Knights of the Night

KotN Actual Play Podcast 129 - Blood

Broadcast on:
23 May 2013
Audio Format:

Task Force S.I.R.E.N. flashes back one final time to the mean streets of East Cleveland in a desperate scramble to save a blood relative, while in the present, three very wounded and bloody heroes try to negotiate with a creature whose primitive blood-lust threatens their very lives.

Actual Play Starts 24:03

The Game Lofthttp://www.thegameloft.orgDresden RPG Chatragnarok.gamingsandbox.comVampire: The Masquerade - YouTube RPG Experiment

[Music] Hello, and welcome to Night to the Night actual play podcast. This World of Darkness story, Shigren, was written and run by a storyteller Scott. [Music] And now, please enjoy episode 129, titled, "Lun." [Music] Actual play begins 24 minutes, 4 seconds. [Music] Before we get started with the episode, we have two weeks worth of feedback as we took last week off. And so thank you for all those who wanted to wait patiently for their feedback to be run. Sorry about that week you skipped there. The first bit we have is a new comment on an old episode. Joshua Grozky wrote, "Sitting down to episode 86 of the deliberate campaign, The Ghoul King." Which I'm sure brings back some fond memories. Loving the Black Arielle layer underneath the podcast in the last few episodes. I've used it a great many times in my sessions. I know I'm way back on episodes, but beyond a pond from the play store is how I found you on actual play search. The mention of the flaming sofa is nice, considering that it was finding their podcast and enjoying it. That led me to search for more "World of Darkness" actual play, which in turn led me to nights of the night. I really enjoyed the Hunter campaign shitlock, even though I was never really big on playing "World of Darkness." I've always heard of Dresden, but never looked into the system, nor have I read the books. And now I'm looking forward to the books, and we'll take a look at the system. I enjoy the dynamic play. He's heading out to run a D&D session with his 11-year-old son and some friends from the church. They had heard that I used to DM and invited me to run it for them. They wanted to go with 4E, but I refused, so they ended up running a 3.5 campaign. And with a group that has little experience, it can be a challenge. But enjoyable. Your podcast has been helpful in focusing my ideas since I run up more intrigue in now the giant dungeon crawl. Looking forward to introducing them to the "World of Darkness" and possibly Dresden if I can get my head around it. Keep it up, guys. If I can get through another 32 episodes next week, I'll be caught up. While working and cutting the yard has allowed me to blow through your half-hour podcast pretty fast, looking forward to catching up. Well, just as a little warning, which you probably won't hear until you get through all the episodes, but the episodes get a little longer as we go along, because we originally intended to just put out half an hour of podcasts. But as we played and the backlog got more and more and more, we had to kind of extend it closer to an hour for each episode. I hope you guys have a large one. Maybe that's it. That's a very good thing. One episode for Lon, you know. I'm going back 40, and I'll listen to... Maybe he's a landscaper. Could be. Thank you, Joshua. Appreciate it. I just think it's really interesting how the enjoyment of one thing, in this case, flaming sofa, "World of Darkness" can lead to a higher appreciation for Dresden. And then maybe not just the role-playing system, but then the books. And how it kind of just all, just kind of neat how it all is interwoven together. And I think it's kind of great that when you listen to podcasts like ours or other podcasts, you can be exposed to some things that maybe you wouldn't have known, that you would have enjoyed. You know, I haven't mentioned this in a while. So for all of our fans out there that are GMs, and like, running stories, there is a podcast called "Sharkbone." And what they do is, each week, they watch a movie, and they pull from the movie ideas that you, as a GM, can incorporate into your plotting story. And they're not going to run out of movies anytime soon. There's a lot of movies out there. And some of the ideas that come up that I don't agree with, like, I wouldn't do that to my players' type of ideas, but some of them are really, really good. So I definitely suggest that. And there's plenty of podcasts out there worth listening to, and I'll mention some later. In the Dresden books when we were introduced to Aspects, it was kind of neat going through movies and seeing them define aspects that you can kind of lift out like, "Oh, the hooker with the heart of gold." Like, little one-sense, you know, sort of... It's a pretty woman. I think it was the first one that came to mind. I couldn't think of a, just curious, yeah, you'd have 10 movies? No, no, I couldn't. It's just wondering. Alright, well thanks for the feedback, Jack Block. We appreciate it. Definitely. Although I do have one warning, if you're running for a church group, all the darkness might not be your best choice, because you thought they'd beat up on D&D back in the day? Right. Maybe he has a very tolerant group of... ...the next community for all the darkness. Everyone will be Malia Spell for common. There you go. Alright, on our blog site, Cody Waters wrote on episode 126, "Shagran, The Sins of Our Fathers." First podcast I've listened to from you, and I really enjoy the flashback in it. What a place to stall out, man. It is a dark, dark place to start, but some people hear of us, they go out, they grab the most current episode, and... Yeah, that's a fucked up one to listen to, but... Never heard of this game before. Only having played games like D&D, Pathfinder, Deadlands, Playdiums, Dead Rain, and Shadowrun. It's cool to discover different systems and stories. Keep up the good work, and most importantly, have fun while doing it. So thank you, Kirby. And again, it's... you picked a pretty dark one. I don't want that dark, but cool that he had never heard of World Darkness before, and there you go, you're exposed to a new system. Yeah. We're kind of a... yeah, it's our theme for this week, maybe. Back to Facebook, episode 125, Shot in the Dark, Luke Green made a comment underneath other people's comments. And it was mostly referring to those comments that they made, and Luke was saying, "Eh, the shipstorm could be worse, Brent." Brent made a comment about it badly. Yeah. In one of my own games recently, I attacked the PC's home city of Seattle with a few thousand more dread worshipers. Plus, wear creatures, giant spiders, hellhounds, zombies, fenral wolves, hijacked predator drones, 500 mortal hackers, two demigod hackers, evil ghosts, possessing the nearby soldiers, a team of brainwashed scions, an Nemean tiger, a supernatural controlled nuclear capable bomber, escorted by raptors, and a supernatural storm. All of this being observed by, essentially, Dracula, standing on the flight deck of a 1,800 cargo ship. Well, here's the thing, Luke. Sorry, go ahead. I believe the game you were playing was exalted. Oh, we're fucking humans. And just that. We're not... We're not really... You're not even mages. You're not mortals. There is a difference from a straight mortal campaign to a hunter. You have a few downloads, you have a building of risk, will, power. I mean, there's a couple things that are different. But, yeah, so, a different system. It makes a big difference, doesn't it? Are you sure it's exalted? He mentioned it in some other post-id. I thought it was cyan for... And it could have been cyan. But, actually. I don't know the difference between the two. It doesn't matter. It's a high-powered sound. I think it's... I haven't played it. But I believe that Exalted is a high-fantasy system with like a world of darkness. Like a die-tentite, world of darkness, storytelling system-based. And cyan is... You're dead, my gosh. So... Is that what you're right? I think it was. Cyan. And I'm sure Luke will correct us. Sure. And let us know what that particular campaign was. But, other Facebook posts, we had Anthony Ertmer, who said, "Dear Knights, my semester at school is coming to an end." And episode 127 will be my last one that I listened to for a month and a half. Until my summer classes. And my two-hour ride begins again. Just wanted to thank you all for making a two-hour