Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 107: Chagrin - Bloody Knowledge

Broadcast on:
12 Dec 2012
Audio Format:

The Feeder Demons have arrived en masse and a complicated situation grows more tenuous by the moment. Michael Clay plums the depths of his occult knowledge to try and stem the demonic tide, while Sister Katie lends some magic of a less mundane sort. But will it be enough to save the mission? And more importantly, will it be enough to save their souls?

Actual Play starts at 13:50

[Music] Hello, and welcome to Nights in the Night Actual Play Podcast. This world of darkness starry chagrin was written and run by her storyteller Scott. [Music] And now, please enjoy episode 107, titled Bloody Knowledge. Actual Play starts at 13 minutes, 50 seconds. [Music] Alright, well we did an episode, we just got a little bit of feedback this week. The feedback we have, most of us from Facebook, we have Mr. Merck Teatsink. Well, it seems that the field is getting even more interesting than I thought at first. Cheers. Thank you, Theron. Glad you're enjoying the field, because we'll be there a while. Ari also posted on Facebook on episode 106. Been busy lately, good thing I checked for the latest episode as here it was. Heading home with some World of Darkness in... Is that a word? It is a verb now. It's W-O-D-ing. Watch is even harder. Would he say, "would he?" Anyways. I like what? You think body? No, Bob. [Laughs] I always get to hear from Ari. Anthony Ertmer said, "First, another great podcast. The creatures and the whispering are very creepy. Second, I very much enjoyed the feedback in the episode. It shows that you care about your listeners. Yes, your episodes are getting longer, but for me, the hour-long show helps with the hour drive to school and makes it a little easier. And third, sorry to anyone who reads this before listening to the episode, keep up the great work. I don't think he really spoiled anything, so for that... No, there were named major spoilers there. Thank you, Anthony, for the feedback. I appreciate that. It's always great to hear from any and all of the listeners. Richard Watts said, "Great episode. Really getting into this story now, props to Scott for the creepy critters and the time for the Sibilant Whispering." Nice. Nice word. Yeah. Sibilant. That's a good one. I might have to break that out tonight. Keep it up. On Facebook, I had a chat with Kelawordo, which we talked quite a bit, but I just copied one small part of what he said, which was, "Good call, by the way, on the fear spirits." I would have made the same call. This was where I said, "They're just gnats, guys. Don't bother with them. Don't worry." Bob's like, "They're fucking gnats with teeth after they attack them." Because up to then they add an attack. They're nothing. Argh! He said, "I'm also glad that you pushed south to the trees rather than across the open field." You have a good grasp of the small unit tactics, which I said... This week? This week. I can't control these guys. I told them it was from years of paintballing because I have absolutely no military background whatsoever. But I know it covers good, quite open beds, and it hurts when you get shot, even with paintballs. I imagine much more so with real bullets. And we had a little bit of feedback from our site, where Ponytail posted on episode 106 and said, "Hey guys, I really enjoyed the podcast. It was great to actually hear a podcast of Hunter the Vigil." I do have some questions, though. One, your background music. Where are you getting it from? I think it would be great to use during my sessions. Two, I've consistently wondered why your podcasts are so short. First off, it seems almost a third of them is feedback. See? In this comment. And they seem to break up the scenes, which should be played out fully. I can't believe that you guys only play 30 minutes a week. How can you please post a longer podcast? I use these to listen while I'm on a commute, and 30 minutes just doesn't seem to last. Three, regarding the feedback. In the last podcast, you ask whether or not you should include feedback at the separate podcast or keep it in the current session. My vote is to put it in a separate podcast. However, if you feel you need to keep it at the start of the session, please, for the love of God, say when the session actually starts. That way people can skip ahead. Well, that's about it. Keep up the good work and don't cross any more fields heading towards snipers. I thought Ponytail's first post that I'm more up, so welcome to the listening community ponytail. I thought we'd put the feedback at the end, guess not? We actually put the feedback at the beginning, but both in the notes and on the websites and on the Facebook site, we post when the episode starts. I think Ponytail wants to miss that. You didn't notice it on any of those. And again, because he or she doesn't listen to the feedback. So what I could do is reply maybe on the KOTN. No. Record audio. Record audio that says actual play begins at 12 minutes and 36 seconds, then go into feedback, then go into actual play as we do. Let's answer some of the other questions. Yeah. Ponytail's questions. Background music I get from all over the place. Yes. A few times I've gone to YouTube and found someone that had themed