Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 83: "Delivery - Release"

Broadcast on:
31 May 2012
Audio Format:

Maxwell decides to take matters into his own hands. After all, every life is sacred. And if a creature has a soul, it’s living – right?

Actual Play starts at 8:56

(upbeat rock music) - Hello, and welcome to Night to the Night Actual Play podcast. This Dresden Fowl Story Delivery was written and run by GM Tom. And now, please enjoy episode 83, titled "Release." (upbeat rock music) And then we jump in here real quick and give an explanation of what's going on. This was mentioned on Facebook, but I'll also mention it here for the rest of our fans that don't visit Facebook. We had a slight issue with the PC that had all our unedited versions of the podcast on it, as well as the editing software. We had a hard drive failure. Luckily, we were able to recover all of the files and after getting a new hard drive, reinstall the editing software. And other than missing a week of release, we should be back on schedule as normal. So again, sorry for the delay in releasing episode 83, and hopefully this won't happen again. And now, onto the episode. All right, before we get started with the next session, we have a little bit of feedback. We're gonna start with a mention of the RPG Podcast Listener Survey, which you can find at So on the right hand side, RPG Podcast Listener Survey, it's a little link that you click, takes five minutes. I filled it out. Make sure you vote for us and all the other. What do you vote for who you listen to? And on the bottom, it's just like we have this and all of you. So just, you know, make sure you check us. There's also a comment box if you feel something in there, you know, a comment about the show or otherwise. Those tend to get read. They put out a little podcast about all the results and stuff. We could also put up a link to the survey results of previous years. I always find it interesting. I don't know if any of the listeners will, but just a thought. Speaking of surveys, where are we at on the big survey of favorite character? - His not. - His not. - He has nine votes for once. - You are 13, so you still in the lead. People keep voting for London. They keep voting for London. - I was a routine, the idea while I was traveling, 'cause there's where I had access to a lot like the hotel computers. - Every hotel. - Every separate computer and luggage. - It's amazing. - Alan goes in. - What do you know now? - As you travel across the country. - But I couldn't handle a tainted victory. - Right. And we looked at you crossly, you would have broke it down. - I didn't even say more. I did it. - Maxwell, that was big and last episode of "Rerelease." That's the one where. - So you should see a little bomb, maybe? - We did do, we did already see a bomb 'cause he's making a little bit of a move. - Excellent. - But the other thing I wanted to mention at the KOTN podcast is below the listener survey is our current campaign references. So it shows links to the book for the Dresden Files RPG game over at Amazon. And below that is a link that says shop for Dresden books at That takes you right to the Amazon site. If any of our listeners wanna go to the Amazon site to go through there, you could bookmark that page when you get there. Any shopping that they do gives us some money to help pay for the podcast. - Really? - I would post it this time. - I didn't say any money. - Yeah, well, it starts raising more money than I have to pay monthly for. And then we'll talk about it. - Fair enough. - 'Cause right now it's helping us pay. We have every single podcast we ever recorded out there available. - Right. - And I'd like to keep doing that, but it costs money monthly. It costs no additional money for these people to go through this link and we get a little kick back from it. I'd like to help pay for the podcast. - It'll be nice. - If you're gonna buy it from Amazon anyway, just do it through. - There you go. - And I'm gonna be doing it that way too. I'm saving up a few purchases. - We've already had a couple of fans because I posted on Facebook. - Nice. - So we're starting to see a little bit of cash flow. I'm nowhere near what it costs this monthly, but every little bit it helps. - I still have to work tomorrow. - It'll buy you a book on Amazon. - Okay. We have a bit of feedback from the Facebook page. And we'll let Mike read it for us. This comes to us from Daniel Meti. Hey guys, you are awesome. Keep up the good dressing work and stay funny. I do have some questions about stuff 'cause the stuff is good, but I couldn't find a page I could add as a friend. Oh, and I took your advice and listened to Rusep Gamers and you guys are way better. (laughing) Plus someone should inform them that white court vampires are hereditary and not made like the others. - Richard. (laughing) - They have. - No, you should be forming else as well. - They had a discussion during an episode and I thought I'd help them out, but I can't get ahold of them. - I have passed out on to Rusep gamers and to be fair, they are just doing a character creation and city creation, which is always a little more difficult than actually playing the game, which is more exciting to listen to. Thank you, Mike. And thank you, David, for the feedback. Like I said, Rusep gamers, you can't really... The dude in city creation and the dude in player creation, that's never as exciting as the actual adventures. - All right. Give him a slack, give him a chance. I think they're a pretty good podcast. - Great. Thanks for the feedback. We appreciate it. - David. - We also have a bit of feedback that's on the forum and also from iTunes and they're from the same person. So I'll have Scott read both of them and then we'll address it. - Alec cards Ruse writes us and says, "Hey, downloaded your podcast on iTunes "and was quickly addicted. "I found it on the Dresden Files RPG website "and in six days had listened to every episode. "Be able to listen at work helped a lot. "I've been playing a Dresden Files game for a while now "and I'm starting a new game this Saturday "and thinking about making it a podcast. "The game is set in my hometown of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho "and yes, nothing happens here. "But maybe that's the problem, hint, hint. "Anyways, you guys rock. "You have lots of good tips for beginning players. "So many in fact, I assigned your podcast "as homework to my players. "I did have some questions about the production "and copyright stuff for a podcast. "So please message me back on here or Facebook "so I can hit you guys with some Q&A. "Oh, and I totally voted for London "is my favorite character. "Sorry guys." - Yeah, we gotta make sure we get that in, right? - Yeah, I mean, what we'll do is we'll read the iTunes reviews well and then we'll discuss all of them. - Oh, okay. - They'll allow the same content or similar at least, but we do want to give them a nod and thank you for giving us a five star review on iTunes. Like I mentioned in the past, it always helps us get out our name. The more reviews we have on iTunes. - Yeah, Sally Cards Rose wrote, you