One way or another the combat end this episode. Will Teela be able to enjoy a quiet pieceful lunch? Lets find out.
Knights of the Night
KotN Actual Play Podcast - 157 Numenera - Feedback Loop
(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to "Night to the Night" actual play podcast. This new baneurial adventure, "Sand Swept," was written and run by your jam Scott. And now, please enjoy episode 157, titled, "Feedback Loop." Actually, play begins 36 minutes, 25 seconds. (upbeat music) - Okay, so we'll get into the feedback and apologies ahead of time. I was probably a little loopy as I'm only two days away from surgery, and I'm still on pain pills. - Two days to ask the surgery. - Yay, you're still alive. - Yeah, you're still alive. - Yeah, you're still alive. - Oh, this is a zombie time. - Stop making zombies. We had some feedback from Jason Carter on Facebook who said, "Oh, just have to say that I hope the player "of Roberto," we're talking to John here, won't mind me using a tweaked version of his character for a game. I'm running a Dresden file game currently, and one of my players has found the bag, currently collected didarian coins that the Knights of the Cross were collecting. He's gotten it in his head that he wants his campaign art to be him going around and collecting all the remaining coins and delivering them to God, with Roberto being one of the five denarians that I know of, well, I'm gonna have to use him. It'll be a version of your character in some other game, John, if you don't mind, and I'm sure you don't. - Oh, although I'd question how he just happens upon the bag of already collected coins. - What is the story? - Sure. - 'Cause the bag did exist and it just appeared for a while. They didn't, one of the books. - I just came to the edge of the wall art. - They would lie around doing anything? - Yeah. - Well, someone had to find the one. - What did I say? - Yeah, that's a great story arc, I suppose. - He never asked him, if he might. He said, "I assume he does something." - Right. - Yeah, I don't even know. - I don't even know. - It rules the backing up, but then I find. - As long as your goals are incorporated into the story. - Well, spoiler alert, Dresden. - Adventure. - From Dresden books. - Oh, the books. - Wow, good. - It's an interesting story arc for that guy to have to track somebody down who has a coin and has mastered it. Instead of having the coin master him. - Yeah. - And how do you get it from someone who's actually using it for good and he's not been turned into evil monster. - Well, hopefully that's for good, right? - He doesn't get for good. - Good. - There you go. - What the hell? - It's a hard time with that concept. - But that is our story arc, isn't it? We'll be returning too shortly. - Two weeks. - Two weeks, always two weeks. - On episode 156, the most current one before this one being released right now. In which the title was Mental Intrusion. - You know, I misunderstood. I thought you were releasing the first turning, which is why I came up with completely different title names that you threw to me that one night. Which here has made much more sense once I realized that you were talking about a flip of the switch from John's character. Anyways, just wanted to explain why there was such differing opinions there. - On episode 156 was released. Miles Stafford said, "Getting on a plane soon for Hawaii, "and I can't wait to listen." I think we're all jealous, at least I am. - I can't wait to get on a plane going in one. - Exactly. I wished him safe, travels. And Joshua Grasco said-- - That's what I suppose don't. - The rest of this-- - 'Cause you said through the rascals, just you. - If you don't talk fast enough, I'm gonna move on. Joshua Grasco said, "19." Yes. I believe he was referring to John's role of 19 that turned the switch. - The second role, being incredibly-- - Yeah, what was the first role, it was only a 17? - It was an 18 and then you needed a 19 or something. - Yeah, that was really-- - I said it was a gutsy, re-roll call and oh, the outcome. - And the result of that is coming up. - Yes, it is. It's about to be released right after this. Feedback. Scott McDowell said, "Not finished with the episode yet, "but I love how the classic Scott adventure has become. "Will they get eaten by a giant spider, "or a giant rage bear? "How much stranded are the desert? "Or ganked by ab humans? "What is that I'm hearing coming over the hill, "a black stealth helicopter?" (laughing) - The only thing we haven't seen yet. - Yes, that's a Scott adventure. - Yeah, I do like to have multiple enemies and problems. I almost said enemies, which I don't really like to have in case anyone-- - I don't really like to hit the multiple. - Yeah, that was a-- - You don't wanna know it anyway. - Yeah, we surrender. (laughing) - But when Richard Watts said, and don't forget about the flying agents, 'cause I think that was referred to in once, the agents would check. - Right, it didn't really happen, but-- - Right, but it was fun to think about. - He also said, "Excellent moves in this one." This is Richard Watts. Also said, "Excellent moves in this one." I figured Felix is a little more intimidating now that everyone has seen what he can do. And SIG's plans were ambitious, evil genius stuff. (laughing) I can't wait to see what he comes back to bite him. And Scott McDonald said, "Literally." (laughing) Joshua Grasco's also commented and said, "Oh, so sweet." What a beautiful role, great cliffhanger, and a possible weapon of mass destruction with only one person even knowing that the button exists. This is too much fun. So I like the end of that episode. It was good. Stuart Horn commented as well. And he said, "With this episode under my belt, "I'm now caught up. "Love the podcast thus far." And I got pointed in the direction of this podcast mostly by the DICE Heroes podcast. Although I vaguely remember stumbling across your podcast back when I was only listening to D&D content. But thankfully, my podcasting palette has matured since then. My role playing experience is limited to a few years of role master. And the group that I played with unfortunately imploded over a year ago, and I've had a hard time getting a new group together. Living in quite a little city with few dedicated tabletop gamers stores isn't very supportive to a large game community. I had a bit of trouble getting into shitlock with the missing start and the lack of understanding of the system, as well as the shifting from mostly high-powered games that the DICE Heroes play versus the relatively low-powered nature of shitlock. - I read that review. I laughed because it reminded me of, this is the one where we actually had some powers and had the ability to at least fight for and defend ourselves a little bit more. - As opposed to the previous one. - Yeah, as opposed to Blue Book World of Darkness, where you're just mortals with no powers whatsoever fighting the darkness. - Or even going back even further to earlier Scott's adventures in D&D where we would fight and use up all our resources and almost die and get a dagger plus one. (laughing) - We're gonna win now. - Back to Stuart Horney said, I love the "Dress and Foul" book, so I really enjoyed the delivery story. Even with the surprise at the end though. Although I missed the X amount of time has passed and later reflection style of the epilogues in some of the books. Oh, and I was shouting at London that a child with two different colored eyes can't be hidden and made anonymous with the state's child services from wealthy vampire witches. Although I also was suspect of the area effect of magic dampener trinkets being overpowered, it's going to be interesting to see the development of the coin bearer and the warden, particularly since Roberto's limited knowledge of the coin means that he may not think to hide his hellfire, but Alan wouldn't know exactly what kind of artifact that could allow such a power. - I don't think that last part is true. - A deal with such creature could get-- - I think you would recognize the use of Hellfire as a problem. - As a problem, yeah. - But I don't think you would know necessarily about the artifact because Harry Dreson didn't know what the Noreans were. - Right. - Hellfire can come from other things as well, so that's true. - That's true, right. - And in rereading the books according to the Dreson world, that is how the spirit world of people from the never, never, please, I'm right here. How they procreate is that they take mortal wives and husbands in order to have children. And then the children are changelings, and then when they come of age, they choose whether to be mortal or of the fey. - Was that their only request for reproduction? - Yes. - According to the summer night book. That's where I-- - Yes, but that's not right. - So it just kind of struck me as before that context of the dad raking the whatever, and it wasn't as much of a, it's not like an isolated incident. It's like the whole-- - Reproduction system. - It's the whole ecology of how they would produce-- - So that kind of makes them sort of less of a rapist. - Well, I think we get to revisit Norman and was it Norman, something Nelson? - Nelson, yeah, Nelson. - Brian fucking Nelson. - Brian, Brian, Brian-- - Get it right, get it right. I got it wrong. - I'm buying the medication. - Was that confirmed in the story that this girl was raped, or was it-- - I think it was heavily implied. - Oh, heavily. - So it's the man who wrote it. - But I can't tell you more than you would know. - I shouldn't. - Nelson already deceived a lot of us into being, he's obviously has more power than we were led to believe, so who knows what type of lies and to see he's created. - It's an aggressive liar for someone who was interrogated by Roberto. - I squish him. - Yeah, I don't think I squished any of his eyes. - He didn't. - But you came back with your hand covered in gore, and then asked him some nice questions, and he lied right to your face. - Back to the email. She grand was interesting, and I can see with a few already mentioned tweets and changes how the whole process could work smoothly. Although I agree with the players, the demons, zombies, agents, as well as pissed off old hunters and time spirits was a bit much. The flashbacks were risky, but your group showed their integrity, and they worked well. - I thought we treated the-- - Oh, you guys have crashed. - The flashbacks, well, we had to abuse them. - No, no. - Okay, I'm sorry, I didn't really-- - I just didn't know. - That's right, I don't know. - You think it went-- - You just weren't blooded out. - I just blooded it. - Dude, you just blooded out of your eyes. - You landed it. - I'm siding eventually. - All this was exciting is poor Thomas, who was unconscious for six weeks. - No, that's fair, that's fair, yeah, that was a life. - If anyone has the reason-- - That's true, that's true. - That's the guy who was literally unconscious for six weeks. - Well, you know, and actually all things considered afterward, Bob went through. I'm glad I didn't have a flashlight. - Right, so you just asked-- - 'Cause I go, what up for you? If you've gone through the next story. - Okay. - And to finish up the feedback. I'm not sure about Dungeon World. I listened, but if it had gone on much longer, I would have moved on to the next game. It was a little too free for me for my taste, although that's probably the years of highly structured role master talking. As someone else said about Newmanera, it feels very much like a Final Fantasy. And despite there only being three classes, all the characters feel very different. And I'm looking forward to more of this game, although I'm also looking forward to the return of Dresden more. I really enjoyed all the hard work you guys put into your podcast. And thank you for sharing these adventures with us. Best wishes for the upcoming hospital visit and the swift recovery, which thanks. - He worked out. - Yes. - And hope to hear you back at the table soon. Best wishes to all of you and your family in the upcoming holiday season. May your dice never fail unless they make an awesome story later. - Which I agree with. - It's okay to fail. - It's okay to fail. - That was nice. Like a nice, he went through each of the stories that we did, each of the game assistants. - We did. - We put a lot of thought and effort into that feedback. We certainly appreciate it. - It was a strength of Dungeon World that when you failed, it made it interesting. - Yeah. - Yes it did. Luke Green also responded and he said, "Wow, you're down to one enemy left and you trigger her weariness?" (laughs) - Were we down to one? - Yes. - I thought we weren't, because you were about to be backstep. - That episode ended with you. No, that wasn't the end. - And then he was tougher than we thought. - It was. - Who knows if there were more coming? - Well, there was one sneaking up on time. - Looks like they were about to stop. So there's at least two. But it was a gutsy call, I say. I can't argue that. - It was a fun call. - So you didn't know how many were left on this thing, which is why I justified doing that bullshit, but it was too funny. - It let's do good stuff. - That's if you could justify it. - All right. There was some feedback on the map of the battle at the Sand Pit Dune that Scott put out. And Jason McDonald said, "I'd like to thank Scott for making the map, but I have a feeling that he wouldn't read this." - I actually responded to it. - In which Richard Watts said, "He'd stop after. "I'd like to thank Scott." (laughing) - Yeah, that's moving on. - But hey, I did read it, and I did give a reply. You're not gonna read my reply, don't you? - I don't have to reply. I figured you would have something to say in it. - No, this is like last week. Oh yeah, I read that. - Yeah, I read that. No, I replied. And then he didn't reply to my reply, which means he probably didn't read it. No, I'm kidding. I did reply to him though, saying that I did appreciate his, I forgot what it was, to be honest. - He read it. - It was something clever though. It was amazingly clever. - Not sure. - And no one responded to it or went to this. - Well, you wrote it. - It is like, let's see. - She said, "I read it, I swear." - I wrote it. - I swear. - I just remember what it wrote. - Apparently not. - I don't know. - I can't even remember what he wrote himself. That's it for Facebook. We did have one email that was sent in, by Greg Hutton, who said, "Hey, hosers." You guys have been up to Canada enough that I believe I can call you that. - Yeah. - Lee Scott has. - I think all of us have. - What is some of that? - I don't know, Scott's channel is just in our Canadian-- - Oh, he's saying one. - Yes, usually. - I'm a Canadian profile. - Can I have a file? - Can I have a file? - There you go. - Instead of an angle, can I have a file? - I'm a bit of an angle of a file as well, but not as much as Mike is. - It's almost all Ontario though, right? - He's red and white, but never blue, eh? - Get it? - Yeah, fit for Canadian? - Yeah, yeah, thanks. - Anyway, back to Greg Hutton's feedback. First off, bravo, bravo. Great use of the matter displacement cipher. And SIG's activation-- - Oh, yeah, the