Knights of the Night

KotN Actual Play Podcast 120 - The Museum

Broadcast on:
21 Mar 2013
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Jay leads an investigation to Cleveland's Police Museum that only deepens the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Danny Rocklin and his daughter Grace. And what do the infamous Torso Murders from the 1930's have to do with it?

[music] Hello, and welcome to Night to the Night actual play podcast. This world of darkness story, Chagrin, was written and run by your storyteller Scott. [music] And now, please enjoy episode 120, titled "The Museum". Actual play starts one minute, eleven seconds. [music] Let me jump in with a quick aside. I just want to let anyone who's a new listener know that what you're gonna hear in this episode is one of long, continual flashbacks. So there's a bit of echo, this is something we've used in past episodes to denote the fact that we're in a flashback. I didn't want to lose that effect just because the entire episode is that, but I did want to give a warning. The sound quality is a little different and other podcasts as compared to this one. Thank you, and now let's get on with the episode. This is chapter 12 of the World of Darkness story, Chagrin. I'm your storyteller Scott, and with me tonight on my right is... I am Jim, playing Sister Katie O'Connor, part of the Shadow Congregation. Bob playing FBI Special Agent Chew Park, member of the VASQ conspiracy. Tom playing Jay Alton, member of the Ascending Ones. Mike playing Michael Clay, member of the Aegis Kydorel. Thomas playing Edgar Montes, a Voodooan practitioner, and a member of the Les Misters conspiracy. John playing Daniel Morgan, Mountain Man turn mercenary, and next member of Task Force Valkyrie. To get back to it, Jay, you got the idea that there was something more that could be gleaned from that, but that was all you were able to ascertain with that point. Sister Katie is just John, and everyone else is going back to the residents of Chew. We're gonna talk like a block away. Okay. Is it also possible with our equipment that they can keep an open line so I can maybe just... A little iPhone looking around, or... I let them know that I might stand by if they need me for anything to call it in. You guys are breaking it. That's the gist. We're breaking it in a way. We're not breaking it in our house necessarily, we're just looking for a workshop that he might have had that he hasn't touched. Well, the secret layer. Well, they do that, do we want to go into the museum? It's just a little bit true. We can do that. We need to split some more. Montes is a sneaky bastard. If we could park a block away, he could scoop the place out to make sure she's gone. Yeah, please note that it's the middle of the afternoon. It's summer, so the sun is high in the sky, it is very well lit. But people aren't out because it is brutally hot, so there's some advantage to that. You're probably in a neighborhood that doesn't have a lot of block watches, and I mean, you have probably a nosy neighbors, never neighborhood, but you're not breaking into some development, gated community, if you will. So that definitely is your favorite, but certainly a little more difficult during the middle of the day than it would be. And wearing suits. Yeah, if somebody was just breaking into a garage, but a man in a suit. Yeah, if you had a painter uniform or a mechanic or something like that, it would probably be a little more in line, but you're in a suit. You're all three are in suits. So let's temporarily let you three talk about it. If you do want to talk about it, either wait for breaks in the conversation of the other players, or you can step away for a second if you want, because it's not really all much. Did we come back here? No, I guess we had a little bit of revisionist history. You didn't come back. You decided to stop in the car. That's why I heard. We were driving back and we phoned in and we were talking to Clay, and Clay was like, "I want you to go back and check for artifacts." That's a question. I know. And you know, she's probably not home because she wanted to work. Yeah, she said that. So we're going to go back and talk about her dog. So you think that she might have left something out, because I don't think she was lying to her. No, I don't think she was lying. I just don't think she was aware of some hospital. I mean, if this is the door to the Never Never Never, I'm fine moving on with it. I just don't think it... You're probably not as... Exactly. No, okay. It just seemed like there was an opportunity for maybe some something I'm not sure. Maybe you should be here. Maybe you should be here. He offered to go. You don't want to check? Yeah, you ignored him. You know, I didn't ignore him. Um, purpose, you shouldn't ignore him. Okay, so if you're being answered between the three of you, Daniel, Chu, and Edgard, are you going back or not to the Kelly DeSteffino's home? I am not. Okay, she was driving you back to the house. At that point, everyone is in the home, and you can now reconnoiter your plans as far as how you're going to approach the evening. I'm just feeling claustrophobic, and I'm going to get out of here, so I see. I'm