Knights of the Night

KotN Actual Play Podcast 110 - Shit Just Got Real

Broadcast on:
09 Jan 2013
Audio Format:

A potential ally that may also stab them in the back? Check. A clash with Task Force Valkyrie Black Ops? Check? A sniper raining hell from on high? Check. Bodies in the grass? Check.Task Force S.I.R.E.N. has been in tight spots before and tonight is certainly no different. They will need every ounce of their skill and creativity to keep the mission from collapsing and to keep everyone alive. The question is... has their luck finally run out?

Actual Play Starts at 20:38

[Music] Hello, and welcome to Night's The Night actual play podcast. This world of darkness stories chagrin was written and run by your storyteller Scott. [Music] And now, please enjoy episode 110. Shit just got real. Actual play starts 20 minutes, 38 seconds. [Music] Alright, before we get started with the episode, we have some feedback that we got over the holiday. First off, we got from our KOTN blog site. That's what Brad said. I really enjoyed the Dexter Knot and I am eagerly awaiting the next episode and the flashback it will bring, along with the present action consequences. A few episodes ago, you asked if we enjoyed the feedback in the same episode as the actual play, and I, for one, do enjoy it and would be a little sad to see it removed. I would try to take the time to listen to it if it were in its own episode, but I hope you keep it where it's at currently. That seems to be the consensus. Yeah, overriding consensus. There's very little in the way of consensus, the other way. If we're wrong, feel free to message us. Yeah. The Dexter Knot, he was referring to, was from the flashback with Bob's character. Right. Chew and his father. Chew and his father. Dexter is, of course, a... Oh, was this a musical cue? It was the theme song from Dexter. It has the background music for Bob's characters. And not having watched Dexter myself on the simming that his father was a serial killer? Actually, he was a serial killer. And is, Dexter is a serial killer, so... Who kills other serial killers? They really aren't in that many theme songs for serial killers to go for it, so... That's right, I would just... Perfect. I couldn't get it to fit exactly perfectly. Did the best I could, so... That's somebody noticed it. Wasn't sure if anybody would. It wasn't actually the perfect music for that mood, but... Someone was a little busy, and I kept asking for music suggestions for that particular... Oh, yeah, I kept blowing you off, too. I kept blowing you off repeatedly. And also, blowing me off repeatedly when I asked for the picture of Bob's dad, which hasn't been posted on Facebook yet. It's like that, like, 17 times. Okay. No, you really haven't. Ever. So apologies, but we'll get a picture of Chew's daddy up there this week. Thanks to Batsbreath for the feedback. Batsbreath for the feedback. It's definitely... There's a lot of... Batsbreath. Batsbreath for the feedback. We appreciate weighing in on the feedback issue, because... Oh, he's good to hear that we're doing it for right, or at least the vast majority think we're doing it, right? And also glad he's enjoying the storyline. We got some feedback on the This was from episode 109 in which PAAP, also known as Peter, weighed in and said, "Merry New Year's, guys. Still loving the show, and I do hope all those flashbacks come together." But perhaps the team will be dead before that anyways. Perhaps so. And what can you expect when you bring a butter dagger and a holy hula hoop to a gunfight? And your own deadly sniper doesn't want to kill anyone. As for the feedback, no problem when it's a few, less than 10 minutes before an episode. But when it stretches into 20 minutes or so, it does mess with the ambiance. And of course, saying when the actual play starts should help, unless you're driving. Or it's more than 20 minutes. And you don't want to take the iPad out of your pocket to fast forward. I really like the intro music you're using. It is now inexorably linked with your notorious adventure. It's a pity you want to become so distant from the AP with feedback and discussion. Perhaps you could repeat it just before the player's intro, Peter. Which is interesting. That's an interesting idea by Peter. Yeah, and we're glad you're enjoying the second story. And I think that again, we're asking for feedback on the feedback and we're getting a lot of it. And all that says keep it in as long as it's not too long. And the intro music should be linked with us because it was created for us. Yeah, I can hear it anywhere else. But it's nice that it did its effect. That means it was created, it was designed well. I guess that's what I was going for by Joe, so a nice tip of the cap to Joe there. Yes, and thank you for the feedback, Peter. And I'll apologize now, I may have to leave him coughs in as we go through because I'm still not over the cold. There's a tickle on the throat and I'm trying to suppress it. But to go on with the feedback, we have some from Facebook, episode one on nine wounds in which Mr. Merkte says Mike was right. The field trip will take sirens time. Yeah, it's not going to be a quick in and out. It's not going to be a quick extraction, I think, is what Merkte is going for there. And he's absolutely correct. It gets progressively more and more complicated as we don't want. Mike was right. But we're established and then we don't know what he's talking about. But Mike was right. I know that you enjoyed when I say that. I'll tell you with your smartphone, you could actually record. And it could be your ringtone if it went Tom Paulus or sends a text message. I don't know what that is. Mike was right. Mike was right. Mike was right. Also, he continues, "Am I mistaken or did I overhear some Holtz Planet theme music playing in the background?" I thought I heard Mars. Yes, it was definitely Mars. And I think it was -- Mars is often used by a lot of people in different things. And it wasn't taken specifically for that. It was included in some other music that I was using by someone else. But it was definitely there. I also believe that Howard Short looked at it wholesale when he -- I think they tempt-tracked it for the Klingons and I think one of the Star Trek movies, because it fits so well. And I think they just left it in as, "Okay, look, that's the Klingon theme, Mars." So, right. Nice to hear from you, Mr. Mark T. Hope you had a good holiday. Thanks for the feedback. And you are absolutely correct that was Holtz Planet in particular Mars. Ari also wrote in on episode 109 and said, "This one took me pleasantly down memory lane back to the days of GMing Twilight 2000 with all the rulesy things coming into consideration, armor, penetration, damage afterward with cover thrown into the mix." Thanks for the trip and happy end of the year. See you in 2013, for sure. Well, there's a nice nod to leaving some of the rules discussions in occasionally, which time does when he edits occasionally. I'm sure you edit out a lot more than you leave in. Yeah, especially if it's a page-turning, thumbing discussion where it takes a really long time. Try to just keep the highlights of the rules. We had some feedback going back on episode 108 in which Ari also said, "You know, I've never been a good friend of flashbacks. I've never gotten the hang of them in a game, but you guys make it work." 100%. Should I once again commend you on the great job and wish for more episodes of great gaming goodness? Yes, yes I should. And I do. So thank you again, Ari. You've been a Phineas and Ferb. It's a little bit of a Phineas and Ferb, right? Tip of the Captain Phineas and... Whole Smars. That's an odd combination for any given feedback. It was a good show. It is. Very good stuff. Definitely a good show. You're from Ari. So thank you for the comments on the play style and that he's enjoying the story. Alright. We also just had some general posts on Facebook that weren't under any particular episode. Mike Orvik said, "Hey guys, I just started listening because I'm a big fan of Dressing File series." And that's what reeled me in. But not listening to the chagrin storyline. And I just want to let you guys know that if the Android app was still a problem, I'm using an app called Podkicker. And that's free. And no problem finding the episodes. Even if you do run into a problem finding, there's always an option to copy and paste the RSS feed. Hope this helps. And it does, Mike. Well, first of all, Jim isn't here tonight. But he has found some way to get it to work for him. But there are always listeners out there that might still be having trouble, so it's none of that. Or Jim might find a way that is better than his current solution as well. And Jim will be listening to this eventually because he does listen to the episodes. Yes, I do. So thanks, Mike. Kevin Lama said, "Hey guys, long time fan, first time writing in here. First, got into your podcast around the tenth episode of your shit luck storyline." Wow. "Due to work at the time, I never got to finish your exploits of the Judson Fowl RPG. As a fan of the books, I'm intrigued and plan on going back to listening to them. Because of you guys, I've ordered the Judson Fowl's RPG and Spirit of the Century books. I didn't know that you guys had an Amazon link, but I plan on getting our world book if you guys have it listed. Actually, just to cut in here really quick, there's a link there. If you go to Amazon, then anything you surf to and buy and purchase, we get credit for. So it doesn't have to be a specific link from us. It doesn't interfere with your Amazon experience whatsoever. Just use that link and then make that your bookmark for Amazon. It doesn't cost you anything extra. It's just we get an advertising stipend from them. Nice. Like what? .01 mil. Yeah. It's not much, but every bit helps, so I'd appreciate it. Back to the feedback. He says, "As far as fan feedback and the beating of the episode goes, I like it. I second the notion