spooky music. Mysterious music. Spooky music. Or music. And there's plenty of apps out there that you can. Or video games, too. You type in a video game like Silent Hill and they have every single song available from any of the movies or any of the games. So two steps from now. YouTube is definitely a really good resource. Epic news. The second point was why is our podcast so short? We want to keep the podcast under an hour because there are plenty of podcasts out there that do three hours of actual play. And the majority of people that say they don't listen to actual play is because they don't have three hours to listen at a setting. The last episode went one hour and 12 minutes and we actually went longer than normal because the feedback was so lengthy. Right. That I was trying to keep. I would say 45 minutes of actual play is what we usually shoot for and yes, we do play longer than that in a week. Right. Lately because of our lives and how things have been gone we've been playing for a couple hours so a recording will get us two episodes and that's it. Right. And there are plenty of weeks we don't play so that helps cover those. We would have many, many gaps if we release longer episodes. That is true. So I'll probably stay within the 30 minute to one hour range of actual play. I've had three different people responding to me that they like the feedback to find the way it is. We so far we've had one person that didn't so we'll take all opinions and we'll go from there. Lastly, we have a post on the white wolf form. This is one is from Ephraim who says just finished listening to episode 106. Crap. That was, I will try not to spoil anything here but the episode was action packed and at times downright scary. To put it another way, well done guys. Things can sometimes be just what you need to make a game speak to you in a different way. And many times I felt the need to turn things a different direction as a storyteller. I think some of the fun things with tabletop role playing happens when the group gets to try out something new and different or to change something old with a new take on it. Not done before. I remember I saw a movie once where all the vampires were invisible creatures. They could only be seen in mirrors. In my next world of darkness, mortal story, I added a few of these as antagonists for the player characters. They were nothing similar to any of the vampires the group had ever met before. So this made the encounter exciting and very creepy. The characters made it out alive with a few scars with some nice teamwork to get rid of the creatures. Storyteller caveat, fire burns everything. Good fun for everyone but I digress. One of the main reasons for listening into you guys is to hear how other players and storytellers are doing things. I like that it's very different from how I do things. It means that there's a lot I can pick up and take back to my group. I've been wondering, do you guys use practical experience, risk will power or hunter tactics? I can't seem to have noticed it coming up in your Task Force siren game. I have been using background music for a long time now and I see that your group uses it plus a lot of sound effects. I feel that in this latest episode, sound has been a big part of building the momentum of the ongoing story. I'm definitely going to try out more sound effects when my own voice won't do the trick. Also, I really like that the podcast can throw you off with the different encounters or how one encounter develops. In this case, I like how the storyteller keeps the players but also the listeners on their toes. I believe it's referring to the flashback. Yes. As for the dressing files, I have read some of it and looked at it but never played it. One of my best friends was playing it for quite some time now, another group cheater. And I think he really likes it since he has been selling me on the system ever since. I actually listened to some of your Dresden final stories and you guys really seem to get it to work really nice. I'm not sure if it's my adult cup of coffee but it's clear that the group has vivid memories from playing it. I'm looking forward to episode 107. E-firm. Speaking to Ephraim or E-firm's comment about, and I respected this on the White Wolf forums as well. We do use risking willpower. You guys have done that throughout the story. It might not have happened so far in the earlier scenes but it does come up. We use tactics. We use the tactics to bolster the bravery of everyone against fear effects. And our storyteller has been generally lacking in giving us practical experience because he's a slacker. Or any... Right. Any degrees. No, no, no. He once gave us a dagger plus one. He's generous. He's generous. I want to warp a blade down it. And my response to that was that this is one half hour in a field. I'm not going to hand out experience every single week because it's 30 seconds or five minutes or whatever. And I will handle it at the end of the story as opposed to handling it on a weekly basis. So, you did get a lot of practical experience in shitlock. Yes, we did. I would say as a group you probably had somewhere between 40 and 60 points that were spent on some new tactics and save house bonuses and some other stuff that you did off camera or off podcast. I also