Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 88: "Delivery - Long Live the King"

Broadcast on:
04 Jul 2012
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Adventure - Delivery Scene - Long Live the KingRoberto squares off in single combat vs the Ghoul King. Will the rest of the crew step in - will it be a blood bath? and what is London "up" to?Actual Play starts 5:49

[Music] Hello and welcome the Knights of the Night actual play podcast. This Dresden Files story delivery was written and run by a GM Tom. [Music] And now please enjoy episode 88, titled "Long Live the King." [Music] All right before we get started in our episode where we find out if Roberto will be the new cool king. We have a little bit of feedback. First of all the listener survey is over. Thank you for everybody that took part in it. The Amazon link is still up on the website so if anybody shopping on Amazon go through our website we get a little bit of cash. It doesn't cost you anything extra. We appreciate it. Thank you and other than that we have a few things that are mentioned on Facebook. The first bit of feedback we have is from Mr. Rocket who says I'm listening on my Android phone with the app Dogcatcher. Not a free app but excellent audio quality and it remembers where you left off. And he also said it had a search feature that had no problem finding our feed. So that's aimed at GM who asked for an app. Unfortunately it cost four, five dollars. Yeah that's about five bucks. And James is not sure he's willing to pay that to listen to himself talk. Like it seems five dollars you can go to the website and download it like I have. There's that, yeah. Tom Rocket also had a common on episode 86 delivery The Ghoul King. He just put a statement that said awesome continuity and a chewless universe can't wait to listen to this episode. I'm not even sure either but Rocket has always been a fan of chew and he's waiting for him to come back and play The World of Darkness which I can't wait to read some of the feedback. I think Rocket's heart just skipped a beat when you heard his voice. She was actually with us here tonight. Yes. Because in real time we're getting ready to start back up The World of Darkness. So she was returned to the table because he didn't want to join halfway through the story that you're currently listening to delivery. So thanks for the feedback Mr. Rocket. DJ Allen also said under the same episode I've learned more about the Dresden University you guys and I have listening to the actual audiobooks. Granted I've only got two done so far and the third one soon but it's still nice to have some background. So he's getting background from us on the books he's reading. On the books get better. The books definitely get better as they go along. The first two are pretty, and our last bit was from Mr. Murky. He says hell yeah this was in regards to episode 87 deal or no deal in which the deal was struck the baby was extracted but then oh yes right then there was a discussion in the tunnel about letting it stand at that point. And Mr. Murky says hell yes I couldn't wait for another episode. I wonder whether you can OD on actual play podcast. Cheers to the crew and to listeners as well. So thank you Murky it's always great to hear from you. Nice. Indeed. So any update on the the poll? How do we how do we stand right now? Yes. The poll we're going to continue until the end of the adventure and then we're going to get down we'll put back up a world of the darkness favorite character one because we'll probably have some new characters joining us in the world. It'd be a new one for world of darkness because it started a new story starting from scratch that really fair to the the new characters that would be joining until we'll think about it. Yeah if you don't worry about something yeah best GM you know you want to do that or right then you want to choose people. I know it's like two people to vote for. That's not very fair. We'll do that after we do on Mike's uh Justin. And we'll have three. We have a face on a GM. No that would be a problem. It doesn't change. Yeah actually yeah it has. You're just one behind now. What? Okay. And you're battling for uh bronze right now. You're just one behind Thomas for uh I thought it was older. I thought it was on the cellar. No I didn't think I was on the podium. Sorry. Jim's in the cellar. You're just being so understood Jim. You can't get some votes for yourself like everyone else does. Yeah. Just keep cleaning your cash out Jim. Is that what it is Mr. Lear? As far