Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 108: Chagrin - S.I.R.E.N. Strikes Back

Broadcast on:
19 Dec 2012
Audio Format:

Every fight has an ebb and flow unique to itself. Task Force S.I.R.E.N. - on it's heels from the very beginning - finally find their balance and press deeper into horrors of the farmstead. The only question is: Did they push too far, too fast?

Actual Play starts at 10:11

[Music] Hello, and welcome to Night to the Night Actual Play Podcast. This World of Darkness story, Shagrin, was written and run by your storyteller Scott. And now, please enjoy episode 108, titled "Siren Strikes Back." Actual play starts at 10 minutes, 11 seconds. [Music] Okay, before we get started with the episode, we have a little bit of feedback. I'm going to start with one thing in particular, which is, we don't have any iTunes to do. We haven't had them for like a month and a half, so come on, people show us a little love here. It gets a little iTunes, or hate, or hate. It's good too, I guess. Why does it seem destructive? Yes, it's destructive. We also want to thank everybody who's been using the Amazon link and bringing in money to help pay for the podcast. We really appreciate it. All right, to get on to the actual feedback, we had a letter sent into And I think everybody's read it, or the majority of people have read it. It's really lengthy, so I'm not going to read it verbatim. We're going to try to cut it down a little bit and give us an option. So get to the essence, the essence of the email. The email was from John Mackeren, and I want to thank you, John, for going through the trouble of writing in all that. It was everybody enjoyed reading it, and it was very useful, but it's just a little too long for the podcast. So we're going to paraphrase here, and he says, "I started listening back early in delivering absolutely love the story and the faith system in general. The reason I enjoyed fate is because everyone has a stake and a say in the story. At least to some degree. You helped shape and build stuff from the ground up and have the ability and the mechanics to basically tell the GM, "No, I don't like that." And/or eliminate such horrible, unlucky failures if it's important enough to you. There's lots of this feeling of the GM being out to get you and more of the GM presenting challenges to overcome and tell a story. I like the idea of people working together to tell a story rather than just trying to survive. It's not that I think the system should be without conflict. I just think there has to be a better way to do that than to constantly have to worry about whether or not the GM is out to get you. I was also surprised that you guys think Dresden's system would be hard for new players. I feel like I wouldn't be able to play my character nearly as well in any other system. The Dresden character creation really forces you to think about who you are and who you want to be and what you want to do. I didn't enjoy shit luck as much as I thought I would. I think a lot of it is a combination of white wolf setting being one of sheer hopelessness along with Scott's GMing style. I tend to like my fantasies a little more heroic and less horror film. So I guess I shouldn't be that surprised. I dislike that as a human and hunter you're less than a hero and more like food that just doesn't know it yet. That coupled with Scott's GMing style being basically creating a James Bond villain-esque murder simulator. I just found it a lot less interesting than Dresden. But seriously guys, if the people around you start disappearing or dying in strange way I would totally be looking into its basement. We're right now. You have a fan. I think he really likes that. In the end, I really appreciate what you guys do. It's really cool that week to week you guys basically put out an ongoing radio play. I don't mind the game mechanics being inserted in there either. It's nice to be able to feel the tension of the dice roll along with you guys. I also think that you guys asked a while back about podcast apps for Android. I've just been meaning to comment on that actually. I use an iPhone, but I'm pretty sure that Stitcher app is cross-platform. It is actually a streaming service that uses a fairly lossless compression algorithm. It's not the same quality as audio that you can download from the podcast, but it's a fraction of the data size and really good quality, which I think you already have a solution Jim, but it was nice of him to suggest something. Or for other listeners who aren't happy with the solution that Jim has. P.S. the feedback is one of the best parts of your podcast sometimes. It's neat to hear people's thoughts about stuff and getting to pick your brain. I really like getting some every episode. So we want to thank you, John, for all that. Yeah, it was nice. Like I said, it was very lengthy. That was truncated. So yeah, it was very nice. We put a lot of thought and comments into his feedback and we really appreciate that. I think when we're out to fate. I think everyone agrees with him on your gambling style. Right, of course. In regards to fate, I think we were trying to get to the point where it was a more difficult system for new beginners to handle. He was talking a lot about the character creation aspect and how he really understood his character. I don't think that he's wrong, though. I think right, totally new players that have never played before, it might help them in character design. Right. And if they're totally new and don't have bad habits, it might be easier for them to pick it up if they have someone to walk them through the paces. Right. I think an entirely new group or everybody's new, it would still be difficult to grasp the concept of the game. Right. I think we should also stress that we're talking about the Dresden RPG based on fate that may be... Not necessarily fate itself. Right. Because that fate document that we were looking at before last year. Yeah. We can mention that really briefly. There's a Kickstarter out there that's for fate core. They're putting out a new version of fate. They have $145,000 raised already. They only wanted like 3,000 for art work. Something? Yeah. But they have a huge following. I can't remember the number of people, but it's astronomical. And the deal, the offer, the things you get, the bonus content is just extraordinary. That's at the $10 level, right? The stretch goals. The stretch goals? The stretch goals, I can't remember. I think it was $10. I thought it was $30. Okay. Because that's a hardbound book. And I think anything... Oh, I was talking about just PDFs of everything. Everything I thought was at $10. Like all those stretch goals. But again, I could be wrong. Check it out. Eight bullets out there, Kickstarter. And it's out there for a good month and a half yet. Right. So there's plenty of time to get in on the deal. Right. And as I will say, since no one else has authored it up yet, you know, to each of their own. Obviously, I don't have any problem with the constructive criticism. I thought you were going with Umbridge. He... Or Umbridge. That's nice. I don't think any Umbridge to any of his comments. Only that he mentioned a lot about DM versus players. Which led me to believe that maybe he had a situation that he's played in before where... Yeah. I guess he said that because DM versus players is really easy. Everyone role 10 successes are your dad. I mean, if you really want to be a jerk, it's very easy to kill the characters. No, I actually got the feeling that GM's he's played with in the past were just dicks. Right. And we got to kill you. And it was like, I win if you guys die type of situation. Right. Exactly. Would you happily continue off the role point. In a big heartbeat. Right. In a big way. So, um, but in any case, I just want to say that, you know, again, he's welcome