round trip for the last three months enjoyable. And keeping me awake on those late-night drives. Back as a loyal listener in June and can't wait to hear your next campaign. Thanks again and keep up the good work. This is the best actual play on the net. Well, it's kind of really cool to think about that just for a second. That someone's driving some highway late at night, listening to World of Darkness, keeping something awake. It's almost like we're a talk show, you know? Yeah, it's kind of cool. Somebody keep on thinking about that. That is neat. There was a post by Kell Ordo. And he started it because Kell and I were discussing in chat on Facebook that he should start a blog site of his own. Or just started on a horse. And what she says Kell Ordo says. How right or wrong we are? Yeah, and that's exactly what he did. He said Kell Ordo says, if you're hit with a 50 caliber in the flak vest, you don't have internal injuries. You have a funeral. And that brought on a lengthy discussion by all kinds of people, including some of his friends and his, rather than actual listeners of our podcast. Well, to be fair, I didn't want to get into it because I couldn't remember. And recently my memory and how things have been challenged so I didn't want to go there. But when we were sniped at, it wasn't with a 50 caliber, was it? There was some talk about that they had rifles. But it might have been the miniguns that they opened up with on the helicopter. Or as a potentially could have opened up with the helicopter. When you shot me in the field. Oh, and I want to make this absolutely clear. Kell Ordo never said, it's like Kell Ordo said, but it's the opposite. Kell Ordo never said that the gun that Jay is carrying around was a turreted sniper weapon. Because there's no such fucking thing as a turreted sniper rifle, that would be dumb. It is one of those mounted ones, not mounted, but they're stationary. You're supposed to set them up. They have a little thing and they weigh a metric shit ton. So it's not like something you would be running around with, but more like, is being a hilltop somewhere. A little tripod at the end. Right. You were wrong. I'm still using the wrong kind of gun. Although, now I did see a TV show on, I think it was Top Gun. And they were doing the M4 shotgun on a Mac or some on a Mac shotgun. And I thought that would be the perfect hunter weapon. And that's what our standard issue should be. Because it has a surprisingly good accuracy and high stopping power. Well, the one thing, did you see the video that Kell put? Yeah. One thing, Kell, when it was just vaporized, when it was hit by a 50K. And I said to him, the thing is, yeah, that would be a straight hit. That might be an awesome weapon, but my point was, this is a game. Right, right. And it only extrapolate out what we can extrapolate out. Right. That was one where the shot was not dead on. It was more of a deflection off of the vest. You know, where you maybe hit an 80 degree angle as opposed to a straight up impact. It was maybe at a really tight angle and just drew some internal organs that way. Right. I just remember being shot at from the house. And then I assumed it was that whoever was shooting from the house. Remington didn't they? It was what hit me now. Daniel ended up. It wasn't a helicopter that hit me. No, no. But I don't know where the reference of the 50K was coming from. That's what I was bringing up. Right. But I'm not really sure. Back on RPG crosstalk and in regards to episode 126 Med, Mule Nier said, "Good day, mate." It's always good to see the theme of children in peril. Got to shoot. Got to shoot. The chagrin. Come to four. Again, we'll choose Flashback. I'm doing some twisted things in a changeling game I am running. But I never thought to offer a child a handgun and a choice of people to kill. Do you believe that? Yes, Scott did that to chew. I'm a little horrible. That's right. Yeah. Well, it's because it's faster or worse. You're one of your three worst game goals. I know. That's why I don't try to remember it. It's horrible. It's going to be counseling because of that session. By the end of the story, I imagine you guys will have your very own special room in the FBI office somewhere. Very amusing to hear the discussion on the level of opposition thrown at the task force in the feedback session. I use Scott's setup as a ghost story for my players. Take it out of context. What he does sounds so much worse than it actually is. Because we went through and it was like we were naming off. I think actually we were whining, but yeah, naming this works too. No, it's not that we were whining. It will be interesting to hear you guys play a different genre dungeon world, I believe you said is next up. But I'm curious if the Paladin Warden Allen and company will return afterwards. So that's something we could discuss. Humble Dice Hero is a firing storyteller. And also he gave a link which is Which is where his podcast is called Dice Heroes. And I've actually listened to some of them before. And most recently I listened to a whole series of shows that he had based on Fatecore, the new Fate version that's out. And they did it in the Wild West. Oh. And it was kind of cool. Just a dead redemption? Kind of. Your Wild West? Your Wild West? No magic? No weird no? Yeah. It was pretty much just Wild West. Bank robbery was involved and all kind of. But again, it just reminded me how much I love the social aspect of Dresden. Social comment, it just handles very well. So we do appreciate the feedback. Yes. Thank you very much for the feedback. And I would definitely suggest Dice Heroes and any of our fans out there give it a listen. They have a lot of different things that they play. And you can pick and choose or listen to Maul. It's good stuff. And he's correct Dungeon World is next. And he is correct. That? Probably after Dungeon World is next. Yeah. Warden. Allen Wolverine shall return with Roberto Martinez. Gold Lord of Cleveland. And kill the Maul. You mother can't get anymore. Maybe the title should be Redemption. Question mark. Okay. That's good. Here you go. I also got Honor Feedback at KOTM. That's our email address if anybody wants to send it in feedback. Scott McDonald, we talked about him last feedback. His brother. Yeah. The McDonald's. He mentioned a place called the Gaming Loth. And I asked him more information about it and he sent it in. The Gaming Loth is a non-profit after school program in Belfast, Maine that is run by a couple in their 60s who have been literally involved in gaming of some type over the last 50 years. The program has two main goals. One is to feed the kids so that each child has at least one hot meal in a snack at night. Goal number two is to teach the kids how to socialize. And to this end they play non-electronic games. A lot of card games, board games that are owned by the organization. But role playing games are also used there. It seems like no less than five are on play at any given time. Beyond these goals they are developing an American history role playing game that has been improved in the state of Maine for social studies credits as well as a live action combat group for visit credits. They also maintain a strong community presence with several events every year for the public to attend including full role playing historical trials on topics like slavery and nom draft. The Vietnam draft. Cool. It really is a great program and I don't do justice with this description. I would just encourage any gamer who is driven through Maine to contact them for a visit to the program. They won't regret it. So he was telling me about this and I found it so interesting. I'm like you got to write me up something that I could read or listen to. I was all about to go to like Miss Catonic you. Yeah. But then before I made fun of it I heard the accomplishments. I was like ah never mind I don't know anything to say. Never mind I'm really cool people. We're not gonna make fun of it. We're not gonna make fun of someone who's doing some type of progress though. I'm doing good for kids and also teaching them about gaming. Yeah. That's awful. And he said that there are other people that are adopting the same program and other places that I said it would be great if we got something like that around here. I mean it's just fantastic. So kudos to them. And the more people we could send out that way. I don't have the link here but I'll include it