grenade. - Yeah, the grenade was off. - That was really cool, yeah, the grenade was off. - And SIG's activation of Tila's alternate form was brilliant. A tip, on an easy attack roll, you can spend effort to increase damage, which is something that we always forget. - It's true. - Okay, it's an easy attack roll. If you have an easy attack roll, but you want to spend effort, you can spend effort to do an additional damage instead of to making this attack easier. - It's not easier. - Like on your chest, you don't need to make it simpler. - Oh, I see. - It's feeling like you're gonna hit for sure, 'cause it's a level two difficulty, so you only need a six to hit. Well, instead of spending effort to bring it down to three, spend effort to ramp up your damage. - I was wondering if those were really accurate. - Yeah, a little bit. - 'Cause your mind thing, mind fuckers a little, a little more, it's only two, so if you can do a little more, it'd be better. - What do you say about Tila? - The exact activation of Tila's alternate form was brilliant. - Activation or psychic rape, depending on what that is. - It'd be a definition of brilliant that I wasn't familiar with. - Well, that was very clever. - It was something we didn't think could happen. - And he continues, "I found you on the hub "of the ninth world and pulled a three-day marathon "to catch up on all the noumenera podcasts." - Yeesh. - Just noumenera, that's only 10 episodes. - He didn't do the entire 150, yeah. - Would it take three days to look like an hour a piece? We only have, like-- - It's still 10 hours a piece. - That's some dedication. - Yeah, no, I'm not knocking you chops. It's good work. - Thank you. - You could've done it too. - You could've done it. - We're in a choir taste. The idea that you sit down and eat 'em all at once just seems so kind of bizarre. - Well, you like the first one and then you just, you just dive right in, I guess. - This is the first time I've ever listened to an actual play podcast and I feel bad for any future podcasts that I will listen to. You've set the bar pretty high and listening to you guys play has opened it a path to improving my own play, so I thank you. I don't often shop at Amazon being in Canada. I'm not sure the link you provided on the website would work for me. I get routed to the .ca page, which we found out it doesn't and our affiliation code doesn't work in Canada either, but thank you for the thought. The podcast is enjoyable and I would like to contribute somehow. Maybe Mike can set up a PayPal donation button. - Bitcoin. - Mike picks up his pen and writing something down. - Go with the Bitcoin. - I just heard a little bitch. - I just purchased, your work is never done. I just purchased the hard core book, the hard core bar. - The hard core bar. - The hard core bar. - I'm taking a bar bar bar bar bar. - It's a whole other thing. - That's different, I'm not gonna roleplay that. - Does Amazon have a biography section? - I just purchased the hard cover core books. See, all those words were in there just in a different order. - Scrum. - And he's talking about new manera and yes, it does come with a map, so he didn't get it to your Kickstarter and he's verifying that the map does come. It's adhered to the inside back cover, but it comes off easily enough. A couple questions for Scott. Was a spider, a creature from the core book or one you created yourself? And also, is the allowing the liberal use of Felix's flex skill a conscious decision? I'm assuming so. You guys don't seem to be the type to bog yourselves down with the roles. And what he's-- (laughing) We kind of do, but we were missing-- - There's all, there's all edited by you. - Yeah, we edited all that stuff out. - What he's referring to is I think the flex skill is supposed to be in the game day. It can only be changed once. - Right. - And you're being a little more liberal with that. - Right, our play date. - Our play date is opposed to-- - Really? - Right, I haven't changed, but-- - I think he might've ever heard my character who has flip-flopped on it, but that's okay. - In any case, I don't know. - Let me finish really quick just a little bit more than you can answer those questions because he also has a question to Tom. What was the licensing implication of the music he used in the background? I have a 13th age campaign coming up that I am thinking of recording, and I have concerns regarding the legalities of using music should we choose to podcast the game. Thanks again for producing the podcast, listening to all of you that is enlightened to me as a GM and a player. Your newest fan, Greg. - Thanks, Greg. - I'll answer first because I get to, 'cause I want to. - Cool. - That's no other reason. Yeah, I'm not using any of that music legally, and we don't make any money on cast or charge for it. - We do have some music that's legit for us. The stuff that Zen Audio created, which is the opening and the intro on the outro, which is really the best music if he asks me. - I think the worst case scenario, you get a cease and desist at some point. - Right, right. They'll just say stop it. - It's easier to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission. - And we're not making any money, but while we're talking about that, and he mentions the PayPal and whatnot, the Amazon link over Black Friday and the month of December has netted us enough to pay for the podcast for half the year. - Wow, really? - Damn. - Way to go listeners. - We really appreciate the list. - That is huge. - Well clapped. - Well clapped. - Well done. - Do you see my post about that? - Do you appreciate that? - What's that? - I bought something and went, "Oh, crap." - It did, yeah. - I went, 'cause I just did it. I went and I un-bought it. (laughing) - And then re-bought it. - That's dedication, Jim. - And actually, I've gone to all my family, and whenever they have an Amazon link, I make sure that they, I just default their link to our code. - Well, I'm telling you. - Well, I told them I'm doing it, but the point is I make it effort too. - 'Cause again, it doesn't cost them anything. It's because of the advertising budget of Amazon, and it's nice to, I like, we go with something that costs us a little more each month than the average, 'cause you can get free storage. But by going with something that costs a little bit more a month, our library's out there intact. Every single episode ever, and it'll always be available because of the service we use. And I prefer that, just because I know other ones that are, they only show like the last five podcasts. And if you wanna go back, you can't listen to it. And with a AP story driven as we are, it's much more important to be able to get the whole story. - People are apparently going back and-- - They definitely are. - I'm looking at the back catalog, so it's awesome. - That's reliable and zippy. - Yeah. - I subscribe to podcast. They aren't fast. - I know you dial out, it's like, it's another half an hour. Ours is like within less than a minute or two, you get the whole episode. - Seems to be worthwhile. - It's a good service. - In regards to the arachnid, yeah, that was made up completely. There's not a huge encyclopedia of creatures right now for-- - They're coming out with a bestiary, but there's not. - Right, there's not. (laughing) - As of right now, there's not a lot, so I just took a couple of abilities from a couple of different creatures, made one or two up myself, and then just threw some armor, and it just basically made up-- - It's really easy to make up here. - It is. - On the fly, it's very easy. And this was more of an on-the-fly-type thing where I decided I wanted to give you guys yet another challenge. - It's a far different-- - Yeah, something different and not just some ab humans in the desert, but try to throw a little bit more interest into it, which ended up being with the whole wagon going into the sand pit, no, but. So it was completely made up on the fly, describing some abilities, and then his other question was regarding Thomas' ability, which might've been your ability, but not really sure. And in that particular, yeah, the Flex skill, thank you. And yeah, I mean, we're telling a story here, so as long as I don't think it's an outright abuse of the rules, especially the first time through his system, we're not sure we're gonna play again, I'm not gonna spend, we made a joke about going through rules, but really, Newmanera has been, it's been nonexistent, the arguing, or debating over rules. - 'Cause we don't know them. - We don't know them as well, and we don't have to go back to the system again, so it doesn't really matter. So, yeah, I'm playing fast and loose with it. - I think it's always been for us. It's about the story above anything else. - Right. - And then the other thing is, is it gonna break the universe? Is it gonna be something that'll be abused? Are you setting a precedent that's gonna screw the pooch for future games, if we play it again? - And in general, as I'm playing style, our character, we don't do that as players. - Since we have shifted to a storytelling style, I don't think I've really absorbed, or I don't know the rules the way I used to. I used to know chapter and verse. - And you're fine with that. - And I'm fine with that. And to be honest, it's like, you know, I almost don't even wanna learn it, 'cause first of all, we've got some great people here that know all the rules, and we'll tell you if it's wrong or not, but at the same time-- - I'm playing with the boys. - Yeah, it's nice to have them as a backup. It's kind of cool to be that guy. - To be the experts? - Uh-huh. - Yeah, it's cool. Do we call the level of that arachnid? Just curious. - That's what it's more. - It's more. - Okay, I was listening to GM intrusions, like the fifth episode, and he goes into how easy it is to just pick a level like that, and-- - That's your work. - That's the majority of your work. I mean, that's all the GMS to do pretty much. - Yeah, pick the level. - That's kind of floating. - How much armor does it have? How much damage does it do? Does it have any special abilities? Okay, yeah, I wanna have maybe some pointy things on some of the arms, and maybe some pincers on some other-- - Yeah, there was great detail. - The legs, right, but that was, I mean, literally, going back to his question, that was made up on the fly. I said, okay, well, you know, we're gonna have an ambush. Well, the ambush is kind of off now because you guys kind of-- - You thought I knew it. - So, I'm definitely gonna give you some advantages against the mudbirds, but, unless I throw a ton of magic, it's not gonna be a challenge, and who wants to fight 15 mudbirds? So, let's make it a little more interesting by, I think, actually, you know what, I think the impetus for it, which has happened a couple times for poor Mike, is he rolled a one, trying to sneak around the dune from the mudbirds, and I thought, well, how can I, kind of, what's the consequence for this, or what's the outcome? Ooh, you know, they stumbled on a layer of something. Okay, what's in the desert? Well, could be scorpions, you know, and I just kind of worked it out real quick, my brain, as I was going, and it ended up being those wrappers. - They do have another unique ability, and that is to dig a sheer pit in sand. - I see it. - It's amazing. - I see spiders that do that. The sand pit spiders, where they got like a little cone-shaped sand trap. - But it wasn't that cone. - It was a sheer pit. - It was a sheer pit. - That's what it was. - It was a sheer deep pit. - Yeah. - That's my point. - Well, it's the big bugs, man. - Well, I see, Mike, there's spider creatures, and they had wabbing that was holding the sand. - Yeah, that's a big seed. - It's so creative. - Yeah. - I don't know. - Don't make sure that one. - Why don't you just, like, you know, they paved it with the bones of their victims. - Oh, that seems better. Let's see, okay, we'll go over here for decades. (laughing) - All right, before we hit the fan page real close, 'cause I know you all read the fan page and you have something to contribute. We had two more iTunes reviews. - Wow, they are just one more. - There's four in the summer. These are our Christmas gifts. Spud man, I'm 124, said. - Spud man. - My RPG fixed-- - I like potatoes. - Sorry, you might have said that. My RPG fixed each week. Was the title of it, and you said, if it was not for KO10 and their awesome stories, I would not be able to get my dose of RPGs in my little town that I live in. I was running out of breath. I was like, oh my gosh. (laughing) - Could I take a loan too? - Yeah, they did. - With the help of editing music and sound effects, anyone listening becomes part of the group, and the quality only keeps getting better. Awesome, and definitely worth a listen. - What little penalty does he say? - He isn't mentioned. - Well, perhaps he'll write a-- - I don't know. - He's listening. - Boise. - Boise. - Yeah, he's listening. - Well, that's how-- - What's happening? You have potatoes. - Small town of Boise, I don't know. - Well, we had a listener previously mentioned they were in a small town as well. It might be the same person. - Right, we had a big contest. You got to buy somebody in to play with us once, or one millionth listener or something. - Right. - You think you'll be paying for that? 