[Music] Hello and welcome to Nights of the Night actual play podcast. This dungeon world adventure was run by time and created by the entire crew. And now please enjoy episode 138 titled "Dimps" actual play in 16 minutes 32 seconds. [Music] We will start the feedback with the fact that we've received not one, but two i2 reviews. All right, which ties us with the Thursday night gamers. Oh yeah, baby! Vlogging is wrong when we do it. [Laughing] Yeah, I'm gonna come up with the same. [Laughing] Mikey's choked. [Laughing] Dude, we talked about it for clubbed. [Laughing] It's a tie game. Yeah, but we're not winning. Yeah, we were more losing. Can't you ever at least read the i2 reviews and praise these people before you say come on? Yes, I will. The first one is from McJin. M-A-C-K-E-J-N. McJin. Five stars, the highlight of my week. This podcast is one of the highlights of my week. It's a combination of tabletop discussions, questions and answers, and actual play. They have a variety of players in the game, giving multiple perspectives. They answer questions from the fan and get insight into the current game, or just tabletop in general at the beginning of each episode. The actual play of this podcast is a true gem. It's reminiscent of a radio player audio book with a good dose of humor thrown in. Overall, just a great listen. Oh, thank you, McJin. We appreciate your comments and taking the time to review as well. Could that be the case? Mikey's actually is choked up by the whole point. McCain. McCain. McCain. That's both. Oh, perhaps they'll let us know. The second review was from Constructicon. Five stars also. The best actual play out there bar none. This podcast is by far and away the best actual play podcast I've ever heard. The exquisitely tasteful combination of sound effects, music, and vocal volume, as well as brilliant editing almost makes you forget that you're listening to people playing a game, and not listening to a radio drum. Brilliant editing. Brilliant. Brilliant. Ooh, tab, hoo, hoo, hoo. Yeah, our volume is loud, because you have a microphone that picks up everything. I have a free thing. Are you afraid of anything in particular, Mikey? I'm just saying it picks up cellular mitosis because they are so sensitive. I wasn't done, by the way. Sorry. The Game Masters do an excellent job at keeping the tension and drama ratchet into the appropriate amount to keep you on the edge of your seat. Give them a listen, and you'll be glad you did. Thank you, Constructicon. Thank you, Constructicon. That's why you have to say that. Yeah, I'm wondering, who's the enemy of Constructicon? Oh, yeah, we had some Facebook messages, one on episode 137 in which Mike or Beck said, "Hey guys, inspired by you, a couple of friends and I started up a Dresden game. I've been listening to all the feedback and just wondering if you had any more suggestions for a first-time GM. Anything from plot development to character creation for both PC and NPCs. Any advice would be appreciated, and I really like the way you guys melt into your characters and wondered if there were any tricks. Thanks in advance. Yeah, the self. First of all, I would suggest as a first-time GM that you should limit their aspects a little bit. That's what we're thinking of doing in the second Dresden one, is take it down from seven to five. It makes it easier on the GM, and it makes the characters focus more on the aspects you have. Right, yeah, they're core aspects, and who they are. Right. Any other suggestions, guys, as players? I would say keep the mission or goal one to three steps down the road. Nothing too elaborate, nothing too complex for a start-out. Start small and build up to a different complexity. Talk to your players beforehand. Find out what they want from the game. That's what they want. Part of the city creation that the players definitely should be involved with. They're going to help tell you what they want to be the main adventure in the city. And if you can, tell them or get them to agree or get them to talk about the idea that it's about the story. It's not about someone winning. You'll get the best play possible if all people are pulling in the same direction. People mention all the time and their feedback from us. Our players will actually thwart our own ambitions if it makes it a better story. So if you can tell everyone, I'm not your enemy as a storyteller or the GM. We're all in this together. We're going to tell a really good story and get them all to buy into that. I think that helps a ton. I think I may have gone down that road creating my character. I concentrated on not making him a hero. You know, it's not about, like you said, who wins. Correct. It's more of the game, but I may have gone overboard. So I don't want to be seen make them useful in some way. Use your imagination on your characters. Just because it's not in the book doesn't mean you can't come up. But some we have coming up with something fun and interesting and we're facing them somewhere. Pretty wide open. I agree. Come on. Two fade experts over here. Try to find a way that when you're thinking about the characters in there somewhere. I've heard even another actual place where they're creating a city and then they create a person that's in that, you know, a name or a face in the city. And then someone says, hey, you know, I think I'm going to, that's going to be my character. Yeah, if you if you create it well enough and you like it, yeah, that's great. What was that, John? I was thinking about the aspects. I had a hard time coming up with a good high concept, I guess it is. What you want your character to be. And I wonder if that was me alone. No. In which case. I don't know that I have any advice because I struggled with it and didn't really come to a satisfying position. I thought it's tough to define it first and then try to play it versus playing and let it evolve or emerge. That was the exact opposite of that. There's lots of magic. No, I'm not. It's just that between the city creation and the story that we kind of really was a city creation. We did it so well that I got an idea for a character and the aspects just fell on the place. And I just like think I've sat down in many occasions. I knew London better than any character before I took the first step to role play him. Before the first episode started, the first story, the first chapter, what do you want to call it? I knew exactly how he was going to play out. Now he's changed and evolved, but I think can go both ways. You can start playing the game and then put aspects in to figure the way you play style or you can just know your character and let it roll from the start. That was me. Both of those are viable options. And I even give that as an option in the role book because you don't have to fill out all your aspects. You can leave some of them and then when you're playing your character and you go, "Oh, this is who I am." Because you don't think you're head on it. Just you come up with something just generic and then just change it later when something else makes more sense. And as a GM, you got to allow that for the players. That's what I'm saying. For the GM part of it, that's all you because... Yeah, the only other advice I could possibly give is a lot of GMs sometimes come up with stories and they want to force the characters to follow that path of their story. That's not what this is about. Fate in general, Dresden in particular, you are making up the story together. You can make a general skeleton but the characters are going to take you along that journey. So you're going to have to be very open to suggestions and very adaptive. If you make up a situation, don't ever make up an answer. That is the only answer that's going to solve that situation because it's not going to be fun for the characters to try to figure out what you thought the answer should be. You should allow them to do whatever they want and the consequences that come from that should fuel the story. Right. So that's the best advice I can give you as GM, go with the flow. I figured our finale exemplified that pretty well and that Scott directed London deals in particular, directed the finale in a certain direction that you had no idea it was going. Oh hello, and I didn't have any... Like I said, I didn't have anything planned for how that should have ended. Right. I was up to you guys to figure out an ending. That also takes a level of confidence for the GM because being able to improv and make adjustments on the fly and still provide enough items to keep people moving forward or pacing. Yeah. To use a better word, yeah. Literature, pacing is really important, but... I'm sure other groups different though. I mean, some of these might not be ready to... I think there's something from the GM that's a poem of what they do and how to do it. There's probably some advice in the dress and book as well. Isn't there on storytelling? Yeah. I mean, GMing? Yeah. I don't recall what it was, but I'm sure there's something. Right. But London derailed me and it didn't really derail me because I didn't have the train track that you guys had with us and then... Yeah, I figured I was derailed. But no, he had Hellfire, right? Yeah. He derailed them a bit, and then I derailed them a bit, and then John had the... It was a huge train, you know, at the end of derailment. So you got the last one. He had the final word. Yeah. So anyways, it does take a level of... I don't think your... Their first story, I think you should try to come up with a simple premise. Yes. No one answer that leads to that. That's good advice too. It's just come up with something simple because they're going to take it in places. Right. And even it's not so bad to have just a four-week story, your first story. Just to get your feet flexed players, to get comfortable with each other. We did that... Got awful, canned adventure that gets worse with the talent. It does. It's going to be like, waste of time. It was bad bad. No, it wasn't. But the point is, it was a one-shot. It was characters we were never going to play again. And it gives you time to learn this system. Look back and say, okay, this is what happens. I guess this is what we don't do. Don't try to write the Lord of the Rings trilogy the first time you're telling a story. You know what I'm saying? Just tone it down a little bit and just tell one good short story. Yeah. That's a valid point. So hopefully that helps you Mike. Yeah. Hope so. Thanks for the feedback. On Facebook, there was also comments on episode 137. The journey begins. It was when we started Dungeon World. Which again, I'd like to apologize. I did it on the podcast, but I'll do it here again. That I thought I'd lost the world creation and then I found it in a different folder. So we released those kind of out of order. 