Knights of the Night

KotN Actual Play Podcast 122 - Collateral Damage

Broadcast on:
03 Apr 2013
Audio Format:

In a dramatic flash-back scene, Task Force S.I.R.E.N. follows a twisting trail to interview Danny Rocklin's ex-wife. What illumination can she shine on the mysterious hunter? And does she share anything of value that will aid the group in their midnight run to Chagrin Farm on the following day?ACtual play 11:55

[Music] Hello and welcome to Nights at the Night actual play podcast. This world of darkness star is chagrin, was written and run by a storyteller Scott. And now, please enjoy Episode 122, titled Collateral Damage. Actual play starts 11 minutes, 55 seconds. Before we get into the podcast, we have a little bit of feedback. First from our blog site. And this is from Ari, who says, "Greetings, I have returned. Nice and exciting turns." Good call, in my opinion, to shake up the formula. Constant tension can become a bit dull. He's referring to our combat, which has been interlaced with flashbacks, which he enjoyed. I like your mystery stuff. It's my favorite. As this has been a talk to the next of kin about possible supernatural shenanigans, did you have any callouts to the two wayward sons in the Impala? On episode 120, "Inchagrin." Now, I don't know how many of you know what he's referring to. Supernatural. Supernatural, yeah. I don't know how to show it. It's the world of darkness on TV. Right. It's Hunter. It's Hunter the Vigilant. And it's two brothers, and they drive around in them how long they... Yeah. Well, it's not a bad show. It's not a bad show. It's not a bad show. It's not a bad show. The first season was a little rough. I've only been in the first season. Yeah. But yeah, enjoy it. It's in general. It's a pretty good show. I mean, the baby was in peril in the very first episode. It's true. It's true. You actually watched that episode. And you actually went past it? If they were under nine years old in jeopardy. Oh, it was in it. I think you get like a list fee. So, all movies that have all TV programs that have that. So, it's good to see you back, Ari. Thanks for the feedback. I know. I don't think Scott's even aware. You know what? I've never watched Supernatural, but I've heard good things about it. So, I might give it a shot sometime. And I agree with Ari 100% that the flashbacks, I think, really helped this particular story. And I think they really break up the attention of the continuous combat across the farmstead as you guys work your way across. And when we go on to Facebook, a few people posted on episode 121. Jason McDonald said, "I'm pretty sure cartoonishly large inflated white Mickey Mouse gloves are worth a plus one." And this is in a reference to Mike. You brought out the white gloves to examine one of the artifacts that we had. And Scott said, "It's really cool. It started busting your chops." Yeah. You really do have white curator gloves. I totally blocked that out. I don't doubt it. It's only four fingers though. Yes. Or maybe I've just become immune to because it's just typical abuse from Scott. I'll notice it when it stops. Why aren't you abusing me? It wouldn't happen. Why is it so quiet? Theron also posted and said, "As for the flashback discussion, the Empire of the Requiem introductory scenario has a flashback option. But it is noted that the players who want to keep the story going continuously will be helpful to the storyteller and won't mind if the storyteller forces some direction of the story." So yeah. Good choice on players, Scott. Right. I think that's a compliment to all of you. It's a compliment to all of you because you really could have fussed up a lot of the flashbacks with metagaming and whatnot. I'm just being ticked. Yes. But you haven't. As for the pace of your game, from personal vampire to masquerade experience, I know the world of darkness is a dangerous world for doing things hastily. You never know who is there against you. So you better tread cautiously. Which is what we do. Yes. And Richard Watts also commented on episode 121 where he said, "Nice episode, guys. It's good to see the knowledge basically getting some screen time." Now, the only question is, does Michael Play have a dance move to go with those white sequenced gloves? Wow, why does that make sense? Now it's Michael Jackson and that Mickey Mouse. Well, actually there's someone who makes a comment about it's only one glove and that it's sea wine. I think that was me as a formula man. It's a white rubber. You know what? I would not put it past Michael Play to have some ballroom dance experience behind us. Of course. Because while he was there. You're an academic. I've personally had ballroom dance moves. I actually think he has dance moves. So we all agree he does have dance moves. I just find it out that for someone who handles artifacts, why that little B tell me throughout that he would have white gloves would be such a... First of all, let's be clear. You threw out. It wasn't me. No one threw out. I take out my white sequined gloves. No. That's right. Nobody said that at all. All right. Thank you. Listen, you wish your characters could accessorize like my character can. He can give London deals a run for his money. Well, for practical stuff. For practical stuff. Leatherman. And lastly, Edgard opens the drawer. The party finds treasure. It contains pornos. You can't experience. So that was referring to in the garage when you found a toolkit. I rolled in...what was it? Yeah, I rolled in the external successes and it was like, "Oh, porno!" Yes. And I think Mike actually said vintage 70 porn. Which actually turned out to be vintage 90, but still. Oh. The dark strip there was validated at that moment. Some Facebook general posts. Jason McDonald said, "What do you think would be the last character alive before a task force siren total party killed? And what do you think they would say? Personally, I think it would be Tony Bonadillo who would show up again. And in the end, would say, "I've got this." I'd actually like to leave that open for other fans to respond. There's an old-style fan who has their history down at that point. Yeah, he knows his style of view. If it was a total party wipe, I think Tony would say, "I've done this." I've done this, I've done this. Or maybe you'd say, "Argh!" Through his third degree band bandages. Jason McDonald also put a response underneath that. And he said, "It could be Chu saying they're not vampires, they're just sick people." They're just hopped up on bath salts. Bath salts, right. As Bob who played Chu. Bob always has kept insisting they are not zombies. It helps him cope with reality. And to be fair, I think that the question of who would be last alive in a total party kill is, "Is it a combat-oriented total party kill?" Or a spiritual... If it's competent, it's me, because I'm two miles away with a sniper rifle while these guys get neat. Or get neat. And if it's spiritual, then it's... That's kind of a toss-up. Yeah, it's really a toss between a lot of you to be able to handle the more femoral type of threat in the world. And that regard, or maybe Chu, one or the other. Yeah. Just because Chu's been through so much shit in his life, I need to be like, "What?" I think Chu, yeah, I think Chu's got that. It's definitely hard to die to do, honestly. Yeah, I would put Chu ahead at anything other than possession. And I have ridiculous benefits towards resisting possession, so... Now, standing up on his zombies tackled you. Right, if it's anything other than possession, he goes. He wins. So, yes. I'd like to