[music] Hello, and welcome to the Knights of the Night actual play podcast. This dungeon world adventure was written and run by your GM Tom. And now, please enjoy episode 136, the journey's beginning. Actual play starts 11 minutes 5 seconds. [music] Before we get started in releasing our first ever dungeon world campaign. Yeah, fantasy. We're going to do some feedback. The few guy portion here, we only have a few guys. It's the 4th of July weekend and the majority of the guys couldn't make it. So, we're here with myself, Scott, John and Thomas. So first off, we had a Facebook post by Jason Spears who said, "Hey guys, I use Podkicker for the Android. Looks great for your podcast." Highly recommended. Hmm. So our podcast or? I might imagine all podcasts in general, but thank you, Jason. I will pass it on to Jim and our other Android users and hopefully our listeners, and then we'd help them. Appreciate the feedback. The RCL also on Facebook said, "Howdy gents, I'm about 34 episodes into your hunter game, and despite being late to the party, I thought I'd add to the numerous positive responses that I've heard read out at the beginning of your episodes. Much of what I have to say has been covered pretty thoroughly by other listeners, but I'm going to say it anyways because it never hurts to hear it confirmed." There are, I believe, a number of things that combine to make this an exceptional listening experience. One, there is a great deal of respect exercised by the players towards the GM in comparison with most games I've listened to or played. Two, GM, of course, respect to the players. Seating to solid arguments, interpretations of the roles, scenes, etc. This clearly is the big reason why the players are so willing to accept the GM's award as law when necessary. This dynamic is not accidental, and I think all GM's and players should take careful note of this. The amount of banter and joking is kept to a level that is tertiary to the role-playing and story advancement, and the majority of the jokes are clever and respectful, if not respectable. Wink. Just to let the listeners know, I think Thomas and John both exchanged the clients there when I was because some of the jokes are edited out. But yes, I think in general it's a true statement. "For the players take the role playing seriously and actively take steps to mitigate metagaming even to the detriment of their characters. This is both admirable and rare." Lastly, the editing is subtle, sparing, and the use of atmospheric-inducing music and sounds is a nice addition that for the most part is kept from interfering with the listening experience. Keep up the great work gentlemen, and I look forward to continuing the story. Alright, the last part first that's always a challenge with me is not to make the music of the sound effects too intrusive to get that balance correctly. And I think that balance changes from person to person to be honest, so you've got to get the balance that you think, I guess. It's like I said before, someone listening on headphones is a totally different experience than someone listening in a car where they probably don't even hear the background music as they play it low enough that it doesn't interfere, or they're even more subtle in the sense of because of that. But overall, that was a great bit of feedback, I mean it really was, we talked about it during the week. Yeah, it was very well. A lot of times we'll get, and there's nothing wrong with this, if you don't say your podcast is great, but to actually have listed and kind of already said what it is that they enjoy about it is some extra work, and we appreciate the effort. Yeah, we really do, and I think that most of the things that he said, it's really spot on. I think what the GMs do listen to the feedback, go ahead, I'm sorry. No, no, I was going to say I think that number four where they already talked about mitigating the meta gaming, I think a lot of times, this is something that I've really enjoyed during the Josephine files, is you guys have pointed out a role that I as a GM were playing wrong even if it was your own detriment, you guys are more serious about it, and I think it's the players also realize that failure is fun. When a player gets into trouble, that's when it gets interesting, you don't want to be just talking about how, remember when I rolled that 20 and I cut the head off the bad guy, that's not interesting, you want to talk about the stuff that's interesting, it's just not continually interesting, interesting every single time. And then in the first two comments about the GM respecting and the player respecting the GM, those are both very important, and I think, right, yeah, well, well, listen to, you know, yeah, you definitely listen and notice that both of us take the arguments of the players and arguments not being a confrontational term, like discussion, yeah, they want to get the point of playing out an argument that looks like a lawyer would in a sense, that we listen, I take the mentality of it's about the players having fun, and their characters being awesome, well, that's fun, yeah, but also them not feeling like they're being cheated by the rules system, right, as long as I make an adjudication on the rules and it doesn't break the game, go with it, right, or my saying in the back of my mind sometimes is also err on the side of the story, right, you know, so sometimes, you know, what I'm gonna say no, because I might or might not believe it, but also it might make for a better story to go that way, but again, you have to have a lot of trust with the players and you have to know you're not gonna kill their character based on a rule of disagreement that you're having with them. But yeah, it's really a well thought out. And in the last point of the reason the voice thought that's humorous is because sometimes certain people might go on a pun binge, right, that they just it's like they can't stop and they just have to get it all out of their system and much too much disappointment that hits the cutting room before and never sees the light of day and never will. So I will in this one rare occasion take editing, right, credit for avoiding that. Mike might be able to gather up all those puns into one puntastic episode that he, you know, puts out there that people can just hear how to start saving them. Right, just just 30 straight minutes of Mike's puns. And again, thank you for that feedback. Darcy. Mike Orific also commented on Facebook and said congratulations guys. That was a great story. Sugarin was my first World of Darkness story. And I think it made the story all that more better because I felt like I was dropped in the middle of it all feeling confused and helpless like the characters. But it didn't take long before I was waiting impatiently for the next episode to come out. I can't wait to see your next storyline in my favorite universe, the Dresden Files. I'm sure you guys won't let me down. The last one was awesome. Keep up the good work. So thank you, Mike. Yeah. Thanks for the feedback. I do enjoy World of Darkness too, like it's neat, it's neat when they enjoy a different system or can enjoy both of them. Indeed. Andrew Curtis Hull White also commented, "I thought the listener feedback episode was great, and I'm looking forward to more exciting episodes. I'm currently playing in a Marvel or Oak or old playing game and I'm loving it. It's a game that focuses strongly on the story and script of play. The engine is related to but quite different from the Dresden system. The events start up and the same storyline as the Civil War from Marvel Comics but take a different turn as things go when players are involved." Again, thanks for all the actual play. It's been a great ride, kind of like a radio play from when my grandfather was young. Well, thanks for listening and good luck in your game. Hope it continues to go well for you. "We had a one iTunes review. This was a five-star titled Ambient Awesomeness and it was written by the Unknown Odin." How's it supposed to? "Did no note." But well-known's favorite. For an audio play of a tabletop, I feel immersion is key. Feeling like the creeping horror is lurking over my shoulder is paramount to a good time for me. Well, that and a good storyline. And these fine nights have both in spades. From Ambient sounds to story that makes you wait a tick. Not to mention interesting characters and players. These guys do it right. I wait excitedly for the next installment. Well, thank you very much for the iTunes review. That's always awesome to get those. 48 too. Retired from the another 50. So, damn it. Yes. But thank you very much for the iTunes review. Two more guys. Two more. Appreciate that feedback. I thought it was also well thought out and very complimentary. And we're glad he enjoys it. Hopefully he'll enjoy Dungeon World and then Dresden coming up next after that. "We had some feedback from rpgcross.web.com. We had a post from madmulier listening to another podcast, heresy I know. A game was discussed that I thought would suit you guys for a quick break between your more serious games. Monster Hearts. Shades of fiasco where a lot of fun can be had but making life difficult for another player with content very much in the vein of Buffy and True Blood. If you're looking at a different way to do character polls, maybe something like the Survey Monkey would be a solution. I've seen it used for similar things before. I'll have to mention that to Mike. Hearts keeps getting hacked. So, yeah, it would be nice to have a legitimate survey. Looking forward to a Dungeon Crawl from you guys. Thanks. Awesome. You will deliver some fun, everyone. Kind of sorry. You guys are just too negative on the experience, man. It wasn't a Dungeon Crawl. It wasn't a story intensive adventure. We enjoyed ourselves. So, we spent weeks just enjoying ourselves. Well, you know what? I'm not sure the listeners, the listeners will respond. We will know once it's released into its four six episodes again. It wasn't my cup of tea. I didn't quite hit it or they might say that was great. It was a nice change of pace from all the children in danger. Single salvage. Burn them in the production of this podcast. It was close a few times. We also had one last bit of feedback from Twitter. It ain't good. Look at that. Twitter ain't dead. In which Joshua Grozki said, new players are awesome. Great story. Eternal Night seems to best describe 30 minutes that took over a month to cover. Great podcast. So, thank you. Wonderful. Yeah, appreciate it. Joss. Really appreciate the Twitter. That was probably a week older than it should have been. And then with that, we will get on to the adventure. Stop by our website. Feel free to use that Amazon link. Send some money our way. Cost you nothing. Cost Amazon a little bit. We get a little bit more. I actually love them. Amazon is deeply in love with Amazon. I have the prime and 70 things to the daughter in college. I feel bad because it's putting mom and pop chops out. Obviously, it's tough for everyone else making me go to Amazon. But man, you can't beat two-day free delivery with Prime. I've gotten to know my UPS man quite well. Right. It's just, it's great. I use it all the time. But with that, we will get on to Dungeon World. Please enjoy. Before everyone shows up, there's aspects of this game where you do similar things. And this is something the GM is supposed to do. And I have no problem with doing this. But I was wondering if you guys wanted to put a little bit input into it as well. You create things that are called campaign fronts. And they have a cast and what's at stake. And I'll fill those and I don't have a problem. But I was thinking of one of the campaign fronts would be the Empire. That is an area of problem in the world that we've created so far. The office empire, which we could give it a better name than that. Maybe it's just the Empire. Maybe it's the Empire. Okay. And the dangers in the Empire, I thought, could be the red cloaks, could be considered one of the the elven marshals who hunt down the fugitive guys. So, another danger I thought of would be... What do they call the ancient? The alliance. The alliance. I don't think you're an alliance. Let's see who wars. Yeah. One of the other dangers would be a squad that monitored magic usage. If anybody was abusing it, they would go put a stop to them. The Inquisition. Within the Empire, but they might also... Now, was that like an open organization or is that like a secret organization? If there was