Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 96: "Delivery - Sword or no Sword"

Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2012
Audio Format:

Adventure - DeliveryScene - Sword of no SwordActual Play starts at 7:09

It's time to check the weapons, double check that everyone is on the same page and then.. it's go time.

(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Night to the Night and Actual Play podcast. Distrusted in File Story Delivery was written in run by our GM town. And now please enjoy episode 96 titled Sword or No Sword. (upbeat music) All right, before we get started, just put the feedback we have. A couple messages from Roy from the RUSAC gamers. One comment that he left on Facebook was in regards to our episode 94. It's all coming together. No, it's okay, here's the plan. It was the name of the episode. In that episode, we spoke in the beginning about different systems. It was in the feedback and we spoke about different systems that we were looking at. And now it's trying to get Fiasco to the table. And he said that he absolutely enjoyed the episode and just wanted to say, all in capitals, play Fiasco. The RUSAC gamers have played several play sets and have had a great time. And he put in a link to their Christmas episode, Holly Jolly. So it was playing Fiasco, it's a link to them. I haven't had a chance to listen to you yet, but Roy, I will listen to it, thank you. Thanks for the feedback, Roy, I really appreciate it. The RUSAC gamers, I guess I listened to it quite frequently. Did you actual play their good stuff? But Roy also posted just quickly on the picture. I don't know Bob, have you seen the picture of a dice when Scott rolled in and it sat on a corner? - That was a weird output. - Oh, no. - It is the weirdest. I posted it on Facebook, it is the weirdest thing. It was a fudge dice, which was six-sided dice. And he rolled it and it actually stood on a corner. And it just stood there. And it wasn't in the crack of the table. It was just the most weird role ever. - And Roy's only kind of it was evil. (laughing) - Was it leaning against anything? - Nothing at all. It was freestanding in the middle of the table. - It took us all a minute to do like, what the hell's going on here? - And Scott reached over to get it and reroll it and it fell over to a plot. He was pretty happy with that. - Spooky. - Yeah, it probably stayed that way for, I'd say good, at least a minute and a half. Maybe a minute? - I don't know. I'm just thinking of when I edited it. It ended up being much shorter. - Right. - But you didn't get over it and look at it. - No, I mean, I actually took out a camera. We took a picture of it and everything was crazy. Oh, there it is. So Roy, thanks again for the feedback. And I'm willing to play fiasco. And these losers don't wanna try it. - I don't even know what it is. - I don't wanna. - Let's play it. - Right now. (laughing) - I'm in. - As far as everything else goes, we're coming up on our 100th episode. So please send in feedback, people. Any of the avenues you wanna send it are email on Facebook, on Twitter. It doesn't matter. Just send those sorts of questions that we can answer for you. The voting is not changed at all. - That's exactly the same as it was. - Good. - And museums, I'm like, yay. Monty Cook's Kickstarter only has about a week when this episode comes out left. So people that are interested, you gotta move on a quick. Like I said, there's absolutely no way that it isn't going to be successful 'cause it is already by a huge margin. It's like a really fun game, so. There was one more thing. We had a player ask us for a suggestion on something that is Dresden-like as far as novels. So Jim Butcher's Judson series. Wanna know if anybody had any suggestions that were similar to Butcher's writings. - Costco, maybe some trashy novels. I was gonna say, John Collins. - Yeah, right. - You haven't even read Dresden, so you can't make any comments. - You can't say I didn't read it. I read it. - How much did you do? - You didn't read the good ones. You read the really bad, early work. - He didn't even finish the first one, did you? - Yeah, I did. - You finished the first one. - I finished the first one, and I think. - I stand corrected. - I wanna say I made it about halfway through the second one before I vomited a little in my mouth, and I just, I couldn't keep going. - And the blood coming under your eyes was just too much. - The third one, I'm rereading him now, and that was my effect. - Harry Potter. - I'm pretty sure that Brad knows of Harry Potter. Brad is one of our fans, he's the one who asked for these suggestions, and he has recently moved to P.E.A.V, and apparently he has some spare time. - Wow. - What else are you gonna do, P.E.A.? - Somewhat, one of the listeners suggested, Brent. - Okay. - Brent Weeks booked The Way of the Shadow, it's a series, and said it was Dresden-like. I've started to listen to it, it is based in a city, but it's in medieval time fantasy, and I don't see the comparison, yeah? I'm about halfway through the book. - How am I trying to point? - But-- - I've got it, oh, I'm sorry. - Again, it's Way of the Shadow by Brent Weeks. That's someone who suggested that. Mike, you have something. - Steven Bruce, to B-R-U-S-T, his Jarrig series, J-H-E-R-E-G, is, it's more of a fantasy world setting. - Right. - But it's very much a magician, hard-nosed fighting, great storytelling, and magic. - Okay. - That's a fun, fun story. - When I think of Joseph, I think of Ensemble Cass, almost like-- - And this has a great Ensemble dress, so there's some really neat characters in that one. - Name it, author and name again. - Steven Bruce, and he wrote the Jurg series, he also did The Phoenix Guards as a-- - Okay, I wrote that, and that's why I thought-- - The magician, you think that's similar? - Oh, love Grossman. - Yeah. - Love Grossman, that's not bad. That's more kind of like Harry Potter American style, but-- - Yeah, that's what I would have. - Older. - Yeah, Harry Potter, you know, 'cause I'm a sure. - Collegey. - Collegey. - Then-- - Harry Potter of the Graduate Years or something. - Something on both sides for an Americanized audience. - Okay. - But certainly, Ensemble Cass. - If no one else can think of anything-- - Somebody, one of our listeners can have a good idea. - Yes, absolutely. So, lots of listeners, Jurg series. - No, probably not. I'm always gonna prefer-- - If it's anything to do with Dresden. - No, it's similar to an effect that he's a-- - Okay, by style, I mean, what I think he says, and using the same adjectives over and over and over again. - No, that's just the way Chicago, that's where people are in Chicago. (laughing) - Yeah, I'm