Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 93: "Delivery - It's All Coming Together"

Broadcast on:
15 Aug 2012
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Actual Play starts at 1:19Are all the pieces in place? Is Abagail the last puzzle piece or just another complication that will double-cross them in the end?

(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome tonight to the Night Actual Play Podcast. This Dresden File Story delivery was written in run by Regime Tom. And now please enjoy episode 93, titled "It's All Coming Together." (upbeat music) - All right, and I'll have a few back this week, but I wanted to say that everybody is coming up on our 100th episode in the end of the Dresden File Story. So please send in any questions to the GM, to the players about the storyline, about the podcast in general. Don't really care, just sending some feedback folks and we'll include it in that episode. And thanks, enjoy. - So let's get started with this week's adventure delivery. I'm your GM Tom and starting on my left, the players are. - John, playing Roberto Martinez, Gary and New Cleveland, empowered by a fallen angel. Thomas playing Maxwell Edison undercover FBI agent. - Mike playing Alan Montgomery, the new warden in town. Scott playing London Deals, a moral seer to the supernatural. - All right, and with that, we will go on to the adventure. - And I assume that she changes her stare from London to Alan, that perhaps London doesn't know the severity of this hope, but I'm sure you do. - Very much so, the Bill Donovan compromise and stuff's had to be taken to fulfill the duties of the warden here in Cleveland. - I'm not in a span in Cleveland, how am I interested? - I've only been here a short while, man. I would explain it. - I have a hard time ballooning it myself. So, this is our situation. In the next 48 hours, we will be rendezvousing with your sister to deliver the child, which we have absolutely no intention, nor by the oath do we actually, the wades worded, need to hand the child to her sister. - You intend to bring the baby into the room with the oath requires us to deliver it. - The oath requires us to bring the child there, not to hand it to your sister. And that, my dear Abigail, is where we would like you to come in. We would like you to be at the Sarande food to ensure your sister does not achieve the one thing she needs to end her decades-long, nay-century at this point nearly, long quest to, well, we'll just say her research, since we're in polite company. And we would like you to provide defense against your sister when we meet her to hand over the child. - Not only will you provide protection against your sister, but any forces that she may bring to bear against us, either natural or supernatural, any lieutenants, any underlings, you get the idea. - Well, just so we don't assume, I'm the only defense here. I mean, you certainly are not without powers yourself. - No, we certainly do insist, but to ask me to go against that entire army itself. - No, you're asking enough. - We do have, as you see here at the table, we have a contingency of individuals. We have several others as well, and then we have, well, just let's be said that we have some forces held in reserve in case your sister decides to attack. - You were gonna tell her of Donovan and just playing slightly, baby. He's an integral part of this and part of our forces to be honest with the death curse. - We don't want her to know that. - Okay. - She needs something to know that at all. - So we're just looking for some high-powered defense to allow us to survive the encounter, because we believe that, even if we hand the child over to your sister, we will not survive the night if left to her own devices. Her rage and her anger at having to even negotiate with us will cause her, even under an oath, to basically render us to ashes and she could blow back. - We're afraid of their baby. - We're absolutely afraid of the repercussions and the blowback that will occur. - What you're asking is for open warfare between my sister and I, because if her final solution is in the same room with her, she has people there as well as you have people there. She is a very powerful wizard and a nearly ancient black dwarf vampire. - Understood. Hence the reason for our lovely dinner this evening. But I haven't finished-- - Honored that you would think that I would have the power to handle such a situation all by myself. But also, the payments of a mere orchid is just a tad shy, shall we say. - My, and I don't, I'm not arguing it, so it's just conversation flowing. My dearest Abigail, I could not agree with you more. The orchid was merely the opening of the door to bestow us with your presence. That is all that it was meant to do and it is the starting point of our negotiations. - May I ask a question of Abigail? I call a lot of strengths of why. - Yeah, if I may ask, I'd like you to help educate me on something regarding your sister. And I'm asking could you please speculate what would be the consequences of constant gaining custody of this child? What would it mean to what she's doing and what would it mean to you? - I do not have the power to see the future, but I know, in fact, that she would use the child in a way that her experiments up till now have failed. She successfully