Knights of the Night

KotN Actual Play Podcast 116 - Don't Be Afraid Or The Demons Will Eat Your Soul

Broadcast on:
20 Feb 2013
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The stone colonial. That silent, hunched sentinel has stood in harsh judgment as the task force struggled to reach its seemingly impenetrable walls. That monolithic shadow at the far end of the farmstead has dealt pain, anguish and fear in equal measures to friend and foe alike.Its deafening silence. Its chimney benching foul smoke. Its broken windows with glass shards like angry teeth. The stone colonial has been waiting to devour any hunter who dares to enter its realm.That wait is finally over.Actual Play Starts 1:24

[Music] Hello, and welcome to Night of the Night in the actual play podcast. This world of darkness stories chagrin was written and run by your storyteller Scott. [Music] And now, please enjoy episode 116 titled Don't Be Afraid or The Demons Will Eat Your Soul. [Music] The actual play begins 1 minute 24 seconds. [Music] This is the world of darkness story chagrin. I'm your storyteller Scott and with me I am I write his. Jim playing sister, Katie O'Connor, shadow congregation, crazy, non-person. Tom playing Jay Alton, I'm a member of the ascending ones. Mike playing Michael Clay, an academic adventurer, part of the Aegis Kydore. Thomas playing Edgar Montes, who doing practitioner of the lay mister is conspiracy. John playing Daniel Morgan, mountain man turned mercenary, and member of Task Force Valkyrie. On the way to the car, unfortunately I moved one hand. Daniel, I have double moved to last turn. Yes you have. My distance to the colonial is about half. Yes it is. So this turn if I double moved I'd be bursting through the door. This turn if you double moved what you speak. 11, 22, 66, it would take you to the steps not at the front porch if you double moved. Okay, I'll do that. I'm just putting your head down and running. Trying to keep an eye on the windows and stuff. There is, yeah there is fire on the inside that you can, well go ahead and make a perception check to see how much you perceive it. And the storm cloning. Okay, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three. Any wounds you can serve yourself with? Actually it's wits and composure. Yeah it's wits and composure. Yeah wounds? No. What do you mean? All moving? Because you're not completely focused on what's going on and good luck. 8, 8, 8, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, five guys. So you see three things. You see a fire on the ground floor. It is small. You can just see the flickering. For all you know, it's a fireplace or a lantern or a candle. It's a quick look as you're running towards the house. You see somebody again moving on the ground floor through a window. It's a flash of a person. It's very difficult. Very difficult. Is it someone moving in the back of the room or is it someone peeking out the window? It's definitely someone at a distance through a window. I was wondering if it was the same room as the fire or where I'm more importantly am I just about to burst in on this person through the door that I'm going? No. Okay. They would be the person that you saw was through curtains and they are moving from the middle of the house towards the south end of the house. You're moving from the south end of the house up to the middle of the house to get in the front door. The light that you saw was in the north side of the house. Okay. So it'll be to your right when you go through the front door. And the light didn't flicker. And as a sniper is on the south end of the second floor. Just what? As I remember. Yes. Okay. There are two floors to this place. There are two floors. You don't know if there's a basement or not. Yeah. To be fair. And then the third thing that you noticed moving towards it. This stone colonial is you very, very, very briefly in a window that's not the sniper window on the second floor, but another window. You saw a shadow. Okay. That's what you see as you double move towards the house. Jay. I double move towards the house. Any advice for any of your other team members? Someone called out for help. And you might not have remembered that, but if I had time. I do report that there's two figures in the house. Right. I'm friendly in the house. How about that? Half a second to get that out. Okay. Are you talking about these two? I don't know. He won't say something. I was going to say two figures in the house. It's on the ages coming to you. What? These two pulling off our appetite walk? Sister Kitty didn't say too much. Michael Clay definitely said get feeder demons. We got kids. We've got a task force Valkyrie who looks like he couldn't beat a zombie with half a head. Help? Where should we go? Yeah, falling back. Yeah. I've got my rolls. That's why I didn't say anything. Right. Just to be real quick with you, Jay, you're not really far from the trailer because you kind of lay down to get a shot off with your