Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 77: "Delivery - Answer the Question!"

Broadcast on:
04 Apr 2012
Audio Format:

Answer the Question!The group splits up again as Maxwell and Roberto starts questioning Crispy Bruce and Ryan Nelson as London and Allan head off to track down the missing Warden William Donovan.Actual Play starts at - 4:56

(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. This Dresden File Story delivery was written and run by your GM top. And now, please enjoy episode 77 titled, Answer the Question. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - All right, before we start our session tonight, we have just a tiny bit of feedback. And I would like to apologize to Landis Gembar on Twitter, who posted something a while ago. And I had forgotten that KOTN even had a Twitter account and just checked it recently. And Landis posted a couple things mentioning our podcast on Twitter, including it in his post, saying that he was listening to KOTN Podcast and thinking, you should do more looking into the Dresden Files, especially any books that they're based on. So he's apparently enjoying our podcast as I have to mention it. We appreciate that and we thank him. - Yes, very much so. Sorry for the delay. - Yeah, really. I promise to check the feed much more often now. The other thing I found which was slightly humorous was that the last episode we put out was about the battle at the Hannah Theater. And I posted on Facebook, which automatically gets mirrored out on Twitter, and the Hannah Theater picked up that and blasted it across all of their Twitter feed to their listeners and followers for the Hannah Theater, saying that they should check it out. Yeah. - Do we have a bump in the internship this week? - Is there a little box that I just kinda-- - I think so. They just, they have an automatic bot that says, ooh, someone mentioned Hannah, let's read. 'Cause it was, I said Hannah Theater, specifically, and it was picked up and reblasted out. And probably the majority of the people that follow the Hannah Twitter were-- - Are not World of Darkness, or Dresden players probably. - Role players, I don't think. But I thought it was-- - Who knows, maybe someday we'll give a live-- - Live performance on the Hannah Theater. - Well, we can't 'cause it was burned down and there's a big hole in the wall. - Babs, what's this interesting podcast that just came across? - I don't know, Chet. - That didn't pass. - Wouldn't think that they're typical listeners, but-- - Yeah. - Anyway, I thought it was humorous and that I'd share that. - Good stuff. Any other? - Thanks, Hannah Theater. - Yeah. - Any other feedback? - That's it. - We did have a couple people on rate on iTunes, but they didn't leave a review, so I can't tell who it is, but thank you for those five stars. - Oh, it doesn't even leave their name? - No, they can rate how many stars they want, but unless they leave an actual review, I don't know who it is. - All right, well, were they good ratings? - Yeah, they're all five stars. - Wow. - Appreciate that. - Thank you, anonymous people. - I should try to make it a point to name all our-- - That's right, we should see how many Twitter feeds we can get. - Yeah, just think of something named Brand. - I did not call it the McDonald's. - We'll have some one on McDonald's in the head of McDonald's episode. Three million downloads this week. - I did have a conversation with someone on Facebook who said that when we designed Cleveland, we should've mentioned the fact that it's the rock and roll. - It's true, rock and roll. - They didn't even come up in our Cleveland creation. Not at all, it wasn't even mentioned. - Yeah, 'cause it's not really a big thing. - 'Cause it's not a big thing you're just leaving. - No, because when they have the inductions, it's New York. - Yeah, '90s. - This year, they're having it. - They actually include an amazing link. - We've outside every four, five years or something. - Yeah, they throw us a bone. - Thanks, New York. - Well, it was a weird shape building right by the water, so maybe it could be the focal plane. - Actually, I went there, and it was a pretty enjoyable time. - I've never been there. - I've gone to the science center right next to it. - I was very, very lucky to go. - No, no. - Rock and roll. - Could've had a little dead rock star. - Five, two. - Yeah, I was not interested at all in going, but I went there and actually had it through some time. All right, and with that, we'll get on to the adventure. - We are playing the Dressing Files delivery case file. I'm Tom, your GM, and starting on my left is John, playing Roberto Martinez, Garden of Cleveland, and powered by a fallen angel. - Scott, playing London Deals, and a moral sear to the supernatural. Mike, playing Ellen Montgomery, the new Warden in town. - And Thomas, playing Maxwell Edison, the undercover FBI agent. - We are missing this week, Jim, who plays Edmund. - He is-- - Kung Fu Vampire. - The Kung Fu Vampire. - He's helping his son pack for his trip out to college in Chicago, so good luck to his son. - Yes. - And we'll see you shortly, maybe next week, Jim. - Where we left off, we just exited the hand of theater after setting it out of fire and-- - Plus me all through the wall. - And carrying two prisoners. - Would perhaps Edmund take those prisoners into custody and take it to the supernatural holding cell that I'm sure we have to be feeling located in the Cleveland area? - Edmund mentioned last time that we played, he had an interrogation room with son lamps to keep the black court camp players at bay, and I have no problem with that. - So that's what we use then to make a quick trip back there. - I say I told you so in several different flowery ways to let them know that I told them so. - Yeah, what did we learn from that? - Listen to London. - That if you go into town, it's prepared in case-- - It's exactly the prisoners and learn lots of information. - Or continue on, ignore the Easter eggs and head onto the main quest and find the actual gold that we're looking for, gentlemen. It almost costs some lives. - They're alive. - It was pretty bloody there for a second. Until I came in and rained some-- - Stayed today. - Loved an action down out. - Okay, if we remember correctly. - Yeah, Ryan Nelson. - We have Ryan Nelson, the nerd with the heart of gold. - No, dude. - Just the nerd. - Well, isn't he going to the holding cell, can't we? - Yeah, sorry about that. - Well, if Ryan is still awake, I ask him-- - You don't ask anything in the middle of the street with bodies in your trunk, do you? - I thought we were hustling him over to Edmond's car. - Well, that's what I'm asking you. You're going to Edmond's business? Taking him off the freight hall later? - Sure. - Something I don't understand, and I don't want, 'cause we clearly have a girl and I don't want to go against London again. But the vampires who set him up as bait in this area, do they already have him? Was he picked up on his way to the Hannah Theater? What do you know? - Where are you going? - You're not asking him in the street? - No. - 'Cause there's ears in the street. - So you're going to Edmond's place of business? - Then we're going the opposite way that we have to go, right? - All right, I'll talk to you later. - No, we're putting you on ice as well for your protection. - Wait, right? - You have Edmond, you have a unconscious black court vampire, you have the friend of Megan, also-- - I thought we killed him. - Crispy Bruce didn't die. - Crispy Bruce, I thought he was the whole point. Did we kill him? - No, no. - I don't think we killed him. - We did everything but that. - I killed him. - No, we don't have the option of killing him and chose not to. - Oh, I see, I'm sorry. - So you had two black court vampires, one from each faction and you have-- - We knew that they had a theater or we didn't kill him. - There's too much information here to pass up. - Okay. - So are you really sending him off with a slightly comatose gym back to his place of business? - We have to once again digress. - Are you making that call, London? 