Knights of the Night

KOTN Acutal Play Podcast 98: "Delivery - Perfidy or Kill Bill"

Broadcast on:
26 Sep 2012
Audio Format:

Adventure - Delivery

Scene - Perfidy or Kill Bill

Actual Play starts at 16:28

The battle has begun, and it quickly becomes deadly.How does the group recover from last weeks sudden suprise?Listen in and find out

(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. This Dresden File Story Delivery was written and run by your Jim Tom. And now, please enjoy episode 98 titled, "Perfity or Kill Bill." (upbeat music) - So, what are you gonna do first off? - This is not the final episode. There's no way I am gonna be able to jam this all into one episode, it'd be close to three hours long. - So, this is the pen ultimate, perhaps? - It'd definitely be pen ultimate. We'll go with pen ultimate. Our last episode, episode 97, got a plethora of feedback. The fans were all over that. - Maybe 'cause they're finally all caught up and maybe that was such a good cliffhanger. - Did you edit that one? - I did not. - Oh, you can see where I would think that though. - So, last one was called, "The Beginning of the End." - And on Facebook, we had a lot of comments. Ari said, "There has to be a twist," which is a line I used in the podcast when-- - He's got one name now? - Well-- - Is that just Ari? We know him so well. - Not even a point. - It's Ari. - It's just Ari. - Well, it should make him feel good. He's like, he just knows. - He's Ari, everybody knows Ari. - Right. - I made that comment. I think, at least once, maybe twice, the first time was when the arrival of the fake father showed up and kind of threw you guys for a loop when he stepped out of the car with Constance. - Yes. - And the second time was when the magic went away, which is where we ended the episode. - Oh, okay. Nice. - And Ari said, "And there had to be a twist with a little smiley face." Again, one of your best episodes, I was on my evening walk in the cool autumn air, trying not to laugh out loud and failing on many occasions. Now I really have to go and vote for the character poll. - And Ari was-- - He was holding on. - He wanted to know who was the best character. And those phone effects were spot on heck. - I might have to listen to this episode on my way to work tomorrow. Anxious for the grand finale. P.S., you lot clearly haven't been made to spend quality time with your spouse, AKA watching Sex in the City, as evidenced by the shoe discussion where you were trying to think of Constance's shoe type-- - Monola Blanc or something like that. - Yes, sir. You ever want to know a while about it? - Yeah. - Stared blankly at you. - Apparently it was the only one who had to watch Sex in the City at any point during my relationship. You don't mind your wife. - Your man card anymore, right? - Yeah, that's exactly right. I told Ari that it's untrue. I do spend quality time with my spouse. Fortunately for me, she likes Big Bang Theory and how I met your mother rather than Sex in the City. - Right. - Richard Watt said, "And that cracking sound is a two by four "of foreshadowing breaking over my head. "I'm going to have to go back and re-listen "to some of the earlier episodes "to see how many times I could have seen this coming." - So many speaking about the very gentleman coming out of the car, if I'm not. - I don't really know what he's referring. I mean, there's a number of things he could be referring to. - That would be to me the most obvious one that there were some four shit 'cause we could never find that guy or never really muster up the desire to find him. I think would be a more appropriate one. - That's you all over. - Exactly, that's why I'm saying it. I'm owning it. Look, we would have found him that would have made the ending even that much less exciting. So good thing we did. - Richard goes on to say, oops, didn't mean to make that a solo post. I think he meant to return down, but when it happens, he does that. He says that I echo Ari's, see even he calls him Ari. I echo what Ari said, this was a great episode, and the character fallout is going to be huge. I can't wait. - Yes, it will. - So I think the foreshadowing might've been that. That's what I was thinking is that could possibly be what he was referring to. - I should let you finish your sentence then. - Yes, but Richard hit the return and it was two separate posts. So Mr. Merck T said, "I didn't see the big surprise coming with those twists. "This story could make a great TV series or movie." Also, great deal of role playing in this episode, which Ari responded, yep. Didn't listen to it again. It's really an exciting episode. One thing I noticed was that no one seemed to be burning any fake points, even for the important roles. Everyone's saving them up and burning them on the final fight question mark. And I think it was the logic that you guys were going with. - Well, without a spoiler, that's what I was being the big fight hadn't happened yet, so I wouldn't tell everybody was over left and just spend any of this. - All my one fake points today. - Actually, the two. - No, when we were going against the main lady in our henchman, we knew we were going to need everything we had. - By the way, do we have a copyright said anything we published? - No. - I'm just saying, somebody's like, "Make a great TV series." - Yeah. - Copy that, I mean, it's all mine. Yeah, and that's another thing here. - This is a stuff they say in the other episode to stop trading commercial, whatever license you use, copyright, whatever. - Yeah, I'm not doing that. - But High Praise indeed, thereby. - Well, everyone, actually. - Everyone, right. - It could be a TV series. It's a nice compliment, we appreciate that. - John Myers said. - John is not on a one-name basis apparently. - John Myers says confusion. - Yeah. - Right. - He's John, and there's John, and there's lots of John's. - Right. - The worst part about this new episode is I finally caught up and I have to wait a week for him between them. - Oh, yeah, which one suck. - Yeah. - And I left on a really good cliff. - He was good, he was a very well-made and well-made episode. - You should wait another week until you put the last one on. - Oh, it works in hell, it just comes out of it. - I'm sorry. - You're not making fun of him, you're making fun of me. - Every single way. - I mean, that's a credit for all the good ones. Instead of a bitch, I've never done that. - He has never done that. I know he hasn't, I was just having fun with him, but he wasn't getting it. - Well, Mike is not in the mood to have. - No. - He has went through a love and turn to traveler. - Character creation. - It should have been bad people. - I always hate that, the set of books you're reading or TV show or whatever. And when you catch up to it and you have to wait for the race, luckily this is only one week as opposed to. - Right, sure luck. They just now put the new episodes of Sherlock up on Netflix and so I can finally find out what happens after the pool. - Right. - Is that it? - Is that it? - Oh, it's very good. - It's very good. - I still haven't seen it all. - It's very well-made. - It's just short. - And it's moved into the modern era, so. - Yeah. - I really enjoyed it. - They just called Sherlock? - Yeah. - It's a lot of fun. - I give it a recommendation as well. - John Myers continues. This is my first cliffhanger that hasn't been instantly averted by hitting next on my iPad. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see how the delivery turns out. - Yeah, me too. (laughing) - You're reading it? - Yeah, poor Jim. - DJ Allen just had a quick chat via Facebook. He didn't actually send a message, but he said, "Had you been planning to pull the rug out "from under them on the rock?" When Constance Rockefeller came to the meeting and I responded, "Yes. "I am that DJ." And mostly, she's an ancient vampire and wizard. How would she not be making some kind of plant? - Oh my gosh, I would have been disappointed if she hadn't pulled the rug out from underneath us, to be honest. - You're right. - There had to be something. And he wanted to know if any of you guys felt that I did it out of spite. And I said, "No, I think you all enjoy it." - Yeah, we all enjoy it. I think we've been playing together for so long that we realize that anything that the storyteller game master, or even a player does, is usually to further the storyline. You know, they get a more exciting tale. - In general, my character got eaten by whoops. - Well, we tripped on the elf tripped on the-- - Yeah, I think he still looks at that as a dick move. - But in general, it's been one of 15 years and I still think about it, but don't say it's 15 years ago, we've gotten better at it, and we tend to just-- - Yeah, I don't think it's slight. - Right. - Indictiveness? - Maybe a little vindictiveness. But no, I think we all like it when something comes out of left field, you know, and we catch this off guard because-- - That's a challenge for one of us. - And really, we're playing it. It's a story, and they're listening to it and enjoying it. We're playing it if we don't want something that's just uniform and a pattern, and it just gets solved the same way every time. I love when something comes out of left field makes me think on my feet. - It's a fine balance with me. I want to, a, surprise you and give you a challenge, but I don't want to be a dick and spoil your fun. If you've got this great plan and you've worked hard at getting it and you've all used your skill in a way that's the most useful that you can use that skill, then it's just succeed. You should get your glory moment. - Right. - But there's gotta be a surprise. Otherwise, it's a cakewalk, and how far are you? - Yeah, that's not fun. - I like the last two comments before the very end of it is John said, what do we need magic for? - Oh, yeah. - That's not it. The magic is like, everything is a fucking thing. (laughing) The magic is gone. That's okay, right? - No, it was fun for me. - And I also, Chad-- - That's what we call situational awareness. (laughing) - I also chatted on Facebook briefly with Richard Watts, and he said, thanks for keeping in Mike's reaction to when we, in the feedback, talked about the part where you said it. - I think when you go back and listen to it, he really enjoyed the entire exchange. - I had to download the episode and listen to the end of a procedure I talked about. - Yeah, it was good, I-- - It was humorous. - Yeah, it was fun. - He also mentioned, and now I kinda hate you for ending where you had the cliffhanger that I stopped the episode on. - I mean, several mentions of the cliffhanger, so-- - Yeah, yeah. - And then having someone who doesn't listen all that off into it, it must have been a good one. I mean, I know where it was. - It was, it's one of the top episodes. - In truth, I had another 30 minutes from that night, and I wanted to include that, 'cause I don't wanna push it over to the next week, but it was too perfect to put it in. - Oh, yeah. - Place it in. I mean, you're walking into the battle, the big battle's just about to begin, you have a huge plan on how it's gonna work, and the enemy pulls out something that cancels all magic in the area, and half you people are casters. - That's right, I said that. - And most of the-- - And most of the-- - The muscle said, "What do you need magic for?" and the caster said that. (laughing) - Well, I think it's in the top three episodes. You know, "No Means, No Woman," which is the true episode is a classic that got a lot of people involved. The Spirit of Cleveland won, where you're doing the voice effect, and all that. - The big mama hopson was also a favorite of-- - Oh yeah, mama hop, it was a favorite. - It was a fanfare, and this one is a good two. - Good, good stuff. - Richard continued, and he said, "Also, excellent mechanical decision with the goals, how we abstracted them out to a weapon that John Roberto was using." - Yes. - And he said, "I would never have thought of that, which probably shows me an experience as a geo." I don't know. It was really an off-the-shelf kind of decision on how to handle that, but. - Or we can conversely roll for 20 different goals individually. - It's just so bad on the top-ass guy. - Yeah, no, I mean, I get your sarcasm, 'cause it's funny. It almost seems like it was exactly what should have been done. - Like, you don't want to cheat the brainer. - Yeah, you don't want to cheat like minions that are, you know, what's the point of if they can just die really quick, or? - Yeah, it was a nice middle ground. - He asked, "How far in advance was I going to pull out and reintroduce the fake father?" Which was pretty much all along. I mean, his intent was to be there. - Not important, it was very important. - It was never discovered, because I always thought it was not important. - No, I think you're right. - Mike, you were right. - Look at that. - The sound, I'll leave it in. I'm gonna cut it out. Mike, you were right. - Well, you're enjoying it, because I didn't pay off, because I was prevented from finding the fake father. - Everyone here is pissed about that. It's not just you. - Everybody's funny about it. - I'm glad, but I don't even know. - I don't even know if he's pissed about it. - No, he's-- - At all. - Oh, right. Oh, that is that. I went into the fay and confronting that guy. That's like the worst decision ever. - So the guy who's never been to the fay or dealt with him? - Scary. - Hold on. He did too. - I've dealt with everybody. But the point being-- - I'm convenient. - It was easier to deal with him on our turf than it was on his turf. See, my plan worked perfectly. - Fair quotes, easy. - Two more things from Richard Watts. He said that he loved the twist where the magic leaves at the end, because without magic, the warden and London's are just guys. But-- - I'm always shocked. - I'll wait a second. - We should both of them deny. - But that Constance is still the Terminator. Something like Bianca, you know, is a very powerful thing to reckon with. But also, he so loved the temptation of Roberto because it cannot end well, which is awesome. And finally, he said he also thought we did a great job with the London/Constance phone calls. - Yeah, those are fun. - And he was looking forward to see Thomas get some spotlight time with Maxwell now that he's in the equal playing field with the rest of the guys who are magicless. So we'll see how that works out in the next episode, which is released right after this. - And thank you for the nice comment. - Yes, thank you, absolutely. - I like how London hung up on her just like, no, she's gonna freakin' kill me. Maybe I should have done that. - So, one thing I want to mention to you, our fans, the 100th episode is two episodes away. This is your