Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 95: "Delivery - Crispy Bruce"

Broadcast on:
30 Aug 2012
Audio Format:

Adventure - DeliveryScene - Crispy BruceActual Play starts at 12:03Maxwell and Edmund head off to try and find Crispy Bruce and Megan and convince them to join the plan.

(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Night to the Night Actual Play Podcast. This Dresden File Story Delivery was written and run by your jam, Tom. And now, please enjoy episode 95, titled "Crispy Bruce." (upbeat music) - Alright, before we get started with our lunch, we have a little bit of feedback to go through. First, we had some feedback on Facebook from Mr. Rocket. It was in regards to episode 94, okay, here's the plan in which you guys went through all the bullet points, like slash Alan, the warden, laid out, everything that was going to happen. And then probably disregarded, but. Mr. Rocket said he's downloading it now and asked how it ended, to which I responded. It didn't, because that was just. Your guys detailing how you fought the plan was gonna go and work out all your details and stuff. - And no plan survives the enemy. - No. In which you said, so I'm hearing sad face, but entertaining, I mean, it says yes, because it's always entertaining. - It's a journey not the destination. And while in the last, we've actually recorded it, so it's already in the can, and the adventure has officially ended. And I don't think anybody would have predicted how it was going to end. Little teaser there. - Although, if I may jump in. - Yes, of course. - After listening to some of the episodes leading up to it. - Oh, you could see. There's plenty of foreshowing. - Yes, sir, yes, there absolutely are. - And it makes me, it really makes it astounding how much I'm missing, because I'm so focused trying to pay attention or to take my notes or to just do my character, that there are clearly things that I am not hearing. - Basically, it's like listening to a fuse or a tick. It was like, oh, yeah, there was a bomb here. And I thought, okay, how did we not figure that out? - You can just kind of ignore it and hope it's going to go away, and then you find out at the adventure, it's not. - Well, actually, you are more single-threaded than multitaskers, so you can focus in on something, which is right at times. But there are other times you stuff wash over you. But even as a GM, which I try to keep an open mind and catch all that things, I'll listen to something and hear, wow, I never heard that. Or I never noticed that before. And a few times I'll even hear someone start to say something, someone else will cut them off and they'll go the whole conversational go that direction. I'm like, oh, but we had it, but I wanted to hear what they were gonna say about that, you know? Not necessarily that they had a clue that they dropped, but that does happen on occasion. But that it was like, oh, that was a really interesting thought, I wanna know what they were gonna say. Can't change the past though. We also had some feedback from We got an email from, well, he uses the name Peter Pan. But, and Peter says, hi, I'm sitting in a pub drinking a beer and listening to your podcast. I would really like it if you guys could make more and more podcasts, you guys are great. Thank you, Peter from Slovakia, PS. I think the call of the Cthulhu would be a great role set for you guys. You have investigation, social conflict and adventure. PSS, I'm very sorry for my English. You are the best podcast I ever heard, which we thank Peter and I kind of tightened up his English a little bit there to smooth it out. - I just painted a picture there that in a Slovakian pub drinking, I would imagine some kind of local brew that someone's listening to a podcast, it just paints a picture. - Yeah, absolutely. - It does, it's very, very cool. - And for us, many of us have a Slovakian-- - Yes, at least, ancestry. - Picture trying to listen to a podcast of Slovakian people role-pointing in a game. - So, lastly, we have some feedback from Facebook. It was from Richard Watts. He said, hey guys, picked up your podcast while looking for inspiration for running my own drugs and fouls RPG game. I started with neutral ground and headed right into delivery storyline. First off, thanks a bunch for posting the podcast. I know it's a lot of work for you, but I have really enjoyed listening in and have found them extremely helpful for getting the feel of the system. I recommend you all to my players as an example of what good role-playing looks like, or at least sounds like. Richard had some questions for us, but we're actually gonna save them for the 100th episode in which we have, or the drugs and foul wrap up, because there are more to do with the campaign in general, not in a particular episode, and we really appreciate questions, Richard, but I think they are more appropriate for that section there. Also, really quick, I did have a conversation with Richard on Facebook. It was a rather lengthy conversation. It was, I think Saturday, it was during game night, everybody had left after we played some board games, and I just chatted about fate and role-playing and different stuff altogether. And he's the guy who made fate? No, it's just him, dude. He wants to run the drugs and fouls