Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 58: DFRPG 1_8 "In For the Kill"

Broadcast on:
25 Oct 2011
Audio Format:

After taking care of Park Ranger Walker, the group moves into the fort and down into the tunnels..

(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to nights of the night actual play podcast. This Dresden File Story, neutral grounds, was run by our GM top. And now, please enjoy episode eight, titled "In for the Kill." (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Before we get started playing the album, exactly, we have a little address. One was an email, and one was a Facebook posting. DJ Allen liked our art that we posted, which of course wasn't our art, it was taken from the, the Dresden art. - Yes. - Oh, that was about that wonderful map I made for "World of Darkness" Cleveland, but apparently not. - Sorry, I wasn't talking later about you, your venture's over. - It could be respite, it could just turn on to it. - Yeah, that's true, some of the players have, some of the people that have come for Dresden have gone all back and listened to some of the other stuff. - Cool, but yeah, the art was pretty cool. - We did have a post after one of our episodes was put up, it was "Blow Your House Down," episode six. It was a post from Braden who went on to say that, you guys are hilarious, I just started listening to your podcast a couple of days ago and have already become a fan. The Dresden Files are my favorite book series and I've been waiting to get into the RPG for a long time now. So I'm really glad I found you guys. I have to say my favorite characters so far are Martin and Zach. I like the wise cracking Martin player gives him and I like Zach's character concept. You guys are a lot of fun to listen to and I look forward to the future posts and your next Dresden adventure after "Neutral Grounds" if you're still planning on doing one, which of course I responded, we are, or... I'm glad those are his favorite players. He's speaking a Scott and not one of those two players, he's not my favorite reviewer. (laughing) - He said he didn't mention the new guy. - He did pick the newbies and that's good. - And we appreciate it. - Although I'm not quite sure what constitutes hilarious. - We are pretty funny though. - Yeah, but I didn't see where we're picking on you. - I thought we cut out the humor out. (laughing) - I didn't know. - I didn't know. - I didn't know. - I didn't know. - It was a monotone filter. (laughing) - You said you don't think British got it to recite it? - You don't think we're hilarious? - Hilarity would not have been the... - You don't think hilarity is a good thing. - No, I think it is. I just didn't... - I think you said you would take it in this... - He'd pick a different adjective. I think that we could occasionally be hilarious. - To ourselves even. - We can't. - We'd laugh. - We'd have taken the dressing that we've encountered in an extremely hilarious situation. - Well, I think Brady would disagree with him. - So you're... - That's why you're not his favorite character. - Yeah. - He can even list you against not for thought. If that guy might play, it's pretty funny. - First of all, you're reviewing the reviewer. And I think it'd be a little harsh on Brady. - Are you giving him one star? - I'm not saying that it wasn't... - One star brain! - Money moments. I'm just saying... - I would've been picked. - Hilarity is a struggle. - Hilarious. - Hilarious, is that? - Did the... - But I should've just listened to it was when Martin was sneaking into the backyard and you got left at the back door. But his knees were sore. - And you were gonna make a wolf-sized hole in the door. - Right. I mean, that one was a wolf man. - A wolf man? - Because you're not really a wolf man. - Oh, don't even start. - He's not. See, we are kinda hilarious. - We have a different sense of hyperbole. - You do. - I don't even think. - And that's why humor is one of the toughest forms of writing or acting possible because different people have different perceptions. - Cheers is quite... - Some people are overkill. - Overkill. - And others. - Or like a sense of humor whatsoever. - Right. - You don't do it all the time. - That's funny ones. - Bad ones. - But that's nice. - Because I don't laugh at your jokes. Doesn't mean I don't have a sense of humor, am I? (laughing) - We also got an email. - We also got an email. (laughing) - I get it. - I have an email that we get to scatchery. - All right. New night. Yay. It's the title of the email. This is from Zachary Cain Pride. Hello, new night's of the night. Long time listener. First time writer. I'm thrilled you started up the podcast again. I was just listening to Blow Your House Down and loving this new crew. Even in the context of a canned story to get your bearings. When I saw Dresden, my curiosity perked up. I'm more familiar with the world of darkness settings than I am with this universe. But I've been meaning to check it out for some time now. Glad you're all on the case. Maybe Martin's got the back door open. Question mark. My knees hurt. Definitely not test for siren, but pretty awesome just the same. Thanks for recording and