Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 94: "Delivery - Ok, Here's the Plan"

Broadcast on:
23 Aug 2012
Audio Format:

Adventure - DeliveryScene name:  Ok Here's the PlanThe group lays out the plan for the final scene, and everyone is on board.Well... almost everyone.Actual Play starts at 12:11Kickstarter mentioned in the podcast was..Perils of the Surface Worldby Jeff Combos

(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Knights of the Night Actual Play podcast. This Dresden File Story Delivery was written and run by our GM Tom. And now please enjoy episode 94 titled, "Okay, Here's the Plan." (upbeat music) Before we get started, we have a Twitter message that takes a quick message and an email. From Mad Mjolnir on Twitter, he says, "Definitely give fiasco a go." He created some, 'cause we were talking in our podcast about, I was saying, I'm trying to give fiasco to the table on some of you who are a little reluctant. Some of them, some of the players have played it before and don't like it, other people haven't played it. He says, "Definitely give fiasco a go." We created something Guy Ritchie would be jealous of and my group isn't even as good as yours, which is very nice. Thank you for the compliment. - I'm quite sure how accurate it is. - He's a British director. He did the original Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey. He hit the scene with two smoking barrels. - I couldn't think, yeah. - Two smoking guns in a barrel, or whatever that is, stock and tooth. - Well, a lot of stock and two smoking barrels, right. And he ended up marrying and divorcing Madonna. - The second Twitter continues because there's a limit on how much you can put in there. He said it involves a corrupted, bail warden, shady card games, lesbian cat burglars, plus dueling pistols. And that was just in the first 15 minutes. - Sweet. - So Mike is sold, he wants to play Theat. - And, wait, yes, if I need to slap the table, I'm in. - If they're Asian-- - Asian, lesbian, cat burglars. - Is this a canned adventure we can play too? - No, it's like canned. The fiasco is, Theat's goes to type, it's actually a GEM-less game and it's very storyteller, it's very rules-like. So you can go anywhere you want. - Oh, it's like that card deck that was a storyteller card deck. - Yes, I think so. - Based on that Kickstarter, you sent me that link. I found a game system that they're trying to develop. It was called Parals of the Hollow World, or Parals of-- - Not there, yes. - And it was a game designed by Jeff Free Combs. Can't remember. - Anyway, the point is, I pledged the $35 to get the free, or get the quarter rule books, stuff like that to explore. It was like a Hollow World kind of a-- - So you can do 40s vibe kind of-- - Who are? - Yeah, a little bit of that, but a little bit of the old-- - Paul? - Yeah, Paul, that's a good way to describe it. - Hollow World, sorry. - Is the Kickstarter closed already or should we? - No, it should be open until later this month. All right, we should then find it and put it into the show now, so you know, in case somebody wants to join it. But so you popped your Kickstarter cherry then, huh? - I did. - All right, what did you guys? - That's a thing. - It is now. - Okay, so we also got a bit of feedback on our Facebook page. This is from the most recent episode 93 title, It's All Coming Together. All the pieces are coming together, you guys just had the meeting with Abigail. - Okay. - And I added, are all the pieces in place? Abigail, the last piece of the puzzle are just another complication that would double cross them in the end to question mark. - Mr. Rocket said, well, he was excited when it first came out and he says it's on my to-do list, but then later he commented, wow, after listening to this episode, I have a real appreciation for the only good being in Cleveland, the Warden Allen. Everyone is out for themselves in this conversation. Abigail wants her research, London wants to make sure that he is not the oath taker or that his status is tarnished. Really awesome work, guys. Don't give that day walker to the Vamp's sister, please. - And I don't know if they're just talking about me or they're talking about you because of a lot of talking. That was the episode you weren't there 'cause it was your wedding anniversary. - Well, that's right. - So they were talking about selling out your ass to the sister Abigail. - I had somebody out there. - All opposed? - All my characters. - All my characters. - All opposed? - No opposed. - No opposed. - So your ass is sold, which speaking about, speaking about, we can look quickly at the poll over on KOTM And the only movement on the poll, I think, was Jim. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You didn't go down. You can't go down. You don't have one of those, go down, Jim. You don't have one of those to go down. (laughing) You actually went up. They had some Jim fans, some. - Wait, the one episode he's not there, he goes up? - Yes. (laughing) - I did not say that. - I don't know what to make of them. - You just thought it. - Yeah, there's my-- (laughing) - I'm not going to go up at all. - I'm not going to go up at all. That'd be awesome. - The one episode he did not contribute to, you did out of here. - You just have to, like, run up your character and then disappear. - Boom. - They're like, man, I wish to sell more of that guy. He's awesome. (laughing) - To quickly go over the votes. Roberto is still at top of 22. London is at 20. The Maxwell and Allen are tied to 12 apiece. And Edward Shodowski now has six. - Wow. - He's doubled, he doubled, or maybe-- - He increased by two, I think. - Maybe, yeah. - Triple. - Is two to six? - He has eight percent of the vote now before he had four, so he must have-- - So the sun is two, five, eight, six, five. - Double it would be four. - Don't be bitter, Mike. (laughing) So congratulations, Dad. - Yeah, you had me. - And our last bit of email is from our friend Merck T, who sent in an email. There in Merck T says, "Hail ye knights of the Cleveland Files." While listening to episode 92, I noticed, sadly so late, that you are nearing your magic 100th episode. How time flies when you're listening to your podcasts, or, yes, waiting for it. (laughing) - Thanks. - They're in there for the back-handing slap. When you guys mentioned a special episode, I had an idea of a peculiar sort. Since you haven't had a chance to recover your mythical episode one and two of shit luck, then why not do a remake of them? It doesn't have to be too close to the real one. First, firstly, it will be a remake anyways, and secondly, everyone will notice that it's not of the original session, mostly because I think the song quality is something dramatically in our, so we'll adjust that really quick. I don't know, Scott's a GM, but I would guess that it would be nearly impossible to recreate the first two last sessions, because we have absolutely no idea. I mean, we have a rough introduction of what happened, and we did it vocally. It's still out there as a recording, at least a line of events, but-- - I lost a lot of the paperwork and on a computer crash, I lost a lot of them. - We would just have to wing it and gas and try to-- - Yeah, one kind of everybody ended up. - And we have two players that wouldn't be-- - Yeah, that would be problematic, too, is that two of the key players-- - Ryan, Greg, and Ryan, are playing anymore. - Well, Ryan isn't playing anymore. Greg is-- - Ryan's not playing because he has a one-year-old son and another one on the way, and he's busy being a father, and you can't really blame him on that. - Greg's scheduled, just got a little bit busy, so he may be back, I guess, while I was saying. - So a lot of an interesting idea. - Yeah, it is a very