creates a viable, new, entire race of empires. - And what would such an action do to your endeavors these many years? - Or let me put it more simply. Is it to your advantage that constant gains control of this child? - I don't think it's to anyone to do anything with it. - I agree. - It's to hurt, but you know, so he kills the child. - No. - An idea that truly has been discussed as we've gone over the various incarnations of plans that we think might be the best answer. We don't feel that after discussing it quite thoroughly, we don't think that's the way to go. - Why not? - It's obvious that that's the only way she's gonna stop searching for this child and the only way that you're gonna be left alone. - Your option is, of course, to kill her or kill the child. The child would be much easier. - The child would be much easier. - Any one of you could do that. - Heck yes, do the illusion. - However, you must understand Abigail. I truly know that you in your vast knowledge of all things soprano. Know that with the involvement of the White Council and specifically with the involvement of the new Warden for Cleveland, slang and innocence, unfortunately, just isn't an option. And believe me, I've heard it cry. So I empathize wholly with your thought process. However, with the company I currently keep and the situation we find ourselves in, often the child just is simply not an option. Although the easiest and really probably smartest solution to this situation, I really do understand. But I must at this point bow to the authority of the Warden and say that we have to look at a solution that doesn't involve the slang of an innocent. So back to our, what I think is a very simple negotiation. You provide us the protection for the child and for ourselves. And in return, you have completely undermined your sister's ability to take the most precious thing in your life right now, which I'm assuming is her dead mother, and corrupt her in a way that would leave you, I could only imagine how empty that would leave you feeling. But the problem is, for the moment, we deprive her of the child for the moment. And we're right back where we start. - Well, truth be told, I believe that the Warden has the ability once the child is back in our possession and we have fulfilled the oath that we've made with constant to the letter. He has the wherewithal with the White Council to protect the child into the foreseeable future and all of our lives. The problem is, we're oathbound to deliver the child to that location of that, your sister, and the Warden agreed to. Otherwise, we would be gone. The child won't, we wouldn't be gone. Cleveland, but Warden would have taken the child elsewhere. - At this point, we're gonna jump in with her turn and she hits Mike with a question. - No, not me. - No, I'm not you. And the question is, so the White Council has agreed to protect this child, even though they are currently in war with the Red Vampires. - So there was a fantastic assault on you asked. What it is, is she asked a question and she's trying to read your racial expression results. And the question is-- - Or the pamphlet. (laughing) - So it's true you've already spoken to the White Council about guarding this child in the future, even though everyone knows that the White Council is currently involved in a huge battle with the Red Court Vampires. They're willing to sacrifice a battle with Black Court Vampires at the same time. - Ooh, we're now. - I will use my discipline to try to manage and control my emotions in that, is that fair? - Sure. - But you have already asked the White Council. - You know, just playing with the words a bit, you gave it to Slotham, you're shooting the White Council. - She is protecting us for the immunity. - That is true. And I was also, you know, I conferred with the White Council Representative if you were going. - Oh yeah, that's me. (laughing) - That's it. - Well, it's been a long time to really represent it. - Ugh, I took a negative one in my fudge, which takes my discipline down to good. - So, you take a little bit of social stress that you-- - What? - He answers it full. - He can answer however he wishes. - She didn't take him out of the scenes, so she can't, even if he lies, she might not totally believe him, but he doesn't like crumple on the floor and start giggling him like, you know, something like that. - I'll say, someone who tries to-- - And what I say is that, you know, my job is to protect mortals, the normals from supernatural threats. - And even if that wasn't one of my primary duties, this child is extraordinary for other reasons, so yes, I have conferred with the White Council. - That's the answer she was waiting for. 