Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 54: DFRPG 1_4 "Alpha Male"

Broadcast on:
21 Sep 2011
Audio Format:

Shawn Grabs control fo the group and a few NPC's as he snarls his way to a few answers.

Is the group getting closer to finding their missing friend? or just getting themselves deeper into trouble?

(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Night to the Night actual play podcast. This Dresden File Story, neutral brand, is run by our GM town. And now, we can enjoy episode four, titled Alpha Mail. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - First off, to take a brief moment, I'd like to thank the Grumpy Calp. Apparently, he's put up a link on his board, pointing towards ours. And we gotta say this, thank you for the acknowledgement. - Yes, thank you very much, we appreciate it. - And we're out of feedback, so if any of our listeners wants to send anything, it'll be rushed right onto the show. Any comments at all? We did, we didn't go back and acknowledge some of the stuff we got about Travis and Wendy, who went to Champcon, we had a great time. They thanked us, so we wanted to acknowledge that. And we're very glad that they had a great time on us tickets and very happy that they enjoyed themselves. - Here here. Okay, and we'll start the game. - I am Tom, and I will be the GM, running the dress and files game. This particular adventure is neutral grounds. And starting on my left is, my name is Thomas, I'm playing Martin Capouti, a retired psychic detective. - I forgot playing him. - John, I'm playing Zach Mayer, the princess wizard. - I'm Scott, playing Nate Velakis. I am a emo white court virgin. - I'm Mike, playing Sean Barnes, a metalhead werewolf. - I'm Jim, I'm playing Dana Lainsey. She's a help help illusionist. - Okay, all right, both flee. So, you guys leave the scene of the crime with one of the assailants in the back of your van and you drive and the heavy dose of spare harm. Where, where do you drive? - You're correct. - These tugs, the wizard in a certain area, their boss, we should probably see if they were hired by this guy. They come from East Green. - That's the guy in the screen. We should ask for anything about this. - This guy in East Green who knows. - Oh, don't we ask this guy, where do we want him to go? - We know him, we will, but without anything to go on, that's where we'll go first. So we'll be driving there and in the back. - All right, figure some. - No driving, we're all required because there's no-- - All right, good chase. - Well, there's no chase, there's no adverse conditions. It's not any or anything. It's not difficult to just drive a car across the town. And you get into the East Green area. You can go over something like that. You might try to drive to a step or two aggressively. - You like it. - Okay, just throw it out there. - Yeah, absolutely you like it. - Any of you have driving though, like-- - Well, if it's my vehicle, I suppose I'm driving, but I don't have any particular skill, Martin's only one of the other guys. - Unless it counts as athletics or-- - No, there's an actual one of those. - Yeah, I mean, I don't-- - I can be a bad driver because, you know, I'm usually, you know, I'm coming home late. - If there are any adverse conditions, you're not paying attention. - Okay. - I don't really need to. - But I imagine it's a dark van, it's probably got some really bad-- - Well, let's do this. You just have to do a mediocre driving pass. - Okay. - To get there. - And that's zero. It requires no particular-- - And you have driving skill of carols, so it's kind of all up to the dice on how operate. - Okay. - All right, so if you go to zero and it is zero, you can even be a chief meteor icon. As you guys drive to e-screen, you start seeing more and more despair. It's just a bad part of town. You've seen empty-- - You've seen empty-- - I like a spare? - It is a spare? - It's like a car. - You've seen more and more empty lots. The housing value limits for its past. Ordered houses. There's-- - We're looking-- - The narcotics tape around seized buildings. Just not a nice neighborhood. And in particular, you drive under and underpass, and you know, if you wanted a shelter spot, this might not be a bad one to do something. Or you tend to go on to lizards' place. That's not far away. So your choice is-- - I think we should probably wait until we interrogate or fasten the back of the van. - Okay. - Then we'll come from my lizard's doorstep. - Well, you're all scared, because I don't want to have to make it horrible. - Well, let me stress out, because I'm driving. Oh, I'm not driving naked. - Well, you could still-- (laughs) I don't