'Cause I didn't know that much. - I will pay for it if it's our one millionth listener. - There you go. We actually might be making money if it's-- - Hopefully, if I have that donate button up there, each one of our listeners can donate a dollar, and then enroll real staff. - The other iTunes review came from Australia, and I just happened to check in on a whim, so I'd like to remind anybody in a foreign country to please let us know if you put up an iTunes review, because this one was sitting out there for a few weeks, 'cause, but this one was from over-educated register monkey, who said, "It's a title, great podcast." Listening to 100 plus episodes thus far, and I'm planning to keep going. Got pointed here by the Dice Heroes, and was glad to continue listening. Highly technical quality and great work by the storyteller and players make this an enjoyable experience, and a little more gritty than I'm used to, but great work overall. - Gritty? - Maybe it's gritty. - Gritty. - And I think, again, it was the person who commented earlier that they came from, and that our style was darker. It's two different things, Walmart's Facebook, and this is iTunes, so it's a similar feel, so. - No one's ever died. - But it is a darker- - Gritty as that choose nightmare. - I mean, choose flashback. - It's definitely a gritty stuff. - A darker tone. - So thank you over-educated register monkey, which I just want another excuse to say that, 'cause I like to do this. - It feels like he's under-employers. - Have you guys ever been to Australia? - I have not. - You've been to Australia? - No, I've not. I want to. I want to go. - That was good, yeah. - I just don't know when I want to make a 28-hour flight since they're in Australia. - Should we go on tour, maybe we'll include that. - Right. All right, and onto the KOTN fan page. Did anybody do any reading this week? - Well, Jay Mac put a few things in there. - I'm gonna do that. - He hates that, by the way. He says on every forum, I always end up being Jay Mac. - He's got a great name that shrinks down. - He's on you all the time. Calm Jay Mac again. - Yeah. - That one doesn't like Jay Mac. - I don't know if he doesn't like it. - He'll say it again. - What did you say about Jay Mac? - Jay McDonald wrote something nice about, I should make a new website that brings all the stuff together, so he didn't mention it. Stop giving me more work. Stop it Jay. - Good old Jay Mac. - Throw your work in all the stuff that you've done. - Yeah, he bought up the fan page and he's been-- - And I got to see that preview clip, and that was pretty slick. It's all, at least the piece I saw was very Bob centric. And-- - He's a big fan of the shit lock episodes. Jason's. - I think there's, yeah, it's been stuck there. - I think that was my favorite part of the Shagrin, or the Cyber Darkness. Yeah, World of Darkness. I think shit lock was my favorite part of the World of Darkness. - Yeah. - So far. - Right. - Anybody else got something for the fan page? - I read it, but-- - I don't remember-- - Logan Swanson mentioned other IP podcasts, so just to go through the list of stuff he did was Nerd Poker, which is one I hadn't known before. And I can't remember the guy, but it's an actual actor. He's a comedian. - Oh, Brian, I'm the same. - Who is it? - Brian Sane. - Okay, you've heard that one before. - If you saw him, you'd recognize him. - Absolutely, I recognize his voice, and I got a face that-- - Yeah, you've seen him. - He's been in a lot of different things, and yeah, he plays the Nerd, I mean-- - And he's been in some other podcasts that I've listened to. - So, Pandables, which is one we've mentioned before. Critical hits, but I think it's self-critical hits that they're referring to, which is a podcast. D&D Nax Penny Arcade, The Walking Eye. The Walking Eye I've listened to, I've listened to all of these at one point or another. Self-critical hits, I listened to Routinely. Walking Eye, I listened to Routinely, really good. Gutter skipes, I listened to, although they are tend to be three to four hours. They don't do any editing, so sometimes it's kind of hard to listen to the whole thing to find the time, but love the characters on there. And they have a sister podcast, which is, Monkeys Took My Jet Pack. Never heard of eye podcast magic missiles before, but they're apparently doing an apocalypse world game, so I'm gonna have to give that a listen. Cannon Punches Show, I listen to all the time. That's Rich Rogers, good stuff. The Janecast is one that I haven't listened to either, but a lot of people talk about it. It's a apocalypse world at Monster Hearts, which is an offshoot of a apocalypse world. And of course, DICE Heroes, who we, I listen to all the time, and we hear from all the time, and they were looking forward to the World of Darkness or Dresden File crossover we're gonna have with them, but we're not having the World of Darkness or Dresden Files. We're probably going with another system that neither of us have played before, and I sort of lost track of talking with Tandy because of the surgery and different stuff, so gotta get back together with him and then finalize some of that stuff. Other posts Logan also posted about, and I wanted to ask everybody about this. It was one in which he was looking for classic D&D adventure ideas that he could run past his girlfriend and her kids. So there was a lot of people that threw out ideas. If anybody's got a trope that they could think of really quickly, we could try them. You know, what would make a quick little adventure. I almost typed something up, but it had kind of been covered by other people was when I was playing with my kids and they were younger. They were attacked by a bugbear and they ended up killing the bugbear, but there was a baby bugbear left over and it was acute and adorable, but in the future it was going to be. - Was it an owl bear? - Was it an owl bear? - It was an owl bear. - Right, it was an owl bear. - We saw the term an agri. - Well that was the eventual outcome, but you had a sweet cat. You had to deal with a creature that was adorable and cute, but ultimately deadly. And it's just an interesting little side plot that you could throw into something, but something very similar was mentioned in it. - Kind of like Tila. - Kind of like Tila. - Adorable but dangerous, yeah. - You know there was a wolf. There was a system I always wanted to try to run, if we ever went back to D&D, which I don't think we ever will, but the idea that the group was researching the second volume for the monster manual. - So categorizing different? - Right, so their job was to go out and capture specimens for-- - That's a good idea. - And our ask. - Yeah, come on. (laughs) - And I'm Pokemon. - But that was another reason that they would go on and hear rumors of some monster terrorizing some village or place, and that's what they've got and do. - I'm sure you could, especially if, I don't know how young the kids are, but I mean, that could be really-- - But that might be just a way to set up a reason why. - What, I feel like it's just for a quick, small, easy dungeons for Dungeons and Dragons. - I think so, yeah. - Then-- - Well, I see these grunge and dungeon worlds, but I still promise. - Well, Wizard of the Coast has used it. I don't know, they still do have little free-- - Ninjas and stuffs and frees, little stories from like, they're a dungeon magazine. - If you subscribe, they had-- - They used to do a weekly one, the way they put out just-- - Just huge volume of them. - I'm sure they have an archive somewhere of free stuff. - Okay, I think it was like more for like tropes, like famous, so I mean, my idea is really clever because it gives you something that you can have ongoing and doesn't really require all that much effort. It's just monster of the week type of stuff. - Which is cool. - Which also made me think of something that they did in Lord of the Rings, which I thought was brilliant, and that they showed the orcs being created from mud and magic instead of being what they were in the books, which were corrupted elves. So there's no spoilers, in case you didn't know that. (laughing) - You didn't know that. - It was like a six-year-old movie. - Maybe it was mud magic and old-- - But the idea, I liked about it. It's something that now and like you guys have brought me along to is that, you know, orcs have an ecology. They're allowed to have young and they're, how come they don't have like orc rights? How come they're not allowed to have territory? Why are they always being oppressed by other people and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah? And instead of just, I want to morally kill the, or I don't wanna, I wanna don't have any moral problems. - You want black and white. - Well, sometimes, you know, I have plenty of rain in my life. - I gotcha. - Sometimes you want an enemy, like that's why robots, Nazis, and some other things that you can kill with impunity because-- - Not robot Nazis. - Robot Nazis. - And zombies, and zombies, it's fighters. - I don't think you can have a robot zombie, Nazi. - Spiders to be on here, it's a good call. - Well, you could resurrect the Nazi, you know, zombie parts with robot money. - There you go, yeah. - Which is why I don't like zombies as a creature or a story thing, like in Walking Dead. That's why it's okay, zombies killing zombies is okay until you introduce the idea that they're infected and that they can somehow be cured, which then becomes a moral quandary that you shouldn't go-- - As a quandary, it really doesn't come up except for with her show in season two for a little while. - Like a couple weeks, and then he's like, yeah, I was pretty wrong with that. They're mindless zombies, they need to be killed. - Yeah, you don't have to worry about that. - You don't have to watch a show, so I don't know. - I mean, there's some-- - If you have someone who's infected, then you don't want to give them up. I mean, that's a reasonable assumption is isn't there a way we can change it back to it. - Right, I'm just saying they don't dwell on it in the storyline at all. - Watch a movie, Fido? - Fido. - Fido. - Nope. - I thought it's a zombie world, they got it. All the zombies walled out, they got a normal, nice little world on the inside, and they picked the zombies and they put colors on them and they domesticated them. - I was hearing Fightful when you said that. - Fight the mouse? - Fight the mouse. - That was really funny. - That's funny. - That's really good shit, yeah. - It's a funny zombie. - Okay, really quick, the additional ones Logan had also posted along, no, that's the same one. Jason McDonald posted a while ago about their favorite KOTN moment, and that's still rolling along. People are adding their favorite moments. Adam and Donji asked a Joseph and Phil question and the fans answered it brilliantly, even before I ever got the chance, and they had to do with a web spell and how you deal with restraints in Joseph, 'cause he's running his own Joseph and Game and he didn't know how to deal with some of the roles, but the fans answered it brilliantly. So thank you. - And that's what it's there for, it's a form of fans. - Luke Green asked about a favorite character deaths, and it wasn't just about ours, but just everybody who's played role-playing games, what was their favorite moment, and that's another thing that's going on in the fan site, so give it a try if you haven't yet, it's some fun stuff. - Favorite death? - Yeah, it's hard to give them their good stories, yeah. - I got a list of players that I wanted that. - That's a different thing. - We'll get on to the adventure now, again I want to thank everybody who spent some time on Amazon, I'm running us some money, it really paid us. - Enjoy the holidays if we don't talk to you next week, 'cause we may not get together before the holidays, so everyone. - Happy holidays. - Peace everyone, be safe out there, and now enjoy the episode where we get to see what happens to John that, he's mine right to my character. - This is Numenira, chapter seven of the story "Sandswept." I am your GM Scott, and with me tonight on my left is. - John playing Sig, a mutant nano, who talks to machines. Thomas playing Felix, a strong-world Jack who hunts with great skills. - Michael playing Nina, a stealthy nano, who's just partially out of phase. - Mike playing Boz, the tough glaive who fuses flesh and steel. Tom playing Tila, the intelligent Jack who howls at the moon. - And I am Jim playing Eshman, the mystical nano who works miracles and runs away from ravaged bears. - All right, last week we had a battle that was raging across the cold desert. I believe we ended the episode with two of the mudbirds, totally. - Dead. - Or something or something. - Gutted. - Yeah, they weren't gutted so much as they were ripped across several dimensions. - Oh, that's right, they were. - Just dimensioned. - Disincorporated. - I think they were. - It was like the iron wind in a bottle, it mixed it up with a bunch of matter and. - It just really concerned. - Yes. - That's a good one. - Plus one to you. - Gimme. - He's like, I got, I'll take experience. - I meant, I meant Google. (laughing) - It was a Google plus one. - Yeah, Google. - Speaking of experience. - Maybe Google debtors are just - Double worthless. - Talk about it. - Basically. - As soon as you gather up like four, you can cash them in for a level, is that it? - Yes, yeah. - If you want to have like almost nothing for the whole episode that we're going to do. - It's been when Scott tries to fuck you over and does a GM. - It's not me trying to-- - It's no rules. - Oh, see, it'll intrigue. - Basically, he has taken the GM screwing with the players and basically legitimized it with this rule. I like that. - You're the best GM ever. 'Cause you're the best GM ever. (laughing) - I GM intrude all the time. - I just need to give XP for it. - Right. - I believe I currently have three. And if I got another one from last week and now I have four. - You can reset. - Yes, everyone gets one from last week just for showing up for the episode. - Woo hoo. - Yay. - I have two now. - Awesome. - So, to get back to the brief recap, I believe it was Felix who dis-dimensionalized to my birds who were trying to sneak up. There was a group of three of them. One of them remained but was shot in the chest with a very large telephone pole-like instrument. Actually, a crossbow was a really large bolt. Which staggered him. He snapped it off and retreated back across the desert. - Had you shot him? - I'm planning on it. I've got to reload. It takes a lot. - And then you turn around. - As we left the episode, the major thing that happened in Sig had reached un-vided- - With my mind. - Into your mind and basically did what he pleased with you and flipped the switch to turn you into your Ravage Bear self. - I do have a question about my Ravage Bear self. - Yes. - The Ravage Bear as a creature does seven points of damage. My Ravage Bear does four. Which is I'm fine with. I mean, I don't want, it was always a question of being too overpowered. The fact that I attacked my fellow players now is also a concern. - Right. - In the future we don't want it to be an overpowered creature. But, a Ravage Bear does seven. - Why do we say you do four then? - We discussed it early on and that was-- - Tila has a medium size weapon. - And that a broadsword or a medium size weapon does four. - Why do you think you should do seven then? - And we should have done seven to, well I just think you should hear a Ravage Bear. - All right. Because the next part was that after I do seven and rip into somebody, and that means I have my claws in them, and next turn I do seven again, and an additional four as I pull that creature apart with both claws. - Don't you have to grapple in order to do that? Or is it just happened? - It just happens. The first one is a grab, a second one is a rip and grab thing. - Do you have anything that's not a grab? Like can you just attack with your claws? - Again, this is a NPC character, a Ravage Bear. - Of course. - I'm making into-- - I just, I have a hard shot. - I believe that every Ravage Bear walks up to someone and tries to rip them apart as their only attack. I mean they bite them, they claw them. - Right. - And you always just grab and pull. - That's like that's how it looks. - Last week I described as-- - Yeah, no, that's fine, so I'm fine with that. I'm just saying, is that the only attack that a Ravage Bear has is this description. - Combat, the Ravage Bear grabs a foe with its powerful arms and holds them fast, then squeezes and tears at them until they're dead. It can hold only one creature at a time. - Wow. - A Ravage Bear is holding a creature. It can attack only the held creature, and each round that the held creature does not escape, it suffers four points of damage in addition to the normal damage from attack made against it. - Try to escape the-- - So trying to escape would be the next rule I would bring forth to the level of the creature, but since this is