Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 82: "Delivery - Disagreements"

Broadcast on:
16 May 2012
Audio Format:

The gang is back together and having a meal at Tommy's in Coventry. But are they really back together, or about to split apart?Actual Play starts at 2:32

(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Knights of the Night Actual Play podcast. This Dresden File Story Delivery was written and run by our GM Tom. And now, please enjoy episode 82 titled Disagreements. (upbeat music) Before we get started, we've just got one quick message to our listeners. We'd like you to go to RKOTN page where you'll find a link to the RPG Podcast listener survey. This is something that the RPG community does once a year. There's a link there, you click on it. It took me roughly five minutes to fill out the survey myself. There is, I think, under 20 questions. And then a category at the bottom where you select just bullet points you highlight for each of the podcasts you listen to. It gives information to us on who's listening to us, male, female, age, area of the country, different information that all the podcasters find useful and we appreciate it if you would go out there and do it. Again,, look for the link, the RPG Podcast listener survey. And while you're there, you can vote on favorite player because that's been going along pretty well. - Yeah. - So far, I think Scott is still in the lead with London, but surprisingly-- - I've been trying to get the no-vote all the way through. - Now you got some votes. - Ah. - I saw you got some. So some votes for Jim. And surprisingly, John's character, Roberto, is not far behind. I think Scott's got a total of nine and you've got seven. So anyways, with that, visit our site, check Facebook. We'll have some new pictures up this week because in this episode I believe you need some new non-player characters, I think. Maybe. Or no, we actually discussed a picture that we found humorous while we were playing. What? It was the Janis, the teddy bear. - No. - Then John suggested putting a grenade into it handing it over to Constance. So we'll have a picture of that up on our site this week. So visit there. And with that, we'll go on to the episode. - OK, my name is Tom, and I'm running this Dresen file advantage of delivery. And starting on my left is-- - John playing Roberto Martinez, guardian of Cleveland, empowered by a felony. - Scott playing London Deals, eight moral seer to the supernatural. - Mike playing Alan Montgomery, the new warden in town. - Jim playing Edmund Shadowski, our investigator and new world black court fan. - Thomas playing Maxwell Edison, the undercover of the IH. - And with that-- - Focus, focus, focus, focus, little bit of fairy dust. - We got a meeting with the realtor, so-- - Gotta go. - Give me the awesome. - They call back in Robert Mahoney who escorts you out of the building. - Totally. - Yes. - No. - And when you leave the building, your phone vibrates a few times, London. I'll let you know you've got like two messages on there. - Great check. - Thank you, London. You saved us. - Oh, actually Alan pulled out the whole courts thing. - The court was actually the-- - No, I just mean in the very beginning. - Oh, the oath? Oh, yeah, it was outstanding. - The whole, not the oath, but the courts. - Right, yeah. - Well, I need to get a shower, change my underwear, and get some-- - I checked the voicemails to make sure-- - They're both from Edmund Shadowski. - See, what's up? - Call us. - What the hell's going on? You guys left and-- - So I heard from you. - I don't feel them in. - These are dangerous times. What the fuck? - Right, what's going on? - They're in, what we got, what we did, who's dead, what information we got, they fill us in, what their phonics best care paid, and what they did. - Policy. - And then-- - How is policy? - And then I say, you found him to build a phenomenon. - Right. - You found him. - Oh, you found these guys? That's your wish? - No, we're best care about that. - Janus, the baby right now is in the same place. I'm dumb. - Check him high, I should do anything else. - Right. - I either really don't understand why we shouldn't let things be as they are, or I should be stirs or funnessness anywhere they do. - Are we, am I on the phone, okay? - Yeah, I mean you're in the same car, I think you're on a conference call. - We need all to meet together. - We're on, are we, we're on, we have some more information and now we're home. - We're there? - There's actually a couple of things on the plate. I've got three different tasks I need to perform. - Edmund and his crew, both Roberta and Maxwell and Twaffle Bruce, are headed towards the east side, where you guys are currently at. - Can we ask, no, hang out place? Even though she's probably not there, we're gonna check the place where there's some stuff. It's near Superior and 105th that they're heading, so it's actually past the clinic. - Does what we went through and validate what they're gonna do when they're in? - Kind of, but also no. 'Cause in all honesty, I'd like to, am I gonna cooperate, help us, be on our side? I don't know, do you guys, do you see some ideas? - Oh, yeah, that's-- - Difficult to talk over cell phone, because you're right now riling with emotions, and he's trying to keep the phone away from you, because, so your suggestion, to meet somewhere is-- - Yeah, we can learn to put crispy on ice while we meet, too. Bruce, you where we go, where are we total? - Well, Tommy's in Coventry. - He's actually saying that last place he knows where Megan was, there was a house on-- - You could have said lunch there. - Let's go. - I'm gonna watch next guys. - There was off 105th in Superior, that area there, where he was taking you, if you decide to go somewhere else, that's funny. - What's inside? - You wanna meet? - Well, he's-- - You guys gotta-- - London's calling Tommy's over in Coventry. - Well, first of all, no. - I feel like he's following him right now. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Let's meet in Coventry. - We're going, Bruce, and the opportunity to go to their old hideout. We're going to go hang out at Tommy's in Coventry for a bit. - Mm-hmm. - Okay. - I'm tasteless at Middle Eastern. - You know what? You're idea to talk to Megan, I think, with being a little extra, something in our back pocket for this meeting, so that's a good idea. - Are we together again? Let's just stay with that. - Yeah, we all meet there. - We have until night to find Megan. She'll be more available at night. Until then, go to your-- - And so, I still have time to meet at Tommy's and still try to make a-- I mean, I can always have you call the realtor for me, and-- - Is there really a priority still? - Well, I might need the place, 'cause really, I want to just buy the old bills placed and use it as maybe-- - An HQ. - An HQ, and also, to do some of the magic that I need to do. - Did you do that in your hotel? - Eh, it's a public hotel, and I'd rather have something that has a little bit more boundaries and threshold. - Having a hard time, we got to the-- - So you guys, you had to be-- - He's right. He's Bruce just hanging out in the car in a trunk. - He's still hanging with the white man. - Or do we wheel him up to the table? - We wheeled him up to the table and cut one of his arms free. - Oh, we know what we're gonna do. - No. - Is there a black vampire somewhere? - No, we're not doing that. We're not feeding a vampire while we're talking our plants. - No. - Want to leave him in the car? Is that-- - Yeah, I mean, not suspicious. - Okay. - I'll be right back. - In the trunk, leave a white on. - We had to, like, put