of trying out Burning Wheel Game. It's a lot of fun and definitely shaped how I played and run games." I also recommend checking out the Burning Wheel forums. For any questions you might have, Luke Crane, the creator of the game, does frequent the forum to respond to threads there. If you guys go and decide to pick up Burning Wheel, I would also suggest picking up Adventure Burning. I think we have that. I think we do have that. It presents three different scenarios to introduce concepts in the book and also some design thoughts and commentary on game theory. There are other supplements such as Magic Burner and Monster Burner, which we have both of, and setting hacks. But I wouldn't necessarily complicate the game just yet with them. Wait until you guys get comfortable. Also Burning Wheel settings per se is the system. It's not like Shadow Run taking place in Seattle in a few decades' time or world of darkness in a gloomier version of our world. Burning Wheel Primus is a fantasy setting based around two or three-sentence idea of a scenario given by the GM. Everyone then builds the world from there along with their characters. It's essentially Session Zero, similar to Dressing. Yeah, sounds like. Anyways, I've gone on and off about it. Time to refocus on your podcast. I've been enjoying it thoroughly and I'm glad to see the latest episode posted. I just finished downloading it and I've got it queued up. Chip Luck inspired me to try my hand at running a World of Darkness game, which just recently finished up for the holidays. I like how your story was influenced by the Rolling Stones and I fully admit to snagging the page from your playbook and using different songs. Instead, I'm using Gimme Shelter for a different story arc, although Iron Maiden's Fear the Darkness was a more appropriate theme for the introducing my players to the World of Darkness. I'd say that it was a successful prologue for the Hunter Chronicles, which we'll be resuming in January. So thanks for the inspiration, guys, and I'm enjoying your podcast immensely thus far. And I'm going to listen to episode 108. Can't wait to hear how it turns out, Kev. Well, appreciate all that feedback from Kev. It's nice to hear that episode 10 of Chip Luck has some serious listening. And also, all the advice regarding the Burning Wheel, which we'll have to give a go to one of these times. Maybe even record it so people can enjoy it. See how we can really screw up when we play game. Take a good job. Burning Wheel, I'd suggest some elements that we've discussed in our after play thing we did for Dresden. We try to do pacing well, which we always have difficulty with, but I don't think you could make us pace well. Putting the characters and their progression over the mechanics of the game in particular. Right. That seems to be the focus of Burning Wheel, and I appreciate it for that. Yeah, I would as well. Yes, something I would like to try, but there are so many things in there to try. And we have our two systems that we really enjoy now, trying to sneak something else in there. It's going to be a little difficult, but I think we could do it. Yeah, the thing that would hold me back is the whole creating new characters for new systems, you know what I mean? So it gets to the point where we have almost five characters, depending on what system we're running at a particular time. And sometimes that gets real kind of... I think we like the longer story of the board development. I think one of the nicer things about what we're doing right now with having two main systems is we're getting a chance to explore the characters in those two systems. But it doesn't mean that you can't play a one month diversion, say, you know, we play the next Dresden, the second Dresden story in Europe time. And then we now have two world arc mysteries played, two Dresden stories told. Then maybe you take a quick diversion of a month, six weeks, three weeks, whatever, play a burning wheel, play a dungeon world. Yeah, dungeon world, whatever the case might be, and then go back. And then maybe sometime where along the line we find something that either bumps one of the two main games out or becomes the third piece of that wheel. Because I think I would enjoy being a storyteller in one of the games. I wouldn't mind having two games that I got to play, and one game that I got to storyteller. That way I had two characters as well, so that much like the people who right now that don't run a game, they get to have two characters. You get your really cool character in Dresden, you get a cool character in World of Darkness. I don't know unless you and I can both have a character in the same game. Well, it just might explode. It did the last time. It's a shame all our settings are so modern. We might be able to port some characters over to this burning wheel if it wasn't taking place in Cleveland or the area. Plus, with what I've learned from the Dresden game, I would really like to re-engineer or have a new character in Dresden just to explain. I have a much better understanding, I think, of how it was assembled or the characters were built. I had no problem only, we were on the next adventure if you guys want to totally redesign your characters. Even though we played a pre-game and you guys had a little experience before you created your characters, it still was. The first characters you created from scratch. The other ones were pre-joined. I played the wizard anyway, so I didn't get to see how that worked. That fade book, we're describing the pyramid instead of the columns, made a lot more sense to me. Lastly, we have a bit from Facebook from Kel Ordo, which I want to take a brief moment to thank him. He sent us a Christmas card, and I say card in quotes, because it also had a card in it for the family to take them at the dinner. Yes, so I really appreciate it, Kel, thank you very much. That's pretty extraordinary. It was. I really appreciate it. Also, here I'm going to show you a picture of him and his wife and his little daughter. She's got a light saber. See? Oh, you're adorable. Nice one. Cute daughter. Kel, thank you very much. Kel posted it on Facebook and said, "So, Scott, I was wondering what color and pattern task force Valkyrie camouflage was." I have to say that I'm not familiar with that one. Teasing aside, I was planning on a TFV cosplay costume, and wouldn't mind y'all's input. Wow, that's cool. He goes on to say, "Awesome kill shot, Tom." This was an episode when I ate one. I was actually killing people before I sort of mellowed out in 109 and just went to wound if you guys. Now you see why shooting to wound is such a bad idea. Yeah, actually I do. In real life, one person can take a shot to the shoulder and keep going, and another can take a shot to the lower leg and die thereafter. Thus is the nature of shock, and the world of darkness is a good job of showing that. My wife also wanted to compliment you, not using a laser sight for the reason you clearly understood. Somebody asked me if my laser had a laser on it. No. Right. You don't have a laser on a sniper rifle. You let him know you're there when you kill him. Unless you use an infrared laser, which can't be seen through normal visible light. That could be possible too, but to tell the truth, tell the truth. When your optics are equipped to see the reflection. When you're shooting with a sniper rifle, you're not aiming head-on to what you want to hit. You're taking in stuff because you're shooting so far away that you're taking in the wind and the distance and the drift and stuff. See, you're not actually aiming at what you're going to hit anyways, so. All these drawings we were on. Yeah, definitely. We're shooting pretty far away. Anyways, you guys on to say, "Choo, when you declared that you were going to spot for Jay, the first thing I thought of was with what?" Smart move to use your camera. Two's not here either. He's still a little sick. He would appreciate that. But you definitely will hear of the news. Interesting choice of music. Do your flashbacks take place in the 16th century Italy? Yeah, I regret one of the choices I made on the flashback music. But he finishes up by saying, "Those are the highlights for this week while done everyone." And yes, I did put a y'all in there just so your group could have laughed out at one time and had to say it. Because he asked me once, "Well, he actually commented on that we were laughing at him because he said y'all." And I said, "No. They were laughing at me saying y'all because living in Northern Ohio, we don't say y'all." And it just sounds really, really wrong when I say it. So you guys are getting a kick out of me having to say y'all. So he intentionally included one so that you can enjoy that again. Lastly, before we get into the episode, I just want to take a quick moment to mention that Rich Rogers asked us to put in a promo, which we'll be following this right before we get into the episode, just a minute, quick little 60 second blurb, in which he's talking about using Google+ for an indie virtual convention that's coming up. So some games that they're playing online, and actually they're going to do an ongoing... This particular month is sci-fi based, so they're doing two different things. I think two different game nights in January, and they're both going to be sci-fi related. The one, I think, is going to be Last Best Hope, which was a RPG system that I was a member of the Kickstarter. We haven't played it yet, and a couple other games. So people that are interested, check out Google+, look for the tags that he mentions in the promo, and get involved. You can get to play online with other people, and some pretty decent people and players. So he also mentioned really quick that they're going to have a panel. Macklin, who helped create Driesin and Roleplaying game, will be one of the members of the panel that we'll be discussing. Also, Filomena Young, who created Flat Pack, which is an interesting roleplaying game having to do. It was