Our final episode of the Numenera adventure.And still no Greg - damn him.
Knights of the Night
KotN Actual Play Podcast - 163 Numenera - Surrender
[Music] Hello, and welcome to Night to the Night actual play podcast. This new manera adventure, Sandswept, was written and run by GM Scott. And now, please enjoy episode 163, titled, Surrender. Actual play begins 19 minutes, 57 seconds. Okay, before we get into the final episode of the new manera adventure, we'll do our feedback. We had an iTunes review, it's been a little bit of a while, but this one was from Captain Knackers, which she said good. Five star review, titled Hunter the Vigil, and they said, "My group and I were near to completely burnt out on 4e, so I started buying the four New World of Darkness books." The next step for me was an iTunes search for a podcast to see what actual play was like. That's when I discovered Nights of the Night, and it had been an awesome ride since then. The storytelling was excellent, the mechanics explained pretty well during the play, editing and production done very well, and the guys are fun to listen to. Because of this podcast, we've been able to motivate ourselves into learning a new system after 25 years of nothing but D&D. Wow! Hey, congratulations, that's awesome. It's an impressive... And we have been able to see what kind of fun there is to be had in exploring other systems. All in all, I'd like to recommend KOTN to anyone who stops long enough to listen to me rambling about the awesomeness of the podcast. Thanks so much. So, actually, we were kind of similar. We played D&D... Oh my gosh, for a long time. We tried other systems we dipped into... A little bit of Steve Jackson, a little bit of Earth Dawn, but it was... Really? D&D for at least 20 years. And then one day we decided to try some other stuff and we haven't really looked back. Right. We haven't. But it's a huge thing to break a mold of 25 years. So, congratulations. And it's quite just someone on Facebook that it was actually difficult for some of us to grasp fate and just the entirely different way that it played. I have not embraced the character generation, the books, or the... I don't want to have the knowledge of the books or the character generation or depth that I used to have. Of D&D. Of D&D. Oh, D&D. You enjoy playing this? I enjoy playing the systems. I think I may have even shifted over to more fate-based than the War of the Darkness-based stuff. Right. But for some reason, I just... It's called age, Mike. I don't have the time to commit to study the books we used to. How long were we playing D&D and that? How many systems do we have going? To know them all? I know this is a standard system, but still there's a world of darkness that's right there. There's all the other ones that we've played. These guys, the younger players, Thomas and John, I see them read the books. I really like them. I know them too. Really? We used to. We used to, we were younger. Exactly. So, part of it's age. Part of it. I guess. It's like Michael's saying where there's so many different systems. It used to be, instead of, I think if you listen back to the tape, it used to be. I think if you look in the page here and we would discuss the rules. But for some reason, I don't know if it's because it's a much more open system. And the D&D character generation was a little bit different. So, I knew what the powers were for the paladins and for the rangers and the skills. And before they got too crazy with all the feats that you could get. In some ways, it fades a little different in that there isn't the amount of small detailed rules that there were with D&D. A lot of it is this big, open concept on how the rules work. But there aren't these fine little exceptions to those rules. And a lot of it, like the aspect is just make the shit up. Make up your own aspect. It works like this. So, there's nothing there to study. It's a lot more cooperative. Yeah. Which is key. Dealing with iTunes reviews, I'm still looking for Aries. I still haven't shown up. But I went through a couple of the different countries. By far and away, the most reviews we have is the United States. Really? Way. It has way more reviews for our podcast than any other country. Anybody want to guess on the second most? Great Britain. Canada. Canada and the United Kingdom. Both of those are wrong. The second most is... All the part of the Queen's... Australia. Yes. We are big in Australia. There are second most reviews. The third is Canada. Now, there's actually only one from the United Kingdom. So, you guys are really slack. What the hell? I know. There's a lot of people out there that listen to us. How much I love the United Kingdom. We don't have the accent. We don't have the accent. We don't have the accent. Yeah. We have a lot of angle of files at the table. He has no more. He has more if we do the accent. My wife would leave me in a second for an Australian Nigerian. Very good. We also had some feedback on Google Plus. Jeremy Land said, "Howdy folks, new listener. I started with your new manure world creation podcast. Fun stuff." And on episode 153, which was Evening with Tila, that was a pretty epic conflict. It was harsh that the music box is required to calm her down, though. And I might consider making it an asset of sorts instead. The calming effect doesn't require a role. So, maybe while the music box is in use, Tila takes one step penalty to her roles. Is there a skillet of singing that we could... There's actually the way the role is written for the House of the Moon. There's no role required at all. There's no item required. We just added all that in as a flavor, because we thought it would be fun. And then there's a role to change that. We've got a target. Oh, yeah. It just happened automatically, but it took too long. If you have automatically, it took three turns and it was one person who could do it. Now, if I remember correctly, the way it happened that the box got gummed up was... Somebody's not actually doing a GM intrusion. Intrusion. So, we got faith points. I thought it was a while ago. Somebody had that as one of their useless items. That was mine. And then we worked it into the... Yes. But I thought, and again, I could be mistaken, because this is a while back, but I thought you ruled some incredible success on your... I did roll a 20. And that's what I said. Well, if you roll a 20, then... But if I'm not mistaken, you actually paid him an experience point for the... That was because it was combined with a very terrible role. And using the device, the sticky bomb, or whatever the hell it was. Oh, yeah. So, it exploded on us. So, then we had the... Yeah. It was a combination of events. So, that night. It was... The music box was added because we liked the flavor of it. And we are not really big sticklers with the rolls. If something looks fun or something. Right. Story over the rules. It's nice to get someone's feedback and how they would approach it. It's very interesting here. P.O.T.N.PackS.com, our blog site had one comment there from Scott. Not our Scott, and not Scott McDonald, but a new Scott. Who said, "We should put Mike to have the character sheets put up here." Especially as Dreslin is just around the corner. They're not up. We haven't scanned them, you haven't. No, it's not. How do you know that? Yeah. So, what am I doing? Mike explained. You should have written my character down. Oh, God, I just had a video like this this morning. Holy shit. But this does bring up another, I mean, we'll try to do that. We'll definitely have them up on Facebook and we'll try to do it as well on the blog site. But this does bring up something that Michael mentioned today to me, which was that iTunes has a description of what our podcast is. I remember once you found out how to change that because it had people like Greg and Ryan who don't play with us anymore all that much. They're welcome back any time they want. But if you tell me how to modify that, I'll try to keep it up more. It was a little hidden. Yeah, that's what I thought. It still shows the world of darkness. And it talks about sugar in and that was what? How many? That was original. Yeah, we should. No, it wasn't original because original was shit luck and I do remember you changing it to sugar in. So you did find where to change it. I just need to know that. Thanks, Scott, for bringing that up. I'm sure lots of people enjoy seeing the character sheets there. On to Facebook, episode 162. Jason McDonald said I'm so glad that Bob liked the video considering he was a primary voice actor, even if he didn't agree to become one. That was referring to the feedback last week because Bob was here. He's