Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 97: "Delivery - The Beginning of the End

Broadcast on:
19 Sep 2012
Audio Format:

Adventure - DeliveryScene - The Beginning of the EndActual Play starts at 11:39The battle lines are drawn, the sides picked (hopefully) and it's "Go" time.The crew has thought of everything. Or have they?

(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to the "Night to the Night" actual play podcast. This Dresden foul story delivery was written in run by your GM Tom. And now, please enjoy episode 97, titled "The Beginning of the End." (upbeat music) - All right, before we get started, I have a little bit of feedback. Our first email is from Trial of Bites, who I recognize from the gutter skips. I'm a listener there and I recognize him from feedback there, and I also recognize his porcelain llama theater, which he mentions. He goes on to say in his email, "Esteemed Knights, this is a Trial of Bites. "I'm part of a very modest gaming podcast "called Porcelain llama theater. "As part of the preparation for working "with the faith system and the Dresden games "for the first time, I began casting about "the wastelands for just an actual play. "Some called me a fool, some called me mad, "but I showed them all. "For in the desert of podcasts, "which offer no information about the game, "yours as an oasis. "In a storm of coughs, chip-eating, "lip-smacking and table-thumping, "you are a safe harbor. "In a plague of annoying voices, "mouth-breaders, ums and ums, "and the group of homeschooled heroes, "whose inability to speak in turn would put a family "of gibbering Malthars to shame. "The Knights of the Night is a bomb. "The bomb, in fact. "Thank you very much for doing what you do. "I'm hooked on your story, "and I'm eagerly awaiting the big payoff "so I can go back and listen to the world "of darkness work, sincerely, try the white." - Well, it doesn't get much better than that. - Really? - Thank God for ending this, yeah. - But we really do appreciate those kind words. - Absolutely. - Obviously, we're not that good at the table. We've said it on many occasions that Tom does a fantastic job of editing the material to make it almost as if it was a radio play as opposed to the gaming session that it truly is. - It does take a bit of work to edit you guys down into something less than a ball. (laughing) But as we've gone along, it's got easier. One thing is you guys, in general, tend not to talk over each other. The parts where they do, we have done it enough to know that we stop and sort out who's speaking, and then go back and say it again so that the audience can hear it well, and all that takes us a cut to get rid of the over-talk. - Not always, but sometimes. - You go back to listen to our original stuff you'll notice. - The other email we got was from Tyler Houdak, who was talking about the Hallow Earth Expedition. And first of all, as always, awesome job of the podcast. I just bought a copy of Hunter because of the shitlock game. And I'm looking forward to running a game at some point. I just need to get the core white wolf books first. I'm a bit behind you and started listening to episode 94 today when I heard that you were talking about the perils of the surface world Kickstarter. The way you were talking about it, it left me with the feeling that you might have mistaken impression about it. I have no association with the Kickstarter other than being a backer. The actual RPG and Hallow Earth Expedition from, which has been around for a number of years. It's a great RPG too, thinking Indiana Jones, pulp, meats, Nazis, and dinosaurs. There are three books out right now for the Hallow Earth Expedition, the core book. Secrets of the surface world, details the surface world, weird science, and some magic. And the mysteries of Hallow Earth, all about the namesake of the game. Honestly, you only need the core books to play. The Kickstarter is a physical copy of four scenarios for the game, three of them already available in PDF, a Jive Free RPG, and the fourth will be new. The person talking about it, I can't remember who, and I believe that was Mike. - Certainly. - Yeah. Said that they pledged $35, which will give them a PDF copy of the core rule books and the secret of the surface world. It does not appear to give you the new book. I just wanted to send you this email to let you know about it and as I just believe this is an awesome RPG and I didn't want anyone to get turned off on it because of a mistaken impression. I'm the one who emails you before that lives in Akron. So if you ever want to see all the books or play in a game, just let me know. Anyway, it's a great podcast. Tyler. - You're a local person. - Yeah, you've got to. - I live in Akron. - I don't know. - Do you really? - I mean, officially Akron? - Technically, that's Akron. - Were you writing in or emailing in to correct yourself? - Yes, likely. - It was a very, it was a very light correct. - It's a little bit to get my numbers up. - You didn't compliment yourself. - Meanwhile, Ellen's the best. (laughing) - I voted for a twice. - Which was then followed up by an email from Tyler saying, "So I'm a moron." In my last email, I thought that the $35 Kickstarter did not have the PBS of the Parials book. I was wrong, ignore me. So thanks anyways for the email, Tyler. - It was good to hear from him. - Yes, indeed. And, you know, I don't know if Tyler is aware of it but on September 29th, there's a gay Marathi session going on over on in Pennsylvania, just