the wheelchair on the trunk, 'cause he's tied to it. - John, he's in a van. He's already in the trunk. - Okay, yeah, he's just leaving the van. He's in a mess, and-- - We took him over, so, we can see him. - To see, I'm so safe. - And gag him, so he can't-- - Is this on my channel? - Cyber. - We're talking the sun. - Okay. - What sun? - Kind of a cleavage. - You care, so, worse than you can-- - It's rockin' for us, you're cruel and unusual. - All right, it brings me strappin' to a land. - Okay. - Step and do it. - Now, what I'd like is for someone over this fine Mediterranean horse that we're eating here, anyone explained to me why we're not done? - Yeah, like, I second and third at that. - Wow. - So, Constance rips apart Mr. Donovan. - Okay, and also-- - And you want him to die anyways? - Do you gotta-- - Do you want him to-- - Do you want him to do him a damn please over him? While she's ripping him apart, he curses her. Done. The child is in some safe location right now. Done. The daughter will die in a week. She's a vampire. It's tough. Done. You paid me $5,000 to find Mr. Donovan? Done. - Well, I haven't-- - I don't have a bounty on my head anymore. - No, actually-- - You do. That was part of the successful delivery that removes the bounty, not-- - Well, but from my point of view, knowing that she's wanting to negotiate, I'm sure I'll be able to find a settlement in her future. - Well, 'cause I think she's very well-- She received you very well and she's very leaning towards any type of agreement you wanna negotiate with her. - Point beating. - Constance worked to kill this man because we failed our job, which is our plan right now, is that, if I understand it correctly, she would not allow him to curse her. She would, like, shoot him while he's sleeping or something, so that he can't get back at her. - Well, there's no foolproof way to kill somebody without them being able to curse you. - I mean, perhaps there is. I'm sure Constance could get creative, but she needs someone in the head? Sometimes I don't die the first shot in the head. - Oh, yeah. There's a chance. - That's all I'm saying. - I'm just saying that you guys have maybe been living in the city for far too long. I mean, we just, I'd fill his room with carbon monoxide. - I'm all up for any way of sound that well-- - Well, you're worth it. - Let me submit this, and let me submit this. - What happened there? - Take one. We have finished phase one. We are now shifting to phase two. I will pay you the money of your own. - Of course. - 'Cause phase one is over. - The phase one is over. - We found Mr. Donovan. - I'm not arguing with your line. Did I know your little, you know, yellow ticked one and you need to calm down a little bit? - I'm not happy with this close. Not really. - I don't think so. It didn't feel like it to me. - Okay, while we're talking about this anger, you have two consequences against you. - Yes. - One of them is mild. - Two of them are mild. - Two of them are mild. - And one is moderate. - Mild ones will go away, the scene after the scene that you address them and take measures to remove them. So, if your mild consequences are that you're ticked off and angry, sitting in a restaurant, enjoying some food with friends, discussing things can be, that's action. - Well, it won't be to the end of the scene, but it won't be to the end of the next scene. - That it goes away. - The end of the next scene. - The end of the scene after you address the problem. - Got it. - And the moderate is the end of the day after you address it. - I'll look up. - Yeah. - John will look it up, but it's more strange. - Sure. - It lasts longer. - That's all right, I'm playing it. I mean, I'm playing it right now. - Might be the session. - Yeah. - Rather than the day, because some of our days go on for session break, so it might be session break. - Well, I guess my point is, I'm also prepared to-- - Next session is probably the end of the session, rather than day. Thank you, John. - I'd pay him the remaining $2,500. I think we established earlier that I have access to-- - It was around $25,000, I think. - He's got pretty high resources if it is something that involves the one-- - Right, I think he made a role, and he rolled really well, if I remember correctly. It was either $25,000 or $50,000 that he had. - I seem to have a note for $50,000, but that makes sense. - That makes sense. - Oh, okay. - It's $45, man. Might as your hotel, so I'd probably have a $40,000. - Or that's, it comes from a different pot of money. - Okay. - So, what I want to do now is to initiate phase two, 'cause I still need your services. And if you remember, part of those services, and the reward for those services that we negotiated with in essence, is the bitch that shall not be high expense. Face your anger, and then-- - Move through it. - Yeah, this is country. - You guys are timely. So when you look at all the artwork on the walls, I mean, it's very soothing. - And wine was so-- - Oh, it's a hippie, you've got to put it in whatever. - I don't understand why you had your still alive. - And that's how awesome we are. - The only way you guys are alive, is if you guys dug yourself deeper into this ship, and we already were-- - Thank you. - And then, and which leads to why I want to resecure your services, and make sure that I have retained-- - Wait, we were talking about my services. - Are you in the route? - You said you wanted to initiate a second phase. - That wasn't it for me. - Double your usual thing? - That was my usual thing. - You said 5,000 before, I would've said-- - I had a customer that was a double or not, but it's not right now, because you just said double, sub 10,000, you know. I can see myself getting involved with a little bit of extra, quick mirror activity for another 10,000. - Overclock. - Looks like you're mixing good sushi. - Yeah, I did. I didn't mix my whole-- - Wow. - So-- - It's good role playing. - Yeah, it's good role playing. - Actually, I love the role playing up. The people that live in Cleveland are all like fucking dumb, they're outta here, and we're finished, right? And the guy who's coming in with the French look is going, "No, no, there's evil here. What the fuck is wrong with you people?" - We still have work to do people. - Yeah, it's not-- - But wait, what are you-- - What are you procuring for over this 10,000 dollars? - Two thingies over there. - I would like to obtain the sample of the father's blood that I may need to use for my purposes, my magic, not yours, and we will probably need-- I know generally we're Janice's, but I may need your help finding her. - It involves somebody that I think you know as well. So it's not, you don't need the address. - And you know, well, you need you at the endgame? - Yes. - Oh, we're at the meeting? - Yes. - Not on the front line, but that's phase three. I'm still working, let me-- - Ooh, the iron-out bar. - How about it? - You fine. - That's fine. The 10K for these two things is an acceptable arrangement. I'm in. - Right. - It's exponential, right? So phase three is-- - It's gotta be at least 20. Whatever way I do, man. - A little bit more friends, part that we have with your previous history, then we kind of saved each other's lives once. I mean, I'm throwing you some cash here because you know, whatever, I guess. I've been living larger for you guys. - It's got business issues, right? - Right. - Come on, man. - I'm just a-- - I didn't see her for the next two. I just, okay, yeah. I just think that we can easily draw the line here and walk away. I understand that you don't want to and you're willing to pay not to. - Good enough of me. - Fair