Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 89: "Delivery - Knock Knock"

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2012
Audio Format:

Adventure - Delivery

Scene - Knock KnockThe crew is trying to decide the next course of action. The adventure is winding down and how do they end it in the safest manner? Dealing with Character Secrets - starts 2:00Actual Play starts at 8:50

(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to Knights of the Night Actual Play podcast. This Dresden File Story delivery was written and run by our GM top. And now, please enjoy episode 89, titled "Knack-Knack". (upbeat music) - All right, I'm a London just-in-style facestyle delivery. - Players are starting on my lap. - John playing Roberto Martinez. - Guardian of Cleveland, empowered by a fallen angel. - Thomas playing Maxwell Edison, undercover FBI agent. - Mike playing Alan Montgomery. - The New Warden in town. - Scott playing London Deals. - A moral seer to the supernatural. - Jim playing Edmond Shadowski, private investigator. New world black court empire. - All right, and as every week, before we get started, you guys have the option to move around some of your skills, rename any of your stunts. - You can't change perfection. - Or just start over. - Everyone should have 32 skill points. Everyone should have their fake points. - So last time we played, there has been no rest. So if you had one, you have one. - Zero? - I traded in my fake points to become the cool lord of the underworld. (laughing) - We just got- - It's gonna be an aspect nowadays. - Not even theory, maybe one of your aspects to the ghoul lord of the underworld. - Probably judicious, we will roll to the underworld. - Good for judicious. - Okay. - The lord of the underworld, that's my fault. - It is my fault. I wanted to talk to everybody about something before we get started. Subject gaming lines that I wanna get to your feedback on how we wanna deal with this. A lot of the characters have issues or secrets that they built into their character. And it is my opinion as a gem that that secret should remain secret until the player who created the secret wants it out. - I thought it kinda outed on already, but nobody really acknowledged it. - Yeah, you've added yours three times and everybody still says it's been out of gem and I don't know why that is. 'Cause we had this discussion, it was like, no. Jim, I already told everybody what he is. And the reason is if a player, and I'm playing with John specifically because he's the one I'm talking about in this case, but if a player comes up with a secret that the character has, I don't feel it's my job to out that secret until they want it out it. It's a character-- - And why's another character knows? - What if another character knows? What if I know he's, well, how would you know that? - No, no, no, I'm saying, what if I knew? - I don't understand. - How would you have found it? - How do you know, figure it out through a reason? - It doesn't matter. The point is, let's pretend in game I know. Then if I out him, that's my character's choice because I know, right? You're not complaining about that. - Well, I'm complaining about the fact that some players, all of you, have a lot more knowledge over what his secret is. - Oh, I know or not. - All I'm saying is, if we knew it in game, like we know Jim's, like if, you know-- - Well, I knew Jim's-- - If one character had any secret that he's a werewolf in front of your eyes, he turns into a wolf. - Just me, then I'm allowed to out him. - Yes. - Okay, I just wanna make sure that you weren't saying I had to protect the secret when I'm like, no, I have to protect the secret. - I feel, go ahead, Mike. - No, I just wanted to add that, like, for example, I've been keeping track of what has been revealed in my presence and, like, the facts that I'm trying to react to people's secrets. Like, I know Jim's secret, I know John's secret. - Yeah, as a player. - As a player. But, like, I make notes when something happens that makes me wonder, like, okay, like, for example, as far as I know, I don't know he's a Blackboard vampire. - Wow, see, we're still having this problem. - Yeah, he told, his character told your character. He knows. - And I don't really remember where that happened. - It was right when you got-- - 'Cause the last person talked to Sarah Lemons, and I said, you know, I think this has to do with me and the fact that I got to-- - Honestly, this keeps happening. - It's because-- - He has told all of you that he is a Blackboard. - I have no problem with it. - I don't believe him, apparently not. - No, but, like, what in Jim I thought I was joking. - In John's case, like, okay, the fact that he was shredding off my spells to help him and how he-- - But here's my point. - Well, as a human, you don't know that he did that. You know your spell. - You don't have to know, yes, what the hell who did it. But you as a character are trying to focus in on his secret that he doesn't want out yet. - I don't. - It's his job to give that secret out when he wants to. That isn't your character's job to hunt down these coins, and you may know of them as a warden, but that's-- - I'm not writing down, I'm not trying to hunt him down. I'm writing down suspicions and things that seem out of place for me. Okay, all I want is not for your character to focus on outing him when he wants to reveal his secret when it's thematically regret. His character doesn't even know what it is, but I'm not supposed to be-- - I mean, the fact that who I perceive to be a normal human being of no supernatural ability has single-handedly, and almost very-handedly, defeated a Ghoul Lord that-- - That's for everybody who watched that battle knows that there's something-- - There's something bizarre kind of happened, right? - Than just a human being. - I don't have a problem with that. - Bizarre, yeah, vague, like vague stuff, right? - Yeah, I mean, they're not like-- - Can I see a thing in his character's desire to know because he wants to control what's going on in his life? - You can't know what's going on, too. - So, I can understand that. I agree with what you're saying. - When a character, when a player makes their character with a secret, I would prefer to be up to that player to allow when that secret comes out. First of all, there's no point in making a secret that you keep secret forever. I mean, why even have one if you don't eventually reveal it as your character? But I think the timing of the reveal should be up to the player who designed the character. - Never gonna agree with that, right? - Within reason, again, if you're aware, welcome, you're trying to hide it and you turn into a wolf in front of somebody, they're gonna know. You can't say, "Oh, you didn't notice that." You know, I mean, logically. So, you started questioning maybe something else that's going on that you don't know, that someone is casting things on him that, yeah. - There were a lot of sources of power in this game. Short of revealing the coin, I'm not sure a guy could take a poke at what I empowered by, except making note of what I can accomplish. That's what I do. - I'm not trying to bust or reveal the secret. And I've got no problems mechanically doing that. However, I think it's fair to say that, I'm sorry if you've told me and I just, I forgot to write down, which is very possible. But, you know, according to my notes, the last thing I had about you was that you ripped a chair out of its bolts from a theater floor and threw it at a vampire at the hand of theater, which to me seemed to predict extraordinary feet, especially since I supposedly didn't know you had those abilities. Now, okay, so I'll accept that you're a vampire, but then this kind of goes into a situation that we ran into in previous campaigns, where it's like, if we're fighting against black court vampires and he reveals he's a black court vampire, then I feel like I should be a little conflicted about that. And then why