think that no, but okay. - That too would be intimidating. - Is this interrogating-- - Well, you pull off of the road underneath this bypass, and there's a dark little corner of the bridge where your van is blocking any passing. But there really isn't a lot of traffic around here. Not many people like to come to this area. - What do we do to lick this guy up? - All right, kick him, slap him. - Tell him a sec, going. - Once was a guy who got caught by a magician in a werewolf and an emo vampire, the end. - We slap him around and do like that. - Hey! - It won't do you. - It won't do you. - Oh, no, it's not. (laughs) - You'll have to lick that in. - So, you pull this guy out of the van, drop in one ceremony, stay onto the ground, slap him around a bit, and he starts to talk to him. - He's currently unrestrained, correct? We're not slapping him back into an earth field. - He's tied up. - Yeah, he's tied. He's had his last back. - The two of you carry him up by the shoulder, plop him on the ground, kick him, and he turns over, and then flick him up. He runs around rather panically. The area that's surrounding here is, you know, you have one zone, it's the zone of the underpass. To one side, there's a fence, and it looks like very steep hill that goes down to another road, and to the other side is just lots of ridge, and then there's an open field. This particular area has the aspect of dark. - Dark and dirty. - Okay. - I'm troubled by this location. The darkness always threatens. It just looks like a good place for an ambush. Go ahead, let's get the token, let's ambush him. (laughs) Make him up. - All right, close there. - All you did, he kicked down the ground. - Pulled up your foot and then maybe kicked him a few times until his eyes flutter open, and he looks about in panic. - Had to spend cells in a very rim, feral voice or just a very intimidating manner, right? What's your name? You're in a bad place. Let's pick a name for him. - Let's just totally dehumanize him. - Marry him. - All right, Shelley. - Shelley? - Yeah, I'm showing that. - All right. - Go ahead, call him Shelley. - You're in a bad place, and it's only gonna get worse from here if you don't answer our question. It's fast and accurate. - And I could do the peacock. - It's a comma. - Look, I have brain. You stooved out and come on, just tell me what's going on, I like you. - You don't jump in out of here alive. - That's what I say. This is how it's going to start, and I haul off and I'd punch him as hard as I can. - Okay. We're gonna go with the intimidation roll because we're gonna make this a social, okay. And the intimidation is social, even though you're literally punching him. It's also a, all right. So roll through the social, or roll through the intimidation, yeah. All right, roll it. - Oh, good. I'm only a plus two. - Got a trip time. - Got a total of plus four, and you roll minus two? - Yeah. - Okay, so you got a plus two. - So it's fair. - It's using apathy as a good thought. - Allow me to try to negotiate some additional factors here. He's surrounded by people he doesn't know, one who's half naked in front of him. He's in an unfamiliar place, and he doesn't know where he is, he doesn't have anyone backing him up, so throw that in there for what it's worth. - I'm a level hooded gentleman. - This is a very unsocial thing. - I think we're going with apathy. - You know what we're doing, what we're feeling, and what our culture's really got. - He's trying to play on apathy, he's using he has a defense. He has no skill at it. He rolled a minus two, so you're a plus two. He takes a consequence of stutter, because he's now scared to piss out of him, so he's stuttering that-- - He's not arcing his territory, don't get mad. - He won't be scared. - I don't know, I just woke up. You guys are standing over and taking the shit out of me. I don't know what's going on. - Well, I haven't even had so many questions yet, so-- - Do we take his gun with us? - A good question, I don't know. - Yeah, he's taking his gun with us. - We didn't leave it at the scene or anything. - I know, I assume he was-- - Well, I'm sorry, he wanted to do that. - He was used to shoot someone. - We can't, don't shoot. - Don't find him, I'm sorry. - What do you want to do? - You're in the back alley, you cause rocks to come off, just keep him in place, walked out there, smacked him with the staff, knocking him on the conscious, he dropped the gun on the ground, then we'll have him. He tied him up, he'll be done on the ground. - I think so. - In the hell of a boat, your choice. - I'm just asking. - 'Cause it looks like somebody ran away and he dropped that field. - Me too. - Okay, no fingerprints on it, but his dropped it running away, you might think it's something they make, but you're not your concern. So, as the social conflict goes on, he takes one consequence of stutter. You badly damage his psyche and he's now shaking. - What can I roll out and report? He knows he can pull us up. - Come on, talk to us, why are we there? Why are you sent there? What's? - Sure, everybody gets to talk to me. - You mean, if you give us the information you want, you might look to this, you know, try to think. Just try to use an aspect, try to get some information on it. - You can always use an impact and that costs a fake point to be at plus two euro. 