Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 99: "Delivery - Implosion"

Broadcast on:
03 Oct 2012
Audio Format:

Adventure - DeliveryScene - ImplosionActual Play starts at  8:06Boom!The final episode of the Delivery Storyline

(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Knights of the Night Actual Play podcast. This Dresden File Story, delivery, was written in run by your GM top. And now, please enjoy episode 99, titled Implosion. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) All right, I'm holding in the episode and for those of you who enjoy the shorter episodes, I'm gonna apologize upfront. This one is going to be over an hour easy, but I don't wanna break it up again. So we're gonna go right through the finish of this one. So enjoy. But as far as feedback goes, I'm gonna start with one thing, which is to say, somebody posts an iTunes review. We haven't had one in a while. I could have begged, but I'm begging. Then I wanna mention really shortly, just this past week I get back from the Jamestown PA game day. That was fun. The morning shift I played a Savage Worlds game run by Phil Vichoni, and I'm sorry if I'm mispronouncing that, but he's the author of the book, Eureka, 501 Adventure Ideas, and he has a blog that won a Golden Emmy, I think, last year. Or maybe it was this year, don't know, sorry, Phil. But I played with a number of other people, Savage Worlds, it was really a fun adventure. And at the end of the day, I actually won a book that Thomas is looking at right now. Show the microphone, Thomas, yes. It's called Masks, in which it is what? 1,000 NPCs, so it's just page after page of NPCs for the Sabittoral. No, brand new system. So it's just, there's a sci-fi section, there's just a bunch of different sections, and there's enemies, allies, and you can just pick them, and they got a lot of personality involved. Were you a celebrity at all? Did anyone know who you were? No, but I did pass out a lot of the kids in cards so people could find their site. The second game I played was a full moon. I wanted to ask, was Savage Worlds a, was it the fantasy-based Savage Worlds? It was a different. Yes, it was fantasy. It was his particular setting and stuff, so it was unique, and it was very interesting, and I had a fun time playing it. The other game I played in was, one run by Paul Stefko, and he did a Kickstarter to create full moon, which is a fate derivative. It is fate with some of the skill systems paired down smaller and new ones introduced, and he was the author of that game, and he ran the game for us, and it was a lot of fun. And Paul, I gave the Kyotoan podcast card, and he is an avid listener of actual play, so I'm sure we'll hear from him, hopefully sometime in the future. He did have a second Kickstarter, but it is closed as well as Pimp it otherwise. But, all right. And onto the actual feedback. We had one post from Kevin K on the RPG Cross Talks forum, in which he mentioned, there was a question on one of the podcasts about books that were dressed in like. I have found that Anita Blake series is a bit like it, somewhat detective like stories. The only warning I can give is that they are definitely mature content books, 18 and over only. Can anyone hear of Anita Blake? I have not. - No, it sounds familiar with it, couldn't tell you any more. - I thought the name sounded kind of familiar too, but not pleasing it. - So I was trying to look it up and listen, give it a listen, and give my recommendations, but thanks for the recommendation. - Thank you, Kevin, for that. On Facebook, we had a couple comments. One was from Merck T, in which he posted under the picture of the Faye Father, that he couldn't stop himself, but the first impression that came to mind when he saw the picture was, Legolas with serious dental problems. Which, sorry, to use a little honor of a picture. (laughing) - Whoever you are. - Whoever you are. The picture I think I pulled just off a flicker in which I put to look for elves, and there was some guy doing cosplay in. As far as under the post on Facebook from episode 98, Ari's back, once it was posted, he said, "Yes, I have a bit of a drive ahead of me, and this will do just the trick for the ride." Richard Watts posted and said, "Absolutely fantastic. Cannot wait for the end. Also, I'm really sorry that I monopolized the feedback last time. Thanks, Tom, for putting up with my name rambling on Facebook." Which I wanna address. And I think Mike did as well. He posted something on Facebook. 'Cause Ari responded to, "You're not alone on this. I'll give you a good run for input, but a good podcast calls for us fans, right?" In which I think you agreed. And yeah, I mean, it's absolutely our payment to hear from the fans. - Yeah. - I mean, we- - That's where it all gets paid for this. - So to have them say they're enjoying it, and that we're not just out there spewing things that nobody's listening to, it's nice. - It is very nice to hear people. - And I think originally in the beginning, we said we wanted to make sure we acknowledged feedback as payment to the people who go through the trouble of putting it out there. I'm sure they enjoy hearing themselves mentioned on the podcast, and I'll talk about them and thank them. So I think that's important as well. - Yes, no apologies necessary. We always appreciate the feedback, no matter how inane or rambling, which it wasn't. - Yeah, quite to the point. And Ari had a final statement, and it was, "Oh, oh, awesome." That was clearly one of the best combats that I've ever heard in actual play. Usually, like in the games I've played, combat drags into long tactical nitpicking. And when reading combat in the Dresden foul books, I remember thinking this sounds like a game. And then thought again, "Hey, this sounds like it could be happening in a game." So your combat, though most likely it was trimmed for the benefit of the audience, in my ears, followed very well. The tone of the fight's hairy Dresden keeps ending up in. Things tried, failed, modified, according to the results, twisted, and wow, ending, you succeeded. And there's more combat to come, I take it, just a couple of black quarters. I had an interesting moment at the end of the episode. I just parked my car, and the music started to play, and I was like, "Oh, did they include an end song? "That's nice." And the first verse from the lyrics sounded to me like Cleveland Burns. Though in reality, it was leading Burns. I was too deep into the story. So his radio came on, and he just assumed that. And I've actually done that as well. Kicks over from the podcast of the radio. Well, they put music in, that's nice. And he ends with, "Thanks again for solid entertainment." - Very welcome, Murray. - Glad you're enjoying it. - Yes. - And we're enjoying playing it. - Truthfully, the combat was severely edited, because there were a few discussions ahead. - Well, is this the final combat that he's talking about? - This was the final combat up to the point where the black court vampires piled out the car. - 'Cause we just got done-- - First half of the combat. - Taking out her two heavies. - Got it. - But the editing is what makes us, or sets us apart from that. - Another AP's and brings a little quality. I mean, you're getting the best part of-- - And it's not just that. I think that you also, towards the end of the story, felt more comfortable in the role, and in the game system itself. - Last but not least, there is the votes. - Which have become interesting? - I'm actually gonna have to go to the website, because the current vote stands as Edward with eight. - Hold and steady, Jimmy. - Hold and steady. - Maxwell with 15. - Does he have one high, one of these? - Yeah. - And Alan with 21. - Whoa, what happened? - They spiked their house in the teens, I think. - What happened to him? - I just kept hitting it over. - I just went to the Apple Store, and just logged in to every computer I could find. - London with 27. - Oh. - And Roberto with 27. - Dead heaps. - You know, as it should be going into the last episode, it should be close. - But there is nothing more appropriate than that. - Well, I went in and I voted for all you guys. - Thanks Jimmy. - Yeah, it was exciting though. - So we're gonna keep the feedback short. We're gonna end here. We're gonna hear it in the episode. Enjoy. - Out of the car. - Out of the car, guys. - She didn't just bring in some. - Oh, she did. - Comes for gentlemen who move like blackboard vampires and move through. - Dancer. (laughing) - We just entered West Side Story. - We are at the near West Side. - We hear her on the near West Side of Cleveland, but. - They step out of the car. That is solely their action as they have noticed that shit is going. - Are they wearing weapons? - Badly. - No. - They are not. - They are weapons. - They are. - I know they are weapons, but it's. - Okay, we're not accomplishing any peace here. - Well, no. - I haven't had a chance to. (laughing) - Abigail. - Yeah, she's standing by in defensive mode waiting so far. You guys seem to be doing pretty well. Is she doing anything to stop us or does it even look like she doesn't, or is she clinically observing the situation? - She's brought in as defense. She's done her spell to defend you. Now she's stepping back looking. First of all, what next do I need to do to help my obligation be met? - Right. - But she is kind of watching her sister as well because she knows she is the loose cannon in this area. - And her sister was just here with a death ghost, a frieser, synopsis. She doesn't care. - Well, what should you do about it? - It's probably just been second since she even had a chance to process it. - Yeah, it's a flowery speech. Everybody's going, how does that mean? (laughing) Alan. - All right, if I take a national against her now, I get my plugs too. - Yes. - If I live, do you set yourself up in this position so she came by you? In fact, an opportunity attack. - Right. - You have a plus two now. I knew this turn is a lot of, you know. - Plus. - All right, so it's gone if I don't use it, but I really think I need to wait 'cause I need to give London an opportunity to do his thing. - Okay. - Before we start learning, London move up and Alan move down. Go London. - I call off to Constance. Constance with my presence as much as I can muster up and is forced for all the shadows I can give. It's over. No more killing. It ends now. Something along