just want to mention that where we have played the music while we were playing in the past. Lately we don't do that and we edit all the sound effects in music. It's post-production. Yeah, it's post-production. It's not during the actual play. But I'm going to go back to your playing and putting that in there. We're having the past and Scott wants to return to that. But that is a carpet on the music in the background but more like the scene is starting. Here's the mood of the scene in music or you open the door and this is what you hear. And then it stops so Tom can edit it out when he needs to do the podcast so it doesn't interfere like just that running, background music does and he's got to chop it up and it's in the background. So thank you Ephraim for the feedback. Keep using the link. We're getting some flow. It's great. I know it's Christmas time so anybody who sees an Amazon can give us more money to help pay for the podcast. We appreciate it. You're not the next show. And talking about the Amazon link we actually right before we started playing got a message from Scott Rawlings who said I bought all my gifts this year through your Amazon link. Keep on being awesome. So now we've got to say thank you Scott. We appreciate it. It's huge. Every little bit helps and that's a lot of it. Yeah, we certainly appreciate that. Thanks Scott. Thanks Scott. Could be like Friday that we bought some stuff and then like later on in the day the missus went and bought something else and then you hit the link. Oh, I forgot. It would have been a good hit. Let's take a quick look at the polls. Daniel and Edgard are in last place, Sister Katie next followed by Ty with Michael Clay and Choo Park with five each and Jay Alton leading with six just barely. She was picked up next or vote or Michael did Michael picked up a couple. The session. I literally looked this afternoon and he was one behind you. It was you two and then Michael Clay and then Michael Clay pulled into. One last thing I want to mention everybody before we go on to the episode and that is there is currently a fake core system kickstarter out there. We'll put the notes in the in the episode. We'll also put it up on the board. It is over a hundred and one thousand dollars raised so far. It is ongoing for fifty six days which is the longest available. The reason they're doing that is even a one dollar donation gets you access to the PDF of all the fake core rules that are currently I mean this is what's going to be released. They're asking people to go over tell them any parts that are unclear so they can fine tune it. Any parts that have been spelling so they can fix it and the kickstarter itself was to raise money for artwork in the thing but their goal was only three thousand dollars. They've raised over a hundred and one thousand so far and every time they hit a new stretch goal they had new things that you get. So for ten dollars you can get the PDF of the base core you can get a ton of settings and adventures. I think it's in the neighborhood of twenty or thirty of them so far. You could so that so considerably their game development operations have been funded for quite a while. Yes. And because this is like day two or three maybe of fifty six and they have over a hundred thousand dollars already. Now I don't see them continuing at this pace I don't think it's possible but if anybody likes dressing it's written on fate and you can actually look at these rules and maybe get ideas how to change your dressing to be a little better. Mike you looked at it briefly the rules seem to be a lot clearer I don't know if that was because they were core so they were general they weren't applied to Dresden but I seem to wrap my head around them a lot quicker and it was a lot cleaner and it just seemed to flow a lot easier. Right I didn't seem to deviate terribly from this one but not that I can see only a clearer and I haven't run all the way in as far as I'd like but I definitely joined it. So I think as a as the system and before when I was reading the Dresden books you're reading Dresden stuff with a game system that kind of woven through it whereas that document was just the games it's all right. So maybe that's what I'm reading the latest Dresden book and I'm like as you're reading it you're like how would work in the game type thing it's just it can't help but do it now. So anyways you want to make the fans aware of that and with that we'll close out and we'll get on to the actual story. This is the world of darkness story chagrin part of the vanishing city chronicle. I'm Scott your storyteller and to my right is I am Jim plain sister K.O. Connor non crazy driver and escar enthusiast. All right we raise the stones, we raise the wheels pistols. In the habit of playing FBI special agent shoe park member of the rescue conspiracy. Time playing J Alton member of the ascending one. Mike playing Michael Clay the academic adventurer of the ages kind or Thomas playing Edgar Montes a voodoo practitioner from the lay mysteries conspiracies John flying Daniel Morgan mountain man turned mercenary of the passport soccer care Michael you're up can I do a knowledge check with a call do I have any knowledge what these things might be absolutely what their weaknesses are it's plus a call a total of six dice