Knights of the Night

KotN Actual Play Podcast 111 - Trailer Trash

Broadcast on:
16 Jan 2013
Audio Format:

Two of Task Force S.I.R.E.N.'s finest enter the trailer home and discover a unique meaning for the term 'trailer trash,' while the rest of their comrades continue their clash with the Valkyrie commandos. Much blood is spilled in this riviting episode... and most of it is from the veins of our trusty heroes.

Actual Play starts at 9:49

[Music] Hello, and welcome the Knights of the Night actual play podcast. This World of Darkness story chagrin was written and run by your story dollar Scott. [Music] And now please enjoy episode 111 trailer trash. [Music] Actual play starts 9 minutes 49 seconds. [Music] Alright, before we get started with the episode we have just a little bit of feedback. First off we had an iTunes review from Holy Night. We gave a 5-star review, actually I should have read this last week, but I slipped through the cracks. I apologize for that. His subject was, "It's about the story." And Holy Night said, "This is one of the greatest actual play podcasts I have listened to. A group of friends and family who have been gaming together for a long time get together and weave a story with interesting characters and plots that keep you wanting more." The length of the podcast, 30 minutes to one hour is just pretty much perfect. You get into the story for that episode while not losing interest or your place depending on how you listen to this. The quality of the recording and the editing are great. And the added sound effects are the wonderful icing, not too sugary, on the cake. Damn, now I want to eat some cake. Have a great time enjoying this podcast. Thank you, Holy Night. Yeah, it's very kind of nice. Yeah, it is high-priced. Although I'm kind of a pie guy today, the truth, if I had a choice. Wow, it really depends. Seriously, what kind of cake? Yeah, your daughter's birthday cake. Is that good? Oh, it was the tort or whatever. Yeah, that was tasty. Yeah, I was digging that. I shot the tort. Yeah, happy birthday to your daughter by the way. And thank you for the iTunes review. We also had a few comments on Facebook episode 110, which was... Shit just got real or wounds? Which one is that? Yeah, no, it was the shit just got real. Okay. Scott Rawlings says, "I hope you guys feel better." And this might have been referring to you episode 109 in which I coughed and hacked and said we weren't putting out an episode because everyone was too sick. And when the CDC guy is concerned about your health... If you know you're in trouble, maybe we're in trouble. That was a rough go for everyone. Yes, it was nasty stuff, but thanks for the concerns, Scott. Taylor McClurg said... Actually, he didn't say anything. He posted a link to an MS website, MS Paint Adventure, in which they had something with the same title that we used. I believe it was cute. I thought it was pretty... Shit just got real. Characters. And lastly, Chris Naples posted about episode 110 as well. And he said, "Guys, what the fuck have you gotten yourself in the middle of?" Farmers, snipers, zombies. Oh my. Got another great episode from KOTM. So Chris, I just want to agree with you wholeheartedly. What in the fuck have we gotten ourselves into? It just keeps getting worse. You go from... Yeah, it does. Keep that gallery to... What's up there? Fear eating spirits to zombies, and it's just... It's very unpleasant farm stud. Yes, it's not. It's appropriately named Shigrad. And Chris, just for the record, it doesn't end soon. That's right. Well, definitely doesn't get better. Not for a while. And lastly, just a real quick mention. John Adams and I had a chat on Facebook. He liked our Facebook webpage. And I then friended them and we chatted the other night. And it was great to hear from him. And I'm glad he's enjoying the show. So thank you for the feedback, John. And John is, for some of them, who might not be familiar? Oh, I'm sorry. John is... Actually, he's an editor in the gaming industries. And one of the projects in particular that he's working on lately is the Dresen Files Paranet Papers, which is the next expansion that they're going to put out. Can't wait to see it. Yeah. Maybe you could request that London Deals becomes an NPC. Oh, there you go. It's like a little side word. He's definitely a character. Yeah, that would be a... You'd fit that well. I guess he would. So it was a fun chat, John. Thank you. Appreciate it. Always appreciate hearing from the fans. Two things really quick. Well, any number of things. I can just keep going. Amazon link's still there, folks. Feel free to use it. Somebody has been. I appreciate that. The vote. Michael Clay has taken the lead with nine followed by Jay Elton with eight and then two parked with six. Sister Katie with four and the two new guys with two apiece. Are they voting that they're happy I got shot? It's potentially possible, I guess. It's a favorite character, not who you want to see die. Okay. No, it's not a favorite character. It's whose story do you find compelling? The character you're currently enjoying in the game listening to the leader claim brags, right? You've been getting shot a lot. I've been getting shot a lot and bleeding a lot, so... That's where you're enjoying it. I'm giving it to the Christmas Carol. You know, that's got to add some points right there. And lastly, we got an email from Cal Ordo who sent in a document to Scott, which is... Much appreciated? A facsimile of... Yeah. Like, almost like a... a template of what a... Like, an order form or, like, giving orders? Department of Defense, United States. Special Operations Command. It's a memorandum for the infantry reconnaissance section in which it's Department of Defense Task Force Valkyrie. It has a little emblem on the side of... I really like the emblem of the Task Force Valkyrie. It's got... Well, it shouldn't be tested. It's got a sword and a pair of wings and stuff. Well, it is Valkyrie. Yep. Oh, wow, you actually took the time to... Yeah. I don't think he designed this. I think it's from the books. Oh, okay. I think it just found... And I'm not tired of that. That's pretty cool. If you look on the Task Force page of Hunter the Vigil, I think it's the background. Yeah, maybe. He might have found it somewhere, a clean copy of it, and grabbed it, or he might have recreated it from the page, so I don't want to... Either way. My guess would be that he... Shirts for all. Sort of to ease, and we'll get a little... Well, but it's not so... Well, we're not Valkyrie. We're... Oh, that's right. Now... It'd be... And wanted to thank Cal again. We actually went out to eat in a movie in the hallway. The whole family had a whole night, basically, on Cal and his wife. And now that everyone's here, I'll share the picture with every one of him and his wife and his daughter. Didn't you already error the... I did, but everybody wasn't there. Jim was out sick and Bob was out sick. Besides the fact he's got a very cute family. Daughter looks really good with the lightsaber. I just want to say that I love what I believe to be Cthulhu on top of the Christmas tree. That's just on top. It's only a bakery if you look underneath it. There's a band underneath it. Yes, yes it is. Very cool. And we appreciate the form, which I'm sure we'll get some use in a later episode. I'm sure Scott will use it. And with that, we will go to the Quick Promo and then on to the adventure. Attention gamers and Google Plussers. Have you heard of Indie Plus? Sure you have. They've already run two online virtual conventions in 2012. And they're coming back in 2013 with a brand new plan. Papa's got a brand new bag here with Game Night. That's Pound Game Night. A new approach for Indie Plus. Game Night is a monthly activity. And this month's theme, that's January 2013, the theme is science fiction. Doing two