137 is the beginning of Dungeon World and 136 is the building of the world and the characters. So yeah, switch those when you listen to them. You made that mistake. You don't realize that the letter is right here. It's about the emails, the tweets. Mike, how do the tweets? Kinda sanding tone, just dripping in the subtext of the... Maybe if you just paint tension and it'll run down. Yeah. Maybe we just don't have the same level of commitment that we do, and maybe you need to look at yourself. If that could be that invested, then I'll just take over and I'll do it all. Stop dancing Mike. That's called deflection, sir. There's nothing to do with it. You'd absolutely nothing, correct. Joshua Grasco posted and said, "What? A four-day journey and an hour and a half? That would have taken two years normally for good rooms." Sounds like you've been having fun playing. I'm having fun listening, keep it up. So thank you, Joshua. That's all this is. Nice point, Joshua. Have fun. Richard Watts also posted under 137 and said, "Nice beginning, props for Mike, for the bear wrestling." This system sounds really interesting and I like the idea of player shaping the world a bit as you go. I'm a bit confused, however. As for some of the details. For example, one of the characters on the runs from the red cloaks. Did I miss the discussion on who they are or is that covered off camera? Has it not? Did I see previous apology Richard? Yeah, sorry about that, guys. And thanks for the feedback. Episode 133, "They should run ending." Jason Carter is a listener who has apparently been catching up. He posted quite a lot of feedback for us on Facebook and I'll try to cover it all at once. I believe he also minded from one of those iTunes reviews if I'm not mistaken. Oh, nice. First off, he said, "Standing Ovation, Scott Bravo." He really liked the end of the chagrin. Oh, great. Thank you. And he posted under the siren logo with bullseye. Leatherman. Leatherman in the center. Oh, and for the record, Leatherman's do come complete with an LED light shine on the area that people are trying to work. Nice. What can't they do? Well, it's gross, you sure? It does everything. That's it, where are they? He was also the gentleman who posted the picture of the knife on the Facebook page with it. Yeah, it looked wicked. Look at knife, wasn't it? I don't know if you saw it. Yes, I did. It was... That was looking like a punch dagger. I mean, it was like that. Yeah, that's not the view that I had of... No, but it was a wicked... No, it was not a subtle knife. No, it wasn't a subtle knife at all. That was a very aggressive knife. Yeah, that looks like someone that Russians would use. It just looks like it causes a lot of damage that you can't recover from. Because Russians do that. Oh, but Joe Stalin... He also posted on our general Facebook page and said, "I've finally come to the end of a very long journey. Having started on the Dresden storyline delivery and then riding the wave of masterful storytelling that is shit, luck, and sugar in, I can finally say, "Wow." As I said in my recent iTunes review, There you go. This is the best actual play out there, bar none. I have thoroughly enjoyed every second of this podcast, the stories presented therein are better than almost every book I've ever read. And you keep me on the edge of my seat for a month and a half as it's taking me to get through the backlog while on my night shift job. Keep up the good work, guys. Oh, and by the way, remember that the most sincerest form of flattery is plagiarism. When I say that, I am almost definitely plagiarizing the entire idea of a grueling combat flashback method of storytelling that is chagrin story arc. Awesome. Well, considering myself flattered. We had two posts on Twitter, two tweets. In regards to the episode 136, Joshua Roscoe said, "KOTN, fun episode. It seems that the fantasy setting lightened the mood." Definitely, definitely did. And you'll learn, "KOTN, good to see someone shares in my other distaste for the tracking food and water." Jim. Food micromanagement does not have fun RPG management. Yeah, I did a bunch of math that I wish I had enough to. Yeah, I'll agree with him. But he did college, Jim, and I said it said it. Specifically, he agrees with you. And they also dispense the illusion of, "I'm carrying 10,000 gold pieces in my pocket, so it cumbersome to be my third day." Yeah, I want to run and can understand it, but it's a pain to track it. Torchbearer, the new game, is supposed to actually kind of focus on that. So I'm kind of leery about bringing it to you, guys. Kind of like the online video game area, where you could just pile on 500,000 things, as long as you have a bag sport. I'm wearing 10 bag bags. And with that, I will wrap up the feedback here, just tell you a couple things. One is we're going to be out of town, or a lot of people doing different things over the next few weeks. So we'll try to keep up on the episode releases. We may not be able to cover feedback to put in the front of those, but we'll eventually get to any feedback you send us. Lastly, the Amazon link. Appreciate anybody that wants to use it. So with that, we'll wrap it up, and we will get into episode... Oh, what? You want me to mention that? Sure. Okay, sorry. We're not going to wrap it up. We're going to mention one more thing. There is a new app, reasonably new, on the iOS system that's called Flipboard. It's also available on PCs, I guess. Oh, cool. And it's really kind of an interesting thing. It almost creates a magazine on a fly, and people can flip. That's what they call it. Throw articles into that magazine. And Michael has set up a RPG in which he and I have been contributing, mostly him, have been contributing role-playing articles, and YouTube videos, and different things like that. So if you want to check it out, download the app, or download the PC client, and what should they search for, just RPG? Just RPG. Yeah. RPG Flipbook. Give it a try. It doesn't cost anything. Michael has been throwing some very interesting things in there, and I have thrown a few in as well. So hopefully you'll enjoy that. With that, we'll let you go as we go on to episode three of Dungeon World. All right, so we're about to begin week two-ish of Dungeon World. Coolish. I'm your GM Tom. We're going to have a name for this world, yes. So... We don't. Okay. We have a standing room only tonight with, I don't know, we've never had this many players here at everyone. We haven't had this many, if I may say, since they're a line of us. Frank and I, Frank, who has never been on one of our podcasts, split up a group in two and hit the same dungeon at the same time. I'll be kidding, guys. We like doing a competitive three- or three-point-five adventure. Boy, that would have been fun to edit. I can burp them. Yeah. Just play them one and each year. Okay, but if you introduce the players really quick, starting on my right, your name, your player, name, and your class. I'm Jim. I play Jared the wizard. I have Ryan playing sketch the halfling rogue. I'm Mike playing Simon the human fighter. I am Scott playing Sanguinis the human paladin. Michael playing zeb the elvish druid. My name is Doug. I'm playing a human ranger named Frank. I'm Thomas playing Drummond the Dwarves Cleric. I'm John playing Dunwick the Bard, cousin of Jared, the wizard played by Jim. I'm a both human. That's not the role. That's the whole circle. Okay. He could be the friend they made from the troop that we, she're trying to ambush us. Oh, bandits. Nice. That's a good time. I like it. So, last week you were abandoned, and you tried to jump these guys on the road, and he casts a spell on you, and you're his friend now, until he does something that proves he's not your friend. I think that's a bond. Absolutely. That's a great bond. Yeah. This is animal, the bear. Should I pick that one? Oh yeah. It could be. Yeah, a good, good kiss again. We almost killed the animal. Yeah. I want to kill that, babe. Last time we played, we ended up outside. You guys were just about to enter into Greenwood? Greenwood. Greenwood. The city of Greenwood. You guys made that name up? Really? Oh, it took us forever to talk, babe. They argued. And you're going against it, because I couldn't take it. Wait a minute, wait a minute. That's just indicates we have little standards. This doesn't matter very much for you, babe. Greenwood is only a bad name if you spend six hours picking it, and ended up at Greenwood. So we just came into a better problem. Yeah, how much play? We had been accosted by archers and bandits, and a bear, and made friends. Yes. And someone made me get off my horse. Most of us are pudgy. For those listening, this might be a little difficult for us to do this. We have got a humongous group that is way bigger than what's supposed to be played with this game. We're going to handle it as best we can. We'll be fine. There's eight of us. We'll be fine. You want to go home? You want to go home? Listen. Well, nine at the counter. Is that how you're implying that I should go home? Uh, no. No, I'm not playing. You should go home. The only thing, just it might be a few more. But as many people as we have, and the way the system is, the thing I realized last time we were playing, it's hard to know who's going next, who did when, go and didn't go. Yeah, that's intentional in the system, in the way that there's not supposed to be initiative. So we're probably going to have to do something with someone who thinks they're being overlooked. Maybe you raise their little placard or something. Right. It's supposed to be three falling in. The fiction is supposed to drive who goes next in the story. And sometimes people might get overlooked, because there are so many of us, so we're going to try to handle it as best we can. So you guys are traveling down the road and you're heading into Greenwood. And as you get closer to Greenwood, it becomes very apparent that there's a problem in Greenwood. Some of us were injured the last time. Do we still have our injuries? Yes, okay. I can actually do something about that, or potentially fail miserably into doing something about that. But you can try. Does it have more? Or some beef jerky. I can go ahead and do some healing on anyone who might be wounded. He wants to touch you. Now we got to clear it too, right? Yeah. Do you heal? I do heal. All right. Cleric, it would be dumb if it doesn't. Yes, how is it for you? Do you do well? No. Terrible. I have a plus, so there's that. All right, it's good to handle it. How many people are injured? I've got two damage. Are you injured? No. You missed completely uninjured. No, that's right. I should have checked them, and then we did injured. Are you? We put them down passively. You weren't physically hurt, but you were pretty much mind-fucked. But you don't know that. You're happy. But it's still going down. I don't know if you're much today. I guess I'll have to wait for the podcast to come out. Let's see what happened to me last week. I guess, comparatively, to my help, I mean, you know, it's a scratch. I don't be like that. You can bandage it up. Eight points. What? Two. Damn it. Well, I did face down a bear, but you know, I've got lots of armor, so the bear really scraped me up with its closet a little bit. I wish I experienced a little pissed about it. Oh. Anyone else? No, thanks to him, I do not. Okay. Excellent. I think so. So the only person injured here is our fine friend, the fighter. Me, shield. Simon. Want to give a shot? Yeah, I got this. I'm going to cast a spell. Plus, everybody's going plus one. Uh, five, six. That's a failure. Come on, gosh. Hey! Wow, it hurts! Spell is burning me! Maybe you got a bloody conquest. Do you want somebody to heal? Yes. You got a fucking flutter, whatever. So really, what happens when you're casting a spell and you fail utterly? It doesn't happen. I'll see. You lose it. I think you lose it. I think you lose it. That is nothing. Yeah, mine isn't standing either. Just says, if we roll a seven to nine, the damage is transferred to us. We roll tenor plus. Oh, he's healed. That's what we roll for me. Pealing. Oh, it's not. What do you got? Spell's a different. You got that. On a seven through nine, you choose one failure. You draw and welcome attention. You're casting distances, your deity. Take minus one, your spell casting. And so you roll. Dude, that sucks! Rememorize. After you cast it, the spell is revoked by your deity, and you got to re-memorize it. Wow. You know, it's harsh. Full. No, no. Hey, come here. I got some salves, some pulses. I can rub on that wound. All right, come here. Come here, come here. First of me out, no. No, come here. Show me where the paladin touched you. Who's this one? Look at this. You just dull. I roll a seven, and when I add my charisma to that, that makes it a nine, which means he's healed. But I transfer the walking to damage myself. Oh, I heal him. No. No, you don't. He's just going for more experience. Let me heal him. I can still ambulance chase him. So you are now healed. Good service. Thank you. You got a blooded conference. You want to let me heal him? Asendia, thank you for your kind service to our mission. So now you're damaged? Sure. I like your gold. You did this before you came to the city? Yeah, after the battle. I just banished him up. Rub some pulses on there. Don't heal him. Do we have to play music? No, but they're up in the team. What do you call the pulses? I really don't know what it was. I heal them. I thought you had to re-memorize the spell now that you've... Only if I roll a seven through nine and choose that. Oh, okay. You're more than welcome to heal me if you'd like. Right. Five, six, again. That's impressive. Seriously. Another failure. He's just going to attempt. Do this until you get level two. Right. I'm halfway to level two. Let me heal everyone until I level up. I want to heal him. That's what you get from me. That's right. Nice. Can I fail now? Can I heal myself? Thank you. You're all right now. Fuck him. You need to know. You can't get a chance for the damage yourself? If I roll a seven. I transfer the cut from my right arm to my left arm. I turn to roll a six or lower. Get some experience like this guy's soaking him up. You have a different god than you have us. It's just not worth it. Your god doesn't like them apparently. It's the same god. It's a different manifestation. That's what