over the border. From our area, it's like an hour and a half. I know I'm going, I don't know if anybody else from the group is intended to go to Pitsburg. - Still, I used to say, yes. - That's on the fence, I think Mike can't make it. - I can make it. - And Thomas and John are not going. But if you wanted to go there, Tyler, I know you'd meet me and a lot of other people that are into podcasting that'll be there. Play some games with us. - Coexually invite anybody in to Cleveland, Pittsburgh. - Kinda. I mean, it's not that far from Pittsburgh. - No, you'll think. - Erie, too. - Erie, definitely. But anybody in the area look. I don't think it could be any farther from Pittsburgh than it would be from the Cleveland area, so. - Okay. - If anybody wants information about the gaming sessions and stuff like me, I'll email you the web page. And, as a matter of fact, I'll put it in the show notes. So, anybody in the Cleveland area, or the surrounding area can feel free to join us. - Do we have an update on the vote? - We can check the vote, please. 'Cause at last I saw, you know, I mean, Jim was making a run to be out of the basement. And I believe-- - Do I follow again? - Alan and Maxwell are almost in a dead heat for the bronze medal. - By the way, before you go with that, was there any update on the Padcast voting? If a podcast voting that we all-- - Oh, the survey? - Yeah. - No, there's nothing new out there as far as that goes. - On our webpage,, there was one comment put in one of our episodes, as well as it was posted on Facebook, in which they pointed out that we dropped a pretty big spoiler bomb for those people who have not finished the Dresden series books yet. And Alan takes full responsibility. - Mike does not, however. - No, actually I'm pretty sure it was kind of-- - I was, I think I was talking-- - You were probably talking to each other. I thought it was Maxwell and-- - I'm okay with that. It was Maxwell then. - It was both of you and you might have-- - No, no, no. - It's all Maxwell. - And speaking of Maxwell and Alan, the Jim, Edward Shodowski-- - Go Jim, go. - Eight votes. - All right. - Which is quite a stellar climb from-- - Two more. - And next comes Maxwell with 13, nipping at the heels of Alan with 14. - Wow. - He's holding the bronze there. And then we have in second place London with 22, and Roberto with 24 elites. - That's where we were. - That's where we-- - Yeah. - For a while now I think. - People vote. - No, I don't know. I thought for me, necessarily, we just vote. - Yeah, but we do have more votes than we had, so it might have been jockeying, but keeping the same relationship as far as votes. - Fortunately. - Yeah, the votes were higher, the total number of votes. So the spoiler, we never finished the spoiler comments, which was, sorry, as an editor, I should have cut that out. And recently there was the most recent release episode, Sword or No Sword, there was another spoiler, which I just bleeped out. - Really? - Yes, there was. - Oh, was it me? - Did you actually bleep on that? - Yeah, who gave the spoiler? - I think it was Thomas and John. - Very good, that's what it went on. - But we will try to catch those in the future, and I'll be more cognizant. I'm not gonna go back and edit the original one, because if I did, it would show up as a new podcast for everybody, and then they would download it again, and go, what the hell, why? - What is this trash? - Yeah, I already was in this one. - And it was a quarter of a second, I mean, just to bleep, it would be. - Yeah, even if I bleeped it, any edits you do to the raw file makes it appear as if it's a name. - In fact, I'm impressed that people are listening that closely, that they could even detect it, 'cause it really came and went so darn fast. - Yeah, it was pretty quick. - Comment. - We had a few comments on Facebook. - Mr. Merckteep hosted that on episode 96, Sword or No Sword, in which he responded to Brad's question about the Dresden-like series. He said that Nightwatch was a good series, and he mostly recommends the first two books. He also recommended that S. Bursts. - Some series, Stephen Bursts. - Stephen Bursts. - I had mentioned the Jerig series by Stephen Bursts as being Dresden-like. - Yeah, so, endorsed that as well, I agree with you. - Validation. - I'll take it. - I'll take it anywhere I can get it. - And a friend of his said Carrie's AKA, the guy that worked on Hellblazer, Felix Castor's series, he's a kind of supernatural detective, but he hasn't tried it himself yet, and I don't think any of us have read it either. So thank you very much, Theron, for the book suggestions. With that, use the Amazon link, that's over on our KOTN site. Vote early, vote often for your favorite character, and stay tuned, because we are on episode 97. We have one play session after this, which we may release as one long one in, so we may end on 98. - Really? - No. - Really? - Or we may stretch it out to two. I don't know how-- - Really? - I got the people's name. (laughing) - You wanna go pick your mouse there? - Oh! - Really? - Oh! - I'll leave it on that end, by the way. - That was a great laugh. - Have you listened to the latest episode? - No. - Yeah, no, I haven't. - Yeah. - No, I haven't, no. - Lower, lower, lower. - One of the fans wanted me to play the part that was at the end of the episode for you. - Oh, wait a second. - Yes. - I did, I did listen to that. - Yes. - Yes, yes, yes. - Yes, yes. - Yes, yes. - Completely, damn it. - All I could think of, I was