Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 55: DFRPG 1_5 "Bad Side of Town"

Broadcast on:
28 Sep 2011
Audio Format:

The group confronts Lizard about a growing danger in his territory.

Is this group up to facing the most dangerous man in East Green?

(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Knights of the Night Actual Play podcast. This Dresden Files storyline was run by our GM town. And now, please enjoy episode five titled, "The Bad Side of Town." (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Before we get started, I actually wanted to get this part recorded and it moved. And that is a general overview of how this game works. Even last week, there seemed to be some confusion on how the game actually plays. So, normally, when resolving an action, any action, whether it be in conflict or not, there is a roll of the dice. It is always four dice. It is the dice are only the randomizing factor. To that, you then add your skill that is associated to whatever action you're attempting to do. Sometimes, if there's two actions, and the one is of lesser import, but it is higher in value, you can add an extra plus one. That is the base mechanic always. You're rolling four dice, you're adding the skill. That is all. If you have an aspect that's useful in the particular situation, none of that helps in the base roll. It's four dice plus your skill. Then, you take that and compare that to something else. If it's a straight up action you're trying to perform and it's not against another player or non-player character, it's just against, I'm gonna climb this wall. How difficult it is to climb that wall is a difficulty set by the GM. Now, you can argue maybe that the difficulty should be higher or lower, but it's not your dice roll you're arguing for. You might say, well, that's where it falls in the ladder. That I can see arguing about. But you can't affect your role just by arguing. What you can't affect your role by is using a fake point. And that is all or tapping an aspect that someone's giving you freely. The way they can give a free aspect is if they've spent a maneuver, we're in a confrontation now, and there's something occurring. They've spent a maneuver. They've spent their turn putting an aspect on the target. For instance, John spends a turn as Zach, putting his hands down and getting ready to give you a boost to climb the wall. That was an aspect Zach giving me a boost that you can tap freely for a plus two. But he has spent a turn, his turn doing it. So, in fact, it's not really free. He's just giving you his turn at a plus two. All other aspects you'd have would have to be paid for by a fake point and they have to be applicable to the situation you're doing to give you a plus two. Or you roll your choice. Or any time a fake point could be spent for a symbol plus one. Let's say you have no aspects of a company where it's close to being appropriate. You could still spend one fake point to add a plus one. That's what fake points are for. That's where, you know, if you want something to succeed, spend your fake points. And we did have another bit of feedback from Someone sent an email in about our most recent Dresden storyline in particular, the music. - This is from Rickard Goodbrand. Hi, my name is Rickard. And I am a longtime role player in Sweden. I have been listening to the last episodes. Found them as you were starting up the Dresden Files RPG and find them very enjoyable. Personally, the audio quality is one of the better AP podcasts I've heard. I was also very happy to hear that the last episode, what the Coffee Cup saw, that you were using background music. This is something I've been doing for the last 20 years in my gaming sessions, in addition to sound effects. But no other AP podcast seemed to be using it. The song that you were playing in the background seems perfect for Dresden Files, which is what I've been looking for, as I am starting up a game of Dresden in a few weeks. May I ask where you found the song so I can get it as well? Thanks in advance and looking forward to the next episode. Best regards, Rickard Gudbrand. Okay, a couple things. One is that we've always had the links to both sound effects and the music on our website, Not the individual songs, though. No, not the original song. Just to where we found, where the music, right. One was a kind of a search engine. It was called And unfortunately, what I found there is the particular song that I was using for the musical bed for that episode was no longer available there. But I had it as gonna be three, so I sent it via email to him. Oh, great. So he did get it. But that link is up on our site for anybody that wants to use any of those resources as well. Right. The other issue was about the sound quality. We've upgraded from what we were using before, which was my iPhone, thrown in the middle of the table, to the H1 Zoom, which has a really nice bunch of options for recording quality, as well as stereo that's just built in. It's almost a little too sensitive and picking up all kinds of bumps and thumps on the table, but we're working on that. I know it's called a mic. What's that? It's called a mic. It's called a mic. What? 'Cause he's too sensitive. Oh. 