'Cause I can use my social butterfly and be good at talking with people, so look at that. - Yeah, normally, your scale would be higher, because of the type of character you are. If it is, you've got what I'm reporting. - Right, I have a pair. - So, fair is plus two. - Right. - So, that's pretty decent. I mean, the role skills are zero. So, you're good at that in particular. If you want to be in better, it's when you add a fake point to the head plus two, or a re-roll, or whatever your justification for, or whatever your necessary action for what you want to do. So, roll four dice, add two, do it, and then determine if you have plus two. - Okay. - So, you're even with that, so your total attack at being nice is plus two. - Right. - Now, if you want to say, I want to be, 'cause that's just fair. I want to be great, being nice. You're off to plus two more. So, now you're saying you want to spend one? - Right. - So, tell me an aspect of yours that would-- - And that was a social butterfly one. - On a social butterfly, I'm great at talking about it. Perfect, you can get plus two. Now, it's a great attack on you. She is going on, I think, and you use defense, he's minus one, total. So, that makes your five days per. So, that does five damage to him in his social sets. And since he's a non-player character, he can't take that damage. He's only got two boxes, and he's already taking one consequence. He just folds like a house of cards. - Yeah, I don't know. I was this morning, I was on the swing of my butt, and we were, you know, doing what we do. The next thing I know, I'm waking up, and then you guys are picking shit out of me. - I didn't do any. - I don't want to do this. But, one of my powers is speeding, Francie. - You can't help yourself. - She went in the presence of heightened emotions, and willing victims, he's not willing. - Okay, nevermind. - Well, he is sky high, but it's a willing victim that I have to roll to suppress the earth. - If someone says, "Go ahead, beat on me," I'll like it. And you're like, "Oh, oh, oh, okay." - That's only at the club. - When does that ever happen? - That's a point of faith. He's like, "Oh, over the place with his motion, "it's just so tasty." - That's not what it says. - No, but you could feed on him anyway. - What are you still saying, that you're feeling it, and you have to take that faith point, and succumb to it, or you can give me one of your own faith points to fight that urge on. - This is your aspect of the darkness throughout this room. - And the darkness is here. He is like you. - He's in tears. He's desperate for some solutions, is he's suddenly surrounded by all these people that want to fight. - So you have to give me back my original hand to one of yours to ignore that. Or you take that one, and you say-- - Or we're gonna make up a situation. - Either way, your eyes are black, like a shark, so you're like, "Oh, oh, oh." I was just full of it to despair before. This is real. - This guy is scared. - If there was a willing victim, you'd have to roll. - Giving you a faith point to do it with no roll whatsoever. You just have to refuse or go with it, and one of us will knock you out. (laughing) - Well, I can just, like I said-- - You can refuse it. - You can slide it off. - Well, that's what he's good at. - How's he here for a shot? - Yes, discipline at great. - Mike, I'm saying I am tricking. I'm saying I'm triggering that sentence. So if the rule is to prevent a feeding friend that you taste a little bit automatically, but you have to roll discipline to stop, I'm allowing you to do that. I'm not saying you fail. - I know, I don't like to lose it, and I'm looking forward to it. - Yeah, it's a mistake. - It's a mistake. - It's a mistake. - So maybe that'll feel what you're arguing. - My aspect is losing control equals weakness. That's why I only take a taste. - All right, so you are taking a taste. That's what my point is that I gave you. That faith point is right now you have to take a taste because, oh