would I associate with it? - Well, he told you you're perfectly allowed to be conflicted. - He's quick. - But, yeah, it's not to be conflicted then. - Well, not only conflicted, but it's like, okay, why would I then-- - Right. - I mean, the way I told you-- - The way I told you-- - That's why it came the black court vampires. - The way I was accidentally got to black court vampire powerful by that. - He was in the womb, man. - Oh, man, it was not like he had a choice. - It's all coming back to me. - Okay. - I am not with the black court. - He was in the womb and his white court-- - And fat's right. - I don't have the black court people in this. I just have a couple of them. - He certainly has his own self. - Well, he hasn't established that. (laughs) - He certainly has his own soul and it's not burning out and he's not dying. Actually, I don't remember that. - He would be like really wanted by either of the-- - That's the thing is I don't want the rocket color. - Well, again, my goal is not to out-- - Okay. - Anyone or try to-- - Just run or try to that and say, but I think as a baseline, we should say, if a character designs a secret, they should be able to keep it until they want it out, unless-- - They give it away sometimes. - They give it away, play them. - I think we all can agree on that. - Yeah, I don't think why that's a problem. - Okay. - So where we left off, London was banging Jim's secretary. - Very important. - Yes, it is very important. - I don't think that would happen. - Oh, it totally happened. - Actually, that's probably a social conflict that we should really-- - Oh, that's fine with me. - I have bros. - Do we know how that works out? - And you guys are still in the subways, under-- - Yeah, what aspect are you getting right up here? - Cleveland. - Yeah, we just got done beating a gold in his second in command, basically. - Yeah, yeah. - You killed the second in command. Squoosh his head. - I'm ready. - Found his spine. - Waited up your head and threw it into the crowd. - My aspect, evil does not deserve a second chance to-- - I am now evil, and I don't care anymore. - And that's, they work for me. - Toodles you, Bob, judicious. - Leader of the undercity ghouls. - Shouldn't you be changing your high concept? - I can't do that mid-game. - Can't you? - Well, I don't care whether the rules allow or not. - It's the education and domestication of the undercity ghouls. - I think I would force you. - Integration. - Integration. - We are near the end of this particular adventure. He can change it. - At the end, if that's so well, that's what you're leaving. - Yeah, what's it for? - I don't think the fact that the coin is pushing him has changed, that still exists. Now, whether that's more important than him being a gold lord, well, we shall see. I could see that being in trouble as well. - Yeah, I could see that being a war on down. - You have to be away. - So how do you guys want to resolve the gold situation? I mean, they're all, was he a signature of the accord? - Who? - The gold king. - Obviously a big deal politically. - No, enough. - You have to be holding the lordship. - Okay. - Well, I don't think they're a signatory. They, not as a faction, 'cause they aren't a faction. - Right. - Individual ones can become like a deal or whatever, you know, just a kind of big deal. But this one did not. - So how do you want to leave this situation resolver? - Call him London to write up the paper. - Shana, on her back. Satisfied as I want to leave the situation. - Okay, you have kids. You know the baby isn't going to allow this to happen. - Right. - The baby's probably in like one of the carriers in a sink somewhere, 'cause it needed a good place to stay. Hey, so that'd watch it. I'm in the same room as a damn thing. - Ew. - I can see the baby. I can see the baby. - I'm only going to lock my vision for a second at a time. (laughs) - Well, I'm sure it's only for a minute or two, so you're fine. (laughs) - You're just jealous. - It probably isn't. I haven't done it at all. - I have discipline. And I think that's all I need. (laughs) - Where's your endurance and stamina, sir? Let's see this. It's all-- - No, no, no, no, no. - I want this resolved. What were you questioning your jealous of? London, Shaina, or the baby here? - I don't know what you're talking about. - Hey, don't out my secrets until I'm ready to reveal my secrets, sir. Okay. - Hey, Shaina's going to be my new contact in the offices of Chidowski and Chidowski in Chidowski and Son. Or A.A. - Excellent. - Amazing. - Amazing. - Get it right. - Okay. - No full of goals. I believe ten of them now. - And there's more outside. - Now we killed those. - In the wilds. - Oh, yeah. - I tell them that their hunting grounds have been revoked and that whatever they were feeding on beforehand is what they need to resume. But then I ask, what were you feeding on beforehand? - It's tree animals, vagrants. - Vagrants? How about the graveyard? - That's-- - All right. - How about the what? - Graveyard. - Leg side cemetery. There's your buffet. - I need to set up a guy who's in charge. I just stopped to spine out though, so. - Does anyone else look kind of like the candidate for that? - You want to give me role to determine that? - I could see the investigation. - I could see the people. - It's not really going to turn a ton more on the leader. - I guess. I mean, if you're going strictly for strength-- - Which? - That's what they respect. - I believe that's what you guys determined that they respect. - Okay. - Well, there's not many people left, but a margin higher than the rest. - I roll the wash. My skill is superb. - Okay, so you found a ghoul who is slightly groanier than the others. - So he's like the third highest after I stomped out-- - Well, yes. - And the extramurted the first highest. - The one without a skull and the one without a spine. They don't count. - I hand him the head of the leader. Say, in my absence, you will lead these people. - This is your set. - This is your role set. You will feed the leg side cemetery corpses until I can find a better feet and ground for you. - Okay. - You'd be required to make that stick with him. - I mean, he's seen some impressive things, so you definitely have a consequent or aspect you can tag with him to make it stick. One of your best skills could possibly be-- - Intigidation? - Intimidation. - You haven't used that a lot. - Well, in this situation, it works. - Okay. - I've rolled the minus one. - I've tagged that plus two, making it a net plus one. And my skill in intimidation is three. This gives me a plus four grip. - I'm gonna go with president for him in which-- Oh, yo. He rolled the minus three and his presence is good, so that takes it down to just mediocre. He is definitely frightened by your intimidation. Doesn't take him out of the scene, but it's enough to be the lasting impression on him and doing him a slight bit of damage to his. - Do I need to inflict the rest? - I don't think you do, unless you really want to. It might have a detrimental effect to a mask later proxy leader in front of all the other goals. - True. - So I wouldn't advise taking him fully out of the scene. - Okay. - So he agrees to your commands and people attempt to control this group and do as you wish. - Can I go for him? - Let's leave. - I'll be back. - Before we leave, Ghoul Lord, do you need to establish how you can get back here or either passwords or is it just assumed that you'll be able to walk back into your kingdom here? - They know me. - Okay. - I mean, you might have trouble. I could give him a password to you again, I guess. - If you need to. Do you want it to be asked about? - Do you want it to be asked about? - Do I get okay? - You're welcome in my realm whenever you want to. - Here's your realm. - I see. - Well, that didn't take long. And the warden writes something down. - He's literally his realm. - What's the problem with this? - Yeah. - The warden. - He wants to control the city apparently. - I don't