as the polls go we have uh Jim unfortunately in last place. He's misunderstood his house this way. Yes. Followed by Alan Montgomery with 17% of the vote with 10 votes followed by Maxwell with 11. So Alan's almost caught him. And then uh second is Roberto with 16 nipping at the hills of London with 17. Yeah that's the closest it's been for first place. It's possible if the fans out there jump in you know they like the fact that uh fear that or Roberto may have a dedicated group of listeners that just that love him and they're just like all-star voting for baseball. They're just they're stuffing the ballot boxes. They're pounding it right now. You're better he's got the Latino vote. So that could be it. That's huge. And it's also fair to change your vote as your... Yeah I've actually seen that where it was someone will drop a vote and someone else all right so it is possible. And I've got the Metro section. I really don't have a good block of voters. Yeah it's oil light fans. And with that uh we're finished with the feedback and we'll go on with the adventure. And so we will begin tonight's adventure. This is uh dressing files and this is the case file delivery. I am your GM Tom and on my left is John playing Roberto Martinez guardian of Cleveland powered by the fallen angel. Thomas playing Maxwell Edison and undercover FBI agent. Mike playing Alan Montgomery the new warden in town. I'm Jim playing Edmund Shadowski uh pro investigator and black court new world fan. I'm Scott playing the London deals a moral seer to the supernatural. Russia's across the room and he attacks Roberto. So if we need to help you. He's moving it in human speech. They have claws for things. Don't fuck with them. You should be your name. I'm going to use that when it's absolutely necessary. Yeah you're having a fun time. We know. Awesome. I'm eating caviar off her naked belly right now. She's saying you're the baby right? Oh yeah. Highest one on the veg roll. His first heart rate. So that takes it to a really good attack. That's nothing. That's guy's nothing. It's a point of order. Did he actually challenge him? Where did the guy just laugh and start attacking? I challenged him. He did challenge him but he laughed and then charged him after telling his minions to stand back. Yes. So he didn't he's just there's no formalization here. So I guess my point is if this is not a formal duel there's no declaration of a formal duel. That's all I need to know. The ghouls are all kind of milling about in there enjoying this because they think he's just gonna rip your arms. I never told you how I dodge. I used weapons to block his attack and I rolled a scratch on the fudge dice and a weapon's great. So that's one better. Yeah. Not enough for spin but you did succeed. It then goes to Alan's turn. I have a line of sight to him. Yes. I cast a road spell called Loraca which is Spirit Armor, basically I'm giving him a defense. Really disciplined people to the power of the cast. Wow that's a good on the fudge dice added to my discipline which is a epic discipline so I mean it. It's a spirit armor. If you want to be invisible and you're just tough or you can bring into being some ethereal plate armor that actually I don't really want this assistance so it'd be better if I didn't know about it. And it would be you doing it and you get to the side. No. Your cast ends come. Well I'm keeping on the dialogue because I've missed it. He needs all the help he can so I'm trying to give him a little law. So you do this invisible armor? Yes. Okay. Then we're going to Maxwell. So we're not giving the visible kind of resistance so I can't blow his lungs out from under him while you're in the middle of his shot. No. Okay. Singing your combat. You're with me and everyone behind me. He didn't agree to single combat. I am your shotgun. Currently loaded with fuck. I'm with a big buck. It's dangerous. I'm going to shoot John. It's definitely a slug. Okay. A voice whispers in your head. Can I get rid of that? Oh my goodness. Okay. I tell him to do so. I can do this however. Okay. Do I feel like a smoke? Yeah you feel like a snap and you feel your spell is broken. It's my turn to attack. And after I've turned the blow catching it on the shaft of the weapon. I've been waving out cats on me. Go ahead. Take a swing at him. Okay. I'll just take out how the help he can breathe well. Okay. That's a whole lot of money. The money is two on the fudge. My weapons is a great plus four so that makes it to him. Fair attack. Even on the dice which takes his athletics to