'Cause up to then, you sound like a politician. (laughing) - I'm gonna answer it for a totally different question. (laughing) - Okay. - I'm just trying to give her some options, man. - She looks back in London and she waits the next round of negotiations. - So, I laid out my argument in my last conversation where we'd take the child to a safer place where her sister could never have access to it, would be worth thwarting your sisters and keeping the most dearest, most precious thing in your life, your dear mother, keeping her from that corruption, certainly would be worth an evening thwarting her sister's intentions. I would assume that would be an incredible payoff of biblical proportions. - But of course, you are correct. - I agree with that. - You are correct, if that were the route I wish to go. Now, to forge my sister, as you say, it could be just as easy as killing you all and then the baby. - Well, if you knew where the child was, of course. I mean, I wouldn't invite you here. You know, we didn't bring the child in a little crib next to us. - Hey. - Yeah. - Aside. - It was an idea. - We don't want to do that. - I think I actually wanted to do that. - So, this is another baby, we were just very careful. - Wow. - That was actually not you. - Well, not baby. Just another baby. - While that may seem a good course of action, of course, there's the white council. - You're asking me to go up against an extremely powerful force. I'm just showing you that there are other options here. - There are other options of being-- - So much simpler. - That are much simpler. Although, I don't think killing us, although that would be a simple for someone is magnificently powerful for yourself, it would not be possible to find the child. That would be the one slight drawback to that plan. - Well, perhaps we're looking for a somewhat more elegant solution. - We are, we think that this is the best solution because it doesn't have to end in a lot of deaths. - Man. - It allows us to-- - You have met my sister. - I have, which is why we're sitting here talking right now. But do note that when she does break the oath, what if, but yeah, possibly when-- - No, we know, we know. When she breaks the oath, when her anger gets the better of her, not only will you have succeeded in thwarting her at the 24th hour of her success at the very last minute, you will also be then, she should have more than enough difficulty dealing with the repercussions of breaking that oath with the white council. So not only is she not gotten what she wants-- - Man, please explain to me what oath she would be breaking. - The oath I described earlier, where we are to meet. And she is to guarantee our safety, as long as we bring the child to the rendezvous location. - Oh yeah. - I think that you wouldn't. - I might be going-- - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. - We told her that already, I messed that earlier. - And, you know, she's, her, she's fulfilled her obligation the minute we step into the place of the baby. - No, her obligation is when we do that, she will no longer have a shit list out for us trying to kill us, that was part of the oath. - I don't think-- - She said I was off the, I was off the ringer once we delivered the baby. So whatever the oath is, I'm not, you have the exact wording, but we were not supposed to be attacked and killed after we came and delivered the baby. I'm pretty sure that was built in. - I think we have amnesty for a year in a day. - So then you're perfectly correct in validating saying that if the oath is to completion, you have a year in a day of safety before she can attack you. - So you see where this all just blends together perfectly. You thwart your sister, you sustain dear mother and don't release her to that curse. You prevent the imbalance of power between not only yourself and your sister, but certainly within the city itself, the dynamic needs to remain for the city to be safe that all the major power players are countering one another. - It's 10 years balance. - Who's 10 years balance. - Yeah, I will check some balances, but what was the nuclear, usually assured destruction? We do not want a situation where one person steps over the line causing the mutual destruction of everyone involved because one power got too great. - And she gains a friend. - And you have, I would think, a warm reception in the mind and in the thoughts of the new warden in town. - I didn't say she had any one person, I said. - Thank you. - Yes. So that's what I got. - What do you got? - Our past intersect in such an amazing way. - This is an opportunity, Abigail. - Abigail, can I call you that? - No, shut up. - No, shut up, sorry. (laughing) - She's let her think. Salesman keep talking. Sometimes you need to just be quiet and let her answer. - At this point, she fully understands the benefits, but I don't think you fully understand the risks of going up against my sister. - Would you be here into the deal? - If I didn't understand the incredible risks we're running. Abigail, we've known each other for over a decade. - You are promising me what we're requiring my services and my payment is to stop my sister and something that I don't know for sure will succeed. You're all talking as if this is a dumb deal and her end result is positively going to work. She's failed at this particular procedure ethically for the last two years. I have not been able to get a hold of any of her subjects to test them in their current state. But perhaps if you could provide me with some of those, that would be a bargaining chip that I would be willing to consider a little more because in this argument you're talking about, I am doing nothing but putting myself at risk, she doesn't fucking care. - Listen to this pipe. - That's why she needs her at the first place. I am putting myself at risk in a very dangerous situation only to have the status quo maintained. - Why wouldn't you give her to your better