sharing guys. I look forward to more episodes Zachary Cain. Yeah, I don't think test for siren will love Martin sitting at the back door for about 30 minutes before they-- Hey, wait a minute. Is one of us missing? No, I'm going to have to listen to him. That's what I miss though is you didn't get to play on us. Well, thanks for the feedback, Zachary. We really do appreciate it. We're kind of feeling our way here through our first exposure and experiences with Dresden. Oh, really with the faith system at all. And yeah, yeah. I feel like I haven't even played this game yet because I only wasn't for like maybe one or two sessions. So you're not hilarious. Because you weren't even part of it. I didn't even stay long enough to get a chuckle, right? So in order of funniness, it's obvious that he would, you know, choose the two newbies first. That and me because like-- Well, you're an emo. Right. And emo's always funny. Right. It's just always funny. And no one mentioned-- Oh, usually by emo joke of the day in or no. That one. Oh, I so got that out. Oh, come on. No, that was hilarious. It was in a later day. You should be at the end of one of your podcast where you go with the soundbite. You should have the emo joke of the day because that was-- I suppose I could do that. I don't even know if I still have it. I might have permanently-- We could really record it. I can't believe you. I really can't believe you just leave it at it. It was really good stuff. I think we didn't like chuckle. He doesn't laugh at anything. You should have put that in. He's a humorless fuck. But you should see him. You should have put that character in the game when you were in fourth leave. Then I have to leave it, yeah. I should have. I do not. I edit out all puns. That was not a pun? I know it was a pun. That was a joke in our original eyes-- It turned out warm up. --tune's guy would have said that is hilarious. I was thinking about making a character that's very punny. I have to cut him out of the adventure. He's all done with puns. That's just Ryan. We can do it all the time. Anybody got a penis? All right. And with that nonsense, thank you for the feedback, everyone. Anybody wants to give an iTunes review. It's been a while, so go right ahead and leave one out there. Don't. I'm bagging. Don't. I'm bagging. No, I'm not bagging. It's beneath. Come on. It's beneath. Stop it. And with that, we'll go onto the adventure. My name is Tom. I will be your GM for this evening. I am running the business, filed neutral grounds, and starting on my left. The players are-- John playing Zach Mayer, Prentice Wizard. Thomas playing Martin Capouti. The retard's like detective. Mike playing Sean Barnes, a metal head werewolf. Scott playing Nate Falakis, emo, white court, virgin. Well, Martin's calmly walking down the path we're supposed to be following, because he was done with this the moment he failed to stop. Well, Martin, if you feel fine living around the gravel, blown, bleeding, senseless. Martin has already assumed you killed her. Martin is talking the third person? Yes, Martin failed her. Don't walk away from your old name. It's not my fault, you're old. It's my fault, I'm fine, you know? Hey, if you had a better plan, let's hear it. I'm not threatened by you. I sidestepped you, so I'm like-- Terrorists in the park. Anything could have worked. Well, first of all, she had-- I'll pick her up. Does she have hand and carry or anything like that? Hey, you're trying to take care of business. She has those zip strips where-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] Yeah, well, I'm sorry. Does she have a weapon? Yes. What kind of weapon? Standard issue gun for a park ranger. OK, well, I put on my Hello Kitty gloves, and they're cool in an emo way. They're probably fingerless. Yeah, they're fingerless. Well, it doesn't work. You want to be calm. They're a fashion statement, all right? They're a fashion statement. The point of this is what they are, Nate. So I take her gun out with my Hello Kitty glove, not worn. She has the gun, human zip strips for handcuffs. In the car, she has a shotgun. She has a radio she wears on her head. There's a radio in the car as well. OK. And there are no problems about killing this man. The keys are still in the car. Right. Got her so's a car. I'll take the keys. The keys are out of the car. She is-- Is there a trunk? It's an SUV? Or is it-- No, no, no. She says like a land Rover, technically. OK. Well, she's going to be zipped, tied, hands, and feet in the trunk area of the land Rover. I'm sure there's got to be something back there. Her gun is removed. The walkie talkie is removed. And they're both just placed in the back seat. Again, I use my Hello Kitty gloves to grab them. But not, obviously, fingerless. I leave any trace. I don't see any reason to-- Well, just to be safe, I have weapons at three, good. So I actually have some street smarts when it comes to weapons. I remove the bullets from the gun. And if there's any shells in the shotgun, I'm empty in those. Well, wait a second. Shouldn't we bring the weapons with us if we're going to go place her? Yeah, I want the shotgun. I'm not going to lie. I think that