also a Kickstarter. It's a really interesting roleplaying game. They're going to have these people, they're going to have them on a panel, they're going to discuss sci-fi gaming and stuff, and that's this month of January. So, listen to the promo, and then we'll get on to our show. Attention gamers and Google+ers. Have you heard of Indie Plus? Sure you have. They've already run two online virtual conventions in 2012, and they're coming back in 2013 with a brand new plan. Papa's got a brand new bag here with Game Night. That's Pound Game Night, a new approach for Indie Plus. Game Night is a monthly activity, and this month's theme, that's January 2013, the theme is Science Fiction, doing two events. The first is that we're doing a few science fiction-centered games, running a few games each of the game nights, so you need to get on Google+, find Indie Plus, and show up early for the event. And the other highlight is a panel where we are getting indie developers, where we get on small press guys and girls, and talk about designing the future. So it's science fiction, game design, and the panel guests are amazing. Our guests include Jared Sorensen of Memento Morrie Theatrix, Philomina Young of Machine Age Productions, and Ryan Macklin of the Master Plan Podcast. Please join us as a hangout on air so you can come on, chat with me so that I can ask questions that you want to know about. And if you want a game, Pound Game Night, Indie Plus, come sign up, show up early, or watch the games be part of it. That's Saturday, January 19th, starting at 6.30pm Eastern Standard Time, and lasting until 7.30pm Eastern, Indie Plus, Pound Game Night. This is Chapter 5 of the World of Darkness story, Shagrin. I'm your storyteller, Scott. With me on my right is... My name is Jim, I'm playing Sister Katie O'Connor, part of the Shadow Congregation. Bob playing FBI Special Agent Chew Park, member of the Vasque Conspiracy. Tom playing Jay Alton, leader of this group, and member of the Ascending One. Mike playing Michael Clay, the Academic Adventurer of the Ages Cai-Dorue. Thomas playing Edgar Monttase, a voodoo practitioner, and part of the Related Mysteries Conspiracy. John playing Daniel Morgan, Mountain Man, Turned Mercenary, and AWOL from the TFV. So, to recap, a quick recap from last week, we ended in Chaos. That's how we started. We had two sniper shots, ringing out simultaneously, taking down Sister Katie and Michael Clay. Both of them were not mortally wounded, but certainly seriously wounded, critically wounded, by the sniper shots. Let's pick it up from there as the chaos reigns. I believe we have... It's not your turn yet, Mike. No, okay, sorry. You can't grow me yet. You can't grow me yet. There we go. Okay, we... Oh, just take it to your turn. I would assume that you probably crumpled down to at least one knee. Usually, if I got hit, I would have tried to go as flat as I could then. First of all, hide from wherever I'm being shot. Make it stop. Was I shot? Straight on, almost. As you were running towards Daniel, you got shot right in the middle of the chest. That was me. And it was from maybe you're running towards Daniel, let's say, to 9 o'clock, so you're running southwest. This was about 10 o'clock where the sniper shot came from. Do I need to roll to see if I hold onto my gun or do I just crumple? You crumple and fall. If you lost your gun, you immediately scrabble with your hand and pick it back up again. But you're prone at this point on the ground. You've lost your wind. You're absolutely sucking air. You feel like you can't take a full breath. You're sure that a rib is probably punctured one of your lungs, a cracked rib, from the impact of the bullet. And you definitely know that you're in trouble. Well, I have a medical one, so I'm going to-- Mike, yeah, you kill me. Well, I'm just right now going to do some, you know, basic first aid on myself or just-- I can't really-- I don't have the wind to run, so I'm just going to try to stabilize myself as best I can. Okay. So I am minus three dice, use my wounds for all things, correct? All things. So-- All things. And I am negative two dice on this roll. That's called a chance roll, Mr. Clay. Don't roll at one. Well, wait, wait. Well, do I have anything that goes along with my medical skill, like-- Yeah, quick. That should be used. You got a medical bag? My medicine one, and what would that be? With intelligence? If I'm under fire, it would be composure. I guess, right? It's dexterity for-- In the field. Oh, all right, great. All right, so I'm actually down-- I have one die. Whoo-hoo! Isn't that still a chance? It's not a chance. It's a legitimate one. I don't know, this game is well enough. You can't get a critical failure on one dice, it has to be a chance. I'm sure I can. It can be-- it needs to be a chance die and you're getting a critical failure. Or sometimes, like, if you are rolling three or four, five dice, and you roll all ones, I'll just subject you. Storytellers say it well. Yeah, because you stop. Do I need to take anything away from you? You can't one die. Well, this is Scott. Don't push it. This is Scott. So, when you're bleeding out, we allow a quick roll to stop someone from bleeding out. You're not currently bleeding out. No. To do a first aid in the field, you would be able to heal some damage if you were successful. But it takes one minute or 23 second turns to accomplish. So, I just want to give you the full picture because-- Sure. You know, I've been-- I don't think-- Yeah, you know from working in the-- That's what I was looking at when I was trying to hide somebody else. I can't do it. Well, it's either hide or I'm going to shoot it wherever you're talking to. Dude, you're going to bring more fire on yourself. Why don't you play possum? All right, I'll play possum. Actually, I'll do it. That's all I'll do. I'll pretend I'm dead. You're doing such a good job already. Mike, that is a fantastic job of playing dead. Okay, Mike, that's the-- Playing possum is the extent of your turn. Jay. Yes. Okay, so you're right there. Daniel, what the fuck? I thought you had this friend over there you're talking to? What's going on? In the meanwhile, I'm talking to him and I'm trying to-- I don't know, where are the shots coming from? The closest target I'm-- You heard Katie grunt and collapse or the muffled scream or whatever. However, you reacted to your shot. And she's the closest to me, so I assume I'm looking from where I heard shot. You know that came from the north and certainly-- So I'm spinning down the north and trying to narrow down-- And all you have is your scope. And not that it's all, but you don't have a wide ship, but it's a night vision scope. It is, yeah. But I don't have anything to scope a large area. I have to-- Okay. Do my best in narrowing down where the shot came from based on where it ended up. They seem to be using lasers. Well, I don't doubt the snipers are. You actually wasn't just for-- Yeah. I thought he had a-- I don't think he had a sniper-- Or he has a sniper rifle, but he also had a regular assault rifle. Sorry. Thank you. I did not think of the turn. Anyways, long story short, go ahead and make a roll, please. Which plus composure? You want to risk some willpower? I can't risk. Only risk once it's seen. This has been one-- Dreadfully long scene. Yes. And painful. I have to risk. Gotta spend well. I have to risk all my friends last. All right. I have my dice. It is eight. Oh, very nice. I spent well for three, if I didn't make a clear. Well, subtract two for the limited scope ability. Yeah, limited scope ability and the-- Even though you're a trained soldier, certainly there's a rising panic is-- You realize two of your members went down in that span of three seconds. So we-- A lot will guide me. Yes. I will. Good luck to you. And Daniel, what the hell's a sit rep? I want a sit rep situation before. I kind of knew two. Two successes. And one's a zero. So. You spot the-- Two successes. Exactly where you would be if you were sniping in from the woods. There is a fallen log and a couple of heavier trees. And that was right where this particular sniper was positioned. And this guy just hit somebody that I care for. So fuck him. What? Come hit him. All right. What do you say before? I care about Katie, that's right. I care about your character. Yeah. Yeah, you know. Thanks for noticing. Go ahead and move down. Yeah, you know what? Shoot and kill. There's no aiming. You're shooting to hit him. Yeah. I'm just shooting at him. That's going to be hard to make peace after you hit him. They just stick two of my people down. They should be fine though. They don't expect me to fire back. I might explain to him how wrong they are. Well, he's just worried because he's still in a lot of these shots. All right. I got 13. What do you take pretty much? He's got minus three cover. So they take you down to ten. And he too is wearing caviar. So it takes you down to eight and have at it. I have eight dice guys. All right. Good luck to you. Oh, and Daniel? These turns are like three seconds. So shots are fired and within a few seconds another shot was fired. Then you can talk to your friend all you want. But I want to show him that we are not just a bunch of parties. Wow. Only two. Only two. Only no success. 