interesting idea, and one that I don't know we can reproduce because of the two missing members right now, because of why Greg may come back in the future. He certainly isn't here now, and we have two new players who-- - Right, and we have absolutely nothing to do. - Definitely won't happen for the hundreds. - Right, now in time for the hundreds, but I, too, look at the beginning of that story and lament the fact that we've lost those first two episodes because that story itself, I think, ended up being pretty strong, and-- - It would be more interesting if somebody created a script in it. - Right. - So you just talk it through. - I mean, you already know what I was gonna say. - Would you just read their part? - Oh, we've also had some fans asking if we would do a video podcast for 100, and I'd have to say that's probably not gonna happen. - Just equipment-wise, I don't make questions for you. - We don't have the equipment. We don't have the editing equipment. - Right. - I have absolutely no clue how to edit a video, and, you know, yeah, as far as being on video, I wouldn't give to videos one way or another. I don't need problem being on a video as opposed to being on audio on a podcast. But the other things, I think are made the more important issues, which is the video equipment and the editing skills. - You guys ain't missing anything. We're not that great. - Believe me. Except for me, but... - I'm beautiful. - You're probably good. - I don't know how you get the story. - Yeah, anyway, it's something we can think about in the future. Is that all that Marti had to say? - No, actually, Marti had one more paragraph here, and this was as for the last episode itself. I liked the developing perspective of another verbal fencing match. Touche for London, right? Does sound a bit weird, doesn't it? I felt the buildup of the tension, and then wam to be continued. It's probably the first time I was listening to the "Joes and Files" campaign that I was left looking out for a continuation, but I know you won't fail me. So this is having to do with the previous episode, which was '92, which actually ended up being a pretty short episode, and there's a behind-the-scenes picture of why that is. Many of us were going on vacation. We just got back from the week on the beach, and in order to get two weeks out one after another, I took a huge amount of recordings through them all into one, cut them roughly in half, said this is gonna be '92, this is gonna be '93. When I put the feedback at the beginning of it, it turned out that was almost half the episode, and then we had a very small 15 or 20 minutes of actual play before it ended when that split came. So '92 ended up being very little play, and probably left a lot of people hanging, but '93 was almost a full episode of "Just Adventure." So I apologized for that, but that was the only way I could do it, and when I noticed what I had done, it was too late. We were leaving the next day, and there was no way it could be fixed edit-wise. So while we went off to the beach in North Carolina, Mike stepped in and released '93 for me, so that there wasn't any break in the continuance, but there was no editing that could be done at that point. So that was a really short episode on '92, and I apologize for that, but had a great time at the beach, if that matters to anybody, we all had a lot of fun. - Yep, and enjoyed the verbal sparring as well. You know, I think that's one of the strong points of the faith-based systems we've talked about in the past, is that the social interaction is, it's just the system is built for it. It really is. - And if anybody cares of our fans while I was on vacation, I was reading the burning wheel instructions, and I liked what I was reading. - Do we have any idea what we wanna do for the 100th episode? Are we just gonna play? - Right now, I think we're just gonna go with pay huge questions. I mean, as it turns out, the end of Dresden will be very close to then. So the 100th episode might be our Dresden wrap-up, what we thought of it, and then the second half, it'll be just questions from the audience. - Are we collecting a lot of questions? - If we want, we've got some, yes. The more they can send us the better. And we definitely have our Dresden discussion, which we'll take up, we could talk about. - The other idea I was gonna throw out is that we could almost have some keywords from the 100 episodes, you know, different events, different things from shitlock and from Dresden. - Not a bad idea, maybe. Top 10 events. So, that's all our feedback. Thank you, Theron, for the feedback. Always great to hear from you, as it is from everyone else. And with that, we will now get back to the adventure. - My name is Tom, I'm the Seattle runner, and the Dresden case file delivery, and the players starting on my left are... - John playing Roberto Martinez, guardian of Cleveland, empowered by phone. - Thomas playing Max by Edison, an undercover FBI agent. - Mike playing Alan Montgomery, the new Warden in town. - Scott playing London deals, a moral seer to the supernatural. - I'm Jim playing Edmund Shodoski, the prime investigator in New World Blackboard Empire. - So let's all agree. - Focus. - You're explaining the plan? - Bullet point, the plan. What's gonna happen from the moment we meet? - Well, I'm looking for something to kind of blunt the consensus power. - It almost makes sense, because you have a lot of physical power. - Right. - What do we offer? - You got Jim. - What do we offer? - We're up against... - We're up against... - We're up against... - A couple of Perrutadins. - He said I'm offering. - Two Perrut. - What is we offering to her? - But what are we offering to her? - Crispy Bruce and Megan. - Why does she want to offer us any defense or offense, or backup? - Crispy Bruce and Megan. - Because if her sister succeeds here, she'll... - Yeah, two things. - Tip to balance. - If constant succeeds, it'll tip the scale so badly. Abigail won't be able to repeat it. They're sister anymore. They have a balanced thing going. - Or invalidate her research. - Yeah, and her research is about her mother. - Which you may not know about. Their mother is infected with black court vampirism. Abigail's trying to fix it, cure the vampirism, while Constance is trying to empower their mother, I guess. - But they no longer have weaknesses. - Yeah, and Abigail wouldn't be able to do that anymore if her sister succeeded. So that was the first part of the agreement. She's like, yeah, but... And then we said, well, we also have two of her minions. If you want to experiment on something your sister's been working now. - Okay, we're option number three. - We didn't need to go number four. - They need to go there in the conversation. - The reason why it's ultimately to Bruce's and... - Megan's benefit is... - Quite possibly curing November. - His name's changed now, right? - He is a real name, but I only know him as Krispy Bruce. I can't remember his other name. - You all know him as Krispy Bruce. He does have a real name, but you never bothered to find out. - Well, we don't hear it at once and I don't know. - He's Krispy Bruce. - Get him for the rest of his day, I'm gonna call him Bruce. - And of course, why? - Yeah, and he's gonna expect that, you know, it's like... - Okay, Bruce, how are you doing? But we don't have control over... We don't have a direct control. We have a contact through Maxwell. And that's what was gonna be like Maxwell's job to organize. - To kind of... - This is to their advantage and defense. - I'm waiting with all of it, do you? - Stage four of amp everything. You're gonna die in two days. Here's your chance. - Not too hard. - And to try and make a little bit sweeter for Megan, so she doesn't try to kill me, is that... Well, either