those lines to try to just get her attention and snap her out of her rage. - Okay. - So I attack her. - Unfortunately, with my presence. - Yes. - Well, he's determining that where is London in relation to me? - I was relatively close to you. - That's right. - We're close together, but you moved in a position closer to Donovan so that when she came at Donovan, you'd be closer. So you're a few steps away from him. - So am I between Constance and... - Yeah, okay. - Yes, and I'm stepping to the side. I don't want to be blocked by him 'cause I think it defeats the purpose of presence. - No, I'm not blocking those lines. - You don't know. Yeah, no, believe me. I want you between me and Constance. - So I do. - Yes, absolutely. But I'm just stepping to the side where he's still between us, but I can be seen clearly by her once I shot her name out and try to draw her attention. My fudge dice were a plus one. My presence is fantastic. That gives me a seven, which I believe is epic to get her attention and break her out of her rage or frenzy, whatever. She's in. - She rolled even. Her presence is a five or a superb. So you do two social damage to her. So in fact, two bucks is already marked off. So it's going to roll up to three, which is already marked off and the two previous phone calls where you piss her off. So this would take it all the way up to a four. If you spent a fake point, it would just be a four anyway. You don't get the roll up and then add afterwards. - I'm going to wait. I want to see how she reacts to me trying to snap her out of it. - London is done Roberto. - Well, actually, wait, it's... - No. Roberto has waited since the very top. - Good call, sorry. - And Ellen, if you wish. - I don't want to let her get away and I'm hoping she doesn't give in. - Don't you have to tell us what she does? - Wouldn't that be on her turn? - Well, I know. - She counters in her damage from you. - Yes. - And she turns very slowly towards you. And there is... - You remember when you were in her office, you guys absolutely hate each other? - Yes. - That pales in comparison to the look she's giving you right now. - Sure. She's already in the creaking ditch mode. - Now she has someone to focus her anger on now that this guy's dead and this baby's gone. - It's like, you're the next one on my shit list. - You, you, I hate you. - I brought it into my pain. - She may, depending on what she does, she may argue socially or she may come at me. I think we should wait to see what she does. I mean, I get the feeling she didn't attack me obviously. - Oh, there's a glimpse of insanity in her eyes. - Right. - I mean, just over the edge insanity. - If anything does give her pause, you know, I'm right there with my sword. Now, granted I've got burns and blisters all over my front. So maybe I don't look as impressive. - As my role, or my turn, I bring myself and my ghouls. I stand in front and the ghouls behind of London. 'Cause my job comes to ghoul or with his army and does not use a stick attack. - That's a wise choice. I think we can still talk her down. - So if we're short, that's worse. - It's not always for sure or for us. - If you really want to start some shit, we could start some shit. - Why don't you use intimidation? - I am. - Awesome. - This is a member I suppose, fuck. I roll a plus one, and I'm grateful at this point. - I'm a ghoul lord. - I'm a ghoul lord, dammit. - So that makes it up to four intimidation. - Which is great. - It's a great intimidation. - She is using her discipline to control her. - Well, that's-- - Waking this. - What's the loss cost? - Hold on. Hasn't her skill tree rearranged? No, that's her. She's-- - She hasn't used any magic to make herself a little crazy now. - Yeah. - Okay. - So she just kind of lets get your ghouls in. (laughing) - Chuck 'em. - Okay, fine. - Like, chuckling like you're losing your sanity, chuckling, or-- - There's a little madness to the edge of it, yeah. Kind of just bitch, please. But it was more or less like ghouls. - I'm a fucking vampire wizard. - Headman. - I'll punch her in the head if I like her name. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - And diplomacy out in the window. - Hey, wasn't that gonna get killed if I did that? I thought about doing that. - Oh, I will not be pleased. Everything looks like she's gonna jump at us, everybody anyways, right? - Yes, she's like-- - Attacking her is the last thing we need to do. But text someone else if you have to. Dale's still alive, don't attack Councilman. - This is the crucible we're trying to force. I mean, we've succeeded in two thirds of the plan so far. Now we're in the endgame here. - I'm gonna knock Dale Williams out. Someone else wants to kill him and take his death person and it's up to them. And we're just gonna knock him out. - Okay. - Yep. - So it takes me down to a good punch in the head. - Let's do it 'cause I have a maneuver. - I'll say your strength, a swarp. - That's a superb punch. - So it's a superb punch to the head. He's washing on the dice. Does he get to use athletics if he's grappled? - Yeah. - But yeah, the minus if you put a little block I have off her hands. - Does he got a consequence? - Oh, Jesus. - Yeah. - Grappling is nasty. - So he's minus five 'cause you're black and he rolled even on the faith dice and his athletics is two, so it's minus three. It's the way you hold him in a way that he could punch him in the head. - He almost missed. - So that takes it up to legendary and then-- - Without looking away, I tell Kansas to calm the heck down and then he punches-- - Calm the nugs, punch it, do it in the head and just knock 'em out. - He did legendary damage and that doesn't include, well, you're not using claws on him, you're punching him. - So, legendary, eight damage. He takes physical, not maximum four, so that has to bring him at least-- - Eight damage. It was like nine plus the weapons, which I love. - He was using his claws. - Yeah. - Doesn't he have strength? - Yeah. - Which gives how much to the weapon? - Well, my strength is two. It's not to claw, it's just the strength to get close to him. - Oh, so it's two, so that would take 10. - I have no claws. - Pull it up in. - So he has to take a four in some aspect and he could still take two, so he has a minor and a minor and immediate and that's six. He still can't take it. No, he goes out, he goes down, you can recruit him. - Yeah, he's unconscious, I didn't get him. - And they also did that because Maxwell doesn't like kill people when you don't have to. - Yeah, that's totally gonna like fellow people. I have my hand in the down and stroke, but totally different range. (laughing) - All right. - Kill 'em, kill 'em. Oh, wait a minute, I don't like the way they do it. - Kill 'em, kill 'em, see that way? - Wait, I don't like 'em, you kill 'em. - You're the passive skill. - My hands are clean. All right, that is Edmund. We go to the top and that is constant. - It's always constant. - What will she do? I don't wanna grab this bitch. So solve the problem before it comes to that. - She's not gonna lie, Zong. - She'll step my arms off or she'll sink her teeth into your neck while this is the final. This is the synonymically. This is the final moment where there's that pause, that little show off, and then whatever she decides, however she reacts, will determine whether the fuse is or ignites. - No way I am losing to a bunch of fucking losers like you. You all are going to die. - She cuts this with a fireball. - At, at maximum strength. - Moved out. - It is an area of fact centered on London. - Does that mean I get to attack them? - It affects the whole zone. - I waited until she moved, right? - Even her, every one. - Does that mean that I can now strike? - After she does. - We have armor three. - That's nice. - Her conviction is six. She's not as powerful a wizard as her sister is. - You can let it out. - She goes for an eight, it costs her three mental because that's two higher than her conviction. She loses two of it to the area of fact, so that takes it back down to six as far as the area of the whole zone. - Weapon six. - Weapon six. - The peripheral is also fantastic. - Six. - And is the power of the death first or anything to mitigate this? - She rolled two pluses and a minus, so that's only plus one for seven, so another bleeds off into surrounding buildings. She lost all of this. It hits pipes above, which start to crack water, sewage water, spilling down all to the area. - We're all super into water. - So that's a weapon five that hits the whole area. - So she starts to move on a little better. - When she does this, she hits you all with five, and it's a weapon five. So first you have to roll athletics to try to dodge it. You gotta take it, you go. - Well, we're not done yet 'cause it's five plus weapons, five, seven, and so you wanna try to avoid it. So everybody roll athletics to avoid it. - For volary blood. - When she casts this face, her eyes, her image just changes. She becomes what you saw when she first walked up, which isn't undead, but there's also a madness in her eyes. The first hit, she blew a good deal of magic without thinking of the consequences, and she is now a feral beast. - I wanna take the damage for London and just roll without my athletics to take the damage right without your athletics. - Because you're standing on a place taken. - Yeah. - Okay. - Taking London's hit for him. - Ow. - It's my job. - Okay. - You see, I have a contract full on the deals, and this would earn me some sort of fake point. - Oh, absolutely. - And probably undying gratitude from London. - I don't think you could just sort of have that. - I'm very good at dodging things. - I rolled eight, minus two on my dodge. - All right, let's start with two. - What are we rolling on? - We're rolling athletics plus four, got three. - They're wonderful. - Terrible. - Skill I didn't have. - I'll bet you. - We will start with Roberto. What did you roll? A big lock and zero? - Mm-hmm. - You're gonna take a lot of damage, you know that, right? - Yeah. - No, this is the magic armor slots. - Okay. - I'm sorry, applies to this roll, right? - Yeah, absolutely. - Okay. - So, you get hit with five. - I get hit with ten. - Everyone gets hit with ten. - You got hit with five aiming-wise. - Ten total magic armor takes away three, you still take seven. - So you get hit with seven damage for merchant. - Is there any way I can block the damage from