a wizard that was ripping huge holes and sucking magic out, the Empire would do something about it. Whether it was in their land or not. This is for smaller scale stuff though, because the tribes in the west are the east. I don't remember where they are, but the wild ones, they keep tearing open. They're barbarians. They're over the army. They're a big friend. But I thought that if magic usage, if wizards were organized into some kind of... Conclave. Conclave, which is where it is. But they would be a huge powerful political force that I don't think the Empire would tolerate. So, if they were... Then they would bring the army in. Well, but anyways, just thought, go ahead. But if they were... This is like Jedi business. Oh, the Jedi is police their own, which I never liked in the moves I thought that was a mistake. So we should have it here. I'm just awful. I need office. Okay. What I'm trying to do is we got campaign fronts. And I think the two that I can think of off of our discussion that we had would be the Empire. That's a big problem. They could potentially affect your play. Sure. Life. A character is a problem with the Empire in all of its aspects. Just good. In the Empire. The other one would be the magic holes that are being ripped. That's a plot point that somewhere down the line could have big ramifications in the world that we've created. Okay. So, riffing a little bit off of what Mike was just saying, there is a group of shadow of mages who work for the Conclave who do the dirty work and assassinate. They don't they don't announce it. There's no trial. You f up. They find out about it. You're on the ship list. So, in the Empire. In the Empire. In the Empire. Just turn out there doesn't be. Yeah. What would you call these people? Or a shadow mage? Hey. There's the Conclave and the Shadow Conclave? Something along those lines. Definitely a shadow. The issue that we talked about is if magic is like a natural resource, let's just say, there is the existing founts or riffs where that already exists and people are building cities around or protecting and making use of them. Now, the issue is someone else is either creating or breaking open new ones that the Empire doesn't have any control over. So, basically, someone's thinking in oil well where before there was, you're pulling the oil from or the worst existing ones. And the issue, and I kind of like the idea we talked about last time, was the difference between there's this contention between the wizards where there's some who just want to drain these riffs for all their worth and keep on using them until they just become unstable. Or there's the ones that want to almost like conservation. It's just like, oh, get used it, but in moderation. And if you use it in moderation, it will last forever. If you use it up and just to keep taking until it crushes. What does the Empire have a front mic? Like, this is the face, this is what we believe. And there are these divisions, these schisms within the conclave, but the face of the conclave says, we believe that it's a resource that should be cherished, but there's actually all these internal divisions within to give a lot more character and interest to it. So, it's not as if there's one overriding body. Like, all the Empire thinks this because that's not going to ever happen. It might be because what I was thinking is the Empire is our elves, and elves simply can't live without magic. If the world had no magic, they would die. It's part of their anatomy that they're required to have. Right. So, they have a definite concern about dry areas. I'm sorry, hug. Yeah. We need air to breathe in, and how many factories are belching out, you know, cool and be able to have a number of advances and how to handle it. Yeah, maybe that's more, like, you know, algorithms, it's philosophies. Right. Sorry, John, go. We were looking for a face to the danger, right? What was it called? Well, yeah, this isn't Dresden. We're doing fronts. And I'm not talking about a single person, but the army is a large fiscal force against people abusing magic for smaller infringements. Just one wizard who's sitting a hole tearing it open. You'd want people going around detecting magic, seeing who's worsening it, and humping down. These would be smaller squads, if not armies. The shadow of conclave. Yeah, but I don't want to make sure they still exist. And perhaps not obviously affiliated with the emperor. But doesn't magic have to, like, naturally flow in order for just other things they have to even exist? So, like, it's okay to have rivers in the forest, but sooner or later, some people like to dam up the rivers and keep it off for themselves. That's what they're trying to detect. When people do that? When people dam it up and hoard it, okay? But you still, for the, for, there's a society to even function. You do have to have a, you can't hold all the money, you're going to spend money in order to circulate it. Yeah, no matter how big the government gets, there's a, I think it's a majority of people that don't go along with it, you know, in black market or whatever you want to call it. You know, they actively against it, or they just don't give a shit, you know, they have to, they're more personally driven. It's about meaning. I'm only going to be honest. I mean, there might be a public policy, but that's not, you know, it doesn't look as far as it is. So, this forest is even active with inside the empire to detect when their citizens are abusing it? I'd say they may not be successful in 90% of the time. They catch the 10% they can cover the big areas as they try to cover some of the bad abuses in the small areas, but good luck. So, I was, I was thinking that, like, in the history of the world there, when they, there was a time and there was magic here and there around, but people really didn't know where it was coming from. Eventually people went to those areas and somebody eventually found this microscopic, super small pinhole that you can only find with a magic magnifying glass or whatever. I think they're going to go into a direction like a midi-chlorian. And then, we'd add the smack. And the wizards that did it kept it a secret for as long as they could and tried to make their own, tried to make them bigger, and some were successful and some were not. And now, the word's getting out and the knowledge of how to do it and what it is is getting around. And they're trying to keep it down, but yet these other people are finding out how to do it and making their own and not realizing what things just may lie and actually doing that. Would you think of it more like electricity? You remember how, like, electricity has always been around. It was until we advanced enough to harness it, but you always had electricity. And then once it was kind of developed, there was two kinds of electricity, one very safe and useful, and the other one backed by industry. Think about these ideas. The other front that I wanted was about the magic holes or the magic as it exists in this universe. So there are what you were describing could possibly fit somehow under that category, that there's a danger involved with that. Somehow, there's something in the future that you guys are going to have to deal with. That's on the magic front rather than the... That's what I mentioned. That's what I mentioned. You said, yeah. Okay. I didn't hear it. On the empire front, we have the shadow mage, conclave, and also the red cloaks. In the empire. That doesn't really apply to the independent states or the barbarians, the massive barbarians. I can see the empire operate outside the empire. I mean, if they had a big wizard, building his own tower somewhere on a free city, that was really not enough to affect all of them. That would be the shadow conclave. That would not be the conclave. That would be the shadow conclave. They would come out. I'm just... Again, I'm not really married to any idea. The conclave could be the governing body of the empire. The conclave would send messengers to the baron of the free city of whatever political moves. Yes. While the shadow conclave lived in position, if they didn't get the answer they wanted, oh, he fell down the stairs and died. Maybe. Any last thoughts, mind? Well, it's just something that I had been playing with for years, but the idea of something like what Scott said, but I called them a far guard. The idea that these were your... Your world? Your world that worked outside. Yes. Yes. Their job was basically to preserve the integrity of the throne, which does not mean the king or the queen or whoever sat on it. It's keeping the society going. So they were kind of outside of the law. Not above it, just kind of outside it. And so this conclave would interact with them a lot. They were foreign operatives. Gotcha. But their loyalty was founded on a question within this group, but they were also by the virtue of what they did. They were kind of an independent, almost like a steel ministry type of thing outside the world. We could try to do something like that. I'm serious. Am I too big? You might not think that I did a justice on how you wanted to use it. I'm presented as a concept for like what Scott said, that you have a group. They don't get their hands dirty. And actually for all we know, they can be a bunch of golems. They can all be magical constructs that are sent out to do these things because they can't be turned or... Basically, the magical version of terminators. Any wizards that feast on their magic? Of course they are. That would actually make sense because then they wouldn't go outside their prerogative. They would follow just the orders that they were together. Pretty lucky. And they maybe couldn't go into the dead zone this year. You can carry magic into there, but if you use too much of it, you can't recharge. So golems might be able to go in there for a long time, but if they stay there too long, they run out of juice and turn in statues. Sure. Cool. But yeah, there's all sorts of... Yeah, but who programs the magical golems, who watches the watchers? Yeah. So we will get started with our first actual play session of Dungeon World. I'm a GM Tom and I'm throwing Dyson Thomas. We'll start with the player on my right. Well, who are you and what is the character you're playing? And if you want to do just a little bit, we'll want to give this to the very first... Just a little bit of your history or your background. Go. Hello, my name is Jim. I'm playing the wizard Jared, who is traveling across the country, trying to find out the truth about the magic and the kingdom and how it works. I'm human. I am Ryan, playing Sketch the Halfling Rogue. I like to purposely go to jail to help out the church. Is he at the pound of Long Field of Church, is that? That is the church of Asencia. I believe it was. Was it not? Yes, I enjoyed it. You wrote it down last week, actually. Oh, you're live-roaded. Somebody wrote it down, too. Okay. I'm a city rogue, dark eyes, hooded head, dark clothes, skinny body, standard broke stuff. Don't you're halfling them? Yes, you mentioned them. I do. I'm Mike and I'm playing Simon, a human fighter. He has hard eyes, shorn hair, and he has scarred and ravaged from a life spent being an imperial soldier. He has since been discharged from the imperial army, and he's now a veteran and just on his own and trying to get back to his human roots, leaving the elven empire behind him. I am Scott, playing Sanguinis. I am a Paladin. I have kind eyes. I am bald with a corpulent body. I made that one at myself. There's no corpulent on the sheet. And I have a worn holy symbol. Worship the one God, which is Asencia. That's all I got. A lot of things, Mr. Trump's. I'm Michael, playing Zeb, the druid, young male, kind of awkward, braided hair, prefers living in the wild, and enough, awkward socially. Okay, hopefully, not physically. I'm Thomas, playing Drummond, the Dwarven, and Cleric. Dedicated to the dwarfish God of bloody conquest and personal victory. I have sharp eyes, strange hair. How strange is it? Deuce of Mohawk. Okay, I wish to go out of war. Everything we have in common is weird here. Yes. I wear a habit, which is like a chain mail habit. You're probably thinking like a divestment. I think you'd describe it. That's how they describe it. I think divestment sounds much more, man, speed. More dwarfly. Granny did still chiffon, but people should look quite elegant. I wear a vestment, and I've got a flappy body. We've got a flappy. You know where we get along, so well, look at these. I