bring it to the listeners attention. Go out there, add some stuff in there, we won't go too wild on it and take all the answers from them. But, yeah. We also had a general Facebook comment from Roy from the Rusek gamers who says, "Hey, boyos, con season is fast approaching. You kids have any plans on attending anything?" Do? Nope. Stunning silence from the group. We'll be going to, at least I will be going to the disc and dice convention that Pete Figtree holds out in Pennsylvania. In addition... Western Pennsylvania. Oh, God. Western Pennsylvania. What does it say? It doesn't rain as much as it did last year. Well, yeah, but it's still fun. But, yeah, it would be nice if it didn't rain. What is it? It is sometime in July. Ooh, I hope it doesn't interfere with the Greg's wedding. I'm going to Greg's wedding. Over that. Sorry. Sorry, Pete. But, also, my youngest son and I will definitely be going to kind of the cab. But, that's way in August. It was fun. It was fun. I mean, it was fun. We always threatened to go to GenCon sometimes. Someday. Someday. The kids are a little older. Is that the one in Wisconsin? That's the one. Actually, having an Indianapolis now. It used to be. It used to be Wisconsin now. It's in Indy. And then there is one too. Isn't there a con in Columbus? I think which is even closer to us here in Portland. Yeah. Origin. Origin. Origin. Origin is more board game based but they do have role playing. Right. I thought about that one as well. I'd probably go to that one first. I'll turn the question right back around to Roy. To Roy and say, Roy, which ones are you going to be at? Yeah. Thanks for the question. We also had another post from Trevor. So, Trevor says, "I'm getting caught up with the latest storyline of She Grand. I'd forgotten how much pleasure this podcast gives me in between my other ones that I listen to. How could I have forgotten such wonderful stories, role playing and special effects?" Through switching computers, I guess anything's possible. So, I think a new computer might have erased us from his feed. I like Sister Katie, the NASCAR nun in your poll. Though I believe if I was playing, my character would become my favorite character. No shit. Well, I hope so. Anyway, so. I mean, it's my favorite character. Yeah, there you go. I'm working on a new tabletop role playing design spirit engine. And I have my first game available on my site, and it gives the address. Or a second address, which is Drive Through RPG. So, you can find those on our Facebook link. I'm not going to repeat them here. Please feel free to look at them. This comment is on the overall post on all the episodes from 106 to the latest one. I'm so glad to have returned as a listener. Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Much appreciated. Feel free to chat with me on Facebook. Yeah. Kia and send them a birthday wish. Thanks for the feedback. Trevor. And lastly, why have you back, Trevor? And lastly, we have a comment from Jason McDonald. This wasn't posted on Facebook, but it was just he and I talking on Facebook. He has taken one of our episodes and shopped a little two-minute bit from it. And what he wants to do is use, I can't remember the engine. Maybe you'll remember Thomas, but it Team Fortress 2 characters. You can have him do things. And he wants... They made one like official source filmmaker that it's just... Yeah, I think that's what he mentioned. And he wants to animate the characters to our script. And it was the part, man. I'll watch it. Oh, I love user-generated content. And the scene it is, is when we were in Shitlock, the first one. And Greg takes a needle and puts it to the guys. Now I can just threatening him while we were trying to get into the... And I listened to it because he showed me a clip where he had the clip of the audio that he's going to run into. So I just wish him good luck. Sounds like it's a really interesting scene that would translate well to what he's trying to use for it. And it sounds really kind of fun. Would mind seeing Bob's "No Means No" woman? There's a lot of neat little scenes that would be fun. It would be easier for him to do that because he's dealing with the characters that are there. You know, that he can use with the engine. One of them is a doctor who has a needle. I could see him using it for that scene. That was quite unexpected, by the way. That whole thing. I listened to it again and I was like, "Oh my God, Greg was out there." I was trying to roll with it too. But I was just like, "Okay, let's go." Did you take it out? Do no harm? With that, we've covered all the feedback. I just wanted to remind everybody we have an Amazon link at our site. If you go through there, it doesn't cost you anything extra. It helps support the podcast. And we appreciate those of you who have been using it. And since we mentioned that site, we'll look at the poll really quickly. Sure. Edgard has six votes, two has nine, Daniel and Michael and Sister Katie are all tied at 12. And Jay is still headed with 15. Nice. As he should be in a combat-centric story. He has some great moments in the game so far and continue to do so is the story evolved. So with that, we'll end with the feedback and we'll get on to the actual podcast. This is chapter 13 of the World of Darkness story, Shagrin. I'm your storyteller, Scott, and to my right is... I am Jim playing Katie O'Connor, a nun working for the Malius Maleficarum. Bob playing FBI Special Agent Chew Park, member of the Vaskew Conspiracy. Tom playing Jay Alton, member of the Ascending Ones. Mike playing Michael Clay, adventurer, academic from the Hages Kaidoeru. Thomas playing Edgard Montes, a voodoo practitioner and a member of the lay misteris conspiracy. John playing Daniel Morgan, ex-member of Task Force Valkyrie and Mountain Manager and Mercenary. Now we're sitting around at 5 o'clock at night hungry and wondering what to do because you have no idea when Katie's going to return. All of the prints that I find I want to write through the FBI database, I don't know if I would do that myself, I'd probably have a contact that would do that for me so... Right. I'm going to wait for him to get back to me on that. Right, you're going to take specific pictures with specific cameras and then upload them to the site and then he'll get to it when he can. We'll say that that takes maybe another hour so you're wrapping up right about the time Clay is wrapping up at 5. Everyone else is kind of just Twitter on their thumbs wondering what's going to happen next. I'm learning some chat of Jay. It's a little bit wrong. It's worth calling tonight. Okay. We've got to go to liquid. We don't have time for chat of Jay. Damn. Mrs. Rockland's out there. If we want to talk to her, this is the last day we have a chance to do so. Tomorrow we've got to prep for the trip. Do you think that the equipment is coming tomorrow? Yeah, I mean, I can go out somewhere but I don't do that stuff. You're better at that than I am, Chew. Chew can talk to the ladies. It's going to be a great thing, Wendy. I heard that before. Yeah. Michael. You're doing research, aren't you? Yeah. Okay, Michael's busy. I do have an idea. Well, you're done with the research. I am done with the research. I would like to send one more encrypted email to the order of the scroll of which I was a part of. Yeah, are a part of. Are a part of. Basically, talking to one of the archivists there to say, "Well, does my three dots of status allow me to task some junior?" It's a pretty, I mean, three dots is pretty impressive. Or if you'll let me do an organization. Actually, Mike, would you be a favorite? Get the 100 book. Look up with three dots. Oh, there we go. I've got it. Look at that. I'm a first initiate into the secrets of the Aegis Kaidoru. Whatever the hell that means. The second dot gave me an artifact, which is my knife. Right. You guys know I have a knife. You know, I have a knife that's true. It's true. It's awesome. Is it on your... I don't like that speak of it. Other than four times a day. And then the third dot gave me a plus one on academic space roles regarding relics in archaeology. And I also have like resources associated with that. What were the weapons? If someone reminded me, there was a hammer in the bullets. There was a silver hammer. A silver hammer. A silver tip-stag. And a silver bullet. Does anyone have the caliber for that in my 38? 