Knights of the Night

Kotn Actual Play Podcast 117 - Vignettes

Broadcast on:
28 Feb 2013
Audio Format:

Task Force S.I.R.E.N. finds itself scattered across the farmstead. Each member dealing with his or her own set of harrowing issues.Join us for several short scenes that significantly alter the course of the investigation.

Actual Play Starts 23:17

[music] Hello, and welcome to Night to the Night Actual Play podcast. This World of Darkness story chagrin was written in run by a storyteller, Scott. [music] And now, please enjoy episode 117, titled "Vignettes." Actual play begins 23 minutes, 17 seconds. [music] Before we get started with the episode, we have some feedback to cover. First off, two iTunes reviews. First by Tresit, who gave five stars and said, "Amazing AP." Having listened currently to 114 episodes, and we're up to 116, and this will actually be before I have 17. What's some dedication? I can safely say the stories are incredible on both systems. The role playing is excellent, the editing really improves those little touches that help draw you in. It tends to be background, music, or appropriate sound effects, jazz and jazz, club, fire, crackling in a burning building, etc. Sound quality is consistently high, despite occasionally being shaky in some of the very early episodes. Hey man, I can safely say my only regret is having to wait for the next episode to be released. Oh, that's some great feedback. It is, it's amazing. You said it was Tresit? Tresit. Tresit. Thank you Tresit for the very good review, we appreciate it. The other review was from NMA-song, the title, absolutely one of the best APs out there, five stars. Who says, "These guys have compelling stars, awesome background audio, and great editing, and they just keep getting better." If you're looking for a podcast with story development and a fun cast, well you've found it. So thank you, enemies. Yes, we appreciate it. We actually received some audio from DJ Allen, who sent us... Long time listener, and long time feedback as well, I think, absolutely. I'm going to play the audio for you guys, and voice it in later for the listener so they get a cleaner erosion. Hello, KOTN crew. This is DJ Allen. I talk to Tom quite often, and I did say for the 100-depth episode, I would send in some audio, and I never did. So I am sending in some audio now. I just wanted to say that I enjoy listening, and even though I'm not a huge Dresit fan, and I have started reading the books, although I've been progressing slowly. Anything you guys are doing has interested me. Now, I don't know if Tom has mentioned it or not, but I have also expressed interest in listening to you guys play some sort of Cthulhu adventure, and he can kind of elaborate on that. But I just wanted to stop in and say, "Thanks for putting the stuff out," and I look forward to hearing more. And you can listen to all my stuff on if you listen to podcasts. Thank you. That's what that is. That was neat. First ever MP3 feedback from a listener. Yeah, that was cool. It was a better radio voice than I did, so, to do jobs. Yeah. So he's a big Cthulhu fan that sounds like. Yes, I did. I believe I mentioned it. It was a while back. Right. I would mind doing a, like, I mean, obviously our, well, my taste, at least as a storyteller, run to the more modern setting. Then you could do Cthulhu in a modern setting as well. The thing was dark enough for you. Yeah, it's dark enough for me, for sure. I mean, well, it's even darker. I mean, it's, yeah, you mean, basically, you either lose or you go insane. Right. I mean, that's a nice combination. It's a good way to wipe a hole. Yeah, TPK, for sure. Yeah. So we'll have to try one shot sometime of, I mean, there's Cthulhu Tech, which I think is a more... It's like, well, even beyond that, like a sci-fi Cthulhu. Don't care about that. There's Cthulhu Modern, I believe, and then there's, of course, the old Gaslight, you know, going back to the 1890s or whatever. I don't know what everyone would enjoy doing, but we could certainly try a... I'm kind of lazy. I live in the modern era, so it's easy to replicate that to actually research the Gaslight era and know all the little intricacies. Right. Yeah, I'm lazy. Right. I do that. Well, especially if it's a one shot. I mean, it's one that could invest in a game if you're going to be playing it and really developing characters. But if we try a one shot sometime, yeah, we do a modern Cthulhu. Yeah, so thank you for the feedback, DJ. Yeah. I also wanted to give a shout-out to Faye Nara and Trevlex, who were two people who posted on Reddit and kind of represented us there. There was three different posts on Reddit. One was, "What are your best RPG recorded sessions you've ever listened to?" Another was, "What was your favorite/best white wolf actual play?" And one was titled, "A Mini Rant on Actual Play Audio Quality." In the first two, we were mentioned as someone's best I've ever listened to. And the other, we were mentioned in their favorite white wolf, along with Burning Sofa, who do the changeling AP. Nice. Oh, that's right. In the Mini Rant on Audio Play Quality, we were held up as an example of good as we used to. Of what to do as opposed to what you're not. Well, they've only heard the later episodes. They're the first ones which are not referencing shitlock. That's scary bad. So anyways, thanks to both of you for representing us. I don't even know how long ago they were, but I just noticed them. Actually, I didn't. Thomas was perusing Reddit and noticed us out there. So thanks for representing us when we apparently didn't. On Facebook, we had some posts regarding episode 115. Gina Stockton simply said, "Yay, I've been waiting all day for this because we actually came out on a Thursday on that week as opposed to our normal." We tried ahead for Tuesday. Food and all over the place lately. It's Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. It's somewhere to usually wake. Yes, it's free. You get it when you get it. Darius Kuras said, "I may sound like I'm complaining, but, in a way, I was getting this sensation that there were more twists and pace was proceeding faster in shitlock." I'm not the only one bothered by the field difficulties that Team Siren is currently experiencing. I'm sorry. I'm pretty sure Team Siren is bothered by the difficulties. Absolutely correct. Very bothered by the field. He's continuing with, "I hope you guys will get a chance to do some intriguing investigation and mythic lore cracking in addition to the current running for survival, searching for cover, zombie shooting, making dodging." Oh, I am still looking forward to some Greg/Dr. Lucius' time. He deserves some prime time after those kind of run heavy job assignments. Cheers. Thank you for the feedback. Yes. Unfortunately, we won't be seeing Dr. Lucius or Greg. He won't be like me any time soon. He is a busy man with his children as well as some personal events that are keeping him busy. Right. I think that the feedback here of being stuck in the field is certainly something that deserves some kind of response to because I think it has been a long slog. It still is because we're still playing this story. It's a long slog across the field. Yeah. We get out of the field with the flashbacks right there. Right. You do? But I think compared to shitlock, which is more my normal storytelling style, this was something that was completely different and something that I probably won't be revisiting again, which is a long slog. I really enjoy the mystery and the twists and turns and finding ancient lore and figuring out riddles mixed in with some combat. This is almost completely combat in role playing with flashbacks. There's not a ton of mystery. There's a little bit as the story develops further, which I'm sure he's been a long time listener, still probably get a chance to appreciate. But yeah, I think it's different for everyone at the table because it's not a normal adventure that I or a story that I put together. And I think I'll be returning to my roots of more twisty turning mythos type story with the third installment. All right. And thank you. There it is. Taylor McClurg said Frisco, or never use that name. Ari said Wowsa. Have I complimented you guys on the audio quality of your