okay and these are relatively obscure so I'm going to remove two dice from your dice pool going to hang on four days two successes with the ten again two successes all right in a volume on demon allergy you had read and saw a rendering of a type of creature called a feeder F E E D E R feeder demon which were lesser demons in the hierarchy of demons and what you recall of them is that they're relatively minor in the sense of their powers are not overly accepted yeah they're just not their minor demonic entity but what you think you remember is that there was something about blood in your mouth if you had blood in your mouth there was it was some sort of ban to them can't recall what the ban was because you didn't have quite as many successes as you needed on your roll you had two successes in this quick rundown but something about blood in your mouth definitely was a weakness for them meaning a ban a ban being the turn term for demons and spirits you can generally compel them to do things or reduce them from doing things if you know they're banned any blood by blood or their blood just just what you got right what else did you I feel the wound in my leg right feel oh you can look down and see you ripped open your jeans are ripped open or whatever your slacks whatever you wore I reached down and feel my blood and then put my own blood in my mouth okay does it seem to have any effect or do I rip they haven't hacked yet but you're placing it in your mouth and what action you take if I want your mouth you spit it out do you bloody the mouth I hold it in my mouth unless I have any clue right now I'm just gonna put I'm going to taste my own blood okay well I want to see if it works before I tell other people this craziness I'm also going to try to enter my meditative state and I'm just trying to achieve no emotion just like a comma serenity a focus I'm just going to focus on intellect and logic if they're feeding in fear and emotion and taste oh by the way are these things summoned as a spell obviously have to be summoned if they're gonna be demons in the you can continue rolling the cult in accumulating successes only one you've got two successes last turn right okay I'll keep it just so you know you know there may be more information that you're able to ascertain but right now that's what you have okay and that might be it of what you can know but I have a number and when you get that number of successes then am I allowed to do the knowledge check and then do like the try to enter the meditative state yeah I don't mind that because to me now it's checking something you can do while you're taking other action I'm not going to make that your only soul action for the turn you're typing on a keyboard or something like that yeah but you're not you're just rifling through your memory right now they seem to react to emotion or fear so I'm trying to spock it out and just I need a little bit right and I also want to see what the effect this blood in the mouth might have okay Jay my father is a preacher yes I am in fact a man of faith yes you are my holy symbol and start praying it all right I'm trying to drive away the things that are feeding other and anything else moving anything else no I can't really move I have to stay near her to do this and do you have any dots Nicole because that's religion for some people what's a presence plus a cult then let's try to keep to what the game intends us to do which is an attribute plus a skill this is only for four and I'm going to because your virtue is to phase in fact fake right I'm going to add two dice because of that right I am going to subtract no dice well zero that's really usual let me just add a bunch of chicken two one with a zero ten again just two all right two successes thank you very much and it takes us to Katie can I make a couple of prior excitement I do absolutely these are all plus what's called plus and relatively obscure so it was minus two dice good luck to you Katie things are vampire related they are not unfortunately I got one success so you need out of three you get a little bit less than Michael Chloe got from it you think that these may be a minor type of demon you definitely think they're demonic in nature they're not a spirit and they're of lesser power and you thought that there was something that could kind of hold them at bay but you can't recall what it is at this point because you had one success all right in that case I am going to stop the one benediction I'm doing okay they're good we have the stuttering none yeah let's see what I do I say St. Michael the arch angel the penis and battle be our protection against wickedness and snares of the double the God rebuke him we humbly pray and do that prints of heavenly hosts by divine power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls and then I was nice I'm pretty impressed and I bless my gun that's your blessing for your gun yeah I thought all the flipping demons are going to disappear and go back into the void you know I was just that's the name of his guns you do that was really cool nice full of seven all right plus my benedictions and no minus this four with them one again I get the exception or source successes my little light pistol glows heavenly white nice and then I shoot by these well no necessarily