand map out in the back. - Yeah, I don't remember. I remember you guys showing me the map when you brought it over for the first time, but it was already out of the book at that time. - You think you would give us like maps? - I'm a bear. - Big fan of maps. - I love maps. - Ari commented that the big dice, that's good for us old players. We can see the numbers that we roll. So size does matter after all. And Wesley Harper said, "I've seen bigger." - Uh, ours. - Michael, I'm sitting right next to me. He said, "Exactly. I've got more to do with failing eyesight than any perceived compensation issue." - Then you went to our convention where they had like a bowling ball size, 20-sided dice or something. - I did go to the convention that they had dice where they were like probably in the neighborhood of three feet tall, like you had to shove them rather than to try to roll them. 'Cause they were very big. - You know that? Make a nice foot storm. - Down? - And then when it was your turn, throw it against the wall. - This place would throw it. - Where would you throw it? - In the light sky. - There's a bit of room here. - On Google Plus, we had some feedback from Jason Carter on issue on episode 155 issue. We're doing comic books now. He said, "For the record, I think fate lends itself to inter-party conflict easily." Which I would agree it's probably the best system I've seen so far that handles. Social combat, which is a big part of inter-party conflict because it gives you a structure to use. - I agree. - We did get a piece of email, Dan Scale, who said, "Hi guys, as I mentioned in my previous email, I love your show, and I'd like that you alternate between different game systems." I know you're going back to Dresden very soon, but do you have any plans beyond that? If you're looking for a short filler between your major stories, I'd like to suggest Robin D. Law's Hill Folk. Hill Folk was a Kickstarter project, much like Muminera, and ever since I write about it, I thought it would be perfect for your group. It focuses on character relationships and the scenes boil down to one player petitioning another, and whether the request is granted or not. I think Hill Folk would suit your group and the Iron Age tribal setting can be changed if it doesn't suit you. Unfortunately, the printed version hasn't been released yet, but the draft PDF was released as part of the Kickstarter. Who knows how long Dresden will last this time? It might have been printed by the time you're done. If you're interested, check out the NIRD It's N-Y-E-R-D podcast, which also did some actual play episodes with Robin D. Law's. But their website seems to be down at the moment. I just wanted to put this game on your radar dar if you haven't heard of it already. Thanks and keep up the good work. Actually, I do listen to the NIRD podcast, and I do remember that particular. I didn't name the podcast. - What's that how it's pronounced? - N-Y-E-R-D, and that's how they pronounce it. - They don't say NIRD, they say NIRD. - They say NIRD, yes. - Okay. - Or you know if they'll read you the podcast. - Huh? - And you know, 'cause you listen to it. I know because I'm listening to the podcast, and I do remember that I'm talking about that, and I've heard of that role-playing game before, but I'm not an expert on it. So I would like to just look at it again. - But as far as what we're playing next and... - The next is definitely Dresden. - Yeah. - Dresden is potentially a cross with the guys from Dice Heroes. - Oh, I thought we were going right into... - World of Darkness. - World of Darkness. - As long as it's a short jaunt, I wouldn't mind. I'd like to get back to World of Darkness, but I'm in no huge hurry. The characters are very strong, and the story's gonna hold up, so it's not like we have to run back to, I know some of our listeners are waiting for it, but if there's a small interlude between Dresden and World of Darkness, that's fine, but the goal is obviously one of those two options, whether it's Dresden, then World of Darkness or Dresden, slight deviation, and then World of Darkness. - You just got me hooked back here, saying that we were playing Dresden, and then we got this character. - World of Darkness is next. - Really? - Did I haven't played since. When did I start July? - Right. Well, I just know people are inching for both stories, and I will admit that Numenir, I got into the Kickstarter 'cause it interests me, and I was the one that pushed for Numenir, and not only because I wanted to play it because I knew it was hot. And our numbers have shown that that was a good call, as a bump in our listenership team. - I love this show something good. - So stand chill. - I've been reading the Kickstarter page for Numenir. They don't mention that any tier specific reward for also the map. - So I think it comes with every book. - Oh, okay. - Not shit. - Good enough. - And I'm enjoying all the games you're playing. - Yeah. - To the point where I don't want to leave the one that we're currently playing. - They are interesting characters. I do enjoy playing Tila. - I am. - They almost said Nila. - See, start the night off on that. - Nina's right next to me here with a picture, so. That's the end of our Facebook information from our main page. So now the guys who said they would be watching the fan page and picking out interesting posts. - What's interesting on the fan page? Mike, Scott, Michael, Jim. - Well, JMac put up a thing about favorite episodes and. - There was a lot of coverage on there. - There was a lot of coverage about it. I contributed one of my quick stories and. - Two, he called you out about it. - I threw my two cents in on that also. - He said that there were eight, if you count Mike's two entries, there's only one that he would roll a die to determine which one wins. So Mike did his homework, anyone else? - I read that scene. - Oh bullshit. Yeah, that's the same one I did teaching. - Well, you were, you weren't mentioning my link, so what did I talk about? - You talked about the fact that there were. - Almost my face stays. - Or catapult-stacing inward on the castle. - It is one of my stories that is not one of the ones I wrote down. - You started talking about that. - You started not mentioning that. I don't remember reading that. - Nope. - I mean, it's in my head. I'm gonna talk about it somewhere. - We can't see that by the way, Mike. - Your head. - Your head. - All I know is I started reading it and I thought that he said something about drawing a map and I have to admit I got distracted by it, figured it was the one that, 'cause we all drew a map together and I have to draw the missiles. - Terrible bluff. - You missed your bluff roll. - I'm sorry. - It's a bluff. That was the truth. - I believe I talked about one of my favorite moments, which was the, no, that goes wrong. - Oh, you just wrong, not only wrong. - No, it was in the end of shitlock. It was the end of shitlock when carbon monoxide filled the house with snipers covering all angles of the house and windows with a fertilizer bomb in the basement that ends up almost taking the life of 25. - Didn't someone mention Heart Cook's brain though? One of the people said that that was their favorite scene. - As a player, it was really interesting playing that one. - It was one of my favorite scenes because you guys were pushed to the brink and yet there was only one supposed death and really the only reason that that death occurred, not to beat on Jim 'cause it was his character's, it was his moment, you know? He wanted to run back into the building that you would all escape from. - All the perils kind of washed us together after all. I can't remember. - We realize that there is no such thing as a safety officer. - Yeah, we gotta find another name for those officers. - Right, if that's a safe ask. - So Jim and Mike, either of you, a fan of post that activity on that page, this was your job, you know? - We know you read it. - Yes or no? - I read it all, Nina made a post. - That's true. - Through diary. - Yes, I saw you made a diary post. - Didn't read that either, but saw that it was made. I visited the page and several occasions. Didn't read a damn thing all the way through. - If I see a video, I'm not gonna invest 20 seconds on that. - Right, exactly why. - Why would I do that? - Logan Swanson posted about his dungeon world game that he played with his girlfriend and his kids. - That was great. - Her kids, it was fun. It was fun, he talked about that. Jason McDonald posted, I'll post asking if people wanted to tell role-playing stories and there was nine or 10 different comments under that in which people told stories about their games. - Right. - I think Mike even, you, Mike-- - I put one in there too. - Put one in there. - That's tripping out. - It was not about the tripping out, that was never mentioned. - When they started to write it, it felt like more of a crazy person, right? I just decided that I didn't want my daughter supposed to-- - To be ranting it. - Well, there's too much history to catch people up on and for, to make it really interesting. - And I think one of my favorite was the post about top three favorite characters and all of our episodes. I think Logan Swanson posted that one. He asked, what was your top three favorite characters? And there was a lot of comments under that one. - And we had fun talking about how Criby you were. - I actually posted that one, I said. My favorite part was that I got to be bitchy. I got to write a bitch. - Yeah, you said everything. You don't remember anything, you didn't write it. - I totally read that. - And then my least favorite was Mike and my sons ragging about how I do editing, but actually I enjoyed it. - I read that. - That was funny. - Is that how you could be used to tonight? - Because Mike actually said it was a compliment, not he wasn't rapping on you, it was actually a compliment. I did read that. - You read it? - I was like, I remember something. - That's true. - I read some of it. I just didn't read much of it. - I read that. - I brought it. - I read that. - Total immersion. - Yeah, I could imagine that much abuse. Could really knock you off your game there. - Right, unlike Mike who gets none whatsoever. - None. - I'm saying this session on. - My stuff has been issued in decades apparently, but that's okay. - Yeah, you didn't get to be bitchy, you just had an excuse for being bitchy. - There you go. That's true. - That's fine. - I actually had fun being bitchy. - And to wrap it up, we have two iTunes reviews, one from Grimjack 2011. Outstanding podcast, Five Stars, in which he says, KOCN is one of the best actual plays anywhere. I recently finished The Dungeon World arc, and I'm really enjoying new Monero. These guys get along really well, playing off each other, and for the most part, moving the story