Knights of the Night

KotN Actual Play Podcast 115 - Can We Stop Making Zombies Please?

Broadcast on:
15 Feb 2013
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The battle rages on but new complications abound. What to do with children stranded in the middle of a battlefield? Are the zombies a result of the task force's actions? And if that wasn't enough, certain creatures of the night make a reappearance at exactly the wrong moment. All of this and another flashback with Michael Clay's favorite hacker advisory Binary Hex. Listen in...Actual Play Starts 17:07

[Music] Hello and welcome to Night to the Night Actual Play Podcast. This World of Darkness story, Shagrin, was written and run by your storyteller, Scott. [Music] And now, please enjoy episode 115 titled "Can we stop making zombies, please?" Actual play starts 17 minutes, 7 seconds. [Music] Alright, before we get started with the episode, we have a little bit of feedback. First, starting from the white wool forms, inner light, sent a message. I finally got caught up on your story. I fell off at the battle at the upper house in the Dresens for some odd reason. I have no logical explanation for this, but I picked up there and finally made it to the burning barn, which is your revenge discount. Yes. To tell you honestly, I'm jealous that you have this group that assembles every week to make games as good as you do. [Laughter] The knickers is because the last two or three weeks we have not met. Try to do some living week. Yes. But the point stands. He continues. I loved Dresden. I prefer World of Darkness. I like the fear of death to be present. Dresden didn't have the stakes that World of Darkness does. So fights in that game just get in the way more than they interest me. When the voodoo guy gets attacked by the zombies, I was on the edge of my seat. You got it. Voodoo guy in the trailer with zombies. You could not get away from that zombie. That was one of the more sad things I've ever seen before. I like continues. I would love to go on about London and the leader, Alan, but I'm holding back. Being the leader of a group of people that doesn't want to listen to you made this character very interesting to me because I understand how hard it is to play that type of character well. But apparently Mike did. Well done, Mike. He should be happy. [Laughter] As far as social combat, Dresden has World of Darkness's number. Though you can use extended roles or contested roles like the seduction role under the Persuasion skill in the World of Darkness book to give yourself more options. Oh no, it isn't as extensive as Dresden as I've heard it. I don't think he's ever played those and he just says he's heard it play. Sure. He continues. Oh, and play fiasco. I played it last week with people that don't really role play and it was hilarious fun. Suck it on. Your group could easily do this with your skill level. Tape it. And if you have a slow week or a week where a few people drop out, try it out. If you ever miss a week in the main storyline, you could just drop it in because these games aren't designed for more than one shot. As for now, I don't particularly have a favorite character in Task Force, but with the addition of the flashbacks, I'm really liking the characters more than I ever have. And I feel they are well done. I'm hoping everyone gets a flashback that ties into the reasons that they are there. I'm very surprised that the Hunter game is as good as it is then, though the fight has been five or six episodes. Can I get there? Hang in there only 20 or 30 more. Sorry for the rambling, but I had a lot build up. You guys continue to impress me. Thanks for doing so well. Thanks. Very nice. That was a lot of good back. Yeah, that was good stuff. And I think that the next time around with Dresden, I think the battles will only improve because it was really, again, our first exposure to it. So what I'm hoping will happen is we'll make the battles more tense in Dresden and through the use of some of the new social combat, which interlate and our listeners will be exposed to later on in this story. The World of Darkness story. We'll beef up the social aspect of World of Darkness and beef up the combat part of Dresden to make them both interesting in their own right. Like, well, rounded, interesting, but it was nice for him. He was very complimentary to all our players. And the flashbacks, I didn't do everyone for this story. For the main reason that I thought would be too cumbersome, so I chose three characters, half the group, to serve as kind of the focal point of this particular story and other characters back stories. They're involved in the flashback. Edgard are not characters-centric. Yeah, exactly. It's not their focal point. But Edgard and Sister Katie and Michael Clay will get, if not flashbacks, but they'll get stories that really delve into their background and kind of flash them out as well, coming up. Well, considering we did the chew, you can wait a long time to get to my flashback. I want nothing like that. Why do you like it first? You just expect it to be dead by it. Give them some material work on you, be okay with the acting. Yeah, I need some material. Otherwise, I'll make it up. I know. I've got some good ideas. I'm actually writing some feedback. Actually, considering the current state of Michael and Sister Katie, you might not have to do a flashback. It's true. I've heard of it. We also had some feedback on the website, our blog site, from Mad Mulener. Scott, you are a hard, hard man. I don't remember shit luck being this brutal. I'm guessing your time as the amoral seer has made you cold. I'm guessing the lack of refreshing willpower will become a stumbling block. If this torture trap continues much longer. Which it does. You should start a poll. Who doesn't make it out of chagrin? Oh my gosh, that would be a great one. And then I haven't finished listening to this current episode yet, but I'm not sure if everyone's going to make it out of this episode alive. Really? Yes, I am very brutal. You don't want to say you're a hard man. I'm not going to say, I'm not going to pat my own back. That is the type of story I like telling where we push the characters as far as they can be pushed. And if one or two of them don't make it. That I can remember. I've never had a total party kill in my 20+ years of storytelling. Do you have a total party kill? Not with me as the am, though. And I was a player, so I don't remember, but this is way back in the day. I mean, way back in the day. My name is Mike. Who doesn't come? Not Mike who plays with us, but a different Mike. I remember everyone being killed. I was the last guy alone surrounded by goblins in a cave and had a potion with me and decided to drink it, not knowing any idea what it was because it might be the only thing that could heal me enough to get out of here. And it was weapon poison. And I died. It was a total party war. Okay, that might have been done. But no, I've never done a TPK ever. And I did a bad rap, but you know, what's really kind of funny is if you look back to shitlock, and it's a deserving bad rap, because I put you guys in some horrible situations. But you look back to shitlock and the first, what are we on now episode? How many is it been? I think the next one. This is for episode 115. So about 13, 14 episodes. It was like 100, 100. Yeah, I took over somewhere in the ballpark. I'm on a one of the amount of people that you've incapacitated, killed, or banished depending on what the situation is. Even in this story itself, chagrin, for as much flack as I get for being a death trap. You guys have actually took out several targets, and no one has gone down yet. Close. But no one has gone down yet. To this point is where I was kind of focused on, which doesn't mean that no one goes down later on. But anyway, I just want to say that it's always seems really bad because you guys are always on the brink of death. But really, there's been one character who's died. And that was not a plot. I won't debate this, but your enemies think six levels deep. When in reality, most people don't think six levels deep. So that would be my only complaint that you tend to be a little. Right. My enemies could be a bit triple layered bomb in the basement with snipers in the corner and ninja kind of house filled with gas. And yeah, you still escaped. And, and, and, and you still escaped. It's not just zombies. It's zombies. Right. Well, I was thinking