10 against? Oh, you're not against. Oh, exactly. Oh. Oh. Additional one, so it's three. Sniper rifles are painful. Four. Oh. There's almost five. So it's four. Okay. You're definitely here watching you see with your sniper rifle. His right shoulder is just ripped open because that's pretty much all you had. Right. His head shoulder was showing with the concealment. And he disappears back behind his concealment. He's completely concealed right now. But yeah, he goes back into a very defensive position from where he was. You should do trees. I can't see. I ask Katie, are you all right? She coughs. What's black and white and red? Black and white and red. Black and white and red. That's a very wounded nun rolling down a hillock. Yeah. She definitely coughs. I forgot about that joke. Can I choke on his prayer? You may at minus three dice. Yes. Well, give us your speak. You're doing a... A benediction. A benediction. And your dice total is... Uh, one, two, three, four, five. Nine. Nine. So, minus three for the nature of your wounds. All right. What type of benediction is this? This is, uh... Lestra. Armors. Armors. [laughter] What I should have given. Like a quarry. A microphone fell. My God. The armor. The St. Martin puts armor on. That's... That's a good benediction. St. Michael the arch angel. Defend this in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. Make out your view, Ken. We humbly pray. And do thou, O prince of heavenly hosts, by divine power of God, cast into hell. Satan, and all the evil spirits who roam throughout the world seeking ruins of our souls. I'm laying it back in church. Two successes? Just a mosque. Unfortunately, that took back seconds. And six sides. And that gives me a, um... Speed preaching. Armor of five. All right. So, you guys... Yeah. You're all here. And then there is a flash of white, and then you see some... And another round of fire there. You can see some white one of their brothers like, "What is that?" Shoot it. There's a flash of white light, and then there is a very low, almost like a candlelight. It's not super strong or noticeable, but her kevlar is glowing with a very soft white light. This, it says here that it does not stack. Okay. But it's still but it doesn't look great. I'm looking at it for the description, like, does it glow? Because I really don't need to put another spotlight on me. We'll see. Just, you know, enough to be impressive, but, you know, nothing more than a firefly. It only glows to the true believers, Jim. All right. I wish I could put this on everybody. I was hoping I could. It's Nash's turn. Let's see, Jim. And he finishes a sentence. And that's been a little hard. Yeah. Stand down! I said stand down! Those are friendly! They're screaming into a mouthpiece, much like your own. And then he comes running toward you and he's like, "Are you all right?" And he reaches his hand out, like, to shake your hand. And he's like, "I'm so sorry!" And... So he's asking. Well, he's saying he's professing his... Apologies. Apologies. And he certainly seems genuinely affected and... It's the underground, man. So... You suffer on that. Wow. As he does so, his head is just obliterated and disappears. I backed away, right? You are... I told him there were snipers! Well, I had her with brain material and blood as your friend's head is completely removed from his body. You have another picture for that? Yeah. Yeah. Daniel, you got some Nash on your own. What? Was it the runnington? Or the colonial? You can't keep that man down. Actually, I think the only one that would know that would be me. Jay. Jay. Who are you? So you're both more than willing to make... Yeah. More than happy to make a weight plus firearms roll. I got the speciality on my face. You get it? Yeah, I was kind of thinking of those bullshit. Alright. No. Then I got the sixth dice. I got some. As if I were shooting someone. You've shot many different kinds of rifles. So both of you... Nobody in the heads of the head of clothes. I'm going to give you minus one. I don't know if I've done this before, but I'm going to give you minus one because of the reports of the surrounding hillsides. What about with the brain splatter? I got a little in my ear. Is that okay? No, no. Minus another one for the shock of the losing of thanks. The front head as he collapsed. I mean, it's fine. Yeah. Crumbles. Jay, I got two, six. Okay. You can't keep a friend. No, I can't. That's wild. Alright. I got two. Three. Four does. I got three. Hold on. I'm going to use ten again. That's a one. Alright. You both realize that it is not the Remington. It is... That is one of the dance gear rifles. Or Jay's? Yeah, I shall. Yeah, that's it. You're right. It is a reconciliation. You're in a dark field. You have no idea. Well, there's also direction. There is direction. Is it over my shoulder? You did not hear a bullet whizz over your shoulder. And it whizzed over your shoulder. If it was my shot. If it was Jay's shot. It's implanted in his sponge. Plus the whole way. Which way did the brain splatter? To the left. To the right. Or back to the right. What do I got on this? You definitely... Back in the left. The brain matter definitely was going forward. Although there was some back splatter as well. It's a dog. That's what you have on this. When the bullet goes in there's definitely back splatter. And then as the head explodes there's forward momentum. Which is what you caught most of in your... So how many head giblets head forward? Most of the head giblets head forward momentum. And behind him is the dog with the gun. Aiming for your head. And what would happen with the dog in this situation? Oh. Rex, go! I don't know. He won't lose me. Okay. Um. Mr. King. Jay. It's a dog in trouble. I get you again cold. No. The sniper that you shot. I don't even know what to tell you now. Pops back up. From his spot. And tries to fire on you. No. He's minus for his concealment. Right. Um. Actually I had the rule wrong last week when we played it. It's your concealment minus one. So it could be like one better than your concealment. So if it's... Oh, so it's a minus two program. It's how we should implant last week. Jay has some concealment for this hillock. Not from his position. From his position Jay is a wide open shot. The hillock's behind me so I don't know. Even though, um, you hit 'em with three end lid, correct? Me, you open up your shoulder pretty good. Four. Was it three or four? It was four. It was almost a... Yeah, because it was almost a exception. That was true. Okay. So too. I'm hiding. Well, those were successes. Aren't you also edge your weapon damage to me? No, the weapon gives you dice for the dice. Oh, that's fine. Three. That's cheap. Because your caviar actually absorbed the shot of the bullet. So you took a shot. But it was impressive as it could have been both because of your caviar. And because he probably was not quite as steady as he wanted to be. From the shot you had just inflicted upon him. The wounds that you just... We were so right about a basket. Just kind of. They're here to kill everyone. Mm-hmm. Are you really sure about that? Yeah. My friend has just... She has all over me. Your friend is. Jibba's following me. She doesn't even write. Um, you gotta guard your own deck. Chew you're up. Well... You hear a lot of chatter over the intercom. It's just chaos. The wireless. Am I feeling any better? Or am I still on? You pushed down the nausea, the bile that was rising in your throat. And so you're a little bit shaken from your vision of your childhood. But you are... You're able to act normally. Especially since it wasn't mine. I'm Korean. (laughs) You're not white, child. (laughs) Your dad was, unfortunately. Okay. I'm Korean. Stop that or...? No, no. If I have... Well, to your knowledge, here is your full deck. Your mom was Korean. Your dad was American. Okay. And you are Asian American. Or Korean American. Absolutely. So is this mobile home, um... Up on blocks? Yes. Yes. It's absolutely on concrete blocks. Covered. So the windows themselves are about six feet up. The base of them are about six feet up. Higher than it would normally be had been resting on the ground or on wheels. Is it possible to get underneath the whole home? Yeah, there's a fence separating you from the underneath of the mobile home. But yes, it is possible by climbing over the fence. Or actually just kind of moving your way through like two of the wooden slats and prime open a hole you could slide through. Do I know where any of the snipers are? Or... With all the chaos going on and my running up to this point. You gotta feel there's one to the north of you in the which to the north. You know there's one in the stone colonial. And you've heard shots come from the south. But you have no idea where they're located. Where those snipers are. How exposed would I be to them? Where you're at right now? Yeah. Hard to tell from just the gunshots. But you feel like you've got a pretty decent location. Am I still kind of in the woods? Is this still like a wooded area? The green right there. Now open the hill like in your past that. So you're actually in some decent sized grass. It's about thigh high. Alright, I'm gonna go look and see if there's any holes in the fence while I am prone. Try to see as low as possible. Try to get any holes in the fence. As much cover as they can. There's not holes so much as there's a gap. You think you can shimmy through pretty easily. I'm gonna go ahead and try and do that. Okay. And try to find out what's going on. Just make a dexterity plus effort. Not to catch some splinter or get caught in the wire or do something crazy. Rolling five dice. Is there any minus? Nope. One success. Oh, you're underneath the trailer. Thanks. Alright, I'm gonna try to get as covered as possible. There's some concrete slabs that, it depends on what slightly you're trying to hide from. You're pretty concealed from all of them. But in concrete slabs you could be on one side and be hidden from the south. You could be on another side and be hidden from the north. Or you could be hidden on the east side and be protected from the stone colonial. Which would be the closest one. Stone colonial is probably, well, the stone colonial is probably the one that's most vivid in your mind. Because that guy was taking shots at you and Jay. These other shots that have rung out more recently seem far. Not far the way, but they just seem less on your mind than the guy who's right in front of you. Who you think is right in front of you. I'm gonna get more cover from the stone colonial. Alright. Behind one of those concrete slabs you still have trailer above you to either side. More so to the north. You're on the south edge of the trailer. You've