along at a very good pace. (laughing) - Whoa, sorry. - You're just making shit up. - Of course I'll get fast forward through. - You said for the most part, you just say universally. - I'm taking that as a 99. - Have you guys ever considered doing an episode where you just talk about a subject? I love the conversations before the actual plays begin. Thanks again for the great actual play, guys. KOTN rules the night, at least for me, Lee. - All right, well, that's very nice. - I don't think we've ever considered doing just a discussion. - We certainly do a lot of discussions off tape, if you will. I mean, we talk about movies and books and current events. - So they're not. - Like, conspiracy of the week. - Yeah, we talk about that all the time. - All the time. - Alien built the pyramid. Come on. - Yeah, we don't talk about it every week. - The ammunition that's showing up in the national forest. - Aliens built the pyramids with the alien direction. - See, were they spider aliens? - I hope not. - No. - 'Cause those would be the bad guy. - He asked before they say they were built. - I don't think spiders are very well built to be intelligent beings. - Anyways, don't become a citizen. - See, this is why we don't record them. - Yeah, we're speaking. - Species bigot. - Our second iTunes review too. - In December. - Wow. - Just the beginning. - In my question, really either. - Yeah, I was gonna say it. - Five stars as well. Ice Fisherman, titled. - Man. - Or man. - Man. - So singular. - Ice Fisherman. - Is that a group of Ice Fisherman? - No, they're posting. - They, we got together as a committee and said a fantastic actual play podcast. I listened to a number of actual play podcasts and I believe that this is perhaps my favorite of them all. This is by far the best edited and it has the best sound quality of any AP podcast that I've ever listened to. And the players are all top notch. They're as far more storytelling and unlike many games that I have played, the gyms are willing to let serious consequences be inflicted on the player characters. - Yes. - We have no problem doing that. - They're over. - They're over. - Not generally. - At least one of us says they're probably doing. - Yes. I have point to Scott. The games tend to have a serious tone to them that is difficult to find elsewhere. I do hope that they go back to the world of darkness or Dresden File soon, but I still have been listening to their other works and enjoying them all. If anything because of the concise way that the stars are told and edited, you get the most bang for your buck and it is a rare event when you have nothing to do but listen to dice rolling and number crunching and the table chatter during one of those convents, which I believe is where many APs suffer the most. But because of the editing, the slog that is normally there is taken down to a minimum. The worst offenders of these being the four or five hour slogs in the Thursday night actual play. It was in the review. Sorry guys. - I thought some of our friends that we talked about. - Well that's the one who you're competing against. - Oh. - I don't remember. - You're competing against. - My advanced dad. - He didn't know. - He didn't know. - He didn't know. - Advanced dad occasionally are devoid of most right time. Keep up the good work. I look forward to many more stories and excellent role-playing. So thank you both for the iTunes review. - So Iceman, you should be pleased because we're gonna be returning to Reddit. - Ice fisherman. - Excuse me. - Not Iceman. - Or man to that matter. Right. - It isn't anything. - Please. - I listened to him. - I listened to him talking. - He should be pleased because we're returning to Dresden very shortly. And probably, how many more episodes do we have? Like assuming that we end in two weeks. - Short order two weeks. - Yes. - Two weeks. - Let me, how many do we have in the can right now? - Maybe three in the can and then right. - Would I do a couple more? - I mean. - Is that way too close? - It's pretty close to us. We usually have more in the can. - Especially with surgery impending. - Right. - That's impending surgery. - That's impending surgery. - This last episode was, that's going to follow this feedback. - Right. - Was a two hour plus recording session which I am editing down to a single hour because it was a combat in which it was the aforementioned slog. - Right. - So I'm trying to cut it down. - Our first time through. - Yeah. I'm trying to cut it down. - We're going to do a map for that too. Because a lot of the guys were asking a lot like one or two people. - This is crazy. - This is crazy. - I can do a real map of the desert, the dune battle that was taking place in the mountain. - I think this would be the perfect time for you to do that map. - Yeah. - Whilst we're playing it. Okay. - No, I mean, as this episode goes on it would be a good idea. - Sure. I'll have something to do before Thursday. - With that, we'll just mention really quick, link that's on our website, - No longer Black Friday. - We have got a ton of hits from the our listeners. Enough to pay for two and a half months. So, I like Friday did help out. I'd like to thank everybody who partook in that. Still not Christmas. You can still get things from Amazon. Does it cost you anything else? - All those last-minute shoppers. - Forgot to use the like. - Oh. - Did you? - You are a bad guy. - You're a bad boy. - You are a bad nun. - I think it's because of, you know, that icon that I put in there. - I think they made all the dune things. - They made all the dune things. - We probably could have been making this money a long time ago if you just got off your ass and got it done a year ago, wouldn't it? - You can't make anything positive. - No. - Swingers on. - It doesn't really ever swing away. - You did a good thing. - Remember when you suck? - You did a good thing. - What I like about it, it doesn't even last a breath. - I cut you off. You didn't even finish it. - No. - Before it came back around. All right. Well, we'll let you all go and enjoy the episode. - This is chapter six of the New Menire Adventure Sand Swept. I am your GM Scott and my ride is. - I am Jim playing Eshman, who is a mystical nano who works miracles. - I'm Tom playing Tila on Intelligent Jack who hauls at the moon. - I'm Mike playing Bosco, a tough glaive who uses flesh and steel. - I'm Michael playing Nina, a stealthy nano who exists partially out of faith. - I'm Thomas playing Felix, a strong-willed Jack who hunts with great skill. - I'm John playing Sig, a mutant nano who talks to machines. - All right. Everyone gets a point of experience just for the session last night last week and then I'll give more experience points once this battle is over for the battle itself. Okay. A brief recap of last week, which is you were working your way through the desert. You can actually come up with a plan to avoid or at least to minimize the damage Tila can do on her change when it happens at midnight here on the second night. - We're gonna cut your legs off. - Yeah. And as you were making your way towards a turn in the road where you were going to head towards an oasis, someone noticed, I believe it was Sig. - Oh, it was right. It was Sig and Nina. - And he was 20 and we still only saw one out of the three. - Right. - We discussed it. - Right. - Saw some ab humans that were trailing your group. Some of you got off the wagon to set up your own ambush. Unfortunately, you stumbled into a layer of some type of arachnid creature that you're unfamiliar with. Meanwhile, the rest of the individuals that were on the wagon slowly turned it back around to come back and help. And as they're making their way to help with the arachnid creature, the original group that were stalking you, one of them made an appearance on the western hills briefly before Sig knocked them off with his esoteric. Unbeknownst to you as the wagon was circling back to help the other members of the group, they were being stalked from the eastern side of the pathway by a as yet unseen creature or creatures. So we'll pick it up there, I believe we ended, like the end of the initiative, so that would take us back to the first person, which is Bob's. - Is the spider creature going back into its hole or am I still at the edge of the pit and biting it? - As of the last 10 seconds or so, it seems to have crept lower into its layer. It did make a couple of swiping attacks, but only with the longest two of its legs, which were the ones with the pincers on the end of them. - It sounded to me like it did that as it was retreating. - Yeah, kinda, yeah, I think that's an accurate estimation. So it hasn't gone since that last retreat into like a somewhat of a hidden position. So it's tough to say, but your guess is based on its body language, your history as a glaive, and being in many combat, I think you would assume that its retreating from the battle would be your guess, but you don't know the specific characterizations of this particular creature might embark upon it. - It had ripped my sword out of my hands, so is my sword somewhere where I can see it and go after it? - Absolutely, it's in the lair with the spider creature, and it's stuck in the demon who's in a cage. - That was different story, but yes, when it was ripped from your hand, it landed in the pit. - Well, this creature was it significantly wounded, or can I tell, like, it's it? - You were right there when the demon stabbed it in its eye, several of the eyes. - What I'm saying is that my main weapon is there, but if going down into the hole where I got a think advantage spider is... - I think it's a fair estimate. - It's right. - You're a vantage spider. - I think it's dying, I think it's hurt. - Right. So I guess I'll... - I figured it might fight some other things. - But we also have these app humans, so I do have a knife, I have a backup weapon. - I don't believe you're aware of the app humans yet to be fair off. - Then nevermind, I'll say, I think I've got a knife, I mean... - Except that you know that they were stalking us. - Yes. - But they were on the other side of the road. - They don't know we're thundering towards them. - Right. Or they might see you thundering towards them, but I would think that the inclination would be they're coming to help us, we've got this under control. - I think Felix knows what's going on, because I've been shouting at him, he's on top of the hill and saw me pointing. - Sure. - We'll say Felix knows. - I had to prepare to shoot the guy that... - It's a good push. - Right. - Yeah, so you are aware. - I'm going after my sword, maybe you'll be able to help me get out of this trouble. - You bet me. - I'm watching. - I gotcha. - I kind of feel like I need to have my weapon. - I know the feeling. - But I hate spiders. - No, you hate spiders. - No. - Mike