one of the latest episodes and I liked my one reaction. I didn't quite remember when I'm asking Scott, "Oh honey, how much dice do I need to subtract?" He goes, "None. In fact, I'm going to give you extra dice." And I'm like, "Oh my God, we must really be in trouble if he's giving us dice to survive." He's trying to help us. But thank you for the feedback. I was going to stop you on there. Yeah. We have feedback from Facebook, episode 113, fighting Irish. And that is the one in which you guys were really going at it in the trailer. With the zombies. Yeah. And, Sister Katie pulled both of your asses out of their basic play. And Chris Naples responded with, "Nice work, Sister Katie. Taking care of your friends. I might have to change my vote for favorite character." To which Tom Rocket also chimed in on an episode. Exceptional episode. How ironic it was that I'd guards voicing my concern over to choose inability to save him from the zombies. The sheer terror and horror of that last segment was epic. Keep up the good work. Jay Alton, you are the reason this team is still alive. You are the antichu. Mom. Okay, I'm not killed at one. Yeah, I think that's his point. Friendly. My point. Thank you, everybody. Oh, well. How are you killing me all? What about the... Chris and April chimed back in on their episode 113 and said agreed regarding Jay. He is showing some impressive leadership right now. Not to mention some kick-ass shooting. So, thank you. That's what he does. That's what I do. Tyler Houdek said listening to the episode at the moment. Great so far. Love the Elder Science music. Thank you all for the feedback. Very nice. We also had a little bit from episode 112, stick a needle in your eye. Ari said another great flashback in this episode. That new message that I'm always sure to drive someone mad sooner or later. I put in messages for when binary hacks sent a message to me and then typing when I sent it out. Or something? Yeah, just something that would indicate that a message because it wasn't always clear when I was listening to it. What you were reading and what was... Right, that we received a new message. Did you use the iPod sound? I did. Yes, apparently it was driving Ari mad. I'll try to find a new one, Ari, because I think we deal with hacks this episode. You got me on. Pick the droid one. Droid. That one. And lastly on Facebook, there was a post about the KOTN drinking game. What? Yeah. Anthony Erkmer said, "With a story that's right now, take a drink when Scott tells the players to subtract dice for darkness." Aw. He's not even fair. He's pretty drunk. Tom Rocket said, "Take a shot when anyone says Leatherman or bonus dice." Still? Adam. I'm the front people. Yeah, that is a lot. Adam Runny and Dungy, and sorry if I slaughtered your name, by the way, said, "Drink whenever someone says, "Oh shit, we're in trouble now." And Janice Stockton said, "Drink whenever someone says, 'I got this.'" Just a few more things. We have some general KOTN Facebook stuff. Two Dresden RPG blogs have come up. Listeners, people that listen to us, that are putting up their blogs of their own stories. One of them is by Richard Watts, and the other one is by Taylor McClurg. McClurg's one was the one with the Chinese street wizard and the white-- Right. Yeah. Yeah. So he's got at least three-- Yeah. I think so. Okay. And the other one is Richard Watts, his is Atlanta based. I was gonna say it was Atlanta. So they're both really interesting reads, and give them a shout-out. I'm sorry, Richard. Don't want to ask for a story ideas, too? Yes. How will you come up with them? We haven't forgotten about you, Richard. No. I'll get it. I'll post some time soon. Cal Ardo just adds quickly. What is the cardinal direction for ass-end? Ass-words? Ass-ance. Okay, number one. And that would nearly cause a smash-and-oh guardrail on the autobahn, because he's in Germany. He's stationed there. Don't take it ass-words. I think it was a quote from-- was that it? Yep. Yeah. From binary hacks. I think I used it later. I'm glad he enjoyed that. I enjoyed writing that dialogue. It was kind of fun. As Mike shakes his head. Loo's still bitter about losing that computer duel. Yeah. It's something that's what he does. Luke Green also posted on Facebook and said that someone had suggested that he tried to contact a few of the existing podcasts, and tried to get them to look at some of his novels and RPG projects. He's starting to listen to "Argers" in-game now, and has played "Argers" in once recently. Orin, he played an ectomancer, turned sorcerer, who found herself saying, "It's not my fault so often that that became an aspect." It also was a game where he spoke the following lines, "I magnetized the fae while he was standing on the street with lots of cars, I beams nearby in a construction site and a box of World of War II, Eric, or Nades." Ooh. That's a good line. That one would live on for a while at a table. He also gives a link to his DeviantArt page and his successful Kickstarter project, which is over already. Otherwise, I'd put it down to Eric's show notes and give a little shout out, in which he did Divine Blood RPG. I don't know if it's been released yet, or he's still working on it, but he is promising to send us some of the information as far as that goes. But as he gets caught off, because he started with the Dresden stuff, and I think he's going to go back and listen to shitlock and then listen to the current stuff, he'll find us where we talk about a few timesets. We plan on staying with these major storylines, maybe sprinkling some smaller ones. So I don't know if we're in a position to do any play-testing for them, but thanks for the suggestion. I'll definitely look at it if not some of the other players. He also sent a message on, our email address, and Luke Green said, "Okay, first of all, the negotiation with the vampire lady was epic." And that was the one with Mike and you. Yes. So. Not the finale? Alan? No. Yes. That fun call was pretty. That was pretty awesome. Yeah. It was the one in the Cleveland Clinic. We're going to talk to you. Probably the one I thought. I thought he was referring to that, but it could have been the final battle. I don't know where he was when he sent us an email. I think he caught someone's call. They're both good. Very good. He continues. But a lot of that, while using social abilities sounded like mental consequences. Some consequences is stuff like rumors, debts, won't buy the police, etc. One of my players in a fake game recently got themselves, quote, "Trouble making foreigner, wanted by the guards, and pursued by a lynch mob," unquote, as consequences for not handling social combat very well. And... I don't know. I thought we handled it well. I can see the difference he's drawing between social and mental. I don't think he knows Dressing as well as he knows Fate Strand, which is entirely different. And it's almost what Fate Core is going to replace. Right. It's like Thomas and John who filled me in on it. I'm not really that familiar with Strands. But I don't think making them mental consequences, they weren't. They were social consequences. And in Dresden, mental battle hardly ever comes up. It was extremely rare. And by making them that type of consequences, it would make them more meaningless. They would have never been used and never been tapped. So... Well, I can use a mental consequence in a physical battle. Something like... Thinking of... No, I suppose that's true. I can't think of something. But I'm getting to a point, I'm just saying, I thought we handled it well. I'd have to go back and listen specifically to see it. Like you said, he's not familiar with it. Very few Fate Games use the social consequences. And social stress track. It's pretty uncommon and he may not have heard of it before Dresden. Okay. Well, it's such a scat thing, though, to do, which would be that you could win the physical contest or the combat contest, but suffer the social consequences of just because you won to everyone else who looks like you just killed a poor woman. Hey, you're a bully. Like a stick, man. So I can see getting consequences other than the battle you're in. That makes perfect sense. But the way mental works in Dresden, it's more likely that it never would have been used. Because there isn't a lot of times that you do tap into mental consequences. There's no mental battle, per se. But I guess if you use those mental consequences in physical and