man, this guy is full of despair. - So you might want to do a discipline role to resist the urge to go into a feeding practice. - That's what I'm saying. - Okay, I'll do that. - So you accept the point and you take the taste, even though it wasn't your idea, but it's just there, you taste it, so I'm gonna taste it. - Right. - And now you're like, okay, now I should stop because we have things to do here, and I try to kill this guy. - That is an effort to protect the guy, though. - Okay, so what do I roll? How you roll four dice, you always roll four dice, and you would add in your discipline. - And difficulty for this is, I would say, just because you're not starving, but this guy's throwing off some heavy vibes of it. - So it's fair. - You want to taste this because this is tasty, but it's only plus three. - You can roll one. - All good? - I roll six times, so you easily shrug off, you take a little taste, and the guy is definitely shook to his four, and then you back away. - No, still can't take control. - You like this? - Oh, yeah. - My guy has a couple of other aspects you've seen. First of all, he's a father, I think it's me, that he doesn't like doing that on his aspect. He does not like losing control. - I don't know if it's all on that. - He doesn't fall on the side to talk to you, but more importantly, he's a level-headed gentleman, and he was a little shaky with this whole thing to begin with. - And he just tried to meet me. - I don't think he's here, he just thinks it's very innocent. - I don't really know if I want to do anything about this in particular, but I haven't checked with him. - Okay. - You too. - He had to be away a little bit. - He pushes me back and down. - I feel it's like we're gonna be pulling too. - I'm pulling too. - Okay. - Can I judge for a month? (laughing) - And I've played true to the left. - Between Dana's finally breaking him, and that Nate's looking his despair, he's giving everything up. But it's something that there's nothing to give, which makes me think that was he-- - He doesn't remember anything, but that doesn't mean there's a detail that can't get out of him. Like maybe even the columns fit in the area for a while, and he's gotta hang out there. I don't know, there's questions we can't ask. - Just because nothing-- - Where were you at once? - When you started to forget what was going on. What did you see, where were you at? - Okay. - That's what we're at. - Can we even roll another roll on time? - No, who's asking? - Well, like, where was he? And I would imagine that's when he gets the whammy put in. - I would probably ask him where he was at, and what he was doing right before he lost. Track only 100. - He explains he was on a straight corner with some guys, and they were sawn drugs. When a white band pulled up, that's like the last thing he remembered. - Cornerware. He gives you a straight. - It's not far from here. - There was a box away. - And it was like their area that they were supposed to be. - And he actually wasn't. - I'm doing your name just one guy who was doing the deal, and then they were just kind of-- - Shippin' around. - You sampled the oil, right? - Yeah. - He was in it. - Well, yeah. - If he goes back to this corner, and if this van is leaking oil, maybe you're in magical powers, or minos, or whatever. I mean, I know it's a busy street, and it's a city, but you might be able to track back. - I don't know. - It was early last morning. - With my powers, I can definitely prove that if not, it was the same thing. - Your powers were moved up track. - You might be able to drive it on the neighborhood. - I'm thinking more about van. - I'm thinking more about backtracking. - Well, they're doing this. I'm spray painting some Sophia flat poetry. I'm not a good guy. - Any other questions to ask? - Yeah, two more things. - You don't know McCall has been in the area, have you? - No, he is, I don't know. - Okay, so can you lead us to where you were taken? - Sure. - Let me go, right? - Yeah, she's just there and you're free to go. - Alright, she's supposed to walk the way. - What do you say? - He leads us there, he's free to go. - He's stealing drugs. - No, he doesn't think about me. - I don't think I will be on drugs. - And we're pretty sure I don't care. - I mean, he's probably gonna have some psychological consequences because of this, but it's not my job. - Psychological consequences, he was going to jail for the rest of his life, he killed three people. - No, it was the guy who made him do it. - What's dinner? - Can I, I think he doesn't matter if he pulled the trigger, man, that's not cool. - You're like a triple murderer off, and you're the cop? - No. - No, I'm just saying, that's not cool. - Whatever, you take him in, I don't give a crap. - No, take him in, just leave him to the cops to find him. - Just from a much standpoint of his character, he's worried about magical. And there's one villain in the magical law that he's in here so far. It ain't this guy. But that's just his one. - Wait, this dude lost control. He had a choice to resist that, and he quickly resisted. - Okay, do we are at this corner of our logic? - He was taken corner of this, isn't that? - Yeah. - Well, we don't mean it anyway. - I second him into the ground and call the cops. - Wait, do you need to second him into the ground? 