listening to that in the car, 'cause I wrote down a note, which means I thought I heard it, and so I was pretty confident. But how happy for you to go back, and especially since I'm like, go back to the tape, I think you'll be surprised. - That's all the joys the editor gets. - Ah, proving people are wrong. I have to work very hard to edit. That was a small bit of joy. - And let me point out that I'm assuming and giving you, having faith that you are being honest, because you are the editor, so conceivably, you could leave it out and do whatever you want. - You were accusing me of-- - I am not accusing you, I am simply pointing out that it is possible that-- - You're not 13 seconds of silence in the universe. (laughing) - What I find interesting is now that there's static, that there's 42 minutes of static. - Oh, I'd actually have to find it, and you've already heard it, so there's no need to play it. I could place it back in much clearer than you're gonna hear off of my iPad. - And then you even took the time to put in some sound effects. - You like to really like that? - You like to really like that, everybody. (laughing) In my mind's eye, I could just be like, oh, just wait 'til what here is this? This smart as the key does everything, but I got taped to believe I'm wrong. - I think you'll be surprised. I think you'll be surprised when you're back. - I was so confident, I was so confident and so sure, and I would have lost money. - And with that, I don't know where I wanna take that. But with that, we'll go on to the adventure. All right, well, we'll start with the airport. So you call Constance. - Yes, to which she has her secretary answer the phone. - Constance had to give us a cell phone number to call, but when we had the package, she'd have to trust that to some third party source to put that call through. - I don't care, and it wasn't, she doesn't carry a cell phone. They just don't work with wizards. - Maybe she gave me a landline thing, sort of work. - No, I mean, I would assume she has somebody who travels with her all the time, like a show for her, who can take her phone calls for her. And just for the record, London definitely would tap Constance, for sure. - Pretty cool. - I mean, as long as the glamour held for the full duration of, you know, like if she got distracted by a prowess. - And I just rinks of death. - Everything about it. - Well, I can't rick that much. The girl walks around town. I mean, she just reeked the death, then, you know, people would be offended. - Yeah, yeah. It's their life. - Right, there you go. Too close court. Nothing about that's healthy. You're gonna get some diseases that aren't even like sexually transmitted. - I'll tell you what though. When they cross the bridge to get into Cleveland, there's always an odor of like, what the heck, right? That could be the odor of the k and the people in this. - Sure. There's a lot of people living on the bridge. - Okay. - So you're put on hold and then Constance answers the phone. London, I assume you have news for me on our deal. - I've never been one to waste your time, Constance. The package has arrived and we're ready to deliver it. - All right, then. Let us come up with a place that we can both agree to meet. - Yes, I had been talking to my compatriots and I believe that the abandoned Ford plant over by the airport would be a fantastic place to meet. It is quite abandoned at this point. Many places for us to remain under cover for the transfer without prying eyes of the normals around. - That is a dirty disgusting place. Can't you think of somewhere better than that? - Well, I'm sure there's plenty of wonderful locations to choose from, but this one happens to suit our needs as it's close and we want to travel as little as possible with the package, so I'm sure you can appreciate it. There's more individuals who are interested in the little noisy thing than you are, so I think the least amount of travel, the best and that's close to where we're located. - All right, so you're trying to express to her that you're a little more controlled than she is? - Yeah, sure. - That's gonna require a role. - It always does, it's Constance. But I'm London. - What's the skill? - Ah, presence, that was presence with London. 'Cause I have it in spades. I rolled a plus, one of my fudge dice. I am absolutely fantastic with using my presence to influence people, which takes me up to an epic success. The package is what's a paramount importance right now, Constance, not your distaste for girders and dirty-- - What's those female shoes, my-- - Crocs? - My god, no. I shoot him. - My little blunks. - Something, there's a very famous-- - What's this? - This is amazing that she's wearing-- - Our listeners may know, but I guarantee you, none of the guys at the station know other than Constance. - I thought a month block was a pin, Crocs? - No, not a month block, it's a matenola block or something, it's a very fancy shoes. But I don't, yeah, we'll just, I'll just say then, dirt upon your well-appointed heels. Matenola block, come on, doesn't anyone have internet access? I can help a brother out. - I'm still with Crocs. - I'm still with Crocs. - I know, unfortunately, she didn't roll all that well. - Unfortunately? - Well, unfortunately for her, fortunately for you. - Yes. - So that takes her down to just a superb. So your epic tags her for two mental stress as to all dealings with London, typically. - You're band up with the headache. Listen, fine, let's get this over with-- - Oh, Constance, one