to his opinion. And I'm glad he's enjoying sugar in a little bit more than he was enjoying, um, shitlock. But even if he doesn't enjoy it, that's okay. Because that's what makes the world go around. We mentioned is that mentioned in the truncated? Not in the truncated. I read the full one. I read the full one. No, it was mentioned that he enjoyed sugar in more than. Yes. Right. Shitlock. Oh, and I don't know if we actually mentioned it yet, but Mike went through the trouble of putting up some links on our blog site,, where you can find each of the campaign separately with direct download links. Very nice. Right. Very handy for anybody who wants to go back and jump in on any particular campaign and appreciate the work Mike. Or just wants to find out one episode they want to listen to again. It's so much easier than going through iTunes and trying to, because I've had people in the past ask me, where should I start? And there, it's just visually much more clear. Right. Where each adventure starts. We have a little bit more feedback from Facebook. Erick Obel said, "Yay, I finally have my internet back and can catch up on four new episodes." Thanks for the Canadian Amazon link, guys. I'm definitely going to put it to some useful unboxing day. We also have some feedback from James Clemens, who says, "Hello Knights, I would like to take a moment to say that I love your podcast and that I went back to episode one." Back to episode one with the Task Force and "Love the Ride Up Until Now." I really didn't do that with Dresden, but I will when I get a free moment. I'm also running a Hunter story, but my story starts off the beaten path, where all the players were gun runners in a way. They were all picked and hired by the only criminal in the group. There's a doctor who does odd jobs for the mob in a bodyguard who is an ex-soldier. They also have a PI that is regularly called on for help, plus a socialized race car driver. That's my sister, Camino. Yeah. They kind of get's funny at times, and all of them are playing something close to their personalities. The story takes a turn where they are all hired on with my retooling of the Chiron Group, and they are now calling it the Seattle Consortium of Pharmaceuticals, SCP for short. Anyways, I love the show, and I hope you continue to do what you do best. It's really cool that you went all the way back to one to follow Task Force. I mean, that's a commitment. That's a lot of hours. That's six only getting worse each week. That's a lot of sweet podcasts, right? I mean, that's pretty sweet. Well, if you're just listening to a lot of the darkness stuff, if you went back to follow Task Force, it's close to 60. Yeah, so it's 60 hours. Well, episode 60 episodes, and they're about an hour each. Some of those older ones that were a little bit longer weren't they? Yes. Before you started. And they're definitely rough for our sound equipment was much worse. Right. And the quality is now, I think. Any words? Refining it for special effects or anything? Right. I also like to thank Taylor McClure who gave us a document with his notes on Burning Wheel. Right. I saw most of that. Yeah. I'm sure that's anybody who wants. I think Thomas is already good at that. It's helpful. Yeah. It helps us understand how to use the game much better. So, I really appreciate that, Taylor. And with that, that's our feedback. We'll take a look really quick at the pole mic. Use your head on the pole. Right now, we're leading with Jay Alton with seven votes followed by Michael Clay with six. Chew Park with 5, Sister Kitty with 4, Edgard Von Tays with 2, and Daniel Morgan with 1. Alright with that, that is indeed all of our feedback, but I want to take a moment to wish our listeners a happy holiday, whether it be Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Gawalli, Kwanzaa, Gawalli, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Alright, with that, that is indeed all of our feedback, but I want to take a moment to wish our listeners a Happy Holiday. Alright, this is Scott, the storyteller for World of Darkness, Chapter 4 of our current story Shagrin, which takes place along the Chronicle Vanishing City. With me to my right is, Jim, playing Kidio Connor, Crazy Nunn Driver, Bob playing FBI Special Agent Chew Park, member of the Vescue conspiracy. Tom playing Jay Alton, leader of this Miley Crew. Mike playing Michael Clay, member of the Ages Chiodorus. Thomas playing Edgard Von Tays, if we're doing Practitioner from the Lay Mysteries conspiracy. John playing Daniel Morgan, Mountain Man Turned Mercenary of the TFE, or Task Force Valkyrie. As we left things last week, we were in the middle of a infestation of feeder demons who were harrowing and harassing your flanks as you were trying to die. We were trying to advance upon the farmstead and right at the end of last week when Edgard and Daniel had made a dash across the southern fields, they had watched. I think Edgard, you had a laser pointer that had put itself on your chest and you had dove to safety in the underbrush and Daniel, you had noticed the laser being cut across the field because Edgard was a few steps ahead of you. You had looked towards the forest and you had seen someone crouching there, which looked like they were in Task Force Valkyrie camouflage, even in the dark, just the stance of the individual. You recognized as someone you had trained very closely with. Actually, you, Casey, who was the girl who obviously you have feelings for who is on this thing, and his nickname's Nash because he's from Nashville. Kenny Gibson is crouched in the undergrowth of that thicket and you can just tell him from anywhere. He's rather not as hulking obviously in large as you, but you just would recognize his silhouette anywhere because you trained with him for three months and you got to be actually relatively close friends with him. And at this point, we're going to go into Daniel's flashback to see things back to... Right after you've gone AWOL from Task Force Valkyrie, you had a Task Force Valkyrie phone that you hit used for your, it was basically scrambled, used for your communications with your other Task Force members, but you also had a regular cell phone. And you were told to give it up, but being the defining individual you are, you decided to keep it. And Casey in Kenny had your number, and after you've gone AWOL, Kenny had sent you a text message. He had asked you to contact him on the cell phone that he had as well. It was not the Task Force cell phone, but his private number. And he swore up down in sideways, this is not a trap, it's nothing like that at all. I need to talk to you, you need to get in contact with me immediately. What was your response? Why did I go AWOL? I thought I left so that I could search for these. Casey had disappeared and you were supposed to go on that mission and she took your place, and you obviously had feelings for her and felt devastated by the news that she was lost in this mission she took to Ohio City. And then Task Force Valkyrie was basically banned from returning to Cleveland because you'd lost 12 agents at that point, and there was no way that anyone would go back. And that's when you decided that you were feelings for Casey, and you're also feeling this guilt for having let her take the mission into place. All the road you're desired to work for the Task Force and you went AWOL. Shortly thereafter, Nash called you on your regular cell phone, or I took a text to do, and said, "I need to talk to you. This is not a trap. This is Nash. She uses nickname that only his close friend used and said, "Please text me back. Call me back. I need to talk to you immediately. It's about Casey." I have my personal cell phone still. Yes. And your Task Force cell phone has been shut down, although your chip has not been turned off. I'm not sure if they can track