social, then what's the difference? Whether it's social or mental, it still gets the same. It might matter if, like, if you have really high endurance, you get one special consequence you can take that's physical only. But if you don't have any of those, it doesn't matter very much. It's just going to fill up a generic slide. It might as well be mental if that makes sense for the fight. Well, anyways, as you can tell, it led to some interesting discussions. So thank you very much for the feedback. Scott, you asked about the voting. The voting currently stands with Daniel and Edgard tied on the bottom of the chart. Sorry, guys. The new beast. Chew, Park, and Sister Katie tied above that. Then Michael Clay with 10, and J. I'll tell you how open it surges ahead. I zoomed ahead. We were tying that line. What's the, where are we going to use the new vote now, or who makes it out of here, or who does? We can have as many. We can have as many polls as we want. Okay. I don't know. I don't know. I would have to replace it. Yeah. Thank you all for the feedback. Amazon links gone dark. Nobody's using. Aw. This makes me sad. In addition, last week I mentioned, need some iTunes reviews, guys. Come on, get out there. Repeat these Thursday night, guys, I don't know that they're racing us. So any reviews you can put out on iTunes, we always appreciate that. And with that, we will get on to the episode. This is the world of darkness story, Shugring. I'm your story teller Scott, and with me on my right is, Jim, playing Sister Katie O'Connor, Shadow Congregation, Crazy, none of those person. Tom, my J. Alton, and my brother, the ascending ones. Mike playing Michael Clay, an academic adventurer. I'm part of the Aegis Cagori. Thomas playing Edgar Montes, the doing practitioner of the lame stairs conspiracy. John playing Daniel Morgan, mountain man turned mercenary, and member of Task Force Valkyrie. All right. I believe where we left off last week, Jay, with you running down the hill from your sniper position, moving behind the trailer, thinking about the sniper possible Task Force Valkyrie agent behind the stables, or somewhere, you actually shot through a wall and try to take him out. Really missed. And the first person to go is Michael Clay. Am I still in where I was before? Yes, you are along the fence line with the protection of the Morton building between you and the Stone Colonial. You'd move down the fence line north until you got the Morton building between you and the Stone Colonial, at which point you hunkered down and started doing some healing to yourself, realizing that you had probably a broken river to show you're having a little bit of difficulty breathing. I continue performing that first aid. Okay. Do you want to give him an update on what's happened since? In some ways, though, if I'm that injured and I'm kind of focused-- Do you hear what's going on? Well, I'm hearing chaos, but I'm probably not really focusing on anything. So if we want to move on, my ignorance of the situation would probably be legitimate. Fair enough. That takes us to Sister Kate. You were in the-- going through kind of a maze of rusted old farm equipment behind the Morton building, and so do you continue to follow the tree line now to the south? I think I want to stop and take a look at these kids before I go any further after hearing more shots of zombies here and there and seeing people moving around on the fence. I want to make sure I'm not leaving two zombies out to kill me somewhere. Right. And just look in the kids over, just assess, make sure their eyes and their bodies look fine and they look like real kids and not. That sounds fine. And I want to ask them questions if I can. Go ahead and make an initial role of what's, say, wit's plus medicine. You know, my little, instilled medicine. So it's just wit's or what? It's your wit's, but because I believe medicine is a mental skill, not mistaken. It's minus three done to your role. Actually, I'll make your role for you. What is your wit's plus medicine? Two deaths. Your wit's is two deaths, gives you a chance to die, unless you want to spend some little power. No, I don't. Okay. That's all there is to that one. When you turn around and stop, they stop on their tracks. They look up at you with plank to buys. You can certainly have more than enough light because the Morton building is starting to burn and you certainly have the conflagration of the barn, not too far in the distance to your west behind you. Yeah, that was cool. You could definitely see the children up close. Your best guess is they look like frightened young wafes. They're the little children who are lost, confused and scared. They certainly are dirty and their faces are covered with soot and ash. But you don't detect any zombie-ishness in your quick overview of them. So what did you want to ask them? I asked the kids if you were trying to help you guys out and do this, we need to know where Danny Rockland is. Do you know where he is? Okay. Go ahead and make a manipulation plus empathy role, please. Uh, good old empathy that I don't have in manipulation, which I really don't have. You're not very caring, don't I? No, I don't care. Dollar! Pretty much every non-I ever ask. You're the back of my hand. Luckily for you. For you. One chance dice. I have one manipulation and I have no empathy, which leaves me with one. And it's also minus one skill that you do with a chance dice. None of them have empathy or manipulation. Uh-huh. I need more skill points. They still look up at you and they don't say anything. They look, when you say Danny Rockland, they actually look like they take a half step back from you and they look even more bright than they were before. That's right. That's the end of your turn. I want to remind you, Katie, that in the building you're passing by, someone was shocked by Jay. Oh, I know that. And he's not burning alive. Or maybe he's dead. I mean, Jay shot him in a turn. And Garth. I was making progress towards the stone colonial. So you're moving with haste down the pathway towards the stone colonial? Double movement, as far as I can count, we've got all the guys covered. Alright. Actually, you're not sure that you have all the guys covered because you've been listening to Jay talk about someone behind the stables, which you're still a good distance from, but you are in the wide open if you decided to come out from behind the stables just to be fair. When are you hoping to achieve in the stone colonial? We took the sniper out at the top. I was going to collect his body and we could get the hell out of here. You believe it to be Danny Rocklin? Yeah. So you're thinking about Danny Rocklin as you're moving towards the stone colonial? Yeah. I'd like to recover the body before they start out on fire. Alright. Which will take us to a flashback. You're all in the safe house. It's the morning after you had your first conversation with the hackers known as binary hacks. Is everybody flashback? Everybody flashback. Everybody but chew. Everybody but chew who happens to not be in attendance this evening. Chew is sleeping in. So as you're all having some breakfast or chatting, we'll say you're still in the safe house because it's relatively early in the morning. Two five are up, chew is still crashed out and a message comes across your government phone. If this is after our initial contact, my equipment is still hose correct. You work late in the night and we're able to get everything back up and running. Alright. So except your skyrim. That's okay, start from another first level character. Back to the addiction. So I call everybody together. Alright. Be calm into probably the living room where you have a computer set up and some other stuff. Some couches. This would be the same living room that you interrogated, Sykes 3 billion at one time. Free call when you strapped into the chair and detoxed in my belief from not mistaken. Since I was so embarrassed with my loss to this guy, would I have had time to try a different approach or put in some type of new protocol or at least change my passwords. I think that you being the resident expert in the group with computers were probably a little bit taken aback that someone was in your stuff because, again, you're trying- How did you say before bitch slaps? Something on there. You're trying to be as non-obvious as possible and trying to blend into the background as best you can. You wanted to spend a week making a maneuver to give