more thing, please. - Because the plant is such a large edifice, we could both walk around there for days without running into each other. Do you have a cell phone of one of your subordinates that can call just in case we can't find each other? - Of course, one moment, I'll get to my chauffeurs number. - Much appreciation, thank you. - So she comes back with a phone number for you. - Oh, and one more thing, we assume, of course, that you have your part of the package as well, your delivery that you're to ensure to us, which would be Mr. Donovan will be in tow, correct? - The warden asked me to confirm that, as you could understand, it's an important point for him. - Absolutely, unharmed. - Unharmed? - Yeah, that was part of the deal, wasn't it? - It was, but sometimes our patients can get the best of us, and I'm sure Mr. Donovan can be trying at times. - So wardens can be? - Unharmed, correct, excellent. Well, until we meet again. - That'd be too soon. - Quick, all right. - So, yeah, she's not one kidney right now. - Good, keep it on dark. - Stuck the fire. - Nevermind. - Why? - That's just bad for my future. - This is-- - It all goes to plan. - Make it-- - Enemies? - This is-- - Make enemies of the most powerful person in Cleveland. - Seven o'clock at night, all right, that this starts, it takes her-- - It's already dark. - About half an hour to get over to there. - Or, obviously, sitting at gyms. - Or are we gonna-- - I thought it was digging her around or I'd give her a difference. - Are we gonna be situated at the Ross sewage plant the whole time? - I am. - I don't know if she can-- - I don't know if she-- - I don't know if she can trace calls or not, so I just, I think maybe we should-- - At this point, Roberto is saying that he is going there and he's starting to set up his goals and strategic positions throughout the location. - Yes, not to be used until we are attacked and self-defense, correct? Just to be clear. - Yeah, that was-- - It already made this goddamn oath. - Well, it's a new day, so I just wanted to make sure we were still-- - But it wasn't an oath, it was just a request-- - A lengthy-- - A failed threat, perhaps, right? - Yes, you're good. - All right, very good. - If he attacks with the ghouls before everything falls down. - Well, it was a bit less coming with the baby though, right? - The lot is in town, wherever you want her to be. - We're all, I'd like us all to be in Edward Shodowski's offices right now. - Edward Shodowski's offices were being watched, so to get in and out is a little tricky. - That's which we should be at-- - We're talking about-- - You're getting your weapons from your new house. - It's not very secure though. - Where's-- - We're about your hotel room. - That's as public in the security hotel is, so. - I'm not. - All right. - What I'm saying is, I don't think anyone has ever traced us from there, have they? Track us from there? - Or we could break into Donovan's old house that was still in the market and still kind of might watch and all that, and that was in the mid-town. - You're sittin' all the old days. - That's, I don't like, I'm sorry, I just don't like it 'cause it's being watched. I happen to know of an abandoned paper factory in the warehouse district. I think maybe that would make a good-- - Okay, all right, yeah, okay. - Is it a factory so it doesn't really have a threshold or anything like that, right? - No. So we'll connoiter there until, and in when, Svetlana appears, and we will have taken perhaps a van from, a landmark van from your office. - Sure. - So that we can give that to her to be with the homunculus/soon-to-be child, right? - Right. - Okay, if we're going to bring a van to the secret, we're gonna drive a van to the location, we have to make sure we're not being trailed. So can we make a roll to make sure we're not being followed? - Sure, what kind of road would you like to move? A driving to be cleverer, a driver to flush them out, or you can do detective to spot the measure moving on? - Investigation, you mean? - It's a bump set for your investigation. - Now we're not here, I'm seeing them naturally, but where is, no, awareness? - Alertness is passive. We're looking, if you're looking for them, then it has to be investigation. - Investigation. - Well, I don't even see a reason to bother, because that's what Edward does. He tells me he's gonna get us to this warehouse. - So when I'm safely then? - Trying to keep, make sure no one's following us. - And work. - No, nobody's got the driving skills, so it doesn't really matter. - Your job, yes. - I'm carefully driving, and since I'm the one keeping an eye on the mirrors, I'm looking to see if we're being followed. - Excellent. - When we're done next time, I'll rebuild a bunch of girls. - Holy crap. - That's gonna happen. (whistles) - Not so often, maybe you can't do this. - That's four. - That's four, am I superb? - I'm the role. - That gives me one higher than legendary. - Well, I'm not superb driving. - I have superb investigation, I'm sorry. - Anyone following us? Anybody chance? - No, but there's a really great place that you can hear, and there's this over here. - There's a robbery about to happen with that location in approximately two and a half hours. - You do not spot anyone following you, and you safely get to the abandoned paperwork house. Meanwhile, Ghoul Lord Roberto Martinez arrives in the undercity. You muster his troops. - They're still there? - They're still there. The guy you left in charge is not sitting