because your action for your turn was the benediction your gun is now blowing heavenly white and what's that going to do yeah God bless my gun that this man may do that other folks I got a glowing gun you can take it if you want to chew your up all right so I can only take a movement action correct because you dodged all right I'm going to turn on the light on the camera kind of set it down do that sure and so you have so the little clearing that you're in is lit up a little bit better than it was before it's not a hugely bright light but it's sure a light and I'm going to take out my shotgun all right you stand up I'm in a remain okay maybe brain prone I want you set down your camera is an instant action which is a free action however taking your gun out it's exit next round can I take an instant action and then regular action you'll have to move and take an instant action in as many free actions like reflexive ones like breathing and all those things are setting down a camera those things don't count so the point being is it would be a full instant action sounds like it's really quick but you know those three seconds you can take one instant action your instant action was dodging so you dodged for the turn you still have a movement action left over so for your movement action so you're not getting up you're just putting the camera down that's okay it could be a movement action or an instant or a reflexive action a free action basically but your instant action was taken up when you dodged okay so Chew is still prone he legs fighting on his back and that's cool that takes us to Edgar he seems to be falling behind so even when I stop I'll probably have maybe around to prepare and not have been sprinted he's it's about 10 feet behind you okay I love a safe turn to prepare myself when I stop I keep spreading so you're spreading again yes good enough your sprints and your two thirds of the way towards the fence the small wooden fence just so you know Edgar so you run and continue to run and that takes us to Daniel Daniel what are you doing I'm resuming sprinting alright to not taste yes so you actually do catch up to Edgar and you're both about two-thirds of the way towards to the fence line and as you're running are you looking at anything in particular or just running I'm keeping an eye on the building we're coming up on trying to spot some people are going to be able to help okay good enough and that takes us back to the top some more gunfire this time on the north end of the compound as opposed to the south end of the compound so some flashes of light a few more screams and again the the sound of the reports kicking up the only inside buildings correct the only building on the north side of the compound would be the stables and the hen house chicken coop correct not this hollow now right one of the shots was inside a building one of the shots was outside the building just the end head guard Michael as you have one demon entwined on your leg and feeding and another that's hovering and they're talking to each other and you hear one say and the other one replies back and it attacks you your defense history is that correct or four sorry the one on your leg that said he knows he knows and was kind of looking up towards your bloody mouth it was a half-hearted attack and he did not not sink in or drop purchase into your leg the other one that said but he doesn't know all spins around your neck once and then tries to latch on to your neck with its sniff like things all right oh it was a tenon it rolled over to a nun strike so it spins around your neck bites and nothing happens is it as you are able to fend it off with one arm okay that takes us to chew you are still on the ground being attacked your defense is the cavalier is the first misses so yeah this advantage to be when you're prone to be attacked they're kind of prone too so i'm just kind of riding it if you're being fired at with a long distance weapon you get plus two for being prone if someone's standing over you they get a plus two i'm not giving them plus two because they're kind of down and around you it's a scuffle it's more like almost like a grappling type situation i want to penalize you for being on the ground right now because there's no you're not trying to draw any major advantage from it and tired about what it is right now the second one who actually struck you is hovering about it and it's trying to again sink its steep teeth into your body and it does with another lethal attack it catches your shoulder bites through a seam on the cavalier and opens up your shoulder now as well so you find some blood there and it's again in in some sort of ecstasy is it uh is it feeds off of you so i octane another wound right bashing you keep the bashing in the first and you have lethal lethal the next two so you have three gone how many do you have many healthy half how about seven health seven health it will become important later on yes michael i just want a technical question because i've already spent a willpower in this combat or this situation i'm not allowed to risk willpower until we go to a new scene correct you're allowed to risk willpower once a scene you're allowed to use willpower once every turn once every turn okay so with kevlar i believe it is either three or four