got a lot of trailer protecting you in the north from that sniper. You've got probably about 5 feet on yourself protecting you from that sniper. And you've got a concrete slab in front of you from this sniper from the stone colonial. Okay. Alright, so makes sense? Yeah, I'm gonna ask Adgar what he sees. Okay, Adgar, you can talk on his turn if you want. All I remember is because I barely met it in here at all. There was boots, working pants. Yeah, there was two sets of blue jeans. Two sets of legs with blue jeans and work boots. Oh, so they're occupied? Yeah. And they were lying on the ground as if dad had gone up the front entrance. And you were kind of on the far south side of the trailer. So when you come up the stairs there's just a little round lug seat area maybe on the right hand side is built into the walls. And then the trailer stretches off to the north. Oh yeah. Velvet Elvis. So that's where the dead bodies are just past the entrance to the north. I see that there's any stains. Under all my fingers. I see you're going for the cheesy trailer. Go ahead. I don't really like that. Okay. I understand. There's two bodies, dead or prone, shitty furniture, shitty place. I don't think shitty. Alright. Not protected from bolts. They can't see me. They actually left the front door open. I didn't leave the front door open. That's good. Save the sound. For me. It is your turn though, Edgar. Oh cool. Can you stand in the front door? I'm waiting for this thing going on. Well, I'll check the place I'm going to be doing more thorough investigation. And hopefully even the same turn. It doesn't seem as much. Okay. So you're pulling out a flashlight of some sorts. I'm going to get into the trailer. Yes. Alright. I have my luck on your own. Yes. I just remember that. You can do both. Yeah. Okay. And in the flashlight and the other, you see what looks like a typical trailer. Well, a typical rundown trailer. The wallpaper is stained and peeling. The couches, the weather is coming up basically and you can see the stuffing inside of them. It just, it's a very random, there's food sitting out on the tables. It's just a very disgusting looking situation. Of course, that is much less important than the two dead bodies lying on the ground. You see next to them, two small cups, which are lying near their bodies. And their bodies seem to be that of a middle aged woman and a middle aged man. They look relatively normal to you. You know, I mean, there's nothing really strange about them any major way. No obvious cause of death. No, I guess I'm saying like they're not bludges or bloody or anything. They're just lying dead with two picksy cups next to them. Two, a couple here dead by probably poisoning if I had to guess, nothing else valuable in the trailer. Maybe you're welcome. I don't, I have, poison. I'm rubbing on my knife so that when I stab people in the neck, they also get poisoned. Yes. Do you know anything about poisons by the way? No, jack shit. I don't have any medical training. Okay. Please jump in. You know, I poison probably. That's all I got. You're the investigator. I want to leave and I want to get moving towards the opposite end of the compound to the colonial. We are still far away from the mort building. Three turns. I do the math. But that's sprinting. I don't know. Return on the sprinting. Five snipers. Are you saying that you're, are you saying that you're going to leave? I do intend to leave. You need me to stay? I would stay until it's never taken care of. Which one? I like to stick a lot of them now. Yeah. Exactly. All right. Can I stealthily move at full speed through this tall ground? No. I mean, not earlier. Sprinting. Last time I had fallen on my face. Make a witch plus composure role, please. Believe that's five dice. Go ahead. No minus this. Hey, you got sloth. You really want to sprint through a field that I got soft for entirely different reasons. To success. Okay. You turn around to leave the trailer and the woman's body was kind of laying out in a bit of a fetal position as you turn around. Her hand shoots out and grabs your ankle. Not dead. Not corpses. Not suicide. Are you sure? It fucking grabbed you. Okay. True. Yes. He kind of screamed like a woman. Yeah. I can't tell you. She still might be a corpse. Oh, yes. Thanks. Thanks. You're the first time we've dealt with them. Um, then I guess I'll try. Actually, you're here. Oh, I think. Actually, you're here a low, gluttural. I do voodoo. It's not fucking dumb, you see. From her, as you spin around and look at her, her eyes are open and she's looking up at you. Growning. All right. I shut the front door then because- What do you- you can't- she has you by the ankle. Like, she's got your ankle and she's not letting go. It's stopping her hand. How do I stop? She's not. She's stalling down to my ankle. I can't- You got to. Oh, fall. She'll trip me. Yeah, I'm not good under pressure. I desperately understand. My friend. My friend? She's probably fine. Okay, yeah. You're a biker. There's no proof that she's going to try and kill me. She might need help. We're about to experience some empirical evidence right now. You've got to pick her hand away. Sure. I detach her from me. I don't know how I would do that. She has successfully grabbed you, which is the start of a grapple, which is not necessarily what she's going to do, but if you want to break free, you need to break free as if it were a grapple and that would be a strength plus brawl. Shit, fuck. Minus your attacker's strength. I pretty much can't succeed here. No. You can't succeed. You have a chance to- What's your strength? One. One. One. Zero. Zero. All right. Minus one, because you don't have brawl, which brings you to a chance roll. Minus her strength, which is three. I don't have to bring this into a combat circle. Oh, this is my fault. Why are you stabber? Yeah. Can I just stab her? No. Wait, wait, wait. You're going to try to break free, so you- Well, I didn't know how the system works. Well, you don't even know how the system works when you're trying to break free. You're trying to shake your delight free. You have a chance to die. Good luck. Don't roll one. He knows she's weak. One to three times in the forehead, and then please. She doesn't seem like she's weak. He's weak. He knows then. Why would he then choose- What is it? This is three. It's a three. So you, in a panic, you try to pull away, but she actually slides with you. You do a bit as you try to pull away. Ah, trip. And no, you don't trip the fall backwards because you didn't roll one. It's not a dramatic failure. I was really looking forward to a dramatic failure action, but it didn't happen. We don't get too many chance rolls around the table. Anyways, she's still grappling or holding on to you, I should say, and you're still freaked out for a second. And your turn is over. You cannot move, and your action was trying to break free. I don't know how to stab this treasure. You're looking at a whole turn to that. You don't know how much I value these things. Life? Or zombies? No, turns. I've got six before I can even make it to the barn to do anything. I've got three sprinting, but then I'll get shot. And now I'm going to have to spend like four more here, which is like two nights. Well, let me get out of there. To be fair, we didn't spend half the night talking about my fuck-up. So, uh, John, go. Alright, I sprint for the tree line and try to grab up his rifle. You don't even acknowledge your friends and your friend. Does he even think about him? What do you do? I kneel down and make a prayer? What? I don't. I'm looting him. I'm just looting a lot about your character. That's all. Oh, my God. I'm going to get dead. More dead than he is. If I don't-- If you're jumping behind his body, what do you see him do? I'm grabbing his rifle and running towards Rex. Grabbing his rifle-- And running towards a tactile. Running towards Rex. Fair enough. Crawl challenge. They love that. No problem with that at all. You're in the bushes next to Rex. Rex is at my throat. Rex backs up from you and goes, "I have animal ken." Alright. So, if you'd like to use animal ken, you can tell me what you'd like to roll to calm down Rex. Okay. Because picking up the weapon is a free action. Running is your move action. You still have a reflex-- I'm sorry, you still have a reflex of action for the turn. Okay. I don't mean to be detrimental, but picking up a gun while sprinting. He's not sprinting. He was actually going to get you caught on his head. He was only 30 feet from the forest line. Okay. He had actually moved towards Nash last turn. So that's why he doesn't have to actually double move. It's a strap around him, but he's not got much to come on. Okay. And okay. Yes. Alright. I'm coming him down this turn. Next turn, I might send him. How are you coming him down? Soothing words. Dog biscuit. What? Don't tell me I'm a dog biscuit. Okay. I have a knife, and that's particularly soothing, but I'm not going to try that. Tush. Take some of the brands up your forehead, and it smells like your mask. I'm basically the same person. I'm trying to establish dominance here. You punch me in the space. I am the alpha dog. I am. Rax. Here. Yes. Okay. What's your animal kin role? I have two, and I don't know, am I? Quite a dog though. I don't have any specialty out of here. You don't have any dog specialty out of the animal kin? No, no. That's why I don't... For being a sass watch. I was thinking that, but I ended up having physical threats instead. Okay. Let's go with... Since you're trying to kind of take control of the situation, Jon, let's go with presence plus animal kin. All right. I've got a two presence and two animal kin, which gives me four dose. Okay. It gives you four. You smell like your... His master. Tim, right? I do. So... Spud on the brains, plus two equipment bonus. I'm going to give you a plus one for that. And then... It's dark. If you really know your voice, I'm going to give you a minus two for being unknown