sniper rifle last time. Oh, she's got taken out. That's right. Yeah. We still got there like three or four people tried up in the fence screaming. Hey, do you want me to leave? What's that one? It's his name. On the bicycle. Does he? Does he? Yep. He just left in there. At the bottom of the hill, you did what you had to do in that time. It seemed like the thing to do. Yeah, she did. Right. If you guys are falling back, fall back to the car. All right. The car is a fortress. You mean the car that's currently 15 feet down in ravine? That's our car. Not our car. That's their car. Okay. I was just being clear. Don't worry. I'm not talking about a car in the middle of a ditch. Our car is full-time. We got a sniper between us and the car, though. No. All right. Sorry. Okay. Not that. Yeah. J says nothing. He's aware of. Okay. Although the... We'll find out soon enough. The sniper. You got a zombie up here and a zombie down there. All right. Split him. You should be all right. We're zombies. How tough can it be? If I were fully... If I was healthy, I don't think it'd be a problem. You'd be wrong. Speaking from someone who has chewed on, it's a negative three-dollar rolls and bleeding and still halfway through my medical problems. Yeah. All right. So, Jay, go ahead. Stand up. Single move as you start moving towards the ugh. Don't blow me up. So the dude came here. He had rid of the evil. And then the dog just came here and killed him and then I'll help her, please. If we're not going to stick around here later, would there be a way to grab something so that I could consult with the lower of this particular area from a different place? And representative of the land. How about a zombie? Refraze that, if you could, please. I didn't quite understand it. I want to consult with the lower of this general area to figure out if it was to move by lower. I'm sorry. It's the local land spirits. Okay. Sorry. It's something my guy deals with even though he has actually not shown that because I'm not good at it. Well, to be fair, it's been 10 minutes of chaos. If I wanted to consult with the lower around this area, but I couldn't be here, like we're probably going to want to not stick around here when we're done. It doesn't look like a very feeling place to stay. Could I grab something so that in the ritual, I could... Some sympathetic connections. Yeah. Like something representative of the area so I could call the spirits from that. Yes. But the thing that you grabbed, you'd want it to be something that was meaningful. So not just some grass. Not just a blade of grass, you'd want to grab something meaningful to the area that represented what you believe to be the nature of the area. I have to think about that. Yeah. Fair enough. It could be considered part of the compound, you know, the boundaries, the borders, the... What holds people. I'm going to keep some people out. It could be a well or a piece of farm equipment everybody uses. No, not like... My uncle's suggestion about it is this place is a fortress. And the fence is something meant to simplify with that fortress. Right. So... It's not like it's going to be an operational farm per se. Michael, you see the zombie working its way. It's its turn before, at the end of everyone's turns. You see it moving its way up the fence line, slow, steady, towards you. It's moving probably about 30 feet per turn. It's about 150 feet from you. So you definitely have some time because it's not moving quickly. It's just moving. Yeah, but it's on the other side of the fence, right? No, it's on the same side of the fence as you. And moving just about as quickly as you are. Right now. It's going to be... Right now. It's 12, but it's bound to, so in all that long it's what? 36. We're in one movement. How'd you get 12? It's only the foot, so I'm 11 in the face, plus one. You hear the reports of a shopping cart in the pistol, but it's into the ground. Okay, you know we're close to you. I just came open doors. Something to tell you is weapons might not be as on, very efficiently. No, he shot into the ground. Because it's moving and it's literally lumbering and it's shot into the ground. So you were going to take my damage, but you'd be dead, or all my boxes are filled. With bashing. With bashing. And five of my eight are filled with lethal. He falls over and takes four damage. He goes into a coma, basically. He goes into some serious damage. I take three more lethal. I'm out. The good news is that the two people who need to get the hell out of here the most are the ones that are closest to the exit in the vehicle. I don't know. So the demons are, wait, I'm sorry, is it my thing? It's your turn. Okay. And right after your turn, you know it will be the demon's turn. And they're trying to get to either side of you so you can't flash like both of them effectively within the three second period of time. Okay. Katie's got one out too with trying to help as well, and the kids are absolutely terrified. All right. I