aware that this is important in the large scheme of things, but this is about three days from the time you decide to go to the farmstead. It's how soon we go to, uh, still room for crazy things. So you're waiting for a delivery from corporate of some Kevlar, and some special weapons, and some headsets, so you can communicate over distances. Do you really order, like, an anti-air missile? Yeah, a stinger? A stinger, stinger, stinger, stinger. Stinger missile, just in case there's a helicopter. Or something? A stealth helicopter. Yeah, some crazy. Alright, how are you, man? So we're going to the museum. We're getting out of here. Well, let's talk about it, because they came back, and at this point, everyone's in the room together. So who's going to the museum? Everyone? What time is it? It is now 2.30 in the afternoon. The museum is only open to the floor. So, very quickly, we can break in. Uh, we haven't used this yet, is all? I mean, it's probably got cameras and so on. How do you think it got in there? Well, this is the case between the police museum. The police museum may not be very popular enough to have. It's in the Justice Center. It has cameras, sir. When you broke in, it was 1998? No, it was 2002. 2018? It's easy. They just had some old ladies to check out a rocking chair. Alright, so let's go there now. You seem to think there's something potentially in the garage? I don't know. I just got a blue collar working man. That kind of description of the yard. And on the house. Did the house happen in the garage? Yeah. Yes. It was very dilapidated. Well, the outside wasn't that great. And that kept up for a while. There was a garage. I don't know if there was a ship. They didn't have to see what was behind the house. But it just kind of struck me. There is a garage. There is a garage. There is a garage. There is. There is a home. That's just about maybe 20 foot off the street. There is a driveway on the right side of the home as you're facing the home. And the garage is located behind the home in that driveway. It's straight. It's detached. It's dilapidated. They could never really see what was in the backyard due to shrubbery, overgrown bushes, other stuff. So, there is no knowledge of a shed. There could be a shed. There might not be a shed. But there certainly is a garage that's leaning. I think what we have here. We have the name of Danny Rockland's wife. She changed her name. And we need to see what's included. Yeah. We have that information. I think we should go to bed. Because if Danny Rockland's home. I want to go to the museum. The museum closes in an hour and a half. I want you there with me because you know what you're looking for. I'd say when we're there. I made a show. Look for something. Do you tell me what I'm looking for? It might be missing, but not obviously missing. Like a coat with a missing button or something. What? Something that might be obviously missing. That they could have to talk without people noticing and respond. Do you want me to move on? They got an issue. That crime that happened. Danny got his daughter back there. We're going to go there and see if there's anything obvious. Yeah, I don't know what I'm looking for. But I want to look. We've only got 11 in a lot of time. Let's go now. All right. So Danny was there 10 years ago? Nine years ago. 2011 right now. I'm not looking for a blood stain that you're going to find. I'm looking for you to find maybe readings. As you often do. Maybe a post at our website. That's true. If you're going to have a few followers. Or the potential of the note is something that I'm missing because you do that well. So he's going with me. Yes. Do you want to go back? You two go to the garage and dig around. Here for the? I want you guys. Do you want to? No, it was just an idea to take advantage of it. Maybe we can revisit it if we need to. It just seemed like... This is the time we know she's not home. True. True. I mean, all right, fine. So I go back. Who's going back? These two. The three of us. Daniel, who are you going with? I'm going to want to taste them now. Good enough. You three go. Sister, you drive us. Yeah. So you're splitting three to three. Yep. Okay. I'm going to take... Because two of the three were not involved in the last scene. Right. I'm going to go ahead and take this group first. Then this group second. You guys drive downtown. Find some parking across the street in first and exorbitant price of $15 or something. It's on the street to the address, which is actually connected to the Justice Center proper. But it's not in the Justice Center itself. It's almost like an annex off to the side. It is on West Sixth. So I guess what I'm trying to say is a little less traffic, foot traffic on this area of Ontario. And you work your way to the door. We'll say it is 3 p.m. By the time you work your way down there. Again, blisteringly hot day. Great to get in the air conditioning of the policeman's museum. So when you enter the door, the police museum is right there. There's actually a help desk. And you are directed back further into the building. And you eventually end up at a pair of glass doors that says... Don't shut me. No. Cleveland Police Museum. Don't shut me. It