talking about joining us back for Dresden. He's working on the character, which is, we'll talk about that in just a minute. Susan Kramer is available. Who's that? Susan Kramer. I think he should be here. The Metro Ranger. Oh, that's right. Do you really want to play a scene with Bob? I thought we were talking about Rachel, but that's a whole different thing. I'm still recovering from shambers. We can get shambers back here to play. Yeah. The second thing is it was probably closer to 20 at this point. That was? It was probably 98 chambers. So, off 15, 16. Good news. It was gracious. It doesn't seem like a bad call. What happened there? I missed that. No, this might please explain why chambers. I was the emming campaign in chambers, decided to hit on the bar made or a female. Basically, we were rolling out. He actually was a female. His character was female. And it was torturing somebody for information. Yes. And instead of pulling out their eyes like a good torture does, it turned into something that was kind of... Thank you. John. It was a masochist. It was a masochist. And then a little bit of torture. And it got sexual. And it got extremely uncomfortable. And everyone around the table. It couldn't look at each other. He was using his girl voice. And it was just... And I think... God, we didn't record back then. Nothing out about that. Back to Facebook, we had R.U. said, "Okay. Was this one of those legendary Dora episodes?" We'll have a few more. And you'll know those ones. Nevertheless, I liked it. Good back and forthness of idea-starming. Though the Numenara game system was doing its damnedest to trip up the plans. Here's where fate would come in handy. Or a DM. Sometimes a DM needs to make a call. In my defense, I have three young children and didn't get any sleep the night before. So I wasn't on top of my game. Normally, I would have moved that along a little quicker. Pacing. Pacing. The edited story sounded great. Oh, see? I liked it a lot better the second time. Imagine you did. Back to R.U. We got five kids in there. Yeah. And I like that. I'm like... He can't even... You feed back, Cleveland. It's not great. And my man, I talk about the giant cup of water I spilled to start the evening off. Back to R.U. said, "I feel if you bought your roll, you can fight it with a cost of a fate point or a few. I am so looking forward to your return to Dresden. No offense." No offense to you. I wonder how many people have signed up. A few. Yeah. Including us at the table. Oh, yeah. Parallel on the parallels in my cult games last session, the PCs made some decisions that seemed to have led them to a version of the world where they are not who they were. One of them even ran into her beta already. Was I subconsciously following down the Scotty path? Stay tuned to find out. The sinister path, the evil path. The Scotty path. The evil gem path. The left handed path. P.S. on the Jim Butcher and the Dresden Fowl series, I agree. He has grown as a writer immensely. I feel that the first book was a kind of like an introduction to the world of Dresden. And then in the subsequent books, he took one piece and brought that to the surface. And then the next, and another, and slowly started to tie these together. And then the big picture started to seep through. And everything is getting from bad to worse to awful. Panting out of breath. Yeah. I love that series. So thank you Ari for that. Being a member of the Jim Butcher Appreciation Society page, whatever it's called. And Facebook. And I learned that those first three books were, I guess, part of a assignment or some type of soul thing. So I'm a little bit more forgiving of it. But I understand now, like, okay, why once we hit the end or once we hit that third and fourth book, how everything just really kind of ramped up for me. So it makes sense. Facebook on episode 161. Alpha Jop said, "Love the music during the fight to save the betas." And in the aftermath, while discussing with the princess. Though I feel that the music was a bit too loud sometimes. Thus, they truly transformed the moments into crucial moments. Can't wait to see what the princess is really all about. She's very interesting. And I can't wait to see if she's going to have her way. Cheers. Do you have the music on a separate channel or a new British? It does. It's a bit sound British. When you prepare the final file, do you consolidate it into one model file? It always stays stereo. But it is, in fact, one channel. Alright. So, yes, unfortunately. It's something I constantly struggle with because I go with a certain level of volume. But each song doesn't really... Just because it's the same volume doesn't mean it's not more intrusive or less intrusive. Some songs have a really heavy beat and they just, regardless of how low the level is, they grab your attention and they're overpowering. And what level... Something I always... What level was the music record at too? Because you see it in commercials. No, actually, it kind of absolutely interferes. What I try to do is take the music, throw it in, and level later so that it brings all music up to the same level so that I can then back it down to a level that I think is unobtrusive. And sometimes I fail. Well, it sounded like this area that it was a little too loud, but it also added some gravitas to the final scene, or that particular scene, which was positive. I've heard too many complaints. I think we have what two complaints that the music was too loud out of all the list. I actually listened to that one and I have to agree with them. Yeah, just because it's too much. Too intrusive. And with that, we're going to take a quick look at the fan page. Jason McDonald, who, again, thank you very much for creating the fan page in the first place, but he put up a vote for a favorite character in the Newmanera adventure, which is something we haven't been doing on the blog page. And I think he works out a lot better on Facebook. He also had a question on what the next video should be that he makes. So anybody wants to vote for a favorite character. I believe right now the favorite is running a tie between Tila and Sig. Right. And everybody else has at least one vote, except Felix doesn't, although he should, because under the comments someone said, "I'm going to vote for Felix," and then apparently never voted. Everybody got to mention the comments they're talking about why they voted for the characters they voted. So it's kind of neat to just vote. Right. The comment section of Facebook actually lends to the feedback. I think a little bit better one can you mention? I don't know about you guys, but I, myself, chose not to vote. Same. 'Cause I was going to, but then I thought that'd be gush. But then you realize that it showed a picture next to who voted for each character. I didn't want to be the only person voting for Basz. Someone else voted for Basz. Yeah, but it felt pathetic. You know, just 50% of the votes come from me. I had like me. I could say that we can vote, but we can't vote for our own character. Yeah, I was thinking about that. How about that? I mean, if you wanted to do that, if you wanted to vote, just, just don't vote for your own character. Or accuse yourself? Yeah. Okay. Against that. And underneath, in the comments, put why you voted for the character you did. 'Cause I can't vote for myself, so I had to vote for you. So now we get to look at each other and say, "Oh, you didn't vote for me." He didn't vote for me. Why did you vote for me? I, myself, put out a call to the fans for a NPC. 