want control of it, but if I'm responsible for dealing with supernatural threats, the second someone else owns a domain, they are threat. - A domain of flesh eating flesh eating flesh eating flesh. - Yeah, baby. - Yeah, my scene. (laughing) - You really weren't walking to the sewers all the time. You're welcome to. I already invited you. - I didn't think you'd want to. - I don't want to be at all with that. - You're going to mark in the book, though. Just let it be known. - I think everybody's going to-- - Oh, I'll mark it. - Edmond Shodowski's house, not Buddy Buddy. - We're making assumptions that are not in evidence. So I want to make sure that you can get back into your realm without causing trouble. I'm sure that the everything will be perfectly fine. - Okay, so let's feed this along, get you guys out of here and back to Edmond Shodowski's office. Is that where you all want to run it again? - Yes. - Yes. - And we do so. On the way, you stop, get some diapers because there's a voice whispering in your head. - Hey, Ellen. - My baby needs to carry onesies, cute little pipe. - Where we do, Shaelyn? - I think that was when we were making the secretary make like stupid Googoo noise. What do you do? - It just sits there. - It is a small infant, tell me. Maybe a week old now. - It's probably just sleeping. - Doesn't even smile. - Yeah, it's just-- - Well, I've got no problem stopping at somewhere along the way to pick up necessities. - I wipe the drool off its chin twice, which is more than any man should have to do. - Just wait 'til you get to the other end. - Shana is there and she has actually sent out some assistance to pick up different things and then the baby is safe. - Okay, take care. - She's a full service secretary. She just, what needs to be done. - Mm-hmm. - She did give you a full service. - Come on, that was a bomb set in London. - Mm-hmm. - I can't believe I had-- - I let Thomas take it. - All right. - This is getting ridiculous. - Hey, don't eat me because I'm beautiful. - Roberto, I've got a new job. (laughing) - Got a new job. - I don't need to-- - You stop exactly to step off. (laughing) - Hey, he's got his own kingdom. What do you got? - Yeah. - Oh, fleshy. (laughing) - I'm sitting at people who love me. - I'm London. - All right, so, what's the one, other one, Constance and-- - We're gonna go see Abigail. - Yeah, we gotta talk to Abigail. - Is Abigail calm yet? - Are we about to go to Abigail? - Abigail, there'll be more. - There'll be more. - She's ancient. - Did we have an appointment or something? - Yeah. - Wizards donate. - How old do we really believe she is? - Like 104? - I don't know. - She looks at it. - I know we sent a polite request to have a meeting with her. - No, no, no, no, no. - No, I made an appointment. - I made a call. - Call them off the number. - Oh, these are our charges there. - I offer my comment. - I put out the pictures of the people you had discussed talking to. - Abigail rocket feller or Ryan Larson. - Seriously, Ryan Larson is Ryan Nelson. - Ryan Nelson, first of all that. - Ryan Nelson, and I think that Ryan Nelson is quite probably one of the most annoying human beings at that in a very long time. So I'd prefer to stave off that interview for as long as possible. - Well, you haven't yet seen Abigail, so you can't like dismiss her yet. - Well, I am waiting for the phone to ring, but it shouldn't be long. - With your talents, you should be able to get to the heart of what he knows, 'cause he apparently was not forthcoming with us last time we've done. - Well, there is some information we need to get from him. - To him being, of course, Ryan Nelson. - Ryan Nelson, and Ryan Nelson is the only person alive that was there that could give us this information. - So it's important that I actually speak with him again? - You would be the best one to speak to him since you have the ability to out annoy him and get all of the information. - Do I need to be sober? - I don't know how you work. - Excellent. I like that. All right. - What? - What do you have to drink here? - No. - Ed. - I mean, that's very good. - I just want results. - All right. - Dear God, I hope you have some, at least some great lakes, brook, so many of you don't have any wine in this establishment. - Wine. - No. - I always thought it was an upscale place. I mean, you know what, a place. - I do have some liquor in my office, but even when you really want to get drunk, you go down to the bar and the first floor. - Excellent. - We'll do that on our way to Ryan Nelson's locale. - It's actually getting to be close to noon. When you went early into the subway, you spent a lot of time there. - Yeah, so nice. But a lot of time, I don't shave a lot. It should be at least mid-afternoon, by the way. - You just, you know, you just slaughtering me like that. - Of course it is. - Is that Shayla? Shayla. - Are you all there? - Not to her face. - No, I'm all doing it. - I call her a gorgeous goddess. That's the only term she hears. - Okay, we'll say it's two o'clock in the afternoon. You guys are all probably pretty damn hungry. - We're going to go get a look at it. - I am famished. - We're going to go get a look at the lunch of Johnny Q's. - Absolutely. - You warm myself up today. - So then the five of you go down into Johnny Q's to discuss things while you eat lunch. - Can you do that, Warden? Could you do that fantastic thing you're doing? - Fighting silently. - Like a cone of silence. - Like magic that you did? - Yeah, do that thing on your word. - We could fill this to the clinic 'cause I'm supposed to be trying to find you. - Because this is a new scene due to my mental stresses reset. - Yes. - Okay, everybody stresses of any type get reset. - Okay. - So if you're between scenes, consequences are not stressed so they stay. - And that's been two scenes for preparation. - Recovery started. - You know, I am somehow, for some reason, I can't quite describe it, feeling absolutely fucking fantastic right now. So I am gonna actually have the Warden pay for lunch for everyone here at John Q's here. - I can't pay. - You go in 20 grand. Just take it off to 20,000. I feel fantastic. - Yay, I wanted to put this on somebody's account. - It is. Right there. Anyway, so whatever your gentleman wants. - Sort of in turn for my friend, Warden here. - And do you wish to discuss anything before we could speak to you later? - Yeah. - We can just put a shout out. - A shout out for everyone. - Have we handled what we're going to ask Ryan Wilson? - I mean, we're all going to be there and Mike invariably has a list. So we're good, right? - That's a good thing. - It is a wonderful thing. - Well, we've already had this argument once before and I wrote down the questions that I think we-- - Oh, why don't you refresh me over lunch and we can't know. - Oh, don't. - That way I can approach you now. - You don't want eating lunch? - Oh, what are you doing? - This is at least a three-drink lunch. - How are you guys? - I really despise Ryan Nelson. - What skills are you gonna use to interrogate this, man? - I'm not London. - No, I'm not London. - I'm London. - I'm London. - All right, I don't even know if the president can be used. - Please. - What? - It's one interrogation. - Well, interrogating him. - Well, we're asking him questions. I guess that could be a rapport if you're just trying to be subtle about it. - It's definitely social. You're dealing with Prisma. You want to answer him, you know, if he was-- - Because London has connections. London can make things happen for Ryan Nelson. - It also has to do with command. - You know, or you just-- - But maybe that's a good question. - We're expecting to get answers. - If we're trying to extract information that he wasn't forthcoming with before, is that a continuation? - If he could possibly become interrogation or-- - He was like knee-deep in this shit and didn't even mention it when we like specifically asked him what was going on. - I might have to be squished. - Yeah. - I