himself plus two on his natural, or the equivalent, which he's more than welcome to. Okay, so that message comes across your- Yeah, the message I got was, "This Sanchez was one tough nut to crack at an easier time tracking NSA spooks than this has had." Who's your asshole? Sanchez, your buddy, whoever actually doesn't need a hat now. That's even future money. Sorry, that's right. Tom Trump. So, I typed in. So, you have information for me? Now, Sanchez is this guy, right? A guy in... She's great. Go ahead and make up. Socialized role. Anybody who's listening to Jay say what just came across can make that role. I got five more. I have one chance time. Good luck, Rod. Thanks. Grumble. I can't do it. I get to hate. I go get a sentence. I get to hate. I get to hate. I go get a sentence. I get to hate. I get to hate. I go get a sentence. I get to hate. You succeeded. What a success. Oh God. I have one success. Two seconds. Hand again. I had one success. I had one success. One. One. And Jay, I should say Michael. Yeah. That's right. Jay. One. One. All right. So, everyone with the exception of the man who lives Alaska out of the loop of society knows that Sanchez means dude guy. It's a figure of speech to represent somebody. Okay. That was nice. He usually tinges with some respect. So, who is the Sanchez he was looking for? Danny Rocklin. You should have another message that came through. Yes. To the property on the map that I fiber gifted you, nada. No mention of our Danny boy or any of his relatives. Not even a wife of Saurus. Nothing. A shit. A wife of Saurus. He's just like, I can't say regular thing. Born. I need to keep their attention. So, if I'm deep to this house here, the mapping gave us. Nothing. Shit. There's not even a property deed in existence that's some serious paranoid bro. Is there anything I can do using either my wits or street-wise or empathy, his speech patterns to kind of give me a clue, like almost like profiling this guy a little bit? Okay. Fucking nerd. Doesn't like using regular people's speech. Well, that's fine. I'm trying to take it. I'm trying to talk a little bit more and then I'll let that work because you're going to do it. So, this past one, just to encapsulate it, deed to the property map that I fiber gifted you, nada. No mention of our Danny boy or any of his relatives, not even a wife of Saurus. Shit. There's not even a property deed in existence. That's some serious paranoid dude. So like, could I buy this property? I mean, just to the start of produce, if there isn't an existence, then you can't purchase the deed. It's like, the land doesn't exist, so you can get it. Which is really impressive. It always from legal standpoint. From binary hexes standpoint, he's impressed with that. Your response, or do you just not wait for the next message to come across? I just want to go on properties that don't exist. Don't. I'm in it from Alaska. Do I want to also attempt to try to... All that property doesn't exist. Try some against it. Try some against it. Try some against it. Try some against it. Try some against it. Try some against it. Try some against it. Try some against it. Try some against it. Try some against it. Try some against it. Try some against it. Try some against it. Try some against it. Try some against it. Try some against it. Try some against it. I did bitch-flap your PC to take your week to recovery. You was back at risk. Try to backtrack our friends and stab them in the back while they're feeding us the information we need. We wait until we've got what we want from them, at least, before we stab them in the back, or try to unveil them. Hey, I know we're not going to turn them over to the customer. We're not going to outright trust this guy. We don't know that we do. This is a guy who's hacked into our systems. He's kind of... We're rocking heat, right? I know. I mean, something happy with it. Is he your friend then? No. No. He's the only source I have on Danny Rocklin and where these people are from. I don't want to piss him off and scare him away. So let's wait until he gives us the information and then attempt to, I don't know if you want him from me. I don't care about hackers. Sorry. I don't understand hackers. He continues. I'm impressed, more than a little, and that doesn't happen too often. So I started a full court Google up on his ass. There's got to be a paper or like trying to trail somewhere, right? Well, not so much. I spent six hours, six effing hours without a single hit. It's almost unheard of. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't been doing all my own work. So you failed? I respond back. His response was, no, but finally, I find his tag and end up on a site that would give you a scroll shock, bro. Serious effing scroll shock. We're talking midget, tranny porn, dude, you owe me and my subconscious. I'm still shaking that shit off. Scroll shock. Anyone want to go roll? Yeah. Go ahead. G-C guy. You want a lot of food? So a scroll shock. What do you mean, scroll shock? Yeah, exactly. No one knows what that means. Scroll shock. He got some serious scroll shock. He's scrolling down the screen and then he saw some things and freaked them out. That's exactly what it is. He saw something on the internet that he was scrolling. It's like an innocuous site that starts up, but then you scroll down and there's really horrible things at the bottom, and it adds to shit. That's what he's talking about. But you can make a role to know then if you want. Well, if we've already defined it, what's the point? There's not. But I didn't know Tom knew. I didn't know Jamie. It adds up. Jamie didn't know. Alright, let's see. That's what Michael played in that. No, that's okay. Well, I wasn't sure if it was a, you know, since I'm a part of the scroll part of it. You just got to do it or I wasn't sure if it was real. Right. If you look into the deeper mean. Yeah. Roll shock. I respond back. Come on. I know you about it. This is all a nice preamble. But what did you find? Right. Really, really nice. But it was a start and that's all I needed. Now, most of it was just infoporn, but it's necessary to get to the rack, you know. The good info. The real shit. Listen, I'll try to dumb it down best as I can. Your dude worked out of court authority back in the 80s and the 90s. Somewhere near the end of that time he started posting on BBS, F and 90s, both of what systems. Both of what I did. It's all code words and password protected. But right. That's going to slow me down. Because your voice saw some crazy shit going down. Sound familiar? But Danny doesn't take it as words. He grabs a few buds, friends, not roll your own, and decides to try and stop an Edward working his docs. Yeah. It's like Michael Fuhrer. It's less social. Interpreter. Just with us. But if it's a hacking terminology, can I use that specialty? I think you can. I mean, I'll do what's most social, but this seems like it's more weak to speak here that I'm trying. Yeah, go ahead. Right. One, two. All right. Seems like your voice saw some crazy shit go down. Sound familiar? But Danny doesn't take it as words. It means he doesn't just bend over and take it. He flexed back. He grabs a few buds, friends, not roll your own, and decides to try and stop an Edward working his docs. Edward, vampire from Twilight and Edward. Right. I just lost respect to this dude. End docs? Like... So you said there's a vampire at the port authority? Yeah. Okay. I'm not rolling. And Edward blood pecks. Sorry, we don't know Twilight reference. Actually, I'm not sure that you don't, it makes you feel better. I'm not at all sorry that I don't know any Twilight reference. And you probably knew that one because she had a dog named after someone from Twilight. Right. He continues with a message. Wow. He's a newbie, and his first time is short and ugly. Two friendlies go down and the blood sucker escapes. But you're Danny. He isn't a quitter. He runs a few cold ones, remasculates, and the second time does the trick. Edward goes to wherever those fuckers go when they die, and Danny's got himself a new gig. It seems like he's got a real knack for it. Puts together something called the Dockworkers Association, and they're cleaning up the mean streets of Cleveland, and for a couple of years they really make it rain. He's a rock star with the people in the know. Okay, so this is, it sounds like it's before Valkyrie, he has his own group. Like a union group? Oh, he's a hunter. All right. That