anybody else also? - I was in a position to do so in the beginning. - Right, he intentionally set himself up for that. - I could have survived that. - And I could have taken a moderate and a severe, right? - Yeah, severe is pretty. - Oh yeah, I'm not saying it would have been done pretty. - I took three consequences, mild, 'cause I have that many. - Nice. - And they are crispy, burned, and singed. She has done all these to me. I take one stress. - Ten times. - I think I want a reroll. - I just roll them later, too. - Okay. - Captain, you're rolling there. - But. (laughing) - So Maxwell is gonna use his fake gun to reroll. - On the ground, it's the man. - I'm an iron man. - I'm an iron man. - You're an iron man. - All right, nice. - This kinda hits him. - Minus one. - You bastard. - I can handle that. All right, that brings my athletics down to a great, and so that's one weapons five, brings it to six total, minus three. So I take a three stress box. - Three stress boxes. Four. - 'Cause I already took a three, give me the dent. (ding) Otherwise it would have been a severe consequence. - All right. - I took a negative one on the fudge dice, which takes my athletics down to fair, but the armor takes it back up to superb. - He's just trying to avoid the hit all together, but the armor doesn't work into that. - Oh, then I need to reroll. - Yeah, you could, if that's what you wanted to spend your fake point for. - Yes. - Yeah, because you were down to fair, and that means you would have taken three, which the armor did absorb, but then the weapons five still would have hit you. And if you spent the fake point, that would absorb two more of it, you would have just taken three damage. - Now, if you want to use the fate to totally reroll, then maybe-- - I think that's the only chance I have, 'cause otherwise the way it would balance out, I would be filling up a severe, mild, physical. - Right. - You have to achieve five though. I'm the combination of athletics in your role. - That's right. So I have to roll a plus two. - They're guys, it's a low percent. - Well, yeah, I mean, it's either way, I have to, it's the only chance I have. - Come on, come on, come on, dice. - No such luck, huh? - You know, no. Even on the roll, your athletics is what? - Three. - Three, so that means you take two, which your armor absorbs that. You get it with the five more for weapons, your armor absorbs one of that. So you take four damage. - Because I filled up both my physical boxes, and I filled up my mild and moderate, and all I have left is a severe, so I'm unconscious now, right? - No. - If you fill up both of your physical boxes, you're not unconscious? - No. - Next you-- - That's NPCs. - You can decide to just call it quits, and fall on the ground and catch up. - Yeah, if you get hit and fill all your physical boxes. - Probably not why, so, in this particular scenario. - Okay, I thought I was forced in bed. - You know, you have up to it's strength. You could lose a limb. To clarify, you only have two physical boxes. They're filled. Any hits can roll up, and your consequences are all filled, except for it. So there, I'm sorry, you are on the verge of taking some very, very nasty damage. - Yep. - Okay. - How about he's distracted because of all the burns that you can tap that maybe? - No, I'm thinking it was distracted by pain. - Yes. - In pain. - It's really hard. - All right, sorry, Edmund, your three year old is even out of five. - Even on the first dice I have no way of flex. - No, I flexed it all. - Holy crap, he took 10, five from the-- - He didn't bud over there. - Did you shoot him? - Huh? - He did bud over there. - Yes, so you take 10 damage. - Well, no, he's got armor. - I got five armor. - Three armor. - Five armor. - Three, the other armor. - I got him, I'm very strong, tough. - Oh, okay. - Five armor. - So, so you take five damage. - So I can just mark up up by a stress box, right? - Yes. - 'Cause you've got that many stress box. - Zero. (mumbles) - All right. - Which is why I wanted to step in front of something. - Yeah, I could see that. - Constance rolls an even. - However, she's actually wearing robes. - Magic robes. - So she can take all this damage. - And she can only use it a certain number of times. - Just 14 times, guys, that's all I can use it. - I have no doubt that-- - We are, no, we're close to winning this battle. - What about Abby? - Fucking wizards, man. - I know. - Well, you're gonna have one list to worry about, so don't-- - Abigail, in. - Talk about yourself. - Yeah. (laughter) - She takes the five, but she still takes the weapon damage of five. And she, too, has a bit of magical armor in it. - What about Dale? - That as well, so she goes down to-- - Dale goes crispy on the ground. - She takes a little crunch of two. - Today, all. - Did she just take him out of it? - Yeah, I don't know. - She would have, 'cause Dale's on the ground with no defense whatsoever, except his ability to snore. - And he will leave it on the fudge. There's no athletics, so he takes 10 damage, which-- - See him, what, in Jap's? - Extreme consequence, or is he dead? - I'd rather not know. - Okay. - He is, definitely. - I'm not fighting. - And he once again on fire, as is second time in the evening. - Who's gonna take over the clinic if she's dead? - You might need to be around. - You think we're gonna work close to dead? - That's well. - Yeah. - I'm going to take a turn to step back and aim, 'cause she has bigger problems than me, and maybe I could shoot her a bit. - She's pretty quick. - Great. - So I'll take a good move and take a better one. - I get plus two to aim for non-vital areas, you know, the kind that don't kill. It's called me, Kapper, and I have 10 C to aim for knees, so I aim for her knees. I get plus two, but minus one, 'cause I do the gun, four for guns, and then I have to get a good, so I have total of five. - I feel that problem. - I rolled another negative, but only negative one, which combines my plus five to make great. - Four. - Blackboard vampires come moving in. - They are attacking. - Maxwell, Roberto. - I wanted to send my ghouls into Harry then. Could I have done that? - Oh yeah, he certainly could. - Okay. - Instead of taking a attack action on them, they're trying to block their movement into this area. - I roll the plus three for them to block these feet from into the area. - This isn't about, you know, blocking containment. - I mean, this is, it's just delaying them so we can get some hits off in Constance, 'cause she's a bitch. I guess I'm saying that this is not the time to pull any punches if we've got punches to throw. - I can punch harder than my ghouls can attack. I'm just using them. - He's trying to keep the four vampires at bay. - He could kill one of them with his ghouls. They could swarm it. - Probably take it out in one turn, sure, but. - This gives us all our resources to attack Constance. - Okay, your discipline role was what, previously? - I think they were weapons six. - Okay, so you rolled a three more so that containment is nine, nine, the vampires. - Okay. - For this turn. - That's pretty powerful. - That's pretty powerful. - Yes. So the vampires turn the attempts to break the containment of the ghouls and attack you guys. They have to break that with an athletics of good, which they really can't do. - I don't want that much pretty effective. - Well, maybe. - Even at a plus four, they're seven and there's no way they can break that containment. - Well, I do give them an order. - Well, maybe they want to kill a couple of the ghouls to try to get through. - Every time they've managed to hit the ghouls, it brings them down one health, which would weaken their block by one, two, three. - The fists are four, I rolled a minus two on the first vampire, so his attack against the ghouls is only fair. What are their athletics? - I don't know. - They could use fists too, which they'd be good at. - Yeah. - Yeah, I suppose they're good. - Their athletics is four, so it is unlikely that your ghouls are going to die from that. - Do I defend for them? - Yeah, you must roll a four plus overall. So things done, okay, let's check it. Plus one, five, four feasts, right? There's four attacks used to have to roll four defense. - Five, three, four, three. How many hits on me? - So the first one was only two. The last one was only one. So those two are entirely blocked. The fight is rather vicious and that one was actually a good one. One of your ghouls is pretty badly damaged then. - Let's say it's dead. - It's a group of ghouls because it's always dead and it's gone down to hate. We need to simplify this. - Okay. - And that was the vampires and then it's Abigail's. Abigail is saying, I believe Constance has lost her mind and it might be a good idea to get out of here. Your reward is about to fall down. - I'm running out of depth, Chris, it's just so. So I'm, you know, I'm trying to cover some bases here. So I might be able to mitigate this and give her a muscle atrophy. - No, I'm trying to come up with something that will come on. - Double useful. She'll be like stuck on a way. - I don't know what your plans are, but I can open a way to the never, never and we can get the help. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. - No. - The elf just left here. - You've got a better plan. You've got a ravenous vampire insane right over there and she hasn't been touched. - Give me one more turn and then we flee. - Okay. - Okay, is it my turn? I feel like that's coming up, I'm not sure. - No, you're after me. - How do you protect me? - Or wait, I did something. So I asked her to give me 15 seconds. I need 16. Bitch. - Abigail attempts to bind her sister with air. - Nice. - And she goes with a conviction of seven. Rules a- - Okay, they do have something to help. - Of six plus one seven to call it exactly even. - Not during her turn. - So she has locked constants in the world with sun for continuous resources. - As wind whips around her and tries to keep her away from you guys. - Just make sure you're all out of here. - Which is fine. - London. - Light the wind up. - Fire. - You can do that. - Light the wind up. - Team up. - I rolled a wash on the fudge dice. - Yeah, a wash. - I have a- - Not a minus. - I have a discipline of five. I do a minor veil and I turn invisible. - Give you 15. - Which I think I'm probably pretty invisible right now with a whirlwind blowing around her, but it serves a purpose. - And you hide then move, I'm invisible and I move one zone and I need to talk to you. - Why don't we ask everyone else to leave so that the audience can actually hear what you're saying. - Oh, cool. - Sorry guys. - The idea is invisible, why invisible? - Behind constants. And then to do a seeming on myself as thinking that that's the only thing that gets through to constants in a situation like this and not one step in it and never, never, one would be terrified to leave the confines of Cleveland. Especially with that elf having recently departed. So he wants to try to avoid a lot of paths and my thought process would be then do I, well I can justify him knowing what she looked like because he deals with these two powerful entities. They're the most powerful entities to see. I would say a lore role or I can spend obviously a fate point if need be just to make it happen but I'd rather do a lore role to save the fate point if possible. If not, then that's okay. I can do two spells in one turn. - No, only one. - Isn't there a way to do two spells in one turn? - I think so. I mean the only subsequent action you can do is if you move, we do a subsequent action. - So that's why I did. I did a spell and then my subsequent action was-- - This is the movie, right? - What is your intent with this coming in as a mother? - To tell you that it's over. Abigail has revived me, I'm fine. You don't need to be upset anymore. You've won, I'm back. And then I wanted to have it from that picture an old like buggy or old car that we were gonna go back to just cause like I had come in that vehicle. - Oh, I'm sorry, her mother. I thought you meant the mother. - No, no, no, the mother that they're both trying to revive. - Right. - I thought it would be at least-- - Not since mother. - Yeah, it'd be just-- - No, that would require a moral. - Sure. - Just for history. I thought you meant the mother of the child and I was like, I don't get it what you're going for. - Yeah, right, sorry. - My bad. - What I'm going for is the action. She's been saying, guys, this can calm down now. - I'm all better. - A moral. - It's a tough one, so I can understand if you do. - I would say it would require a good, if not great, I think good. - I mean, she's a historical figure. - Yeah. - I mean, it's the wife of Rockefeller. - You know, these days, I should be complaining because everyone else is really struggling, but it's a wash. My lore is great because it's what I do. And as are my contacts, so I guess either one looks good. - Somewhere in the history book, you saw a picture of John Rockefeller and his wife and you know well enough what she can do. - Does she have a driver? Constance, did she have a driver? - No, I don't know. - The tutorial was a driver. - 'Cause I want to lead her. The idea is to lead her back to her car, because I forget about the idea for a second. Let's just lead her back to her car and then maybe one of the blocks for a vampire is could drive her home or something, but that would be the idea. I might even have to get in the car and then slip out, maintain the seeming and then slip out later. That's the general idea though. I thought it might get cold, twist at the end. I don't know, then just run away. Feel free to make it not work if that's okay. - Okay, so that's what I do. I get the position behind, because I look like I'm entering into the facility. - Gosh, you can go back, guys. - Everyone heard me say, give me a few moments. I disappear in London. Is that one moment? Ghost dark. (laughing) - Give me a few moments while I run away. - It's way to be a lot more supposed to wait. - Give me a few moments. Head start. - You guys are super... - Yeah, stuff there. - That's not what London said. - What was that? - I said, give me a few moments. - Was that a don't attack her for a few moments or don't run away for a few moments? - Right, right. - The heck was, give me a few moments, me. - Yeah, that's a good question. - It's like Sean, I wish you could ask him that. - Two seconds. - Roberto, your employee said, give me a few moments and then he pooped. - Employer. - Employer. - Yeah, well. - Employer. - I take that to mean, before we leave, let me try to get this tactic in. And so I give him as much time as he needs by rushing constants. - Okay. - Hit her with hell, fire. - I think the hammer hurts more. (dramatic music) - Burn her. - I'm better at the weapons than I am at the magic. - See, it wasn't attempted. - I wasn't. - I wanted to get hell, fire. - I want to work up a stunt where I can use the hell fire with the hammer. - Yeah, I'll have to cut it all. - There's a little. - Hard to explain, McCool. - I thought that dreads anything. - You would do that. - You would use it. - A little fire. - Mine's one on the roll. - Yeah. - He says hell's bells all the time is. - I roll. - Is he actually seen him or is he carrying them before? - He'd listen to it in an AC/DC concert. - Okay. - I roll the minus one. - My weapons is four. He brings it down to a good roll. - Okay. - To hit her. - And she's tied up in a whirlwind. I'm not sure she gets the defense. - Yes, she thinks she gets the defense with the minus of the puck. If it's the same as the grapple. - Ooh, plus three on the roll. And her sister, I'm looking at the wrong sheet. And her athletics is only good, so that takes it up to fantastic, which is- - She's held still by this whirlwind. - Yes, I know. - Plus her speed minus her block. So she gets up to epic. So if she ties the block. So you hit her with a good. - The hammer itself is a weapons two. - It's weapons three. - It's two hands. - So you have a fantastic subject. - I have a strength that gives me plus two. - So that makes sort of weapons five, plus the three and eight. - So you're like this. - Legendary attack. Has anyone gotten the consequences on her? - Other than she's crazy. - Her cloak, she's used a second charge. So the cloak soaks up the damage. You have to re-aim your goals. - Okay. - You're having them still maintain a- - A block on those guys? - Yeah. - Yeah. - All right. - I roll the wash. - And so the block is now six. - Yeah. - I'm not allowed. - So am I allowed to pile on to a good containment spell and add my own magic to it? Or do I have to- - No, it doesn't stack. - You can stack. - Okay. - Do you need healing? - I don't have any ability to heal myself. - We can her with a grenade. (laughing) - You can cow her in the corner. - That's fine by me. - Actually the only thing I can do- - I'll wait till- - I'll wait till- - Oh wait till- - London comes back. - You know she's gonna delay my action for a moment, but I'm getting the grenade out. 'Cause it's his own attack. I don't have to throw it and won't be followed by the- - You could put up a block, which is different than armor. You have magical armor on it. You could put up some form of block in front of you so that any attack would have to overcome that block before it then hits the armor. - That one smells kind of pussy, but- - You are. - You have a glow dedicated to it, right? - I do. I mean, yeah. - A strong wing could knock you on your ass right now. You are a threat- - Right, right. - Which is when I get my death curse already. This was a possibility. I will throw a block and I will protect myself from, I'll use a windshield. - So if you're doing a road spell, all of the levels are predetermined. - At five, yeah. - Okay. - Oh I can't pour more energy into 'em. - Not if it's a road spell. - But that's just- - But if it's the same thing. - A road spell means you just don't have to roll for it. If you do a little- - Yeah, I think you need to roll for it anyway. You can add- - Preset. - It just works. - I don't need to pump more energy unless I just want to use up my mental slots, right? - Right. - I can't really- - I still use this one mental slot. - Yeah, it does, but I mean, I can't shoot- - You don't have to roll the nasty negative dice tonight. - No, yeah, those are- - I need your five block going out in front of you. - Then I will put up my windshield. - It's a shield of what? - Well, it's using the element of our bear. - So bear. - Okay, that's fine. - But it's gonna keep on anything, right? - Right. - That's it. - It will. - Add anything. - Add anything. - Add anything that's less than five in power. - Are the vampires that are, the ghouls are holding off, are they in our zone or none of their zones? - They're like one zone away. - And if I tossed a light grenade over into that zone, will it affect me or her situation? - No, it's a zone-wide effect, so it would just affect that zone. - It wouldn't affect the vampires that are fighting my ghouls. - Yes, it would, that's very strong. - Oh, okay, I'm sorry. Go ahead. It won't even affect you. - Could you- - Can I do that? - Sure. - And do a secondary action, and they have to try to hit her or no? - No, the only time you can do a supplement action is one of the actions is movement, and you can do it in another action on the movement. - Okay, I'm just gonna allow her a good note here. - All right, give me a weapons. - You know, weapons is average, and I roll the wash on my eye. - Well, it's one zone away, so I would say you need an average stroke to get it one zone away. It's just parking lot right over there. Here's a light flare goes on. In fact, it is unfortunate that their new world vampires, it robs them of their current power. It does not turn them to ash. It does not turn them to ash and do damage, but it makes it much easier for your ghouls to contain them for this current. And in fact, maybe even doing a little bit of damage. - In blocking them? - Yeah, I mean, it's suddenly they turn weak, you know? The ghouls are fighting for their life to keep the evaporators at bay, and all of a sudden they kind of-- - Okay, now there's a bunch of humans depending on how much it gets worse. - So we go to Constance. - I think when they realize they're started fighting humans, they go to eating mode, rather than holding them off. - That makes perfect consternate. - No. - Constance struggles against the block of whirlwind. She doesn't even come anywhere close to beating her sisters. You see her flailing her arms against it, and the wind is just whipping her around in circles. And Maxwell. - All right, I'm gonna shoot at her. - Neekyap. - If you spin through her. - Oh, in there, but... - Oh yeah, I have a maneuver. All right, I fire my guns, which are effectively great when using