events. The first is that we're doing a few science fiction-centered games. Running a few games each of the game nights. So you need to get on Google Plus, find Indie Plus, and show up early for the event. And the other, a highlight, is a panel where we are getting Indie developers. Where we get on small press guys and girls and talk about designing the future. So it's science fiction, game design, and the panel guests are amazing. Jared Sorensen, who is from Memento Mori Theatrix, who's written a number of games, including Glacunapart 1 and Inspectors and Free Market. We also have on, as a guest, Brian Macklin, who's been part of Evil Hat and helped to create the Dresden Files RPG. He also wrote Mythender. He's very deeply versed in game editing. And he also did his own podcast, The Master Plan Podcasts. I know he's got a lot of opinions and things to bring to the table. I'm excited to have him as part of the panel. We also have on Filomena Young from Machine Age Productions. She has written Flat Pack Fix the Future. She's also contributed to gaming as women and has written for a number of games. I'm Rich Rogers from Cannon Puncture and RPG Crosstalk. This is just him from GenCon. I'll be the panel host and I'm really excited. Please join us. It's a hangout on air so you can come on. Chat with me so that I can ask questions that you want to know about. And if you want a game, Pound Game Night, Indie Plus, come sign up, show up early or watch the games, be part of it. That's Saturday, January 19th, starting at 6.30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. And lasting until 7.30 p.m. Eastern. Indie Plus Pound Game Night. This is Chapter 6 of the World of Darkness story chagrin. In the Vanishing City storyline, I am your storyteller Scott. My right is... I'm Jim playing Mr. Katie O'Connor and Shadow Congregation person. Bob playing FBI Special Agent Chewpark, member of the VASQ conspiracy. Tom playing Jay Alton, leader of this group and member of the Ascending Ones. Mike playing Michael Clay, the adventure academic from the Ages Kaidoru. Thomas playing Edgar Montes, a voodoo practitioner of the late misterous conspiracy. John playing Daniel Morgan, Mount Mantern mercenary, member of Task Force Valkyrie. Okay, before we go into the recording too far, John wants to know what exceptional success is doing in combat. I risked my willpower because I wanted to kill the guy and I thought exceptional success would do that. Right, exceptional successes do not kill. They have more effect in the standard skills than in combat. And combat means you did a shit ton of damage because when you hit someone with an exceptional success, most people only have seven or eight health boxes and rifles or guns are generally doing lethal damage. When your last box is filled of lethal damage, you have to roll a stamina check each turn to stay conscious before you pass out. And then you bleed out each turn, you start from the far left-hand side, it goes to aggravate it and moves across. So maybe you have, there are no doubts that shots are nasty, but if I had rolled three successes, see I risked my willpower to make it three successes. The right exceptional. What I tried to do for you in that combat was in that shot you took that was exceptional success. What I had demand actually lose his footing and his protection as he kind of slumped off the side from the fourth of your shot and he lost hold of his sniper rifle as well. So I tried to give you two advantages besides just his shoulder exploded through your sniper shot to make it more impressive. But it won't kill somebody outright just hit him with an exceptional success. So I just want to know that I'm going to get something when I get exceptional success otherwise I won't risk it. You will always get something and in the game, mechanics in the game generally are. Something amazing happened and it's really left the storyteller in most circumstances inside what that is. But yeah, I'll try to flavor it up and make it so that there's a mechanical benefit to the flavorful description of what happens. Alright, brief recap. There is a chaotic fight for life currently being portrayed on the fields of this farmstead out in rural Jog County about 45 minutes to an hour south east of Cleveland, Ohio. And as we stand we had Edgard and Special Agent Q in the trailer being attacked by some zombies, at least what they believe to be zombies. We also have still I think on the hillock we have Jay Alton who has taken down at least one, if not mistaken, of the Task Force Valkyrie Project of Damsky snipers, at least that's what you believe at this point. We have Michael Clay who I believe is somewhat prone is bleeding in the tall grass, bleeding in the tall grass. You didn't move a bit, I tried to stealthily, I think you just decided to play possum and stare towards Daniel and then you just kind of fell over and put your alarms out. But right now you're in thigh-high heavy grass, so I'm prone. Yeah, but you're covered by thigh-high grass I'm saying, so all that they saw was going to be a little waving of the tall grass you're in currently. And then we have Sister Kitty who is behind the hillock from that mistake. I dove into the woods and I'm right behind the hillock. Yes, bleeding a bit and previously when good, but hanging on. And then we have Daniel who is standing next to a corpse without a head. My best friend's corpse. Yes, good friend. You were standing next to your estranged friend who was cutting up to shake his hand and then watched as his head exploded through a sniper shot. But seemingly from friendly fire, although... I got that guy. It wasn't from us. Not from. To be fair, right. From Nash. Well, yeah, friendly fire from Task Force Valkyrie and your friend Nash is the one who was sniped. At that point you dashed into the woods, calmed his canine companion Rex and you did move a bit, fired and moved throughout the woods trying to take out that. It's fine for that you believe killed your friend. Alright, so that takes us to the first round of the season's play and that we'll be leading off with Michael Clay. Alright, I'm still wounded, but I'm going to try to get up in a low stealthy crouch. I do have stealth. I will try to follow and back up Daniel with my heavy pistol. Okay, so you're trying to move towards the heavier woods since up? Yes, serpentine. Right. Alright, so it's five minus three for my wounds. And then anything else? I'm going to say that the bonus of two dice for the darkness and the weak. We must be intended tall, but whenever Scott starts handing help, plus he's giving us dice or in trouble. Alright. So one success that's a zero. Two, another zero. Oh, two successes. I don't know all the way to five. I know, you're there. So yeah, you stand up, place your hands over your stomach wound, which is where you really got hit. Right. And half dagger, half move stealthily through the darkness towards the last place you saw Daniel disappearing into the woods. Am I seeing any muzzle flashes from ahead of me if there's gunfire, he said? Yes, you did when Daniel and the sniper exchanged fire, but you haven't so far. Alright. And I, just to be clear, I saw what he was wearing and what he looked like before, and I know it's dark. Oh yeah, first of all, he's a fucking Sasquatch. That too, like seven feet tall. When you cross his deck, he's still calling for the joke. Daniel has called out a position of one of the snipers by zoning in that area and shoot. Alright, the first thing you have to do is you'll have to make a spot check, which we'll say is Witz Plus Composure. Alright, that's five of you. Alright. And due to the smaller size of your scope, I would normally give you about a minus two, but I'm going to give you a minus one because the spot can call it out. So you've got a general frame of reference in the three seconds to go ahead. Small scope. Small scope. It's not the size of the scope. Two successes. Two successes. Excellent. You see what looks to you to be a military individual. I mean, you can just tell by even in the night scope vision, you just outfit the military look much like the sniper across the way that you just took out. And he is slung back a bit after taking what you presume to be a very nasty round from Daniel. And he's kind of exposed in the sense that his cover has been lost. I don't know. So you've got a pretty open shot at him should you choose to take it. Alright, take it. That's 13. 