with his group, and so he was asking him questions, but it was a really great conversation, and I appreciated it. Thank you, Richard, and thank you for the feedback. And like I said, we'll answer your questions during the wrap-up session of Judson or our 100th episode. How many more episodes do we have in the can for that? The next one we released is 95, and we have, I haven't edited them all fully, the remaining episodes. I think we have two play sessions, which on many occasions, I'll get two episodes out of that, because we'll split 'em up. And we're gonna have an extra big one for the final. But we may keep the one final episode in one chunk. I don't know how the listeners feel about that. So that depends on what feedback from them. But I was trying to fangal it, too, that we ended around 100, so that we had an empty space to throw in a questions-only type of thing without interrupting the story flow. Right. So right after that, 100 and one is probably the start of the-- Where's the voting? I haven't checked on the voting, at least two votes. Voting only changed slightly, in that Jim continues to get votes. He has, go, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. The point for the end of campaign sympathy vote. And it is apparently working, 'cause Jim has seven votes, half of Allen, who is next. No, actually, the next up is Maxwell with 12, then Allen with 14, then London with 20, and Roberto Stone will lead with 22. It's different. I think we were tied last year. We want everybody to screw the voting up and vote for me, and have you blow everybody out of the water. I think what you need to do is ask them, Jim, to take all their votes away from the leaders and give them to you. That way, not only you gain the votes, but we're losing votes. Oh, and in discussion with Richard, you were his favorite character. He voted for Allen the way. Yay! He might've been the one who pushed you up there a little bit. Well, somebody, though. Yeah, 'cause he was tied with Thomas, with Maxwell. You liked the moral conflict, the good guy trying to fight him. He also liked Roberto's character, but he thought yours was a more challenging role. Well, it's challenging. It's trying. I am definitely a challenger. One quick thing that I want to mention to our fans is Monte Cook has a Kickstarter up, new Monera. It's a new role-playing game that he's talking about. It's already med school. His starter goal was $20,000, and he's now got over $174,000. So he's not gonna have a problem producing it, but I want to let the fans know if anybody wants to get in on it. They've got just over two weeks left. Yeah, it sounds like a really interesting concept. I was looking over the Kickstarter, and I like how he's blending science with post-apocalyptic with- Yeah. There's some medieval elements in it as well. It sounds like it's got a little bit of something for everybody. You can kinda grasp some stories. He's been a sci-fi in that it's faced a billion years' future. It's gone through eight iterations of empires on the United States, so there's a lot of history. The United States, the world. No, yes. And the world has been, this is the ninth world he calls it, so it's gone through eight empires that have, he gave an example, like the first one would be our, and then our civilization, and it would go, and grow so powerful that it would reach for the stars and become a giant, galactic empire, and then it would collapse. And then the next one would be, you just keep a bunch of different possibilities of what it could be. All of these things left behind remnants of themselves. So you're living in an apocalyptic world now where it's fragmented, but you can discover any of these. You can come up on a house or a building that was of the third world, and so it could be all psychic-powered, and you know, he mentions a lot about nanos, so that the magic is really science-based, but it's indistinguishable from magic because the civilizations collapsed, so you don't even really know what you're dealing with. And the word numanera is just fragments of past civilizations that you're finding, and that's the word you use for that. And it sounds really interesting. I think the lowest you can get in is somewhere in the $20 engine. You can get PDFs of it. At $60 engine, it gives you an actual hard-bound book, and as he's going and he's getting more people, he's getting stretch goals that just fill out more and more stuff that you get. So we'll put a link in the show notes. For anybody who's interested in it, we're definitely something I think we're gonna take a look at. The game itself won't come out for a full year or so. - Right. - And play Tesla. - Yeah, for fun new inventals. - Oh, the game system itself, too, is a simple storyteller system. It's not anything like D&D. It uses a lot of new and interesting. He's got a blog out there, too. I'll look for that. Every day, he's posting more information on how the game works, like how experience is spent in the different classes, and anybody who's interested can keep up with that. - It sounded to me, both from the Kickstarter and from the YouTube video, that he was looking to really emphasize the storytelling aspect of this system, and was really trying to make the mechanics be something that flowed intuitively to aid