superb. So that is actually three better and spins it unless you do something about it. He can spin. Okay. Maybe I should get the armor. Okay. I second thought. Dark Angel. Cleanly. Hey, admin. I'm enjoying the show looking for the best way out of here. You want to set yourself up in a location. I would say it's just a good role to achieve that. Investigation. To find the best spot to potentially or to say you're not testing stealth or shadowing, skilking, tidying investigation would be much more fun. Go for it. Well, plus two on my superb which comes up to epic. So I'm in a really good spot. All right. You find it's a really good spot that you can grab. If he stays in the middle of the room here, grab it and get him out of there. You definitely think you're the best location. Okay. He's going to attack you with his claws again. Goodness. His role was minus two. His fists are great but he gets a spin which is one. Which takes his superb. His minus two bumps it down to good. I rolled a minus one in the fudge dice. My weapons is great. Roles it down to three. Good. Good against good. Attacker wins. Attacker just does his weapons damage. Strength plus claws. Five. Five stress. I took a mild consequence and three damage as per his being late. Five. Oh, okay. My turn. Find whispers. Do you need protection? Yes. I have inhuman recovery. I can shrug off consequences. Okay. I know that. I don't know if you know what it does. But you just got ripped a good one. Once per scene, shrug off a mild consequence. I can do that. So Rush strikes out with his claws, catches you across the chest, pushes you back a few steps. But you come right back hammer swinging. After the challenge turn. I'm trying to get this off. Before he gets a chance to use it and attack. Or against me. This aspect. No. After scenes I can just shrug off mild consequences. You can use them like anything. It's impressive. Are the other goals doing anything threatening or are they allowing this combat to go? They seem to be allowing it that they're kind of dancing around and cheering and job. Are they are all accounted for? Or any of them lifted anyone. They're going off to get more people or any kind of very common pen. You would have to do the investigation for that and it's kind of chaotic to dancing around. But a good role I'll tell you. My fudge was fair plus one. Our arms are average plus one. My investigation is fair plus two. So that gives it a total of good plus three. So you notice that they're all accounted for. You also noticed that one that's a little bigger than the other one seems to be moving towards the ground a little bit. Just cycling sideways and moving towards them. All right. I'll kind of mark them and keep going. I will not try to help out Roberto who apparently is shredding off all the time. You don't know that. You know you spell pop. Well don't know how or what. See him getting raked and damaged and then did he suddenly go not damaged? Well it looks like he's coming across. No it was like his shirt was ripped and you're like oh my god he just got it up and then you see him dance aside and you see underneath it as much as perfectly fine. Like it must have just fought the shirt. Okay. I don't know. I am. Where's me. That's what I'm good at. Let's do to this. So what is this little thing? A little combat. He's dancing around. Get a good lock on him and follow him. Maybe a good minus 10. Luckily my gun skill is good today. So -2 on the fudge dies. I have +2 to aim your aspects on non-lethal areas. Oh because of your stun. And my gun skill is good. I got you. I got you. And I don't know if this counts as you know. You got a gunning. It's terrifying to be one more but it doesn't really matter. So you do have the aspect, temporary aspect of targeted dual C. And then it is. This is fun. Okay. Damn it. I rolled a good. What did you roll? A -1 on the fudge dies. Good overall. What do you guys flapping each other with your hands? The girls are right on there. If he doesn't I want to make sure I hit it first. You rolled a -1 so the total series, the girl fight can be great. Just better than you're good. But not spimpling. You threw in a fake point. Power opens doors. Power opens doors. Which means you do one damage to him plus weapon. Plus 1. 3. 