podcast? No? Well, usually I listen to the episode in my work vehicle and it's, well, a toolbox on wheels, basically. This time, though, I was driving in the family car. There was no noise from a rubber meeting the road, no wind whistling past. And I really could listen to the quality of the podcast. Darned, if it didn't feel like I was sitting at the table, the players spread out all around me. Almost made me flinch as the dice rolled. That Zoom H1 as I recall you've been mentioning on some of the previous episode. Well, whatever the tool, it is well worth the money. Keep up the greatness and P.S. I don't recall having heard what kind of gaming session you run. Like how many hours you play for? Question mark. Well, we used to play long sessions, but let's say over the last couple of years, shortening. Yeah, shortening. Two to three hour sessions. So I'd say that pretty much is where our average is. That's why it was turning cheek. Really think we were playing two to three hours? I mean, well, we started nine. We put it 11. That's about two hours. Okay. And three, if we get started at 8.30 and state 11.30, you know, we have done that. So I'd say it's mostly two to two and a half, but we do occasionally branch out to three. It's just busy lives and getting, what is it, seven adults together with kids and work and everything else on a weekly schedule. Pretty tough. You know, what he just described there about his toolbox on wheels made me think that that would be kind of a neat group to be. Which is like a utility workers, but that's your utility is going around getting rid of the supernatural things in town. I think that might be like a union, you know. Kind of like the union, yeah. It could be cap and phone lines at a phone box. But that's what I mean. But the idea that, okay, you were driving around the spaghetti truck at all hours and all our gears in it. No one questions anything either. Absolutely. You're an invisible. Yeah. Oh, one thing I did want to mention was that's one of the troubles I have when editing and with the music and the sound effects is how heavy to go on the volume of the background music and sound effects. Because I don't know if people are listening to a car that is entirely different than if you have two earbuds in your ears. Sure. You could pick up much more of the sound with earbuds so I can go much lower on the music. But people that are listening in a car will first of all use the stereo effect that we do record in. But in addition to that, you have to have the background music louder or you don't hear it at all. Right. Every once in a while everybody will be quiet and I go, oh, there's something in the background. And that music is consistent level. It's added post-production so it's not run through level later or anything to bring it up when it's quiet. It's always at that level. It's just one people. In the car, I haven't had any problem with it. I think it being too loud or too quiet. Yes. That might be a little one way or another but nothing that makes me go, oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. You can really do the top either. It's one of those things where you just have to try to find a happy medium and it's going to be a little too loud for the earbuds and a little too loud. Soft for the car but hey. What are you going to do? So thanks for the interesting feedback there. Yeah, that was interesting. Like some conversation. Luke Green is a new fan who in I think about a week's time went and listened to all 116 of our episodes. Luke, what do you do for a living? Whatever it is, I want to do it because I'd love to be able to listen to 116 episodes. Hey, this is your fan, very cool. Luke posted on Facebook and said responding to the feedback here about his RPG project. It was mentioned last week in our feedback. Well, last time we did feedback two weeks ago. By the way, if we don't ever do feedback on a show like episode 116, it is most likely because we didn't play that particular week because personal things getting on our way and we didn't get a chance. So sometimes the feedback does build up a little bit. But I digress. Luke is talking about his Divine Blood RPG that's scheduled for release. I mentioned the Kickstarter which is already closed. But the actual release of the product is in November of this year, 2013. But he has some novels that are available for $3.00 to drive through to RPG and several short stories. This is due with old-time. There's a link on his Facebook comment for anybody who's interested in following that. And he had a lot of comments. I'm just cutting it a little short because Luke is a prodigious poster as well as in general I like to keep the comments that we talk about on the show about the show. Because that's what most people want to hear. Sure, they can always go to the Facebook page and see all of the comments. He said he had to hit the sec now and then he was going to finish the very last episode the next day. However, the sniping duels and the fire effects were awesome. He continued the next morning, I guess, for him saying he really likes the flashbacks and was thankful for the echo sound to tell him when we were in a flashback and when we weren't. Yeah, that was kind of instrumental for this whole story that you had a good flashback sound to denote when it happened. And just not just when it starts but when you're still in it to keep that. I thought it was important and apparently he agrees. He says a binary hex and a hard-cooked brain from the original world of darkness should look were competing for his favorite storyteller characters. Right. He also has her opponents or his favorite characters. Well, he's saying NPCs. If we had to vote for best NPCs. I got her. Apparently, Side Street Billy didn't make the cut. Did not make the cut. But it watches better because he's keeping Bruce or any other world. Mama hot, big mama hot. Well, she had a very small role though. Well, I guess you can never say she had a small role. She was a big woman. She had big roles. My favorite NPC is someone that the fans have never heard of. Ernie Leponza. Ernie Leponza. Yeah, that was pre-recording day. We're getting more veteran Ernie Leponza. That was a good time. Luke finished up by saying also I have to comment on something that was a few episodes back in which Michael responded with. You've already had Winston talking to you about hiding a few things in which Jay responded with like your possession. Oh, yeah. Never mind. Moving on. That was great. Also, Chew being scared to run was a great thing too. He liked where Chew was holding the door. I mean, it was like. I kind of, yeah, I kind of, um, house-ruled that. Gave him some roles to see if he could break away from the terror of the situation. And I think Bob, to his credit, really rolled along with it and didn't fight me on it and accepted the fact that I wouldn't just totally brutalize his character. No, I think he wanted a little bit of justification. Yeah. But he wanted- Well, people have been paralyzed in fear or anything. But when you're a character, there's a zombie like right there. I took a little bit more pushback from him. I didn't get it because I was kind of impressed with that. I think especially, like in D&D and other games, the absolute worst thing you can have done to you is be paralyzed. And you wait and wait for your turn and it's okay, I don't do anything. Right? Because I can't. So safe. Scott's been an entire game session. And that just sucks. Even if that could happen, I think it's a terrible game mechanic. Because it just takes out your character and your ability to do absolutely anything. Now, I'm not saying Scott did that. It was slightly similar. Yeah, it's similar in a sense. But it made sense for his character environment. I thought once he got his explanation, he rolled with it very well. But he has a lot of those flashbacks. His backstory isn't very pretty, so I'm very impressed with his ability to roll with it. We had some Facebook comments on episodes 116. Luke Green said that, "If I can call them Rover and Spock, can I use Animal Ken?" I might have allowed that with a significant number of dice loss, like down to a chance dice. We'll draw it down to anyways. Chris Natel said, "A freaking silent helicopter? Who's got? You are