shotguns. - A shotgun. - Slugger. - Probably not. If I figured I was gonna be fighting the troll, I would have brought a buck shot, which is always steel. - So you're moving right up against the whirlwind. - Stance too. - It's unlikely that I'll hire a Neekyap, but the point stands. I fire my gun at the trouble world. (gunshot) They're all native, one of my fudge dice. - Plus two for the maneuver. - Plus two for the maneuver, yeah. - Half of the one. - Which counters that negative one, makes it positive one, basically, and adds to my gun skill of what's effectively great, and makes it superb. - Her role was a minus two. Her athletics is good, so. - Plus one. - Average defense for her. - Minus the block. - It's not a grapple, it's just a containment. - Let's just go with her at minus one, and you're hitting with what? - Support. - Effectively. - You hit with four great, and does the weapon pal back on? - Yeah, well, first three. - Seven or, again, her cloak saves her from taking damage. - When it comes to Abigail's turn, she has to maintain this attack of dropping dice. - Yes, it does. - Okay, it is the vampire's turn. - Which one? - The the entire state. A lot of them. - Humans. - A lot of it. - Yes, actually, they're just merely humans. - Should I roll for defense? - No, the lot of them are trying to, not getting eaten, they're going back into the car. (laughs) It's the least possible. As they suddenly become humans, surrounded by a very large pack of goals, (rattling) - That's one zone of the way. All four of them are jumping in and locking the doors in the car. - My goals are gonna tip that car. - All right. - And then we go to Abigail. - Let your sister fall and looking around for a while. Are we leaving? - What? - You said, give a moment. Where's London? - Sportsroom. - You gotta give them time. - Give 'em the limits. - Give 'em the limits. - And it is one. - Oh, there it is. - Okay, first, the ceiling. - Holy cow. - Holy cow. - Holy bear, man. - That's been the dice tonight. Minus three. My discipline is superb. That takes me to fair. - Don't you wanna spend a faint point? - But I'm London. - Is that a re-roll or plus two? - That's a re-roll. - Definitely. - All right. - Regularly roll, at least. - And I can't-- - All right, roll the minus one, which actually is the complete wash between the plus two and not the plus two. That takes me from a superb down to a great. Do you have any idea of what her state is going to allow me? I don't have to spend 'em now, or I get to hear what she's doing and see how it plays or know how to spend it now. - You can definitely do that. - Your glamour is what? - It is great. - I thought so. - And what is it you are looking like? - Her mother. - Constance mother, Celeste. - If her intellect is damaged or reduced, that shouldn't help you really. - That's exactly what I'm hoping for. - Her roll, I chose, was investigate. Unfortunately, it is severely damaged by her current mental state, which is almost non-functioning. So it's merely a roll of fare. So she's squinting at you. - Right. - And she's a mother? - Darling. - Huh, how? - Darling. - It's enough. - But you're? - No, I'm back, I'm back. - Abigail takes a few steps forward and she's, oh. (laughing) - Okay. - It's okay, honey. - But, but you were to be the new queen. You were to lead us all. - And so I shall I, but the time has passed for this path. You must go home now, honey. - I'm thinking, of course I'd love to use presents, but to see. - Damn, this is definitely to see. 'Cause you're not London anymore. - No. - Damn it. - But her mother had presents damaged. (laughing) She was a damn fine woman. - Hey, I'm holy shit. - She's not the other way. - That's the whole night of suck, just reversed in one fell swoop. - That's where I wanted to meet in one. - That's a plus four on the fudge dice. My decede is only fair. - Okay. - So that takes me to fantastic, fantastic. - Out of your ass rule for. - Well, it's London, so that's London. - That's London. - Right to the very last rule and then nail it. - It took all karma. - Yeah, I took all the band karma, switched it around. So I tell her that, didn't you know, Abigail found a way to bring me back. That's why she's here tonight. This is all a terrible misunderstanding. - You don't need the baby anymore. Just let's go home together. Take me home, Constance. - But I was gonna do it. She seems to start being a good anger. I was going to do it. I was going to fix you. Abigail ruined you. I knew Abigail would ruin you. - Tearist. All that matters is that I'm back. And we can go on with life together. All our plans, all our dreams, they're going to come to fruition. It doesn't matter who. All that matters now is I'm back. - Okay. When this is going on, what are your goals doing? - They're trying to tip the car. - You need to eat the goals? Do you think that part is? - Okay. - How many cars are there? - Two. - She's coming. - Yes. - You know how to cool my dog. - I'm not in command. - Well, you sort of are. - So the fantastic role. - I was thinking of you. - The deceit. Does she roll something against that to be duped? - She would. - That is what you use. - She's in spelling through life. - Okay. - And this is a lie. - Such a lie. A lie unlike any of you have ever seen. - All right, first of all, she got it. - She makes the policeman episode with no longer embarrassing. - She does have a good empathy. - Sure. - But that's what the right now is. Her mental state is in tatters. Her magical spell has ruined her intellect. She can't see through this seat. First of all, it was only good. And she rolled it plus two, which is actually superb. But at a minimum, she's minus two because of her mental state. She threw a humongous fireball. Past her normal power level. And she is currently in a shattered mental state, like I said, where she's either extremely feral and out of control, or she's childlike. When she's trying to be reasonable and rational. But the mother that's come back from the grave is incredibly powerful. - Oh, that's really great. - Oh yeah, she's really good. I love you. - I think she hated you before. She's not gonna know what's mean. - That just figures out. It survives this. - You would be constant surveillance. Give me a roll on your goals. Trying to tip over a car. They have a mite. They get a huge bonus to mite when I try to tip cars. - I imagine they have an human strength. - Yes. - Plus three win lifting. - And there's a lot of them. - But there's switch between two cars. - No, to bring both. - They all came from one car and they all worked. - Close to it, your goals are keeping them handy. So they all went back into that car. - Yeah, they did. - I rolled a washer. - Their mite is, I don't know, two. - Plus three, 'cause of their beauty of strength. - So they've been super. - And there are dozens of them. - There are at least a couple of those. So yeah, the car goes tipping over again. I mean, they're like clawing in the windows and the vampires are screaming. - It's getting past the crunchy outside. - So, Constance is going with you. You're taking her in the car and driving away. - Yes, I assume that is what we're doing. I don't think I would believe my boss gave me this opportunity to crack her on the back of the head. - I can't let this lady live. - This is like, everyone gets a cheap shot in here right now when she could go down. - Isn't it your job to clean up this mess? Why is mine? - Wow, what kind of quick you turn? So, is it resolved quietly and peacefully and you guys get away or? - Are you asking me? - You're wall masking out later. - That's the best solution I've ever seen. - I've been listening to this before. - I am not, I can't be more damaged and still be alive. So. - Did somebody quit? - I have to fight another day. - You're going to be severe. - You're going to be severe, I died. - No, you have to go to extreme. - That's the point of, no, not even extreme. - The point of is to survive. - Right. - It harms you on a level. - Once you take extreme, that changes you. - I didn't mean it to rate your prey. You still have two more hits you could take before you go down. - Two whole hits, man. - No. - What I'm saying is, you're not his toe. - You're not as close to death as one stroke. - Just two people could hit me and I would have to take it as severe. - As severe. - Well, three yes. - As Alan. - Because you can take the one severe. - Has Alan used any of his mental stress track yet? He could blast this lady with some spell. - Yeah, how many mental stress do you have? - You have two mild men, no, you have a mild man. - I'm sorry, we've put our dicks on the table here and we're trying to start out white. - I'm just saying you could kick her ass in here. - In a single spell, you could use the extra mild consequence you have. A level four mental stress. And that's like-- - And don't forget she has a close set of silks in all damage. - Yeah. - Totally fucking out of that. - She's out of that cloak. - We don't talk about any of her clothes. She's armored up. I just want you to absorb-- - And she has to use the cloak in order for her to gain the benefit. And she is totally out of it right now. I'm not even sure she'd get her all done. - However, Maxwell's-- - I'm not trying to convince you to do anything. - I don't see any fade points coming my way. - You can live to walk away and fight another day. - I will have to-- - But I would say live to fight another day. - She's in a mental state that she is no longer gonna be able to run the Cleveland Clinic. - Right. - She has lost her power in the city as a figure other than a very powerful deadly vampire. - Yeah, she's a weapon now, but she's no longer a leader. - She's a hell of a woman. - Well, but because she's not a leader, she's not gonna have the intellect or the cognitive abilities to even possibly even pursue London. Although getting into a crime, I mean, that's, I don't know what she's doing. That's on you. - It's saying, well, I'm trying to lead her away. - I know. - And I think that that is, I'm like-- (clapping) - That was so clap, all right. It's like, I didn't know how we're gonna get out of this. I was preparing two different death curses to go along. I think this is the window of opportunity. - I mean, the only way I'd hit her is if I was a shirt. - I mean, if you guys are looking to take her out, if you hit her, that's no brainer. But if it's that she might have armor, she might