has the address. You look inside as well. It almost looks like a modern art installation. There's a curved desk. You can see it in the distance through the glass doors. And there are things hanging in the walls. There's pedestals. There's glass cases. And there's someone standing behind the desk. That's the layout scene for you. It looks like a relatively white wall sterile environment. Air-conditioned. A middle-aged, slightly overweight woman behind the desk. What's the next move? Well on the website they mentioned certain things. We avoid those things. Because we know they are not useful and we already know of them. So we are concentrating on the exhibits we are unaware of previously. Okay, so you walk the door. We have someone in the suit. We probably have two people and more. Well, you're in normal clothing right now. I'm going to... I'm going to have... I'm going to have... You're going to not? Yeah, I'm going to have a ties with myself. Okay, you're going to have a ties? Yeah, because that will be easy to explain. This is an FBI agent. I'm going to have a FBI agent and a... I'm going to have a FBI agent and a... I don't necessarily have to walk here. I'm glad you're an FBI agent. I'm glad you're an FBI agent. I'm glad you're an FBI agent. I'm glad you're an FBI agent. I'm glad you've got this. Well, you were standing with them. So what is... You could change if you want. So is everyone here? No, she's in three. Out. Okay, so she's wearing regular street clothes. You're wearing regular street clothes and he's wearing a suit. A lot of people are not used to wearing a suit. I'm not that kind of badge. He's undercoat. Right inside. I'm playing a part of an FBI agent. I'll just... More on those. You open up the double doors. It's a very nice looking facility. The woman behind the desk looks up and says, Hi. Good afternoon. Hi, I'm... Not a deter. Have you been to our museum before? No, not yet. Would you like some brochures or some pamphlets to help you? Or I can actually take you around if you'd like the guided tour. We're kind of slow right now towards the end of the day, so... Sure. That'd be great. Overweight 45-year-old. Oh, for sure. For who? For you. Me? Hey, girl. Tammy. They're not in the playground. Actually, I think we just like to look around at first. Hey, baby. Go ahead and everyone can make a WITS+ investigation role. And yes, I mean, you must use investigation. Oh, my investigation. She does nothing, man. Let us look around. Yeah. She goes back to typing on her keyboard. Is there a price for admission? No. Freeze. Freeze the public. So... WITS+ investigation. No investigation. It's my history? Unfortunately, yes. You're going to have to go to check the things. Can't shut. My history. Yeah, mental skills. That's why you brought you along. Yes. I have investigation. Oh, I thought you said it was my history. Okay. No. I thought I'd turn by yourself. No, I was talking about a sister. Go ahead, sister. Well, you're a chance guy. I got a seven. I just have to watch your whole one because she was going to totally take out one is a critical failure or a command failure. What is this? Top smash. Ooh. Jesus. Well, not good with this. I rolled four dice and got no success. Doesn't surprise me. No. This is my thing. And actually, I was going to have moved to track two dice in your role. So you really got no successes. The thing, the little point that I have that you're going to try to attack is very hard to detect. I'm going to add into one of my abilities called the post cognition. All right. Which is kind of, it's going to let me kind of figure out what happened in the past. And I don't know if I could pick up of any crimes that don't mind it occurred. Ooh, occurred here in the past. Okay, can you read me just the description of the power plate? With this power, he created a model of the crime that's as real to her as the people share. He's there able to play back the crucial five minutes about which he has the most evidence in order to see what really happened. The agent must be present at the scene or at the faithful reconstruction to his ability. Okay. Is there a time? Like, if you roll more successes, it goes deeper into the past? Success. The agent reconstructs what actually happened. Which runs back and forwards before her eyes. The player may ask the storyteller one question per success role in which he must answer. Oh, there's no reason. Okay, what's your dice pull for that? I assume you're not, well, you know what? Shoot. Why don't you do a regular investigation first? That might actually illuminate things for you to follow up on. Does that sound like a course of action that might be? Yeah. Okay. Great for you. Okay. So it's a Witz plus investigation? Yes. You might have to try, like, two dice for you. Yeah. All right. I think mine says... Well, how many dice pull? It's eight. All right. Are you spending any willpower? If it's a crime scene, it's nine, but it's a secret so many years ago. Yeah, I think. You're spending willpower? It's a flashback. Sure. Yeah. You can do forever. Okay. That takes you to 11 dice minus two dice. Here, the dice flashback. Okay. Two wasn't actually there. It's about to be two. Rolling 10 dice. And I