can help. Oh, you're back. Well, you've already got her. All right. All of a sudden, you're like, it's already happened. I failed to prevent it. I tried my best. So why not put a shotgun? Shotgun. So I hand the shotgun to-- I'm going to save some lives here. I have no problem. All right. You're going to go with your momentary insanity of-- Yes. Here's your shotgun. And your shot by trust, you're not to shoot the comrade that's helping us save Diane, please. The pistol can go in the front seat where it's at least two areas removed from her with no bullets in it at all. I removed the bullets and just tossed them like in the bushes or something. So they're nearby. I love the huge parking lot. I mean, there might be a treasure. I mean, they're not even drainage, but I mean, they have those green areas, you know, with bushes and flowers, so I'm going to talk to them. I'm not going to spend a point on it. I'll throw it down the sewer if that's what I have to do. So whatever your care-- We didn't mention this before. But you can't actually spend a fake point to create things. Like, I want to push to throw those in. Right, I'll just throw them down the sewer. That's the same. There's a drainage thing. Yeah. I guess I'm just not clear why you would want the scatter bullets and the-- Just in case she got her hands loose from the zip tie, I don't want her having a weapon that can actually strike us at range. So why wouldn't you take the weapon with us? Because I don't necessarily want to walk around with a bunch of stolen top goods. Yeah, just one stolen top goods. Want to be a cop. Well, we can put it back when we're done. But if we start having three or four weapons in our walkie talkie, then also we've got a bunch of shit to keep track of. I don't want a bunch of shit to keep track of. Do you want to shoot him with the gun? You can have the gun. Well, I don't know anything about guns. I use eye necklace. I use love. Do you want the gun? No, I'm-- You're a werewolf. No, I can't use it. It just seems odd to me that we're going for a showdown to run up with someone who is dangerous and has henchmen. Quick throw away the guns. Why wouldn't we take advantage of getting some weapons? I understand. I use the company. I use love. What do you got? I don't use guns. You're a werewolf? OK, yeah. He uses guns. OK? He uses guns. He's got a gun and a shotgun. So OK, good point. I mean, if I felt comfortable with guns, I'd use it. But I don't. I feel comfortable with my nettles. He can throw rocks harder than I could shoot people with a shotgun. So let's keep people with love. Exactly, with my mental despair. So I take a walkie talkie, and that ends up probably smashed down the-- you know, they have-- on the sewer grade, so they usually-- well, I guess it's on the side of a curb. It has a larger area that's open. This is an open-- you're in the center of an open parking lot, so it'd be one of those ones that slide down, and they're a little bit of a parking lot. Is it wide enough to get a walkie talkie in or not? Sure. OK, then it's gone. And then her keys are gone, so I'm assuming her radios and-- is her radio working with the keys? Gone. No, her keys are with me. Yeah. I'm in. Gone from her, so she can't turn on the vehicle and start communicating if she gets into the front seat. I can drive. Then take the keys. I take the keys. I'll write you two. I need to determine whether or not the radio in the car can work without her emergency radio can work without keys. I wish something could. OK. It can no longer. Yank wires out from the back, and go stop lighting up. Right. Actually, I just dazed at it with my sad pout, and it just melts. Aww. The power of email. OK, so let's go. All right, so you start walking towards Fort McHenry. We're dealing with magic now, and so Martin and Zach. OK. They're the way. I'm hard than magic. I'm walking along, not using the sight, per se, just my lower as a sound. Yeah. My wizard senses. Tingles. There's a tingles. All right, I wrote a solid plus two. That sounds solid. That's fair. You're getting magics by your sense tingles. I'm searching for the traps that he laid back at his house and something similar to that. Get any specifics you have to open the sight. Yeah, I mean, you're getting tinglings. There is or was magic in this area, most definitely. But you also know this big-ass lay line right above your head. I'm not sure. Probably be giving you the same feeling. It's in the air, not in the ground. According to the map, it came right to this fort, and then it ceased. Can I smell anything of Diane or do it to be a wolf for that? I would say that would take a good role. Do I need to be fully transformed? Because my senses are supposed to transfer over to my human form. Then we know. Let me just make sure it's on the left hand side. Whether in human form or otherwise, your senses are strongly tuned. Although it says specifically, only keen ears give you plus one to alertness roles. One sound is important, but nothing else about it. But I think we agreed last time yet, sense of senses. Do I smell Diana or Diane? That would be your role. One for my beast senses, and I don't really have a skill for