guys rock, found your podcast on DRPG website and dialed right in on iTunes. I'm on episode 75 and so far, great job guys. I have ran this game for a long time enough and I'm starting a new game set in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. I want to turn it into a podcast and a few questions on how you produce and error your podcast plus some questions on the production effects. Is there a way to get ahold of some of these answers? - Okay. - So first off, thanks very much for the five star iTunes review and I think we'll let Tom handle at least the majority, but Mike as well 'cause you both are podcast aficionados. - On the, where a forum is, I responded with a personal message to him. I'm willing to discuss anything he wants to about that. I don't wanna bore everybody here or on the forums. The little intricacies of podcast editing. However, we appreciate the homework assignment. I don't know how many of his players actually went out and listened to them all, but I'm also amazed that he went and listened to 80 some episodes of our podcast. - And perhaps he just did the... - I was gonna say, maybe he starred in it. - Yeah. - Well, back to all of them. But those are the shit lack and world of darkness is a good story and we'll be returning to that in the near future. So enjoy that. It's a slightly different group of players, but it's definitely, it's run by Scott and it's a good storyline and good adventure. And it doesn't change how we play. We play that the same style pretty much as we play this. - No, it's the rules a lot. It's certainly the mechanics of Dresden I think change our role point style a little bit from system to system, but yeah, you're right. I mean, it's worth solving a mystery. Maybe it's a little bit more horror than mystery, but not much. - But in general, we aren't the type to go rushing into any situation. - Right. - Yes. - We tend to analyze, analyze before we... - Well, that comes from decades of being burned and those are funny stories for another time. - Indeed. - But with that then, I'll go on to this week's adventure. (upbeat music) - When you think about teaching and learning, do you recall situations like this? - Okay, class, let's start. How many of you did the reading for today? All right, good. - Well, I'm a teacher and I know I remember moments like that. So I just had to bring gaming into my classroom. When you play games, you learn, you read, write, you imagine, you add, subtract, you strategize, you escape, you empathize, you engage. You do all this and much more and you do while having fun. - Check it out. - Listen to the ruthless diastome of games podcast at - This is our Dresden final story delivery. I'm your GM, Tom, and starting on my left is... - John, playing Rebecca Tom Martinez, Guardian of Cleveland, empowered by a fallen angel. - Thomas, playing Maxwell Edison, an undercover FBI agent. - Mike, playing Alan Montgomery, the new Warden in town. - Scott, playing London Deals, eight moral seer to the supernatural. - Jim, playing Edmund Shodoski, prior investigator and new world black court fan. - Okay, before we get started, we have minor milestones. If anybody wants to make any changes, but before we even do that, I'm gonna give you all a significant milestone. - Was that? - A significant milestone is supposed to occur every two or three sessions. And actually probably, oh, yeah, couple. It also can happen during a major plot line brought to fruition or comes up in a storyline. And I think you guys have most of the pieces of the puzzle. You know, I have a lot more than what's going on now. And probably if just giving it for a major event, it would have been when you got into see Bill Donovan. The significant milestone gives you one additional skill rank, just outright. - Oh, that's nice. - Wait for this guy. - One of the benefits of the minor milestone as well, that is the shifting, the renaming of aspects. And spell casters may reconfigure their focus in enchanted items and slots. Seeing as the only caster in the group would be Mike, who's playing. - Hey. - You could reconfigure if this is in the phase one. - I guess London is an alliner both considered. - Casters. - That sounds like a lot of work. - Don't have to do this turn. Come back next week with what you want to do. But at the very least, if you want to throw in an extra-- - So we could add an extra skill, an average, or bump up one of the other ones. - If you maintain the ladder or tree. - Right, you have to maintain tower. - Oh, the tower. - Yeah, if you have a tower and it's 2-2-2, you just can't take something and bump it up because then there isn't gonna be one to support in below. - So really all I could do is-- - Can we bump one up to fantastic? - If we had the tower of two. - Yeah. - That's why you couldn't. If you had the tower of two, you could take the very top one and make it above it. So you'd have one one and then a tower of twos. - So if they were all superb, you could make one of them jump up to fantastic. - If you have a ladder or two going all the way up, then the only way to add a skill is to start at the bottom. - Well, if you have a ladder or two that go all the way up to say superb, you have a plus five, two, four. You have all those twos. You could take the top five and make it a six because you'd have one six, one five, and all twos. That would work. Alternatively, you can add one at average at the bottom. - I think I'm gonna take my presence from superb. Even though discipline is for magic and it would be great to have that higher, I think his verbal debate with Constance has shown him that he's shown me that I can play in the big leagues, even though I always do it good. But it gave him the confidence, a little extra oomph that he needs to be a little stronger there. - I used my mild to replace Mike with driving. And then I used my significant to move investigation from good to great. - Okay. - We get this in addition to a minor milestone yet. - We're not talking about adding a stunker power though, right? - You can do that as a minor milestone. You could buy a new one if you have the points. But you don't get an extra, a major milestone. Let's say at the end of this adventure, what might grant you an extra refresh, an extra fake point. - So once again, we get to use our skills. We hit the bumper skill up. - Significant milestone allows you to add a single point of skill. - And do one of the minor ones as well. - And reconfigure your spell stuff if you want to. - Oh, that's just the swapping out. - Imagine that it's optional as a major milestone to increase the skill. - So technically I shouldn't be able to go up to fantastic. - Major milestone? - Major milestone. You could ignore it if you want. - It's my game. - Yeah. - Yes it is. - I choose to ignore it. - Okay. - All right. So we left on a cliff hanger last week. - What was that? - That was you driving away in a car with a van, with a van player, Ellen Montgomery chasing you, standing on the sidewalk, staring at a street full of cars when suddenly he decides to hex the lot of them. - Well, my goal was to pinpoint his car. I didn't realize that I had to do a zone