in the throne. - Not sitting in the throne, he wouldn't dare sit in the throne, but I need from you something to talk to them and get them prepared to sacrifice themselves, to keep their Lord, your Earl Lord safe, and to follow you again. So, you can either attempt to intimidate them back into following you, or discipline your trust. I've just planted a role to command them. - Okay, I think I'll try out the discipline, and then I'll tell them that I found a new food source, and after we take out the one who's organizing these vampires, they're up for grabs, and I'm rolling discipline. I'm minus two on the roll, but my discipline's four, so. - We don't believe they disbelieve me. - The current Ghoul Lord is, you want us to kill vampires? - Okay. - They'll be dying as a matter of this battle. I want you to feast on them. - But they're dead. I'm sorry, were you eating corpses before I got here? - I think. - But that long time doesn't taste as good. - Pretty nasty taste. - The best of their fresh and just recently killed. - That's it for more. - He starts undead bloods and colds. - First of all, I say undead bloods gotta be cold. - There'll also be a troll. - Mm-hmm. - Give me one. - Fuck her. - Minus. - No, he's. - What do you want? - He makes it three. - Or rather, what does that show? - Negative two? - Good. - Good. - And I get a two in the roll, a three over all. - Good. - I don't think you understand the ways of the ghoul. - Hard and mean. - Those gold reserves are carried out. - I am cuisine, you just can't mess with that. Okay. - It seems to be like very disturbed with the-- - I was gonna go into intimidation now. This is not working. - And I'm gonna-- - Goldstone want rationale. They respect strength and power. - I do, and I'm not gonna argue with them. - Plus them? - So I take one of the weaker folk work and I help them much at all and put them on the ground and say, "Here's dead earth!" And then I slime us at it with my weapon skill. This, I can't fail at. I roll a four. - Would you wall on your fudge dice? - I roll zero. I'm sorry. That's why I skill as a four. It was a punch. I've got a great. I probably didn't expect this. - I mean, I didn't expect it. I was gonna intimidate them. - No. - No, I didn't expect it. - If you catch someone by surprise, the only defense they get is the fudge dice. - Right. Which is even for him, but four is, he can take the four. If you meant to be impressive and kill him in one blow, it would take the four. - Okay. - I'm just just leader of these ghouls. And I decide when to crack their skulls open on the ground. - And that's now. - All right, there are a thrill of command. - I appreciate it, it's gonna be convenient. - I say, this is just an appetizer of what's to come. - Okay, that was a death and that death would be a maneuver to skill command. - I understand how you killed him. He was at four and you gave up one. - Which makes it six, they have a maximum of four, which takes it into the rolls into the next one. - The consequences. - They're minions. - They don't take consequences. - They don't take consequences. - So any consequence would take it out. This is a lesson. - Didn't understand why he had it. He had to get paid to. - Got it. - The maximum. - This is an intimidation. - I will plus one. - My intimidation is three. This makes it four plus the two for the movers six, which is fantastic. You have now brought the Gulai back under your control with a fantastic roll. And in fact, we're gonna use that fantastic as the power of the gold. You have six attacks with the golds, with the six weapon, basically. - How many times? - Oh, I need to work it right. - So you could command them to attack and they act as a six weapon in addition to yourself. - As high as they can be, 'cause I remember I had to control them with discipline. - No, you don't have to control them with discipline. This is the control you currently have over them. This is how strongly they're willing to fight for you. So they're acting as a weapon six. - Oh, okay. That's funky. - Sure. - No, it's gonna be similar to casting a spell. - How often can I use this? - What's it turn? - But they're an army of ghouls. - Yeah, that's what it means. - I'm all for it. - So they act as that once a turn, you can command that weapon of six. - How about the attack? - We will attack that. - Every time they successfully attack my ghouls, I lose a weapon's grade. - Oh, okay. - That's fine. - Your ghouls are attack successfully. - Yeah. - That's fine. - Or then you lose a ghoul to me. - Hey, they're very abstract at this point. - So yeah. - We're abstracting him out to a concept rather than having him roll 25 times for all the different-- - That makes sense. - So if somebody attacks his ghoul army and does damage, that would reduce it down to a weapon. - Five. - Five. - And then in the next turn, somebody hits him with a fireball, the group of them. - But he can't be reduced any further than what, three or two. - They can be eliminated, wiped out. - Totally fine with that. - Notulous. - You can, but after about a half an hour, Constance calls. - I let it rain. And rain. And just as it's about ready to go to voicemail in the eighth ring, I pick up. - Jesus. - Jesus. - You could send it. - I knew what you are. - I don't normally do that, just in the board today. - Just for Constance. - Well indeed, it's how I help you. - You can help me by fucking showing up where you say you're going to be. - Who said I wasn't there? - I'm here, I'm here, who is this? - Well