38 basic revolver. Anyone use it? He's a nine. Nine millimeter. Who's that? Oh man. And shotgun. Is it too late to pick one up? No, you can grab a lot. I don't even like pistol. I have that. And the bullets. The 30 is... I don't use... Like a little longer range weapons. Do you need a special? It's a revolver. That's just a couple of steps away from a cowboy. So... You would totally use a revolver instead of a pistol. And I said I had a Glock, but I had to change it. Yeah, that's way too. Did you fire the city folk on? Yeah. I brought it out when I was going to the house for the nice sheets that I can study. Okay, conspiracies. Three dots. Three dots. So I'll allow you to see the scroll, which is my order. Status. Guardians of the Labyrinth gain status through finding relics, discovering what relics do, and using them against their ancient enemies. One. You own at least one relic. And you have experienced the first initiation into the secrets of the Aegis Khaduru. Three dots. You've spent so long doing research that it's second nature to you. You get plus one and academics based dice pulls pertain to relics. Oh well, I was looking for a little more flavor than that. Yeah. Let's say you went ahead and sent your message off, your encrypted message off, and you haven't heard anything back just yet. All right. So is there a group that was going out to Lakewood? Was there anybody else going out to Lakewood? I got to talk about it, too. We're talking to Danny Rockland's wife, then. Yes. Are we going to do it? Do you want to go with him? I mean, I will if you want, but... I could not have the social front. Why? What's the invisible thing? That's what I don't know yet. I need any more resources or... The shadows, UV light on or something. I can't be that high-tech. Oh, I'm in juice. Come on. Or blood. You're wearing blood right into it. You know, considering how dangerous Danny is. You want some backup? And we are talking to his ex-wife. Do you want to go out to mountain man with you or me? Okay. I can scare him. I got very little social skills. No one is saying you know Danny might still be watching other things. Oh no, you might be a Sasquatch. You're 17 tall. You're scary. You're a mountain man. You want me to go with you and back you up from the street? Whoa. Keep an eye? That's fucked up. I shot her. You got your rifle and... Jay, that wasn't what we were doing. I'm just saying. If somebody is watching him, I can watch that. Watching him. You do that. Or something. I'll go with these trink rounds. I'll go as well. I can't do anything else. No. Everyone can drive in a car. I mean it's not a problem. And everyone can go. Just somebody can go up to the door. What is the game plan? I mean what do we have? Eight people showing up? Backing on your door? Hey. I'm talking to her at least. It's a car you're saying you're worried about. You know. You're the entire clique one second of death. Yeah. This is so important. We sent everyone. It's a good day night. You know what's going on. I'm saying bring two cars. I'll stay farther down the street. Make sure nobody's going to cause you any harm. You go with. I don't know mountain man. You want to go up there? Three people? I'll hang back. All right. He wants to stay with me in the car. He wants to play with his new toys. Yeah. You keep it on him. It's like Christmas morning. Oh. I go. You got an iPad. You just voted. There's nothing wrong with your secrets. Stop dripping blood on the artifacts. This is the day of time real. Oh my God. No. Is it a Horcrux? I'm going to absolutely kill you. Your character had just died. My play has a sudden heart attack and then I'll die. What the fuck in the pages? I'll go. Kitty. I'll go up there and go. I guess I won. I'm not going to. I'm not going to. Church by myself. Okay. No one's going with Sister Katie to church, right? Yeah. It's pretty low. I mean, let's help me look up. It looks a little bit. Katie, you're on. I'm sorry. All right. So a carload of one, two, three, four, five individuals. Two carloads. Two carloads? We got two in the first carload on with. At guard and Daniel? Yeah. Are we in suits again? I'm going to go pick up where it suits again. I'm going to go pick up the van. Yeah. It's actually precious. You always want to know where it's where. You always wear as a suit. And then Michael and J.R. and something like that. You drive off the Lakewood and you end up in a relatively nice section of Lakewood. Middle class suburban homes. When you pull up, it's probably somewhere in Sydney of, we'll say six o'clock after all the chatting and preparing and whatnot, maybe six-thirty at the latest. You pull up outside of what you believe to be Jenny's home. Her new name, her married name now, is Brownie, Jenny Brownie. And it's a well-maintained home. It's a pretty immaculate compared to where you were earlier today. You have a nice green lawn, a sprinkler system actually going now because it's later in the afternoon/early evening. The exterior of the home is lit. We're not talking vitamin D. No, not that neat. But it just looks like a nice suburban home compared to what you've been experiencing lately. There is light on inside the home. There are air conditioning units in the various windows throughout the first and second levels. Sounds like they're running when you get out of the car to Daniel and Adyard. We're in the Lakewood room. You're in Lakewood, correct. So it's a larger, like, it's at least a two-story home, pretty big looking colonial. So, what do you do? I park at least three or four houses away and I'm using binoculars to keep an eye on them and the area to make sure they're using your sniper scope. It's a little hard to have in a car. I'm going to add the sniper rifle there to the back seat, but I'm going to use the binoculars because otherwise it's correct. That makes sense. There's a windshield in the window. So I can stick the gun out of the window. I know it's a hot day in all of it. Is there a church tower nearby? You want to leave here? It's Lakewood. It's their priority. Are there any questions that you want us to ask? What do you want us to do as Danny's ex-boy? This is pre-had-set and the headset hasn't been delivered yet. Yeah, I would say that we would want to ask questions about our husband and the history, and if we can get any information on his last mission before you went dark, that would be very helpful. Do we have a timeline on what that would be? Now, here's a go. We had the last post on the message board. I mean, if you want to go buy that as to when you went off the grid. Is this two thousand and two? Yeah, use that. Just say like during the month or whatever. If you haven't. Maybe it was mentioned, but Scott didn't mention it. The month of the disappeared? The