chip? - But I would like this status quo to move to my benefit indeed. I understand where, how is my solution to the Blackboard vampires? Not better than glasses. - How is, how would you not all prefer to see that? - We would. - Death, is that what we're asking? They're death as opposed to her solution. - No, they're changed, they're kind of human. - I love it. - Her solution, but you don't. - But, I'm going to-- - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - What are you talking now? - I totally have my research. - I would think to push me farther along to give the result that we all want to see. - Let's start with that bar, for sure. - Well, what, let me just say-- - Well, what about me? - Don't you pour me? - Let me just say that I hear what you're saying. I think that you're minimizing the loss of your mother to vampirism. I really do think, and I know how much you learn about that loss for longer than you've been alive, little man. - I understand that, and that's why I'm saying, I think that her being taken into constant-- - But again, you're talking way in the future. - Or, next week, it's her belief of this uniqueness, of this child, which we believe all along to be the case. This child is truly unique. I can tell you that firsthand, if there's one thing you know about me, Abigail, you know that I can find you anything you need found. And I'm only in Cleveland, in the world. I could not track the blood of this child. She is unique beyond so many levels of unique, that your sister truly is on to something. But, all that being said, you're a mother, your sister tipping the scales in her full balance. We do understand the risk you're putting forth, and you do deserve recompense for that. So, I believe that we have the ability to deliver the blood of one of her current subjects to you, as payment, in addition to everything else we discussed. - Why don't you turn them over whole and bottle them? - You. - Boom. - You, Maxwell, who am I turning over? - Well, let's start here. Let's just, let's start here, before we have to hand over whole corpses. They're dead. They're a corpse, in my opinion anyways. - Bruce, I've already made this argument. Are you asking me out loud? - I wasn't there. - No, no, talking out loud. No, I'm not allowed. Please, we've had agreements. Sorry, let me get through this, and then you can talk all you want once she's gone. - I thought you said we could talk quietly elsewhere. - Hold it back up. - The whole group was going to occur on it. - The whole group can ask for a moment alone. - I don't think we're there. We're actually, this is going really well, guys. Let's, let's, let's, let's, let it run its course. We need it, we'll go to it. So, I have acquiesced to your demand. - Well, a drop of blood, even a file of blood is not out. I need one of the new black, black, black, black. - Well, that is, to be honest, and we have finished our entrees. I hope you'll accept my sincere apologies, but as I'm negotiating for our little gathering here, I would actually need to talk to them with a bit of privacy, if you don't mind, in order to see if that's something that we could even do. And that's certainly something that we will entertain. Would you give us a moment? We have some fine wine being decanted at the bar that you may enjoy. A couple of things I found in my travels. I thought you might find it interesting. - Of course. - She actually doesn't go to the bar, but she goes over to the two other gentlemen that are sitting at another table. - All right. I used to use fuckers, but I have to lose her my time. - Okay. I have no problem turning over crispy bruise or Megan for research. - Well, they're undead abominations. This is London talk. - All they can do is get better. - That's kind of where they die. - Oh well, they're gonna anyway. - They're free from me. - They're gonna die anyway. - Well, they're gonna die anyway, and that's kind of-- - Again, what you guys know of our current research is she can cure black court vampirism, but she can-- - They die because they don't have a soul. - So they die with-- - No. - With they, but she can cure, right? - They die anyways. - But then the new ones-- - I saved them. - Right. - The new ones have a soul. - So she'll-- - Oh, I'll just turn. - Give them them to that bitch. - No, wait a second. Charity and Megan already has a soul. - They may just turn human. - Giving them good? - We can-- - That's fine, I mean-- - Hey, don't, don't-- - I'm not giving the only two we know actually are decent people. - Which is why would you want them to be cured and-- - Megan, how are we arguing against this? - This is-- - So we're arguing against-- - Wait, handing them over to her as well. - That's right. - Just because she's kicked up. - Just because they have been cured of their vampirism doesn't mean she's done testing. They could be there for years. - We could wipe that into the oath. - That's not something I'm willing to deal with. - If we don't even need to bring up the fact that we have to on hand, we can capture some during the combat. I can blow their legs off. I've done it. - You're a mortal playing around in super internship. - I'm the FBI playing around in super natural affairs. It's my job. - Sorry, I'm kidding. - She has the proven ability to cure them as long as they have a soul which they