would trust-- - No worries there. We're going to have to get a couple of examples. - Popt eyes out of vampires and-- - And if we need that-- - You are standing in my way. - Exactly. - You have thumbs of steel, my friend. - You just go in there and take care of it. If I can, charm him for the information, right? - He has an extensive resume towards your-- - Or be surprised, but we'll see. - Stranger things have happened. - So the questions that I think we came up with regarding Nelson was, what was he doing bringing Sarah into The Never Never? So why were they there in the first place? - Excellent question. - How does he possess the power to open gates, which as I understand it should be beyond his ability or strength or power? - Excellent. - Karyan? - Who is his patron? And then-- - Sorry, the patron would be the elf he met, or the Fabian, he met beyond the gate that he-- - Right. - And the wonderful father that we wanted to reunite the child with. - Yes, I know. - And probably the father. - And what specifically happened to Sarah? What was the deal that was made? And who specifically is the father of Janice? - All quite baffling, yes. - Yes. How's that certain term? - Good stuff, isn't it? Welcome back to Cleveland. Another shot for my friend here. - I can't drink alcohol or I'm trying to perform magic, but thank you. - Really? - Music helps me. - And I keep my sword hidden steady. - Understood. - All right, so lunch is a rousing success in getting me lit and preparing me for the interminable interrogation of Ryan Nelson and his whiny disposition. - On reflection, you guys set out with a mission and you've done pretty well. I mean, you've got the child, you know where Donovan is. Most of the pieces of your mission are in place. - Halfway there. - One final thing to do. - Toast the boo Lord. - Well, toast the boo Lord. - And over the baby one way or another. - We still probably want to talk with Habigail, right? - Yes. - I'm not saying you're done, but you know. It would seem that the-- - I think talk to Ryan. - Most of the difficult steps in this are done. - And then under the talk to Constance. - Yes, I mean, we're at the end meeting here. - That's the last big piece of it. - So we have to ask these intriguing questions of the very elusive and interesting, Ryan says. - So you go to the garage. What car are you taking? Who's car? How many cars? - We're just, it's just in a couple blocks away. - Oh, it's-- - What is this? - It's just a point of working. - We're basically public square down to the Hannah theater. It's a couple bits. - Take that van, I stole that one. - Did we receive a response from Habigail yet? - No, I'm still waiting on the car. - Okay, I'm having fun. - Yeah, it was just this morning. She's busy. - That's right. I just can't remember. - Okay. - I'm taking my car from a company car. - I have to ride with either London or-- - I'm a big fan of Ed's company vehicle. - Very comfortable. - Compared to the Burgos. - You probably have one of those, you know-- - Yeah, pickup truck. - White pal bands. Hide in while you're casing someplace. - Have a good point? - You probably have bigger vehicles that know more people. - Yeah, I guess you could all jump in one vehicle. - Jump in the town of country? - Of course it's good. - And plus it's rather inconspicuous. Just in case people saw or we've left a kind of footprint with our vehicles, it wouldn't be bad to be in an inconspicuous white truck. - We take jolly from that pretty truck. - Right. - You're really gonna have expensive points on research. So I was thinking, so this should be a lot higher than fare. - Okay, so it's now probably 3.30 or so. You guys are heading off there. It takes five, 10 minutes at the most to get there. You pull up outside the house. - You get out of the car, you start to approach. - Is the dork like sitting on the front steps, eating pizza and a safe house? - Okay. - That's exactly what I expected him to be doing. But I'm pleasantly surprised. - Hidey, wait a second, look back, I'm pleasantly surprised. - As we're walking on the drive over there, I have a short conference with London. I'd like to use, I've already tried to access the memories of Sarah Lemon to what she knows and they're fuzzy at best. But I'd like to have London kind of lead the negotiation with him and then try to access Sarah Lemon's memories of whether it is what he's saying. - That's verification. - Yeah, I was his backup or was that true? Was that how it went down? And then if necessary, I will feed London information. Is that okay? - Sure. - I feel like, give me a laurel. Is your approach in the house? - Follow us. - Or just anyone who is a warden. - Anybody who has magical ability. - Oh, wow. - I got a laurel. - I think we're down to the warden. - No, I don't have magical abilities. - I have magical abilities. - Actually your demon does, so give me a laurel as well. - I don't know. - If it was like specifically dangerous, the demon might just tell him. - I have negative one in my-- - My demon does it. - It's good. - Which takes my grade down to good. - How is it? - Is there anything to do? - I work best with a slight buzz. Plus two on my fudge roll takes my great warm up to fantastic. - I've got minus three on this fudge, so you can get two nuts in. - I don't think you're fantastic. 'Cause you don't actually have a magical nature. You are not skilled in the arts. - Pause it where. - And what it was for is, as you're approaching the front door, you notice that there should not be a threshold here, but there seems to be a pretty substantial award around the house. - Was there one before? - No, because it's a house owned by a company that they use for transients to hide people in 'em, and it's not a home, and then it's a-- - Wait, this is the first thing you make that sound. - You make that sound really shit. - No, you were here. You guys dropped him off. - That's right. - So many transients? - I guess that's what I'm asking. I didn't notice this before when we dropped him off. - It wasn't here before. You know that for a fact. - What? - I think it's him. He's got some unique magical ability that belies his normal pedestrian borkish self. - Well, I don't understand how this could be, so-- - Oh, that's how it works. - It's not asking questions to them. - It's not? - No, it's not a threshold, it's more of a ward. It's like a protective ward around the house. - Right, that's my point is some of the questions that you so overwhelmingly said at lunch were directed towards how did he do this? How did he do the things he did? He has big powers that we don't know, right? It's a deep man, I'm surprised, but he has depths unseen. - I warn everyone that there is a ward around this threshold. Do I have the ability using my lord to evaluate the ward, like is it a killing ward, or is it just a ward? Can I determine like it's relative power? - With a roll, yeah. - The first one was sort of an alertness roll. As you approach it, you feel that hum of power and you're like, whoa, this was a-- - The second one is like, okay, qualitative. - Yeah, let me concentrate on this. - All right, so my fudge is a wash, so my lord is great. - You can ascertain that it is a ward to keep the building sealed, keep out. - So it's a barrier. - The strength of it is superb, right? - Which is a five, which is certainly more than Ryan Nelson should have been capable. - Definitely. - I think the chance that he could be the fay. I think his chest is, he just puts his glamour on himself and everyone thinks that he's his dork because he looks like a dork. - And one answer is I could burst through this and instead of the beat, he could too, actually. - Let's just talk to him for a minute. - Dora is locked, so physically she can't get through because the dora is locked. - You guys cannot cast magic across the barrier, but I've already got it. - You can't, you would definitely use it. - I can. - Yeah, you can act. - I assume that you brought it. - Your magic's limited at that