that, but I pull off somewhere and call them up. Hey Daniel, is that you? Yeah, what do you need? You don't have long. Yeah, don't worry. It's about Casey. I just found out that the reason that she went to Ohio City was to look for some guy named Danny Rocklin. And I just found out that we've traced him down to Small Farm out in Jogga County, which technically is not clean on Ohio. It's in a different county. It's a little town called Shagarin. And I think they're going to set up at the small squad of our agents to go out there and try to find out what happened to her. And I just thought you'd want to know that because, I mean, obviously, I know you guys had a thing. And I actually have been elected to go. So I want to let you know that I'll take care of that. I'll find her for you. I'll let you know. See, I can't go with you guys. Kenny, thank you. Thank you for being in touch. No problem. I mean, is that right? If I send you texts, is that a problem? I don't want to. I know you're missing and the heat's really coming out strong, but I just want to make sure. If you're coming out strong, you better stay silent. I don't want them picking up your text messages. I don't know what they have access to. All right. Well, stay out of trouble, man. And if I have some news, I'll get back to you. And that's the flashback you have as you look at his form, crouching the darkness, aiming at Edgard, you know, with his rifle, basically. All right. Is it my turn? No. Damn it. What the fuck? We ended on that. You ran, you looked, you noticed that you're not, I'm not going to run anywhere. Can I just react to this? React how? Volkily. I'm just like edging, edging in front. I'm not far from. Okay. When we last last week, you took your turn. You double move. Right after Edgard, double move. You saw the laser pointer, laser scope of the rifle bearing down on him. You saw him notice it and dive to the ground. You've looked to where the laser pointer was, and you saw a Nash hidden in the undergrowth with his rifle. So you've double moved that point. You can't take an action, but you certainly can take three actions, which would be verbal, you could verbalize anything you want to at this point. Well, I just say over a chance. Stay down, Edgard. I got this covered. So you hear that crack will cross. You guys further away don't know what he's referring to, obviously, because you don't see the laser scope of the rifle. They at least know that they were new guns. I don't recall it. Edgard mentioned. I didn't know. No, you mentioned something over. I was like. I think he said holy shit or fuck. John, and yeah, did you mention the curtain or something? I don't know. I think so. I don't know. Or the window. I don't think I was that I'm just trying to remember what. Yeah, I think he was startled and that helpful. So Daniel, what words do you use, shout it out? I think he said something, but I want to start from that. Yeah, stay down. I said on taste. Fuck, I got this. Okay, so all you've heard coming out of the two men running up the southern flank is fuck guns, and I've got this. We're so good at this. All right, I've got a reason to be subtle here. I'm not even going to play. Yes, your turn. Am I still being attacked by the. Oh, you asked the question. I asked the question and started not being attacked. No, it did not attack you on its turn. That's right. I'm sorry. The fear demons go first. So the one that you asked the question of Michael did not attack you, the one that you did not ask the question of tries to sink its teeth into you. Your armor was great. And the armor that you're wearing protected you as it's things and claws raked across your midsection but protected you. All you hear is the cloth ripping across the front of your kevlar, but you are protected. Your midsection is intact, and it takes it to your turn. It's one through itself at you while the other see mesmerized by your question. Like was it was this vulnerability? We found that out, right? They didn't tell anybody. I'm not the one who found it out. I think someone else asked the question. I think I did. I think I asked what else does you harm or what else? Right. Did I hear that on the radio or? Yeah, the creature's voice would come across his head, I mean his mouthpiece without any problem at all. My point is if I know it then I'm going to use that to my advantage or I'm going to have to ask the question to find out for myself. I would say use light. Right. So I will take a chance to make myself a target for another person to attack me, but I want to get rid of this immediate attack. So do we carry any type of? Absolutely. If we're going on a night mission we've got to have flashlights. So I reach and I light my weapon that you have really have the same complexity as a firearm. You can actually turn your flashlight on and use it in one turn. Where normally you use the fast drop to take out, you need a merit. Then in that case I draw the light and try to put it right onto the creature that is attacking me. Okay, great. Your beam of light shoots across the darkness. The creature recoils and evaporates into the vapors that was basically formed its body. Sweet. I'm sorry, does it disperse? It's three seconds. One, two, and the third second it starts to disperse. Do you don't know if it's an evaporation or a complete dispersal? Okay. That was your action for the turn. Do you move it all? I'm the radio. I go, Jay, use the light against these things. What do you want me to do? Which takes us to Jay? Okay, we have action on the southern flank. Everybody give a hand over there. I am climbing to the top of the hillock and I'm looking to the left which would be the south part where there have been reports of movements in the window. Am I seeing any movement there? Go ahead and make a perception check with plus composure. Five. And subtract two dice for the darkness in the wide open nature of that area that you're searching in. It's a pretty wide area to be searching. Well, do I know it's in the window because I'd be focusing on the window and I'd certainly be using mine. I'm sorry. I thought you were looking in the southern flank of where you're to. Right. They're running towards a building. I'm looking for buildings. They're running towards the fence that's before the Morton building. You're looking at the Morton building? I'm sorry. I thought you're looking for them. No, no, I'm looking for a movement in the building because I think I know that there's a bunch of curtain moving or something I thought. Yes. Okay. I'm fine with it. But I'm looking through my scope at the windows one after another to see if I can spot somebody. Go ahead and roll. No, minus this at all because you have a scope. Go ahead. You're looking right at the window. The window is pretty easy to find in your scope. One success. One success is all you need. You see the barrel of a rifle holding the window curtain to the side. Looks like a tattered remnants of a curtain. And you see through your scope, which you wouldn't be able to see in a normal situation because there's not enough light. Do you see what looks to be a middle-aged man peering out into the darkness? Is this in any way reminiscent of a Valkyrie agent? Is he look too old for that? Does he have any kind of uniform? Am I spotting anything? You being in special forces in a sniper school would qualify. You know that some special forces, some of those guys are a little older. They can be. They can be in their 40s with gruff beards or whatnot and look. Those guys who go to Afghanistan, they've got huge full beards. They look like they're almost 50 sometimes. You don't have to be young to be in the special forces or to be in task force battle. I've just seen it faced. I'm not seeing any uniform. It's a smaller window. It's not a small window, but it's up a little bit higher so all you're