tell Katie to put, taste some of her blood and ask the demons a question to keep them occupied. So tune. Oh, you take the one on the right. I'll take the one on the left and let's move, let's move this preschool out of here and back to the cars. You forgot the dogs. Oh, yeah. Sick of dogs on the zombie. Oh, by the way, I'll take the dog. He takes your toad. Okay. Now we have, we have two dogs. Oh. Well, let's see. Well, I love the kids. Who are hunched over and growling at the demons. But yes. Oh, right. Oh, shit. Okay. This guy's Valkyrie. I'm not sure my dog would eat him as well. Of course not. Hey. So he'll be trying better later. So what do you do? I try by move towards the demon on the left, shining my light and. It's trying to happen. Right. Not hot, but dissolve and reform and dissolve and reform is trying to get away but stay close at the same time. So you're able to basically move towards it. It's not that far away. And what are you trying to do? And I asked you a question saying, can't show me the best way to the car. No. I don't want you to the best way to the cars. The sound's right. I'm sorry. The safest way for the car. Just a little like. Nope. Yeah. A lot of taste. Mmm. That's not Saturday night. What? Which. The paths. Back along the paths, there's more of us coming along the path. That's not the safest way. Wait a minute. He has to answer the safest way. It has to answer truthfully from your knowledge of. Right. Of feeder demons. So you just tell me they're more coming than that sense is it? Right. Oh, okay. Is your path as the quickest way back to the cars? Does none have any holy flashlight that you can pull up? No. Not. I wish I did. There is benediction that I'm really seriously thinking about picking up tanks. That's a big bright light that would just chase these things away. Mike and Katie, you see another feeder demon forming up. This one looks like a wolf as well, but it has almost like a squid-like head with tentacles coming out of it and it forms up right behind the children. And... Sister Katie. It just forms so it doesn't attack, but that's what it's right behind them. You did not account for that in your plan so far. The fear from the children is like a giant beacon to these creatures. Sing a song, get them a little sing a song, do something to kind of occupy their minds or get their emotions off of the fire and the damage and the demons, and try to lead them in some type of Sunday school hymnal. Something to... Nice. Ring around. No, don't run. Come on, Maria. Yeah. She's got no social skills, but I can give it a shot. Jesus Christ. You better not hear you. I'm the kind that kills evil demon things. I'm not the son of Jesus. What? They're right there. It's still whipping, car-driving, dog-raising. I... Are drinking. I have anything in the way of last eleven. Katie, it's your turn. In a situation is becoming untenable. The only other thing we do is run to the blowing barn because it's... Right. That's safe. I mean, it's right because it's out of fire. And there'll be no evil demons there. They don't look bright. But there's a big, burning, fiery barn with all the kids and... Yeah, that's what your parents grossed in the fire. And the zombies come closer. What about... It happens to be your turn. Yeah, I know that. Okay. I tell the kids they can't be scared. Time to come. Don't be scared. Or those things will come closer. If you are brave, they will eat your souls. This is how you communicate with them. If you are brave, they will go away. Don't be afraid. And then I start with the monsters. With the blood and I start bringing... I start singing some gospel songs. You can say well. You all play a person with no social skills very well. Yeah. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. They really need your souls. Internal damn... Internal damnation. The cars have bright headlights. Yeah. We're trying to... Our miles are way. We only have to go through a 20,000 zombie. Okay. Okay. I'll give you some options here. Okay. This will eat you. Definitely. If you want to convince the children, I will let you use... Try to convince them that those things may go away if you are brave. I understand. I understand what you are trying to do. I would work for them. Presence or manipulation. You can either try to be strong with them. Or you can try to manipulate them and convince them otherwise. Plus, what phrase would be a better idea. You can use empathy. I have no social skills. Appression. If they're dogs, I can really handle them. Persuasion. Anyone of those three. Again, I have no social skills. I can handle that. There's some dot in social. Oh, I have... It's impossible not to have a dot in social. I have... I love my dogs. I got three thousand dogs. Talk to them like they're animals. Jesus, crap. Bark! I'm being afraid. You guys will continue. Good luck. Use the presence or manipulation. I have one dot in manipulation. Two dots in the present. Excellent. So, you raise yourself up