leaving that in. While the haters to hate, I'm leaving it in. - Well, I mean, we'll lose a few votes this week, and that's all right. - Okay, well, with that, we'll finish the feedback and we'll go on to the adventure. - All right, my name is Tom. Jam of tonight's dressing file story delivery, and starting on my left is John playing Roberto Martinez, Guardian of Cleveland, empowered by a fallen angel. Thomas playing Maxwell Edison, an undercover FBI agent. Mike playing Ellen Montgomery, the new Warden in town. Scott playing London deals, a moral seer to the supernatural. - I'm Jim playing Edmund Shabowski, the president and CEO of a amazing detective agency, and New World Black Cord vamp. - Yeah, it's up to my lunch, better to title. - I just thought I'd change it up. - I was just wondering how long are you gonna be the new Warden in town? I mean, after this adventure, you can't beat it anymore, do you think? - Well, I've only been here for what, four days? - Yeah, after he stops having to tell people it's a new Warden in town. - That's a good point. - This is the activity that will put me on the map, so I can go from just being the new guy to, he's the Warden in town. - The guy. - Or, that was the Warden, or his gravestone. (laughing) - That's the Warden. - This is what happens to Warden in town. - That's what's the shortest led to Warden in town. - He's like the ashes. - That earned there. - Keep him on the mental side. - Ellen Montgomery. - There was a much left. - Small file. - As everyone always, when we start you out, the opportunity to shift the character around a little bit. - I don't forget to do that last week. - I think we're heading toward the end game here. Am I gonna need to chase people? But that is not how you do it. (laughing) You adjust your character. - It makes sense to be more true to the thoughts that you had of your character. You don't min-max the mother. So that you have the, like, I get better at driving. Now I'm better at running. Now I'm better at driving. - I've never been better at running. I'm always the best I can be at running. - Yeah, I think my character's perfect as the way it is. - As what he says to himself, every night before he goes to bed. - And you've said on many an episode, actually, I'm just editing. - Mm-hmm. - It's like a-- - One of the changes. - Yep. - All right, unless we left, we documented Plan C, which was-- - No, this is Plan A. This is the A game. This is the big player. - This is our third Plan A. - This is 0.03, so the Plan. - Okay. - That's better than C, because C implies A and B are much better. I'm gonna settle for this. - Or that we had tried them and failed. - But yes, which we got. - I'm gonna do that running thing plus two to athletics for sprinting. - Let's see. The optimal results that I've documented are, or the goals that I hope to achieve are, that our team survives. - That's a good one. (laughing) - That's a good one. - That's important to say, yeah. Two, Constance is defeated, slash neutralized, slash or dead. - Third is a hard one, Donovan is executed. Megan and Bruce are human, and all those are fulfilled. - Okay, so the last time we played, Megan and Bruce were delivered to have a game. - Right, yeah. - We didn't exactly figure out where it was going, but we decided that's what we were doing, and we just assumed we did that right. - That's to say, it was done. They were dropped off at University Hospital, and as far as you're concerned, they're out of this particular picture. - What needs to be done? - Well, it's nighttime, so are you guys sleeping? When are you planning this attack? - I thought I was not preparing the bedroom to do this. - You went off to buy blankets, and now you're taking it to your-- - Right. - We need 24 hours of this. I mean, I need a good night of sleep to get my fake points back, or for myself to feel energized. - There's several priorities in game mechanics for it to be 24 hours, but if you've given it as a character. - And then she hasn't come out during the day, 'cause she's a vampire, so. - Fake points, everyone? - How many? - Three. - I sleep for. - When I sleep, I don't lose fake points, right? - Never. - No. - They don't reach that. If you have more fake points in your refresh, then that is what you keep. - That is not what I thought it was. - Okay. - It's not just plus two, one's printing. It's not just plus two to sprint. It is plus two to athletics while sprinting. So not only does that convey two more zones of movement, 'cause my athletic skill is effectively seven. - I also get plus two to dodge while people are shooting at me or punching at me. - It's plus two to athletics while sprinting. - Is that a bad thing? - No, that's awesome. I'm just telling you. - Okay. It's different. - It's better. - You want me to surprise me. - That's fine. - Okay, I assume everyone is resting. - Except him. - You probably want to research this spell, but it depends on when you're going to do it. You would want to do it on the morning of the day that the switch is going to take place. If you were to do it at night, all magic loses its sum of its power over the dawning of a new day. So you wouldn't want to do it tonight and then try to use it tomorrow. - I would imagine as like in the Dresden verse, this is those moments where, okay, when he finally has an opportunity to actually plan and prepare, he has a nice little surprise in store. - Right. - So that's, I understand this what you're doing. You can research the blanket things, but the actual casting of the spell, which should be done in the morning, if you're going to do it in the evening, the transfer. - And I would probably plan then, well, let's all discuss that though. We're talking about a meeting relatively early meeting. - Yeah, next night. - Plenty of time to catch, right? - But I'll have time to rest before the event. - Do you need points, or do you have more than your current refresh? - I have more than my current refresh. - I visualized you as working deep into the night. - Oh, montage? - Yeah. - Okay. - Yeah, okay. - I'm still leaving, he's got a blanket, he's just flipping it around. I'm trying to move a teddy bear from one couch to the other and like, oh, I'm not working. - I'm not putting rock music to this montage. - I'm trying to make the teddy bear move. - So it's fine to me, the spell you want to do and I will cite the difficulty. - Well, I guess the principle behind it's kind of like with the doves, you know, you don't have doves and all of a sudden you reveal that there's doves, but basically in this blanket, I'm going to have the child and then when I fold the blanket over to protect it from the apparent attack that's going to come my