in the show notes so that anybody wants to visit their website can do so. Back to Facebook really quick. Patrick Riley said listening to the Dresden foul is played through right now in preparation of administrating a site for it for Dresden. Very interesting and I love the concept of having normally NPC characters used in such a way as to be PCs like the black court vampire and the denariant. And Mike I can just imagine the thoughts going through your head those were your two favorite people in the game. I'm saying nothing. Mike had a slight problem with the black court vampire being in the game. Yeah. What about the denariant? What about him huh? Yeah. He didn't happen until the end. Was the character concept to just my actions? No you role-played the actions and that's all role-playing that conflict emerged out of that. I just I think I disagreed with Tom about you know if denariants are in town they're usually draw the attention of the white knights and some others and it just seemed like there's thirty crimes though right? Yeah. There's only three kinds of high powers. It just seemed like it was a high powered concept for beginning characters. Gotcha. It seemed to me like it was a that's a big boss. The whole intent was that which is how we played it. My understanding. And is that he did not have full control of this nor did the coin have full control of him. That he was keeping it at bay because he wasn't using it. We're almost what a year away from what no one can talk about it calmly. So thank you Patrick for the feedback. And I also wanted to mention that site that he's talking about came up with another totally not related. This is Elizabeth Priesi sent me hopefully that's how you pronounce your last name. Elizabeth sent me a message on Facebook and I asked her for again more information because it's a site that they are running apparently both admins on the site Elizabeth and Patrick. And it's a Dresden role-playing forum where they're doing I think it's played by post. But anyways well Elizabeth explained it. Hello Knights. Long time listener. First time writer. What can she run right now and I love the Dresden Files game. Your characters and stories are fantastic. I greatly respect your team of role players, storytellers and GM's. It is cool to see how your podcast has developed over the years. At first I wasn't a fan of the background music and the sound. When you started them in delivery. But over time it has grown on me and I've come to look forward to the quality of presentation of your podcast offers its listeners. I also enjoy that you include the feedback in your podcast. It's fun to hear the Knights answer your listener base so actively. Liz. Oh on a side note. I'm an assistant admin for the We are looking for GM's storytellers for our Dresden Files role-playing online chat game. It is still on development stage and we already have a small handful of dedicated Dresden fans. RPGing. Now I'm Canon on the chat site. I understand if you cannot hear this in your podcast but I know you have a large fan base and I was hoping maybe you could mention it on your site, Facebook or whatever. I'm still trying to fill volunteer positions for GMing. Thank you for your time. Liz, Pete. Why do you guys enjoy the games? Yeah. Glad you're enjoying the podcast and we do have a lot of Dresden listeners and if anybody wants to be involved then feel free. Are they USA or? Play by post. Pretty much anything. It'll play by chat so it really doesn't matter. It's all online. Well I'm just curious where they were like time zone wise where they were. That's a valid point. If it's a chat base rather than if some dude play by post I think they're talking more. Yeah it doesn't matter. Right. But we'll drive some dozen players off to your form there and they can enjoy themselves. So thank you for the feedback. Also on Facebook we had Bob Monchman who said, "Have you fine gentlemen seen this little live-diver floating around yet?" And it's a YouTube link in which there's a gentleman talking about a vampire the masquerade living city that he wants to run on Google Plus. Google Plus has this ability to do gatherings. So it'd be very similar to what they're talking about just a moment ago with the Dresden chat. Right. It would be on Google Plus where people would meet and have role-playing interaction using Google's Meetup which is video cams and voice. And so it's not larking per se because you're doing it from your home and you know, and it's also not a word costume if you want it. It's good. It's not a form base where you have to read past episodes and things that happen. This would just be your talking to someone so you would know the stuff that you're talking to them about. It's an interesting concept. And I appreciate about playing it out to us but the thing is we don't really play a vampire per se. We play Hunter and it's the only world of darkness that we've really ever played. I think the idea behind a vampire is you've lost your humanity. And how do you try to hang on to that while being an undead creature feeding on human blood? So it's that dichotomy of... But that's kind of what happens in Hunter too. Sure. You're starting to lie down to scale. Right. Exactly. And I can relate to being human much easier than I can get down. I think if we play it the right way with a cool character arc we could probably make it happen. But it's not a thing in our system to do. So I appreciate the heads up and again we have a lot of listeners who may enjoy that. But as for any of us playing it's probably unlikely. And lastly we have a few comments on a picture of Gracie that was posted up on Facebook. Oh man. Really? People dissing her? I didn't say that. I said we had comments. First was from Jason McDonald. Jason said I am so glad I liked the Knights of the Night page. So that I get moments like this that pop up in my feed. Instead of... Look at the bright picture of the cat. Greg's petunias are really coming in nicely. Bah. So he's really happy that he gets really gross pictures of bloody children in his feed. Which was then responded by Scott's mother. Who said mother in his hand? Who afterwards said that's really disturbing Jason. No more internet friends for you. Well no because I believe Jason's like 25. It's not like he's a teen or anything but his mom was a little bit concerned. I'm like hey show mom the links. Maybe we'll have one of our listeners. Well the third McDonald posting on his mom. My mom might enjoy it. Or never know. Because the KOTN has been introducing the world of darkness to mothers since 2011. I wanted you from mom. You bet. Michael Clay has a stick up his ass. Somebody needs to smack that bitch boy down. Jason, I don't think your mother talks that way. That's the easy guys. Tom Rocket also posted on the picture of Greg. Rocket. I just finished listening to episodes 124 through 127 and kudos for Scott on Chew's background. Now everything is clear. I was waiting for Tom to chime in on Chew's story. Chew's background is dark. It's interesting here. Bob was over last night helping me with the pool and I mentioned that I heard that. I'm all caught up and I said you know that one was a really dark one and he said which one. Yeah that's true. Chew, Chew hasn't had to explain it. It was the Dungeons and the Trailer that I've seen. Oh yeah that was bad. Chew's had some hard episodes. This story too. I mean zombies in the trailer that Danier died with him in Monteser. I just kept going on and on and I did just no end in sight. And he had the wife abuser. He was there to negotiate that scene and he had his last flashback. We had 126 which explains a little bit about his indecision and his ability to vacillate when important decisions arise. Mr. Rocket continued. Jay made some tough choices and left a fallen comrade to back up another. Chew is running in circles and finally finds Michael Clay and the noisy nun. Sugarin is living up to the lofty expectations mainly set by shitlock. I'm really enjoying this story arc and now the showdown. Awesome work by the players in GM. So great to hear from you Tom. Always thanks a lot. He had to get a dig in and Chew running in circles. He can't just say Chew has a hard life. He's got a... Now all the players know why Chew is such a fuck up is what he's saying. Basically. It's like a backhand compliment. Yes. So anyways, thank you for the feedback everyone. And we'll try to keep up on it next time so