catching is his shoulders and above. And it looks in and you're looking at the right night scope rifle. Yeah, but what am I seeing as far as a gun goes? Is this military grade or is this a hillbilly shotgun polka gun? It's a shotgun, not that some conspiracies or special forces might not use shotguns, but it is a shotgun. It's not a high-tech. Still, it's a guy pointing a gun at my man. I take him. No, he's holding a curtain open and looking out the window. I thought he said he was poking the gun up. No, the window's closed and he's just pulling the shades back or the curtain back by putting the rifle of the shotgun to open the curtain and he pears out and looks into the dark. It's not reminding me of. He's not the one laser pointing. Right. Well, I don't know about the lasers, so I only know that there's action on that flank and this doesn't look like a highly trained professional to me. So I'm going to take him out in the shoulder. If I have to go through the building to do it, it's just a tin foil thing anyway, so I am absolutely taking this guy down and trying not to kill. The only thing you have in your way, a shoulder shot will be doable through the window or you can guess if you want to go through the corrugated metal. I go through the window. It's easier. I don't want anything to deflect the bullet, so. Right. Because there could be different ridding and stuff inside the corrugated metal that does have more resistance. Go ahead and put it down to your dice ball. I have a huge dice ball. He is roughly. You should see the size of my dice ball. It is 16 dice. I am risking, which gives me three. It takes me up to 16. Alright, he's a little less than a football field away. About 75 yards. Very close when it comes to starting range. The rifle, which is 4, my DX is 4, my gun skill is 4. I have a special game, which is 1, and then I'm risking for 3, so it's 16. Alright, it's minus 15. Be cutting, don't kidding. Oh, I have a chance dice. I think because you're going for the head, and it's a smaller target. I'm going to say it's probably minus 4. We'll say minus 4, just to keep this story moving along, which will give you your 12 dice ball. He's fully behind something, so it's going to be the object's durability. It'll take some of the impact from the bullet, but he'll still hit if he rolls on the successes. How far away is this? 75 yards. It's true, currently. It's a glass window. It's a smudge glass window with that. Alright, the smudge adding at least to the next hit, you know, 100th of a centimeter. You lost all your willpower. No, 1. By the way, that was really ballsy risking your willpower, which was really good. That's heroic, man. 3, which, by the way, are all 10, again, because the rifle is 8 again. Right, which means any success is rolling down to the other side. 3 more, with a 9-0-0. Is that 50 count? Did he lose his shoulder? He lost an arm. And one more, which is another roll. And it's a miss. So, 7 damage. Right, through your scope, you see his shoulder and really into his neck, pretty much just explode in a glass. A glass, and a bit of tattered curtain, and then just he crumples. He doesn't, you know, sound movie where he shoots back 10 feet. He just absolutely just drucks. I can see it readily that's winging him. Yeah, watch the shot. There's loud noise of the glass shattering, and then, of course, you don't have a silence around that sniper rifle. So, there's just an incredible report that kicks around through the trees and, you know, off the surrounding hillsides. Sorry, dude. I'm going to get all the silence that we got. You killed a real man. You killed me. But the window took at least one. If you want to do it a wall, maybe. Sorry. I really was trying to wing him. If this was fate, he'd just be unconscious. Well, this isn't, no, this isn't fate. This is a much more bloody system. When you climb to the top of the hill, you set up a sniper rifle. You add it to the top of the hill, because it's... Roll. Yeah, because it's better. I gotcha. I'm not standing and firing. I'm laying. Right. You actually put your gun right at the top, and threw your scope, and took that particular angle out. And I can't. But I'm searching the rest of the area for anything that's moving other than my men, which I can't do on way to my strengths. Right. Yeah, I say with the three seconds, that's enough for absolute. Okay. Go ahead, sister Kate. I still got one or two of those little munchkin ghost guys trying to eat me. You have one that was attached to your arm, and it was digging in your shoulder, I believe, and there was one that was... There was two that were attacking you, and I think two or three that were attacking Desi. But I believe that you had... I thought that was not a... Yeah, he had shot one of them, which caused it to dissolve, but it reforms again. And the one that was non-annual shoulder stopped attacking because you had talked to it with blood in your mouth last turn. So you have one that's trying to basically gnaw on Desi, two others that have disappeared somehow, and one that is still attached to you, mesmerized by your voice as you're talking with the blood-filled mouth. Do I have enough time to hit both of them with a flashlight? Three seconds? You have your flashlight out? Probably not. Okay, then you have time to hit one of them in one term with your flashlight. If you had it out already, I'd say no problem looking it back and forth between the two. I was wondering if I can flash the light on the one that's chewing on Desi, while I tell the one that's trying to gnaw on me that I am no longer afraid because I believe in my love of God and Jesus Christ and you will... He will help me protect myself from you and... Okay. Do you have blood in your mouth? She still has blood in your mouth when you're praying and using my faith in my God to help you. Give me a dexterity plus attack, what it's to get your flashlight out and point at the other one while you're talking to this one. Kit-make, obviously, if you're talking to any make eye contact, note that you're talking to hit. I have my dice, but not looking at you. Five dice. Okay, so you're talking, you're being not attacked right now. I'll give you, because you're trying to do two things, just a minus one for basic hand-eye coordination kind of thing. So, just minus one. And I have a success. That's all you need. Two successes. Two successes and both dissolve. The one that you gave us showing a faith to and talk to, it seemed affected by your words and dissipated a bit and so did the one you tried to flash like that. Do you choose to move? Right now at the base of the hillock with Desi at a very defensible position as far as the sniper firing from me for. As long as I don't see a clear line of sight where someone in one of the buildings could hit me from a window or something, but if I'm having a flashlight out and I think someone's got to have a line of me through a window that I'm probably going to... The hillock is strategically placed in such a manner as to be almost impenetrable if you're standing right in the middle of it. None of the buildings could see you while somebody is in the woods, you know, like taskforce development. Well, yes, we're behind me in the trouble. Right now I don't think I'm moving because I want to make sure everybody's okay before I move on and I don't move up to anywhere. But what I'd like to know is in using my faith to get rid of this thing, can I use that as a virtue to get a little power? Restored? Do you listen? I've used them already. Okay. Some more power. Yes. You can. And if I can do that, that was a, you know, it was to use your faith and you used it last week too, so I think that you deserve a point. You actually try to make one dissipate through your strength of your conviction last week as well. Actually, that was me. Yes. It was you. Both of you