way, or what I hope is coming my way or something, then that is almost like that when the switch happens and the baby will appear in either another blanket or those are the key components that I wish to know about. Another blanket is it swapping places with a monculi with a dead corpse of a child already. - It is swapping places with a... - You wouldn't make it a dead corpse of a child. - I can find one for the ghoul. - All right. - Well, we didn't remember, we established that they don't need to analyze the body that it can be the remains of one. And listen, using magic, you deal with some kind of crazy stuff. - As long as it's not a freshly killed one, but there's got to be some thing. - You're going to have the ghouls go dig out of baby grain? - I mean, I'm not. (laughing) - Oh, thank you. - I don't know if this does work out. - Does your honor permit you to ask for the corpse of a baby from the ghoul lord? - No, how though? - That doesn't permit me. - I didn't kill the baby. - I can't even assume a baby, I don't, whatever. - He didn't have any trouble with running Maxwell or with a car. You think he has any trouble of digging up a dead baby? - I do. - Or in Maxwell or with a car. - You consider it. - You were like... - You were like, are you ad nauseam about the fact that you were perfectly within your rights to run him over? - I could do this. - It's not against the laws. - Yeah. - I was using magic. (laughing) - You were also... - Forget how clear it is and whether it's your life. - Does everyone sit down and say, "Why am I dealing with this guy?" - Yeah, a story about sanctity and life. - 'Cause you're the only one talking about killing one of the other players rolling him over with a car. - I wasn't running over, I was tapping him. - I was covered by this. - All right, and back to the baby corpse. - Well, it doesn't either. Do you need a baby corpse? - Yes. - Maxwell's got a baby corpse. - I don't know if you'll know. - Well, I guess the reason... - He's like, what size? What size is a baby corpse? - No, I don't know. - Is it better? - Yeah, yeah. - It's the homaculae or some kind of madness. - I think that the complexity of the spells depending on your decision now. - Well, hey, is it something that we can even procure in one day? A baby corpse? - A monculus or the baby corpse? - I mean, the dead guys aren't moving anymore, but you gotta have it kind of fresh, otherwise it's gonna be like... - Well, it is going to be charred and smoking, you know, so, and if it's not material, we can get... - Can you get him a baby corpse? - I'm not comfortable with this. - All right. - He's got morals. - You're dumb. - The Gool Lord does. - I'm not assuming a baby child. I'm sorry. - All right. - If I'm snapping the eye-poking Gool Lord, he has a problem with this. - In that case, I have to create a magical... Or I have to create a magical construct to simulate the baby and do something to it to make it almost like a dabble ganger as close as I can make it to the child. - That's pretty difficult. I would love things made out of magic. - Turned into goo. - That's why I wanted to make it a homaculi, where you kind of have something left over. - Magic plus flesh. - I mean, I don't think I can go to Kentucky Fried Chicken and have some chicken bones. - But I didn't cat. - Well, I'm concerned that if she has the full laboratory resources that they leave and click behind her, and if they somehow get ahold of it, you know... - Or maybe, or actually, logically, does that even matter? - Use fire. - I got a good idea. - Given the death curse, I don't think she's got what I mean is like, does that matter that the baby, this whole part of the plan is designed to be a smokescreen to make her think that the baby is even dead and therefore will not go looking for it. - I already have an idea. - Okay, what's the idea word? - Just human ashes. - Is that a fire spot? - And then the ashes could just be what's left over and you can't tell what's your ash. It's really hard to tell what the ash was. Even if you probably could, it can really look into it and use some magic, but at least at first glance, all you're going to see is something else. - It's not a bad idea, I just... - I don't know that... I mean, a flash, a fire spot, and you're like, "Ah!" And then, "Oh, whoa, just lots of ashes." - Yeah, well, that's what I mean. - You got a little bit of... - I kind of felt like, to be more believable, there had to be some, some recognized one right in it that, this was once the body of a small child. - That one something. - Because I'm not great at illusion magic. If only I knew some... - Would you do something like a new someone? - Well, the other reason was that in the, well, is that something that you're going to, you can help out with or do? - Creative. - I think there's three illusions you're here to do if this is one of them. That one is to glam her up. - No, Abby else glam her herself. - Oh, okay, I didn't know she was good at that. - Okay, then the other one would be... - He's helping me with the actual... Well, actually, maybe this is part of that, you were helping your eye of hope, you're going to help me glam her the switch, but maybe that could be part of part two of your spell where it's, what would you have to glam her about the switch? - I think he was going to glam her up the remains, and that's what it was worth. - Well, he would, something like he would put a glamor over the thing so that when it actually changed, there was virtually no detection. There's no, you know, you don't see it changing of size, you know, it's the glamor of the baby. It's like when they use cameras and they steal a frame and they just, you know, loop it, type of thing. You would be doing that where... - But the whole purpose of this is just to help... If things pull off, then maybe it's irrelevant. Maybe we don't even have to worry about producing remains because things are gone, you know, crazy. And when he went down to the attacks, I have fulfilled the oath because I've already been in the presence of her... - I delivered the baby. - And delivered the baby, but then it's like, okay, but I didn't say to give it to you, so that's when the switch happens. And if it all goes according to this plan that we have, it doesn't matter ultimately if the baby still exists. - I think that, all right? I think that Constance is gonna know if she survives the encounter, eventually that we duped her one way or another no matter what you use, so I don't think it matters what you do. - All right, so that... - Well, do you remember what the death horse is gonna be? She's gonna be thinking clearly for the rest of her life. - She might not, but still, all we need, I think