13 dice. You see him reaching his rifle like next to him or a little ways away. You see him reaching towards it and you're able to get him right into your line of fire. He is looking like he's wearing body armor like a military man would. And he's also wearing helmet. He's definitely protected. Although I'm sure the head protection is important. It's pretty strong. Gone. I probably could shoot it right through the armor. Okay. So your choice. I'm just saying he's got full armor. I'm just saying he's got full armor. Right. Go ahead. No minus. Shit. The iron trouble. Three, four, five. Five success. You risk this. I roll 13. He can't. He ready to risk once. Okay. Five successes on you. I'm not done because it's ready again. So all of those over your own. And one more success. I am more more. More. Oh, no. I am more. So six successes. He was already damaged son. Yes, he was. But the armor takes at least two. Right. So you see him. His body definitely moves with the shot. Is he laying backwards kind of caught in some bramble and some vines. You see his head come forward to his chin comes to his chest. And he stops moving at that point. I've seen death before. Yes, you have. Sister Kane. I am moving through the woods towards a sniper that was shot behind me. Around the one that works aside. Yeah. The addition doesn't. You're leaving guys either. Because I thought if I'm not mistaken, I thought you'd started. Oh, I was going to start. And then I decided that she started out there in the middle where she's at and getting shot at a lot. It's not a good idea. And she's on her own. She is just stammering none. This combat, he certainly is. My father. Oh my gosh. Yeah, they won't let me finish. Jesus Christ. Get that one out. Okay. Yeah. I said it's better to keep me in my companions a lot more than her. I would have been. Okay. So you're moving stealthily? You're trying to move stealthily? I'm trying to move stealthily over to where the dudes fell over there. I'm going to go to see. Make sure he's dead and make sure he's dead. Okay. Go ahead and make a stealth check, please. I'd make sure he was alive. If someone had any questions. Oh, you do have dexterity, are you doing that? How many dice? How many points? Oh, I got a decks of three. Okay. Three minus one for not having the stealth skill. I take it to two, but plus two dice because of the darkness. So have at it, Sister Katie. I tripped and see. Damn it. Yeah. You could definitely hear her. I don't think you're allowed to say goddamn it. I'm just curious. Sister Katie's going to make sure he's dead. What? Slice his throat? No, I'm going to take this gun and help people to shoot at. I'm going to take this radio. No, but you just have to make sure he's dead. I was like, what if he isn't? Do you have to do? Yeah. I didn't know you were that kind of sister. I thought he might go heal him and tie him up. Double tap, bitches. I'm going to make sure he's not going to stop me from taking his gun and his radio. And if he does, then I'll decide what I'm going to do. Watch happens. Chew you up. So this bullet that passed through the trailer. And the zombies had to hit the guy. The man who was on the floor who was basically sitting upright on the floor. He struck him right in the chest, but he even reacted to that. It was a sound of basically a fist against just meat. It was just a smacking sound and he didn't make any noise at all. Not after he moved a little bit. Yeah, but that was the impact and didn't seem to notice it all that much. Is he still standing up? He's sitting down, actually, so his legs are out along the floor and from his waist up, and he's sitting up and he's looking at you. The impact did not come back down? No. He went through a wall and sissy bullets. What does he look like? Does he look dead? What's happening? There's not a ton of light in here, but what you can see, he looks... If he has been dead, it's not been for long, but he certainly looks not well. His eyes seem a little bit larger than a person should be. He's dressed in rural-type attire. Work clothes, if you will. And he has a big black hell of a bullet hole through the middle of his chest. What about the expression of his face and is he bleeding much from the wound? He is not bleeding a ton from the wound, and the expression of his face looks like one of confusion or anger. I don't know, it's top stylus. It's a mixture of emotions, but... Probably high in crystal meth. Probably. It's a meth lab in here. Oh, they're drinking the coolly. Not bad. They didn't have some cups. Yes, nixie cups. Yeah. So, Chew, you look down. The man, obviously, is not well. Not just because he has a bullet in his chest, but because he just looks unwell. He looks a bit sallow. He looks confused. His eyes look kind of swollen and buggy and bigger. He definitely looks like someone who shouldn't be moving around right now, you know, to some degree. That's most of us. Right. I mean, he's not like white and pasty, or he doesn't have flash hanging off his body. It's not like a zombie with a screaming exclamation point. But he certainly has enough peculiaralities to look that he was either a very strange looking man in life, and still is, or there's something slightly off with him as he comes back. This woman that's eating Egger's leg. Egger? Yes. Egg guard. What is she doing? She literally has one hand in the back of his thigh, one hand around his ankle that she originally grabbed him from, and she is just gnawing on the fleshy part above the kneecap. So what do I have out right now? I mean, before I had out my camera and my shotgun, but I don't know if I would have put those away running into. No, I think you would have ran in there with him. I mean, you're not going to be putting away weapons. I think this chaotic battle has happened over now five weeks, but in game terms it's been invented. Yeah, I mean, it just hasn't been a long period of time. So I think you're running in there with your gun and your camera trying to see what's in there that he's screaming about, as he's running onto his leg and howling. I'm going to switch over to Thermo really quick and get her view and see you. Yeah, there's a heat signature. That's a pretty neat photo. Why? She's a woman. Yes. You're seeing a less than normal thermal reading. It's not non-existent, which you would, of course, see with all that blood running on her face. But it's definitely, she has a lower body temperature than you would be expected. But not ice cold, either. Hmm. I don't believe in zombies, but... Do you have it in here for a second up here? It's really had enough. Oh, they're cannibals. So how do you feel about cannibals? And cold-wanted cannibals. All right, so just a groaner man. Fine young cannibals. Are they engaged in the grapple? No. Would I have, if I were to fire my shotgun, is there a chance that I would hit Edgar? Yes. And yes. Yes. Edgar doesn't realize it yet, but Edgar is absolutely in grapple and needs to extricate himself from such. I believe... I would do that. I would have to. He's tried, but he has the strength of... I'm just about to... I'm just about to have some real power. Hmm. If I were going to a grapple, I believe is a... I want to say it's a minus one. It's not anything major. It's like a one or two dice