can have a willpower point for each of you for using your faith to the potential detriment of... As he reflects the situation to getting willpower because of my use of faith, you've already used the reflexive actions turned by pulling out the flashlight. To your, trying to remember what transpired last week. You're on your back and you definitely were able to get some blood in your mouth from your wounds. I believe I don't think you bet your tongue on that shirt if you did or not, but I think you got it from your wounds. Yeah, you had one that was wrapped around an arm or a neck that you had basically convinced to not attack you by talking to it with a mouthful blood. The other one was making like dive attack, was like swooping in and attacking and then flying off back and forth. I think that one's still three, but it hasn't returned this turn to attack you, so they went already. So the one that you have close to you has just been watching what you're saying. You've just been talking to its evil visage and completely keeping it at bay, but the other one you don't know where it's at right now. You shined your red flashlight, the infrared one on these guys, but it didn't affect them. So you got a full spectrum. Did I turn on the full... I used your camera, I think. He did shit. Because you were looking at what you were trying to get a good view of what they were, couldn't see in the dark, and you used your camera to get a picture of them. They said they were Amish demons, you're stealing a soul. That was an earlier turn. I'm just saying you got to use regular light, I don't think your red one will work. Or if I asked them what else they don't like and they don't respond with the light, so I think that's when I switched on. Yeah, you had to switch on your camera at that point, so I think at this point you're laying on your back with a bloody... Didn't I? I'll stick on my shotgun. Arm and shoulder, yeah. Because I didn't have, yes I did. So both of the feeder demons have dissipated, and you're on your back right now with your camera light on and shotgun up. Both of them have dissipated? Yes. I would even go so far as to say that some of the lights that we use have a UV component since we are kind of in the business of supernatural stuff. Yeah, but what is it that way? Maybe it's visible light that kills them. Not UV. They're demons, you should ask them. So shoot, go. Do I see any other demons in the area? No. Both of the demons dissipated into wisps of ethereal like darkness. Weren't there supposed to be like 10 or so demons? There were, but each of them were attacking those of you who had a little bit of fear or doubt as to what was happening. And they seen the wack Johnny E was opposed to the individuals who were no longer in fear. Are weren't in fear at all? I wasn't scared. I was concerned. Right. You're concerned. But you're hearing chatter over the loudspeaker that you heard people talk with mouthful blood and you hear prayers and you're not hearing screams like you were before people being attacked. So I think it would be safe to assume, although you can't see if you're compatriots. I think it would be safe to assume that you pretty much know that they're okay right now. There seems to be something going on on the far southern side of the flank towards the farmhouse and the fence, but besides that you haven't seen anything else. All right. I think I was making my way up on the hillock. So is Jay up there right now? Yes. All right. So I'm maybe halfway up to where he is. You were still in the bushes. You had backed off of the hillock and gone in hidden in the bushes. And then you got attacked there. So you're off in a little bit of the foresty area. Daniel, Edgar, Sister Katie and yourself were all in the woods at one point. That's where I thought you were being attacked. Does anyone remember where he was at? I didn't even know if you were rushed up or Katie and Jay. That's a duck. I'm still within the tree line. I went up. I was prone trying to see what was going on with the camera because it has a pretty good zoom. And I think that's why I was prone because I was prone because I was on the hill trying to look at the hillside. That's just what I remember. So I don't remember falling back. So you just heard, obviously, the large sniper shot from Jay. And every red laser and the entire place went. And then I trained a flash right now. So go ahead. I'm going to try to, as my move action about, how far is Jay away from me? 10 feet. I'm going to army crawl my way over to where he is. Go ahead. Snuggle next to him a little bit. No, he's going to spot for him. I don't even spot for him. That's how they do it, right? I'm flying over there. I'm going to draw off the light as a free action or whatever. Yeah. And I'm going to kind of army crawl my way up next to him. Sure. And I'm going to ask him. So, yeah. What's the situation? Dude, you spot for me. You spot him. I'll shoot him. All right. I'm going to pretty much do that. I'm going to kind of make a investigation roll. Yeah. Where are you looking? I think I just killed Farmer Brown. I heard that shot. I'm hoping you didn't shoot or contact. Yeah. I'm on tour with Hunter. We're here to rescue. Which building was that? Colonial? The Morton building. He just fired into the Morton building. All right. And through the other side and then through six more buildings. At least there was a guy in the middle there somewhere in the window. I'm going to look at the Morton building and see if I can see any more targets or see where these two ran ahead. Okay. Go ahead and make an investigation roll please. Or a perception roll actually. I prefer a perception please. Because you're not actually studying a crime scene here or looking for fine details. You're actually just making a quick deal. Oh. Whits plus composure? Yeah. What did you guys pull? Seven. All right. Because of the smaller nature of the viewfinder that you're using on your camera. We'll say minus one die. You're using an infrared. I mean it's night vision because it seems like it's since it's so hot out it's going to interfere with the thermal vision. Sure. Good enough. Go ahead and make a roll minus one die. So where do you get a PIMTAK camera? It's FBI issue. Okay. He's a crime scene investigator. So he needs it to take documentation purposes. I had three successes on seven dice. Okay. That means that you picked up Daniel crouching just in front of the fence line. Off to your will be your left. You also pick up Edgard mine face. A little bit forward of that. And about 10 or 15 feet to the north of where Daniel's at. So Daniel's at my nine. Edgard's at my 10. Daniel's at your 10 30 and Edgard's at your 10 45. Okay. And then the third success would be you pick up what looks to be a child above the age of 11. Who's a young adult who scurries out of the Morton building out of the range of your viewfinder. So you shot it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Get him. Which way is the child moving? The child is moving north out of the Morton building from the far northwest corner is where the door was. And then the child ran out from there. Your laser rifle was focused on the window where your shot just took place and you didn't see the child start to move out. You did a quick scan at you across your visual. You caught again the two bodies in the grass and then the child moving from the Morton building. I let Jay know everything I see. Okay. Friendly child northwest. The child was probably right about 12 o'clock and the 11 50 or so. We got in front of these up there. That's all I see. Okay. That takes us to, I believe, Edgard, you are up and Daniel, you're on deck. The gunner in the window I thought was just a gunner but it won't work. You've heard, obviously Edgard, you've heard a blast of glass. You're not close enough to hear a screen or