we're overthink. I mean, we're gonna have to go find something. - But that's where I'm going. - Let's do the whole month kill us. - And we'll turn it into a dead baby corpse. I'm ready. - How's opposite? - Trigger. - Where did it be? - No, no, no, no. He called me or told me before I left. - Did you mean help him to spell before I got my out of it? - I was just asking for some explanation of what you do. - Isopulation of the spell he wishes to do. He wants to create a teleportation blanket that sends a baby somewhere else. You're not bringing anything else in. - You're not bringing anything else in? - Yes. - It sounds like we don't need... - Well, we don't need to bring anything in, but just until the thing goes over to give us a couple more turns or seconds of time for her to pick. - Yeah, why don't we bring in something like, yeah, just, we'll take a pillow and turn it into a dead baby corpse. - Sure, we will do a transposition, a switch. - So my job is to make a pillow look like a dead baby corpse and then hold it there until he does the switch magic tomorrow night. Okay, and the other blanket and the pillow that you're swapping between these two is going to be where? What distance are we talking about? Is it Jim's secretary up in her... - I thought we were more than white. - I thought no, or Caribbean. - No, they have to be inside Cleveland. You have to be in Cleveland. - It would be considerably easier. - Right. - So I thought to help protect and get away, this was going to be the last thing we called on is the Atlanta floor. - Okay, so that Lana is going to be where with the other blanket pillow baby. She will be one zone away. - Whoa, that's the side of her handbook. A bunker wall. - No, and Jim's in Edward Shodoski's office. - In Edward Shodoski's office. - Isn't that a couple miles away? - That's what, well, where are you picking? - We're picking the flats, the water, the abandoned water sewage treatment plant. - Would it be sure to see the line of sight, but not... - Wouldn't it be easier if she was in the parking lot just ready to go? Like, as soon as the switch happens. - Easier baby, safer? - Well, see, that's the whole issue. - A block away or a two box away instead of, you know, half the city away. She cruises around in a company van two blocks away. - Yeah, how about, I would feel better if it were at least a line of sight. And then maybe we can do the... - Okay, can you tell him how big the difference and difficulty it'll be if it's in his office versus the hospital. - That's what I necessarily do. I don't know what we're doing. - Line of sight, if you're in, let's say, the flats in a sewage treatment plant could be any one of the bridges. The flats is crisscrossed with bridges. - Sure. - That could be a pretty far distance away, but you would still be line of sight. You could be parked on the side of it. - But isn't that more magic in working with the line of sight? - Yes, it's easier with the line of sight. I mean, you're attempting to link these and it could be transdimensional. It doesn't have to adhere to the line of sight issue. - All right, well. - But it doesn't simplify. - That's why it does simplify it. I say that it would be at least one lower. - Well, that's why originally the idea was that it was one blanket that was existing in two places at once. - Okay, so you buy a single blanket split in two. - That's what I was thinking. - Right. - And kind of like how an answerable, so theoretically supposed to work. The idea of that, you know. - You mention it. - In this molecule and that molecule, no matter how far apart they are, that they're like, you're having to maintain it. - So you're magically splitting it that they're not split, but yet they are. - They appear to be. - Right. - And basically, time and distance has no effect on... - In the trick, you're just rolling it from one side of the blanket to the other side. - Yeah. - Right, I like it. - I'm thinking like, this would be a legendary stunt if you pulled this off. - Sure. - So let's make it a legendary difficulty, it's eight. So. - The problem with that one turns you to me is that you also have to, that makes it a complexity. Doesn't it? - Right. - And he would have to spend a long time researching it. - Right. Which would... - We had five to begin. - And did you get? - Did you determine that conviction? - Uh, Laura. - Oh yeah. - And it has four. - You have five, Laura. - No, my Laura is great. My conviction is superior. - Okay. - That's four. - So you need four more. - So conceivably, well, and can I break, like, can I go back to, can I mix two or three? - Well, he's spelled on. - Like, so that's another positive. - Right. - I'm sorry. - I'll get you up a sec. (phone ringing) - It's good to get this on the right way. - I guess my point is, can I do, like, okay, I'm gonna try for the superb part A, then I'm gonna go for superb part B, and superb part C, but. - Well, and if I... - You're starting with the Laura 4, you spend the entire night working on it, you get it up to eight, eight. - Right. - No, you get it up to six. You get it up to fantastic. You need two more. - That's getting a good place. - I know. - That's what I'm saying. - And what do you need to roll for that? You just need to achieve it, right? - He needs to achieve it. - No, he does not roll. Let me look it up. - So, what do you have to go to midday to get it up day? And then, if you use high quality components, like, two out of warden folks are pretty rare. - I don't think I agree. - I agree. - Since you had it on hand, it didn't have to go out and find it or anything. That's why I was arguing, well, this whole tutorial-- - But it is. Well, it's easy to obtain, but it's a pretty serious sacrifice and very hard to put. - You no longer can say I'm the warden, see you in my club. He doesn't have one. - You could. - Yes, they hadn't bought that. - But. - I chose left as a mouse, I'm willing to make that one, and you can take that one, but. - Oh, no. - They don't even take both things. You know, when you've had them, they'll all be in each other. - See? - Look, so I'm gonna say the cloak chan is indispensable. And I don't get as poor out of there. - Sure enough. - I'm really pissed. - I'm not worried about it. - And she might be all right. - She's trying to push her. - She must do her out of her. - For a lure to begin. You spend the entire night. It takes up to six. The sacrifice of your cloak takes it to eight. You have the lure. It's eight o'clock in the morning. You know how to do the spell, and you need to start doing it. Now, you need to get your conviction up to eight. - Not necessarily. - Four in chunks. It's adding up to eight. Assuming each chunk would be two