'Cause I'm looking for an NPC that I would add to the adventure that we're going to start in Dresden. And then today, I put out another one because Bob's making this character and said he was looking for ideas and what he wants to make his character and how he wants to make it. So the fans have been enjoying that. So if you want to give some feedback on them, join the fan group throughout some ideas. You might even hear your own NPC being used in the game or Bob using some of your ideas. It was a good discussion and a lot of responses. I was surprised how quickly that filled up. I said there was a lot of response. That was a surprise as well. Bob isn't actually on Facebook, so I've been passing him the messages and he's been responding back and I've been adding it and he needs to... He just needs to make like a, well, not even down your name, you know, just like a fake phantom page. Shoot parks. Yeah, no photos, no information, just to sign on and look at other people's shit. Yeah, except a Bob. Right. I like the idea of the NPC simply because, again, I may take some of the ideas and push them together, merge them. Some of them suggested stuff that I've actually used. We've already recorded one actual session of Dresden and one of the characters that was mentioned, they mentioned something that I thought would be great to include with the character that I created, so I might be doing things like that as well. Right. I asked her names because I'm terrible with names for the NPC characters, but I also thought it would be neat if I used the name that they made up. They would know that I'm using their character. Right. Because I hate to stop in the middle of it and say this character is brought to you by... You know, I might mention it beforehand or after, or whatever, to get a little bit of credit because I appreciate it at work. Product placement. Right. And I also thought, especially after we got so much feedback on the NPC, that it's good for anybody who runs a game. Anybody could use those and it doesn't even necessarily have to be in fate. There just could be ideas for... In fact, we should validate that, add to it, make it a PDF, put it in an RPG now and sell it for 99 cents. I have a book like that. Got it like two years ago. There was also Danny Crawford who wrote that the current episode was like the ultimate horror store for KOTN. It's a door we walked through that led to four other doors. [laughter] I was entirely expecting to go through one of those doors and finding 16 doors. Yes! [screaming] Ryan never had anything else and that was really good. If we had made one of those, that joke, it would have gone in. Yes. We're very appreciative of this. Very good, Danny. I think it's also kind of telling that our fans are being too recognized. We have door episodes. We have pros. [laughter] Oh, naturally, we have pros. KOTN troops. That's a new thing, man. That's a new thing. Oh, shit. It's the door episode. Here we go. It's a KOTN nemesis. It's a drinking game. I don't think I'd see much action. No. See, if you've got a door... What's your slow pace? You have to drink like a six. Every minute we... You don't get past the door. You have to take another drink. And any time a child's in peril... I already did a drinking game. Didn't somebody do that? Yeah. I don't think it was really fun. Every time I mention Leatherman... Maybe for door episodes every time I come up with a new plan to go through it. Now, what are we doing when we get to the other side? It's kind of... Wait, which door are you taking? It's kind of no fun to have a drinking game by yourself, though. Yeah, that's true. Maybe we should be drinking well. Especially if everyone's driving when they're listening. That's not safe. That's not safe. I think that would lead to a whole different kind of fun. All of a sudden, drunk and drunk. And lastly on the fan page... I've been to Ruiz, brought up the fact that he doesn't get a chance to play much and he wanted to know if anybody wanted to get together an online gaming group. And there was a lot of response from the fans and they're trying to work out where they can play and how they can play online and stuff. And I thought that was cool. Cool. Interesting. So that's it for the feedback. I remember KOT&Podcast.com is our blog site and there's an Amazon link there. We've been getting plenty of action. Appreciate everybody that's using that. And with that, we'll get on to the episode. This is Chapter 12 of the Numeniros story "Sanswept." I am your storyteller/gmscott. And with me tonight on my left is... John playing Sega. You've got a nano. We'll talk some machines. Thomas playing Felix. A strong-willed Jack who hunts with great skill. Mike playing Bosco. The tough glaive who fuses flesh and steel. I am Jim playing Eshman who is a mystical nano who works miracles. I'm Tom playing Tila the intelligent Jack who housed at the moon. Michael playing Nina the stealthy nano who exists partially out of faith. And with us tonight in a guest capacity is... I'm Rachel. In a guest capacity. Get back on our church. He walks through it. No, I'm kidding. You don't disappear. Fuck. Alright. Fuck. I go to the broken one that I haven't touched yet and scan it instead. I mean, we've used an X-ray viewer. I think we got crap scanning over. Perhaps scan over. Switch is on. Great job. That's for the others too. Yep. But this is for the reason I roll. Are you saying you're scanning it? Yeah, no. Are you trying to... Because I think the scan will reveal the same thing the X-ray. Right. Which it does. You could scan. I don't know. This is an inter-parallel transformer. Yes. Great. Fantastic. We're all counting on you. Okay. Don't worry. I don't know how to repair the broken one in this dimension. This seems solid to me. So I'm just going to activate it. Yeah. Go ahead. 12. It's not broken in this dimension. Nine. Nine. No. Red lights. Nope. Nothing. I'll reset. I throw in an experience. It goes. Not only ten. Ten. Red lights. And then I go over to the other one. This is really lame, Scott. I don't know where you're going. Something should be happening. I go over to the last one and try to flip that on. This won't be more difficult. No. It'll be a 12. Okay. And I don't use any effort because I'm kind of running out. Well, okay. Can you rest? Can you use one of your action roles? No, I have to wait ten hours for that. I've been taxed this whole game. The whole story. I could roll. I'd throw high, but I can roll. Because I've healed them a couple times and try to help this. Dude. He's got it. Recovery. Yes. That. The experience burned, baby. Yes. It's not the dice at all. You know what? I don't think we succeeded with him. We're not doing this right. The two on the right hand side now are both showing numbers. We're not doing this right. This is not how it's meant to be done. Oh, and then how it's meant to be done? I didn't. We take the only woman who could tell us that. She wasn't interested. She told us just to walk towards the place with these leaves. Did we, like, touch the quang shots to the... Yes, he tried that. Nothing happened. Damn it. I'll go back and ask her. That's a good plan. Do that. I'll wait. Yeah. It sits down and says it might take way too long for me to get these working. They might cut down another one. I don't even know. Would that do something? What does that mean? All we can do is try and try to get it done because waiting is... This has never been good for me, but I'm going to try to talk to Quam. And he brings out his quam shot. I don't know if it still has a connection, but that tree is innately related to bringing us home. Well, that tree is also two hours away from us and maybe with a smaller interface you won't have the same kind of head that you had before and won't be over all. All you can do is try it. It's a good idea. Can we try a heel first? How about this? Does the quam shard have some kind of jack or place I can plug in? Just a piece of glass. Seemingly, it is a glass that's... That attack isn't very friendly to you. Three by five. I think you should hold all our shards when you're doing this and give you up. I don't want to lose you guys. Where are you going to go? You're here working? Well, he wouldn't have the shards to get back anywhere he does disappear. Then we wouldn't. It would just have to just kill you. It would be like, that worked? It's an area effect thing. Just because they haven't sent heaven in the center. I hope it comes back. Maybe he can turn the other two on. They're all talking. And I'm going to communicate with Quam. Okay. How's it? How are you doing? I talked to machines. You know, it's really disappointing that all I can do is activate them, but I don't think that's the limit of my power. I'm not defined by the skills that this book gives me. No. It's not? That's all we want you to do right now isn't it? He needs to rub into the shoulders. Tell the god, Monty. Activating isn't the same thing as communicating with him. And I really wanted to give me advice and activating is not going to do that. Whatever it does, it's not here to give me advice. Also, describe to me what you're doing. At least do that, we can hold our shards. Sig has been, for his entire adult life at least, affected by nanites within him that have gotten into his system. He was exposed to an iron wind. He has a tail because of it. But some of these nanites persist in him and he's able to manipulate them to communicate wirelessly with other nanites. Okay. The realm we came from was flooded with nanites in a network communicating and being host to... We call it a data sphere. The data sphere was host to a bunch of programs that wander around the landscape. This is part of that same realm, although it's more physical. Right. So I'm trying to communicate with it via a similar network to