you are right, I'm not there. - Well I'm so sorry, child, it blew out a diaper. - Terribly sorry, so we've been, - Like a wheel. - Yeah, I mean, basically four men here trying to figure out how to change a diaper. You don't have to know how to change a diaper, do you Constance? What do we do, is it fold back, or where do we connect it? - Seriously on it. - Seriously. - Listen, you're the one who wants the package. - Put the little thing in a fucking baggie and zip it up, I don't care, just get it to me. - I can't breathe if I put it in a baggie. - There'll be enough air for it to survive till I get there, where are you? - Well right now, we're at the abandoned paper factory over in the warehouse district, and if this mess, you would not believe it. So we'll probably be here when you get here. Why don't we meet here instead? - You mean probably. - Well, I mean, if the child needs something, we're trying to do our best to take care of it for you. We wanna keep it and deliver it in good shape. So we're just gonna run out real quick and pick up some diapers, but we'll be here. So why don't you meet us here. It's at 1200 West St. Clair. - All right. - Give me another grip, diapers. We went to the abandoned paper. - Oh, oof, oof, oh my. - Mine is too, I was unable to affect the fantastic, but it was a great job of selling, just not my normal self. - What was your total? She's using discipline to hold her finger in shock. Mine was great. - Ursula's actually legendary. - That's better than great. - The phone seems to be crackling almost to the point of a hearable, which he's saying that she apparently seems to be losing a bit of emotional control, but in this case, she also is coming right back at you with a attack of her own saying that you best be there. We have not only a deal, but an oath here. And you are to deliver the child to me tonight. You cannot hold this child, ransom, and hide it in various spots throughout the city. You will be there when I get there. And, ooh, that's such a good role. Unfortunately, her attack is only great. - Oh, is it? - I'm a great king. Okay, so no damage is actually done. - Good talking. - Social conflict. - I tell her, I wouldn't have called you in the first place if I didn't anticipate delivering the stinky little package. I'm very sorry that we had a blowout, but there's no way it was coming into my vehicle like this. I mean, that's just disgusting. You have a smell, a baby's diaper. It's ridiculous. - Are you saying you were supposed to have your car full of shit because you driving in it most of the time fills that prophecy. - But we do have the child and we do fully intend to deliver it this evening to you. I promised that. I would not have called you or waste your time. We just got a little bit of held up here. We didn't have diapers on hand. It's just an unfortunate situation. - I gotta do another one. - We'll see you in a little bit. - Click. - So, she's not happy. - She's not angry though. - Oh, she'll be pissed when she gets here and we're not here. - Oh, these are a different place. - Well, I sent her here. - Well, I sent her here, but you guys. - But it's not where we're going. - Oh. - We're going to the water soon. It's a treatment plant now. - That's right. - Okay. - Leave her again. - I tried it, leave her again. - Drop the diaper. - Oh yeah, we definitely leave a diaper. - Absolutely. - Where, who's here to roll to fill it? - The baby. What the hell is wrong with you? - It should do just fine. - You rolling with that? - It's really a nice, sticky diaper there. - Leave her a note in the shit. - No, she won't read. Point stands. - Leave a little note on the dirty diaper scene. Sorry, I ran out of formula. Be back in five minutes. - We're all in another attack on a delay. She gets the average note. - Flips out. - Okay. You guys are now going where? - The flat. - Final location, sewage treatment plant. - You are all, once again, together. - And it's Roberto is there. - He sends one goal. - He reminds one goal. - On our way there. - In hiding around the site. - On our way there, I call Abigail. Let her know the meaning spot. And it'll be taking place shortly, so please arrive post-taste. - So you arrive in the flats. You are picking a deserted, bagged in water treatment plant. - Yes. - Would you care to give me some aspects of this water treatment plant? - Dim. - Smelly. - Well, it's dark. - Is it an open one? - Is it open or enclosed? Are you thinking the small area or? - Oh, it's definitely a larger area that we're gonna meet in. Like, - Is it open to the sky? - Oh, in parts. But not all these. There'd be, there's some broken out windows and certainly the ceiling is crumbling a bit in spaces. I'd say there's a lot of debris. - Okay. - Well, we have a lot of stuff. - Rather than we really smell of K, mostly, you know, old sewage. - It also has to meet our requirements in order to affect our plan. So, we have to have a... - I have to do it. - No, we're the, I'm sorry, the child. - Do it in the corner of the building that's crumbled out so we could see the bridge or whatever it is that we're... - And she also knows my hush spell to keep it quiet. So in case the baby starts crying, which it will, which it will. - You call Lana, she sets up on the bridge. - Right. - The site of the hole in the ceiling or the roof. - Right. - Any other preparation you'd like to make? There's a couple of empty, huge containers of sewage water. - Ooh. - We have that-- - The river is near-- - The river is near water, right? - The