savage." Can't wait for the next episode. Chris, you have no idea. Some Facebook comments in general. Philip Larson said, "Stumbled across your podcast recently looking for inspiration for my own Hunter game." And I started with your Siren game. I'm particularly enjoying the flashbacks. I was wondering how much backgrounds were discussed off-air beforehand, if any. I guess it depends on the player. Jim Sistrichetti wrote up his entire background. Mike is in the process of writing a background, and he gives me feedback as to what he likes. And then with Thomas, John, and yourself, Tom, and Bob as well, I kind of throw things out there. And then if you like them, or you can kind of... Yeah, I mean, I sold you a bit of my history, and I made up the sister and the father, and in addition to his mother being passed away and dying of cancer, which is why he's trying to help his family and his sister with money. So there was a history that was drawn up, and some players went in heavier than others. I think Adam, probably the most, and Chu, maybe the least. I mean, he had some general ideas for his background, but he really didn't flesh it out. But it should also be said that usually when I'm going to do something, like with Chu is very flash-back heavy, and again, his background, which to Mike's chagrin, is very violent and very debase, you know, what he grew up with and what he dealt with. But I always asked Chu if it was all right before. As Bob, if it was all right beforehand, if we kind of went in this direction, I'm going to tell him the whole, "This is exactly what's going to happen." I might say, "How about a father is a serial killer type of situation? Are you comfortable with going in that direction for Chu?" Because I never want to force something on you guys that you're not super comfortable with. But to be clear, it's not that I don't like it, it's just that I find it horrifying. Perfect. Yeah, it should. It's worked. Yeah, it gets worse. So, they have lots to look forward to. I can't admit. Janice Stockton posted on Facebook and said, "Did you name Side Street Billy from shitlock after Billy the werewolf from Dresden?" I can say unequivocally, Scott did not. So, he is not a Dresden reader, doesn't know what you're talking about, and doesn't care for Dresden at all. No, no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I like the Dresden game. I've heard that the novels get better. I did not like the first two novels and haven't found time or the inclination yet to branch out and start reading further up the stream. So, I just don't want to say that I just hate Dresden because I love role-playing the system and the story. I mean, like, the world. Sense, you know, I mean, it's all good. So, I probably would enjoy Dresden if I read it further, but it's kind of a running joke nowadays. I am the anti- Dresden guy. Billy the werewolf is a much smaller character, just a side character that's thrown into a few of the stories. So far, I'm fucking Billy the werewolf. There was no way unless you were a avid Dresden fan that you would have any, not avid, but just read all rights. I like the arc he has in the book. Yeah, it's interesting. I'm just saying that Scott, having only read two of the books and not caring for them, did not in any way. She just tried to think of a creative name for a street person that sounded somewhat believable. Any other feedback? No, he's a guy. Just a quick little ending feedback here. I had a Facebook check with Richard Watts, and I was telling him I had been reading his blog on his storyline in Dresden and really enjoying it. But Richard had to say a couple comments in the chat that I wanted to pass on to you guys. First of all, I said that John is on role. Apparently, walls do not impede any of his characters. As the latest episode had him running into a burning building. Sometimes they fall out of my way. It's definitely a thing. Any other technical question? Why does Scott just ignore people who aren't there rather than having them take some sort of reasonable action? They usually NPC a missing player and try to use them to support the others. I think he just answered his own question. Support each other. Because Scott, in no way, tries to help us. Support an including putting up character as an NPC. Hey, what are you doing? I'm looking at it. We gamerized the NPCs. They just stand in the corner and stare at a wall. And the reason I do that, and I'm sure Scott is very similar, is I don't want to put that character in any harm's way. Nothing would suck worse than I had to skip a week because of my wife's birthday or anniversary and you come back and your characters have dead or worse. Or triple that. And to plan another way and say, "Well, they're impervious to damage," then you lose some of the gross ability. It becomes unbelievable. So, rather than deal with that in any way, you kind of shuffle them off and say they became busy with something. Michael, play could easily go unconscious or dizzy from blood loss. Well, yes. For the week you were missing. But we had the last two episodes had first you missing and now this one that's about to be released right after this. Jim is missing. In different games and systems, we've had played characters just because they needed to be their otherwise character. Well, maybe it might have been a wife of the whole movie. Like if the only person who had any healing didn't show up. You kind of got it. Do that NPC that. So, that's the end of the feedback. Good question. Everyone really enjoyed the two iTunes reviews and we're catching up to the Thursday night guys, which still have no clue that we're raising them. We're raising them. Yeah, it's someone else in MP3. It's cool. Yeah, it's pretty cool. And before we get on to the adventure, I will quickly go to an MP3 in which Mr. DJ Allen has an offer for some of our listeners. With that, I will quickly touch on the votes because they actually have been a lot of action and then we'll get into the episode. On our poll for favorite player character, we'll go bottom to hide some afraid Thomas that you just not. You old the beast. I don't do a lot. You just not. It's been a rough adventure for I improve. I haven't been enjoying myself enough. That's good. But Edgarden does have four votes. After that, there's two with eight and that's Daniel and Sister Katie. Oh, Daniel made some. That's right. And a couple of weeks. It's the wall crash. It's the wall crash. It's the wall crash. It's the wall crash. I think you stepped up to become Jay's compatriot in taking out the bad guys mostly. Or at least the only one that was still moving. Just effectively. Achoo at nine. He said Achoo. Michael Clay at ten. Whoa, it's bunched up there. And Jay Alton with thirteen. What about eight, nine, ten? Oh, I don't know. I think so. It was a one voted me. I thought he won. Probably Daniel from the world. Who's that pathetic guy? Who's in the field? So, thank you all. Remember, use the Amazon link. You want to put iTunes out there? We'd love to hear some reviews. And feedback is always appreciated. With that, we'll have a quick little sound bit from DJ Allen and then we'll go on to the episode. Hello. This is DJ Allen from If you have an actual play that you are recording and you would like it to be hosted somewhere, is offering you the opportunity to host it there. Just get in contact with me at or you can talk to Tom. He knows how to get a hold of me too. We'll see what we can do. This is the world of darkness story. Shagrin. I'm your storyteller Scott. And with me to my right is. I'm Tom, playing the character Jay Alton. Member of the ascending ones. Bob playing FBI Special Agent Chew Park. Member of the Oskew Conspiracy. Mike playing Michael Play. The Adventure Academic. Who is part of the ages kinder. Thomas playing Edgar Montes. If we're doing a practitioner, we're building stairs. Conspiracy. John playing Daniel Morgan. Mountain Manta and mercenary. X-member of Task Force Walker. Alright, last week. Daniel had reached the house. I think. I was in the house as well. Jay was moving towards the house. Cause your last action was fuming helicopter over your shoulder. Cause you're running towards the house. Chew, you were moving on the path as well. From that mistaken. You would run across