'Cause isn't that kind of a magical run? - They'll see him. - But he won't die. - They'll see how he was sucking him into the ground. - Why did they find him selling the ground? Like, how did that happen? - What are the cops gonna do on this? - Isn't that a display of magical powers? - Yeah, nothing. - They got nothing out of him in any ways if you leave him here for the cops. - He figured out the groups are in the gun in the air? - Yeah. - What are you gonna do? - Why are the cops gonna want to know how he got here? - I don't care how he got here. - He's gonna see him. - He's seen us. - Save muck us, and then, like, whatever, man. - You can't just tell him about his memory. - You wanna kill him? You wanna eat him? - I don't wanna kill him or eat him, but I just want, I just want him to pay for killing our friend. - He had a choice to resist, and he didn't resist, and you don't have to be into the magic of this. - I don't think our friend is talking about leaving him on the court called to come. - Well, I knew the guards are dead of barista. - I can hear this from right now. - I can hear this from right now. - I'm sorry, the head. - My staff, can you hear this from where we want to go? - We know where to go. - That was only a weapon. - What you wrote is a weapons two. I have a weapon skill of two, which is one of those, but one I rolled plus the weapons two is three damage. - I do damage if he doesn't dodge it. - He's already like, he's on the garage, like a shot, if shattered, anyway. Tom, I knocked this guy out. - Okay, you've got to do this. - Well, knocking about it's okay, but he's still gonna remember a license plate. We tossed by the back of it. He's even, he has half of it, inkling him and tell it. - You have a solution. - Not really. Are you just trying? - No, I have to say a bunch of it. - I'm pretty sure this guy didn't feel bad. - You guys threw him on the country in the band, you dragged him out of the band around to the side, where the band started on the band. So the band was blocking you, and you kicked him around the band. - But you were feeling pretty bad. - I'm pretty sure this guy's gonna go on and do some draw. - You know what, don't do this whole night ever after. - He's already studying with fear. Why not? - They have to be perfectly clear in this universe where they have to find somebody melted into the sidewalk because it was really hot out and they ran. - I mean, they make any excuse to avoid that it was magic because most of them are losing the shit. - Somebody came by and got it, dropped them. - Oh, yeah, the chemicals again. - I knew he was gonna say the new gang initiative where they did some stuff. - He had a joke. - The ground or something. - Or a guitar or something. - No, he joke can get in, man, that's really shit. - He lost a person for it, that's like-- - If you want, I can end him right now. I'm gonna no problem with that. - Yeah, we're not gonna kill this one. - Whenever there's trouble, my own effect-- - There's still no space. - I don't think we need to do that. - I have the darkness, man. - You gotta fight the darkness. Let the law take care of it. - No, no, no, no, no, it's the cops are for. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - He backed off, hippie. - Listen, is that guy in the neck, man? - Look at that, he's nice. - Unless the guy's gonna try the gosh. - No, he's-- - I can't go now. - I can't go now, bro, it's gonna go. - It's all very awful. - Okay, all right. - Tell him about it. - How are you following the cops? - I'm fine, so. - You gotta work yourself on it. - Is it wizard, most of them don't work? - I'm not over it. - I'm not over it. - Lesser practitioner, so here's work. - I make you sad that you're lesser than that. - Just tell me if it makes me sad that I got fired, man. Hold a while ago. - The two names he gave you were Rico and Arthur. - If we can't track this with a sentence, we can always look up with the boss again. - Sure, I know where they are. - And so, they're very