'Cause I don't want to hear about it later. - Well, I think that there's just, there is too much information here to pass up. - On the larger scheme of what's happening within this, this, this, in Broglio that we now find ourselves. - Oh, that's bullshit. - What, Broglio, wow. - Hey, I look up fancy words I can say to them during-- - 'Cause London, London's-- - London's-- - I'm on stage. - You're-- - Roberto is riding with Edmonton, I'm guessing, 'cause Roberto is your-- - Londonist. - Oh, I'm sorry. - Oh, I'm sorry. - And actually, he was with Maxwell. They, Maxwell and Roberto came, where they once paid that, and then they came to meet us, you, me, and Mr. Shudowski, Edmund, were in a car together. - You mean, so they're not here? - They are here. - All right. - Two cars. - Maxwell, you go with Edmund to help him with me. - President. - And we'll take crime. - All right. - I don't like that. - I'm just putting him back to Jim's place of establishment. You're putting him in the dark, dark trunk and closing it? - No. - That looks like we murdered them. - Not to mention that-- - No, I think that-- - But it's just a policy. - I think they can just dump both of them into the back seat. - Into the back seat. - I'm assuming the windows are shaded, probably illegally. - Do you really want to take them out of Jack's online? - I crippled this man so that he couldn't recover. He was out of-- - And this is Cleveland. We don't have Jack's online. - Never. - In November? - Never. - These appear to be modified blackboard vampires. Sunlight does nothing but take the power away. If you're putting them in a dark place, you're giving them their power back. - We'll put them in the back seat. - They're unconscious. - You make sure they stay unconscious. - Well, one of these two make sure that they stay unconscious. - We'll have Jim drive, 'cause it's his vehicle. Myself and the Warden will sit on either side of Ryan in the back seat. So that he's in the middle and has no chance to die about a door, we're doing anything else stupid that he might do. - Nothing happens on the drive 'cause he's got a parking garage and he's got a elevator that you can use where it's not conspicuous the fact that you're hauling up. - True unconscious and one semi-conscious, not just a visual. - Okay, so we need to roll anything about getting in. Well, when we once were inside the building and out of prying eyes, we're also out of sunlight. So do we need to-- - Jim, it does indeed have a room set up that has some lamps. Would you think he's lighting them up? - He's lighting them up. - He is dealt with these types of characters more than he would-- - I need to talk to Jim a lot more. - He's used to be much more equipped to handle these kind of things. - Unfortunately, he doesn't have multiple rooms of this type, which means that they're both set up in one room, restrained in some sense, but they are each other. - They were as a best interviewer among the three of us in the beginning of the year. - Ryan is set up in a conference room with only one of the exits, someone on the door. - Well, we're not interviewing the vampires right now. We're just trying to put them on ice, but we probably want to get a little information out of Ryan and keep him here in protected custody under my authority as a ward in a Cleveland, which I'm not sure if I have that power, but I want to assume I do until 12 otherwise. Works for me. Who's the best interviewer among the four of us? - I'm pretty sure-- - Please don't recognize your-- - What's that? - It depends. - What kind of skill are you talking about? - The empathy. - Since he's involved in the parent edation. - And the local ward. - Well, Ryan's trying to seem to be intimidated right off the bat. - I think empathy would probably be the best way to be thinking of a bat. - I'm the best at, I think, I mean, what's your-- - Oh, no, I've got point. I have four, great, great answers. - Well, then I believe that Maxwell needs to do this interview. - Okay. - Unless anyone has-- - Just to point out, too, in the concept of the new sheriff in town, like in the Old West, the sheriff kind of would dictate law as he saw fit. He is the only representative of law. So in the case of Ryan, yes, Ryan is a citizen of Cleveland and all sorts of laws applied to him, but he's also the leader of the local parent ed. And that, of course, I'm like, that's where I'm ready to try to exert my authority. - I see. - So are my-- - So you could be in the room with Maxwell interview. - Okay. Sometimes it's been-- - You know, you can-- - I know I'm kind of bashing the lines on the boundaries of what my jurisdiction or my powers are, but I need to do it as a reward to him. - I think that it might be a good idea for Roberto to be in him as well, just in case the interview turns a little bit decidedly dark, he has the intimidate skill to a high degree. - No problem. And I'll do like the silence, stern, threatening person to see. - We probably-- - Where it recognizes based on my club and my sword, who the hell I am. - Okay. - Of course for me. - Or at least what I represent. - So we grab an interview room. - Which is the nice word for the interrogation room. - All right, so-- - Ryan is set up. - Oh yeah. - He's sitting kind of at a table by himself. There's relatively bright lighting. He's got a picture of water there at class. The room is sparsely furnished other than a big round table with a phone in the center of the desk, looks more like for conference calls, a few paintings on the wall, and a huge glass window set to overlook the city of Cleveland. Public Square, in fact. Day is slightly overcast, although every now and then the sun peaks through. Right now it's a little bit sunny, but there are great clouds about. And he looks up as you enter the room. - Um, thanks for saving me, guys. I appreciate it. - One of the more information we need to know that we think he needs. - Why just capture? - Let's assume you guys-- - Who used him as bait? - You guys spent a few minutes outside the room discussing your tactic before you go in. - Yes. - Standing in front of him and he's not using