to the dog. Other commands they're trained with that I would be familiar with? That was Nash's thing. He was really good. Nash never told me dog tricks. No, I'm saying is... Okay. You didn't go in that division, but he was working with dogs in the division he was in beforehand. But anyways, you did not get a chance to do that. You could assume that there's... He told the dog to heal and stay. You did hear that? Heal. All right. Let's use that. Okay. Go for it. Jesus. How many dice? Five. Two for the skill, one for the blood all from my face, and two for presence. I have one success. Two. Three. Three. Three. Different from one. Sorry. One. Two. Three. You always have to shout out when you have one. Yes. I got you. Rex comes over to you and sits. Next you. Chin. Yes. The Remington, the shot from the stone colonial, you were standing between a window which points out towards the stone colonial and the door which points to the stone colonial. This bullet, sniper bullet, came through the wall between the two, missed you, and lodged itself into the wall behind you. He guessed a little wrong by about eight to ten inches or so. Had you not been grabbed, you probably would have been shot. You could think that lady grabbing your leg to see when you're like... There you go. No. I'll just go later. She didn't want to point that down. Don't give me brains. What? The dog is not a threat to... No, you actually hear Daniel talking to it and soothing it, well commanding it, but also soothing it once it comes up to all these guys. Right. What would be my nearest cover? The grass. Yeah, dear God. Yeah. Yeah, I stay where I'm at and try to try to play dead. They're right in the middle of the hillock and the forest line. Do you have any stealth skill? I do, as a matter of fact. To be fair, Michael, being prone in thigh-high grass is relatively effective. Then I will also use my stealth skill to try to move closer to the tree line. Towards where Daniel's at? Yes. Okay, are you trying to do that with crawl, a crab walk? Are you just crouching down and trying to move a little bit? Yeah, I was prone, so I must go with a crawl. A crawl? Okay. Go ahead and make a stealth roll, please. And that would be depth or strength to move. It would be dexterity plus your stealth and we'll say plus two dice because it's dark and we'll say minus one dice for the rippling grass that you're moving as you move on. Right, and I'm going to take away three dice from my wounds. Thank you. Okay, so that leaves me with three dice. No successes. Okay. All that means, Mike, is that the grass ripples a bit because you're behind literally 80 feet and unless he was up high, he would not be able to shoot you while you're laying in the grass. He has no idea where you are, but you're kind of showing him where you're at a bit. It's a very difficult shot. Well, crawling then at what's what a quarter speed? Yeah, it's something along those lines. Okay, so I move then at two, routing down a quarter. Yeah, you've subtracted your speed to 11. That took you down to eight because you're wounds and then a quarter of that would be around two. So you moved about six feet away from where you'd gone down. I'm thinking of taking a turn of aiming at the sniper and then risking my willpower to kill this man in one shot. Jay, go. Is that wise? I have a guy who's got a beat on me and he popped up and he popped back down again, but you don't where he's at. Right. I am aiming at him, specifically only him. Yeah, we're not so... You're aiming aiming? No, I'm shooting him. Okay. Tim is, you know, I have a shot. Can you tell me how aiming works? Aiming the first turn, you get a plus one second turn, you get a plus two, third turn, you get a plus three. You can only do it for a total of three turns. You may not do anything while you're aiming. You have to remain solely focused on your aim. Don't piss off Rax. I find it pretty funny that any time I'm going to get in a grapple, I'm just going to fail Miss River. So whenever I get in a random, I'm just going to have to kill people first. Yeah. Probably not. Don't grab anyone. Just murder. You either stay. Is the woman alive or dead? She's still out. Presumably alive? I mean, she grabbed me after I said she was dead. In mode. Or growl. Which is what I'm using. So you think it's supernatural? I don't know. Everyone else does. I'm pretty sure. She could have just been... I think they tried to poison her and she snuffed her. Jane, what's your dice called? Actually, I'm spending a willpower at 16. Okay. I've remained in a sniping position for three coverage. You didn't go completely concealed again. So you have minus three to hit him because of his concealment. He's got Kevlar. So minus two more and good luck to you. Three successes so far. Two more. Total five. All right, that's a critical success. So you struck him right below his neck. It did incredible amount of damage. He dropped his rifle, his rifle climbed out of his arms and fell through the gap in the trumps of the fallen trees and fell in front of it. And he staggered backwards and collapsed. Okay. My movement, it's sliding along the hillock to head towards selection of these guys being Daniel and Michael Clark. You move right around and you try to put yourself in a position where you're not quite in the sniper's view, but you could stick your head out and try to find him next to him. Right. Good sniper are you trying to kill? Valkyrie? I shot, I heard shots in that direction. I report to everybody, we're taking out the Valkyrie, leave the guy in the tower till last. We're going to try to talk to him. Clone him? That's clone him, yes. We've knocked out two Valkyrie. There are four on account for him. We know where one is. At least one's over by you. And we have one of the dogs, but there's another. What's the situation of the dog? Under control. Well done. He likes under control. Feels good. Feels good. Okay, so we've got, after Jay is Katie, who is now armored and no longer in danger you hear the work from across that sniper was shot. If I tell Daniel to hold his dog's ears closed and then I do something, would he have time to react and do that before I did it on my turn? Holding his dog's ears closed? Yeah, it's putting his hands over his ears. I have a dog whistle and I was going to hold my dogs, put my hands over my dogs and it's going to blow it really hard, hoping to spook wherever the other dog is in the barking or yelping or making some movement. That's not bad, Jay. The other guy at the very least is going to have to say, said, right, but it's like hundreds of feet. Is that effective for hundreds of high pitched, it could be reached as much as I want to give Daniel a free action to do that. I can't do that name with the sniper. You can't, but you didn't start aiming yet, did you? Well, because your action last turn was actually calling the dog. Daniel and I were just talking over the comms, just Katie knows that he has a dog, she can say Daniel holds a leash and then I don't know, like you hold that leash. Yes, but I mean, yeah sure. If he doesn't hurt anything, the answer he gets, yes. Could you have it? I am moving, I'm rolling slowly as I can, I grabbed the whistle, put it in my mouth and I start calling away from where he was at. Step of leash. Probably toward. A button man knows how to handle a lot. Probably toward the woods, since it's closest to me, for cover. Okay. And you blow your whistle? I blow the whistle really well. If it gets golf, what do you do? You hold the leash or do you, I put it under my knee, kneel down and start aiming at this sniper because I don't have time for whatever it's about to happen. Okay. You do hear some barking and it's coming from farm proper itself, not from the woods, nowhere else from the farm proper itself, you hear the barking dog. Like from one of the buildings or the building areas there somewhere? It certainly is something close, it's not something close like the chicken coop or the Morton building, it's further back, but you definitely hear a dog. Do any of the guys sitting in the RV, can they make out where it's from or it's just farther down? I would say that, that, that guard is not at a window right now and he's just, well, he's preoccupied. He's trying to grab his leg and he just got almost shot for the zone. Two, um, get a cover from a sniper, is he's behind, literally behind a concrete slap. So yes, if he was out in the open, underneath the trailer, but unfortunately not. Okay, like I said, I tried to move into the, into the proper, to your, the woods. Um, just a quick thing, uh, Jay calls out to everybody, he needs spotters. Give me targets. That's it. Stone colonial. Probably say that the colonial was 12 o'clock or something that they have for, right, right. Chugo. Do I hear a guard yell out, yell at the wall I'm a panic from, and well, he said, not dead, not dead. So it was, is, is he was grappled and then you also heard the shot go through the trailer as well. So yeah, you're definitely feeling it chaotic. Stay here. You're my best. You opened up his, his iPhone just starts browsing. Doctors. Doctors. Dr. Lucius. Dr. Lucius. Shoot into it, kill the lady. I didn't, I didn't know where she was. We kill Edgar that way. He says on the phone, I can't believe I wish Dr. Lucius was here. You know your desperate one. Um, what's the matter with him? All right. Well, how, how far is it from where I'm at to, to the entrance of the, uh, not more than 10 feet? I can make it there. No problem. The entrance to the trailer, correct? Right. Yes. The guy almost shot me through a wall. I'm not sure you want to be in here. I don't, but how frequent is this, uh, the fire coming from the colonial? Is it, uh, about once every three seconds or so or, uh, every, every turn he's, he's pulling off around. There were turns when it didn't happen before, but that was usually when he was beating. Well, now down by either Jay or Daniel, it was going to be suppressing fire. It's not semi automatic where it's