much is obvious. You guys were talking about, you know, as we were approaching the farm, and we were talking about him being a rock star, and someone who was really a hunter that was really well respected in Cleveland, this is kind of where you got the information from was this flashback scene. binary X continues, but this isn't a fairy tale, so I'll cut to the quick. Eventually people die, monsters die, innocent people that were mistaken for monsters die. Danny seems to take it hard. He seems to lose his mojo as the years dragged by, but it's more than that. He seems to learn something that causes him to lose faith, or focus, or desire, whatever. I'm no shrink. Anyways, he plots out one last hit, one last for a rock, for the old gang. And after that, it disappears, and back deletes his entire existence. I'm still working on what that mission was. Seems that part of the BBS has been archived, and I'm still chasing down this locale. I'll crack it. It's only a matter of time. Binary out. Wait a minute. Is binary out of it? No, if we had some names of some of Danny Rockland's teammates, we could try to locate him through them. Oh, well. So we're as a form of the footwork that binary X is physically incapable of doing. Can I run a separate search on that server, on the port authority, or on that time frame? Well, it sounds like two people were killed. Can't we ask X before he gets in? Yeah. I'm not signing X if he has any names of the old crew that are still in this mortal coil. Chicken. You would appreciate it. Yeah. I'm army. I don't do. Hmm. Leadspeak. Nothing but code names. Do you want those? Or do you want to know why Danny went off the reservation? Don't we get a choice here? Probably not. It's a code name. Oh, boss. Unless he means just to hunt down either one, and you have to make the choice between the two. Because then wouldn't we rather want to know? Did he say in the pre-record? Yeah. I think he's implying that he's only got time to do one thing, and which one do we want to focus on? That's an accurate read of the situation. I would say. Yeah, I think he wanted any final mission. Knowing what the final mission was and why he went off graders better than I like Michael Clay's idea of how to check out some information. I know we can do something at least in the meanwhile. Well, ask why you went off the reservation, and we can try to corroborate what we're getting from here from under sources. No, he doesn't know. Yeah. He says, "What do you want me to look for when I..." That's what we're saying. That's what we're saying. It's on the final mission. Right. You can dig into deaths, and if you put together a string of people that hung out together and find some that are still living. Yeah. Any routine stuff? Gotcha. Okay. So either that flashback can end, or you can continue to do something in the moment that you're at right there, as Edgard is working his way towards the Stone Colonial and thought about Danny, and trying to rescue him from the Stone Colonial before the fire starts. That flashback to the place, and do you want anything more of that scene before we let go? No, but if we can influence future scenes, Michael Clay is focusing on the idea to try to identify people that died during that time period, and we're going to have a couple of names by the time we get here of his friend. Possibly. Do we can bring him down? Yeah. See if we, like for example, he mentions specifically that two of Danny's friends were killed, and if I was kidding him, I don't know whether he said friendly has died, but yes. It could be. So that implies more than one. I thought you said two. A couple of times. The first time, first time, two. The first time was the die, and then after that he said people died, monster died. Right. I'm talking about the first scene, it was kind of the anchor point. If you could find like their names, you could figure out where you were. And it was at the point of 40 that that happened, right? Well, we had to draw from it. It said it was an Edward working his ducks. Right. Whether the deaths actually occurred at ducks and they followed, let's look her back to his haven or you know, whatever you don't know, but he's looking in a time period. Yeah. That has two people die on the violent death near the same time in the night. Yeah. And if I'm just collecting the data and we can start parsing and start looking for patterns or situations, I mean, you know, that's fine. So the flash back scene will end with Michael opening up his laptop and starting to do some research on some violent deaths that might have occurred around the docks or with people who might have had an affiliation with a union or a dock workers union in Cleveland in the late 90s. Is that a fair summation? Yes. Like I said though, two of them died of violent deaths and it had to be at the same time. That doesn't happen very often in Cleveland. Right. So that's got to be at least a search point. Except for the torso. Okay. The head guard runs down the pathway and that takes us to the next individual who I believe Daniel. Let's start through that one more correctly. I was edging around this barn as it was burning sticking to the forest line because it was so hot. Right. Right. The ambient heat is just enormous. I'm finishing my age around and keeping my eyes peeled for the guy I wanted but had not killed. Whether he was towards the shed with, I believe, J shot his boss who was in there at the time. He would have to be at the back entrance to the shed and he's got to be leaving the blood trail. He did shoot. Yeah. He would be exiting here is where I shot him here for listeners. I know. West side of the barn. Yeah. West side of the barn. Yeah. Of the big red barn. And I'm a tracker. I'm a tracker. It's really easy to do. You and I'm a tracker. Without any difficulty at all, you get to that area. Someone has fallen down there by the blood splatter. You definitely shot someone. They lost some blood. And then they got up and moved to the south, the south side of the shed and then worked their way, started working their way north up the backside of the shed towards that small gap between the tree line and the shed itself. And that's where the side of it. That's where you lose sight of it. I follow it. All right. Not particularly. Caution. No. Caution, but not stealthy. Okay. Like my guns out. It's loaded. Right. Your guns. Well, sniper rifle. Okay. Good. Thank you. That takes us then to Jake. Yes. You're at the back of the trailer. All right. I bring the gun up and continue to juggle on the way, then I'm crossing the field to the chicken coop. Now, you guys went over the fence and there were a bunch of people whaling on the... They were in a bunch. There were two on the actual gate itself and then one directly behind the trailer. So when you came up, that one directly behind that trailer was maybe within 10 feet of you or so. And rather disconcerting. I avoid zombies. I'm not a fan. So you leap over the fence at the north side of the trailer? Yes. All right. Pass the trailer and then start heading towards the chicken coop. I'm watching that sector for anybody to move. Go ahead and make a quick dexterity plus athletics roll to leap the fence without tripping or falling or anything. Dexterity I want. Dexterity plus athletics. Okay. Seven. Are you watching the east, the south or the north edge of the... I'm actually watching the south side because I want to make sure nobody's making a break for this on Columbia. I don't care if they're going towards the woods and trying to get away that's much safer. I don't want anybody getting to the stone colonial and starting a fire or killing our gentlemen up top. We haven't 100% taken out the guy in the stables. As far as we know. That's Katie asking over the... She's asking. Right. That's... Are we talking stables? Yes. Well that's you. I know you shot through the stables. I don't know if you've ever seen them. Yeah. I've never seen them being down or...? Jay never gave a report to the best of my knowledge saying, "Man down." That's who I'm looking for. Okay. Go ahead and make your roll up. Minus one die. Doesn't matter. Go ahead and make your roll. It doesn't matter because I didn't succeed with all the dice I rolled. So, take them all away. Interesting. Oh. I just stumbled over the fence getting a little bit tied up and it took a few extra seconds to get over with your rifle and whatnot. So you make less progress across the field than you would have