Knights of the Night

KotN Actual Play Podcast 113 - Fighting Irish

Broadcast on:
29 Jan 2013
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Task Force S.I.R.E.N. finds itself divided on the battlefield. One faction faces death and dismemberment in the trailer home while the others continue to push deeper into the farmstead at their own peril. Prepare yourself for a blood-soaked episode...Actual Play Starts 00:48

[Music] Hello, and welcome to Night to the Night Actual Play Podcast. This world of darkness stories chagrin was written and run by a storyteller Scott. [Music] And now, please enjoy episode 113, fighting Irish. Actual play begins immediately, no feedback this week. [Music] This is chapter 7 of the World of Darkness story chagrin and the vanishing city chronicle. I'm your storyteller Scott, to my right is Sister Katie O'Connor, Crazy Mom. Say bye, Jim. Bob playing FBI Special Agent Chew Park, member of the Basque conspiracy. Tom playing Jay Alton, member of the ascending ones. Mike playing Michael Clay, the adventure academic from the Aegis Kai Doru. Thomas playing Edgar Montes, a voodoo practitioner of the lay mister conspiracy. John playing Daniel Morgan, man turned mercenary, member of Task Force Valkyrie. Soon to be ex-member of Task Force Valkyrie. Alright, where we left it last week was I believe we had two individuals in the one, right? Yeah, everything's done. Okay, two individuals in the trailer home that was Special Agent Chew Park, and Edgard Montes. Edgard he just wrestled himself free from one of the, what he believes to be, zombies. Outside we have Michael Clay severely injured, broken ribs, definitely spitting up some blood dashing across the fence line I think, or running along the fence line to get to the trailer. And I believe you're not quite there yet. No, not there yet. Alright, that flapped us with sister Katie O'Connor. She was running across the grass fields, using the trailer as a shield almost from the stone colonial. I believe she made it underneath. And I think you made it to the fence perhaps. I thought it was underneath the nerve. You did. Yeah, I made it really good. I made it really good. I made a good roll. So I got it. Like, toot it. Great. And apparently it wasn't true. And that also leaves us with Daniel Morgan, who is in the southern woods of the property. And currently, I believe you were at the agent who had been sniped by Jay and you picked this headset and you shot it into it. She's fired. Right. And you heard silence on the other end of the headset for at least that three to six seconds that you were there. And that left leaves us with Jay, who -- I'm carving notches in my study program. Yeah, still on the grassy knoll after two perceived kills at this point. And then a shot with a tranquilizer, to the eye of whoever was sniping in the stone colonial. Probably an unparalleled shot that you will never accomplish again. Probably. We had a productive. Yeah, a little bit counterproductive. I believe, at that point, we went into a flashback for the entire group. Back to when you were first contacted by a mysterious individual, no, binary, binary hex. The gist of it was that he hacked into your high-tech government communication system and your computer system. It was awarded an attempt, a valiant attempt, by Michael Clay to track him. Yeah, he poked me. He did. He blocked you out of your own computer. And then proceeded to give you some information about where Dany Rockland was located to try to give you the impetus then to go and find him. And I think that flashback ended with him sending a Google map to you. Yes. The one we have in the middle of the table right now. Correct. That will take us to -- back to our combat, we'll bring it back into real time. Unless somebody wants to talk about that binary hex scene really quickly, that's okay. If you guys have nothing to say at this point of no thoughts regarding it, we'll jump right back into combat. My only thought was to Jay that you report the contact by binary hex to the boss man because our equipment's compromised, our communications are compromised, and apparently our mission is compromised. If you report the fact that he communicated without saying you received information from him on the way to go next, that looks pretty like questionable for leadership. The danger is that if we report it, I mean, obviously this guy gets information that he's not supposed to have. We may lose contact with him and not be able to get any additional information. And that's fine because you're the boss and we'll follow your lead, but you've had discussions with Winston before about withholding information and like your possession. That's right, everybody, all right, we're good, let's go. Hurry on. If you did like follow him on the contact and he shut the guy out, you could still probably purposefully communicate with him. Well, my point is he won't want to communicate with him, but there's a chance of that. Yeah, I'm not above keeping information from Winston Tate, like Daniel, for instance, his existence is correct. I'm not known by HQ. And really, when you think about it, we've had concerns about a mole within siren itself, so I had no problem with keeping information from it if we're getting results. The first I've heard of this. Well, this is the mole. Why would you be giving us information? Well, unless it's a trap, we're going to go in. There you go. I'm going to stay here. You tell me if it's a trap. And I'll say it. I told you so much. And the barn, as you're working your way across from south to north, because you were the south woods with Daniel. Right. So you're now working your way towards the trailer after hearing the horrific screams of Edgard as he was being attacked by these individuals that he's claiming are zombies in the trailer. I think that happens in the trailer. Prudence tells you that you're severely wounded and should probably hunker down. Your decision is to you hear the yells and screams coming over the headset from... Well, I'm also following orders to back up other guys. Un prudently, yes. Well, yeah. But you're right, and very badly wounded and bleeding and probably coughing up blood from your ruptured lungs. But I'm kind of exposed, so I'm trying to get to a place that is a little bit more sheltered before I spend 10 rounds treating myself. Okay. So... I was going to jump on you. It's over there. What do you choose to do? Drink a healing potion and keep on doing it. I know. What will happen is I will get closer to where the trailer is. I think you double-moved last, but I'm negative three on all roles. Right. So... I'm saying, are you going to choose double-moved? Yes, I'll do. I will take you closer, much closer to the trailer home. Okay. You'll probably end up roughly about 20 to 30 feet away, completely exposed. Refresh my memory. Okay. I know that they're being attacked. I don't know that they're zombies. No, I totally said zombies. Oh, you've been... You've been screaming, and I believe he said zombies. He said... I think Shoo said something. Shoo, they're fucking zombies. Kill them. He's heard them arguing back and forth. Stop shooting zombies. No, they're not. They're just really