in the telling of stories and just propel the idea along, whatever idea you wanna explore. - Yeah, it's definitely some of the newer stuff where the players have a lot more power. - Yeah. - It's got a G on. - I was like, how do you speak to our listeners? Because our listeners certainly enjoy, I think, if they're listening to us and they're looking for crunch, they're probably not exactly in the right place, because we do tend to emphasize the stories a bit more, and so hopefully this is something that's gonna fit into both our group and then our listeners as well. - So we'll put it in the notes if you wanna get involved in it and just take a look at the Kickstarter project, and hopefully they'll enjoy it as much as we have. Okay, just a reminder. You know, go to this website, vote, go to Facebook, see some pictures. Anybody who wants to use that Amazon link, you could pay a little bit of money, doesn't cost you anything extra. I don't know if you knew what that's about. - I don't. - We have an Amazon link on our site that if people just go there and then go to Amazon, anything they shop will get a percentage of the cut. Doesn't cost them anything extra and-- - That's amazing. - Amazon like to use that. - Amazon is a good site. - I buy a lot of stuff, but unfortunately-- - What do I? - I don't count. (laughing) - And that's the end of the feedback. Thanks everybody for sending it in, and with that, we'll go on to the adventure. My name is Tom. I'm the geologist in case file delivery, and the players starting on my left are-- - John playing Roberto Martinez, guardian of Cleveland, empowered by phone. Thomas playing Maxwell Edison, an undercover FBI agent. - Mike playing Alan Montgomery, the new Warden in town. Scott playing London deals, a moral seer to the supernatural. - I'm Jim playing Edmund Shodowski, the prime investigator and new world black court vampire. - I'm gonna get my people and my organization working on some sort of a small portable, maybe super powerful, but therefore probably short-lasting white device. Think about something-- - You're something. - People are already doing this. - I've got some magical preparation. - Yeah, you gotta prep the-- - I've got a blanket blanket. - Yes, you do. - So I am going to take whatever-- - Go into Walmart and pick it up, two matching blankets. - You can get pluses for-- - I'm gonna do whatever I have to do. - You head off to your hotel, and you set up your little-- - Right. - You're not Serb Stein. You start doing the cleansing ritual to prepare your spell. - I give Bob the skull to help me on and do all that work. - So I put on a call to proof. - 'Cause I gave him my cell phone. - Okay, you guys leave the restaurant you're in after dealing with Abigail. - That's right, we were in our restaurant. - We all assume there's enough cars to go around and you guys being-- - We were. - Maxwell and Edmund head off to the east side of town and looking for a van. It is night time. - Night call. - I gave him a cell phone. - And after four rings, it goes over to voicemail. - Instead of a text. - Yeah. - This is Max. I have a deal for you. You might want to hear, it could help you when Megan considerably. And I'd like to contact you tonight when we're in a hurry. It is a short kind of window we got here. - Where is it? - So if you could call me back real quick, really appreciate that. - Okay, as you're finishing this message on your enhancing machine, I were leaving the message on the answering machine, which is kind of humorous, but I don't think you ever gave him your mailbox. - Message code to check the phone rings. While you're leaving the message, he's calling back. - All right. - I gave him that. - What's up, Max? - Max. - I got a deal for you. - Yeah. - You got a meeting person? - He's got one on you. - Yeah. - You got a deal? - Yeah. - You found a baby? - Yes. - That's not a deal. - I'll relate to you. - Yeah, and I got to talk to you about it. - You know, meet at some house or something. - Face to face. It has to be. - Okay. Where do you want to meet? - You picked. I don't care. - All right. He tells you one of the addresses where you were originally looking for Megan. - How about that original place? - You actually went there. - How about that original place that they were supposed to be but weren't? - Yeah. - Never house, whatever? - Yes. - He says he could be there in like 15 minutes. - 15 minutes. - About 20 minutes away by car. - Okay. - One inch there might take us a bit more than that but we really do need to talk. - Oh yeah. Let's do that. - I'm not rolling for driving. I can't do that. No, we can drive here. - It's late at night. In the neighborhood you're driving and there's no big traffic jams. You just take it slow and cautious and you arrive at the warehouse. It is abandoned. It's very dark. There's not any lights on in it nor most of them around the building are shattered. There's a lot of broken glass. Boarded up windows. - Okay. - You don't see any other car here but... - I have the family here. It's dark there here. - Yeah. - Was it still this morning that we were down on the service? - Yes. - Little one. - Yeah. - I still have all my light sources on there. - Good job. - Yeah. - Well we don't need any more than just a flashlight. - Okay. - So we go in to the