like, bam, bam, bam, bam. No. Okay. It's a bolt action. I own one. It's, yeah. He does. He does. Well, after hitting the shot, I'm going to curse under my breath and just run into the, uh, motor home here, run into the door and, uh, figure out what's going on with that again. Okay. So you scramble kind of like do a crab walk underneath the trailer and then the stairway is right there. So you jump up it, you spin around the corner into the trailer and you see a met guard with a woman's hand around his ankle. She's been kind of pulled forward. So she's able to play across the pathway now as opposed to lying along with the pathway. Can't take anymore actions. I don't want to be standing. You just moved. I don't want to be standing. All you've done is move. You still have a reflexive action. I still don't want to be standing in the doorway. You could move and move into the area. You're probably right where the bolt went through the wall sets a gap between the doorway in the window. I'm supposed to be right where you want to be, right? Or you can, uh, it doesn't strike twice. You can sit back on the, uh, is there a bed in here? There's like a couch or a bed in here that's like built into the wall to your right when you come in. And guard in the two zombies, whatever is, are, uh, to the left. Are there any tables or beds in here? There is a table and a, basically a sea-shaped couch or set of seating to your right as you walk in the door. The truth sets down and pulls out a bed and then further off to the left, past, and guard in the two prone bodies all the way in your end, there's a table down there. It's like a four-legged table or sort of like it's part of the foundation. One, yeah. It's kind of built right up out of the base of the trailer. Fuck her. Where are you going? I used this cover. Oh, she's not putting these in here, is she okay? How about this couch? It's pretty much built into the, uh, structure as well. Is there a refrigerator you can hop on? Unless that table's got three-inch steel, um, it's not going to stop it. Is there anything a friend's winner's going to stop atomic bomb? Not in any reality. I don't recognize the canon or authority of that picture. Is there anything I can use for a quick cover then to kind of throw down maybe in front of us that might stop us? You could close the door so you couldn't see which way he went. I guess I go ahead and do that. Because there is really nothing besides just all that's built in, all the crap is built in against the walls. There's also less like a picture down the ground. Right. So I, I close the door and I tell, I heard it just to also hit the ground. Oh yeah. Right on it. Right next to the zombie. Hey. So, so you crouched out or do you go completely crumb? You're right. Yeah. All right. So I close the door and do that. I don't believe in zombies. I do. There's one over there. It's my religion. It's like 50% zombie. Which is terrible. All of them. They haven't read enough of, well, who did they tell you? That's on you. You believe zombies. I do. There's one over there. That's my religion. It's like 50% zombie. That's on you. You believe zombies are getting, I'm going to have to leave zombies over there. The sniper in the woods as you're bringing your gun up to where you think he might be. Shoots up. Yeah. You hear a shot. Bring out and. My head explodes. No. Actually, is your crouched behind a tree? He had a very good cover. He had almost full concealment, but not totally. You get hit in the thigh. I don't know. I don't know if I'm right there. I know. I don't know. Where you got hit? Like, two lethal damage to your thigh is the sniper bullet. Does this give me a helpful suggestion on where he is? Yes, you'll be able to find him easier next turn. All right. And call out here. You know, a spider attack dog. Go! Well, if I was sinking jade, me. Man, I got a sniper rifle. He killed my buddy. You guys hear someone shouting in a dog, stop sparking, again, somewhere further into the farm's dead. You hear some semi-automatic fire coming from what could either be the Morton building or the barn? That takes us to Thomas. I'd go. Yeah. I'd go. Excuse me. Am I after him? Yes. There's no polite way to disentangle someone. No. I'm not this angry. You're angry? It's just wasted, like-- Don't get angry. My anger's spookly just coming back. He just wasted 22 yards for 66 feet of your ability. 66 feet. Jesus. A little bit. How do you think? Oh, yeah. I don't want to, like, take your hand off or something, but I can't disentangle myself with my strength. I'm just fucking weak. So I'm going to take my knife to her hand. All right. Fighting finesse, let's me use dexterity, so that's 5 plus my skill in weapons, which is 2, and no specialty in knives. Another one plus the actual knife, which is 9 total. Okay. Subtract two dice for the fact that she's kind of keeping you up balanced by tugging at your leg and gnawing at you and stuff. Not gnawing at you, but clawing at you with her fingers and she's trying to hold you, and it's kind of throwing you up balanced a bit as you're trying to stab down. You're actually aiming for her hand itself. She's also begging for help. She'll let go when I stand. So no. Okay. Is this your zombie test? Well, yeah. If it fails, she's a zombie. Remember, you gotta go for the regular pen and let go when you stab them. Don't say there's a better way. Minus. Okay. Just minus two dice total. There's a lot of better ways, but this is the way I'm doing it. That's so nice. She's lucky. I really, really suck at rolling, because I only roll one success. Apparently, we're not playing risk legacy. No. No. He kicks ass in a risk. Well, I guess he... Don't do a zombie test on me, please. Dude, I barely hit you. I just proved this. She moans. She doesn't like that. Hold on. She just gnat like that. Yeah, it's a fucking zombie. Shoot it with your gun. What? What about the situation where any... It's quite a field test we've got. I'm not kind of doing or anything. I can't move. Because now he's... Poisoning them to make it look like. I am... What are you doing? Try to get this... Nah. She's drugged. She was all... I have to say. What's wrong, zombie? I think he's a bad... I think he's a bad... He's a bad... He's a bad... He's a bad man. He's a bad man. He's a bad man. He's a bad man. He's a bad man. He's a bad man. He's a bad man. He's a bad man. He's a bad man. He's a bad man. He's a bad man. He's a bad man. He's a bad man. He's a bad man. He's a bad man. He's a bad man. I didn't see him. He's a bad man. I can like... Don't you have like zombie can, it's like animal can, but... Zombie can. I'm a bad kid. Actually, I have a cult really far along. See, you do have zombie can. Honestly, I think she's just been poisoned so hard her allowing her to go on. And she doesn't let go when people are standing there. She is hanging on to your ankle and she pulls herself closer to you as if she's trying to get up, grabs on with her other hand and bites your thigh as hard as you can. You're the one that's getting eaten. Christ. She breaks through your whatever type of... Well, you're not a loose head, man. On your lower half. Now I had to kill you since. It rips into your flesh and takes plenty of your leg out and you take one lethal damage. Lethal. Holy shit. Yes, teeth. Lethal. Did normal people see you through lethal damage? I'm sorry, you freaking know that. I don't think so. I think it's bashing. Oh, Christ. That's so short from hers. Oh, she's just, you know, she's just putting in the throws of some serious poison. Clearly. There's got a few runs and the man shoots up like he's laying down and he double fucking taps. I don't know. You have a gun? I suck a gun. Do you hear that? You're just poison. I'm sorry. That's right. I know. And who is laying down in his back, sips up and he starts reaching and clawing at you. Yes. But you're walking. All it does is kind of like tear into your cavalier. You can't quite get a grip because he's too far away and they're both going. Next time I'm risking one, I'm just taking one of their heads off. So take a chance to the snipers outside of the zombies inside. Zombies inside. I'm really good at close quarters. And a bad situation. Apparently worse. That's what I roll. When I roll. Daniel, go. All right. I lean over from the tree and push the dog a bit. Oh, yeah. And then spot him. So I call out where he is and then take a shot at this. You're going to need to actually spot him through your scope on your... Yeah, I stole his rifle, which had a scope on it, yes. Excellent. So a laser. But... Yes. But he really knows where you are. Does that aid me? The laser. The laser? Yeah. It aids us. Oh, god damn. Well, we'll get there. Because I kind of suck at this. All right. So go ahead and make a wits plus composure roll to spot him. I got six. Okay. And the night scope adds. The night scope adds two. And the... I don't know. What else? That's like, yeah. Okay. Okay. I was saying wits take it away. All right. I'm not taking anything away. Go ahead. Zero. Zero. Zero successes. You don't see him. What a shame. I have three successes and two of them are tense. Oh. Oh, yeah. Oh, you're going. You might have tried him so well. That's just four successes. Just four. Just four. Oh, well. Yes. You spat him. He can break the fat barrier. Behind the tree. Actually, I don't know if you heard or not. But he shot the sniper. No, I heard. Jane. Sorry, I messed up. I took it. That's okay. Now I'm risking willpower. On the shot that I'm about to take. Risking willpower. I'm also calling out what this guy is. Okay. Risking willpower if you fail to get at least one success. You lose all of your willpower. This is four. So you can have plus three dice or you can have three is an exceptional success or you can have nine again. But you already have nine. I have a sniper. Okay. I'm going to have three is an exceptional success. Got it. Oh, you don't add the three dice. You just had your, your weapon skill. Okay. I could deal with that. I don't