live through it and go nuts again, I don't wanna-- - Well, we're all men and gaming. - Well, no, they're not. They're all like, you're walking away with a car and they all come together and they're like, "Well, that shot her. "No, we've crazy about it." - What I wanted to ask was, what's Abigail doing? I mean, 'cause if someone calls off and takes out her sister, they're still Abigail there. - Hey, I rolled on this. She's okay with her love. - Well, you think she's-- - You think you can hold that? - Well, she's okay with it. - And my character would say that exactly. - Oh sure, Abigail has just, you know, expanded her power base significantly, so I'm okay not upsetting this apple car right now. - Abigail's with you guys together and she's like, "Let her go." - Yeah, that's-- - I'm sending apples everywhere. - Huh? - This is my-- - You wanna get-- - I just don't wanna let her go. - I understand that. - I have five fake points. This is one, two, three, four, eight damage. Why would you say one? - Could you possibly tap every single one of your-- - Legitimately. - Tap every single one of your aspects, or at least five of you. - I would do anything to protect innocence. She is a loose cannon. She'll be-- - Sure, I know, I agree. - My high aspect is, my high concept is always relevant. I'm the guardian of Cleveland and she's a bitch. - Sure. - She's got the person she once was, so there's a still apply. - Power opens doors. - I can use that for either one, really. This is not very wise, but it is, this power enables me to do it. And I might be able to tap her in sanity to get a clock in the back of the head, I'm not sure. - That's a social. - It's still a consequence. - Yeah. - Right now she's in consequences for physical damage. - Sure, okay. - Right now she's in a social situation. - Especially in, you know, mental situation. - So I can see four, potentially, of the-- - That's eight damage, plus weapons five, plus whatever he rolls to hit. Not even counting in what you could do with magic that you refuse to do. - Which my character is-- - I'm sorry, are you saying? - Yeah, I was just gonna say. - But you are agreeing that I'm not gonna kill somebody? - Well, I, you know, I'm just saying. - We haven't even used the grenades, aren't we? - We don't have to use anything on her, she's done. - I'm saying-- - We win. - We haven't our disposal. - You hit her or-- - She don't win. - No one's gonna be a nuisance in the future, and I just want her dead now. - Then roll for it, no one I'm doing it. - So you are breaking from the tackle right up behind her and cloving her in the head. - Mine's too. - Did you use one of 'em for reroll? - No, that's the same as a plus two. - Uh, see? - See? - Yeah. - So you use the wash. - So you got a wash. - Right up behind her, it's smacked her in the back of the head. - You reroll on so that you use one of your things for the reroll, right? - Yeah. - And you hit her with a sledgehammer. - Are you back in the head before you did that? - Well, I, do I have the ability to-- 'cause I was thinking of sliding my block. - Can I hit her while I'm hitting her? - I'll put it in. You can fake point and grapple. - Hey. None of you have any reason to stop 'em. - Yes, they do. - No, they have every reason to stop 'em. - I don't know if they have an opportunity. I mean, you're all sitting around talking about it. - My character is also torn. - Yeah, but I mean, that's all. - And I want to help 'em at the same time. - Her role was straight up even. She does not get any athletic defense because she's with her mother walking towards the car in a peaceful nature. - Shit. - Sunday evening, strolling down the park lane when you clove her with a sledgehammer on the back of the head. - All right, yeah. - And I use these plus six. - Okay. - Plus four. - I use them four. - My weapons is four. - This makes it 10, 15. - It's gonna fun and just to find any kind of sin, isn't it? (laughing) - He's got a huge job. - Are you villainous, the girl, your own story, huh? - What is your total damage? - 15. - Hitler was unifying Germany. - Hold on. - I mean, I hit a lot of the dead. - I get it. - You definitely hit it. - My weapon is three. I have plus two due to my strength. That makes it, what? 15. - 15. - You hit a lot of damage. Does she get to use her cloak? - She does not because her cloak is out of charges. - You villain, how dare you? - She does, however, have other armor which absorbs four. - Oh. - And that is magical armor. - God, she has layered magical armor. - Yes, she does. - Total bitch. - So that's 11. - Okay. - One, two, three, four, and then four for her power. So that's a total of eight that she can take. - Oh man, if only she didn't have like toughness, maybe like grenades. - I was gonna say, you're gonna hit it. - Yeah, well, I can't do both. - Give me the thumbs up on a tosser grenade and you pop her in it. - Okay, which means a consequence then minor, and the eight box, mark dot. - Mild or moderate? - I also summon the goals over. I say, forget them, get the big one. - You need them both in one turn? - I am. - Yeah, it's vocal, it's vocal, they're like that. - They'll all wait for their turn though, because they recently tipped the car over. - I can't help at all. Stupid luck with it. - Like grenade, man. - I don't throw them, I don't have any. I specifically gave mine to someone with a weapons car. - She has a cut on her back of her head at the last, you know, at the last point. - Yeah. - She wants to notice that she moved aside and you glance her hit her shoulder. She took some definite damage, but it's a minor cut. - She's not knocked flat or anything? - No, 'cause in essence, she took one physical stress box and one mild consequence. - It should have been the time to use your health fire. - If you could use it with his hammer, I'm sure you would. - Yeah, if I have a stunt for that, I would be doing it. - I shrugged off a crispy consequence, 'cause I have this in human recovery I can do. I am less burnt than I was. That is, noticeable. - It is noticeable? - I don't know. - I'm very burnt. - Would you notice if I weren't as burnt? - I have three mild consequences and one of them disappeared. - He still left two. - He still works. - Still a little burnt. - All right, I don't know what I'm saying. - One third less burnt. - One third stark, I don't quite understand. - Oh, Alan. - So I thought I'd done this. - It's your turn. - John, you're power. If you have to, you could just fight her next. - Could you cancel her shield? - I mean-- - Kind of slowly. - I mean, does she get to re-- I mean, do we-- - What's Abigail's reaction? - Yeah, what's Ab-- I mean, I need to get a little more information. What's the Abigail's? What's the temperature of the room here? I mean, it is kind of the time she's been attacked. What's Abigail saying or doing-- - Oh, she's-- - No! - No! - Ugh! - She's not, like, angry. - But she's extremely frustrated. - Not ready to kill. - In this case, ever since. - Sure, it's an improvement. - I thought this deals off, but-- - I turned to Abigail-- - I am not protecting you guys. You had your chance. - This is a rogue action. Can we get that portal and get London out of there? And it's like a run for it. Because I think he just rang the bell for round three, and we're not ready for this at all. And we're going to try to use the grenades to cover our escape. - You don't even get to do your magical blast. You know, my tech-- - I wanted this game with magic. - I wanted to use my magic to drag London out of there, because he is right next to us. - Okay. - Your class candidate is never fired. What's with that? - You're a good guy who's committing ghouls to attack. - You two destroy a monster. We're unleashing on the city of coward. - We were done, and we were walking away from this, and then you see-- - We were unleashing a monster. I don't know where the hell you live. - This creature was not going to disappear when London got in the car. - Well, you made it almost as useful your problem now. - We could have-- - No, I gave you excuse to run away, which you really took. - I guess you'll have to-- - You're the cop here. Why am I coping? - We could have took this wild-- - What happened? - We could have took this wild beast to put it in a cage. - What? - A cage can hold this pitch. - What do you do? - A cage can hold this pitch. - I'm using my wind power to-- - I look angry. - Do you want-- Now I'm going to do this? - I'm just telling you that I look angry. - I know you look angry. - What do you care? You're the leader. (laughing) - That's funny. - It's just a guy who just disobeyed every rule and attacked-- - I call him a coward for not leading. He's still not leading. - He's leading just fine. - What are you doing? - This is called a tactical withdrawal. - What are you doing? - I am casting a spell to Hoover the-- London, who I guess, from her perspective, is gonna look really square, 'cause I'm taking her mother-- - Oh, here's the other mother. - You're right. - Don't do it. - Take him. - Say, Jim, huh? - That's what I said. Take him. I can handle this. - All right. - I'm good at what I do. I can bring her back. - You have your opportunity, though. - I'm not the one who made the poor decision. Go ahead. - I'm sorry, what decision are you talking about? You're sucking me out of here so we can run? Taking me out with a spell? What are you doing? - I'm gonna-- - You said you never saw his magic. (laughing) - What? - Are you gonna back down and leave with Abigail through this portal? Abigail does create a portal. - I'm gonna do whatever I can to take her down. - Then you are, this fire was put out, and you're starting all over again. - You're not put out. You stopped being threatened. - The city was at stake. - It was at stake. - It was. - It is at stake. She's a monster. - There's a lot of monsters in here. - There's a lot of monsters going on here. Here's a monster. I really got a lot of crazy deaths by waiting. - Back in to kill the ghoul. - You were fine with that. What's with this now? - Because we don't have the power to take her on, and she is that crazy. He probably-- - We don't have a better opportunity. - I have a no. - Aspect says, "I am not a monster." She'll come where you're offended by that. (laughing) - Do what you're gonna do, Al? - All right, here it comes. - What are you gonna do? - I'm going to try to-- Are you gonna come willingly? Are you gonna, you know, are