way, I have to kill her and follow her, but I don't bring that on. - I don't think that she's gonna be there. - Bring that up when she's human and powerless. - Right. - In this iteration... - So I killed your father. - In this iteration of the game plan, of the plan in general, Megan and Bruce will not be there at the endgame. We have to deliver them to Abigail as payment before the endgame. So we have no way to make sure that they arrive. It must be built into our agreement with Abigail, which I don't see how we could. If you didn't want her prized possessions being damaged during the final battle. - I agree, so there's no reason for them to be there. - Exactly. - Now... - Everyone's happy. - Sorry, Justin, I wanna draw a straight line to what we're going to do. We're arriving with the actual child. - Yes. - Not a humongous, not a thing. In a blanket, the real child, so you're living up to the oath. - Right. - We go to deliver the child to Constance. This is when... - I will be able to... - Donovan... - Right. - Some kind of magic. - He will cast... He will do some magic or something flashy, but low-power, but I'm willing to take some. - The child is then swapped out to slutvana. - Eye gym's offices. - Oh, well, just before the actual fireball. - The illusion of what the details detail. - Well, the trick is, as I see the magic attack coming, I mean, you got the kid, I'm willing to affect the switch, whether you're gonna help me with that with the illusion. - Sure, I've got seemingly... - So now we have the switch. - Okay, now you're holding... - The charred corpse of a homunculus. Yes. She still wants it. - Give it to her. - Give it to her. - Because she feels she could use the blood or whatever. - That's why... - What was she calling at that point? - Well, that... - Who knows? - After that point... - I'm throwing up... I'm just throwing up... - No, no, that's why you ate that. - A path to challenging it. - You're challenging it. - Right. - Which is why I wanted to maybe use a sample of the baby's blood to kind of provide a trace of some legitimacy, but if we're afraid that that blood will be too risky... - Sorry. - I think part of the plan is that after he slags the baby, if he gets petted or she goes after him to kill him, he tries to get a death curse off on Constance to weaken her. - Right. - That's worth mentioning. - Yeah, it is worth mentioning. - What if Donovan freaks out seeing that you just killed a baby and puts a death curse on him? - Donovan... - Donovan is getting on it. - He's in on it when they had the discussion in the office many weeks ago, which was actually only days ago in play. This was all played into plan. - Right, this was prepared. - Gotcha. - And I'm hoping that also when we arrive here, London in his role will begin to antagonize or do something to distract, whether he nitpicks at the location or some form. However, I don't wanna tell you how to do your job. - Sure. - But the point is she's already got this, she's already had a very bad experience and is not a fan of London. - I understood. - And so I'm hoping that there's gonna be a little bit of a crucible here. Donovan is gonna be a threat. I'm going to be a direct threat to her, but he's also gonna be a distraction to her and anyone else or the ghouls are also going to be the, you know, the bum rush. - Well, that's only when we get it, start attacking. - That's after things are clear and it shifts from, okay, we've fulfilled the oath, we got the baby out and now it's... - So you're assuming she's going to attack you? What if she just kills Donovan right then there? He deaths her and she walks away. - I'm still going to attack her. - Okay, it's important, you know. - Because this is an opportunity that I don't think I will have again. - To die. - Well, to defend the city. To defend Cleveland against a terrible, terrible threat. - I don't, yeah, I don't get it 'cause, you know. - Well, which is why, which is a lot of... - Abigail, you're gonna kill her. I mean, she's just-- - It's just a tier benefit too. I'm eliminating one of your enemies too. - Well, she does, so he's kind of... - What if Abigail sees us as an immediate threat? We just want her sister off the map and she's a pretty powerful contender. She might target us afterwards. I mean, I'm down with the plan. - We'll deal with that after mine. - Well, we can't not go after Constance because we're afraid of Abigail. - Yeah, no, that's fine. - Well, I don't think we can tell Abigail that we want to kill her sister. - I honestly don't think we're going to defeat Constance. I think we're going to drive her away. - Well, Abigail continue to defend us after we say, "We're going to kill your sister 'cause she's an evil wizard." 'Cause she's an evil empire. - Come on. - Yeah, pitch it right. - Well, let's go for it. I don't think we need to mention that Abigail. - Well, she continued to defend us after we declare that. - Probably we can't. - We can't rely on her in the fight, can we? - No. - That's what I'm saying. - This means that they don't like the plan. It's just, I see some potential holes here. - You figure out what? - Whether or not she would continue to do, we're not actually having this discussion. It would depend on how well you know Abigail, which is, I've talked to her. - Who knows, maybe she's got the shud in French. - I'm good at that. You know, siblings fail. Some families are that way. - I could try to figure it out. You could set it really high because I haven't actually talked to her personally and I don't know her at all. But I'm pretty good at empties. - And with luck, I could figure it out. - You're doing a psych profile. FBI. - Well, so I would think you'd need-- - If this is also an aspect of hers, we should be able to figure it out. - Great. That is a way to do that. - I have a great empathy. - Okay. - That requires like nothing. - I can't make it higher because of your skill and I shouldn't. The fact is, it would require a great effort for you to build the profile. Are you good enough to do that? Apparently so. You can still make mistakes. - Three in success. - I rolled a positive three on the fit, that is possibly my great empathy, reminds me of a epic role. - Okay, I'm sorry. What did you-- - Try to figure out whether or not she would like. - Get really pissed if we like kill her sister in front of her. - Well, anybody who has had psychology let me know if this is wrong. But I would assume that there is a very fine line between love and hate. And this is someone that she is related to and she has been competitive with for over 100 years. She hates her with a deep, deep passion. But nobody beats up on my sister but me. But it's likely that she's gonna have an adverse effect to you actually killing her. - So, critically. - Do you really have to take her? - I think so, yes. - I'm not saying we're gonna necessarily kill her but I think if we can neutralize her, what if we tell her we're trying to subdue her so she can take her back and cure her? - If you take her out, if you put her down, if you roll enough stress and you get to that point where she gives up, you get to choose how you take her out. You could kill her or you could cripple her. - I think knocking her out and then giving her to her sister, to yours. - And I would rather not hear your choice. - It's a fun surprise. - No, no. - As a man who respects all life. - Is this not a good idea, Mike? Tell her we're gonna knock her out so we can give her her sister so she can cure her, just like her mind. - Hey, I hate to be. - That's not life. I hate to be the buzzkill here. We're gonna have a hard time beating an epic level black court vampire wizard hybrid who's been alive for a hundred years without taking on her 100 year old arch wizard sister. - That's a good