'Cause he's mic. Oh. Wait, wait. So I'll send it up so it sounds better. I can. God, no. But I think it's really nice stuff. Ricard found us. Yes. All the way from Sweden and listening in. It's fantastic. Hope you enjoyed the end of the World Darkness story and hope you enjoy the beginning here and the rest of the Dresden story. I think we're gonna have this short Dresden story and then another short story after that before we return to World Darkness. So there'll be two back-to-back Dresden's, correct? Yes. Last thing, before we get into gaming, Fred Hicks gave us a shout-out and we thank him very much for that. Guy, nice bump from that. Thank you, Fred. Really appreciate it, Fred. Thanks for the show. I'd like to have a beer and talk to that guy for a bit. You need to show up at, you know, like, gen 10. He says, yeah. Okay. Post last thing. We got a request about some documentation from our previous campaign shed look and it's all of the documents or recaps that were formally connected through the forums on your computer that suffered the great crash of 2010. Yes. Are those gone forever? Well, to be fair, I stopped doing the weekly recaps after week 12. Right. Between week 13 and week 16 of the actual play sessions, there are no recaps, but there are, I think, experience points where they're not, I don't think there was even experience points. No, it's up to about 12. And a lot of this stuff, I have maybe an art copy and maybe on my computer, 'cause that was the one that loaded up. We got to have a hard copy, so, I mean-- Art copies, for sure. So we might be able to dig out what's going to require some effort on our part and we-- For anything that's one through 12, do we lose all one through 12? All the ingredients. They're broken and they're all linked to the forum and I don't have access to that. I think our web man is currently working on updating our web presence to fix some of the issues. Like, fact that we're still playing world of darkness, which we're not. But I actually fix that tonight. So, we're working on those links and trying to resolve finding those documents and we'll get it out to you as soon as we can. And now, well, there's one more. I'm spending too much time on flaming sofa, but I also took their, I went to their website. And they were very, they very bravely, what I assume is their real pictures and modified them for their characters. I like their music and the character name of once. Thinking through the meaning of names in Fae and, you know, it's past tense, but also maybe has like a, there's a potential to it that, you know, she's got like one, you know, almost like a bomb going off or that something's going to happen or that something did happen is going to happen again. The once and future king just keeps on popping into my head. Or maybe it's a short version of a much longer name. So, - And just curious where she got that. - Yeah, but so I started thinking of, you know, like, oh, here's a half, or I don't know what type of character she has, but she's, is she totally Fae or is she Fari? Or, I don't know what the changeling, what they call them in changeling. So I don't know. - I think they're Fae, Fae. - I mean, all changeling is someone who was human to start with. - Right. - And was taken to Fari or taken to the Fae and then exposed to horrible things and then escaped. And they're constantly in fear. As I understand it, I'm not a changeling expert, but constantly in fear looking over their shoulder because they're Fae masters. So they're not really Fae. They're, you know, they're somewhere in between. I'm not sure what the correct view term is. - They are humans, right? - Right. - They are, but now they have, they have powers now because they spend time. - And how you do it? - Yeah. - By being in the Fae. - Right. - In the never, never. - That's what I kind of liked about it was. - Never, I'm not going to call it the never, never. - The name once and it has some potential to imply, have a lot of meanings to it. - Sure. - You know, once human, you know, once Fae. One, once that it's something is going to happen and once something already did happen, it's past and future. And I just remember thinking like in that world, some of the things that I would try to play off on that. And it also reminded me a little bit of the book, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Noel. - Oh yeah. - And how they portrayed the changings and Fae in that book. - Right. - Which was dark. - But yeah. - And the way they described them was very dark. - Did you read that one or no? - No, I don't think of it. - It was a bible. - It's a little tough to read. - Yeah. - It's an English novel. - Yeah. - It's how I would describe it. - But their view of magic and their view of the Fae, I thought was really cool. And this is biology. - I've seen it before. It was in borders. - Anyway, I'm sorry. That was just a little aside that, you know, a little shout out to a podcast and. - Yeah. - It just made me-- - I'm glad you did the flaming. So I thought there's not at least two of us that are listening to it. - I'm enjoying it a bit. - And so that's the last piece I have. - And with that feedback is over and we shall go into the game. - So let's go see this dude. - You're driving towards you. You may be blocked away from the street address that she gave you. And you-- - I'm