important to me. - That sounds good. - What's wrong with the color here? - Oh, she's getting pulled up. - And she's there, those are the other two thugs that were with him on the job. - That were the two thugs that were with him on the car when the van pulled up in the next last thing. - All right, I can't remember. Was he alone in neutral grounds, or was there another gang banger there? - He definitely came in there with a couple of people. - I thought he was there with a couple of people. - When the cops said that there were a couple of people that walked in. - But they got away, right? New York. - They got away. And the timeline was that when the shots placed on the girl was dropped and what wasn't over here to facilitate through his investigation skills, it was considerably longer amount of time than you would think. So, the fact that this guy who you guys have gone, Shelley, was in the background still, when the others had left like one minutes earlier? - I think he was left as a patsy that took the fall from the half and then. - All right, let's go, come on. - We're trying to that corner. - Are we looking for Rico and Harvard? - Yeah, from Street Justice. - Well, we call it Street Justice. - Whatever. - They seem awful about it. - Well, while we're saying-- - Justice, when you actually secure him in the street. - We use this definition-- - I know. - Street Justice. - While we send Nate in and Nate-- - So you-- - It's a couple blocks away. You do a drive-by to see what's gone out, and you do a drive-by. Not that kind of drive-by. You simply drive by or the van, and right now you see some ladies that are questionable over here, but you don't see any later, but else. Well, you're a girl when you stop the door. So if you drive by and then a block later, you can find a place to park in your organization class. - We can interview the ladies and they'll repute. They may. - You just want them to-- - They say-- - When can we say hookers? - They may have seen the van pull up. You might know who it is. - I don't think we may talk to the ladies. Let's just go talk to loser. - Are we gonna like check out the oil, see if we can track it back, maybe more from the neighborhood, see if it gets far away from you. - All right, let's go stand next to the lady. - We got a leash, right? - Let's just walk her dog up there. - After sticking. - Not the lady. - She's a German shepherd. - Oh, come on, come on. - Anyone's dog, and you're not gonna put a leash on me. - You're already wearing a collar. - Yeah, we're 50 cool, right there. - Just look at that. - No. No, I'm not going to-- - You got to stand by that. - I'm not gonna-- - Right, I'm not going to-- - Colombo walks over to the horse. Ladies, sorry. - Dispersed ladies of that dark man. - I need to check out this oil stain. No, that's not even as a lady's. (laughing) - So the lady's talking for a bit, but I'm really just talking a lot of you, I'll have you arrested, I have two of them for us. - I'm very, really new. They are the college cops to the score. I'll just check out there. Is there a stain here? - I'm gonna have to make an investigation. Well, this is a very busy street, and there's all kinds of stains into the entertain, like, one particularly, especially on the recent oily residue that's gonna be found. - I think it's gonna-- - This is fantastic. - Is this the scene of a crime? - Nah. - I'm mad at this kid napped here, and there are pores right over there. (laughing) - This is the scene of a crime. - Yeah, I guess it is. - I mean, someone was kidnapped here, so yes. - I want to leave someone, so I like it. It's the scene of the scene of the crime or A crime, and yes, it is the scene of A crime. - Yeah, six. - I rolled a six again. - Yeah, yeah. - You did a six, which is another fantastic throw, and you do spots of very recent oil, and I'm touching it and doing that thing. You do. - Perfect fingers. - I imagine what happens is as you, if you encounter something that triggers your psychometry, then you get a little flash bulbs of the spires. - Spider sense. - Or you get the sense that you're on the right trail. You know what I mean? - You might get a little flip-flip like this is connected, but you don't get this full scene because it's not right, but you didn't do the full scene thing. - All right, now I can do it. - When you run your fingers through the oil, these ladies are looking at you, like, you are really, really wack-o. You're just petting the street. You're running through. - That's what the girls do. - Walk away. - I'm only rolled four. - Like, right, he's crazy. Let's get that out of here. - I'm only rolled four. - Not great. You get-- - No, actually