warehouse. - Alright. A bunch of both give me an alertness wrong. - That's right. I don't have one. I really well. - Where is it? Oh, it's... I got an average mediocre mediocre. That's the word. - A mediocre? - I got minus one from zero so it's one less than mediocre. I'm poor. I hold a positive one on the fudge dust and I have good alertness so I rolled a great tool. - Even with a great, you don't notice him until he's standing right behind Edmund and he was first. - It's a good thing here with him. - Yeah. - But he's there. - I asked him. - How's he look? - He looks crispy. It's dark. He looks a little worse for wear. You know, I mean... - You're looking better. - You look better. - Touch you better. But he's still looking pretty sat-shaped. He's got an eye patch. He's got a crispy scarred face. - Arrr. - That's true. - And he's the only one here that you can see. He looks like pirate Freddy Krueger. - Mmm. - Mmm. - Striped sputter at all. - What's this deal you're talking about? - Mmm. - Alright. I can't lie. I'm really bad at it. But I have you here under false pretenses. - You don't have a deal? - I don't. - I have a baby. We need the baby to save her dad, to save her dad. See, that's what the warden's trying to do. D.O.S., and he's only tangentially related to that. - Okay. - You guys gonna die in short order, yes? - Yeah, about three or four days. - That kind of sucks ass. This whole deal sucks ass. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So, you know, our various travelings, my group, the people you've made. - I have thought. - He kind of glares at it in a little bit. I don't know why I hate you, because you really do anything, y'all. It's mostly our burnt up that fucked him up. - Yeah. - But he's not here. So, he glares at you instead of both. - I can hear the rocks. - I came in there and yelled at him for killing people. - It's only half a glare. - Yeah. - 'Cause he's got one. - Kinda y'all, somebody. - Yeah. - Listen, we've talked to Abigail Rockefeller. - You ever met the lady? I know of her. No of her. That's good. - You know what her motives are and what she's been doing here in our fine city? - Killing vampires? - Yeah. - Trying to kill anyone. - In the face of the terms. You know, how has she's been doing it? - You know why she's been killing vampires? - Of course. That's a better reason. You know why? - I've heard rumors. But, you know, not really. - She's trying to cure her mother, who has been fluted with this for many years. She gets a high score for killing 100 vampires or what? - She's trying to-- - I don't know what you roll report in. - I tell him that, she's trying to find a cure and she's kind of got one for people who have the vampires that got souls and she may be able to cure you guys before you go out and if she can get a hold of you guys, try it out. She may be able to cure you before you guys burn out and in exchange for that, she's going to help us possibly save your father. At least, it would be there during this whole thing that's going to go down. - You know, the strictest of terms. That is exactly what we're trying to do here. - Yes. - Trying to save Megan's father. - Well, we would probably like to do that and then-- - There's a strong chance of curing you two. - All right. - Her cure has a problem in that when it solves the vampires. There's no soul left over, but, well, I'm going to take your explanation. As an attempt to set a maneuver in place for his rapport. So, you're telling him the truth and it's a decent truth. - When I'm saw, I'm going to say that it would just take a fair maneuver for you to give him a bonus. - I'm sorry, Jim. - I'm using a lot of skill. - I'm embellishing the truth a little bit. - Okay. That's going to come up with my territory. - Using a lot of skill. - Tell me what would work for you. - Well, I actually do have rapport with the sword and I have empathy a lot higher. I'm not sure what else I could use. I mean, rapport. - The empathy is reading people's shoulder, maybe, you can see that used. - Like rapport is just talking, you know. - Yeah. - And if there's a social initiative and he's the one giving you initiative and this social encounter. - All right. - So-- - To put yourself on good terms. - I would say give me an epithelial. - Okay. - And it has to be better than fair. - I rolled a neutral on the fudge dice, you know, but I have a great empathy so that works out. - Okay. - So you set the groundwork and he being an admin to attack as it works. - You're using empathy to do-- - I'm using rapport. - I'm using rapport. - I'm sorry, using rapport. - It's time to come down and talk him into this, this is a good thing to do and-- - This is, you have to get Megan to agree with it and this is the thing that you need to do to survive. - I should ask. If you're not going to see it, you're probably-- - I have to use it to better-- - I have to use it to better than you do in the last talking. - Nope. - Okay. - Minus three. - What? - This has rolled. - So that only gives me a minus one with this plus two which brings me down to a great-- - All right. So it's a great attack against his social empathy. It's social defense, so I'm going to use that. My role was a minus one, you didn't actually have any empathy. So that is rapport and you rolled a great-- - Yes. - So that is five which separates him right out of the scene. You can see he only had three. - You have to go to the social team. - If you can promise me that she'll experiment on me first in case there's something wrong and then maybe that'll save Megan. - That-- - Oh, I'll see a problem with that. - And then of course Megan steps out of the shadows. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You took him out, but not her. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - What? - Nothing about this is bad. - You took him out. - I'm not worried about me. How do I know that you can handle releasing my father? - Oh, I'm not so guaranteed that he's going to get released. We're just telling you that we're going to try our best to make sure that we're going to get released to make sure you have the baby. - We have a deal. We have a deal with-- - And now it's-- - You have the baby. We're going to exchange it to your father. - Yes. - And Alan's leaving this? - You can't believe that. Yeah. It's his idea. - All right. Shit, that's the seed. I'm a good dad. - You guys are going to have to convince her. So, what attempt are you going to give? - Your relationship with Megan-- - No, I wasn't talking. - As a GM, I have no luck yet, right? - No, I am leaving other things. - Yes. - Go. - Yeah. - So, my argument with you-- - I said before, I don't have a problem with players that are not in the scene giving advice to make the story better. - Or in the sense-- - And that. - In that sense, you know, Alan is doing what he can to release to the father. - To release him to the choice of word, Alan. - And I'm not lying. And that's the way I look at it, is we're looking to free her father to do what her father wants but instead of boring about what Alan might or might not do, it's like look, we're trying to release your father, but you know what kind of person constant is. - It's, she's dangerous, all right? But that's what we're working towards, do you want to be a part of it? - Yeah. - Okay. - So, I'm telling her that part-- - Which one of you is doing the main attack and which one of you is trying to help? - Probably the same thing we just did. - Okay. So, you give her some empathy. Now, before you do that, it depends on how difficult this is going to be. When I ask Alan, what's your relationship with Meghan? Are you childhood friends grew up together with your dad and he can relate to each other? - Well, it's-- - And she trusts you? - Sure. - Or did you fuck her over at some point? - Or did you fuck her? - Or did you fuck her? - Or did you fuck her? - Or did you fuck her? - Or did you fuck her? - Or did you fuck her? - Or did you fuck her? - Or did you fuck her? - Or did you fuck her? - Or did you fuck her? - No, well, it depends. I mean-- - But I thought we already established that, you know, she doesn't-- she's not happy with me at all. Is that just revenge? - Her isn't talking. - It could happen. - It could happen. Her father was falling deeper and deeper into trouble and despair. Where the hell were you? - Yeah, they could very well be. Yeah, I could see that. - She's an upset guy. - But underneath that, is there still trust? Is there still-- okay, Alan's going to take care of that. - Was there-- - Which, by the way, is going to get fucked up? - Yeah. - Was there intimacy? Was there desire? - Yes. - Okay. - I treated her as forbidden fruit. She was the boss's daughter and the boss's daughter. - And the boss's daughter. - Right. - And the boss can throw some fireballs. - True enough. - But forbidden fruit. So I'm not saying that nothing went down. - Tastiest of fruits. - Sure. - Tastiest of fruits. - Now, I also know I want to save Megan from being a vampire. I want her to have a happy life. But her life is going to involve hating me either way. - The death of her father is-- - But she gets to live to hate me. This is how I'm like, go ahead and hate me. But you're alive to do so. And Megan, you may be mad at me because you're mad about me. You're really mad about what your father did. Now what I did. - That's not good. - That's not good. - That's good. - Right now, in this situation, because you're not here. Maxwell is seeing in her eyes that when you said Alan was leaving it, there was this slight glimmer of hope. So you play off of that, which then becomes fair difficulty for you to convince her that Alan being there is going to help release your father. - This also was a search her episode. - Was it really? - Where Kirk was made to look like he injected somebody out of a pod during a storm. And his daughter was named Jamie after him. You know, blamed him for her father's death. And if he cursed, needed him and shot it at him, all sorts of stuff. Until he was able to prove that this guy was indeed alive on board the Enterprise and was messing with the memory tapes to try to implicate Kirk and his death. - Huh. - I didn't know that. - But did she apologize for bitching about after you pulled the portion? - No, of course not. - So that'd be a lie. - The big difference is that you're actually going to kill her father. - No, he's fine. He's not going to kill his father. - I don't see him. - Well, it depends. You're there. - Well, maybe you. - He's going to try to make Constance do it. And if that doesn't happen, he's going to