want to be with the epic James. He's really dumb. Can I have someone else? No. John playing Dunwick, the Bard, he's a deserter from the Army of the Empire. He's run back to take refuge with his cousin. Jared, Jared, and play by Jim, the wizard. He shares with him an interest in magic and how it works, which is pretty important in this world. Yes, it absolutely is. We've got mighty descriptors. Yeah, he's been on the run for a while now, so he's got wild hair, porpoeds, and then it's porky-like. We're going to the back room. We've got all really large. You were in the Army. You were fast, and now that you're on the run, you're like, "That's sweet, but grime." I was thinking Jared used to be fat, but he started eating really lean sandwiches, and now I don't look as this way anymore. No, I'd have to kill you, Jim, and I'll do it, damn it. Okay, one quick question, and the way this game works, while there's a lot of things different about it than games we've played in the past, but one of the things an important part of this game is a lot of times is, you have to stop and ask you guys for input on the world. Okay, so one thing I thought of when you guys did the go-around was just Mike, your character is a human fighting in the Empire's Army, which is run by elves. I had been, I'm a veteran. You have been, right? Do the elves have a separate army that is humans and elves? Are they combined? What was the... I would imagine that we were the lower class of military. We were the foot soldiers. Possibly, yeah, possibly even the conscripts too. So if they take over an area, they might bring in people and they put them in that little side army that gives the dangerous jobs. Well, we were the shock troops that go soften them up before we bring in, and our elves are in our first right elves on them. So, and I've somehow survived a whole life of that. Okay. So you're not from the elite party? Yeah, the fact that I survived this long, I was going to say how skilled it would be. So I'm level one, but still I've had a lifetime of fighting. And the interrelationship between the party members that, if we can go over there really quickly, Jim's character, Jared, the wizard is a cousin of John's character, Dunwood. Michael's character, Zeb, is looking to marry my daughter. Do you have a name for her? Mandalure, M-D-Y-L-Y-R. Mandalure elves. My wife was an elfish. I am human, and my daughter is mostly elfish with the elite. The mailman! The mailman was elfish. Sketch had ties to... St. Gwyneth. Bull end. We got to come up with a short name. St. Gwyneth and the other... Some of my gods, elves? The elves, as a collective. They worship spirits of nature. Yeah, boy. Fucking elves. For howdy. You're married to one, I was just wondering. Yeah, you married the one and your daughter was one. She can't be racist against you. She don't believe in ascension. You converted her? Absolutely. Much like I'm going to shoot her. Like I'm a convert drumming, to see the true way of doing that. I'm already going to be more concerned with the elves. He might be more concerned with the ad, but at least he shares the same God with you. Because he's a tainted vision. True enough. Is it just assumed that we all speak the same language? Yes. Right. No, I speak German. Just to be a dick. You'll pretty kill him when the drawers speak German. I speak wookiee. I speak gay. That's a beautiful language that I talk to. Why are you not married yet? I'm 38. She's trying to say hello and she's like, "You're trying to eat me." So we'll start you in the city. Have we determined the name of the city? Can you go to Riverhold? Yeah, no, we're going with Riverhold. So you're all starting in the city of Riverhold. Character Jared has called you all together. He's got an expedition he wants to plan. In which you are trying to find the source of one of the streams of magic that runs through the city of Riverhold. You found a device that you've invented yourself that can trace and you're going to follow the stream back to its source. And hopefully find there a rip in which you can determine anything you can about it, how it started, why it's not closing, what's keeping it open. Is this a stream that everybody knows about that? Or is this a stream that I think anybody knows about? So you want to check it out for anybody else jumps on it and you can dig it. It's a stream that has actually a history. It's been flowing through this town for quite a while and one of the reasons that town has been set up here is it's just magical stream. So it's been part of your research then? It's part of his research. Is this the town that we decided that there's no actual rivers in the town? Actually the picture that Scott got is definitely a river town. So I'm going to take a trip on the woods to see if I can figure out where the source is because I'm not sure where the exact source is coming from. Correct, east or west? Where is this town located in relationship to the empire? Yeah, I can't even remember which direction the empire was in. The empire was in the east that we were talking about last night but last week. The middle ground was the city states that were loosely aligned in small countries that were fighting against the empire or at least not fighting against them but were free from their grasp and then the barbarian hordes were to the west. That's what I recall from the west. Okay, so it's flowing from the southwest to here. So the source of it is in this southwest. It's going uphill. It's going uphill the magic way. Are we at a typical bar in this typical city of where are you at Jim? Do you all have all the house here? I'm renting some place here. The town is a reasonable size. Yeah, it's a rather large town. So you've been renting a couple of rooms above a tannery. Nobody likes to run out above a tannery because it's rather stinky. So you've got a large sitting room and a small room that you use to sleep in and you're having the meeting in the large sitting room. And you're discussing with these guys a journey. Can I say I've been also been working for the church to get money to help paper things and what to do? So that you have a contact with him? So I have a contact with him. Absolutely. Well, I called Mike's character Veer in on my favor so that he'd help us out today. He's selling me now. I'm a woman, Simon. Yeah, but he's an elf and he's using my elders name and he knew me. Yeah, because we're both from the empire, yeah. You're an elf? He's so not an elf. You're both human. Sh*t, thank you for doing it. Well, we come from the empire. And Jim is in the army. His name is not a blackboard room. He's not a blackboard emperor. And not a wizard. And he's not a wizard. Wait, Jim's an elf. Why would it? No, he's my cousin. Just in our group. Just because it all comes on my license plate. I don't know why he wrote that. Jim just chose to wear a pointy ears because he's strange. Okay, so you're all in Jim's apartment. You're discussing going on a voyage. I'm having second thoughts already. Have we eaten? You're in a city. We're going into the woods. We need your help. We should discuss this over a fine meal. Second breakfast. We should be out of this. Try to get a large village. He's called "lipper." It's between lunch and supper. Do you people have that here? I don't like it. Don't you? Thomas is going to second leper. Fourth meal. Fourth meal of the day? Come on, you can't get all the way to supper only if. How many people have been to this region before? It's a city. How am I leaving it? Don't I triangulate it down to a certain area? Or do I know exactly like he had seen this place? No, he's not triangulated. You know it's Southwest up here and that's all you know about it. I'm going to say that I stole this magic diviner from the people that I left. I like it. And the reason why I've been here, this guy's kind of been hiding here too. Learning how to use the device. Trying to figure out how it works. Did you steal it from the problem? Probably figured it out like in the last week or two and I've finally got. Can't figure out where to put the batteries. Yeah. Now that I've figured it out, now I'm ready to go out. I think you're all first showing up. So you don't know how far outside the city this place is and have no clue. Do you have any clue what this looks like? It's physically manifested itself. The wizards usually don't let anybody close to the actual sources of the magic. So I have no idea what they look like. But whether or not it'll be visible, this device will try to. Yeah, I could maybe be right to the source. It sounds hopeless. I think we should do something else. So you're saying it'll lead us to it. Like you can just point it out and it defines its way towards the scar. Yes. It's almost like magic. Does this pay? Does this pay? That's what I want to know. I called it a favor. That's why you're here. And why do we want to find this for the church? That was it? For Jared. What? Did you just call it a favor? I would have succeeded in a quest guard or anything like levels. End of day. We're done here. So I want to reach level two. It's over. I'm trying to find out exactly what the deal is with these things. Because they've been very hush-hush about what the magic is and how it works and what exactly these scars are and how dangerous or safe they are. And I want to find out for myself. I would certainly learn more for the good church. I think everybody should know. But unlike other wizards, I want to know I want everybody else to know. They're trying to keep it a secret. Don, would you have reason that you might want to leave town? And that you've heard that there's a red cloak wandering around and asking questions. What sort of book? I just got here. And you don't know that they're asking about you. You just know that they're asking questions. Yeah. Okay. I was just hoping I could settle down for a while. Perhaps you can come back. After how do you keep that from? Well, I think if we're going to embark upon such a mission, we should probably outfit ourselves and prepare it. Because we don't know how deep into the wilderness this might be. And it's getting more and more dangerous off the beaten path. I mean, we're not going to be on a main road. We're definitely going to be putting ourselves in danger. Oh, absolutely not necessarily. The city is much more dangerous than any deep woods. Well, perhaps if the new guiding us, that's true. A fine, elfish guide would be a sweeping helpful. Have you ever been to the Southwest of here? Of course I have. I've never been out of the Empire, actually. Do we have any idea how far? I mean, we know Southwest. How do you know miles a million miles? Does it just say? Like, how do you know this? It points in that direction. That's it. So yeah, it's direction. It only tells me the direction about how strong it is. And I know how strong they can be. And it's not on another continent in that direction. So, yeah. And it's a pretty strong line. That's why there's town is here. So I'm sure that it can't be too far off. Well, I've recently wrapped up a mission for the Good Church. So if I have a couple days of free time and I'd be more than happy to help investigate this, because I think it'd be valuable to find out where the scars at and what it could possibly do. Okay. So Jared is saying that his best guess is that you're going to have to travel for at the most. Churries. Probably, you know. Two weeks. Yeah. One way. That's all food. That is a fuck ball. That's really, I mean, he said it wasn't 50 miles away. Well, that's true. Well, two miles, three miles an hour. If I travel for 10 hours, I can make a mile. Dude, I couldn't roll. On a full stomach. I can make it a good. Where do you make this not paved roads going in our direction? It's not. Yeah. That works, then. I had that. Didn't only a road. A few miles a day. Well, we have skids, right? Uh, no. I just got one part. Seriously. I don't even have food yet. Do you think I'm going to walk for two weeks to find this thing? Yeah. Man, I need some comfortable sandals. There are listers. There are roads that go throughout this territory, obviously. I mean, they connect to city-states. Right. But the way that you are heading, the elf is telling you, it's a lot of off-road. For real. Damn, that sounds good. I didn't do roads. I didn't do roads. Because we didn't have cities. Like, what kind of like run to keep us twice as far? Seriously, can we have some kind of transportation? Right, what sort of church can we have in the horse? Aren't you former military? The