attack. I was trying to squeeze him. So if I can't, because I have like a wind spear, not a wind mortar. - Wind spear is entirely different than a hex. Hex is a natural byproduct of the magician's ability. - Right, but that's what I mean. If I don't, if I didn't have the ability to pinpoint, I wasn't going to turn the lot into it. I wasn't going to turn into a parking lot. - You can turn the street into a parking lot though? - I sent you information. I don't know if you've got it on G-Talk. - I must not have to. - How you roll this? Do you remember? - The power level would need to be four for the technology of the car, and then it would be bumped up to six for him to do the whole street in its area of fact. - Yes, but he isn't one of the whole street. I said that and you're like, "Well, hexing is chaotic by nature. "He would have to spend a turn focusing it, "which is the only effect one car." - The equivalent of-- - Let me get away. - Like, a gaming, like your spell word folks. - Kind of like a maneuver. - Yeah, I can see that. - Yeah, that's one thing we discussed. A maneuver to narrow your hexing. I can't see you bypassing things to get to one particular, unless you were truly focusing one turn worth of concentration to do that, and even that's kind of a stretch, but we could allow it. - Well, does my magic have a range? Is it one of sight? - It's not a sight line of sight. - Okay, so as long as I can see him, I, it's reasonable that my magic will affect him, or possibly affect him. But well, in that case, that changes the idea of, yeah, I would certainly spend a turn, or a maneuver gathering my power and training that would make it-- - Is he gonna be too far out of range by then? - As long as he's within my line of sight, while you're aiming, is he gonna turn-- - If he's driving straight, so that's your call. - He comes down to the fact that you're still faster, if I remember correctly, you were before anybody. Thomas was the second one. - No, I was late. - Who was the very highest thing? - I was the highest. - Someone was higher than you. - That was me. - I was John. - I threw a chair at him. - Yes, he threw a chair at me. - Roberto is the highest. - You check off a big, stupid spot to do with that chair. - Get him good. - Roberto is the first to act, but you're still in the middle of a very crowded room, and panicking over the fact that everybody saw you just throw a chair. - The team is wrong away. - Did you want to do anything about that? - I'll make one last. - I'll lead in my balls. - It seems the answer I'm getting is no. - You're doing a dining dash? - That's what I blamed him for doing when I threw a chair at him. That's how I excused it away. I was like, you're going to pay this bill, but it's a little late, huh? - Yeah, he turns around his boss and says, you're going to pay this bill and he walks at the door. - Marie, you're always going to find something. - All I know is I'm not paying this bill. - No, I'm trying to roll my resources to excuse this trouble I've made. - Okay. - Just throw it on some cash, pay for the meal and the damages. - It's okay, just sit down like that. You got a presence of like seven. - Okay. - They know me here. - I'll just say sorry, misunderstanding. Here's a hundred, take care of the damages. - Okay. I found, nevertheless, the resources you roll were negative two or something. - Resources, yes, but not presence, and I just got paid. - Good enough. - So after Roberto is Maxwell, Maxwell, we're going to use driving sort of like an athletic roll to see how many zones you can traverse with your driving skill. This is in the early evening. People are starting to come into Coventry for dinner and such. - So I should have some free room it up. - Okay. Well I'm saying there's cars in the street. - Okay. - And you might be coming up to what's a red light and you know. - I realize what you're doing, but by those rules, I could get out and run faster than I could drive. - It's called traffic. - It is called traffic, and there's cars. You're coming up to what is a light, and if you get a good roll with your driving skill, you make it through the light and you're gone. If you don't, then you don't. You're stuck behind a car, and then you have to decide. - There's traffic coming other way, and there's no way to go. - In general, of course. - That looks pretty good. - A total of, fair, one on the dice, one on the skill. - So you can traverse two zones. - Oh yeah. - Traffic as it currently is, I would say, at the very least, two to get through each zone. So you get to the light. - Ooh, fast. - And that is going in the left hand lane and going around cars and driving in. - There's cross-walls. - Coming traffic and people are walking around. So you're just forcing your way. - You're through the road, though. - I'm not starting a fair point. - If you spend a fake point, you can turn the corner and be out of his line of sight. - Oh, I just remember what vehicle did he steal again? - The van. - The company van for Edmunds. - His company van. - His company van as well, yeah. That's why he had the keys, because Edmund's the owner, he doesn't drive. His helper's drive. - Then your driving skill probably isn't very good, isn't it? - What driving skill? - Exactly. - He's used to picking up in front of cars. - There's three people turning left in front of you. - That's good. - Good working for you, the laws aren't you? - No, that's you. - Where's the traffic laws in Cleveland? - Wheel. - The ward needs to be in traffic. - Do you want to die? - And then it is Alan's turn. You're standing on the sidewalk. You're focusing on the car. The car's into the left lane, and then back again, as it's trying to get up through the line. - Spending this turn to aim the spell, right? - Yes, unfortunately. - Okay. - So I'm just like, I'm kind of measuring my golf shot. I'm gathering the hex energy into a impact ball that I will lob, but I hope with accuracies in the moment. - I continue to eat my falafel to London and Edmond. - Is there any way I could throw anything that far and hit it? - No, you're still in the building. - I thought I got out. - It was three points you get through, and you rolled one twice. So you're like 2/3 of the way to the street. And coming the other way is the owner of the establishment who wants to know what the hell's going on. - Take a line post down. - So that's what I'm next to. - Right. - Move. - You got minus one. - And I don't have that, but maybe I should add it. - She went backwards. At the very least, she moved one zone. So you do make it out into the sidewalk. - Where is he going? Where's your employee going? (laughing) - Right? - For the listeners, that was a-- - Yeah. - The funneled look, a shrug and-- - I don't know. - Well, I don't understand why he just up and dashed away. - We were talking about killing the vampire in the van, so I don't think he was-- - Yeah, but I haven't made that connection yet. - Yeah, well, I'm telling you that. - He's making it for you. - Well, I'm looking to see if I could pitch it. - Edmund-- - We didn't bug that far. - Edmund probably points out that when they were questioning the two