sorry to interrupt you. I just wanted to be clear. Do we still possess? - Shelley's good? - No, we're going to leave it with the alleyway. - We're going to leave it with the alleyway. - That was the alleyway behind the coffee shop. - Okay. - I have my own. - So please keep fighting. - My name is Moore. - No, I just forgot that we have both from ours. - I'm sorry. - Everybody got a gun? - I'm just thinking like, old world of darkness. - We have one. - Yeah, we have one. - It's all right. - Oh wait, I'm a world. - I've got a gun. - Oh, we're with the wizard. - Never mind. - I think my god is named Mooree. Mooree. - Mooree. - Hey, your dead wife? - Yes. - She's like a mom to me. - She always cooks Sunday dinner. She was very nice and very nice. - You guys are driving in the van. - I assume that Shawn is driving the van and who is riding shotgun? - All right, shotgun. - Well, who's right? Who knows this territory? Would the experience points out to be better? Would the emo guy be better? I don't care. - Would your character know this area? Would maybe she came out on the yar runs or something? - Nah, she might know people in the area. I don't know if she'd actually be free. - No, you wouldn't. - I would just ask you to be riding shotgun with Shawn is and driving. - I think I'm a good fit because I think this area definitely would be around feeling the vibes. - Okay, so something I'd have good for is being in front of being alert and being able to talk my way through places. - Okay, go on. - So what do you guys call it? - What's your report? - My report is fair. My deceit and alertness is great and good. Great deceit, alertness is good. - Great deceit, alertness is only average. So you go. - All right. - Cryptor with me. - Well, that's what they're up to doing. - Right. - Yeah, I do. - I have a day that's the next to me in the check. - Yeah. - Let's show where my computer is. - I'm sure that'll go very well. - You guys are about to block away. You pull up to a, pretty light. It's red, so you stop. And there's a couple guys in the street corner and they come walking up to the car. - And I'm looking for mail, or. - Read into the window, on your side. - We're going, you don't belong here. This ain't your neighborhood. - You're the report person. - Yeah, you're the report person. - But I don't see that. I'm not saying that to be like, 'cause I'm careful if you talk to him. - Yep. - I tell him we got to deliver. - Oh Lord. All right, let's lie. - Just see. - You know, if we wanted to deliver something, we should've brought up. It's beaten up a little. - Right. - Caught. - Caught. - No, we did the right thing. - Oh yeah, call him the cops on that. - I know the delivery phone. You ain't it. - Special. One more here. - We just been promoted. (laughing) - We have been here before, it's a new delivery. We're trying to open up something new. - Light of communication. - We're all about to see the check. - We're trying to talk him into thinking that we're-- - I got up in the front. - We're starting out with the show. - In the front. - And I say. - We're going to start new business. - Mom and Guy's been hustling in on your chair for these people we've been taking. - We're going to take down the guy who did it, but Wilson knows anything. We need to actually have him down. And we're going to be stealing a phone. He took Rico, I don't remember their names, but my guy does. - Rico and Harvard. - Harvard. - He's a smart one. - He's a smart one. - Everyone else could think of it. - You think you want to go talk to Lizzard? - Yeah. (laughing) - This is a sort of conflict yet on my role for this. - Open the side door. - Actually he's a guy next to you by the side door. - It's the Chenai needle needle. - He's got like the gun that he's brought up to the window at kind of level day. - I have my heart necklace. - You open the side door and the one guy like Lance is around in there. - All right. I think you guys are in the way over here, isn't it? - He's looking for, yeah. - How? - Yeah. - Cool. - This does not look like half, but-- - I tried to look like-- - We don't look dangerous either. - You should have looked dangerous. - I look dangerous. - You do, this gets sucking out a lollipop and ramps here and this athlete that's like shivering as he's talking to him. - My furry ears are cool. Don't understand. - Are you a furry? - He doesn't look a bit. - Wow. - Two rocks. - All right. - So he lets you go without shooting and you continue that on the next street and you pull out two-- - Oh, shut up. - Again, this entire area is desolate. The houses are terrible to damn shame you. - This house looks a little better off, but you hear music just pumping. Lots of bass coming out of it. - Yeah. - And there are three guys sitting on the front porch, one of them is a little closer to the street than you are and they all look very dangerous. And they're trying to look at their calm and relaxing at ease but their hands are closer to it. Definitely. - Where are we going here? (laughing) - Yeah, they have a lizard. Let's kick their asses. - Ready? - All right, let's kill 'em. - We're all gonna shoot 'em now. This is what's gonna happen. - No, what's gonna happen is that, you know, look, these are the normals, all right? - Yes. - We don't need to worry. - Don't worry