anything. I know the guy with the laser sights probably still aiming. And you did not see him. You saw the laser sight itself. But I'm trying to convey to you that I have this. Yeah. Stay down. I'm going to... The grass is probably about waist high. It's pretty high, dry, dead grass. You're face down. You see, after you fell down, you saw the laser dancing off of the grass above you. Is it was searching for you? And that's where you're at. You hear Daniel say, "Don't worry, I've got this." To me that does not mean stay still. I said stay down, I've got this. You could fill us in with what's going on. You know it's going to be shot again. This is the second gunner I'm not exactly sure where he's got a laser sight. I have a question. When I see the laser sight in the viewfinder with the night vision on. Yeah, I'm sorry. You would see it but I'm going to assume that you weren't able to trace it back to its source. Because you got three successes like even the kid and the two friendlies. Plus he's pretty much buried in some pretty heavy convolias. So I'm going to say that... I'm sorry you saw it bounce out. You got to react to me. But I'm going to let Jay know that. Okay. Somebody knows. Could I mind the whole speed wall prone and continue being under the grass we can't either. Well you could do a crab walk or a military crawl. And I would say you could probably get away with about half movement by staying under the grass. Although the grass will be going. As you move. But it gives you some protection. Should I roll stealth for that or just... I'm trying to be stealthy. Oh you want to minimize the weighted weight? I don't want to get shot. Apparently it hurts really bad. She finally killed that guy. He's dead. It does normally. He's trying to wing him. Well you hit him in his shoulder. She said his collared bone exploded and sharded his bone went into his neck. You can stop that. Sorry. There's nothing written that you haven't described like that. Well actually they do write it in the rule book that you're supposed to visually describe. Not to say you take some damage you're supposed to say. Your wound rips open with the laser like talons from the werewolf. Not the world of bodies of light. I roll eight dice normally. And I don't think I'm necessarily trying to stay quiet because they obviously know where I am. Just hit him. So if there is darkness it would quite possibly be to my advantage. Yes. I would say less two dice for the darkness. Although, wait a minute. Actually, no. I'm not going to do that. I'm going to do it to find you. They would have to beat your stealth basically. And they would have a minus to their roll. So just a minus one because of the disturbance of the grass. Alright, that's seven dice. What do you mean? One success. That's beautiful. Just a minor. Just what you needed. Yeah. And you moved half movement which is how many yards? Normally eleven. We'll say we'll round up. So six yards. So eighteen feet or so. So I'm going to say that you're now at the fence line. Okay. Just how far away is the morning building from fence? Like another hundred. How do we say it's about? I'm looking at the scale. Maybe a hundred and fifty? Jesus. Kill this fucking sniper at hate movies slow. So you're right on the edge of the fence line. You can see the dead bodies dangling on the fence coast. Where the gate is. The rather rickety gate compared to the gate that you tried to get in originally at the front of the property. There's a trailer home. And there is a trailer home there as well. Is it mobile trailer home? It's a trailer home. Drive the trailer home. Well the trailer home is unbloxed. It's trailing as opposed to it. Well you say it was mobile. Can you drive the trailer? Yes. Absolutely. Okay. I'll do that. Okay. Charge. And it's your turn. Daniel. Alright. I'm pulling on my flashlight. Not the photo on dead but I'm shining it on my face and trying to step toward the laser light. Hopefully not to jump face before he realizes who I am. You saying anything? Do anything just shining the light on your face? I'm also holding up a sign like fall back. I don't know what that would be without her agents. Yeah. Well some of the military signs. You're here. The fuck? Daniel? What the fuck? I can hear this. Wait here. Yeah. He's shouting out at you. He seemed stunned and upset and angry. I wave the signal at him. You're not. What the fuck are you doing? I shoot the gun into the sky. You shoot your gun into the sky? Yes. He doesn't need to argue right now. There's a sniper who's going to get him. Alright. That's for people. You kill people. Alright. The feeder demon that was trailing you to seems to have thought better of it and is gone. You take a quick look around both of you to see where it might have gone. Because you knew it was trailing you and it's gone now. And for all of you it seems as if the feeder demons have disappeared. It's just a slight echo of their cackling whispering voices that kind of extends the air a bit and then they're gone. Do the salins return? I know it went silent. What about the gun fire? Too early to hear if the salins return? Right now it's still dead, dead silent. And there were two turns of gunfire. So six turns of gunfire. So far there's been no more gun fire since that last night. Well then I don't shoot the gun. I got into the air. I don't want it. I can't put it myself. Okay. That's right. It's back to you. Get the fuck out of here. You're fucking on our mission. And then it is... Wait, Stern. Hold up. Edgard can hear all that shouting. You guys are shouting? Fucking. Well he's doing a... Well he's not talking. He's whispering at a very, very... I don't know how far is this? This guy I can hear is a lot whispering. You're to the south of that, that hillock. And then you see where the wood started? In the south? Daniel? Do you see where the wood started? Yeah. The green there? So he's only about 50, 60 feet away from you. Oh. It's not that far away. Okay. Make a quick roll on perception. Please. Daniel. Okay. I have three composure and three wits. Six minus two dice for the darkness please. And the light in my eyes. All right. All right. I have one, two successes. All right. You see what looks to be a very large German shepherd that's crouched right next to Nash. It looks like it's ready to spring. It's just waiting for a command from Nash to spring. So you caught that. You didn't see it the first time around but the second time around you saw it in the bushes. It kind of creeped up a little bit and you saw the rustling of the leaves and the branches. And then its eyes came into view and it's staring right at you. Go. That's my light so I'm at a moving target. Right. And move to the Southwest position as Jay instructed to provide backup. Okay. So you're basically doing a double move? Yes. Which is taking all ideas of stealth out the window. Just running towards that position. I am going to move as fast as I can to that position. Yes. Okay. Can you still stay to the tree line right? I mean you just have to. If he stays to the tree line he's got a bit of a circuitous route to take. So you either go across the grass and get there quickly or you go. I go across the grass to get there quickly. Also trip over. And fleet of foot. How much is your speed Michael? My speed is eleven. Nice. Jesus. That is fast. He's one fast. I have a gun. Plus fleet of foot. Yeah. Yeah. I knew that. Plus one. Speed. Yeah. Okay. Go ahead and make a perception roll as you're dashing across the field. Any minuses since I'm ready? What do you dice? Perception should be five. Okay. Go ahead. Oh my goodness. All right. I've got three successes two of which are zeros. Total of four successes. All right. You're able to pick out the form of Daniel I had. He's another at this point thirty forty feet ahead of you. And you also see a laser pointer that's in the