vampires, Maxwell had serious reservations about killing them, and you were talking about killing them, so maybe that's what's freaking him out. - And we go back to the top with Roberto. There's a guy walking across-- - I think that was actually last. - Okay. - You said you were up, okay. - Oh, no, you just said the manager was coming over, so I had to stand up and-- - He hasn't gotten there yet, because it is a crowded restaurant. He's not just talking to people and then pointing it. - He's not slishing people out of the way. - Okay, that's fine. He's walking over asking what's going on, the patrons are saying, "Through a chair, a crazy man, "over there on another guy, and he ran, "they got to run out." - Just seem apologetic to me. - And then it is Roberto's turn. - Is he there? - I hasn't there yet. - You tried the garlic hummus? - I tried the garlic hummus. - It's pretty good. - With the warm teeter, it's outstanding. - It is quite good, and we are to-- Maxwell, you are in a bit of a traffic jam, you're gonna need a minimum of two driving skill to get around the corner. - Very good, oh, he is gone, and it's all good. - Wow, he turned the corner. Can't eat theoretically run two or three zones down the street, down the sidewalk. - Oh yeah, the sidewalk itself is a big clutter with people that are-- - The evening rush, it's certainly not as busy as the restaurant itself was today. - I wasn't before him if he's gone now. - Well, he turned the corner. - It is your turn. He, you just saw him turn the corner as, he actually swerved all the way in the left, came all the way around and cut off a bunch of cars that were waiting at the lights to go to the right. Or maybe he went left, I don't know which way he went. Which way'd you go? - I don't know. - Where are you trying to go? - Highway. - If you're heading-- - You're going nowhere close, highway. - The closest place you can get to the highway would probably be Martin Luther King Boulevard, which during this time of day is a parking lot. - Not that way. - I'm gonna try to get lost in a crowd of cars and then kind of lose 'em first. - With a big boy standing, with the AA, outstanding-- - I'm just gonna find-- - This might be one up there. - Or a ditch the car. - This might be one of their surveillance fans. - Oh, okay, let's go with surveillance. - Doesn't have a ron is to-- - Right. - They are a detective agency after all. - It's a plain black fan, it's not a good scene. - I'm gonna try to get away, find an empty parking lot and then I'll just go in. - Okay, the way you came was from the left. You are currently in the left going around everybody that's blocking your way. So the easiest would be to turn left back the way you came. - Back the way I came. - You're going down the street. The cars are all waiting for a light. You went all the way into incoming traffic, but there wasn't any 'cause the light's red. And you went up to the light. You either cross across everybody, you just passed. Or you go to the left, which you're already on, the left, you keep going to take a left turn. And that's the way you came from originally. - I'm sorry, do I know they have a vampire in the van? - I believe we discussed this. - Yes. - Absolutely, absolutely. - We were discussing what the van was doing. - What do you mean by back the way I came? - Back past I owned again. - No, no. When you came here-- - Okay, I'll go that way. - Yes. - All right, I've been standing right next to you and telling you everything he knows is there's a vampire in the van. We interviewed them. The two different vampires. Roberto killed one of them. Maxwell got upset, wanted to make sure the second one didn't want to die. You guys were talking about killing him. - So Max, we're all issue about unlife as well as life? - Yes. - These guys are currently-- - How does he know that? - Because they said so? - Because, yeah. - We figured that out. - Oh, okay. - We figured that out. That's the whole Janice-- - I'm buying the whole soul thing. - Ticking out my iPhone. - Well, I'm just saying as well. - If anyone does lie to me, give me a chance to see through it 'cause I'm pretty good at that. - Okay. - I'm just wondering if this bin's got low jack now. - I'm calling him on the phone. - Low to your van. - Do we have a-- - It's your equipment, right? - Yeah. - Do we have another car here? - Yeah. - Not mine. - We came in yours. - No, he came in the van. - But we had to separate. - We came in two cars, so-- - Yeah, I'm trying to think who was the vehicle we had. - That was yours 'cause I wasn't driving. - I don't-- - You just may have one 'cause he doesn't want to be known. - Well, I don't mind now. - It's an absolute mystery. - How do we get here? - So I-- - The vehicle is my truck. You guys drove it up to the hospital. - They could have borrowed an advanced car. - So I will try and then drove to the restaurant. - Whatever the case, it seats four. - You have another car here, whether it's Roberta's truck or-- - Well, if he's just turned the corner, I'm, like you said, of the way the traffic is. Can I use my athletics to sprint down the block and get to restore my line of sight and then throw the spell? Is that two? - No. - That's because if you are sprinting and rolling in action, you can't move one zone and do an action. Or you can all out sprints, which is move many zones using your athletic skill, but that is the only action you can do with movement. - Then if I understand what happened with the car, all I want, all I need to do is move one zone and then cast a spell to regain line of sight. 'Cause that's the issue where I'm trying to gain, is move a zone where I have a better angle on 'em. - To say that a zone walking is the same as a zone driving is a bit of a fallacy. And there are side streets here that you'd have to cross. So I would say maybe you gotta go two zones to get to the corner. And he spent at least that many getting the car there and the car is faster than the person running. But I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say the sidewalk is packed enough, not checked packed, but packing off so it's not just one, it's maybe two. And that requires an athletics roll anyways, which says you're not gonna be able to-- - A lot of down lake cars as well. A minimum of two to get you to the gas station so you can see around the corner. - Then I will release my spell and go back and sign and fish my mole. - Say you're good? - Yeah, yeah. - Okay. - Not the best. - You're good. - You're doing? - I was considering saying it's got low jack on it. - Okay. - With a declaration of fade point, that would seal the deal. It definitely has low jack on it. - Okay, I'm gonna do that. - What? - What is low jack? - I'm gonna pick up my phone and call the company and say, where's my car? - It's the equivalent of-- - No, it has been jack. - Yes. - The equivalent of, you say a reverse GPS, where you know the location of the car at all times, you could trace it if they turn it on. - No, are you suggesting that this low jack will have the ability to-- - Stop the car or disable the car? - No, they do. - Have that. - But a non-star can do. - That might cost another, you