hates spiders. - Every incarnation of my character takes in every universe, all hate spiders. - I don't know. - All right, I'm gonna clamber out of, get away from the pit and I'm going to have to... - You're gonna ditch a sword? - A sick father's a sword. - Unless you, you're up on the doom, unless you want to come down here and help me secure this thing. - Is it visible or is it? - I could see the sword, but it's not. - There's a hill, it's sticking in the sand, there's literally a hilt sticking out of the sand. - Yeah, and it's down by the spider. - World of Darkness, three seconds, what are you doing? - I'll back off from the edge of the pit and get near to the base of the doom and pull out my dagger. - Okay. - Eshman, you are next. - Pulling up on these guys, but we're not there yet, right? - Correct. - You might want to delay your turn until we move on my turn. - Which is what, yeah, I'm not doing anything right now because we're not there yet. - All right, fair enough. - Unless he stares at some of the pit and it may jump off. - She, and now I don't intend to. - All right. - It's the action is occurring, anyone who's glancing at the western sand dunes do not notice any new creatures appearing. The one was pushed off about, I mean, eight to ten seconds ago, but nothing else has appeared to take its place or to show itself. So go ahead. We're at the second group of people who go after the spider, or the arachnid, does burrow itself, several its legs, it's shifting the sand and burrowing deeper and with several other of its legs, it's starting to pull sand over itself from the edge of the pit that it created. - So this is going to be burning my sword with it? - That's how it seems right this second, yes. That would take us to Sig at eight, he's the next person who goes. - Are you waiting as well for Tila to drive the car now? - Well, all my attacks can happen at range, and I take a peek over Tila's shoulder at what I can see of these people. How many of my allies can I speak about? - I think you can spot all three of them, you're close enough now, we can spot all three of them because they are hidden or anything over the hill, maybe. - Where the wagon is right this second. - You could see Felix on top of the dune because that dune is taller than the one that's blocking your view right now, but you do not have a good view of Nina or Boss at this point. - Okay, I guess I'm waiting my turn until after the car pulls around, nothing I can help do. - Okay, we can hear the wagon coming right. - I would think so, even with the wind whipping and some sand whipping, I think you can still hear the wagon. - Especially the annoys of the anne. - All right, Felix or Nina, either one of you? - Is that a light ball on that sword? - Sure you're right, the edge of the pit. So you saw it happen. - I'm going to go down and get it and come up and do that one turn, grab it, come back up, and I can see it right there. - You can see it, but again it's about 15 feet down. So you can leap down to land on your feet, you don't have to do a face first plant because the 15 sand and the spiders move still moving around down there and it's pretty tight quarters. I would say it's probably the speed check which is right up your alley if you want to make an attempt to jump down there and grab the sword. This turn you would climb out. - I love my thinking so I'm doing it. - Okay. - Nina doesn't worry about things. I know she just asked. - Look at her, she's calm. She looks very at peace, very tranquil. - She's on towards the target. - I'm going to say, leaping down there, you can make a good estimation because of this. Again, it's right up your skill set. So we'll say that the difficulty is going to be demanding, which is a target number of nine. It is level three, you may spend to reduce it if you wish. - Just try that. - All right. I want to live dangerously this girl. - I slow. - All right. So no one but Vaz and maybe Felix be happy to look back at that moment, sees you, you can leap down, you find your footing very easily in the soft sand, you are five feet and immediate move away from the sword and the spider. - Yeah, I mean, you are basically the legs of the spider, the appendages are perked up and around you. - It's running for me. - They're moving, wailing. - I'll just stab it in another dozen eyes. - Right. Take that stupid spider creature. You certainly startle it when you leap down and the sword is about five feet away. I'm assuming you're going for the sword? - Yeah. - Okay. I'm going to say that you can move that immediate distance and grab the sword but not pull it out of the sand just yet because that's too many actions in one turn, I think. I think it's good to get there, get your hand on it, and the next turn you'll pull out and then be able to jump up again and start climbing if you wish. Does that sound fair? - It would be good to help you. - And that takes us to Tila? - Nope. - At three orph. - I thought you were waiting, but I apologize. - Well, I actually am, I just didn't say anything yet. I was waiting until anyone walks over the western dude, which if I understand correctly is over here. - Yes. - See where the X is on that really crudely drawn map? - Somebody just fell off of there. - That one. - That's where he got pushed off of. - That's really far away. - That is really far away. - I thought there is also one over here in the east. - That we don't know. - We don't know. - Yes, that we have not seen right on one of the eastern dudes. Okay. So, Felix, basically what you're doing is kind of aiming your crossbow in that direction. - Remaining hidden in the vein, hope that they don't know him here. - Oh, so you're slid down the eastern slope of that sand dune, kind of peering over. - Yeah. - Okay. Gotcha. That's fine. It takes us to finally, Tila, at three. - All right. My intention was to come around the dune that's blocking the way that I see them in an arc to come towards there. But the one I see, the big huge hole I would steer. - You could draw it. - Huge hole if you want real quick. - Just like this big. - Yeah. I think that's a good estimation. - Okay. When I see the large hole, I steer slightly away from it to end up on the east side of it. - I know. I'm going to make you make it animal. - Oh, all right. I'm maintaining my flex skill of animal handling. This is going to be the same as it was for Tila, a demanding task with a level three and a target number of nine. - It's going to be the same as it was for Tila, who is me? - Yeah. I'm sorry. That Nina. That just jumped into the hole. - The other Tila. - The other Tila. - Really? Yeah. - All right. Animal, husband, tree, and door handling, which makes it one lower. - Yes. - From demanding to standard. It takes you down to a six. My, until like pulls getting a little low, so I'm going to just try it straight up. - Okay. - I'm going to spend an experience, your ace is three and roll it again because- - Okay. How many experiences did you have? - I had three. Now I'm down to two. - Okay. You rolled an eight, which is a six. - Right. That's a pass. - Okay. So that is exactly what you needed, which means you cut it as close as you possibly could, which means this is the jam intrusion. One of the- - That's what you succeeded. - I did, but the jam said, "He's got weight." - Right. And he succeeded by the exact number he needed, which means it was as close to failure as he possibly could get without failing. So I think it's a good time for a jam intrusion. - Sure. - So you could have two experience points, and what ends up happening is the left rear wheel of the wagon clipped the edge of the pit, and there actually is a little bit of almost like a rocky outcropping, and it snapped part of the axle off, and so that wheel kind of tipped in, and- - That's just air brakes. It's slowing me down faster, so I'm all right with that because I'm stopping. - All right. - It broke the axle. - It broke the axle. Something we worry about later. - Okay. - Oh, what ends up happening is the wagon careens what you need to give one of your experience points to someone. - Yes. - How about somebody in the back? - I was going to go on the back. - Just someone in the back. - Inside of the cart. - Yeah. She had two people in the cart who are both begging for the- - The dimension is done in the pit. - Yeah, I'm looking up at the- - You're looking up at me, and I'm hanging- - On the cart. - I know she hated me. - The parkal wagon of my head. - Yeah. - I'm going to give it to actually the guard that's on that side of the cart about to fall into the pit. - Right. You were on that side too though, were you not? Were you on the western side of the cart? - No, I rearranged myself so I could be behind Nina Teela before the turn where it rolled around. - I'm glad nothing only does it. So what is happening is the wagon itself, the left rear wheel, the axle, that wheel snaps a bit. Doesn't break all the way through, but snaps. So the whole wheel kind of caves in a bit. The meshmen who is right on that edge, when the wagon tilts, you find yourself basically creaming off the edge so you need to make a speed check to grab onto the edge of the cart and hang on for dear life. - Cool. Like they do like sailboats with it. - Right. They're packing basically, I think. - I doubt you have it. You feel the skills. - Oh, no. - So, yeah, it's straight up. - Yeah. - Okay, so. - Unless you're going to spend a edge train, people will have a 50/50 chance to succeed. That's what I would say, this is not falling off. - Wagon champ. - I would go with train with an acrobatics and speed type. - Or sailing. - Yeah. Thanks, or sailing. So it's a difficult challenge that gives us a difficulty level of four, a target number of 12. - Yeah, I'm spending three on my pole. - Okay, raise those three please off your speed pole. - I get nothing else that's going to help me out. - Okay. So you can reduce it one level. - Yep. - Okay, you take it down to demanding then. - Nine on. - No, if I fail, I, I, I join. - That was something, yeah. Something bad happened. - You lay on the sword on the wall. - Twelve. - Twelve. - You succeed by a full level. So I'm going to say that you actually don't like flip out and grab on the edge and you're hanging off the edge. You actually keep yourself in the wagon, however, sitting who was in the other end of the wagon and not even looking very much to see what was going to happen. - I only had one to give. - One of the wagon gives, you come stumbling backwards. Your back is slamming into the back of Eshman and you need to make a roll yourself to stay in the cart. Same difficulty level that Eshman had. - Twelve. This is a target. - Mm-hmm. - I'm going to use some effort. - Sure. Take it down to a nine. So is that minus three? Because that's not your thing. - Yeah. I don't have a lot of speed. I've