about my aspect. - These are all rules are for the normals. - We're not normals, all right? - We don't know where we want. - How many days have you got? - Geon's this area, he's got more than two outside. - Three. - Three even. - There's two. - There's the old one. - Other street, there's two guys like standing up on the porch, they're not standing on the porch like sitting on the porch. - I'm sorry. - And there's one guy that's closer to the street and as you pull up, these are like the one on the street by walking through your car. - All right, we good up. - I'm gonna let my heart next. - Okay, of course you are. - I keep the three years up, it's been attention. - Look at the finger and his three years are up. - So are we getting out, are we staying in the vehicle? - We're up stepping out, now I'm in charge. - What you mean? - I'm getting out, I'm stepping out. - All right, I'm stepping out. - Four of my neckes, you know. - I'm stepping back if you step to keep all of you. - All right, my hands are in the clear. - My neckes. - All right, I do free it. - I got my stuff. - What about it, is it the per years? (laughing) - The pre-stool-thumbs up. - The pre-stool-thumbs up. - I need to see the lizard. - I don't bring you. You look like you got out of this neighborhood. What are you doing back? - I thought you got a disco. (laughing) - I didn't have one, I was second ago. - Uh, do something. - You expect it, 'cause I hadn't heard about it. - Then why don't you go and walk in and tell him, and then we'll be expecting it. - And you should tell him to fall. - I don't want to talk about it. - The neckes. - That is not as cold as water, by the way. (laughing) - Hey, name's Nick. (laughing) - Nicking. (laughing) - Hello, what are you doing? - Do you see, you want to go with Nick? - What was Shelley's real name? - I don't know, we never find out. - Yeah, we did. You got a nickname for him, it was really cool. - Shut up. - I never told you Shelley's name, you guys. - You did? - Shelley. - You said his name is Blake, but-- - I guess we'll call him Shelley. - It was really cool. - He never said-- - I have a name for him, but I guess we'll call him Shelley. - Who was it, we won't use the name. What was the name? - His name was The Sleever. - The cool nickname we learned today are Gilgamesh. - His name was Eli Turner. - And you guys call these? - Shelley. - And Altees. - He was Altee? - Yeah? - Altee would be good, Nick. Thanks Mark. - Hell yeah. - Maybe he had some rings, 'cause he's an Altee shot. - All right, I'd say you're playing at the coffee shop. - Shelley had Altee, you guys know what's right. - Okay, Altee, you're a friend of the coffee shop. - We didn't speak so. - What coffee shop? - The two grounds, did you see? (laughing) - It was coffee shop. - Did you hear? - Was that the name of the coffee shop? - It is, yeah. - It was, I mean, the name of the coffee shop and was like just known as the coffee shop. - That was amazing. - The rally is-- - The rally is-- - Re-named what it was. - We named what it was-- - So was it even muscling in? - So who took your hand on that? - In our territory, we don't go there. - Hey, listen, you said who's calling? - Altee in neutral grounds. - He walks over to the guys on the door and he talks to them, one guy steps inside. - Jesus. - He's gonna take it in. - He's here. - I wonder why. - He's working. - Don't let him-- - So I sit there, I kinda got like a scowl from my face trying to look as imposing as I can. - I would do a good intimidation. - Right, I look deeply sad. - Yeah, the right-- - You're kind of the environment you're in. - Right. - Kind of blows that. - Oh, me, my posse, I guess. - Yeah, you know. - That's how dangerous, that's how brave and crazy we are. That we're rolling here. How about that? - Here are the Doc markers. - Look at those shit-kickers. They could take someone's teeth out. - You guys better learn, posse, sir. - Posse, do your fires too. - First, and first, I can't tell. - Birds are fighters. - Sure, no. - The guy comes back outside, kinda does a head bob towards the door. - Wow. - Indicating. - That actually works. - You should come. - All right, I'll leave the way. - They'll be-- - They'll take me back out. - Go down. - No, you don't need it at all. - No, they don't. They don't have a counterstep. - I hold my chin, my-- - There's no white bands in my hand. - Right, sure, is it? - There are no white bands in the area that you see. Not in the dry white, not in the neighborhood. As you walk up to the door, the long guy puts his hand on the chest. You know, the guy starts to pass you down real quick, just looking for one piece. - You can actually say we're just looking for one piece. - No, I mean, it's obvious what it is. - Right. - Gotta be done. - I have them, actually. - I don't worry about it, but I just kinda sneer at them. - Whatever, I don't need to wear them for this place. - Okay, they enjoy fighting down Danny. - Sure, if I get kind of down and fight everybody twice. (laughing) - They get to Martin, and Martin hands over his gun. And the long guy looks at his boots. - Toxid, what? - I got two pictures. - They don't like two men. - Hey, you think I got a heart necklace? - He added, does it not even look like this? - You don't remember? - Can you wear a heart