enough. - I just understand where you want to-- - And Roberto, you had something? - That's taking any more charity than it already is in. Actually, we're going to, it's being cared for by a group. - Yeah, that's not a cool, long-term plan. I don't think it builds. - And if anything, we're going to-- - Well, it was premature and this is not the place to discuss what I want to do with it just today. - Is she going to bring Bill to this meeting where you're ashamed for as much? - Well, if you want my help in finding this baby, you got to find a place and time to discuss what you're going to do with this baby. I'm not going to help you. Bring this baby into any car and sleigh. - I agree. - Similarly-- - Because it's my goal. - I wouldn't think these vampires should be-- Rockefeller shouldn't get out of this so we can keep her from it. - I agree. That's part of what I'm hoping to pull off here. - You can't, under your kurma, do anything to her. - You're right. So you have to deliver to her before you come from her. - Ah! Ah! What did you do? What did you do? - You're right. - I can't do anything. But I'm not going to deliver the baby to her. That was not part of my kurra-silent shield. - Mm. - Okay. - All right. - But now we're doing that? (laughing) What the fuck? - Well, I wasn't sure I didn't talk about it. - That's conversation. - Okay, it's just got real. - Thanks for the sound and the vampires anyway. - What we decided is we're going to have you do magic. - Right. - You're going to use your air magic. You're going to put a maneuver against anybody listening in. On you. It's going to be, he's putting a aspect on the table. - Huh. - Huh. - But we're going to treat it as a maneuver. And I would say you're in a crowded restaurant. There's a lot of people talking and murmuring going around. So it's really only going to require a good spell of yours to really lock down some additional silence onto this table to make your voices more murmured than normal. More difficult for them to listen in on you. - You may need to decrease the volume of the stuff around us a bit to have it round out. - Right, dude. Reflect it back to make this. - All right. Well then I will cast that same spell using my discipline and conviction, correct? - You only need to have discipline of free on your air spell. - Okay, discipline of four. So just to roll in. - Right. - So then. - Where the hell? - No balance out. - So you have enough power. You have the control. You put a muffle around the entire table. - You have to bounce one. - No, catch you for one little bit of stress, to do that. You recover that stress after the scene is over. But right now, the table is a little bit more muffled than the surrounding area. - Now what were you saying about it? - We, this child has a surviving parent, a father. - The one from the thing or the human one? 'Cause I don't know what the human is. - The human one is dead. - Yeah. - There you go. - Okay, yeah. - The human one is dead. So really, the only family this child has is her father. - Father. - What I want to do is I will appear to the way I worded my own. I will appear to fulfill the bargain that I promised the constants. - When you do what? - When I bring the child to the neutral territory that we read to meet at. - Do you just drop it like a hot rock? - No, no, no, no, no. I will not go. - There was nothing spoken. - What was the actual verbiage? - To retrieve the child and bring her to Constance at the designated neutral ground for the exchange. - Not to give her to Constance, not to deliver her to Constance. - Bring her-- - It's so sick. - 'Cause the theme of the thing is delivery, so. - Who will you know is the same as that? - To her father. - When will the father appear? - That's part of Facebook. - You've never met this father. - You don't know if he'll sign on with us, but you're hoping that he'll be willing to talk. - No, we know that he's fair. - Do we even know that the father knows that this would be success? Was it like a donor or a non-musque donor? You didn't know he was-- - I don't know, right? - The mother. - If I remember correctly, the story was that he just like-- - Well-- - They were traveling through a way and-- - Yes. - Yeah, I mean, it's not pleasant, but this is a situation where I'm playing, I'm tap dancing with rules of honor, rules of blood, and rules of the way the favor. - We're doing it the last day of the day. - We are sure it's fake. - Yeah. - We are sure that the father is fake. - Do you have any of the baby's blood to track the fake father? - We have a sample of the father's blood. - We have a sample of the father's blood. - And a sample of the baby's blood. - Or a sample of the husband's blood. - London has a sample of the father's blood, not Vince, the husband. - You are-- - And we have a sample, sorry. - And I'm sorry, we have the sample of the baby's blood as well. - If you were to track him down, you would take London with you to the never, never track the man. - That plays pretty-- - I don't know if in this case, if I'm doing a tracking spell as much as a communion or a summoning spell. - Which is still intended to bring in this baby in the presence of Constance Rockefeller. - Yes, yes. - And probably-- - And what's going down after that is a huge pipe. - You bring a baby into a war zone. - Yes, there's-- - And hoping that that can get her out. - Why are we bringing the baby into a war zone? - Well, that's where we start-- - I start perfectly good stuffed animal named Janice that can bring instead of my iPhone. - That's not a bad idea. And well, that's an option that we'll consider. But I want to-- - Wait a minute, does Bill the Bear have grenades stuffings? - You said-- - And there's Janice Bear. - Pain. - You said the baby Janice. This is a doll. - We're part of a baby. - It's a baby. - It's a baby doll. - I said a baby doll. - He was a great option. - And he said it was an option. - I'm just wondering if it'll fulfill your own. - It's a plan C. I don't know if I just go find that. - You have a plan B. - Hey, it's Janice. - Well, I also may want to eat-- - You'll find out what she is. - I also may want to meet the father who would happens to be maybe a mean for every dangerous day, but also a neutral accorded radar tour woman walking through the way. - He's pretty mean. - Well, by your mortal standards, sir, not maybe by the face standards. - It's their culture. - It's a difference. - You raped a woman. Here's the baby. You probably pretty good. - Who knows how the fame and work. I'm not sure what happened while I get second. - That's part of what I want to do is-- - It's the best option of her. - Here's my idea. But the father is questionable, and we don't even know if he'll be on our side. - How about we deliver the baby or this doll or whatever? - I'm invisible. I snap Bill's neck. He doesn't death curse on what's her name, that we all live in and try to murder her. - Well, to snap his neck and then he's going to do a death face? - You tend to die as soon as your neck is snapped. - I'll break his back, whatever. - I'm just sick. - I'm sick of flawed bad playing. - We just need him to get a death curse off to weaken her, and then we can all pile in and try to-- I don't know how many friends she'll have with her. - But then, why can't we get someone to change her name? - Rockefeller. - We need Constance Rock. - Yeah. - So why don't you try the last name? - We find some drug-addled horror on a, you know, prospect, propeller. - And we get her to go to the, you know, change her name. - Magically, the names are different. True names have a big value. - He didn't say true name, Constance Rock, and a fellow reset to