it doesn't get so backlogged. But we'll let you go really quick. Stop at our site. There's an Amazon link on the right hand side where you can help us out a little bit by shopping in Amazon. It costs you nothing because it's a little boost to help us pay for the month for the bills. So with that, we'll get on to the adventure and thank you all for listening. This is chapter 18 of The World of Darkness story chagrin. I'm your storyteller of Scott. And with me on my right is... Jim playing Sister Katie O'Connor along with the Shadow Congregation. Bob playing FBI Special Agent Chew Park. Member of the VASQ conspiracy. Tom playing Jay Alton. Member of the Ascending Ones and Leader of this group. Mike playing Michael Clay. The Academic Adventure. Part of the H.S. Kai Doru. Thomas playing Edgard Montes. If we're doing practitioner and they're a member of the lay misteris conspiracy. John playing Daniel Morgan. Not man turned mercenary. Next member of Task Force Africa. All right. Where are we last left off? You were... I'm a promoter of Montes' dying body. Yeah. With three spirits. We're hovering nearby. Montes was of course lying on the ground unconscious. His light blood slipping away. Slowly. We got time. Daniel was there as well. I was beginning the run to the carrying silver belt. You were holding Grace and she had her head buried in your shoulder. She was terrified of the spirits. And she was clinging on to her dowel. She was the severed head of your sometime love interest Kasey Shek. And on the other side of the farmstead we have Michael Clay, Chew Park, and Sister Katie, who have made their way down the winding road with two children in tow from the farmstead ostensibly. As far as you know. Only to come upon the waiting form of a Task Force Valkyrie leader who has his arms crossed and is looking like he's impeding your progress forward. We're going to go by initiative. I'm going to take some liberty since we're really running joke towards the end of the story here. Don't know if we'll finish it tonight, but if we do, great. First of all, I said we're going to finish it in about three months. But I might take some liberty with timing, jumping back and forth, the flashbacks. So just bear with me if you can. And according to initiative, does anyone have any questions for me starting to shoot it now? Chew have silver bullets in his gun? Yes. Yes. I didn't know what calibers we had in the thing. I don't know if you... Yes, actually you probably want to work on with the right bullets when I'm mistaken. We're not even really fighting that at all. It's about my knowledge. Right. I mean it's especially knowing what we knew before going into this conflict. You were a bar guy. I would definitely would have had that. And during our last adventure when we're going up against Wear Wolf, we ordered those in. Right. But didn't we also find some silvered weapons? Yeah, so does the hammer. I was referring to... Right. I didn't know we ordered silver bullets. I was just referring to the calibers we found in the deck. Because it's a previous story. So you wouldn't... I am holding still the silver rifle bullets and the revolver. Yes. And revolver. Although you still have the rifle strapped to your back. I also have a revolver, but yes. Yes. And I can use these to relive them. He's referring specifically to the ones we found in the garage. Yes, there was a hammer, bullets, and a blank journal whose exterior was beat up, but whose interior was relatively pristine. Sounds like an artifact. I like you have that, right? It was not given to me. You guys will let me have it. This is true. You told me not to. Yeah. You don't give him the artifact. Don't give the artifact. You aren't the book though. I think you were looking at our register. There was a book. And we haven't really had a chance to... Well, the answer is in it. It was all blank, but I'm sure we have to research it. It's a deep, meaningful answer. Any more questions? Not that I can contact you. We have an artifact guy, and I wouldn't give him the artifact. What a dick move. Yes. Sounds like me. Okay. It sounds like Jay all the way. No way. You didn't give him the hammer, right? And... It's always been like a... ...everything to look at. They just told me not to let him. Well, there's nothing special about the hammer, really. It was just the hammer. It was silvered. It was silvered, right? Silver-coated. Yeah. It was a craftsman dipped in silver. Yeah, it was, like, five thousand year old. It was a great, like, ancient job. It was a more recent... Yes. Right. I think Jews thought it best. It was a craftsman dipped in... Okay. ...some silver veneer. Was there anything else from this one? It was just... Those were those hammer. Those were the three pieces. All that we brought with us is... I'm aware of the bullets. Right. I'm trying. Wait, no, didn't you bring the hammer? Jay? Oh, yeah. Of course he did. Well, I don't know. Well, I also thought there was also some chisels and some... ...wasn't there, like, a snake? I think there was a snake. Oh, sure. You know, you're absolutely correct. There was. Yep. It was kind of like a... Well, hello. you brought that. Yeah, sure. Yeah, sure. It blowed in my gun. Pouch. It had a chisel in it. And there was more than one, right? No, I believe there was just that. Just the one. I'm pretty sure that Katie has a chisel on the... ...cause, like, buffeting it. It's got a good chick. I have no idea what you guys need to do. I don't think we brought it with us... ...that we did at any rate. I thought we would. Well, we wouldn't have said we brought it because the flashback occurred while we were already here. Yeah. So. We would probably have brought it. After the flashback, I said, "Well, now that we have these bullets, I would have brought them." And we never say it much better. I didn't have any problems. I don't have any problems if you guys have the stuff. Why wouldn't you bring it here? I'd go by 80... ...his past, meaning Danny Bock, who finds something at... ...a friend's house of his. It's a little convenient that somebody here would... ...the fight in the vampire would have the stick. Well, you have the gun in the silver bullets. That's not convenient. You're nowhere near the vampire. He is the guy with artifacts, so he has both hammer and mistakes. That works for me. Okay. Sure, the book. I don't know why. He's good. I got one hit away, so it's their pretty much good advantage. He's not no greener. Get him. Get him. It's not like we're giving it to our best fighter. Yeah. Yeah. He's ready, you know. Oh, he fell over. He's... ...thanks for the photocop. You got one hit. Alright, Jay, you're first. You're hunkered over head guard. Yes. You bend over him. You see a trick with blood going from his lips. Going down over his chin, and that strikes an image in you. And you flash back to the night. You guys are getting ready to depart for your mission out here to the farmstead. You're waiting for the delivery from headquarters of all the equipment you're going to need to pull off this mission. The headsets. Just all the various stuff that you ordered beforehand. You're waiting for the page. Everyone else has turned into some extents. People are still on their laptops or whatever. You guys are just kicking it out. You're waiting for late night. You're waiting for late night. Developers, you can get out to the farmstead. You wanted to hit it at night. Do some reconnaissance work. That was a general painting plan. Mm-hmm. Your pager goes off. Wow, pager, but it text message. Shoot me. Drop back about a decade. Oh. I'm a drug dealer. Yeah. That's true. You are. By the way, which... I am not a drug dealer. You're a drug user. That's fine. Yeah, but that's the same thing. When you just take your view on to... I would be of the knife of paradise. Which is the military that the master hunters, the true believers since J is both very strong and safe. Right. It is Muslim. I'm not mistaken. Okay. So your text message goes off. And you're fully expecting this to be from the person who's doing the delivery, which usually is some anonymous text that you can't trace or whatever. But it's from Claire. It's from your sister. Okay. So at first, you're like, oh, Claire. I'm killing time. You know, waiting. No. And this is what she wrote. So you might want to write it down just in case. N-E. Space. H-L-P. Period. N-O-T. Space. R-A-T. It's about... Period. P-L-Z. Period. Period. So