penalty per combatant. The longer term it is, there is a bit of a disadvantage to firing into a grapple. The first round in my shotgun is actually a bean bag, like riot control type round. Right. I mean, you're still struggling with the fact that you might have killed a man or did kill a man. Right. I'm just a murderer. So I'm going to go ahead and fire into that little grapple. So it's minus one. Is that the ruling? If a single shot is fired, subtract two dice for each combatant. If the attacks siege, your character hits the intended target. If the attack fails, it misses everyone. On a dramatic failure, I can decide whether or not you hit him. So you really have to up up to you in order to strike and guard by mistake. Oh, watch me. Yeah. I'm ready to die. I don't know. Bean bags. Yeah, I mean, it is a beanbag round, so... I mean, it'll hurt, but it doesn't have to go crazy. Put some on his eye. Are you wearing a cavalar? Not yet. Yeah, I got a cavalar. It's your job. All right. Shotgun is three of a laser targeting on it. So I'm rolling nine dice. It's nine dice minus two because the close compliance of the combat. And I think that's funny about it. I don't think I'm going to give you any more minuses because Edgar should be undead in attacking you. All right. Cool. Do you see the downwards band? One, two, and it's nine again. Just two. Two successes. It's two bashing. All right. Let them go to your crazy bitch. I got your back. Thanks. She comes against her shoulder. I mean, you basically just do a point blank right into her shoulder. There's a pretty solid thud from it, and she like lifts her head up, and she's got one just dripping down her face. She looks up towards you and just goes. And then bites right back into his leg again. Yeah. Tasty. All right. You only have so much flow. Two, no. Two, your turn is over, taking it. You're shooting and not moving at all. Correct? I am not moving. Keeping yourself out of range. Okay. Yeah. Maybe back up a tad and cock my shotgun. If you back up a tad, you're moving into the doorway, which is close to be close. It is close, yeah. But you're moving back and be right across from the door, the exit to the trailer. The last round was nowhere near the door. No, it was not. You want to be prone if you can. Shoot in here. I'm going to kind of crouch that. Okay. And be so unbeneficial, I guess, as much as the trailer. Yep. Task force Valkyrie goes. Okay. And then we have a guard. I'm going to spend a willpower and I'm going to attack her again. It's my knife. Okay. That's five protects thirteen. Three for weaponry plus knife specialty. And three for bending willpower. And one more. That's weird, huh? Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. He doesn't sleep with that. He can cuddle that. He had to call it his name. So that's like 12 dice. 12 dice. Yeah. That's a lot of dice. Any less? What? I'll see. Minus four dice. Jesus. Ever bring knife to a zombie fight. Yeah. Never bring his zombie to another fight. Oh. Hell. That's exactly four successes. No ten. No. The ever elusive. You really can't complain about fifty percent. No. I mean, there's only like three and ten. That's only thirty percent. He came to her eyeball. Gonna drain her a little bit. It was gentle on her, you know. Oh, isn't that fair? Probably. What'd you use for your attack? I know a knife, but what skills do you use? Like, what a day attribute, what skill? Dexterity weapons because I have a merit that lets me use dexterity. Okay. I'm so sorry to tell you this. You need a weaponry roll? I think if it's a small weapon, you can. I remember it's pretty bad. It's small as fuck. Yeah. You can attack with a drone weapon. This is during grappling. An attack is made with a drone weapon. Each success achieved on your strength plus brawl roll inflicts a point of damage. The kind of damage is appropriate to the weapon used. A weapons or firearms roll is not made under these circumstances because it's your character's ability to overpower his opponent in grappling combat. It dictates how well the weapon is used. The advantage of bringing a weapon to bear manifests in bonus dice to your strength plus brawl roll for the attack, as in adding to your knife. What? Your knife adding to your strength plus brawl roll. So, yeah, this isn't a weapon roll. This is a strength for brawl roll. You're not like, you know, ha ha, using your fast up. She's clawing at you, buddy. You're screaming, trying to rip her hand off even though you're still attacking her. You still have to respond to the fact that she's just gnawing at your leg. Okay, if it's seriously strength plus brawl, it's the same shit as disengaging your grapple and I will want him done. But, wait, wait, wait. No, you get to add your knife bonus. Yes. So, then you have the three? No. Well, no, no. Seriously, I'm back down to one because I don't have any brawl skill. What's your dice add to combat? One. It's combat knife. What's your question? Hey. As long as no one's grappling. Generally, I'm supposed to. We're going to blast the company. Okay. You have one dice for your strength, right? Oh, yeah. You don't have brawl. No. So, you get zero added and actually one subtracted. So, you get one plus for your knife, which gives you one dice. You get three plus three if you were to use a willpower. I think she's all the way up to four. I should be really happy now. But half as much as I just broke. The zombie has a defensive four, which brings you down to a chance die. You are... Well, I'm not spending a little time. You're not going to spend a little time. That would be us or not. That would be us or not. That would be us. That whole thing is us or not. But, you know, this. Right. Walking into a trailer to take my zombies to suck. Two quick fucking around. Kill the one that is grabbing me. This is not my forte. What is this? Hey, you're the zombie guy. Hey, back man. I raised zombies. Jesus. Actually, it was a good point. You were a zombie guy. I really don't even raise zombies. I really don't know anything about them. Well, I could know a bit, but I don't care. It was a green bit. I'm not being bitten. How does that turn out? Huh? You looked up pretty good. You looked up at him, pissed, and then went back to gnawing on guards' leg. I don't think using a pistol would be good in the circumstance either. So, yeah. Oh, okay. It says it's still a weapon here in the same situation. Yeah. Right. But, you'd be able to add your weapon instead of your knife. That's just one extra. It'd still be a chance. So, wait. No, it wouldn't be be five dice minus four. You'd be one solid die. You would not be a chance die. If I roll a failure, I'm sorry, a one on a chance dice. One on a ten, which I find unlikely. Remember, the leg comes off. Yeah, 'cause it's only a ten percent chance. That'll die. But, if you roll a one on a regular die, it's not. But, I still have to risk a willpower, isn't it? Well, actually, you would not be risking a willpower. Yeah, that would not be a good sign. What's the name of the defeat that you are merely fighting for this? Yeah, it doesn't say it replaces a brawl, does it, my chance? No. It doesn't mention anything specific about... I'm not a mean rapper. ...person. Maybe. Of course not. I'm just not. Go ahead and use your dexterity plus brawl. Dexterity of five. And then, minus one for the lack of a brawl skill leaves four. And then, zombie is defense four. Yeah. But, my combat knife is a dice amount of one. So, I'd be rolling one dice that is not a chance die. Which is good. If I were to willpower, I'd be rolling four. We're spent a willpower. Spent. That's what I'd be doing because, honestly. I'll spend it because I want to in the injury. That's three more die, so that's four total. Yes. Good luck to you. It's two tenths. Nice. You need it. Ah, isn't it? That's just three. Not bad though. Three successes? Three