Constance Rock. - You don't need a magic? - I don't know any of this. - There we go. - Right? - Ignore me. - Well, anyway. - I'm just doing another option now. - I'm going to need muscle level. I'm going to need support by any knowledge. Sounds like it's going to be kind of a near thing, but the idea is we would have fulfilled our side, or my side of the bargain, and we can get out of there. She can't really retaliate without breaking her side and then causing all sorts of problems for herself. - The father who is really the only, I guess by terms of blood and honor, are the only legal person that you can turn the child over to. - Honor. - Unless you want to put her to Cleveland Children's Services. Child by rape, honorable person. - She's half human, it's close to him. - Well, my worry, we haven't talked to Megan, and she's interested in getting the child, she's interested in saving her father. If a deal is going down where her father's being traded and we don't talk with her first, she may jump in on the deal and try to steal people. - Which is why I think it's a good idea to have the conversation with Megan. - And the conversation? - No, or no to. - So you had the idea of confrontation? - Either one of you had the idea of perhaps this is an opportunity to enlist her as an ally. - Yes. - She won't be interested in killing Constance because it will kill her ability to become. - That was before I really understood the fact that she just wants the baby dead. She doesn't care about the baby, she wants the baby either to get dead out, or she wants the baby to live forever. She doesn't want anything positive. - She's not gonna join us to kill Constance. - There's no reason why her and that baby should be anywhere near each other. - It'll take some convincing, but I like to pretend I'm a pretty good talk. - But then she'll help just 'cause she'll save her father? - Yes, that's the idea. - But if this baby goes back to the neighbor, never, never with her father, doesn't that meet Megan's issues? - No, because Megan's still gonna burn that. She wants to be immortal. If we, who does her serve the mortal? - Yes, we handle this while you're away. Megan wants to grab the baby in order to extend to both. - All right, she's changed for her father, and be the new host. - The new host. - And the queen. - And the queen. - Well, here's the thing about soul. - And here's where maybe I have to get by the book here and get tough. If she can't be an asset for this, then she's a liability and she will have to be treated like any black vampire. - We still have room in the minifan. - Now, we'll just do that. - Which means we should ignore till she gets in our way and then we can take her out. I really don't see any reason to talk to her. - Or do you do anything with her? - Well, she is looking for the child. - We don't even know her. - And the pre-emptive strike, if we know where she's gonna be, roughly, we can take her out and I should be in the sense of anyone. - And at the least, we have to let Krispy Kris go. - I agree. - As per our arrangement. But he's not gonna honor the arrangement. - I don't see why we should. - Who should he not? - So I'm gonna miss him and then follow him to her. - She's not coming out till night, so we have to know. - But they'll meet up then? - We can kill her, okay? - Yes. - I mean, we should be proactive about this in whatever way it is. If we convince her to work with us, that's great. - If she disagrees, we got good. - I have a history, we can't just tie a letter. - I'm not hearing anything I can't disagree with. - Okay. - But, I have a history. - Wait a minute, what? - I'm the one with the location problem. - I'm not hearing anything I can't disagree with. That's like a triple negative. I'm not even sure what the fuck that means. - He has a good idea to disagree with everything I hear. - I could disagree with all of this. - I think it was a double negative. - All right, anyway, my point is, I have a history with her. She knows how I am with her father. If we can't negotiate for her to be with us as an asset, then it's my duty to free her of the horrible bondage of being a vampire. - No, I see no reason why she wouldn't want to be an asset and be there for the exchange. - Yeah, who's to say she said she's gonna lie? - 'Cause the first comes to worst. - Well, hopefully somebody like you would be able to detect that. - 'Cause the best scenario for it is if she is there during this change, if she somehow gets his baby soul, she lives forever. So of course she'll be there, she'll help us out. - Hold on, if we kill Constance, she can't turn to Mother Vam. - You know what I mean? - It's a process of rituals and shit, she can't do that. - We don't know. - It's highly scientific. Constance has been researching it for so long. - You have a chance to have David has been working with documented letters on how to form her. - She has a research team. - I mean, I think it's at least viable to say that someone else died and Meghan appeared in front of them and said, "Make me a vampire queen of..." - Meghan has already been made a vampire with this process, so she's probably aware of proper process work, but she would have to be a wizard to use those things. - That's only arguing things, and it's a good point though, but what's only arguing things we actually know the answer to because we get to sit here and pontificate and what we think is correct, we don't know for sure. What we do know is that, personally speaking, I think we should vote right now that Meghan is eliminated. Not an asset, not a friend, not a buddy, not a hanger on her. I don't see any value in her whatsoever. - I just convinced me. - I wonder if she had decent motives, but she wants to become a vampire bitch queen, and that just can't happen. What's your excuse? - Wait a minute. - What possibly good reason could we have for keeping her alive? - Wait a minute, wait a minute. What? - Maybe Bill Donaldin wanted to keep her alive, but the baby she did not want that to happen at all. - It's possible. - Her boyfriend seems to think she wants to keep. - The thing she wants to do is why she wouldn't, why she would be, he'd want to help us in a decent, and maybe we'd have to talk to her to try to figure that out. - Well, what you've described implies that she doesn't really have any concern about her father, she just wants to achieve power. - She'll not. - I think Jim is arguing the exact opposite. - Yeah. - How did I miss that? - Okay. - Well, I was thinking at first the sound of that way, but now I'm thinking that Bill might have said, "Hey, let's get this baby and make my daughter to live." And then once he started going through with it, had second thoughts about it. And she didn't want it to happen at all. Did she just end up in the middle of it, being turned into a vampire now? - So you're saying that Bill and his daughter are not in the same page? - Possibly. - Which is really congregate. - Right now, they just want to save each other's lives. - She's looking over at the baby. - Who wants to kill her no matter what? - They both might not want it. - If she was in the same page with them-- - I don't even have to whisper in your ear. - If she was in the same page with them, she'd say, "Good job, Dad. "I'd tuck in that thing away where no one can find it." She's not saying that, she's looking for it. She's ambushing you guys in the hand of theater. She was ambushing the vamps. - The vamps, yes, but it was the same purpose. It was, yeah, she wants the baby. - Right. She doesn't want it, for any other reason, either A, get her father out of jail free, which I doubt highly, and B, to become the vampire queen of