point. - I crippled your sister. Protect me while I run away from her minions. - Well, Roberto has a good point then. - In the sense that if we're just gonna have another high powered epic level person that mad at us, then maybe we can do without her protection. And she's not involved in the conversation, and she's not involved in the process at all. - Well, that's big change. But just numbers wise, if we take her sister out and at the end of the battle, and we piss off Abigail, and then when you leave, come to life, that's two really powerful people piss off. - Shared numbers, that is-- - But we've adjusted worse. - Well, wait a second. You're saying that we had also said she'd be real. - Then we're in no worse position than we were before. If we kill one, then we have the other to deal with, and life goes on, but we kill one. - But if we don't kill one, we have crippled her, like first of all, this whole process eliminates Constance's plans for quite some time, provides a benefit to Abigail that now she has the ability and knowledge to move forward and cure the disease in the first place. - So that's a positive. - And-- - That's what we're thinking of planning everything. - Yeah, wow. - No, there's two arch wizards here that we're gonna be destroyed by. - Here's-- - If we cripple-- - Perhaps it will help clear things, or at least give new tactical information, if you share what you and Donovan discussed as the death curse that you're going to level. - Well, I came up with three, and I'm not sure which one works best. - Then read them all, and then you pop aside. All right, Shin Wan, all of her endeavors are doomed to utterly fail. - Whoa. - And there's some room in there for her, 'cause her endeavors means implies that she's the mastermind and stuff, but if she's the lackey of somebody else, then that's not. - Okay. - But it's basically, and if her endeavor is to hurt us or to attack us, then, ultimately, it's gonna fail. I don't know how it's gonna fail. - I would, as a-- - Is that too far? - As a GM, yeah, I would wonder, I endeavored to eat a sandwich. Oh my God, I'm gonna starve to death. - You know, I mean-- - I love that food. - There has to be a little more, well, I wasn't sure. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - What's up with her too? - Okay, number two. She will succumb to her id, losing her intellect and civility. That she becomes more-- - Beastie. - More beastie. - And what effect did you anticipate with that? - I mean, it certainly would affect her. - But then she becomes more of a liability, and then she'll have to be put down by her own people, that she's not the scientist, she's not the leader, she's not anything, she's becomes just basically-- - Her come on with the Cleveland Clinic is certainly-- - Well, she's become more like a sociopath. - Yeah, she just becomes monstrous, and that really she's not-- - So you want to let a big, strong, powerful, sociopath out on Cleveland, it could just-- - Hey, we'll remove it than a big, strong, smart sociopath. - But, she's strong already. - Trying to go by what I'd read in the books, like, you know, okay, you're gonna die alone, you know? It really doesn't feel the same. - What's three? - All right. (laughing) - That's actually a thing. - Blood will no longer sustain her health or power, she will soon become dust. Or, that's my assumption, that's fair, it's fantasies. - What? - Okay, what are these death curses supposed to be? Give me an example, the death curse not written by Michael. - If I may. - You'll die alone. - Die alone, there's actually a thing-- - In the books, there's a huge difference between, I'm sorry, but between you'll die alone and, you know, you can't even-- - So the guy wasn't a very powerful wizard. - Good. - Couldn't pull off something magic. - What was, what was it with the white court? - The vampire. - Oh, the white court Denver was that he could no longer feed. - Which is the third one, basically. - Yeah. - Any time he uses power, he can't re-clunge. - The one I heard about us discussing earlier, was that every time she tries to use her magic, she becomes more than thirds for blood. And it just keeps building up every time she uses magic, and she eventually uses control. - Yeah. - And she can't use magic, so. - She can eat people all day. - Like she has tons of people in her hospital, she can eat. - She has two things, extremely powerful magic user, and an extremely powerful vampire. That, unfortunately, means as she does one, she only becomes the other. - She can only feed off the vampires. - She only becomes one thing. - Oh, that's a-- - Well, that's a-- - That's a conception I was gonna give to the gold lord, that your goals are free to hunt all vampires. - Yeah, well, the gold-- - What are you talking about? - I'm trying to kill all these things. - Well, yeah, the little decimated their numbers, well, they tried to fight another force, and then once they're properly reduced-- - How many goals are there? - I haven't counted. - They keep moving. (laughing) - Once, you've got damn it, Sandstill. - Well, I will, yeah. I'm going to-- - One room. (laughing) - I would say some were in the neighborhood of 25 to 30, and there's a stand-up force and they're powerful creatures. - Yeah. - So, as far as I can death curse, 'cause I mean, you just can't say, okay, you take damage, you die with me, or you go to hell with me, you don't stand. - Yeah, you can. - I thought the exploding ones. Lots of the wardens didn't, didn't, I'm dying the war. - That's not really-- - I thought that was a-- - Not to mention that would-- - You have to die. - That's not good, right? - No, no. - Well, I'm prepared to. - No, I've gotten things from my death curse too, 'cause I'm wondering if I was going to have to pull out one of my own. - Could you curse her just to lose her magic power, so she's just a vampire, and she has no more magic power? - I could curse her to, I would imagine you could not replenish her or get any more. Like, if she, whatever she has at this moment, she has, and that's all she will now have. - Their section on the death curse only says, you know, all this, and you don't know how magic worked exactly, because you can actually, you can go over your conviction and take extra damage, so you can do a really souped up powerful spell, but it'll hurt you more, and you can take all your consequences, all your stress track, even your extreme consequence, 'cause you're gonna die at the end of the spell, and use all those shifts to do tons and tons of damage, but that's just like an explosion, and we're not gonna do that. - Here it is, my death curse is on myself, I'm gonna make myself a little, maybe nuclear bomb. - Well, a death curse also has elements of vengeance. You want to, those are the complex ones. Some people just explode. - So maybe, we don't want to do explosions, we want to weaken her. - Fair ward. - Okay, how about the long burn? - Instead of the instantaneous death, which I can't really, - What do you tell them? - Yes, necessarily succeeding in it. Weapons if we weaken her, and then start a campaign against her to bring her down, go over some other blocks. - Well, that's what happened with the white court, you're putting all, in no offense, I'm just, this is just a lot of thinking out loud here. You're putting all your regs that, you know, we're never gonna be able to meet with her again, this is our one chance. So I would actually say that because there's so much riding on it, she's gonna have, she's gonna bring so much fire power, we'd have a better time ambushing her in the future than we would killing her in this particular battle. - Then if it's true. - But if we need to kill her in this particular battle, a death curse that either takes out her vampiric powers, or her