you keep telling him. Yes. But it's obvious that his god isn't granting the power if he has to heal it. Because no one likes this guy. No, no, my god. You don't have any choice. My god is everyone's god. He's like, oh god. He's, yeah, yeah, yeah. His god says, fuck you. Not healing you. It's not working at all. I take it as just a mirror. He's the bar. He's probably young yet. It doesn't want to do the spell correctly. Obviously. I'm a dwarf. You know, he probably can't do it without bleeding himself because his god is so bloody and ruthless. So that's probably true. And I'm not like six. And one of them is dedicated to healing. She doesn't like you either. Apparently even my, my leader of my church doesn't like me. Screw up that person. No one likes me. No one likes me. The only thing you're, they didn't get it before so you could leave town. You guys are sitting there arguing. Theological discussions. Sure. He's insisting that you, yeah, you're walking. No, you're done with it. Oh, he's right. Oh, he's right. He's right. He's not doing the walking. And you're, you're discussing gods and you're saying, no, my god, isn't that like your god? It's nothing like your god. It's so much better than your god. And as you're discussing this and walking towards the town, you hear a noise. It's a chittering and a flapping. It's a very strange noise. It's a calm bird. Is it night? So it's dusk. It's starting to get dark. And what is the order you guys are traveling in? I mean, you're just a massive people. No, we had the same thing as last time. We have a scout. We have a quartermaster. No. You ruin food. That's the number one that's strike against you for being a quartermaster. But if his god has any commandments, it's don't ruin food. Exactly. It's like the third commandment of our religion. What's the first two? Well, no, that's a good food. It's a great good wine. Do not ruin the food or wine. The food would have been fine if you didn't have it all open. No, I actually don't want to go walking along. I don't walk. Whatever. Plot. So someone is ahead of the crowd? Yes. He goes to full. He ambushed us. And clearly, but he went into the ambush. So I'm saying the new guy should be riding point. How does that ambush work out for that group of-- Not very well, but we're talking about combat here. We're talking about the ambush. Yeah, he knows the area. He was here. He was here. We're bedded before. I have a horn. And he was right on the ambush. How about I blow it? I want strike to make a wisdom roll. Damn, whoo. I'll make a wisdom. You're never going to-- You're never going to love love. You got a thing. You rolled once. No, but you want to fail. You succeed. You are down the trail farther, trying to get away from these two lunatics in the background arguing about gods of all things, please. Got it. Singular. Gods. Exactly. Clerum. Clearly, healths roll everything. But you see bounding not only down the trail, but on both sides of the woods. Bouncing, flapping a little bit, and landing again. The strangest things you've ever seen in your life. They look like-- Is this like a whole flock of them? Oh, yeah. A steppie is a horde. A horde of flapping little creatures in their red. Even looking-ish. Like little imps, perhaps. Every time they land and then they come up again, they're leaving flaming, fiery little steps. In the forest? In the forest? Yeah, every day. Yeah, it's like gaggle events. And they're not coming at you as much as a wave. Just heading in this direction. What do you do? Stop, drop, and roll. Isn't that the fire? No. We're in the woods? We're in the woods. You are in the woods. You're following a path in the woods. It's a path. It's bigger than, say, a deer trail. But it's not a road by any stretch of the imagination. You certainly couldn't get a cart down this. But it is big enough for horses to travel down. And it's the only thing really that connects this town, to go for greenwood, that you're vaguely familiar with. It's not your base of operation, but you have been here. You know this village. And they are definitely coming from the village, in between you and the village. You know this village is enough to know that he's not residents of the village. Yeah, there's no, yeah. There's no ghetto in green. Well, my question is, is there either rocky terrain, or is there, like, a gullier river that we can-- My question is, what is Shrike doing? Oh, I was. He's the only one that's currently aware of the situation. Okay, everyone. I get about a real loud whistle back towards them. Head into the woods. Okay. I got into the woods. It's wooden whistle, good. I'm going to watch any of you. I will go with the DX role, the Phi Danger. You're getting out of the way and acting fast. I'm going to say the whistle, you guys hear it. Yeah. It carries enough. There's no role needed here. Something's up. You know, Jared, that that was predetermined signal, that there's something bad up ahead. Oh, on that far ahead? This is your front. Uh-huh. I didn't have a signal for that. That's why you're fired. That's why you've been replaced. Oh. Seven. I got experience. That's-- No, it's a disaster. No, no, no, no. You suck, but not enough. Oh, that's right. What's your plus for DX-30? It makes it eight. All right. All right. Yeah. You still don't know. It's kind of like a situation where you find a place to hide, and you succeed in not being spotted, but you're semi-pinned down. As they're going both on your left and right over you, and it's the herd is coming past you and towards you. And you hear crackling as the log itself starts to catch fire. The rest of you are moving down the path, and you just see it coming as a wave. Right. With some forewarning, because we got the voice. Yes. So, you two were having your discussion. The druid is usually off by himself, so you are a little farther along the path than the rest of them, so you get hit first. What do you do as they're coming towards you? Oh, you're flowing through the air. So you're changing into-- An eagle. Coward fucking elves. And you roll? Yeah. Yes, that would be wisdom. So you succeed gloriously and have free holds, free things you can do as this eagle. The first of it is to fly up into the air, giving a screech and avoiding reflaming-- They fly towards you. Nice. Nice to mount you. So what you're going to do in my-- You're going to die in a trouble since the line went? Oh, you're having this calm conversation. He's an eagle. He's in the air. They have good years. Signing back some food. Your next battle nine, as this is definitely a battle, as some of them see your group and start heading towards you, a herd of them. As far as you can see on either side and moving this way, and the forest is actually catching fire. You're the point man now, as one has hid and the other flew away. Is there any cover? Is there a gully or a river? Or is there a rocky terrain, or is there any type of-- Nonflame environment? We can't fight them. We're also just going to be overrun by a flaming horde here. I'm looking for any opportunity to evade or-- Yes. To the left is a river or a stream. That's water, which probably calls to you as the best choice. Right. But it is too far to get to without-- You know, you're doing the mental calculations. I'm not going to make it before these things hit. Right, but I would rather be if there's fire-- Headed that way. Right. I just say behind the horse, the power of Asendia will protect you. No, it won't. Well, I shall say to head for the river in times of the essence, we've got to get to water. OK, so you-- How close to the actual village are we? I'm pretty close. As a bird, high in the sky, you can actually see that the village is quite close to where you are. And yes, you can also see that the village is also on fire. And there's all kind of commotion going on there. Yes. However, the river that's off to the left does eventually cut and come quite close to the village. And there's a lot of people that seem to be running back and forth. Not back and forth. They've actually set up a bucket brigade. And they're trying to put out the closest buildings. Clever. That's totally nice. So, Mike heads off towards the river. Right. He doesn't need to roll. He's not getting any trouble right now, but he will be in a short distance. The rest of you are doing what? I need to know. I'll follow him. I'll have a life debt. Yeah. At least along the last-- Sketch is heading as well with Simon. Demons. I got it. Yeah, it's fun. Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no fight. No fight. Quick question. Strike your animal companion is a bear? Yeah. Okay. So we are going with that story. That's fine. Does this mob look like they're orienting where there's people? Like if they see somebody, they're swarming toward that person, running over them or whatever? The first impression when you saw them is no sense. What's wrong? Just out towards you, away from the village. When a group of them saw you, they definitely started making different noises. Possibly the speech of some type. But you show the hell down to what it is and started heading towards you. So they're definitely orienting on you. What I was thinking about doing is trying to get their attention to draw them away from the rest of the group and have them chase me and then do an invisibility spell as I run at a corner or a tree or something. So you're waving your hands madly and running off in a certain direction? Yeah. Okay. The opposite way of-- The opposite way of the right up Simon's butt and Simon's back and then going invisible. No, that's a good idea. On my cat, we've now gone in four different directions. Exactly. This is the way it goes. So Jared has to the, let's say, east. Simon heads to the west, followed by scotch and done what he does. What? You sing a song, Barb? No, no, no. Last time I stuck by saying when everything ran away. So I'm going to stick by Simon. So, so, drumming and done like stand beside Simon and you two head off towards the water. Let's see how-- Do I know? Am I aware that no one's following me other than scotch? Because now that makes my alignment say that I have to defend them. That's kind of my role here. Okay. I'm like, I come to a halt and I will swear. Yes. You turn towards the river and say, "Guys, this way!" And you run about three steps and look back and there's just a little halfling right behind. That's all that's going on here. You probably look right over. I'm too young to see. Yeah. Fuck, nobody follow me. And scotch is like, oh, right here. Right here, right here. Dick. All right, well, let's get burned in the middle of the road over here. And so you come back to segment. Yes. All right, deal with this in a moment. Sure. Jared, however, runs in a different direction away from the river, making as much noise and calling attention as you can. You get a good deal of the-- We're going to call them ebbs. After you. There has to be at least eight of them that are really-- Chief. Concentrating and getting your ass. So they're right behind you. And they're gaining on you because they're doing the bounce flat thing. And they're kind of cutting off your approach because the area behind them is on fire. Not really stone colonial fire. Just little spotty fire here and there. All right, that was a very obscure reference that you've never heard there. I hope I did right here and after. Not a blazing fire, but just little scattered fires. You can probably run through it if you want, but it's not the safest. So you're steering away from them anyways, trying to lead them. Looking for a good spot to lose them without them still running me over. So we're going to go with Defy Danger dexterity just so you can survive long enough to find a spot where you can set up and do your spell. When you describe these waves of them coming, I, in my head, I pictured 50 or 60, maybe even more of these little amps. Then you just described eight going off towards you and said it was a sizable amount. Is it still in our head? No, I'm sorry about that. What do you mean by sizable is eight of anything coming after you in particular. These are small little things about a foot and a half tall. Right. But they're leaving fire behind them. They have nasty claws. All the eight of them are chasing and that would be ugly. What you saw is potentially over 100. I mean, there are a lot of them. Eight of them are going after Jim. Coming towards you is somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 or 12. Jesus. That's a lot. Yeah. No organs. Ain't to be fucked. Jared, go ahead. Give me a Defy Danger dexterity to... That's serious, man. I know