to your best Sunday school self. You have one dice. Because your mind is one for not having a social skill. And you're telling the children to be brave. I use my animal kingdom. Yeah. Evil demon things going. Yeah, I'll spend the fake. That would like to give me that curriculum. Yes. If you call us a children rover and spot, can he use his animal kin? No, he could have used his animal kin to tell the dogs to attack the demons. But he did not choose to do that. She chose to talk to the children which was encouraged to her by several people. That's her decision. It's a panic situation. And she's panicking. And she didn't think this was a bad choice. No. Not necessarily. Well, yes. Based on dipoles, yes. But in a situation like this, who knows what the hell someone would do. But he attacked by demons and... How does sick the dogs in them? Not being on the zombie. I mean, he's got a gun. The children are petrified. There's actual demons that they can see with their own eyes. So, minus two dots. So, you have e-roll two dice, please. Come on. Okay, wait. You don't be bleeding. Children? I'll make you lower up to these apples over there. You haven't even seen the zombies yet? One in a three. Yeah! That's about right. The children... They're petrified. Actually, the children start running. The children start crying. They're going to drag them with them? They're absolutely terrified of the demons. And the large dogs that are startling, which they don't realize... Oh, fuck you. They're scared of the none. Yeah. And Katie just cooped them. They're afraid. Or I will strangle you. Stop being so scared. The demons will be at the least of your problems. The children sneak through the fence and start running towards the trailer. That might be safe. No. Yeah. Where the zombies are. No, we killed them. I counted it. We killed the woman. I'm pretty sure that she killed the man, but I don't remember how much. Why is it every campaign has children? Because I just don't like it. I can't help it. We're trying to subtly convince them. It's going to do a lot yourself in the trailer. People look at it. We're going to toss the dead things out and then lock ourselves in the trailer. Katie, what's your defense? Who knows? You. It was two or whatever it is, right? Yeah. Or is it minus three? But my defense is three and I got a minus three and whatever. Defense is not affected by your wound penalties. What is it? Three? I be three. The large toad demon, it's wicked barbed tongue, reaches out and tries to attack you. It has a Kevlar on you. Kevlar does knives. Kevlar should have something that helps with the weaker of the slash numbers. I have magic armor of five. Really? Just on you. It's like glowing blue. I remember practically. It was something that also... Yeah, I had a slight blow to it. What's good, Katie, because you would have taken three damage, which means you would be bleeding out right now. Yeah. So the tongue wraps around your leg, but it immediately is pulled off because of the holy blue light that is emanating from you. Don't let me drag your butt out of here. The demon says it tastes holy. This one tastes holy. And the other demon that just manifest itself, this turn, doesn't get a chance to attack. Tommas, it is Endguard's turn. So I should, like, not keep running. Run, Endguard, run. I don't know. This is a total party white, but really doesn't matter. Just shoot yourself in the head. Get it over with. I'd miss at this point. Hey, I'm fine. Oh, yeah. You're doing great. Daniel Morgan, right? Daniel Morgan nailed it. All right, I'm just gonna keep running. Good luck with that, guys. Another turn of moving three left on my count. What drove the demons away before? Light. And not fearing. Unfearfulness, which is what I did, and it solved all my problems. Mike was kind of left alone. They started licking his boot heels a little bit, came back into a fact, and then the children just stoked it when they came. Michael clank. Don't be afraid. You are not one with the children. Try it again. Don't be afraid of the demons. We'll eat you. Yeah. That's so great. Go ahead and make a perception check again with all the same minuses because you're running. God, I hate you. With my centerpiece. Four. I suppose you're one. That's five total minus two due to damage, minus two. More due to sprinting, wasn't it? Minus one due to sprinting. One. Okay, two dice total. Yes, that's what you had before. That's how I might see something. I've got a ten. But that's it. Listen, just ten. All right. You're concerned about Daniel. So you're looking up towards that boarded window, and then the windows that are heavily crooked. And you see one of the curtains open ever so slightly, just a hand. All you can see is you're running quickly, and the hand moves back quickly. You didn't catch eyes. You didn't catch anything else. You just caught someone clanking out of the window. They definitely were trying to be surreptitious. Down top four. And it was the window to