sick. Then... Don't worry. He's always talking about it. Stop shooting with beanbags. He's a zombie guy. He's always talking about time. Try to incapacitate. I'm going to then... If you double-moved, you will move outside of the defense. You will move past the Morton building. No, I will not double-moved out and expose myself. I will make one move and then check the situation. I just called over the comment that the colonial had been neutralized. So it is clear? Well... Well, the colonial... The colonial snipers. Yeah. The colonial snipers. And we accounted for all the snipers, didn't we? No. No. No. No. Well, you accounted for three individuals or down to the six. Right. And one dog. Because the dog is currently Rex, is currently following Daniel. And a sniper. Well, I'm going to stick still within the thing of the building and I'm going to... The shadow of the building. So you move once. Right. Carefully. Using stealth, but... Go ahead. Go ahead. Make a stealth roll, Michael. It's going to be five minus three. Yes. Anything else? Do you want me to take off? No. I'm actually going to give you plus two dice because of the darkness. We're still in trouble. I love you, man. We are really in trouble. One success. All right. I'm actually stealthily moved to just the edge of the Morton building. And Mike, when I say Morton building, be clear that you're over here. The Morton building's all the way over here. So you're a good 100 feet, 120 feet from the Morton building. He ran up the fence line, straight up the fence line. He stopped right there. So I'm in the middle of an open field. You're in the middle of thigh high grass, crouched down, because you move stealthily towards the end. Who saw the forms in the Morton building and in the barn? I did. You saw that. Did you announce that to everybody or just to Jay over the comms, just in case if anyone were to rush to the building? I saw some guy looking at the window and shot him. Yes. I saw something about that, too. And the Morton building? I definitely announced that to everyone. Right. You announced that when he shot him in the shoulder, because he was trying not to kill him. But he actually had a very good snipe shot. It was a funny touch. Why? I also announced that people in the barn did. Right. If you spot in the only two, I could conceivably see you for sure with two children. Oh, I could take him out with us, the trank, but yeah. Not in the eye. Come on. They have a long life out of them. Kids' eyes are even smaller. It'd be tough for shot. Yeah. You just have to leave them less. So, Mr. Clay, you're crouched down. Have a leave wound, Dave. Yes. You know from previous reports that there was someone that was shot in the Morton building a child had also run from the Morton building and there were forms in the barn which also you can see in a distance past the Morton building and what little moonlight there is on a sweltering evening. So what do you choose to do? Stay there. Question. Part of the standard kind of equipment and weapons that we brought along with us, did we have anything in the way of a stimulant or painkillers or just like quick first aid? If not, that's fine. I didn't declare it before and I don't see it. I certainly think you would have been keen prepared for all circumstances that you possibly could. And especially since we were about the doctor. So anyway, my point is that this might be the only opportunity I have to boost my situation with drugs or bandages. Do you want a drug to talk to Jim? Are you old enough? Always. Do you have any drugs in particular that you're speaking of? I'm just thinking of either a stimulant to help me with the pain or... It's a more of a not an in-game situation or an in-game situation you're looking for. I mean, because you could look if you'd like to take a few seconds out, you could look in one of the iPads and maybe armory might have some types of medical stimulants they would have in a combat situation. I don't know of any off my head, but if you want to have some here, I don't think you could contact Winston. Does Winston know you're coming here? Or don't we know? It's okay if we don't know yet. We don't know yet. I think Winston would know we are going somewhere. Fair enough. I think I would be reluctant to tell him exactly where, because again, we had concerns about leaks. Why? Because things that happened in the previous... So what do we tell him? We have a lead on Danny Rocklin, or just we have a lead on... Oh, we have a field operation, we're going to check on a location where you think Danny. Right. Need some supplies. Right. And to be clear at guard, there was a couple of reasons. One is the Task Force Valkyrie agents, 12 of them are missing, obviously there's a leak. They feel like they're being betrayed from the inside. The second thing is the original Task Force siren that went to Ohio City and dealt with vitamin B and the spirit of Cleveland and all of those monstrosities, they went through three safe houses as they were exposed at various points. It seemed as if those exposures could be pinned to the individuals they were chasing and not someone betraying them within Task Force siren, but certainly the conversation came up on several occasions that it could be Winston or Jay, or one of the individuals at Task Force siren. So there's a little bit of... There's not a major distrust, but just a little bit of distrust based on the safe houses being hit at several occasions for the characters. See, that would just tell me that I need to lay it around. Jay, I'm going to get back to you, Michael, while you look at that, because it doesn't make any choice. Oh, you did great. What do you got? First aid kit, anything from your standard bandages and alcohol kit to an advanced set owned or carried by people such as EMTs who work in the medical profession or who anticipate serious work-related injuries, the kit's rating in bonus dice is added to dexterity plus medicine. Is there a time frame on it? No, it doesn't say anything about time. It just says it's equipment and adds a bonus dice to it. It will add a bonus to that long healing process. You might want to look and see if there's something a little bit more immediate, like you said, like a shot of adrenaline. Yeah. Correct. It makes your blood pump faster. It's dangerous. That's even worse. Okay. So, Sister Chaney is off by the trailer giving us... I would have to think that you saw her in your studio. Right. I spend this turn scanning for any movement and still missing three agents that I can't account for. Yep. I blame the young... Go ahead and give me your what you're with plus perception? 