Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 69: "Delivery - The Eyes are the Windows"

Broadcast on:
31 Jan 2012
Audio Format:

The crew goes over the notes found at Big Bills office (and you can too, a copy of the document can be found on our facebook page - Is there a deeper meaning to the doodles of the missing Warden? Perhaps you can see something they can’t..Actual Play starts at 05:03

(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. This Dresden File Story, delivery, was written and run by your GM town. And now, please enjoy episode 69, titled, "The Eyes Are the Windows." (upbeat music) (upbeat music) All right, before we get started with the Knights of Play, we will cover a little feedback that we had one post on the RPG crosstalk website, our forums, and the other from Facebook. The first is from the RPG crosstalk. It's from Heath. He says, "Hi." I'm kind of slow on listening to podcasts, but I wanted to drop a line. As this is the episode I'm listening to, so I figured this was the best place for the post. Where he posted this was under our first campaign. So it was a neutral grounds episode that he was referring to, and "Blow Your House Down" was the one in which the gentleman was tied in the chair in the middle of the room with the minds all around him. But he goes on to say, I have been really interested in playing the Dresden Files RPG, but I'm a bit intimidated about the rules for the faith system. So I have been downloading podcasts and such to get a feel of the system. You guys posted examples, and explained how the rules worked, and it was really refreshing for me and helped a lot, especially since I've already downloaded the neutral grounds case file. So I actually see what you guys were talking about when I was listening. I've listened to a lot of podcasts, and I believe that this is the only one that I've heard, where anyone explained the system in the podcast. And for those like me that are interested in the new system/game, but haven't decided whether or not to try it, I just wanted to say, thanks. - So it's fairly heath. So thanks for the feedback heath. And I believe in that particular episode, I actually started the episode by recovering how the system works because in previous episodes, some of you were having a bit of trouble on how to apply aspects. - As I say, I don't think it was all our wonderful, altruistic nature. I think some of it was the fact that we had no struggling idea how to play, and we're really trying hard to get a grasp of this new system 'cause it was pretty much unlike anything we played before up to this point. So, but we're happy that he could get some. - I remember the episode, I remember specifically going over some of the concepts that you guys were having troubles with. - I remember that as well, so. - The other bit of feedback we have is from our Facebook site. And it is from Braden, Scott, if you'd like to read this. - Sure. Okay, this is from Braden. Wow, the first fight of the delivery story, and it was awesome. The pace was like it always should be in a fight scene, quick and smooth. I think the sound effects were a very nice touch and were very well done. I can honestly say now that everyone is my favorite character. I really like all of their concepts and how you guys play them. I had a lot of fun listening to this episode. I also cracked up just as much as Scott did with the shotgun thing. And look forward to hearing more. I'm currently working to set up my own dressing game. I'm studying the story in LA. If I get it going, I plan on making it into a podcast as well. And that was from Brandon. - Brandon, I gotta tell you if you do end up podcasting it, let me know, 'cause I'd love to give it a listen. - And let other people know about it. - Yeah. - We can definitely pimp it on the shelf. - And share any wisdom. I mean, you know, I'm saying trial and error for a long time for you, you've got some good ideas. I'm sure you could help him out with if he had questions. - The references he was making, this was to the episode, First Blood, where you guys got in a battle at Donovan's warehouse. - Oh. - And the comments that I saw Mike make a face. Actually, it wasn't Scott who laughed. It was Mike who laughed. And it was when Thomas said, "Did I bring my gun today?" And then it was, "Oh, yeah, this shotgun." And he was not going to say it. (laughing) It's almost been our 12-gauge. (laughing) You know, that was just part of the game and how the game works. It was, he wanted it to be there and he rolled his gun skill and it was enough for him to have it. And he's an FBI agent who normally carries a piece. That piece just happens to be a 12-gauge shotgun. His silver hammer is over. So again, thank you, Braden, for the feedback. Appreciate it. And definitely let us know about your podcast if you decide to do it. And we'll pass it on to some of our listeners. And with that, we will go to the adventure. I am your GM Tom. I'm running this Dresden Files Game Delivery. And we'll introduce the player starting on my left. I'm John playing Roberto Martinez, who needs a new high concert. Guardian of Cleveland, powered by a fallen angel. Why do you need a new high