last chance. Well, this is the next week. To get in some feedback, some questions about delivery, about the playing group, with the players, the gyms, ask anything you want. - If I understand you correctly, then the 100th episode will be the final episode of this adventure. - No, the 100th episode will be the feedback wrap-up that we did, how we felt Dresden went and fate went and all the questions that everybody has about either Dresden, about our playing group, about either of the gyms of either of the stories, any of the characters, anything they feel like adding, it'll be like a special 100th episode that we'll do. Both the feedback-- - Are we dressing up? - No, we're not dressing up on it. - Are you dressing? - I am not dressing, I will be dressed, but only in normal clothing. - And if I had time, or if we had the time and ability to do it, it'd be like a feedback show, we'd do clips from the best moments of leading up to the play-off-- - Do we know what it looks like? - Sure, best episodes. - Well, the promo is a very good example of some of the best episodes. - I really gotta do a new promo. - Yeah. - It's like, it's old. - You're granted it. - That's old that it's-- - And there's a drag in it, and it's sound quality is nowhere near our new level. - Yeah, that's true. - Amazon like, I'm KOTM, use it-- - It's getting closer to Christmas, so use it, use it. - Use it for Christmas, that's a great idea. - Everybody had any more traffic on it? - We have Notch recently had any traffic on it, I'm very sad. - I've got $80 sitting here playing. I'm very sad and more calm. I have $80 ready to sing in a checkout, ready to fire the torpedoes as soon as I make sure they get-- - It works for you to use too. - Anybody except me, anybody with the same last name is me apparently, doesn't work either, so-- - Which I think is worse. - More than half the people at the table. - Which is almost all the people at the table, yes. We'll just throw everything through Mike. - There you go. - Michael, buy everything. - What's the-- - What's the-- - The vote. - Yeah, let's see the vote. - Edward with eight. - They study. - Maxwell with 14. - I think that's a bump up. - Allen with 16. - Ooh, whoa, yeah. London with 23 and Roberto with 25. - All right, he maintains-- - Yeah, he maintains his two vote lead, so only two more weeks on that vote as well. We'll probably shut it down after the campaign ends and put up something for the new World of Darkness. We'll be playing next. - Right. - If anybody wants to send any suggestions, we're willing to put up a poll-- - Favorite NPC. - Yeah, their NPC favorite episode-- - Episode. - Okay, for episode maybe a good thing to do now. - Certainly with two new characters, I'm personally thinking that the characters-- You could do more than one poll, because you got two new characters, and then you've got sides of characters being revealed. The World of Darkness is gonna end up being about seven to eight stories long, the campaign arc. So you're gonna have characters who are going through development there, like major development. So it's, you know, J is gonna be the same J in story two, three, and four as he was in story one. - And it's very similar with Dresden, because the relationship between different characters are like giving too much away. - It changes drastically at the end of the adventure, so-- - Right. - But, anyways, we'll let the listeners get on with it. This is the penultimate episode of the Dresden delivery. - And in-- - Fuck. - It's okay. - Roberto's had-- - Not really. - There's a whisper. - Fuck. Something just went very, very wrong. - All my buddies said that the magic's gone. You guys are in trouble, but I can help you. - What are we in your magic for? - Pretty much every part of the play. (laughing) - You said this is fine, now. - Shh, shh, shh, shh. - You're not there. You're not in this. - I'm very confident in my ability to run a wind. - It's that guy. Dale Williams. He has something. You can destroy it. I can give you the power. No one's around. - No one's around. (laughing) - I would see if I would say-- - Pulls a rabbit out of there. - You can destroy it. (laughing) - No, here's a fake point. - You can destroy it. I can give you the power. - I take that. You take the fake point. - Yeah, no one else seems to be stepping up. - I haven't been on one ever. - It's been like one second. (laughing) - I didn't, but there was a fake point. I had to pay it off first. - Gee, you only have four of them already. - I'm gonna need these. - I'm a fighter, not you. - I don't need them to run. - What kind of power is this? - You feel a warmth deep within you. - You just concentrate on his level of pocket and hit it with an out of fire. - What do I throw for that? - Also, Abigail looks like Abigail. - Mm-hmm. - It's like the whole area is blanketed and she just becomes Abigail and Constance comes strolling up and says, "My dear sister, can you do it here?" Abigail looks a bit short on us. - This doesn't distance chances blanket. Guess we'll find out. - He's got a cloak. He's holding it and it has a baby in it. - Well flocked, that didn't work at all. - Okay, I do that then. I try to ignore his pocket on fire. I'll let his pants on fire. - We need a roll to see who goes first and without a doubt, Roland Abigail is going first because he's going first. - Ooh, why is it too? - Which is terrible. I rolled zero. My goodness is three. I rolled good. - I got minus two on my mediocre. - Ooh, that's fine. - Okay, spires. - We're all really-- - I'm too busy seeing my pants. Fairly, I do need diapers. - What about a yay? - What's up? - I made it out of the magic. - Get it back on. - Thank you very well. (laughs) - Why didn't everybody drop their illusions? What's going on? - I thought we were gonna like-- - That we need these-- - I'm just mesmerized by the whole scene. - It's all fascinating. - Wow, this is not the way it was supposed to go. - I don't want to do that anymore. - Ooh. - So, go ahead and give her the child then. - Alan, meanwhile making this motion to Alan. - Yeah, yeah. I don't think I can bring myself to do that. - Hey, listen, you're digging up baby corpses about 24 hours ago. - No, even without the ghost of the man in my head. I don't think I can do that. - You could have him child to me. - You could try to take the child from the corner. - Have a gale, admin, and London are all matters to hope. - I roll-- - We're key terrible. - Key terrible. - A negative one on the fudge dice. - And I have a learnness of good, so I roll the fair. - Actually, if you wanted to get technical based on what John said earlier, I think this is everyone in a surprise, so wouldn't we only get fudge dice regardless? - No, that's for different. - That's for different. - That's for different. - That's for different. - That's for different. - That's for different. - Yeah. - As you can think, rip your throat out. - I think the exchange goes down. - Roberta. - I don't need to. - I'm the first one to go. - Actually, we're just going to put you at the top, even though Madison says way faster than you. - Fuck. - You've still moved before her, so you're at the top of movement. - Very well. - First goes Roberta. - And he does what? - The voice tells me he's carrying a thing. - Right. - Sucks the magic out. - Tells you in his right pocket, I'm just checking if he did something that killed the magic. - He