the radio. - Basically when I find out who used him as bait, and also what happened at Bay Village with Sarah Whitman's. - Well, we know for sure that she contacted him about her child because she didn't want to go to the hospital and he suggested meeting her midwife. - Why did she want that? - Yeah. - And he's the leader of the parent, and why was he involved in this, you know-- - What was special about Sarah's daughter that-- - Well, it's a tangent. - I know we know that, but I would just-- - But she didn't roll. - Okay. - Why would these vampires have an interest in Sarah Lennon's child? What have they got in this at all? - I don't know if he knows about that. - Well, he's very scared about something. - What does he think the threat is? - Who was after him? - The vampires. - But why? - What? - What we know right now, they don't really have any involvement in the soil, except that we've seen them around, so they do. - Yeah, so what did the deal with the child was so important? I don't know if you'd know any of this. - Well, he should. He's the one who set up Sarah Glee Love. Is there any Lila? - Lila was dead. - Lila was dead, wife. She's dead. - No. - Okay. - Is that it? - No. - We walk in. - Presumably. - You walk into the room, and-- - Ryan is sitting there. He's drinking glass of water, looking nervous, sweating a bit. He looks nervously at all three of you. - Do you actually have your sword out? - Nope. - Prominent business. - It's not negative. - Yeah, no, that's-- - Why did you throw back the cloak a bit, you know, so you can see this one. - Oh, yeah. - I mean, I've got my regalia on it. - Well, you said it was a cloak that was like a duster. - Right. - Ryan looks about nervously at all three of you. - Couldn't imagine why. - Nelson, we're gonna ask you some questions so we can solve this. - Check it out. - Yeah. - I said I would talk to Edmond. - Edmond's been disposed a little bit. - He got hurt pretty bad, trying to save your life. - Took a few blows to the head. - I missed out. - Yeah, 'cause it doesn't work on the podcast. - I give him the more, like, the stink guy. - I'm his assistant. I've worked under him for some time, and he's more than willing to let me take over such important investigations. So, if you could answer the questions. To the best of your ability, maybe we can wrap this case up sooner. - He takes a drink of water. - Answer the questions. - We haven't asked any. - I thought you did. - No. - That was bad. - I just shut him up. (laughing) - Sorry, stop him, answer the question. - One question. - I didn't say ask a question to answer our question, baby. - Don't I say, don't talk back to me. - We're a little curious. Why did these vampires use you as big? - Were you a captive before you? - Dude, basically, do you know who they are? Do you know these vampires? - Do you know who they are? - Do you know why they're after you? - I told Edmund that I didn't feel safe, and then I knew people were trying to get me killed. - And on your way to this meeting you were captured? - The meeting was set up only. - Minutes ago. - Yeah, minutes. - I didn't even get half the street from where I was hiding before they were on me. - Were they tapping your phone? Did they hear the conversation that they knew to set up such a... - I don't know. - I think it's safe to say he's not a very good sneak. - Look at him. - Yeah. - Did they say anything before we showed up at the hand of theater? You have to give us some information. Anything you heard, anything you saw could help us. - Hey, and everything I do, and everything I say gets me more and more in trouble. - Cycle. (laughing) - We're with the good guys. We're here to help you on the walls some empathy. - Okay, good. - The more information you give us, the better the situation will be it. Talk to those vampires real nice. Maybe you need to smack. - Then smack 'em. Wait until I hit 'em. - Or I can say like this. - Do you know who we are? - No. Do you know who any of them? - Okay. Do you know who I am? Can you take a guess, leader of the parent, and think about the sword? Do you remember seeing what we did to the vampires at the hand of theater? - Yeah. - So it is in our power to protect you. Or hurt me, or why not protect you? Do you understand what I'm saying? - Yeah, I think. - Right? - Kinda sounds like a threat, even. - Not at all. - He looks like he's close to yours. - I'm simply presenting to make sure that we understand that you were used as bait to lure us to the hand of theater, because we wanted to talk to you about something else. - That's not my fault. - I didn't even want to go there. I told him I didn't want to go there. I told him it wasn't safe. - And what did they say? - I want to talk to Edmond. - Edmond is wounded from trying to save you, and he's being treated right now. Now's the time for us to talk. I'm not doing this very well, so, you know, please jump in when you're in it. - He's looking like he's gonna stay quiet until he talks to Edmond. - Unless. - Yeah, I want to get you to see him. - Is that not something we can do? - Edmond's not here. - I don't know how these things go. Couldn't we have driven him? - Well, he is here, but Jim isn't here. - He's busy, maybe he's dealing with those guys from the clinic or something. I'm sure there's a reason that Ed mentioned his hand. - Yeah, he was a company. He's got stuff to do. - It seems like you're treading water here, right? - Real deep water. - So you're treading him again and it's like-- - I'm not treading him. - I'm simply skating. - You guys are gonna have to over come into the block. - Yeah, I'm not trying to figure out how to do that. I could just roll empathy and I'm sure it would help, but I need to say something. - I've been arguing that you are the one keeping him safe and that you're the good guys. So I don't have a problem with you making an empathy roll now. - Okay. - On this. - Can you obey how strong your argument has been? - Okay. - Well, negative one is poor. My empathy is great. It was average out to a good empathy roll. - Okay. - He's gone to me some bit. - He actually got a fair result. - So what's up, love, average damage to his-- - Yeah, I don't point out damage. - Okay. - When you say you work for him and I did that, dude, but he's the one that said he wanted me here. He's the one that said he could protect me. And I'm supposed to play the two who could protect? - We just pulled you out of the fire, literally. - Did you saw us kill creatures without bear? - No, I didn't say that. - Are you not in the safe house? Is this not safe enough for you? - Oh, so I could leave then. I can get up and walk away right now. - Would you be safe if you got up and walked away, right? - Yes, you could. You know what happened last time? You know what that happened again? - When the morning started, I wasn't in trouble. You guys got involved. - I'm in trouble. - Wait, wait, wait. - No, you were in trouble. - You were in trouble. - You were in trouble. The second you walked out, they were on you. They knew you were there. They believed that was 'cause you were yours on your phone. - I walked