that's going to be the fun part. On my -1, raw. I think I got 6, 7, 8. Damn. You managed to get far enough away, but with a complication. So you're running away from them and you're taking an angle and they're actually forcing you because not only are you going eastward away from them, you're almost running parallel to the thing. So you're running into more of the creatures and the ends and you figure this out after only a few steps. So you actually start going backwards from the way you came. So that you won't keep adding to your pile of 8. And unfortunately, that takes you towards the ravine which you end up tumbling down. Brews and scrape yourself so you take one four-sided dice of damage. But at that point, that you start coming over the top of the hill and you stand up and you have time enough to catch your spell. That took three damage. Oh. Let's see if I go invisible or not. It would really suck if you don't. Yeah. I'm stuck in a ravine. It's running in full view. Surrounded by ends. Awesome. I got 12. Wow. Yeah. You don't, you don't fucking move. So you disappear without a trace and manage to even start moving off quietly. And they don't seem to be able to sense you in any way, shape, or form. So you have managed to suck off at least 8. And actually, you've added a couple while you were running parallel for a minute. So you've got maybe a lot of them that are walking around this area and trying to figure out what's going. They've stopped their advance but they're all away from the road which was in your intent. So it did work quite well. And they're bouncing around this little thing and searching for you in particular. They seem to be smelling and scratching at the ground, looking for maybe something you crawled into our hiding. We'll go to Sanguine. You're standing on the road with your sitting. Sitting on the road. You're sitting on a horse. Your horse is standing on the road. And you are surrounded by your friends as a group of 11 of them are kind of heading right at you. Right. I pull my worn, holy symbol to a sendia out from beneath my chain. Shirt. Worn? You got a used one? Yeah. It's too long. I missed it. He's old as hell. I guess the wash is a lot. All the porculant. That's a lot of food drivel in the water. Don, and he washes it a lot. It's been worn down. Can't prepare to do something for like whether this succeeds or fails. I can go next and do something. Shirt, absolutely. Thank you. Okay. At that point, I call out to the DIMPs. And wow, DIMPs. DIMPs. That's a demon and an imp, by the way. I like it. These are changing. I say follow DIMPs. Follow DIMPs. If you follow DIMPs, go back to the infernal hell that you sprung from. Ascendia commands the roll of five, my modifiers plus two for seven. Gotcha. I succeed. But what exact move did you do in this? I am law. When you give an NPC an order based on your divine authority. Which you did. Well, I did to save Thomas before. Yes. Yeah. Well, part of the problem, I'm pretty sure that the way that move is written is that the NPC decides, which would be in effect me. So just so we set this as a rules clarification here. I am intrigued by the use of the word NPC, because it's a non-player character. These are not characters? These are certainly not characters per se. They are regimens. Cool. I mean, I get that. I think I get that. But what I'm-- There was a wall. Debating here. Exactly. As you walk up to the bear and say, I am the law. Yeah, it's like bearing getting care one way or another. It's going to eat you. But I would say these are demons or DIMPs. These are demons. They're so basic. God. God. They have a certain card with DIMPs. I would say, though, if they can understand him is-- Pick up. Then they might-- They react differently if they just feel the command of-- Well, yeah, it could be his whole power of his god. What does it say in the book? Can I ever read the book? Oh, seriously. Does this-- No, I'm saying. Does it say NPCs? I've never read anything that's specified that-- Okay. Then there's no-- You have to just-- You have to scroll and go with it. Right. So one of the options is to attack. Yes. And they need you to attack you. Right. Now these guys meet. Right. Okay. You called upon the fire-- Yes. --and you pissed them off. Good. I'm defending him, by the way. Oh, right. For what it's worth. Yes. What are you going for? Drummond said you had something cute up. Go. Yeah. I cast a spell on the fighter. Bless. Nice. All you cast on, right. The fighter's going too, but he's better at this. Your duty smiles upon a combatant of your choice. Plus one ongoing, as long as the battle continues, and they stand up. Nine, that's a success with a complication. On them. As you cast it, it leaves your brain. You've got to memorize it, and I think I'll go with that one, because I think we'll have time after this combat. That's a success? That's a success. That was a nine. You take a plus one ongoing-- Unless you run away. Now, we go back to Sanguine really quickly, because Sanguine's taking damage. The way this works is 11 of them all have been pissed off. Right. I mean, strictly, straight for you. Got it. And they are little monsters. Yes. And they use a four-sided dice for damage, which isn't much. But what you would do by this is you would roll 11 four-sided dice and take the highest. Let's just make the assumption that one of them is a four. You what? And you take four damage from-- I have three armors, so I take one damage. Wow. Okay. Hence the reason I wanted to have them. I am assuming that the damage is fire damage, or is it claw damage? It's claw damage. But that brings up another fact that is, and their presence is bringing fire. But the dirt on the road isn't going to start on fire, but they already are around you, the grass, and the bushes and stuff are lighting up. Okay. We'll go back to Shrike. You have a problem. The woods around you is on fire. The log that you're rushing back against is on fire, and there are hundreds of them running past you in all directions. Still probably that way. Yeah, there's a lot of them. What are you doing? How close is the river? You went down and slightly over the river is cutting into the city, so for you it's closer than it was for the paladin. But yeah, you're definitely going to have to run serpentine, Shelley, not the way to the river. You'll probably run into some run in the neighborhood of two or three of them, so before you get to the river. Where are you are? Can you just-- should you go on? Call the bear on. But the log is on fire. I don't think you can stay there. Oh, that's true. Well, if you wanted to say I stay behind the log, I shoot two or three strategically before I run, and then I make a run for it. That's a perfect ladle, legitimate move. You're really trying to clear your path before you. Sounds awesome. That's a great idea. This huge log did not suddenly burst into flame, and it's all engulfing. It is on fire because these things are bouncing, and the underbrushes sunfire and whatnot. But it's definitely going to become uncomfortable in the near future. Unless you have a special attack, a basic move would be to do a volley, and that's your fire in your ranged weapon. He's pretty accurate. I think he has called shot on the front. There you go. Squirtle, I choose. But that's for a particular kind of damage. Yeah, that's for like a headshot. Yeah, on headshot, armshot, legshot. Are they all non-lethal? And you may just want to go for a volley. I go for volley. Fiction drives this story, so you're supposed to be descriptive, and then you know that you're going to do a volley, but you want to kind of describe it as-- Is he trying to clear a path to-- Yeah, I hide behind the log and clear a path so I can make it to the river with him. What if he used called shot and you kind of treat the group as a horde, so he's targeting the people in his way? It's good for like three arrows in your bone. I like it. I think it's going to charge down that path that you just-- But then you're going to have to change your name. Yes, yeah. Come on, Legolas, what you got? Oh, G-E-C. I can't believe these. There we go. So I will do the volley, try to clear a path to the river. OK. So make a D-X roll, two dice, plus D-X. Eight. OK. The first shot hits one of these little numbers, so roll damage. Give me an eight-sided dice. That's a six. You hit this one right through. You actually hit a shoulder and you pin him to a tree. And he dies, which is good, but loudly and painfully, which is bad. Now, the draw additional attention to you. And then-- Yeah, they come. What was only two in between your path is now four. And as they start, definitely they're aware of something behind the tree. Well, break away from that, we'll take a quick look at Zub. You are flying high above the crowd. And you see the little group break off, the follow, shake up. You see that your ranger friend is kind of in trouble now, even more so than he was before. And you see this cluster going on in the road. How many more are there? Is there-- is this going forever? Is it almost done? You can see an end to the horde as it's radiating out of the city, or delicious, or horizon. Just you're probably going to have to deal with dozens more before you can call it safe. Not to mention the fact that the woods is on fire. Drummond, you don't have like send them back to hell, spell as a cleric, do you? Return to the internal pit or something. I tried it with my-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] I can scare away undead. And I can carry light wounds and make a magic weapon, but I don't have anything that forces them back down. No worries, just checking. Is that any action? I'm going to fly to be a land like behind them towards the village. OK. We are going to go back to Sanglin and crowd. Yeah, I had something that I forgot to do before. I just want to have a clarification on it. When you have a quest, which gives you that invulnerability to edge weapons and be able to tell lies and such, the GM will then tell you what bow or bow are required for you to maintain the blessing. And it's honored. Temperance. Temperance. Piety, valor, truth, hospitality. Piety has pie in it. Piety sounds good, that's kind of that. Doesn't need to pick more than one. It's a trap. He can't pick more than one. What bow or bow is? So you might want to do that just to keep it with the-- I don't want to take advantages without having some kind of distance. Right, I know. Actually, we discussed this on the car right home last week. OK. I liked Piety. Well, temperance would be fun. See, I think it's even more fun. It is to make Scott be honorable. So I would go with honor and Piety. OK. Pie-eating. I like pie-eating. So honor, you cannot-- How are you to be tactics or tricks, which I think I can live up to that fairly well. And pie-eating is to eat-- I kind of like forcing you to be the dick of a paladin, the bold. So all 11 right now are attacking me. Are there more coming up? Because I really want to keep them all centered on me and not on my-- Not currently, no. OK. In that case, I control my horse, my steed, and I swing with my longsword to slay as many of these foul creatures as I can. OK. Mike, you noticed that the group is kind of splitting into two. And they're trying to surround the plait paladin. And he looks like he's going to get attacked at least twice this time, if not more. What are you doing about this? Well, in my service to the Imperial Army, I've seen these type of pincer movements before. And I have some tactics, although I don't think I've ever faced a dimp horde with a dimp. Or it is unique. Right. You have never seen a dimp horde. I have not. You have not. Yes. So what I will do is I will-- So I'm doing what it says if you need me, we could charge together. So we can do it. Well, I've got to-- You haven't done that with him before. Yes, and we can't weld together. But what I'm going to do is we're going to form a little bit of a defensive perimeter around the paladin. Like a half circle around the back. And a half circle. And I will take my unblemished signature weapon, the couscous ferriti dei, the point of truth. Couscous? The-- Couscous. I love couscous. I use couscous. Quit talking about this. That's what I'm doing. That's what I'm doing. You're distracting your pal right now. Damn it. No, you didn't say you called the couscous. I think a minus 1/4, because I'm thinking about fucking couscous. You're using the couscous. One of the neat things about my sphere, which is called the point of truth, is that it's also a reach weapon. So part of my training or technique will allow me