27. How thin? I mean, your perception is your width plus composure, sir. That would be fine. Not quite as a question, sir. Oh, you're rolling. Yes. Can you give me a general idea of where you're looking, Jay? I'm looking between the barn and the Morton building and trying to cover that area. The Morton beddling all the way to what is that a chicken coop type thing? You pick up a form that walks from out of the darkness, so hidden by the barn. So he was behind the barn, looks like a man, looks like he has weapons, and he opens the door to what you believe to be a shed, and he moves inside. That's what you're able to see with your check. We have what kind of clothing was he in? He looked like he was in military clothing. Okay. I can't take him out. Three seconds, you really looked for the turn through his scope. That's fine. Yeah. You've got to be in your sights, but you're not able to act on it. He's in the doorway at this point. Gotcha. Sister Kate. Shoe, you're next. I am going inside the trailer. All right. You kind of like do a crab walk underneath the trailer, huh? Well, I'm underneath the trailer, huh? Do I notice? For paintings. How is the heat and/or stove in there? Gassed. Right. Is it a big tank on the outside? Are there small little propane portable ones? You can make a quick look. It's very dark, obviously, but let's see. I'm looking to blow this thing up if I can't. Yeah. There's two propane tanks connected to the bottom of the trailer. I'm going to open up the door, and if anybody's still being chewed on, I'm going to shoot whatever's chewing on. So you-- I'm probably going to shoot anything. You crab walk underneath, at that point you're going to set the stairs just to your left. You move up the stairs, thinking for a second, getting nervous for a half second, punching your shoulders, but then realizing that hopefully the sniper is gone, and hopefully there's no more out there. You open the door, and it's dark in there, but you can see Chew with a shotgun basically pointed at the ready, and he seems to be sweating heavily. It's very hot. When you open the door, it's really warm inside the home. You see Edgard, and he looks like something from a horror movie. He has flesh hanging off of his body as far as where he's been bitten and clawed. He looks panicked, and he's trying to push his way past Chew as Chew's trying to shoot. And you can't really see anything beyond that, because it's really-- they're kind of blocking the pathway, and obviously there's cupboards and couches and stuff that are in there as well as it's a packed situation, and you're right in the front door. Since I'm minused to Chew, I'll probably end up hitting somebody I don't want to. I'm just going to try to assist getting my buddy out the door. I'm thinking about sitting the dog on there, but I don't want the dog gets stuck in the rifle, but I don't need to. Fair enough, Chew. I'm going to try to step away a little bit, have a little more clearance to fire on its crazy. You scramble back a little bit? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Try to put a little distance between myself and these things. Did you find anything down as far as armory, armory, and reload it? No. We'll see if I got it on mine, Mike. Don't worry about it. It might give you something, though, that-- Well, it does, but I'm going to have a different approach, other than the instant effects. A little voice in my head called Prudence's. Is there anything I could throw down in front of those zombies, the knobs to hold to keep them from getting that outside faster? They're too intertwined right now, I mean, literally, he's just getting caught up from the dead guard is just his kick, the female and the male off of him, and it's like turning around scrambling past you in one of his reaching for the heel of his shoe as he's turned about in panic and terror trying to run out. Again, the shoe is backing up almost into you. It's a really tight space right now, and so helping him is probably the best you're going to get because he's going to need it. The shoe you back up a bit, and which one are you taking me to, Matt? Who was gnawing on his neck at the time? Was it the male? Was it the male? The neck was the male. Okay. Yeah, I'm going to shoot him, and I'm going to spend a little power point. Okay. Because of the close quarters, I'm still going to give him. He's within six feet of you. And defense counts for guns. The only time it counts is when they're within one or two yards of you. So three to six feet. Really? Because again, they're swiping at you. You're being jostled. It's the only time defense applies. All right. So I guess I'm rolling eight duds. Oh, crap. Rolling eight. Right. I don't even know if I roll that high normally. You need a gun. I'm not going to get a gun. Two successes. Are you 10 again? I was nine again. Oh. My bad? Yeah. Just two. Okay. He looks up. He would reach us towards you and his brain just hits his face and rips off huge chunks of flesh. You're fighting really hard, not to hyperventilate, not because of zombies or ripping someone's face off with a gun, but because of being blocked in your father's trailer home when you were a child and the things that he did in there and the things that you saw. And all of a sudden you're in here and these people are starting to look like his victims that you would be forced to watch. And you're really like the biles rising up in your throat and you're trying to take deep breaths and you're trying not to panic, but you're really close to the point of the swelling of the game trailer. You want to get the fuck out of this trailer. Okay. Okay. Daniel, you hear a crack over the headset that you had. Did you put it on their headset or did you just talk into it? Put it on. Okay. So you took yours off? Yeah. Check. Yeah. Two of us. Because you hear someone say Delta one, check Delta one, Delta two, Delta two, check. Check. Then silence. Okay. You respond? I say check for Delta two. All right. I'm very good. I can do four. Go ahead and make a... Bullshit. All right. Do we have here, trying to sound your best. Try to lock down the radiation leak or else they'll send some troopers up here to check us out. There's weapons. Just fire. Empathy? I'll give you persuasion or subterfuge. Not empathy. Okay. Not empathy. Sorry. And the answer to you makes you feel will be manipulation. All right. How's that working for you? This would be like... This is like a chance dice. You're, you're, you're a chance before you make it into it. Well, I don't have the skill. All right. You don't have manipulation. I'm not a clever man. That's me. No. Because how'd you go on? Check. Like you sound like really wounded? Yeah. That would actually been a lot better. Check. Yeah. But you're like, check. Check two. Oh, here. And your voice is nothing at all. Like, check two. You try, but you know, you don't know the guy's voice. You're dancing. All right. Bullshit. You're one guy. You need a 10 to succeed. You said grumble. You didn't. You said, Jack? Well, hey, I'm not playing. You didn't say... I didn't get shot through the leg. I'm just sitting here at a table, finished eating chips. I'm just going to say check. Also he's a mountain man. Everything he does. Yeah. I can't get out of the beer without grumble. All right. Sure. Go ahead. Yeah, I feel it. And you're very non-corrible, dramatic four. And there's a moment of silence and you hear, "Who is that?" It's a check delta two. I don't know. I should know that. This is not delta two. We have two men down, two men down, switching to contingency red, repeat, switch to contingency red. Oh, shit. They're going to change the chance. Screw the red channel. And then it goes dead. At that point. There's a bit of C4 peck in there. It