former military. Really? Oh, I'm not recent to return. There was, like, 50. Hey, he might be your father-in-law. Show some respect. Just asking. I need a horse. Hey, roy poy. Can you catch me? So can't you fucking miss him? I need to be a draft horse to take me to the wilderness, because there's no way I'm walking for two weeks. That's ridiculous. Also, it could carry all the food, because damn. Well, you can stay here and hold that. March just everywhere, crosses from the territories. It sounds like an interesting thing, but it just-- That sounds a lot of work. So a horse, how do we get one of these in this game? It's a walk in the park. For you young kids. Yeah, how much money do I have? How are we getting on? I think we start off on the backwards as gear. Gear. Yeah, horses are not that-- Although, yeah, where the hell is a horse on here? Well, it says you get-- I get 10 coins, I don't know. That's the same. 10 coins. Yeah, I see. You don't have to say. You don't have to look for coins. Anything about coins. I just suggest that we should-- I spread a fake point and have a horse. Oh, now you want a fake one. That we acquire a wagon. That's a wagon. Yeah, a wagon with some-- You got grossing. You're going to have enough clout with this relationship. Here's a transport on page 328. I think you can buy a horse for 75 coins. Holy-- How many points? Five. Uh, 75 coins. I don't know if I won. I love it. I love it. I love it. It's just like stables. The horse is 75 coins and load of 10. Okay, load of 10. I thought that meant load of 10. Load of 10? What kind of load are you? That's not so bad. What is my load? You're trying to horse. Three of us can carry a horse. I'm a load of like 12. What the fuck's wrong with that horse? Yeah. I can carry two of those horses. A cart and a dock. You can carry 20? Three. Yeah. Well, I'm six. Wow. I have a weight of six. So I'll give us an extra one because I'm corpulant. So I'm seven. They're talking about how much they can carry. Yeah. I've always been-- Yeah, I've always worked that out. I'm just saying. I want Fessie to be able to carry my fat ass across the wilderness. Does that show what you get on Fessie? Fessie, is that just your equipment? That's my equipment. And I thought it said for me-- Well, it's armor too. Yeah, it doesn't say-- how much do I weigh? I don't know. How do you convert? 27. Your horse can't even carry. You know, the walking convenience of your load plus-- Listen, the church has stables. They have to have horses for expeditions. So I'm going to go talk to my-- All right, show. Patronus. No, you are not. No, you are not. That is the higher up in my-- The fuck? A patronus? Yeah. It's very just higher. A patronus? No, no. It's got a meaning. It's flattened. All right? OK. What the fuck? You are not bringing Harry Potter into play. No. I did not say Horcrux like I had to kill Michael's character the other day. For suggesting it. Yes, I'd like to go talk to my mon-senior. Would that work better than-- You're much better than him. OK, then my mon-senior to request the renting of a very stacked corka. A very sturdy, very sturdy horse. Here comes a corporate horse with his cartilage rider. [INAUDIBLE] A carmolingo? A carmolingo. A carmolingo. That's the name of the mon-senior? No, that's the rank of the-- that's like the pre-light before the book. Oh, I'm not the book. I'm more of a mon-senior than the guy. OK. So a ration is like a day's worth of food? Yes. Yeah, you know, I never found this clearly in the book. Is a ration a day of food for one person? Or for the party? Because this is a big ration. I thought it was one person. I think it just makes sense that it will be one person, Barbara, Jim. Yeah, one way of food for one person. Can we get a sponsor and just-- they give us gold so we can go on a journey for them? That's the biggest thing-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] --with our sponsor. What is new scar? That's the biggest thing I had to-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] --was our sponsor. I'm going to share it. Right. [INTERPOSING VOICES] That's why we have to walk. That's the biggest thing I hate about this type of fantasy role-playing game is food and water, rationing it out. You're talking to your mon-senior. Yes, his name is Flavius. And I'm asking-- He's very well. --mon-senior, Flavius. If we can borrow some horses for this expedition, please. How well do horses do wooded terrain? Much better than my feet. You are a large man. They do have four. They have four? Exactly. So what you're describing to me, I believe, is you're trying to do a parlay. If you look on the moves? Absolutely. This is a parlay, baby. Parlay away. And I can't roll these dice because they really suck. Does that mean red dice? I'm a big fan of red dice. It's almost rolled. That one scared me a little bit because he's all old. I need 92 red ass dice. OK, I'm going back there. Sorry. So what you're doing is you're trying to ask your mon-senior-- Mon-senior. --Clavius. Clavius. To do what? I would like him to sponsor the-- Sponsor the second? --to give you an expedition because I believe there is a scar that we have found that will benefit the church by knowing the distance. Unknown way. Scars of power. Right. All right, so give me a roll, it is-- Plus wisdom. Ah, charisma. I'm sorry. That's real close charisma. I was looking under just certain reality. Oh, yes. Clavius is not impressed with this corp-- No, probably. Does he hurt you? He does. He attacks me. What'd you roll? Really sorry, Par. The audience, who doesn't have any clue-- Well, I rolled a three. My charisma is plus two, which made it a five. I spent a feet point to take it to seven. So I succeeded in your-- So, that's fine. And you failed. So, in fact, you get one experience. Oh, yes. Well done. How to piss off the monsoon here. Wait, I want to do something ridiculous. I want to do something stupid and fail. Where do we try XP1? Can I now trade that 1 XP for a horse? Bottom of the character sheet is level on experience. You need seven experience plus your level. You are all level one, so you need a total of eight. So is there a do over? There is not a do over. Is there a-- can I freeze in a different way at a minus, so I only get plus one instead of plus two. Unlike charisma. You know what I'm saying? Like, you try again, and you could do it, but it's a lesser effect or no. No, you can let me finish. OK. So, what I would do, I'm just planning the game quickly. Mm-hmm. Those are listeners. Is I choose from the GM's moves. And since you had a failure, the move would be a little harsher than the-- Hot block. [LAUGHS] Take yourself from my side to say when it's-- I do not enjoy looking at your blue hood sack. And give me that much chicken. Lose two rolls. And come back and talk to me at a week. [LAUGHS] The Mon-senior has no problem with giving you a horse. But it's not. No, I need a horse. It'll be dead. What? I need to-- You're going to sponsor-- No, I'm going to sponsor six horses, because I know that he will not ride one. You don't-- you wouldn't need any horses. You can walk this. No, it's like who does it? What are you kidding me? Can we get out of the city? The Mon-senior says there's no problem with giving you a horse. Yes. However, he doesn't know these other people you speak of. And he is certainly not going to give you his entire stable of horses for some whim that you have decided to go off on. I work on the church. He works for the church. He might give you a horse, too, but-- Yeah, so to sketch. He sketch works under the table for the church. The Mon-senior doesn't need to know about the sketch. Oh, OK. You know what-- I thought he was saying a lot. I don't think no. The Mon-senior doesn't need to know about the sketch. I'll just tap on someone's back and then I'll look at him. Seriously, Ryan, you could ride on this horse. So can I attempt to parlay the rest of us into the horses? You don't know the Mon-senior at all. No, I think I went there myself, just because-- All right, don't work so. I don't want any else. You're out there. I'm on my way for Grand Revelation, New York. Yeah, I am going to parlay on their back. Certainly, Drummond could have a horse as well, Mon-senior, I mean, certainly. You know of him. He's aided us in the past. I can trust him enough. So, yes, I could give you two horses. It's a pony, because he's a shorter stouter. You must realize, with all of the-- You don't need to do that, sir. You're talking. Yes, I do. Well, this is for me. This is why I got my arms out on the side here. I have to go wider to encompass the same way. You must realize that with all of the refugees pouring over here, our resources are stretched thin. Our main concern should be the refugees and the empire, which is right across the river of us here. I don't have to go off. I'm fine. I'm fine. I should. Dr. Bette. You're OK. And a sponsor, right? Some rations or whatnot, just to get us through to our destination. Oh, you want us to give you the food, instead of the refugees? That's what you're saying? Well, in order to be able to-- All right, I step in here. You ordered lunch. I'm not? No. You didn't know that. No, I just want myself. Yeah. You don't know. I'm a refugee. I thought I could pull some more here. I'm a refugee. I got to wait to pull. He's a pizza. Man, I have to pull. Honestly, I'm beaten and dusty, and they're telling me to get on the road again. I got two horses. As far as I'm concerned, this worked out great. I haven't checked this question. It's fantastic. Yes. A lot of horses, some systems say they're much faster. Some say they're not hardly any faster than walking at all. And I just want to know which one we're going with. And I would tend to think that they're a little faster. Yeah, I think the way I like to play it is you can push a horse to be faster than humans. Normally, because of the upkeep that is required with a horse and keeping it fed. It's not the same. I'm pretty sure of that size. You end up with the same travel time as a human. You can push it to go faster and quicker over short periods, but you're damaging the horse. You carry loads and easier on yourself. Right. I think that's the way we would go. I'm thinking about going into town and looking for a place to get some cheap donkeys, or something. Did you know that humans are the only animal that have ever created endurance hunting? Endurance hunting. We are literally running animals to death. Hunters. Ever. Running animals to us. Yes, I never really considered it. Dogs are really the only thing that can come up with. So while you've failed to get the things sponsored, you can get a few things. But apparently, you've also pissed off your boss. But you know what? I am really happy because I don't leave you alone. And it's OK. I'm leaving. And I've got a horse. I don't have to walk for two weeks. That's fucking great. What happens if we kill the horse? What? What happens if we kill the horse? That horse. Asking him that? That horse may die. Thank you for the horse. What happens if I kill him? You know, maybe he died. Maybe we're out there and I'm hungry. We'll be right back. We'll eat the horse. Maybe we'll make some sweets. Are we going to sell the knowledge of this tear to-- The church? So the church can profit off of it and feed these people or something? Why is this a good expedition for the church to go on? Churches operate from a basic power. The church is not a specific power in any way. He's lucky. He's allowed to meet town. This is a-- The here, the thing, connection. Yes, knowledge is powered. It'd be great to have some. But they're not going to pay for you to go get it. Well, they would have had a not rolled a three. Well, I'm asking, can we profit off of this knowledge? Oh, potentially. Now, the church doesn't want to be involved. I mean, it's hard to say until we know what the knowledge is. But now the purpose is out there. So who knows who we'll find out to see. Who knows? On the stable expedition. There's a moment in one. There you go. We're going out there. All right, guys, so I get to do is find some horses. I'm set. I'm going to walk. Let's go. Wait, wait, wait. We have to eat before we leave. There's actually going to be trail rations for two fucking weeks. We need to eat some food. You didn't eat while you were at all for two hours. What's your problem? How many weights can a person carry themselves? It's the only one on the class. On top of here, it says three to seven foot strength. Five foot strength. Nice as 12. OK, what do you mean? We need two weeks of food strength. Oh, is anyone at coins whatsoever? A load. He's got that. That's a start. Two weeks of a month. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What do you think? Why didn't you get food from your boss? Why wouldn't you get it to you? I caught him in a bad mood. Apparently, pissed him off. No, no, no, I didn't piss him off. I caught him in a bad mood. It has nothing to do with all these-- I got two horses. OK, fine. Look, I'm going to go try to get some food from your boss. I'm a refugee. And you're looking-- Everyone but Sanguine has problems with me, we can all get our own share. Well, don't tell my About you. Don't tell me. Good boy. I need your ruining. I need to wrap him with a big man. All right, two weeks maximum 14 times, six people, because he doesn't need food. Right, Michael doesn't need food. That's 84. All right. Six of us, we already have food. OK. Five, five, six, 30. Just take the gun off. 54, right. I got you. Really deals, but let's go. You also need someone to carry. We've got two more. 20 loads. We have four. He can carry a shit load. Well, I think you're carrying capacity. My carrying capacity is-- 27, 10. That's your plus strength, 11. I don't have a huge strength. Are you calculating for the trip back what we're going to need? That's a good thing. Wait, there it is. Why does you make it two weeks away? This is like a god-awful amount of food. There's a village that will virtually pass through. There's another smaller one that we could get to closer further down, but we don't know how far we're going. And we have enough to go after that, I don't know. And we can forge-- I agree. Yeah. That makes it easier for it. All right. I'm going to go back for a bit of food, and then we should be our way in our city. And we've got an expert huntsman with us. I'm going to say that's fine. But this entire journey is going to be a perilous journey, which there's a move for undertaking a perilous journey. And in doing so-- Are you going to break it up in a small majority of the villages? Yes. Thank you. First of all, you don't know how far this stream is where the source is. The first perilous journey that you know you'll have to take is to the big city of-- What was the name of it? Mike Donald. Big city. He's not a big city. He's not a big city. It's the bigger town. It's a village. I think it's a village. The first village you go to, it's the one that's most reliable, and you notice that-- Are these the freed people? Rather than the city states? They're all freed people. Oh, them. I don't know them. Can we trust-- Maybe they're under the auspices of this particular city states since they're close. Potentially. They pay homage to. They're not part of it. Vera and I are of the Empire-- Connection is the way with-- Right. And you guys chose this particular place to come to Riverhold because of the fact that it does not have a strong centralized government, other than the city of Riverhold. I can't give it because of mine. I believe that my god, Mrs. Taps be the-- Well, you were side-tenant because you were eating the other place out of house. Sure, or that. That's what you told your wife. Your wife's name is-- Yeah, I know your daughter's name, but now your wife-- There's something you're going on here. That's all I'm saying. Lilith. Lilith. Gotcha. All right. Not for real. Yes, it is. Ooh, this is very alpha. It's very alpha. So the first-- it's the larger of the villages, the name of it. Green fields. It would be really simple. It would be a village. It would be a village. Yeah. Greenly. The woody wood place, what? The woody wood. Green wood. Green wood, there you go. Green wood is the first village. And it is approximately four and a half days travel from there and just knew that green wood. Well, I would really like it if we could eat at a tavern to christen the adventure off before we leave. But we need a rope one time. We need to eat a nice good meal and celebrate and bless the journey before we leave. It's going to be a blessing. I can't stay here. Yeah, it's right. It's a safe tavern. It's a big city. Does the sign-out say say no red cloaks allowed? That's what the city says. You have 40 years? No, I'm going to bet it all. So four days away, and there are six of you requiring food to get to this village. The Russian's bigger than you. Yeah, I hope so. Well, you know what? When they go back into the month senior, I go have a final dinner. Screw you all. Because somebody has to say the proper prayers and have the proper piety to-- No, I was-- What are they drinking? The poor pied. [INTERPOSING VOICES] There is wine. There is pie. There is-- Do the ice. I'm all over that. Because this is available at your church, I'm going. There are three coins for every five rations, and the weight is one. So you need 15 coins for this. But what if we have it as part of our starting character? Well, it's supposed to be a week of rations. I have dungeon rations. We'll take that out. OK. I have five. You're going to have to redo the math because it's only four days. You're going to all just be responsible for our own rations. Yeah. We all have five days except the guy who doesn't need any. I'm not sure the deal for rations is going to be as good where we're going. Greenwood as it is here. I mean, it's a small village. Who knows? Thanks. It's about a point, but-- There you go, right here. Certainly we'll find-- We can't figure out the menu. So we can't go on the rations. [LAUGHTER] I don't need to finally leave. This is the equivalent of-- we can't decide to open a door. We can't get our food in the morning. We're going to fucking stop. You all have the rations you need? Fine. Let's move it along. You want to have a final party in the camera? We have a party. Well, I can if they're begging them on senior. Otherwise, I believe that Dunwick-- he's being chased by the red cloak. So perhaps it's best if we leave the city before a large menu. I'm buying extra rations for myself. OK. Three different characters have to be involved in the journey. One member of the party to act as a trailblazer. One just scout ahead and one to be the quartermaster. Same character cannot have two jobs. If you don't have enough party members, then you simply cannot sign to a job. Second one is the quartermaster. No, no, I'm going to say right off the bat, because I am an honest soul. Do not put me in charge of the food. Do not, because we will not make it to green wood. Green wood. My wisdom is 12. You should not be the quartermaster. No, you shouldn't be any of rations. We have three people with positive wisdom. Yes. They should be the ones in charge of these. OK, who is in charge of the quartermaster? The thinnest person. That's me, but only because I've been starving on my way here. We'll put Jared in charge of that, I guess. Jared, do you mind? Do you have plus wisdom, Jared? Come on, our expedition leader. I'll be the quartermaster. OK, I think that would be a good trailblazer. You've been through these parts. Oh my gosh, yeah. OK. What does a trailblazer do? He's got wisdom of these. He makes sure we don't follow any traps, probably. Checks for what's the last roll? And last roll, scout message. Oh, yeah, the dwarf's the scout. That makes sense. Something that triggers a trap. Do you have the larger wisdom as well? I have a positive one. OK, what's your wisdom? Oh, my wisdom's horrible. OK, then you sit back with me, and we just do want to beat jerky and tell war stories. Well, I shouldn't-- I can't be a scout. Should I be the trailblazer? No. We have somebody who's really good at trailblazer. Is that a bit through these parts? Oh, OK, great. He gets a plus 2, you get a minus 1. OK, great. It's a 3. All right, who rolls one, or just that one? I know. I get mad because of all the conjures, somebody, and help carry stuff. But I don't know if we really need him at the moment. No, we're fine. We're not slowed down by what we're carrying, so just-- He's in on the way back with all the loot. Right, with all the loot. Exactly. We need some loot. Well, I will prove to the cheers that they should have given us money. Right. But they won't get on it because they didn't-- Well, that's so alive. All right, we'll start with the scout. That was me. Good luck out there. Mr. Jamun, roll. Can we real quick go through hit points game? Because I just want to know who's weak and who's not weak. 22. OK, 18. 25. 19. 16. No. I know who I need to-- I don't need to worry about you. Or you. What did you get? 25. I don't know. We got some party-ass people right here. All right, I'm rolling. Yes. Yes. Who's a quartermaster? Me. What a quartermaster? I rolled six, exactly. Oh. What? What track? Hey, you get the experience point. I do. I'm marking the-- Yeah, mark that down. It's good to roll back. So you rolled a five. You're going to be the king of this game. Go Bob would roll. Bob would win. I think I would have the lowest wisdom of the front. I didn't make us go quicker, did I? Because I shouldn't have been that guy. No. You were just scouting ahead of the party and trying to make sure it was safe. So I ran into a tree and I said, off the bar. We'll speak. We're being ambushed. All right, tree. So your trip has been going along reasonably well. You're about a day and a half in the journey that the city's far behind you. You're walking through a wooded area. Every once in a while, the dwarf will hold up and report back in that everything's fine. And then he'll go scaring off again as you guys take a more leisurely pace. You're following a path. It's not a road per se, but a path. You have with you what? Two horses. Well, you could be and wonder we can use it for cargo as you're out scouting. I recommend a foot. I'll go on foot. OK. So your horse is being used primarily for-- Yeah. I mean, if there's a trap-- So when these guys want up right, they load up your horse with their stuff and the horse trudges along. OK, let's start the booty and buy it. And you're following the path and you round a corner. It's a very heavily wooded area. The path is reasonably small. And you see a gentleman standing next to Drummond who has his hands behind his back tied. The gentleman that's standing next to him has a sword out pointed at Drummond. I was surprisingly on ready for this. This guy is telling you to stay where you are and hold. OK. Can I see all of us clearly? Anybody who wants to-- Stick away. Time to avoid being seen. No. Nope. Yeah, you're not good at that. On a horse. I'll try to slip away to find Dangero coming to play here. Getting out of the way or acting fast and going with a roll plus DX for anybody who wishes to slip away. So you are on a horse and a very obvious. Someone else has a horse in their hand holding the reins of the pack animal. Let's say Jim. You got Jared? He's the quartermaster. He's the quartermaster. You're in charge of the quartermaster. So you have the-- Drummond's pony is piled with all of the supplies that people don't want to carry. And you have the reins of this horse. It's not going to be me. So you and-- Say what is, you're walking alongside the horse. He's riding on his horse. Simon is going to slip into the woods. Scott's going to slip into the woods. And Zab is going to attempt to slip into the woods. Well, two dice as you got to do it. And the other way I can assist them by trying to do more horses and stuff. Do not have to do the way. Seven. Seven. Kind of like you lied under to the track. Let's go through and-- No. Number 7. We'll start with-- Zab, he just melts away in the woods and is gone. The other two, are you going on the same side? Like you're both going to the right. You're both going to the left. Are you taking separate ways or-- I'm going left. We were coming around a corner. So I'm going to go towards the corner again. Okay. So the corner was bending slowly to the left. You're slipping off into the woods to the left. Yeah. You were slipping off the same? Yes. You were slipping off the other way. And I'm immediately trying to work my way to see if there's anything behind it. So you take a wide right and you're attempting to flank. You two slip off to the left and you can't be seen by the main path. And in slipping off into the woods, you start moving towards him because you want to get closer and maybe in a flanking position. And as you do, you see in the woods three guys pointing out with bows, looking towards where they are and one of them spots you guys and starts to turn slowly with his bow. Good distraction, guys. I have