know, or whatever you decide. - When they do have those systems available, I don't know how it'll happen. - Spanning of fade point is pretty hefty. - Right. - I was gonna say you could roll to see whether you had thought ahead of that and base it on that. - I'm spending a fade point, it's definitely there, and if he wants it to be the one that you can order or shut down, that's fine. - It could take you a few minutes, so-- - Yeah, it definitely is 'cause you gotta get to them, then you've gotta authorize them and then they ask you a security question. - Right now, it's just like, you can't just go, "Hey, my car, shut it off." You know. - I was really slow jack incorporated. - Yeah. - Please enter in your 23 digit pin number and follow it by the pound sign. - I suggest maybe you just call them, get them on the phone. Get them on the phone. - And see, you know, with the boat. - That's what I'm already doing. - Yes. - Okay. - I just discussed that. Would you wanna do something? You take out your phone and you call somebody, whether it's the low jack people or Maxwell. - There might be a little static that I'm shooting into the air, so. - Let's go to my car. - Let's go to your car? - Yes. - First of all, you drive. - Oh, good Lord. - But do I have keys? - I do have keys, because he got the keys to the van. I got the keys to the car. - I guess maybe I should go and buy the driving score right now with two legs. (laughing) So, we go to London, who's-- - There's no rush. - I just dialed in. - We go to London and he has had his phone out and he's dialing and your phone rings Maxwell because he's dialing you. So your phone rings while you're driving, it's very unsafe. I don't know what you're gonna do, but you can't text when talking is clearly fine. - Okay. - Not as easy as-- - It's not Brooklyn. - Not in Brooklyn or hell. - So you curse Wiggle, get the phone out, look, and it's London. You see this picture come up. There's a little London picture comes up on your phone. - Yeah, I think I'll answer it. - It's your favorite Metrosexual. - Oh, yeah. - European Metrosexual. - I'm not European. - He's definitely French, at the very least. - Is that French? - He's not European. - He's American. - It could be. - Yeah, I can't really say. - They're all white. - Pasty. - Hey, Maxwell, didn't like the falafel. - What? - Chit dude. - Hey, I see that you're under some stress in regards to dispatching of the vampire and we understand that. So I just want you to know that we have agreed to not kill the vampire. - Sorry about the chair. - Come on back. You can come finish your food and we don't promise not to kill the vampire. - I had my film. - I don't plan to come back unless I can hear from someone, a little more trustworthy than you. I'd like my boss or even possibly Alan. I've seen you lie pretty well. - Oh, I can't lie, but I can also give my word. In my business, my word is one of the most important things I can possibly have. Wouldn't you agree? When I give my word, if I go back on it, would that make me out of business very quickly? - Yes, that's true. - Your word is valuable. - However, that's all I want to say. You know, there's no need to have a car chase to Cleveland with a vampire in the back seat. We all need to get our heads about us and come back to the table and discuss it rationally. And you have my honest belief that we will not harm the vampire. Would you agree to perhaps keep him contained while we finish up our job assignments to thwart misconceptions? Would that be acceptable to you? I just want to find an acceptable reason here without having everyone dashing through the city or ruining a line since we spent a good deal of time here together building up. - During this discussion, you're driving down the street, checking your over here to see if there's some crazy wizard about to throw a spell at you and looking out for Edmund's car. And in the rear view mirror, you can see the back of the van where he wide-eyed vampire is trying to figure out what the hell is going on at this point. - So, I just wanted to suggest you come back when we talk about this rationally and you have my full support that we will not harm the vampire. - Does that mean he's a destructive driver? - Slightly. - If I do any driving while I'm talking. - Yeah. - Did you pull over? - By the way, the other phone, throw a wake on her, is going towards you guys. - Do it a good start on your phone. - Oh, I'm sorry. - Yeah, be calm now. - He's the one who calls me all the time. - I don't think I'm coming back until I have the vampire in the same place. - If you want to discuss after that, I will be available to talk to. - That's disappointing, because it doesn't really show a lot of faith in our group dynamic. - We just had a 25 minute long discussion about whether or not to kill his vampire and everyone you get, I just really agree that we should. And I am not bringing him back to the table. - Actually, I think the discussion was whether Megan should be killed or not. - Yeah, and that's what I say. First of all, I don't think anyone understood how strongly you opposed it. Now that we know how strongly you feel, why don't we come back and get on with the main feel at hand, which is finding the baby. - Let me know when I can shut his car down. - Okay. (laughs) - You are doing what? You have your phone out, you gave the keys to Alan. The two of you go to the CVS parking lot and get into your car and you-- - It's not like they wanted to find him and they couldn't. - The logic people, they request the number, you got to pull the car out of the wallet and you type in your number. - While they're doing that, I'm getting to the next nearest parking lot where I park. Good out. Cut the vampire loose and say-- - I don't know. Can I go hand on my phone? - Are you attempting to hide in the parking lot? Or you're simply just finding a parking lot? Are you pulling off the street you were on to find the side place to park? Are you doing any attempt to hide the car? - Yes. - Okay, make some kind of-- - Drive and go. - Drive and go. - Now a lot of places to hide the car are made to you over there and then you head into a little bit of a side street. - Yeah, they're side streets. - They'll take them a while to find it and by that time they'll be going. So I park in the residential area and then I'll run back to the CVS. But hiding. First, I don't have any stuff. - Push your old driving. - Okay. - In the car and you pull out into the street and start driving in the same direction he is. At that time you get a menu. If this is an emergency press. - I'm guessing it's a stick shift since I don't have a driving skills. - No, it's not a good car. It's not a bad. - I tried to pursue where I last saw the event. - Are you driving recklessly or slowly and consciously? - I will drive fast and take chances. So what do I need to roll to get in two different zones? - If you're driving slowly and consciously, they wouldn't require no driving roll whatsoever. - I'm driving fast and taking chances. - Well, I'm not flooring at it. And I'm not going to try to pull out in front of... - Well, other than I put it this way, you