explodes. Damn. You're right. It's not good. By the way, isn't that hits at all gory with your friends? No. No, no, no, no. Fine. No, no, no, no. I stole this from the guy I shot. And I just took credit for it. Yeah. Either one was a headshot, actually. Oh, I thought that one. The other one was a headshot. Or a shoulder. I didn't take my friend's headset. That would have been Gibbs. There's too many pieces, parts of it. All right. After shoot is Edgar. Right. I'm leaving this general area. Okay. Let me know what you're trying to do. I want to leave this general area. So, you want to get the hell out of the area? Yes. You have two people in front of you. You have a shotgun who is somewhat blocking your way. And another one, reaching a handout to you saying, "Edgard, Edgard," and trying to help you. Oh. It's like zombies. Oh my god. Why did this happen? I made enough for you to learn your name. Did I drop my weapon? I can't remember. I'm doing a grapple. I think I was still using it in the end. I think you still have it. Okay, cool. Why did that all have to stay? Can you shoot and run? Oh, I've been to knife. Can you stab and run? Nope. You can stab and walk. But I'd much rather run. All right. I'm giving you a minute. Choose in the way, but I've got assistance from Sister Katie, and whatever that means. Maybe we could shove and chew the fuck out of the way together. You're going to have to make a dexterity plus athletics roll to stumble out of there, safely without tripping and then puddle up your own blood or hitting your head on a cabinet or falling in depth some other way. They're fucking out of willpower. Oh, really? He's tapped out. So, give me your dice pull, please. Normally, six. I have their stereotype and I have like one, but I'm injured until the point of, I mean, I've got like one health that's untouched. So, two. So, two. Right, which takes you down to a four and then the tight quarters and just that slipperiness of the blood and the tripping zombies, which are very much like tripping wolves back in the D&D days. Quite a theme. Yes. The zombie trying to trip your leg as you're running away, I'm going to give you a minus one. What about me? I'm helping out. Yeah. Yes. Jim Elks. You sure? Stop. Right there. Okay. Make a athletics plus dexterity roll minus one for the same situation. It's going to be like, "Here, I'm helping you!" Plus... Keep your help. Is that it? Mm-hmm. Minus one. One gives me four dice. Good luck to you. Yeah, come on. Get some success. Okay, you go. Two successes. Two successes. You've got two dice to your roll. How the fucking years. I showed his ass on the door and kick him. Oh! All right, that's five total dice. Good luck. Yeah. Don't slip. And fall. At least two successes. Both nines. No telling me. But that's good. You slam into two. Get the fuck. I'm knocking him up and backwards. You then turn sideways. The zombie reach for your leg, grabs your gene, rips off some of it. You grab out of Katie's arm. She pulls you through, spins around, and you go stumbling out the steps and down to the round. Landing actually, not on your feet, but on all fours to catch yourself. Right next to my arm. And then you stand up. And you breathe in that really hot air from the human night, but it's so much better than the zombie-filled claustrophobia of the regular home that you were just in. Katie, if you weren't done. I'm telling you, baby. Just understand that I'm grateful. The male crawls towards you with his face to half ripped off and reaches out trying to grab onto you. What's your strength? Strength is two. Okay. He's trying to grapple you. Damn it. Once the edge of grapple, we talk about strength. It's strength plus brawl for the zombie, minus your defense to try to grab out the whole of you. So what's your defense again? Two. Okay. He reaches out for you and grabs hold of your ankle. She stands up. She was really hammered pretty good. The last couple of actions that you and Edgard took. So she kind of stands up wobbling and looks at you and starts moving shuffling towards you. But it was her full action just to get up from a standing position, but she's definitely reaching towards you and you see her blood-soaked mouth that she just used on Edgard and there's little bits of like flash hanging from it and again it gets your heart being faster and your fear starting to get hold of you and take control. Daniel? Yeah. All right. I say over the radio, they went to contingency route and chase the channel. There's like two down. And I start everyone that hostile target just ended the shed. All right. Jay, make a wits loss. Let's go with empathy. Let's throw the fork. All right. Three successes. Very good. You hear Daniel call out that they've gone to continue, you know, they've gone to contingency red and at that moment, you notice that the person that was in the doorway as he was saying that that person hunched over a bit and it's almost as if like he was talking loud. Yeah. Okay. You're going to feel that this was the, you know, only because you had him in your sights and we're looking right at him when he did it, but you get a very strong feeling that this is the one, that's somebody that that Daniel just spoke to, that he was just talking on the online about. Daniel, go ahead. I was going to ask that, but yeah. Okay. I'm going to make a sprint for the Morton building out of the woods. All right. That's exciting. It is. I get to roll dice. Go ahead and sprint. You're sprinting? I have to roll. Okay. You double move. It's 12 yards. Damn it. All grass, it's pretty flat. So there's not a lot of stumbling involved, since you're not running in the woods, I'm not going to give you an athletics dexterity check. So you just move your full movement, which is 66 feet, I believe, right? 60 feet or so? 22 yards. Yeah. Yeah. 22 yards. Okay. And the Morton building is approximately from where you were at about a hundred from you. So you're within less than 40 feet of the Morton building. You're dashed across there and you look at the Morton building and see nothing out of the ordinary. Any of the free actions you'd like to take before you turn down? No, I'm bargaining it down. I already go. You're so not. Michael, you are in the shadow of the Morton building. Not really. It's a hundred feet away, but you are protected from anybody in the stone colonial or in any of the open areas, besides the Morton building itself. I think I'm going to take advantage of this temporary location. I'm going to take a knee and I'm not going to, because I'm not going to be able to help out anybody in my condition. So... That's what I said. I'm going to start administering first aid to myself. Do you have the first aid spell? I do. I have medical. That's basically first aid. Yeah. You're doing your healing. That takes us to, I want to say it's... I want to say it's Jay. Do I need to roll a success on whether I'm administering them well in the dark? I think it's alright. Not yet. Yeah. So it'll be something at the end. You roll to see how you did. If this guy's still on my sights, he's going down. With the trench. That's what I got loaded and I don't want to take the term to switch him to snow. He gets to live. In my opinion, that's good. We need a commander to interrogate. Yes. He's still on your sights. He is trot. I don't even have to roll. I'm just making a declaration. Oh wait. Rock system. Sorry. Thirteen dice. He's in the doorway. He's got some pretty good coverage. Minus two. Jay, you're a total of minus five dice. And that leaves me eight... Eight. Eight. One, two, three, four, five. Can you hear me? You ready again? Yep. Oh my goodness. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You're using a trench blazer. It's the same guy. No I meant, but it doesn't just do one damage. Each excess has to do with his roll. He gets a roll versus his stamina to maintain consciousness and each additional success. Takes away from that. So how many successes did you have? I had five. Okay. That's it. Except no success. So he's catching him right in the nape of his neck as if he was a wild fan of a bull. And you see him flailing at the back of his head. He kind of spins around and out of sight into the... I don't hear anything in my head says. I was going to say to the Minus channel. I thought they did. Oh shit. Yes, he did. I'm so sorry. They did change channels. You hear nothing. Could I... As my reaction just like flipped up channels, see if they were there? Yeah. They wouldn't flip one. No answer. In your turn. Okay. You could probably flip through several. No, you could probably have flipped through several of them. Nothing. You hear silence. Okay. So your guess was incorrect. And you know that they have roughly from your basic training in Task Force Valkyrie. You know they have at least 40 channels that they can go on. How many have I been through? You've flipped through. And you don't know. If no one's talking, you're going to hear kind of the same thing. The static. But you're able to flip through let's say five and give it a half second each of listening during your three second turn. So five or six. Okay. Okay Jay. So that's what you saw. Do you do anything besides that? I'm not moving because I have a good position here to see the whole field. And I can't look around. So I'm done with my turn. Okay. It should just be too low. He was talking to someone. Sister? I'm so sorry. It's not even your turn. He's totally. You delayed your action. Without a delay. And you have to delay in order to do it. That's hot. His turn. And so you're actually. After I'm going to say his turn. I'd go. Right. So chew your up again. Choose your turn. Don't get that in his order. Come on. Choose his ass. He's doing it a little bit. He's doing it right in shots I don't think. You have to. That's just zombies. He still gets a minus four because he can't back up because the guy's attached to him. The easiest thing for you to do is to break his hold on you with your instant action and then move the hell out of the trailer with your move action. Just kill the girl. You're not going to break. I'm going to aim for, is it the woman or the guy? The guy is crawled up to you and grabbed hold of your ankle and is now pulling himself closer to bite you. The woman stood up and took one gambling step towards you reaching out towards you. And they both look messed up between you shooting them and Edgard stabbing at them and shooting them. Correct. Yeah. I never drew my system. And the fact that they're dead they both look very worse for wear. I'm going to blow his hand off. All right. Basically for his hand, he's going to shoot him. His hand. His wrist. Hands are, yeah. They're tough to hit. Also you get this deal. Good thing it's not going anywhere because it's attached to my ankle. Yeah. So you only have a minus two. Okay. So you point the guy down to his wrist. Yeah. He's grabbing onto you. Literally put the barrel against it and pull the trigger. You might shoot yourself in the foot, right? Minus four. Careful. Plus two, three, promise. Ask your dice. Yeah. I'm going to use a little powder on this baby. What? Risk it. Your wrist or? Blow your foot off. I didn't risk. Would you dice it up please? Plus two because he is prone. Yes. Plus two because he is prone. Fifteen. Five. Six. Okay. Minus four because you're aiming for a hand. Minus four because it's defense as he swats at your gun with his other hand. What are you at now? Seven. You also get a plus two because of just absolutely unbelievably close. I mean you are able to actually put the barrel of your gun against the zombies hand. Although again he swears. I didn't try to do a bit but go ahead. Give it a shot. Okay. Crack head. All right. I am rolling nine guys. Nine guys. Good luck. Two. All right. So I got three nines. Three successes. He's never rerolled. All right. His wrist. There is a hand that grabbing your ankle is still attached. It's no longer it. Yes. Catch to his ankle. No longer attached to the body. And the zombie blood just starts pouring out of its severed appendage. Hopefully it'll have a minus on it. And it seems to, its eyes seem to slowly close as it just lays there bleeding out. Shoot their hands. Shoot them in the head. Shoot them in the hands. Shoot your hands off. Do we have a page for cult shots in their effects? Check the index. Yeah. Good luck. That was your instant action. What do you choose to do with your move action? I'm getting the fuck out of there. Okay. Close the door. Yeah. Meet me in there. You know. You are? You know. Yes. She's still in there. She's still in the doorway. She's still in the doorway. She grabbed your arm. She pushed you out. Pretty ass. Almost knocked you over. Got you out of there. Shoot. I am going to try to pull her along with me. Tackled me out the door. You actually, you see the hand still attached and you flash back. You can't stop it. You just absolutely flashed back to a moment where you were at a dinner table with your dad and he was absolutely drunk, bloodshot. You could smell him from the other side of the trailer and you're at a dinner table and his former girlfriend of the week or prisoner, whatever I want to call it, exactly the picked up is dead and her, all that's left at the dinner table are her decapitated hands next to her plate and literally the side of that hand grabbing on your ankle is overwhelming and I need you to make a composure and resolve roll together. Add those two together and tell me what your dice pull is. Five. All right. The scene itself has such powerful emotion to you from what you went through in your childhood that you lose two dice due to the trauma of it. Well, I've seen decapitated hands before. Yes, you have. Unfortunately. Like the capititions. Head exclusive. Apparently. I am rolling three dice. Yeah. So lucky. No. No. It's too much. You literally throw up in your mouth and you get incredibly dizzy and you drop to your knees as your move action, not completely prone, but you drop to your knees and you start retching on the floor and again, it just, it's like you're in your dad's trailer again and you're going through the horrible childhood all over again and that damn basin where he would saw the women to pieces and it was just, it's horrifying. So you just, you just lose it and you collapse. You didn't have to. No, but he didn't make it out of the trailer either. Just show you it back in