concert? Somewhere I picked up the suspect where I got a contract with one of the eels and that's kind of my defining characteristic name. Because you haven't done anything. Wait until you've done something. That's going to be your defining characteristic of your character forever. Go. Thomas playing Maxwell Edison, undercover FBI agent. Scott playing London deals. A moral seer to the supernatural. And Jim playing Edmund Shadowski. Private investigator in a new age black court vampire. And I'm Mike playing Ellen Montgomery, the warden who has come back to Cleveland to clean the mess up. Okay, and before we get started, we will go through your minor milestone if anybody wants to do any adjustments to their character. Please let me know. I've decided that London would be someone who carried a concealed weapon. Probably like a silver, small pistol or something like that. Derringer. Yeah, something like that. Well, then I'll do it. A little more. Yeah, modern, but certainly not anything like a 44 or something crazy like that. Sorry. I need to get back. So I'm going to switch out guns at average. And I used to have alertness because I think that he's relatively self-aware in the sense that he's kind of focused on what he's dealing with at the time and really wouldn't have any kind of combat awareness. I got this. Do you think you'd be more interested with mortal or supernatural threats than you would defend himself against? Well, I'm sure that in one of the six chambers of his gun is a silver bullet. Right. 'Cause that's just how he rolls. He's declared it. It is so. It is so. I don't mind a pre-declared thing like that. That makes perfect sense. The only time you'd have to roll to see whether or not declaration like that would take place as if it's in combat. Well, of course I have. Yeah, I would think that he has one silver, one cold iron in the other four are straight out the mirror. I don't know. He deals with these people. That's what he does. So that's how I envision him anyways, but he's not good with that. He's only average. But he just knows how to use the one he probably has like an ankle holster somewhere that it's not very known. Imagine him with an ankle holster. I think it would be a better idea if I was like somebody who was carving himself for an occasional battle with fairies or wearables or whatever to have a regular clip and an ironed clip. That's fine. I feel we're both glad that at this time I have no problem with that. Like following up on your thought. Yes. I don't know who you're referring to. Oh, he's a classic film actor, big guy. You always wearing a white suit. Always played like a villain, but I imagined him that-- What was his name again? I don't have to Google him. It's Sydney Green Street. He was in Casablanca. He ran the blue parrot. Anyway, the point is that I would imagine, I kind of saw you got your character like had a cane, maybe for vanity, maybe because he needed it. But the idea of like a cold iron for, you know, the Fae people and how they don't like that. And then rep pistol for the mortal. I think it'd be a nice one to punch or something that would back you up and protect you. But also-- I would eat weapons though. I'd like the cane idea. It's an accessory because I, for some reason, I made you accessorized. Oh, he accessorizes. All right. There's scarves matching the jacket. Well, not that bad, but yeah. So there, Sydney Green Street. Well, maybe Sydney Green Street looked like this when he actually had hair. Why not? First of all, Sydney Green Street, in his heyday as an actor, was much older than London's feels as current. Yeah, for some reason, like I said, I just, I imagined him being-- So. I imagined him the finder of lost things because he's been doing it for his whole life. And I asked that he was, yeah, and this, it struck me as-- Oh, yeah, he's like late 30s, man. Yeah. It just struck me as you had a lot of experience and that you're kind of a little world-weary, that's all. Good right. Oh, he's worldly. Not worldly, world-weary. Oh, no. More worldly right now than world-weary. The picture of your character is extremely European, if you ask me. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's like a special European Metrosexual portrait. Might have been my Google search. Yeah. And for our audience, you can find the picture on Facebook of London's deals. OK. And to get on with the adventure, we're actually going to rewind the story just a bit. Because as we broke up last time we played, we had you guys breaking up and going to your respective places of rest. Instead, I'm just going to throw out a little bit of documentation for you guys. We'll look over. All right. This is the sheet from the appointment book of William Donovan that Mike ripped loose and brought with him. One for each side of the table to share a copy of the documentation, which will also be available on Facebook. That is incredibly sloppy. Yeah, I told you to slap. I'm very disappointed with this penmanship. I like your two color eyes. So someone crossed out and that could be relatively important. Welcome, Cindy. Are we all talking together or are we all? You're still all at the table at Cave du Vin. OK. This