depending on if it's the one that's one three yeah it's three it's again sinks its teeth deeper into you and continues to draw ripping open more flesh so you take one more lethal damage sister katie is that your second wound and you have a health of about eight yes seven seven okay good to know first wow the one that was um feeding on desi um looks up at you when you bring your your present and and say you're uh a la bar or however you bring about your full force of your faith to it and it seems mesmerized or it's hard to tell with just a set of eyes there's not a lot of facial expressions a lot of times that the face is is rather amorphous it might look like an owl but you're not seeing a lot of emotion on the faces so it just looks at you and it doesn't do anything but it's longer feeding it's not it doesn't seem to be feeding its tongue is not running up and down her body there was one that attacked you and did not like the feel of it and it ran off and there was one that attacked you and missed katie and it's also see the light of your gun it seems to throw in any of your words who knows this seems to throw it in some sort of trance that it seems to be preoccupied for a moment and forgets to attack you over the one that was latched out and continues to feed and that is it you of course still see one trailing you for whatever reason still trailing it and it takes us to mike clap based on what i heard it whisper i went to try another occult knowledge check focusing on okay if i got half of it what's the other right go ahead or what's the other all you said that i don't need to draw the knife to pull on the inside lopedic knowledge you don't i think it only gives you one success doesn't it i have to roll four dice and if there's a success i get one detail or fact about the situation okay so i don't know if that's is that it what action is that an instant or is that a reflexive you know of course i didn't write down i don't know uh what action that is i would imagine they would be it's called the voice of the relic i would imagine that would be some that is in reliquary correct yeah uh question i'd rather use rely on my okay go ahead use your cult first okay my cult plus wits plus wits is the six minus two because of the uh relatively minor nature of these okay it's not something you've read about 15 times you're trying to recall facts that are really great but i'm trying to recall what i don't know yes try to remember what you don't know and actually you know what because you didn't have successes i'm only gonna make up one this time because you're able to remember a couple of the sentences now the book is like oh that was that book and it was it you're starting to drop connections and remember pictures and paragraphs and i'm gonna yeah i'll say minus one instead all right i'm five dice two successes all right your first success it comes back to you about the blood now now you remember if you're speaking to them with blood in your mouth they cannot harm you and the second success is if you speak to them with blood in your mouth this demon must answer a question to the best of its knowledge which also means it's not attacking you so just speaking to it with blood in your mouth stops it from attacking can't attack you if you talk to it while you you have blood in your mouth and that's it singular not hey all of you you're focusing on one and speaking with blood in your mouth and it cannot attack you is what you recall from your text okay if you answered ask it a question it also can attack you and must answer that question to the best of its ability and am i only allowed one question that you can't quite remember but so remembering this stuff isn't an actual action it's not an instant action i'm just giving you this as a free action to remember this knowledge go ahead and take an action if you'd like can you look your knee i've already done that i've already well he didn't he just he put his hand down covered his hand in blood and then placed it in his mouth right i say a lot in the speaker but i'm talking to the demon that's probably wrapped around my neck and i say feeder demon yes is it true that you must answer my questions when i have blood in my mouth open they all hear that and right so i'm asking you to question yeah you hear it with her back it does know we thought it ignorant so we think it's stupid it's ugly precious so that's your answer for that and that takes us to the next person which is but my point is the important thing is i've yeah you've announced it right over the radio and to be clear two more of you are bleeding currently i'm not yes i meant to and Katie have both cried out during the battle yeah i i invite my own finger to a bleed one your tongue i can pipe a ton inside of my mouth and whatever works i mean it would make more well i mean i think we make sense but you can certainly i could just put the knife there's a lady bleeding laying right down next to you i can't use her blood and use my blood so what do you i'm sorry what are you doing yeah i'm biting the inside of my mouth to cause it to bleed and then i'm asking the demon in front of me who summoned you make a result plus compose your role just never do you think it's a good science part it's just that's the first thing to be asked that is result