last message on the message board. Dude. Actually, it's not that I didn't mention it. It's that binary hex didn't mention it, and no one asked it. The exact date. I think it was a phone number. We could probably do some research on her before we actually go there. I mean, whether she was remarrying. I think she was before this house. I think to start to also know that she's a woman. Because she's a woman? Back name. The last name. Bruh, I didn't say it. She is remarried. You can probably get more. I thought actually I'm fairly certain that when you got done talking with the wife of the friend who died. When you got her name, you got her name. She got remarrying. I think it's, you know, whatever. She was like talking your way through remembering. I thought that you said you were going to do some research on her shoe. We'll say just in the interim, you had some information. You track it down, and this is the basic stuff you've got. She got remarried. This is her address in Lakewood, and there's nothing. She doesn't have an FBI record. There's no felonies. You know, there's nothing major that jumps out at you. Okay? So we'll say you did do some research on your downtime. We are waiting for everyone to get out and come out here. Okay. Alright. You guys covered? I got you covered. I'll go up with you. I'll also act as a spotter for J2. And are we allowed to be that blatant? Well, I'll not be that blatant. There could be that blatant. You'll just look around. Are we allowed to have our phones an open line or is that the headset is for? The headsets, it comes tomorrow. It's delivered tomorrow. You obviously can talk on your cell phones, but that's all you have right now. Okay, we should have the Bluetooth headsets for our phones, and then I'll push to talk. I think the headsets we were waiting for were just radios because we knew we were going to an area that didn't have cell phone coverage. Okay. Are you wearing headsets to the front door? Just a Bluetooth one-air, like one-air. I don't have a cell phone. I can live with that. The typical call, you know. FBI. Look. Yeah. Dark shades. And do you, Edgard, are you going to walk there with him? Yes. Okay. So you're flanked by your two FBI agent cohorts. You walk up. Very diverse squad. Yes, you are. You walk up the front walkway. Again, there's flowers lining you on either side of the walkway. Which actually actually is pretty large, and there's a patio or a kind of wrap around type of thing along the front of the home. I love those big ones. Yeah, it's really a nice home. You go to the front door, you knock, and there's no answer. Are there cars in the driveway? You didn't see any cars in the driveway, but there is a large garage in the back of the home. I can't do it. Just kidding. Not a catch. Is there a doorbell? First order. Louder? More aggressive than nothing? I knock with my gun. No. If there is a doorbell, I bring it. There it is. Yeah. I use that. You hear a loud, rough voice. Shout out. Go the fuck away. We don't want any. What are we? The FBI. We're the multiracial people who've well dressed. We're the guys door. Have you heard the good word? Where are books? I knock again. Wow. You got this time. This is how we do it. It's not quite pretty fun. Can you take a fucking hint? Go the fuck away. Shoot out again. It's a very nice. I don't appreciate that tone of voice. I knock again. You see a curtain kind of go to the side at the door and there is a relatively large man to be six foot, six foot two somewhere in that ballpark. So like a brick shit house. I mean he is just, he's built. He works out. He's a big guy. And he's got a very angry look on his face. And he looks down at you and he says, "Listen, we don't want any. We're not interested. We're not home." Go the fuck away. All right. I'm like. I am ten inches taller than this man. He's close to seven foot. Holy shit. He has the giant. I'm back and say. Yeah, I do. Actually, giant. It is cost of fuckton and I couldn't get a tesla gun because of it. Look at him. That was an option. Is it a metric fuckton? It's a big shit house, all right? I did show him my FBI badge. I want to press my physical threateningness here. You're lying to me. I am. Okay. Yeah. You're the fucking FBI and we're here with some questions. We're not some fucking religious service and I roll four dice. Yeah. And I'm a man taller than him. Is there any equipment bonus? You're a what? I'm a man. I'm an angel. I mean, you're a big guy. I'm a man taller than him. And this is a real tiny man. Whatever the case. Let's go with a simple. Well, actually, you know what? Fuck that. We've entered social combat. Two. And Edgard, you're going to be a group, I think. I'm going to make you a group for the, for the combat. So we don't have four different people going at different times. It'd be really weird. So you're going to be a group? No. We're watching them afterwards. Look at them. Oh, they just got into dangerous game. So nobody didn't. His initiative is ten. Who's rolling for your, your team? I was an initiative. Is this like, like... Initiative is, it's social initiative. It's your dominance modifier, presence plus manipulation plus die ten. I have, uh, plus five. Four. Three. Go ahead, Edgard. Uh, four. Damn it. Nine. So you're at nine. So he's got you a little off guard. Fantastic. Oh, sure. Um, he determines intent. His intent is to make you go the fuck away and leave him alone. Oh, that's new. Is that a line? What is your intent? Our intent is to, uh... Speak to his wife. Yeah. Technically. Get him to allow you to speak to his wife. What? Perfect. All right. So, when he pressed himself against the, when he opened the window, or pulled across a shade, and shouted out at you, that was his first attack. And so what he gets to do is he gets to roll, in this particular instance, he's going with his presence plus intimidation. Who has the highest guile among you three? Whits or manipulation, whatever is lower. Oh. Your wits and manipulation are both four. They're both four. Wow, so we can press it. Two. Four. One. One. Two. Four. One. Two. Four. So, we're going to use... Do we have to use my health? Is my... Oh, yeah. Sorry. Hey, man. We're going to lose. This is everyone's fault. Well, you know what? Somebody's taking the point here. So, we're going after him. Why don't we just have a lower initiative? Yeah, whatever. You do have a lower initiative. Yeah, we couldn't decide that beforehand. I mean, who would roll because... Right, but he has the best role. The point being, how many somebody to speak for the group? And you can still help each other like you do in real life when you help each other. But somebody has to be the point person to talk. If you really got this, because I wanted to throw it. I guess I will. I have, you know, I have high social skills. Okay. Maybe not intimidation. What is your lowest... What's your guide to? Yeah. Okay. Actually, in a social sense of looking incredibly... I have a picture of it. But you're nervous. I think you said... Yeah. Yeah. You don't have a lot of defense. You have a lot of nerve. Yeah. Oh. There you go. Oh, wow. This is a good marriage. Which one's he? I'm happy with you. Man. That woman must be very tall. I mean... Okay. He attacked you with four dice. He rolled no successes. So, you're taking it back a bit. And then you counter with what you counter with. We counter what I already said. FBI, fucker. And you're also looming and saying, "We're the FBI." So, you get to make your presence plus intimidation role. And any successes you have had to choose dice pull. Presence