normally, but you keep your eye on that open area between the stables and the colonial. All right. And at that point, you see somebody at a crouch moving across the gap from the shed area towards the north end of the stone colonial. And I think it was timed. It was more like somebody stumbling out just as you were going over the fence. And maybe that's what distracted you was like, "Shit." Because you could actually see someone with all the fire that's in the sky. Now, you don't even need your scope at this point. To spot somebody, you're able to quite easily see someone moving across and on his heels a dog kind of pacing with him staying at a step behind him and following him in time. And he does not reach cover by the end of his turn. He's at the north end of the colonial trying to get around the back of the building, but he's not there yet. Nor is the dog. This is the guy at the stables because he said the shed. Somebody came out from this grouping of farm equipment heading south and reached the very edge of the northern part of the stone colonial. There's a white shed rather than the gray shed in the south. Correct. Okay. I update everyone on the radio. Most specifically, head guard who's heading towards the stone colonial. Fair enough. Cool, sure. Go ahead and make it. I see you hit me. It's right beside me. With plus composure? You got it. That's just five. Okay. Northwest corner stone. No, minus is because of darkness. Two targets. One success. We had a dog. Okay. You do see the man and the dog. He's moving at a crouch. The dog is following behind him and you can see him. He kind of puts a shoulder against the north face of the building and the dog stops and looks up at him. He's crouched down. Like I said, relatively low profile. He doesn't seem to be looking to shoot, but he does have a gun still in his hands. Takes us back to the top and that's Michael Clay. I should have been working on myself about five, five, six rounds now. I would say it's been. Yeah. It's been because you missed last when you weren't here. Right. There were several turns that you. I figured that's what I was doing, because I was still pretty heavily injured. So I have to go at least another. It's a minute, unfortunately. Okay. So there's 20 turns. You're probably at about eight right now. Well, I'm still working on myself. If I need to roll my medical, I will. Otherwise, I am trying to listen to the radio and follow along, but when I went down, I think I reported that I was going down before to take care of my wounds. Right. Unless I've been given a different order. You haven't. And I'm going to continue to stop my bleeding. Mike, while you're lying there and you're stitching yourself up, and obviously the tumultuousness of the evening is kind of falling over your shoulders of just how crazy the last five, 10 minutes of your life's have been. You hear whispers in the grass. Oh, no. Here they come again. They're kind of doing the whispers were heard before. Yeah. Oh, how did we, uh, like, yeah, it was a lighter. I guess I had to ask you a question. The blood. The king has wounds. Oh, sorry. And blood. Well, I've got plenty of my blood around. There was several things. Light kept them at bay and blood in your mouth would make them talk to you. Okay. And tell you. It just keeps them from eating you because they have to keep talking to you. Just towards the end of your turn, that's what you hear some whisperings back and forth. Yeah. I get to hear those. All right. Yeah. The crazy demons speak. And now we go to Sister Katie. Where was it indicated that the one sniper was taken? Yeah. I wasn't like right at the corner of this fence. Yeah. Because I don't want to take these kids by any zombies and I have a feeling and I'm saying this over the radio. The only zombies are towards this gate. Any household taken down could become a zombie. Note that. And, um, I think I'm going to head to the middle of the fence and I got to pull out the trust of the other men and see if I can just cut a hole in it. Okay. So you're heading straight across the field. Straight across this field toward, I don't know. Right now you're at the corner. You buy the bottom of the M of the Morton building. Yeah. I'm heading straight across the field. Where you saw this guy? Where along that fence line? This guy, Michael Clay, is, and he hasn't mentioned the feeder demons, so you don't know if they've returned. Well, is that the end of my turn? I didn't relate. You don't know. I'm not criticizing. I'm just saying you didn't get a chance to say anything yet. Right. But I'm heading right now. I'm just heading toward the middle of this fence. I need to get detoured. I'll get detoured and I'm saying also that I'm leaving with these kids now unless anybody has an objection. Okay. I'm not nearly close enough to take care of this. Katie, you're doing a double move across the field trying to hurry the kids along or trying to move cautiously. Oh, I'm moving cautiously. Okay. Single move, some stealth involved. Yeah. Okay. That takes us to Edgard. Edgard keeps approaching. I need to get to this place as fast as possible. Double move again, correct? Yeah. It's eight. So 16? Is that correct? Oh, no, you're at nine now because you're wounded. Yeah. Your speed? Yeah. So you're moving 18, so you're moving about 54 feet every three seconds and you've done it two turns in a row now where you've double move, correct? Yep. So you've got a hundred in, kind of a little ways yet to go, yes. You're approximately following the path. You're just past the Morton building, kind of equal to the chicken coop right in that ballpark. Okay. You're like, if you drew a line straight down, straight south from the chicken coop, that's where you're standing on the pathway. Oh. So I'm making some good progress. Right. I mean, it's not quite perfect, but you're close to there. Does he see that guy that was poking across? He saw him. Yeah. He's not paying him that. Nevermind. He's got to come back in that sense. That takes us to Daniel. Okay. Yeah. It's like we're going fast or something. All right. I hear that there are people moving. So I want to speed up around this corner a little bit. I do probably round the tree line here at the shed. Okay. And do I see him in the open? Because I'm ready to take a shot. No. You don't see him in the open. You just see a blood trail continuing off towards the silos. You might be aiming at me from the silos. Yes. You might be. I'm going to put the trees between me and the silos and then take out my rifle and scope it up. Okay. So are you laying down or staying upright? I'm kneeling. Okay. So you move along the back of the shed, follow the blood trace, pull out a weapon, kneel down, put the sight to your eye, and that's where your turn ends. If you start to scan the silos, you don't have time enough to really give a good look in three seconds. And that takes us to J. I reach out and touch this guy. Okay. You get down to many one knee, bring up my rifle all the way over the line. You didn't fall. I'm still staying out of the ground. Okay. But you didn't fall. You just held you up a little bit. Yeah. Whatever is the quickest position to study myself. Well, sliver position is on your belly. Right. Right. If I get a clear shot that way, I'm all my gone. Actually what's really causing problems right now is all the flames. It's actually interfering with your night scope. It's your night scope. It's obviously trying to pick up. Right. If I don't need darkness. Yeah. And it's that dark. Right. I can flip it off. Right. Okay. Well, that's good. So you flip off the night scope of it. You get him into the sights. He looks like the gentleman that you shot before because you can see that he's hunched over because he's wounded. Right. You can see definitely some blood. The way he's holding his stomach looks like he's been wounded severely, but he's wearing what looks to be a pretty impressive armor as well. He's wearing a helmet. He's wearing full body armor. So he's still standing and the only man that's uncovered is his head. Right. Armor zombies. Boy. I go for the kill. All right. Head up your dipole. I am standing will and I have 15 ducks. All right. Because it's no longer dark, there's no minus for that. I will give a minus three for good concealment because he's right along the building and you're at an angle that the corner of the building actually does protect him a bit. So you have to wait kind of for him when he's breathing, he's