successes. You definitely sink your blade into her cold, dead flesh of her shoulder and rake it across, trying to get her to pry her off. But, um, she has its natures hold on your fleshy part above your meniscus. Ew. She's got your bad meniscus. This is an obvious term. Also snipers. They went. Nothing happened. That's her issue. Is that your mind like that? Trying to sprint. There's waiting for me to sprint. Oh, yeah. What's your defense? Edgar. Four. Okay. Actually, that's not what she's doing. She is changing her position and trying to grab your hand and basically with her right hand on your ankle. Her left hand was behind your thigh if she was biting into your thigh flesh. She takes her claws, her hand, grabs the back of your shirt and pulls with her right hand. And tries to take you down onto the ground and incapacitate you so that you can't move and attack her anymore. And then she can just feed in her leisure. Does that feel like fun? Yeah. All right. So, that's called zombie love. That is called zombie love. She's going to try to apply the overpowering maneuver on you. Is that just version of defense? I believe she makes the role. She rolls strength plus brawl minus the attacker's strength. I'm going to allow you to use your dexterity. Okay. That's good. In order to try to quickly maneuver out of her way and what is your dexterity? That's five. Oh, that's nice. Five. Five dexterity. Wow. That's why my strength is shit. My stamina is shit and I'm pretty much dead now. But, you know, five dexterity. I love you. Yeah, three dice. She needs one success to overpower you. Sit down. Oh, Jesus. Yeah. Three successes. Oh, man. On three dice. So, in everyone's mics, you hear a scream as Edgard. That screams so much as an up girl. Ooh. Yeah, run as he hits the floor and oh shit. As she then crawls on top of you and starts to hold you down. The other zombie. Look at her chops. It's just the least sexy of it. Fuck. Shoot. Kill it. Shoot. He doesn't want to be bad. The male zombie doesn't even stand up. It just crawls in all four over to you. And since you're incapacitated, your defense no longer applies. And he tries to attack you. What did he do? What do you want me to do? How many turns? I know. There were three turns. You could have done something. What? Well, you thought that the zombies were there? He's been there for two turns total. One turn he looked like a movie shot. That sure is a problem. Edgard, the male zombie crawls over her and over your leg and goes right to your neck and opens up his mouth and just chomps down. He fights into your neck and your shoulder and just holds there. His teeth are just grinding and you take three lethal damage. Mother. Fuck. How close are you now? I already have two lethal damage or two bashing damage. Two lethal damage. I have one from cutting myself on the left. Oh, wait, wait, wait. You have armor. Caplar. Two. So it's too damage because this is not a bullet so you don't get any improved two defense or two armor. But you do get one. So that's all good. So I take two lethal damage. And you just put it out of the other lethal damage. It doesn't. It doesn't matter if it's all lethal. It just kind of stacks up. Okay. And how does the minus dice work? Third last box is minus one. Second last box is minus two. Last box is minus three. I'm going to die. Okay. He actually said that evens him lying. I'm going to die. I don't know what I can do about that. I mean, I am all the way over there. I think we're doing armor wrong. I think armor is supposed to be off of the dice roll nut. It is. Yeah, I told the only two damage. But really the zombie should have rolled one less dice. So I'm going to roll one dice at random, the one that was lost. And it did not hit Thomas. So you did only take two damage. But I should have subtracted that from the farmer, the zombies, attacked as opposed to the damage that came across afterwards. Sorry. My bet. And that takes us to Daniel. Daniel, you're obviously, you know, you move from your location quite off a round. Try to get as much coverage as you can. You definitely struck the sniper. He fell backwards, got tangled up into some vines and some undergrowth. And his gun kind of fell away from his hand a little bit. Then you see his body jump as another shot from the grassy knoll comes raining down on him and completely takes him out. You see his body go limp. You see his chin fall to his chest as he's kind of laying backwards. And you're pretty sure that he's done as a combatant in your way. You know, there's no longer a threat there, if you will. All right. Nash's body is right next to me. Nash's body is not next to you. What? He was in the field with you? Okay. When he got shot, then he ran over to his dog, Rex, in the woods, and then proceeded to move further into the woods to get closer to your target and to change, you know, basically to get better aim and better position for your fire. All right. I'm going to try to grab the microphone that Nash had to eavesdrop on their conversation. Nice. Can't you think of the guy that's right in front of you? Eh, it depends. How far is this man? Nash's head is in his lap, so it should be easy. No, no, Nash, I am in the field. He's in the forest now. Right. Actually, the guy Michael Clay is correct. The man who was sniping, not your friend, but the man who was sniping is closer to you right now than Nash. Okay. And his head did take a prolific sniper shot. So, you don't even know. Realistically, this might even work at this point. Or if you'd want to put it on your head. That's fucked up. Fine. All right. I try to convey to the dog that it should follow me. And we run toward the... Down the wrecks. Come. And I run over to the corpses. How far is this corpse? The corpse is probably somewhere in Cindy of a hundred feet away or so. You have to do a double move. You can double move and use three actions to say "follow" or whatever gruff. You know, manly terms you use as a mountain man. I have two animal comes and a manipulation, I suppose. You don't have to roll. You've already rolled once to kind of call the dog. Yeah. I thought it was just a column. So, whatever. I run over there, then, and I don't have to roll the move. You're doing a double move. If you're doing a double move through force. I made Mike's elf trip in the woods. You've got your ass. I don't know. You make a athletics plus dexterity roll as you move through. Or if you want, you have some kind of survival would work as well. Ask survival. I want you to use that instead. That's three. And then dexterity, I suppose. Yes. Two, five. Five dice is dark. No way. Minus two dice. And you do the double move. But that's why I'll give you, excuse me, minus two dice. So, um, you're set for three dice. All right. Eight. That's one success. Just barely. All right. You're double move. So you, the mountain man you are, just, I mean, you're ducking. You're squeezing through these trees. They're close together. You're jumping over fallen stumps. You're crunching over undergrowth. And wrecks is falling right on your heels. And you're about maybe 30, 34 feet away from the sniper move. Okay. I believe, if I'm not mistaken, you don't have full cover because you had to go to the top of the hill to make your shot at ten o'clock. Not the one across that hit Katie from the north. That you could stay underneath the crest of the hill. Sure. But now I did what I had to do. Yeah. You might only have head and shoulders above, but you are above. And I'm not even saying that you're, I don't think he's going to shoot. It was not hard. You didn't intend to give him any target whatsoever. Right. But you had to give a little bit. Right. I think that the shot from the stone colonial is going to go into where he was. Otherwise you have to look up and reposition the sniper rifle. And I think it makes more sense. He knows there's