never said that. - Right. - How do you end the pit? - You're going to grab you as you fly by. - Eight. - Eight, which is, you missed by one because nine was your target shot by, I believe. - If only you had an experienced point given to you, actually you do have experienced points. - Yeah. - You're rolling again? - Uh-huh. - Okay. - Come on. - It's crazy. - I know it's interesting. - Fluffy, do you not hear that it was fluffy? - I think it's going to-- - It's like a pillow like this. - Draw this out if I fall in there. - Damn, drawing it out. - That's much worse. - Okay. I roll the six. Let's draw this out. - I think you have to take the second roll. Do you not need to roll again? - No, no, you have to take the second roll. Not so, so that's a failure, unfortunately. So you slam into the back, hitting Ashman, spinning around, and then flopping face-first into the pit, thereby landing somewhat on the spider and somewhat on the sand. So you kind of, you know-- - That didn't need any help. - The fall wasn't that bad because-- - You told me like the sand that the spider has pushed over its head on top of its-- - Oh, you hit that and kind of slide down a bit, so yeah, I mean, it's all kind of mixed in together. It's flailing, the spider is not yours. And all kinds of sand blowing, and it's quite disorienting, too, because a few seconds ago you were just looking out, and now you're looking up, and the sky is above you. - Here comes the wheel. - So I'm going to say that the damage for that was pretty minimal, you take two white damage for the fall. And that's pretty minimal, right? - I don't know. - Armor does not help, though. - I don't know. That would then take us back to the top if Sig had acted, so I think you actually get an action. - Mm-hmm. - I haven't acted yet. - True, thank you, Ashman. You haven't moved to either. You haven't done anything either. So either one of you can go at this point. - We should get some more floats down. - I'm helping people out of the pit, so whoever-- - I don't think you can reach down here. - You really can. He's about 15 feet down, and you're about maybe 6 feet in the air on the wagon, at least. Your feet are 6 feet in the air, so you're a little bit higher, obviously, than that. - So it's a tall wagon. - It's pretty tall, because it's an Indian wagon. - I had to jump to get on that wagon. - Yeah. It's an Indian wagon. It's not gonna be a long one. - You don't want most steps. - Yeah, well. - So anyone want to go first here? Ashman, you have anything that you can put down into the sand pit to help your friend and colleague Sig. - I want to get out for the cart and get down so I can help them up. I think there's enough people nearby that I'll be fine. - You can jump off the back of the wagon to the edge of the pit. You can be on the eastern edge of the pit, or is everyone else standing on the western edge near the sand pit? - Yes, I was thinking I'd be on the eastern edge of the pit, helping them out. - The wagon is coming to a stop, because if you have an adventurer's kit or whatever they call the explorers pack, excuse me, they should have some hemp roll, and there should have none. - I have a back pack. - Yeah, that's not the same. - It's your tour. I'd love to take it out of here. - I do not have an external pack. - Okay, so you jump off the back, look in, kind of survey the situation, and you see that there are two people on the pit. One is in the eastern end of the pit, excuse me, the western end of the pit, that's Nina. She has her hand on a sword, and appears to be trying to pull out of the sand, and then you have Sig, who's on his back, partially resting on part of the thorax, of the arachnid, and part on the sand, as well, off the sides. She's kind of like resting against the side of the arachnid, and it seems startled, because not only does some crazy bitches just jump into the pit, but just stab at the eye, but you now have to start landing on his back from the bottom. - I can't order it. - This will turn into a fight. - And I'm hoping that when they're like halfway up, then I can help them the rest of the time. - So you're just peering in right now and assessing the situation so that you can, basically saying, oh fuck, okay, Sig. - Sig gets a little stunned, and he says, I really don't know what to do, and situations where I'm in deep trouble, except push things away. So he scrabbles to his feet, tries to climb up the thing, and pushes at the spider of anything. - He can do one or the other. That's two actions, climbing. - I was just hoping. - Push himself up to the ledge a little, but I didn't know that. - Oh, like push against the sand and try to-- - Well, I know, it's in the spider. - If he pushes against things bigger than him, the impact is on him. - The sand is bigger than him, too, but yeah, I get what you're saying. The spider is more like a sideways push, though. I guess I can kind of see-- - It's a lot of them. Like a mist warrior. - I'm struggling with it because you're supposed to have one or the other. - All right. - Okay. - Either you're climbing or you're pushing. - Mm-hmm. - And if you push-- - I'm not gonna climb her. - I'm gonna push. - Okay. I'm good with that. So you push, which forces you into the rocks, and you start trying to scramble your way up the rocks. - That doesn't sound really healthy. - It's still gonna be a climbing check. I'm gonna give you, because of your push, a one-level increase to your roll. - If you want to justify me taking damage, because I don't really have control over what direction I push-- - We'll see. - We'll see. - We'll see if your roll kind of entails-- - I just hope I can get more out of it if I can turn. - It's just-- - I can't do fine manipulation like-- - There's a lever. - Oh. - Gotcha. - It's just forces and directions. - Okay. We'll go with a mite task. Climbing out of this pit, it actually has some rocky sides to it. - There's some handholds to grab onto, so I'm gonna say that most people can typically do this, which is a standard difficulty. Your level is two, your target is six. - It seems silly to say, "I'm not gonna spend any effort to climb out of the spider pit that could kill me, but I'm not gonna do that." - You're panning. - Yeah. - You're just going. You're just pushing and clamoring up. - Yeah. - It doesn't have to be that it's not logical, John, it could be that you're getting close to exhaustion. - And you just don't have the strength to do it right now. You're not thinking clearly. - I'm not feeling it. - No, I'm not. - Go ahead and roll. - A nine. - A nine. - Okay. - I don't like that. - So you climb your way out of the pit, you're on your hands and knees. I'm gonna say that you're on the north end of the pit. - Is this abusing the esoteric guys? - I'll let you know when it feels like you're abusing it. It was one level increase. It was not anything major and you still had to use the esoteric. That's what you do. And it seems to be... - You're flicking on good at it. - Decent, I don't know. I think it adds some flavor and it makes your character interesting, so I think you're okay. Okay, that takes us back to the top, which is... - Boss. - Boss. - Or Eshman, either one of them can go. They both go before the... - Sick. Has crawled out of the pit. - Yes, he has climbed out of the north end of the pit. He couldn't go to the east because the wagon was there. He couldn't go to the west because Teal was there and the spider was there and you're standing on the top. So he went to the north edge and clambered up and did a push and you saw him kind of propel himself up and out as he was climbing and basically scrambling up the side of this enclosure. - Okay, boss will take the rope out of his explorer's pack, secure it around his middle hand and with accuracy, toss the line down to... - She's standing right below you, no role necessary. - Can I attack the spider's mind? - Of course you can attack the spider's mind. Have at it. The difficulty level is the level of the creature you're trying to affect. The creature is a level four. That means you need a 12 to successfully hit it unless you want to spend some effort. - No, I'm just going to try it. - Okay. - So you reach out to the alien mind of the spider-aracted creature and try to attack it. Go. - I rolled any. - Yeah. - The mind just... This first juncture is too alien, too bizarre, too nonsensical for you to make any kind of headway into. Unfortunately, you feel some pushback from the creature and there's just... - You don't feel... - You know you didn't affect it any meaningful way. - Right. - Okay. That's Eshkin's turn, which then takes us to the spider. The spider was absolutely freaked out by something landing on its back. So it lashes out with one of its long knife-like appendages, sweeping towards the top where Sig had just clamored onto. So Sig, you're being attacked by a level four creature. - Up on the ridge? - Yes. - Okay. I'm going to die. - I'm going to try to flatten myself so it just sides over and this is a speed check problem. - This would be a speed check. - Correct. - And... - Is putting any effort? - No, I don't have enough to do that. - Okay. I rolled an 11. - Ah. - Yeah. - Well... - And because of the fact you have the edge, you're up over the edge and it can't really see you because it's down low. - It's an asset. - So I don't know if it's one level or if it's plus one to your roll. If it's treated as an asset, the cover, it would be minus one level, it would be three difficulty, it would be nine. So he would succeed. - Okay. We'll go ahead with that then as the advantage to being on the ridge and over the ridge. So it does. You flatten yourself and the scythe-like blade just slices the air above you. Okay. When that was with one appendage, it's shrinking back away from you and when I say you, I'm speaking to Nina. - He's scared of me. - He is. It doesn't want to pull you closer. It wants you as far away from him as possible. So it's not grabbing you with the two front legs which have the clasping devices on them. It's trying to basically impale you into a wall with one of its legs. Total reactionary, just absolutely frightened of you. Again, it's going backwards and just shooting out a leg in defense against you. So it is a level four creature, so it's a level 12 to avoid this piercing knife-like end of its leg as it's thrusting at you at speed. Since it's level four, that is difficult and that is a 12. It's a speed-based defense. So if you have anything, I think you have armor, which don't you have some type of armor on right now? - It's always on ward. - It's like an esoteric type. - Yeah. - I mean, excuse me. It's not an esoteric, but it does. - There is a cypher. - Oh, it is? I thought it was a cypher. - Sorry. - Okay. - 17. - Nice. - I think you're avoiding. I'm focusing on the sword, but at the last