you gonna take this door? Or are you gonna stay? - I don't know what this monster's gonna do right now. - Are you in or are you out? Are you going to evacuate? - Are you going to stay? - There's a real quick. Stay or go? - Who's staying and who's going? - We're starting with you. London is staying. - London is staying, but not fighting. - Well, London's staying, but he's not funny, is that? - Roberto is staying, but probably fighting. - Roberto's staying is fighting. - I'm not going anywhere. - You're staying? - Yes. - Hmm. Maxwell? - I could make it to the store without your help. You could find something better to do than drag me. - Well, that's what I'm saying. You're going to go, are you going to click the door? - Hey, could you stay help if I stayed? So... - You're leaving out. - Okay. - A little wary about going through this door, but yeah. - Just a reminder. Constance is a true black court vampire. - Yeah. - It has no soul. - Yeah. - All things effect Dracula affect her. - Yeah. - I have several other people with a like grenade, but she has magic, like crazy bullshit all the time. - She doesn't. - Not anymore. - Magic anymore. - She still does. - I mean, my character is seen again, that she still has armor and he wouldn't have known that she didn't in the first place, but he can't do anything worse than that armor. - He's tried. - Okay, that's fine. - I just, I thought you were talking about casting. She was still a castor. - No, no. - You're in her mental state. You're pretty sure. - I mean, I grapple and I shoot. She can't get shot. She could rip me to shreds. - Okay, that's fine. - I can't help you. - All right. Whoever's leaving leave, Abigail go. I'm going to stay. - You and I are thrilled. - You are the character. - Stop. - I'm fine with that. - Stop. - I'm going to throw the light grenade and we're going to just have to, let's, let's all. - Hmm. - So I will throw my grenade. - Same zone. - We had the element surprise. We had light grenades. We had-- - Throw the grenade. - It was, this is it. It was over. You started it up. - Stop, stop. Listen. - Can I hit her before? - How was it? - Listen to the leader for a shot. He was over. - I'll hit her right hand. - He was walking to the car with her. She was disordered. She'd used up her magic. So she didn't have magic anymore. - You told me when you came here, you wanted to take out a threat to the city. - The city. - Listen. I wanted to neutralize a threat to the city. There was an opportunity to try and take her out. The situation changed drastically. Not to mention that, you know. - Really? - How could you say the situation didn't change radically? She has no intellect anymore. - That was planned. - We didn't know it would work. (laughing) - We really even worked in our favor when it chased around. We don't want to continue with the plan. - She's gone from CEO to Cleveland Clinic to a mindless beast. How can you say the situation hasn't changed? - And he had disarmed the situation. She wasn't in attack mode. The only person here who has magic to fight her are even, well, attempts to fight her way. He is incapable of delivering other than one thing. And then the fire was started all again. So now, we're all in. And that's unfortunately the way it's going to be. And you're right. I thought if we could get and withdraw with everyone. Yes, you're not going. Big surprise. You are just now committed to do this. You, you don't even want to try and figure out what you do with stay or go. So now, the only thing is, okay. - So you don't understand. I'm not going in. - I don't care. - It's irrelevant. It really is irrelevant now. It's really irrelevant. - And no one listens. - It's absolutely irrelevant. - That's all I'm saying. - So when he said, I took that to heart. - Are you saying it was to take her out? - He did. - Which, it's such bullshit, because we've reached the entire thing this entire past few months. So, let us now do everything we can to kill her, because that is the only option now on the table. I mean, or am I wrong again? - I know you don't argue. - If we can't save us, I mean, we can't recall what we're doing again. - I would say if we go through with your plan, then-- - This isn't my plan anymore. - I know. - You want to run. I mean, sorry, you said that. - I did want to run. You have committed, you have committed the action. All right, so now it's like-- - You guys are abandoning. - Well, the reason, well, I heard that for some people. - Okay, I am throwing the grenade. And that, I think, is probably with my weapons. - Not my magic. The best opportunity to try to punch as hard as I can against her. And if some other people are in the zone, I'm sorry, right now he can take it better than Constance can. - Edmund, you're-- - Well, I would have to take extra damage, or the only thing tied to your weaknesses. You can still punch like-- - Unbelievable. - Unbelievable. - Unbelievable. - Insanely believable. - You're in the same zone. I don't think you need to roll particularly well. - You need to roll one. - Negative three to my weapons, which will bring it down to a fair grenade. 'Cause I'm limp-rusted throwing the grenade, 'cause I'm like, "Oh, it's just a kid, it's just a kid." - Jesus. - Her defense is only fair. You roll. (laughing) I did, I rolled minus two. - Do I have to roll a defense? - No, it's just light. - Oh, okay. - I mean, it's a flash that's quite bright and blinding, and Jim's character suddenly feels very safe. - Oh, he couldn't avoid it. - So, she gets to roll. - Well, wait, if that's-- If the issue with him is that I'm going to nullify his powers, can I somehow delay my, you know, tell him I'm gonna throw fire in the hole, and then let him do his thing while he still has his powers, and then buff-- - Oh, that's what I'm trying to bring in. - You rolled a fair. - Right, front attack. She rolled a fair for defense, so the only damage she gets is the weapon four, that the light causes her, that it's serious burning light. - I'm thinking about correct on that. - Okay, your turn goes before he does that, though. - Did Jim get to dodge the-- - It hasn't happened yet. - Jim, the Allen is pausing that admin is taking his turn. - And a grapple is a mite, all right? - Well, you have to, if I took the counselors first, or pay a faith point towards somewhere, I'm gonna ask back. - Like if I throw out a faith point talking to them whether we can chew, then I can try to grapple her. - Yeah, then it's-- - Yes. - I gave her a consequence, right? - Yes. - Mild. - On her head. - Yes. - And-- - How much on her stress track? - One, eight. - Eight. - She has eight stress tracks. - If only, so much of it. - Yes, whatever. So you can invoke that for free, and then you can grapple her just using your mite, and then she tries to break out using her mite, but you get a boost. - Just get claws. - Do your strength. Claws don't help during your grapple. - Yeah. - You think they will, but they don't. - Hurry, I'm trying to grapple her. - Light versus mite. - It's almost as due to their strength, I don't know what it is. - Mite! - Mite's one. So my mite goes down to from a-- - The one goal would be fair. - You already give the automatic plus count on the consequence, because you need to use a aspect. - Well, I should find out what she rolled first before I find out if I need her to benefit. - When you start grappling someone, they need to have a consequence on them already, or maneuver. So she has a scrape on her head. - She's easier to grapple. - You have inhuman strength? - Yes. - You get plus one to grappling. - Actually, strangely enough, she's afraid of all the women. - That's what I was hoping. - And has no mite whatsoever. - Oh, she has a strength. - Even. - I mean, to say she has inhuman strength, which gives her a bonus while grappling. - Plus one. - All right, so she rolled up. - I've got a whopping average. - Plus one average. - You roll a five. - So I don't have to spend a big point. - Yeah. - So he grapples her with four, or four hold? - Yeah, the great hold. - That's tough for her to break out of unless she's-- - I mean, when you break out of it, you have to use mite. So I could up it though, and say that we don't-- - Does she have to break out of it to attack? - What is the purpose of the grapple? - Dude, whatever you guys want to do, hold her, calm the situation. - He's sitting here with the rabbit. - No! - Whatever you guys want to do. - There's no coming in the situation. - I know, whatever you guys want to do. - I think she can't attack. - Is that the budget? - Yes. - And so instead of-- - Okay. - You need to keep her from attacking, and you guys-- - It's a goddamn mystery to me. I really don't understand. Are we attacking the kill? 'Cause we're certainly not containing the situation anymore. - I don't care. - Yeah, I'm like you, where I have just-- I don't know what you guys need to get hurt, so I'm holding her down while you guys beat the shit out of her until she's dead. - That makes sense. - Okay. - By the way, his strength was broadened out 'cause of the like grenade too, so-- - Yeah. - Well, I haven't thrown the like grenade yet. - I know it's your turn. - I don't know the other-- - Throw it. - Yeah, I throw the like grenade, but that's already been resolved. - Okay, yes. You did a little damage to her. What was the total? I'm sorry. - And four is a lot of stress for her. - Or four points of-- - Fair. - It was a fair attack. - With four points of-- - With four points of the like damage only. - Does that also take away her super-- - It doesn't have to be one of her magical armor unfortunately. - Well, yeah. But I meant like she has an eight on her stress track that I hit somehow. - Yeah. - Yeah. Back when she still had super-- - She still hasn't? - Yeah. - Well, then it comes back. So come back at the end of the two string. When it goes around. - I didn't. - Okay. - I mean, does that mean the vampires in the car will be strengthened again in a turn? - Yeah. - Oh, shit. - Shit. - Oh, when did my ghouls attack? They came over to attack the big one. - That's nowadays? - Sure. - We'll move them down to here. - How many ghouls can attack? - They've been simplified to a weapons score. - They're just a weapons score of six. - And I can throw them with five with my-- - Well, it's down to five. - Yes. - One of them's been killed, or a couple of them killed off. They're weapons five now. - Just a gun roll to attack her with my