towards the Morton building, weren't you? Yeah, I was headed towards the Morton building. Towards the burning farm. But since that time, the children. Right. Have moved. Stay boldly this way. That way. Wait a while. I'm going to put you right with Michael Play and Sister Katie. Okay. Who are on the western side of the fence. Out of the hill, outside of the fence. And the children have just dashed through the fence. And across the wide open field there with feeder demons on their heels. Oh yes. I'm imagining Sister Katie after dealing with the children. Going into an internal flashback. Or she's just sitting there thinking about in the nunnery. How much she hates children. Jay. That's what she's talking about. Sister. She's gone for the next 50. She's out for the rest of the life. She's doing spitballs at her and stuff. She's changing her horrible class. And in the distance over the tree lines of black stealth helicopter appeared as Jay turned around and looked backwards. I spent a fate point. This is the one I called. This is our helicopter. A friendly helicopter. Its codename is Quiet Elephant. If it's night time and it's quiet, how do we see it? The glow of the burning buildings has now lit up the night sky. Guys, you have never seen a fire. And you have not recorded it. I felt about the back of my neck, hairs because of the breeze. Danger sense anyone? Anyone have a danger sense merit? I don't. Not that it's dangerous or anything. I'm a giant. I could disarm the helicopter. Like this. Your garden's fell off. Deal with it. Alright, we'll go to the top of the order, which is, as it has been since the story began, just about Michael Clark. Whoa. I still have my meditative mind active, so I am emotionally neutral. The sphere is gone. Alright. So I will... The bleeding continues. Yes. Do I need to take any further damage since I have been interrupted in managing this? I need further damage because you do not have your last box full of... Correct? Correct. It's bashing. Okay. In the sense of your beat up, your bruised, your bloodied, your -3. I think you're... I might have sued everything. Right. So you're definitely hurt. Right. But you're not bleeding out or anything along those lines. Okay. Then I char my light and wave it around and try to hit the demons that are facing. And then I tell the children to come to me, follow me, and I will lead you to safety. Children ignore the none. Ignore the mean none. Now you do realize that they're probably about 30 or 40 feet away from you through the grass. Well, I'm guessing I won't be able to keep up with them running because I'm... Right. So you're screaming out to them? Yes. I'm shouting... Shout out. But I have empathy and persuasion skills. So tell me again what you're saying to them. I'm sorry. Can you phrase it one more time? I'm sorry. Kids, don't be afraid. I can help you come to me and we will lead you to... I will lead you to safety. Or are they going in the direction that I wanted to go, which is we're trying to get out of here, right? They are running towards the hillock. Oh, wait for me. Children, wait for me. Stick together. Gather around me. Look for my light. You need light. Come to me, children. Okay. I will protect you from the demons. I'm going to say that this is your presence. You're trying to speak forcefully. Raise yourself up a bit. Okay. And get their attention. And we'll say that plus... It sounds to me like you're trying to persuade them. You're not intimidating them. So I'm going to say presence plus persuasion. Can you give me a dice pull at that? That is a total of four dice right now. Okay. Obviously you're wounded. You're going to add any will or anything else? I've already risked in this scene, I'm sure. So I will spend a will point, which will give me... To be fair, Mike, I think we're going to treat each night. Since this is really a compact and 15 minutes of hell. Okay. I'm going to take each night as a new opportunity to risk will power. Because it's in a long-distance scene with many moving parts. And they say that a scene was creeping up to the farm. And you could say a scene was getting shot and being moving. You know what I'm saying? So I don't want to keep... Then I don't risk a will. And which of the options are going to use for risking a will? Are you going to take an exceptional success with three successes? Are you going to add three to your dice pull? I'm adding three to my dice pull just to try to offset my wounds. Which is exactly what it does. Okay. Subtract one for the children's fear that they're in right now. And you're set. All right. So I have a total of three dice. I've got one zero. Ten again. Oh, that was so annoying. One in success. All right. You shout out to the children in a firm, authoritative voice. But tinged with compassion. The children stop in their tracks. And they look back towards you. Still very, very frightened. And the feeder demons are moving in on them. I move as fast as I can to them. And I'm trying to shine my light on the feeder demons. Okay. Go ahead and make a dexterity plus athletics roll to get through the fence. All right. Dexterity plus athletics is a total of five. A small nuclear defense. It's on the helicopter. How many dice? I had a total of five. I subtracted three for my wounds. Okay. Oh. All right. A total of two successes. Okay. You get through the fence. And you run towards the children as fast as you can. Now you can't do a double move because you had to move through the fence. Yell with the children and run. There's a lot to do in three seconds. But what is your speed? You reduce speed. My reduced speed is nine. Reduce speed is nine. That rolls pretty fast here. That is really incredible. The children, last turn, spent one move action to get through the fence and then move. There's speed because they have smaller legs and their little work is seven. So you actually reach them and start waving your flashlight around to protect against the demons. And you can see them. As your light slashes across them, they dissipate into smoke or some ethereal matter. And then reform again a couple feet off to the side. And I also say to them, okay, very quickly, three seconds. Don't be afraid. Don't think about afraid. Tell me what you want for Christmas. All right. Gotcha. And they look up at you with confusion. There's distracted, at least, if nothing works. You're sputtering a lot of them. Well, I'm just trying to be with some boy. Oh, yeah, that's right. Ooh! We're Christmas! Ooh! I'm saying it to you. Sandy Claus. Okay. Sister Katie found herself entwined in the fence. As she was trying to get through to chase after the children, ostensibly to beat them. I'm saying them. That was where he got stuck in there, yeah. She extricates herself from the fence and dashes towards you as well by holding the children. So now you have a group of the children, the sister and yourself, surrounded by these snarling, whispering demons. Minus one dies every time because of sister being next to you. Well, oddly, talking to the children. She's actually not speaking. She's actually thinks that she would do more harm if she spoke. So she's being quiet. This would be the best role-playing opportunity in the quite a while. All right. You just have to... You can start shooting the children if that would make it easier. That leads us to Edgar. Run that way, children. Oh, look, all our problems are solved. No more fears. I don't have any demons anymore, yeah. Edgar, they brought the helicopter. That's right. It's all good fun. I think I was moving even closer to the colonial. One more turn until I reached the... The north is pointing towards the side. I think we mentioned there's a door on that side. So you are still in the open, right, running down the path for this last turn. Double speed. Double speed. Which is impressive. And that will take us to... You know what? Go ahead and give me a perception check, please. All right. With all the minuses that you would only give me. Four or your one penalties. The only five minus two due to injuries. Three top. Two sixes. Cool. That's a good knock. Weren't you going to put more minuses on that? No, I was not actually. It's not dark anymore. It's not as dark anymore. Yeah, well, sometimes I do that, but I figure he's staring at the house