magic powers would be-- - I'm all about death curse. - I'm not necessarily saying we have to kill her. - Can't we just let the death curse take its, do you look fashion a good death curse? - Well, first of all, it's-- - And then if she attacks us to defend ourselves, but in that way, we can actually have Abigail on our side. Otherwise, I don't see how we don't end up with two arch wizards against us, or an arch wizard and a vampire, depending on which power you take from Constance. - I'm gonna try to take out her own-- - Does anyone see us surviving that? Both-- - I can run attacking this now. - No, that's sort of what that mean, but, like, legitimately-- - Like, what, I understand afterwards? - No. - I think in the long run, you can do your job in Cleveland, but you're trying to do it all in one day. - Which-- - Okay, that's right. - I think as a GM, I would allow a death curse to be more powerful if it's a slow effecting. Like, the fact that the white court vampire king had on him took a long time to come to its final thing. It was very powerful, but it was slow. - Well, it was there day one. It was an effect. You just can't understand it, but the consequences of it took a while to get to be crippling. - If you mean it took a long time to bring down the king, yeah, it took 20 odd years, but from the minute he got cursed, he couldn't feed. - Exactly. But something that's effective-- - But he kept that secret. - Right, right. - So that's what I'm talking about. It's something that is gonna deal with her, whether this is step one or step one through 10, and there's more, whatever the case is, you're not just getting done with this deal and walking away, you're dealing with this. - And see, even if it's a stubborn buying time, we're thwarting her and dealing with her. - No, not just buying time. You have a chance to hurt her, and that hurt might take a while to come to full fruition. I don't have a problem with that. - I want to take her bending away. - I don't have a problem with that, but it's not just hit and get, and we go hide now. - Do you think she's gonna, I mean, in no offense, I'm really talking out loud here. - Well, you're not offended. - Do you think she's just gonna show up and say, "Okay, give me the baby." I personally think someone that's been diabolical like she has in his life for a century is gonna have so many traps and things in place for us that if we so much as look sideways, she is going to rain hell down on us. - That's my personal. This is the way she's done. - She's done. - She's done. - That breaks the oath. - That breaks the oath. - That breaks the oath. - That you guys have a year and a day of-- - Oh, no, no. What's the oath that she's, no, she didn't say we have a year and a day. - She's done. - Until we deliver the child. - Right. - So, can she attack us before we deliver the child? Is we're walking up to the child? - 'Cause we have to say deliver the child? - No, we have safe batches and everything until the event happens. - What does, can you read it to me? 'Cause that's not how I remember it. Can you recall? - 'Cause that's kinda cool. - Well, that was discussed. She said, you know, you said, well, we have to be able to move about and do research. And she's like, well, you're not gonna walk into my house and do searches and stuff. 'Cause I'll tell you the baby's not there. You go out there and I promise I will leave you alone. - Right. - Until the delivery and then a year and a day you are in safe keep once delivery is made. But it wants the delivery is made. - You were safe for a year and a day. - What if we are stepping, what if we are walking up an alley or a corridor or whatever to the delivery site and she has a huge ambush in store for us? - Then the delivery is never made. - Then we're not safe for a year and a day. - Then she's breaking her vow and all bets are off and-- - No, she's not breaking her vow. - Yeah. - She said she would detect us for a year and a day once the delivery is made. - I know the delivery isn't made until I deliver, I have to, why does she want the delivery made? She wants it. - Yeah. - She can take it from walking up to the front door. - But then it's-- - I don't think she would. - It's then an abigail is really the law. - Yeah, abigail is the law. - Is it part of the oath that you are not touched until the delivery is made and that happens? - I thought that was part of our agreement that we had basically safe passage until this meeting-- - Agreement are off. - Yeah, that's huge. 'Cause the oath-- - I have to go back and listen to it. - I don't remember being an oath. I thought you brought it down. - I wrote down my oath to her what I have to do, not what she has to do. - Okay, 'cause my memory of it was once we delivered the child we had a year and a day, which is like, okay, we're walking up to deliver the child, I'll take that, thank you very much. - Okay, so you're saying if she's gonna pull a double cross-- - She's gonna pull a double cross. - When she pulls a double cross-- - 'Cause one of them would. - That really, it could happen anywhere. Why hasn't it happened already? - Well, there are-- - She is, she doesn't know how we go around-- - The trading place is neutral. - Her people are everywhere trying to-- - It is. - No, wait a second. - No, no, no, no, no, no. - Let's talk to the chase to make this a little simpler. It is perfectly agreeable for you when setting up the meeting place to come with additional promises that you want from her. - Right, and she can also-- - You had the reason. - She can disagree with them. - Yeah. - Right, but I mean, then you're like-- - I tried to get a safe passage. My point is once she knows the place, what if she just sent people 10 feet outside the place to kick the shit out of us before we're walking up with the baby? - Then she breaks. Well, there's no agreement, but then-- - Right. - Then we all die. I don't know, go home. I don't know what to say to them. - No, no, no, no, no, there's always ways around it. - I'm trying to look at it from her point of view. She's a hundred year old vampire. She didn't get to the top of the clinic by just rolling over for people. - She does put the baby at risk, though, and I think it's a good idea that we all walk up with bundles in our arms so that she doesn't know who's got it. - There you go. That's something, at least. - Or you call and say, all right, we're gonna have the meeting at ABC. - She gets to decide. - We're there now. You've got five minutes to get here or it's over. She's got no time for setup. - There you go. - You have to agree, I thought it was a neutral plate and a corded neutral plate that we're going to do. - You have no such thing in place. - This whole plate. - That's right, that's right, that's right. - Is it neutral? - That's right. - So, that's how we have to do it, Mike. You know what I'm saying? Like, we have to say get here and five minutes kind of thing because otherwise, I think she's going to have an ambush to stick it up our asses. - Well, that's fun. Let me just tell you why we're going to show away. We're going to show away. And then, in fact, maybe we should be there ahead of time and let's hear where we're going to be. - We should be there first. I'd like that idea. 'Cause us walking into a place that she has a chance to get to first is like walking into the black middle. - We're going to decide where? - It was supposed to be mutually agreeable. - Which, of course, London saying what you just suggested would piss her off you before. - Well, this actually, that works into the plan then. 