to kind of extend the sphere to try to keep their flaming bodies away from you when I attack them. Go for it. And I will unleash like the interior centurion that I am. And I will hack and slash-- With a sphere. Oh, poking-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] I have plus 1 for your blessing, or plus 1 for everything. The blessing says plus 1 forward during combat, if you don't want to play. OK, this is so-- yes, this is plus 1 dead killing. Ongoing long as battle continues, and they stand and fight. But it just applies to hit, but not to damage or inactivity. I think it's a plus. So then defending our leader and keeping your eye on attack. Hey, check that out. I think we're going to become the leader. That is 11 plus 3. That is 14. That's all the challenge, baby. Yeah, you definitely-- I should scare more than one and maybe get two with the one-- Is that hack and slash? Yeah, but there's a problem when you kill two and then they explode. I think it's just like anti-matter and they touch together. Well, if you get a 10 plus, you deal your damage. Plus another 1 die 6. You can do a 1 die 6, but expose myself to the enemy's attacks. How's that a benefit? Well, at your option, you may choose to-- You can't expose yourself to enemies because they're attacking me. Even if they wanted to-- 7, I don't add my-- No. That is more than enough to scare one through and kill it. It doesn't even have time to scream. I will allow you to do an additional die 6. Not necessary to kill this one, but I'm going to say you stab him and then you carry through and stab a second one with the spear. Would you want to do that? And then it will expose me to an attack. Yes. Yes. And we're going to say that and justify it by the utter screams of terror and death from these two bring additional ones over, which have not been influenced by Sanguins. That's fine. I will fight. Taunt. Shouldn't that be quick exposure? And there is another six points of damage. Wow. I'm going to stab again. You killed two of the 11 with one blow. That's right. One of those two more over. That's how I do. They were in groups of 6 and 5, 6 on your side and 5 on the other they were moving into, move in. That 6 is now 4. You've killed two of them. Fortunately, it draws two little ones from nearby that are coming specifically to say hello to you. Fair enough. I'll take a shot at one of them. Plink. As you see your friend Simon, expose himself and draw the attention of two more, you fire a volley. Go ahead. Oh, you know how it does. That's why I picked up 11. Thank you. Wow. Out of the air. Thank you, my boys. Damage, because I was blowing the horn while this charge or while this comment was coming in on us. I blow the horn, baby. You're what? Weaving an arcane art, blowing my horn as we-- To give everyone the fight. No, I had to pick a guy. OK. And who you can't pick a mine only, because he's-- You mean sketch? Sketch. Yes. It worked before. I rolled an 11. Wow. And never mind. Heroes are rolling well, and you play your halfway slang to-- What is that, plus one? It's a die for the damage you're going to do. Nice. 14 damage. Oh, that was very excessive. I thought your role was for a lot of dice. I rolled an eight. You don't want a four on a four on a two. For one team, you did the line up of both. So both that were coming in on-- So you weren't even at some point. You're not like rolled in the summer stall. Give yourself a position, and then skewer two with one shot. Yeah. That was impressive. So the two go down that were flanking Simon. So we tied, basically. So is that how it's going to be? OK. I take two. You take two. OK. Zero experience. Jared, you come running back through the woods. You're coming to the road. And you see your friends are all being beset by-- To be there. Oh, they actually died. So they're doing decent, but they're surrounded and fighting on the road. What do you do? I let them die. OK, good. Well, that's like, drumming really quick. You're standing behind them. You're not really in danger yourself, but your friend is getting surrounded. What do you do? I'm going to set up a defense on the Paladin, because he drew a bunch of stuff. So you're taking his left side, as opposed to the-- Yeah. The word taking the right. But I'm taking the actual defense action instead of defensively attacking someone. Oh, OK. Well, plus Constitution, and a 10 plus, hold 37 through 9, hold 1, and then there's a number of options I can take when attacks come in. I'll explain them to you when I use them, if I use them. 7, 8, 9, total. OK. Almost a 10. That's hold 1. Whenever an attack comes in, I'm allowed to spend one hold. OK. If I had more than 1. Singleness. I'm just going to do a hacking slash. They got my back. I'm going to draw them to me. You've got a problem. You've got six over here, attacking you, three over here, attacking you. The dips are just pounding on you. What are you doing? I can't hack a slash. You can attack them, but which group? Oh. Well, you know, since one side has more, I'm worried about the first network to be behind me on that side. So I'm going to go with the sixth one. OK. He's worried about you jumping on you. I roll a 10. Just straight up success. I will expose myself. Please don't. I think that they'll really go under piety that much. In a combat sense. I'm exposing myself. And this is going to gain you. Well, first of all, I do 1.10 for the first 10. 10. I roll 10 plus 1 damage is 11 damage to the first 10. Don't forget that you have one going forward on all of these because of your command. I did not. I think that's only to hit. It's not today. I have to have a 10 plus on my command to get the forward. I roll a 7, which gave me success on the-- Yeah, I got you. --on that side. No forward. OK. Then I can expose myself to further damage if I want a second attack perhaps of these creatures. And I get additional 1.6 damage. Can I do that to a second? Dint? I'll let you do what Simon did. Because this is a horde. These are a little disposable craiciest. They really only have like two hit points each. So it's not a big deal. I roll a 3 plus 1 for the long sort is 4 damage. OK. So with the sweep, you take out two of them. And you cut them at bay and they can't attack you. So they cannot in their seat with the defend. However, on the other side, which unfortunately you can't get to, three of them are attacking you. So you need to do all three fours at a day. The plus die six means that he opens them up, self up to it, and attack. Retro B could pick it up. OK. So we'll say you did take out two-- The one remaining four are able to hit you. They attack what they want, a three and a four. So they use a four which are number one damage. Right. And then on the other side, you attack with four more. So I want myself to attack, correct? Yes. Which attack, two, the four. Four. So I'm done. Yeah, I roll a four. So four of them on the left side, which is the side you are. He is taking damage from that. Do you wish to do something about that? I'll open him up for an attack so he can hit him next time. He can take plenty of damage. Yeah, fine. I'll heal him later. He'll get a plus one to attack them. And we're the only ones attacking those. I'm suggesting instead of standing and fighting-- Why about fighting and moving toward the river at the same time? Because we're going to end up having to go that way anyways, because the horse is on fire. I can not sacrifice the horse. The horse is walking on it. Where's my horse? It can, but they can attack from above. What good does it do? They are not flying at any point. You see them hopping. They kind of use like a grasshopper thing. They fly, fly, fly, fly, fly. Excellent idea. Jared. What was my idea, Jared? No, I thought you were looking at his name to do it. Simon said it. You actually take one damage from the heat. These things are starting to heat up your armor. So a total of three damage. The woods? No, because you guys are all-- most of you are farther back behind, setting up a perimeter. We're going to go to Zeb. The eagle. You have landed behind what you think is the wave. And you're closer to the village than you are to your friends at this point. But out of the village, you see a young girl come running. And behind her is one last imp who just is chasing her, attempting to-- she's 11 years old, not a child in any way. Really warm. But that's a huge age in this time. [LAUGHTER] Bryce. She's of marrying age. Sorry, Mike. I told you that's right. As this thing is chasing her down, what do you do? I will quickly towards her and take out the spear and ready to spear this thing. You're a bird, by the way. Stop that. You can just say, I no longer a bird. If it's just one imp, I imagine a hawk is big enough. Or any gold is big enough to go down and claw those things to death. These are pretty damn big. Caw. I have a vision of being a fiend, except I take one of these. No, I'm like, oh, yeah, I was like, look at how glorious the temporary fiend is. It's going to look awesome, and then I got the new spear. You're about half a fiend, so then you get the dying part out. OK, so you change, transform back into your elfish self, and you come charging at the dim. Can I attack now? Absolutely. Yeah, do one of those cool machines and pull the spear out at the same time? You love it. Damage? 4. Impressive. You take it down with a frost of your spear through its chest. It goes mid-flight. And she thanks you and mourns you again. She's like, the whole village is in front of her. Can you help us? My house is burning, because now she's a woman. She's no longer a child. [LAUGHTER] [INAUDIBLE] Where are you from? It's like, what can you turn into? First of all, you're an elf, so anything in the woods, anything in a forest. That's what I was going to do. Well, I don't think there are elephants in the woods. So would you? I have planes, too. But there you go. The elfish thing. So the question is, do I think I'm doing this to the city or helping my friends? These are brave adventures. How far is the city? Oh, you're in the city. Oh, you were like on the edge of the city. You said you were landing. So you're not in the city for a time? What's the elephant damage control thing that I'm doing? OK, so you walk off towards the river and as you start getting bigger. If I remember correctly, the druids have one-- A towel that you're a druid. I have dreads that look like twigs. And occasionally, they look like forest animals. That's fucking gross, man. It's cool. It's your opinion. It's very cool. So in elephant form, you have dreads. It's like a funny part of it. It's every form. So I'm just imagining an eagle with dreadlocks, right? There's pasta druid. For some part of your form, it's got a different animal shape to it. It's right. You're in trouble. You're going to stay behind the log. Get a doubt with the fire. You've got four of them coming at you now. And two of them fly over the log and start attacking you. What are you doing? Can I run and shoot? Can I make my way towards the river and shoot him? Absolutely. You're going to attempt to do that. So as I get closer, you jump up and start running. And are you running backwards? Or are you trying to shoot over your shoulder? There may be some in the direction he's running. There are definitely four that are after him. And there's two that are in between you and the river. Yeah. So you're going to take the two out in front of you. The four behind you are gaining. Go. 10. That is an unequivocal success. And so as you're running in full stride, pulling the arrow out, you take one down. There's only one between you and the river. However, the four behind you, two of them have caught up. And both of them roll a four-sided dice to do the highest of value of that to you in flaming damage. Or actually scratching damage. 