moment, your peripheral vision picks up this scythe coming right for you and you spin out of the way and it impaled its arm just impaled deep into the wall and for a few seconds, it cannot pull it out because, again, some of the walls of this enclosure are actually, there's some rock substance there. So it puts its leg and the blade-like projectile into the rock and it's stuck there momentarily. And that will take us to Sig, Felix, Nina, Tila. - Sig knows that humans are coming up just behind them, but he's frightened of the fact that they might be coming over a ridge soon, yeah. - So you're making them-- - He has no idea, though. He fell off a wagon onto a spider and clambered up, ducked his face in the ground, had a blade split over the top of him. He's had no chance to really gather himself as of yet. - I keep imagining this as being at night because it's not a daylight. It's mid-afternoon, cresting towards later afternoon. - I roll over and scramble back towards the wagon, if that's within range. - Yes, that's back towards the east, so you make a right hand turn from where you're facing towards the north. Do you scramble on hands and knees or do you stand up and make a movement towards it? How do you handle it? Like you're trying to stay low away from these spider limbs. - The first thing I do is veer away from the edge and then-- - So you move forward and get away from the edge and then make a right hand turn to head back towards the wagon. - Right. - Standing or crawling? - I stood to run as far away, so that the limbs could be a factor of what's going on here. - Gotcha. Okay. So that is Zigg. We still have Felix, Nina, and Teela to go. - Felix is waiting on top of the range, watching the western one where he saw someone before. - Go ahead and make a perception check for lack of a better turn. - Yeah, I'm on train. - Go ahead and make your roll. - Twelve. - All right. There's not a lot of sun. The sand blocks out the sun, and there is quite a bit of sand blowing about. But there's movements, they're heading to the east towards you, you saw three separate forms in a swirl of fog heading from that dune towards that thin dune just to the west of the road. - Wonder how many of them will fall into the thing? - Oh, it's the wagon staff. - Yes, the wagon ground to hold as soon as the wheels of the axle broke. - It's for the foreseeable future. - Okay. So we're camping here. - Good place. It's not beautiful. - I'm going to warn people and I'm going to get ready to fire. With any of them, enter. - I see you is crouching the side, looking over. So if you want to fire, you're probably going to have to clamor it up to the top so that you're on your belly and you have like some brace for your crossbow to really be able to aim with it. You're still going to be concealed somewhat, but you've got to bring yourself at least a little bit more into view to be able to fire off a shot. What do you say to the rest of your group? - Three more ab humans, closest dune to the road on the west side. I'm keeping an eye on them. - Okay. And then do you slide out of your belly at the top of the ridge and draw a bead on when they show themselves again? - Yeah. - Where do you think they might show themselves again? - Yeah. And when that happens, whenever they're an initiative is, I want to interrupt and shoot one of them before they know what's going on. - Sure enough. Sound great. - As SIG runs from this side, the north side of the whole background to the wagon, you'll get a glimpse of this area where you said there were some secretive ninja ab humans that were behind us. - Are there arms? - Yeah. - Are there arms in there? - I'm glad you brought that up because actually I think it's fair that you should get a roll. It's a little bit more difficult because there's a wagon, you're making your way towards the wagon and there's Ashman standing there as well. So you've got some blockages, you're looking back to the, what would it be, the south, where those dunes are. But go ahead and make a roll. See if you catch anything. - I'm not spending any effort because I can't really know what's going on. - Sure. - Yeah. - It's an 18 though, so what the fuck did that? What did I see? Come on. - It's almost a minor effect. You see what looks to be a reptilian-like creature. It's loaded the ground, it's long, it's probably five or six feet in length. It has a somewhat like, not a human visage, but there's intelligence in its reptilian visage. You immediately think, you immediately think ab human, another ab human, but certainly not the same type that's approaching you from the West. Those did not look anything at all like this. This is the reptilian ab human of some sort. Those look more humanoid in nature. So you see one, it is in the third dune to the south of where you are. Okay, Tim, what are you doing? - I don't think we're there yet. I'm not there yet. - You're standing next to me. - You weren't that far away. You fell off the wagon. - Yeah, I just don't remember. - And then yeah, you picked yourself up and then you took a few steps north and a few steps to the east and you're right back to the wagon, with a panting somewhat nervous amine and a panting somewhat nervous telo. - Well, I've had somewhat nervously and point this. He points to the south and... - I'm currently in a muddled mental state. - Yes, you are. - It's really hard to say. And my major concern right now is the fact that I think I just broke the fucking wagon which we're going to get out. So I jump off and look at the wheel and try to determine how bad if you can... - The wheel is really, really close to the edge. So it would probably best if you went around, I think even in your muddled state, you wouldn't try to hang off the cliff to see. You can walk around the other side of the wagon, kind of climb underneath a bit about a back the rear end of the wagon because it's the rear axle that had some damage. And what you see is basically the axle was made of some type of reinforced wood I think that was burned to give it strength to harden it on what would be the left side of the wagon as it's facing forward. The wood is cracked. It's not completely snapped in two but the back axle has cracked on that left hand/e-side of the wagon which has caused the wheel to tilt and when the wheel tilted a couple of the spokes bent and snapped off but nothing of any major consequence, the wheel would still turn if you could equal out the axis that is now. - But if we get it back on even ground and it'll roll? It might roll if it was back on even ground but you definitely have a crack in that so any kind of, you'd be worried based on your background as a pair of van and trader. - Yes, and you're driving still. - And my driving still. - Yeah, you would be worried that it might last a while but it's going to crack eventually. You need to get this repaired. - Right. As I get off and walk around to check the tire which I am and I probably have Sig saying something like tila, tila, tila, absolutely, leave me alone. - And I climb underneath the wagon and he's pointing and I'm recording. - Yeah, okay. I might increase difficulty level by a couple steps because you're walking that way, like when you get off the wagon and you're walking towards the back of the wagon, you're walking directly south. - Yeah. - So I'm making it go ahead. - But I'm going to fail. - Yeah, I think you're going through too but. - I rolled the 10 which is minus two eight so yeah, I'm not paying attention to you trying to want me. I've seen it in the wagon, annoyed and frustrated and she gives it a half glance but doesn't really look hard. So I believe that was everyone. No? - Me neither. - You are still at the end of the road with a quivering leg, not two or three feet from you of the spider. - I just snatched up the shirt and slashed the leg off. - Do you? - I'm leaving. - Okay. Because you can do that and some leaves we wanted to add like this thing would remember you forever. - That bitch. - I hate that girl. She looks so nice. - She's so mean. - She is at the end of her rope and I'm off the wagon. - You're off the wagon. - Absolutely. - I was literally like a wheel is broke. - She's all pissed in the screaming and cursing and you've been here before. You could hear her across the whole sand doing that. - We're trying. - She's in a garage repair mode. - And she's screaming about that guy's going down the shoe. - No, he's just saying. - Oh, he's pointing. - Yeah, you do hear her sitting screaming. - Have you been to have you been to have you been to have you been to have you been. - So what level are you reducing with this rope and the skills at climbing? So is it the rope helping her and then my skill helping her? - I'm just going to have the rope remove the difficulty by one level. So I'm going to say that a regular person in the world would have a 50/50 chance of succeeding at this task. You difficulty level three target number of nine. Because of Boz's rope and the fact that he's holding fast to the other end, it reduces it one level to a six. It's a might task. So you can again apply effort if you want, or you can just try to beat that six. - So I'm using three, my might pool. - To bring it down a lot. - I've been lucky up to this point. - You have been lucky up to this point. So good luck to you. - What's the target then? - Six. - Your target now is three. Because you reduced it another level through your effort. It was a nine to start with. So if you wouldn't have had his rope and your expenditure of effort, you definitely would have, okay, as you're climbing out, one of the spider's limbs accidentally hits you. No, just broadside. It's not trying to hit you. It's trying to pull sand onto itself and accidentally it hit you and sent you spinning and then hitting against the wall with a very real chance of losing your grip and falling back into the pit. You'll have to make a might roll to hang on to this rope and not lose grasp of it. Or you could give me those two back and give me one experience point and refuse the GM intrusion. - Am I able to help her make this roll? - Nope. - Okay. - But you can spend, you can spend effort if you want to reduce it, just because you don't know the level. - Actually I can't. - You can't? - No. - You're done. Okay. - You should have thought. - I have one. - Okay. Good luck. - Pune. Light. - I experienced good remedy this. - Yes. - What's your roll? - So, you smack against the side of the wall. - Spin around like a ballerina. - Yep. The sword almost kind of drops and you reach down and swipe it out of the air as you're hanging out with one hand. You're like, "Ahh, it's pool!" Or something along those lines to... - I imagine this was much easier when I went down there. - All right. - If I could see the ab human. The sick is pointing at. I'm going to attack the ab human otherwise