ghouls. - Okay, that's one. - The roll is a plus one. - That makes for this one a five per-- - Her roll is plus one. Her athletics is three that makes it four, which is equal to Genov's crap one, which I-- - She rolled a zero, and I rolled five. - Okay, hit. - That means-- - And they're a weapons five. - So, 10. - Again, these wolves are like turning it or legs, trying to-- - She still has armor of four. So that leaves one, and then the weapons five again, so it's a six. - Yeah. - That actually exhausts her secondary armor. - Bitch. - Secondary armor. Does that mean she no longer has over, is it? - Not necessarily. - That won't be a problem anymore. - No, she has five. - She actually does. - As a vampire, there's built-in toughness. - Well, that's gone for the moment with the-- - It is. - That's in my car, man. - Okay. - No, next time it comes around to my turn, I'll be able to wall up her, and if I hit the spell on my face. - Five points, good. - She takes a moderate of a chunk missing from her. - How long will it fit on? - She's dead. - So it's not gonna grow back. - She can't recover without a taxidermist. - Wait, you mean 'cause she's dead, 'cause she's a vampire, not dead right. - She's dead, okay, it's her turn. - There's a consequence on her now. - Someone can use that for a plus two. - Forever's an action. - But she don't. - But it's her turn, right? - She gains back strength when it becomes Alan's turn. - Yes. - She's actually waiting. - That's disconcerting. - Yeah. - Sabagale. - That would be my fear. If Sabagale pitches in, then we're wrong, that's screwed, but it just, it complicates things. - Well, we're pretty screwed. - So that was, Max, what did you take your turn? - I aimed. - You aimed to pull the five? - Yes. - And the vampires are climbing out of the car. It's much more difficult because the car has been smashed very much, so. - Okay. - So that was kind of the point. - Yes, I mean, trapped in there currently, but they're trying to take a while. - It's gonna require athletic roll. - Pretty difficult to get through there or time. - Or I might to, you know, break out windows, stretch the car, push the car back together. And then, Abigail. She's sorely tempted to walk through to the never-never and just close the fucking door on a lot of you. - I heard contracts up. She's welcome to do that. - All bets are off. - I'm content as long as she doesn't attack me for giving her sister a concussion. - I think, well, part of me thinks you'd have a hard time watching your sister be murdered. The other part of me wants her to not be mad. - She's got walk away. - Or maybe this is the business, this is nasty business. And this is her opportunity to take control. - I think she's really hoping to take her sister back and cure her along with her mother. - Couldn't very well be. - Wow. - We fucked her up pretty bad for that. - She is using the wind to scoop you and Constance through the door with the never-never. - Whoa. - Her role was with the power of seven and her discipline was plus two, so that's eight. - She's sending a message for Berta. - I mean, she's actually moving Constance, but you're hanging on. So your option is to let go or go with her. - No, I don't want to be happy with her. - We're right next to each other. - I was in the middle of being this woman to death with ghouls in tone, so I'm not sure I'm talking to you. Constance goes flying through the portal as Abigail whips her through with the wind. She looks at all of you, just shakes her head in dismay, and then steps through herself and the door goes. - I do. I'll send you that, Lily. - Yeah, what about Orkin, Orkin, please? - Edmond chose to let go. - I'll let her go. - What? - Okay, yeah. - Well, his choice was to go through the door with it. It was a very powerful win. - I'm about to trust Abigail with her sister as long as she's an alicia in the city, and she's not that crazy. - Wasn't that crazy. - Abigail, it's not that crazy. - Ab, I didn't make her crazy. - Yes. - You might have made her crazy. All right, you guys have four blackboard vampires in a smashed car to deal with. - Hellfire. - Oh, hey, she captured one of them. - We might have, yes. - Let's go. - Is my turn? - I want to cast hope fire in the city. - You can't take the car. - Which is up right now. - So like, totally okay, whatever. Go take Constance, get out of my face. You're well down for-- - I was down for killing her when she was about to leave and be on mission of the city. Her sister is in control over now as far as I can discern, and I can't open a portal to the never ever with my man grid. It just doesn't work. - You're man, what? - Man grid, man grid. - All I've got is that turnover before. - Hammer. - That would be my point. - Okay. - I'm down for that solution. - All right. - I don't see how you could have controlled it forever. - I'm pretty sure you would have ditched her and like driven into the like-- - I'm dead. - It's speculation now, but let's attack these four vampires and end it. - Abigail. - Put it on your sister's camera. - Well, I can stop being an old woman at this point. So I dropped the seeming and scream at Roberto. - Okay. - What the fuck was this? - Yeah, just totally lay into him verbally. - It is Roberto's room. - I'm really not like attacking him, I'm just venting. - I tell the ghouls, attack the car. - I wait until they are. - And then I wait to blow it up. - You kill the ghouls and the vampires? - All in one go. - Oh my God. - It's all two problems. - How do you blow up the car? - I was going to shoot the gas tank with Hellfire in front of you all. - He's going to turn around and walk away from it and cool it, don't know. - Good guys, walk away. - It is cinematic for me to make you roll, let's just assume it works. - I'll have them die. - Yeah, take it out. - Do I recognize it? - Oh hell yes, he's being very obvious about what he's doing here. - So this isn't a concealment, this is a-- - So I've witnessed the person, this human. - Human point finger and go. (dramatic music) - Hellfire shoots out of his finger, blows up the car, killing both the ghouls and I don't know that he made a very nice Hellfire. - Oh it's kind of definite smell. - How about a lure? - I'd be happy to do a role. - Sure, give me a lure, it's average. - It drips out, what was it on, have you been watching the Game of Thrones? - Plus one. - No, it makes it superb. - He's wildfire and it was, I think they use their entire budget on special effects on that. - Right, I know it. - Oh yeah, you know it, you know he just did that. - Right. - What the, and scene? Well I don't know that you're gonna be able to end the scene right now. I mean, you could say you're ending the scene, but it really depends on what Mike decides to do. - I mean, the enemies per se, the enemies, air quotes, are dead. - So are you saying that we are done? - No. - He's saying that-- - I'm saying that does everybody say we're done. - I mean, is that done if your character doesn't want to be done? - No, it's, I mean, if there's no more enemies, you've set up a sequel, we're at the end of this movie, and he ends with a whole shifting of characters and allegiances and all sorts of stuff. - Are we going our separate ways right now, or are you gonna pick a fight for it? - I think you go over. - No, I'm gonna draw a line, that's how I'm done. - That's how I'm done. - You say the enemies are all dead. Do you not consider him an enemy right now? - No, but that's, well, I don't wanna-- - Would your character be able to walk away from the situation right now? - Right now? - He didn't break the ammo. - Would you rather, next time we play a festival to where we've drawn lines around our relationships like that? - No, no, no, no, no. He's a criminal, I'm gonna take him down, or do you wanna deal with that now? - You've just, you've just overtly displayed powers that you, I don't know how to have possessed, right? - Right, everything so far has either been concealed or question marks, but never overt. And it's Hellfire, which I know is really no good reason why any person, supernatural or normal, should have access to that kind of power, which means you're like blowing up a carnival. - Which black-cork vampires and ghouls in one go, but I don't know. - Well, you're, that's not what he said. - Yeah, that's what I was saying. It's just like, you've now, it's cinematically, what's happened is somebody on my team who I thought we were doing good has now done something that's like, yikes, you are compromised. Now, are you redeemable? Or are you now the threat for the next installment? - I know I am. - I don't wanna answer it because there's possibilities there. There's story possibilities to explore. You're commanding ghouls, you're throwing Hellfire. I think it's fair to raise a few questions. - You killed him. - You decided to do something that the situation was over and then, oh, it's not over yet. - You don't have a hard time paying that as evil, but go ahead and try. - I'm not paying as evil. I'm paying as it's an unexpected situation. - Right. - You win against your boss's wishes, you win a, well. - I took a bullet from my boss. I think I hold some lenience in that fact. - You did take a bullet from me, but I did express very, very clearly when this started that any unsenctioned attack on Constance would have repercussions, that's all. - And that's how it's set out. Somebody who was kind of our, it was neutral to us, maybe possibly an ally, is now potentially against us. And there's some good story potential there. - Yes. - Ella Montgomery, welcome to Cleveland where your enemies are your allies. - We're the good guys. - That team. - You sell for it. - Actually worked out quite well tonight. For as it is, frustrating as it must have been for both of us. - Now you're back in your mentor's shoes. - You just learned what your mentor was dealing with for the last five years. - And as I said in the beginning, these are the good guys. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Thanks for listening to the nights of the night at actual play podcast. 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I'm trying to believe my boss gave me this opportunity to crack her on the back of the head. - I can't let this lady live. - This is like everyone gets a cheap shot in here right now when she could go down. - Isn't it your job to clean up this mess? - Why is mine? - You're the cop here, why am I coping?