contact back to the tree if how it works with these obelisks. Okay. How about... Go ahead. In addition to that, you say, think in simple constructs. The obelisks represent basically what we want it to be, which is a door. And a door can open or a door can close. And sometimes a door swings open one way or another depending on how it's built. So in a way, you're just asking the obelisk very simply, if you're a door, how do you open? Or what do I have to do to open you? I think that's the key. The obelisks aren't the door. They create a door. So maybe we're going about it a little. Your addressing the obelisk. Or a threshold or whatever. You want to open the door if you don't want to open the obelisk. How do I open the door home is what I want to know of this piece of technology. Okay. It's part of that process. How is it involved? And just go ahead and give me a deck 20, please. I'm not going to tell you what the level is because this is so far beyond anything you know. Good. Let's see. His wits end and he's using two effort. Okay. What about the passout? Yep. That is five points, but I have mental edge. I have two mental edges. That's a big pill. So I'm down to three. It's like four. Fifteen. Alright. Your quam chard shows a brief image of the tree, quam itself. And then within the leaf mirrors of the quam tree, you see an image of the scythe and the three priests that are praying about it, the eon priests from Neelish. And the blade is definitely very close to fully recharged. It looks like it's going to be usable in short order. The image then sweeps across and it shows you another image of your betas. And they're all lying dead around the wagon. And you see the omer walking about and cleaning up and tidying the situation under the direction of Indra. And then that image disappears and you see an image of this area missed in four oblisks. And you see a pattern of oblisks that go purple. And the pattern seems to be southwest, northwest, northeast, southwest, northwest, northeast, in a constant pattern going over and over and over again. Obviously you have the northwest and the northeast oblisks. But you believe to be operational of the three that's showing you the one that's not operational is the southwest, which is on in some sense, but not to where you need it to be. And so it's showing you a purple blow in all three of those. So the three that are in our parallel, the three that are still existing are the ones that he's showing that we need to activate. It is showing those three oblisks glowing. I feel like I'm cheating with this pill. I think it wears out after like the first task I use. After an hour? No. It hasn't been an hour. Those three oblisks are also the ones that we used in combination. On your way there. Right. And you try to use them on the way out, but you haven't obviously succeeded in getting out. So, anyways, that's it. And then the quam shard goes dark. Oh, it doesn't go dark. It goes reflective. But you lose the imagery that you were seeing. So we just need to really get one fired up. The last one that's not broke. Yes. This one going right. That seems to be what quam was indicating. Still, though. I can do this, but there's got to be a way to do it that Indra can use. Maybe not one of these specific circumstances. Right. Maybe it's broke because they saw it off. This is the bypass. Okay. She killed all our doubles because they were inconvenient. I don't think she'd be a better ruler. No. I don't think we let it through. Sick walks over to the last obelisk that he needs to turn on. Yes. I'm going to give him a quick heal. I've done it. Ashwin says, "Wait, I need to give you strength for this." What? We kill him. I've done it twice already and it's a level two to start with. Level four. You need a roll 12 or higher. Minus any skills you might have in healing, which you don't. If I remember correctly. Good luck. So I'll put two effort into it. That's much better. That takes you down to a six. Five points, but you have an edge because then we lose for four. So we move for intellect, is it? And good luck. Six or higher? Nine. Higher than what you needed, and then you heal him. Six. Nice. You've been rolling ones lately, Jim, so that was a nice change of pace. Well, this is going to be easy. Okay. I used two effort. I believe the 18 takes it down to 15 because you have Neumannira skill. You spend two effort, which takes it down to a nine. I think you understand it, but not so deeply is to give you another level. So what I'm going to do is you do understand it in a sense that you didn't understand it before. I'm going to give you a plus one in your die roll. Okay. So nine is your target number and plus one in your die roll. Rachel. What was it? I think you said those experiences. Ten. Yes. Ten. Can I spend one for him? I needed nine. Someone can give it to you though. That's fine. He made it. Yeah. That's fine. So the third obelisk starts to glow. A luminescent purple. We have to be ready to do what we were ready to do like a couple of hours ago. Well, we're ready to walk through. We're going to tear it. But if we just... We're through. So we're going to appear. Have we just changed our time? We don't appear. Wait a minute. Okay. Jim, well, Ashman asked, well, we're ready through. Walk through both of them. Do we just appear? No. You do not. We're still in the mist. You're still in the mist. We're still going to go through. Are we still going with Plan A? Are we going now to Plan B? No, we're still going now. Because we just saw that she's not going to make a good leader. Wait, he's still in the mist. Plan B again? We know this one was the fight. Plan A was the talk. Plan A... I still think we should go with Plan A because we need to get on the other side first. Well, any plan starts with us getting on the other side. Right. Then we're talking into chopping the rest down. I'm going to condone their cutting it down and beg for them to do a lot of sleep. Well, don't beg. Just say you don't carry on. You don't have a backbone, man. We're just kind of through this thing. Yeah. We really want to sever our access to it in a whole 'nother universe because there's a bad person there. That's a problem. I prefer not to, but I don't think I could ever get out again if we went back in. Well, actually, it defeats... It actually sealing this portal eliminates us going back to crazy Indra. It foils the vizier. Crazy. Did you already killed one version of you? She actually killed one version of herself. I'm sorry. Sig had a vision of them being dead. That doesn't mean they're dead. We kind of knew what she was going to do. The tree of Kwan showed us the obelisk being cut. If that's not the case when we travel over, I'll question this vision too. But signs point to it's being truthful. So we were all there in the moment making a decision to do nothing and let her... But they didn't actually kill our betas. We were proud. No, they weren't. No, I didn't have a problem with it now. I had a problem with it then. What I wanted now was to get the fuck away from her and out of this dimension. We said what we had to do to get away from a crazy person with our lives. Yeah. I mean, unless you want to be a henchwoman, then we'll stay behind, keep your leave. You can go back and talk to a far superior father then. Well, we'll kill him. I don't condone his act either, but the thing is, I have control over one of these people. You're condoning his act? We potentially have two control over two people. If we cut off this gate, then he loses a major asset as well. He also loses a major enemy. Lying this gate to be destroyed. We don't have enough information to know whether that's a good or a bad thing. I think we should have it there. So we should stop it. Take care of this and then make our informed decision. Well, we're back to this. In the full eyes of the vaseer. He has the ability to monitor his speculation, isn't it? In the calm dimension, apparently, calm can see what you're doing, same as the vaseer. There's no difference between these. Damn. This is the perfect place to talk about this and we need to... Well, let's just stay here. Or to be stuck here forever. It's not the perfect place to stay here. So, in about an hour and a half, you turn into a rage-bearing kill. Well, I'm scared of that. Our first step is to get over. The second step is whether we fight the priests or not is kind of almost irrelevant because we don't have to destroy the apple dust. Now we can do it later or work it into a plant. So that was why I was asking if we're going through, is our plant still to talk to the priests? Our plan is to talk first. Talk first to get through. So who is the first person through? It's a good tool. Actually, probably in unison. You need to go back in the wagon with the crossbow. Nina, and Baz, where are you? I was on a... Driving the wagon? I thought I was leaving the three in a line. Okay, so you're not driving the wagon? I wasn't on the wagon. I thought Tila was on the wagon. I could drive the wagon. Sure. And Tila is going to walk through with Sig. So Eishman is going to drive the wagon through. You're leading three of them through, so they're in close proximity. I've earned my sword shield. And Felix... Go ahead. Sorry. That's good to know. And Felix, you're in the back of the wagon. And... Weapon drawn... Nina possible. Hiding in the back of the wagon as well. With the smaller crossbow. With the smaller crossbow. Medium. Awesome. Okay. We're not going to roll the hodge, but they can't see it. Sure. Give me a stealth roll to... Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm trying to train you. Just stealth. Sixteen. Okay. Eleven. I'm training she's training. Both of you succeeded in the roll to hide yourself. Can you explain to me how you're going through? What does that mean to you? Well, I assume... That's actually a question. That we have to reset by coming out here and... Thank you. That's exactly what you needed to do as far as I was concerned. We go around, we go back from... Yeah. You go back to the original... The original too, and then you make your left hand turn, which is what you try to do originally. I thought you might stay in the middle and just go through thinking it would work, but that wasn't going to work. So, you walk through both sets of obelisks, and you find yourself in a cold desert. And when I say cold desert, I mean a cold desert. You are no longer in a desert that is populated by zeros and ones. Fake, flora, and fauna. You find yourself in home, in a sense. You're in your prime parallel. Is this a circle where the... Yes, exactly. What you see there is you see they have made some sort of camp. And there is a circle of stones with ruins on them that they have placed in a... I think they were in useful road. You came through them? Yes, that's where you're coming through, correct. The northwest and the northeast set of obelisks. So you're heading north on the path as you come through. Directly back to serenity from that point of view. Exactly. Like we're a regular shipment that slipped by them somehow. And what is behind you is that circle then of rune stones that the Eon priests of Neelish have set up. We're kind of obscured from this angle from them. A bit, but as you walk through and make any kind of distance at all, you can catch some of that. Because you can see it's a relatively large circle. The 3's are in the center. Yes, it has their 3 and Neen just off to the side of that circle. And before our cart gets in view of them, I make my way around so they view me first. Right. And then they are with my symbol of the Eon priesthood. Right. In my hand. Saying, "Brothers, hello." Okay. The truth, obviously. Sure. One of the priests lifting up that huge 12 foot scythe as if it were made pretty much. Pretty much of air. His face seems equine. He's got like an equine nose. He's very regal looking. He's draped in his robes of the Eon priesthood. And also, again, there are symbols of the city state of Neelish on his attire as well. The other 2 priests are dressed similarly, but one of them has short cropped brown hair. A weaker chin seems more of a subordinate. And then the third one has blonde hair turning into silver. Seems, again, somewhat of a subordinate. Both of them seem like they're middling size. If you were to see them in the street, they have a certain sense of gravitas to them. But he has a certain sense of charisma about him that certainly makes it seem as if he is the leader of these 3. And he is the one you saw on the tree of life or quam, slicing the first of the obelisk down. So you see him hefting it, turning towards you actually and walking towards you. Doesn't see you at first until Sig puts up his symbol of the Eon priesthood and says, "Hey, old brother." And he stops in his tracks and lowers the weapons a bit and says, "What brings you to these parts, brother?" I travel from the first parallel, a land through these obelisks. Ah, you've returned from the infernal lands? With my life, barely. Just damn accurate. Wow, this is no place for interlopers of any sort. We bid you farewell and on your way these foul temples, these foul monuments, the evil must be sundered and removed from our land. I look for the quam shot. Do you still hear holding it in your hand although it looks like you're holding a mere piece of land? I hold it up somewhat and say, "This is of the land of evil. You know what it showed me?" No, what did it show you? Many visions of lands far across many parallels and knowledge abounds from this tree. I don't know what you've learned what you think you know of this infernal land. It is a dangerous place, but it is not innately evil. He needs aiming for his nose. Right, his equine does. He stops and looks back towards both of his brothers in the Neelish Yann Priesthood. And he looks back towards you and says, "I care not for whatever tales or lies you bring from the infernal lands. These unholy monuments will fall and with them the power of serenity will be weakened. I advise you with all haste to leave us to our duty. If not, I will not be responsible for the repercussions that will fall like holy fire upon your shoulders." We need more religion than the sons. Again, different strength. Yeah, yeah. The vizier's daughter is bringing hell from the infernal lands back to her father. If you cut down this pillar, you will prevent her from weakening the state you seek to destroy. We need not help from the vizier or his daughter or his henchlings. We know exactly what must be done to remove the threat from the land. He draws power daily from this desecration of land, these unholy symbols. I want nothing, no part of anything from those infernal lands. We will topple serenity with our own power and our own might. Visier's daughter or not, if she wishes to convort with demons and beings of other planes, then so be it. But we, the proud citizens of Neelish will take down serenity and all the evil it stands for. Shoulder. Or we pop up and shoot us. And we shoot with our crossbows. So, two. I don't have this. Hidden figures emerge from the back of the wagon. I don't emerge, I have my crossbow balanced on Ishmael's head. Right. I pop up. It moves. Don't move. I guess at this point, everyone should roll for initiative. Neelah. Two. Right. Two. One. All right. Teela. Twelve. Twelve. Ishmael. I'm hanging out with Neelah with the two. Okay. And Bosco, you got yourself in nineteen. You were definitely prepared with the way the conversation was going apparently. But this is going to turn south very quickly. Felix. Twelve. And sick. Oh, fuck. Wow. Of course it will. Twenty. Twenty. So, what all about, sick, even though you were surprised? None of the player characters can act this turn except for the two that popped up, I think. Because they are the ones that knew they were going to do it. And that was their timing. So, anyone who rolled minor or major success, so that would be Bos and sick, get to act on this turn as well. Because you were just more in tune with... Bos gave the order to fire. I think he was prepared. Right. And that's why it reflected his role. Divine. Yes. Divine intervention. What's the distance between where I am and the leader? I would say thirty feet. Short range. Is that so convenient? Can I attack? You have to be an immediate range to attack. Right. But you're going to move immediate range and attack. So, let's start with Sig, who anticipated this occurring. Sig reaches out and pushes the scythe as far as he can. It's bigger than you. It's in his hands. It's bigger than me, but it's much lighter. And you can do that just straight up, right? You don't need a roll for that. I do not. Okay. So, Sig puts a hand out and he kind of crouches like an action type move and pushes towards the high eon priest of Neelish. And sure enough, the scythe gets blown backwards and with it so does the high priest. He falls backwards and his eye is back with your push. So, he's put into a prone position about five feet beyond the two priests that were following him. So, we have time to maneuver into a position over them, but not attack. They are definitely surprised this turn. Right. So, you absolutely have an action, a full turn you can take here. Okay. So, I'm going to close the distance since I have to meet. Short distance. And who do you choose to approach? You've got, for you, as you're moving towards