necklace? - It's got a heart necklace, so yes. - Yeah, they kind of snicker at you. They give you a curse picture of his mother to go. - You go into the living room, and there's this guy replying, he's listening to the music, there's a bunch of guys hanging around. - I'm guessing my werewolf senses are overwhelmed by the sketch and the odors in this place. - Oh yeah, it's cool, it's cool. - What kind of, you know, an oil? - Absolutely. - Bad food, it's like something really despicable. - He like gets some indication of the music, turns down a little. And he's like, "Guys lost?" - So is this lizard speaking to us? - Are you asking? - Well, I don't know, I'm sorry. We could be impression in this room, this is the man. - All right, this is the man, and there's all people kind of. - Yeah, the rest of it seems to be, he seems to be the center of this particular universe. Yeah, and he's kicked back and relaxing, and he's not, and at least we're concerned, he's going to be a superhero. - Okay. - That's not my day. - Wow, one of your friends messed up ours. - Yeah. - Your people, it makes it. - Yeah, we do really good. - Your people started out with a bad morning. - What are you talking about? - The shit that went down, and neutral browns this morning. - We got a neutral brown on that, actually. We don't go anywhere near you. - Then why is Rico, the Harvard, and the Southern guy-- - LT. - And LT hanging out there, shooting people. - Shooting people. - What the hell is there to shoot in neutral browns? - Two people. - Thank you. - Why? - I don't know, that's what we're here to find out, isn't it? - There are puppies and college kids in there. They're our best mark. - Well, we're not here for-- - So you don't control your old people? - No. - You know what they're doing? - We're not here to bring you a problem, as we're here to help you with the problems. - All right. - I like that better, go ahead. - Do you know who Eric McCulloch is? - Looked at one of his-- - One of your girls might call him Ray Gayboy. - Looked over at one of his lieutenants. - Drives a white band. - I probably don't know who you are, but do they know who the freakin' lie-- - Ah, the lieutenants walks over and kinda whispers in his ear, so. We've heard of him. - Well, apparently he's picking your boys and posting 'em. - Eric. - Twist 'em around this thing. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just sold this. - That's like Eric has twisted them around his little finger. So you know where I can find this Eric. - You're saying Eric's using my boys to do bad? - Sounds like it. - Looks like it. - Eric's moved into the neighborhood, by the way. - You don't really care for Eric all that much. - But this, right? Keep clean. There's some fuckin' shit. - Eric's gonna bring you the kind of trouble that you don't want. - And you can take care of this, Eric. - Well, if we can't, we'll soften 'em up for ya. - Okay. - Here's what we're asking for. - You missed my hand. - Yeah, we got something. We're asking for, you know, his location. And you're worried that we can cross your territory if we need to get to him. - All right, I want a little respect to his turf. Motion's the one of his lieutenants, who gets out and writes something down. We'll give you the address, and give you the right to go through. - Look, a business card or something. - Yeah, it could be, sure. (laughing) - Just ask him. - Just as lizard, I think. - I don't be stingy every single stop sign we pull up to. - Look, get out of jail, free card, lizard. - Those are sad. - And in fact, if what I'm being told about, Eric is true, maybe I'll owe you one. - You're superstitious? - Is it? - Is it missing? - It's a smart trick I have. - Well, until we talk again about this Eric kid, probably should keep her people away from Eric. It's good, it's a bad mojo. At least, until what happens to us and-- - Let's see how this pans out. - Okay. - The lieutenant comes over, gives you a card. It says, yeah, Joseph Eric, McCollum says. It's about 20 minutes away. Not a good neighborhood, either. - No, anything else while we're here? Boy? - Ask her some weed. (laughing) - This is my band, this is leather we're playing tonight, so of course we can't send any business our way. - No, why don't you need to get patted on the way out to you? - Right. - So, if you're back and gone, as you guys leave. - I'll be the last one out, you know, I'm not good at my back at all, if I get to the door. - How's it feel to be the tough guy, Mike? - You're right, I know, I'm right. I'm drunk. - It's not usually your role, is that what role at all? - So can we go to-- - Can we go really quick over to Eric's us? - We can go quickly over to Eric's house, unless you guys want to do any prep, and I will introduce the scenario and we'll stop, because there will be something there to resolve, and I don't want to rush it, okay? - So yeah, we go across this territory to go to Eric's. - I'm also giving that opportunity to do any prep that you want to do before you go to Eric's house. - Well, I think we should, because I think we need-- - Like put on a bolt of vest that Martin just said. - Right, and magically, if this guy is using mind magic, I want to, is the issue with these type of wizards who, are warlocks, 'cause he's a warlock, and a wizard. You