2. So 6. Face it as stress. Yes, 6. And it seems to do a little like trip him or something. If I had done set spot farmer. Set up on the new degree. So trip him or something. Hit him really hard once. It's probably all you need to do. Yeah, okay. Dead bend. I'm clearly screaming this. Hit the fucker. I love just watching. Back to the rush. He rolled even on the dice. So his attack with his fists on her. Great. Poor. Very well. My weapons skill to block it. Geez. It came in Christmas. Seriously. Hey, Roberta. You make your fingers into a fist and hit him. It's just a fence. Wait, is that a hammer or a purse? What's your role? I don't know what it was. What was it originally? And yours. It was average. No, what was the role on the fudge dice? Mine is the E3. But he just burned a. It's only a fake point. Right. I can't fail if I'm really darning Cleveland. I used the plus 2 in fudge dice. Making this a weapons defense of fantastic. So that's actually enough for a spin. Okay. Then I'm going down. So what do I see? Level swings in him again. He dances out of the way. Ducks underneath the swing comes up behind the goal. His legs. And then it is Maxwell's turn. I've aimed. You're holding me. Oh, yeah. Okay. And then Roberta. All right. I'm going to sweep his legs like we suggested as a maneuver. This is weapons. What's the difficulty here? I would say that is based on his athletics. Go ahead. The difficulty is? You don't know. I will say four. It was even. Plus spin one, so five. It's superb. He rolled a minus one, so it's great, so you succeeded. All right. Thank you. So you set up an aspect that you got him. Really? We're on balance. Okay. Whatever you want to. I don't care. And we got two. Okay, point. You got left. One. My main goal is to keep him alive. Okay. So I'm sticking there. I'm just keeping that on the other guy. I'm currently having him maneuver that you're in the best location in this room. And we go for a rush. It's easy to decide to fire your shotgun and just throw the grenades. We're just going to. How is he's on his back? And he has his best tech pride. We're going to. Oh, no, I was, I was, I'm just saying, you make a call when you get, like, if it goes south, you're, I'm forever like I need to be the guy. Rush is attempting to maneuver you into a corner, so you can't get around him much. But he's kind of like off-balance because he knows what he's like. So he only managed to roll minus two on the dice. So his athletics to maneuver you came down to a good, you have to athletically avoid that good of being forced into the corner. There was no fancy footwork here in the video where he's done just that. All right, so he has a movement on you and you have a maneuver on you. But it's my turn, talent. Is the position that Roberto is in, is the group between us or do I have a shot at the rules back or anything like that? Yes. He's kind of forced Roberto against the wall. There's cool scattering to get out of the way. So he kind of broke the circle and they're farther away. Well, he's succeeded better than I thought he would so far, but Roberto's only really been hit once, right? I don't think he's a little stressed, but he's not actually bleeding. He's been waiting. So he's holding his arm? Yeah. All right, I'm going to give you one more turn there. You can prove I can do something. All right, thanks. Well, boy, I sure am maintaining this. Okay, and then we go to Roberto. All right, I'm trying to bash this guy out of the way so I can get out of this corner. Okay, that's not a move. They're all, I'm just going to hit him. This is a rope-a-dope. Do you have spin? Now you found your defense. He's got it. I wasn't on defense. He set up an aspect. I can't get spin on an aspect from the other thing, right? No. Okay. Anyway, what was he just attacking him? Attacking with your hand? Yeah. Go for it. Minus one on the fudge dice plus two for the maneuver gives me a five on weapons. It's a curve attack. And his defense is great at all. The minus one and his fudge versus one for the chance. So it's great. So you do one. Evil doesn't deserve a second chance. And you do this is from the hammer. Two from my inhuman strength gives me five. Okay. You want to describe as soon as you actually do a mile two. Whoo! Nice job. I just use all my fake points. Use that next turn. I will. I did knock him back and he tripped on one of his scrambling tools to get out of the way. And they didn't think I would get out of that corner alive. He's got a twisted ankle. The most first twisted ankle I've ever reflected on someone. Stings like the Dickens. Like the Dickens. Now the cool scope. Roberto and then Edmund. You're going to roll another maneuver. I can do it. He didn't fall by me. I can't walk him on the head. Yeah. That doesn't matter his aspect though. That he specked me into a corner or something. He