and after your first move, you see a window upstairs on the colonial. You see a bun of a rifle go through the window, shattering the glass, and then you see the scope of the rifle coming down and kind of surveying the pathway grounds, and you see it starting to draw a bead towards you. That's... Shoot her on the second floor of the colonial. That's after your first move. You may now choose to throw yourself prone, or you can try to change direction and find cover. Yes. Wait in the beginning when we had a sniper on the colonial. Yeah. I took shots at him to keep him down. Yes. Can he mimic this behavior? I did draw my gun, and I did shoot someone a while ago, so I... I have no problem with you dropping to one knee or on your belly or standing up and just stop. Yeah. I mean, you said you're going to double move, but after the first move, you've now spotted something dangerous, so it is up to you to decide what you want to do at this point. His gun out. Does he need a way to turn this forward? No, no, no, no, no. He just took the head off of a zombie in the trailer, so... Poor. That's fine. I don't remember. He'll do it. Just dropping through a knee actually, I don't think. Or is this just flavor text? Flavor text. All right, then I'll drop through a knee. Falling completely prone will give you plus two to cover if he survives your attempt. Is that the same as armor basically? Or no? Yeah. Go ahead. I mean, it takes days away from his shot. That's plus my catalog, but I really can't take a hit. So I should probably just try to stop him from being able to hit me. Two for dice mod, for flavor text 30, and firearms go one more. Mine is two for my damages. Any additional monitors? He's got cover of the window. He's got two dice for his armor, and two dice for his cover. Good luck to you. Yep. Zero. No. Just one. Well, I thought by zero. I don't even know the successes. I rolled a zero, which is a 10, sorry. And then I rerolled the other failures. I pumped a slug right through that window. You see where it was with a gun, stagger backwards, and out of sight. All right, chew. You see along the fence line, walking up slowly but surely, one of the, we assume to be the Task Force Valkyrie agents, with half of his forehead missing, and walking with a gun. That's kind of weaving in and out as it steps. It has no capacity to aim at any fine degree. But he's walking up the fence line towards you after Katie and Michael Clay hit the parlor. Well, I have time to reload my shotgun since the encounter, I would think, in the trailer. Yeah. I don't think it's a problem. You know how many I could put in in three seconds. Is there a rule for that? I'm not even sure. What kind of shotgun is it? Pump action. Why don't you hold the other nine? I'm so wrong. I'm going to say that you have six in there at this point, because you ran a couple terms to get here and you were running and loading as you were. Six more from what I had or six total. I had three left. You had three in it? You had four. All right. He actually goes before you though. Okay. I was just describing the scene as he's walking up the path. Your friends have kind of departed going towards the hill like the theater demons have fled the area and have chased the more easy prey of the children. I did make a stealth check. I remember when I was making my way to the more below. Okay. Take another one for moving to this location to see if the zombie detects you or not. All right. So I'd be stealth if it's just one. So I was really perceptive. Do you have any of your one box filled with the last three one boxes? No. Okay. I don't. Go. This is a zombie. My head no success. Okay. My head no success. There's not my thing. The gun just continues to go off and there's bullets kind of going into turf next to you, whizzing over your shoulder, but the zombie does not hit you with the gun. Seems like he's trying to shoot at me like he's spying. He's spying at you and he's firing, but it's, it's, it's pop jocks in the dark. Okay. And that's all the zombies you see at this point. So half of the zombies is, okay, we'll be drawing you a picture. Oh, wait. Did I go? I have you at four. You were like right after me, weren't you? Yep. Sorry. Go ahead, Bob. All right. I'm going to take a shot at this crack head. You're allowed to speak over, though. The mic. Priority wise. I don't know if the zombie is as important as the silent helicopter that just came over there, but. You got an RPG. Well, I'm not. I'm going to cover it from it and yeah, I don't have any sting or missiles on me. I warned you of the target on the floor. You were so supposed to figure it out. Oh, I forgot it. It's got in the van. I warned you of the target on the second floor. You warned everyone about the target on the second floor. And then you told me you took it out. Oh, I didn't. I shot. Gun. And I'm not particularly good at that because I almost shot two. We all know this. She still pissed about that. I thought we were best friends, man. Clearly. What do you got? So I'm in a, I'm going to fire at him. Okay. Add up your dice. I got it. Yeah. Nine. Okay. Subtract two dice for his armor. Good luck. All right. This is not a good question. It's an armor of its own. No, no, no. He's wearing kevlar. He's a soldier and a. Right. But then you can get shot in the skull and not feel. Well, he can aim from the skull. And then you would not get the kevlar. Yeah. I was going to say about the zombies who were sniped by accident and just stood up. Oh, I got two nines. Um, I get to roll again because I shot them. Yep. And another nine. Here goes. Oh, that's it. Oh, total of three successes. All right. You took off his lower arm. Well, make a roll. One, two, three, four, five. It was his left arm and six through ten. It was his right arm with the gun. Oh. One. Okay. So the lower half by the elbow or so just gets blasted off by your shotgun blast. And the zombie looks down at its arm and then continues to walk towards you with its arm just bleeding out. It's got so foreign as some of these people do. That's your other character. That guard doesn't give a shit. Kill him. Zombies were people. All right. Daniel, go. Oh, you were painting me. I was going to paint you a picture. Come on, Monette. Blue is arm off and they noticed. That's so foreign. Oh, I'm sorry. Can I move really quick? Can I move like in the cover? Yes, you may. Now I want you to have it turn something. I really love you. Okay. I still choose not here, Monette. You're on the fence line to the east of the Morton building against that fence line. The cover you have is to go back towards the trailer, which probably isn't a huge plus for you. That's the only to run towards the Morton building, which you won't reach in time to have cover. Not that you're extremely scared of the aiming of the zombie with the gun. Or to go through the fence and follow Katie and Michael back towards the hillock, right at the base of the hillock where the children are now huddled surrounded by feeder demons. All right. That's fine. I'll say there's no obvious covering in the area that would... You're staying at the fence line. Right. Okay. Good. They don't need to go prone. Yeah, you get smarter. You get a plus two to your defense being shot at if you go prone. In addition to the cover. It takes a full one of your moving action to stand up. So if you have double movement turn actually be able to move, otherwise you spend your whole turn standing up. That's fine. I just wanted to get in a little bit of a cover, but it's fine. So you just crash down. There's nothing there, right? Right. Not a ton. I mean, be by defense post or whatever, but it's not a ton of protection. It's like this one. It's like a one. Yeah. I'll say one. All right. Yeah, heckle. You dashed Daniel into the house. Mm-hmm. Shot again, second floor. Saw someone moving up to the second floor, shot through a wall. Took him out. He tumbled down the steps. Rifle falling and spilling off behind him. He hit the bottom of the stairs, obviously very wounded. Bloody. You can see his face is bruised. He pulls out a pistol and he starts to try to aim at you, and he's trying to draw a bead. Obviously he's hurt and he must be blurry or something because he's having a hard time drawing a bead. You're looking at him as