the circle of room stones, you've got a eon priest on your left. You've got an eon priest on your right and you've got a prone eon high priest about ten feet behind them. And I will go to the priest on the left and take care of him. You can move to him by moving a short distance, but that is your action from turn. Because the only time you can attack is when you move an immediate distance or left. So, Boz moves to engage with the one on the left. The one on the left. My left. My broadsword and the shoot. Great. Okay. Okay. So, the target we were aiming at has now been knocked prone, which is another minus in both of our characters. He's actually more covered now than he was, but less dangerous than he was. Yeah. So, another minus one, and you have minus one, for you, you're not used to. Yeah, but we were aiming for the new with the giant weapon that was going to kill you. He looked like the biggest threat to you. You have a minus for using a weapon you're not used to. I have a minus for using a weapon you're not used to that is my primary weapon. So, that's what both hit. Yeah. So, Felix. However, it's an ambush. So, we both have plus two in our own direction. Such as the high ground. I don't know if standing on a cart counts as high ground. No. It does not. And he actually gets an advantage because he is prone. So, I have zero. You have zero. They are level five. Yeah, man. I'm going to put double effort in, because I have that. That's what I bought with you. With your crossbow, right? Yeah. Go ahead. And you're aiming for the one on the left, the one on the right, the one on the ground. One on the ground. High traced. Yeah. So, it was five. It's now three difficulty. Which is a nine. Fifteen. You hit him. And then I take another speed edge, I mean, pull, and I do one more damage for a total of seven. A total of seven damage? The crossbow bolt struck home. It pierced his left side and stayed in him. You heard a scream of pain and you saw a blood definitely exiting the wound. Nina. I'm using effort. So, it goes to 12th. If you aim at any of the targets that aren't prone, you actually get plus one. Right. So, you'd be nine for either of the priests, 12th for the high priest. I think they'll fall into place if the high priest goes south. Okay. That's why. Again, why? 12th. Two. Two. You are given a re-roll experience point from sick, so go ahead and re-roll your die. I don't know if it'll put him down. Probably not. Well, it does. Four damage. It doesn't have iron. How much damage did you do? I did seven. Pull him only. He'll die. Most things died. Okay. Sit. 10. 13. And because you spent effort, that took the 15 down to a 12. Which allowed you to hit. And you did four damage? I guess. Yeah. You're profitable. That split the shaft of Felix's, but it strikes home very close in his rib cage on his left side. And he howls in pain and rolls over to his right, trying to react the pain and deal with it. But he's still screaming and still alive. That was the three that could move during the surprise round that now takes us to the not-surprise round, which is the next round. And that is Sig with 20. All right. He's behind his other two fellows. He's behind them, but not covered by them. You could move enough immediate distance one way to the left of the right to get a clear shot. I don't have a lot of them. That's what they're trying to do. The one with the weak chin. That's the one on the right, actually. Okay. I can scan his pocket full of some kind of noumenera, I imagine. Yes. And you get to learn whether he has noumenera or not? I could sense noumenera, but I'm trying to scan what it's made of. Confidence. Yeah, you notice that he has in a pouch on the left side of his front something made of metal. Okay. Seemingly you... You don't have any gas in it or anything. There's metal. There's some gaseous items to it, and there's also some synth. So it seems to be to you some of the stuff that makes up some of the ciphers you've seen in the past, and you're guessing very strongly it's a cipher. Okay. Okay. He's got a gas cipher. I pointed to the right. Heesh. The head priest is now prone on the ground, just past this way. About ten feet behind the priest you're saying next to, which is immediate distance if you wanted to disengage the one you're with and carry on to the high priest. Well, I think if he's prone, then I have an advantage to the attack, correct? You do because you're attacking with a melee weapon as opposed to a ranged weapon. I think you also have an advantage because it's a combination of a ranged attack earlier, if I'm not mistaken, right? Oh. Oh, like synergy going on. So you can build on that previous attack? I think I'm going to try to just knock this head guy out as fast as I can. If both melee and ranged attacks see you down a single opponent in the same round, the opponent suffers a plus one that we go to for next task. He is minus one, the high priest, so if you hit, he will be plus one difficulty in whatever he tries to do, which will probably be to hit you, and this site is glowing, and he's still holding it. But he's prone. He's prone. But he can stand up and attack in the same turn, immediate action to stand up, immediate action to attack. I'll take that risk. What's his level to hit him? Okay. He's level five. He goes down one level because he's been hit twice, so he's level four. So level four is twelve. Throne, melee attack, advantage attack, or level three. So you're down to a nine to hit. Are you skilled in your use of weapons? No, either. Does that take you down to an eight? Well, we take you down. I'm six. I'm six. I can use that. You're level? Oh, then you ask him. It says I'm practiced with all weapons. You don't get a minus towards using them. I think I'm going to say you're trying to get all weapons if you can. You have to be trained. So you're at level nine, Mike, without any effort at all. Then I think I could try to hit a nine without effort. You've got to use my three-point? Yeah. Okay. Then you have a back-up. You need to reroll. Well, I'll use my effort to go to damage. Okay. You're basically shouldering past the one priest on the left and just slashing him with your broadsword, so go ahead and nine. You kidding me? What do you roll? Seven. No, it's a seven. Thank God. I'm going to spend one of my points for a hundred. Okay. He gets one reroll and that's it. I just read the rules. He says you can use as many as you want, man. No, I thought we read through that. I think we could ask again, but you're rolling over the case. Okay. Roll. Just roll higher than nine. All right. Thank God. Fifteen. Okay. Mike, what is your damage? My weapon two for the effort and plus one for the fighting move of thrust, so a total of seven. All right. Nice. Bozz's broadsword goes through his chest and you feel your sword enter into sand like it went clear through his body, his chest, and he gasps and he spits blood on your cloak and shutters once and dies. No dying curse. No dying curse. That takes us to the next character's act, which is either Tila or Felix, who both moved before the other Ian. I placed my back to my brother and I must be facing the one he showed her to side. One of the left. Yeah. So you dashed through the path of the two and spin around, right? Or I attack him and then continue to move. That makes more sense. You attack the one on the left that he was thinking of attacking and then kind of continue backing your way through to your back to back with your brother. So I have a broadsword and no particular skill in using it other than proficiency. Oddly enough, this particular Ian Priest is a level six for defending purposes. So he is no longer surprised and he gets his advantage of defending. So he's an 18 to hit straight up. So as you approach him, you can see he is a practice individual and you give it your best shot as you're kind of like running past him and giving it an attack. I'm not going to go crazy with roll of two and I just got myself in a position that was the only point. Yeah. So you, yeah. And actually, to be honest, from where you were, you weren't within immediate distance of him. I was standing next to Sig, who approached him, but had I assumed not kept walking forward as they were talking and stopped him. It took Boza's short movement to get into melee range. Tila, I'm assuming that you couldn't attack. You went by kind of fun in an attack and just ran to the back of your brother. Sure. Okay. And that takes us into Felix. Man, I have not much speed pool left, but I have intimidation as a skill. Never used it before. I'm sorry. But their leader just died miserably really quickly. Tell them to submit. So I'm going to hop down