time. - Okay, is there any reason that you don't just knock on the door and announce it's us? - Yeah. - This is a good opportunity to scare the pajis of him. - But if we want to try the good side, we can get it. - So are we going to treat him as if he's a non-hostile witness for a moment? - Well, don't we do that. - I mean, that's where we find him. - And that's the first hand we don't know, and then it's easier. - Okay, just two things. I want, you know, London, that's a good point. I want you to kind of conduct this as you see fit to get this information on. However, new information has come to light. There's a very powerful ward around this house that wasn't there before, and it's raising some questions. And now the situation may change where it's like, okay. - Right, we're ready to rumble, right? I mean, well, I'm ready to rum, but you guys are ready to rumble if the shit hits the thing. - Well, the shit is hitting the fan, right? - It has it, yes. - Well, all he did is he's scared, and maybe he set up a ward on himself, 'cause he's more powerful than we think he is. - I don't think that he could have done this, unless there's something bigger going on. - I would rebut that that's one of your questions to him, is how did you do what you did? So now you're gonna believe that he did that, but you're not gonna believe this? - I want you to accept that. - Are you trying to talk us out of going into this house? - No, I'm trying to say, let's go knock on the door and tell him we're here. - And we'll lose the element of... - Surprise of the person that we snuck into this safe house and are protecting. - I didn't know we were trying to surprise him, but we're trying to talk to him. - Who says he's not alone? - I thought. - Who says he isn't? - What? - Who's like the double knight on the right? - Yes, I know. - I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing about him. - I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing about him. - I'll probably get confused on that argument by quick. - I think we rescued him, he lied to us. He didn't tell us the entire truth, and he got us into trouble when we tried to save him. - Can we open up the damn door, please? - Exactly, let's just open the damn door. - You have the key, Mr. Edmond, please. - Edmond, is it reasonable to assume that your safe house has some type of surveillance on it? - I was thinking, no. - Okay, no? - I mean, it's just a place for people to leave over a while. - If you were putting people here, wouldn't you want to know what they were doing, maybe? I mean, that's up to you. - I mean, like, be able to pull up my smartphone and see what's going on inside type of thing. - That's right. - I would have to say you'd have to either make a resource rule or give me a fake point to do the player. - Does Edmond need to be invited into a house if it's his establishment? - Oh, yeah, in this example, but he's a bad player. That's a good question. - If he cross-adfulially was his family, or all magical creatures do, and whether or not they're a vampire, can't we just knock on the door? - Yeah. - But can we, all right? - I don't want to just go ahead and knock on the door. - Just go ahead. - This is a three-minute conversation based on knocking on a fucking London. - Go knock on the door. - Thank you. - I'll go knock on the door. - It's more likely that the people inside have a way to look out. - Sometimes, this is how people have to learn. There's a scary system that, you know, that camera's around the house, which you can see what's going on, but I don't know if I'd actually look in there. - That's up to you, it's your safe house. - I was just thinking that if there was electronic surveillance, I know I'm trying to pull something out of the air, but that might give us a clue as to who's inside or what's happening. - I'm saying that it's possible that he could have that, but I'm either gonna require a resource rule, which is resources too low, or the spending of a fake point to make that declaration. - That's reasonable, but if you don't want to do it, that's fine. - I'm gonna say this one doesn't just do it. - Okay. - Moving on. - I've been sitting on the lawn for a half hour. - This is where we bring wizards and they usually shark-short it out, so someone doesn't have it. - Good point. - Good point. - Mm-hm. - We're gonna have to knock on the door, buddy. - Mr. Nelson? - There is no answer. - Mr. Nelson? - Could be running back. - If he's afraid of us, or whatever. - Yeah, he's. - I'm not very fast. - Well, while he's discussing how, if he's gonna open the door, I'm walking around to the back. - Mm-hm. - On the back door. - He's pretty wounded. - He's, it's a broken arm. - Yeah. - He's broken. - All right. - He's not gonna jump outside of the door. - You're unlocking the door. Edmund is walking around the side of the house, heading towards the back. You unlock the door. - It's not permitting you to open it, it unlocks, but it does not open. - I raised the hammer, huh? - Mm-hm. - Anyone? - No. - So I will therefore use my warden sword's power to counterspell, to cut open the warden. - They're by deadening everything and ending the game. - Okay. - I'm really close. - You do not exceed the superb. You take the backlash. - The counterspell is already fantastic, plus six. - You can roll four dice and don't roll on minus two. - Don't roll on minus two. - I mean, you do. - Whatever I do, no minus two to five. - Plus two. - Plus two to five. So that makes it a legendary counterspell. - Right, and it unsnaps. - I can promise you I'm not gonna remember that counterspell. - Right. - So I'm in the legendaries of opening a door. - Well done. - Sure. - All right, let's go inside. - It's not opening the door. It's breaking a superb wall. The management shouldn't be there. - Right. - That's why I'm not sorry. - I understand. - If you want a minor talent, you'd be able to appreciate how important this is. - It's okay. - It's okay. - We all do what we can. Let's go. - So the counterspell is broken. - Yes, the ward snaps with my hose on in the air and the door is already unlocked. - But it couldn't open now, it can't. - All right, I open the door, sword in hand, leading the way into the room. - Are you passing a nonexistent threshold? This is more establishment than a house, so there's no issue, all right? - You walk into the house that is relatively dark. There aren't any lights on. It's in the middle of the afternoon, but there's no lights coming from the inside. All the windows are closed. All the shades are closed. - Can I use my lower to detect if there's any more magic or any quite sensitive of magic in the house? - You can use your lower to do that. - I'm going into the back door. - Magic snoring. - Yeah, I'm on the key. - Sure one. - Can I investigate regularly? - Sure. - I'm on my top three rolls. - If not, I can. - All right, I have a plus one to my fudge, which takes my lord to superb. - No, I don't have a problem with you having another key segment, so you could open the back door as he is walking into the living room. And you do sense a great deal of magic in the living room. I don't know, you flip a light switch on, it's kind of dark in here. - Sure. - All right. - Now it's, well, it is the middle of the afternoon, so. - Right, but all the windows are closed and all the shades are drawn. So you're not getting any light from outside and all the lights were often here. - Well, that ends right now. We turn on the lights and start opening up the shades. - All the furniture was pushed out of the center of the room and in the center of the room was a giant circle. - Oh, yeah, the circle. - Break the circle. - Can you see what's in the circle first, please? - Right now there is nothing in the circle, but there's nothing in the room and you don't see. - War. - Right, I think. - What was the circle to do? - I don't know yet. I mean, is that where the magic's coming from, the circle? - Yeah. - You're the expert of it, so I thought you'd look at it. - My