3, 2, 3, OK. Minus one per armor. Right. Yeah. So you take two hit points of damage. And you are running towards the river-- The river. --about one more to hit before you're at the river. And there are still four behind you. We'll come back to you in a minute. We're back to the big group. Now, is the wizard invisible and seeing all of this? Yes. Yes. It's still invisible and talking. So you guys start having to go to the river. I'm going to state, yeah, I have to keep them on me, because-- Sure. --that's the wilderness as to the river, everybody goes to the river. But I'll keep them on me. This is a river or a creek. It's actually a bigger than a creek, you know, somewhere in between. But stream, stream, it's a stream. It's like big creek. Maybe if I jump in it, am I going to drown? No. No. Maybe a particular-- Maybe the halfling on you. As you guys write for the river, seven of them-- This is perfect. --continue still piling on, say-- Well, I'm not going to break for the river. Yes. Oh, you're staying here. For-- until they get safely to the river. OK. The rest of you, are you including yourself? Oh, Jared. Are going to the stream. There are scattered dimps in between you and the stream. You can see at least four that are going to be an issue. So as you head towards the stream, what do you guys do to clear the path? I need to fire the danger and power through with my shield. Head down behind the shield. You're just charging. The sketch and Dunwick are clearing paths. Yeah, as I move all the chute. Go for it. Can you do a chute? When you shoot, can you do anything to support a Z in the range of the ranger? So it cannot-- yes. OK. It's all at the same time. Oh. That's a big girl. 11. All right. All the nine plus one is 10. All right. So it's now two dimps between you and the woods, as you guys move towards it. Anybody else, Jared? Simon, you've got the shield down, but as you get towards the first dim, an arrow whizzes past your shoulder and hits it and falls down, though, a sketch. Nice. And then you put your shoulder down and charging the next one. Dunwick takes the other one out, just as you're about to hit it. So you're halfway to the stream, and you're still in the clear. Good. Then you're staying invisible and heading to the wall. You, however, Mr. Sanguis, are being attacked by two groups. I'm still here. I get to roll with the friend again. You're staying with him? OK. Go, go, go. Go, go, go. He wants to out-god you. I'll follow you when you're-- This is the god group. We hang together. All right, fair enough. Even when we disagree. Seven, eight, nine again. So just one hold. OK. I go ahead and hack a slash. All right. So you've got a group of three. A group of four. Which one are you attacking? I'll submit he-- He's hitting you. He's hitting you. He's hitting you. He's hitting you. I'll handle the four. I'll handle the three. All right. He just plus one forward for my last move. Well, 11, which is a success. Yes. I roll die 10. Wow. I roll eight, plus one damage is nine. So one imp gone, and then I expose myself to an attack. OK. Four plus one is five. I roll the one imp on the right. I roll the one imp on the right, but he definitely gets hit to you. Yes. And I will kind of die four, please, don't worry. How much damage did you take? Did I take? Yeah. So far, I'm taking six. I'm sorry, four, because I took two as a transfer when I healed Simon. Three, which is absorbed by the armor, if it's the one on the one side. Right. We have a problem here in that your massive destruction as you're cutting through these things are drawing three additional ones. Sure. It's here. They're going to hit before, probably, before you can take all of these out. So you have to make a decision on whether you're going to run. Next turn, I'm playing on-- once they're in the river, next turn, I'm playing on leaving for the river next. You have one damage from the one on the other side. You have four attacking you. Roll four, four sides. Take the guys. What was-- isn't he doing something that caused-- Yeah, I've had to change it. Sure. I haven't spent it yet. Right. Cut the line. So I just want-- One, half, if it's a new size of one. One, three, five. Three, five-- I don't even need it. Yeah, he's got armor. OK, I got to ask you a question, because it's all the up to you guys. Are we going to round down our round up world? Is that two? Do we round up? No, it's round down. We always round down in world and dark. Because it works both ways. Are you guys taking damage and doing damage? The happy world. That's a happy world. White side damage, higher. That totally makes sense. You've got a total on you, still two groups. A one, a four, three coming. One additional damage because of the fire. Are you standing back far enough? Do you have a reach weapon? If not, you have a close enough, you also take a damage. OK. Armor does not help against the fire damage, unfortunately. You started the third damage scene when I was surrounded by level 11. There's only four now. That's fine. Yes, sir. One and four. Yes, there are. It's not heated. A question, don't worry, you grip it. Yeah, you're-- No, no, it's heating up. It's not heated. It's metal. I mean, it's chain, so. Try it. Take me to the river. There's one in the way, still. There's four behind me beating me up. There's two that are within range and two that are closing and one in between you and the river. Well, I go for the one in front of me. OK. One at a time. Right, but I can do, man, one at a time. Mike is no longer standing and fighting, but I mean, he is in exactly running away from the combat. Do you think he loses the blossom? No, this is one big combat. OK. Do the James Bond thing, where you jump up in the air, you spin, you shoot. Oh, I'm down in the way. 678. Oh. OK, get him. Do damage. Great. That's still enough to take him out. So the one in your way is clear, and you're so happy that you forget for a moment to watch your feet. And I'm going to trip over. Oh, he's going to trip over. He's going to trip over. He's going to trip over all the woods. That is bullshit, man. There's a gopher hole. It's been 15 years, Brian. It's again. There's a long branch, and you hit your head. There's nothing to do with your feet. And you stumble and fall just enough for the remaining two to catch up to you. So you've got four on you now, and you don't quite get to the stream. It's so close. So roll four twice. Take the highest. The roll is clear. You don't need to roll anymore. So you take four damage from the one. The first grip. Scrapes and scratches. Not in the family armor you've got. Your face is on fire. Yeah, don't forget the manager armor. I've got one. OK. Three, that's what it says. And then two more. Hopefully roll some more dice. Roll low. Like a one and a one. A rubber. No, he's not on the ground. He just stumbled and lost his footing. Or you're going again. He tripped, but he didn't fall. He tripped, but didn't fall. One and one. Yes. No, that's it. That's it. Two of them, they only do one. Your damage is soaked up. Nope. Your armor did it. Fire armor. See that and hurt it all. No. Quick look, Zab, you are at the stream. You are doing the trunk full of water and spraying it as close as half of you. Once we get all of it, we've got an elephant. And there's no danger, really. I mean, you're relatively safe here and you're helping the ability. No demons lingered in the town? Only one, which is fair. What the fuck is up with these demons? The cold water, yeah, theory. It's doomed to warm itself with some scars. Now we go back to Simon, Sketch, Dunwick, and Jared. It's a wafer. Between you and the stream is two additional ones. You're leaving the charge with your shield. What I want is Sketch and Dunwood to take a shot each before we get there. You may have nothing, then you may get to the stream. However, you are running towards the stream. There are two additional ones. You put an arrow, notch it in your bow. You're ready to shoot and off the corner of your eye, you see your friend, new friend, Shrike running towards the same stream you are. And he is beset by four of them. And you do-- What? I thought it was misery. You broke the needle baby. Well, I either have to-- Call a shot right in Shrike's head. Put him down. Put him down. So I either have to shoot or move. I can't do both. No, you can do both. Yeah, you could say I'm running full speed. Falling behind Simon, he's going to protect me and shoot. OK. Yeah, I'll do that. I would argue that these guys are unaware of Sketch's existence because-- I say absolutely. They have no idea they're there. Mom, maybe they do now. Night. OK, there's a special thing that you can do as-- It's from a back step. Oh, that's only me and their weapons. All right, nine. Come on. You've been seeing 10s, 11s, 12s, and the third shoe's gone. I rolled good, I rolled a nine. As I'm running, I take the minus 1.6 because I've taken what I can get. Minus 1.6 today. It's your choice on any of those, so you can go. So this is what I do. This is the minus. So I add two, five. I do one day. These are hard creatures. They only have one hit point. So I took out one. The arrow goes flying. You do them full time. Followed by the arrow. They clip it in the wing. It actually doesn't kill it, but it-- It spins out and hits the ground and lays their wiggling, cursing, and screaming at him. So now you have the face. Three kills, which means-- It's kind of a half. All right. It's a point five. It's a take-in. I want to be a dip face by the time we're done here. So you're going to kill three more. You're going to kill three more. I'll leave this time. No, ace is five. Right, I mean, I just got four. So it's done like you wanted to kill it down. Yeah, you spot it, too. You spot strike dip. It's like you painting a game every time I turn out to the thing. Three. And you trip. I'm not here nearly as good a shot. I'm not supposed to think that it's probably patches of fire and flame and throw at the floor. Of course, that's causing us a trip to the floor. Oh, yeah. There's branches falling, smoke, blocking the vision. I don't mean to be bad at irritating your eyes. I'm glad you could trip them out for you. That's how bad it is. That's awesome. Technically, it was just stumbled enough. Right. Because you did trip and then die. We just didn't want to just stumble like that. What we're going to have is a branch falling from a tree that's burning and hitting you. So you're taking a six-sided dice and hitting it. You want that? Well, that's what happens when you fail, my friend. You take damage some time. But you got to experience. Yeah, you did get experience. All right. You roll five damage. Yeah. All right. Burning bridge is teaching you something that nothing else can teach you. Now, unfortunately. In question, does the armor protect from burning? Yeah, this is a falling branch where the majority of it is just-- I mean, it's not like it's burning for a fact, for special facts. And for a short period of time, where it's kind of rolling off this body, where mine is hitting and hitting and hitting. Simon, you run up and you go to batch the first one, fully expecting sketch to shoot it out of the air, and he does it. Well, then I have the point of truth and I scare him. Go back and slash. Come on, I can slash. Stab him, Jack. Ooh, that's what I mean. That's it? That's going to be a 10. Wow, that is. That's the three, and it's wrong. Nice, stop. And since you can't roll less than one. Hey, if you roll really good, you'll step both. Yeah, there you go. Yes, are you charging? And I run him through. And I hold him up in the air, squealing. Yes, and he hit it like that, and he stuck him in the back. I was looking away. That didn't work. You're the good one, isn't it? Can we go? This is even better. This is even better. Come on, you stab him. You're shaking him out of the sphere, right? And then you flick him, and he hits the other one, knocking him out of the air and spinning it. Because you have successfully, you roll the 10. Yes. You didn't kill the other one, but you got out of the way that you guys get to the strength. I will accept that. I mean, I think that's awesome. And explosive. I'll accept that. I just wanted to stay exposed. You didn't have to expose yourself, it's like a paladin. This is the worst rule of it. [LAUGHTER] Who made this game first? We're going to go back to Sanguinus, and-- Are you ready? Drummond? Drummond. I'm ready to hit this guy in our way, and then we're going to make a right foot. All right. So why don't you-- Why don't you just go? OK. 10 plus strength is 11. We're forcing you to recognize. Wow. Yeah, it's just a straight up success. Go ahead. Five damage. It's totally good. You use a hammer and swap this thing from the sky, smashing it on the ground with a fine dwarf-- Sickening warp fry. And it's sickening squish. I could thub instead of thub. OK, can he start moving that direction, or did he have to stop? Because of he has to stop. Oh no, there's no-- this is not-- So he stabs and keeps going. Oh yeah, he just stops running towards the river. I don't even dodge. The way is relatively clear by your wonderful fighter Simon is-- So I don't even have to defy danger with three next to me? No, you definitely are still dealing with the ones that are next to you, only in the fact that they're going to chase you and do damage. I would use charm and social grace. I totally am. Do you-- Do you