tree line to the south. But it's kind of going up through the trees like a gun is being held up. So you see like a laser being deflected up through the tree leaves. Okay. That takes us to Jake. Two has reported someone in the woods. I scan the woods for someone. All right. Okay. You move your scope towards the woods which obviously is a fairly sizable. That's a big area. Right. So go ahead and make a perception check. Perception being a very, very important. Apparently today. Totally as full as five. Five. I'm going to actually subtract two for the small nature of your scope. And your scope is what? Is it night vision or is it infrared vision? It's night vision. Okay. Just two. All right. One in success. It's zero. Two success. That was zero. That's it. All right. Then you do see both the task force about reagent and the dog. The task force agent is holding a gun up. He's in a crouch. And he seems to be. On the other hand, he's like making hand gestures towards where Daniel's at. And the dog seems as if it's ready to run. It's like on his hunch. He's ready to pounce. I aim. And say, yeah, you know, am I taking this guy out? Not now. Maybe the dog. I can't trust a dog. You're on my hand. I thought you were like dogs. Yeah. Imagine you know that the dog you're highly trained and don't attack without orders. Yeah. I imagine if you shot him, the dog would go for my throat. Yeah. We're not having this conversation. Yeah. It's free action. I don't mind. Yeah. But it's only a few seconds. But I'm saying, if you've trained with them before, you know the dogs do not. They're highly trained. They do not attack without orders. Yeah. So if you want me to kill a dog, go ahead and say that. Dogs are what sets a lot of sheep for breakfast. I'm not pulling the trigger. Okay. I'm continuing to aim. Do you have a laser? I do say. No, I don't. I don't announce my presence. I'm a fucking sniper. You'll know when you're dead. But I was there. Like they're more fun. Yes. Like they're far from around. I just nuked. Friendly. I got you carried in type of thing. The button. I know that's not your thing. No, it's not my thing. My thing is to take him out quietly. I would search another area. Not quietly. But I can't do that. So for this turn, just continue to aim at him in case I see a reason. I must pull the trigger. Right. You took a reflexive action this turn. Next turn, you can actually hold an action, which is to say if he brings his gun down towards Daniel, I fly your kind of thing. I don't know if there's an aiming bonus, but that's what I'm doing. Well, there's an aiming bonus as well. I think you have to. All you can do that turn is aim. So you have an option next turn. Okay, I got you. You saw him this turn, right? Yeah. So next turn, you can either aim and you can do it for up to a couple. I think it's up to three turns. You can aim for plus three or you can basically withhold your action and say I am firing when that man makes any kind of offensive gesture. You don't get the aiming bonus because you're more concentrated. You're watching for the twitch and then you're going to go ahead of that, if you will. Right. Okay. Just want to be clear with what the rules that is. So in my three seconds, I spoke to Daniel slightly and then I continue and ask him why. Am I not shooting this man? He's not supposed to be here. And you can answer that one of your turn comes around. That takes us to Sister Katie. Instead of receiving a Wolf-R points, I'm going to try to turn it around and help everybody else. Okay. Spend addiction. Does this spend addiction have a range? Doesn't say it has a range. Okay. It just says that characters in the line of sight. Well, that's going to be a little bit different because you're behind a hill. So the only characters that are in your line of sight right now are Desi, who is sucking wind in the ground. Chew, who is spotting for Jay and Jay. Those are the three people who are in your line of sight right now. Hidden behind the hillock. If you rock the edge of the hillock and it goes, I'm there. I'm getting there. Then you can put yourself in a position to be fired upon. What does this spend addiction? It'll get people all powered back. I don't know. I don't know. So don't bother with us. Okay. The two men on the side are feeling fine. The three gentlemen who have run to the... I mean, I'm down like one or two. The southwest flank are healthy enough. Well, he's down. I'm down a little bit. You're not in my line of sight though, right? Well, he's going to be in a turn now. I'll be next turn. I'm on my way. Well, that's not... I am bleeding somewhat. A little bit. I like an exceptional assassin. I can use it myself, so I won't just see where it goes. Braun can't be far away, right? You guys showed up at 11pm. It's now 11... 15, 35, or 20, somewhere in there. I mean, not much time. It's fast enough. This was a reflex of action of getting willpower. This is my composure for the first man addiction, which is eight dice. And I got three successes, which is enough. I'm not the exception. Should have rested your willpower. I don't think you can't do that when you're spending the willpower. You just got to do something with it. How much willpower has JU so far? Only one. Well, you get back. What does he... Are we going to fix that? I don't know how much willpower did she use, or if she could use any of it to her advantage. I mean to say, she's got minutes. Yeah. But she's the only other person who's in my line of sight, right? I got you. Choose right next time. Choose. How much willpower have you used? I have used zero. You have used none. But I'm still bleeding. How much might this restore? Oh, right now, up to seven. Why don't we save this? Well, I can only use it when I get willpower from using my virtue. Oh, well, be faithful later. Yeah. To our death and then to our advantage. So, I give her six willpower. Yeah. Desert. Desert is very, very non-responsive. Yeah. Oh. It sucked that way. She's like, "Thanks." She's going to sit here and bleed out, thank you. She's right. He yelled at her. Ish. All right. So, where's this child heading? North. He was. On the Martinville heading north. He was running more towards... It was a heat. Running more towards like one o'clock or so. 12 o'clock was directly west. He's in terror, probably crying. Gotcha. But he's 12. He just died. Just to be clear. He's not a lot. He's 18. I think I was like... All right, stop. All right. Well, do... I'll teach you to run. I don't know what I can do in three seconds. It's a free action. I'm going to work on this. And he reflects an action you like. I'm going to do a quick spot to see if there's any one in front of him that might pose a threat. Okay. Go ahead and make an observation which would be perception plus... J to your right. I'm sorry, your perception checks which is width plus composure. Again, your viewfinder on your camera is rather large. So, I'm not going to give you any minuses for that. So, this is a free action? No. If you're not just making a casual, like, what do I see just on my periphery by accident? If you're trying to view something, this is your action. No, I just want to take a quick glance. So, if you want to pose a penalty maybe or... Or do you see... Or do you see... If you're not making... Yeah, if you're just making a casual... Your five dice? I'm seven. Oh, you're very perceptive. I have three. Three. One. Two. Yeah. You specialize in chute? A quick, very, very quick look shows the boy running and heading towards... Gotta be a barn. The barn. Gotta be a barn. He looks like he went to one o'clock and then is now going, like, pugging the building as best he can. Does it look like he has a weapon? No. Doesn't look like he has a weapon. Okay. But, again, very quick view, tough to tell. I think it goes comfy. You think you see something from a window on top