I'm going to heal the sick. - Okay. You look in the direction that's... - Mm-hmm. - Sig is screaming. - All right. - Or you got something in mind here? - Oh yeah. - I just don't... Yeah, I'm not going to tell you that song. - Hello. The six. - And you also... Well, you know what? Actually, I'm going to say that you saw it. The target number was nine. But because Sig is pointing out where you should look at when I'm staring right next to him. - Right there at the bottom of the doom. - Yeah, and you're close to him. I think you can actually see it. - It should be easy. All right. I'm going to try to hit him with an onslaught. I'm going to attack. - Okay. - It is also a level four. - I'm going to use effort. - I don't blame you. - You know, does my edge make the effort cheaper or does my edge make the cost actually doing it? - Yeah, it's pick a one. - Oh, you mean the intelligence on doing it and then adding the edge to remove two of the effort. - Sure. - Yeah. - One of his edge would have been wasted if you just use it on the spell. - Absolutely correct. So it only costs you two. - If you're spending effort, it was level four, difficult, and now it's demanding level with the rate target number nine. - I don't want the 13. - 13. How much damage do you do? - Two points of damage, no armor. - Correct. - Correct to the intellect. - Okay. The creature stops in its tracks and you see it put one of its quad talons up to its head as if it's feeling some sort of mental anguish that it shakes its head wildly and continues moving towards you and the rest of the group. So that takes us also to boss. - Is Nina out of the... - You're definitely felt her climbing up and you look over the edge and you saw her get hit by the spider's legs, spin around and smack against the side of the wall. You saw your sore drop, your heart went up into your throat, but she swiped down with a hand and grabbed it before it fell back to the sand again and now she's looking up kind of spinning in a circle like you. - Then I pull her up. - All right. So this will be a mite check. - Okay. - I have an edge of two on my mite. So I'm going to expend some efforts that will cost me one point to lower it one grade. - One level. - One level, sorry. - Okay. So I'm going to go with any person would have a 50-50 chance of pulling her out at this point. So that's a difficulty level of three, which gives you a target number of nine. You have climbing, which takes it down to a six. Do you want to spend the mites? - Oh, okay. I can do a six. - You're fine with six? Okay. - He said... - Throw my crown. - Oh. - So hand over hand, you pull her to the edge and then holding with one hand, you reach down and grab her free hand and kind of help her up over the edge. - Grab the sword first. - Oh, maybe I thought I lost you. - Sorry. - Oh, you're needed. Come on. - That's going the road. - I go the road. - Thanks, bitch. - The spider at this point is burrowing itself deeper into the ground. More sand is being pulled on top. It's hard to actually make out the thorax and the eyes at this point. You can just, even some of the limbs are starting to get covered over pretty heavily. So it continues to bury itself. It doesn't seem to be a threat any longer at this point. However, Felix, you see three ab humans. They depart from the southern edge of that doom. They're shooting across the trail. They're wearing heavy cloaks. They're moving quite rapidly. You see long, wicked blades that they have out. Look like some type of scimitar. You also see they've got backpacks on and they've got on their waist. They have what looks to you to be. Some type of sling or some type of range weapon that you can't quite make out that distance. When they cross over the trail, they're probably less than 30 or 40 feet from you. So they're short range. You were saving an action. So here you go. - The iron guard catches it and they've got fun. - Whoever's out front, right? - Do I recognize his desert raiders at all? - You haven't seen him yet? - Yeah, you have your back to the sand that they're approaching. - They're not humans, are they? - They're ab humans. And no, your best guess, well, I'll tell you what, I'll give you a few more. Let's do your attack first, because you're focused on hitting them. - I'm on elevated rounds, so there's a bonus to that. Does this count as an ambush? Are they more than aware of my presence? So that doesn't give me any more. - Oh, let's go with an ambush. - All right. Because I actually know the rules for that. - Is it lower the level? - One? - Yeah. I think it's either one or two. I can't remember. You might have been for sneak attack, which I don't have yet. - Surprise. Attack are minus two difficulty steps. - Okay, two, that's pretty impressive. - Yeah. - And then one for high ground, so that's plus three, which offsets my minus one for using a weapon I'm not trained in. - And then I'll spend some effort because... - Wait, what you have, minus two levels right now? - Three. - I have minus three. - Well, it's only in my favor to start. And then it's more difficult because I'm using a heavy throttle. - So it goes up to level four. - And I was going to spend effort, but if... - Exactly why I wanted to work it out first. - Yeah. - You're spending effort if you need to roll three or higher. - I think you want to roll because if you succeed automatically, you don't have a chance of ever doing anything incredible. - Yeah, right. Watch me roll two. - Or one incredible miss. So that's 15. It's good enough for me. - Yes, it is. - Right. I hit the first guy who's... - Right. The leader of the Vanguard takes a... - Crossbow bolt. - Big bolt. - How much damage is it? - Crossbow. - The six. - Six damage. - Yeah. - It's a big bolt. - Nice. - All right. - He took a log. - He took a log. He looks surprised. - Yes. He looks surprised. Or surprised. - Dead. - No. Not dead. He is staggered. He falls to both his knees and he's holding the log that is now embedded in his chest. Wait. He's leaving. - I'm sorry. - Exploding logs. - I have tears. For one speed point I can make it do one more damage and I have an edge so I do that and it does seven damage. - Right. - Now he's dead. - That means he goes through. - He's surprised. - He falls a little faster to the ground. But holding this log is embedded in his chest. - That goes a little bit. - The gasping out. And when he gasps, when he gasps, like he looks his head up, his hood falls back and you can tell immediately that they are mired in mudbirds, raven men, ab humans, foul creatures. - Right. I want everyone that they're coming across the road now. - What do you, like when you say you warn them? Ah. How do you do it exactly? - They're coming across the road. I shot one of them. - Just they. - Raving men. - They, they. - Raving men. - Fucking raving things. - How do I do about my balls? - What's that? - Let's check about what I know about my mired men. - Oh, sure. - I know about them. - I know. I won't even do analysis. I'll just say these are an ab human that is very, they frequent the deserts. They have the body of a humanoid, but they have the head of a raven. They're pretty nasty. They're, they're evil. They're conniving. They're, they're backstabbers. There's nothing good. They're raiders of caravans. So certainly. - Good. A shower. - It was okay. - It was okay to shoot that. - Good. - Only after you shot it in the caravans. - I would like you to make one more roll of which I will not give you any clues whatsoever, please. - If it's lower, I'm bad at it. - No, it's just, just make a roll, please. - Okay. - Five. - Okay. - You know what? - I'm bad at it. - Nothing happens. Okay. Next. The two behind continue to move towards two dunes they were trying to get to. They make it maybe a third of the way to those dunes. So they're dashing at this point. They're running and they're kind of putting their hand above their head like they're trying to get cover. They're looking around wildly to see where this wog came from. - Oh, yeah. - And that takes us to. - Sick. - Sick has no weapons. - Really? - Really? - Would you like to borrow them? - No, no. It's against the smallest. - But? - Really? - Did I get healed at some point? - No, no. - Actually, I'm going to decide it was more important to attack before then. - Yes. - Heal his friends. - Yes. - He's an angry guy. - He's an angry guy. - He's like, he's an old testament guy. And Sig rushes over to Pila and shakes her shoulder and says, "Lizard men, look, someone plays." - This is broken. We can't even ride on this damn thing. It's good. - Add humans right there. - Oh, shit. - I'll take over the wheel. And I force her towards her feet and towards the incoming. - Right. - He gives you a push. - I got you. - That's what he does. - I look over my shoulder, go, "Bass." - Right. - It's slightly shaky, boys. - You hear her call across that? - I'm here at the end of the wagon. - I'm looking this way. There's creatures over here as well. - I'm on the western side of the hill, so I'm going to have to try to meet the Raven Men in between the Dunes and be covered by-- - You're actually on this side of the hill? - Yes. - Wow, that's fucked up. - The same place that Nina was as well. - They're in short range now, right? - Oh, most certainly. - All right. - I know what I'm doing next time. - Oh, good to know. Okay, that ab human, the lizard-like ab human, that's on all fours, and it moves the same time that Sig does, basically. When Sig pushes you, you see it scrambling on all fours towards you, and it gets to just to the east of that arrow point. It's quick. - Wow, that is-- - Lizard. - That's lizard. - So it's right there. - Yeah. - Is it doing the lizard thing? - Yeah. - Like all fours. - Literally all fours. - Yeah, scuttling across the ground. You're fairly certain. You heard rumors of these. Now it's closer and starting to get scary. - Yes. - You're pretty sure it's a charog, which is a type of ab human that is known, again, it's a frequent desert. It's known to work with the Merton as well. You're very familiar with the stories of these, and you know that they frequent this area. You probably have maybe even ran into one or two, maybe, in your travels, maybe not. It could be up to your storyline, whether or not you've seen them or just heard the story of them. - Oh, seeing results of attacks or something like that. - You know that they can bite and grapple very aggressively. They got a nasty, a serious set of jaws on them, and they have very sharp talons. They like to grab and run in a grapple type maneuver and rip their prey apart. And yet they can talk because they have language and they're just very beastial, and that's maybe why they get along with the Merton so well. The Merton also for those, for almost everybody here, but certainly for Bas and Tila, the Merton are well known, the