enemies there so he gets what he's going for. So. Hey, I'm on the ground this time. Yeah, you are. Yeah. He's got zombies who are covering your body, giving you for these shots. Holy talking. It would be really amazing. They're harder. Oh, yeah. Okay. Oh, shit. It's a sniper rifle, guys. Okay. Okay. X-ray vision scoop. Ten doesn't count. This trailer is pretty cramped with four bodies kind of going into combat here and moving about and stumbling and tripping. It's like a bullet goes right through the door tube. But it's just a little bit off and it goes right behind you and goes right into the cabinets behind you. Literally you could hear it. And not hear it, but the bullet going past is it went past your shoulder blades into a cabinet behind you. Holy crap. That's a missed opportunity. It's like your turn. Well, I see Daniel pulling away from me and with the dog. You definitely saw him running barely, but you could actually see him moving through the moonlight. Okay, so we're down to actually our threes. Sniper down. Sniper down. All right. So there's still three more out there. And a dog. And a dog. And a dog. And a dog. But the dog is with the mountain man. And apparently some zombies that you hear edge guards screaming about. Crackhead. Shut up. Crackheads are true in the throat. Well, I'm nowhere near the trailer. So I'm not going to change direction to go there. I think somebody wants to. Well, those zombies are eating me. Okay, someone else get the tray and work. Well, I go on the radio to do me to come back you up because Daniel's not waiting for me. No, we're cool. I got to beat back. We need some help right now, the trailer. How far away is the trailer from my position? The trailer from your position is probably a good hundred and fifty feet away. Your movement is minus three. Yeah. Because you're bashed. Yeah, I'm negative three to everything. Right. So your speed goes down to eight. Doubleing that would be sixteen times three feet is forty eight. But you take these returns to run to. I'm not running. I'm limping. Well, a double limp to the trailer would take about three turns. And to be fair, Daniel's probably a hundred feet in front of you in the woods. So, if I'll continue on, then I'm backing up Daniel. I'll just have to. And you're staying out of the woods? If you weren't in the woods yet. No, but I'm going to follow it after him. You're going to go in after him through the woods. I hope you're going to, like, because it's easier obviously to run straight ahead. But how can I follow him or track him if I'm outside and he's inside? Because he's only about fifteen, twenty feet in the woods. Oh, okay, okay. He's not moving stealthily. Then I will track him in the clear as best I can so I'm not held up by the trees. Yes, but I'm starting to sprint to the sniper which is about, well, this is a terrorist. I will try to run along the tree line. Move as fast as I can. Let me pull on the tree line. Okay. When you get to start you say, "Chu, do you need any help?" He says, "Yes," and you go, "Man." I got Daniel. I can't help you. I'm not, I mean, too far away. Fucking zombies, man. I'm not going to let him in. So, man down, man down. What can we do about him? That's good. I'm dying. How can we save him? Let's just snipe through the trailer. Yeah, I'm that good. I go back behind the hill so I'm not a target from the house. I swap out to the Trank cartridge of bullets that I have. Okay. That takes a full action. Okay. Thumbed up. See? Three seconds. That's how it works, guys. Boom. Oh. Same one with him. I could. You're the only one who's not sprinting across with vast scales that keep confusing me. I could easily shoot through that trailer. Oh, yeah. But he doesn't care who he hits. I can't do. Well, you know, Chu could say. South window. Down, finally. Yeah, I'm in a meter. I'm in a spot. Yeah, I'm in a yard. Hey, hi. Yes. Oh, he's gone. Yeah. You shooting Trank rounds? Sister? I am looking for the body of this other sniper. Okay. You've got a bit of distance to travel. You're working your way through the woods, correct? You're not going through the thigh-high, right grass. No, I'm going through the woods. They've got survival that helped me get through the woods. You could use survival instead of athletics for your role to double move through the woods and not fall on your face. Yeah. Okay. Chu asked why I was using Trank rounds. I wanted to take the guy out in the building without killing him. Yeah. That's what I thought. Survival on anything else? Sticks dirt? Survival on next dirt? Minus two dice. Minus any other? Both of them, your wounds. So I got all your boxes full? Four. I mean four. Yeah. Minus three. So you're minus five dice to run through the woods while you're critically wounded. Going down to a successful one. Nice. Nice. Can you stagger through the woods? Your speed is? Ten. Ten. So it's really seven. But doubling that to fourteen means you moved about 42 feet in that three second span. Which is pretty good for a nun in a habit with, you know. I am not wearing a habit. Your picture is in a habit. Right. Just a picture. You've got a ways to go. I'm sorry to say, but you definitely do. You're protected somewhat because you're in the woods. But you've got to go north for roughly... Where the hell is it? I thought it was like right next to the guy. Oh my god. Maybe I wouldn't even be doing this. You're right next to him in sniper rifle talk. I can hit somebody in a neighboring village. Check out the scale. This is a hundred feet. So you've got to move a hundred fifty in another fifty over. Probably a total of two hundred feet. You were able to move about one-fourth of that. This turn 42 feet. Maybe one-fifth. I'd run into that stupid trailer, but... I don't know if you want a wounded nun shooting the stall in there. Yeah. Yeah. So in fact we did. But that would probably be what I would do then. Because if that's too far away and you are? Yes. We're going to the trailer instead. You guys, it was that far and you was that far away. Right. The trailer is about fifty feet, so you are able to skirt the north edge of the hillock. And move to within ten feet of the trailer. To the back of the trailer. And you've got to cover from the sniper. Okay? Cool. Great. Alright, that's Katie. And after Katie is cast force Valkyrie, I'm sorry. Actually, two of you go first before cast force Valkyrie, guys. Which crackhead looks more damaged? The woman pilots more damaged. She was bruised very heavily from the impact from the beam background. He also raped her across the shoulder with a knife. And I think he struck her when he first came into the trailer. He also stabbed her once. Right. But that's three hits. The male zombie had taken a shot through its stomach from the sniper. But she definitely looks a bit more worse for wear from the three hits than he does from the one. Alright, I'm going to have to take her out. And then both are attached to him, one to her who is thigh. She's eating his thigh. And he looks in pretty bad shape. Yeah, he's screaming and thrashing. He sees him going white at the kiln. I am going to spend a little time to add three additional dice to the shot because Edgard looks in pretty bad shape. Okay. You are shooting into close combat. You are close by. So actually, in this rare instance, their defense applies. Which only doesn't take on shots. But in this particular case, they will. So what are you guys? Twelve. Minus four. Ugh. Two. Just two. Damn. And so, she's trying to hold him down. It's not like she's got, you know, he's not passively laying there. They're kicking. You're a small trailer. And you basically level your, what do you have? A shotgun. A shotgun? Yes. And you just pepper the right side of her body with, you know, with as much as you can. And she moves and feels it, but she doesn't let go. She's still going. I'm going to die. And then, just so we're all painfully aware of what's going on there. So, after two, it goes to ask for a software. And they're done. And at that point, we go to Edgard. Okay. Is it changed position or something? I swear, I mean, it's possible that the farm people put them out right again. It's like the... Well, there were a lot of shots that we didn't notice where it ended off. On the radio, I kind of say they're jaded. But that's the dominance that we're going to be working on with people. And I'm probably telling you, give me a target. Attack continues the same way as the last one. I mean, it continues to be that awful clustercast. Um, it might be worse, Thomas. I'm sorry to say. I mean, I'm already damaged, so it is worse, period. Right. 