river is near by. - The river is so there's access to water in case we need some water. - The sewage treatment plan is water enough. You blow open those containers, you have fallen water everywhere. Really fucking nasty water, but water nonetheless. - Doesn't need any magic to get it here. You just need to-- - Do we want to-- - Is there any grenades or is there any little-- - Opportunities? - Could you have some? - I don't know, throw them. - Not my area, but mine and London's because he's really gonna pop things. - So he's got three? - It's fine, you can have mine. - I don't know, with your magic, you know, your magic might be enough just to pull the pins on things, not necessarily that way. - Well, why not? - No, we can't. - His magic is strictly-- - Illusion. - Illusion. - And it's fate. - And it's a ring and funny. - I can do this. - Come on. - I'm no longer magical. - Oh, except for funny things. - Yes, that's me. - I had to do the homunculus when we departed 'cause he has the child, right? - Yeah, you're gonna have to actually have the real child. - He has the real child, and we need to give Spetlana a homunculus. - Little baby, yes. - Okay, so I'm using my discipline to create the-- - Create a fantastic-- - Not a presence. - Huh? - It's like, yeah, I can't. - And I'm doing what I can with my magic to support and bolster his. - Okay, go ahead. - And I will use-- - Let's say it would take a great achievement from you to give him a plus two by giving him, what, the essence of the baby and the mother, or the-- - So, yeah, if I can tap into my ectomancy of the whole quality of the mother to, in fact, is there any way to maybe purge the spirit of the mom and put this thing as a-- - Or is it-- - Suppose not gone anywhere to this baby safe. - Okay. - Then I will, but I'll tap her as an aspect of my ectomancy. - Tapping costs a fake point. - I mean, I will just roll. And it's used by lore then. - Sure, that's fine. - Okay, 'cause it's magical, that's the only reason why I'm going with magic. - All right, so that's already great, oh, I should roll, I should roll. - Oh, he's got a roll, Mr. Minus. - Oh, see, I spoke too soon. Negative two on the fudge. - Fair. - Which will bring that to fair. - Oh, my plus two ring, actually applies ectomancy, which I wasn't allowed to use before, so I can-- - Now you can use it to tap into the mother's essence and give him some spirit of the babies. - So that's plus two, which takes it back up to great. - Which is just enough for him to get a plus two on his. - Way to work the system, Mike. - I roll that plus one on my fudge dice. I have a discipline of superb, so it goes up to fantastic, and then his plus two takes the fantastic to-- - Yeah, the legendary baby pillow. - That is one nice-looking baby pillow. I like the baby pillow a lot more than the actual baby. - Here's a lot. - Yeah, the legendary pillow illusion going on, that-- - Now I'm assuming I-- - Lana has up on the bridge with car, with the half of cloak. You have the baby, the actual true baby in the other half. - And because the scene has changed, I'm gonna still say that I should still have a mental stress point removed, because I'm maintaining that illusion. So I have one-- - I was wondering upon earlier in the game. - Okay. - The illusions that are maintained are, you have that point until you release the illusion, and then the scene change. - Okay. - Another half an hour passes before there is a (mumbles) and message on your phone. - Oh, this is London. - Seriously, you're gonna fucking sign me. - No, I'm sighing at this child. It's exhausting. - London, I'm done playing fucking games with you. - Well, that is fantastic, because we are ready to deliver the package, 'cause I am tired of dealing with this child as well. - What makes you think I am going to go running off to another location? - Only the fact that the child could revolutionize your entire endeavor that she spent the last century working on. This was supposed to be an agreed upon location, not some place you decide to pull out of your skinny little metrosexual ass. - She is-- - Thank you. - I do work out. - She is demanding the ability to choose the place with you. Her attack is going to be superb. Don't lose to this. - That would be pretty important. - Yes, that. - I roll my-- - Ooh, nice roll. - My fudge dice, it gives me a plus two. I have fantastic, she has superb? - Super. - I have legendary on my defense, so I-- - Which is enough for you to spin that back on her undead bony ass. - And of course, no, I don't-- - Piss her off with that last slide. - Thank you. - Is, you know, I do want to obviously annoy her, but I also, at the same time, want to preserve any type of incase she wins anywhere you lose. So I do have a little bit of self-preservation running through here, but I turn it back around and say, listen, constants. We did agree upon a neutral location, true. But we are the ones who have the child now. You really have no choice but to come and get the child. We are at our last location. We wanted to make sure there were no traps. We were preserving our own safety. It may be annoying to you. It may be inconvenient, but the payoff is well worth it. So if you could deliver your fine vampire ass over to the water treatment plant and the flats, you will have the child delivered to you. It is right here waiting for you, and we cannot wait to release it. Two euro. I thought that was my response. Well, unless you want it. But if she wants to keep fighting about it, then. Well, I