still has that temporary aspect on me right? Not a corner anymore. And keep an eye on him and go number two. As I described it, sure. But he still has attempted to set maneuver. The maneuver doesn't go away unless John maneuvers to get rid of it. Oh for fuck's sake. It doesn't really matter because he rolled in minus three. Makes it a minus one because of his maneuver. That means his attack is at... Okay, as you know, I believe it's vaginal. Because they're women. They're all like a minus three and it's five. It is the biggest supernatural slap fight we've ever seen. Good. Good. Dodging. Come on. Dodging. All right. I'm rolling my weapons to block it because I can't dodge. Yes. You rolled not a negative. It's scratch on me. This gives me a great plus four. No spin on that or anything, right? No, it's got to be free. That's not enough. You go through Allen. Still standing. Still fighting. He hit him and he seems to be limping a bit. No, I got the edge on him. The ghoul that seems to be limping a bit. I can't like delay my action or my initiative order to be behind Maxwell, correct? You can. Sure. I'm going to do that because I want Maxwell to... If he acts, I'm going to react to him. Maxwell? Go. I maintain my aim. I'm trying to stick to the plane that has established. I don't agree with that. We should follow Stowing Grenada to two of our best friends. Yeah, I didn't want him in here. All right. Rolled it on to Roberto. Really? I'm trying to think of a way I can give him a plus to do something. You go after he does. Allen goes after Maxwell. Maxwell, to the same. Did you want to do anything or are you still disfolding? What's happening with that second goal? Nothing. He's just sitting by the throne now. I don't want to give him any spells. What's your... Is there anything I can do? Like, can I... Nothing you can do. Nothing you can do without being overt. And I apparently can't be overt. Okay, so I bite my time and if you want to piss me off, you can do it. I don't care. I would welcome the end of this battle. My guy asked to give you out for it. Bump, bump, bump. Into his way, giving that guy the big guy a minus to give him a plus or whatever. You don't understand the separation between me and my character? I'm getting too understand that part. I just don't understand why I did that. How would you do that? When it's your turn. Why he would take your fence to you, upsetting his victory? What victory? Please achieve your victory and then we'll worry about it. Roberto! Yeah. The voice is whispering, "You're stronger." I don't need it yet. I didn't need it from him. I don't need it from you. I have no fake points to get from that, but I'm too back that up at all. But I'm going to do a roll point. You need it. Aspect it. Said to shout it down your demon, that would work. Go ahead. I have a thing for the ticket, but yeah, I'm going to take another blow on him. All right, my hand is going to go in this direction. Okay, he's going to be a plus this time. Plus two. Can you roll that one? That felt good. Yeah. Crack. Crack. Roll. Plus three, plus three, plus three, plus three. Come on. Yes! Three! Plus one brother. No help. Just even though it didn't. Just my coming points. That brings it up. The plus three on the roll brings it up to a epic result. Nice. I was going to add the consequence. Yeah, I add the consequence. Nice. All right. All right. Well, all right. I have fake points. It would be more. No, guys. This is the time you spend the fake points. Verash gets a minus one on the roll. That fights is five, which is superb. Takes it down to four grades, so you do five damage. Plus your weapon. Plus your strength. Three, 10. Of 10. Holy crap. Nice one for armor. Takes it to nine. So this hit echoes in the room. Well, this is a crunching blow. He tries to block with his arm, and I break his arm, and it goes limp in a very, very poor angle. So I've inflicted a broken arm on him, as well, yeah. So we go with the hunter as broken arm. And can I take any more? I actually have to go over his stress and he's out. And one, two, three, four is five bucks, because that's four, and it's nine. So it's nine. So four gets taken up by the broken arm. Five, which was already taken. It rolls up to six. You need to do six damage. So six, you need to have a seven stress box. He does not. You need to roll even, and then use your contact. Five or higher? Edmond. Yeah. I go, did you see that? I bumped some guy. What do I need to do? I don't know. You need to push him? Yeah, he's my girl. All right. Six. That's