plus manipulation. Where does intimidation stick into this? I'm sorry. Hang on. Presence plus intimidation. Oh my God. Could I lie? Could I lie to as he does? Can I just say we're the FBI? That's it. I'm lying. Yeah, me too. That's too bad for the sign. I'm not sure that all. I'm going to say one of you two can aid him each turn, depending on what he's doing. Is this my aiding? Actually, this is your aiding. This is your aiding. I mean, I see you. A section. And also, look at the guy in the car. There you are. And there's Chaelton. I've nazed him nicely. His guileys are aimed from the sniper rifle. His guile is three. So, you remove three dice from your roll and go ahead. Hey. Do you remember the roll here? I wouldn't. One. One success. Two. You get an extra die. You're going with a little bit of intimidation there? Persuasion. Okay. And all while that. I mean, what I meant by that is he should really be mimicking what you're doing. He shouldn't be doing something separate as far as aiding you. Oh. But he can still, I think that that's kind of a rule that should be more flexible. He can be back there looking tough and aiding your job to get through the door. That's where the plus one. Yeah. If you're going for persuasion, I'm going to say in this first instance, you're using your presence opposed to your manipulation. You're going to buck up your shoulders a little bit and try to get a presence plus persuasion. High dice is that? Seven. You get plus one die because of Daniel. Seven. Seven. Minus three dice because he has a guile of three. All right. Oh. Nothing. Okay. So you guys fight each other to a draw on that first round of social combat. He fires back at you that he doesn't give one God's damn who you are. This is his private property. And unless you got a fucking warring, get off my porch. I can go get one. Okay. That'll be your new torch when it comes. We'll go with his there. And then guile is two, right? Guile is two. He rolled one success. So your nerve, which is your health in the scene, goes from seven down to six. Okay. And your response is? We can go get a one. I can go get a one. It will be pretty. It'll be as watching. All right. You're a you two. Backing him up. That is a hell of a lie. Okay. I could help with that. I guess. I've got. He's definitely telling a lie. Go for the lie. That's you. Yeah. I'm going to lie. So we're going to go with manipulation plus subterfuge. I rolled six steps for that. Go for it. Minus three. Minus three because he's one tough ombre. Two successes. All right. You can add two to that. That roll because you are lying to your teeth. So now you're going with manipulation plus subterfuge. Plus manipulation plus you. Two extra dice. Two extra dice. I still need to deal with my badge. I think that that should be maybe an equipment phone. I should give you a last turn, to be honest. It could be a equipment phone. It's a plus one for the badge. You're smacking up against the glass in a space. Remember, you can use. It's too. I always will, man. Yeah. I am going to use some will now. Go ahead. Kinda dice. Good luck. First move. All right. All right. All right. Great for this. He's got it. Yeah about that. You have like 20 dice? That's just after 100, when he rolls 20 dice. Only been playing eighth for 35 years. Two successes. No. All right. You definitely see him the anger and the rage that's impaired him. Kind of falters for a half second. And he comes back to you with, you have no reason for a warrant. There's nothing for you to search it. What the fuck are you doing on my porch anyways? I said, get off. I'm calling the police right now. He has a phone. And he's dialing 911. I got a couple. Shoot in. So best shot. He's sticking with his intimidation, which seems to work good for him. I'm going to actually give a plus one because you probably don't really want him to call the police. I'm actually going to give him a little bit more of an advantage there. So I'm going to take him from six dice to seven for the phone. I'm taking two away for your guile, which takes him down to five. All right. No successes. We're actually just here to speak with your wife, Jenny. He's actually doesn't concern you at all. Pretty destructive. And we are the police. You did all call the brute squad. I think manipulation plus persuasion in this particular instance. Sure. C4. Manipulation. Six. Plus one because of your badge is seven. I don't want to kind of abuse the fact that we can use the yield. Well, because you're not going to be able to get it all back before the story. So you might actually have a retro remove one. So I think you're at seven. You take three days away because of his guile. And then one extra dice. Something you said bothered him. And he seems angrier and more defensive than ever. So minus a total of four dice from your seven. Did you give me a bonus? What is this? What is this? What are you doing? He's doing persuasion. No. He's doing persuasion plus manipulation. So if anyone wants to help. I don't persuade. Yeah. I'll waste the one. Holy crap. Something. I persuade just as well as I lie. Let's do this. That's six dice. Minus this guile. Minus. Four. Four. Do you want to give me some competencies? I have two nice points. What are you saying? How are you adding on to it? You're supposed to try to play it much like the face system. We'll be out here as soon as we can. Just want to ask your wife some questions. We'll have to make this the same. Right. You don't have to make this thin. I want this thing. Like a small scale. On two dice that's impressive for me. One success. One success. All right. One extra dice. Good luck to you. Four dice. Damn. No. He starts dialing the number. It says you're not talking to my wife. You're not talking to anyone in this house. Last time, get off my porch. He starts dialing the number. So he's at five dice for his attack. He hasn't hit you yet, has he? I wish them as he doesn't need any one social damage. Two more. You're like fuck, he's dialing the number. Fuck. Good on your pressure. All right. So I take you from six down to four. I'm still in it. I know. You're still good. Yeah. Would you say you have this? Yeah. I can actually physically throw at him. You can go back to physically threatening if you want. Yeah. No. Tears arms off. Sir, that's not going to be necessary. We just want to ask your wife a couple of questions. We don't have paternity to a big deal. We'll be out of here before you go. Okay. So Danny's trying some persuasions. And he's trying to calm him down. So manipulation plus persuasion again. Same role you had last time. Roll two dice real quick and guard to see if you can add anything to his role. Choose either at three dice or whatever. Plus as you gave him. I wish both power. Yeah. Just one time is fine for this for one. Yeah, for the story, it's fine. Two successes. One time again. Three successes. You should just roll them. True. But you're the one who took the initiative. And if it was me running this, we would already lost. And only have three help. Yes. You would have already lost. Good point. Five. We're going. All right. So three. You gave me three more. And that's it. Yes. I understand. I think I'll leave and break in after I need five. Shit. The cap. Five o'clock. Rolling six dice. Just some more power. You ready to spend some more power. What do you get? Sockwise. No. Not this way. One time again. Okay. If everyone gets in, it's gone. Where the chances are? There's so many odds. Oh. Come on. He sucks. All luck out of my butt. I did. He doesn't even talk. He does. He's got