is what you brought out with Jim's character. Edmond had it. No, it's a pea. A hair that he found in a bag, which he gives to you. Right, a little evidence bag. And this sheet of paper. Yeah, the pea. I remember. Very well. Alan Montgomery. Alan Montgomery, you brought-- I'm looking at the toilet seat. Sorry, I couldn't stop. Yes, apparently. Alan Montgomery brought this piece of paper with him. Excellent work, Warden. You see that first name? You know what it looks like? I can see it. You know what it looks like? Like he was-- It's Cindy. Like he was using some sort of-- I knew that. --a spell, they used images of things. And then he got to put that together for a name. Like, there's a lemon here. And that's where he got the lemons from. Like, he's trying to guess the word in the pictures when he was writing his-- when he was drawing his random drawings. And he came out with Sarah Lemons, maybe because I don't know where this-- Sarah comes out with a lemon that comes out with a picture. Why was he drawing pictures of lemons? Where? I've got to see if there's a tall area. Is he dude? Her name is Lemon? Yes, I realize that. That's all I got. There's art with the-- What is this? It almost looks like a speckable. Like, one part of a speckable. It can be done now and from it. Where's that coming from? Right there here. Well, you're alone in my home, of course. There could be another one here that-- Can you make up the city better than we can? Or just see it like-- Listen, you just like calls like to make John Lennon. Where are you shooting? I don't know what the fuck, but you can do whatever you want. Yeah, I know that is why there could be a person I can't figure out. Have we called this number yet? We have not Mueller? Maybe? Mueller? M-E-U-L-L-E-R, possibly. Matthew? I was in the Matthew. That looks like actually M-A-T-H-E-W. Cindy Matthews? Mather. Mather, constantly. We know this Matthews, Mathers, or Mueller bring any bill. All right, I mean, that's the question. So I'm going to roll context to see if Cindy, any of that, makes any sense to me whatsoever. May I do what you want to do with my name? To be already checked for Ryan Nelson. And now, plus one, I have context at great, which gives me a superb role. Even though it's a superb role, this is someone who is not in prominence at all. It would be like-- OK, no work. It would have to be legendary, because it's not a prominent person in Cleveland. What about Ryan Nelson? We already talked about Ryan Nelson. Can you read the question I will read? That it is Jim's character, Edmund, rolled well enough to know who he was, I believe. And it was that he is regional or local leader of the paraphernet. And the paraphernet is kind of like a group or gathering of low-level power if they kind of hang to cover each other's back type of situation to learn from each other. This is Ryan Nelson. This is Ryan Nelson. And that's probably his fundamental role. One would think, well, there's ferocious dogs in the top left-hand corner or eight ferocious dogs. Now-- You're kind of tank better. Yeah. I mean, might mean nothing, but it could be a representation of the-- What's the-- --Palehounds. Did you get a negative deal? What is the date today? November. Let me check my notes. 28. What is this one about? This is 10 days ago. Just another dog-looking creature right here. What the heck? That is. Yeah, I don't eat it. Wait, it's something. We have a couple addresses on here. Westside Market's under Nelson's name. But we need to share a lot of insights. Wolf Road. Yeah, that's our address that we found last week. It's out in Bay Village. OK. Which I suggest is a place we go to first in the morning. Go ahead. Sorry, Warren. No, I don't know what-- I mean, anything that has a large mouth and sharp teeth and what's my shape and there's a scary watch. Are you talking about the creature about Sarah Lemon's name or the one in the top left-hand corner? About Sarah Lemon's name. You have a sketch of a woman underneath the lemon. The eyes, I think, are something kind of spooky about the eyes, especially one card blue, one card brown. And sometimes there's magic or supernatural things associated with, I can't remember what you call it, that condition. And actually, I mean, each Sarah Lemon's is there-- is that a weapon or is that some kind of-- I mean, the size of it looks like a blade. First class looks like a spectacle. Even though it's like a dagger, maybe with something stuck underneath it. Yeah, and that's quite sure. It looks like spectacles to me. But it's right. It's got a key thing. It's a key or something. I only see one part of the spectacles at first, but then it looks like it's something that comes out of a-- I only see one half of the creature above Sarah Lemon's. That could be the size. It could be a profile, yeah. How much one about the city person is another parent or person that is no longer around it? Well, he would have a fun member out there. More than likely, because he has no sense. But maybe, I don't know. The little dead face fits into me. I'm sorry, a refresh member where you said that you did not recognize the name Cindy Matthews. The fact that it was so violently scratched out that he had-- it was an early appointment. I met at a clock appointment. Those are hours. Finally scratched out, but Matt came in. I was like, why did they-- It's not me. It catches up. And then-- It's not that little more. It's sequential. Wait a minute. There's also the brick wall on the walk-hand side. It's just my mattress. I don't know. Look at that. Oh, no. Is it a brick wall? It's for the maids. No, it's a wall. Wow. Isn't it amazing? Yeah. That thing is a wall. It kind of looks like a maze, though. It's fitting. What? Give me a roll of what you remember in particular about William Donovan. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go for my brunch. No, it really isn't. So I would say empathy is how well you knew him as a person, unless you can give me some kind of argument on how to let you go. Well, if I'm remembering the cruel tutelage of Bill Donovan and trying to become the best warden I can be under is approach, then maybe the lessons of discipline or conviction. I'm not trying to blatantly go through my best skills, but I guess I am. I will accept empathy. I never connected with Bill in an empathic way, other than, I guess I did hero worship him a little bit, because I'm never going to be as good as he goes. Yeah. I'm sorry. I can't. Couldn't add some emotional control, mental defense, and continuity. That's in. And it doesn't really screen memory to me. And I understand the aspect of how you're trying to tie that together. I get that, but I don't, and then I guess it's going to be either empathy or scholarship, which are. So we got a, you can tag me up like that for the world, though. Yes. Absolutely. That's the way it should be done. Okay. So I'm going for empathy. I have a mediocre memory of Bill. Okay. Well, that's not high enough to help you in the doodles in any way to clarify some of them. Unfortunately. Sorry. You're not drawing more doodles on there, are you? No. He doesn't need more. I drew this face. Yeah. So when I got what I did, no, I made a yes. I doodle. Although I think it's an odd behavior for a wizard to- There was a face there. Yes. I'm just erasing eager. Sorry. Maybe he was an artist or a premonition guy with pictures or something. So both of his hands, maybe trying to hang on, you know, hang on to his sanity, hang on to his, his position, his control, very good Maxwell, Sarah Lemons. I don't get the eyes at all right now unless there's some kind of research. Does anyone know about the research that currently the clinic and university hospitals are undertaking regarding the new, the Black Quark vampires and the New World vampires? No one's got anything with them. Nobody knows what they're doing at the moment. Oh, do I know any of them? I think they're beginning to make a role and you just know that they're off about it. Yeah. Yeah. That was- Okay. You're right. That was a group of two vampires, right? Okay. Someone could get me at least a- Epic? Epic. We're all under the law to understand the approach that either of the hospitals are used. What is that? How about the average? I just know about the results. The results. The results we're seeing on the streets. Okay. Yeah. Which is they got something new now. This information is power. Uh-oh. I now have a fantastic- We don't even want to do something so I don't have to use all my beeps. New pro. World plus two my one. I'm one below epic right now. All right. Most of you got one. I just have a grade. Well, can you tap and aspect or something to- How many take points did you have left? I have five. You have five. Can you just set a mess? I'll give you a little help please. Well, if you're trying to give you a plus two maneuver, that would be a different scale they're trying to hit and they'd have to tell me how they're trying to help you and how they're trying to hit them. It's like an assist they say oh, I could provide you with information about- So I had to spend another one? No. I'm not saying that at all. What I'm thinking. I'm saying any of the other players can give you a plus two by doing a maneuver but what is that maneuver? What are they trying to- Well, I could say like- G component are they trying to give you like for instance- I've met just about everybody and I know some people at the clinic and here's what I heard. Well, potentially that's a possibility but you also mentioned I don't know what they're doing. I just know the results. So providing him with information about the end results might be enough of a plus two to give him that information. Yeah, go ahead. Could I like to cheer him on with him? I think it has to be a few new people who were working in the hospital on the project. That is another way of looking at the gym with the contacts. The John Splash Roberto is saying you're an undercover FBI agent on the pregnant level. You reveal something just because of the studies. Roberto is saying if you can give him a list of the people that are in the clinic or in University Circle that are working on this project, that information, well, this guy's a specialist in this and this person's a specialist in that would qualify as a plus two because it's information that's useful. So you could roll a contact roll and I would