that text comes across potentially concerning you a bit. You were going to put the line down. Oh, she needs help. About what? Read help. Not right, please. That's pretty good. Yes, please. I'm right in front of text messages. Let's call her. Fuck these texts. All right. So you're going to respond to the text message by calling? Yes. Does she answer? No. It goes straight to voicemail. Claire, what the hell's going on? Where's Dad? Why do you need help? And what do you need? And then I hang up and text her where? I spell that right. I spell it all the way out. You text. Press send. Thirty seconds passes. A minute passes. I don't wait longer than a minute. I call my dad. Obviously, it's very late at night, so... It's blown. It's Morgan free minutes, my father. So you get a groggy voice dad answering the phone. What's up? Dad just got a text from Claire. Where is she? What's calling on? Not sure. Said she was going out with some friends tonight. Said she'd be home late. Good girl. So not that concerned. Had a wand day at the mosque. So I turn it out. I'll take care of it. Thanks, Dad. Sorry to wake you. Okay. Michael. Are you up, Mike? Are you sleeping? Sure. I wake him if he's going to help. I got a phone number and I need you to trace his location. Okay. Is this... I don't... In the context of the time frame with this flashback, are we... This is the night you're supposed to leave for the mission. Then yeah. Mike, my gear was... I don't want to be able to... Just... Or was all good now? Are these good? It's all good. I do what the boss says. Well, you know from experience that the only way you're going to really be able to trace this call... Or you could trace to see who it belongs to. Or what IP they might... Oh, you know, what Saturday they've been bouncing off of. But you really need to probably triangulate the location. You'll be able to tell the closest cell tower it bounced off of. But that's it. Unless you actually get to an area where you can start to really narrow out by triangulating the signal. That's it. For my iPad, I can tell exactly where my iPhone is. If I have the number and I know what I'm doing. Right. I'm assuming we as government equipment could do something similar with the players' phone. Because I'm sure it has GPS and it sends out a signal as well. Right. I would know that too. What? I would know that too. Totally. Did you know that? It's kind of cool to ask you, like, different devices. Where's my iPad? My phone. I mean, my iPad will tell me where I promise. And legitimate law enforcement, too. Yeah. It's pretty awesome. Go ahead and make a computer roll. What? Computer plus Wix? We're legitimate law enforcement. Yep. Well, of course. And when you say that it gives you, because that's something I'm-- No, I am honestly talking about a fucking Google map, but I can zone down and see it's into my house. What side of my house is that? It's scary. Computer in which the six dies plus any equipment bonus? At least the equipment bonus of plus three. All right. That's total of nine. And let's say minus one just for the unexpectedness of it all. Okay. Three successes with 110. Three successes. All right. You're able to narrow it down to what looks to be an apartment building over in East Cleveland. Pretty shady neighborhood. Probably about a 15 minute car drive away. What do you think, boss? Sit up. Let's go. Yeah. I'm going to have to check this out. I don't know. Katie is still at the church investigating. She was sent out to look for some more information on some of the stuff you'd found earlier in the day. Uh, Daniel. Yeah. I'm trying to pull out my revolver. Head gargoyle. Is it this? Yeah. Maybe. I'm taking the two unless you want to come. I don't know that we need investigation, but it sounds like trouble. Am I here? I know it's not true. Everyone can say that. I just don't think so. Yeah. Let's go. Wrote in the system here and get the laptop and come along with you. Come on. I have no idea what we're getting into. All right. So you all jump into one of your-- Hold on. I want to know. Can you do that computer thing on the road? Yeah. Because they might-- Phone's a hot spot if you need to be able to track them. I want to call. We can do it. They're fighting our heads. We can do it. Yeah. I'm sure he can. It's like magic on, man. Wait. You don't have to plug it in. There's a strange light box talking in there. It scares me. All right. So you guys jump into one of your vehicles. Five people. There's no problem to get into the vehicle. I'm assuming that you're driving Jay since you probably know the east side a little better than the rest of the people here. We're driving like an SUV, right? Yes. Sure. I have you track it live while we're going and we pull up side the building and I'm going to go in. You guys think about it. About halfway to the apartment building, you see a text PLC. So please. And then Hurry is H-U-R-Y. So you text her back again. Almost there. Okay. As you get maybe within five minutes of the apartment building, the location changes slightly. From the north east side of the apartment building, it just moved further to the north into an alley. All right. We're going to Jay that she appears to be on the move heading toward the alley. So I adjust and drive around to the back of the alley since we get over the range. Well, as you get closer, it's one of those neighborhoods that you feel incredibly uneasy in. As you get inside, if you get within maybe a mile, half mile of the apartment building, all of a sudden there's cars parked on the side of the road. There's prostitutes working the street. There's someone in every corner. As you drive by, there's people looking at you, you know, looking into your car. Like, what are you doing here kind of thing? You've found supernatural threats. I mean, come on. No, I'm not saying you're scared. I'm just saying you are completely in a different element. I'm just scared. Yeah. All right, go ahead. I was in this kind of element back down south. Fair enough. Yeah. In the French quarter of New Orleans. Exactly. A little different. Yeah. So you've got yourself a steamy summer night. You've got, like I said, dealers in every corner. Cars that are either incredibly nice or incredibly pieces of shit. There's different sex acts taking place in alleys that you drive. You can't just drive down the street. You kind of have to go slower because there's corridors open. There's people standing in the street talking. You have to like pull up and they won't get out of your way until you actually either say something or beep you're born. So it's a really different vibe than what you're used to seeing on the west side in your safe house area. Oh, in Ohio City. The signal hike in the past two minutes or so, three minutes since you got the last signal she was in the alley. And then until now, hasn't moved. Okay, report that. Okay. All right, I get to the alley. Yes, you can see as you pass the apartment building, you can see there is a very large white man with his arms crossed, standing right in front of the front door, up some stairs. The apartment building looks pretty dilapidated. It's not completely, it's not abandoned, but it's just a run down place. It looks like it's about five stories high and as you pull past it, he certainly is watching your vehicle as it goes on past. Same type of activity past this apartment building there was before the apartment building. So it's kind of hard to be inconspicuous if you will. There is a place to park, occasionally the parking spaces, if you want to pull past. The alley itself is not white enough to pull into with a vehicle. No, I'm not pulling into the alley, I'm like blocking the entrance of it by pulling across from it. If I'm black in the street, I don't care either. Leaving the car running, putting it in a park. Do we have a quick little IR scope that you can maybe just look down the alley so you can see it? I'm not sure. Yeah, chew as it's made out of. They could have thrown out a window or something. I'm going to see if that's in the trunk. Yes. I'm not getting my shot. No, I don't need it. I'm going to have a pistol 9mm and a taser. All right, can I probably best you guys stay in the car? Montes, you want to come with me? Another car. Oh, that's cool. You want me to go? He's good with it and it flows in fight with knife. Okay, because that's how you're explaining. One hand needs to move over into the driver's seat. I'm going to