off the cart and in my best bellowy voice, this short man who just put two in their leader. Well, actually, one. But impressive. Fucking giant one. They mostly kill them. And you're holding a very impressive press. Yeah. Not loaded. They don't know that. So I shouted them to get down on the ground, put your weapons down and surrender. We just killed the best of you. And then I will for it. Okay. They resist mental at level six, because they're obviously very practiced at what they do and very dedicated to their cause. Yeah. But I haven't spent any intellect. So I'm going to-- I'm fine with that. I'm just telling you, instead of level five, you are approaching this at level six. All right. I'm going to spend double effort on intellect because I can. And there's no reason not to. That costs me four because I have an intellect. I have to come with it. Okay. Feel it? What are you doing? Okay. I am skilled, but they are skilled at resisting. So that's no. I use two tiers of effort. So that brings it down to the-- A three? Six. They are now 12. It's a 12 to get them to surrender through your intimidation. Double effort. Well, roll the nine. That's fun. Very close. You see them kind of pause, kind of hesitate for half a second. Anyone? I'll pay for it. Okay. So, Boz offers up his-- no, do it again. You got it. Twenty. Twenty. It was a major success. And the two Eon priests-- They offer up their ciphers and supplications, right? They offer up their hands and supplications. Take them. And then-- Fuck. Fall down. It could bite. We'll tie them up. Don't worry. Yeah. He's not here. So both Eon priests surrender. I take a finger from each from my necklace, which I just made. What the fuck? Well, no. I think they might fight that a little bit. Yeah, I know. Well, it was a 20-year period. So the Eon priests surrender, assuming that there's no cause here for anyone to-- yeah, and Boz's extra experience point. I don't think there's any reason here that anyone would reject their surrender, correct? We bring him back his prisoners, sweetened the deal. Look who busted up your was called, killed your daughter, too. Killed your daughter. Oh, that worked. They won't answer to that. Well, even through torture, I mean, well, they would. We did. Look. We killed them, too. Whatever. We'll bring him back. It'll sweeten the deal. We don't even have to pretend that he raided the caravan. He was of royal stock, too, so his body-- we found her dead body. They were trying to cut it down. I think it's the meal. You know, we did tell these priests that we-- that the daughter actually is alive and working against the-- yeah, and if you heard that, we're in trouble. Isn't he dead? Well, we can take the tongue. They can't fall. Well, first of all, we could say that we were trying to bluff him in any way we could because we wanted to disband it. We were lying, look, the dead dog was in the back of her-- yeah, I don't think he suffered. Right. Well, just in case he was watching, that's what we'll tell him. What scares me is he might have-- check to their minds-- I mean, you need to read their mind. But we were lying because we got-- I don't know that we need to bring him back. If we bring back a spear, I think he'd be happy enough. Oh, the scythe. If we bring back a scythe. I think we'll be happy enough. Well, anyone will ask that. You get rewards. How big is this, son? It's like-- It's about 12 foot. It's about as tall as I am, because of 10. He just has a whole nestle. They kind of climb up it and see things from a distance. Is it your crossbow bigger than you are? No. Do you specialize in giant weapons? Yes. Pointless. He's looking to you. Possible. Doesn't the site come apart? The pieces? It does. We saw it was bigger. Can you shoot two of them? Damn. Those are both staff. Speaking of which, I really claim all my bolts from there later. All right. So-- I'll go ahead. I'm sorry. No, I'm just going to say we have a wagon. We have plenty of time to research the new manera on the way back. And we will come up with our story. We'll find and gag and somehow keep these guys from hearing us. We'll put them on one of the anneads in the back. Yeah, that's the problem. How big about walking? Well, no, I think about it. We don't trust you. Are we? On the bodies of the three-- We're destroying this gateway. --everyone, there is one die six ciphers on each of the three and priests. Don't think they're like a blow them up. Whoever wants to roll. They're really high level. Did you not notice-- They don't care. --they're so good at defending. Oh, Jim rolls a die six pretty mean. Jim, you want to roll at least one of them? Well, for what? The ciphers. The ciphers. There's one die six cipher on each of the anne priests. Um, roll the first one at least. Maybe it's a good day. Maybe it's a bit. Yeah. It's a good day. I've seen good days for Jim. You're healing someone. Six. Keep going. Keep going. One more time. One more time. One more time. This is getting the money. Oh. All right. Six, six, four. Only 16. What the fuck, Jim? How do these guys not create a high level of characters? Each one has an oddity, which will roll random if we decide to play this system again. Yeah. We were really lucky that we-- And the high priest himself has an artifact. That's mine. Should not. Could it be a giant beer? Each. No. That's my favorite artifact. It didn't save him. And the-- You didn't get a chance. He was ambushed. That's what I thought we might want. One first, he ambushed. Because if they've got that shit in them, in the battle-- Oh my gosh. You don't even want to know. Because I actually have some things written down on what they can do and you don't want to know. I don't-- And each of them has a three die six shins. Oh. Luckily, he like to put this on. So, someone else? No. Not Jim. Someone else rolled for the shins. Oh, what? No, he's not. He's banned. You could give him their die, though, Jim. This is-- I got it. Okay. Cool. So, we have-- Six. Six. Two. Six. Two. Six. Two. Six. Six. One. Again. Eight. Thirty-one plus eight is thirty-nine. Oh. So, thirty-nine shins-- We got so lucky. Fourteen Cyphers is an artifact and an identity. Oh, fourteen Cyphers. Yes. He rolled six. Six. Oh, I'm sorry. It was my bad. He rolled six, six, four. Christmas. He rolled-- Insane amount of Cyphers. We-- Are we allowed to cure them? Never. I'm putting it on. No, but you put some of the endings. And we're going to use him as a suicide boss. I have three out of these. An artifact. Thirty-nine shins. Sixteen Cyphers. So, what I'll do is you guys keep talking about what you want to do with the Cyp and what you want to do. We're going to return and get treasure? No, I think this is going to get paid for bringing back his dead daughter. I think this is a good thing for you. I think it's a good place to stop because I think things can get really interesting when you go back and I don't want to prolong this. I think we've played the story. You're heading back to the city-- I don't think we chopped down the gate unless somebody wants to do it. Let's talk about it. First of all, I just want to clarify. Is the site the artifact? No. No. No. There's an additional element. It is an artifact, Mike. It is not the artifact that the high priest had on him. He had a second artifact on him. We don't know what that is yet. They died for a ton of experience and re-rolls and taken him out in one turn. I think we should get XP for teamwork because we all spent a lot of XP on each other and also all this shit we just got from a dead man. Absolutely. We discovered many things. Well, you discovered many things. I think everyone-- I think we should do that next week. No, I think we should do this right now because there might not be a next week in the sense that everyone gets three experience points for what they learned about the parallels and the travel through the parallels. Don't run it down here. We got stuff for Cyphers. The Neelish contingent and all the ciphers and artifacts you found there and the way you took them out quite quickly, I think it's worth-- and plus, it's the end of the adventure. So you're not going to get another-- if we start playing again, there'll be no more XP. We'll start off in the visitors' chambers with you reporting back what you found. This will be the second story if we go there. That's how combat's supposed to go. That's exactly how it went. It's deadly. It's just bloody. Hey, for competent, that's part of the XP. Well, yeah, it's supposed to go quickly. It's supposed to be the last three weeks. Yeah, if they would have got a chance to react, it would have been scary. It was scary too. Basically, we're really lucky that he allowed me to reroll