say you would be great or better for you to know the people that are working on a particular project and you have to tell me which of the hospitals you're looking for. I would definitely be looking at the CCF as the one looking for better camps and universities looking for the cure. Right. The Abigail University University. So the one up here is CCF constant because these ones are obviously pushing for things that we met with. Which is Cleveland Clinic. Which is Cleveland Clinic. Yeah. For the non- Cleveland people. I have an average and I'm looking for a freighter. Very good. Wow. Yeah. I thought you were better. It kind of takes a minute. I was. Yeah. I've been in the ring one of my others. It's a contact guy. I know. It's a report guy. Oh, I'm a real guy. I got an average. Alright. So you know some but not enough of the people to give them a bonus. Maxwell and I talk a bit. Go ahead. Scott wants me to use my beautiful investigations. London. London. London wants me to tell them about my prior investigations and the sorts of things. Okay. And you know of what university. I don't know where you're going to be. I'm working for this guy. Wow. But I'm straight when you're making this results. Yeah. Well, I don't know where I'm going to be. Where's the people? The Cleveland Clinic Foundation is looking to create a new world vampire. They're trying to change the weaknesses of it. They're trying to juice up black vampires. The university hospital is run by a, I believe, Abigail Rockefeller is an actual wizard. He's a spellcaster and she is looking to cure, air quotes, cure, black popcorn. And I'm proud of this thing before I've, uh, been in the clinic. Alright. So if you're fighting with fighting against the police. So investigation role, I'm going to deal with, good in my prior. I'm unfortunately about the same. Great. Not my investigation. It's all good. It's all good. So it's good. Good. Yeah, it's good. I did, um, positive one. So like it's great. Which is enough information to give him a beneficial plus two. He doesn't have to spend, uh, no. Because he spends his turn supplying information to you that he does know. Oh, it breaks perfect sense now. Now that I know that, it goes to, um, you need an epic correct? Yes. It goes to legendary. Okay. So you piece it all together. Okay. That, from what research he's doing, Jim provided, Jim's character, uh, Edmund provided some information as well. But the big boost was the aha moment. Yeah. Was what, um, Maxwell. Thank you. Maxwell's character provided. And that's the Cleveland Clinic is of course trying to empower new dating shampers or trying to modify a new world. No, they're engaged. They don't have crystals or nothing like that. It's a big happy, the new world, the empire, the American vampire as it were. The black court is, they're trying to modify that. And one of the biggest disadvantages of the black court vampire is that they're dating. They don't have a soul. Some of the research that the Cleveland Clinic is working on is supplying souls to these vampires to change their base, their core. But the problem is the evil and the power and magic of the vampires are just burning out that soul. So these people will come onto the scene and they're, they're different. They're more powerful. It can pass as humans instead of riding corpses. But they burn out like a shooting star and the dates cease to exist. Both the soul burns out, but also the vampire itself is destroyed. In which the scientists are working to put souls in vampires? The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, consonants rack about a really good one. That seems to be the approach Cleveland Clinic is taking. I think the first step included. What could eyes have to do with the research they're performing in? I think the only one of you that had any kind of theory on that was? The word. I did. I want to come right. You did mention something. Well, I know that it's a genetic anomaly where if you're born a twin, but you absorb the other twin during gestation, people who do that, they tend to have eyes of a different color or I can't, can't remember. Each eye is of a different color or they're like like a, like a, like a quarter part of one eye is brown while the others are blue, you know, and it really shouldn't happen, but that's a- Isn't limited to this though, to those people? No, but it's just like, it's a common trait that is, I'm not sure if it involves magic, if it involves spirit, it has different factors. All right. It's interesting to get this all in. I say we all- We have enough leads. Call of the night. Exactly. We're not going to solve the riddle of his, of his daily planner in one evening at LeCave de Vin, I think we should all call the night, get good rest and then we should meet or travel together if we prefer to miss LeMons House out in Bay Village in the morning to see what we can see. Lengthy discussion at LeCave de Vin, we're talking about one o'clock in the morning now. So officially it's the 29th. Do I think that this page with his handwriting and his coffee stains and doodles and stuff would form enough of a connection to do a simple tracking spell to see if I can even get a ping on