that. He's using athletics not to stumble. Mine's one. Okay. But, sorry, I'll turn it up to you. I'm not supposed to. Okay. But, plus your ridicule strength, huh? Is he really shoving a guy down in front of everyone? I thought so. I thought it was subtle. Give me a photo. Just an average. He's not thought it's supposed to work. You did push him, but he does not stumble in front of his boss. That's fortunately caught in trouble. Maxwell, then Allen. Maintaining. And Allen. Are you in the zone with them? Me? Yeah. No, he's in the sitting right next to you. Okay. Holding it. Counting several of your names. I don't want to be in there. Well, I see that hit. I'm impressed by it. I just try to gauge the reaction of that hit with the crowd of the ghouls. Like, do they see like, oh. Oh, they are. They are all really excited by the fight. But they're also concerned. They didn't expect that at all. Right. Ronny human is not supposed to be able to do this. Well, that's what I mean. And I'm just trying to gauge the mood of the room. Like, whether I need to investigate it or not. The one on the throne took like half a step towards both of them battling, and then you kind of lean back a bit. Does he look angry or does he look eager or excited? Kind of eager and excited. He's playing. Yes. And Allen reaches over and pull back. Well, great. That one's going to be trouble. Oh, I can't go now. You didn't do anything in your throne, so I died. Right. Really focused my aim on my guy. Aiming for the knee again because that's just what I'm going to have to do. Rolled most of the positive. Plus one on the fudge desk. I have a good gun skill. So that's great to aim at his knee game. Why did I pass up Rush? Because he's about to do that. That's fine. Yes, you should see it. Because he wears white cotton panty. Mine's too. Three. Oh, three. Sorry, three. There was the player. Does he have a fake point? How did he want to re-roll that? How do you get to be kidding me? That's no shame. This guy hasn't even charged. He had better luck earlier. Well, if I had to fight all these guys to be king, I could do it in a nice ripping view of social new hole somewhere. I don't know where that was going. He was taunting Mike. Yeah. Well, that's southern. Oh, okay. You need drill a defense even though that's like terribly just king of the postures. Her birthday. He's a poser. Her birthday was a defend. You can call that. That was an average attack. He goes to attack you, but it's with his broken arm. No. Scrap you a little bit. Scratch. He tries to smack you in the head with broken arms. It's a pretty weak flail. Put some pizza in. All right. I'm just betting that out of the way with the hammer. Ow. Hey, this pot's wants to do it that way. Well, I'll feed his broken arm. That was a superb out of the flock. Because you rolled up. Because I rolled a plus one. Oh, he's that. Don't get so aggressive. He's very friendly. You get spin on that as you hit his broken arm with your hammer. And he falls to his knees in pain. Oh, great. If I kill him this block. All right. Now we're a little bit out of order there, but now it is actually. Oh, good. Okay. I try to crack his ribs and stop his heart. It's not the spine. Alan has told you that they heal from virtually anything, except for a blow to the header spine. So. I'm crunching him in his spine. In his spine. In his spine. I was crunching him in half. Oh, I missed the beat. You're going for a slow blow. Yes. So we haven't got any. It could be. That's the head. I don't even. That's the head. Damn, man. I'm going to take him in this way and go Latino. Oh my god. All right. Hey, take him in the come on. I rolled a plus one on the fudge dice. And that gives me a superb plus the spin is. And the consequence. Fantastic. And the consequence makes it legendary. Hit that. Wow. Cool queen. Cool queen. Vanessa is a rush. Unfortunately, that was only a good defense. Because it was again. Minus two on the roll. So superb plus five more. Do you get a lot of these blue dice from me? Yeah, I'm going to take my favorite dice. That is five additional damage. Minus one for the armor is four. Oh. Isn't that unfortunate? No, it's not one for the weapon damage. Oh, a little strength for the brother. I do the total of 11. I do five. This hammer goes to 11. I've really been pushed through his four. Thrun moved now. He had all four. This is a game. The difference was four. He's cool. He's eight cats. In alleys. The difference was four. And I did a five. Because of my strength. That's two and weapon strength. That's nine. That's