he aims his gun at you. It's kind of a big focus for you. When I'm the back wall behind him, you see a picture of a teenage girl. And it looks like a portrait. And then for a quarter of a second, your eyes flash because you notice that the house is unusual in the sense that, holy shit, the entire wall of this room is filled with pictures of this same girl. Every inch of wall space, and I mean every inch is covered with frames or photos that are tacked up. And you just do a quick look. Did I ever see this girl from the burning barn yet? No, you have not. You look up to the ceiling briefly. There's pictures on the ceiling. There's hand drawn art. She is everywhere. And we go to a flashback. I like to do stuff. Yay. Yay. I actually like to do stuff. So I'm still a manufacturer on the flashback so far. I'm over two on the flashbacks. And then I can depart. Mike has spent a couple days trying to track down the dock workers who were killed by the vampire. That you who you believe would be the vampire, right? That was something you were going to do. I was just trying to verify or try to get more, maybe it's a lead. Mike, I assume you're going to do some Google work and try to find out who you can about this. That's right. It's not straight up hacking. So it's just going to use my computer and wits I suppose, right? Yeah, I'd say wits and computers are good. There's a good combo for that. Let me know how many dice you have. That's as full as sex. My hacking doesn't apply, right? No, I don't go hacking here. So does my equipment apply? Yeah, sure. Equipment applies in the sense that you're able to get into some areas that you might not be able to get into. So I have a total of eight dice. Eight dice for you Michael. And because it's the late 90s and some stuff was put on the internet but some wasn't at that point, I'm going to subtract two dice just for the time involved. So go ahead and make a roll with whatever you got there. Does chews investigations help support me? Because maybe he could give me, yes, coach me in the areas of what they would look for, you know, maybe certain, like, whatever a disappearance or a murder code would be for the cop stuff I'm just going to make. Bob, you could make a wits plus investigation role to add dice to Michael Clay's dice pool. Okay. See, four dice for wits and investigation. We have a rolling eight dice. Okay, I'm going to subtract two because of the timing ball. Again, you're looking at old data and sometimes it's not as accurate. So I'm going to give you the same minus I gave Mike. Six dice. Whatever you succeed on, Mike is add to his dice pool. And this is, we are looking for information on a bulletin board or just information. All over the place. You're basically scouring the internet right now, looking for stuff. Well, I mean, I am in the FBI. Would I be able to tap any of those resources? That's great. Wait, let's give you a plus. You can direct Mike to some places that he might have thought of in the first place. Right. And then Mike, with his equipment, is probably able to get into those places. Let's give you a plus two equipment bonus as well. Yeah. Okay. One, two, three, and those are two zeros, so two again. Total three successes. All right. You had spent four hours that evening scouring the internet. And Mike, what you're able to find and with shoes assistance is there was a double drowning in the flats in 1998. The only thing time-wise that matches up with the gentleman who supposedly died during the encounter with a vampire, you've got a Victor Schulz and a Ted DeStefano, a night paring on the docks. They were noted for working at the port authority. They were at the flats after a long shift, according to the news report, and both ended up drowning in the Cuyahoga River, which is part of a run of drownings that happened in the late '90s in the flats. So not thought of as anything more than just a drunken horse play by the police and not investigating any serious degree, although they were autopsy. You said that there was a run of drownings with this ten period? Yes. Can I do it for the list so maybe get some more names, or is that not relevant? Okay. I think it shows that there's unusual activity that have that many drownings and then still not- Do you have a date on that or just 1998 comes out? Yeah. It was early. It was like March- I'm going to say late March, maybe March 25th. So it was still like cold outside, so they died very quickly after falling into the river, but it was a warm spring day, turned cold during the evening, and the water temperature obviously was still very cold early in the spring. So again, it seemed like an accidental drowning due to alcohol and basic carelessness on the parts of the two gentlemen. There were no interviews with workers, co-employees, what is that? This is, yeah, co-workers, or whatnot? Co-workers, yeah. Might be a police right here. No question. Nothing on this first night of investigation, and it took four hours to find that because a lot of the PD stuff was not archived well, and then, so you're actually your FBI link didn't help here. It was actually a story for tonight in the plain deal or that area with a catch that was archived. Got you. Yeah, and so it's the next morning, and everyone wakes up, and text message comes across J.S. Con. Uh, check it. You do not want to know what I had to do to get Danny Boyes 411. Sit in the basement a little longer. Hand and haggle with a total grundle who could access the mothballed server in question. Don't give me a start, anyway, some valuable shit was on that unit. I guess Danny didn't think of everything. They used pathetic attempts to code their messages. I won't bore you with the details. Danny met someone or something called ransom. This is around 98 or so, right before he loses his daughter. Yeah, that part sucked. She was only 14. Doesn't go into too much detail, but you could tell he's hurting. I think it pushed him way go, but he was probably headed there anyway. So back to the story. He seems to be influenced by this random, and for a couple of months, he's kicking ass like the old days. But his daughter's death is messing him up. It's happening with his heart and soul. He starts to lose his focus, and more of his hunter friends are pushing up daisies. Then it starts to fall apart. Fast. Blood, death, anger, horror, betrayal, etc. Fast forward, and Danny's planning is one less right. He doesn't say why, but it definitely has something to do with his daughter. Binary out. That's it. I mean, we can't ask him anything he's gone. Well, he said binary out, but he's not like, you don't have my g-talk or something where you can see it. So secret. Oh. Okay. One was the time frame of that. I mean, do we know that without asking him? Was that last mission? He's talking months because there was 98. No, without asking him, you don't know when that last mission was. Dan and I tried to ask him. Fair enough. He writes back to you that it was the post on the BDS was 2002. Hey, can we just come out to him and say, we can do some footwork. You've got some names of some live hunters we could ask. It's something you can't do because it's like in a wheelchair or something. That's a nice story. Where'd that come from? It's too large to come out of the basement. What's that? Lift him out with a helicopter. Look at what it looks like. What is it? It's stuck. I heard your thought. You want to give him the opportunity to lead us to a trap? I think some people think he's still that kind of guy. I don't know. We can give him the names we found and ask him if he knows. Yeah. Give me some. I can. So go ahead. I supply the names of the people we found and ask him if he knows anything about them or these guys that were in this, you know, with Danny. He writes back that those were two guys mentioned in some of the posts. I mean, there were some aliases involved and whatnot but it was pretty easy to crack and yeah. I think those were two guys he worked with. It might be the first two that disappeared. Can we do more research now? Does he have any additional information that he has on other people in his court? We have a list of the legit names he has. He tells you that he didn't track them all down. I mean, he was following a threat of thought with Danny and that's what