there. No. That's funny. But like. Head guard. Want the nun to do it? I see a little, you know, Haitian male chauvinism going in here doesn't want to let the lady take care of it. He's got his honor on the line. It's a nun. You don't send another new combat zone. You want to go back in? No, but. This is part where you grab all of them and pull it through the door. Yeah, but bitch. Does that require strength, isn't she? No. I don't have any strength. Alright. I'll assist Katie in. If I was to assist in Katie's escape the way she did for me. What do Katie roll? Katie rolled with the athletics plus dexterity to help. Yes. Get. And you may do that as well. Yeah. That's what I'm going to do. Okay. So you have. So you stand up, take a couple of deep breaths of that hot swampy air, turn around, go back up the stairs and say what to Katie. Yeah, let's get you out of here. Who is all vomiting and shit? I want to know. Yeah, you see him on his knees, retching and you're like, and if there's a hand attached to his foot and ankle and there's blood spewing all over from this zombie that just had his hand removed. Well, Katie can probably get her stuffed out pen, so I don't know how to shoot. Okay. You can see how Katie's in the way. Can you nut? Yeah, I can't hear it. You can pass on that. Let me go first. Apparently only one operational zombie in this trailer. Yeah. To check. Sure. I don't have any hands. I could jog on, but I honestly am not that good a gun. You can barely get in the door, in and also I can't aim. That's like. How about pointing at the zombie and throw your knife? That's just me right there. That's safe. Assist me in getting the shoe out. You only have one knife? You can throw them. He stabs people with it. It's better than this. Keep it up. He'll show you. There is blood. The floor is very messy now. You just ran out trailing blood and sloshing it around a bit and kind of, with your shoes kind of streaking across the floor, so it is going to be difficult for her to get a hold of she would drag him out without slipping, so if you want to help her, help her. Okay. I have five dexterity, one athletic, and then it penalties you want to give me plus to minus two for me. Craft spaces. I did correct. Yeah. Craft spaces minus one. We have three does. Good luck. Two successes? One's a ten. Two successes. Two successes. Okay. For when you go. Which is me now. Right. I'm dragging him out. You can buddy the heck out of here. Describe to me how you're dragging him out, please. He's on his knees. Every rat, she kind of falls forward on his hands. His hands are blood soaked because of all the blood on the floor right now, and there's some bile and vomit that is mixed in as he, as he ratches, and he tries to like sit up for a second. Catch his breath. Then he just starts throwing up again and goes down to all four again. So how exactly, what are you doing to get him out? Oh, I'm going to bear hug him and just pick him up and walk. Fall backwards out of the door. Okay. What's your strength shoe? My strength is two and your size is five straighten. Yeah. Four and a half eight. And Katie, what's your strength? Two. Okay. Another stronger than me. You're going to try to grab him around his chest and drag him out. Is that right? That's going to pick him up. Well, I try to grab underneath his armpits. Pick him in a sleight frame. Pick him up so he's kind of on his feet. Right. So he's going to grab an armpit, lift him up, and then try to get him to walk or toe so under the arms from behind, pick him up and back. Two maneuvers then to get him up a strength loss athletics roll. Or that you want. Or if you have any minuses because of your weakened condition. Oh, geez. I forgot about those minuses. Oh, a ton. Awesome. Awesome. I think mine is three. Yeah. One back. Pick him up. Got him. Nice. He's got him. Nice. That gets right. That worked out of the trail. Full of grace. The Lord is with me. And so you find some deep strength inside of you to get him on his feet. And he's not in it. He's not here right now. He's somewhere else. So he's not trying to help you. Right. He's not fighting you. Thanks, too. But he's not helping you. So you can go ahead and make a dexterity plus athletics roll to kind of guide him out the door. Kind of pull him with you. It's not going to be as much strength in this particular instance because it's more about guiding him out than it is about lifting him off his feet. I got an extra dice plus two more. So how many dice are you at right now? No, I'm at four. Four dice. And I'm going to subtract one die because of the floor situation, the slipperiness of the floor. Wow. Three successes. Katie really wanted to get you high back trailer. So fireman carried your ass out of it. Yeah. She brought you up. She brings you with her. You gank as well. Both of them slip a bit and then stumble out of the steps. Katie first chew afterwards, slam into you. All three of you end up on your knees, but all three of you are on the trailer. Hold the door. All right. She coaches football. I know her name. I mean, and she's not a good man. I'm one of the funniest. Perception check, Jay. Perception check, Daniel. Perception check, Michael. That's it. Mine is two to all your roles because it's not in your line of sight exactly and it's very dark outside. This is a wits and composure, huh? Yes. It is. Two dice. Mine. Okay. Nice die. No, no chances when you have zero when you still get the role one to be clear. Ten again. Two. One success. One. Or all the ten again and two. Now you know that success. All three of you notice a glow coming from the barn. Oh, the barn's on five aliens. They're burning a giant red glow. Yeah. There's an orangeish, reddish, yellowish glow coming from the barn. Those young adults. Do we smell smoke? Oh, not yet. We smell. Smell. Not yet. Fun. Daniel. Hey, go rescue those children. Yes, that's my job. All right. Daniel, the barn. I am close to this side of the Morton building, which is to say the south side. You're probably in four feet away. I'm going to sprint alongside it then, though I'm going to go toward the back side of the barn that our sniper cannot see. Why? Because that's where they're letting out a fire otherwise you would have seen the guy doing it. As you run to the back of the Morton building, the south side of the Morton building, you can see there's a tree line that comes up very close and there's also some strewn about farm implements. So if you do a double move, I'm going to need a dexterity plus athletics to move through that. First thing, do I see anyone? Because otherwise I'm going to pile up against the farming equipment instead of seeing anyone in the farming equipment? Just in the distance as I'm running in that direction. I don't want to get sprinting and then shot in the back or rather the face. No, you don't see me. Either really. Nothing. Nothing. Okay. Because you know how many dice I roll for perception? I memorized it from previous times, yes. Then I'm just sprinting through. It's six. Inside the dark. Whatever. Okay. So dexterity and what? Dexterity plus athletics. To move nimbly through the, well that's a mighty three. Three dice? Yeah. Do you want it or