'Cause this is part of the plan to antagonize an erasure to throw her off base so you can change it a couple. In fact, I want you to change it a couple times. Now that you're here, it's now here. Oh, and now it's here now. No, this here. - We're never even in those places. - You're right. Okay, I like that. - That way, that gets her mad and crazy. - I'm just trying to think-- - Prips like a hundred-year-old man so much. - You know what I'm saying? She's not just going to show up and say, "Okay, hand over the baby." She's going to be effing with us the whole time. - So, at least that's London's belief. 'Cause that's what he'd do. - All right, seriously. What are we, no, the conversation was good. - Right. - But we're going to do progress. - Now I'm going to finalize the death curse. - We have five. - And do we want Abigail at this point? - Yeah, I remember, 'cause I was going to talk to you about it, but there's not stuff. - I don't see how Abigail fits into the plan other than to provide protection. But if there's a concern that by attacking her sister, we will now invoke the wrath of two very powerful creatures in Cleveland. - Given my empathetic-- - I guess in either way, we're doing it, but I'd rather have one not present. - Yeah, I kind of know how she'd act. What if, not killing, but crippling her sister, her competition, to the point where she was no longer as adept at one thing or another? - Mm-hmm. - You need another role for that? - Perhaps. - Yeah, I like thematically. I like the one that John had just mentioned is in the death curses. Is she uses one power rather than Rose weaker? - And she can't, Abigail cannot blame us for that. That's on your mentor's head. - Oh, right, Donovan. We didn't do that. - Right, yeah, and she flipped out and attacked us. We defended ourselves and fought her sister now, who fought her to a draw-- - I put down monsters. - So don't be mad at us, Abigail. - If anything, you're equipped to know-- - Exactly. - Crispy Bruce and me, but you know what you need to know. - Probably empathy now. - Not nearly as good. Our old negative two on the face does. - She's good. - Fair overall. - Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm. - You're unsure that if she's weakened, if she would, you would think-- - I think-- - This is pretty important. - She would kind of sort of want that to happen. I mean, her sister's not dead, but her enemies weakened. That would be good, right? - No. - The intuition and role, I say we bring her along. Good protection, and that is still up to you. But good protection, and we didn't kill her sister. It wasn't us. - I got it. - She's crippled, her competition is weakened. - What you're describing, the plan you're describing, from Abigail's as well as Constance, it really doesn't look like it was your fault, does it? - No. - That's if the Warden doesn't press the attack. - Yes. - And that's why I want to get-- - I don't want to get that out of you. - No, the finding is, I mean, are you comfortable with that? - That it has to be within your character-- - So I have to do it subtly. You wait for her to attack first, and then when you attack-- - Oh, I'm defending myself. - Yeah, yes. - That's how you want it to work like. - That's Stevie said it by the way. - Ooh, he likes the devious. - I got him to Claywood. - And if we don't get the shot, I'm going for it, and your guys are gonna follow me just 'cause you like to defend me, right? - No. - Well, that brings up the goals. - So, what do you, what? - I got a question. - If you don't take action, you win your goals, you win your goals, you can't even kill Constance. - That's crazy. - It makes me wonder if we shouldn't stage this meeting. - Well, that's what I said. - I'm just thinking, if you cursed, if somebody cursed her magic away or reduced it, then you hit her with some sunlight, and that reduces her vampire powers. Now you got someone who's-- - Pretty manageable? - Yeah, a little bit more manageable than she was 10 years old. - Or what about if death curses? You can only cast magic during the, you know, when the sun is risen. And we have to meet at night. - When you're in the sunlight? - Right. - No. - Something contrary to her. - Well, I still like mine, but, okay. - Would she even agree to meet during the daytime, though? - Not right now. - You can only feed the sunlight. - You gotta meet at night. - I want to really agree with-- - Only cast your spells during the day. Only when the sun shines upon your brow, can you cast spells or whatever the right terminology is, but then we meet at night. - Well, I don't know how crippling or-- - It's interesting. - Does that nullify your power, or do we want her to become unstable, and become a liability to her own cause, and deal with her later as a, you know-- - I like that one better. Cause that means less fighting. I mean, a little bit of fighting, but less fighting. - Well, as far as the death curse, I'm leaning more towards the, every time you do something, you lose more of your humanity, yourself, your, your, until I used in flock. I didn't know-- - Your composure. - Super ego. - Yeah, that's why you just really become, and yes, it's, you know, you become a monster, but that's like, that's kind of the point. You're like, okay, then you're right to everybody. - Yeah, I just saw-- - A dumb brute is always easier to take out in the fight than an intelligent brute. - And-- - There's also, it's to everyone's benefit to get room, so even her own court will probably have to put her down. - Okay, so we agree? - Right. - Hopefully. - Right, please. - We agree. - Do I give an answer? - Sure. - We try to set the main place to where we can be first, because we have the child and-- - Yeah, no trickery then. - Right, and it's gonna be a, it's gonna be a tough battle socially, to get her to do that, 'cause there's a main point where she's gonna say, "Fuck you," and drive home for the night, and-- - We'll have to try later. - Or just come graining down upon us, you know, at Shodowski's offices or wherever she thinks we might be hiding, but the point being I could try to get her to go from place to place to place. - That's interesting. If I'm prepared to fulfill my oath, and I've provided it, and she denies it, then does that release my obligation? - It's a neutral ground that we both agree to. So if she doesn't agree to it, she's not breaking the oath, she's just not agreeing. - That's not part of the oath, though. That's not part of my oath. - In the books, you always make the person go, you know, point A, point B, point C, and then come back, and you're just like, down the street from where they started from. You're like, "Hee hee hee." - We're in her cafeteria. (laughs) - With clinic. - We're in her cafeteria. - Actually, I'm gonna do all this with you right now. - This is nice. - Okay, so then Abigail is going to be used, because we're not going to all out attack. We are going to respond to the attack from Constance. - Yeah. - And the intent is to poke the bear until it's really, really pissed, and then-- - So she will attack. - All right. - It might be the idea-- - It tells him who's so cross. - He's quite the killist. At the very least, she's death cursed. At the very least, according to our plans, as long as nothing goes really haywire, she's death cursed for the long burn, and the long takeout. The best case scenario is she attacks us with such mindless rage, and somehow, through her sister's aid, in ours, we're able to defend ourselves gleefully and take her out. That's the best case scenario. The worst case scenario is we have the long burn of the death curse. - But we are defending ourselves not attacking. - Yes. - Which is why her sister would actually come to our aid-- - Look, she's gotta use a fireball to defend herself. - Which is why her sister would come to our defense, because we're defending. That's what she's there for, to help us survive the attack. That's where I talked her into last time we met. So I don't see any problem