a Ravage Bear, who is to play a character. - Right, I didn't know if there's any special rules for the escape, but if there's not them, we'll just have Teela make the role for the Charog. So if you're grappling with it-- - Okay, that's all I wanted to do. - Then he can also grapple with you. - Right, and I'm a fucking bear. - Yeah, no, no, its grapple is not nearly as cool as yours, but I think it would grapple something that he considers prey, no longer considers you prey, it considers you a threat to its existence. - I believe it considers me its end. - Yes, so again, brief recap. We had Sig reaching into Teela's mind, splitting a switch with some nanotech, and basically creating a Ravage Bear reaction with no full moon. We had a Boz holding, gonna hold fort there between two sand dunes as the murdin were coming up, the mudbirds. And two of them got disincorporated and disdimensionalized, whatever you wanna call it. One got shot in the chest by a very impressive Felix on top of the sand dune, and as the episode's going to an end, we noticed that we noticed, actually it was Nina noticed, 'cause you were running away from the terror that you saw Teela changing to a Ravage Bear, this Chirov coming up in this big battle, not really your thing. So you ran back around, and as you were coming back around the pit that the spider had created, you had a great view of Felix up on the dune with his crossbow, and then, yes, when you saw out of the shadows of murdin with a large knife, basically right behind him. And that's where we stopped the episode last week. - Didn't Sig also earn some high-level consequence when he triggered Teela. Didn't it look like a 19 or 20 to do it? - Oh, yeah. - It was a minor effect. - And that has made its own evident yet. - Well, I guess I'll bring it up for discussion. What I was gonna do is say that it was really technically impossible to trigger the nano reaction from Teela without a full moon. It's what you need. And so the minor effect would be that it's somehow-- - Well, then you broke the cycle, and then you're forgiven her control of it? - No, no, no, not so much. Not that, but just that he was able to otherwise, it went into a great role, but I don't wanna say too bad, you rolled the 19, amazing role, and he brought down levels and put effort into it. So I think maybe, instead of saying, you figured out how to do it, but you can't do it into the full moon, the minor effect there was that the full moon was somehow brought forth in some really strange way. - Did you let any clips happen? - In the fucking moon? - In the fucking moon? - In a row, does this normally work? - How many? - Five. - Five. - So, that's like-- - It's a thousand one. - We know it's on either side of a really full moon anyway. - Right. - And the moon's really full those whole five days. - Right. - Technically, you can't see it. - Technically, you can't see it. - Right. But there's something about midnight in the moon, rising at that point. - Rising at that point. - I mean, who knows? - I wonder if they ask, do any of us know that Sig did this to Teela? - Oh, that was my question as well, because I think my brother would fucking freak out if he knew that happened. - Yes, I would have to say-- - Did Sig just mind-rate my sister? - Right. I mean, that's about as big of an invasion as you can possibly have. Something about Mike and John just going at it, character-wise, it's gonna be very interesting to see how this dynamic plays out. - That's what happened before. - I would say nothing happened to be noticeable with the exception of Sig staring in her direction, you know, seeming to focus on him. - Should we change the mirror and then going, "Yes!" And then the change happening. So I would say that if anyone besides Teela wants to notice it happening, I think they would have to-- - Oh, I noticed it happen. - Say that they noticed it. Like, I can see Nina, you were right there in that dynamic of Sig there and Teela there. I can see Nina overseeing that. I might allow Bas who, guarding between the two humans, to be looking at a sister constantly, to check on her to make sure she's okay as this cheer-on is charging up on her, he's gotta be concerned about her. - I was concerned. I was all set to fight the Merton. Felix did his thing. - Right. - And I was going to be turning my attention over to them anyway. - Yeah, so I could say that. - I honestly think I would have, 'cause what he did to the Merton would have captured my attention. - I don't know if it would have captured your attention more than your sister. - But she and Peril have been screaming for help though. - She didn't, but she's in Peril. There's a case. - Now that I hear the word, that the rage burn, then yeah, my attention is over there. - I'll give you a tough role, but I think that you have a role. - Normally you live in a minor role, but you're overprotective me, so maybe you'll have a really far-fetched one. - I would submit that it would be a level harder than what you think. - Doesn't have to be a binary answer, could it be maybe he's got an idea that something might be going on? - Sure. - I mean, it's not clear. - Oh, there's clues that Sig was fascinated with the transformation. I remember that much from last night, but I don't know if he hasn't given me anything to make me think yet. - I think I'm keeping an eye on everybody that's around me. - Yeah, I got something. - I was also in Tila's head attacking it last time he was in her head. - Right. - It's a group thing. - It's just a place to be. - I was gonna go on Tila's head and really fuck her up. - I see, 'cause I see what it looks like when you hit her head before. - No, you didn't? Because I was scanning Tila, and that's the only reason I know you did any kind of magic. - If you were scanning her when I did that transformation, I would say definitely you know it was for me. - I was attacking her, which is, if you call it scanning, I thought attacking either way, we were both in her head. - All right, so let's do the roll. - Ashman, roll, it's difficult. - Sig would have an argument with that. Go ahead. - Level four. Level four, which means you need a 12 to have noticed that something happened there. You don't, you might not know that he actually did. - Well, then I just became a bear. - But he stared at her and she became a bear and she got-- - I wouldn't have to do it, but I wouldn't know to put it. - No, this is something you cannot put it to. - I wouldn't know what to do with it, so. - This is a straight up roll, 12 or higher. Did you notice? - 17. - You absolutely noticed something happening there. - Boss, I've got your difficulty being intimidating because it's just, it's a very difficult. It is normal people almost never succeed. There's so much going on right now. It would be, it would really take a lot for you to notice him staring intently at her for five seconds in her changing and then putting two and two together. - All right. - So, go ahead and you roll 18 or higher. - Oh. - Seven, seven, four, six. - Wow, something happened there, but you really can't put two and two together. And then last, but not least, is Nina. And Nina, I'm gonna say you're about the same as Ashman. - I don't think I'm more concerned on what's charging and not getting in front of Tila 'cause I'm running the stage. - Okay, let's go up one level. Let's go not quite to Boz's level, not quite as low as Ashman's level, but right in between 15, which is level five, challenging. Even train people often fail at noticing this. - And the bolder dice rolls over 14 just missing it. - Wow, two, two, one. So, the only person who really has an idea what happened is Ashman and we'll go from there. So, anyways, getting back to the actual combat itself, the first person to go is Boz. So, Boz, you do notice that the threat of the murdon that were coming in front of you has been definitely wailing. One is running away with half of a bolt in his chest from some kind of crossbow, some sort. Some of them are out of phase, some of them are there, some aren't in a puddle on the ground, basically. So, go ahead. - I looked to my right up at Felix and say, "Good shot." - When you looked to your right, the Felix to say, "Good shot, make a roll." Again, there's no chance of-- - 19. - To affect it. You see the murdon directly behind him running down a knife in his back. Then you're not gonna be able to save him, but you can shout out if you'd like. - Oh, right. - Maybe give him a little bit of help. Go ahead. - That was how we ended last week with me rounding the corner and seeing it. - Seeing the same thing. - That was my move, do I get anything else after that? 'Cause you ended it on the cliffhanger, and I just wanted to know that my turn was over. - Nina, because you only ran last turn, noticed him in scream. I'm gonna say that you get to make an attack. The murdon is level three. It is one step higher because of the fact that you're at the extreme range of the weapon. So, it goes from three to four. Now, you cannot use effort like you would normally use to hit the creature. So, level four ends up being, you need a 12. - 15. - All right. You hit and your knife, I believe, does two damage? - It's a light weapon. - Yes. - The murdon is wearing some armor, but you definitely hear a satisfying thunk as the knife strikes home and stays in the murdon's back, 'cause his back is to you as he's stabbing down on Felix. So, you basically fling your dagger, scream, look out, and the dagger strikes home. Okay, that takes us to Boz at the start of the next turn. You're the first one, Boz, as is Eshman at 17. Either of you can do something before the murdon acts. - I don't know what the murdon thing is going on. - Right, you spin around. Nina's words are echoing in your ears. The sand's blowing. You see the shadow of a sword coming up above Felix, 'cause the murdon is actually blocked by Felix from you. - Right. - But you see the sword coming up behind him and know something is terribly wrong. See the cloaked head of the raven as it's over his shoulder, reaching up to stab him and what do you do? - That's when I yelled to Felix to dive forward and I let my knife fly as well. - Okay. - You're all the 19, so maybe one less difficult thing? - If you had a minor effect, this was for the looking part, the correct? - Yeah. - Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and give that one though, because I can see that. You're already getting penalized for a surprise on other things that you can't use, so it's a three, it's a level three. It doesn't go up to level four because you're at the long distance range. Actually, it does go up to level four, but you can take it back down one level due to your minor effect. - Okay, so I have to roll a nine or better. - I'm gonna give you a choice. You could either reduce the level by one, back down to three, or you can ignore its armor. - I would like to ignore its armor. - Okay, so it's level four, you need a 12. - So 12 or better? - Three, five, four. - Fourteen, there you go. - Fourteen, and it ignores armor. - It ignores armor. So it actually arcs over Felix's left shoulder and strikes the murden in its shoulder, its left shoulder as the weapon is starting to come down. Ashman, go. - I'm gonna attack the thing. Teal is attacking. - Okay, you're gonna attack the Sheerog. - Yeah. - The Sheerog. The Sheerog is level four, so your difficulty is 12, your target number is 12. You may apply effort if you wish. - I'm applying effort. - Okay, good luck to you then. - I'm gonna run away. - Yeah, I missed. - Roll the four. So once again, you try to reach into its alien mind. You are rebuffed from that attempt, and you can move an immediate distance. - Yeah, I'm following Nina. - Okay, again, it's an immediate distance that both of you could have ran and done an attack. So Nina, you didn't make it quite as far as you were going to, 'cause you're gonna be able to move a short distance, had you not attacked. But since you pull out your knife and throw it, you're only moving an immediate distance, which is about 10 feet. So Nina is about at the back end of the wagon a little bit further on than that, perhaps, but not much, and you're right on her tail. That takes us to the murdens, so that takes us actually to Felix, 'cause you make all the rolls here. So you're being attacked, Felix. It is definitely surprise, even though people have called out to you, the attack is coming down, and it's not something you can really have prepared yourself for. So the attacker gets minus two difficulty steps. You're rolling a defense of three, but it's gonna be two levels higher because you're surprised. So it goes up to level five. - I have speed defense training, which makes it four. So I need to roll higher than 12, or I get hit. - No, you can't use action abilities. - It's not an ability, it's just training. - You can't use effort or action abilities, okay. - 14. - All right. - I dive out of the way, probably dive. - I actually hand you two beads, which are not in front of me right now. - Over there, so I'll send them out of the way. - And the fact that when you spun around, you actually... - There's two, already good. - Okay, sorry. You have to do the physical handing over of the beads. As you spin around, the wind is blowing that direction, and you catch a fan full of sand, excuse me, which blinds you, has a whole different story. - Just for the record, he has stated many times that he has goggles, so it's a temporary blind. - That's very tough, right? Just copy the little breathing holes on the side, a little bit of sand got through there, and distracted your view. And so actually, the murdin struck you in the middle of the chest with his poisoned blade. - That's tough in that I would fucking die. I'm not a very tough man, so I will pay you an experience point for that not to happen. - So what happens is... - I die probably down the hill in my effort to dodge, because I was facing that way when I started. - You look over, you see the blade coming down, and you throw yourself down the western side of the dune. - Into the place. - Rolling, it would actually be the eastern side of the dune, which he was smart enough not to do. And you find yourself on the bottom of the dune, none the worse for wear, a startle, of course, and it is your turn, but you are on your back side. - He's also closer to me, correct? - No. - You were invisible to the dunes, I ended up on this side of the dune, because I was facing this way, aiming at the guy who was running away quicker. - Okay, that takes us to the people who move after the ab. Actually, I'm sorry, the cheer on goes at the same time. So it's going to try to break your grapple. - Okay. - It is level four. - You need to beat 12 in order to continue having a grapple. - So he's basically raking across your chest and biting at you and clawing and trying to break free. It's level four, but you can try to lower that level with your abilities. - I have eaten last night. - You didn't get chance to eat. - Because I'm very hungry. - And probably upset. - A little bit, a little bit pissed. And so I will spend might to keep him healthy. In fact, Tila has two effort that she can spend, and she has an edge of two. So two