saw how he was driving. He was cutting in an incoming traffic and flying around corners. Are you trying to keep up with him? Are you trying to make up the difference? Which means you're driving faster than he is. - I can tell you exactly there isn't just a minute. - Well, if you're going to be able to pinpoint him, then I pull out... - Blaker. - Slowly. - Slowly into the gym. - I'm not saying terribly slowly. I'm saying you're being cautious. No driving roll is required. - However. - You're obeying the law. - He can go without my car. You know how you treat rid of him. - So, no driving roll is required, but it's going to take you longer to get to the same place as he did. Because again, he was pulling in an incoming traffic to get around with people that were stopping. You're stopping and waiting for the light to change and go. - This is the oddest pursuit I've ever thought of. (laughing) - It's like the white rock go down. - Yeah. - Okay, down one quick back into London. The owner comes over to the table and he starts kind of loudly demanding an explanation on what the hell's going on here. - I don't know what the truth is for me. - Well, this guy's hurling chairs in my business. It's good to hurt somebody. - Chair, singular. - Chair, it was one chair. I've been here for four years. - You're a regular. - So, from that aspect. - London, London, what the hell? - Yes. - Exactly. - Type of. - That direction's so sorry. I'm so sorry. There was a verbal disagreement and chairs were thrown. - A chair was thrown and apologies that I'd pull out at 100 and do the old, it's in my palm and I reach out to shake his hand and hopefully by gone to be five months, it will not happen again. Trust me, so sorry. And another round of falafel and hummus for everyone please. - Two people here. - They're gonna be back. - We'll go with just a fair required skill resources. - Okay. - I rolled a wash on my presence roll. - Yeah. - I think it's something I could use. - Sure, I would think presence is just, he's London. - Mm-hmm, London. - And that's fantastic. - I think no way. - I probably could have talked it just through talking it, but I take care of my-- - I could buy a lot of chairs. - I could buy a lot of chairs. - That's defused. You, Maxwell, pull over on a side street. Get out of the car, come around to the back. Pull the wheelchair, not out of the van. - Yeah. - Cut loose, the binds. He's got tape across his mouth as well. - Rip it on. - Rip it off, rip it off like a band. And take it off like this. - Mm-hmm. - What the hell is going on? - It won't kill you. - I don't. - I didn't trust that one Roberto did. - You can put your eye out. - Yeah. - I don't see him, I mean crazy. He killed that one guy like, just snapped his neck. - Yeah. - They want to make deals? - I want to help them. But I don't want to help to kill you or marry them. - I don't want me going to die either. - I don't want to die either today, it's tripping. - I'm going to give you my phone. Go ahead and keep it. Don't answer unless it's from, and I'd rattle off some number that is, you know, the iPhone. - Okay. - Look for me. When I call you, and if you found it, I might want to go see you. - Show me what you found. - What's the number again? He's putting it into your phone. - This is long enough for you guys to get through the light, and you turn the corner, and you've gotten enough of it. And they're like, how can I help you, Mr. Shadowski? - And I'm explaining that. - Oh, I want to find one of my vehicles. - Okay, you have a fleet of five cars registered here. Which one is it? - I give you the ID number. - Well, you know that, do you? - The name number 52. - I had to get the keys for it. - True enough. - Okay. - Okay, let me take a moment to look it up on the computer. How these computers are so slow. I don't know, today they're just being really sluggish. - You hear tapping and tapping away the fingers and the keyboard there, and she comes back and says, "Yes, we've got that located somewhere on the east side of Cleveland, the Coventry area." - Can you be more exact than that? Can you tell me exactly where it is? It's got GPS in it, doesn't it? - Yes, it does. - In the intersection? - Let me zoom my Google Map down on now. Did you want us to tell her to shut the car down? - If it's still moving, then yeah, shut it down. I just shut it down regardless, I would say, yeah. - Okay, she tells you it's not moving, and she's trying to find the exact location. You're driving along. Turn left onto Mayfield. In front of you, you see other cars, you definitely do not see the van. She tells you the cars on a side street off of Mayfield. She tells you it's very near the intersection of Hampshire Lane and Hampshire Road, which is right off of Mayfield. So it's like the very first side street you're coming up to. - So there's Chris B. Bruce, a turn. - He's got a day walkers, 'cause it's still daytime. - Oh, he has a day walker. - It's getting on towards 5.30. It is November, so it's gonna get dark soon. But it is still daylight. - They're powerless day walkers, but they can walk. - He's just got no super power. - So he gets the information he puts it, and then he says, all right, I'll be in contact with you as soon as I find her. - Run hot. - And he starts to run between houses. - Did he just say that he just set Luca a van prior to a residential area? - Brilliant, right? - I respect life, now run free! We're the people and children playing. - I know we beat you up, the only way to get yourself healed is the drink blood. - Drink blood. - I'm not even sure there can be any like that, but-- - It's Shred Court, does that? - Well, okay. - And you do what after you do that? You get back in the car and-- - No, drive back, walk. So yeah, I'll get back in the car. - You get back in the car, you turn the car on, and you start to back up and the car goes dead. - Then I walk. - If he walks down Hampshire Road, it does bisect Coventry-- - I don't wanna escape. - We run over right at Hunan Coventry. - You know, at the Hunan Coventry intersection, that restaurant, you've been there-- - So when you're walking back, you come back to the street, you just turn from, you can take that, or you can just keep walking straight and you'll eventually come on Coventry as well, which way do you wanna go? You're on Hampshire Road. - It's not very stealthy. - But anyway, yeah, I'll just walk back to the right, on Hampshire Road, all the way down there. - So you start walking down Hampshire Road, you get across, you get like a house or two down the street, they come around the corner, and then you guys turn and you find the van. - It's even walking down the street. - Well, actually, you're coming down the street and turning left, he's on the right side, a couple of houses down. You don't have to-- - So give me an alertness roll if you just happen to see him walking, 'cause you're like focused on getting to the car and it's to your left, and he has already walked past you and is on the right. - I have an alertness of good. - I got an alertness. - And your punch roll as well. - Oh, my punch roll is zero. - Me neither. - Me neither did not work, but good