got three successes. Three successes. That's damn impressive. That's sad on 10 dice. It's, like, sick lust. It's very average. Yeah. As you're working your way throughout the various installations, you, keeping drawn back to the torso murders that occurred in the 1930s. Cleveland's great unsolved serial killings. Where'd they come from? It was your death. What's that? They came up before us. They did come up by them. We're talking about the torso murders. Talia Nuss. It was the first case when it came into town and stuff. It didn't so. No. We've never had that. And what you see is death masks. Of the individuals who they recovered the heads from. In some cases, they just found the torso. In some cases, they just found the leg or an arm. In some cases, they actually found the heads of the individuals removed from the body, of course. It was an incredible series of grizzly murders in which 12 victims lost their lives. And what's interesting is there is a series of individuals that they have death masks for. But one of them, if you have it on the screen, you might want it. I mean, if everyone wants to see it, that's fine. There's four death masks there. Okay. But there is a, in the case, there's a description of one of the victims, just like the other death masks. But there's no death masks. So you have five pedestals, four of which have a death mask or the head of the victim on the pedestal. I mean, there's a description of that particular victim, who they believe the victim might be, where they were from, et cetera. Then there's a fifth, which just has a card but no actual death mask. That's why it's not on the website. Yeah. And that definitely catches your eye and you think that that's mighty strange. What's the name? Yeah. There is no name. The individual is just what is described in the description is the unknown victim number five or whatever the number might be. It's not important. And it has a description of where they were found and what happened. Nothing of which, again, jumps out at you or is important for this point in the adventure of the story. The important thing is just that death mask is missing. Check. You misplace this? You've been filching? At least she realizes her weakness. Filling. Whatever. No, she's good. It's an uncommon term. That's all. This is an end who hates children. Well, you know she hates children just yet. It comes up in about three days. That's true. That's true. It wouldn't be. I asked the lady why there was a pedestal and no apparent mask. She tells you that the pedestal was actually left over from an earlier display. And they just put it in there because there was a big gap there and they didn't like the gap. So she put it there and pulls it in together. It's a bent sway thing. Yeah. Did you know where the mask is? There's a description. But if you look on the case below, there's descriptions of the other seven victims. Just no pedestal. We just had an extra pedestal. We ordered four of these on the spider. I don't know. I just work here. Don't worry. So what you're saying is you don't know. I have no idea. How long have you come here? What's that? You can work here since this display has been here. I've been working here for the past five years. What's the display here before you got it today? Yeah. This has been here since the building was built. So yeah. So it's just a pedestal there. This is the first room they've been to? Victim. Unknown victim. Church level. Number five, let's say. Just for the hell of it. They've been through all the rooms and this is the only thing that's here. It's kind of like a large gallery in the museum and it just has a bunch of things in there. And that's the only thing that's really caught your eye. Those are a description of what happened to Unknown victim number five. Yes. What is it? The description. Victim number five perished in Kingsbury Run. Was she telling us? No. This is the plaque. Victim number five was found by Hovos in the Shantytown in Kingsbury Run. On October 13th. Hovos of the Wars. In 1936, the victim was decapitated and all four limbs were removed. All parts of the victim were found within 150 yards of the torso. Should we go ahead and make a witch plus empathy role, please? I thought I got to use the word. You know what else is a hobo? Yep. Surely, they said vagrants. A guy live in our garage. No, they said hobo. They used the word hobo in their injuries. It's official, isn't it? A guy living in our garage? Yeah. I don't think he's living in our garage. He's still living in our garage. I think he's living in our garage. Somebody needs to know. Somebody dragged us. Yeah. Very interested. He needed to weigh in on that conversation with the binary hacks. I'm sorry. What am I wrong? Empathy? Empathy, what? No. Rolling. Eight dice. Ed, one die. Nine dice. Subtract. Five dice. Whoa. Because she poked you in the eye for us. Can't focus. Four dice. Good luck. One success. Do I need it? She's lying. Mm-hmm. She was here when the mission went down. She was lying when she said when you asked her about why the one head stole was empty. And why? That was there. She was absolutely lying. You sure of it. With my back to her, I kind of point to her and I go, like, no. I