something. It's called I Am the Law. When you give an NPC an order based on your divine authority, roll plus charisma. On a seven plus, they choose one, do what you say, back away cautiously, then flee or attack you. Okay. Because that's something that you do here or are we just fighting? It's quite possible. But they slipped off into the woods and started going a little bit and this guy starts turning and you don't even know this guy exists. So unfortunately you cannot, the question is to them, what do you do? And that's almost a ritualistic phrase in this game. When the GM says, what do you do? It's kind of okay, it's your turn, take a move type of thing. You really shouldn't describe it in moves. You're supposed to describe what you're doing rather than... And decide what moves fit. I hide behind the fighter with my bow out. Okay. Well, we said that we were getting into trees, right? Yes. You stepped off the path and into trees. Trees here, here and there. You can definitely see them in this one of the three. Definitely so. And they're archers, right? You said? He is an archer. Then I'm going to take cover behind a tree and get my spear ready. Okay. So you're attempting to defend and he's... Yeah, absolutely. Right. Well, that would fall under defend. No. It really doesn't, actually. Defend is a different thing. It's defending others. So what you're attempting to do is... Defy danger. Defy danger again with... You know, sketch as my mark. I'm detective of him, so I'm going to... Oh, so you're actually going to truly use a defense to try it. Yeah. He likes to get his behind me. So I'm like, "You're ready, buddy." Because here it comes and I get the shield up. Okay. Then you do, in fact, roll the path. Just him though. Your action doesn't... To step behind him and let him take the... And a whopping seven again. The seven allows you to take one hold in this case and that means you can choose one of the following. Redirect the attacks from the thing that you're defending to yourself. Half the attack effect of damage. And thirdly, open up an attack to an ally, giving the ally a plus one. So you take the attack, but allow him to get into position to do something or deal damage to the attacker equal to your level. So you do one whopping point to him while you take the arrow. Then I redirect the attack to me. So he shoots the arrow and at the same time informs his fellow snipers. Nice. They have company. And what I want you to do, Mike, is to roll up one's excited dice. Two. Okay. That is the damage you take. So you take two damage. Now I've got three armor. It bounces off your shield and hits a tree next to you doing absolutely no damage to you. Okay. So now this is my armor reduce. Your armor is not affected other than to just smack it. So I've got like heavy scale armor and I've got my shield because I'm up. And actually, this was just a glancing blow off the shield. Now this allowed Sketch to hide behind you for a moment and he slips the side and does what? I'll fire back. What they look like. They're human. All of them. They're not like the law or anything. They're not empire. Okay. They're just high with it. We hate them. I'll feel bad. They find money. They really can have a ton of time. They found your answers. Actually, I'll try hiding again and getting closer. Okay. So you're going to try to move closer and not be noticed. Is there a move that you have as a road to do that? Like so. If you want to try to move closer to him and not be, we're going to just go with an intelligence role that you can get in a position like you're being clever about how you get up to him. I'm not very clever. Not very clever. So yeah, you might just be best to go with a bow shot. Which is. Or that. Good job. You got a tiny little dutch. I'm tiny. So that is just an outright success. So then you would roll your character's hit points. I'll damage. Damage, sorry. That's a chart. So the one that spotted you and shot at your front just took my arrow straight in the neck and he goes down like a rock. The other two are turning and firing at you. But before we do that, we're going to go to Zev, who is working on the other side of the road. You are sneaking into the woods and you're kind of moving up on them and you spot three guys on that side of the road as well. You don't know this. The other butt. They don't spot you. You're moving very quietly. How close together are they? Let's say two of them are almost standing shoulder to shoulder because they have, from the road, a really good position that they can hide. The other one's probably about three feet away from the other. So that all together, they're pretty reasonably close. And they, if I swing further out, that's possible, there's no natural boundary there or anything. No, there's not. But if you keep moving, it would probably require another roll. So then make sure you're moving the side on there. I'm having not played a druid before, am I capable of the animal moves that are listening without me? You certainly are. And what happens to my equipment? It magically transforms in and out of these forms. Oh nice. Yeah, it's very nice. As a druid, your basic skill is, where is your druid from? Well, I'm an elf, so the... You get the woods for free. Yeah. You're all planes. And the other one was from the planes? Yeah. Okay, so any animal from the woods or the planes you can transform in, additionally, there's something in your character that you can study an animal and you get its abilities, a fish or a dragon. Well, that's right. Any animal that you come across, if you spend time communing with it and you can eventually do that into that. So that's something to keep in mind for the future. But right now, you transform into what? Wolf. Okay, go quickly and fairly quietly. Good enough. Then roll your wolf move plus wisdom to determine how well you transform. Good. Bye. Yeah. Congratulations on the experience, boy. So Zab changes into a wolf, which is fine. He gets a new wolf, but that means you have only one action as this wolf to do it. So if your intent was to sneak up on these guys as a wolf, that's about all you're going to get before you lose the trench. Totally pedantic. As opposed to sneaking up and then by even attacking them as a wolf, you only have one thing you can do as a wolf. And is that to sneak up on them? Yeah, I guess. You're going to go for the one that's closest and solo- I mean, I can't swing around then. You can definitely do that. You can definitely swing around. It's going to take a bit of time. I'll stick with that plan. So you're going to swing farther around and move silently as a wolf to try to get in a position to attack the two that are closer together. And in the meanwhile, we'll go back to the center road where this guy is holding a sword to Drummond and saying, "Gentlemen, we're told to use this path and to get your friend free." You probably don't know this, but you're surrounded. So it would like you to calmly leave ten gold in the middle of the road and move back and then we'll return your front to you. Is that something we can afford? Gold, but not the horse. I'm not asking you. Is that something we can afford? The horse is really helpful in this environment. I'm not particularly intelligent. Doorcars matters. I have a brief aside. If I could. I have something being a paladin called Quest when you dedicate yourself to a mission through prayer and ritual cleansing. That to me means truffles and wine. That's a cleansing of what you're calling? Yes. Absolutely. Stay what you set out to do. I get to choose. So what is your quest? My quest is to discover the truth of the scar. Okay. The horse of hair. Yeah. He made up the scar. Yeah. From God. So bring me two chickens. Choose up to two boons so I could pick two boons, which I'll do. But then you're supposed to tell me what vow or vows are required for you to maintain your blessing. One of the boons would be a freedom from hunger, thirst, or sleep. I kind of am. I'm kind of enjoying that right now. I think I'm not going to go for that. I think I'm going to take invulnerability to edged weapons and I can pierce lies. I don't want to be for a line. Who's not lying? He thinks you're surrounded. Oh, no. I understand. I'm going to be true anymore, but he really thinks you are. Exactly. It's informed. You need to give me a vow that I need to maintain. Think about it. That's the time. Yeah, that's the time. So I just wanted to mention that before we started in case I got attacked, and I said, oh, by the way. Oh, but they can't ever be. Right. So I'm going to try. I am the law. I'm going to bring it out all the pallet and stuff. Are you in the middle of the road? I'm in the middle of the road. Yes. I literally am in the middle of the road. So I'm going to go ahead and make a charisma roll if I may. I tell him that by the divine authority of Asendia, we are on a mission for the one true God and you are interfering with that quest at your own peril. Leave now or face our wrath. I did. I did. I did. 13. Is that good? Whoa. That do's up to soil. I did. You rolled the 12, did you? I rolled 11 plus two. Plus two, okay. I didn't tell you. A Christmas that probably wouldn't be. A Christmas thing I do. So is I'm going to run a little bit later. He must either do, as I said, back away cautiously and flee or attack me. One of three. I'm okay with any one of those. He's holding a sword and I got, he gets him away from Drummond, who I'm fine with that. On a 10 plus, you also take a plus one forward against them. That means basically you've got a plus one. Not all your rolls. Against, against the bandits. They're against swords. All right. Cool. So that's why I say, and I wait for his, I have my paladin sword out. I groaned a little bit when I had to take it out because it was on my belly. Same you were, you were on my sword fat. Yeah. But you just had to pick up one roll, pull out the long sword. I would think he would attack you, but that was damn near the most impressive role you could have made. Right. It was quite impressive. Right. He takes Drummond and just pushes him at you and it turns around and just runs. It probably wasn't the reply he was expecting. No, not at all. He was expecting. Right. But you're, well, I think a bite of my granola bar and I'm pretty happy with that turn. So we'll go to Zab, who has turned him to a wolf and has managed to get into a position where they don't know you're there. They're watching the road. You see a startle look on both of their faces as the two guys close to each, as they look at each other and they're like, yes, when you go to see that, I growl loudly. I'm still trying to hide and move towards them. Well, you can't because as you're wanting action as a wolf, you changed into the wolf and snack. I'm struggling. So you start to transform back into a human. You could then. Can you do it again? You can't turn into a wolf again. Or again. Or again. Or again. Or really different. Or another animal. You got one action as a wolf and it was a sneak up on them. Normally it gets keep on going. If you throw a success. Right. If you would have rolled higher, you get two actions or three actions as a wolf. In this case, you got one. In that case, I'm hiding behind a tree where they can't see me in on the animal. Run away. As they look confused. Okay. Yeah. Let's go with parlay. Which would be a charisma roll for you. Yeah, I'm not good at that. But do I get any plus? Because they're confused. So the situational bonus will say is a plus one for everyone. Because the aim is to change the leader and they're in a swan charisma. Thank you. They're a little bit confused on why their leader just turned their man away and now someone who is supposed to be over that way is suddenly over here. I say that's worth another plus one, isn't it? No. No. Plus one is enough. Okay. There you go. Ten. They run as well. All three of them, actually. Yeah. Shit. So I wanted to take their armor. We'll go back to Sketch and Simon. This is easy. It just makes them run away. There were three guys on your side. One of them is dead with an arrow that you put in your throat. The other two are turning and firing on Simon. What does Sketch do about this, if anything? Let's shoot him back. So you're attempting to shoot one of them. Go right ahead. You get another ball. The volleyball is deck straight out. Dice roll plus deck. Oh, seven. Oh, on a seven, you get to choose one. You do damage still. Oh. So roll that. Three damage. That was not, unfortunately enough, to take one of them out. It