hours. - So that's four, twice. - You can put as much power as your conviction is at. So five, I think. - Right. - And then you gotta roll the control. How much you, you only get out of your discipline. - So this would take you to noon. And at noon, you would have just completed if you rolled twice without rolling. Worse than negative one. - All right. - Then I will do that. Thank you for clarifying me for me. So here I go. (laughs) - Ooh. - My fun, did he? - No, it was two plus's, two minus's. So I was going to put it down by ten o'clock. - That's perfect. - By ten o'clock, you've got half of the spell. - Sweet. - All right. And by noon. Oh, minus one. - Tries to get away from me, but I'm able to hold it together long enough by 11 o'clock. - How much does he have to roll this time? - He's rolling another four. - Yes. - He has a five conviction and he rolled a four, which is what he was putting into good right now. - You know, I said I'm putting in good three in order to add the negative one. - Oh. - Remember, I said I wanted to take three chunks. - Yeah. - Then you'll be done two and a half. - Correct. - But, yeah. - Okay, if you did three, then... - But see, that's the actual... - This is the reason why I did... - Oh, actually it was like it was negative one. - It gives you room for mistakes, yeah. - Right. - That's the room for negative one. So... - Okay. - You achieved that. - All right. - Negative two. So, well, it was pretty suspicious. - And this should be the last one. - Yeah, yeah. - But if you don't, it was three and three that made you stay. - So, that's like two. - You only have to roll two and you have plus four to double. - All right. - Okay. - That'll go really good. - Three. - Don't go negative three. - All right, I can do that. (dramatic music) - Negative four. - Who else do you get? - Flax. - Even. - Even three. - Even successfully created. We'd like to give you some name. Alan's teleporting blanks. - I don't know. I don't have a name. - You have a book of two places. - Well, that's a book of duality. - What's a DMD-headed word for that one? - Yeah. - It's a position? - It's something I have a transposition in. - I know that. - Two sides of the block of transposition? - Sure. - You completed your club/blanket now for teleportation purposes. - Okay. - Instead of a blanket, we're using my cloak. - Stematically appropriate. - Works for me. - The sacrifice. - And the pillow, baby? It's a pillow, we're just on it. - The toilet baby is strictly London's domain. - That was gonna be London's, I don't know if the-- - I don't know if the way I felt to make a baby. I don't have the skill or the class to make it like he could. So I'm gonna save my power or waste my power around to try and do that. Other than to give parameters. - Give enough time. I think you could make something that was more tangible than would actually leave something in actual monkeys. But you could definitely make a better fit. But if she checks it later, and it's just a smear of ectoplasm. - Yeah, I guess I don't want to. - Well, I'm hoping that in the middle of-- - She'll be distracted by the-- - Well, I think it goes close to pulling in. - So you wanna have time to check? - Yeah, and burn up. - That stuff will be swooped away. - So it's two o'clock in the afternoon. - And, of course, the filming of the year makes mistakes. - My phone rings. - No, it's time to make mistakes. And your phone rings in the rooftop. - I mean, it's on the phone. - It's the desk saying that they have a call for you. - That's true? - Sure. - They call it the desk they didn't know you. It's, um, special on it. - The new. - She has arrived at the airport as you have ordered, so she's wanting to know it. - She flew into Burt because, you know, it was private. - Right. - So she needs to be picked up from there. - Gotcha. That was just the way of avoiding you guys. - I don't even have to go to the car. - Thank you. And I, you know, well, Caribbean, she flew. - She flew. - It can be done in a day. - There are spells. - He won the one. - It's a bike lane. - Oh, I bet I would just have to get a hold of it. - Yeah, that's true. Is this something that I could maybe send Ed Shodowski out to give her? - Or should I be the one with a leader? - Just don't fall on the front door. - Maybe she didn't fly on the plane. She has someone else hanging the plane? Would that be so? - No. - Got a leader. - What is a wizard on the plane? - She's a, well, I mean, she's into Bahamas. - I was just going to have to get out of the plane to get there, one way or another. - No, she can go to the Never Never Never and then travel there. - How about this? - About somewhere else. - I don't think that they would have too much trouble going by themselves going through the Never Never. But they certainly can't go back with the baby through the Never Never Never. And maybe, maybe I'd have the White Council set up a tent that where one of the ships from the Port Authority, like a boat to leave, to go back to where they're going. - Got to, got to arrive. - It would be tough. You'd have to get a shuttle across the lake to Canada and then a shuttle from a small. - No, no, she, she. - The Spedlana comes from the Never Never to arrive in a cleanly. - Yes. - So the Spedlana could come from the Never Never to somewhere else in the United States and take a train in a clean up. It'd be a lot better than a boat. You could do way to help the back of the boat. - The boat is certainly getaway. The boat is not for the arrival. - It's not slow, then. - Do you care how Spedlana got here? - I don't give a shit. - No, no, no, no, no, the reason I'm bringing up is that, okay, if she's going to. - I'm trying to try. - You're trying to create the whole thing and it's so. - It actually did the opposite, right? - Sometimes. - The child is in town. You're done with the blanket. All you have to do is wait 'til I fall. You guys gather somewhere when you're getting ready for this. You got. - We got to get our weapons in order. You have all your shotgun. I like that. You have your ammunition and. - Okay, so you spend the afternoon getting stuff particularly ready for vampire killing? - Well. - That looks so obvious. - No, I'm just curious. I mean, what do you guys get ready for? - Hold on. - Blackboard vampire. - Who does she have with her? - She has, she's a vampire. - She's a vampire. - She might have vampire luckies. But besides that, she had all the supernatural people. - She had a big guy. - She had one and a personaries. And she had a magician. - Dale Williams, who? - He did. - He was a party trick. - And he was another spell cast. - Okay, so I thought he had a big troll blood guy. - Did you know that guy? - We don't know