out of there because of you guys. - They weren't gonna storm in their five minutes later anyway. They knew exactly where you were. They picked you up the second you left. There's no way they could have picked you up that fast unless they knew where you were. - You've been running scared since Leela died. - Ooh. - Now it sounds like a detective. - Give me another roll. - I'm gonna mix that right. - Can I do anything too? - That was a piercing question, okay. - Yeah, it was an intimidating thing. - I only have a fair intimidation, so that makes it, that's a plus one on the fudge. - So that is a good intimidation. - His actual result was terrible. So he just crumbles with the mention of Leela, breaks into tears. It's my fault she's dead. - Really, what happened? - Oh. - Oh, it's okay, no, it's all. - I understand. - Get him a soda. - You want your own soda? You look like you need a soda. - Have a soda. - But he does collapse and you take him out of the scene and it worked by mechanics too. So that he's willing to tell you anything you want and he tells you that it's his fault that Leela's dead, that he thought she'd be able to help and he didn't know how much trouble they were in and dragging her into it. - Do you know what this list is? - Do you know why she needed a midwife? - Sure. - Why couldn't she go to the hospital? Is the underlying question here? - She was afraid that she was trying to be steered into the clinic. The doctors she had before died mysteriously and she didn't want to go to the clinic. - She didn't trust the clinic. - Do you know what was so special about Jadis? Have you seen the child? - No, no, he got kidnapped. - Child's missing. - Yeah, I thought so. - I don't know, why would you think so? 'Cause that's what they were asking me about. - They being who? - The vampires. - The vampires. - Which were vampires? - The one that were there? - Could be Groot showed up later. It was, I don't know the other guys. I don't even think we gave them a fake game. - The child is special. - How so? - He's chimera. - She's chimera. She is an amalgamation of two or more different creatures or entities. - Twins in the womb. - Eight each other? - 'Cause I don't think they call it chimera. - Several things are. That's one of them. - Mythological. - Get ahead of a blind and goat mistake. - You're on a chimera? (laughing) - It's a medical condition in which there are two twins in the womb. Often one twin will die and disappear. It is absorbed by another twin. In this case, that's not what happens. They actually weld together and the child will typically have two different color eyes. The child will often have blood type. - Two different children from type. - And actually two different kinds of DNA. - Do we know all this? Does he explain all this? - This is what he says. - Okay. - One person with a football in two different worlds. Let's see where it ends. Oh, Jan, let's get it to his side. - Mm-hmm, so what does that mean? I mean, I don't know what that means. I know, do you know who it acts like? - You literally do the parent up. You're probably a huge book for him. You didn't bother to look up something like this that has happened before. - I know chimeras in general are very, very powerful and magic. They have the power of two souls. - They're twice. - They're twice. - I need names. - Who's name? - These vampires. First of all, they need your shoes. Pretty essential for the clinic. - Who had anyone in particular at the clinic? Who do you think the clinic would know who the clinic is? - The first doctor she was suggested to visit was at the clinic. And after that, I don't know the name, but she told me that anybody else she contacted would refuse to see her pain. They kept trying to refer her back there and she didn't want anything to do with them. So she went with the midway since that she wanted to do it post where she felt more in control. - Do you know anything about the attack in her house? - I know, it was horrendous. - Was Bill involved prior to this? Had he contacted you or Sarah? - Well, you can't trust Bill. - We don't, we don't. - I was just wondering if he was involved. - Why did you say that? - He looks at you concerned 'cause you seem angry. - I'm sitting here asking whether someone-- - No, no. - What did you say to that? - He's been untrusting whether they don't last six months. - Maybe not. - What happened six months ago? - I don't know. - Why was he doing this further than him? - We don't know what he did. - What has he done? - He's been violent. - He's been booty. - He's been possible to talk to him? - Well, when did Megan get turned into a vampire? Did you come up with any information on what Megan turned into a vampire? - I see it now. - I don't know how to name this one. - Right. - Well, we got her boyfriend. - You spitroof? - You know that Bill's daughter is now a vampire. She was there. She ran. Didn't fight her 'cause she certainly didn't fight us. - No, I didn't. - If you fought court, then they don't last six months. The new ones. - What do you mean new ones? - The new ones that can walk around in the daylight. - The new ones that can walk around in the daylight. - The new ones. - Does that really not mean anything new? - It does mean something to me. I'm just, they burn up quick. I'm just, did they burn up quick? - Because people killed them? - No, they just. - Call the pieces? - Which faction is Megan with? The university or the clinic? - I don't think she's the clinic. - No, she's not the clinic. Because you guys, we assume, are for the clinic. 'Cause they kidnapped the baby. - They kidnapped Ryan. - How do we know they're of the same faction? - The ones who stole the baby are the ones who abducted Ryan. Both of them had an interest, otherwise Megan wouldn't have attacked. - You're right. I don't think the ones who stole the baby and the ones who stole Ryan are the same group. - And we don't know the ones who attacked the house were vampires at all. - They would just be working with the ones that are against the negative. - You don't have to answer these questions really well. - The question is. - Okay, yeah, folks. - What should I say? - Bill, Bill's getting into these questions really well. - We don't know where he was, but oh wait. I can't think of anything I'm gonna attack this ad about. - Give him a bunk. - Just leave him for now. - Your message is just you stay here, have a sandwich, do something. - This is your safe house? I've been sitting at a safe house. I can hide it. - You have a safe house. - You're in it. - No, his office? - How clever. - No, I don't want your phone, sir. - It's retarded. - I thought his office was in a separate building. - No, this is his building. - He has the safe house in the office and so on. - And he has a holding cell here. So this is-- - He has a holding cell here. - He has a real safe house somewhere else. - It was close to the-- - It was a couple blocks away from the theater. - And a theater. And we were just gonna walk over there driving or something. - Drive. - Anyway, why didn't we go there? - I don't wonder, because-- - The whole area needed to drop off