could see a reflection. I just wanted to say that. I just wanted to say that. Ooh. Rolled your code. You saved me. When did she say she was hired in? I mean, I'm not here, but she's a five year old. This mission went down a good four year before she was hired. I had no idea how this long before she was hired. That was twenty-one years ago anyways. It wasn't twenty-one years. So the fifth - the casting was never made of the fifth victims? Real quick. Twenty-one years ago, Tom, that was the wife talking about when Ted, to stop and know, became when he passed his dock workers. Oh, I'm sorry. That was 1990. This hit, this mission, took place in 2002, which was nine years ago. So I just wanted to clear it up. And what do you say it plays to you? So there was never a plaster cast made of the fifth victim? The plaster cast? Let's put the death mass out. We were lying about that too. Go ahead and make a width plus empathy, plus one for your skill of protecting lies. And you have to beat her role of sacrifice. Because she's lying to you. But we could actually know it or not. Oh crap. Three, six, that's all. Oh my gosh. She stammers and says, there might have been an artificial death mass or something made once a long time ago or something. I don't know why they have a fifth pedestal. I really don't know. And she's still lying. I'm drunk. We asked the big question. I'll tell you. The big question now wonders, why keep a pedestal there? Empty for all of these years. Why not? Because there's no pedestal for the other names, so the other missing people. There is not. What's this name? What's this woman's name? What's on her name tag? Is it Brenda? Jenny Johnston? No. Don't. Don't. It's Brenda S. Just the initial S. Doesn't say the last name. Because you want people, you know. Right. No one in the last name would be in her business and shit. I'm sorry. I was just kind of interested in this. I've been reading up on these murders. Yeah. So very famous. Very famous murders. And to my understanding, there's always been five masks. Just odd that we're only seeing four. I mean, there has to be another one around here somewhere. Yeah. Is there anything you can pick up maybe? No. It's a truth, be told. I just didn't. I didn't know. Why? I've only been here for five years. And I really don't know why there's not that mask there. I just don't know. But she lying about that. Bro, you're done. Same or all? It's getting better and better in this. And you're not going to know because if you, you know, I'm saying I'm going to give you the answer. Do you want to roll for me? No, no, you roll. I'll just slide you. I would detect your line. Holy crap. Six successes. I'm having a fear of my husband. I'm sorry. I have two, ten again. I still have ten dollars. But don't worry. Good day. Wow. Six. How many success? Seven. Seven successes. Okay. She's not lying about being here for five years. She seems to be not telling you the full truth regarding what she knows about the death mask. She also did steal ten dollars from petty cash. I know. And when she lies, she inadvertently looked back to the storage door located behind the counter. That's what I'd like to give you for a seven success, which is pretty fucking impressive. When I look at the case, sometimes for something that's been on exhibit for a very, very long time, there's a difference in the sun. Is there any indication that there was at one time? Could have been the case, but this being down a corridor in the building, no sunlight can really reach this area. It's all fluorescent. Right. But even fluorescent light over many, many years. Sure. Is there any indication that I can see? You think you see the case is large. There is a lock in the middle of the case that you can access to slide open both of the glass doors, and it looks as if the glass door on the left. It just might look slightly newer than the glass being on the right hand side. The right hand side does look a little age compared to the speaker. And the fifth title still is on the left hand side where the newer glass is. Okay. I think we're going with that. Yeah. You wanna do? A big gun? Yeah. I got my sniper rifle. No, it's okay. I got all those. I think she really brings us into churches, now museums. He did something to the mass, so we couldn't put it into this plane anymore. But left it there and sent the storage room more. Can I take pictures of that anymore? No. No. No pictures. No pictures? No. A lot of flash photography. Look. There's some pamphlets. Wow. She doesn't know that. She doesn't know that. It sucks a lot. The pamphlets might have pictures. I don't know why you're going for those. Yeah. I asked her is there any pamphlets or additional reading material on this particular room? She had to walk with her. Do your thing. How is steel shit? I didn't say steel it. That's his thing. Oh, that. The pamphlets are actually located behind where she's at so she doesn't leave. Oh. But she's distracted in the case she was further back because it's one of their premier. They want you to work your way up through some not so impressive police stuff until you get to the torso murders. Right, so. Oh my God. I'll go to the opposite side of the desk so I was talking to