that he's a troll. - He knows that Robert Mahoney was one of them. - I remember a big guy that was a mercenary or a security or muscle. I don't remember him being a troll. - Why do I know that? - Do a lot of character? - Alan Montgomery can tell that he has some troll blood in him. He just, women, he's huge. - Screent. - Scavenge. - Scavenge. - Scavenge. - So he's called to steal something besides just stealing. It's how they create steal and how they forge it. Yes. - Screent. - Screent. - Screent. - Why? - It's how they pair it. - It doesn't have to be particular to damage them. - Does it? - It works better? - It's their weakness. - But that's... - They steal it like, yeah, but in the stories. - No, no, those are actual things. - Yeah, but who hasn't done that? - I reread. I reread that just last week. - He mentioned the skull steal was one of the ingredients. - Cold steel. - Yeah. - Not even good. - Can I get my hands on a steel hammer? - Well, you see there's this place called the West Side Market where you can find anything here. - It has a whole paranormal angle to it. And it's convenient on the way to the flats. - Well, if I could counter this troll, it'd be nice, right? - Absolutely. - Okay. - Who's with me? - I was a resources scorer. - Shit. (clears throat) - Dad. - Right now, London does. - Mine do. - All my red cash is in London today. - We can actually go and then just up his. - We also had our group. - Oh, shit. I told you guys, my hammer was where my strength was. - I want to do one. Could it have super neutral parts here? - I don't know if we were really working on that. And I just really announced it to everyone. - Yeah. - I'd like to say maybe you were working with our people, trying to get a lecranine made. 'Cause I was mentioning last week that I was going to ask my people to make one. Since you said you were trying to do it, we can just say that you-- - Some ideas that I acquired from the FBI, I guess, were already designed. - And they wanted to make one. - And they wanted to make one and they were like, "Yeah, we already started on that." Next, that's us. I'll do that a couple of weeks ago. - You were caring, so. - I was. But this worked out. - I mean, sorry, handing them out now. - Can anyone use them? - Everyone can use them better than me. - Why do we need to work on the lepping skill? - I have a lepping skill of fours. I can wear a hammer very well. - Consequently, I throw a great fastball. - Yes, you do. - It doesn't make much sense. - I'll pass them around to the two guys who are actually good at it. - All right. - I might get some shells loaded with cold steel so that I can fuck like I am. - How many do you think we could have? I mean, I want to like overplay it and say we have 5,000 grenades. We just keep the light going forever. - I was playing on a company helicopter. You just float over and drop them down until everyone's dead. - Fuck you. - What is your resource skill? - It is good. I've been wanting to get it better, but haven't really figured it out. - Good, it's good. There's a lot of skills you just don't want to get rid of. - So, I rolled a plus two. You have a total of five of them that they've been able to make using your current budget. You do know that's like a big deal. - Yes, it is. - Grenades are powerful, isn't it? - Yep. - Well, it's powerful against one thing, but not against you mean they might. - Don't you squat against trolls? - You get to be squat against the muscle. - Is there any other devices that you might like to bring along to a vampire battle, a troll battle? - Well, do I have anything that either left over from down to then or no in my arsenal that would be useful for supernatural battles? So that actually made me dispense to other people. I mean, I've got my sword and I mean, I am my magic, so I don't think I need any-- - The crafting of-- - And I'm going to be busy with other stuff, so I don't want to necessarily have organs on me. - The crafting of small objects that you can lend to other people that do special things like potions or little enchanted items like the sword is actually, for example, in the system. - I think we're quite as time enough for it. It's not mature to do the same as everything else. - I know. I'm not saying that I will make something. I'm going to just wonder if I have access to anything that is already there or exists. - You want to tell me something that existed and build out of ends basement and you want to try to get in there to get it, then we can talk. But I'm not going to give you any limits. - Well, it's either the office that was, his office near the aviation high school north of Brooklyn, or-- - No, me, I'm not saying it where we first started. - The lake is always north. - It's up if you're in Canada. - Was there stuff or leftover there, but then all that? - Well, you don't know because you haven't been in there, but you know, he did have things. - Well, I do remember like, well, here's where they used to be. So, if I'm good for now with the blanket, then I'm all set and I've got time. But yes, I'd like to run over and go open up the closet with all the weapons 'cause we're all suiting up and arming up for the final battle. So I'd like to see if there's anything available there that even, even if I can't use it, I would like to have it available to dispense to the other people. - How 'bout like, late Arma? - It's sort of capable of some titanium tungsten dog collars, so no one bites you on the neck. (laughing) - I'd say that they're not used for other things. - I'm not sure we'd have more than three. - Best are detectives a lot of it, just buy that shit. - If you're an active law enforcement or-- - Do detectives count? - No, you get that law enforcement. - Yeah. - Okay. - License. - License. - If he's active, besides that, I'm really awesome. - Well, yes, you're up to the eye, so. - Yes, but you would need the correct paperwork. - You have to be-- - I don't have the floor yet. - You have to feel to know that fairies are weak to iron. So I'm just not gonna buy that. - It's a problem solved. - Well, no, it's not solved because you left the room. - Alan was just talking about going to build out of his office and throwing open the doors of the armory that they've-- - What do you remember as it was an armory? - Yeah. - So in it, you find a hammer made of cold steel. - Really? - They've dealt with it these times before. - They're worms. - They're swords on cold steel? - No. - Okay. - They're actually so-- - Cool. - It's really weird. - Put their magic weapons so they would-- - Justice effective. - No. - Really? - No, really? - They're just really good weapons. But it's never mentioned in the book that they satisfy the catcher