senses. Alertness. Alertness. Oh, I'm sorry. That'd be a total three of alertness. You smell a lot of different smells. A miasma. It's a good kind of miasma. Very good word. Thank. Smell of Diane. It's something that I could at least get a direction in our tracks a little bit. Yeah, it seems to be coming roughly from the fort. OK. If I'm going to try and track this, Zach, can you handle the magic part of it so I don't step over something that's going to blow up? Or do I need to alternate between detecting for magic and detecting for the scent? If I open up my site, I won't be able to chuck rocks later. That's what we're facing. If we die by having one of those mains we run into, once we get inside, because I doubt they're on the outside of what we can bring. You knocked out the hostage. I don't know. Well, she didn't even know it. Well, all of a sudden we have ideas, don't we? How about we drive the car through it? Send the car over to the end, OK. Because nothing's going to happen to us outside of Fort McHenry. People come here all day. It's going to be off the beaten path. So I think you follow it until we get off the beaten path. And at that point, you open up the site if we need to. If no one has revealed themselves up to that point. I wasn't suggesting that you use your site, but I just thought that you could at least sense through your lore or whatever, since the magic before I step over the landmine. Yeah. He has to open his site. When he's in an area, he can get a general spider sense. But this area is just all going to flow in with magic. And let's take your chances. Hold on. Could I sense, like, particularly structured magic? I can use it as an investigation skill or an working skill. Well, an investigation skill would indicate that I get more detail than just the vague senses. If I want a total picture of things I'm not even aware I'm looking for, then I would imagine I would open the site. But I know what I'm looking for. I've seen it before. What are you looking for? I'm looking for the type of magical landmine he's laid out before I imagine. He doesn't vary it much. So that's exactly what I'm looking for. And not like some ritual setting on. At least it has to be a circle, right? All right. Give me a good-- Good. Let me just throw it. Can you do that? Wow. I've got mediocre role. That is not good. Then we'll take our chances and I will sniff away. Fine, all right. No, I don't want you to use-- Don't be scared. I've only got three. He's scared. I don't want you to use your site. Save your site. You're essentially crackling and crackling the magic for lots of other items. Yeah, it's throwing you off. Yeah, there's Geomancy. You can't deal with Geomancy. That's like everyone talking at once, but I think. Yeah. So what? Like that. It's like not trying to identify Diane's blood and a coffee shop filled with coffee and dead people. So if I find it first and point it out, it would most pleasure. That's a little bit different. It wasn't hers. It's not different. There's magic all over the place. She wasn't there, supposedly. There was a share. Do you have any insight, Martin? Or are you just going to be pretty-- I can't find magic stuff. I thought you can perceive the future. I can perceive the past. Through certain objects, what they have seen, if I touch the walls, I could see what they've seen, but they've been here a while. We're way too far away from you. Yeah, the princess is missing anything. Let's go. She's in trouble and we're digging around. Let's go. I'm sorry, it's-- Oh, I got it. I don't understand. I got your heart out. It's OK. Exactly. I wear my heart and my sleeve. And I twirl it around your finger. Like a lady. Whatever. Don't be jealous. Because you couldn't put her down in an emo had to come finish it up, baby. Hey, stop it. She was a tough, hard ranger. That's not what I thought she was a tough ranger. You've got the sense of Diane. Now you want to tell the direction. And it actually becomes a little easier because you picked her out of-- OK. --the miasma of smells that are in the area. Now, to follow the trail of where she has gone, fair. Let's do it. Plus 1, plus 1, plus 2. That's a 4. That's great. That's great. That is great. Just great. Is it a lookness? Not just great. His-- All right, but this is-- Oh, wait. Does it change now after I detected it? No, this racking is, in particular, there's a skill devoted to it. It's survival. Not all tracking, but-- And he might have it as a wolf all he might have. If you don't want it-- If it's under survival, I do have survival. I thought your skills said "alertness." My sense is add to alertness. I just think the senses would allow him to track her in an urban setting is the way they usually use it. In this case, you could still use alertness. I think either one would work. So if you use survival, what was it all about? If I used survival, it would be the same as a human. But that's no, as a wolf, I'd have to change into a wolf to use the survival tracking. Better to be prepared than-- But if I'm a human, it's the same thing as alertness. So-- I'd love to use it. He's supposed to have really good senses. As a wolf, is your survival better