effort would be a total of five, minus her two edge would make it three. It costs me three to reduce it by two, two levels. So you take it from a four down to a two, which gives you a target number of six that you want to do. - Try to beat. - You're not getting away from my grasp. - No, I need to eat. - I'm hungry. - So I roll five. - Can I have any experience left? - Yeah. - So I work to experience and I spend one of them to get to re-roll, to eat this creature. - And roll, eh? - Why many fires do you have on there? - Fine, roll this test. - So, not meant to be, obviously, in this particular instance, but the good news is it can only make an immediate move because it's spent in action breaking free. So all it does is basically rake and claw you, push you back and view steps, and then turns around and starts screwing back the way it came on all fours and it can't move a short distance can only move an immediate distance. - Okay. - So it's certainly within range for when your turn comes around. That takes us to the other characters, the first of which is Felix. - Whose turn is back behind the enemy? - Correct. - It's okay because that is what's happened. - Yeah, you were surprised, right. - All right, so this time I'm over here. There's an enemy running away and I don't like when my quarry escapes. - No, being the hunter that you are. - So this turn would be standing up and then an immediate move away from there. - All right, I will stand and move an immediate distance towards the enemy in the hopes that I can still see him. - An immediate distance would be 10 feet, Thomas, that'll take you to where the caravan trail, that small trail leads. So your move maybe just past that. - Okay, I think this is the rest of the group, which would be Sig and Tila and Nina would all be going. - Sig never hoped he'd have this opportunity. He certainly didn't expect this to work. So now he's gonna spend his turn still coming on himself. - Still cowering under the-- - Yeah, wedding himself, but he's gonna scan-- - Holy fuck, holy fuck. - The work, holy fuck. - Can you do things you don't expect to work? - I think it's called a happy accident in the world of-- - A nano attack, happy? - Ravaged accident. - He's gonna try to glean any information he can from this out of cycle transformation. - So what are you trying to accomplish? - He's probably doing another scan, but he's-- - Of her forebrain? - Yeah. - Okay. - Yeah. - It's beautiful. - Didn't get a lot of chances to do that before she transformed it back last night and didn't expect to have it today. In the morning, it's quite popular. I add my mind as a popular playground. - Try it. - Scan is not invasive. This just cost me one until I point two. - You guys like points? - I'm gonna say the difficulty level is five challenging your target numbers 15 go. - You have to glean more information. - Not necessarily to succeed in scanning. - I put effort into this 'cause it's interesting. - Sure, it's interesting. - That's exactly how efforts work. - Great. - For example. - So four is the level, difficult 12. - Four. - I rolled a 14, would not have made it on a 15. - No, you would have failed slightly. What you do detect briefly is you're seeing enormous amount of activity. It dwarfs even the activity that you saw last night when she changed. - So it seems like there's some sort of overdrive, and so much so that there is blowback and you feel as if your mind is being overwhelmed and you feel an incredible amount of pain in your brain and then you start to feel-- (laughing) - I take that. - And he gives you other-- - How does damage this to Teelo? Because it's my mind that blew your mind. - It is for damage on the intellect side and it's not stopping. - Can't, does it my spell stop? - We'll have to see you next turn. - What we know. - You're trapped in a feedback loop. - Exactly what he's trapped in. All right, that takes us also to, again, we have Nina still to go, Teelo is still to go. - Would you like to come before I do? - I plan on you to sit down and chew in each case. Actually, she does 'cause you're actually, I'm gonna treat you as an enemy at this point. - Yeah, sure. - So normally friends can interchange but you're not, but you're a three. - I assume. - She's a seven. - I assumed I would be going after you. - Yes, Nina, you roll higher than me. And luckily that bad role to be in combat is just beneficial because you go last now. Go ahead Nina. - Lucky me. - What's the distance between me and my stiletto, which is in this guy's back? - That would be a short distance up the hill, probably about 25 to 30 feet up the sand. - What is he doing now? - The sand dune. - Failed in it. - Yeah, he basically swiped at Felix and is looking like he's gonna move basically. - At him? - Yeah. - Felix, I'm gonna go retrieve my knife and reinsert it, hopefully. - If you dedicate both actions to moving, can't you move? - I think you can actually, if you dedicate both actions to move, you can move short distance, which is 50 feet. - So under ravage bear, it says a ravage bear can move very quickly in short sprints and combat it can go into an insane fury and will fight to the death. If it takes 10 or more points of damage, it's defenses reduced by one step and its attack is increased by one step. So keep that in mind when this goes on. I'm gonna actually play that if you don't mind, that I'm not in an insane fury until I take 10 points of damage and I go into basically a berserker rage because it also says-- - I think you'll feel off a little bit too. - It also says the ravage bears are animals and will act like animals. So I was gonna say, if it comes to it and I can kill this thing, I might drag it away to try to consume it rather than go flying from one creature to another. - I would have any argument with that whatsoever. I don't, I think that's good, that's good role-playing. I think you would go eat it and you can kill some. - I'm hungry. - Right. - I think so. - I'm gonna go and hide behind boss 'cause I've done that before successfully and I don't have a weapon right now and there's this crazy wear boost. Okay, so basically you tiptoe along the edge between the wagon and the pit. So you're tiptoeing around the edge of that pit and then sprinting towards boss trying to avoid anything. And I think that you're tiptoeing past the pit certainly sounds intriguing. So let's go ahead and make it speed. We're all, we're gonna say that this is gonna be a standard attempt for you. Difficulty level two, target number six. - So does that include my stealth? - No, six is your target number without it. So three is what you're looking for and then you can obviously spend effort to make it zero or just have faith, you're gonna roll through your heart. - Faith and the phone. Yeah, 19. - Oh, excellent. You kind of teeter on the edge between this wagon and thread the edge of the pit and the pit itself. And in doing so, you actually see there's a slight gap to the boards of the wagon and then the floor of the wagon. There is a slight gap in there and you see a knife. Someone's knife that had basically just come loose during combat, sitting on the floor of the wagon and you're able to reach through as you're moving across and grab it and then move your way towards the box. - Oh, I'm doing my handspring 19 over it. I'll grab the knife. - There you go. That takes us to T-led three. The creature, it's an immediate distance away from you. You may move that to be eight distance and try to attack it again, if you'd like. - I do and if it's moving slowly, then I just try to grapple it again as opposed to-- - It's moving slowly but I think you can do whatever attack you want. - It seems to move very, very quickly on the approach. - It's moving much slower than that. - Yes, yes. - So in my current state, I would attempt to grapple it again to feed. If it were moving very fast, I would gore it with my tusks but in this case, I simply-- - I think it's moving immediate distance which is 10 feet less, 10 feet or less so it's definitely moving slower than it's approach. - So I just, yeah. - It's level four, rip it, a new one. - So it's got a target number of 12 and then you bring that down as you see fit by spending points or an eye will spend one effort so that costs me a whopping one. - All right, it takes it down to demanding which is target number of nine, difficulty level three. - 13. - 13 is a hit so if not mistaken, this first turn-- - Seven damage. - Seven damage and it's grappled again. - Right, as I grab it with my cloth, dragging it to the ground. - All right, again, you notice the hard armor that it has you're ripping into so it definitely is a beast that has a fair degree of protection. Your claws are raking over it and you're definitely drawing out some green oozing blood from the Chirog across its back and you guys are kind of in a tumble right now as you move across the sand, you're fully grappled with it and basically it's spinning over, it's like trying to wrestle a crocodile away but you're not a human and it's bleeding profusely at this point but it's still snapping and fighting and clawing at you as well. And we're back to the top of the move order which would be Boz and Eshman moving before any of the enemies. - Did the Merton-Tacking Felix, is it still at the top of the dune? - For the moment, yes. - It was mounded by our two knives. - Oh yeah, it definitely was-- - It was collecting daggers, apparently. - Yes. - It definitely is here and seeing Tila in her form. - I'm pointing going, "Music Box." - Yeah, I know. "Music Box is in my pack with me or is it in the wagon?" - It's in the wagon. - Yeah. - I mean, we wouldn't risk any combat. - We wouldn't be expecting to use it at this time of day. - I'll make the pain cushion you take, Tila. - All right, I run for the wagon. I only see the Churog that is wrestling with-- - Yeah, they're about 10 feet south of the wagon. They're rolling over the sand. It literally looks like a bear wrestling with a crocodile, you know. So you turn from your spot, it looks to me like you're just beyond an immediate distance, you're more of a short distance to the wagon. So it's more like a double action to go to the wagon. You won't have any kind of-- - That's fine. - You get to the wagon and you're jumping into it and-- - I am scrambling. I'm getting into it as fast as I can. If I can do it on the run and make it look-- - Oh, you sure can. Oh, my GM, and I'm telling you, everyone's getting one of these fuckers tonight as far as the GM inclusion. You jumped up on the wagon and-- (grunting) The wheeled this way? All of a sudden, you feel it. Sorry to tip, tip, tip, tip, tip. It's starting to, the wheel that was really close to the edge with your extra weight just jumping in there with all your reckless abandon that you described to me as you were running up to the wagon. - And your heavy metal. - But you failed to-- - You explained where the wagon was. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I was mentioning that, it was-- - Shut up, you're not helping. You're a razor, you can't speak. (grunting) - So, it's teetering on the edge here. You don't know what's gonna happen, but it certainly feels like it's losing its balance a little bit. Is it just the axle, is it falling into the hole? - Oh, I take the music box and angle it right under the wheel. - So, I think they're sick underneath it? - Oh, there's a sick underneath it. - Yeah. - Crouching. - I'm not sure if I can handle it. - Well, I wouldn't have noticed that. - You have no idea that then. - I didn't see him, 'cause I was really-- - No, he's crouched underneath, hiding from the rage? - He's in a chameleon, I'm getting crushed. - Take the point, throw a point to someone else, and then the turn, adjusting the way to stop the, you know. - Okay, so I'll keep it, 'cause I'm a whore. And I will give it to-- - You're experiencing a guy under the wagon, sick. - That's awesome. - That's something that got you abandoned if I need it. - I know. - So, actually, that's more, I'm gonna give it to Felix out of a guilt, and then I will try to swing myself, you know how a rocking boat is? - Oh, I know. - Yeah, you go to the side that's-- - It's tipping. - It's tipping. - Yeah. - And I'm also scrabbling to, no, I'm not scrabbling. I'm efficiently and scrabbling. - Going for my pack and getting the music box. - Okay, the wagon is tilting, and that's all you know this turn. - Okay. - That takes us to Eshman at 17. Eshman, you see, you hear, no? You see, because you were running with Nina, so you were at the back of the wagon, and you hear a thump on the wagon with Boz saying, music box, music box, music box! And all of a sudden, you hear this god-awful, groaning noise coming from the wagon, tilting in absels, creaking in woods, starting to like splinter. You are a big metal man. - If only you were, say as small as Felix. - It's all like, since the old, it's not like heavy iron, it's like white sand. You could have additional armor for it. - Because of it. - Well, it's 'cause of its toughness, and its high tech, and-- - Right, not 'cause it's heavy. - That 'cause it's heavy. I'm not ironing, man, I'm not clanking around. Is there a side of the wagon that I can get out on this side that would counterbalance his-- - Oh yeah, you could try to jump on the one edge and try to pull it back at the risk of being dragged into the pit as well, sure. - Do it, absolutely. - Absolutely. - No, I'm not gonna do that. I think it'd be kind of fun if they actually-- - Maybe see you attack me mentally, that'll-- (laughing) - Fuck the robot. (laughing) Not the robot. - I hate that, yeah. (laughing) - I gave you a bead. - Yeah, no, I appreciate it. - Can I, as a move action, grab onto the one edge, and as my other action-- - What's called the eastern side of the wagon? - And as my attack action, check the bird on top of the hill before he disappears. - Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, that would be two actions. Your move action would be you could stand behind the wagon and then bob your mental attacks at the mud bird, but to actually grab onto the wagon and try to hold it or try to give it some extra weight as Boz is now throwing himself halfway over the edge on the eastern side, trying to stop this from tumbling in. That's your choice. - I'm gonna jump on the one side, to give them a plus or whatever I can to not-- - So from the outside, you're gonna basically jump up and grab the top with the sides of the wagon. - So if it does go in, I can let go and have a chance of not going into the pit with it. I'm just trying to counterbalance it and add my weight to the opposite direction. - This to me sounds like a mite check. - And I'm telling you, you might want to get out from underneath. - Yeah, I point out that there's an anemia attached to this wagon. - I'm just thinking of that. (laughing) - You can handle it. - A pter! - I forget his name, but he is a pillar of emotional stability. - Take a bite. - Take a bite! (laughing) - Tie the onion down with your shitty, tiring style skills. - That would be, okay go ahead and make your act and know what the role is for this. I'm sorry, you just, you have no idea what it is, but you basically jump up and