'Cause, um, can you try to just break in and escape the grapple? No, I shot out the first problem. Okay. I have one stack. This is hilarious. If you use this next area, try to break the grapple. I have a lot of them to do so. So try to be slippery like any of them. She tried to render you prone and she did last turn. And you can still try to break. You need to try to break free in order to stand up 'cause she's got you on the ground. And she's holding you there as fast as you can. Crawl off the door. Can you stab her? They're all persuading them. Please get off me. I would appreciate it if you would. I'm sorry for your ailment. I'm really sorry. I tried to kill you. I tried to kill you. Kind of bad night. But he did take it is now worse. But you didn't take any other damage though last round, did he? I took that damage from the males on. Oh, the male right. Yeah, she just took him down. Oh, okay. But this turn is gonna die. If you're gonna get bit by bolt, you're gonna be bad. I thought the other male zombie had a full blow through his head. Did I know? No, he caught one in his chest. And I was also a zombie. That doesn't do nothing. I was zombies. Okay. Remove the head or the neck. Alright, I'm gonna take a wild shot into there. I mean, it just keeps screaming over the mic. Well, it's not your turn yet. It is really disconcerting. It is at guards. Is it any worse than last time? It is disconcerting to hear the screaming about someone dying. Be eaten to death. And I'm sorry, Thomas. Why? What was that? Is it any worse to roll less dice this time? Or am I gonna after 14? How many are rolled? Cause this is pitiful now. Now, whenever you try to break free, you roll strength plus brawl minus your attacker's strength. So you got dexterity plus brawl. That's five plus negative one. So that's four. Right. And first strength is, well, I can't tell you where to strength this. Yeah, right. But you may want it to willpower. You risk. No, it's stupid. You're gonna fucking die! It's the same thing. If I risk and I fail, I lose two. If I spend one and I fail, I lose one. And it's the same thing. I thought there were more than benefits to risking. There are, you can say eight again. Or is it nine again? No, I still only roll one dice. If I roll three, there's just more chance than I succeed. That's true. Yeah. All right. Alright. Five dexterity. Right. What's your brawl? Zero. Minus one. Four. And then her strength, whatever. Your willpower is just, I mean, you don't have to like go too far to tap that willpower. You're being eaten a lot. So you have that willpower. Which is plus three. Three dice plus four. Minus whatever. Minus seven. And I'm going to give you just her strength. Mine seems like you really have another zombie on you. He's not technically grappling you. If he was. It's just, oh, it gets even uglier. But only minus three dice for her strength at guard. Four dice trying to get her off me. You can do it. Over the radio. I like, like, two. Nice. One to ten. But it's still just two. Right. All right. So you are able to bring your, both your knees up and you put your feet against your chest and you just push with all your strength. And they're all in dexterity. It's fear. And you are able to kick her enough where her grip on you lose. She tears some flesh off of your leg if you kick her off. But you are able to finally kick her off your body and break free. All right. Now I just talk to male misses or someone got there. Can you run after that? No. He's prompt. His breaking free is his full action for the turn. Damn it. Do it. You're saying goddamn it. I don't know what he's about to do. It's cool now. Yeah. It's a zombie. Upscon. Fuck. Get out of this. They go right after him. Okay. Have a grenade. We'll leave it here. Fuck everything in there. I don't have a grenade. No. Yeah. No, I use knives. I'm really dumb apparently. Well actually, really good against people. Oh yeah. That's a good against dead people. I've got lock picks, a light pistol and a combat knife. That's the only thing. She shakes off your attack and starts crawling back towards you and tries to grapple you again. She does disadvantage because she's lying dumb. Either was he to break free as he was lying down. Well they were both lying down. Yes. Exactly. Oh, I forgot the incentive. Hey, if I risk and I succeed, I don't risk. Yeah. But you can only do it once for turns. It can give you one extra willpower. You can risk one and then use it in X. I'm just saying it'd be better to risk than to spend next time. Oh yes. Strength. Three. Brawl. Three. That's his armor though. Yeah. Minus. His. Strength. One. Five. Minus's armor. Minus's armor. Does it apply to? Yeah. It's covered in spikes. Oh my gosh. The grappling is strength plus throw minus opponents defense. So my bad. That's much better. That's much better. That's minus four. Three. Plus three is six. Minus four is two. Now. Sure can that. What you can do. You can die. You can die. You can dodge. You can spend a willpower point or risk willpower point to add. Actually you can just spend a willpower point to add to your defense. Dodging also adds to your defense. But if you attack in the turn you may not. You may not dodge. Right. Had you waited until she attacked and then said I dodge. Then you dodge. You would have applied. But she would have not. Because he's grappled any way to get eaten. Exactly. Because once you're grappled. All of a sudden she can attack you without you using your fine dodge. I can't apply willpower afterwards. But if she doesn't kill me I'm still gonna have another guy to contend with. So I'll wait until he gets to attack. Okay. So she just rolls two dice. And she has willpower. But she's not using it because she's a zombie. A four and a seven. Ooh. So he scrambles towards you. Tries to pin down your leg. You again kick her off. She falls backwards. Tumbling to the back of the trailer. And then the man who was feeding off of your neck continues to try to feed off your neck. He's not trying to grapple with you. He's trying to tear your throat out. If I escape like if I don't die this turn I'm fucking gone. You will not see me. I'm sorry if that leaves you alone with two bloodthirsty fuckers. White is eight. I have no worse situations. Eight dice. Oh. Can we have a watch? He's not feeding Francine. Eleven dice. He's just one of his willpower. What's your defense? Four. Seven dice. Oh. It's going to well. Yeah it's going to well. Spend it or risk it? I can't risk it. You can't risk it but it does add two to your defense. I'm sorry. His defense is actually three for this attack because he used four on his worst attack. Then he goes down one each subsequent attack because it gets more difficult in three seconds to dodge things. So your defense is three. That takes him from eleven down to eight. You add two to it to spend a willpower for your defense which makes it six dice. Who's up? Because he tries to much more feast upon your neck. Zero, zero, zero. No. One lethal. Fuck it. How many do you have left? I have. One left. Hey otherwise I'm dead. This is a good thing. No it has no