for anything. - And there's reason for that. - They can just be weapons six every once in a while. - So we could say there's a cold sword dagger and a hammer. - Yeah. - Okay. - What's the other thing? - Let's overcome the ward that leads into the armory first. - Whoa. - Hey, whoa, whoa. You don't know the magic ward. - I knew it 20 years ago. - It's been friended, isn't it? - Melon. - Was it the actual-- - That's the word. - Okay, I didn't remember. I just remembered it. - I'm not the nerd here. I love the English word for a friend. - And that proves you're not the nerd? - It's mailabooza. - Can't work. - I can't gelatine it. - There it goes. Melon. Like, whoop. - All right, honey, do all the dice, please. - It's awash, so my lure is great. - Ow. - Oh, it's a sword. - Actually it's a sword. - Oh man, there's nothing, use your sword. - Chop through weight. You can't even detect what it is. - You get to open sight, man. - Fantastic counter spell. - Okay. - I'm right through that son of a bitch. - Yeah, but I'm gonna probably need that counter spell later. I only have that once per-- - Counter spell, once, sword, once, or something. - And just do it, whatever it is. - But we need weapons, so. - You can actually physically counter spell with your e-location. - You can also do that. - Well then, what I'll do is use my-- - Besides, if you strike the chains off at this magic sword and also break the war at the same time, that's pretty cool. - Yeah, I will, I need these weapons. I know these weapons are here, so I will draw my sword and say bullshit, open, open says me, okay, so open says me. - Yes. - I've heard it before, please. - I've had original of anything. Derivative, I think, is the word. - Yes, and then I have a plus one when my weapons is five, so that makes it a fantastic. - You shatter the chain and the war to open the way to the basement. - Laboratory. - All right. - We're working on it. - We're working on it. - We'll refine all sorts of documentation and information by what would have-- - It was so much more helpful, I do, and it just went near to the beginning. (laughing) - Twerking to just die, all right? - Even time or seven goals. - Dear Ellen, if you are reading this, I have a fucking academic class. (laughing) - Four black core vampires and seven goals and two home homes. - So, holy water, cold iron. - Yeah, we will clean out. - And I will take the holy water. I don't suppose there's any little sunlight flashlights there. - What's up? - That would be cool. - Well, UV lights or-- - What's effective against trolls? - Cold iron, firemen, firemen. - Are they considered fairies or different ever creatures? - Then it would be the cold iron, right? So, it looks like we have a couple hammers or maces, which after watching Warrior versus Warrior, I have a holy respect for. We have some cold steel-- - Cold steel dagger, a cold steel hammer, and sure amazing. - That's not too obvious, carrying a round of mates. - Well, I'm thinking that would be a Roberto or-- - I got the hammer. - Oh, an end-minute thing. With your strength and a cold forged weapon? - Sure. - You'd be a troll killer. You'd be saving the baby in killing trolls. He still sucks with weapons. - Well, if you threw it. - No, no. Cold steel brass knuckles. - Well, we couldn't-- - I don't suppose it was just any like-- - Well, you're strong enough to better-- - Like, you just improvise a weapon like a club. - I got an average weapon skill, but I got a great fist. - Just push the fuck's face. - Honestly, I want to take care of the spellcaster. If I grapple with him, you can't catch it. - Or if you're sure it is hands. - I'm honest, or if you just pour water on him. - That's crazy. - That's a way to do it with a rock. - I've got a couple of water. - Thank you. - Well, actually, that's a good point. Maybe if we get somewhere a fire department, we'd have like a fire hose all down, bricked up with a-- - Can't you control water? - I, it's one of my things, yeah. - Doesn't quite work like that. - Can you water bend? - I would call it water bench, sure. - You can just, by the rip, I'll still open the faucet. (grunting) - Nice, there's water all over the place. - Okay. - The river that runs right there. - Yeah, it's right, it's a quick flutter. - Oh, man. - As long as the magic doesn't work to block magic. - No? - Oh. - You would take that. - Why? - 'Cause it's magic. - You could just as easily counter spell. - Fine. - Maybe that's how I was portrayed, though. - Don't forget, folks. People use light grenades that also affects me. - What are you? - What are you forgetting? - What are you talking about? It's like the only the third time when it's just a vampire or something. - This will wipe 'em all out, this will be awesome. - That's awesome. - There's a demon whispering. - There's a light grenade for each of you. - Fine. - A light grenade with them. - Oh, nice. - Solar flares. - You're a day walker. - I just want to thank you too much. - Sure, yeah. - I might sting. - Put some sunscreen on it. - SPF seven go. - A light grenade that's-- - We're going. - I'll be playing this during Mother Sun's up. - Yes. - We'll be inside. - See? - No, no, it's going down. - As the sun goes down. - That's wacky and bouncy. - But, okay. The sun purpose. - She was not too naked about doing that. - It bit your vampire high noon. You and me. - She's a fuck you. - Wait 'til it's dark. - So we have a cold forged dagger. I'll keep track of this. - Please. - With a cold forged. - I am in sword. - We have a sword. - Let's go forged in a sword. - Did I miss her? - I said dagger. He made it real big. Do you water it while I wasn't looking? A dagger, a hammer, and a mace. - I don't know if you replayed any of your sword. - But, that's okay. - I never even said sword. - I never even said fucking mace. He's the one I had in the mace. I said, and originally I said a dagger and a hammer. - You will lie in the mace. - I didn't, but I never said sword. I think you'll be surprised when everyone's coming back. - I don't think you did. Not unless you just said it a couple of seconds ago by accident. - Yeah, I don't know. I guess that's enough. - Let me effect smoke display. - Yeah. - Right. (laughing) - Clay. Clay. Clay. Clay. (laughing) - So, we've got the lycranade. One for each. We've got a dagger, mace, and hammer. You've already got a hammer. You really can't use weapons. - I don't suppose you want to take something and kind of just pick a bar of steel and wrap it around your hands and kind of make yourself like a loop cage. - Take the dagger and just stick it through my hand. (laughing) - Now, when you punch people. - Well, there's also a thing called the kubitan, which is just a length. - Yeah, a channel too. - No, it's just a length of, like a length of steel that you hold your hand. - No, you punch it. - It's like brass knuckles, or it's like a roll of quarters in your hand and makes sure it keeps your fist the way you want it to be. Also, you can hit it on the side and it really, it's like being hit with a... - You heard when I said kubitan, is it kubitan? 