did it with Hellfire. - No. - I do. - How much mental stress can you take, and then take all of it. Hit him really fucking hard. Tear his arm off. - Tear his whole side of his eye. - I don't want to start a fight. - Yeah, that's good. - I want to destroy the item without igniting him on fire. This requires some sort of... - Some sort of subtly. - Yeah. - We're going to throw a Hellfire at his pocket. - But not him. - Not him. - Not him. - Not him. - That hit his large rogue ton belly. That thing's tucked in a roll, man. - That is tough. - That is tough. - To get out. - The spirit's telling you to hit with everything you've had. - I have no idea how magic works. - I'm just going to hope that I can control it well enough to not start a big fight. - I'm going to try to burn this item. - You're hitting him on a dash Hellfire. - I'm really unclear how much we can say to influence him. - He is... - I say zero. - Hit him. - That's why I'm not saying anything. - So you as characters can say nothing, as players, it's always been open to help another guy if they're floundering. - I don't think John's floundering. - No, I don't think I was either. - I just wanted to be clear that I didn't want to say something like that. - Like that, there wasn't a secret community. - Right. - That's my goal for it. - You have a secret total that you're trying to hit. - I'm setting it at five. - You have an extra power of one due to how Hellfire works. - Then you have to take two more. - That's immediately a mental stress of three, which means you have to take the consequence, I think. - Unless you pay a pay point. - Hellfire is not a surgical strike type of power. - Which dude's fine? - I'm trying to do it. - Bold control. - I roll the minus one. - My discipline is four, and I pay a fee point to make it six. - That power opens doors, but wisdom shows the path. - Oh my god, how relevant is that? - He makes it six, but it goes down to five. - Five. - This was minus one in the scotch. - Five to control this. - It's a weapons four because of how much power I put in. I roll five to control it. That's nine. - Okay. - Weapons nine if you let me die. - He rolled a pour to avoid. - Because he didn't know. - He had no idea it was going to happen, so. - That's ten. - Yeah, crackle pop. - Ten to his magical artifact. Does it shatter? Does this man ignite? - Yeah. - Ten is... - That's a lot. - A lot. - Is pocket just burst? - Can you feel the air roll back into the room? - It wouldn't be an obvious way. - A job control that just-- - It's hellfire. I don't care if he controlled it or not, he hit the guy in the pocket, but he hit him with an atomic bomb. He hit him with hellfire of ten. It's off the chart. - It's that clean as well. - He has the legendary. There is some residual area effect that occurs here. - What got the Dresden's world of oops? Did I do that? - Did I do that? I get a fake point. All right, I'm fine with it. - There you go. - I'm crazy. They don't think it was me, though. - I see Allen. - I'm fine with having an entire snap up there, and then it lights on fire. - Well, actually-- - Not Allen. - He's hitting, so they hit me in sights. They know I didn't do it, so I'm good. - The magic comes rushing back into the universe. You feel restored. Unfortunately, things that were canceled are not back. - What the hell is going on? - That's what I said. - That's what I said. - That's what Constance screams. - I say if you say-- - It's a trail. - Jinci, you owe me a soda. (laughter) - Betrayal. - What the fuck just happened? - That's what she wants to know. She's angry beyond. - Well, I could honestly say that when you're around like-- - That wasn't us. - You don't look at us, lady. - We're not allowed to cast magic, Constance. - Betrayal is right. - Perfity. - Perfity. Nice. You don't see Perfity pulled out too off. I don't know what the fuck perfity means. - Lies. - It's very good. - That's what trail. - Once I realize it's something that's what I say, whoa, whoa, whoa. Everyone calm down. I start trying to-- - Constance moves with the speed of an ancient vampire. - Yes. - Right at you, she's coming at you to get the baby. - What does Donovan do? - He's done a bit from your hand. - What does Donovan do? - Donovan shrugs off the guy who's rolling on the ground with fire and he's screaming no. You'll never get the baby alive and he's starting to cast but she's moving much faster than he is. So you're going to have to defend against her attempt to take the baby before he can do this spell. - Which means I can't draw my sword because I haven't fallen the baby. - You have a baby in my hand, yes. - Oh, little baby. I'm so cute. - It's a death sentence. This baby's been since the start. Death sentence. - She moves. That you. - I don't even have time to flip and flip it. - If you are, I will give you this. - Sophie's choice. She's attacking you. So you can defend if you avoid her attack or you can turn your back towards you. Take the hit yourself and flip the one. - Do that one. - I will. You can't dodge her attack too. - Wait, how good is your death? - Oh, am I allowed to determine? - Yeah, you can still attempt to get out of the way. - Right. - But you're shielding the baby. You're flipping it. You're doing the tunnel. - Which I think is a perfectly natural reaction of a vampire is errowing at me without supernatural speed. Do I pee a little? - The attack that she's coming at you is fantastic. - Holy cow. - So this would be a death sentence. - If you're wielding a weapon suit. - I can't, I can't. No, I don't have time to draw my way. - Put her away with a baby. - You got it. [laughter] - There you go, bitch. - All right, so. - Just roll a plus three. - Yeah, just like this. - What longer would you? - You just roll a plus three. - You roll a plus. - Why? - My defense is only great. - After a plus one. - After a plus one. My fudge, can I spend a fake point to choke that crate up to-- - Which aspect did it happen? - Compelled by the ghost of Sarah to save her baby. - That takes you up to six. Same as her. - That's still hits, right? - Yeah. - I will spend to at least ward off this initial attack. - Do you protect the baby? - I'm going to try to turn-- - Ward's done and then-- - What went away from her? - There's no time for that to happen. - No time for that to happen. - There is. - You just-- - You got a whole turn? - Now, imagine. - Where-- - So she missed you. - Do this. - Oh, yeah. - Oh, no! - Oh, no! - No, no, no! - I would-- - Yeah, your natural instinct was to turn the back. - Right. - Or claws raked across your armor. - Here, you're sure, but not you. - Okay. - Is something protects you? - Is it the mother of the book? - Yeah. - Not the book. - You do flip open the blanket and the child disappears? - No. - I think for Diamond does this part too. - Oh, the say, which is here as well, moves next. And his action is simply to step back. - All right. - Forts the car, watching the whole situation. - William is next. - William? - Bill. - Diamond. - William Diamond. - William. - William, the one guy who was holding onto him is beating at his side as flames are beating all over the track. - He elbows the other guy just to get free and he screams, "I'd rather kill the baby than let you have it." He's getting you in the fireball. - Yes. - I'm going to take that. - I'm so happy. - Thank God. - I bet you're starting the fireball's at me. - It's