with that whatsoever. - Okay, well, maybe we can, and she knows her sister better than anyone, so-- - Okay, last part of the equation as far as I can hear it-- - It's a waste. Abigail should help with magical defense. - Yes. - That's her role. - That's her role. - Not the baby. - Not the baby. - Not escape. - Right. - And not escape. Okay, last part of the equation, the goals. - If we had to be some place where they can come out. - Yes, but if, 25 and 35 ghouls come pouring out, then the "Oh, we're defending ourselves." I got the vapus. - It's not gonna be the same in the sense of, well, look, they have 30 ghouls attacking. So do we make it look like a pre-action? - What are these things? - No, I'm gonna see only you. - Sorry. - Or maybe they do attack us. - You can present me as a person of his own interests here to defend you for the time, and then I'm gonna take it upon myself to kill her if I have to. - She hasn't seen you. That can actually work. - She might have heard that you were working for her. - I like the idea of the ghouls attacking everybody, but pulling their punches against us. - No, I have a thing against this woman. - I understand. - So I would kill 20 of them attack her, 10 of them go, "I came with you," but I distance myself from you when I say, "Bitch, you and me now," and then googled for the walls. - I'm gonna step here, that's gonna trigger all this. Donovan will, with air quotes, attack the valent, the baby. - Who's in my arms at the time when it goes down? - Right. - As I'm close to or about to present to Constance, the attack will come to, is targeting me, not Constance. Then the switch is performed. - Hopefully. - Or a risk, or the ship will go down. And then the baby needs to be alive for her purposes to be fulfilled. - Fine. - So, then it's really just another piece of meat that hurts. - Great, what if that does not throw it at all? - I think it's gonna happen immediately afterwards. - You want to put down Donovan like as a reactionary thing. - Like, "Oh God, you just killed this baby." - She's so pissed, she's not gonna kill Donovan. She's gonna torture him. - Right in front of us, some more. She's gonna take him away. - I hope she's gonna react. She's not gonna be cold and cold. - We don't know what she can do. - She can't, no one has to give it back to you based on the other. - But that's Alan's whole point of getting her to the point where she cannot think anymore. Just to react. - All right. - She's here, all right, she's distracted. She's been frustrated, she's been led around town. - Well, this is bullshit, mortals fucking over. - So, the goals of the last part of the plan, as far as I can say. - Yeah, where do they come from? - Where do they come from? - So, the final meeting place has to have a tunnel that the goals can access. - I was thinking of flats. - Okay, flats has got a lot of low to the ground stuff. I mean, it's down in the valley. - Tear their way through the floor. - Well, the tunnels, everything's down there, right? - Okay. - That it's just in a way from a lot of things that's surrounded by water. - Water. So, it's, you know, that's a bad. - A lot of facts, Alan. - Can you come up with a... - The water. - The plan would be put the goals in the middle, and once we know where it says, we direct them. - He's hydrophobic. - I'm a little confused. - He wonders when it makes special to you. - So, you're going to come in. - As a third party, we're gonna pretend. - Sure. - And then... - So, you're gonna be there one we beat. - I'm such a great actor. (laughing) - You're gonna come in and see his way up there. - When all this shit goes down, declare a war on Constance and have your goals come pouring through the windows and the walls and the floors and whatever. - And then that's gonna happen? - Yeah, a lot. - Okay, so there's like... - You're gonna get her killed anyway, and then she's gonna hate you. - There we go. - Yeah. - Probably. - Why? - Come on, bro. - I can deal with that. - We can't. - I don't care about you. - We're about you guys. - All right, this isn't something I'm telling you. - I say, "No!" - Well done. - London was the aim where I want. - So, you're not gonna tell us... - I'm doing the right thing and they don't want to 'cause they're scared to. - Is my point of view here. - 'Cause life. - A wizard will kill us. - But, you know, we're not having this conversation, apparently. - Half of you are a wizard. It's like, whatever, I don't count. One. - One. - Of five. - This is totally half. - There's four of you. - London is kind of cool. - Well, if Roberto wants to-- - Only by minute. - It makes suicide. He can't, we can find some abandon. - You guys self-defense, and if that doesn't do it, I'm going after her. That's all I'm saying. - Fair enough. - But we don't know that. - I don't care enough. - Right? - What do we know? - You're not saying that as a character. - Well, I don't know why she'll go after you guys. Tom seems to think that, but if we kill. - If I kill. - No. - Well. - Yes, but I have to know what I know. - What do I know what you're going to do? - They're talking about picking a location where your goals have access and what you're going to do. So what are you telling them? - Abandoned water sewage. - I was hoping to eat like the flats. - Let me tell you as far as I was in my head where the playbook of the ghouls comes in. - Yeah. - That they, when it all goes down, I wanted them relatively close at hand to be as a cannon fodder. Last it's just thing that hopefully caused enough casting confusion. - To get us out of there. - That was the role that I thought the ghouls could play in the disorder. - What do we do after we get out of there? - Just complicating things. - Are we wrong? - Go to Denny's and have a slumber. - I was thinking giant. - Crazy. - Kind of confused. Just curious. I mean, they might still be pissed. - That's what I think. Now, if you're telling me you've got other plans you get other motivations, we're talking about as players, not as in characters. So I don't know what you want. - In character, you have to let us know what you're telling us 'cause I'm gonna try to set your ghouls up. I think there's an abandoned water suit which you plant down in the flats and it would be a perfect place for them to be hiding out at. That would be our final place. - When she strikes out. - When she tries to attack us in self-defense. - If. - We defend ourselves. - Right. - 'Cause I'm not sure it's gonna happen. - That's when I declare my vendetta against her and we march out. - Okay, do you wanna come with us or do you wanna be hidden with the ghouls? - Initially. - That kinda looks like we set it up. - It does, it's look exactly like we set it up. - So if you come with us and you don't like bring the ghoul, oh shit, that still looks like we set it up. - But it's all happens after the business is taken care of. - Yeah. - And really. - She's gonna try and after the society to deal with it. - The person who came with us. - They want to live. - Oh yeah, check out. - I have these guys who are hiding back there. - Well, he's going to be sitting right next to me. I'm not gonna do this, wink. He puts his nose and sends out a horn clearing. He doesn't even have to be in view. - So he's going to like jump out from the shadows with his ghouls and wreak havoc. In a location that he shows. - Think of it cinematically where it's like okay. I'm in the small little group and I don't know who's gonna be with me and it doesn't probably have to be a lot of people. - It was clear on the first scene at the beginning of the adventure. - That amount of love, right? - No. - I didn't, it wasn't clear. - Oh, your friends are there. - 'Cause people might have. - But, you know, when it all goes down, then they go, you know, like