guess is I'm crossing them now. - The circle is empty. - What do you do? - With lore, do I recognize the circle as to, is it like a beginning of a gate or a portal? - It looks like a teleport pad or a residual to bring in a gate. - The sigil's used to trade the circle. I've definitely reminiscent of gateways to never, never. - Is it open? - You do so. - Mm. - There's a lot of energy here, it's of the fey nature, so. - Does the energy imply that it's recently been used or that the fact that it exists and that's why it's manger cloth? - That it recently used. You're getting a bleed off of fey, a rudman's fey magic that is in here and it looks like a gateway was opened to and used and now closed. - You're coming through the back, the house is dark. - We get the war to hit. - He hit the other side, he ran. - No, he either got pulled in, either he found a way to get over there himself or he got pulled. - Somebody came and found him. - There's a circle, if that implies he didn't. They don't need circles. - Good point. - Nor do they create them. - How do you know that shit? - You don't know that shit. - Okay. - No, that's good point. - Well, he's an investigator from the FBI and he's like, you can tell when it runs and broken into or out of, you know what I mean? There's circle here. You can't create the circle from the fey and then open it, doesn't it? - Right. - And then I'm also guessing that if the circle is made of stuff that was on hand, like a bunch of morning salt or whatever, all the items. - Could I get like some FBI little book and random supernatural shit we've already encountered? - I'm stunned to do supernatural investigation. - That's wild. - It's hard to apply my investigation to law for the stab with the octopus. - You're disgusting. - That's a good use of his stunt. - Warren, do you want to follow him? - He's annoying it up on this plane. - But we really have to go to the other-- - There's like all those fake masters. - Who cares? - Hello. - I still don't see. - Yeah. - I don't even agree to all those questions, we're good. - No, I guess. - Yes, I did say they were good. - You sarcastically are straight off. (laughing) - They're gross. - You're drunk and super. - Brilliant. - All right. - Let's, so Ryan can be put to bed then, right? - He'd tell all of themself out of a safe house. - Can you open the safe door? - You would like to go with him. - I'd like another lore to do a specific investigation on this to get maybe timelines or something. You're allowed to do that. - The original one in location where the original one you did was simply like, was there magic in the house and you did so well, you got a little more information. - Okay, two people want to do something. Ellen wants to roll a investigation with them. - Using weight lore to-- - And bedbend is doing simple investigation of skill. - All right. - Perhaps Maxwell wants to do this one. - I think if it's recent, we can go in after and catch him. - You and I running through the fact, beating up the-- - London's not going into it. - Dear God no. - Is being kidding me, he's a minor nuisance as it is. And we're going to chase him. Let's all leave the baby in this world and go chase into the fae. What's the prize, boys? The prize is the baby. - Which is being watched by super sheater. - So safe. - Super nanny. - She is super shena. - Super secretary. - Seriously, he's, he-- - Look at him. - For God's sake, so don't you remember what he looked like? - He's a lot of information to work. - But I don't want to run after that in the fae. - Right. - Is it worth that? - To find Ryan Nelson. - Dude has a broken arm, bad glasses. - Well, here's the poor disposition. - You talk about how worthless-- - You know, you talk about how worthless and inconsequential he is. - And yes. - Someone in the fae thought he was powerful and important enough to either he was able to do it and trick all of us or somebody of power, a significant power, punched a hole into this world, specifically at an location where a gate didn't exist, and either help them or he went over there. And that seems to be kind of a big question mark. We just can't let go. - You can get by the hour, stop looking at your watch London. - You've already been paid to do your services. - Yes, I understand. - You wrote him. - I hold him to find the baby. - No, he-- - And to deliver. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - And to deliver it is another thing that he owes you one extra thing. - Yeah, he owes me-- - Do we really need him to go there? What's good to see? - No, I'm not saying. - Okay, I'm only gonna do this to make fun of you. - We're gonna bring Nelson back if it's an-- - Oh dear God. - You're not coming. - As a what are you here? - Why? - Why does it matter? Do we have everything we need? - If he's 30 seconds away-- - I doubt it by now, but if he's 30 seconds away-- - Yes, he just so happened across as he's walking out. - You don't fucking know Jack. - You fucking know Jack, Gordon Jack. - Please, dude, man, you're all mackerel longer than three minutes. - Wait, wait, wait, he's gone. - Roll the wash. - No, no, Mike Chris. - Wash on my first. - Mike, sir. - It's superb. - What? - Positive one on my fudge, which takes my lord to superb. - What was your total mackerel? - Wash on the fudge plus four to investigation. - Great. - So, yes, that's right. - Why not to give him a plus two, so you got a superb plus two? - Yes. - So you were-- - Epic. - Investigation. - Ellen, my gun race was superb. - It says maybe anything epic about an investigation of Ryan Nelson. - A man never was disturbing of the word epic. His ever existed. - It's epicly-- - You've superb investigation reveals that this spell was cast at least two and a half. Three hours ago. - Run! - We gotcha. - What does it tend to help me? - I know. - Is there anything else you assume? - Yes. - Do I get any sense of what locations in the face it opens out into? And do I have any knowledge of that place? - I think you'd have to open it. - Yeah, you definitely have to open it. You can't tell from here. - It doesn't have an address. - Yeah. - Wall of thorns and death. - What are the translators? - What are the coordinates? - That's beautiful. - If we open it, there's like a skeleton of Nelson hanging out. - You get kind of an impression. - That's awesome. - He opened the way to the face, but it was a small opening, and then they never never ever pushed through and created a full gate. You get a lot of bleed over from there to here, because if he was helped, definitely helped, but you know, somebody knew he was going to open it and they were meeting him or-- - Or he was taking the picos on the other side. - He was just a gacha. - To create the opening and they finished it to the same guy that he brought the girl over to, to frolic with. - Edmund. - Mm-hmm. - Your frolic. - The investigation, you were looking for what type of information. - Edmund, you have an answer, what he's been doing, any forced entry into the house with someone trying to break in, was something trying to get out with-- - Is he knowing anything, anything that was going outside the house? - There's no indication of any forced entry. He obviously meticulously went around the house and arranged it to do what he was going to do. All the furniture moved aside, you know, all the windows closed. The only activity you see is some in the kitchen bathroom and bedroom that seems tissues wet. - Yeah. - Yeah, I'm watching. - That's fantastic. - Yeah. - Can we get out now? - No. - No. - He was-- you get the impression he-- - His planning on-- - He was-- - Yeah, he was never really planning on staying here. - It's really easy for you, isn't it, to it? - Can't help it. - Oh, he's made us a moment, he's probably been here for a short while and he never intended to stay here as the impression you're getting from the clues around the apartment. - For the record, I'm with London, how about this guy, let's get out of here, he's going to find out things. - Got