the stairs. - You only sell there. - Okay. - This place is safe. - Maxwell. - Maxwell and Roberto. - Can stay here and interrogate the vampires whilst you two tracked down Will for some answers. - Yeah, I feel like I need to go find and talk to Bill. - And? - I'm not a fan of-- - Nelson. - Ryan. - I don't like Ryan. I don't like you. I think you look funny. (laughing) - You dress funny? - You dress funny. You cost me time and money. And if it's not for us, you would have been a blood dryer. So I want you to have a little more appreciation for us protecting you. I don't like your job. And you and I have unfinished business. - I'm not done pitching to you. I just find you to be rude, sir. And unappreciate it. I storm out of the room. - All right. - You guys are gonna go interview Bill. - Well, you guys-- - Chris, how do you find Bill? - You guys gonna interview him? - Yes, just be rude. - Let them find people first. - So we'll let you guys leave. - We leave. - You're going in this vehicle? - Heads. - I'd take out skis. - He's got a nicer vehicle than Roberto does. - Can you drive? - Are you gonna drop him off at the safe house? - Sure. - I'll be happy to. - Admin gives you directions to where the safe house is. - And a warden does enough to make up for your missing bodyguards? - Yes, yes. - Okay. - What I need for you guys is a driving roll. It's a short distance, but you're rolling to see if you are spotting anybody trailing you. - Okay. When you don't have a skills specifically defined, is it just a zero? - Zero. - Zero. - Okay. - Hey, check that out. Positive two on the fudge. So that makes it a fair driving skill. - Not bad. - Okay. - To the best of your knowledge, you will not follow down the way. - Of course not. - All right, we drop off. - Do you know how the power looks like? - And we... - Do stuff. - He tells you that Admin took his phone. - I'm sure Admin will return it. - Well, I mean, you're going you probably don't want right now because it's probably traceable, which is why Admin took his phone. - Okay. - But then, you know, we're hungry. - We're hungry. (laughing) - You're the one who want to free bike and leave? - It's a safe house. If you leave it, you're no longer safe. (laughing) I'm sure the safe house is stacked with refrigerator full of-- - And it is frozen. - It's probably some kind of purified water in ramen noodles. So I think you'll be fine for a short time until we find a safer place for you. - You were judging by blackboard vampires this morning and probably could think about it as your stomach. - Well, no. I mean, people have died and blood for you. - Sit down and maybe we'll bring it back. Sandwich from Wendy's. - All right, so then we start getting Easter. I follow in the Jenkins of my-- - Your father's broken compass, which I've been telling you the leads eastward. - It does indeed. - While you guys leave, you guys simply are walking to another room. So what is it you attempting to do in this other room? - We're going to take this to Bruce. - See you, Wake. You have two vampires sitting in the room. Both of them are either unconscious or fainting it. - Punch them away. - Punch them away or strapped to a cot and opposite ends of the room. - On the ground. - It'll be a bright room. With UV lighting up in the ceiling, flooding the entire room. - I'll be all like, don't want to hurt you, Bruce. Start off an aspect and then punch them in the face. - It is also a soundproof zone. - I think if we turn off the lights and then wake up, they'll talk to each other and tell us our plans. - No. They hate each other. I think they'll attempt to kill each other. - Oh. - And also they'll be able to break free of their bindings. - You can make it so like pill to talk. - I do the really bad thing. - You know what we're gonna do? We can hold that guy? (laughing) - How much time does this help? - You enter first. - All right. - What do we do with them? They're in the same room. - Keep one big fella down. - They're less than willing to talk about their plans because there's two enemies in the room. - Oh, what do you want me to do? - Okay. - There's no other holding cell. - I'll cover them with a blank. - We've got the thumbtacks or something. - That their vampires are not people. - I don't have torture equipment. - I'm a cop. - Oh, kind of does a strong thing. Check the cupboards. Anyway, I walk in. - Okay. It's a fair room. Surely there are nothing but two cotton hair and very bright light. Paintfully bright light. I walk in, okay. Doris Paddy can only be able to come outside. That's been as an assistant there. - It's a one-way glass or something. - Bruce, first, to his nameless man. - And Bruce, he's got a name on. - Okay. - They give you a signal to get one you want to get back out and if you indicate if you want to get out. Do not give this signal, we will not do it. 'Cause you know, I ain't control the headlights on them. - Yeah, we don't know, they're black glass or whatever. - All right, we got oil on our Bruce to wake him up. - Okay. - Black glass from the face, does he even make up? - Or is he dead? - Bruce. - Slap, man, it's crispy. - No, he's. - All right. - Which one is he from? - He's from Meghan's crew. - Meghan's crew. - 'Cause they're dating. - Yeah. - Let's find out why they knew they were there and what they wanted from Ryan. I demand to know how he found out that Ryan was there. - He spits in your face. - Fuck you. - Really? - Really? - I don't know. - I guess you're never getting out. (laughing) - Okay, what's left to break? - Got a very beat up face and a burn face. - A burn face as well, he was very severe burns on his face. - That was you, wasn't it? - Yeah, well. - I don't think I'll be able to talk very much then. All right, I put my tolerance on. (laughing) - This is a fist. - He doesn't really know how to defend. - No, he doesn't, it's zero. - Wiggle his face around, but that is not effective. - Oh, he's so good at wiggling. I don't even have a fist gun. - This was a poor, poor attempt. (laughing) - Seriously, it might as well be better. - You proved. - Get the coffee chair. (laughing) - That's the interrogation process this so far has not been successful. - You guys being ill in London, you get towards the clinic and the needle starts to swing and point at it as you pass by and it starts to swing and now it's a dry. As you drive around the block, you narrow it down. - Is it a swear part of the clinic building? - It's not the main clinic building. It's one street to the east. It's a medical building, but it is definitely a clinic property. - How do you want to approach this? Do you want to go in? - This is a possible, if we're this close, we might be able to do a little triangulation, see if there's a particular building. - Are we triangulating? - Yeah, sure, just by driving around the building, you know it is in this building. And as you come around and are on the same side of the street as a building and London kind of leans out farther and it's an upper floor. It seems not only in this direction, but it's pointing up and there are probably about 15 or 16 floors. It's not pointing to