do-- do you do-- do you do-- do you do-- do tips? On Marcho Path of Inblood, it is clear, clear, smooth. It's clear sailing. I am going to power through with my strength with the horse. So you're doing defy danger strength? Yes. Go. Do I get any pluses? [LAUGHTER] All right. Well, I know I heard Thomas say plus one. There's something about plus one. Oh, plus one I'm going for, yes. That makes all the difference. I rolled a five. My strength is plus one is six. If he gave me a plus one, it's seven, which gives me a success with a condition. Right. Condition. I stumble, hesitate, or flinch. I don't flinch. You just-- I just don't. And I don't hesitate. He's the one. But apparently, I stumble like the rest of everyone. The horse actually stumbled. It wasn't me. Silly horse. He wouldn't stumble. His job shield should not. Oh, of course I do. So you kind of swipe it through the air and bash away the three that hurt them in any way and just help stun them long enough so you end drum and head off towards the river. You're riding into smoke and flame, and you realize you're going to out distant the dimps quite readily and get to the streams. And then you realize you're also going to outrun drum and-- Whoa, yeah, I'm not doing that. Right. So you end up stopping, which forces the horse-- The horse-- The team stumbled. No, the horse is not stumbled. The dimps easily catch back up to you and do damage. OK. It's only one root with three. OK. They roll a four, and I'm done. Because I've made a rollier than four. No peak damage because I've moved out of the hot zone. And the breeze as you're going by is so much nicer. All right, I take the damage and keep on going. Well, I actually turn back around and say, what a faster little man with short legs. Simon's two. Simon, Sketch, Dunwick and Jared, you make it to the stream. You submerge yourself in the water. It's deep enough that you can actually lay down in that stream of cover to you. But mostly just to get off the heat that's been building on you. But also, you notice that the dimps are not coming near the water. They don't appear to like it at all. And they're avoiding it. So you are in a safe zone. Can the rage twist? The folks shoot at the dimps that are checking the-- But I was only doing yours to quickly describe how your turn ends. They already did go. And we really have to go back to Shrike, who of you guys. And in that case, I'm going to say really quick that. And I see that. And I started getting out my long ago. OK. I got a long ago. We took it from the bandits. I'm wondering if something else. You have two that were on you. One was shot out of the air by your new friend, Sketch. And the two caught up to you because of your stomach. So you have a group of two and a group of one on you that are attacking you. What are you doing? You continue to go towards the river? Yeah. And could my bear show up at this time? Like, come crashing through some water. Absolutely. And it seems to have a time for your bear. This is about his forest being on fire. Angry Ben. No, wait. It's a druid. No, it's your bear. It's an Ellie font. Because it doesn't have dread box. But you know, it's clearly your bear. Your bear's name's smoke. So I'll shoot first. I think I want to then send the barrel comb. Are you taking out the one that's by himself? Sure. That'll make that move on. 8-9-10. Wow. OK. Damage? More than one? More than enough. And then I guess the bear-- and I go with his ferocity or something? Yes. We'll just say your bear comes charging in. He eats it. One of them, out of the air. Ouch. And then goes-- [LAUGHTER] He's got a little smoke coming out of his mouth. He catches it like a salmon. Oh, nice. Nice. So you only take attack of one from one of them that's still demanding of foresight and dice. Two. So you take two damage and your armor helps. And you were close enough to make it to the stream as well. You're farther down the stream than they are. You're closer to the village. Not by much. Because you can definitely see them down the stream. So you can either walk towards them or not. The dim follows you when he gets too close to the stream. It gets up. And your bear either follows you in the stream or finishes off the last one when they crunch. So they start floating away. Oh, we got a bear. Let's not have to bear. What are we going to talk about here? Back just real quick, according to this thing, whenever you do your bear adds to your role. OK. If you attack, it attacks the same target adds damage. If you're tracking it adds to your tracking. If you're just earning realities per laying it, it'll add to all that stuff. The bear helps you talk about it. They will. If you attack the same target, add its frosty to your damage. Choreum, bear. That's pretty impressive damage, tree. All right. Everybody's in the river and safe, stream safe, except for a sanguine and a drummond. I'm fucking bored. Yeah, you get a short little study like this. So you guys are running towards the stream. You have three of them that are on you and another three that will catch up for you. You get to the stream, unfortunately. Right. Are they still within range? Can we just start? Are they becoming tired? Yes. They're starting to come within range where you guys can actually do something. Go, my bearded friend. Go. I just want to see what drummond's going to do. I understand my ramifications. I want to know what drummond's going to do. Can I kill one without stopping? It's definitely going to slow you down. Yeah, no, I don't. 'Cause you're you're wheeling a hammer here. It's not like-- He's also-- He's also tactically withdrawing, right? He's a record man. 'Cause he's the one that-- Or he goes to there. Oh, my point is that he's not running from imps. No, no, I'm not going to do something. He's cover imps? He's covering-- Right. He's not running. No, I'm covering my allies to get-- Could I just-- He's advancing to the river. Could I heal him while I run past? So I slap him with cobbly little juice. You can hit the butt around him, pal. I'm fine. I'm going to be in the city. Just run, little man. You run. Sanguineous is in front of you because he just realizes horses are a hell of a lot faster. These dimps are coming after Sanguineous, almost running past you. You might just go smack and hit one out of the air as it flies by going after Sanguineous. And you probably wouldn't even slow you down because you're not moving very fast anyway. So he's not getting attacked? No, because these are pissed off, they've been taunted. I am the law. Sanguineous. Dumbass. These are creatures of chaos, so they really hated that whole law thing. Yeah, I guess. Then I'll try and smack one out of the air on the way through. Just because I can't. 8, 9, 9, yeah. That's a success, unfortunately, with the complication. Or we're coming. Well, the complication in this case stops swinging the big hammer and run! Because that's what happens. He takes a swing at this thing, and he misses, and he's like, fuck it. So he stops, plants both of his feet, and takes a battery stance as another one comes up and just smacks it out of the park. Unfortunately, he's wasted pretty much the whole turn, and you're no closer to the string. I'm all for damage. Yes, Mark. You're about to become a dwarf flambigged. Fucking hell. One. Well, good thing. Wow. It was a fallible. Yeah, well, it was a fallible. Nice job, man. Swing for the fences. Unfortunately, you clip nothing but its wing, which really gives a sickening crunch as you hit it with this huge hammer. And the thing just does this bringing air into the ground, and you kind of like stomp on it, and it dies. But it was not really that hard. Throw me a bow. I'm like got a bloody conquest of a single combat. Can you get to the verdict? Can you just run? It's now quite apparent that next turn these three backups are going to hit him. Well, but he gets to run. No, if he runs. Are you going to run? Should I call everyone back? Is that what you'd like me to do? I would be impressed if they bothered. I'm going to go ahead and attack one of the last two left, because I cannot leave him. I keep going to that village. Pardon? So, am I done putting up the villager plane? I failed the team because that's what I'm talking to him about making his little legs move like this. Like little pistons. Kid moving. Says the guy on the horse. Well, go ahead. The lazy guy, no worries. They're fucking hilarious, couldn't do that. I'm going to check in with Zab really quick. You've gotten this lady's house is no longer on fire. Unfortunately, the whole fucking village is on fire. So, you could stay here and help the rest of the village, or I mean, you did help the damsel here. So, that's a good thing. Or you can head back and try to figure out if your friends are alive or dead. That's right, it's totally up to you. Help the village. Yeah, I'm going to see if there's any major buildings. I'm going to see if anybody's in charge trying to put fire out and help from there. It joins the emergency. So, you move on to the other building. Sanguinesce gets attacked. Vol into a fireman. My armor absorbed it. I rolled two ones, one in one, for the last two. Nice. Dimms remaining, currently. So, I didn't take any damage. From the stream comes a shot from Simon, Sketch, Dunwick, and Jared, you're doing well? Yes, I'm going to just follow the help of mine. Do you build a magic missile? I do want to imagine this. Oh, that's a second. What do you go? And I imagine Shrek is running off the stream towards these guys to join them. Sure. Everyone with arrows, fight away. I want them to come in. Did you roll them? Oh, no. You're good. 12. 7, 10, oh, wait, eight. Just like that. No line. Dunwick, give me a damage. Three. All right, one goes down. There's one left in the ones that are next to the ranger. We lost a shot. Three. Six damage. All right, within nine, though, you have a side effect. Like, you lost an arrow in those stream. OK. So, you're out. Why am I supposed to trace his yours? I either have to take what I can get, or I have to move to get the shot, placing me in danger of the gym's choice. Which means leave the stream. Minus one to six damage. Yeah, do that one. I'm not stopping running it for this part, I don't know. No friggin' way. God bless it. He rolled the six and the six. That's unlikely. Unfortunately, from the people that you got the arrows from, that was the bandits on the road. It was crappy. There's no hat on the arrow. Bam. You took what you can, and you shot, and unfortunately, it glanced on the tree. I'm not in need. There's no more imp stems. And the last two were shot, correct? I could spell one away with a, possibly, with a caused fear. There's only two left. If you fear one, it'll be down to one. I don't want to hear. Huh? Yeah, but I have to memorize it. I'll try that. OK. Ooh. Uh, six plus two. OK. Just forget, we'll have plenty of fun. And you spell unravels from your mind as you do it? Yeah, that one's going to unravel, too. OK. Was unraveled? I forgot even to hand it. No, one of my theories about, like, a huge-- But I really forgot. These are all the dimps that there were, or the big ones that were following us, and does the rest of them-- No, we're either A, concentrating on you, or B, preventing you from getting to the stream. Right. So now that you're in the stream, you can follow it right into town, and these imps seem to be heading out. OK, so the rest of them are still just flowing in there, down the path to wherever they're next. I'm setting fire to wherever they're going. Yeah, everyone. Yeah. Not very smart, dimps. Maybe like that. OK. They are not fast. Yeah, I'm going to appreciate it. So who wants the honors of anyone who's in the stream? There's one left, and it's got no obligation to attack-- So we don't have to run to make it to the river, but we just make it to the river. It'll get you before you get to the river? Next turn, yeah. Yeah, it'll get to you before it gets to the river. So of the Dunwick, Sketch, Jared, Simon, and Drummond's-- Trike. Trike, are you still in this house? No, he's not going to be in the other spot. Took that other spot. So if you do a little initiative, check to see who can pull their bows first, and show everyone who you want to resolve it. Everyone will die 10. Or everyone's shooting who does the most impressive. Maybe I'll follow everybody's head today. Oh, it is, yeah. I like that better. Yeah, that's a really rock. I want the kill. Yes. I don't know if we can get shooting too soon. He's done with bows, snaps in half as he rolls a double one. I rolled a three, so-- Ooh, you can experience this one. I rolled a 10. You shot his bow. Sketch goes, check everyone, hit it. Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing. People shooting up in the air, hitting the person in front of him. I've got to hit a three or less to-- Undice it. Oh, you took the-- Yay! Two points of damage. All right, what do you got? Well, I rolled a seven to hit. That's a hit. So your option is to lose an arrow or to take that minus six. Nice six. Nice six. He's an arrow. Oh, he wants the kill. Look at that kill. Six. Nice. Two arrows, the only two that even made it out of this mulzroom of madness that his trees are hit and all kind of crazy shit. Two arrows come shooting and pin each of its wings, hitting it and hitting it to a tree. The concussion kills it. That's just-- yeah, it's awesome. It's awesome, you can tell, because he said it. And then the two other errands arrows go flying, hit a branch which falls down and lands on it and kills it and hits dead. OK, we're done. That's the end of the imps. You guys can wander into the village and help put it out. We've averaged one combat every night. Say why. We just held it a lot better than one of the darkness. That's true, and D and D battle of this size would have taken much, much longer. We first-- The village is in disarray because A, it's on fire and B-- There's an elephant. There are-- [LAUGHTER] You're like, fucking, you're nuts. There are-- Those patties are pretty tough. They clean up. There are at least five distinctive tunnels that popped up out of the ground that these imps came out of. Are you all right, I'm sinkhole? In sinkholes, more or less, yeah, in the cities. One of them swallowed a household. And the city isn't very much in disarray. And the zell of the cover village? Does that imply-- What do we say, village? Does that imply something? In the village. At every place that we plan on going something that we're looking for. For the sinkholes the size of the fish. There's nothing to do with it. Whatever place that sells all the stuff that we tend to re-supply with is a place we're putting out first. Shrike potentially could be a side effect of the scar being near here. Could be. Yeah, that's what I'm guessing that. I'm guessing that this didn't happen. Happen stands. There's probably a quarterly-- Next session, Jared will be taking a reading on his device. Did Sherman, how close you are to-- Whoa, when I answer one of those-- Now, I got to try a quarter. He's got to try a quarter. Yeah. End of session, move. Does anyone have a bond that they have resolved? Starting with Jared. Yes, one. One of the bad guys away from-- Are the bad guys away from the last one? Sketch. Yes, I owed Simon a debt for our previous battle. I think I-- One experience for you. Simon. Sorry, I'm sorry. I don't think I resolved any bonds. Sanglinism. Any bonds or alignment? I have to, I believe, my good alignment. Endanger yourself to protect someone weaker than you. Yeah, you definitely did that, and you took some-- And then one of my bonds is protect sketch, even though he doesn't like me. And I did call all the imps to me and told him to form behind me-- All right, two for you. --to protect him. Yeah, I have the good alignment, help something or someone grow-- Help the girl. Proving the same good as the one of the other's daughters, I, you know, disappeared as far as anything. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's all of my helping and what the girls are. I don't think you've actually proven to him yet. No, you might have done something that will eventually prove to him. But we were actually going-- This is a process. Is that just going to become a master chef? It'll be fine. Yeah. I should write something. No. What? What's your alignment? I could free someone from literally or figuratively. He freed them from the bonds of life. He freed. He freed himself. With these mortal coils. Not so much. That's a stretch. And I don't really have any bond yet, except for the one I have to make up for him. But you've got the concept of the bonds. Have you heard someone that they're talking about? You definitely should try to get some-- Well, didn't you see-- --spatche and I and rain? So I'm saying it's a perfectly valid for him now to say he's been with the group as opposed to against the group. So now he may acquire bonds for the next time we play. And say, I'd like to return the favor, and that would be a good bond. He's got bond fodder. Yes, you have bond fodder. Come on. You've got bond in. Oh, you said before you get an EP because you failed? Yeah, I thought you'd get one experience. OK, every time you fail a role. Yes. Lawful and danger yourself to call precepts if you've got our church, which is-- You think we did-- I tried like combat, and I did some really dumb things for combat. OK. My bond with Sanguinez, I trust him in combat specifically. He had an idea, and he tried it, and he failed, but I stood by him the entire time he failed. I think if I got two of those demons right to me-- I think it's good where I'd perform my art to eat someone else. And I was asked to heal Sanguinez, and I said, fuck you. I believe we're at that. It's smooth, I don't know how to fail that. Do you have any bonds that you defeated? Jared, is my cousin what a dick? No, I don't think I succeeded that one. What a dick. You always get trouble, all right? Oh, OK. I was trying to get my very own cities. He's like, what's gone at adventure? I wasn't ready for that, man. I just got sick. Did we learn anything new or important about this world? Yeah. Sinkles open up and throw dimps all over the goddamn place. There's creatures in the area that shouldn't be. None of us have any idea what those things really were. I mean, you call them dimps. I mean, but they'll never hurt them all. But we know that we're from this world or some other world. Someone who got lost for later, but nobody tried during the comeback. They're a little bit busy with-- Well, I'll ask you. Have any of you ever run across these before? No. I think I succeeded and dominated it. Have you ever heard of them? Yeah. But I don't know what he's ever actually heard about it. I wrote a book once, but that's it. Jared says that he actually has heard of them, and they seem to be creatures that are spotted off in the around scars. There you go. Well, there you go. How many experience do we need to get to the next level? Seven. Plus your current level. I have six. I was close. I'm so close. We're not done yet. OK. Did you overcome a notable monster or enemy? Yeah, we did that. It's a horde. You didn't kill it. You survived with some same one experience probably. All right, everyone gets one. Did you loot anything memorable? No, because there was no treasure in this particular encounter. And for each of the above-- Wait a minute. I got myself a little girl. She became a woman. She's loot. Wow, that's just so wrong. Any help to grow. That's like another experience. You did help her grow. She went from a young girl to a lady in a petticoat. Like that. Just because I said so. Yeah, I don't think I'll take these experience. OK. So everybody gets an experience point for surviving the horde. Has anybody achieved seven? I believe, sang with a few-- I've got seven. Paladin? You said eight. You said seven plus your level. It is. We're both sitting on the process. Yeah, next week we will-- Definitely. Level up for times. I'm rocking six. I'm a slow guy. All right. Four. So far, you have the difficulty of trying to be passive when you're low. Yeah. Good. Brush team is just killing. Thanks for listening to the Knights of the Night actual play podcast. Visit kotnpodcast.com for more information on this and other adventures where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, props, and even a form for comments and suggestions where you could email us directly at feedback@kotnpodcast.com or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcasts or business, please visit zenaudiosmith.com. And please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. [MUSIC PLAYING] [LAUGHTER] I know a lifetime of waiting. [INAUDIBLE] [INTERPOSING VOICES] It's emotional. It's hard. You're making the gag reel too easy. [INTERPOSING VOICES] I like a note. This is my eight or eight. Thank you. I'll just pick each other. I tried to hold him back. You can name him. Well, you can name a story. You can name a story. I could say you could name a story one more time with people like, go ahead. You could name the story. Where am I? I am Jared. OK. No. No. Jim. No. Jim. No. No. No. No. No. Jim. I really think it's this. It's this passive across the meter. [BEEPING] DIMPS. DIMPS. That's a demon and an imp, by the way. I like it. I say follow DIMPS. You take all this seriously, dude. Simon says, go to the house. There we go. I was waiting for it. Simon's got done with and Jared. It's a law firm. [LAUGHTER] If I get a 12, I have to pinch my nipples. What does that mean? That's apocalypse. [LAUGHTER] Yeah, so he steps around, jabs with your-- I have a hammer. Steely knife. I have a hammer. I wanted to go with the song reference. I'm sorry. [BEEPING] Strike. Strike. [LAUGHTER] Strike. Yeah. Everything. I remember there was a zone in EQ where everything was weightless, but then dead pack. Oh, that was absolutely hilarious. I was buying something from somebody. So I went in and grabbed all my coins. It was tons of money. And I was like, ooh, I finally got what I wanted. And I came out of the zone and I jumped down the stairs. And the weight crushed me and killed me instantly and I dropped dead on the floor. And then when-- No, no, because it was just-- I would spawn somewhere else and I had to come back and look at my sad little corpse lying there and pick up all my items. And then I was walking, like, so slow because it was so overweight. It was just ridiculous. I get annoyed in Skyrim when you are just a little bit overweight. Oh, right. I got it. What happened? I never dropped anything. I always use this as a dash shout. And it flies forward. Actually, I figured out what was playing. You do the archer. If you pull your bow back, you actually move back. No, you do. I just drink strength potions in here. I don't think-- Ever quest same story, Frank, long time player, long ago, hadn't seen him in ages, but Frank was a bard. And the bards had this song that they could sing and run faster than anybody in the game. And one time, early in the game, we were exploring this new zone that we had never been in before. And he's like, oh my God, I found something. Guys, follow me. And he runs to the top of a mountain. I don't know why. This was just for effect. Jumps off of it. And you go flying down the mountain, hit the water, and underneath there's a cave. Well, we watch him do this, and we're all like, oh, cool. So we all run off the mountain and go nowhere near as far as he did it. Because we're not moving as fast as he is. Right. And corpses. It's littered the entire side of the mountain. There were six of us. And he was like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Six of us died. And since this was a new zone, we all spawned miles away. And we had to walk back at slow, non-bard speed to get our bodies back. Frank's just laughing at his ass off as if it was the funniest thing in the world. I'd amount with the grease spots on the side. Well, we-- because he also had another song that he could sing it, and I think he could breathe under water. So he was just swimming all around. And he's like, they're like superbards. Oh, it's bards were the coolest character, never quite. Absolutely. Because we've spells together. Did you say bar? He's a bar. He's a bar. Oh, on that one. No, he sounded like he said bar. Yeah. Elba. Well, I just remember back in the early, early days of my role playing as a teenager. And we had a DM who was, you know, he would have-- he wrote all those books before those books ever came out. He had to convert everything to his system. And one of the things he loved to do, and it was so annoying and frustrating, is by the time you got-- I was a barbarian, so I wasn't caring much of anything. But you'd find the treasure room where you'd finally defeat everything and you'd get there. And there would be all this, like, loose piles of treasure. And he's like, the only thing he got is, like, one little, you know, knapsack or whatever. What are you gonna do? And yeah, he's just like, well, there's thousands and thousands, but you can only carry so much. Well, I guess we'll just have to believe it behind. Come on. And he's just like, he ain't such a-- A douche. Do some shit. You hope that wheelbarrow. (beeping)