a con. - And it won't hurt much at all. - I'm trying to make it look like I am trying to shield the baby, not use it. - You can catch the fuck. - No. - No. - It's like her lunge accidentally may turn it in the fire. - I mean, look, the magic's coming. I'm going to. - You're doing the flip, which triggers it, which means any performance you're going to do now to solve this or anything that London is going to do to help me. - This is the moment. We've got a combination of, I'm hoping that Donovan's magic spell appears to be as deadly as it looks like you did. - So it's pretty fucking deadly coming in. - Right. - That's the sort of thing that plays over his head. I'm pretty sure he's not pulling any punches. - Oh, that's not afraid of. That's another twist that I'm fully expecting that this is really going to, oh, this really hurts. I'm going to take some, and I'm prepared to take some consequences. - Now, Didn't I put a lot of effort into the homunculus that he's going to swap out the pill pad? - Yes. - It was above superb, wasn't it? - Yes. - It was either epic or legendary. - Wait for it. - But now the illusion is the transfer. - Nothing has changed here. This is still the same baby blank. - Right. Now we are performing the switch, and anything you can help me to either mask or distract. She's already passed me, so maybe she's out of sight. I'm hoping that I'm breaking her line of sight when I make the switch. Maybe she's in my blast shadow, so she's not going to take any of this part. In fact, that's even important. I think it's important that she doesn't feel any of this fireball that I think most of the baby is going to be inside the blanket when he closes it. I don't think she'll notice. - Well, here's what we just discussed for, that maybe London could throw an illusion so that when the bundle that you're holding shifts from a live baby to a pillow, that it's covered with an illusion so nothing appears to change to anybody other than the fire. - And the fact that the other blanket that he half is not incinerated, is not incinerated. - And so I keep holding the bag to incinerate. - Right, but that's what I'm saying. I'm going to make it look like it's incinerated. - Why doesn't it incinerate? - Well, I mean, I'm sorry. It's going to, I imagine it's magic. It's going to smolder and be whatever, but I think it's going to look like it's on flames and makeup. - That's already destroyed. - No, I think the idea was to switch it and half it gets incinerated with the muckles in it. - Okay. - I'm a lot better. - How are we needing to sell it? - I'm sacrificing Michael. - So are you doing something to assist? - I go after him. - Okay. - So I'm going to see how he does. And then if it needs like a little extra seeming on top to push it over the edge, I'm going to go ahead and give it a little extra juice. - Okay. - Otherwise I'll save my magic for a veil to hide myself and be able to bleed and get the hell out of here. Like a man. - I was thinking of having any idea if that blanket survived it though. You can lay it out and everybody can jump in and get that out. - All right, flip it over. - Flip it over. - No, I think in fact that would be counter to what we're trying to achieve. - It would definitely tell us. - All right. So I am performing the switch. - Right. - All you're trying to do is sell the fact that you're doing an acting role or something. - Okay. - Your magic has been created. The item is going to work. You just want to mask the fact that that is working. - The closest thing I have to that would be empathy. - You have deceit or performance. - I don't want his performance. - Can he just delay until my turn and I can do the seeming for him and just take him out of the equation? - I mean, that's what I need to do then. - He doesn't. - I could be in awe. - Okay. How badly can he act? It's like we've done all these steps so it doesn't, is it necessary to pretend? - And you can also act like I have charged a person with fear and shock that I'm being attacked by my former mentor even though I've pronounced "step" on you. - Right. - So you're just going to take the hit. - I mean, I'm... - I guess what I'm saying is... - I can play stupid. I'm good at that. - I can play stupid. - Either me, some sort of performance role to take the hit but look like you're trying to get out of the way. Or you can truly not try to get out of the way. - I will not try to take the hit. - I will take the hit. - So you're profiting your athletic role entirely. - To get like a plus. - You get any damage absorbed. Take it away. You're taking the hit full. - I am going to take the hit full because this is about, this is the key moment. - Okay. - Zero athletics. - Can he try to make a bad athletic role? - See, it's a real fireball. You're going to burn me. - You still get a role. - What you're saying, you're leaving your athletics at zero. - I'm taking one for the team. - Okay. - Roll your dice. That's the LED fence you get. - Excellent. - No plates, sir. - Negative two, which actually is what I'm trying. - No. - That helps sell it. - No, no, no. - Step right into that one. - Mm-hmm. - Okay. - Am I going to need plastic surgery after this? - Maybe. - Maybe. - The damage is fantastic and it is centered right on the baby. - Does he say anything? - His discipline is actually four, which makes it slightly difficult for him to control this part. - Are you talking about that or me? - I'm talking about that. - Well, that's the same way I am, too. - Yes. - I learned from him. - True. - What he's saying is basically, "No, this can't happen. She can't have the baby." - Right. - And he hits it with a fireball to hit the plant. He's a pinpoint strike with plus three on the dice roll for a total of seven to an epic hit right on the blanket. - Which is so far greater than the plant. - So, you actually don't take any damage. I mean, you are splashed with fire, but the hit is directly on the blanket. - All right. - The blanket is just incinerated. - You're on the course. - It's a magical blanket, but I'm not sure what your skull would have done to the magicalness of the blanket. You've like, separated in half and it's in two different places at the same time, but it's still magical. So, the baby in the air quotes, which is now the pillow pet is a smoldering slag heap. I mean, it was just a hit. - Okay. - Directly on the blanket. So, so far everything is the plant max well. - How much damage right there? - So, 14 damage to this blanket. - Let's say you take half damage. - Ooh. - Yeah. - I mean, that sounds really good. You take half damage. If the blanket takes 14, you as the holder of the blanket take seven damage. Now, do you have any armor of any type? - Other than our body armor, but the armor that we all were issued at the beginning, which is a. - Right. - Full proof. - Full proof, but not fire proof. - Well, fullness of cloth is not exactly flammable. - Now, that's your flush. - Let's put it this way. You were holding the baby at your chest. The chest is where it is. So, the armor does absorb some of the impact. - Armor two. - Five. - So, you take five damage. Five stress. - I think that's fair. I think that's actually very lenient. I'll take it. - You filled the box of the highest amount of damage you take. I don't have a five box. - So, you don't have to take a consequence of some type. - So, I have to take at least one moderate or two