he was focused on. He can go back and see if he can decipher more names but what he really wants to do is find out what the fuck this last mission was. But again, if you need some extra help, I can try to track down a couple more names. What do you want? Do we have a name of the daughter? He hasn't been able to find it yet. Is there any reason why I couldn't go look at birth certificates for two kids? Because he's battling it just entirely. Oh, that's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. Can you back delete birth certificates? In, like, physical copies? If we were to walk to the city, where her situation was born and was he lived in Cleveland? His whole life? Yeah. Right. Oh. She's fortunate. He doesn't know. My partner doesn't know where he was born because again, the guy's back to leave everything. He had to get somebody to actually go to a mothballed server and hack into it and now he owes that grumble a favor so he's not particularly pleased with that. But the point was it was completely offline and Danny thought it was safe. Well, he found a way to get into it and get some information. No, we wanted him to maintain his current focus, which is the last mission that's important. Okay. I'm going to try to research these two names that came up to see if I can find anything about them, maybe their family or who they would associate it with. And I'll help chew with the computer worker, if there's another figure on where to work. Right. Either one of you can take the lead on it. Any other guy can help. I mean, you can be more like shit. I, if you figure out where they're intrigued to know who did the autopsy, maybe the FBI records can show us that because whoever it is covered up something. So they are. They are covered up. Well, yeah. But I think they did an autopsy and it was ripped off by a vampire and missing blood that doesn't come across as a drown. Somebody covered it up. See if we could dig up the records and see if there's anything weird about it. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, what was it? I reported the newspaper. I'm just saying somewhere along that line, somebody covered up something. So maybe. All right. That's right. I also want to check the police glider to see if anything else, where was going around the time of these deaths, like anything else reported down in the flats area or by the docs or just anything strange. Okay. So who's researching and who's helping? I'm helping, sure. All right. I can use the investigation. Yeah. And Michael Klyke can give you some extra dice potential. You should probably roll first time. What's in computer again or I do have an investigation as well, so I can do computer investigation or no, I think you're definitely using your computer in conjunction with choose contacts. I think that's the way to roll here. I think it's going to be, again, trying to use your wits to get as much information as possible. What's plus computers like? All right. So that's as well as six. And plus two for your equipment bonus. And then because of the time frame, I'm going to take you out. All right. Total of six. Good luck. Yeah. One, two, three, four successes with one ten again. Holy shit. Nice. Four, six ain't bad. Oh, they are so annoying. It's four successes. Four successes. So shoe. What's your dice tool? It's 12. Plus four. 12. I'm going to give you a plus two because of all your contacts with the FBI and it's attracted to me because of time as well. So you're going to roll a 12 thing. Three, ten agains and nine. One more. One more. One more. One more. Yeah. There's an eight. Yeah. Five. That is an external success. That's it. Bye, Michael. Play. So tell me again exactly what you were looking for. Looking for anything you were looking for. Yes. Oh. Well. It's exceptional. All right. Good night, everyone. Anything weird that might have been covered up with the autopsy, make sure that the paperwork is in order, if there's anything weird with that. Anything. Anything that occurred at that time, that might be weird or out of place, that happened when they died, anything like in the police blotter around that time. You mentioned additional names. Yeah. You know, if any more names pop up, that would be great. And also doing research on these two individuals, maybe kind of cross-reference that with any other names that might come up. Okay. Here's what happened. Of 325 Victor Schulz and Ted DiStefano disappeared. The last anyone heard was they were going out to party in the flats after a hard shift down to the port authority. The gentlemen were gone, disappeared, missing for three full days until March 28th, before they were found in the Cuyahoga River. Mere the flats in patterns that were thought of in the final police report to indicate where bodies would float to if they fell off a dock, where they had been partying, last same partying, which was shooters. The bodies themselves in the corner report showed that there were strange wounds on the body that were attributed to they were scratches or in some places looked like they could be teeth mark. And the thought there was that potentially fish within the Cuyahoga River. Those catfish. Catfish. No living theory. Catfish. Catfish potentially fed a bit on the bodies before they were found three days later. The bodies after three days in the water were in a state of not decomposition because the water was relatively cold. But definitely, yeah, they definitely were water walks. It was very difficult to draw a distinct conclusion regarding the wound patterns, but there definitely were what they would take as bite marks and claw marks on the bodies. That according to them occurred post-mortem, post-mortem is what they thought. But it does take quite specifically in the corner who was Hannah Cahill is the name of the corner. The belief was that it was too difficult to tell what the exact reason was for due to the bloating and the general condition of the bodies upon recovery. And you also were able to find out that the staff of Noah's widow, whose name is Kelly, she still lives in the near west side and Victor Schulke's wife, whose name was Missy, she has since moved out of Cleveland and the last address you had for her was Houston, Texas. But that was about twelve, thirteen years ago at this point. So you have an address for Kelly Dostopano, you have a address for Missy Schulke, you have an old address for Missy Schulke, you don't know if you still know currently or not. And you know the coroner's name at the time was Tanner Cahill. And you've found the police reports and the autopsy in which nothing seemed to be too out of place. It looked like potentially bodies were in a bad state and they made the best estimation they possibly could. There was certainly alcohol in the gentleman's body, they had a taxology report and that came back positive. So is it a cover up? Not able to tell from the information you have at this point, but you definitely have more information you had before. Sure. Anything else happens? On that night you have no crazy stories, it seemed like a place reported in the plane the other that night. And again, if you go back into '96, '97, '98 and go forward '99, there were drownings in the flats those years. It wasn't uncommon for people to get drunk and fall into the river or get in the fist of cups and fall in the river and not be able to swim. I'm drunk, look at me, I just went across the river, they get halfway and they did disappear that happened with regularity, not regularity, but certainly enough did not be red flat. Okay. Mikey had something. Yeah, does anything like my intelligence or a cult skill make me think any significance for the three days missing and then for vampires, doesn't it think three days to fully turn a human into a vampire or anything like that? Oh, well, feel free to make a wits plus a cult role. Would that be, since it's kind of memory, is it more intelligence? There's a lot of occult beliefs in regard to vampires. Okay. Every culture has at least three or four their own distinct stories and myths of the vampire legend. So, which one are you drawing from? Is it on Gary Immigrant or German Immigrant or are you going from the Americanized version? One is Cleveland. There's plenty of Eastern Europeans. Exactly. So, there's