the roof. It seems to be somewhere in the-- - Is it in the bed tower or is it in the abdomen building? Or is it in the surgeries or the staff homes? - Looking at the buildings, I guess we wouldn't really know that. - Yeah, you would. I mean, you've got some indication of, I mean-- - So what is this building? It's an administration building? - Yes. - What time is it? - It is now roughly 2 p.m. after an initial. - So do you want to go in as doctors or as administrators? - Are you talking about magic? - Yes. - I don't think you can walk into a hospital using magic. It's an administration building. - No, there's no thing more computers. - I mean, I mean, they have computers and stuff, but it's not like it's major medical equipment. - We have our-- - Does no very magic not do that? - Very magic, doesn't it? - We have the ability to try this area. - We have the ability to try this area. - We have the ability to try this area. - Yes. - Unless we decide to let loose or amp it on. - Yeah, the ability to try to tap it down. But his ring is very magic. And his ring is what allows him to cast settings. - So I think we'll be fine again. - Oh, I see what you mean. - I see what you mean. - Doctor OK. - I see this trick. - Build on him and clones. - Doctors. - Visit him, doctors. - Two more. - Build on him, it's fine. - What? - My role was great. So we have on the white coats, made badges. - OK. - Do you see this as something you would have to do twice once for each of these? - Mine's the whole shirt. - Otherwise. - So as long as you hold hands, you should come in. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - I'm holding hands. (tense music) - Mine is great, his is good. (laughs) - You did that for a little bit. - You guys do, you're seeming, you step out of the car, you start walking up to the building. Like most buildings of this type has a swipe card into the building. As luck would have it, as you're walking up, someone is walking towards the door. - We casually fall in, have the same couple strides behind him. - But no, somebody's coming out. So they step out of the door, you grab it, to hold it for them and watch for that. - Right. (tense music) - With a nod, feel the appreciation. - We're back to you guys. (tense music) - His role was mediocre. - Your character, I can't say- - Well, see, this is really kind of sick because he is in human mode, because that means he does not have this vampiric production. His three is taken. So that means you've done three down. - Oh, God, God. - Which rolls up to a mild, which is taken, which rolls up to a medium, which is taken. So it rolls the damage all the way up to- - Severe? - Severe. - Severe. (laughing) - Not extreme. - Not extreme. (laughing) - So, he screams, screams. - Well, that was just holding him by the red now. I mean, there you are. (laughing) - Well, look, you didn't do more damage, don't you know what I mean? - I was gonna say we didn't want to hurt you, but I really can't say that anymore. We hear the- - What does I have? - You really can't. You just took him up to severe damage. Blinded one. - Look, Bruce, which isn't your name. What is it? No, I'm calling you Bruce. Look, Bruce, we don't want to kill you. That's not what we came here for. We would have done it at the theater. - I don't need to tell you that took him out of the scene. - Yes, we did. - Did he tell you who virtually any fucking thing you want to just blinded one of his eyes? - Nearly permanently. - Took it out like a candy and ate it. - Yeah. - You are burying. - We don't even need the other guy now. It's sleeping. This guy'll tell you everything the other guy knows as well. The other guy's scared of pistols. - We can- - No, no, no, no, no. He was faking sleeping when I was like, "Holy shit, these guys are nuts!" - We can handle it next day. I can do their thing. - Oh, you want to think about your questions before you? - Okay. - We can then- - In that and our situation, we take a lot longer with a few questions and there's to also take long. And we don't need to take long because we just won. - What's good, those have been probably staggers back. Say, okay, now what the fuck did you do to them? (laughing) - Toaster is illegal. - So you guys walk in down in the hallway and you are out of the elevator. - I have infiltration and I have presence to things that I have skills that I have. - I mean, infiltration is, I'm sorry, burglary, which is infiltration, which we are trying to infiltrate this building in a way. Infiltrate to me means not just remain unseen, but to kind of look the part. - Right, I think any infiltration, confidence- - Right. My presence would be like- - Absolutely. - What are you talking about? - Yeah, I have business here. - Well, meanwhile, I'm really can only use maybe alertness to try to squeeze in a justification for- - I have to follow this compass. Can you get on your iPhone and look up what is in this administration building? - He so does not have an iPhone. - So was it really? - Oh, yeah, it's a good point. - Oh, yeah, it's any phone. It's one of those backpack ones that the army have that you gotta correct. - Who am I? - I am looking around to see- - Well, what in Fritz did he wasn't doing anything with it? - Anytime he does magic, it's- - You're right, anytime, but I mean, I just want him to look something up on him. - Yeah, but if he was holding his iPhone. - Wizards don't know about him. - He has some combat magic. - Okay. - He really knows just because it's not something that works for them. - Okay, in that case, as I'm following the compass, I had the other hand to have my iPhone and I'm doing a search for the administration building of the Cleveland Clinic, just to add to my presence and my infiltration of what types of offices are here, what's on different floors, a couple of department heads, things I can actually throw into a conversation with someone who may stop us somewhere along the way so we can at least answer the questions intelligently and help us walk our way through. - Okay, in looking at information as you're waiting for the elevator, unfortunately, the elevator comes a little quicker than you expect, so you don't have much time. - So give me a roll, before you say anything, as I'm following him and we're approaching the elevators, he's usually a- - Yeah, there's a wonderful- - That's a wonderful- - How many floors up or what, do you have any data what we're looking for here? - Could I? - Yes, it was the third or fourth floor and looking at the director and looking at your iPhone and determining it's most likely the fourth floor. - Okay, and the fourth floor is? - The administration offices of medical research and the type of people. - All right, so we head up to the fourth floor. Does your illusion managing affect people or does it affect electronics as well? - Yeah, I think it determines technology as well. - Okay. - You go up to the fourth floor and you get up, you notice you're holding the compass higher and lower and yeah, you got the right floor, this is definitely it. Then you start wandering the halls, you narrow it down to a particular door. - Right, by