start putting your full weight. - I put a big four into it. (grunting) - Yeah. - I'll push it back. - You're dangling. - And it's tipping. - I thought my dumb side. - You'll get a chance 'cause you're gonna roll one, so you'll definitely get a chance to let go if it does go all the way over. - Which I'm gonna at the end of this turn, I hope not before my turn. - Well, just see, I would say actually that the wagon is gonna go on Boz's turn next turn. That takes us to the ab human who slides down the sand and attempts to impale Felix with its poison blade. - But I have warnings to poison. - Yes. - That's why the adjective. - So again, difficulty level of three Felix, you are not surprised, you have stood up and moved an immediate distance, correct? - Yes, I have. - I'm gonna actually reduce the attack by two difficulty levels because he has to slide down and then there's an immediate distance. I'm gonna say it's a short distance and I'm gonna give him an attack but a really, really reduced attack here. So it goes from level three down to level one without you spending anything. - All right, I'm not spending effort time. - All right, good luck to you. - Six. - That's all you need. - That's good, that's good. - So once again, you feel his presence behind you as you're running towards the other Merton and duck as a blade swirls over your head as you're both running across the sand to the west. That takes us to, well, Felix. - Yeah, all right. Well, as much as I really want to kill that guy running away, I'm gonna have to probably deal with this guy who's trying to murder me. - It was tough. - He's that way. - A tough decision. - Yes. - So you spin around, your crossbow is not loaded. - If I reload next turn, I'll get a bonus for being a point blank for some reason while a man is swinging away. - Well, I'm gonna assume that you would move an immediate distance away. - You're way right there, motherfucker. I wouldn't get you in a second. - I'm gonna kill you next turn. (all laughing) - I'm gonna move that you assume that you're gonna move an immediate distance away. - Yeah, that'd be safer than reloading one star. - Right, right, right. - And then you reload the crossbow. - Yeah, reloading one, right. - They have everyone, I'm not pulling out there. - The ballista, the crank crossbow. - The large shooter? - Yes. - All right. Once again, Ravage Tila. The Chirag is trying to rip its way free from you. So it's trying to... - Scramble away. - Yes, it was level four last time, if you recall. You can apply whatever effort you'd like to its escape, I think last time you applied two. - Guess I did. - And still... - And it really helped. - All right, so right now the challenge is difficult. Target number 12. - Okay. - Yeah, I really seriously don't want this thing to get away. So once again, I'm gonna spend two effort, which cost me three of my might pull because... - That's gonna be dropping. - Oh, we're not. No, 'cause it improves to 18. When I become a Ravage Burger, it increases to 18. - Oh, but when you come back. - Right. - That creates nasty. Same as you were before. Standard is the difficulty level, level two, mean to six. - And you six are higher. - A two. - Five, five, two. - Yeah. - Which is like a five if you turned it upside down and sucked more. - I'm gonna say, if you want to flavor this very annoying occurrence of the dice roll, the move's not fucking out right now. It's not, and you are, and what I wanted to say before, which I didn't get a chance actually, is you don't feel, you're a bear, but even when you were... - I'm a full bear. - Undergoing the change, you absolutely did not, it felt wrong. - Right. - Like it always feels wrong and you barely remember it, but it felt very, very wrong. There's some sort of residual something. I think there's some nano in the ravished bear's brain right now that's overpowered and it's overstimulating you and it's really affecting your ability to do what you want to do. - Very good. - So once again, the Cheerog rips itself free. It's got one eyeball hanging out on one side. It's heavy reptilian armor. It's shredded across its back. It's soft underbelly, is ripped open in bleeding spots, and it again tries to get away in a immediate distance, making a B line to the south just the way it came. - And in truth, this is working out well, because it's taking me farther away from my friends. - Yeah, there's something... - There's something... - Something when I was gonna say this. - Some advantage to this one, clearly. - That takes us to SIG at eight, Nina at seven. It takes us to Tila at three after those two go. - Nina, you ran towards Bos to have him only turn right back around and run past. You jump onto this thing and... - I should have done that. - Percipitously balanced and seeming to move in the wrong direction as far as this goes. - I want to make a compromise. - Well, wait a minute, if I'm not mistaken, you are in a feedback loop. - I know. I will, with this turn, if I take any more mental damage, go out. Using a push will drain the last of my mental energy. - Can I fall unconscious as a result of this instead of just becoming impaired? - Cool, severing the feedback by knocking himself out. - It's a good plan. You've never heard a better one. - You know, now I was thinking of strapping you to the axle of the wagon and you can just do a push. - Continuing? - Yeah, and we could travel with nothing. - I'll make an offer card. - It's huge. - It's brilliant. - It's brilliant. - I think part of me thinks that even though you would go unconscious, your mind would still obviously be active. I don't know that the nano feedback loop ends with consciousness. Does it deserve a role of some sort? Means, because I don't think this is a place where we just dictate. Yeah, I mean, story wise, both are interesting options, whether you continue to get bashed with this mental damage or intellect damage. Excuse me. - Oh, I'm gonna try that. - Okay, you're gonna try to force all the energy that I've got stuck in the feedback loop out for me to push this cart back right and not slipping off. - Now, the only problem is, - This cart weighs substantially more than me. - Oh, sure, there's that. That's not, you know, the push is probably, let's draw a picture, if you will. There is a cart that is positioned right, it's Western rear wheel is positioned over a pit. It's Western forward wheel is right on the side that's crumbling. The axle of the rear wheel is almost, the wooden axle is it has a fracture in it. It's not, you know, the wood hasn't been cut all the way through, but there's a fracture that's getting worse now as the wheel starts to turn, falls to the west or to the left, if you will. And you are tucked underneath by that axle. You were actually towards the pit. You weren't on the outside of the wagon or on the Eastern side of it. You were on the far Western side underneath by that axle. So pushing, there's nothing really to push to the east because you're all the way to the west and you're not outside of the wagon where you can actually push to the side of it. So I'm saying you might be able to push up a bit. You might be able to push at a 45 degree angle to the east, but it's not 'cause the wagon is starting to do this, that's not much. You can certainly, again, it's more up, I guess. So I'm trying to say from your current position. That's so, it's almost as if the thing you'd be doing is helping it tilt because it's doing this and you're on this corner, it's hard for our listeners, we'll try to have a diagram of some sort and it's not gonna flip it. So what's happening is you're right in this corner, sorry, it's like this, this is the wagon, you're right here in this back corner and it's starting to tilt and that's where you're at. So any push you do, actually-- - Just gonna push it. - It tilts it. - Right, if you push-- - What's my options? - You don't have a lot of good ones. It looks like it's starting my turn. If it looks like it's starting to go-- - I thought I had to say that. - And so you might say, fuck it, it's gonna go. I'll just help it along a little. And cast myself out. - It sounds like a valid option. - Well, you know, you turn it around, which matters, I just figured, no, because it puts you on-- It puts you unconscious. You might weigh the factors and say, this is my best chance not to-- - You can't tell you you're like roll under the part that's falling and try to force it over. - Well, you mentioned that. You have an immediate movement-- - Yeah, very far. - So you could scramble across the axle from the western side and eastern side, but at that point now-- - I put myself under the pit and this over the edge. - Oh, you wanna try it? There's not much room between-- - It's trying to save it. - Yeah, you have to basically-- There's not, it's right on the edge of the pit. The western side is right on the edge of the pit. You can't get outside except for what Mina just did, which is, I mean, it would require a speed roll. - It's pushing like, it's really close to the edge of the pit. - And it's still trying to move? - God damn it, sorry, I'm sorry, I'm trying to understand. I'm trying to help you. - It's Mina trying to jump by-- - Here's the broken axle. - To pull it out. - Here is the pit. - Not sure yet. - Okay, and this is Sig, as I understand him. - Yeah. - Okay, so-- - This wheel's-- - And here's the anine. And here's the-- Here's the-- - I don't use a tray to-- - Let's not do this. - So it's starting to tilt this way to the west because Boz is jumping up and down and up and down. - Well, he was for a second. - Yeah. - But Boz is, and now, so now you have Ashman grappling onto the east side of it, trying to hold it and it's starting to lift him up as it starts to tilt into this huge sand pit that's getting away. - Can you push the anine in the ass? - That's fine about this. - Okay, fine. - Push the anine. - I don't feel like-- - So, you know, you have to draw a picture and I know you didn't have a good visual of what was going on there, John. So now you have a better idea. Let's do your turn. It's Sig's turn or potentially Nina's turn if you want to pass the pit. - I think you need to say Felix, if I can just push this animal, I'll do it. And I reach up on the-- - You do realize that-- - That'll force me out of the wagon. - Yeah, one-- - I want to start on the beast. - One error if I can shout out from under here. - Okay, because above, we're no one else can see, except for Bob's, but he's panicked right now and trying to push to the eastern side of the-- - Sorry, yeah. - And I'm like, I'm like, I'm not panicked. - He's just an anine. - Your body is flowing with-- - The music box and-- - He's running. - In the pit, doesn't-- - That was awesome. - That was my pack and I can grab my pack and-- - Well, you actually ran to the other side, remember, and you're trying to off balance it. So right now, if it does tilt-- - I was inside the wagon, leaning to the side that it's leaning, like I said, inside a boat. I want to be able to grab my pack and dive out. - That's going to happen. - Do I know the difficulty? - That's what I planned. - It's been fun. - Rerouting the power of the feedback loop into my push to knock me out. - I'm going to say that you can do your push or you could try to stop the feedback you can't possibly do both. - I mean, except for by going unconscious. I'm saying you can't. It's telling me you want to do something different. - No, no, I want to go unconscious by cutting off the feedback loop and pushing this in. - Okay. - I may have described that wrong, but that's what I'm doing. - That's right. - That's what you roll for that? 'Cause here I go. - I don't think you need to roll for pushes, do you? - No. - Okay. - It was just trying to cut off the feedback. - The feedback loop will make a roll on it. You push the in need, which starles it, which unfortunately Ichabod was reaching over and trying to cut the reins of the-- - Fuck that guy. - The in need, as you noticed, the tilting, 'cause he was in the back of the wagon saying, "I'm not getting involved in this fucking shit." So he actually scrambled over the top to the driver's seat and was trying to loosen the in need this term, but no one could see that 'cause it's a chaotic scene. And unfortunately, that's the point where you push the in need or at least startle it. It does startle. - Kicks him in the face. - Yeah, we run him over. - Tags him away. - And dies. - Fuck. - Hey, what's dead? - He jags him away and leaves the cart behind. - Well, no, Ichabod had had managed to cut one of the major reins holding the beast, one of the two. Loose, the second one. - Holding-- - Why is that a good stick down? - Because the cart started to-- - Oh, I see. - So he jumps over the top of the cart to the driver's seat and starts to slash with his knife at the reins. - What is this at the back? - The beast doesn't get dragged in and that's, you know-- - No part of your thing. - Transplantation. - But for us, or-- - What's that? - Ichabod goes at the same time that the lower group of people go. - However this folds out, I'm gonna be unconscious. So here's me trying to cut feedback. - So the feedback loop. This is not anything you could defect. It just happens or it doesn't. Lock of the die. - I'll continue to take damage from my conscious. - But it is a very challenging thing. So go ahead and give it a roll. - I can't spend effort 'cause it just was in the last of my intellect. Good, good plan. - A two, fantastic. You fall unconscious, I would assume, just past, when you push, you tumble out-- - Split out. - Yeah, you split out into a safe area in the sense that you're not gonna be trampled by a wagon or crushed by a wagon. And you're not gonna be eaten at this moment by a chirag, although the, you know, the ravaged beast is definitely up for grabs. But you are out from underneath the wagon safely. You're unconscious, but you take four more damage from the feet, the, it goes, yeah, at this point, it goes over the physical. And I believe you drop a-- - Loose. - No, a damage track. You go from hail to impaired. - I don't fall unconscious, son. - You do? - I fall unconscious, great. - That's great, that's fine. - Actually, no, I don't think you do, do you? - Not necessarily. - No, he-- - I will say. - Had you made that roll. - I wanted to make a bargain with you that I could cut off the loop and fall unconscious as them. - Had you made a little bit higher, well, higher than the two, of course. I mean, you didn't know what the roll was, but had you been-- - Apparently roll the dice too close to me. - Yeah, it did kind of go across the table. - That was very close. - It's horrible luck. - I'm a, I can't spend more than one, right? - No, I'm sorry. - What happened there for our listeners was John spent a experience point and made a roll to try to-- - To succeed. - To re-roll, and he, what's this? Oh, you rub level up? - I level up too. - Made a roll to try to re-roll, to try to succeed, and rolled a three, one higher than the two, he rolled originally. So unfortunately, he does not know how to stop the speed deck. At this time, however, maybe next turn, you can, you can delve into it a little deeper, more than your push and try to solve