hey, you know. Oh yeah, well, you didn't expect this. And then that's when, you know, the archers of the cavalry arrives over the ridge and you know, sweeps in for the final push. - Your choice. - He doesn't have to be in view at all. No one has to know about it. - Right. - The reason I'm asking about this is because Abigail might be a little pissed that we totally set up an ambush. But, the ambush doesn't, we don't present the ambush until we get attacked. - I don't know, we'll see. - It'll notice. - It'll notice, but if Constance breaks the oath and attacks us, we can claim self-defense. - And we just, like, tell the people who happen to have something ready in case- - Well, you betrayed us. - In case she betrayed us. - 'Cause we're not done. - You brought her as backup. - I should explain this to her. I'm much better at empathy. - Well no, you're, maybe you're thinking like this, like a, we're thinking as an over-complicating Abigail. - No, but it's gotta hate us if we're showing you- - She's too. - You're under cowering her in a major way. - And she would completely understand that I understand why you're facing this powerful being with a bunch of ghouls at your back, held in reserve. - Yes. - Held in reserve, not ambushing. - You don't ambush her until she attacks us. - She attacked us. - Now you can choose to ignore that, of course. - And that's- - It just looks like we have a good contingency plan. That's a good thing. - Yeah, we're, hey, I don't want my worst here. - We're not out to make it look like we weren't, you know, trying to kill or shit. - We're protecting ourselves. This is just like, you know, when the leaders of two gangs meet and you get all the snipers, you're all, you know, pointing them from far away. I don't let the snipers- - It's not 'cause I'm trying to kill you. - It's just that I totally can't. - You're keeping me honest, I'm keeping you on us. - Okay, I'm good with it. Everyone's good with all that. - I'm so good with that. - By the way, just to make it, as I understand it, this, it's not just constant attacking us. - It's anyone under her command or control. - Sexual. - Sexual thing. - So, another wizard. - If anyone on her side attacks us. - Well, again, that's, that's the, it's broken. - Yeah. - Yeah. - That, I don't believe, is part of the oath. - There's an oath to protect that. - You know, she'll be showing up here. We'll know what she has on that here. - I'm saying, if it's something you set up with London and Constance, it's a neutral meeting ground, but I don't think there was any stipulation about who troubled it, really. - If we're all there, and, and attacks, it's my responsibility to follow that meeting. So, all I'm saying is, it goes the other way. - She could, yes, she could not claim, oh, I didn't know my lieutenant was gonna eat your face. - No, he's gonna act on his own to, you know, whatever. So, when we all say, like, that we want Constance to attack where all the stuff is gonna go down and emotions are running high, it could also be a situation where, like, the other lieutenant, the damn guy that knows you. You know, if he does something wrong or hasty or whatever, that could also trigger our vigorous defense. - Right. (laughs) - I'll take any excuse. - I mean, well, yeah, but that's how worth is starting to be the best. - You need to use it. - Skulls! - There was a classic fan. - Please understand, though, that if she does not lash out and attack us, or one of her minions, or one of her minions, ugly, fat, fail-- - Yeah, damn, that damn. - Fail, will ya? - Wasn't that part like, and if you, wait, I'm making this very, very, very clear for my employee, Roberto Martinez. - That's what you think. - Bartroll? - Yes. - Yeah. - If you choose to unleash the ghouls without the warden's approval, all bets are off. - Please make sure it's after the baby thing has gone down. - You mean, you want support? - I will not support you. - That doesn't bother me at all. - Why don't I go-- - And Natalie, will I not support you? - So I can be sure. - But you can almost be assured that the warden may attack you. - Night, tonight. - Night, tonight. - But soon. - Some other time. I'm just making it very, very clear what the responsibility is here. - It's, you're risking a lot. - If she attacks us, I really hope she does, John. If she attacks us, by all means, go for your vendetta. If she does not, it happens another day. - I'm gonna have to say-- - And when it happens another day, it's a good chance she'll be weaker when that happens. - But what you're saying is the ghouls roaming the cities. I don't have anything to do with them. - You're their king. - I have a feed on your dead bodies. - Her. - Well, that's why I-- - I mean, I have a feed on vampires, but. - Or anything else? - Or that, yeah. - We're a bit of the clinic district. - This city sucks. - There's lots of things to feast on that are people. - Whatever. - Humans hardly fight back. Vampires, hardest prey for these guys. - Good, then they'll die out. - But the needle will taste all the sweeter for it. - No, they've been dead for years. - I have a lieutenant in the things. He can wait for my signal 'cause he's intelligent enough. - Right, how about I go with you guys instead and I'm a bodyguard. - Okay. - Okay, before we have that battle, we'll set up your discipline role to control this rabble army. He needs to get Brisby Bruce and Megan on board for the - He's been warned. - But see, I don't think the warning's legitimate 'cause we don't, I don't think we know that that's what he's planning, right? - Oh, we know. - How do we know that? - He's been talking to us. - Yeah, he's been talking to us for a couple of times. - Okay, why doesn't he run into that? - All right, he seems, I misunderstood that. - I'm all about vendettas. - But it sounds like an employer employee thing here, but yeah, I don't wanna. - We need the rules for protection if he unleashes them without our approval, you can spike him in less. - As long as we follow the kids right, the timing and the rules and it sounds silly, but this is, you know, there was like a right way and a wrong way to kill somebody and like politically, and like, okay, sometimes it has to be the right time and it has to come from this direction. And ultimately, I want this person dead, but it has to be under the right conditions. - I don't have a problem with the ghouls attack and the vampires, as long as it's under the right conditions. If it's under the wrong conditions, then it blows up, it causes a whole bunch of more problems and your vendettas may be solved. Ours will not be. - Well, then you'll get a bigger one. - Right, yeah, it causes a lot of trouble. We're trying to be a little bit, we're trying to achieve the right conditions for everyone to live. - It was that goalkeeper, John. - Excellent. - A significant part of it. (upbeat music) Thanks for listening to the Knights of the Night at Actual Play podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures, where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, props, and even a forum for comments and suggestions, or you could email us directly at feedback at, or contact us via Twitter, or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit Zen Audio And please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. (upbeat music) - And this is what we're thinking of planning everything. - Yeah. - Well, no, there's two arch wizards here that we're gonna be destroyed by. How many goals are there? - I haven't counted. They keep moving. (laughing) - One, two, God damn it, sand still. - Well, I will, yeah, I'm gonna roll at one room. (laughing) - Well, London was the amoral one. - So you're not gonna tell us. - I'm doing the right thing and they don't want to 'cause they're scared to.