enough to his ear. Like he's on the phone. Fuck her. Call his blood. I'm going to take out my phone. I'm going to dial it. You're like. See? Look at all my people right now. Get this belligerent asshole. I need a warrant. He's using. That's a good thing. Why? Why like that? I'm not a good liar. I'm better. Let me lie like that. Two more. Just killing it sounds, man. Yeah. There was presence plus intimidation. Holy shit. Just pointing the phone. I have my phone. You're down to two. You pull your phone out. We got a lie about this? Yeah. It's more of a bluff than anything else at this point. Sticks regularly minus three or four. Minus three. People go with the lie. Why aren't you being the primary? I'm not sure I'm a lot of good primary. That's which. I'm going to say not. I don't know the rules that while this first time I just wanted to get through this test around here the way we have. I mean you still had some success or is he whittled down? Oh yeah. So is he still a three? Is he still three? Oh no. There's three steps in the race. Your dominance is your initiative. Your guile is your defense. It doesn't go down. Your defense is always the same. The lower of weight plus manipulation. Your nerve is your health. Okay. So his nerve has been wiggled down by the attack. What's your subterfuge? Zero. It's two. It's two. Okay. What do you complain about? You just have manipulation of four. There's that. What's your intimidation? Is there any? No. Okay. So it's still a bit better to do manipulation. Well. I'm going to use my composure and try to pretend like I'm not right over it all by this. I'll warn my people. It's left. We'll go ahead. We'll judge our right hand. Yeah. I'm still going to, I'm getting warned right now. You're lying. That's subterfuge plus composure because choose your palm as lead. That's useless. Like a chance does. Well, basically you're telling him I have one composure. I've got... No subterfuge? Two subterfuge. That's three nights. Yeah, but it's minus three seconds. Oh, I can bet. That's right. All we get to do is let us talk to your wife for a couple minutes. That's all. Yes. We want to talk to her about her ex-husband. Yeah, I'm sorry. He's switching how he's... Oh, wait. Wait. Wait, are you... That's more persuasion. I want to use that. Okay. That's a good point. Because maybe he actually hates her ex-husband. Right. I said this. Not that loud. Right. Go ahead. We just want to talk to her about her ex-husband. That's all. I'll compose your plus... Postcode. Just a couple questions. This is a regular line. This is subterfuge plus manipulation. Okay. This isn't even a lie. It's not actually a lie. It's persuasion. Persuasion. Persuasion. That's the same thing. Okay. Sorry. Three times. Two successes. You're awesome. Push this over. Come on. You can do it. Break them down. Three and minus the rate. Minus the rate. Minus the rate. Mm-hmm. Two. Four. Six. Seven. Hit 'em. Damn. You hit 'em back. Two successes. One ten again. And a nine. Three successes. I'm mad. You see him. He still looks really pissed. He looks at the phone. He hits the bot and he's like fucking Danny. It's always fucking Danny. Bullshit. He opens his door. And he's like, "Golai, just get over with the fucking three fucking people that come to my house and talk to me about my fucking wife's ex-husband." Bullshit. I'll take a coffee. [laughter] Yeah, if you're up, I wouldn't mind to be. He shoves his finger behind him, ignores you. Blah. You could see that there's somebody, a middle-aged blunt, sitting at a table in the kitchen. Kind of has her head down as if she was kind of trying to block out everything was just happening. And it doesn't even look up if you come into the room. Yeah, this needs to be private. Get the husband in front of you. Yeah, is it the husband's on there? Step out there. He's, uh, he's, uh, he's just standing by the front door. We're on a cross looking into the kitchen. Would he be able to hear us? Our conversation. Depends on how loud you're talking. I lean on the doorway to the kitchen to block the view from the husband. Right among one. Okay. What's there? You're a fucking door. Yeah, I look at him. Yeah. That's a, uh, jaddy? She doesn't look up if you see her almost imperceptively now her head like one time. Where with the FBI, Jenny? I think we just have a couple questions about your ex-husband, Danny. He could spare a couple minutes. We'd really appreciate it. She, um, nods her head one more time. Why? It just doesn't look at you. Her hair is hanging over her face. She's not even looking up. She just nods her head one time. Do you know where Danny is? She shakes her head now. It's very difficult to tell. Her body is absolutely defeated. You can't see her face. Her hair is hanging over it. She's looking straight down at the table. This is almost impossible. Go ahead and make a roll. Okay, first roll and then maybe perspective. Well, just give me what your diet pool is. Ah, what am I rolling? What's supposed to investigation? Um, no. If you were trying to tell if she's lying. Oh, that... Oh, empathy. I would say empathy. You should... Plus substitute. Just guess a liar. I'd say wits plus empathy. Through dust. Oh yeah. You should use something for you. You should use something for you again. Six dice. Six dice. Go ahead and subtract four. (whistles) Because she's not even looking. You can't read her eyes. You can't read body language. It's not a lot there. One success. Oh, you need it. Either you feel really sorry for her or you think she's telling her. Okay. I want to try to persuade her to answer us with some more bigger. I don't know if you're better at that than me. Uh, remember our line of conversation. You need to eventually reach what happened in the night at the last mission of Danny Rockland. So we need to reach there. But we got that information from you. No, we don't know what... That's just location. Something happened on the last idea in this last mission then. Oh, you're talking about that. I thought you meant... Okay. What happened to his daughter? What happened to the last... No, we don't want to ask her about it. What's your question? It's four. The daughter drove that hard to feed me. He's very empathetic. So, go ahead to you. We have some questions about your daughter as well. No, we have to... Could you just, um, tell us anything about her? I'm just trying to get her to kind of open her. Right. I'm going to go ahead and make an empathy roll. I'm going to go with your presence at this point. Okay. Have my dice roll at six. I'm going to have me subtract three dice. All right. And those successes. She doesn't react when you guys have some questions about your daughter comment. Just silence. Has anyone recently stopped by to ask about Danny's whereabouts or anything regarding Danny? She shakes her head no. How is it always fucking Danny? Not wanting to make her really ask her, but... Would you, uh, like to go somewhere else to talk somewhere that might be a bit safer for you? She... I'll go ahead and make a presence plus empathy roll minus four dice this time because you failed the first time. So, it's two dice. One success. Almost imperceptively, you see her not like one time very quickly. Would you like to come with us? She shakes her head no. Somewhere else in your house perhaps? Her shoulders sag even more and she stands up and looks at you for the first time. And you see that she's got a big bruise underneath one of her eyes and she walks slowly towards... There's a door in the back of the kitchen and she opens it up and there's a deck out back. And