him. You have a hair that will work much better. It's from his body. Oh, that's right. I'm sorry I forgot about that. From a comb. Oh god. Actually, I believe it was from the rim of hat inside of him. It has a hat there. Yeah. It's his bathroom. His hat. His shower cap. No. So, I called an evening. Is that a wreck with everyone? I could certainly use for some sleep. Sure. And everyone is going where and how are they getting? Well, I'm going with deals to... The secret. The secret. The secret bunker onto the back here. Edmund. And Maxwell. Maxwell, since they have to pass by my hotel on the way to their place. They drop you off. They drop it. They drop it. They drop it from the library. The library is the only thing going on in the morning. For normal people, not the magicians. No. Have a wizard. Okay. So does the evening pass without you? Any special precautions that you're in, I locked them to work. Well, I mean... Okay. Have we left you? No. You're in the process with your... Oh, you're leaving Cape du Vinny. I need Maxwell, Edmund, and Alan to roll me in... A lurkness roll as they walk towards our car and enter in. Oh, great. They don't have no lurkness. I need to learn it. Mine is good. Sure. Well, I got one up. I got the average, I guess. Okay. You guys get in your car and you drive away. They're dropping you off at the... Wait, wait, wait. I will do great. Yes, I know. It's a damn. That one is good. Great is great, but it's not great enough. You guys walk over, what kind of car do you have? I see. He's not driving his car. We're driving in his car. I'm not going to... I mean, my car... His car is like a beat up. That's... That's all right. That's what we're driving in. We're not driving in any car that London owns right now. So you walk over the car, you get in the passenger... He starts to get in the driver's seat and two guys step out of the shadows. I still don't look like London. Demand a quick tension. As you're getting into the car, one of them kind of just pushes you up against the car. Okay. So it's a little late, aren't we? It's one o'clock. Oh, wait a minute. Does he look armed? Can I roll for alertness? You don't need to. He's armed. Okay. He's not holding it and currently pointing at you. He's like, "You're late on your payment. You either give us some money now or you need to meet tomorrow morning with the boss." How much is the payment? Five thousand. You can get a low profile at this point. You said there was two of them. Yes. One of them is just standing farther back and watching the one guys in his face yelling. And watching what? Both of them, making sure that he's not making a move. My hand is slowly moving down to my holstered weapon on my ankle and I'm releasing the lock and then it's slowly reaching down to his ankle. No, I bring my ankle off. Yes. And then slowly move my hand over to the gun. Hi, it's Delph. Sure. Delph is in the car. In a car you're out of the line of view. You expect this to take you to the car. It's a difficult to eat. It's average. You're out of line of sight. You're in a car in a dark car. Could you close the door? Because you're a coward now. Oh, yeah. It's like a full profile here. I'm like, oh, yeah. Just have to meet with him. I do pull out the gun and keep it, I would imagine, concealed from them. So you got to lease an average? Okay. Okay. I rolled exactly an average. I don't have that much. Obviously, I have to have that much at all. Nice. How much she's asking for payment. I don't have that money. Of course, not on me, but not at all. Right. Obviously, not on you. I would require a resources role and you don't have the $5,000 money right now in any case. Whether you have it or not is another question for another day because right now he's demanding something. Okay. If you want to tell me that you're going to make the payment tomorrow because you were supposed to make it last week, but you got to give me something so that I walk away. Tell them I didn't find you so that you can make the payment tomorrow or you can show up at the cost and he'll give you something to do that'll make up for your missing this payment. Just got a job in the checks in the mail. I heard these shit before. What do you got on you? What do I got on me? Yeah. You're wallet money? I take it out. Empty out the lint. That's all I got on me. I'll come tomorrow if I can pay it, but you can make a role for me based on your resources, which I assume is zero. Yup. Give me a roll. Aww. That's mighty three. I did pay him a nice retainer. Wow. When I first started. Sorry. That was a good? He was hoping maybe I'd buy you a car. Yes. That was good. The good is under $5,000. So you got pretty close to in the bank $5,000 here. Okay. So I would say maybe you have 10% of that on you in cash if you want to. So $500 or less you could have in your pocket something to give him, but I'll let you determine how much you got out of the bank today. I did not take it all out. Obviously. I was just waiting for a little charge to come on. No. I've got most ATMs. If you didn't go to an actual bank, we'll give you $250. Split the middle. Yeah, split the middle. Usually the ATMs will give you about 20. So let's say you have