do it himself. - And he said so. - If he gets him back, he's going to be hit him. - Which is, you know, he's actually... - Yeah, that's right. - He's going to be in a great evil place. - I don't think I could play a character that would do so, but that's superior. - Well, I don't want to do it. He's my mentor, but this is your moment of mine. - I have to be. - I don't have his back. - Maxwell, give me a roll to convince her that Alan is going to... - He's going to... - Yeah, that's actually an evil place. That was close to really positive within us all the way. I rolled a new shoulder fudge dice, and I still have a credit. - Oh, yeah. - This is just... - She's excited about the fact that Alan is going to be involved in this. - I'm telling him. - She's trying not to show it. - I'm telling her, it's in the agreement. Exchange goes, and he's... - He's... - He's not done. He's got to deliver the baby, and that releases your father, don't you know? Now... - Not in line, but it's close. - And I'm telling him, you've got to go with her, and her help us to make this all happen. - Okay, so what do you... You're not trying to deceive her? - No, I'm just... - Because you're... - Not giving her the whole truth, I'm just giving her enough of the truth. - So I said you're going to use... - For the best lives of her. - They have the best lives, they have the truth. So you're using rapport again. - Yeah, what? - I don't want to argue and make them want to be with her. - I got... - Would you like to do that? - I even out on the fudge is plus two, takes my... - Super... - Super... - Plus two epic. - All right, like I said... - Like I said, you want a lot, you don't want to argue and make it difficult. But there's an actual stunt for a line with truth in it. - Is it really? - Gives you a bonus? - Still alive. - I don't know what he's actually saying, so I can't say it's alive. - But he's not trying to deceive her. - Wow. - He's trying to convince her. - Yeah, but that doesn't have nothing to do with the deceit. It's just saying, come on, it's going to rescue you. It's going to rescue your boyfriend. It's going to rescue you dead, kind of. - All right, that's fine. But if we say that he's flavoring the truth with the slight deceit, all that would be is that we would look at rapport and we would modify it with deceit. - Being loved. - Which we know is lower. - Is lower. - So that takes it from an epic to a fantastic. - Which is so good. - So good. - No. - Yeah, it's minus one instead of last one. - Oh no. - Oh no. - I thought you were saying no, no, like I was wrong. - No. - I'm pretty sure that's right. - You're completely right. - All right. She is... - Get a roll. - Yes, but what does she know? - Nice. - Okay, she's going to roll dice. - Stubborn bitchiness. - Yeah, okay. Well, we'll go with Stubborn. - Discipline. - We'll go with discipline. She's trying to hold her emotion in control. - Is she with him? - It's never been established. - We've given her the books where she isn't going to talk to the books. That's poor. - Just a poor. - You're stating that it's driven by the mother. And that her father's a magician and her mother wasn't. - We don't know. - We just know. - We don't know if her mother was or if it's skip generations or we don't know. - Anything. - You probably have to ask Alan. - No. - Well, you have to ask Alan. He would probably have an idea of whether she can do magic or not. - Okay. This is awesome. - So you know her history about her magic. - If she can't work magic, she is very likely of potential. - Yeah. - Because in the books, she's an untrained in the books. Terry Dresden was the grandson of McCoy. So it was father, father to mother, mother to him. - Yeah. - It was never said it was before. So that is a good point. - Yeah. I mean, they moved from McCoy to her. So yeah, you're right. I don't know who her mother was. - All right. She's making her roll. - Yeah. - Whoa. - That is rather unfortunate. - We're reading books. - Yeah. - I'm on four. - Just. - I know I'm going to start reading two. - I love Michael. - I think it's more. - These are fun care. - I like them a lot. - I thought you... - Gallatin? - Gallatin. - That's a promise. - I think you like Thomas too. - I like Thomas a little bit. - Okay. - The role was three and the dice and her discipline is four. So yeah, she actually deflects that and says what you're saying is you're taking two allies out of the fight. Why don't we come with you? Why don't we help? I mean, when you go into battle, you're asking for the help of a wizard. Why not the help of two black court vampires? - I'm really empathetic. - Oh, she's making an attack, okay. - Well, no. - I want to do a attacker again right away. - There's a chance by the time she happens they won't be black court vampires. That's the whole point. - That's what you're saying. She wants to help with this and we don't want to achieve. - Right. - She's actually making an intimidation role and unfortunately she was minus one of the roles so that only makes it a fair attack. - She doesn't even have the time to. - She's trying to say, yeah, look, we're big strong. We can help. We can, and she's doing it to you, admin. - And what would I eat? - You would have to come up with some sort of defense. You could defend with that