than your? Then it would be better than-- In a human, I don't have survival. As a wolf, I have survival. As both, do you have alertness? I'd love to use alertness, if they're called. No, I mean, alertness to find it, I think, survival for tracking. He's a much better tracker as a wolf than he is a human. He only has some of the aspects of it. Works for me. And as a wolf, you're already prepared for combat. What's that? Well, that's one thing I don't think I'd ever want to try. Best change? The skill shuffle. Apparently, I have the ability to shuffle my skills around. Well, you have that. I mean, you use it. When you turn into a wolf, you're a better at survival. That's something you're only-- You may shuffle around your skills for a different configuration while changed, so long as any knowledge of social skills are not given a higher value of the change. So I was just, you know-- I mean, slow down the session. Yeah, I don't understand that one. Well, I think there's still one you're designing your guy. You choose what your-- No, I mean, that implies you can do-- like, you may be able to do up three or four different versions of yourself as a wolf. Right, I don't know about that. It sounded like you'd be able to take quite athletics and move it up, and other ones down, as long as it was social, was moving down, and a physical one was moving up. It's how I got along. But John is arguing that there's one that you do, and that's in your wolf form. What I'm saying, almost three is if you could do multiple-- You could, and that's how I do it. Best wolf or a tough wolf. Yes, and it's neither here nor there. Sorry, that's our interpretation, and in that relevant sound, our Irish wolf on his back. My point is I'm OK shifting, but I think I am once I'm going to shift on a stay there, so-- Sure. Then what do you need to talk? Nope. Nope. Can't be here more than time. What? One paw. I will shake my head. OK. I will gnaw his arms off. I will gnaw his arm to blame him. OK, so then you survival tracker. You start running into the four. So I have changed? Yes. OK, I am now a wolf. Well, I assumed you were. I'm sorry. I know, I just want to be clear, but that's the-- You start panning into the fort, and you're like, you're immediately going off the beaten trail of where normal tourists are. You're behind the scenes, and they're following you. Oh, boy. This is now-- now, this is where we need you to open up the gaze. I walk as we're behind the scenes. Making sure I don't outpace them. Right. You're going behind the scenes. You go to a door, and in it, you-- they open it for you. And you find a stairway heading down. It's still part of the fort. The fort is an old, an ancient thing. Yes. But there are certain areas that they kind of block off for the people that are working behind the scenes to store things. Right. And you're into that area. Can I do another magical sense? Sure. Oh, OK. These trappings, I am able to find my way around in near total darkness. So so-- It's not your way of looking dark. Well, whatever factor, now that we're getting off the beaten path and into, who knows what? I just wanted to be aware that I-- My sense. You can see. I got our vision. I wish I brought them up. So we'll make it warm. I think Nate feels a warm trickling sensation on his leg. What have I got to roll the senses here? Good, plus three. How would that be good, yes? Well, I am. What do you have now? I don't know. Tell me. How much I don't know. I don't know. So what are you doing? I just rolled without a fake point, a plus three on my lower check to try to sense if there's any magical landmines who should be careful off the head to make sure we don't get blasted to spin the rings. But at least it's important. I find it relatively important to imagine. You found that important. Are Nate detecting any of his magical-- although there's a faint impression of a thread that has his mark on it that is leading down this hall and also out of this hall. So the door we just opened? Well, yeah. But I mean, out into the general-- We probably tripped it on the lawn. Elsewhere. And the general location is from the direction you came from. Can I look out the door and see where it went? Or is it far off through trees and-- Yeah. I mean, it goes and goes and goes to the parking lot and as far as you can see it's going. That's right. There's no sense of time. That might be where he came from, rather than-- So no landmines? It's got-- nobody might know we're coming. It's got a slight-- it's definitely his flavor. But it's got a familiar unraveled. It's like frayed and unraveled. That could be the line going all the way back to the house. We just-- we just are free. I think I would have seen it when I was there. Yeah. Well, you did see a bunch of those, didn't you? Landmines, but not the line that he sees coming now. I think-- Might have been attached to that wooden post we snapped. Or-- I don't know. All right, well, let's keep following it. Can I, without any effort, keep following this line? I don't know. I think what would interest us would be if the line's ever diverged from the scent that the-- that are-- Sean is following. Unfortunately, it's not