something? No, I'm just not. Dexterity plus athletics? Yes. Two. Okay. I'll use one. I'll use one. Maybe I'll use survival. Yes. I'll use a gazelle on the woods. Oh yes. In the farm implements, no it's all different. Yeah. Okay. Might as one for the darkness. There is some moonlight glening off a little bit of, and some water. I thought it was a new moon. Like from the barn as well. It is. But there's a pea bit. There's some fire that I'm coming from the barn. Ambient light, I guess. Not moonlight ambient light. Reflecting off the equipment. I was going to have to tell you new moon means it was out during the day. Yeah. It's just not a round. Slickering, cheery light. No successes. No successes. All right. What's the problem? So you actually move to the farm equipment, and then as you're moving your way through it, you stumble a bit, catch yourself, let me find yourself in a situation where you couldn't get as far as you wanted to. You took maybe one, one and a half moves as opposed to two. Okay. Am I toward the end of the Morton building now? You're towards the end of the Morton building now. Okay. Anything you haven't seen anybody know? Michael. He's healing himself. Right. Jake. The assumption is when I shoot someone, they stay down. Yeah. So I am looking off to the right past the chicken coop because checking this sector over here. There was a sniper here, there was one over here with the leader, this guy was over here, there's got to be someone over that in that section over there. What about the fire at the barn? You're taking care of that. Do it. I didn't say got it. But okay. Jake, you see a flash of movement through one of the windows of the chicken coop could not make out who or what it was, this movement at window height, either someone crouched down or a younger individual, one of the two, one person moving past. You also see, there's a large stable door on the east side that you can see it's facing towards you and you see meetings of some glowing, same yellowish light from the stable area. Okay. So the person who's moving, I'm following them to get a better vision on them. Okay. So you caught them, looked over, saw the orange, went back to the window and they are gone. They were moving from the south of the building to the north of the building. Okay. Where's the door to the chicken coop? Is it the door? No. The chicken coop is, you can't see one. It's not on the eastern side and it's not on the southern side. It's either on the northern side or on the western side, which are both not in your range of sight. Oh, the kind of my call, possible hostile chicken coop, Daniel, let me know if you can see. I report the fire in the state. And staying where you're at? I am. Okay. That takes us to shoot. Oh. That's my turn. As you know, as you stumble out, even the warm air outside in this uncomfortably hot summer is a relief. It's a balm to that feeling that you had when you were in there. As soon as you get out of there, as soon as Katie pulls you through the doorway and you see the sky above and you see even the darkness, the hulking buildings and in a distance, it's like you come to and you shake it off and you're asking for your element. That's great. Yeah. Thanks, Katie. I'm going to close the door. There is. That's saying we'll get through. You didn't notice last year because you all were gasping for air and kind of on the ground and stumbling. But too, you stand up and you move and there is the female zombie is like right where the steps would go down, I think basically she's at the entrance inside of the trailer. So you just move a couple feet and slam the door right in her face. And that's. That's a lock? Not from the outside. I mean, does it shut all the way? Yes. Okay. I think it can handle a door knob or if it just let us be. If it throws itself against the door, it's the screen door. No, no. It's an actual door door. They do have occasionally screens as well, but this one is a rather decrepit one and the screen has long since fallen off into disrepair. The actual door itself is closed. There's nothing but a taped up window basically that has duct tape over. It's about this big that you can't see through at head height. I'm going to try to keep my body weight up against the lead in the trailer and just close the door and then shoot your shot down through the window. He's straight down. You have a holy hand grenade? Katie, go. Sounds like toe red means going to place down any other way. Change it to your ride to be. Whatever. Yeah. Any other strong man need to be rescued? Score a strength policy or something? Yeah. Yeah. They clean up. Police bleeding over there. Fire Management. You're probably right. I can't heal anybody. I would take time and we don't have time. Maybe we don't have time. Somewhere on the other side of the hill, dancing goes. Yeah. Yeah. The forgotten moment at all. Oh, no. No, I thought it was a number of times. It's like, yeah, that's important. Yeah, she became-- Well, I mean, once we started, I'll get eaten and wounded. She became the last tree I was, she's marvelous. Yeah, she's not even half. She's not even half. We know where to stand. Yeah, you like just a little sun. Wow, that was weird. Okay. It's a bit-- Yeah. He likes his little tambi stuff. You, K, are very aware when you lift it, chew, and put more effort into it, you thought, that your right lung is actually punctured. You want-- And you actually could not get a full air coming in through your chest. Yeah. Smells your finger over it. I'll take care of it. You okay? Anyone got a straw on them? Yeah. Some tuck tape. So you know that you are in really bad shape right now. And if any more damage isn't flipped at the time, you know that you're on the edge right now. Yeah, I know that. Just making sure your work. God's got my back. I'm good. He's going to be taking you back. I know the character of your set of similar things. Yep. Look at this. What's a campaign? I've got this. Mm-hmm. I'm fine. I am making a slow, stealthy crawl toward the Morton Building because it's the closest building to us. Mm-hmm. Okay. Just like getting really low on the grass and taking my time. So I'm probably heading into the grass field over here and hiding. Okay. Fair enough. We don't know. There's snipers. There's at least two more people. Two hospitals. Two hospitals. One of the barns, one of the stables. One of the barns. The barns, stables. Actually different. One of the stables. And a possible henhouse. No, I think we were only missing two. Could you say Fox in the henhouse? No. I did not. Okay. That's what I want to make sure you did. I did not. Is that a curtain? Okay. Just make sure. That's what I did. I'd go. I'm getting away from the trailer. Yeah. You see Katie moving, slowly and deliberately through the grass, trying to stay somewhat inconspicuous and moving towards the Morton building. Observation tells us that we have hostels on the ass-end of the barn and the ass-end of the stables. I'm running. What cardinal direction is ass-end? The one knowing can be. I'll see. That would be west, I suppose. So I'm going to sprint, no need for stealth until I'm at least on the side of the barn. Sprint for you is normally holding your