and also I rolled this one. That's when he surrendered. That definitely helped. Yeah, I made this render difficult for you. So-- Did you not want to-- You have the site. You have the Eon Priest tied to the backs of some aneens and you're getting ready for your trip back to the city state of Serenity. And the question is, what do you do with the site? Because this, I think we should resolve why it's fresh in everyone's mind. If you know of Indra, you have the idea and the plot and the story pretty much fresh at this point. So let's decide what we're going to do with these opposites and this artifact. If it's a vote against for two reasons, one, he has scrying techniques of some sort, not that Felix knows that word. And two. I think we'd be a good word. It's good. Well, we saw him-- It's appropriate for now, because you saw it. We saw him in his chambers with some new manure that looked like he could observe all sorts of things anywhere. Right. So he is some form of being able to see us, so perhaps he would see us do it if we did cleave one of these. He may have limited populous access to the data's fair in that he gets topology, but not necessarily. Whatever the case. All right. The world's more interesting place with Indra's influence, and I don't see why we should cut her off. OK. I don't think she did anything bad with the betas that can really be explained away and given a better solution, so I don't see why we should cut her off for that. And I don't see anything else convinced me otherwise you can. I didn't just-- Sick. Go right now. Indra's not good as a leader for the country. I don't think she has the personality for it. I don't know that in the long run we should back her as ruler, but it would be irresponsible as an eon for me to condone shutting this gate. There's too much valuable information in that realm. I think anybody that enjoys new manera, which is probably all of us, you're losing a whole lot. Say again, we don't have enough information to make this decision. I don't think. Keep this site hidden. We can make it later. I agree with. And I say yes. And I'm like thumbs up. Bear this site somewhere out here. Yeah. He doesn't have it. We don't have it, but we can always kid to it if we need to. There's very one of the other obelisks, right? Well, let's-- We'll go. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Let's give it one chance. Some way we could find it. Absolutely. And that might be a location. At this point, I decided, but don't close any doors. If we give them the site, we've lose the ability to make that decision. Ashman. Yeah. We got lucky getting back through it, and I think it's going to be a while before they figure out how to get back here or either way. Sure. When they're coming back, I think it's going to be a while before they-- They even have time to figure it out or repair it. So until then, we can just bury the site or hide it, whatever. And if we need to, we can come back and finish what they started. Give it time like-- We've got Enbas. Well, it's a noumenera miracle. We all have consensus, right? Let's make a detailed map or do whatever special noumenera things to conceal the site. And so we can find this place again. Maybe while the six dozen noumenera, we picked up and hide it. Who knows. In the hole, we have both ones. OK. So we're going to say that we're going to leave this story with everyone in the desert preparing to bury the site and getting ready to head back at that point to Serenity to return his dead beta daughter's body to him. Remember the obelisk that was hanging in the air but pointing directly above and there was like five feet above the ground? Yeah. Bury the motherfucker right under that point if it never moves. Wow. Right. Yeah. That's a big sign pointing, right? Right. This ignores the function of the desert, turns it off. OK. The site. One thing I think it's worth mentioning, if it comes down to it and we're on the wrong side of him at any point later, we can hold the portal through most of his-- through which most of his power passes hostage. If we hide the site and we keep somebody, I would suggest, Nina, out of his site and she never re-enters his chambers so that you could-- I follow a tear for that. Yeah. Tough choice, right? He captures all of us who he knows where we are. Also-- We have someone who could fuck it up. I think we should appear to be burying it someplace during the daylight and then not really. We move it someplace-- I would also-- It's not directly on our route home. I would also, as the voice of God in this particular instance, say that for your memory because it's fresh new memories, it's a three-piece site. So it's not as if you have to bury 12-foot-long buzzing-glowing sites, which he turned off anyways. There was, I'd say, a foot-and-a-half, a foot-and-a-half, and a foot-and-a-half, and when he connected the last foot-and-a-half, it then went out to some appreciable degree. Am I correct in assuming that the stones and the ritual thing was part of charging it and we need to have like a-- this bag of bringer stones? I'm quite sure our friend's sick could figure out how to charge it. Right. And again, something I don't-- And to charge it-- Which is why I want to leave it here because I think the story has been told and then if we want to come back to this world with a different system, if you want to come back to this world with this system and just live with its imperfections, which we'll talk about next week, it's fine. I mean, you guys have all created incredibly interesting characters and there is at least somewhat of an interesting story starting to develop. I mean, we come back to it and we don't, but I think this is a good point to end this. You went on the mission, you found things out, you came back. I don't think we have to journey back to the vizier's city to say this story is complete. Yeah, we grabbed the second wagon so that we can pretend that we didn't lose ours. Right. Something that you'll do. Right. Well, on the plus side, we all have really nice clothes back there. Oh, yeah. And a lot of clothes. And clothes. And we can bury this in three different places. Oh. Not all of us has to know where. That kind of was my point. If you would-- you realize that you could take this apart and maybe make it even more difficult too. Well, and that would also help bind the group together. I have the end scene as you guys all settle in for the evening because it's almost my time. The head's off with an hour to spare alone into the desert. Thanks for listening to the Knights of the Night at Action Play podcast. Visit kotnpodcast.com for more information on this and other adventures. Where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling props, and even a form for comments and suggestions, where you could email us directly at feedback@kotnpodcast.com or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit zenaudiosmith.com and please join us next episode for more history and adventure. Wow, hey, your rabbit just got all of the big escape. I also put out a call for the fact, oh, that is so being edited out, so I'm just waiting but we're still laughing, although I may go out of the end of the episode. In what hopefully can be made much more exciting by editing. I don't know what Susan's theme, we're trying to get through a door, we're going to take forever. Stay here forever and play Dresden next week. Hard, single role, that's not good. I thought you'd appreciate the lack of, because we were just role playing it out and I thought that was more, I thought it was stronger to role play it out than actually resort to roles in that particular instance. That's a statement when you enjoy the game more when you don't have a game. Yeah, exactly, I thought, you know, maybe he'll say something that I think would convince this guy. You did good job, you just spent, I'm tired of rolling because it's so painful. Exactly. Okay, so spending experience points, immediate benefits, the easiest, most straightforward way for a player to use XP is to reroll any role in the game, even one she didn't make herself. This costs one XP per reroll, the player can reroll and use either the new role or the original whichever is better. She can continue to spend XP on more rerolls, but this can quickly become an expensive proposition. It's a fine way to attempt a prevented disaster, but it's not a good idea to use lots of XP to reroll a single action over it. Well, I think one XP to kill this head guy is fine. Yeah, that's fine. I just know it's got that, but only you're all once. Oh, oh, oh. It's just in here. Being disputed. Yeah. Damn it. Okay, so he is dead at this point, your sword goes through him.