leave the car here running and Montes and I'll go out and see what we can do. Hey guys. I'm working at a computer, that's why I got to ask you. Sure gives a quick look from his camera out, looks really quick through the lens and he doesn't detect any heat. Well, he detects a lot of ambient heat in the alley because it's fucking 98 degrees outside and it's 11 o'clock at night. There's tons of garbage in the alleyway. There's a couple of people on the close end. There's one group and then farther down there's another group that are quite obviously having some sort of sensual liaison. It's shocking that it's like this, I guess. You may be able to at least spend sometimes in these type of neighborhoods, but nothing really. This is not a place Claire should be. No, so I get out with my taste, I have a gun and a holster hidden. Okay. I'm not wearing body armor because we are getting ready for the mission and I'm not ready for that right now, so. I'm not even sure to arrive yet either. Right. That we don't have the headphones on. No. I keep the phone handy. Maybe you can even have an open channel and tuck it in the pocket and go walking down the alleyway. So you guys can kind of hear them all the way since. Yeah, them less. That's a different Bluetooth headset? Yeah. You had Bluetooth, but you didn't have the one that would work in an area. This is more like shortwave the one you got because there was no signal out there, remember? Right, the one for that, but I mean it was over phones with the Bluetooth headset. We had a push talk. We had a push talk. We had a push talk, yeah. Push talk is there. I mean they had cell phones. Yeah, I mean cell towers. You did. I remember having a push talk in the last story. Yes. Okay. So, I throw by Bluetooth I'm step out into the alley when a taste comes with me. Take a few steps. Claire, where are you? There's no stuff. Right. Don't lie the fuck here. Don't lie to me. Because you're good with knives. There's a man against the size of the building and a woman on her knees in front of him. And he's like, what the fuck? What the fuck was you? Take the air doors, dude. Buy them wrong. Shut up, Claire. Whoa. I'm making intimidation wrong. Whoa. Presidents have three intimidation of one willpower. Four dice, give it a shot. No, it's uh, I'm spreading it well. Well, maybe I'm better not because it's right before. No. This is your sister. What's this mean? I mean, that's what I'm saying. It's a different one. I'm saying I didn't know if it would affect the game. So anyway, come up with seven with a little power. It's just my sister's fucking funny. If I have the right to react, if we don't. You know what, Todd? I'm fine with that. I'm reading intimidation real quick. And it seems as if, if you're shouting verbal threats is actually manipulation plus intimidation. One less. Sorry. And if you actually like, shove some lightly strength plus intimidation or crack your knuckles or got out of gun or something like that. On success. Is it a contested role? In this particular instance, it is an addict. Well, no, it's not a contested role. Okay. So he, like, all right, just cool the fuck down and he pulls up his... He's like, come on, let's go. And he starts walking towards the far end of the alley. Not knowing that you're probably following him. Follow him. It's that location. There. I double check the blood moving and all those stuff. And it's in the alley. Well, it's worth, looks like it. Do we still have a visual on Jay? Yes, we still have visual on Jay. All right. I'm going to have him zoomed in. I'm going to have him with a night vision guy. Okay. If I see anything happening, I'm going to alert him. Okay. It's a colorful. It's a good idea. A colorful. Somebody threw a phone at the window, I bet. Yeah. I'm not where it is. I'll see it right here. I actually do not hear it ring but everyone make a perception check, please. Everyone? Oh, sorry. Everyone's in the alley, my dad. Just us Jay and Edgar. Sorry. I have a camera. I have a camera. Zoom in. No. I understand this. Five dice. Any minus? Yeah, minus one. For some reason. I don't care who I'll elaborate at. What? One. All right. You both hear a very low with the ambient noise at the ground. The car stairs, I think. Up the alley. The guy that's walking away with the John who's walking away with the prostitute kind of looks down for a second like he hears it and just keeps on walking. Okay. When Michael told us it was in the alley, I could look at the same map he was. Is it far in the alley, in the middle of the alley, close to where I am? Some indication of where I am. It's like two thirds of the way into the alley. And you're about maybe half way into the alley at this point as you were following him. The guy, when you kind of intimidated and scared off. Okay. So it's another, you know, maybe ten feet in front of you. Once you've got gloves, you don't want to pick it up for that gloves. It could be a crime scene. I keep walking in dial again. Look up. Everyone's close. Yeah. I'm looking for what, I assume that I'm going to find a phone on the ground. Yeah. If you find a phone on the ground, most of the windows that you see on the first couple levels are fully intact. But at the top level, five levels up, there is a window that's a jar. And it's a jar maybe a couple inches. Five. Five stories. Got to top. All right. Is there a firescape up the back here? Or is it a relationship to those windows? There was a long time ago. But now you see his bolts that are kind of pulled out of the wall and it's long gone. All right. Going back to the car, I'm going to walk around in the front and once it comes with me. This might be more intimidation than anything else. Yeah. I don't know if I can go. Is there a way dude still out front? Yeah. He didn't seem to take much notice. I assume that I find your phone on the ground. Yeah. You're fine. You're fine. Yeah. I grab it without. Is it broken? Using a glass on everything? Hanky. Yeah. What's wrong? Jacky. I mean like the glass is shattered on it. It looks like shit. It all scuffed up. But what might Jacky? I don't want to be running a jacket. It's really fucking hot. I use something to pick it up without leaving fingerprints and tossing in a pocket. Sure. Sure. Sure. Interesting. Cornies. What time is it right now? You mean in the game? Yeah. It's probably about 11, 15 right now. At night. You were expecting the delivery to come right around 11 o'clock when you were told you were going to try to hit the road by midnight. They're late do some reconnaissance. It's not pointing out that way right now. I'm not good at this. He would've been there a day earlier and I fucked it all up. Did you come back to the car? Yeah, I'm coming back to the car. I'm going to go around to the front and I'm going to obviously have to deal with the guy in the front there and we're going up fine. I want someone to stay back here. Pull the car into this alley and watch that nobody thinks. Old sport. Everyone in the car has changed. Why can't I make a perception check please? Is there a back entrance? Nothing can see. There was a fire escape that was pulled off and there doesn't seem to be any doors leading out of the alley and waiting. I do a foot walk around in the building where all these are going back to the car. Just looking at the phone, does it look like it fell about, would you say, five seconds? I'll give you that in just a second. Go ahead and give me a check because he's walking back to the car. I don't have it yet. The minuses will be done. Just a perception check. There you go. Two successes. What do we do? A perception straight up? Not you. Just the ones in the car. Do you use investigations of perception? Is this a situation applied? In this case, not too much. It's his thing. He's not just one success. All three of you at various leave about the same time. Or maybe you notice different things. One of you noticed that the large burly, I'm talking very large, burly. Man, not even the door of the door man, puts a finger to his ear and starts talking. One of you notices that a couple of car doors open across the street from the apartment and a couple of brothers come out of the vehicle looking quite threatening. And then maybe another one of you, maybe two, you notice that against their shirts, it's a hot day, but you definitely see that they're packing and they're walking up towards the door man. So, how many are walking up towards the