the way, this compass is not like out like this, I have it in my pocket, I look real quick, I put it back in my pocket, just I don't want people noticing that I'm looking at it full of open compass as I walk down the halls of this administration building. - You narrow it down to a hallway that doesn't have a door. - It's pointing out a wall section here, it's definitely on the other side. So you start to wander, then unfortunately, along the way you run into somebody who looks at you in a physical room. So I need to roll from you to say, even if it's not saying anything, just like I look at you right forward and look at a hard area and I have one here. - I'd like to use presence if that's okay. Presence is, by definition, charisma, command, reputation, social fortitude. I'll use burglary if you prefer, but it seems that I'm just trying to carry myself in a manner that would frame a tiny interference since my work's not obviously doing here. Two plus is one minus, that is a plus one. I have superb, so that turns a superb into a fantastic roll of plus six. And you give up the aura of one and leave me alone. - I'm growing here. - And she's carrying a pot of coffee on the tray with some cups and looks at you quizzively for a minute. - The look you give her just kind of fuzzes her to drop her eyes and continue running right without too much, although she does give them backward glance as she rounds into an office. Do we see any familiar names? When we came out of the elevators, there's usually sometimes a directory of the offices of who's office or what, so do we see any names in particular? - You see a lot of names, but none of them look not a lot like Rockefeller or the other one. - Yeah, there's no Rockefeller. - But you keep me. - And there's no doubt about it. - No doubt. - Or a prisoner of war. (laughs) - Give me a alertness unless you can think of something better. - But you kind of suss out the layout of the floor plan. - It's kind of, it's pointing you to a wall. But there's got to be an entrance. - Right, there's entrance to the room. - There's room off a room and then what's the room that it's off? - I have casing. - Okay, that's fine. - Which sounds, well casing is a sub area of burglary. - It's not a terribly complicated floor plan. I would say you just simply need fair. - Okay, I got a skirt. I rolled up the link. - Look at that. - It's huge. - More spot. - I got a, wow. - Maximum fudge you can get on zero skills. So I have a... - We have a great, I have a superb, we both have each other, not at the door that we know it to be. (laughs) - Yes, and that was at one point, I think 6% chance to roll that. - 1.2. - On the door is the number 41. And you remember that was Dale Williams Office and that he was the director of medical research. - Give me a contact room. - That's what I do. (typing) - I can do a contact room. - I rolled a... - You haven't been included in the first one. - My role reflects that. - I rolled great, I rolled a wash on the fudge dice and I have great contacts. - I have a negative one. - I have a negative one in the fudge dice, which takes my fair down to average. - It's been social events, you remember Dale Williams, you remember him as director of medical research and that he works directly under Constance Rockefeller. - All right. - Do you ever have need of my services? - Dale. - No. - Do I know him to be... - Unless you want a supernatural. - That's something. - No, I'm not going to throw anything out there right now. Do I know him to be human or supernatural? - You know him to be... - To the best of my knowledge. - There's door, he's behind this door, obviously a little ways back. - Well, it's probably as... - He's the head. - It's probably as sweet. - Right. - Do you want to handle this diplomatically or do you want to go in and... - Start diplomatically. - All right. - I'm still a by the book kind of guy so if we can handle things non-violently cleanly. - You hired me. - I follow your lead. - Please, lean on. You're doing a good job, let it thank you, don't fuck him. - I open the door without knocking. - Okay. - A lady, African-American. Her other splendor looking, relatively young, 25-ish. - Very pretty. - Looks up at you and says, "Can I help you, doctor?" - Yes, we have a message to pass along to Dale from Constance. It's for his ears only. Is he in by any chance? - Well, I'm afraid Dr. Williams is not in this morning. He is off site. - Is he on? - Empathy is a day, but it might be something different. - Dale, three to join in on this, okay? I wrote a minus one in my fudge place. I don't have it, which gave me a poor result. Plus one in my fudge and my empathy, which is average, goes up to fair. We either rest or believe that she's telling the truth or to both of us if she's telling the truth. - You both know you can't tell. - By the way, she's telling the truth. - Tricky, you'll mix. - Press your lock. - Oh, that's a shame. Maybe Constance was misinformed. We were also told that we could pass along this information in Mr. Donovan. Would he have to be in? - I'm sorry, I don't know Mr. Donovan. - That's quite all right, actually. So we can place the envelope then on his desk. I was told not to hand it to anyone but him, but I think if we put it on his desk, that would be all right. I'm a little bit inverse to handing it to you just because of the direct instructions we received from Constance. - I understand that Mr. Donovan doesn't like anyone in this office when he's not here. - Mr. Donovan. - Mr. Donovan. - I did. - You know it, hey! (laughing) - I'm lying, but I took a fork. (laughing) (laughing) - So cute! (laughing) - Keep it in names. - You have to keep it in names. - Okay, I'll keep it in. (laughing) I'm sorry, Mr. Williams doesn't like anyone going to his office when he's not here. - Yeah, but we do seem to have a bit of a conundrum, don't we? - I mean, this office. - This is my office. That's his office. Who's behind me, and I know you've not gone there. - Tell this second thing. - Well, then I'm gonna try to overwhelm her with my presence. - Listen, sweetheart. - Yeah, no, wait, don't. - No. - Listen, let's go mad, man. - No. - Oh, okay. - Well, I'm kind of going mad, man. I'm just not calling this sweetheart. I'm not insulting her. I'm just saying this comes from the highest levels, the clinic, and I'm sorry. I know that you have a job to do, but the job of an administrative assistant is not gonna stop us from delivering a very important message that needs to be done. - So I try to build her up without I'm totally taming her down. - Hmm. - Am I pulling her? - Oh, my goodness gracious. - My superb presence went down to good due to a minus two, and she says. - I have dealt with Dr. Rockefeller's assistance before, and unfortunately, I don't know you that well. So, I cannot permit you to go into his office at this time. As I said, Mr. Williams, does not like his office. - Okay. - How you going? - I saw I heavily take out my cell phone. I'll just have to talk to Constance then. I start down the number trying to use that pressure of, she's gonna get an ear full. If she doesn't