'Cause I said that it was. - No, but anything can be, anything can be, it's something that can be hypervised. With your strength, you can just break it off. 'Cause I've seen you rip a chair out of the hand of theater and throw it at somebody. So I'm talking. - You're not sure how you do that. - It wasn't, because you're just human, right? - I mean, you understand, what's available to the crops? - Well, it wasn't a folding chair. It was kind of bolted to a cement floor, for what I remember. - All right, I can easily see a few bars of cold steel that you had there just in case you needed or whatever reason. - I'm just trying to help with that. - I'm just trying to help. - That's too much. - I mean, if you don't want my help, it's not like there's like a troll army you guys are fighting. There's one guy, he's a troll, everybody, you know. - Then when you have one character or a character? - Well, you've got 27 weapons here. They're troll specific. - London probably doesn't need any hardware, right? He's not a, - Why doesn't he be a hard one? - Right next to you. - Hey, London, you gotta like your name. - I am not carrying a grenade. Are you fucking kidding me? - It's a like grenade. - It's a like grenade. - It's a like grenade. - It is, I do not carry grenades. - It's a flashbang. - It's bright. - I'm going to be centralized for that. - Remember when you did the thing with them? - Oh, at the Hannah theater. - Yes. - It sounds like a mechanical. - What bottle are you? - I'm not carrying a grenade. - I'm not carrying a grenade. - All right, someone else can carry a grenade. - I didn't think you would. - You can carry mine. - This is a good one. - But it doesn't make style remarks. (laughing) - I'll take two. (laughing) - Okay, we are arms. You guys want to do anything else in the preparation for the Battle of the Vampire/Wizards? - I'll take the potions of healing, better stop them from you. - You're fine. (laughing) - So, we are now four in the afternoon. It is November, so it is getting on towards-- - It's December 2nd. - It's December 2nd, so it's getting better. (laughing) - Sounds like for last year, when do you need to start doing your prep? - Like to start calling and say, "Okay, here's where it's from." - Do you want that? - Oh, I thought the homunculus. Did you want that at the-- - It's supposed to be in the other blanket currently? When do I create the homunculus? - Well, let's do it right beforehand. Hand it off to what's her name before we split up and go down to the flat. - Okay, who? - No, what's her name? Slap bomb. - No. - We were just calling her a lot of it for them. - She is the receiver. She's receiving the baby. - If she were somehow attacked, she could hold her own. She's a wizard. - Yes. So, we are to that point where London starts to make the calls. Unless you guys have any other prep you want to do. - We're not doing that make or cross the river thing. I thought that was brilliant. It also didn't work, I remember now. - Well, I was doing my finals in English. I had read Dracula in the suit. And I remembered that vampires can't cross rivers under their own power. - Right. - Until we were high tide, but then we discussed it and she has a driver. So it doesn't work. - You know, a limo driver. - Without a human help, right? - That's what we got. - We can really piss her off. I've never crossed her over twice in one day, but she has a driver. - So, while the afternoon was rolling and I investigated a couple spots, I thought it'd be good neutral locations that I could use to anoint constants with as the couple of stops before the final destination of the sewage treatment plant. - Do you have any good ideas and how to take out her? - What am I? - Backup caster. - I'm gonna grapple with some of this. We're just gonna hug you. - Then you're gonna punch it with a coo-cree, whatever the hell you're gonna do. - Coo-cree. - Coo-cree. - I know. - You want a guitar? - I don't know. - You have any specific spots, so you just want them to be generic. - I mean, unless you think it adds to the story to have a running verbal battle about these spots, then no, I don't care. - But we could, I should, start with the first phone call. - Right. And I'm sure that through my dealings in the past, I know of a couple abandoned buildings in the greater downtown area that show some of them. - One of them, I was kind of interesting, is the Ford plant over by the airport. When they tore that down, it was a big, huge complex. - Mm-hmm. - And it was, oh, he's caught my eye as I drove past it. - Still better than they threw it down. - Still take it down. - Mostly, but it looks cool. - All right, well, we'll start with the airport. So you call. - Confidence. - Yes. (upbeat music) - Thanks for listening to the Knights of the Night at Actual Play Podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures, where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling props, and even a form for comments and suggestions, or you could email us directly at feedback at, or contact us via Twitter, or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit And please, join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. (upbeat music) - Oh, lights grenade with them. - Oh, nice. - Solar flares. - You're a day walker, this one affected you too much. - Sure, yeah. - It might sting. - Let's go on the screen. - SPF seven billion. - Yeah. - Hey London, you gotta like your name. - I am not carrying a grenade. - Are you fucking kidding me? - It's a like grenade. - It's a like grenade. - I don't know why. - What kind of grenade it is. I do not carry grenades. - It's a flashbang. - It's bright. - I'm not going to be civilized for that story. - Remember when you did the thing with it? - Oh, it's a Hannah theater. - Yes. - It sounds like a mechanic. - What bottle are you? - I'm not carrying a grenade. - I'm not carrying a grenade. - Is anyone else going to carry a grenade? - I didn't think you would. - This is a good one, but it doesn't make time for Mars. - I'll take two. - I'll take one, I'll take one. (laughing) - It's not that you've replayed a grenade or a sword. - That's bad. - That's so bad. (squeaking) - We have some cold steel dagger, a cold steel hammer, and sure it means. (squeaking) - But I never said sword. I think he'll be surprised by this. - I don't think he did.