moving forward a little bit. You kind of have to time it for when his head comes into view from the edge of the of the building. Nice think up breathing. Right. And so we'll get a minus three dice for that and his, well, his kevlar, you're going for a head shot. So that is, I believe the head is minus, I want to say four, but it does eliminate the armor. I want to eliminate the armor is because if we take the shot from lethal down to bashing. So a minus three for his concealment minus three for his head gives you a total of minus six. Right. You get 15 dice to start with gives you nine dice. Nine dice. Wow. I am not rolling well tonight, a total of two hits. That's all. Well, you definitely hit his head. Yeah. It's more of a glancing blow, but he falls to his knees because he was wounded pretty severely beforehand. So the shot kind of used to force the kinetic energy from the shot forces him, actually to one me, his dog jumps or there's a moment where the dog is panicked and startled and it looks back to him for direction. And that's the end of your turn. What building is he hiding behind? He's not hiding behind. He's hiding along the north face of the stone colonial and the angle that Jay has, he's not quite parallel with him. He's a little bit south of it. So the corner of the building was kind of just in the way for a clean shot. You see him and this is you to Edgard. You see him stand up, steady himself, and then disappear behind the back of the building. The stables? No. No. This is the colonial. You're in trouble. Yep. And to be clear, which might have been forgotten is also Edgard when you were moving last night, I believe it was you, or maybe it was, could have been you too, Daniel, I'm not sure, looked at the stone colonial and saw a movement on the ground floor. Yeah. So there was movement on the ground floor before the several seconds ago, maybe 10 or 15 seconds ago, and now he slipped behind the building and you still don't know where the other one who you shot originally and got up and is leaving the blood trail is at. I don't know. So there are up to three enemies currently unaccounted for, to some degree or another. Why is your three enemies unaccounted for? You don't know what? Okay. Three unknowns. Mm-hmm. Someone was seen on the bottom. That's fine. Yeah. And then the two that were shot are both, well one of them you know is behind the stone colonial, potentially in the stern depending on how it moved, and the one that Daniel shot is disappeared as well. So he could be in the stone colonial, if you'd be in the silos, it's hard to know where that particular individual is. Oh, what did you shoot at? It's going to be the person he shot. Do you know what I'm going to say? The person who you asked me to question, Jay shot, was toward the stables. I shot a man when I was on this end of the barn and he was on the west end. No, is that the guy who disappeared into the shed? No. That was a totally separate point. That was somebody else who Jay also shot. I guess you could count as an unknown. He shot him with a trink round, so he should be unconscious. But as I passed it, I looked into the doorway, which is where he was shot. You passed on the backside, you said. You said you were staying with the tree line. That's okay. I don't know where the door is on that thing. It's on the east end. So you couldn't have looked in. Okay. Just grubby windows that you can't really see in. What other? Head guard. Drew, I am a ways away. I'll end up with the chicken coop. At best. So when he looks in, he does not, if he looks that direction, he doesn't see anybody. Okay. Flames, but nobody. Oh yeah, and that thing's on fire too. The shed's burning? The shed's burning as well. Now it is aggressively as the tinder box that is the stables and the... I'm the closest to the colony. I didn't want to get in it. You're closer. You're faster at this point. You can drag him out and you can actually drag him out because my strength is won and I probably can't. Please get in there. You want me to rescue the unconscious guy? Yeah. No. Oh, I thought you meant... Are you talking about Rockland? Yes. I want to rescue Rockland too. Rockland. So... They were talking about the "trank around at your dead shot, the task force, about three agent in the shed." I'm just observing all the reasons for which they didn't... Yeah, I didn't. Morgan would be a better person to go rescue Rockland. And had I known there was someone moving in the colonial, I would have made all haste. I would have double moved rather than aimed. I'm sorry. If you would have known that someone was in the stone colonial. Yes. I would have sprinted. Not follow the blood trail, left yourself open for a shot. Yep. Okay. In that case, you are halfway to the silos along that tree line. I'm making my way to the colonial. Yes. Okay. So I'm just... I just figured you'd stay in the tree line if you could. So you probably booked around the corner and went on here and you're not here... I don't know where the door is on the colonial. There's a front door on the colonial in the middle of it with a wrap around porch. Facing east? Facing east. Go. I'm going for that. Okay. You're not staying to the forest line and then going off at the last second towards it? It doesn't make it a sprint for the door. I'm trying to get there as fast as I can. Come on. Okay. I'm not sure that it matters one way or another, which way you run, but you can run straight across the field if you'd like. Well, I think it was Pythagoras told me that Pythagoras plays to a point as a straight line. Okay. True. What do you mean? You knew him. We're good both. I don't think Daniel knew Pythagoras. I don't think Daniel even could use Pythagoras in a sentence. He's not your usual mountain man. He's sat in the mountains and read books. Unflossed. Michael Clay? I quickly speak into the radio saying that I've got some demons. He just has some demons. I know that. Then I take some of my blood and taste it. And then I get my flashlight ready and start waving the beam in the direction that I hear the whispers. Okay. Maybe two forms kind of move up from the tall grass, kind of move their way through it towards you, become something that you can see. One looks like an incredibly diseased wolf with a long snake-like head, maybe about three foot tall, about a four foot long, and it's hovering and the snake head is kind of moving back and forth in a hypnotic type pattern. And it's whispering to the other demon that you see move up, which it looks disturbingly like a toad, a very large toad with an oversized head and bulging eyes and a big tongue that licks out as well. And they're both like talking to each other back and forth. It knows. Damn it. Damn it. It knows. It knows the rules. Yeah. No secrets. No. You can't do it. You can't attack it. And they kind of just hover around you and there seem to be looking for an opening, but they're not finding it as of yet. Do you? They look like they're stalking you. Sure. I will go out my knife. All right. The knife. The knife. The knife. Nice. Do they recognize it? They recognize it's awesome power. Does that one find on it? They notice that you draw out a knife. Their eyes look to it, but they don't acknowledge it in that sense, and again, they're kind of hovering about you. Sure. They're trying to see your flashier flashlight map. Once I see them emerging, I'll try to kind of. Right. And if you put the light on them, they definitely, there's like almost like a dissolve. They're going to be forming a few feet away, and you kind of have to flip the flashlight towards them again. And they're trying to get to either side of you so you can't put the flashlight on both of them within a period of time. Just like you're making fudge, you just kind of have to keep on, you know, kind of driving. Straight up, right? Straight in the time, keeping them closer. All right. Okay. I see his flashlight waving around, and you're saying the demons are turned, and you see his flashlight scanning around. I whip up my flashlight and I scan it in this direction too. You're going to get the kids at? Uh-huh. Still moving across the field with the kids. And I'm still moving across the field with the cautious kids. Kind of hell with the cautious. If I need two kids over here... You're doubling now? I'm not doubling, but I'm not... I'm not... I don't feel she's in that. Too orphan. She's too wounded to really double. Right. You get that minus on your speed, so