Cleveland. - No matter that these vampires have souls, they don't have good motives. They need to show them. So, right now, with one stipulation that she is on the same page with her father and wants to rescue him and not pay him-- - But still, then she wants the baby to rescue her father. She's still an impediment to what we're trying to do. - What I want to do. - We don't want to rescue her father. - No. - Well, first of all, her father's like-- - She doesn't know that, and she's not gonna agree to that. - She's gonna figure it out. - Well-- - Which is why she should be dead. - Yes. - Okay, yeah. - As long as we follow the-- - There's not against killing her, as long as it follows the rules. - Sure. - You could make yourself feel better, and then we can-- - It's still, it's gonna be so angry. - All right. - I mean, you have to do-- - You're the right reason. - And in this case, and we-- - I was talking to her first, before killing her the right reason. All her actions, it's-- - I-- - Of all the people at this table, I've had previous experience with the person who she was-- - Used to be-- - Right, true. - She's a vampire now. - What's that mean? - Exactly. - She feeds on people. More emotions, or whatever. Put the sword to her. - You see, you're gonna kill your mentor because he killed a couple of people on the defensive baby. - Save a baby. - She sucks people dry 'cause she's hungry. - What? - We need to talk to her first. - Again. (laughing) - Well, I would like to be-- - I tried to reason why she was a reporter. - They are assholes. I just broke some guy's neck because I wanted to. - Oh my God. - He was not a good person. He had no redeeming qualities. Despite having a soul, he didn't care for anyone but himself. - Sure. - She won't want to save her father, but there's a good deal in it for her. We shouldn't-- - I didn't give her a second chance. - I didn't give her a second chance. - Megan, putting her down very well. - What? - I think we all agree. - She does. - After you talk to her, it'd make sense. - She does. - Well, it would be easier to kill her if we dropped in on her ambuster. - I don't even understand why we need to drop in on her and but she'll find her. - She might easily try to save her father and save her father while we're doing it. - She's messing up our father. - She's elusive and it's-- - She could also be a monkey wrench in our layover planes. - We just don't want her appearing while we're making a really self-triggered deal. - It sounds like, then, is Roberto and Edmond unborn with-- - I don't know where you got that from. - I'm asking, can I enlist your services to help us? - I try to kill her. - Are you gonna help enlist my services to help track down Dad? - No, I know where Dad is. - If I've tracked him to go there and meet him or whatever you wanna do. - No, we wanna find a baby down. - And if you wanna track down Megan and take her out but to actually find the baby, I still cannot know why we need to go. And actually find the baby in this, I think she's in harm where she is now. - The baby is in harm's way, right? - Well, I guess she is in, well, do you have any relationship with the conductor? - I probably know of him. - Okay, he's a ghoul down in the undertone. - He's not a ghoul, or no. - He's not a ghoul. - No, he leads us to-- - The ghoul is a great place to the ghoul. - Okay, is that undead spirit or something? - Well, we need to retrieve the girl from there, from the undertone. - Why? - Well, we can't leave her there, and I also need to-- - Is it part of your bargain that you have to? - There's no way out of this? - Well, we can bring Jan's bear. - It's either that or we're gonna do a stuffed panda bear. - I like the stuffed panda bear. - The child Janus does not indicate to me the stuffed panda bear Janus. - Listen, if you're saying you're not in-- - I'm not in-- - What can I say? I can't convince you that you're not in. - The last thing I want to do after Constance is dead in Megan Donovan is dead. - Yeah, and-- - I don't know if Constance-- - This whole plane isn't to the kill, Constance. - I think all should be. - The whole plane is to the ham. - If it happens, great, but that's not the key objective. - No, what's the key objective? - Getting out of this alive with our-- (laughs) - Getting out of this alive means giving a bait door to a vampire or a makin' door. - No, we're not giving the vampire-- - You know, it's not gonna happen. - Sorry, that meant-- - We're not giving the baby to the vampire. Did the whole boat and all the games and ship and brigmanship we've been working for is to avoid that thing. We do not want-- - We want to get her into the room with Bill Donovan so that he can die and please death curse on her. - On her. - That was the end. - Right. - As a wizard, what do you think the limitations and powers of a death curse are? What could he achieve by doing that? That's probably something you discussed in the room in the 30 minutes. - What I remember what a death curse can really do is it's not going to kill her outright. It's going to make her life more difficult. So it's not-- - So what? - That all her endeavors are doomed to fail, that all, it's not instant. It's something that has like a long-lasting-- - That's not necessarily true. It depends on the type of death curse that someone wants to do. During war, and this is out of character, obviously because my character's not shit about all this, but during the war with the red card, they had, more than two were fighting on the ground, the red card vampires, when there were tons of them, that moment when what's his face toward and-- - Morgan? - Yeah, he got real close to the king himself and nearly killed him. There were people dying all around the place. Morgan's every few minutes. And they just, real quick, explosion to wipe out 12 tiles around me full of guys kind of things. It could be something like that or it could be something a little more effective towards one person in particular with a ton of power. Could be something long-lasting, subtle-- - Kill it, for all I know, it could be the Turner mortal. - Wasn't the death curse? - You know, use to liberate the white court king, not really a vampire anymore, and of course-- - That did happen. - Yes, but she had a particularly complicated-- - The moms? - And she was a really powerful-- - The mom's death curse was to make him unable to feed. So he could never, he had his battery. And every time he used any of his strength, he could never regain it. And so that was this thing, he was never able to feed it again. I don't think we could do the same to her. - Well, I don't know how powerful those death curse would be. That's something that I think did. It's something I'd like to get some of these other things in place before we decided what that would have been, whether that stuns her, whether it incapacitates her, or makes her break out of neck. - Again, she's a very powerful old vampire, but she's also a powerful wizard. - Well, next question, briefly, when I left Chuck to Tom, did you guys come to a consensus on what we're going to do with Megan? - Killer. - I know, I know you're a vote. - Yeah, that was like, you may not have-- - We were leaning towards a law-fought destroyer and then killing her. - Talking to her and making her. - I'm not agreeing to talking to her. I think it'd be easier to kill her if we didn't talk to her. - We didn't know what her vote is. - Yeah, we still feel good about it. - No, it doesn't need to come long. He has to get a baby, he has to get a father. He's a lot of work to do. He's the only one who could find a father. - It's true, you could just fold up and make that vote for