that dilemma. That takes us to Nina. - I'm not sure there's rules about when you can level up. - I'm fine with-- I'm a little happy. - Look, I meant to do it before we started today. - That's fine, I don't mind. - That's valid. - I don't feed out the way 'til I have the whole battle. - It's all good. - I didn't add any skills or anything. - Right, Nina. - I want to yell whatever word it is that gets this beast moving, giddy up. - Did it not? - Shaw! - Got it. - Right, yeah, it launched with his push, and but an extra encouragement doesn't hurt in any instance. - Can I get there in one turn? - You just made a short movement to get to Bos, and he turned around and ran past you, so you could make a short-- I mean, you could talk for free, but you could make a short movement back, if you want, or you could make an immediate move and do an action. - I'll get up in the driver's seat. - Yeah, I don't see any problem. Ichabod's there with the two-seater, so all you'd have to do is run, hit the back of it as it's starting to tilt, keep your balance, jump over the, basically what would be the front of the wagon into the driver's seat, the double driver's seat, next to Ichabod. - You should have done that last turn when I rolled the 19. - Yes, that's really exciting and dynamic, so go ahead and make a roll. - To do that. - Yes, I'm gonna say that that even train people fail? - Yeah. - Often fail? - Sure. - That's challenging. That's a target number of 15, on a speed check. To do all of that. Now, failing does not mean you fall into the pit, it just means you don't get to the end destination that you want to end up at. - I'm gonna be able to get this thing moving, but that's a free action. That's a free action. - Yeah, the audiences are naughty. - I know. It's a basic snap of the reins. Or a rain in this case, you don't know yet, but one of the two reins has been severed. - Go ahead. - Yeah, as I'm running, I'm telling Ichabod. - Ichabod. - Stop that! - Right. And I'm using effort. - Yeah, I'm gonna speed it. - Which you're gonna use one, correct, for your character. - You have an edge of one, right? - So that takes the target number down to 12. It's now difficult. - And costs you two of your pull. - Yes. - Please spend this all the bolder. - Bolder. - It was a 13 and a 15 and it rolled over to what? - Five. - Five. - Okay. Any change to that, Nina. Are you gonna spend an experience, make another roll? Are you gonna, here it comes. - It's got like five. - I'm getting it like experience left and right. - That's okay, you're giving it two. - Yeah. - Much better. - Much better. - Four. - Not meant to happen. - You wanna borrow that? - Like further, like further. - Do you want, do someone wanna look and see if you spend more than one experience point in a turn? Just for future reference, if nothing else? - I thought you were gonna change it from I to we, plus one. - Plus one, Google bitch. - I might as well go back. - So what happens, Nina? And you could change this if you want, but I'm seeing you right across that space, leaping onto the back of the wagon. Scrambling across as it started to tilt, but what ends up happening is Boz's fat ass, is it starting to tilt a little bit? 'Cause you're a big guy. Your, his fat ass kind of, you know, he slips out and slides. - Man, you're a big man. - You're a big, you're a big ass man who's afraid. - You're a big man. - Scott's painting all kind of paint pictures for you. - Do you think my instance-- - No, what happens is-- - I'm sorry, man. - What's like a, the-- - Mark Wharton. - Boz loses his grip a bit on the side of the wagon and he's trying to hold on to, you know, grip onto the eastern side of the wagon. He slips a little bit, just causes you to kind of have to peer a wet around him, and you are poised to leap into the driver's seat next turn, but that didn't happen this turn. - I have a knife in my hand, can I throw it? - Yeah. - I throw it. - No, sorry. You did a small, you did a short distance, which isn't an immediate distance, so I'm sorry you cannot. That takes care of Nina's drive. - No, I'm sorry, Tila. - Tila, what's up? What's up, Rach there? - All right, why stop what's working? I tackle his ass again. - Yeah, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right. - Excuse me, I mean, I'm not gonna keep him there, but I can't-- - But you're able to rake him. - I am pretty good, and grapple him. - So go ahead. - Rach him. - It is a four, of course, difficulty level. And you did that spend anything? - No, because I'm getting dangerously close to-- - Okay, so actually you moved the immediate distance and your attack failed in the sense that-- - Well, then eight. - High enough, you probably raked across his hardened scales, but it wasn't enough to dig into his life and hold him. - Right. - Which, if you're going to kill this thing, you'll never get minus two, it's gonna-- - Even more. - I don't have minus two, because I've become the bearer. I always had minus two, because I was a human, and I haven't, but anyways. - Okay, so that is the Ravage Bears turn for Tila, the last, the last, combative ab human moves next turn. He did his attack this turn in. - I am in the circle, in page 42. Or maybe it was the 42 number. - We go back, we go back to the top. - Yeah. - Bos? - All right. - I, there's a jerk from the, from the anine as it's pushed by, sick. - To be clear, this is an open wagon, correct? - It is open, but it has three sides that are raised. - Right. - The back has a small little like half size, you know, whatever you want to call it, like the latch that comes up that closes it. And then beyond that, beyond the three raised sides, in the very front is then a raised seat, where two people can ride on the front. It'd be like attached to the front of the wagon, if you will. Then the anine is attached to that by one, at this point, one harness, one rain. - Well, I'm a trained climber. - Sure. - And I want to be able to scramble it, or to climb into this wagon. - You're really a wagon. - All right, then I want to-- - Hang out for your life. - Then I want to, well, I get balanced. - Yeah. - And I'm armored, so like everyone's been saying, "I really don't fear too much physical damage." - Sure. - I will grab my pack and jump out of this careening wagon, and land definitely on my feet. - Right. Now, the only problem with that fantastic tableau you just drew for us, is that the wagon is moving at exactly the same time you are, since you've caused, in a sense, this to happen. So, it is now falling into the pit. It's moved forward, the smallest amount, the axle snapped. What do you choose to do? - Well, then we'll try to jump out the back of the wagon. - So you're gonna run forward, grab the rucksack, or whatever it is with the music box, and then try to leap off the back before it falls over the edge. - Right. - Awesome, so exciting. - And I'm going to cradle it like it's a baby. - So it doesn't. - So I don't land on it or skid on it. I'm going to try to protect the only thing that will stay there. - Okay, this has speed roll all over it. So, let's go ahead and say that, because of the fact that the anene just lurched forward, has it not begun running? - It's trying to, but there's a wheel hanging over it. - I don't know, it's a torque and axle. - And now that lurched forward with only one set of harnesses attached to it, it actually has snapped the last axle, and the entire wagon is now collapsing, and it can't possibly pull the wagon away because of the one harness that Ichabod thought he was saving the anene, but it seems, you know. - We need to sort of-- - I'm sorry? - Kill that guy. - Is this a speed action or a speed defense action? - I would have to say this is a speed action. - Okay, so my shield really doesn't add any-- - You got a surfer? - I'm just saying it offers a speed defense action. - Let's go ahead and say that-- - I'm looking for any bit. - That'll be when the wagon falls on you. - Because the wagon was falling slowly, but then, of course, when the anene lurched, it now is speeding up with a snap and it should start rolling one quicker. We're gonna say that a trained person, who's good at speed, we have a 50/50 chance of making this happen. So go ahead and you have a 12 with your target number, you may spend effort and anything else you would like to-- - I will spend my speed effort of one. - Okay, so it takes it down to a target level of nine. - And cost you three unless you have an edge. You've got an edge. Are you spending one effort and I have a speed edge of one? - Good enough cost you. - All right, so you need a row higher than nine. Good luck to you. - Oh, I rolled a four. Yeah, I'll spend it. I can only go higher, right? - Yeah, no, but statistically, yes. Make it happen. (laughing) - Yes, mine. I squeak out just sometimes. - So as the entire thing is falling over, the entire wagon is absolutely collapsing in-- - Excuse me. - I play a player intrusion. I give you an experience to have Greg's character tangled in the fucking harness and go over into the pin and die. - He's making that a knee in the ass. He's riding off into the sunset, fuckers. (laughing) - This should be a standing roll that Greg has not allowed to make any more characters. - He has caused nothing but mayhem since he's not showing up. - He's never shot up. - It's right different campaigns. - The wagon starts to tumble in. You escape off the back of the wagon. - Barely. - Barely, your feet hit the ground. A little bit of sand gives way, but you're just far enough way from the pit not to have it tough at you. Now, it's not your turn, but you need to react to these circumstances. So, Nina, you are in the back of this wagon that's collapsing over into the pit. You get a move action or a defense against what's happening. You get to some kind of roll to avoid what's happening. The easiest thing that you could see, obviously, would be you're right in front of the wagon. It would be to leap over towards the reins, let me grab onto the reins, the still connected part of the reins to the anene, potentially, if the anene can hold itself against the weight of the wagon falling in. You don't know what's going to happen there. Are the harnesses going to snap? Is the anene can get dragged in? Is the anene going to hold the wagon suspended in the air? God knows what's going to happen. So, these are the thoughts that are rolling through your head. Ashman, you feel it going. It's not going perfectly over inside because the anene move forward a little bit. So, now it's kind of tilted a little bit to the east, the front of the wagon. It's tilted a little bit to the east, the back, a little bit more to the west. And that precipitated the fall and the full snapping of the back axle as it's now going to tumble over into the pit. Nina, you have no idea what's going on there. The wagon's making an attack on you. And I'm going to say the wagon attacking you into the pit to land onto the spider, who you, you know, just love that spider. - It's a very golden, very golden. - Can you what? - Jump. - Yeah. - That would be your defense, yeah. - Can I choose where to jump? - I'm going to say that this, most people would have a 50/50 chance to succeed. It's moving just slow enough where, yeah, that's, you're not trying to grab something else, you're just reacting. So, you're trying to jump to safety. - Go to the front, am I? - You're very close to the front. You could touch the front. - So I can jump towards the anneal. - Yes. - I'm doing that and with my knife, trying to hold on as I'm jumping with it. - Your knife into the back of the anneal. - Yeah. - Into it's slush. - Swimming, yeah. - Okay, go. Your difficulty level is three. It's demanding, target number is nine. - Using effort. - Takes it down to six, and you have to spend three more points of-- - Speed, two more. - Two more points of speed. - Which. - 18. - Yeah, let's do damage. - Fuck this anneal. (laughing) - The anneal. - Anneal. - Box, incredibly. It was already trying to move forward, obviously struggling with this thing, kind of pulling it. Your knife, Ashman's knife, to be clear, jabbing into the back of the anneal, definitely motivates it further. - To work for me? - Yeah, so at this point, I think that the torque and the tension on that last harness is epic at this point. So who wants to roll for the anneal? Anyone can roll, 'cause I can't. - I'm gonna roll. - 'Cause John has had a turn and guy-- - You guys can get a lot of-- - You guys can't interrupt with your-- - Conscious variance if we need it. - This harness holding steady, holding fast, I'm gonna say it would be very challenging as a 15. - What's the anneal's skill? - The anneal would actually-- - I think it's using effort. - We've heard it because it would snap easier, 'cause the anneal is putting all its effort into it. But we're just gonna say, it's a challenging thing for this leather harness to hold. - And the knife isn't an asset to help him motivate him? - I'm gonna say-- - I don't like the leather. - It's what the leather is designed to do. - Well, he put the leather, not the anneal. - He's not going for the anneal, he's really willing for the leather. You're actually loving them. - You're the leather, and I want to succeed. - Can we go back to prison? - Can you turn down a character sheet for the leather strap? - I will. - Will it have a picture? - 13. - 13, challenging was 15. So the leather snaps. - I think the leather was experienced in this kind of abuse. - Yeah. - It's serious. - It's stressed. - Don't be spending any-- - Free, it is. - The harness thing's going in. - Snaps. - Fuck the cart. - The cart gives way, but there's one last chance as Eshman hanging out by one hand, or letting go of both lifts in. - Your heart grew 10 sizes then? - Yes. - Why would I want to move on to the sky? - I couldn't imagine why, but-- - I think it's not give John an experience for this hard-- - I want to try out whatever gear I can and then fall away from it. - No, no, no gear. You're hanging on to the side and the outside. - Hold on, I'm not doing that. I'm giving up on the whole robot thing. - Okay. - I'm pretty sure the thing is like, there's no space under it anymore 'cause it's already going in. - Yeah, there is nothing under yet at this point. The whole pit, that side of the pit's collapsing. - You can send him to get the food later. - Okay, so you just let go. - I took it. - And fall back to the ground safely. I got, you don't have to roll to do that. That's so darn easy. - What you're doing? - What you're doing? - Is what you were born to do. - Giving up is so, so easy. And-- - I caught evapathy. - Matter of fact, they give it a kick into the-- - Right, with a curse word. And it does collapse with a roar, you know, it's this loud cacophony of just crunching wood in all the-- - It's because they are, really. - And a screech from some arachnid that just got hit by some half-ton wagon falling 10 feet into a pit. - Didn't we fight it with a wagon? - Did we fight it with a wagon? - Least it. - It was more than Least. You did Least it. - I don't think we're getting our deposit back. - Do we take the insurance? - It's fine. - Who makes the insurance? - You know that little check buddy. - It's two