the south of the boarded up window. That the sniper attacks were coming from. That takes us to Daniel Morgan. Daniel Morgan's entering the house. Can a rifle be used in close range? I mean, it's smallest range, 200 drives. Right. You can use it in short range, but again, I might feel the need to occasionally kind of launch and stuff. I have to pistol as well. I might need to pull that out now. Go for it. I mean, it's significantly lost deadly. You're caught. You know, from being in the woods, that rifle is a close range. People can grab them. People can kick them. It's hard to get a really clean shot off with a long weapon at close range. If you're in a house, you're going to be in close range probably. Yeah, I'd like to shoot a shotgun right now, but I'm going to pull up the clock. Okay. You run up to the door. It's unlocked. And closed. Well, I open it. You open it. The next element is to move to the door, open it, and move through into the first floor of the colonial world perception. This is width and composure. Yes. Okay. Dark room. A small fire showing in the north corner of the building, and it's actually something that's split on the ground. The wooden ground is on fire. The wooden planks of the colonial is made out of the flooring in the kitchen is on fire in a corner. Not heavy, just on fire. There seems to be some kind of canister that the fire seems to be burning around and it's melting. So it seems it's been some kind of something to try to propagate a fire perhaps. It's celery. Celery, thank you very much, Michael. In the rest of the house, there's a lot of cover. There's a lot of movement on your part. So it might as one die for the various obstacles in your way. There's a shelf on top of the fire, and the top of the wall. Two successes. All right. You're here, and almost see. Maybe see a very far fraction of form moving up the stairs to the south. It's a staircase that's rail, and someone is moving up to the second floor. They're moving towards you and up. The railing there is kind of... Your kitchen is moving right above the first floor, if you will. Best shot or second. Some shadowy figure moving in that direction. You also look down and see that there is blood on the floor leading towards the stairway to the south. It's a good eyeshadow. Third dog of the gash, man. Go fuck him up. Did he go to the south? Fuck him up. He went to the silos, but he may have come back. Who the hell knows? Two guys upstairs, I whispered in the mic, and I can't move again. You can move. The perception was free. It's not an action. It's a quick survey of the situation of putting the fire on the shadow. Can I fire on the shadow? Sure. I shoot the darkness. I'm not sure I want to. It'd be a hell of a shot to even get, and then... You have your shotgun out. You would not have time to shoot the weapon. It's not a shotgun. I just wished I had a shotgun. I'm sorry. You have your rifle. He had his block out of his stuff. If he did that, then he doesn't get to shoot. I figured he wanted movement of the house, and then decided what he was going to... Like it's not a hero to hit the house first. Well, I'm going to shoot. No, and ask questions. Okay. You pulled the rifle up. There's total coverage. You're basically shooting through what would be a wall, a flatster wall. And where you think the form is. Moving up the stairway. Go. Plaster. What's the dice mod on your snack rifle? Four. Four? Really? Yeah, really. Because mine is five and it's worse. I don't know how that is. Well, mine's a four, but it's eight again. So any success you grow again. Okay. That might be one. I think it is one. My gun skill is... Pizzling. Pizzling being two and a specialization. My rifle is... Then I have two dexterity. This is nine dice. Nine dice. Um, there's no minus for cover. Because of the fact that... He's 100% covered. He's 100% covered. Yep. We'll left. I do. Well, I'll spend it. Think about that. Very well. I'll spend some will. Go ahead and make your roll at nine dice first. Without? Without. Anything can happen to me around? No, I'm sorry. No, no. I'm sorry. I missed that. I was somewhere else. You can go ahead and use three dice if you wish. So. You can use your will. You want to change my voice? One. Okay. What is it? After the story maybe? One finger right now. What do we have to do? There's a nine here. Two nines. One, two, three, four successes. I get to roll them all again. Five. And again. Five successes. Do I hear a thump? I mean, I hear a shump. Yeah. You hear a thump and then a form comes tumbling down the steps. And it sprawls out at the bottom of the staircase. Looks to still be breathing potentially. It's a task force Valkyrie agent. And that's all you can take in three seconds. Well done. I didn't. Well done. Yeah. Jay. Sprint. I'm still moving at the house. Double move. Right. Your speed is. Impressive. A lot of it. Oh, it is impressive. 