nine. She is. Damn. I'll clean up. I did the broken arm. Okay, rather than for the hammer. Yeah, okay, good point. So nine is off. This gets an eight, but it doesn't have the box. And mild's taken. And moderate's taken. So now you do severe damage. As a mild robot has a severe. He has no other choice. Isn't that not going to happen? It does take a mild. That's a huge, clear damage in taking a mild. I describe how I take a mild. Yes, absolutely. I grab his head after his spine. And tear it off with a white roll. Do I need to bother that? No, I see you. Then I use intimidation as a subsequent action to say, I am your leader. You will now follow me. The whole deck I won't get on the throw when you make an order. All right, give me your intimidation. Plus two. Give this to her. Tell me you're that good, right? Yeah, I've got free intimidation. Talk to the wife. Will you stay away from the craft that you're here? Come on, come on, come on, come on. Plus? All right. Get off the crack. Wash on the fudge, nice. Wash on the fudge. And that gives me intimidation. Three is mine. Great. Good. It's not good. But do I get any benefits for turning their leaders skull off and holding them off? Well, that's at least an impressive aspect of plus two, yeah. OK. I would-- Oh, my god. Super intimidation. So the head. Wait, you got to superb. Yes. There's the one who is not impressed. He actually-- They're probably like, oh god. The ruffs are land. Yeah, they're there. They're cowering from you because you just rip the fucking spine out of there. What was their yard? But the one that was on the throne comes charging off, it's thrown into screaming. And it blows all around. And Maxwell pulls the trigger. All right. He actually tied your head. You're superb. And that is-- Presence and refused to be intimidated. Gun skill plus one due to Maxwell's silver hammer because I'm using a shotgun. So that's great. Plus two for the aspect is-- Fantastic. Fudge does with a scratch. I would say this is a common situation. He wasn't really caught totally by surprise, that he does get to use his armor. Your old one minus one, however, so that takes his athletics down to great. Two total plus buttons, three is five. He's my head, irrelevant aspect to crippling people. I'd use it. I'd let it out. He is just a normal goal, so he does not have the armor, and he does not have anything above four physical, so that takes him above. And he is just a chasm of mild, which a blown kneecap is for rules. It's actually mild. Does he need any-- Does that take him out? He has a minion, and it does take him down. He goes, like, takes three steps. Well, actually takes one step before you hit him, and he just flops down face first, and then we'll go a little bit. Coupling down the steps. Where is he? He goes with his leader's spinal cord. Get another plus two to that intimidation. That's your new scepter of office. Well, actually, you do take him out with the miner, so he goes down and slides. You say he slides right at his feet, and you can give it to John, a.k.a. Roberto by just saying-- Oh, we're gonna move on to him. Well, how do you want to finish him? Total combat. But you shouldn't have hit him. Boom. Uh, I stamp on his head. Take him out of the spine's nest. Crunch, crunch, crunch. Stop, but I hope it only takes one. You stamp on the base of his skull, separating his skull, and his brains from his spinal cord. Clean break. It's this one. Go to self. Don't hang out at the barrio. Roberto has end-goity shoes. Oh, go on, then. Whatever. Man, he's far more desirable. And then we're not going to argue. Well, I'm a new bull king. I guess we're eight. We can talk about your edict. So it's new ghoul king of Cleveland. You will end it there. Everyone mark down your-- I was thinking about the lack of pay points. I think this is true. When they were actually doing the slap fight here earlier in the fight, I was thinking the real action tonight. It's over, Jim's worst place. He's beating the baby. There's some actual pounding going on over there. I couldn't stop laughing. Thanks for listening to The Knights of the Night actual play podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures, where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling props, and even a form for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit and please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. [Music] It is the biggest supernatural slap fight we've ever seen. Do I get any benefits for turning their leaders' skull off and holding their heads?