did damage them and you have to choose from some of the other choices, which is you have to move to get the shot, placing yourself in danger. You have to take what you can get, and that means minus one is excited dice, or you have to take several shots, so you remove one of your ammo you've used too many arrows. Which of those three options would you like? I will move to get a better shot. Okay. So you notice that the two of them are setting up in a way that they can, they're trying to spread out a little bit when I'm just trying to swing over, and they're trying to get an angle on Simon who's hiding behind a tree and arrows are whizzing past him. You yourself decide to do the same thing, similar. You're swinging out a little bit to the lot to get into a better position that you can shoot one of these guys. And just as you find a location where you can kind of shoot by a tree and you try to keep yourself hidden as well, because you're not the type of person that likes to be out there. You do manage to get a shot off and you do damage, but not enough to kill him. And in doing so, you put yourself kind of near the edge of a hill, so you're a little bit worried about that, that you might tumble down the hill that you're next to. So you glance around behind you and in doing so, you see a large black bear that's kind of trundling up in this direction, seeing what's going on. Don't worry, it's just zap. That's it, cool, you're coming over to help us? Awesome, zap, over here. It's great. It's good. Okay, done what you're sitting in the road with, I'm going to do an arcane performance into a charge kind of musical interlude where we scare the shit other guys running away. But I'm just trying to perform a magical effect with arcane art. This is charisma plus eight plus two is ten. This is outright success, I don't know if you're move has special. I can pick plus one die forward to damage for an ally, or heal one die eight, or shake someone clear of an enchantment, or when people are assisting, I can help them out. Well, I'm going to have one die forward to sketch this bow. You're seeing the song of magical bows, Simon. You're facing two archers, alright, both of them are taking beads too, shooting arrows and a continual stream on both sides of the tree, you're kind of pinned behind it. That seems to be moving off to the lot to try to get into position to help flank these guys, but what do you do as you're being pinned down here? How far away are they from me? Let's say ten feet. Alright, so I'm a grizzled veteran, so I've faced down these kind of bandits before. What I'll do is I'll wait until they fire us marrows past me, then I'll suck myself up, take a few deep breaths, and then I have my shell up to kind of cover the guy, the archer on the left, and I'm focusing on the guy on the right. You're a grizzled veteran, so you wait for shots, and there's one instant when it's from two arrows close together, and you now, and you catch them off guard because you are just head down, charging right at them. However, one of them does manage to get in an arrow quick enough, and he shoots a semi in panic. Okay. So I want you to roll, the other one is caught totally off guard, so just roll one dice rather than two. So in this game, what you would do if there's two opponents is you would roll two dice and take the best as the damage. In this case, you're just going to take one, and the bandits, just a single six-sided dice in this case. Four, then I've got armor three, so I get in. So you end up taking one point of damage from it, but you catch them totally off guard and you hit the one guy with your spear. That's not even need a roll, you just, you took the damage, it's as if you rolled a seven to nine. Okay. You can damage and they do damage. And my spear is a piercing weapon, and it says plus two piercing. Does that make a difference? It ignores it's too armor. Okay. So what you would do is you would roll your damage dice. Or my damage dice is a die ten, and that's eight. You do eight damage to this guy, and two of that goes right through his armor. These guys only had an armor of one, so you just scare this guy, and he goes down. The other one is standing next to you with a bow out and kind of in a state of panic. He turns and gets away from you as quickly as possible, which leads him on to the road. And when Kyle's right into you, as you're walking, you being drummed, you're walking tied up and this guy hits you and you both go down in a tumble of arms and legs, your hands unfortunately tied behind you. Jim, your character Jared was walking up to help untie him and this guy falls basically at your feet with a scramble and a panic look at his face. Let me roll assistance. That's the thing I can do. Okay. You're trying to assist. You don't need hands for that? Yeah. I just put my shoulder and do his sternum while he's running into me. Right ahead. He's right about that level. When you help our hinder someone with the bond, do you have a bond with Jared? Yeah. He's in constant danger. I mean, the... No, I like it. I like it. I'm going to protect him. And by that, I mean, so this guy's throw while I knock him over. Hey, that's a success. I have no. Nope. No, you also expose yourself to danger or retribution. He knocks me over too. Yeah. I'm tired, tied up in a scramble of arms and legs. He has started to draw out a dagger and he's going to kill you so he can get away because you seem to be wrestling and trying to keep him on the ground. In the meanwhile, Jared... I'm going to trim him and tell him, "Hey, he's in front of mine. Don't kill him." And I even let the spell, which is five, which is bad. Pull some spell at the time. I haven't told you until you... Seven. Okay. That's what I'm thinking. I'm a nine. You can forget the spell for now and learn it when we get to the coach again? Yeah. That's what I'm thinking. Okay. That's fine as it goes off, but it does succeed anyways. So, he has agreed that you're his friend and what do you not want him to do? Or what do you want him to do? How ever I should have said it? Stand down and put your weapon away and you won't get stopped. Chill. Well, that resolves that. Unfortunately, sketch. You're fighting with Mike. It looks like the bandits are under control, but the bear definitely got wind of the situation and the fresh meat that's sitting at your feet. So it comes charging up the hill towards you. What do you do? I head back to Simon. You're attempting to run away and keep ahead of the bear that's charging you? Yeah. I wish I could give you some advice. You're defying danger, getting out of the way. Textarity. I love it. Wow. You dance nimbly through the woods and quickly get back to where Simon is where he can give you some assistance as a bear comes front-length through the woods at both of you. I'm coming towards you. Okay. My weapon is also a reach weapon. Okay. So I do keep the bear at bay. I guess that's the question. Do I have to keep on holding or can I launch the spirit of him and then as he closes, may I can still pull it out of his hide and use it against him or? Well, we'll see. You'll lose to the bear if you have a complication. In that case, I'm not really well enough to be confident. So I will, as part of my alignment, defend those weaker than me and I also have a bind with him about protecting the sketch. Okay. And I will set myself to receive the charge of this bear. Okay. So let's have you hack and slash as it comes within range. As soon as it's out of my alignment, it's like, yeah, your option, you may choose to do one day six damage, but expose yourself to the enemy's attack. Do I have to announce that before I do this hack and slash or in that edition? That's still out of 10 plus. You have to achieve that first and then you can say, oh, I don't think that I really hit but I hit really hard and I still take a little damage. Seven. And that one says you get attacked. Holy gnoli. That's a whopping six. I don't do anything. It's a bear. You got experience. You had your spear up, but at the last minute, sketch kind of grabs you and says, oh shit. It's a bear. And upsets your spear. All right. But the bear comes in and swipes and hits hard. Roll an eight sided dice, please. Yeah. Roll the four. So I take another point of damage from. So the entire party, the rest of you, I'll hear a crowd bear and it's loud. And then what does that mean? Yeah. It's there and it hits Simon. So you hear the claws, the claw hits and it rings off your shield and takes a little bit of damage, but it sounded awful. I'm going to come back and we're going to go over there and have food for the characteristics and it's starting to melt beer and lead them off into the wood somewhere. The bear is now rearing up and ready to strike with both paws. Exposing a soft belly to my sharp spear and being sketched. What are you doing hiding behind the. I'll put some space between me and the nanny and all. Try shooting the bear. All right. We're not going to make you roll for the distance. You just put some space between yourself and the bear, which hopefully will not roll and we'll see what. Did the bar do something? I think I missed it. Yes. I saw him about how good sketch is with bows and you feel yourself hoisted a little bit and that this is true. You know, I am pretty damn big with a bow and he is cool. I'll tell you. Ten. So I'm eight and a four. Eight. Six plus two. Okay. The bear has pretty thick and four, but that definitely got for it. However, Simon. Yeah. He's mega manger. Yeah. No. You heard him. Over there. There obviously is danger there, so. Yes. That's a bear. Right. That's a bear. That tells me it's endangered yourself. Protect someone weaker than you and I would definitely think that at least a half link would be weaker than me, if not the fighter. I want to dismount from the horse if I can. It probably takes a little bit of time because I'm a bigger guy. Oh. And then start moving off into the woods net direction. Okay. Drummond is tied up. Just in case. He's untied off. Okay. So Jared takes a turn to untie him. And Simon, you are being assaulted by a bear now with both claws as it's growling and attempting to point out. So I have a choice either hack and slash it or to defend drawing its attacks to me while Sketch keeps on shooting his awesome arrows at it. If you distract this bear enough, you might be able to get a sneak attack. Can you do that with a... I think, if I'm not mistaken, that sneak attack requires the bear to have no knowledge of your existence. Wow. Yeah. The backstab he says, when you attack a surprise, your defense is enemy with the enemy. Yeah. You need a surprise in our defenses. He has been full battle. And I will, my warrior soldier instincts kick in and I will hack and slash for my life. Damn that shit again. With a mighty spirit thrust. Oh my goodness. Come on man. That's seven nine. Seven nine. That's a nine. Well actually you do damage to the bear. The unfortunate side effect is that the bear does damage to you. Bear, you said he had tough skin. My +2 piercing should punch to the high. So my damage is a whopping nine. That, the bear definitely fills. Add in the arrow. Now the bear is bleeding. The bear unfortunately smacks you again. Do I roll? Yes you do. Cut it on a lazy jam. I don't want to roll. Oh. That's an eight. Points for battle. I may reroll a single damage roll. You might want to do that because he was attacking with both... Yeah. Pause in a bite so that would have had an additional effect. Yeah. I'm rolling to a one. Seriously? Yeah. Hold on. That's probably the best possible. That is the best possible. You said that. I look like I was in big trouble with the last second as able to jam the edge of my shield into the brush. Right. Absolutely. You jam the shield up into his mouth and you push backwards and the bear loses a little footing and it tumbles backwards a bit. Because I'm strong. Right. What's your strength? Sixteen. Nice. You're a good strong. You made me get off this horse for nothing. You really did because the bear, I'm full of bear, it's never enough. After taking a serious jab with your spear and a nice shot from Sketch's arrow, the bear decides, "You know, I don't really have a stake in this and it's my territory fine." Literally. Conversely though, I want to make stakes out of the bear, so I'm starting to high-tail it out of here. I chased the bear. That's just what a bear would do. One more arrow. Oh my god. Like you said, it's gouged. No, fuck. Gone. Yeah. It was hoping for some meat. There