four is great. - My definition. - Great, so yeah. - That was great. - Not fantastic. - Not fantastic. - But you do get a flip-flip of boy van door sliding open. One guy walking over looks like he's talking. You can't really hear him. - He's talking about the doors. - I'll walk over. - But he's talking towards the van and then you're out again. - A man was kidnapped here. I'm the best detective ever. - I'll walk over to the doors, to the street walkers, to the whatever-- - We're gonna have to sniff 'em more. - Gosh, sniff. - Ooh, not yet. But remember, I'm a tall and cozy figure with long hair, stretchy beards, right? Probably don't look-- - You look like one of their clients. - Yeah. And I have a rapport. I'm down with that, I'm a bass player, I'm a band, and I'm okay. - Probably no easily. - Yeah. - I know you, careful. - So. So I come up all using my rapport, try to be somewhat intimidating, but really I'm just trying to get information out of him. - You get more than that. - What are you talking about? - I think intimidation, intimidation-- - I'm like, no, I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be intimidating, like I'm trying to, you know-- - No, no, no, no. - I'm scared of it. - I think intimidation will work into it, as a distance. - So ladies are usually working for a pen. - Right. - The nicest guys in the world. - They usually roll for intimidation, so they're used to being treated badly by forceful gentlemen. - So there's a new lady ahead, dude. - Okay, it will have been good. - So-- - Then I will use intimidation. - If you know-- - Oh, okay. - I'm sorry. - Do you get this one right here? - I said it comes into it. - All right. - If you want to use intimidation in addition to something as you can combine it to your skills. - Does my aspect of just marking my territory come into play here? - I hope not. - I hope not. - Stop that. Well, you're making a mess. - Well, I know the sense that I am-- - You haven't even painted it. - I'm, you know, kind of like an alpha male. - That's a double. - I'm asking, you know. But I'm asking questions and expect answers. - Right. - And don't lie, don't whatever. - It ain't definitely a right or a compass. - And so I'll hit that aspect there. - Okay. - Hitting aspects require you to pay a fake point and-- - Oh, okay. - Do that. - You don't get to just like lock them all in, but are you what you're attempting to get? - I'm asking them, Juicy Rico and Harvard this morning and a big white band can tell me what you saw in bitches or else it's gonna get rough. - Wow. All right. So, what skill are you going to use to? - A reasonable term. - That's good. - Okay. It's going okay until you went out with a bitch. - He's going with the-- - Well, I think he said-- - No, no, no, no. - I agree. - Right. - I just read you something. - I don't know how to talk to the horse. He's got a low reward for the horse. So what are you going to use your report? Or are you going to use a tenant? - I will start with the report. What's the difference in this? - My report is average. My intimidation is great. - Is your poor first? - Yeah. - If you're not nice about it, then you intimidate him to give me the best one. - That's what I have to say. - So, you're using the skill of a poor and you modify it with your intimidation to treat the ladies poorly. An intimidation is higher than your poor as far as skills. If you add plus one to the roll on a knife. - For a total, this will be a plus two. - Yikes. So it's really just plus one. - So you have a minus one on the roll but unfortunately, for them to give out any information. Like the guys that kind of watch out for them while they're hanging around this reporter, and average isn't going to work. So they're like-- - I think they're in the wrong part of town boy. I'm pretty sure you don't know anything about how far we go. I don't know what you're asking about. - Ben, but maybe you better move along. - What I do now is I am now frustrated. - Are you serious? - So now I go full blown, intimidation. - I literally kiss you off. - Yeah, they're the rejection or they're, you know, not responding to me. - No, they're not helping me. (laughing) - I'm talking to the words now. (laughing) I'm talking to the words, reject. - You and I will do this later, right? I'm doing it with them right now. - Wait, wait, do you need to be in front of the word? - So I drop any pretense of rapport. And now I go full. - And y'all get bitch lap on. - You're a wolf, you're alpha. - Right, and they just disrespected your ass. - Right. - That's a plus one, plus a five. So that's superb. - That definitely has their connection. - Pimp hand always works. - Oh, it's