Ravenmen, they have this ability when you get close to them, they scramble your thoughts and make concentrating very difficult. So that's certainly something you've heard through the grapevine, that these are creatures that when they get in close combat with you, it's very hard to focus. They have some kind of, yeah, there's some kind of mental attack that they're good at. - Are we allowed to talk to each other or shut up? - Absolutely. - Okay. - This is 10 seconds between turns. - We have these Merton, so I can cover the ladies in the wagon. I just hit him with the best thing I had that takes a turn to reload, 10 seconds to reload, and he did die, and there are two more. - Wait, cover the ladies in the wagon? - I tell Tila and Eshman to use the wagon and try to hold off the Chirag. I'm going to, Nina, try to back them up and then Felix cover me while I go, try to fight these Merton. - All right. - So you, what? - He sat in between these two hills, I imagine. - Yes, that was, on Sig's turn, that's when the Merton moved. - I stand from underneath the wagon, I drop my short sword and I wait for Nina to join me, and when she does, I charge the lizard dude. - We do that. - All right. If you do nothing but move, you can move a short distance, which is up to 50 feet. Where the wagon is, that's almost exactly 50 feet to the Chirag. - I'm not running all the way up there and then standing and waiting for it to attack me. - So, I'm sorry, can you describe what you're doing again, I'm sorry, I have to say. - I'm climbing out from underneath the wagon, which takes a while. - We got pushed, actually. - Well, I did, yes, but I have to wait for Nina to come around the edge of the thing and then jump to me, and then we probably go half the distance, but I want to be in a situation where I can attack when it gets to me. - Okay. - I'm going to run up to it and stick my chin out and say hit me. So, you move an immediate distance once Nina gets to you. - Right. - And Nina, if you moved up with her, you would not be able to attack, but you could be attacked because you need to move all your movement, which is short distance. So, I can really do when you do that, it's going to be pull out a weapon or prepare yourself, but you can't attack like she can't because she's only moving an immediate distance. - All right, I can grab her and let her know that I need to stop then where I need to stop her. - Right, she doesn't want you to run forward. Where you'd want to stop, to be honest, if this instance for you would be at the front of the wagon, not at the back of the wagon, that would be immediate for you. - So, you know, you get to me, and if you're just going to get to me, you've got to go all the way around this big circle, so to get to me, you're past the point where you're going to do that. - Right, she does a short move. - Actually, yeah, that's all the way to the back of the wagon and says, "Wait for him." - That's perfectly valid because as fast as he's moving, he's going to be here, so. - Right. - Okay, where are you guys situated at the back of the wagon? - I said myself slightly in front of her because I know I can still react. - Right, so you're maybe five feet in front of the back of the wagon. - Right, a few steps in front of me. - What do you have in your hands? - I have my broadsword one hand and a knife and the other to fight with. - Got it. - All right, and you get into your fighting stance, Nina? - I've only got the one one in my knife. - Okay, and you have it out, ready to go, but you're, again, you're maybe a foot or two, step or two behind, Tila. Okay, that takes care of the two girls, John, did you have something you wanted to say real quick? - I want to wait until this creature closes in. - Two. - You move at the same time as a cheer-og does, so it's already moved for this turn. - So it's going to be next turn. Your turn next turn is going to get closer again, right around the same time. - What Sig tries to do is he has an ability to distant activation. - Okay. - He scanned Tila's mind several times and noticed that every time she transforms, the nanites in her brain, particularly in the frontal cortex, are the most active. He tries to activate these with his distant activation ability. - Oh, shit. - He has to know what function it performs, but he thinks he's figured out enough that he can try to flip the switch. - Okay. - We'll say you can do that next turn. - It's more dangerous than you would. - No shit. - And he's complaining about him attacking. - Yeah, really. - Let's let's let's let loose the bear. - There's something to eat. - And the only one near me that's in the party can just phase out and I'd go right through. - Felix? - If I was to pull out my other crossbow and use that, that would take a turn, right? - Yeah, I'd have to say because I don't think you keep it loaded. - Right. With four knowledge of a fight I might, but we didn't have it this time. - That is not right. - So I'll just reload when it comes to my turn. - Okay. - Try to remain hidden. - Next turn, boss. - Everything within immediate range, the murdin, if I move all the dunes. - If you would belong to dune in immediate range, which is what you're allowed to move to attack in close combat, you would be... - If they're at the star between the two dunes and I move south. - Okay. So that's an immediate distance and you can be prepared to attack like you ready yourself to attack them when they close. Is that basically it? - Yeah. You don't have any ranged weapons, so... - Okay. - It's like a throw a dagger, but I'm not going to do that. - Okay. - So you stand there flocking the path between the two dunes. - Yeah, issuing them a desert challenge that would insult them and then range them. - Oh, the swirling sand and it's a wonderful scene. - Wait, are you getting into immediate distance? - No. - A great tableau. No, he moved in immediate distance so he can attack, he's waiting for them to show up so he can attack, he's holding an attack. - Okay. - And that's... 20, Eshman is at 17, Eshman. - I am moving up behind Nina and healing her. - Okay. So you walk up to the back of the cart, which is right where she's by, and you place your hand on her shoulder and... - Yeah, on her shoulder. - Exactly on her shoulder. Go ahead and make your roll. - I'm spending one... - It's a difficulty two. - Okay. - Which is six. - Yes. - I'm going to reduce that to one. One level three is your target number. Burn in through that intellect, right? - Yeah. - Is that a feeling I was going to roll a three? - Which is exactly what he rolled. - What the fuck am I? - You need it most in strength, right? - The second is money, right? - Yes. - It's also what you take damage in if someone attacks. - First. - It's the first pull you lose. - So what it is? - Absolutely. - Six. - Can't get much better than that. The Messiah lays on hands. - There's hands on the right hand. - Lay his hands. - Okay. It's enough for the hands. - Grabs flush. All right, nicely done, Ashman, which takes us to the spider and the spider is now mostly covered at this point, so there's not really much going on with the spider. - Do I move before? - Yeah. I would have to say that you... Go ahead, Felix. That's fine. - All right, cool. - Your 16 is well now movement of the initiative and we'll go ahead and have you move right before that more. - One of my ciphers is a ceramic ball that is actually a bomb and explosive. I found others of its kind before and I know at the very least that it's bomb, I want to throw it at the two guys before they did it. - So you are not reloading your crossbow? - No. - I remembered that that was what I was going to do when I realized that no one was in a immediate range of them. So I'm going to toss that hit. I don't know what skill that entails. - Okay, are you getting up to toss it at them? - I could stand. - I think it's going to help your aim at all. - Yeah. - Because if you're laying on the ground, it's kind of... - I can't really tell them about that much of a difference. - Right. - Ouch. - And so you stand up, you open the pouch that has this cipher in it and you pull it out and you throw. This is still short distance because it's 20 feet away or so, I would say, from where you're at. So it's not quite an immediate distance. It's short, which on a range attack, I think is either equal or it's plus one level. I'm not sure which one it is. - It's equal. - I think it's equal. - The point blank is plus one. - It's plus one. So go ahead and... - Still higher ground now. - I'll give you higher ground. The attack on them is the same as it would be for their level three, so have at it. - It was a three minus one difficulty, so six are higher. - Then spend some effort because why not? - And I miss all the time, so. - You are down to a level one, the only thing you miss with is a one or two. - 18. - And 18 does. - 18 does. - What's two damage? - Extra damage. - It does damage based on the cipher level, which is level eight. - Holy. Holy. - It's a matter of disruption, Bob. It reassemble the atoms. - It does literally what it hits the ground and breaks open. You see a waving, almost like if you're looking at a mirage from a distance, there's this movement in the air, and then all of a sudden, everything becomes angles and starts folding in and out of itself, and these creatures stop in their tracks and scream. Yeah, it's very, very disruptive and impressive. It does eight damage? Is that correct? - Yeah. - Well, plus two is just 10. - Which both creatures as they are reassembled fall to the ground, there's blood spurting, there's winds being removed. - It's too many limbs. - Yeah, there's more limbs than there should be. It's an absolutely devastating attack, and the creatures are on the ground. They're out of it, so it was a very effective attack. - Suck it, you bird fox. - Felix, that's a badass hit, all right. - The murden that is in the pathway, gee, snaps. - You shit, those are expensive. - The arrow, bolt, or the bolt, off, staggers up to his feet, turns around and starts to jog off in the western direction. - Don't you have a smaller? - Yes, I do. - Crossbow? - It's loaded. - All right, I don't know. - And that is immediate distance. - So both the murden that were in front of me are blotches, and they're like, right now, they're still moving. Does they have a-- - Don't get in that-- - Does it show the range of that, by the way? - I mean, it's an immediate distance, which is why I didn't want him to be-- - No, an immediate distance. - Immediate, sorry, yeah. - Correct. - Which is why I didn't want him to be. - Correct. - Well, I work there as-- - Wow, you're about 20 feet away, so that swirl of batter changing. You could-- yeah, literally, you could feel the pressure of it 10 feet away from you. - Wouldn't that more roll, please, Felix? - OK. - 16. - Nice