the GM a little bit more. - I don't know a problem with that. It's pretty comfortable. - Well, it's usually done easier and reasonable. - No, it is, it's just-- - It's juggling time for the group, that's all. - All right, maybe I could understand what her motives were. I thought her motives were against Constance, and I thought that would serve us, but if you're the impression you gave me now seems that no, she's making a power grab for herself and is actually more of a threat to the child, then she's a monkey wrench or a loose end, and I'd rather put her out of her misery then. - Okay, but let me free her soul, let me-- - Of all the options, honestly, I'd like to go talk to her and personally with you, of all of us, the two people, I talk the best and you know the most about her. We could convince her to work with us. - But as we've just learned with Crispy Bruce, you really can't-- - You can't trust her. - You can't trust her. - I don't think there's anything but selfish. - Can you convince her as well as we can? That's all I can do. If you do-- - Do you acknowledge that if it doesn't work, then we're gonna have to put a blade to her? - Yeah, if someone goes back on earth, you fucking kill 'em. - That's the solution to the problem. Crispy Bruce-- - I don't like it when you say it like that, but-- - Yeah, Crispy Bruce doesn't show us, do his nose. - I mean, boyfriend, that's not what I would do. That's something minor. Megan goes back on an oath she made to help us protect the baby and guarantee her father's safety in the middle of the combat where we're trying to save her father. - We kill her. - Yes, but do you-- - But do you see where that's-- - She's achieved the result of being the loose end of the month you mentioned our plan. - I mean, we're gonna be so busy-- - Making sure she doesn't screw us over. There's two things. It's a distraction. Either she dies or we just leave a loose end. That's it. If we can't agree that she dies, then we just leave her. - It's not safe to leave a loose end. - It's not safe not to kill her either, but you guys seem to have some kind of touchy, feeling warm, moralistic viewpoint about vampires for crying out loud when she just put a coconut knife in her throat and end it. - What a gentleman you are. - You get out of your apartment blooded and your whole bloodthirsty and-- - Well, he's not doing it. - I'm not doing it. - I'm gonna lead you to her. - So, I'm not working with a party. - Will you help me find the child? - For money? - I don't see a reason to. I think you're just endangering the child's life no matter what you do with the child. I see no reason that you be-- - He's gonna find the child anyway. - He has to buy his, oh, what else is he gonna do? - Well, I'm asking you, so you're saying that you don't wanna be a part of this? - Yeah. - This way you could protect the baby. - All right. - You'll notice I'm agreeing with him I'm killing the vampire. - Like mine's and all that. - Maxwell. - May I enlist your services or do you need to-- - To save the child? - To save your mentor? - Sure. - No. - Not to save the mentor. - Not to save the mentor. - Yeah, yeah, you wanna kill him. - Well, I'm going to-- - Maxwell, people are going to die. - Listen, just to be fair and to be clear-- - If you know that. - Justice will prevail in the case of Bill Donovan. He has broken laws because I care. - Well, do you care? - It's a no, but it's a-- - It's a cotton. - I'm just like gonna start killing people just really nilly. He broke the law, pretty serious offense for the White Council, and he will be punished for it in due course. Justice will prevail with him, but unless something really extraordinary happens, him surviving the encounter is probably not going to happen. - You just don't understand why we had to step in there and take him out. Why couldn't we just leave well enough alone? - He dies, my good hands. - Because we wouldn't have left the room without transferring the oath that Bill took on to get out of there. We would still be locked in the room. - We have powers? - We could have done things. Could have ran through the window. - Oh, my God. You're still, you need to, you need to, oh, you need a nap. - Okay, that's okay. - He's already done the oath. He can't undo the oath. - Yeah, that's actually, and you're right, that's a good point, that's a fan of conflict. - Yeah, it is. - Wait a second. I've already retained your services. - All right, you know what, I got you some work. - That'd be good. - We'll walk away. - You know what, how about this, malts for everyone. Tommy's malts. - I like ice cream for everyone. - He has my malts, malts. - Shut up. - This is what washed the blood from my hands. - Bring the malts. - I have a tough time understanding exactly what we're doing. - We're taking a child away from safe players. - Semi-safe, I'll grant you that, 'cause it's a fucking cool. - Yeah, but it's not like the queen of vampires. - And then we're bringing it into what will, in minutes, by your own design, become a war zone. - I don't know, war zone. - It's between-- - We're bringing the fate, and it's a really powerful fang, and a ridiculously powerful, oh, look at this one, fucking old vampire with magic. - And wizard. - So that we can get a wizard that you will then proceed to kill immediately, so that he might possibly damage this vampire? - So that's crazy. - That part. - You're going. - You're going. - I bet so. - What this? - So, and this accomplishes nothing anymore. - Taking a child away from a slightly safe zone into the middle of a war zone, and then proceeding to kill your mentor to damage a vampire that you just said minutes ago, that you don't give a shit about. - You're not adhered to kill her. - No, you're spending-- - You're just here to-- - We're aiming to kill a child and returning her to her father. - A father that bore that child with rape. - We should. - While a woman was wrong, you are blind, be quiet. - I can only apply my morals, Alan. If she ran through this man's area, you got raped, the birth of the child. - All right, are you a-- - You are a-- - You are a rapedist. - Alan, you are your best friend. - Alien. - So, I'm hearing that you're out. - Alan, a lot of your plans-- - I'm hearing that you involve-- - That you involve-- - That's the same thing to me with this father. - We're doing it. - Your father. - And Megan. - So, before we go find-- - No, it doesn't really involve Megan. Megan was-- - Before we go find this baby, let's resolve both those issues first. - I need-- - I get up from the dead. - We know we-- - And we all agree, Megan, should die. - More or less. - Or just need-- - Okay, I don't care. - No, no, let's agree about that. - No, stop, let's agree about that. - One moment, and I need all of you to roll alertness. - I need to roll it, though. - Yeah, please. - Stealth to-- - Be alert? - To go to bathroom. - Is it soft to go to bathroom? - No. - That was good. - That would be my-- - Nothing. - Good. - Mediocre. - I need yogurt. - Nah, my mediocre post, too. - Nice. - So, you're all sitting there arguing when Maxwell gets up. - Hey, the fake point for that. - Yeah, he's definitely a fake point for that, 'cause every life is sacred. And he gets up and he starts walking towards the bathroom, and you all notice that he stops heading towards the bathroom and starts heading towards the door. And you realize that he was the one that drove here in the company van, and he's got the keys. And he's walking towards the front entrance, rather than the bathroom, and kind of glancing over his shoulder to watch you guys as he's doing it. - I'm like, all right, I'm not very still. - No, with zero