have. Therefore, we are helping them. Keeping them from being good people is the fact that they fucking eat people. - They fucking eat people. - So next while you're killed, your argument does not hold water, what better chance are we gonna have to save them than me making an agreement with your help, of course, with all of your help 'cause you've been great help tonight. After they've been cured, they'll have the years to spend there, even if they have to. - I mean, Meg is gonna hate me regardless. Because your father's dying. - Yeah, well, that's your choice. - So, I'm glad about that. - Right, none of us can. So why don't we give them the ones we know we can get contact with or procure? - And they can actually be saved. - And they're campers in the street. (laughing) - I don't wanna pick some random third vampire to say. - I don't wanna save 'em. I just figure she's gonna want people besides them anyway. She's gonna want, because she's gonna want to test them after she's done. We can write into the agreement that they are that loose, but she's gonna want someone else to say. - You can even write into the agreement that you help her catch additional ones. - Right, but even then, I don't wanna tell myself. - I'm good at what I, I mean, no offense, but I'm good at what I do. I think if you could be two people to give to her, I can close this deal. And if she gets bitchy about it, I'll take her down. - I'd like to see that. - I'd like to see that. - I already had her on her heels. - I'd leave. - No, you have your help. - No, I have her on her heels. - I love her. - Yes, but that was the only. - Ten years agreement. - That was the only spar that we had, and I smacked her a little bit. Of course, with the utmost of detente, but I did bitch slapper. So the point being, with your guys' help, I can win this whether or not she finds two appealing. - For up to me, you'd have so many vampires. - Yeah, I'd like to have mom, but the point being, I think we all agree. Can we all agree? - Two temporary. - Two temporary. - Two temporary. - Yes. - I think she's gonna want more, but you can try. - Okay. - So I catch her eye, and just a quick nod of the head, and then stand back up again, as she approach the table. - She talks to her man a little while, just to make sure, you know. - Yeah, of course not. - She's not, I understand. - I understand. - And then she can. - I stand and wait patiently. - You can still give her a chair, right? - That's all the difference. (laughing) - I pull out the chair for her. - If you were here, I'd be in that discussion with him. - Mm-hmm. - Onto the aperitif, if you will. - Mm-hmm. - That's a sweet decor at the end of dinner. - Right. - You're gonna soon alarm, because I'm ordering aperitifs for the table. And we try to close the deal with Abigail by providing her with two vampires, which we would like, we would like them after her initial round of testing removes the vampirism that these vampires do have souls. You will have live individuals once you are finished. We would like them though to be released and not subject to further testing after your experiments are complete, after their vampirism is removed. I'm sure there's some oath we can all agree to here. We'll just work it out in whatever makes you comfortable. - Yeah. - Well, if that doesn't be new work and these two are restored to humanity, it may be that I need information about how the process that consciousness does is done. - Well, that sounds like an entirely different-- - Again, the reward that you should-- - The reward that you should-- - Ringe into the other side. - That sounds like an entirely different conversation. We are giving you the ability to stop your sister, save your mother, and get two vampires with souls. At this point, Abigail, I believe we have an incredibly fair deal. We allow you to thwart your sister. We allow you to save your mother from the vampirism that constance wouldn't flip upon her. We allow you to test subjects with souls that need to be released when their vampirism is released. - Could be delivered before the meeting with my sister, of course. - Really? - However, you'd like the oath honored. It's an oath. However, you'd like the oath honored. That's fine. We can certainly work that into the wording. But I believe we have a fair agreement asking for further services after delivery of two vampires that allow you access a glimpse into your sister's world that you currently don't have. I think is getting a little bit-- You said I didn't bring it off to the table with the orchid. Now, I think you're bringing a little more to the table. - Since we are in my sister's abode when this deal is going to go down. - No, no more. - Mutual location. There are people there that have knowledge. Should the situation go to anger and battle? Keep in mind that I will consider paying handsomely for, say, one of her assistants to be safe. - I think that that is an outstanding observation on your part. One that we will definitely take to heart. - So there's a potential bounty system. - Okay. - They're fine players. - Well, it's okay, I'm okay. - Yeah, I don't have that. - Actually, one of them is a wizard. - Oh, even better. You're gonna come here. - You remember the one guy there. - Yeah, I wanna tell you why this is a bad idea, but not now. - Well, sure. - It's