discipline. - I mean, it's also-- - Would this offend you? - My rapport or rapport? - Empathy. - Empathy, definitely. - Empathy is a good one, generic. - In a sense. - Plan. - Yeah, let's say rapport is a possibility as well. - Yeah. - Because you could shut yourself down to not show her that you're affecting her with the argument. Go for it. - Is that actually a skill lift? - I'm pretty sure it was. - Well, rapport says shut down. Closing down. - First one. - First one. - First one. - Yeah. - Even now and again. So it would be superb. - Okay, so her fair, and you're superb, you're actually so good at speeding as that you have spin coming back around the other way, which is a plus one. You kind of put her off with like, yeah, type of thing. - And I give her, you know, Abigail's has got to be more powerful than like four or five of you guys. - Or, yeah, or, you know, when we were fighting you in the Hannah building, you know, we alone without Abigail was keeping you guys in check and chase you away. So please. - You guys are good. - You're not that good. - Right. At this point, oh, nice roll by crispy Bruce as he comes in with an argument with her trying to help you. He's like, naggin, come on. This is our chance. We can walk away from this. You're dead to walk away from this. How is this bad? - Yeah, I know. - She does take a little damage from, well, I don't know, do you want that as an attack against her? Yeah, we're going to go with just he's launching his own deck. - Well, good. - So, actually does a minor consequence to her that he actually affected her, like, she's listening to him. So, you can still tap that because he's going to allow it. And we'll say it is willing to listen as a side effect, as a social side effect. - Can you leave me there? - He can still give you two. - He can do it as well. - Mine too. - Next. - So, yeah, you can go and then, I think I'm going to go next. - You can go next. - I just don't hit as hard. - So, roll your assist. - Yeah, I forgot what my argument was going to be with you. I think Bruce took it as well. - I saw yours in the argument, that's what he said. - Yeah. - So, you are missing a thing. You know, Megan, I will do everything. Listen, I got Bruce out of life, right? I will make sure that neither of you are damaged when we get you to navigate. - Yeah. - I guess. She was wondering why they can't go in to fight it themselves. And I guess I could explain that by saying the deal was exactly that you guys need to be exchanged before it goes down. - Right. That's perfectly fine, roll. - Positive one on fudge brings it to his curve, which is more than enough to give as in the plus two. - Right. - He is also tapping the spin in. - Right. - And his total plus five in Bruce's consequence. - So, that's pretty good. - Oh, I have it evening out a lot. So, but it's probably above legendary then. So, plus five. So even now it's a purchase five plus five. - You finally, so you got plus ten. Her role was her discipline. She's still fighting against the concept of giving in. But she wrote the minus one. And her discipline is four, which is three. So, you hit her with an epic amount of damage, which I take that you probably don't want to crush your spirit, but you just want to accept. - Yes. - You take her out of the scene. - Right. - And you can't really kill anybody with social combat, but you could shatter their ego. - Ego. - Ego. - Ego. - Which you don't. - All right, fuck right. - So, they have now both agreed. That's fine. - If you can promise me that you'll be by on the side as well, making sure that this gets done. - There, I'll be there. - See, that's not it. It's a load that you get. - I would seriously like to be there when she's working on these two to keep an eye on. - Yeah. - The whole procedure, if we could. - I don't know. We didn't really overwrite that in the deal. I don't think she'd allow it. - Yeah. - Okay. - And she's close guard and I'll be there. - Maybe. - I will be there. - So, I will be there for the situation where we... - The exchange. There you go. - The delivery of your father. - Ah. - Can we let you know when it went? - Oh, I get it now. - No, no, no. I'll be there for the delivery of the baby. - I kind of like pregnancy. - Well, it was also the delivery of the baby being born. - Yes. - Yeah. - Multiple meetings. - Right. - For the delivery of the baby to constants in exchange for your father. - All right. So, at this point, you guys are leaving the restaurant with Abigail as well. - Okay. - Within a short order of 45 minutes or so. - You get a call from Maxwell. - I have the packages ready for delivery. - All right. They're ready to go to night. Maxwell? - If we were going to, I think the Warden has to do some things first. - For the drop off of the two. - Oh. - Yeah. - Are they ready to go to that? - Is this at 24 hours before? - Yeah. - I thought that was a good time. - Yeah. - Sure. - Okay. So, I turned to Abigail and say. - So, what would you like us to say? - So, you're saying they left and you stayed around with Abigail for 45 more minutes. - Why not? - We're drinking wine. We're enjoying the night. - Okay. - We're too old to-- - Well, too. - I think leave because I've got-- - You guys. - Preparations to make. - We'd like it to buy it Walmart. - We could talk some