like the site that you have opened. You're doing a quick check of the area. And we're probably pushing the boundaries of what that should be allowed. But you can't keep-- But you could check again in a couple of minutes. Yes, OK. I'll be sad. I'll be sad for a spool. So you go down the tunnel, or down the stairs, and into the tunnel. And in front, immediately you run into, well, darkness. As you get down to the bottom of the stairs, there is no way. OK. No way at all. You don't seem to mind. Whereas, as you can see, in front of you, you see a giant sealed tunnel. But there's an offshoot that heads slightly to one side. And sniff the air. Do I detect anything with more of Diane's sense side tunnel? Do we need those tunnel empty? I can empty tunnel. I mean, it's a stone, right? Yeah. It's going to be gone. So I've lost Diane's side. No, it's off to the side. Oh, I'm sorry. There's two options. There's one, the big one, that seems to be sealed. And this is rougher one off to the left, and it's off to the left. Can I detect which one's stronger? Diner is in water sense. Her side only goes down to the left one. Oh, OK, well-- And my question is-- Does the line continue to go through this wall? Or does the line go in the direction of Diane as well? So I'd like to check. Zach's going to check it out. I think it's worth a roll. Can't roll good. It's not going to go right there. You should change, guys. I think it doesn't roll like one positive the entire night. Still not. There. Anyway, we don't like zero. OK. It was a whisper of smoke as it was. I mean, I think it might have dissipated. All right. Let's get to Diane, please. Everyone, please. Big deeper. Dig deeper in your hearts. OK, whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's go-- oh, I got a big-- I got a Zippo, I mean, lighter. Because Zippos are cool. Bicks are burned up in that, hemo. You need some form of light. OK. You continue down. Give me another-- So we can just be blown up by a landmine any time. Hey, I checked if there weren't anywhere I was. You said I was instantly, or do you say it like that? There was non-gees. Oh, I don't know what you're worrying about. I have great to see. You just run out of his landmine. [INAUDIBLE] I mean, if he breaks the loft, what's wrong with you people? That is an average. You snap one park ranger's neck with your love and neck. I didn't snap her neck. I beat her in his neck. OK. That's well enough to follow Diane's mouth, because it's actually getting stronger. It gives you a shower. But unfortunately, it's not well enough to smell the two ghouls that we're waiting. And you need a towel. But I don't smell it well, because everything else is going to be asthma, because that's so focused on Diane. And you're all for shit. That, and you're all for shit. That's why you're all for shit. And because the hemo vampire is making feel bad about my wolf self, are you staring? Yep. So you're walking down the tunnel. And you actually see-- you guys start to see a glimmer of light as you get close. And you, with your vision, see it way before they do. And you start jogging forward a little bit to see. The tunnel is opening out into a much larger chamber. And that's where the light's coming from. But outside of the chamber, in the hallway, in the doorway, leading into the hallway, are two ghouls. And they move fast. Fast ghouls. These are like fast zombies. Fast-- right. We finish it next week. We definitely do it because we've got zones here. This hallway zone has two ghouls in it. The zone behind it is the chamber. And it's got Eric, Diane, and-- Well, I'm mine. We can see that now, or however we go. All right. You're about to get into the final presentation. You've got to have been human skin. The ghouls are nasty. And you've got Eric, a medic. And you've got two thralls. I don't doubt that we're all going to die. But that's all right. Some more scary. We only need to be lightning when we tear it through. We're going to be flipping into the garage. Because the way you took down that female-- I had your 20-pound brain rate-- I was just trying to not-- Terrify. Just so you know. Terrify. Listen, if you want a big slapper with your little heart necklace, Eric's going to require full DC takedown. So he's going to take some damage. Well, maybe Mark will step up the thralls. That's what I've got, man. That's all I've got. Hey, come on, Colombo. Thralls take one consequence, and they're down. I'm going to eat triple beer next week. Thanks for listening to Nights of the Night at Actual Play Podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures, where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, props, and even a form for comments and suggestions, where you could email us directly at, or contact us via Twitter, or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit And please, join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. I put on my Hello Kitty gloves, and they're cool in an email way. They're probably fingerless. Yeah, they're fingerless. That doesn't work. You want them to get down. They're a fashion statement, all right? They're a fashion statement. They're pointless as what they are, Nate.