22.66. Huh. Okay. Turn. Is that good? You're going to catch up with me. Well, yeah. You're hobbling along, mister. I'm probably along at nine yards. For three seconds. I said one did run. Double it. I mean, we have the same speed naturally, is what I'm hollering about. But you probably have a strength that isn't one. I do have a strength that is two and a dexterity that is four. I don't know. Strength goes into your street pretty soon. You'll move faster. Yeah. I'm done. I have another part of strength. John, you see the agent's head wobbles over to what would be the right. And his eyes focus a bit on you. And he reaches into his holster because the rifle he was carrying is off to the side. It's a little away from him. He reaches into a holster, pulls out a pistol and aims at your chest. But. That's not right. All right. We're going to get the most military deal trip right here. I'm ready for this. He can't fire. He can't pull out. Boy, he went to be had a quick draw, but he didn't have a quick draw. I thought he was going to talk to me. I was getting ready to be talked to so hard. Hey, knock him out. We could use one of these. You can see blood trickling down the lid. I already did that. And he's trying to. We already did that. But now the unconscious guy is stuck in a burning shed. And no one deemed it necessary to rescue him. We can't have this conversation in three seconds. No. You can't. To be clear, the guy that I shot had just stepped out of a place he started on fire. And I put him down, he's at the door laying on the ground and the dirt outside the building. What? What? I tried to one guy. You were trying to show that guy. Yeah. Yes. He actually reached. You actually him in a neck because he had Kevlar all over. It was a really great shot. You saw him reach for his neck. And it stumbled into the building. Oh. And out of sight, he wasn't at the doorway. He stumbled into the building and disappeared. I managed it. And I could get with it. The building is now on fire. I don't care. Or he's at the silo. I mean, that's fine. We have one major target here. He's on the second floor. You think here in the house, which is relatively quiet after the echo subsides and fades from your rifle shot. The man, his soldiers, sprawled out, task force, Valkyrie, aims a gun at you, blood dripping down. He's trying to talk, but from upstairs, you seem to hear a very low voice. Almost like a growl, but not quite. Oh. And it did not sound like the growl of a dog. It sounded like the growl of a very angry human. Okay. We might have really tranquilized in the eye. This is our last turn for the evening. I will use my meditative mind merit to effortlessly enter a meditative state. Can you do that in no time at all? Effortlessly. Awesome. You are now in the zone. I am in the zone and I am relaxation reflection to kind of balance stress. I should not have emotional fear because I'm now and I am focusing on excellence. Excellent choice. So I will, the only way to defeat the demons was to keep the light trained on that. The kids scattered, right? The kids scattered across the field, running towards the trailer. Great. So the only thing Katie and I really have to do is to defeat the immediate threat of the demons, the secondary threat of the zombie, which is a hundred feet away, you said? Yeah, about running about twenty turns to the car. Was you firing with a light pistol? I can't even. Who? The zombie. The zombie has some type of pistol or revolver or... It is a pistol. It is probably a Glock that is standard. Long ranges of money. Or not. And Yars. 80. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Regardless, I will focus and shine my light on the demon now that I don't have any fear. And I will try to say, Katie, try to find your happy spot, your place and try not to show fear and shine your light on these things. And let's, you focus on mine, we'll try to focus on the, we'll work together to try to show them one at a time. Go ahead and what would shining a light beam might flash light to keep it from there? We'll use dexterity. Dexterity and we'll use weapons. Firearms or weaponry? I'm going to say weaponry. Wow. Shouldn't you be better? Oh, yeah. I'm happy if you have weaponry. That was celebration. Yes, five dice for dexterity and weaponry. I have a five dice pull to start. That'll? That gives you. I take three off because of my wounds. There can be a little left. I do not. I've already spent my will for. How many days do you have currently? Because we're still all in one big scene, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I've already spent my will. I'm going up. You can risk will once a scene. You can spend will once a turn. Oh, then I've risked my will. I suppose I could spend some will. Okay. Spend one because that's all you can't. Right. The neck gives me one three. So I'm back up to five now. Okay. And I'm not going to include the defense to the creature. I think you're far enough away that it can't apply its physical defense. Okay. Do you want to go with your dice? Oh, my God. Nothing. I fail. Try and