orchids. - I don't have to go to the more distant places than Walmart. You get sponsors just for going to specific areas, gathering specific ingredients for the spell. - But we can hear what that next week, if we don't want to do it now. - Well, the only if there are-- - Expats for components. - Yeah, I mean, they're just two blankets. The rest of the components you might need might be different. - I think it'd be a good idea. - If it was one blanket that you split-- - I think it's a good idea. - Big blanket that you split into two. - No, no, no, no. - Because they're going to have a connection. - It's an actual side blanket that you split into two. - Yeah. - I don't know why. - Sure. - Separate the top line from the bottom liner so that way they have a connection to each other because they were made that way. - That's pretty cool. - And they've got two faces. One for each side of them. - Oh, yeah. Oh, Janice, let's see. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Get all of our stuff together. - Okay. So where would you like me? - I hang up the phone and say, "The deal is struck. We have two packages and I'm ready to deliver them wherever you wish." - I knew you were good. I just knew you were that fast. - Wow. What would have called you into this meeting? - If we didn't anticipate being able to satisfy your needs in a quick and timely manner. - Well, let's send them over to University Hospital. - Is there a certain location? It's a large campus. - Yes. She takes out her card, flips it over, and she writes an address on the back. - I'm sure. - I'm sure she'll see if we'll take Frisbee Bruce right on. - Yeah, really. - My God. What's your eye? Jesus, your face off. How are you even alive? - Not really. - Well, that was the interesting thing. Take away his vampireness. Was he going to succumb to his wounds? - Oh, my God. - Vampire is black. A little taxidermy, I'm up first. - Yeah. - I'm all. - All right. I don't know that we have anything else that needs to be resolved tonight. Other than that, I think next time we play, we're ready for the meeting, right? I mean, there's nothing else standing in the way here. I mean, something's going to come up, I won't do my show up. - Jim's going to list the final. - We'll kill him. - We'll have maybe like five minutes when we start. This is what you need to do, Mike. These are the roles you need to make. - Okay. I thought you were going to do it over. - Oh, yeah. We will do it over. G-Talk. You get all the specifics on the communication. - Yeah, you know, the communication. What do you need to do? - Just the strategy spell that he's got to do to make the blankets a little cut. - Right. I don't know all the specifics of what he wants to do and how he wants to do it, and what he's going to need to do, and the roles he's going to need to make. So, I don't have a problem with... - Family shortages. - Family shortages is a lot of hand-wavering things. So, I'd rather discuss that with him and then get all the iron. So, when we get there, it's like five minutes just to make the blankets as the roles you make. And we'll start with your talking to Constance, and then to me. - Okay. - All right. - Well, I'll tell you what, if I fail at that, then bring this creation aside and what we're going to do. - Maybe you're going to take your time. - You're going to fail. - Do a Heisman. - You're just talking to the Jim-Braht, just to work with the kids. - We'll also say, you guys finish the evening. You all go to your respective homes. Alan is starting to do the spell, but I would say after a night of rest. - To me. - To me too. - To me too. - To me too. - To me too. - To me too. - To me too. - To me too. - To me too. - To me too. - I need to... - To be careful. That means within the next 24 to 48 hours they're going to have their cure or they're going to be dead. Either way, their story is done full, is resolved. - Right. - So... - Well, heck it. - Hey, do I get a fourth thing? - If they have a guilt, I'll rescue someone. - A cure, and they could show up after all. - But there's no reason for the complicated things. - They can't think. - No. - Well, thanks. - You don't think those are ready for me and Sean, but if your father was being handled, maybe it'll work. - Well, they're not going to know that. - It's a great point, being if everybody rots you out the night next time we play everybody, it will either be at their current total or their refresh, whatever, tie or... - Higher. - Yes. - So, but it was higher. - This guy will accept it. - Oh, yeah. - Thanks for listening to the Knights of the Night at Action Play podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures. Where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, props, and even a forum for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at Or contact us via Twitter, or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcasts or business, please visit And please join us next episode for more Vistri and Adventurer. - I treated her as forbidden fruit. She was the boss's daughter and the boss can throw some fireballs. - And threw it out. - But forbidden fruit. - Well, that was an interesting thing. The guy's vampireness was going to succumb to his wounds. - Vampire's black little taxidermy, I'm up first. - Yeah. (laughing)