a target of opportunity if we-- - If we saw that, and she needs the information on how to bind slaughtered children's souls onto vampires, I mean-- - No, that's never heard of you, dude. - That's what Constance does. - That's what she wants. - Yeah, she abducts children from the hospital, slaughters them, puts their soul onto a vampire. - That's what Constance does. - Yeah. - Abigail wants to know the process. - That would actually have to be step one for a two-step girl. - She wants to give her mom someone else's soul. - Sometimes you gotta know what not to do in order to move forward and figure what you have to do. - We don't know that she's going to do that. - I'm sorry. - I don't want to have the discussion, and this was my point. - Well, actually, we got really distracted, didn't we? I didn't even get to say this. That's what she wants to do. - She wants to-- - We give her the process. She murders a child, binds a soul to her mother, gives her mother the cure, problem solved. We don't want to give her the process. - That's why the bounty's paying for that. - Slaughters children. - But remember, that's not part of the self. - Don't give her the wizard to stop. (laughing) - I think I can agree to the oath as it is and watch the talk. - No, no, wait, wait, wait. If that's-- - No, the bounty. - We can choose to ignore. - But the two-- - The bounties are a two. - They're a two. - They're a two. - You can't make it in a crispy group. - Those gotta go. - They gotta go. - We gotta set up a trap for them because they ain't gonna come peacefully. - Listen, that's a whole nother problem for a whole nother day. We got her. - Or, I don't know how to contact them. - That's fine, that's great. Let's go. - Barking chain. - We have to hear the oath right here. We have to worry about this soul wrenching. She's gonna figure it out. We really know she's gonna figure it out. How do we know she's not even gonna figure it out? Do they probably have baby souls inside of them? Does Abigail walk around or maybe walk around saying, "I have a baby soul inside me?" - Hey, my name is-- No, she's-- - Is there a business to research this? - I can't. - How is she gonna research a soul? She's gonna-- - Fuckin' no. - She's gonna tie it to a vampire. - She's gonna take the vampirism out and it's gonna be alive. Megan's gonna be alive. She's not gonna say, "Oh, I wasn't." 12 pound, two miles, clock aging. - How long has she been researching this stuff? - She's gonna-- - She has no idea how they-- - I don't. - So, are you-- - She's gonna take the test. - She doesn't know the process of how-- - Well, she's gonna take away the very little test she can before she cures it to try to figure out how this with soul was attached to this vamp. - Okay, do any of you-- Listen to this. Do any of you-- - That's an assumption. - Do any of you-- - Stop, stop. - She has a way to do it. She's gonna try. - Stop. Do you think Abigail doesn't know that her sister uses souls? - No, I think he does. - She knows, right? - Mm-hmm. - So then, why didn't she just pull a baby soul out? Anyways, she has to know the process. We're not getting her the process. - I realize it's complicated ritual, but if you look at how the soul is bound, you may be able to figure it out. I'm saying-- - That's a really-- - It's a job to research it. - Yes, I'm saying it-- - And she will try to. - Yeah, good. - Okay. - But I think we still solve the problem. She wants to work with us. - It's well, first of all, giving her-- - First of all, giving her-- - 'Cause maybe-- - Megan, they are at a very, very short time schedule. - Right. - But we have their-- - How much research is-- - How much research should be able to do before they die? - She's gonna have to-- - Any other new created vampire, there's a full month or so. These are the ones that are like so close to the end. - Okay. - Yes. We're all good. - You didn't even know that. - Give you 11 of them out of time. - But then is the issue that they're bringing up here that we're just training one bed oath for another and we're out of the front and into the fire. - Okay, she's spent 100 years trying to perfect this. She's gonna get a soul for 10 days and figure it out, really? - It's like three or four days. - Three or four days. - She's gonna figure it out in three or four days. It's the answer. We've got it. - Yes, but I'm not, we can promise to be-- - I don't know how we're gonna get her-- - Worthful. - Hey, listen, we ended up-- - I've got a new character and have a thief, because what I'm saying is we had a problem with Constance, right? She's doing this whole thing. We've wanted her. If Abigail becomes a thorn in her side, we find a way to fuck her up too. It's what we do. - So we have-- - So we have-- - We're a third warrior family. - Your family on both sides. - Who cares? It's a-- - I want this. - It's gonna be my territory. - Right. You're gonna be cheating with that anyways. We think you're gonna get her best side and best buddies for it. I mean, she's gonna be doing shit that's gonna be undermining your authority from day one. - No, I've got a love work too. I've got a-- - No. - So it's unrelated to her. - The point being, the chance to deduce this ritual in five days when it took her sister a hundred freaking years is not our concern. Our concern is to survive and make