use this light around like a lightsaber just for the neck. Well, again, it dissolves. It reforms. Okay. It's jumping around. You're trying to keep your light trained on it. It's very difficult. And you forgot to talk to it while you were attacking it because you took your time to get into your zone. You're right. So that's the reason for it. Two of the demons with a vapor trail of smoke just disappear into the grass. And then you see them up again, like maybe 30, 40 feet away chasing after the children through the fencing. And so they leave you basically. The one like that you had by you, since you're not talking to it, it is lunging towards you trying to attack. Okay. So wait, stop. You. I see what you did there. Hey, wait, stop. It catches you with its Icarus claws and your defense is three. Wait. The genre is not applicable. His armor could be applicable. I have Kepler. So what's it? What's the armor rating on your Kepler? Whatever the Kepler was. You're right down. No, I'm sorry. I leave JU outfitted the group with another slash. And it absorbs the Icarus claws. As it scratches and claws and gnaws at your innards. It tries to get to your innards, but you're protected with the Kepler best. But it doesn't sense my fear anymore, so it probably confused it too. It did confuse it a lot. It wouldn't even taste any of that. What's your weapon? This food is good. Okay. My brawler. Shall I leave this guy and cheat the kids? He told you. He feels no fear. Yeah. I've got it. I found my inner piece. These demons. And I recommend you do the same if you can. I found that too. Do you have meditating? Mine? Oh, Bob is what it has meditated for. Yes. He needs it to slip him to his. True. True hasn't. I'm sorry. I have faith in God on my side. Why do you scare with the demons or that? He did, could you? She did at one point. I think you. I think Jay as well used... Faith. Allah Akbar with his faith. Actually, out of faith, did none. A competition now between gods. My fight is pride, please. It is a competition. My god. Everything's a competition. And Burs is an envy. For now anyway. What will it be tomorrow? I want it to be... Was it the reason? Blush. No, the angry thing. I want it to be right. I want it to be right. Because she's supposed to shoot. I want her to be an angry redhead Irish chick. That makes sense. There's also a no. Is there any other kind? Yeah. There's not. There isn't. It makes more sense than that. Sorry, dollar. Redhead listeners out there. Irish. Irish. Great chicks. Irish nuns. Who don't have a temper? You know. Actually, I was surprised that the feedback we had at least two or three one recently. Yeah. Pretty easy to branch it out. Especially since we don't have a female player as of right now. This is just like Sunday school. Stupid kids. One different. Lots of use. And before that, we had others. Wait, I thought... I didn't know we were on the other side of the fence. Or did we just do the other side of the fence? Because you said the kids ran through the fence and then to the trailer. No. Because I didn't understand. They ran through the fence. You're right, I did say that. And I was incorrect. They ran through the fence and towards the hillock. Not towards the trailer. They were running the hell out of here. Yes. Wow. You did. Shout size holes in the fence. Can I catch them? Are they totally looking at them? Are they going to help support me? I'm never going to catch them. They were younger children, so... Did you ever try to catch kids? You could stay close to them. As long as you can sleep through the fence intelligently. Quickly, I mean... I'm going to knock ass. Can you order your dog to attack the zombie person? I'm going to outrun the zombie. Clay is not going to outrun the zombie. I don't know why he's even here. I don't know why he's even here. I'm like, why don't you wait anywhere else? Just fighting it. You should be in the car! How's this on me? I don't know. What do you do? I'm sick to read the... What do you do about great dogs on the zombie? You could shoot her. You could make a roll to stick the Valkyrie dog on the zombie. It would be, I'll say, presence... Can you also run? Plus... This is his action. His... Presence plus... It's an action. And then he has movement action as well. So your presence... Plus... Animal Kent. Minus three. Minus three because you're not. You're really wounded. And this is not your dog you trained. I'm going to remove one guy from that. It's not a chance to die. It's one guy. It's a tool. It's not a tool. It's a tool. And I can go to the fence. Okay. When you're going to the fence, make an athletics plus dexterity check place. He did not give any orders to the dog. He did. I did a lot of look at him. And... Nothing happened. Oh, the animal fucking wears Daniel. The one he talked to Mike was the Valkyrie. He got your dog. Not his own dog. Our own dog. Our own dog. Our own dog. The first plus dexterity is... Five dice once again. Minus three dice. Just do it