she just walks slowly to a chair and she kind of slumps down into the chair. Put her heads up now. I follow her out there. Hey Gar, do you want to go with me? Yeah. Dan, do you want to beat the show? Yeah, I wouldn't mind it. Actually, I didn't see all of that. Right, just, uh, just, uh, make sure he's... I just don't block anything. I didn't even... No, he didn't. No, he didn't. He's trying to pay attention to anything but you right now. There's a TV set out in the living room and there's a game on and he's... You're going to do a battered women's house. Focused on that. That's why I wanted me. So, you're out back and she says, "What do you need to know?" Very quiet, not slight voice. Very meek, tinged with sadness. You know, you really don't need to stay here. I mean, it's just pretty obvious what's going on here. She nods once to you but then she shakes her head back and forth a bit too afterwards. Almost like she agrees and then she's... But I can't go, you know, kind of thing. Mm. Talk with him. You really have no idea about Danny's whereabouts or what he's been up to. Has he attempted to contact you? No. Are you recently? I've been hiding from him for the last nine years. I tried it for him. What happened nine years ago? You're not there. I know. Why nine years ago? Well, that's... That's when everything went well. That's when everything really went bad. That's when we lost Libby. Mm-hmm. And that's when he decided he wanted to go live on a compound or some crazy thing. You tried to live on a compound? Yeah. And you had no idea where the compound is? No. Who is associates for? He wanted me to go with him and the rest of his followers or whatever you want to call them. I was pregnant with another child at that time, although it was very unexpected. And there was no way I was going to lose another child like we've lost, Libby. So you had another child? Yes. She's with us here now. She would be nine years old? Yeah. And then what's wrong? Gracie. Yeah, sorry. How did you go about to lose Libby with the circumstances of her death? I don't know. All I know is that she didn't come home from school one day. And then Danny got home. I called Danny, of course. He told me not to contact anybody, not to do anything. And he came home briefly, went out to the garage and got some stuff and then disappeared. The next thing I know, he came home around. It was late at night, one, two in the morning. And Libby was in his arms. I think she was dead. She wouldn't let me touch her. She wouldn't let me even look at her. He just took her downstairs into his workshop. The next day he said he was going to be leaving and wanted me to come along with him. To his compound? Yeah. Did you contact anyone about that? The authorities? No. No. He was out of control. He was so far gone. Do you think he had anything to do with her death? I think he had everything to do with her death. Yeah. But not directly. Not like you're thinking. It's crazy shit he got himself involved in. What kind of crazy shit? Around '98, '99, somewhere in there. He started coming home, started staying out all night. The first couple of weeks I thought it was a fair until I saw the brain matter on his work shirt. I knew it had to be something much, much worse than that. It just got worse. Did you know any of his associates? I mean, I knew the guys from the picnics and the bowling tournaments and all that shit. But that's it. I didn't know that. He kept that side of his business to himself. Like, uh, Victor Schultz? Did you know him? Yeah, I knew Victor. I knew Victor's wife, Misty. And Ted? Yeah, I just sat around. Both their wives were good people. There's a shame what happened to him. I don't know. I don't know what Danny did or what he was doing. I mean, I know what he said he was doing. But... I had my doubts as to whether he was... I think he might have lost it and started killing people. And you don't know anything about this cult he was involved with? Nothing at all. He just tried to distance himself out. Well, he was pretty violent about it. You know, questions weren't tolerated, weren't appreciated, weren't to be brought up. And I was worried about keeping Libby safe. So I tried to just distance myself. I tried to leave a couple times, but he found me threatened her. Not threatened her. Threatened to take her from me. So I had to... I had to go back to him to save Libby, and I ended up losing everything. My husband and my daughter. I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have any of Danny's belongings or... Anything that might be used to kind of track his whereabouts or kind of see what he was involved with? Not really, he... He took everything. I mean, when he went to that compound, he... The farm or whatever he called it, he took everything. I had nothing. Not even our daughter. I don't think I know it was that one night before everything went really to shut down. He... I went down to his workshop. He was being really distracted. He was really deep into whatever he was into. And he locked the door in the line. He was doing a little bit more. I didn't have the courage to go down there. But I went down there and I went on to his computer, which was locked down with passwords and stuff. But when he was really drunk one night, I heard him downstairs and I snuck down there and saw him typing it in. And I'm pretty sure it was a word. Ransom. But it wasn't like ransom, it was like... Ransom spelled funny. It's like each little letter would go up on the screen and then disappear behind a dot really quick. But it was like, I remember it was a message board. R, and then sort of at like an @ sign maybe. And then... and I don't remember the rest, but... That's what I saw. This has been a couple three years into it, maybe just around 2000, 2001. And I saw what he thought he was doing, which was fighting monsters. What kind of monsters? He talked about all kinds. I mean, I think he really went off the deep edge. I mean, it looked like human brains and stuff to me in blood when he came home. I mean, it was... I was terrified just doing his laundry. It was disgusting. I don't know if he's a serial killer or what, but something definitely went wrong. Did he say what kind of monsters he was trying to fight? I mean, there was all kinds of delusional stuff on there. I mean, it was vampires, ghosts, spirits, mages, werewolves. I mean, it was like he invented this fantasy world. And honest to God, I think he was killing people. I think he was going out and killing people. I think he was murdering people who we thought were monsters. Yeah, I mean, I was really taking care of trying to take care of Libby, but... There was a couple times when people, I would look in the newspaper the next day or two, and people would be missing or gone. And I know, because I washed his jeans that night, that there was some, you know, major blood. I'd say it was rats on the docks or some BS story that he'd tell me, but there's no way. There'd be rats the size of dogs. I mean, there's just no way he could be killing rats and having that kind of brain matter and blood on his clothing. I mean, I took a year in nursing before I got pregnant and dropped out. I know enough to know. He was wrong. So now I just live in fear of him finding me again and killing my next daughter. You don't have any of his stuff, like any of his computer stuff. This was probably back in the days where this was a dial-up to a BBS site. I would imagine that he was trying to connect to. Detective, he took everything to that farm. He took everything. The house was a ghost house. Do