her. She would be facing me and be behind her. Excellent. I asked her stupid questions about the pamphlet. Great. Painted. Is this recyclable paper you printed this on? Okay. Is this really 70% reset? I can't fold it back. How'd you do that? Let me know what your nice tool is when you get a chance at you for your post-cognition. Okay. It wouldn't be pre-cognition because it moved. Yeah. So now I know kind of where the crime was committed almost a decade ago. I'm going to go ahead and try to concentrate on this area and see if I can pick up anything, anything that's left behind. It's my tele-informatics skill. Which is? Which is four. And your sciences? Sciences two. So. Total of six dice and I'm going to use a will on this. Sure. It's important. Bigger headache. Okay. And I'm going to subtract. I will see your three dice and subtract three dice. Based on the time since the alleged mission took place. The alleged crime. All right. One, six dice and I. Cheese. One success. It's a zero though, isn't it? And you take damage from that, do you not? I take one lethal damage. Hold it. It's a headache. There's no easy doing this. I'm going to assume that you're able to summon up the will to not cry out and pain from the lethal damage. If you want me to make a roll, I will. No. I'm okay with it. Would you like to ask me? I did. Okay. Let me describe something to you. What do you paint a picture with words? You see this building, this gallery, heavily shrouded in fog. Which you've done this before in the past and the farther you go into the past, the more difficult it is to really see things clearly. You see three forms moving through the fog towards the case. You cannot make out anything about these individuals except for that they're men and they're relatively well built as far as they seem like they're in shape. But no faces, no hair color, no nothing. It's like a black and white image. Again, going through this haze. When they move to the cases, they shatter one of the cases and you see them picking up by the hair, a head, an actual head, not a death mask, an actual head. You cannot see any features from this head. You cannot see anything else except that it's a severed head. They place it into something, probably some sort of napsack, satchel, tough to tell with not being able to draw very clean lines with your vision. And then the vision fades with them walking back towards the double glass doors. Okay, that's the vision. Now you get one question. You can ask this question after conferring with both of your compatriots if you like. You could go into a corner, talk a little bit, and then reassess that image you saw. Sure. Do you think that at certain time after hours a mask turns into a head and they knew it and just kind of didn't want to talk about it, but that would be a little weird? If they would do that, it would be even in there. Well, I mean, this question would be kind of out of scope, but why would they maybe satisfy it? I don't think this reason would give me that. I would give you, based on your usage of this ability in the past, I would tell you that you could probably ascertain some emotions of the people at the time, but a direct answer. You might be able to get something like that if the crime took place an hour ago, or maybe yesterday, but nine years in the past, you're going to be able to get some emotions. So there is some value in the question, but is there a better question you can ask that's up to you? Yeah. That's fair. So I kind of conveyed to them with what I'm seeing and if I should try to delve deeper down into, you know, a feeling that I'm getting or an aspect of the scene that I've had. And to be fair, it's probably about 4.45 right now in the afternoon. She's not glancing at the clock just yet, but you know you're getting close to the end of the museum hours. Oh, I'm sorry, 3.45 because it closed at 4, right? I am to do. Okay. So if I kind of explain what I see in a hush tone, I might kind of explain to them what I'm seeing. Okay. You know what? I'm going to allow for some metagaming. I mean you guys need to pick up a cell phone and talk to your friends. So if everybody wants to pitch in for what the one question should be, have that. I don't know about that though, because what are we doing at that house? It's been a couple of hours. We could be in the middle break again. Your investigation can take a lot of 4.45 minutes. I'll just say that. I'm holding a dog off with one hand, and hello. You're really not. I've got them here. Okay. Let's go back. The police are waiting for you. Alright. Could you describe it again for these guys? The image was of three relatively athletic men. It's a black and white image. There's a lot of haze. You can't see details of their faces. You can't see other details of their, what they're carrying or whatnot. They move to the case. They move to the left side of the case. They shatter the glass. Can't tell with what, there's something, you know, there's a movement with a fist and the glass shatters. There is a reaching in. You can see hair actually being picked up and a head being removed, not a death mask, which of course is just the front of the face. An actual head being removed from the case