again. Um... No good. Going through the fence. Okay. You go through the fence. And that's about it. But, yeah. You stop. And you basically... Your full movement is taking the fence as your habit. And some other things get caught in the... Power of water. You just have it. But I am sorry. Going through the fence. Ski mask. You know. Right. But you can't do anything but help. Edgard. Running. Yeah. Excellent. You're almost there. Counted it. Only two more turns. Ten. Three. Totally. Ten. Twice. In. Twice. Take him back. Totally. Can't take him back to the ending. Hey, everyone as well. Yeah. Okay. Well, Jay, go ahead and make a... Perception check, please. He's gonna fail. Good night, everyone. Not anyone else. Good night, everyone. Actually, Jay, Michael, and Katie. Perception, you say? I'm insulting. Perception, I say. It's only six minus three. Anything else? Okay. Cool. Wow. Wicked. Cool. For you, you're not facing in the direction of the children. So, minus one. Not to be unexpected due to what you're looking for. Sure. So, five. This one for running fast. Minus one for running fast. You're only successive? Yeah, you're only one success. Well, I hope you do again. Once it says. Good night. Katie. Well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay. I'm sorry. Okay. Okay. Katie. Roll a... Whichever you check please. My bright light. Whichever you check please. What perception? Minus. Oh, bibble. There's a benediction. I can put up a bright light and scare away the undead things. That would be so cool. That would be so useful right now. And if my little ring thing I can put up and keep the demons away, it can take like a minute to do. That would be useful. I don't know. I'm hungry. What? We need reactionary only. Yeah. We don't need... We need a separate way. Which plus composure? For Katie. Minus three. Plus my composure. Minus my composure. Dives equals two. Minus one. Minus another one. Due to distraction. Good luck. This is for doing what? New. And I'm distracted. Jay? Mm-hmm. I can only attribute it to your military training and background. What? Running just balls out on this path and you can see yourself catching up. Okay. Yeah, it would be. Put those away. You see yourself starting to gain an egg guard but still a distance. And you're concerned about your team members that you're leaving behind. Mm-hmm. Although obviously you're going for what's important. Or you believe to be the most important mission objective. But you do turn around and look in their direction just to make sure that there are reports to you. There's not something more damaging or dangerous going on. That happens all of the time. And in the tree line you don't hear anything. Which for a second confuses you and then you go. Shit. Stealth. There's a helicopter moving over the tree line. And it's not making any noise. And it all. I hear a helicopter. How does it do that? End of chapter first. I'm not talking about anything. No, it's probably the most promoting habit. 'Cause we were doing so well. Yeah, actually. Maybe that's our way to take some of your extraction. Yeah. It's the three forces. We didn't even show where we were going. Yeah. Alright, scroll man. We need like one chain. You can get some. And then just like, I don't know. Thanks for listening to nights of the night at actual play podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures. Where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling props, and even a forum for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit And please, join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. Just a little lick. Nope. Yeah. A little taste. That's not Saturday night. What? Which? Which? And try to read them in some type of Sunday school handle. Something, yeah. Something to... Nice. Ring around. No, don't run, don't run. Come on, Maria. Yeah, basically. She's got no social skills, but I can give it a shot. Jesus Christ. You better not argue. I'm the kind that kills evil demon things. I'm not the Sunday school. What? They're right there? They're still whipping, car driving, dog raising. I'm really drinking. Okay. Until the kids, they can't be scared. Time to go. Don't be scared. Or those things will come closer. If you are brave, they will go away. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Then I start with my little blood and I start screaming. I started singing some gospel songs. You can say well. You won't play a person with no social skills very well. Yeah. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Stay with your souls. Stay with your souls. If he calls the children, Rover, and Spot, can he use his animal kit? Clay is not going to outrun the zombie. I don't know why he's even here. I'm like, why aren't you anywhere else? I'm just fighting it. What the hell is wrong? You should be in the game. How is this on me? I don't know. You're running just balls out on this path. You can see yourself catching up too. It would be awesome. Put those away.