you recall the phone number he was trying to dial? Sorry, anything? Too long ago to know. To remember, I don't know that I even knew it, to be honest. I stuck down there one time. I mean, he had a separate line. He stuck down. Really serious. He had a workshop in the basement of that house that we were in. And what house was that? What was the address of that? She gives you an address in Ohio City where they lived. Okay. I don't have it in front of me right now. Okay. And when did you move out of that house? It was, well, I had to move out when he left. There was literally nothing left, so it was late 2002, fall 2002, somewhere in there. At guard, do you have anything? Do you want to ask me? Any other questions? Pretty thorough. You know, you can really come with us if you want, if you don't feel safer. I think that might be a good idea. I know it looks really bad. But he's a good man. He protects us. Me and Gracie, I just can't be out there on my own right now. I can't. I don't trust Danny. I don't trust what we've been through. I don't trust myself. You're still scared of Danny? Yeah. Terrified. If we were to get Danny custody. I'll be okay. Okay. Well, if you can think of anything else regarding your husband in order for the death of your daughter, please don't hesitate to give me a call. All right. I give her my business card. Right. You have the non-secret film, the regular cell phone that you use for normal purposes. So you give her a business card with that. Yeah. And she takes it and she does slip it into her pocket. That pocket of the slacks that she's wearing. And she doesn't move from where she's at. She puts her head down for a bit and you assume that's the end of the interview. You're not going to get in trouble for Danny because I don't think so. I will thank you very much for your time, Jamie. Hopefully we can track down your husband and make sure that we're responsible for whatever crimes you may have permitted. She knows her because it says okay very quietly. And at that point, I think you and Edgard depart from the deck area. Mm-hmm. All right. Work your way back for the kitchen to where Daniel is still standing. It's the entry over the entrance to the kitchen. Daniel, you see Craig is sitting on his couch, watching the game. Occasionally he'll look up at you and give you a dirty look. But that's been the extent of his interaction with you. He stood and stared at you for a while with his arms crossed. And he got bored of that and went to watch the game. And we'll just stare daggers at you. And that's all. Yeah. So you three are now in the entryway into the living room. What do you do? It's pretty obvious that he hit her a couple of times. So if you want to hit him a couple of times. Does he have to be allowed to do that? Huh? Does he have to be allowed to do that? Well you're not in yet. Yeah. [Laughs] I'm pretty fuckin'... That's disgusting. He's got some... Okay, fine. Whatever. [Laughs] That's all off on this man. He's not looking, right? [Laughs] You looked up a couple about 30 seconds ago. You know, it's usually a couple minutes because the game's going on right this second. I walk up to him and say, "Sir, if there's anything else you need, we'll be in contact." And I wait for him to turn around. He turns around and says, "Fuck you." Okay, now I have all the fun. This is brawling. Yes, it is. And strength. Yes, it is. That would give me, um, work four dice. I'm putting a little on this. Of course you are. This isn't going to turn up to be commented. One, two, three, four, four. [Laughs] I'm shooting a large man in the face. He turns towards you and you go to punch him. He gets to roll a surprise because he gets a Witz plus composure roll to make sure he's not surprised. I hate this part of this guy. He's not the smartest guy in the world. He is, however, quite the massive guy. He gave her a card. He's going to get back to you. What's he going to do? If the guy is in the strip plate. Black mark on your run. What? He runs with the last ones. He is not surprised that you're swinging at him. He must have been in many of the fight. His defense actually does apply. Oh shit. He's a little pup. He did. He did. Which is two dice. So subtract two from your inner attack. John doesn't give you any benefit to weight class. Yeah. Okay. Get the name. All right. That's not the first shot or whatever. Yeah. You strike him. With a blow. He is obviously staggered and quite surprised that you just punched him. Although he wasn't so surprised that he wouldn't defend himself. Which he deflected the blow a bit from you. And he's like, what the fuck was that for? What the fuck are you doing? He doesn't actually come. I mean, he gets, he stands up in the couch and he's, he's had a good ten inches shorter than you. But he is built very aggressively and he is chin to head top of his head right now. His, his top of his head. He's looking up at you. And he's got his fist cap and he's like right in front of you. He's not punching you yet. But he is definitely on guard. And perhaps going to be violent. All right. His turn, right? Because he's not surprised right now. Well, wait for his turn. He stood up and said, what the fuck are you doing? Get the fuck out of my house. You asshole. That's true. Your superiors will hear about this. What? What'd you do? This is where you warn him that he is hit her. And then you're going to check on her. And if ever. Yeah, okay. Intimidation. That's what you can do. I'm going to work on the lie, but not actually lie. That the FBI takes a serious interest in domestic abuse issues. And that we're going to be checking in later. And if we see any further evidence of such abuse. Well, more serious shit might go down. All right. That's kind of a lie. I could lie. I could lie for you. I don't know that you're not going to check back on her. I think at this point. If we get rock on, I'm coming back and saying we got rock on. You want out of this? You want out? I'm going to give you a presence plus intimidation. Presence. Physical threat? Intimidation here? Yes. Oh, hell yeah. This is definitely a physical threat. That's four dice. No, six. Six dice. All right. And I'm going to say that. Okay. Social defense. He's in his house. Yeah. I'm going to give just minus one to your diet. For my own reasons. Go ahead. I feel like illuminating because you don't know what he's thinking. I have one success here. He puts his head down a bit. It says, mine your own fucking business. She slipped down the stairs. You asshole. Let in our eye. I'm sure it was. Might happen to him. It was that his turn? A bottle? Excellent. A bottle. Thank you. All right. And you leave? Sure. Yeah. This turn warning, right? Yeah. I'm watching. You have watched her. Watch me. I'm going to stay looking that way. Thanks for listening to Nights at the Night at Action Play podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures. Where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, props, and even a form for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at Or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit And please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. I'm just saying, if somebody is watching him, I can watch them. Watching him. He's even more observant. Or something. This is the day or the day of time, really? Oh my god, no. Is it a Horcrux? I'm going to absolutely kill you. Your character had just died. My gameplay has a sudden heart attack and an arm and died. Have you heard the good word? Spence a little fire. It's what he did. Suck less. [BLANK_AUDIO]