versus what composure but i know other people are well okay it was trapped you both got your question and i got my five dies you have five guys go ahead just wipe down and it's hard enough to bleed which sometimes it's hard like when you have to take a needle in your eye so ooh i got a problem all right five guys and i get two and ten again two six and two bits so well i get i would wait for an exceptional success and you eat your tons off yeah you lose your time um okay so you you do have blood in your mouth and what is the question you asked the demons who summoned you the pain the anguish the sweet sweet pain brought us here that is what someone does we come ask you what i said who no one the pain summoned us and it doesn't attack you well if the one was hovering over i'm assuming the one was hovering over a Desi's body is the one you talked to grab the gun from sister Katie and plug this in between the eyes get faster uh yes i do okay good enough any idea what your weapon lot of fire is on your gun there Katie it's like this my pistol uh is dice my fire a two all right so two four dexterity or firearms specialty and pistol yes i do all right range is close so no line is there form is amorphous so i'm gonna give you minus one because it's changing form a lot and you're trying to aim right for those eyes in the middle of those eyes well to be absolutely clear i am well aware that this bullet is probably to go through this thing so i'm making sure i'm not shooting anything beyond it as well so i'm trying to line up so try to take another dice off there fine yeah I don't want to accidentally put yeah i understand Desi's eyes as i'm trying to sure minus two dice i got it all right i killed it and her go ahead so that is eight um for you fire what is your blessings do give me holy bullets that was it you asked for one scene uh you got four shots so i have four successes kind of it um does aggravated damage okay that's the highest damage you can do it's like where was claws or a vampire's bite or or jade bullets or jade bullets once a weapon fixed the amount of aggravated damage that could share is ready set go ahead one two three with a ten again nope that's it three all right yeah the bullet does rip through the head for the holy bullet the holy bullet rips through the the head of what ends up being a hawk when you find a little bit of a shot across and there's a good big of swirling black inky smoke that comes off from it and it makes it always it screams what's this gone inflicts four aggravated damage it'll shatter in the useless anymore well still show him now that's before aggravated damage for aggravated damage tell me no he did three i had three but close enough not close enough but i mean you it's pretty damn close i'm pushing it over the limit next time yes and that was jay all right you're still staying there though right over guarding over desi's body that takes us to kitty she's you just handed the gun off to um i say something dramatically appropriate as well okay stay away from our use on some bitches so yeah i do the biting on the lip mouth thing okay roll resolve plus composure to have the uh wherewithal to bite yourself hard enough to bleed um which plus composure did you say uh i think it was yes it was resolved plus composure i just thought i was humorous that the warrior set of prayer and the sister pulled out a gun yes two successes yeah and i told him to stop feeding on us i say it loud enough so which one are you talking to specifically i have the point and look at once if i have to look at once i'll look at the one that's feeding on he mentioned something like you know he briefly well actually he didn't use it much and i didn't but it has to be so like the only place the one demon i gave the name of the demon i called it a feeder demon um try to hopefully prompt anyone who else wanted to make a coach act right and i did not i said blood in the mouth that i said asked her question right i didn't say anything else so um it was a question actually just to be clear he said a question he said he said you're protected man right but a question i didn't say you had asked a question i asked it a question so anything all i did was ask a question that you have to uh thought your question was feeder demons oh you have this blood in my mouth make you answer my question right let me look up all right let's try to kill two birds with one stone good katie go so however you interpret that wait a minute no i just i tell it go away i say will you please go away there's by the other one that's feeding on that girl i think that's a question and uh all right and it looks back at you and it says god but uh it's preoccupied talking to you and it's not sinking its teeth back into your shoulder again so that is i was talking to the one that was feeding on the girl that wasn't feeding no he didn't want to answer the question okay yeah then i was talking to one that was feeding right good enough and that takes us to uh shoot you man enough to bite your tongue too i don't have to don't believe in the mouth you are it's true in my own don't need to inflict any more wounds here for myself can i do something besides talk to it you can move but action wise less to free action but a very limited action then you're done yeah i guess i'm done okay