assume that you want to damage her social calm. Oh, I absolutely want to. So I'm hanging up the phone now, and you can either show up or not. And I try to hide your tannock at my voice. And you even, I roll an even plus two and minus two. On my fudge dice, which gives me just a fantastic, on my roll. She will have a minus two, which gives a great discipline, which does two additional damage, which equals what I did before, so it rolls up a bit more. Click. Did he just say, I'm gonna fucking hit you? Did he just fucking hit me like one day? There was gonna be a line about Bill Donovan wearing the diaper as a fucking hat. Now I can't even deliver it. Probably from where we are, we can, we see the approaches that come down to the play, and we can't, we'll see the cars, you know, going out the road. Yes, and in fact, there are like two of them. Two cars. Right. Both of them, SUVs, rather large. Stretch. One more stretch. Stretch, stretch over. Like shooting out in the back window. May suggest you stand in the back. Yes. Far there away while I talk to her at the beginning, that we could come up from the shadows. It gets Bill Donovan in time to situate himself in the place. And I want you to situate behind me. That's not a problem at all. I hide me in the back. Hiding in the back is not a problem. Should I try hiding in the back? I hide in the dark, along with like the pantheal. Yes. I mean, I'm sure it's the specs that I've come with back up, but there's no reason to make it easy. I'm gonna hide. All right, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What was your stuff, bro? It was even on the dice, and my spell's free. Okay, so you're hiding with our goodness, bro. Go ahead, and move. Ah, this guy's like me today. I got a plus three on the fudge. Plus two 'cause I'm kind of stuffy with my cloak of shells. Gives me plus five on my fair, which gives me a seven. I think it's an epic hiding. Nice. I disappear into the shadows. The two vehicles pull up. I'm standing along with the warden kind of lost in the shadows with the child behind me. Where am I? And then we have two individuals hiding in the shadows. You can do next to me if you want, unless you want to be hidden. No, it might not be. Okay. And like we try. So he'll be standing next to me. Maxwell will be standing next to London, and Alan will be in the shadows with the baby, not fully hidden, not trying to hide just further back 'cause we can allow doubt of end time to come into the picture. Okay. Are we wearing both roof vests? If you want to be, you are? Me. Probably should. Some of us? Me. They discussed it earlier. Believe me. You got a bolt roof vest? I'm wearing it. That would be armor two, but only was it a bolt. I don't need your armor. I don't need his armor. I'm fair enough. I'm not a boss. You two? Yeah. Yeah. Armor two only versus bullets. Remember it. Goes across to everybody including the warden. If he wants it. Can I wear anything like that? Or do I need to be able to move? I don't think they come our best. They do. It's going to really cool mess up your-- They're in D&D. You can carry metal. I don't carry metal. It doesn't look like it. The dressing's cloak is unsortled to-- Well, no. You have to make that. Right. You don't make one, did you? That's true. All right. Give me a word. Yes. You could definitely make enchanted. Armor two. You have a pencil. Everyone wrote it down. That matters. Out of the car comes one. Constance Rockefeller. Oh, Abigail arrived here. I'm sorry. Abigail? She has before. Yes. What does she look like? She's right there. No, no, no, no. Oh, yeah. She is glamor of some-- She has a glamor on her to look like a youngish 20-something associate of Edmund Shodowski, or since he's done here, someone, you know, London, maybe assistant to two and half. All right. Do we need to touch base with Abigail about anything before we-- Well, I'll touch it. All right. She's fine. She has the oath. Yep. Well, there was no oath needed. Remember? With her? She's just providing magic on her. She's just providing magic on her. Okay. And we didn't need it. That was straightforward enough. Find her in a way, shape, or form. Yeah, you were making an agreement. That's really an oath. She's already received her payment, so she is here to do her job. It's a foreful of her end of the bar. You would rather have an oath? If you would. Oh, I want you to rather have an oath. But, okay. No worries. Out of one car steps, Dale Williams. All right. Dale. Robert. Oh. You remember Dale. I remember Dale. And in between them they drag Bill Donovan. Just like that. Just like that. And the pictures on the table that we're showing. Out of the other car steps, Constance, and a tall blonde fellow. Mm. Oh, fuck. The daddy. Really? The birthday. I had to be the twist didn't there. They all join together and do a group and start walking forward. And Constance seems to be saying something, Dale Williams. And Alan, do you need to make a roll at all because you just feel it. Is as if all the air has been sucked out of the world as magic just is gone. She Constance turns into a corpse. She looks like an ancient old dead thing. And in? It's okay. Robertos had. Not really. There's a whisper. Fuck. Something just went very, very wrong. Oh, my buddy said that. The magic's gone. You guys are in trouble, but I can help you. What do we need magic for? Pretty much every part of the play. Thanks for listening to nights of the night at actual play podcast. 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