door man? Two. Two. Two more. Aggressively or like they're meeting up with them? They're like, you know, they nod their head, they're making eye contact. They know each other. I don't have any moral problem with running down these cars with the car. I don't think you want to do that just yet. Legal problem? Moral problem. Legal. Legal problem. Okay, so after tapping the car, you start walking further down the alley and the other guy at the end of the alley is coming right back at you. It's like, hey, get the fuck out of here. This is my alley. Get the fuck out of here. This is the guy who you haven't intimidated yet, the one who was at the far empty alley. And he's given you all kinds of shit and the woman that was actually standing next to him disengages herself from him, if you will, and steps back kind of around the corner because he was right towards the end of the alley and you don't know if you disappeared or if she's waiting there. Yes, one. I'm not to be vulgar, but I mean the staff with this woman is not clear, right? Then the alley. I'm still thinking for a second on Jay. You can't hear that. He never, we never identified that there's a phone in the alley, there's a girl in the alley and she can't talk. I'm just saying, I just want to clarify that he's not doing one of those little things where it's like, it's just right in front of us the entire time and we're all looking at things. Like, I'm sure the audience can't see me staring at you daggers right now. This is my little sister you're talking about, dude. Yes, but you don't know. I'm not saying she's here really late, she means help. Apparently. A lot of help. We get what you're saying. I get your point, but she is not in any way struggling. My little sister would be struggling. Skank is the, is be doing it by choice. Right. Skank would be the choice of what these two women so far in the alley had. Question was, what were you sure? Now we are. I'm satisfied. What was it? How much was your skank? Don't you comment? I didn't. It wasn't a skank. I don't intimidate well. Is there some way I can convince the skank that I'm just passing through real quick? Manipulation plus anything that isn't. That's tough. You can try? That would be. Huh? Why are you trying? He didn't leave the alley. I was going to go around and see if there's a bunch of stuff I'm getting to without walking past a mountain. I thought we were still walking on side by side. You walked back and I walked forward. Socialized, street-wise, suffer-fuge. Those are three you can try. Suffer-fuge would be trying to, like, line them, like, "Hey, I'm Dyson. You better get the fuck out of here." Street-wise would be like, "Hey, man, I'm just passing through." 'Cause continue carry-on. Socialized would be like, "Hey, what's up, bro?" Street-wise, 'cause... Hey, man, who was you? I didn't stop a while ago. Street-wise was a subterfuge. What's that? Manipulation plus subterfuge work. You do have a badge, you know, so maybe you could just say, "Hey, get lost." I'm even the wrong part of town to do that. But, yes, thank you for the... Only a security badge? Almost a security badge. Well, it looks official. It's only done. I'll see if you will. Manipulation plus persuasion. You're going persuasion? I can do that just as well. So, you're just passing through, man. Just dis-ignor me? Yes. Thank you real quick. Okay. Have a good day. Have a good day. Count up your dice, please. Six. Okay. Subtract, too, because you just interrupted him in the midst of the sexual act, which he's not pleased with. Don't blame him. Yeah, I mean, who could do that? The president said that's not a sexual act. And he paid. Not this president. Oh, wow. That's right. You look for Obama now. Okay. Go ahead, more of your dice. Oh, spend a little power. I don't want to miss this. Can you do that after my start of fight? No. You may not. No. Okay. You have to declare that? I remember the rules now. You're right. I roll two successes anyway. He actually asked if... He's all Jamaican. Are you Jamaican? He's like talking to you, trying to see where you're from. He actually seems like he's not as pissed as you thought he was going to be. I have a brother in law who lives in Jamaica. Oh, I know. Yeah, boy. Shit, I'm not even Jamaican. Um, the other beach, Bob. Oh, I'm right through this. But I can't do it next time, I'm sorry. Oh, yeah. And it's second generation. My parents were from there. We moved to the States. All right. He's like, "Oh, get back here, bitch!" Okay, look at you. Yeah, that's nice. It's just nice. Oh. So he calls his lady back and you're able to then turn the corner to then case what would be the third side of the building. Did you actually saw the-- Not in the front of the side. Walk around the back. Right. So you've, you actually, this would be the fourth time you see because you get, you didn't see the front when you look. You saw the front, when you drove past, you saw the side, then you went down the alley, which is the back. Okay. And now you're rounding the far side. There is a large, rusted, old looking door in the middle of this alleyway. There's also what looks to be someone at the end of the alleyway who looks the slightest bit menacing. So there's a door about 10 feet up on your left hand side. It looks like it's steel. There's one little broken street light that's able to shine into this alley. They probably napped them all out for privacy. And then at the end of the alley, blocking the way out is what looks to be someone who-- Is he looking into the alleyway? He's looking at the alleyway. He's definitely looking at the alleyway. I'm going to affect a drunken stagger when I turn the corner. And then I'm going to like accidentally fall into the door and test if it's still openable. Okay. So this is a pretty-- Yeah, that's a lot. Let's give it a shot. What's you on? Do you feel a shame plus-- I don't know if it's subterfuge lying? No. That's subterfuge. Not at all. I mean, I'm pretty good at a lot of things in social. I don't know what it would be. I'm going to say manipulation plus expression. Five dice? For this particular rule. I'm-- Not a minus. I'm going to spend it with a will. Okay. Rather than cost shelter or so. But is that three dice? Three dice. And what did you guys tell them now? Eight. Okay. You can then subtract five dice. Christ, I'm going to spend-- Yeah. He's definitely onto something going on here and go ahead and make your rule. Good luck to you. I don't even know that we're here. Well, you have to-- Oh, none. Okay. You have to remember that you guys pulled up, got out, didn't approach a drug dealer, didn't approach one of the ladies. You approached the back of the alley and from there they got very suspicious very quickly. And then some of you stayed in the car and you're white bread and you don't look like you're from the hood at all. You got even white bread from the hood. Their job is to pick out what doesn't fit. And you guys right now are one screaming we do not fit. I'm not trying to just-- Yeah. We should have our helmet to block away if we knew this was going to be like that. We had it in a hurry. So, to get back to your point, you bash against the door in a drunk-- What you think is wonderfully executed, drunk and stupid. And the door seems to be very secure, which kind of strikes you as odd because this is a very like run-down place. Locked, secure, or-- Not locked. It's probably dead bolts because you don't even see anything major. I can't do that. Right. There's a regular door handle. It's what you lean into and didn't move at all. There's no key. There's no lock. It's dead bolted. Like you're not supposed to enter this way. Dad would take a hell of a lot more work. And then you hear-- Hey. You. What the fuck are you doing? At this point, you've gotten back to the car. You go ahead and roll on the phone. You want to investigate it very quickly and give it a once over. Shit, what do you talk people say in the circumstance? Wits plus investigation? Yeah. Sure. Let's say minus two times. For the condition of the phone, it's pretty messed up. Well, that doesn't exactly what I need to know. Right. In a way it will probably be. A six-dice sound. Rolling in. Got three successes. Oh, those new types are treating you right. They're sweet. You're able to tell that the phone was dropped from at least 20 feet in the air. There is a large smudge across the front screen. A fingerprint that's larger than what