was some meat on the ground. You guys are nice. Using that, right? You can have that? I want to wear this bear hide. I'll take a shot at it. Yeah. You could take a shot at it. You would actually have to chase it. Simon, I don't know that you want to chase a bear through the woods. But Sketch can definitely get a shot off before the bear disappears. On that chasing the bear. Sketch shoots. Next shot. I love it again. Man, you are just deadly with that pull. Not going to look. Look, these tiny dots. Okay, you got super sawn and you damage or whatever. Right. All they work once. Yeah. Your song is only at one time plus? Yeah. That's the case. And sing it again. But you take two turns in mine. One dash. You're off. Go. You're not doing anything. And it actually glances off the bear's hide. It's really more just an insult as it seems. She keeps you in the butt. Yeah. And it's a little... Oh, that came from... It'll stay out. And it'll stay out. Because of his butt there. Y'all don't want me to chase the bear, right? So I asked him if my buddy banded about or the other bandits? I wanted to chase the bear. And where to go to eat and how far away is the time on and what's the safest traveling road? Where's all your treasure? Where do you guys keep your treasure? How long does charm work? Until you treat him with unfriendly. Until he takes damage or I prove otherwise that I am not his friend. It's pretty much forever. Six months. It might be considered proving yourself not to find to steal all of his money. Yeah. I'm just saying. We could just borrow. We could split it. We'll pay it back. I could steal it. You guys have killed a few of the bandits. With you guys looting the bandits we will continue on with the Quartermaster Jarrod. Jarrod, we need you to roll a Quartermaster roll, please. We've got a big six on that. Total of six? Total of six on quartermaster. He is the worst fucking Quartermaster you have ever won. Well, I don't know who to drop her. They don't really cover this, so I'm just going to say if he would have rolled a tenant above, you guys would be one less ration than was required for the trip. And this trip is a four-day trip. Actually, he ruins some of the food, leaves it out and the sun forgets to put in the fridge, you know. Birds got hit in it. Raccoons. It was definitely bird night. It was at night. The bear left it out. Each of you used four days rations to get to the town. In addition to the bad Quartermaster, you lost an additional one each. So it's over five days. We all have everybody. We're all excited. Everybody lost one. We're out of the food. So we get to town out of food. We need to get to the town. We're not dragging right into the town. Now, hopefully, the trailblazers didn't make you take longer to get there because that would never do that. I'm holding the sixth load now. I actually had ten food. I didn't notice that. Oh, look at that. I have a shot. You're sure? I have a boomstick. And we have a quartermaster keeping track of all the food. Yeah, I know. We lost some of it back at the end of the bear. You should fucking kill that bear, that's a little odd. So we have ten rations total when we get to town because Ryan bought five and I had five extra apparently. All right, because I used up my rations to get here. That'll last us one day. I need to roll from Zeb for trailblazing plus your wisdom, please, before we're bloating out of failure. I think it'll take longer because we don't need food. We have ten. We have a quartermaster. Yeah. Yes. Another 13. Oh, I thought he rolled the six. So as the trail, yeah, you get a speed for this and for fucking everybody over, the trailblazer reduces the amount of time. So actually, you guys arrived there in three days instead of four, so you only use four each. Just throw all that down. Sorry. Nice. Six rations total left for me. The quartermaster screwed you up and even though you got there a day quicker, you managed to use the same amount of water before it was taken. We all learned an important lesson. Don't trust. Don't leave your eggs out on this side. Don't piss off the bear and then camp for the night and expect them not to be like a fool. They killed the bears on me. They're my best. I would have chased bear burgers. And you guys did all a good job of trying to keep, like, actual physical, killing of other people. Yeah. Wow. What? Yeah. You shouldn't strap me there. Hey, we bring this guy with us? Fittown? Oh, we're not feeding him. Our buddy bandit. Oh, what do we do? Everybody bandit. We pretend we're going to play hide and seek. Come with his eyes. We never look for him. We just lay him in the water. We come with his eyes, tell him we're hiding and then we run away. We're taking this hiding. There's going to be a wounded bear that's going to need some, we're going to take him to town and have him show us who the people are who sell the cheapest rations. Yeah, but then we got a few. Roll for me two dice. Who? Anybody. Who killed somebody? Two, six out of dice. Let's say mine. Let's go ahead. You got it. You might kill someone and Ryan killed someone. Or John's going to roll. One and six. How average of you? Oh, actually. Oh, exceptional. That's a conditional. That's a conditional. Go Ryan. Three. So, one of the gentlemen had 300 coins in a bag. Apparently, he was a treasurer of the bag. He was a quartermaster. He was a quartermaster. We just rigged together 10 coins. This dude's carried 300 coins. You're a very successful highway man. And just financed the rest of our expeditions. That's good. Whoa. All right. Let's eat. Where's the church? You're into town. We're not at the adventure, we're on the evening here. And we end with a feast and a session of food. First off, the bonds. Drummond, you had one to protect Jared. You did. You get one experience. That bond disappeared. Simon. You're a bond. Protective of sketch. Well done. You did that. You get one experience for that. I wanted to see if Zeb was worthy of my daughter's hand in marriage. I think he did a step in the right direction. I don't know where he still had that bond. The same bond? One each. And I wanted Drummond to see that he don't have to kill. In order to still be the heroic figure. And I scared that dude away and made him wet himself. And Drummond was front and center on that one. Right. I really showed him that he didn't need to kill for that. So maybe two? Yeah. I'm going to rewrite the same one thing. I don't think they're done. Well, that's what I was going to say. If you're going to rewrite the same bond, you kind of have to change them a little bit. I'll tweak them a little bit. I will continue. I will show something that is a little bit of bobbin stuff. Because I had a show party that you could take out a threat without having to physically hurt them. I did when I turned the guy to do that. It's perfectly valid. Experience, experience for all of you that those bonds, great new bonds, anything you can take out of it. Just let me know. Then you have an alignment. Each person should have an alignment that has a bond associated with it to anybody qualify. And danger yourself to protect someone weaker than you? No. I don't think he really did that to you. You should watch all of them. That was quite dangerous. No, no, no. I was talking more about saving him to be resilient. But maybe not. He did tell me. Then he put himself in danger. No. Yeah, I did. You called the guy to... You called the guy to... I mean, he's my wrath. If not, that's okay. Yeah. I don't know. It's up to the group. It's up to the group. I don't think so. No. I don't think so. I think you're good. You suck. That's an up danger. Mine was defend those weaker than myself. And I took the arrow for him. More than once. Absolutely. Yeah, sure. Right there, bear. Kind of sounds like you're double dipping on the bond and the alignment thing for me. But you know, that's okay. I didn't define the alignment one. That was just... That's the way it was. Right. I'm saying you created a bond that was exactly the same as your alignment. It's one of the bonds. Well, then just you... I don't care. I don't care. Seriously. It's one experience. Plus you need eight to level up. Anybody come anywhere close to that? I got to re-help you. Something or someone grow. I scared off the three... Well, you put some assistance. I scared off three highway men who may have merged something from it. Violence is not the answer. You're still alive. That's a stretch. I think it's to grow emotionally or as a person. Okay, that's not sure. Take the point. So, you know, those guys probably learned a pretty good lesson. The... About the questions. Yeah, we learned something new and important about this world. No. Oh, God. It's huge, apparently. The trail? The trail between where we were and where we're going. No, I've been on it. It is what I did in Portland. I don't know if it's important. But it is new. I don't argue that the wild was no danger. I don't need the humans in the wild. I feel something, truth. Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy? No, no. A bear? Did we load? I did load. Did we loot? Memorable treasure. Yes. That's not allowable. I'll remember this. Memorable as the first treasure. Are we allowed to, like, take their bows? Or is that considered not a... Part of a wood. Sure, huh. A kind of armor that we might have in our range of weapons. All right. It won't be a great one. It's really not the most... It'll be like nothing special about it. A kind of armor that we got. Still a bow. It's just... What kind of boots are they wearing? That's what kind of socks are they wearing? That's what kind of socks are they got. They were barefoot. They were barefoot? No, I didn't. Seizes. What are they, elves? You see that. Like, it's a bad. Oh, you're a dwarf. That's right. All right, so that's it. If any of those are answered yet, you get an experience. Who should be our treasurer? A man of the... That's a man of the... A man of the cloth. No. Whoever the new quarter master is. That's the old one. I'll put the $200 safely away. No, no, no, no. I think the man of the cloth should be carrying the money because I'm the most trustworthy one here. Does anyone else have a good... Anyone else have a good... In their alignment? Yeah. But you put your stuff away. And they would have robbed you and ran away if they found $300. That's a new model. I trust... It's got all disappeared tithes. Trust the neutral man. I was about to say I trust the elf. But I don't. I think that I will carry the 300 gold that we found unless someone's got a problem with that. I have ample rolls to hide it in. I am high in a horse, which is hard to knock me off of. And I am a good warrior. The bear made off of the money. And I trust him for now. If we find a better one. I have no reason to... I'm dressed for it. I'm enjoying this too. I'll tell you ahead of time if he ends up giving it to... Well, when we get to the city, and after we buy a really nice meal... Shut up. We will then divvy up some money so everyone has money to spend. Way to go, Dad. Everyone gets a little bit of allowance. From the court, man. A little bit of fun money. Not too much fun. Based on how many bandits you killed, right? Or scared off. Yeah. Or scared off. Or bears you attractive. Hey, you all wouldn't kill any bandits if I didn't kill my scouting roll. I would say that actually Zab had the best day to do. Thanks for listening to the nights of the night at actual play podcast. Visit kotnpodcast.com for more information on this and other adventures. Where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, props, and even a form for comets and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at feedback@kotnpodcast.com. Or contact us via Twitter. Or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit ZenaudioSmith.com. And please join us next episode for more Vistri and Adventurer. First name to Mike. And then go into it and just say our name. I know. I'm sorry. Alright. Too late. Are you saying your name? Too late. I'm Simon. I'm a human fighter. I'm Mike. I'm playing. See, that's my ass. Look at me. I'm Mike. Hey, cut the last three years. Reset. And my daughter is mostly a leisurely elite. The mail man. You're an elf. It's so not an elf. You're both human. Shh, thank you for doing it. Well, we come from the Empire. And Jim is in the army. He's named in the army. So you know, this is not a blackboard room. It's not a blackboard room. That to me means truffles and wine. That's a cleansing up point. You're colon? Yes, absolutely.