you can't double move. But you are... But I'm doubling up to grab him and ask him if he wants to come along with us, because he's... I think he's kind of in the same path as where I'm going. You see, on the other side of the fence that I am are on the same side. To the best of my knowledge, I'm sorry, he's on your side of the fence. When he went into the woods earlier when the sniper was there, he went around the fence and I was working up on the western side of the fence, he was no longer blocked by it. But now he is blocked to retreat from it, but he's resting against the fence. So I'm probably about here-ish? Well, your first turn, you moved- I was here and then I moved consciously the body here, and he's wear-ish. Now your double move will get you pretty darn close to that fence line, but where's him? I was near the building where he's over here somewhere. He's right in the middle of the Morton building, straight back to the fence line. So he's had a fence line directly back from the middle of the Morton building. I'd walk up through him with the flashlight telling him to help me. You stagger up to him. You stagger up to him. At a fence line and whipping out my leatherman, ask him to help me cut a hole in this fence and let's get the hell out of here. Alright, the demons leap for joy. Little ones. Little ones. They're not for you. She's holy, so she should be able to- I'm sure she should. Go ahead and add a guard. Some more sprinting. Alright. Now you're past the chicken coop and you've gone probably at this point 150, 160 feet across this farm instead. You started off at the trailer and you've got probably about 350 feet, so you're approximately just short of halfway there at this point. So parallel with the eastern edge of the barn that's absolutely ablaze right now. Go ahead and make a perception check both Michael Clay and Katie. Alright. A total of six days minus three. Six days minus three. You're further away. Because I'm wounded. Okay. I am five minus three, which is two. Alright. This minus one die because you're not quite as lit up as if you were closer to the burning buildings. Two successes. Those are one zero. Two successes. Michael, you see a Task Force Valkyrie agent staggering up the fence line. He has a pistol out and he doesn't have much of a head. So zombie. It's not. The name was right. So he's like the fact that he does it when you say he doesn't have most of a head. No, no. Nash lost his entire head. This gentleman is missing a chunk of his forehead. But it's reasonable then based on Jay's handiwork. It was to say that this isn't. You know that Jay took out one sniper on either side of the wood line. You know that somebody took out Nash as far as you know this isn't Nash. You heard from Daniel that Nash's head exploded and landed on his shirt. This is someone completely different but perhaps the one that Jay took out earlier. Jay, stop making zombies. Well, please make them better. He's probably at least 100 or 150 feet away from you and Katie with my injuries and my weapons. I can't make the shot. Screw the shots. It's just leave. Is he aware of you being there? He might just play. Was he even injured? I think we can outpace him because he's a staggering zombie. He's walking in your direction. He doesn't pistol out. It's kind of bouncing back and forth. Your mark-up is a zombie. He's staggering more than he's not running. He's just staggering slowly towards you with the pistol drawn out. Okay. You can't do anything because it's not your turn but that's what you saw. Go ahead. You moved. You did a double move again. Correct. Go ahead and make a perception check please. Five days normally. Five days normally. Anything minus for your wounds? If we can. That is two. Okay. Hold on. You can't announce the zombie presence. You're double moving, I'm going to say minus one because when you kind of run and move fast perception isn't quite sharp as it should be or it could be. Okay. Two deaths. No successes. Number four. You don't see anything. Okay. What? Daniel? Wait. They reported the zombies. Yeah. No, no, no, no. Of course not. Let's keep it as secret. He's just role-playing. He's surprised by it. A lot's going on. He's got feeder demons trying to eat him then talking about children whispering in his hair, stalking him around, a zombie shows up maybe or maybe just a wounded soldier trying to kill him. But I can speak as a free action, right? Yeah. Hold on. You just decided to kind of say anything so far. Okay. Then clearly I say probably right now I will say that hey we've got a Valkyrie guy with half a head shuffling toward us and we've got feeder demons or nineteen demons coming in. Feeder demons is right. He's coming around us and I've got a nun with the kids so she's going to kill me. We've got to fall back to somewhere. Where can we fall back to? Carol Lord Shrek on any condition bar which a zombie could spawn into the bar. Any kill people. Any rights that might have been taken tonight that would cause such things to happen. I don't mind the role. I believe you've rolled on zombies before but this is a little bit different you're looking for. Because we just found zombies there that could have been anything. This is zombies are apparently spawning when we just kill people. That's because the area is defrapped with a ritual form. I would say that it seems that this Valkyrie agent is a zombie and he was here alive that anyone who dies in this field or in this area is going to get raised. I would like to just want to know if there's any ritual that I know of and the specifics thereof. Yeah like if they can see or hear through their zombie eyes. So puppets. What would you say? I would say this is a wits plus a cult role. That's normally six dice. Minus two free notes because you're not thinking clearly and because you're running and focused on stone colonial I'll give you minus one more die. Three dice over that. Okay. Oh two and a zero but just two. Two successes. Two successes. You obviously have heard the ability of the Dune practitioners to be able to raise zombies. It's usually a highly personalized spell where there's a sympathetic connection between you and why I say sympathetic I don't mean sympathetic. I mean sympathetic in its other use which is to say there's some kind of personal connection between you and the raised individual. And a relationship on acquaintance? Yeah like or you might have a part of them as well like you might have their kidney or you know there's some kind of connection between you. When it comes to this larger issue of zombies raising in an area you're familiar that certain areas especially from your last the story that they told you of their encounter with vitamin B and side street belly and the whole storyline behind shit luck. Here's a resonance in an area. Areas can be evil or can be good or they can be fortuitous or anything. An area can have a resonance if things happen there a lot and concentrate in emotion in an area. There's a possible that this could be a resonance issue. You've also heard stories of mages who you've never really actually met a mage but you've heard stories that they have vast knowledge of spells and tomes of magical knowledge that could possibly do something like this but to know precisely what it is not quite with to me. It would have been an exceptional success to know exactly what it is. With well clearly not right now since we're all in a little combat but could I perhaps set up a ritual of some sort to consult with the local spirits the lower and check if they know anything of a resonance to our planet. Oh absolutely and that sounds like something that a lay mister agent would absolutely do in that situation. When I have time and chalk and something dead to offer, oh he looked dead people perfect for later. All the way to the current portion of the movement. Do you? Thanks for listening to Knights of the Night At Actual Play Podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling perhaps and even a forum for comments and suggestions or you could email us directly at or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit and please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. Good old empathy that I don't have in manipulation, which I really don't have. I don't think Daniel knew Pythagoras. I don't think Daniel even could use Pythagoras in a sentence. "The knife, the knife, the knife, nice" Did he recognize it? He recognizes it's awesome power, someone finally.