would be a girls. You can actually see a couple of the girls prints on the face of the phone. But there's a big smudge as if there was either someone grabbed it like distractively or forcefully. Because there's a tool marks on it. Then you also know the phone hasn't been in the alley in a long time. Because there's not a lot of environmental damage to it. There's a couple of tablets embedded in the front. But it's not like it's been rained down and rusted out. So that pretty much confirms the fact that it went out the window at least relatively short period of time ago. Is it a smartphone? Does it have a keypad on it? Or is it a smartphone? Yes, it's a smartphone. Look at her. Put me at a girl's knife and have a smartphone. Hey, was it a blackberry? No, it's an iPhone. Shit. Is it locked? It is not locked. No. Can I operate it without disturbing the fingerprint? Does it look like a good fingerprint that I could get it out. No, I'll print this one good. His are smeared across the front pretty badly. Okay. So you just grab it and move it out the other way or something. So you don't really get a good one. You could have like a third of a thumbprint where he wrapped it around his hand around the thumb. But the fingers across the front of the screen are definitely pulled and don't end in a really strong print at all. Now, get some powder in there. A little bit more work. You might be able to get something more useful out of it. Right now it looks pretty cheap. All right. My question is if I use the phone, will that mess up his print at all? Would that prevent me from getting a good print read? Most likely not. Okay. All right. So I'm just going to go through her phone and see if she messaged anyone. Okay. So Chew takes the phone and starts dialing through. I tossed it to the window. I'm going to keep going. I'm going to the front of the building in there. Right. And it's not too hard for you to see at that point that there's two men walking out to the front of the building. Just lay there through there. Okay. They weren't going with you. Yeah. You've lost end guard. I'm going to tie the car. Chew, you're still looking at me. She's trying to tie the car. If you have to move. Move. Put it. Chew, do you want me to go with you? I'm going to go with you. I'm going to change. Okay. So I'm going to tie. Yeah. There you go. Now we're good. Figure out what you can figure out. All right. We're going to stop right for that second as you're approaching the door on the flashback. Let's take it back to the scene in the woods where the three of you, Michael, Chew and Sister Kate, along with the two kids, the task force about reagent has his arms crossed and he just told you that you had fucked up his missions with how it ended the last time we played. And I think Chew, he's something like we find it something right. Some smart all response back to him. At that point, he says, "Listen, it's been a rough night for everyone. Just give me the girl and I'll be on my way." And you guys can live to see another sunrise, although I really don't know what you guys see with that. They're overrated. What girl? The girl standing right behind the tubby academic. What, tubby? I mean, the little girl? Yeah. I've spent my entire mission trying to find her bravo that you found her. Now hand her over. Those are my task force agent members who are missing and she's the key. I want her back now. I blow off the silver hammer on the silver stake. That's my answer. Listen, she has information. You want to die tonight? She has information that can lead me to my missing agents. They're not your missing agents. They're my missing agents. Well your mission is our mission. We're trying to find the Valkyrie agents too. Where have you guys been? You don't look like a Valkyrie agent to man. You might be addressed apart, but you certainly don't act it. I am as Valkyrie as Valkyrie gets and my job was to come here tonight and get the girl. You guys showed up. This is not your mission. Your mission is in Cleveland. This is Shagrin. This is named we're close to Cleveland. We're 30 miles outside of the fucking city. You messed up my mission. The fucking entire farm set is burning down now. We need the girl. We need to question her, hand her over. She's not going to be hurt. Valkyrie doesn't employ, they weren't vampires. They were government agents, right? You know nothing at all about any vampires being part of Task Force Valkyrie. What's our uh, guy's name? Our administrator. Yeah, Winston Tate. Wasn't Winston Tate their boss? He was Task Force Valkyrie and then he left to establish our group so we can... He felt that Task Force Valkyrie was compromised. But we don't know why he thought of your... He thought that because well people kept disappearing. Every time they went on a mission it took Cleveland, they kept disappearing. He was like man it's got to be compromised. We can't send another group of four out there. We've already lost three groups of four. We've lost 12 agents. So he went to the higher ups and said listen, something stinks that we're compromised. Let me take a group of total outsiders and try to find them. Okay. Okay. That three questions your memory. Yep. Winston Tate. So we're going to do this the hard way. Listen. I'll even, I'll even share the fucking information with you. But this girl is the key to my team members. Who you've killed several other of this evening as well. The body count keeps rising and I'm not going to let someone stay in between me and finding out the end of this mystery. I'm going to find my agents and I'm going to bring them back home. Hand over the girl for the last time. How do you know this is the girl? Seriously? You fuck up my mission. You kill my men and then you're running back to your little vehicle with a girl. You just picked one off the street? Just picked one at random? Whoa. This is the only girl here. Let's do some fucking research before you come in guns blazing. Hey, we practiced this mission for two weeks in fucking rural northern Virginia. It would have been a rural northern Virginia. It sucks. Sorry for anyone living in Virginia. Sure. Well, it looks like a time we built this farm's day. We practiced our mission. We didn't practice some amateurs coming in behind us fucking up our mission. That's what we didn't practice. This was fucked before we even got here. How was it fucked? Oh, I don't know. The undead farmer's hanging from the fence post. Was that your added touch? No, I thought I added touch. The anyone off the rails. The guy totally lost it and we're going to stop that right there and we're going back to fly back to everybody's house. Thanks for listening to Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling props, and even a forum for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit and please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. This is chapter 18 of the World of Darkness story chagrin. I'm your storyteller of Scott and with me on my right it is Sean playing Daniel Morgan not man turned mercenary next member of test course valpry. Holy shit that was perfect take that is just splattered across every single episode. All right where we left off last was you guys were fucked and that's the universe. Fuck that splice it put it in every episode just don't even make them episodes they're still fucked up what do you think you belong to in the ascending one sticks the drug deal you have no idea what the hell you're talking about this yeah this is something maybe I can design this character like three years ago what faction you belong to in the ascending one I mean the order of the scroll yes there's the order of the sword and the order of the spear thank you for the order of the scroll thank you he is the will he's a side order of fries exactly what don't hate it or just cuz he knows the system he knows his conspiracy like that sounds really good ending clip of the episode Tom going I made this character three years ago I mean like it's gonna be added out all you can there's precedent for the precedent we have an artifact guy and I would get an artifact what a dick move yes sounds like me okay it sounds like Jay all the way it's like like magic on my man wait you don't have to plug it in a strange lightbox talking talking in there it scares me Michael Clay is a stick up his ass somebody needs to smack that bitch boy down Jason I don't think your mother talks that way that's these guys [LAUGHTER]