and being placed into some sort of satchel or some sort of container. And then you see the three men moving again towards the exit quickly. And two gets one question about the crime. Well, we have a pretty good idea who these men are. Yeah. Three of them. Right. I couldn't reveal what the head is. Like what the head is? Or do the drawers. Get a clear image of it. Who it belonged to. Now, to be fair, Mike just said the daughter. Oh, the scarves. Right. And John said male female, which is a great, great idea as well. The daughter, if it was a real torso-mortar case, that happened in the '30s. Right. And she died in 2002. Just so you know. Oh, okay. Well, no, I'm sorry. Maybe I misunderstood his vision. If you, who do you think the three people are? Daddy? That's what maybe you think that, okay, if it's the dark workers, then they're coming to the last stand at the police museum to get their daughter. Or to get his daughter. Well, with this recent development, I think it could have been something Ransom said, "Get me this. I'll give you her." Oh, good point. That seemed better. Right. And why would he want this? I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. Why would there be a head in the museum? Like I said, we only got one question, but yeah, I want to know all this, come on. Why would there be a real head in the museum? It's the place of a death mask. The two things I can either think of as it does, they don't even know that it changes in the middle. If it's exactly midnight on this day, it's going to change back into what it was a mask of, the real head into it or something, or some sicko snuck in there before they got there and put the head there, and then they went, because they found out it was going to happen or just happened and got in there before anybody found out and took the head back. What's the image of the head in any way, Claire? I mean, could he tell it was a shrunken? Was it ancient? It was a fever. It was fresh. It was fresh. It was fresh. I think it was a bit longer, but not so long as to be like this. But it was longer, but some men wore their hair long in the 30s, so that's not possible. And then telling male, female, no, telling age, no, just to grade it back high. What do you say, in the 30s, I mean, this scene that he's seeing occurred nine years ago. Right. The head was from, these are death masks of heads, but it's not going to happen in the 30s. I know. The only thing I'm saying is I'm just assuming that you were thinking that the head that was in there had something to do with the 30s. So if I'm mistaken, then that's my mistake. It looked in the 30s, and it could be not. Right. Absolutely. Am I getting any kind of feeling from the scene like that this was a recent murder or recently decapitated head, or this is like a casting? Right. Like the other. It's a look to you like a frickin' head. Like an actual kid. It looked like a severed human head. Now again, through the midst of time, through the image fading in, almost like a photograph being burnt and then coming back, you know, you're dealing with a lot of visual disturbance because of the time that's passed. But it was, it was a 3D head, because you saw it turn to the side when you went to put it in the satchel or the backpack or knapsack. So absolutely. Did you say the question you can ask is only going to be based around emotion? No. He was trying to investigate. It could be. It's supposed to be about the crime, because he's a crime scene investigator, and that's what his question should be about. What I think we could do is get a pre-beat. Well, I think it's the crime that took place then, because that's what he's saying. So it wouldn't be the torso murders from the '30s, it would be the crime that happened in 2002. Good clarification from our guest, John. We won't be able to get a picture of it before it was smashed to see if there's like a plaque that said... And it would be the same plaque. I don't know. I think our getting an image of the head is our best bet though. Well, what kind of questions can you ask? I mean, how do you do it? It just says, player may ask the storyteller one question for a success role, which he must answer, within reasons. Were you seeing more successes? Yes. Next time, can you roll more successes? Let me roll more successes. Let me roll more successes. The only thing that I think I want to pick up from is the people who grabbed it is where they... What were the people who grabbed it? I got what? Don't just say motive, and that's certainly within the purview of what you're allowed to ask. That would be a good word for it, since I'm a continuous gamer. That would be different than emotion, to be clear. You could ask what was the emotion he was feeling right then. You could ask what was the motive. You could ask what he was wearing. You could ask anything about the crime taking place, or what the head was male or female. There's just a ton of questions that you could ask. That's the answer, wasn't it? Yeah, that's an eyeball one. Would there be any other questions? What's the best question to ask? You turned it down. Did you not? No. Yeah. Question, I'm going to be able to ask. Yeah. You took it and you... I wish you would turn