mild. - If you take a mild, which is food, then you'd have to take a stress, a physical stress of three. - Just don't have a three box. - You have a three box. - Doesn't have a three box. - I do not have a three box. - Wow. - He takes a mild and a moderate. - I think a mild and a moderate. - You are. That's up to six. - Take a moderate for four and then take one and your food. - That's exactly what I was going to go for. So, I have to take a moderate consequence, which I think is for fire. - Right, yeah. - So, I'm automatically appropriate. - Yes, you can take a moderate. - This is something that would last sessions long, like nights. - Well, covered in second-degree burns. - Covered in second-degree burns. - That's your couple. - Well, that's a little harsh. I mean, in sessions it can go away in a couple of days. - That would be a couple of days. - Is it really going to go any couple of days? - After recovery. - With natural recovery research. - All right, that's fine. - Then we go with second-degree burns. - That's your consequence. - That was not your turn. - That was your defense to get the hell out of the way of his turn. - William Donovan. - So, we then go to... - Dale Williams is screaming no. - As a no! - And he's grabbing Bill Donovan. - And he has... - Wow. - Bill Donovan rolled poorly. Dale Williams did not. So even though he is still flaming a bit, he just pulls Donovan up against him and smothers sort of the flames or attempts to as he's doing it. His pocket's burning on his right side of his trench coat. And then it is your turn. Maxwell. - All right. Well, can I grapple him without bringing Donovan down into a pub? - You would probably knock Donovan away, but yeah, you can try too. - I do so. - Right around behind him. Grabbing around the forearms. - Meaty forearms. - Meaty forearms. - Meaty, big fat. - Yeah. - Go for it. - And then I try to haul him onto the ground, preferably. - Oh, that was even worse. - Oh, oh. The dreaded two point something percent chance rears it said. - You're all right. - Holy cow. - Wow. - The consequence needs to be invoked in order to start the battle. - Can you consequence this to be used to reroll? - Because I will. - Fake points can. - Right? - Yeah, fake points. - All right. - This is the equivalent of an over. You can't possibly roll it again. - You can only do better. - Well, what is the aspect of using to reroll this dice? - I don't go for every life is worth saving because I'm trying to save down on these. - That's still better. - That's better than it was. - Yeah. - Plus two. - Plus two. - Plus two. - Plus two. - Plus two. - Plus the two from the consequence, which makes that effectively zero. And plus five from athletics because I have stunt that lets me use that for grappling. - All right. So your total so far is superb. His defense, he rolled a minus two as well, so that makes him a zero. - You have him pinned with a block of five. - He means he has a block of five against any action he does, including spell casting. At least a disciplined roll for it, so he would blow up if he tried to do that. And you could also blow me up. - The true guy does what he does best, Robert Mahoney. Snacks. Max well. - Come on. - With a mighty fist. - You're old, a minus one, but his attack is still fantastic. - I'm going to try to roll out of the way. Like I said, I pulled the guy to the ground and yeah, I can't really put him in the way. And I'm certainly going to try to move. - Okay. - Just a roll. - Just so you know, both shotguns have a skill bucket. - Wow. - I am not doing well. - He's so far. - How old now? - He's so far. - You're more negative floor? - Negative two and negative three. - Right. - So what's your total? - That adds to my parabethlet, which means it's two. You beat me in my floor. - Plus the weapons from his strength. - Right. Actually, he's claws which have three. - True. - So that takes it up to Epic as he gets you a good climb. Now, ballistics doesn't help against claws, doesn't it? - Nope. - No, that's unfortunate. - Just rips right through that kelp. - Very hard. - Having some good Mithril armor. - Come on. - Yeah, it's like a moderate consequence of lacerations. - Fuck. - What am I saying? - Yeah. - I'll take a stress of three and a four. - Oh, yeah. A moderate consequence of lacerations. - Okay, it's Abigail's turn. She has an epic conviction in which she's going to actually-- - Constance doing something? - No. - Abigail. - Abigail. - Yeah. - Our defense wizard. - He's gonna try to hit an area effect, armor, and make things a lot of you. Please, anything would be welcome at this point. So she pushes her epic conviction all the way up to legendary. She then uses that ache to spread across you guys as armor. The level of the armor is going to be minus two because it's area effect. And then armor is halved, so it's three. Three armor forever. - All right. - If she succeeds. - If she succeeds. - If she rolls plus four, she might, you know, be better at it than she does. - Wouldn't it be better to do a shield? - Shields can be broken. - Okay, so armor is better. - Every two points is a shield. - Right. - I mean with armor. Shields go away from the broken, fully armor sticks around. - Not bad, she rolled plus three on the dice. - Wow. - So nice. - When she has a powerful wizard, her discipline was six, so that is nine. So that is actually exactly what she needed to control because she went with a Bob legendary powered spell. - Nice. - She went with a nine powered spell. Her lore is seven, she went to eight, so it's one better than that. - Yes. - Her conviction was eight. Her discipline for control was nine. - Conviction is eight, good God. - Good God. - She is. - She is an ancient wizard. - She's hundreds of years old, or eight hundred years old. So that means all of you have armor of three, and then we are going to count. - So I look at the mess smoldering, the smoldering, and does it look? - Oh that's convincing. - All right, I look up. - Right now I'm going on adrenaline. I'm not feeling my pain yet, so I'm adjacent to Constance. - Yes. - Is she looking at me or is she looking at the beggar? - Her eyes are darting from the baby to Donovan, and there is pure, pure hatred. - So this is my opportunity to strike at her, huh? - Well hold on. - Here's the thing. You may distract her from what it looks like in an impending attack on Bill. - I don't want to do that. - You don't want to draw her wrath before she does what she needs to do. - Yeah. - You have to move her against her that you can use next turn. - Well now that my hands are not full, I will move into position where I can strike at her after she has. - So you're moving into position, you're assuming she's going after Bill, and what she does, you're in a position to take advantage. - You know what? I'm getting my sore, but I'm not going to physically move my, I'm not going to move my position. I'm not going to move to distract her from... - You could wait your action until Donovan is gone. - You could wait an attack action and the whole time you're pronouncing his death or something. - Well that's a good point. - I guess I'm going to wait and see if I need her to execute her move. - Just to be clear, if you're waiting you're not going to get the +2 that you're setting up here, but if you set up the +2 you're going to have to wait for your normal part which is way down in the order. - Then