of... There's a second level to the barn and there's a window and you caught in your viewfinder really quick as you went across the scene. You caught customized in that, but that's all you saw was eyes as you went through to focus on the boy. Look at me in the haydoor. Yeah, like, there's a hay... There's a haydoor, but then there's also a loft above it and there's a window up there. It's relatively sizable. And you went across with your camera, you caught the reflection, you caught the actual night vision of eyes coming back at you. Do I get the impression that Jay was able to track down the laser, the target that you heard me talking about? It was definitely talking to Daniel, like, "Why am I not shooting this guy?" All right, so I'm going to concentrate on the barn as my full action. So now you're going to focus all your attention there, go ahead and make your own role. Let's say no minus. Rolling seven dice, I get three, that's ten again. Four, four successes. Okay, you see what appears to you to be a teenage to young adult female in that window, crouching, looking out. Again, she's on the side a little bit and she's kind of looking out like sticking her head out real quick and then moving it back and then looking again really quick. Give her a little extra. She's waving to the boy. No. And you see the barn door is opened and you see three forms inside of the barn itself a little further back in. That look like they're adult age and one seems to be peering out of the barn door and the other two seem to be moving towards the back of the barn. Can I make an empathy role to see what their intentions are? Are they taking an aggressive stance to the incoming boy? I'm going to say in three seconds you can get a visual on them, but as far as body language goes and that, I think you're going to need to actually dedicate a turn to that if you don't mind. I think it's fair to say no one has a weapon out, no one has fist cocked, you know, there's no overt signs of any type of aggression, but to really kind of delve into their psyche from a night view camera at a distance of... It's like he's just body language. Are they aiming at him? Yeah, he's one guy covering another. No weapons, you know, nothing like that. Just two people looking out, one from above, one from below, and two people moving further back seeming to move at a relatively decent pace. We got a friendlies and children in the barn 12 o'clock. Does the night view allow for discerning attire? It's noticing if they're dressed in casual form of clothes or... Right. Are they dressed like Valkyrie, which I imagine would be some of your jackets and some pouches. So we're Kevlar, which is, yeah. Yeah. Yes. I will give you from a hundred yards away through the night, which is like a dream. I'm not sure, but before you see type aura, you know, like typical people that live in a farm, you know, like a girl, so a young girl might be wearing a dress, or they might be wearing my overalls, or flannels, or whatever. Just, as a, he's noticing this as a quick thing. I'm just wondering if this, that's all. Right. They're not wearing a guy. None of the four that you saw besides the child were wearing military attire. They all could be dressed in some sort of casual attire. Not a suit, nothing, but I'm not going to give you like, you know, exactly. It's a plaid shirt or whatever, because it's a night view vision from a literally a football field away, and they have cover of some sort. Right. No, no, no, gosh, gosh, just take them out. All right, go ahead. Taging crime. I want to get into the trailer. I'm sorry, I'm letting everyone know that there are friendlies in the barn. Right. You hear that crackle over the, not crackle. It's crystal clear. Really clear. Over the headphones or the earpiece, you hear that there's four friendlies in the child around the barn area. You really want to pay them friendly, because you know what I do if they're not. That could be a threat. Oh, it's going. Four unknowns in the barn. And a habit. Think about Jay. A habit. All right. I want to get into the trailer. Okay. I'm probably going to have to come out of hiding in order to accomplish this, because I have to cross over the fence and then enter the door. So it's probably a full turn of movement. Well, not double move, but at least, you know, full movement. I'm going to say it's a, from where you're at to the trailer, it's probably about 60 feet away. 60. And you can move 11, right? So you can get over halfway there on a normal move. You can get two behind the trailer, if you will. There's a fence separating you from the trailer and in the gate as well. So you can either hop over the fence, which would be one of your movements, and then run along and get 30 feet towards it. You can do a double move on this side of the fence and get to the back of the trailer so you're behind cover again. But either one of those, of course, you're standing up and hoping that the Valkyrie agent doesn't shoot you in the back. All right. Double move to the back of the trailer would get me in cover where he can't shoot me for this turn and then next turn. Where Valkyrie could shoot you, but the man in the stone colonial could not. You see on the map, kind of, you know, he would still, you're just moving away from him. You're not moving. What does that gap this mean, Daniel? Will this man shoot me right now? Am I going to get shot? I'll shoot him if he shoots you. Don't worry. We show the venture. Hey, they did it with the last two that died, the last adventure. You got the guys at the point of the bomb? Oh, yeah. They totally got him after. You're the voodoo zombies and shit. Don't do something. You can resurrect yourself. You can come here. I can't resurrect myself. You can say they're not practitioners. At guard, they don't know. All right. Not believers. I've got Kevlar on, go for it. He's got a 50 caliber, whatever. You don't get defense for bullets, even if you don't double move, right? No defense at all. Then I'm going to double move. Doesn't make any sense, right? To the back of it. You run along the fence line. You basically stand up. You give away any charade of remaining hidden. And you dash across the 60 feet between you and the trailer home. When you get to the gate, you have a hard time not looking over and seeing the two dead people are basically strapped to the gate. And the quick visual of them, they don't seem to have been dead very long. And they look like regular people to you. That's soldiers. You move beyond the gate towards the back of the trailer. So as you move there, there's another body that's strapped very close to the fence itself. It's kind of intertwined into the fence. It's a woman. It's the first, the other two were men. But this happens to be a female. Again, it seems like someone in their 30s, late 20s or late 4. Who knows? They're dead. It's dark. But they don't look like their task force Valkyrie. You, with a gasp of breath, get behind the trailer. Without have been shot either from Valkyrie or from the sniper in the stone colonial. There are two windows on the back side of this trailer. They are closed. There are curtains drawn. So you can't see into it. They look dirty. The trailer itself looks rusted. It dirty. It's up on concrete slabs. So it's not drivable. It's been here obviously for a little while. And it beat the shit. That's your initial impression as you brought to that place. That takes us to the sniper. Me. One sniper. Which one? Oh no. Thanks for listening to Nights of the Night at Actual Play Podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures. Where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling props and even a form for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at Or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. 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