aggravation. Yeah I mean you just would unconscious and be eaten unconscious as opposed to be eaten alive. But you could also drag him out if he needed to while he was unconscious. Because he's no longer grappled. Got better guns somehow. You're up. But now he's infected so. Look at all this ash. I'm just saying it happens in the trailer. It stays in the trailer. Man, it's always up in the trailer. Don't go in there. What a match. A little police caution tape. Don't go in there. So it's always a crime scene. By my account we've got three zombies. I'm going to spend another willpower. So you guys definitely hear kicking grunting. Fuck! Say it! Walk! Get away from me! This is easy attacking. We need help in here now. And you are? I am going to shoot her but this time. That's the one that's actually gnawing on his neck. Well she's trying to knock it down. She was. He kicked her off. She stumbled back a bit. She can still get to him obviously. She stumbled back. Looked further into the trailer. And the other one is lax down to his neck. But not lax down in a true grappling sense. He doesn't have a good grip. He took a bite. And pulled back. He washed out of his neck. That is true. I guess I'll shoot him. Okay. Well in 12 dice. Any defense? Oh! Yeah they have defense. It's more actually the kicking and thrashing and blood squirting from his arterial bleeding. That's kind of distracting you. And allowing the zombie to apply a defense. It's defense is four. It's four defense for that? On a firearm? Well I think you're really really tight space. That's why I have a shotgun. As he's thrashing about, there's blood splattering in your face as he's ripping out parts of his neck. You can take away the defense but you'd also be hitting Edgard. So the thing here is you lose four dice because you're not hitting Edgard. Look I see him from the death of the zombies. I can see that from the shotgun wound. But yeah it's just a rule. And I can see it in a really tight space here. I can see the zombie thrashing around it. But he's dark. He's not in the grapple right? He's not in the grapple. So you have no chance of hitting him at all. Unless you would roll like eight ones. In which case I would just have to do something. Oh yeah. So the minus four is because it's in tight quarters. Tight quarters and the fact that you're being hit by both the zombie and Edgard as they're battling it out. I'm a little sorry. Like you know what I'm saying like when the thing reaches down and grabs part of his neck and pulls flesh out. Edgard screaming his arms coming up and hitting you because you're like behind him into the right. And you're just being jostled about during the combat. Lay off man. She's not moving around. Sweet. This would be easier if you were better. Making this difficult. All ones. Two and a ten again. Three. Three. Good thing it's a shotgun. Nine again. I was ready to keep going man. Three. Three. Oh yeah. You're shotgun blasting across the upper chest and the face. And it just rips off some of this flesh which does seem like it's a little more pliable than regular. You definitely see a massive amount of blowback from your gun across his face. And the pellet is just ripping flesh away and exposing teeth and gum. And he looks horrifying now even more so than he did before. And you're starting to doubt whether there's not something going on here. You're on. He's going off the track. It's pretty amazing the amount of damage this guy has taken. He's still moving and the blow grown and the blood come out of his mouth and the flesh out of his teeth from a guard's neck. It's all quite disturbing. And that takes us to Daniel. Just like your previous trailer house experience. Nothing good has in your turn. It doesn't. All right. This seems to be pretty much rash. It should be a title. Let's try my imagine. I reached the guy's body. You do reach the guy's body. Amid the shrieks and horror of your friend and compatriot seemingly dying at the hands of Zami's trailer. Yes, you made it soon. I can't do anything about that. I'm just saying you're probably emotionally torn. Yeah, my friend's head got blown off as well. It's a lot of kids. I don't think I can. So I'm just sprinting. And I try to pull off the headset from this guy. Yeah, yeah. And I'm just like I'm wearing it actually. Must be government issue. Very similar. So yeah, you stick it up to your ear and you hear silence. Scream stand down and show it. Okay. That's great. Stand down. By the way, you'd have to make a roll to make it successfully. I forgot to apply that. You're running double moving through the woods, correct? You said it was 30 feet away. And so you can make that in one turn. Okay. You still have a speed of 11 times three. Yeah, yeah. You still have to take a roll, but it's going to be more, it's an easier roll to make. Survival plus dexterity. Stirring. Survival. Five. All right. And that takes further darkness, which would normally be a minus two, because you're moving slower. It's only a minus one. And I'd love to. Just a few months to come over. Okay. What the hell am I rolling? I'm going to throw a lot into a bunch of these. Just they got a sense of nice. That's where there's one success. Maybe more. Two successes. So again, you just, you just made for the kind of door. You actually arrived there smelling of pine scent, because you rubbed against some pine needles on your way, and you're a damn sexy man. It's just really impressive. The head giblets on me don't even. No, it doesn't even, if there was a woman, she would like swoon by the way you run through the run with the dog, like running behind you. You've got to slow it down to the frames. It's very impressive. Yeah, you cleaned all the body parts of Nash off you on the way over there. Right. The pine you'll basically wash you clean. It's just amazing. You do get there. You pick up the headset. You don't hear anything but static, and you scream into it. Stand down. And since I haven't taken off my other headset, people are confused. Yes, well. Yes. No. You're not in charge. Shut up. It's compromised. Get well. You guys are great. You were in the last shit look. The bees got him. It was not even stand down. No. Okay. Another bullet pierces the sighting of the trailer. Back by where the female zombie had been kicked off of a yard. But it misses her completely and just sails back actually through the back wall as well. Friskating. Yeah. Frisk you off. What is it? It kind of goes whizzing by maybe ten feet away. But enough to like, "Oh, what the fuck?" But yeah, definitely someone was aiming for the back end of that trailer. Which means the shot is coming from the south side. Please run it outside the trailer that people are shooting at. Feel the zombies that are inside it. Thanks for listening to me. Thanks for listening to Nights at the Night at Action Play podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures. Where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, props and even a form for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at Or contact us via Twitter. Or leave a message on Facebook. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business. Please visit And please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. [MUSIC] She is this stammering nun. This combat, she certainly is. My father's only mother. Oh my god. Yeah, they won't let me finish. Jesus Christ. Get that one out. So, that's called zombie love. That is called zombie love. So let me get to the start. You say, "Chute, do you need any help?" He says, "Yes." And you go, "Eh." I got Daniel. The world persuades me. Please get off me. I want to appreciate it. I'm sorry for your ailment. I'm really sorry. I tried to kill you. You had a bad night. But the idiot is now worse. What you can do. You can't die you can't die you can't die you can't die you can't die. Yeah, you can't