I will wait to get my +2. - Okay. - You're trying to set up a maneuver against her to get in striking position. And you're kind of trying to guess at where she's going to attack him and how she's going to attack him. - Well if she's going to do them with magic or she's going to do them with physically going after him. - Right, that's what you're going to do. So your guess is going to have to be... - What are you going to do? - A good one. +3. You're going to have to make a roll +3 to be in the right position. - Okay. - And your skill that you're going to use for that? - Empathy. - Sell me on something. Empathy to try to figure out how she's going to think. - Well I'm going to do this after more, but this is the other one. - Weapons could technically be tactical now, you know, you're assuming that she's going to come back. - That's a physical attack. - What I would use. - Okay. - I was going to either go with discipline too, well I don't know, discipline for magic. Or alertness as, you know, trying to perceive it. Like battlefield awareness or combat tactics. If weapons in combat... - Make us think of it as a concealer. - But if you like weapons or combat better, because this is what it is, I'm trying to set up a kill shot. Or if not a kill shot, a meaty chunk shot. - Yeah, I would say weapons in a good position to set up a good position to take her out. Or hit her and I can take her out. - So weapons at +3, so I have already a superb. - No, no, no. - You need a +3, using weapons in your role. - Ah, gotcha. - Gotcha. - Gotcha. - Uh, London, you're on deck. - So do I roll? - Yeah, roll. - I'm taking the next. - Holy moly, bad one. - Bad one. - Bad one. - It is a -2 on my fudge. - Oh, you need a straight. - Which takes my superb down to, which is +3. - Exactly what you need. - Whew. - I'm playing acting. I'm still acting. - You're still stunned from the child, London goat, and then you're next. - So it looks as if a seeming is not necessary for... - No, she seems extremely angry. - How's it going to time for a drive? - No, wait, wait. - After. - After, never. - I'm just trying to figure out how weird it would look to be defending Donovan after he killed Baby that we brought here. - We're not defending him yet. - We're not defending him yet. - What, if we do? Where if I do before she leaves? - I don't know. - You're deciding if you want to, or not? - No, I just, I want to... - He has a dust sense per claim on him. This is actually... - I don't want to make that look like I'm... - Submarine how Donovan exists. - It just really happened to help sell it. - I don't want to look like... - Ah, yeah. - Then don't do that. - Kick the trust. - I'm doing nothing. London, are you delaying? - Are you simply doing nothing? - I'm doing nothing. - You're such an exciting man. - You're doing all the half of it. - Okay. - Donovan, are you doing anything? - Oh yeah. Do I have like an aspect of like, being hidden, so it would give me a plus if I stuck out of the shadows and hit Mr. Coleman? - Your hide was epic by the way. So yes, I would say you definitely have an aspect of hidden. His alertness was not enough to spot you, so he does not get to use his athletic defense. He just rolls dice straight up to avoid the blow that he does in those comments. - So I'm going out of the shadows and punching him in the head. - Right, he is no defense other than pure luck. - Good troll. - Good troll. - Please, God kill him. - Just hurt Maxwell. Do some damage. - Um, minus one has got to be better than what everybody else has been rolling so far. - Dear God. - Does anyone roll a plus in this comment? - Yeah. I didn't want to bomb that man. - Um, that brings my great fist down to good. I don't know if I get any other pluses to hit him, or if it's a surprise. - No, you, well you get the plus. - You got five. You have a good attack. His defense is just the dice, which is minus two. Which bumps up your attack and I'm good up to superb. But then you add in your weapon. If you have any. - That's some damage I'm not in to hit him though, right? - But that's what we're talking about now. - Okay. Now I would add in plus two. - So you were good. His minus two takes it up to superb. Your plus two for your claw takes it up to epic. Seven damage. - And I don't know if the, um, full steel brass knuckles helps at all or just adds to the damage or. - Actually it does because it is, otherwise he would have a armor of one and have two additional physical stress, but again, she doesn't have that. So you do a total of seven, but it cuts to the armor. So he actually takes a moderate of iron poisoning and if I hit to the four box. So if he takes another mild consequence, he would be taken out. - So if I throw in a, like don't know my own spring, could I take a mouth? - Because I want to do that if I can't do it. - So one thing is going to one punch the troll. - One punch the troll with a iron new brass knuckles. - Well to be fair, that troll also had a hot pocket. - That was due. - Oh, that's right. - Now you're going to one punch the troll off strength, and then you get the first. - All right. So you spend a fake point which takes you to Bob Legendary and you do two consequences to him, which is enough to take him out. How would you like to take him out? Would you like to kill him? Or would you like to knock him on catches? - I'd probably kill this guy. - Okay. So kubitan of cold steel driven through the brain. - Okay. - And mics over there. That's right, dammit. - Yes. - Kill. - They're very deadly. It's like taking an iron spike to the head. - That will kill the troll apparently and you. - Do you have a little creepy stain when you like, oh, a splitting headache? - Or fuck you. - You're welcome to Cleveland, or? - No, I'm probably saying trying to solve it. The thing that's going on by seeing something along the lines up. This is going wrong. Let's get the hell out of here. - I'm just trying to-- - All right. - Hang the goals back. - And wait. - Wait, my children. - Wait. - There's a chance we could walk away from this. - Good. - And that she had two cronies. One is now dead. - I don't know why we did that. - Steel iron through the back of his head. And the other one is first. - I was pretty sure when we came to your turn you were going to call for a truce. - Because we didn't do that. - I can't until she kills Bill. - That's exactly what I was going to do. But I have to wait. - I almost want to know why we killed one of her cronies. - Because then he can lead to her through the death curse. And if there's anything I want, slightly more than this battle to end right now, it's to end one turn from now with her weaker because of the death curse. - I'm familiar with her. - So that's London's take on the situation. - Well, I wait until my boss is moved to make mine. - Okay. - Well, after you, it's constant. - So you're dropping below constant. - I want to go after negative two. - I think I can pass her. - You stand. - But in a long way. - Constance goes rushing right past you, right past the baby, and just... - Oh, you know. - Okay. - You already go out. - At times, you've got Bill Williams to claw out going for the kill. - Okay. - So she provoked an attack of opportunity when she passes by. - I don't know why they told you. - Yes, you get a plus two because... - Oh, well, you set it up. - That took always a 60 left. - That's opportunity for her to