stealth and a zero roll. Is anybody doing anything? - I'm getting up and running over to you. - The minute he you get up, he breaks a newer run. - No, I break a newer run. - No, I break a newer run. - Why is this my job? - Is this something else that's going on? - Do I still get my haul? (laughing) - We got haul, where you going? - Apparently, you don't know what's going on. You spend the turn in a bit of confusion as-- - I know what's going on. - We have a vampire in the car. Where he's gonna die, she's gonna die, his girlfriend. And he's against this. - Here, please. - Three, fuck you, you're the only-- - Yeah, okay. - The only way to cleave with morals is if you want to see people die. - Real quick, something that I really enjoyed working out. - Okay, I need everyone to roll alertness to see what order we're gonna move in. - And the order plus, the order is plus four? - The fatal, fudge roll. - Yeah, all right. - Ooh, fair, fair. - John beat me. - Ooh, that nice. - I think he's the only one that did. - Good throw chair at you. - Go for it. - Okay, what did you, what did you get? - I rolled good, fair. - Oh, he says not really a place you could maneuver around it very easily. - No, it's pretty tight to get that. - Good. - The doorway is in the road chair. - How many zones are we, is he? - Are we supposed to pick aspects for the restaurant? - Yes, and one of the aspects is crowded. It's a small place. - Oh, it's crowded. - Packed with people, packed with chairs. The movement through this area, I would say, is good. Three. - It's pretty narrow, too. - Yeah. - It requires good to move across his own. - To weave in between the tables and the chairs and the people getting towards the front door. - How many zones are there between me and the front door? - Because I roll. - Just, it's just one. - Okay. - But the movement through it is good. - Should I not have rolled Netflix before we begin the encounter then? - But you went first. So let's get our roll from you as far as you can sprint in the first turn. I don't know, you sprint here, you're just walking. - That's right. - Okay. - That looks like I'm skipping out on the build. - Well, it's not even a funny menu. - I rolled it, yeah. - Fantastic. - Wow. - That plus one in my-- - So fantastic foots him out of the room. - You guys before me? Should that be? - We're gonna let you go first because he did not just stand up from the table and sprint. He stood up from the table and started walking, trying to be stealthful about it. You noticed it and get to act before him, but he looks like he's in the action of bolting. Yes. - I'm sorry. Are you like a conscientious objector? - Two. - This mission? - No. - No, no, no, no. In general, is that like when you say that every life is sacred, is that-- - That's an aspect of his. He doesn't like to see-- - I don't kill if I can help it. I don't let people kill if I can stop it. - He's already seen-- - Why are you also shocked? - He's already seen Roberto just after guys actually, while they were sitting in a room. And apparently he wants to do something about it. - I'm writing that in the file manual. - I'm just curious. - He's got an FBI file on everyone that he's killed. John's file is actually, that's the only thing in John's file. - So, Roberto, what are you doing? - You're an important chair. - Yeah, but you don't know that. - I haven't had to lie, which is good because I'm really shitty at it. - What are you doing? - I'm gonna check a chair. - He's in a car. - No, he's not. - He stood up. - And he doesn't go until after Roberto. So he's going to, both from the place. I mean, he's looked like he's ready to sprint. And you stand up, pick up your chair, and throw it across. So standing up and stuffing his side from your chair, that's gonna be at least one action. And then your throwing the chair would be-- - Subspunk, Subspunk. - Subspunk, Subspunk action. - All right. - It was cute. - That was her. - Well thrown, sir. - The Subspunk, I had my buttocks to dodge. - Yes. So you're dodging a superb-- - And then there's a-- - So you're gonna skip out of his belt. - Excuse me. - Nice. - I say what? - 'Cause I can't hear you 'cause you're not-- - If I miss, I hit the mock gun. - Actually you are in a muffled zone, by the way. - Oh, I'm shouting. - Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. - Hey, no, no, no, no, no. There's some distress going on here. You're not sure what. - Yeah, you got everyone's attention. Go ahead, you're-- - I thought, oh, shit. - Mine's too. - Damn, that's only, uh, good. Keep me in the face with the chair. - So you take too stress as the chair clocks you up this time. - No, no, no, no. - I can plus two, 'cause I like super strength. - That's going on the phone, dude. - So now I do chairs like a fucking maniac. - I believe just two people who I didn't realize was this initial powers. - You saw him go through a fucking-- - Yeah? - What? - That was a hammer, that was a hammer. - Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah. - We did have a hammer. - When I had a theater, I went right through the wall and then threw it at a van player who was hanging off a balcony, I don't know. - Right, and it's what I'm saying. And then what the admin was good. - Do you have a stress box before? - I do have a stress box before. - Then it's crossed off. - It's pretty good. - It is then your turn, and you are dancing and weaving through the crowd and out the door. - If he rolls plus, if he hit him with a four, does he get to spin or anything on him? - No, spin is only on defense. - Defense, that's right. - Successful defense, that's one defense. - I don't get a chance to hit him before he leaves. - Nope. - No. - Yes, Roberto goes and max will then you. - Okay. - And he gets enough, I mean, he just sprints. He's like vaulting tables, and then he's through the door and into the street. The building is straight, then you have three more. That puts you on the sidewalk, then across the street, which is at least like two. So you're remaining two. So you are across the street. You are on the opposite sidewalk when admin gets you go. - Can I go as far? - You would have to do the same thing he did, which is use your athletics to sprint as many zones as possible. - Which I don't have it, but. - Come on, by Anik Ben. - So I would guess if you can't do what you did. - But you can try. - But you got a bait point. - Yeah, guns. - We're gonna fight Constance Rockwell, but if you want to chase down. - You're owning employees. - To stop him from saving a life. - Gotta go as it digs. (laughing) - Yeah, well. - It's a fan player. - You can try your employee. - It's an unlife, it's not a life. - You can't reason me. I'm across the fucking street. - It's true. - Evan, what are you doing? - Um, I'm just moving as far as I can. - All right, for all four dice, add it to your athletics. You don't have it, so it's just the four dice. - I guess I could have tried for some of the social kind of. - I got an average. - Average is one which puts you about 1/3 of the way across this crowded restaurant. - You wouldn't need like, go through the window or something. - You didn't tell me where you're sitting, so it's crowded. - Okay. - You took the most of it, a little seat. But you've gotta wind your way, and there's people that are standing up and yelling in the chairs, you know, just bounced off of him and hit someone else. And so you don't even get through the row when that turn. And then Alan, you spend the turn going, what the fuck is going on? - Yeah, I was kind of sucking down the wall. - And then London. - Oh, I just continued. - Okay. We're back at the top, Roberto, you're standing at