it down. Oh, no. You got to kick down a little bit and hit it personally. Well, I think I should get it and get kicked out, and he didn't take it. Oh, no. You did not turn down. Thank you, man, when you were stuck in his maze? Oh, you know what? Only one person had, here's the answer, because he had the B-idle, remember? The old statue that he was just hit the minute through. Oh, he made it? No, barely. Right. But he decided, your choice was... I suffered for it. Yeah, take the idol or not to the idol. Yours was, take the envelope that said "the answer" and you said, "Ah, fuck you, I'm not taking the answer." Yeah. So you can have the answer now. I think that's your question before we finish here. Well, yeah, I mean, I think the audience would appreciate it. We didn't cut up on that clipping. Do you think there's the question of you, were you taking the head? What purpose... I think that's beyond the scope of the crime. That's the motive. The whole head thing is the motive, like... Well, it's a specific thing. I mean, what's happening? I mean, they are taking their head away for anybody. I've seen where the head is now. No. Being that this crime was committed nine years ago. Yes. And actually, looking out on this page here, there's some modifiers that I didn't actually see the first time. Well, I did give you minus three. Five. You should have been more. Five. Five. What is the modifiers? It's pretty harsh. Agent uses this power within first hour at C minus four. Agent is not at the scene when he was using this power minus four. I don't know how they... But we were at this point. Okay. We were at the scene. You have to see no. Do you think it says nine years? No. Nothing like that. Okay. Just checking. I'm comfortable with the minus three. Okay. It's a plot point that you only got one success. Right. So... It's a integral of the story. I'm not going to say... I mean, if you got zero success, I'll tell you. Well, come back tomorrow and roll again because I want you to get something out of it. So that being said, can we only ask a question about the scene itself or, like, outside the scene? The crime. Well, the crime is how I write your power. Did you read scene? Well, the scene crime, whatever you want to call it, the crime scene. Well, it's a little bit different. The scene would be related to just what's happening in the room. The crime could be motive, disposition, mindset. This is pretty vague as a lot of things in this book. Yeah. That's okay. It's up to you. No. You get to ask one question about the crime, not about the scene. You may have the question to see if it goes with it. Yeah. It's too ridiculous, I'll just say. You can fucking very much... Who are these people? Well, I think we know that. The head is... The head is... Right outside of it. The motor is going to be there. The motor is going to be there. Why is it being taken? Why are... What is the motive of them, you know, taking a new segue to the head? What's their feeling at the time that they're... Right. Breaking it this museum and taking the segue to the head of the... Maybe you can catch a muffle for the... Is it... Not because I was told here. Yeah, is it accomplishment? Is it... Is it accomplishment? Or is it being coerced? Like, they've been coerced? Or is it just a heavy purpose to... A dire purpose? You... We have one. Or we can get the jam motive. I'm him in... I'm the way he wants you to give us the best answer that he wants to give us. Motive. You hear a muffled voice which you know to be... Danny Lachlan. And... You hear... It's inside of his mind. So there's an echo and there's a lot of reverberation, feedback, muffled. And you hear the words, "Now I can fix Haley. I can make it better. This will make everything better. Now I have the power to fix my daughter." So we're in fact. You went for the wrong place. You sure did. Medigaming. Well, we don't have an artifact. We just know that he got in the heads and put his... Medigaming. All right, so let me... But she keeps on looking to the... Well, in real time, the head's upstairs. It's still there. In the place where John's walking up the stairs, the guy is, it's probably up there. If he was recovered, it might be the person that's growing in here. We're going for fun. Good job, guys. Thanks for listening to the Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures. Where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, props, and even a forum for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at Or contact us via Twitter, or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcasts or business, please visit And please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. ♪♪ Well, on the website they mention certain things. We avoid those things because they are not useful and we already know of them. I'd ask her, but I'd probably end up this insult here. You're a fan, you're a fan. You misplace this? You've been felting? At least she realizes her weakness in felting. Whatever. I could see a reflection. I just wanted to say it. I can't hear what I'm saying. Ooh, rock your code. -The big gun. -Yeah, I got my sniper rifle. No, it's okay. I got all this stuff. I really bring those into churches, not museums.