lose. - Yes. - Okay. Constance rolled a plus two on her attack with her claws. It's a curve that takes it up to havoc. - Does him bowling him? - Yes. - Bill is not defending. He's just standing and taking it because he knows he's got to take it. - I get welded up with tears because I know that he's doing it for honor. - Holy shit. - What do you do? - Minus, minus, minus. - Oh. - You get a will, so Bill takes minus two on the roll, which takes it... - It has legendary. - He's dead? - No, not yet, because he has to do his death curse. - Yeah, he's dead. - He's dead. He doesn't give the death curse. - He rolled an end to, like, his... - No, he has a chance to do his death curse every come on. - He's dead. - Actually, he took to an alumni so he can take severe, but that still leaves him with enough to take a mile. - He takes two, you know, which is he's on death's door. - Sure. - Which is when you have to do the death curse. - Right, so... - But she ripped out his tongue. - Oh, no, no, no. - She gutted him. - And then trails are all over the floor. - But magicians know how to handle pain and deliver that last moment, that epic moment, like Darth Vader going to sneak in. - No! - Coming into it, he's so weak that he... - No, no. - He's perished. - No, he just fireballed me and I'm pretty badly assinged. - Oh, wait a minute. Her claws are a weapon. - That's a way to spell it. - Oh, I agree. - Okay. - Her claws are weapons five. - Yeah, but what? - That's some serious claws. She has three. - She has four. - That's 14 strength. - Right. - Plus claws. - And he's dead. - Yeah. - So we've got five more to assess, which is all of his consequences. - We knew this going in. - So he does die, but he gets off his death. - Oh, okay. - And Mike, what is his death curse? What does Bill Donovan say as he dies? - Yeah, but like the blood's coming out of his mouth. He's croaking it, but he still has the strength to be heard because, you know, the microphone is right on him. We're zoomed in for a close-up. Maybe a little Dutch angles to kind of give it a little bit of surrealness. - Surrealness. - Surrealism. - Thank you. I knew I goofed it up. - Surality. - It's really surreal. - It's really surreal. - I curse the temptress of the night to synapse, snap, and neuron blight to lose die self in beastial rage as mine dissolves in retrograde. - Okay. The words are pretty. - So what is the intent of the curse? - The intent is whenever she uses her magic and sport, it will take her sanity. - You know, she will lose her intellect. She will lose her mind every time she calves her time and uses more of her power. - And so she will remain for this aspect. - So if she uses all her magic, she becomes as a wild beast. - Is a danger to everybody and everything. - All right. Then we go to a Roberto. Do you wish to steal the leg? - Yeah. - Okay. - The she has taken a step back and watching this travesty unfold before his eyes. Simply mutters a few words, waves, and reality rips apart, and he steps through. - He's like, I'm not. - And does it look like it's the point? - He's like, fuck you all. You're crazy. - I'm gone. - Exage stage left. - Yes. - And he's going into what appears to be the never, never, most definitely. - Okay. - That's good. He was here for some other deal that is no longer valid. - Who are you? - Who are you? - His dad. - His dad. - Who? - Don't worry. For all purposes, his dad. Dale Williams. - I acknowledge his passing with a single hot tear going on my bird and sex. - Explures your vision just slightly as you take the sight of the back of Constance's head. - Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm. - You could love Esther. I totally didn't arrange for that to happen. But still it hurts. - My master, perfect guy. - Chubby little Dale Williams, ever since his childhoods, was picked on by bullies. And yet there is another, holding him steady as he goes. And there are all the minus two on his mic. He can't even go close to breaking. This was a poor attempt at best to break loose from the Maxwell Edison holding him tight. - Mm. - Let me go. - Damn it. - Fuck, I don't know where it is. Somebody fell. - Maxwell, it's your turn. - One grappling someone, you can set up a maneuver and in doing so, make the grapple. That you maintain with another roll. A supplementary action, so it's out of mind, one. - Okay. - But I have new does, so I'm willing to do that. I'm going to set something up, like, tang of up arms or totally held still so that if anyone attacks him. On top of the minus, that he'll take to his defense roll, though, get a plus two. It's probably going to kill him in one hit. - Or I can hold his mouth shut. - So when someone kills him? - He doesn't get up. - He doesn't get a death curse. - Yeah, you have to verbalize it. You can't just say it in your head. - I sure don't know that. I shove my fingers all up in his mouth. - It's a ton of time. - Minus one on my roll. - As it's a supplementary action. - Oh. - Even though. - Oh my god. - I saw minus two, I didn't see the plus. - I rolled a neutral on my fudge dentist, which is vastly improved from prior rolls tonight. I have an athletics of superb and then a minus one for the supplementary action. So that's a total of... - Great. - He rolled as a defense athletics, which is a whopping two. And you're on the plus one for a total of three. - Fuck. - Which is good. Which is good. Which is not enough. So you have muffled his voice in addition to still maintaining a pin on him. - Kill this bitch. That bitch. All bitches. Kill them. - Uh, the troll throws one slightly. - Connecting. - Collect it magical. - Out of the car. - Oh no. - Promise. - She didn't just bring that in some. - Oh, she did. - Oh, she did. - Comes four gentlemen who move like blackboard vampires move. - Dancing. - We're just under West Side Story. - We are under West Side Story. - We are under West Side of Cleveland. - They step out of the car. That is solely their action as they have noticed the shit is going. - Are they wearing weapons? - Badly. - No. They are not. - They are weapons. - They are. - I know they are weapons. - Okay, we're not accomplishing any peace here. - I haven't had a chance to. - I know, I know, I know. - Thanks for listening to the Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures. Where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, props, and even a form for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcasts or business, please visit and please join us next episode for more Vistre and Adventurer. - I can give you the power. - I take that. - You take that? - Yeah, no one else wants to be stepping up. - I haven't done all of that. - I didn't, but there was a fake point. I had to pay it off first. - Gee, you only have four of them already. - I acknowledge this passing with a single hot tear going on my burn. - Which blurs your vision just slightly as you take sight of the back of Constance Head. - Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm. You get my master. - Chubby little Dale Williams, ever since his childhoods, was picked on by bullies. - And there's another, holding him steady as he goes, "Ee, ee, ee!" - And there are all the mightiest few others, Mike, and you go close to breaking. This was a poor attempt at best to break loose from the Maxwell Edison holding him tight. - Ee, let me go, get it! - Fuck, I don't know where somebody's going.