acquiesce and back down right now. Mudder got her my breath about how unfortunate it was to be unemployed one year and just 25 and. - Okay. - It's quite difficult. So, again, trying to give you a presence and hoping that I roll something better than I did last time, which is a superb roll. I actually had a, again, a wash on my dice, but I have a superb skill in that area. She looked a little bit nervous and then seems to make it determination and reaches for a phone and turns it towards you. Would you rather use my phone? - Oh, that's the right. She doesn't speed up. - Okay. - May I ask you a magic question for the game? If I attempt to soul gaze her, can I do that while I am available in illusion? - Yeah. - Okay. - Yeah, you're just going through it. - Okay, wait, wait, wait. Well, to fix the whole problem, I just spent a fake point and I have information as power. I am supposed to be here. I am on a mission from the head of the clinic herself and if you still want to remain employed, you need to just let us go to the back area. - Okay. - Which turns it from a superb into a-- - It's not a usual epic. - Her defense was great, which-- - That's correct. - That took one social damage from your, so that she was slightly shaken but she held the ground. You're increasing it just makes her take three damage instead of one. - She does not change-- - Doesn't change it to a moderate. - Does it make any kind of consequences, nor does it take her out of the seat. - Can Ellen help me-- - Yeah, I don't know-- - She's a high-paint professional. - I'm not trying to diminish her skills at all. - I was trying to-- - But I don't know what I can contribute other than to my silent-- - My elastic surgery doesn't-- - My silent stoa contamination. I just ran up on soul gaze and how it disrupts both people and it's the kind of thing that would upset her. - And she has to lock eyes with you and then you both, she knows much more about you than you want or two and you know much more about her. - I don't know if it's for this close to Bill from the things pointing then. - I have one left. - Well, you can take-- - I really don't have anything else to say. - Yeah, I can take it from three to five which is gonna, a moderate would take her out of the seat, an NPC, correct, or no. - She's pretty much a move. - Any consequence is gonna take her out of the seat. - Well, she's got a mild, so not any consequence. - She does not have three stress boxes. - And this is where her passion is to run-- - The issue's human and the most she can have is poor. - Right, so if I give her two more, then it's gonna take her into a consequence where she-- - I have an end justifies the means. - The importance of this message is more important than your previous orders. This supersedes anything that you've been told previously. So I spend another fake point and take it to five. - That is enough to cause her to stammer and acquire the consequence of flustered. It'll just be two minutes. You can tell Mr. Williams that you placed it on his desk. It works for everyone that doesn't touch anything there. He knows where everything in. - It's like we're going at this delay and we're very busy people in this precious side and right open the door. - Actually she asked it. - Oh, it was the same. - So we head back and we ignore you. It's a large office. It's a cherry wood desk with shops lying in the walls. It's got a wonderful view which you can't tell because the curtains are closed, but there is certainly no build out of it. - You look at your-- - Not as you pick up a small block. - You're looking at the office around pointing towards the back while in his office. - There's a secret, there's no door that you can see. - Right, well I do have burglary, which helps me to get into places that are supposedly in casing, infiltration and a lot. Picking, I don't know if that would be looking for a secret door. Okay, how about this first? - Once you find it and if it's difficult to open, burglary might apply. - Right, does the dimensions of this office in the previous reception area? - No, there's-- - Match up with the sides. So there has to be. - Oh, there was a considerable hallway that was pointing it to where Bill was, that there was no door. - Do you have anything that allows you to, you have any investigation? - I do have an investigation that I can do. - Can you take a look at this wall? I mean, I will too, but it's not my fourth day. - A little, I roll terrible. It's a good news of me. - I have two ideas. - We should have a door right here. - Basically set up every alarm in this place, but. - Just look for it. - I'm gonna open the site if you can. So I just have an average. - When you're not. - Yeah, not, what's going on? - So it would allow us to tell. It would also alert. - He couldn't take a look at it. - And you can alert us from both of you because he doesn't have more time. She's coming to the door to check on why you're taking so long, to drop a sip of lon in the loaf off on the desk. And I'm giving you a chance to respond and get into position rather than, God no alertness isn't my thing. - Huh? - Yeah, I totally, I'm looking at this wall just perplexed, I totally lose it. - My alertness is down to God. - If you have that time, fair now. - You can make yourself a person, I can. - And then she would go crazy. - Your spare is enough to tie her, which means you hear her click of her heels as she, and the click of the door, as she buzzes herself in and she strikes the pull of the door. And you move on the other side of the desk and you're just rearranging the envelope as if. - I also put it in, if he is sitting on the wall, staring, open mouth. (laughing) - You are. (laughing) - I walk to the window and look out the window and admire the sight. - All right, I need some kind of, and it's gonna be out of minus, because you were cut flat footed when he's like, "What do you want?" More like before when you were saying you were in the hallway and you're trying to look like people on there. - Okay. - So, present, second one, present, wow. I rolled great. - You managed to look like you were just simply admiring the view, even though right was at the last second that she right the right line on her at the second. - And I'm also jotting something down on a piece of paper as if I'm writing him a note, an additional note, as I'm looking out. - Your receptionist is a real bitch. (laughing) - Okay, well what a great place to stop. - And we're gonna stop this week. We'll stop with a clip here there. - Sure, physical violence. I don't really have anything I can do to. We have a van pack with his eye poked out and two eyes caught in the office. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Thanks for listening to Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. 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So I want you to have a little more appreciation for us protecting you. I don't like your job and you and I have unfinished business. - I'm not done pushing you. I find you to be rude, sir. And unappreciate it. I storm out of the room. - You rude. - Get the coffee chair. (laughing)