thigh, holding your shoulder as you can feel the air hit the bone of your collarbone, which may or may not be broken. I would notice the collarbone is broken. You can't even walk, but you know. It hurts like hell. That's a good point. You don't move. You don't. It's all baseball. Apparently you roll. You can roll really fast. Yes. Oh, sorry. That was passing my back at me. So no, you basically feel your collarbone is killing you right now. I'm not enough to stop you from moving, but it's hurting. You can't tell if it's broken and your thigh is absolutely on fire and your pant legs are ripped open and there is also bone exposed on your leg. It was a near scrape with death. And just to be clear, all three of you that are really wounded, meaning Michael Clay, Edgard, Montez, and Sister Katie, you all three have your last box is not lethal. It's a bash, correct? Right. Yeah. Okay. No, I don't even have anything in my last box. Oh, right. I'm sorry. You have two going. You have me. You have one remaining. Yeah. Okay. So go ahead, Edgard. You're moving as quickly as you can towards the, you can get on the path and go towards the, um... I don't want to be tripped. Stone colonial. I don't want to trip during any of this run with all of these exposed bones and shit that's just dangerous. Yes. Are you moving? I'm sick. I'm sick. I see where you move towards the Morton building, the barn, the stables, the stone colonial. I honestly want to go all the way to the colonial. It'll take me a long time apparently, but you need two to your speed, which is 11. We're looking at, yeah, you are a long way away from the stone colonial, but you get to the path and you start stumbling down it. Well, hell, you're doing more than stumbling. You're actually moving it up. 54. Like a jog slash limp down that path. Should I grab the bicycle? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Then that was my first priority. Go get the bike. Daniel. All right. I'm going to move up to the entranceway of the barn actually. Take a picture. One thing is you're moving towards the barn. The barn door is open. There is several fires that are beginning to get to almost a rage-like sense in the seconds. So you're thinking in your head very quickly, a calculation, you know, someone didn't fluke a match. There's fires in several different areas of the barn. They're very robust and you're surprised at the degree of flame that could be strike that quickly. It's been six seconds and there is obviously probably some hay and some other things in this barn, but it is torching quick as you move towards it. So it's going to be-- Do I see any people in a heroic situation? I imagine the fires help me if you would. Oh, absolutely. It's lit up now. And you see what appears to be a military individual as you move up towards the front of the barn. He is walking out of the back heading west towards the shed. I aim my sniper eye if I'm going to take a shot. All right. Use that more power. I've got two dexterity. Run up. You see him. He doesn't take a full three seconds. You bring your scope up. It's not going to be your best shot because it's kind of hurried. But go ahead. Two dexterity. Two firearms, one for rifles, a three. Then I don't know what the dice modifier is on this sniper rifle because it's the military model they're using. It was the same as mine, so it's four. All right. That's nine. Now are you adding anything to it? Yeah. Yes. I'm using my willpower, which adds three dice. Okay. I think. Mark off your willpower, please. And what do you got? A lot. Good. You weren't stationary, so the movement in the running up and not really having a good clean shot with a sniper rifle is going to be minus two through the heat of the situation and the flame blocking your view as well, all combined together to be a minus one. You can see him, but there's definitely flames that are looking in and moving and going across and smoke and it's changing quickly. I will then say, "Go ahead and roll." Okay. Wow. All right. I rolled four successes and they're all zeroes. I'm going to reroll it. Nine again? I don't need those thinking, nine again. Where is it? It is. It is. There it is. Yeah. Holy shit. So I just rolled four more successes. All right. You're two dice packs. This is the heat. Wow. We got J Jr. here. All right. There you go. Absolutely. No successes on the last one. Oh, just a little back his head off. It was very, very, very impressive. He crumples to his knees and then you lose him and smoke in the flame and he's obscured. So I'm sorry. He's surrounded by flames when he gets shot or so he just slams him between him and... Oh, okay. I apologize. Yeah. He's at the eastern end of the barn. Okay. Looking through an open door. Flames are erupting up. Smoke is billowing. He sees a form and a figure in the distance walking out of it. He gets down and won the fire as a sniper rifle, does an unbelievable job of fire and that sniper rifle. Okay. Strikes the man in the back of his neck and the man collapses to the ground and his knees and is lost in a swirl of smoke and... I say two things then. Over the microphone I say that there's a wounded going out the west end of the barn and then I shout just into the barn, calm this way to safety. I saw children and hair earlier. Right. Children. BAM! I don't think there was anybody out in the barn. To be fair, John, you... Any screaming? You were wearing the headset of the test work valve. I imagine I put the other one down there and it stuck the microphone up so I could yell into both. The other one around your neck? Down there doesn't do it, obviously. Sorry, yes. Just turn on my neck. Okay. So you place that around your neck and then so after your shot I'm going to let you save one of two. You can either tell the children to come running or you can tell everyone over loud speaker or over loud speaker. I cannot combine the two and say, "Got the military man come out the side." You can scream that into the head phone if you want to distract your... Fine. ... teammate. Alright, I'm saying we wanted to head it out the west side of the barn. Fuck you, children. Be damned. So we'll hope to wrap it actually. I am concentrating on, I'm assuming these guys are next heading to the colonial so I'm looking for something to make right before and they're going down when they do. Is this the colonial made of stone? I've got the field covered. Yeah. Thanks for listening to Nights of the Night at Actual Play Podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, props and even a forum for comments and suggestions or you could email us directly at or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit and please join us next episode for more vistory and adventure. Okay, two individuals in the trailer home that was Special Agent Chew Park and Edgard Montez. That's fine because you're the boss and we'll follow your lead but you've had discussions with Winston before about withholding information and like your possession. That's right. Everybody. Alright, we're good. Let's go. Hurry on. Shoot their hands. Shoot them in the head. Shoot them in the hand. Shoot them in the hand. Shoot them in the hand. Shoot your hands out. Shoot your hands out.