did. As you're turning left, you get to the van, you see someone walking on the right, back towards Coventry, not the way you came, but still down that road, and you definitely recognize this, Mac. - So he's walking away from me, and then do we go for the van or go for your van? - I get out of the car. - I'm still driving, I mean, are you-- - I thought you stopped. - Are you bailin' roll? - I'm asking you, I mean, do we get your van or do we get your, give the van? - Oh, I know where the van is, I don't know. - He didn't see-- - He didn't see Mac. - He's not driving anymore. - Oh, wait, well, I'm sorry, in that case, and I'm like, there's your van. - Yeah, there's your van. - There's the van. Is he abandoning it or you shut it off, so I'm like, do we have a vampire in the van, or do we go for the van? - He sent him. - All right, it'll be right. - Hit him with a car, just take his luck. - Actually, I can do that, it's what I mean. I don't want to, but there's nothing against him but my laws of getting him with a car. - Well, I'm just saying, I wouldn't be in trouble do I calcify him with a car. - I'm sorry, where can I go around wantonly killing people for no reason? - Sure they can. - Well, I get some. - You're in a residential district, you've got the corpse, the bum bum bum all the way in the back of your car. - I just can't use magic to kill him. - Wow, you think he's embracing the dark side of Cleveland, and I won't get it. - Okay, I'm just, well, I know, he's been, what are you, 007? - I'm supposed to kill him, whatever the hell you want. - I don't know, he's acting crazy, he walked out. - It's almost as if he's possessed by some type of demonic force that's like, how do you get him? - Kill first, prove it later, I mean, he got it, no problem. I can run him over, I really could. - I'm actually not even running. - Nothing against the law, I'm 00 Allen, I have a license to kill, I can just run him over. - Wouldn't paladin school that? - Okay, you have a driving skill of zero? - Actually, I mean, he could run him over, not even change him. - Definitely, I mean, that could very well be, I rolled the last vehicle, I tried to pull up right in front of him, make your driving skill. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. - All right, so, I accelerate, I also land the horn to get his attention. - So, Tommy Fellow comes over from some of his world class milkshakes, sits down and has a talk with you. Because London, I heard there was a rumor you were gone, man, I heard the rumor was like you had, either flood town or you were dead. - Just a misunderstanding, however, I'm glad to hear. - Glad to hear it, man, 'cause now it's a little worried. - What's business? - It's pretty good, it's pretty good. It's amazing how, you know, I mean, the economy's in the shitter, but people gotta eat. - Yeah, I'm sad to eat. - You served the good food, don't come. - Fantastic. - All right, you guys being Allen and Eddeman, pull up next to Maxwell, who's just calmly walking down the street heading back towards-- - How do I call you, Jason? - Hello, officers. - Hi, guys. - Is it Warden? - He's a business man. - Yeah, magic cop, I don't know what his job is. - What's your magic sign, man? - He just teleports-- - Where's the band's title? - Oh. - You check the band? - Oh, let's just abandon it and leave him in there? - No. - What is going on with you, man? - You guys wanted to kill the vampire. - I made sure you couldn't. - Eddeman, your employee is actively working against her interests. - He's to kill somebody who doesn't deserve it. - Yeah, you're making a lot of judgment calls here, sir. You all voted to kill someone. - I'm done talking to you. - Okay. - I keep walking. - Eddeman? - Get in a car. (laughing) - What? - Do you have someone else we can work with? First of all, let's go to the van and see what the situation is there. - I'm sure there's no vampire in there. - I don't know about a bar enough. - It doesn't sound-- - We're gonna take a look. - No, you're gonna call us and get the darn stupid things started up again. Don't steal my vehicles and kill things without asking and talking to me about it or letting them go or-- - Gosh, you guys just drive me nuts. One guy wants to kill everybody. You want to let everything go-- - That was tough. - Sounds like the labor management issue, Jimmy. - Yeah. - You guys driving back to time, Ethan? Where are you going to stay and check the van? I don't know. - I want to-- - Let's go talk about what happened back over falafas and milkshakes. Unless you're quitting or something crazy. - Oh, yeah. You gotta feel still happening. I still want to help people. (laughing) - Let's go back and talk to Tom. (laughing) - I gotta say, I'm not quite sure how this is going to work out. He's apparently decided to work against any plans we have. - Any plans you have, sir, I've prevented you from killing someone that didn't need to die. - Aren't you a protector of the people? - Yes, the normal people. - Ah. - But you're a normal person. - Racism. - Fun time. - So wait a second. I don't understand-- - Speciesism. - I just want to be very clear. What is your current situation now? That all life is what? To be nurtured and protected, even that whatever possible, all life is to be safe. All right, even a vampire, by definition, isn't a lie. - Get us all. - How do you know that? - He said so. - He told you. - I'm really good at telling people a lie. - He wasn't lying. - Are you studying your life on that? - Are you willing to try to kill me, Warden? - I'm insane. - I don't understand what you're applying. - Are you a protector of life? Are you a defender of people? - That is the role I chose in the day. - And you demonstrated this ability by releasing a black court vampire that you had just abused and tortured for the past couple hours. - I didn't tell you. - Into a residential area in Coventry in Cleveland in my territory. This crosses some lines and certainly doesn't work towards what I'm trying to achieve here. - I'm stuck in field, I'm trying to achieve. We didn't, we'll discuss that before. - Exactly. - No problem. - You took off running instead of talking to us because in that moment that you left, I had a third alternative that you didn't let me get to. The decision maybe doesn't mean we need to necessarily just kill anyone because I have a relationship with Megan or at least what was Megan and there's an opportunity possibly to do something other than kill her. But I will say this, if there is no alternative left to save her, then she is a threat to humankind, to humankind, to the people of the city. - She's not right. - She's a vampire. - I'm scolting the child, you're not supposed to disappear. - She's not a threat. - She's a threat. - Temporary threat. - But she is a threat. - Well, temporary threat in the sense that - All one person died. - I don't know. - Before she died. - Doesn't that mean temporary threat? One person dies and that's not enough? What about that? One person who died? - No, that she, I know I'm on time limit. She's got a short time limit. - I'm just saying that if you call them, you don't really need to kill them. All