a lot of different things that exist in wits because you're trying to piece together something you might have remembered from it is what I'm going for. Okay. Well, it's better for me than intelligence anyways, so a total of six days so far. Okay. Let's go ahead. Wow, nothing. There's too many, I think your way of wrapping your head around is, there's just too many myths about vampires to draw out by the state conclusion without having more information. Okay. Your specialty as werewolves. You too? True that. Oh, actually, my specialty is artifacts. Exactly. Let me shoot back into the moment. John, you know, was going to be pointing at you and you can see that his depth perception is trying to focus on you and all you hear him say is, "Daniel, like he's quite confused. Your turn." All right. I'm gonna step on his hand. Well, you have to walk across the room. Do you want me to save you? No, I was going to suggest you clear up his vision by shooting him in the face. He's probably about 15 feet away from you at the base of the stairs. I can, I have 11 speed that can get me easily within his range and then I can step his hand with my brawling skill. Yes. Absolutely. Go ahead and make a strength plus brawling skill to step on his hand. My strength is three, my brawling is one. It is easier to step on his hand because he's on the floor in a prone position plus two dice. And you are stepping on a hand aiming for it directly, which I think is a minus four. All you need is one success to succeed. You're just trying to remove him. I just step on his arm without being lost. I mean, I'm not. Yeah, sure. You're trying to remove his ability to shoot you. Minus two. Yeah. I'm not trying to break his fingers or anything. I just don't want him shooting at me. That'll be a grapple. Yay. You move the close range. He gets his, so minus two to step on his arm and his defense is two. So minus two more. If he just shot him, he wouldn't have defense. I am unfamiliar with these close combat rules. How would I be able to disarm him instead of just stepping on his hand or something? A lot of different ways to disarm him. You could shoot him dead. That would disarm him, all right? Echo off him. You could grapple him. That would allow you on the next turn to remove the weapon from his hand. Or you could try to make him unconscious by hitting him really hard with a blunt object and not do lethal damage to him like your fist. Or you could step on his arm. I personally think stepping on his arm was an excellent choice. It's just that he gets to defend against that. He's wounded. Yeah, I realize. It just leaves me with two dice first defense and that's pretty unlikely. You can point your weapon at him and shoot him if he attempts to shoot you. You can hold an action. You also have some upstairs that's growling. Just to remind him. Just that. I think it's adorable. What am I supposed to do about that? I don't know. I just wanted to remind you because you'd be like one of the options with grappling. That would be a piss poor idea to do when there's someone upstairs growling. Alright. John, you're new to the system. Normally speaking, everyone knows they need to add their advertised before I give you the minuses and then you're kind of just stuck. But if you wanted to use the willpower point, I certainly don't mind it because- Well, I won. Only because I didn't. But I don't mind it because I know you're still learning the rules and maybe even know that this defense applied when you walked up to him to step on his arm. And you can risk it. I can risk it again. Yes. Both my advice and virtue in saving those children. Well, going back to the parent. I gave you- I gave you full willpower back. Okay. Well, you said after the scene, but- Well, we never- At that point, you hadn't decided that these would now be new scene. It didn't have to be. It's too long. Can I risk with that? I have any willpower whatsoever? Pretty dumb signs. No. It's going to scare you. I'll spend the willpower rather than the rest of you. Part regular. Willpower, which takes you from two days to five. One, ten. Two other successes. Okay. Every moment. Three successes. Three successes. Three successes. He screams out in pain as your boot crushes down on his arm and the gun tumbles out of his hand. And- Any time? No. He looks up at you and catches your eye and he just says, "Why?" I'm not turning as here. I don't make calls to the decision. This following orders. Ooh, I'm just going to leave it some time. That's my one every five weeks of these ones. Okay. So that's your turn now. You walk up to him, is your move action, and then you step out of his hand and- The first answer is question. The first answer is question. And you said you didn't have to make your best friends- Yeah. You were at your best friend. I was like, hold on. And I died in my arms. I don't think I want to be your friend. It's pretty- I don't want to be my enemy. I definitely don't want to be my enemy. Can we just be acquaintances? Yeah. I hope we score our separate ways. I'm running the magic from across the room and then- What's your capital order, Thomas? I think it's two for bolts. Yeah. Two for bolts. I don't think the autopsy was like covered up or anything. I think they were just kind of stupid and don't really believe in stupid. Yeah. It's competent. Edgard, you see someone, a hand, reach back up to the window and pull themselves up to the window as if you shot and knock them off balance perhaps, or they're bleeding out. Who knows? Yeah. But you see, arms and shoulders through the window again. He's got a syringe dangling from his bottom. You see it go down with a sniper rifle towards you and you see him. I actually don't see him. You hear him pull the trigger. You don't hear the final shot so you're not that darn one. Click, click. I forgot to move my gun. One lethal damage. Actually my apologies. One bashing damage because your capital order takes it down to bashing from lethal. That was my last health spot. So I don't know minus three, but I'm also not bleeding out. So why cool? Yeah. The man whose arm you're currently standing on is trying to punch your leg to move off of his arm, but it's weak and ineffectual. Okay. And he's bleeding pretty heavily and he looks like he's in pretty bad shape. Like if I leave him here, he'll die. Wits plus medicine? I have a medicine scale of one and a wits like three is four. Go ahead. I'm getting punched in the law. There's no minus. Yeah. Not that much of this direction. It says if a wonderful girl was, you know, trying to punch you. I roll tree. Nothing. Patients who don't want to be treated. Yeah. I'm not a paramedic. I failed. He's not looking good. And then you hear that that growler go ahead and make a perception check, please. Wits and composure? No? Yes. That's six times. Yes, one, because you're down stairs and a rifle shot just went up at the same time. I'll tell you a thing about medicine stuff. Oh. Yeah. Is she bleeding? Probably. You're just not having any luck. No. That was so nice. Definitely. It sounds like a water roll rowling. I thought we'd see the dogs upstairs. I didn't see them all. Because it almost sounded like words, but you couldn't put them together. It just wasn't going to happen. The words are, "Oh God, my eye." Jay, why would someone have been there? So many things to do in the one turn from the other. Thanks for listening to the nights of the night at actual play podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures, where you'll find character stats, photos, storytelling props, and even a forum for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at, or contact us via Twitter, or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcasts or business, please visit And please join us next episode for more Vistri and Adventurer. Or you can just arm this helicopter. Like this. Your guns fell off. Deal with it. Oh, you're painting me. I was going to paint you a picture. Come on Monet. You said you'd have to not take your best friends anymore. Yeah, you were like to go shake my ass. Hold on. I died in my arms. I don't think I want to be your friend. It's a pretty good one to be by animation. I definitely don't want to be my own. Can we just be acquaintances? Yeah. I won't rescore our separate ways.