know what that is. The gun modifier. Did you say that you were calling out his position? To me. Yes. Well, I can hear two, right? Yes. Four dice for that rifle. And then my skill. You know what? I'm sorry. I didn't think his friend had a sniper rifle. No, he had a sniper rifle on his back, but he was carrying a assault rifle. I took the sniper rifle. It is. Well, that one was strapped to his back. Okay. I didn't get back right when he got there. The whole roll of it. The whole roll of it is no big deal. So go ahead. You got the sniper rifle. Four for that. It does not have a laser scope on it though. To be clear. What did it have a laser? A assault rifle. And bummer. Well, mine has a night vision. Yes, which he has. Also. Four for the rifle. I forget how far you de-ax. That's two. You're my firearms, which is two, and then a specialty in rifles. Yes, which is a total of? Nine. No, minus is for darkness because you have a night scope. Okay. Distance is fine. Concealment is minus three, and you get a minus two from your roll because you have minus three. Concealment, and you're sticking out to do the shot. So a total... Can I move them? You can move after you shoot. Yeah. I can't even move and then shoot. You can move and then shoot. But the point... I'd be exposed. The point being... Well, you would be exposed. Well, you'd be exposed. I think I need the extra dice. Can I have done that? Or do I get a minus then for having moved first? I'll tell you what. You had coverage of your concealment was almost full, was substantially concealed with just minus three. If you want to come out from that and assume that no one else is able to shoot you, then you can do that. It's going to be dead. You have a ride or not. You'll get rid of that. Yeah. And you're accessing so many master flavored people die tonight. And you will not be covered when... Because something you're not going to go behind coverage again because you're going to get the same minus again. So are you trying... Or you can minimize your coverage and only go with like a couple of twigs between you and you, which is the minus one. So right now it's minus two for my cover. Right. And if you want to minus one coverage, which is barely concealed, it would be zero. Okay. Okay. Yeah. So you go to barely covered. So you move to a different position. By hand, move to a different position. Fire. So just minus three. Good luck to you. Ten. Ten. Nine. Nine. That's already an exceptional success. I've got four here. And you get to roll those four dice. Not leave those in roll four anymore. That's it. Nothing. This was just exceptional. When I used to go four, but he risked a willpower. How does that register? It doesn't register at all because you risked it. He risked it? He just crossed off your wrist box. Yes, my wrist. Because you use it for this scene. He loses grip on his rifles. He's spinning out of the way. If he gets hit, he kind of spins with the shot. He hit him right in the chest. And he spins with your shot because it's an impactful shot. And he doesn't drop. I'm sorry. He doesn't drop his rifle, but he kind of loses his handle on it. And so it's like in one hand, he slumped against the tree. You know, obviously hurt from the exceptional success. He's not going to just during his turn, get back up and then shoot me. Maybe. It's a exceptional success. But they'll be minuses if he does that. Okay. Because he's not aiming at you any longer. And he's lost a lot of his focus. And you've also filled up some of these boxes of damage. So he loses some of that as well from your shot. So it definitely was a good move. It is one last shot from the Remington. Oh, Mike was lost. Or for. No, Mike's first. Same thing. Come on. Edgard and Chew. I'd like you both to roll. And the zombies. Mm-hmm. This guy sits up. My shot. Why were you wrong? I was having the weirdest dream. Oh! The zombies talk. That's a new breed of zombies. Whits plus composure. Five. And your standing, is that correct? Edgard? Yeah. Your dice stay at five. Yeah. Are you on the floor, aren't you? Yeah, really great. Close the door and drop prone. Right. So what's your dice for right now? My total Whits plus composure is seven. Okay. And two more dice for being prone. And. And roll successes generally. Two? Yeah. Edgard is two. Three, zero. All right. Easy. Um, eight. Wow. Eight. You're all five dice. I heard you were unlucky. Nine dice. Eight successes. Almost a double. Here, I want to show you this sniper rifle. Yes. The bullets split the difference between you two. And again, lodges itself in the back of the trailers. So, was that role? Can't himself? No. It was, if they didn't have a success, they were unlucky enough to get shot. Well, we kill these things so we can lead. It was kind of a luck roll, if you will. Yeah. Your ricochets are from above the zombie. With my role. And chits again. The zombies are both prone and they should make the same role. You're correct. Uh. Which ones do you have? She's like. Zombies don't have really good composure. What? And they're both. I think you're different from them. Why don't you attack me as well? Holy shit. One's half prone. Yeah. They're both crouching. The female zombie rolled five dice. Ten. Nine. Nine. Eight. Wow. Very composed. I really want her to die. I didn't really think she's going to get to your thigh. I was really old too. And the gentleman is also mostly prone. And he rolled zero successes. So as he sits up. He sits up in a bullet from the Remington. Passes through his body. And it buries itself into the back wall. He doesn't look that disconcerted about it. But continues to sit up. Man. He continues to sit up and hum. I thought he'd sit back down. I'll tell you that. That's where we'll pick it up next week. I really don't believe in zombies. Bro. He just caught a bully. He's some kind of concoction. And you would want to take a brief five minutes or two minutes to chat about what they thought about what happened tonight. They drink a drug narcotic. They make them not feel pain. Yeah, you know all about that. They're high on bath salts. It's the bath salts, man. You know all about that. You're the good noon practitioner. You guys are so racist. That's not racist. That's not racist. Who do? So any new theories? Oh, everyone's religion is religion. Well, apparently they are a cleaning crew and they mean to kill everybody and anybody. He got these long things. The banister demons. I have no idea how many of them are. And now he's a real. Magic. Why? They kill Nash. I mean, he's not in on it. Sure, but why is... He calls out this friendly. He's got to die. Or is he aiming for me and I got lucky. You should have sugar sand. You were definitely in the path. Right. So, and tough to tell, obviously, to pitch dark if that was the cause or not. Snipers usually miss small, which means that, you know, usually their targets no matter what. Definitely from where the angle of the bullet that hit Nash, it wasn't the guy in the building. It was one of the other vouchers. Yeah. And the sound of the weapon. Yeah. And I hope otherwise there's another sniper and I mess all up. Everyone is this one. We've calculated this. It's true. It's approximately everywhere. How many guys were there at six? Yes. We were definitely in the middle of it. We've taken out two. Well, and I'll just take out the one, but he was taken out. We know of a fourth guy with a dog. Three. There's more of the farms. Three. And then there's two more missing. I want to try to take a guy out with the roomington and the tower and the colonial with the train. That's two turns. Oh, good thing I left that with you. For some reason that's got to wait until the rest of these guys are kind of forming. Can you figure that everybody here, besides showed up, ready to kill everybody else? Mm-hmm. And we're caught in the middle of it. I mean, even the farmers have guns. You and man are ugly. And pet zombies. I don't know. Yeah, I just thought I had a cusp of what was going on and then zombies got thrown in one of the next times. No. They're just high on the best. I just figured out. My theory is even wrong. More wrong than I thought. We thought we had an idea. And we're less sure than before. He's up against a zombie wielding bad guy. I don't think he's evil. Yeah, come on. I mean zombies. Zombies have rights, man. Hey, she's currently chomping on my leg. I don't appreciate her. Well, now that you're a zombie too. Now that you're one of the walking dead. I don't voodoo. Let me tell you. It ain't a disease. That's a way of life. I understand. I am not chomping you. I'm not chomping you. Yeah, that definitely probably threw a kink I would think into some of the theories. Oh, although. Yeah, I mean, we had it all figured out. Boy, you had some good theories about the cleanup crew. I mean. When the guy's strong up and shot wearing similar uniforms. No, they're farmers. Jeans and whatever. Yeah, they look like farmers. You know, work pants. What do you call those? Dungarees. When did they have time? We're all by our several shots into their heads. String them up on a rope. That's right. The game. The compound. That's, I don't know. I don't think they should be in love. So. Okay, this is a world of darkness. Nobody's a good guy. Well, yeah. I didn't say they were. I'm just wondering when they had time to do this. You deal drugs. I don't deal drugs. I take drugs. There's a difference. He's a user. What? I still believe in that one. What's in the cups? We're fighting. You're fighting. Well, maybe you can one of them call it a bullet. What's in the cup right now? Thanks for listening to Nights at the Night at Action Play podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures, where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, perhaps, and even a forum for comments and suggestions, or you could email us directly at or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcasts or business, please visit and please join us next episode for more vistory and adventure. [music]