that information we don't know, a voice of wisdom. - Yeah. - For sure. - We'll come back to buy this-- - Oh. - --for the sake of knowledge. Can you check what's on the other side just so we can, like, yell at him about it later, I don't know. Give us some clue as to where he went. We're not going in, just to see what's on the other side. - You would have to open the gate exactly the same position he did. Even moving a few feet is a totally different area than never, never. So you-- - Well, it's in a circle. Not hard, can that be? - I don't understand what you mean. A gate here, walk through in the never, never move a few feet open, a gate it could be-- - A mile away. - A mile away. - Right. - Because so, the same is true of here. A gate, a foot off from where he did, it could be an entirely different area. - And so, your point is that I-- there's no way I can know precisely where-- - Not at all. I'm saying you would have to be very meticulous and open the gate at exactly the same location he did. - We would have to take extra time off. - That's-- if it's too hard, don't bother. - No, but let's leave this here. - Put some police tape over the door. - I'll put-- - A ward. Which one of you has police tape? - A van that is owned by the company. - I don't have police tape. - We, man. - I have police tape. - I'll put a seal, not a ward, a seal on this, the circle to preserve it, and also to prevent-- - Hopefully-- - Anyway, from-- - Which, actually. - So, you're trying to put a spell in somebody marking the exact location in case you ever want to come back here and-- - I'm leaving the circle intact. I'm not the spelling the gateway, but I'm putting a little shield. - Let me get the gateways closed. You would have to-- what I'm saying is you probably have to do some sort of marking spell to know exactly the position. I mean, you got it now, but it's going to fade over time because it's no longer open. The residue is-- - Oh, I see what you're saying. - It's always in constantly up. - I just-- - Mark the spell. - Give me a marking as far as location. - Okay, so that would be wipe discipline. - It's on it. - Oh my-- - Nice. - Nice. - It's awesome. - I was distracted by London, thereby getting a negative three-- - It is driving my too much, which takes it down to a-- a fridge. - You got it? - All right, I've lost-- the work here has done. - Good thing. - Let's go. - Yeah, let's go. - That was a great interview. - Problem solved. - Because I knew what you're doing. London appears to be urinating on the circle, thereby ruining the-- - [laughs] - It's a-- it's a-- it's a-- you're stealing the spark. - Let's go. - There, I'll mark it for you. Let's go. - Where you going? - Anywhere-- back to the bar. - Abigail. - Yeah, that's a good idea. - We've got to talk to Abigail now. Are you sober enough? - Yeah, absolutely. I can sober up when the person is interested enough to speak to. - I'm asking-- one can insist we see her now through his context. - Ah, London would like to wait till at least 6 p.m. because I believe that she works. She's a busy lady. She runs an entire foundation. So if we give her a little bit of time, I'm sure, with the groundwork I laid in my phone call to her, she will be returning my call today. - Oh my God, sister was happy to see you after I invaded her, right? - It will be returning my phone call. - Now we're expanding a fake point. - We've wasted 30 minutes here because we should be going to see Abigail, which we-- - Not seeing Abigail. - Just 6. - Not seeing Abigail. - We could go on to the fucking thing right now if we want to. We have 3 hours. - Yeah, let's get bent up. - And wounded. - And maybe die for Ryan fucking Nelson. That's a great idea. - Half the puzzle we don't know. - Sometimes you don't need to know the whole puzzle. - I'm an investigator. - What is that? - What is that? Where, Wolf, or what did that vampire have for breakfast this morning? - It could be the key to everything. Who gives a fuck? What do we need? - What do we need? - We've got the baby, we've got a plan, and we're going to have Abigail on our side here shortly. - Have you heard the plan? - I've heard the plan. - It involves being in the never-never. - The place you did, but now we're going out of the revise it. - Yeah, we're going to have to revise it. There's no never-never. God, I can't believe I just said that. I'm a bitch. Strike that from my record. - No, it's not. Never. - It's going to be the clip at the end of the show. - It's out. - Ah! No! - I hate that term. - Okay. - So, three hours waiting. - Yeah, we could go back to, erm, hurry up and wait. - Hurry up and wait. - Anywhere, but Ryan... - I'm going back now. - Ryan Nelson's domiciled. - I think he just wants it to be on the record that he doesn't care what Nelson's name is. - No, I'm actually drunk him for any tip. - Yeah. - No, things have changed and I'm just... - If we're drunk, downgraded is important. Is that what you're saying? - No, it's not... You're not downgraded is important. - You're still critical. - Stop. Stop. Stop. - Scrap. - Get a grasp. - I know. I know. And I am very clear in your position. Are you? - Yes. - I am very clear. - Okay. - I don't need to hear it about it anymore. - No, I need to mark an area anymore. - I'm almost willing to invoke my favor for you just to shut up. I am almost willing. - This being... - What did I get? - It's the whole time. - Oh. - Alright. Is that dirty? - I'm just trying to think of all the implications of what this is and how it affects the original plan of what this is involved with. - What are your friends and the fae? - Yeah. And when... So, are we just... - He knows you're after the baby and he returned to the fae. - Right. - I don't think we want to be there when we change the baby out. You're right. - Well, that's... - I'm getting it. - Yes. - Sorry. - I missed that. - I'm not talking you. - Right, of course. - So, now we've just added another random variable to this meeting with Constance. We haven't heard back from Abigail yet. - We will. - We crucible, I was hoping to possibly create where, you know, we didn't establish whether this father or what role Ryan Nelson was playing with and never, never, as far as Janice. Why was Janice was even created in the first place, wasn't for Constance, it was something else. And Ryan, apparently, was our key to that and he's gone. So, I'm now looking at, we're going to have a meeting with Constance. We're going to not be exactly on the same page within our very own group, we're going to have a... - How's that? - We're all perfectly clear. - Yeah, we all have disagreements, but we're perfectly clear on each other's stuff. - We have the same. - You're all right. - I'm not confident that we're all having the same purpose and the same and the same page. - I think it's a fake return, the baby to Constance. - How we do that and what the possibilities of what's going to happen to us, I don't think we're all thinking... - I'm sorry, can I please finish the sentence? - What's the long one? And what I was just going to say was I'm not sure that we ever agreed that going back, the baby going back to the fate was the best. - What? - The baby. - Was that it? - It's the father. - Oh, God. - Made ad nauseam. - I'm not doing that. - Exactly. That was the whole thing. So we never wore it on the same side. So we just need a new plane. - Then come up with it. - Really? - Yes. - Come up with your plan. - The hand says... - No, don't invite me. - This is what I've been waiting for all day. - You can do that in the car. - We... - Alan, are you prepared to give this baby to... - I'm prepared to tilt it. - Abigail. - If she promises not to kill it. - Wow. - And anyone who stops me. That's where I'm ready. - You've worn Ned's ballad, your mentor lasted for years longer than anyone who has expected your soul. - I'm actually with my friend. - Do you think Abigail could be a better guardian for this child than your sister? - Sir. - The lemon scabs you in the brain. - I