the baby be safe. Gotta hate that baby. - I really hate that baby right now. - I'm just saying that-- - It's so easy yesterday. - It's so complex. - In order to fulfill my oath and keep the baby alive, sacrifice myself, accomplishes that possibility. I'm exploring it as a possibility. - I did, but you know what? You should explore before I'm wasted. - All right. - I have the gales time. This is my ass on the line too. - Okay, we disagree. - This is the plan we had. Let's go. - Okay. - Please. Okay, so we're all set. We've gotten the agreement then. - All right, you're our expert, resident expert notes. So-- - Would I custom-- - Do you have any one evidence or-- - Who's picking the oath? - You are. - I must have missed a key point here. - What am I-- - What am I-- - No, he needs-- - Who is actually saying the oath? - Oh yeah, it's not me. (laughing) - What are you fucking talking about? - Well, I guess that's why I'm curious. It's actually-- - We're having the oath. - You're having the oath. - It's the one that has to say the oath. It's Abi y'all that we're trying to bind. - We have to, we have to deliver. - You have to deliver to our empire. - We promise you a plan. - But then, I guess my point is Maxwell has the ability to deliver these people. And if that's our end of the deal, he's the closest thing we have to the oath. - Right, so I guess that's my point, is that we don't necessarily have to define, like immediately in the next five minutes, that oath that she has to say, 'cause she can't say it or perform it until we deliver our side. Or do you want to have the oath to bind now? - It's all in place. - I think the oath is, it incorporates both. - It's here and first of that. - It's here and first of that. - She's not walking away without note from us tonight. - She promises to-- - She's gonna sleep on it and she can change her mind. You know how they are. - Not about today. - I know, a hundred year old is trying to cure vampirism. - There. (laughing) - We want her to-- - This is the promise to give you the oath, right? - She said-- - This is what you're gonna have. - You don't know, just give me the bullet points of what it is that we need. - She is going to-- - You're gonna deliver the two vams. - We're gonna deliver the two vampires at a location to be determined by Abigail that does not put us in any type of danger or illegal activity. You need a lawyer's right. - Magic locker. - In return, she-- - And we're not even trying to slip anything in, so there won't have to be any subtlety in delivering this. - In return, she is going to afford us for protection during the encounter with Constance, the exchange. Can't expect her to protect us forever, but we can't expect her to protect us during the totality. For the time, the encounter begins until the time that Constance is fully departed from the area. I don't know how to write that nicely, but the idea is she's gone. Not we run away, but she's gone from the equation. - What if she chooses us outside of the building? - No, she has to be gone from us. You're right, not just the place, but disengage. - Yes. - This is some kind of eluded. - It's hard to write else. I mean, I would sit in that bowl. I don't write that. I don't even live on them. - Could you even make a character out of it? - How much for a just a time, you know, for a time of magic lawyer? - A lawyer lawyer. - You could be asked. - Okay, but that'll last longer than two hours. Can it be a good start? - No, but how much in time can we reasonably expect Abigail to send some type of protection from us? - Against Constance, a week, a day. - We can't assume our protection for longer than 24 or 36 hours before she's gonna just say it's ridiculous. - Until such. - She's not camping out at our house. - She is fun. - Really? - A lot of brownstone, yeah. - I'd like to, you know, these, the experienced women can be quite proficient and show you some things you didn't know, and she's got 100 years of experience. - She kind of looks good, man. - Asians, a little bit, a little bit. - Well, you know what? Her management looks, that's right sometimes. - It's not really a Robert's head. - I don't know. - You can kind of feel it. - Manish. - That's a feature in her husband looks handy. - That does. - All right, we deliver the two strands. - Oh, and it does need space in our place. - Okay, watch your throat out there, two words. You can kind of talk back and forth. You can do your own thing. - We deliver that. In return for delivering the vampires and the other designated things that you talked about, not including a favor. - And you'll suddenly be in my good stead, but not as good as flour involved. - Good braces. - And the flour. - And the lady slipping. - The lady slipping. - How about if he writes it out during the week and sent it to, I mean, we'll give it to Abigail, but it'd be like, we can put some thought into it and some wording into it 'cause asking him to do it and wait a minute. - Wait a minute. - Yes, for the moment. It's a bit much faster. - That's fine. - It's like literally bad legalese anyway. - If we're breaking now. - Yeah, thank you. - That's fine. We can do that. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Thanks for listening to Knights of the Night At Actual Play Podcast. 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