roll, but you're under some pretty-- well, we'll talk about this. - But it had everything in 20. - Pretty colors. - Yes, it did. - And also watching the man run away. - Does a lizard have line of sight on his head, really? - I think it's got a line of sight. Maybe it catches that, but-- - It's moving up. - I don't think that it-- you know, at this point, it's going to forge ahead, but it's not its turn yet, because Sig goes at the same time as the cheer rod does, which means you go first. - Just an activation isn't normally a skill test or anything, but I would wager it isn't this, for example. - What kind of activation? - This distant is my-- speaks to machine's ability. This is when I'm going to-- - Well, you turn the lift on to-- - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm activating Tila's frontal cortex nanites that began the transformation into her ravage bear form, and since I don't completely understand this, I'd wager that I have to roll some sort of-- - Oh, yeah. - In a related-- - Yes. - It'll be a human error roll. I will not tell you what the difficulty level is. Talking to machines, I got an extra benefit doing with electrical machines, but that's so freakin' vague, and I don't like that. - 'Cause all machines-- - Right. - Unless they're, like, steam or mechanically driven, are electrical in some sense. That's really weak in my opinion. I would change that. - Yeah, I'm going to say that it doesn't apply in this particular case, because-- - It's electrochemical? - It is electrochemical, which could be technically a machine, but at least in the definition of the ninth world, but I'm gonna say, I don't think it's what they intended, at least on first reading. So, and plus, this is your first time attempting to do it, so let's say, let's make it harder, 'cause it should be hard, the very first time you attempt to do something. Very, very hard. So go ahead, you get to remove any levels from this at all? - Yeah, well, the new Monera was my basic new Monera skill. - Okay. - Removes the level. - And-- - I've scanned it in the past, so I have something going-- this just enables me to do it at all, so there's no real benefit there. - Let's not remove two levels? - Not yet. - Special team are pairing new Monera, but-- - How many levels did you be able to remove? - One. - Okay. - Go ahead and roll. - I am definitely using effort, so two, sorry, and just an activation cost, one, the effort cost, three, so-- - Can we change positions first? - I didn't really give anyone a warning to it. - At least, if all, me. - Go ahead. - It doesn't change you either. - I needed you to be there. - I'm there. - You wouldn't have been there if I had 17. - Oh, fuck. - Did target number jump was 18. - Oh! - It was heroic. - What can an experience do for this? - I can spend two experience to be specialized in a particular task for this adventure. - I would say-- - Not after, no, I don't think you can do that after you fail to roll. You can re-roll and try to roll an 18, 19, or 20 by spending an experience or just chalk it up to-- - Is it 'cause you don't want to happen or 'cause it's not a bad thing? - This is not a bad thing. You learn something. - Ooh. - Nice roll, but this is a good thing. - This is probably the last feature, and-- - I know. - Don't stick one of those. - Don't stick one of those. - Don't stick one of those. - Don't stick is absolutely not aware of that, which is a good roll point. - Yeah, that's true. That's true. - Great roll. - Move on. - Bos is aware of it. - Okay. - Felix is aware of it. - This is so close. - And that's it. - What am I aware of? - Would you say Tila is aware of what was-- - The fact that most of the murders are taken dead. - Oh, yeah. - Would Tila be aware of somebody who's trying to play something in her head or-- - Not in the fog, but she's in. I'm going to say, for the sake of the story, she doesn't notice the attempt. She might feel vaguely nauseous for a second and feel like, "Oh my god." And then it goes away. - I was going to play it at semi-blood lost anyways, so-- - Right. - It might be even more so now. - I spent one. - If you're a Tila-- - It's A-19. - No. - No. - Fuck. - Fuck. - Not only did he succeed, he succeeded in with a minor effect. - Minor effect. - Minor effect. - It's starting the person apart next to you. - Yeah. - Which-- - The legend comes running up to me and I go, "Ahhh, I'm trying to do a Jack Bear." - And you're destroying her clothes, Jack Bear? - And at that point, I think, well, that's a great cliffhanger for that. - No, no, no, no. Let's finish. - Let's finish. - Right. - This round. - So, you do turn. - Oh. - Partly so. - No music box around right now. They're calling me down. - That's somewhere in the wagon, probably. - I imagine the Cheerog goes for the person who just fell to their knees on the ground, right? - The Cheerog is going to attack the closest thing to it. It's not the most brilliant thing in the world, which happens to be Teela. So Teela, this is a level four creature that's attacking you. - I can just picture it taking you as you're changing. - Mm-hmm. - It's pretty much what's-- - Aggressive on the neck. - It's like, "Yeah." - Ugh. - It's just some of its friends, like, turning the dick and stuff. - And out of the corner of its eye, it's watching his friends-- - It's stuck into his-- - Yeah. It's like a girl changing in a different thing. - Turn this into some valley, yeah. - I think, yeah, it might be-- much like the spider, it might decide the discretion's the better part of valor. So level four, Teela, for the attack of the Cheerog. - Suddenly my intellect doesn't really matter all day long. - It is-- this first time it's going to bite you. - It's going to try. - Yes. - I mean, it has a choice to bite or grapple. It's going to choose to bite. - Right. As a bear, I don't like to be attacked. - Whoa. - Actually, to be fair, you're not a bear yet. - Yes. - I don't think. I think you turn on your turn. Now I'm Jon's turn. - Okay. - And Cheerog moves-- - As a human, I don't like to be attacked. - The Cheerog moves on Jon's turn. - I have a speed-- - Right before. - I have a skill of speed defense. I do not wear armor because I would shred it when I bear out. - Right. - So I get one level of deduction because of my speed defense. It's a what level? - Four. - Four. - So it's a three. And I am going to spend effort to not be hit. - Okay. Excuse me. - Two levels. - Two. - Two. - Actually, I have two effort. - Come on. You could be a six. - I'm only going to spend one. Apparently, I can't. I rolled a three. - Come on. You can spend an experienced point. - I am. - I am. - I really don't want to be hit. And I'm going to roll again. What would happen if you were hit? - Oh my god. - I rolled a three again. - Shot hit. - So you take five damage, might damage from the Cheerog's bite. - Okay. - Is it clamps onto your-- - I'll say your thigh and rips off a good chunk of flesh, as it's also scraping at you with its claws, and then it is your turn. - This flush rapidly fills in. - Yes, it does. I start to bulk out and turn into a bear, and I just have enough time to yell to Nina Rod. - I do that. - And I then rip the throat out of the blizzard thing and devour it. - Can you attack on the first turn? - Yeah. There's no rule that says I can't. - And the past I've been tied up, which prevented it. - Roll them by all means. Please attack. - Yes. - Nina just realized my needless clothes are so ugly. - Right. It all makes perfect sounds. - It goes wholesale. - Yup. - Holding the keyword there. Nina, you're running while Teal is attacking. Where are you running to? - They're particular to where she is. - Can you show me on the map? It makes a difference. You're right at the back of the wagon. - I'm going around the way I can. - Please go around this one. - I'm going around the wagon. Can you roll for me, please? - Intellect based. Don't can spend effort. - You love him. - I'll get back to Nina in a second. Teal, go ahead and make her attack. - All right. So his defense is the same as his offense, which would be four. - Right. - Yes. - And I am spending one effort because I have an edge of two as a ravage bear. So it only costs me one mic to spend an effort. - Okay. So you're going to sit to a two, you said? A total of two? Level two? Or level one? - No. - I know. - Go ahead. - It's nice of you, but I don't have any particular skills as a bear. - Right. Okay. Level three, which is demanding, is it gives you a target number of nine. - All right. And a lot of it. - That is a hit. - All right. And also, it's not minus two because- - Because you're not a bear. - I'm a bear and I'm no longer fighting the bear inside you. - No. You're embracing the bear inside you and the lizard outside. - So I stick both claws into the lizard and start to tear it apart. I do four damage. - Okay. The thing that you notice is this fucking thing is armor-plated. Like its hide is incredible. You do four damage and you feel like you see some blood trickling out. What the fuck? In your bear mind, you're thinking you're going to have to put more into it because this thing needs to take even more damage. But yeah, you expected it to shred, but you were really surprised by the amount of resistance in its hide. As Nina is running a madly in total fear around the edge of the wagon and then back to the west around the rim of the sinkhole that was created by the spider. Back to where Bos was originally, but he's not there right now. You see, setting on top of the dune, a very striking figure of Felix, who was just falling through with his, like he's just like looking down after he threw his cipher and just blew those creatures to literally another dimension, but what catches your eye is standing right behind him. Maybe five feet away is a murden who had obviously come from some different direction or somehow a vated detection and is ready to plunge a scimitar into his back and that's the way. Thanks for listening to Knights of the Night at Actual Play Podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures, where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, props, and even a form for comments and suggestions, or you could email us directly at or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit Zen Audio and please join us next episode for more Vistri and adventure. This is chapter 5 of Zenu. It's a story you can tell your children some day, how you call the orange one and then nothing happens and then spectacular amount of nothing, nothing, no one, it wasn't better. You're just really good at telling you and then run away from you or I think you want to run away from you. I think you're full attention, but I can do something before I run. So I can heal you and then run or I can really hit it with a non-slot, which is a mental day and it's a good time to run.