think... Well, Abigail has information that she could certainly be a probably a better guardian or protector for. Abigail is the one that's researching the cures to black cord vampires and issues that they're having right now. - So yeah, maybe. - Okay. - I think that she might have the same scientific... - Title purposes. - Title purposes towards the child as what Constance just added to the end of the spectrum. - Well, we don't know that we're making assumptions, which is why we want to have a conversation and figure out what Abigail knows and if she could even contribute her help or just as much of a threat, it's Constance. Constance is supposed to be the number one threat in the whole area of Cleveland. - They're not supposed to, you know, Abigail and Constance are not supposed to be Inka who's, they're supposed to be against each other. - Which is why my idea was to bring Abigail into the fore. - How do we do that without any... - And how are we not doing that? - We just have a new... - If we're willing to give her the baby, she'd probably jump on her. - I have a dragon ship. - I have an excellent private ship. Orchids. - Orchids. - Not Orchids. - Orchids. - The flower. - She is an avid orchid collector. And I just so happen to have a rarest find for her on the black market. - I have all... - You would be surprised. - I have all... - I have all the ammunition I need when I speak with her to get her to interfere on our behalf because she's just looking for a reason. - No, she's risking her entire organization for an orchid. - Not her entire organization. I don't think she's risking her entire organization. She's just going to make life uncomfortable for her sister for a few moments. - I've done this many times in the past. They've clashed over many things. This is just one more of their ongoing series of battles. And I believe that once I speak to Abigail, she'd be more than willing to lend a hand to Thwarke, her sister's ambitions. - But that doesn't get me to the place where I can fulfill my oath and deliver the child to Constance and make the switch. - Well, it gives us... You're saying you wanted... If I'm not mistaken, you were saying that you wanted to bring some heavy ammunition to the confrontation with Constance so that when the bacon switch occurs, we just... We didn't bring the child. We don't actually deliver it, or we deliver it and then steal it back, whatever the case might be. - We didn't consider that. - It was good. I was going to... I have to exchange the baby with somebody in the presence of Constance. The agreement never was to give it to her. It was to come bring it to her and then make it to the exchange. And if I exchange it to Abigail, that's fine. If the whole elf father idea completely fails, which I don't think is true, but whatever, I'm exhausted trying to explore all these objects. I think there's, like Maxwell said, there's loose ends that may be providing important information, but who knows until it blows up in our face. And they're like, "Ah." As I'm burning up in the hellfire, at least I'll know that, "Ah, I should have explored that one option." - Oh, I did. - Right, well, if you'd like to go to the fact... - I'd take that mistake. - I certainly could make a decision knowing myself and you could go to the thing. - No, no, no. - If you think that looks at the soul... - No, no. Like I said, Abigail's awesome. - So... - Let's visit Abigail first. - We're not... There's no... - There's no visiting Abigail. You won't be talking to Abigail, no offense. I'll be speaking with Abigail. It's gonna be a negotiation with myself and her over in the orchid. - Boss? - Yes. - Well, you have won nothing to do with Ryan Nelson ever again. - Right, well, I'm employed by a man who wishes to find him. In the future, not now, 'cause we won't go chasing after him through... - Favourite. - Favourite. - Right. - Wife's choice. - You should find something of his to track him in the future when he eventually returns here. - Don't we have things of Ryan Nelson's? - I'm sure he spent a lot of time here, and you could probably find something easily before we leave. - Right. - Not a problem? - Yeah, certainly something I'd be willing to do, you know, the unfortunate tissues would probably be the best sample from his afternoon delight. And we will... - It's not a time Mike went too far. - Yeah, exactly. This is way too far. But I'm sure you have evidence thanks, Benny Chance, because I really am not really looking forward to touching that. - Oh, I just thought I'd go into the bathroom and find a hair from, you know... - Sure. He brought his comb with him. I don't know that. - On the pillow. - Whatever you got. I'll take whatever you need. - I don't think you need... - Uh-huh. - You sure? - Something. - Is that going to the kitchen? I got damaged by it. I got thrown in there. - Yeah. - I mean, we've got ghouls. We've got the potential of Abigail. We have petroleum Donovan. I mean, how many more distractions do we need to add to this, uh, conflagration? And how many more distractions do we need to add to this, uh, conflagration that we're trying to create in order to abscond with the child delivered safely to child services? - Cause we're also trying. We're trying to meet certain conditions and have a little style here too. So that's... - Mm-hmm. - I can... I can definitely get on board with style. - Why don't we leave the safe house? - Yeah, you're going to leave the safe house. Go back to either Edmond's office or the hotel. You await your phone call and we reassess the plan of what our assets and what our liabilities are. - Uh, uh, look into it. It's basically spending the evening. There's a jazz band there this evening, gentlemen, and some great wines. - I got a clear seller. - Let's go. - Right now, I feel I'd rather be in the presence of the child and at least act as a secure barrier around the child and protect that. Cause until we have a clear direction and plan of what we're going to do next, the next best thing is that I want to secure and go to Janice. - Is there a scheme you're going back to Janice? Is that where you're shining? - Yes. - Who's going with you? - I'm going. - If he's going back to the office, where Janice is now, then I'm going. - Yeah, absolutely. - Anyway, I'll do what? - You're going to cave to Janice? - Yes. Yeah, Shaina, she's under, you know, a baby relationship. So I'm heading to the cave to Janice. - You guys? Max on? - Uh, I don't have anything to do with... - My boss went to the cave to Janice. So I'm going to the cave to Janice. - Okay. - Yeah. - We'll go hang out with you. - I guess excellent wine choice, you guys. - We'll be able to go out. - We'll be able to go out. - We'll be able to go out. - We'll go hang out with you. - Thanks for listening to the Knights of the Night of Actual Play podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling props, and even a form for comments and suggestions, or you could email us directly at or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit and please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. What were you questioning you were jealous of? London, Shaina, or the baby here? - I know what you're talking about. - Hey, don't out my secrets until I'm ready to reveal my secrets, sir. - Hey, don't hate me because I'm beautiful, Roberto. - I've got a new job. - Got a new job. - Got a new job. - I'm an instructor. - Stop, exactly. - Just step up. - Hey, he's got his own kingdom. What do you got? - Yeah. - Oh, fleshy. - But. - I'm no worries there. - Well, I have to always have to feed a ghouls. - Poptize out of vampires. - And if we need them, you are standing in my way. - Exactly. - You have thumbs of steel, my friend. You just go in there and take care of it. Yeah, we're going to have to revise it. There's no never never. God, I can't believe I just said that, son of a bitch. Strike that for my record. - No, it's not. No. - It's going to be the clip at the end of the show. - Never never. Never never.