potentially $200 if you wanted to take as much as you could out today. You're not. So you took out what? I just had to give you a number. $50 for anything. $60. $60 for anything. Oh, he spent $10 for his drink. Yeah. I did not say. I don't drink. I've got a fall angel tempting me. Do I need alcohol to loosen this? You've got to be fucking kidding me. You're going to give me $60 and tell me to go away. I'll give you the rest tomorrow. This is just to hold you off for a day. My boss wants $5,000. He'll see it tomorrow. He'll see it tomorrow. He'll see it tomorrow. Snatches it out of your hand and then he hit you in his stomach. He's a thud. He's a thud. He does that. That wasn't man. Oh, but he apparently... Any confidence as well. So, yes. That was... Wait, wait, wait. He never set up any maneuverals? No. He hit you in the belly. Okay. He hardly snatched the money. Which would make some minus one if you think about it. So he hit you with a whopping average punch. Oh, I better not. He just thugs everywhere. But this was kind of an unexpected thing. He wasn't big. He wasn't stealthing. You get to roll the dogs. You do get to roll. Do you want to jump out of this guy's way when he tries to punch you? Keep that in mind. I would think you would want to pretend he hit you hard when he didn't. As opposed to jump out of the way and really piss him off. I went down with your family post. I can't breathe. Your character is smart enough to know that if you jump out of the way, that might be the worst possible thing you can do. No, it could be worse. But he also... Well, yeah, it's kicking him in the grind. What skill would this be? Athletics or Fetch, your choice? Yes, to attacking. Oh, I'm sorry. You were going to end. I was harmed. My bad. Yeah, I would say to see. You know, whatever gets used to see? No. It's a skill called performance. I don't know. But this is to see. Do you want, do you have performance? I don't. I'm just wondering where it would apply. Or is it false hidden deception? It is. Performance is art appreciation. Yeah, I guess it does. You pretended really well. Yeah, I hit you. I think it's more useful. But I would let you get away with performance. You don't have it to go. This is performance anyway. I'm not better at to see. Worse than his punch. I got a mediocre. Your mediocre performance is... Oh, my. Oh, you're... Please, please stop. Spleen. I don't have money for the doctor. But remember, he really wants to believe this. Yeah. He's not going to embarrass himself further. Hey, see you tomorrow. Early. Pull off the bedroom. I took one stress neck. You take a whopping one stress from his sissy punch. I can't even split 60 bucks into two. Fuck. Mmm. He goes walking. That's got problems. He's the weakest third. What was that? Shut up. Shut up. What's the next one? All right, so he walks away with his fellow thought. Slightly embarrassed about this week's punch. Man. You are outside the car, maybe having a bit of explaining to do to your boss London. Or maybe not. Go. Dear Lord, Roberto, who were those men? My father's dead. Let's try. I don't need to roll the drive, actually. No. Unless there's something going on, you don't need to roll. Well, I might get... What the... You want to... It's them. That's a different story altogether. You go to... You really ought to give me an explanation of what this place looks like. Oh, no. It's just a seedy motel. You know, obviously something that... Seedy motel. Yeah, it's very distressing for me, but at the same time, it's a great place to hide. No one would look for London in a seedy hotel. Single room, double-occupant. You would get two beds. Yeah. You guys shoot in the room and he... He stays up. I sleep. And then... He never gets to sleep. No, no. Then in the morning, he can crash out while I... I don't need to crash out. See, I have this inhuman recovery. I don't need to sleep at the day, at least. It's true. It's like the thing that came in handy. You all make it through the night nothing happens to you. So his angel didn't tempt him to break the guy's face in? It's when he needs more power that the angel will tempt him. Okay. So we've got... It's not somebody whispering in his shoulder, do evil things. No, no, no, no. It's much wiser than that. Okay. It's the morning, so we get re-energized with our... Yes. And you guys sleep through the night nothing happens. Everybody wakes up in their respective homes with your adjusted refresh in fake points. Unless you had more, you maintain that... Can you have two, please? More. So around 8 a.m. we go to breakfast. Okay. Roberto and I, I buy breakfast. I tell them if you'd like to talk about this problem. I'm all ears. Thanks for listening to Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures. Where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling props and even a form for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at Or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcasts or business, please visit and please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. [Music] I went down with your manly punch. [Laughter] I can't breathe. I can't breathe. Please, please stop. I don't have money before the doctor.