know, should I be in wolf form and ready to attack and pounce, and do we hit first and ask questions later, because if he gets the whammy on us-- - Probably gonna throw some lore figure out with Maggie's stuff. - What so? - I mean, to know some more about the mind mojo. - Okay, maybe we should hold this off, if you guys want a little more serious stuff going, and it might be a good-- - Right, I just think that-- - I'm going right to it. I have nothing to prepare for, and-- - Okay, I'm not saying, I'm saying more in the case of us as players, you as characters. You might say, well, I know this, and you've spied out what you need to do, you as a character, you don't know. So you have to look some of that up. - The question is, if we have as a dress, do we case the place using things like burglary, or stealth, you know, things along those lines, or do we just drive right up and say, we got a problem with you killing our-- - No, as much as we need to repair it-- - Okay, yeah, yeah. - As much as we need to prepare it, we want to get there as soon as possible, 'cause we still have one person missing, and we don't want her harmed. Sooner we get there the less time they're gonna have to do anything bad to her. - One thing I also want to bring to mind really quick is Dana's house, supposed to have been at work about 10 minutes ago. As the day goes on, you're later and later to your job. - You're the only one who has one, they're about to go-- - It happens to all my characters. - Yeah, yeah. (laughing) - But also-- - But also-- - But it doesn't mean we're, I'm sorry about that. - We know this guy's broken wizard law, and he's using mind magic, which is, you know, something that-- - Is his humongous, no, no. - We, yeah, but, you know, call on some more. - But, well, that's why I'm trying to engage you as the wizard is you're gonna, your authority's gonna shift now to you as that representative of the council here. - But you're the only wizard in town. - This is your job. - Do it. - What is everyone questioning about? - I'm questioning that, I'm not questioning that. Before we go into a place where a guy can mentally control people, and take over them, I think we should-- - I'm just offering you a fake point saying you're the big gun, you're the one. You know the other guy that's a warden, he's not a real warden. He can't handle us, you can handle this, you've been trained. - And do I go in teeth and fangs and wolf and just, you know, take him down as fast as I can? Or are we here to give him a chance? I mean, what's, is there a protocol that we need to follow? - Yeah, I don't know. - And also, we have a potential hostage situation with Diane, so there's some things to consider. - I wanna, this is, again, I don't mind the wizard taking control of the situation, but I mean, we should case this place. I mean, we don't, it takes 20 minutes to drive there, but it wouldn't hurt to park a street away and case the place. - Someone who has the ability to walk around invisible. - What could be good? - It might be really. - I have stealth, but I'm halfway deast that. I mean, I can-- - Isn't there anybody who wants to fuzzy? - Well, if there were no time, I could walk around and do a two, but I think I like what I'm hearing here, so-- - Who's got stealth? - I have stealth. - They actually can turn invisible. - Yeah, I could put a veil on myself so people can't see me. I can actually do a veil on all of us, but it probably would be there where we decided we're gonna hit the place then. We definitely wanna not just all go through the front door. We wanna have some people in the back in case we're trying to escape. - Is there anything we can do? - I think you're right. - I think that we need to do some prep work before. It's magic-wise to make it harder for people to take over our heads. - Nothing I could do about them. - Where's some tin foil? - Tin foil. - Yeah, see you're in that orb. - So, I'm good at mental defensive that counts for anything. You know, if we're gonna decide who goes where, inside the house, if we're actually strategizing as players as opposed to characters. Who's got the best discipline? - I've got a four. - Mental defense is what? - What do you got? - Discipline. - Mental is discipline. - Yeah, I have two. - Good. - I have three. - I must not have an all because I don't see. - Actually, you don't need your one fortunately. - I also suspect that when time comes sac, we'll need to probably take the lead and I will be probably in wolf form, so I'll need to just be your muscle and a weapon. - Do you have discipline? - Data. - One. - Anyone who writes. - Sorry. - Four. - Two. - Two. - Zero. - No problems whatsoever. - One last thing before we wrap this up, everybody marked on their current fake point. - That's why I did fake point. - I maintain status quo, and we will continue next week. (upbeat music) - Thanks for listening to nights of the night at actual play podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures. Where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, perhaps, and even a form for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at feedback at or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcasts or business, please visit and please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]