the foot of the table, and he is like-- - I kind of see him through the window. - Yeah, he's across the street, he's gone. - All right, ask for another chair. - Kind of a chair? Sit back down or throw it out. - The other one's all scheduled across the ground, after infecting on my chair. - Then we're back to Maxwell. - I got in the car and started. - Okay, Roberto, it's like you gotta go down the street a bit and then into a parking lot into the car, so you're gonna need a license. - Hold on, no, no, no, no. - Do you have your car nearby? - They didn't drive them soon. - We were driving. - You were driving them. - They probably got a vehicle. - And I was driving the lunch rush. - London and Nail had to be in separate cars. - Yeah, if you're parking a car-- - I mean a car and then you guys were in a van. - You guys probably were okay for us. - This is the lunch rush. They might have been able to park in the-- - How are we sparking the seat? It's parking a car. - Two for us, really cost what? - Rural athletics, again, to see how far you get it. - I did, didn't you want me to reroll? - Okay, what was your total? Well, that's a nice one. - Yeah, that was a nice one. - It was seven. - Wow. - Epic. - Yes, you are moving fast. So you, without a doubt, get down the street into the seat, you get a parking lot open up the door. You're in the car, maybe even back out the car a little bit and then you're pointing the right direction. - Yeah, the deuce, the heads are sliding. - Slide across it. - Oh, wait, it's on the other side. - The crossing, are you there? - Again. - That would be even cool. - Whatever, no one's ever seeming. - I'm moving. - Okay, keep trying to work his way through. Excuse, pardon me. Did you move your baby, lady? - I got that. - Same thing. - Amber. - Yeah, you could use your presents to, like-- - Damn it. - God, I'm away. You got to use my friend just to plop the people and get invited. - Yeah, she would. - Damn it. - We'll still be on the news, too. - Oh, yeah, it's because-- - This guy's me! You're not using this, guys. I assume you were. Do you still look like? - No, he never understands again. - If you seriously want to use might, you would actually be picking up tables and shopping people out of the way. Okay, that's the only way I can see might be-- - That shit would make you do it. - But I would allow you to add plus one if you're might high enough, too. - It's good. - He is like way the fuck outta you. - As far as, yeah. Back on your turn, driving roll, and you're in the street, you're gone. - My turn first. - Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. - Yeah, I'm still thinking out of my place, my face, impostor, or something. - Oh, okay, this guy's me. - I didn't know you were serious. - Oh, you're one, man. - Yeah, he's on some posters, right? - Yeah, I've got to go to my stealth. - Okay. - If anyone's paying attention, I'm obviously-- - Actually, they're paying attention to the crazy man who ran out of the room, but some of them are looking at the guy who threw a chair and he hit some gaps on the head. - Sure. - All right, I was fully put down by Trump and Mull, and I worked outside. - Yeah, you gotta do the same thing, you gotta transverse this so far. - Honestly, I mean, you gotta throw your easy athletics. - Great athletics. - I don't know. - Oh, great gets you through the room, out the door, and the sidewalk, and you can't quite get across the street, so you're, like, stopped. - Should go in his car? - And you see him pull out and go in and go north, where you'd have to run down the street to get to him, and he's on the other side of the street. - London? - Seriously, maybe in terms of getting out of the restaurant with one role, he's an admirer. - He's moving fast. He has athletics. - I don't mean the action. Actually, what I did was you can get into Bob's books the next door over through the doorway. - Okay. - And it's a straight shot to the door, so I just, that's how I would explain it. - You're circumvented it. - Yeah, like, oh yeah, there's an easy way to-- - I think this is a good place to stop it. - Yes. - And last, I wanna see, I mean, did you intend to do some magic, because he is driving north, in the fact of-- - Which means that you'd be heading toward me. It's from the CVS parking lot, to where I'm at, you'd be heading toward me then. - He obviously goes away from you guys, he's not gonna drive right past you again, so I drive south on-- - How would you-- - Is it coming to you, right? - Like, if I have sight of him, when I have sight of his car, do I have-- - He is-- - In my rangers, he out of my zone. - It is lunch hour. There are a hell of a lot of people around, and there are cars all over the street, so-- - Well, he's the one where they call it magic. - Okay, I'm just saying. - You could talk in my car, in particular, but it's gonna affect all of the cars in the round. It's like, you try to blow up that one light bulb, it's a hex, it's like wall-- - That's how it's probably gonna do more than that. - So be it. - Oh, wait a second, I haven't really met him. - Yeah, it'll be good. - I mean, the big scheme of things. - Yeah, normals. - Enjoying them all. - Yeah. - So-- - He's running out, and he's out of the street, and he wants to hex the entire street and blow up. - Yeah, I do, I do, I do stay in the street. I don't understand why I can't target his car. - You could do something else. - I mean, I understand I have the choice of making an area effect, but do I not have the choice to make an area effect? - I'm not sure. - I don't think hexes can be that target. - I don't think you're-- - Okay. - We can pause here, and we can resolve this next week. That's what we're gonna do. But, I wanna read this section of hexes. I don't really think that if you're in the stadium, and there's a jumbo try on it, you can pick that light bulb, the hex right there, or a string of street lights that you're gonna do the third one and pass. You know what I mean? I think it's a little more having to do with your distance to the object. If you're in a car, and you're farther from the engine, then the engine's a little more safe. So I think it's distance-related. - I know what the-- - You know, I don't know. - I know the books, you can do it, but usually it's with touch. Like if you were in the front of this phone, you just had to sit and touch it. - Right. That's what I'm saying. I wanna read it. - I think it's like a laser that you can shoot. It's more of-- - Listen, everybody wants to do one thing, and I'll end up flying and everything in a room. - See, you can do this too. You don't have to be a very good magician. These are not-- - Oh, that's right. - I don't care. - We'll call it. - Chris B. Briscoe. - I just meant the future. You can offer a technology. - Right. - We'll call it here. - Thanks for listening to the Knights of the Night Actual Play podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures, where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling props, and even a forum for comments and suggestions, where you could email us directly at feedback at, or contact us via Twitter, or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit and please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. - All right, you wanted to be a Shylor. - She wanted to be Shylor. - She wanted to be Shylor. - She wanted to be Shylor. - She wanted to be Shylor. - She wanted to be Shylor. - She wanted to be Shylor. - She wanted to be Shylor. - She wanted to be Shylor. - She wanted to be Shylor. - She wanted to be Shylor. - She wanted to be Shylor. - She wanted to be Shylor. - She wanted to be Shylor. - She wanted to be Shylor.