days. - What could it have been? - That's the end of the turn. - To kill the boss. - You are clutching the music box safely at the edge of this pit. - Pull it out and-- - I start playing the music box. - Okay. - You pull out the music box. - I'm pretty far away from him, though. - You're too immediate, so you're about 20 feet away. It's a lot of music box. - Okay, since the budget-- - That's kind of the value meter. - It's a boom bomb. - And there you are, yeah. - So I gotta figure it's more of a vibration thing. So 20 feet away, I'm gonna give that to you. - You guys had a rough night tonight, Roland. (laughing) - Actually, I've never let me eat first. - Eshman. - Yes, you're not that sure. - It's actually your turn, because we actually didn't work our way through the end of last, and I apologize. I got confused with the wagon, and then the leather's turn, and it was all very confusing. - I was going because the wagon was going, but-- - So you went, right, and what is your, well, now it is your turn, 'cause you're right after boss. So you could actually do something if you want. Boss can't, you did your thing, boss. You tried it out safely. - I'm moving over to Sig and healing him. - And then I'm kicking him to the pit. (laughing) - God, I thought somebody-- - Sig is lying unconscious, at the edge, so you heal him. He's not actually unconscious, I'm sorry, he's not unconscious. He's doing this. - Yeah. - Is what he's doing. So-- - I'm probably gonna heal him and then punch him in the face, but I'm definitely gonna heal him. - That's good, so fine. - Let's go through the healing first. Super called the two, and I got two edge on it, and then we cross one. - Okay, go ahead. - And I rolled the six. - Well, good thing it was my difficulty, too. So that succeeds. I get to roll on him, what? - I get to roll six. - Actually, he does. - And you get to put it to whatever-- - Nope, you get to select as the outside person. - You have a zero in select, but also-- - Yeah, I mean, I was bleeding from one eye, and he's holding his brain screaming, so I think I-- - I got to finish it. - The traditional nose had a brain bleed. - Yep. - I've healed these. - Nice. - Nice. - Good edge there. So six intellect back for our good friend, Sig, and that's the end of your turn. - Yes. - Actually, for this for right now. That takes us to the abcumin who engages you, Thomas, and attempts to stab you again with this place of light. - Ah, this time, I'm gonna go with some effort. - Okay. - That costs me two because I have an edge. - So you take it down one level of effort? - Yes. - So it goes from a nine to a six as far as your difficulty level goes? - 16. - 16 is an excellent success. You dodge his blade and it's your turn. - And then I fire the crossbow into this space. - Yeah. - I'm in an immediate distance, so I get plus one for firing a point blank. - Sure. - That's the rule. - That's the rule. - Which gets rid of my minus one, for using a heavy weapon I'm not trained in. - Awesome. - So you need to hit a three. I mean a nine, it's level three. - I'm not feeling the effort. - He's feeling the good role here. - All right, clearly. - So nine. - Love it as well. - 17. - 17, which is a plus one damage. - And then I spend another speed point, which is free because I didn't use any effort, so I still have my edge to use Pierce, which is just plus one damage to range attacks. - Okay. - So that's plus two damage, which is six damage for the heavy crossbow, so I do eight damage. - Wow. - Wow. - Hopefully, his armor just, it actually turns into, he has a reverse missile. - No, okay. - It goes right through his chest. You can actually see his bone shattering, you can hear them crunching as they go through his chest cavity, through his heart. - Right. - He falls among these. - He falls over and dies right that spot. - Yeah. - Kick him in the head. - Repeatedly. - Yeah. - Just to prevent your frustrations, right. So he is dead. - When you fucking sneak in bullshit. - Poison blade. - Oh yeah, I take that. - Nice. - Well right now you're kicking him, but you will take it eventually. - Later, I will take it. - That takes us to the Chirac, who. - Now Ronan. - Realizes that it's actually free. It has a chance to live. - I didn't get tackled. - It moves short distance and tries to move a long distance. Go ahead and roll the difficulty forward, please. It's running its little reptilian life. - Oh yeah, it's 60, it's wrong. - So, no, no, that's too much. She can do the exact same thing. - Oh yeah, this is. - Vavage bear can sprint. - It moves up that dune. - I think dune it first appeared on, moves down the other side and disappears from sight, but. - Right. - I'm assuming that I'm not able to grasp it, but I'm going to gorge. - Right, when is your maximum speed? - Right, 'cause we still have SIG at eight, and we still have Nina at seven before Tila runs at three. - Okay. - It's a player's technique. - I'm not. - Okay. - Yes, sort of. - That's why she's at the end, 'cause she's a monster. - Oh. - Right now. - What about that happen? - Dick? - Almost. - All right, the first thing that happens today, 'cause you take four more intellectual damage. - Before anything? - You still have a feedback loop. - Tila's our third party. - First of all, that's not my music box. - Fuck it, he's not. - And second of all, what does it have to do with feedback? - I barely. - 'Cause when it ends, when you pop it back to you, man. - No, when you turn back into Tila. - I might die before that gets fixed, so I'm going to cut this off. - I'm using effort in my intellect. - Effort to stop. - Okay, yes, it was challenging, which is level five. - Target. - Target number 15, you're going to spend effort, which takes it down to a 12, correct? Which would be difficult to level four, and the description is actually difficult. This is difficult. Stop this feedback loop. - I felt it. - Good luck, 12 or higher? - Tila, they saw me. - Yeah, yeah, all right, I'm done with that shit. Finally, you were able to cut off the feedback loop. - Gracefully pass out. - You don't pass out. - Oh, come on. - Yeah. - You can feign. - Yes, you can feign passing out, but you don't pass out. That takes us to Nina. - What's the a mean doing? - The a mean is actually trying to kick you. - The now free a mean. - Yes, it's moving quickly. - That's a gratitude for you. (laughing) - The manual. - Ichabod actually had the one strap and harness that he was able to remove and it wrapped around his right hand. So he's being dragged by the mean by the ground, whereas you're being, you're riding it, kind of half dragging, half riding it, as you've got your knife into its roll away. - Haunchest. - Make it run faster, drag him to death. - You're at a safe distance at this point, away from the pit. You can try to remove the knife as you're being dragged, which is a little bit challenging, and the mean is bucking back at you. So we'll roll it all into one whole thing where we'll say you've got a difficulty level. This will be might and it will be a difficulty level of nine is basically the name's just bucking backwards with his legs. It's not really aiming at you. It's just randomly bucking back. So you've got a target number of nine, difficulty level of three, requires your full attention. You may spend might if you wish to reduce this from a nine. - Yeah, I do that. - I think it's a whole three points this time, right? - It is. - Okay, that takes you down to a target number of six. Standard difficulty, level two. (laughing) - What'd you roll? - One. - That's a major, major failure, obviously. That is a GM intrusion. You do not get points for it. I would suggest you spend an experience point. - What do I fall on my knife? - I can kick you in the face and then you fall on your hands. - Yes. - Oh, that's about much more. - 14. - 14. All right, you remove the knife from the back. You deathly spin out of the way of an inen kick and you find yourself face planted into the sand, but feeling safe for the first time in about, oh, a long time at this point, because-- - You have a few more. Yeah, you're away. - Yeah, yeah, go, go, go! Come on, come on! - Come on, come on, come on! - Fuck her over. - This would be a perfect way just to end Ichabod's career. He just goes right out from the sunset. - For now we're going to be seeing-- - Right, and what against at the bottom? - To his upper, he's like, oh, oh, oh! He's like, you know, as he's dragging, he's trying to stop it as best he can. - Wrong word, I remember it. - Right, wait, it's-- - What was it, what was it? - Was it not that talented, fuck you? - No, no, the sound, if it take, yeah. - Yeah, no. - Okay. - It's chop. - Yeah, it's a chop. - Right, it's a chop. A chopping noise, a chopping noise. - I'm yelling, yeah, yeah, yeah. - There we go, right, 'cause he's chop, chop, chopping. (laughing) - And that takes us to Tila, right there. - I move as fast as possible, and apparently, ravish bears move very fast. - A random 12, right, you can move, or can you move along distance if you want to underneath? - And I'll read it again if you want, but-- - I believe it said you said-- - The descriptions said they're good at sprinting. - That's just like-- - Yeah, it just gives them their reduces. - Is it a difficulty? - Couldn't really say. - I'm gonna say that it reduces you, without you spending any effort at all, it reduces you one level of difficulty. - So you walk from a shore down to a three. - Right, now if you want to spend speed, you can, to reduce it further, right? - So I remove two, which actually just brings me down to 13, which is where Tila belongs anyways. She's using her bear speed. - And my target is six, bro. - What do you roll? - I don't want to. - When it rains and pours, John spends the experience point to let you reroll, because that's just-- - After you roll the blue die, this dies-- - Or we roll this white die. - White die. - To nine. - I have not failed this time, so for that one. - Let's do. - Nine. - Nine. - That is-- - That's a success. - That's all-- - And it still has not failed time. - I've never said it could. It has a roll to single 20 in my time. - So you're goring the creature as opposed to grappling it? Is that correct? - Yes. - Your difficulty is its difficulty, which is four, so 12. - Yeah, I'm going to spend one effort. - Nine. - Is your target number? - Yes. - Seven. - Which is two below the target number you wanted to hit it. And we got experience points? - Stop spending your-- - Wait, wait, wait. Oh, now everybody's spending. - And the nine. - Felix is spending it. - I landed on a positive note. - Yeah. - 16. - 16, what damage do you do with your board, you know? - Five, it's the same, seven. - Seven. - Chirag. - It's done before? - Yep. - It's been strong. - Chirag. - Yeah, exactly. - You live farther away, by the way, so I start feasting. - Felix, there is a murden that escaped, that had several turns, but it's sand, there's probably a trail, so you find yourself staring off into the east, looking at the murden that got away with a shaft, a bolt shaft. - Those are expensive. - But you have a dead murden at your feet, you have two dead murden that are somewhat disassembled, you know, also. - My body caps higher than all of you, isn't it? - Yes, it is. And the cart has completed its collapse into the pit. When it fell over, it fell not quite perfectly over, you know, where on its side, it fell a little bit over it aside, so that side got crushed and just actually crushed into the spider. Then the rest of the cart flipped over on top of the spider, killing it. So the arachnid is dead, there is a overturned cart with one side completely missing and crumbled. There are your equipment scattered throughout the bottom of the hole, and somewhere in a distance, you know, there is a tealoth feeding and somewhere else in a distance, not so far away, Ichabod was able to get the anne under control. - Oh, fuck that. - And-- - If anybody approached me-- - You want me to roll for Ichabod tonight? - Yeah, I'll throw in my brain's point in there so that he doesn't make it. - Unfortunately, it's not how it works. Fourteen. - Damn it, what? - Which, the tower you rolled for? - To stop the anne was 12, so that is a success, so Ichabod is the distance with the anne, saying, "Hey guys, I saved the anne!" Who might need this? - If anybody bought my brother comes near me, I drag the food away farther and finish it. - Right, to that idea-- - I'll play the music box. - She's gone. I mean, she literally ran. - Well-- - I'm gonna play it and then follow after her. - Okay. - Now would you want to time it so she can-- - Yeah, what does she say? - Right in here or something. - Well, by the time I catch up to her she'll be. - If you're walking, like you're just going slowly. - Okay. - All right, good job, everyone. - Well, play it. - I require some alcohol and then we celebrate. I'm gonna go psycho bitch, I make a better-- - We still have to resolve when we get back. We still have to resolve the fact that somehow I finish this and do that. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Thanks for listening to Nights of the Night at Actual Play Podcasts. Visit for more information on this and other adventures where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, props, and even a form for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at feedback at Or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcasts or business, please visit and please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Well, I've got four ass beats here that say that-- - Dude, we are not using ass beats. - He called them ass beats. - No, I made him re-say it. - That was like three weeks ago. - Three weeks ago. - And it was fucking hilarious. - Oh, okay, that's what I heard of. - Welcome to the episode. - What's the silver one? - That was all right. - So if I got another experience, that brings me up that phone. - You didn't clean that one. - We'll level something up. - You have silver in your ass? Well, it's kind of like blacky silver. - Wow. - Oh, sorry. Jim? - I went to the desk before I got a stick. It was a mistake. - But, on another note, if this wasn't your basement, this D20 might be embedded in the wall right now. - Correct. - I love the D20 fucking system. So that takes us to the rest of the group, which would be, wait a minute, I'm not done betting yet. If there's anything more fucking annoying than rolling a single D20, it is spending tons of my experience and my might and effort and my effort to bring in as low as fucking possible and then failing now once, but twice after spending also experience, this is a great system. I love it. - So, done. - Would you like to spend an experience point before the terms of-- - Fuck no. - All right. That takes us to-- - Oh, no, I wasn't, Scott. - Oh, it reminds me of the Caribbean trip. - Yeah. (laughing) - Insurance. - Insurance. - Good time. - Just fill off the boat. - Fuck. - Ramp is scooter and then we're carrying it up like brief lights of scares outside, hanging over the edge of the ocean. - Oh no, these guys are killing us. - Insurance. - Insurance. - You and Megan. - Who needs insurance? - That's why I said to Jamie what? - I'm gonna go psycho bitch.