should go so where am i bleeding from now my arm yes candy got ripped across the chest and shoulder i believe you got it in the arm shoe arm and shoulder yeah arm and shoulder well taking michael's advice and uh when i go ahead and lick my forearm okay and so taking out my shotgun is a instant action if you have that it's an instant action yes it's a free action if you have faster all right i'm going to continue doing that and uh the beam and attack me twice yeah currently latched on your shoulder i'm going to ask you the question okay go ahead and you just stop what else will do you harm it takes its teeth out of your shoulder and looks at you and says we don't like the light i do have the camera lens by the way i don't know if it's shiny directly at it but it's kind of limiting lightly eliminating your area you need a full spectrum light it's where i won't get flare i do have that because he's cute so can i um you've drawn out your shotgun you've licked your forearm asked about a blood soap question you can stand up with your leg um i can give stuff a bright light for you so i do have a laser say i'm going to shock him but i don't think that i won't work can i pick up the camera with my other hand that i'm not taking the shotgun out with Thursday i'm going to shine the uh turn like that yeah and uh shine it at the the one that's in my shoulder then that just answered me they gave me that helpful tip that's great just like this like this kind of light of this smile for the camera head guard gonna keep running oh yeah head guard make a witz plus composure role please uh you heard him talking and you heard the demon respond so the way yes yeah these are you see this is this is black ops this is this is high quality shit five dash anything yes minus two for the darkness uh one success all right um as you're running towards the fence just as you're getting to the fence you see a curtain move to the side in the morton building and you see a gun barrel is what's pushing it to the side you don't see it trained on you you don't see who's inside it's just a brief glimpse of a gun barrel opening up a window and then off to your left which would be the south where daniel is running deeper farther away in the woods you see a red light like a small or red light and all of a sudden you see it train right onto your chest as you're running i can do that thing you need to throw myself to the ground oh yeah oh yeah that all right so that's your turn you end up face first at the fence with a laser some type of laser pointer was on you until you dove to the ground and then you lost track of it in the grass and the dirt that's kicking up as you come skidding to a stop uh three more turns that regular speed during sneaking will get me a foot away from the door i'm gonna write that down all right but you have come to a full stop oh yeah okay daniel whoa whoa oh uh anybody about that that's gone probably screaming i want a fucking god boy fuck you daniel obviously not a military i just see what happened window woods did they break the window the curtain rolled aside there wasn't any glass there's a cheap ass building yeah why don't you go ahead and make a same thing of which plus composure roll daniel as you're running minus two what's three you say you don't do a lot of uh stats and stats and stats but i'm doing stats and stats all right i got to you know what this well you know we started in the middle of combat this story where before it was a lot of investigation a lot of role-playing which there will be i'm mostly it's mostly a role-playing driven adventure but i started you off in the middle of combat just to see what was like well to do that i'm go ahead and right guys and the one two three and four all right let's get some exceptional successes up in here nothing uh fourth pretty fucking impressive you see the same thing that that garden saw it's not exceptional but it is impressive yeah you see the the window pushed to the side like a gun barrel push outside of the window frame and move the curtain to the side and then when you look off you see the laser training on ed guard this is not from the window but from the south this is from the south in the woods and you see a what you know because you train you see a task force Valkyrie agent who has a glow of a type of communication device or something on his wrist that's lighting up his face slightly in the woods you would not have picked him out had it not been such a dark night and if you not saw the laser pointer from his gun all right pointing at ed guard and you think you recognize the face end of the night thanks for listening to nights of the night actual play podcast visit for more information on this and other adventures where you will find character stats photos start telling props and even a form for comments and suggestions or you could email us directly at feedback at or contact us via twitter or leave a message on facebook all music for this podcast was created and performed by zen audio smith if you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business please visit zenaudio and please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure [Music] so we think it's stupid it's ugly precious i'm gonna ask you the question okay go ahead if you just stop what else will do you harm