you need to do is lock them up in a room for another two or three weeks and they'll just die on their own. - True. The bulbs are gonna burn out either way. The only way the bulbs are not gonna burn out is if they suck the soul out of another human being, which is another reason why I think my employee here is a little crazy for letting a guy go who wants to go suck the soul out of another human being so he can keep on living. - If they were able to do that on the spot, they wouldn't burn out. They would just keep doing it. - They're coming up with a way to do it and they're working on it. - It's perfected now. - These are the most brilliant people. I don't think they're gonna be able to do it on their own. If you would like me to go follow Bruce and make sure he doesn't kill anyone, I'm willing to set up what is my opinion. - Oh, you've assumed responsibility for-- - The guy I like loose into a city full of people. - Sure, I'll take responsibility for that. - I'm just saying, we have a situation here and we've got to be really clear in how we're gonna move forward. So yes, let's go back to Tommy's. Let's talk about how we're gonna do things. I'm still fried and I'm so shaken up from my previous experience and I desperately need to rest. - To do-- - To do some other things and take some other directions, but-- - I give deals a text telling them we're on our way back. - London deals phone goes on. It actually just vibrates it's a text from Edmund stating that they're on their way back. All free. - Excellent. The return-- - Stan's vamper. - Dot, dot, no vam. (laughing) - Sad face. (laughing) - Unsmiley from-- - From face. - You guys go back to Tommy's and I'm all five a year or once again joined at the table. Unfortunately, Tommy's at the table as well, but he's, oh, I see your friends are here. I'll let you-- - Sure, no more, no more. - You know that it's very uncharacteristic of my dinner guests, my apologies, and it won't happen again. - And he looks at Roberto and shakes his hand, his finger, no more. You look kind of familiar. Right now, why don't you do this guy's thing? - He's been at a couple of sitcoms, part-time jobs. - What, congratulations? Maybe he tries a signature, put it up on the wall. - All right, well, thank you, Tommy. Good bet. - Good bet. - Oh, let's argue for another hour or two. - No, let's not argue for a little while. Let's get to the nuts and bolts of what we need to get done here. And I think that what you all need to agree upon is the baby needs to be someplace safe. - I was telling you to say the baby needs to. - Do you say the old baby? (laughing) - What's going to go wrong? - In the end, we have to get Janice to Constance. - In order to fulfill the oath-- - What's our deadline for that? - We have-- - Now there is none. - Well, let's just-- - In a sense there is none. - Let's just never do it. - There's no time limit per se. However, Megan's life depends on a quick resolution, as does perhaps even the child's self. - Who's it like? - The child is in the care of a goal right now. Now maybe it's a kind-hearted goal. I have no idea, but the very term goal and baby, it just, it doesn't juxtaposition well together. So I think the baby needs to be rescued or at least taken custody of from the ghoul. - I usually, when you're hiring me, you don't look for the ghoul. - You don't look for a ghoul man. - We can't track the baby. You don't have anything on it. - I may be able to track the baby. - But we know where the baby is and we believe-- - We know a person who can lead us to him anyway. - We know, and we may not be needed in this particular instance, because I think we have a limited amount of time and we want to, do we want to split up? - I don't think we need to. What do we need to split for? - If we're to find the father, we have no idea how to get to him, except for the body. - Okay, here's my suggestion, child services. - Place the baby in child services? - Yeah, what's the negative of child services as opposed to a forticating fay that's-- - Well, wait a second. - Randy involved a second. - Yes, all in relation. - That has not been established as a fact. - Right, and does it need to be? - And I have, does it need to be-- - It has not been established that she was raped in the never-never. - Do we care? - Well, yeah, and why do we care? - Okay. - Give me, no, no, I mean, don't have a rape. - The guy who keeps on interfering with the operations here. - I'm not, it's not even a rape versus not rape. - First thing, 'cause there was no rape. - We don't know that. - We do know that. - We don't know. - And I actually have the unique ability to possibly verify, or verify that. Since I have the, whatever is left of Sarah Clemens in my head. - But do we think that the child, Sarah Lemon, for quite a bit? - Do we think the child would be, in better hands, would say that it would be in an innocuous life as a baby dropped off in child services to disappear? Because if I can't drag her, what do you tell ya? - London. - No one can't. This is not why we want to drag the father in. We want him in because he's extra power against Constance. Is that necessary? - I don't know that that's even necessary. - Why does it have to, I mean, we have a death curse. All we need to do is basically get out alive. Do they have a technical nuke? - I don't think he's a tactical nuke. I do think though that he has the ability, I mean, it's a powerful thing. - It is a powerful thing, but it works over time. It's a, it doesn't work instantly. - Well, it can work instantly, but not in a way that's going to help us try to survive this. - It's something to cope 45. - It's something that I think we need to explore and figure out. - I think, and I take responsibility for doing that. - I think it's a poor idea now. I think trying to contact the Fae and try to find this child's daughter, this girl needs to be saved from everyone. Who's to say the father doesn't try to deliver his her ability and her unique ability in the future? Who's not going to be able to leverage that ability? So, a nacky with social worker who has no idea who this baby is. - On the other hand, how do we get the child into child services? - You drop it off at the door and what do we do about the agreement we have with tellers? - Well, we go there first. The child isn't dropped off or we don't abide by the rule. - Okay, so you're just looking at the final solution. - I would give the final solution. How do you think the foundation goes in child services? - Thanks for listening to Knights of the Night at Actual Play Podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, props, and even a forum for comments and suggestions where you could email us directly at feedback at or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit and please join us next episode where more mystery and adventure. - You know, there's no need to have a power chase to Cleveland with a vampire in the back seat. We all need to get our heads about us. - I didn't trust that one Roberto did. - You put your eye out. - I know. - I don't see him. - He's crazy. He killed that one guy, like just snapped his neck. Sorry about the chair.