like a toast. - You didn't want to eat. You didn't want to eat. So you could have the rook way. You told me now. - All right, the one that you ate. - She didn't see another toast in the air. It was, um, it was here. - It was here. - I'd like to draw this with her. Cinnamon's kind of back in a way for you and she's-- - I didn't see much, you know? I mean, shit happens. And I had to do it. - Apparently. - No, I'm not gonna do it anyway. I'm gonna press my advantage and say, you know, what time did that come by? Who was Rico and Harbor and where's Lizzard? - Don't we know where Lizzard was? - I thought we didn't know that. - I think it doesn't make much sense that we would. I just expect some kind of-- - No, I don't think I know where Lizzard was. - Okay, okay. - It's when it's rough, it's just what-- - What's Lizzard got to do this? I mean, we didn't-- - What is that? - Lizzard? - Don't, man, don't. - It was the person and don't back up. - We didn't-- - Shut up. Answer my question. (laughing) - It's got right-- - Oh, you got a new gold pin. (laughing) - I mean, I got a new gold pin. - You lose some reggae for Hiders. - And you did some shit. I mean, we would just, like, fell into the band and then all of a sudden, he backed up and pulled the other guys in and I don't know what the hell that was all about. - You see, Lizzard was like another gang. - You know how it is? You see, Lizzard's split, you know? I always saw it in front of the band. There was no play down there. Damn, I thought that was illegal. In some cities, there's some states. Some states. - So, reggae, boy. Well, here's why. - Well, yeah, yeah. - You never see dreads, man. - Thank you, bro. - Was he white? Was he African-American? - What? What's his name? - Cats all over him. - White and cats all over him. - I should narrow it down. - Is that, that's not fair? - That's my call. - That's my call. - I thought it was the other guy. - That's half of Baltimore. - Hey, that looks like Eric McCall. (laughing) - He's actually over there. - He's over there. - What? - I don't know if he, I mean that one. - That would be what I'd scribe into. - It'd be to her. - I'd see it. - Any wearing caprice? - Caprice are caprice. - The male caprice? - He's here. - It looks like he's got travel tights, he's got marijuana t-shirt, a chaos symbol on one hand. - Well, he was the driver's seat like a dude. - All she saw was a douche bag with a goatee, and a marijuana t. - Yeah, he's wearing, he's wearing sandals. You know what guys that were sandals are like. - With caprice pants, look hot. - Seriously, I don't have to beat the shit out of that guy. - This is pretty far from the way he looks. - I don't know. - General principles, we got to smack this guy down. - That's it? - Seriously, that's one guy who we got. - So she describes him as in a pink, but she only saw him from mid chest up because he's behind the steering wheel. - Yeah. - And she's like-- - Yeah, the tats we were looking for, maybe. - Yeah, it maybe said something about the shirt head, some, or a meat symbol on her. It's not like it was, you know. - I tell her, you know, I look back at these guys, anything else we need from these girls? - Patient of lizard. - Or was lizard. - They're callin' it, it's muscleing in them. - Everybody knows what lizard is. - Then there's no problem to tell me. - So, she gets it. - Do we all know where lizard is? - I mean, it's like that amount. - No, I basically got that. - If you're in this neighborhood, it's called an algebra lizard. - There's somebody where lizard is. - Man, she goes where lizard lives. And it's in the center of project. It is deep in bad lands. - They're very deep. - Deep in despair, projects are a tough place to look at. - It's seriously not a nice neighborhood. And you don't get within like a couple blocks of this, well, being stopped. All right. You better have a region for goin' to see lizard. All right. - We don't have a region to see lizard. - All right. Is there anything else, guys? - Yeah, we'll go see. - All right, then I want to tell her there, you know. - I want to help people. - Pretty smart for monster and that we can hear like words. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Thanks for listening to the Knights of the Night at Actual Play podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, props, and even a form for comments and suggestions or you could email us directly at or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit and please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. (upbeat music) - Regi, you and I will do it this later. I'm doing it with them right now. We need to do it or be in front of the words.