Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 48: Shit Luck 49 "Visit with the Queen"

Broadcast on:
29 Jun 2011
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The Team is in the Vitamin Bee compound and trying to strike at the heart of the enemy – the Queen!

This is the penultimate episode of the Shit Luck Storyline. Will it end in victory or death?

[Music] Hello, and welcome to Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. This world of darkness storyline, shitlock, was written and run by our storyteller, Scott. And now, please enjoy the final chapter. Chapter 16, scene three, titled "A Visit to the Queen." So this is chapter 16 of the world of darkness, story, shitlock. Storyteller, Scott, this will be our last chapter of this particular story. And with us here tonight from my right is Tom, playing the character, Jay. Greg, playing the character of Lucius Miles, Mike, playing Michael Clay, by playing Special Agent Chew Park. One of the security guards actually, shouts out, "What the hell are you guys doing back there?" And you, you did this, so you make the universal sign having to take a week, and he goes, "All right, get back to work," and starts casing the fence line again. Gotcha. Okay, so you two arrive at the trucks, as the vans as well. So all four of you are there, you guys got there a bit earlier, and inside, thinking that you're waiting for them or not? Yeah, and in the meantime, I peek into a truck. Paperwork, paper, anything? Maybe a big clothes, car hearts, anything? Yeah, some paperwork in the third truck you look at, I will call. Because I fell down. I would look around the ground or, you know, around the area if there's any type of gear or equipment that I can kind of do the old crate. There's none right there at the van's, Mike, but there is some stuff on the periphery of the construction zone. Or right, to the west. Well, that's what a big plank by the side of the side. Right, we'll get some, you know, gear. Yeah, there's some stuff there you can kind of. So, strong like bull. I'll, right, I'll pick up. Something that will hide my bat. So, three bashers. Who's gonna be some PVC, Piper? Oh, good idea. You're gonna be the plumber. All right, I grab the clipboard, paper on it. Yeah, look official on it. And I grab a, a plank or a two by four, anything that maybe can help cover my face a little bit or just, you know, make me look like I fit in. Yeah, I have a drywall mask on. Air plugs, actually, air plug in one air. Definitely air plugs. Yeah, Bluetooth headset. Okay. With other air, okay. All right, you are going to all make a wicks plus stuff for huge plus equipment as in personators. And you're going to roll, they're going to be versus wicks versus subterfuge for your people you're trying to fool, which happens to be the foreman of the construction. So, as a foreman, you've been to the zone. What's the equipment bonus? The equipment bonus is going to be, tell me when you got your diet full, gentlemen. But don't roll. I have four. It's the same thing. Minus one plus one. Okay, but don't roll plus one. What bonus do you think? You don't get to know that until you tell me what your diet is. No, the equipment bonus. My bad, you don't get the minuses until you know that. Your equipment bonus is going to be paperwork plus two. Various piping and whatnot. You're carrying plus one plus two for the mask and the ear plug and the Bluetooth. Everybody's got their diet full. The minus plus one is because you're not in really appropriate gear. You're dressed up as construction, but not as these construction workers. Minus two dyes. And what you're going to do, I'm going to go off the path a little bit here, off the reserve. You're each going to make a roll for how believable you look. You're the leader of this particular group with the paperwork in your hand and the foreman's coming up to you because you're carrying paperwork. How good? And he's asking you what the hell you're doing, yes, you probably should have been carrying it. But the long and short of it is, you're the one. So each of you are going to make a roll to add or subtract dyes. Hey, fast talking is like a special. Yeah, good. I should. He picked up the paperwork. Sorry, it's too late. I wouldn't. You know, if you had put it that way, it's just a matter. I mean, I could talk and say he was just looking at the sheet. Right, that's true. But we'll get to that point if we need to go for the initial roll. We'll see if you can block his way through. Okay. So if you fail, it's going to actually subtract dyes from Tom's dyes goal. If you succeed, he gets to add it. Got it. Go forth. Oh my God, he's rolling one dice. And I won one success. One success. Wash. It's all up to you, Chew. Chew, it's all up to you, baby. Oh my God, nothing. Minus one die. And you're rolling against his wicks plus softer feet. Oh, you love it. And he is the foreman. So he's quite witty. He's witty. And he's got a little bit of a softer future. He knows when guys are trying to blow off work and what they're, you know, when they're trying to, you know, call off the tractor, you have to beat him in a contested roll. It's a lovely, I have five dice. Even after the minus one that you're-- Chew, I spent a while. I didn't say that a lot, but I had already added the dice in. And I marked it off. See, right there? Fair enough. I said, I believe you. No reason, nothing. I believe you. They're rough playing with you for 30 years. Let's go. You just revealed the start six of us. Yeah. Amazing how he never dies. Yeah, really. Well, I've died. Yeah, I was going to kill you. No success. No success. None whatsoever. Uh-oh. Five failures. Yeah. He is definitely-- What? No. No. No. No. Here's your paperwork, boss. This is all wrong. No. No one that's not part of the Naruto construction can work here. How many people are behind this guy? There's a workforce of probably 12 guys. And yeah, they're stopping to kind of-- I mean, some of them are, you know, back to work drilling and sawing and stuff, so they're not really paying attention. But a good five or six of them are kind of like, "Ooh, who's new guys are in trouble?" He's taking this guy with a needle in that bag. No. No, right now. So you've got a very difficult job, my friend. Yes, I do. What was he saying? He's saying no. It no. The rules were from the starts. It had to be Naruto construction or nobody. You're not authorized here. You're not allowed here. I can move my job because of it. Wherever you came from, turn around and head back. Listen, things have changed. All right. We need special-- they need specialists in the building. We need to take care of it. You guys aren't qualified. I'm sorry. Okay. Give your initial dipole. Manipulation plus persuasion. In your equipment bonus, I might give you a plus one for your explanation, him role-plan wise. Okay? That's your equipment bonus. And I'm going to spend the willpower. Have at it. Minus two dice because of the unfortunate step by Jay. That was-- He kind of froze. He turned paler. And he definitely didn't do a good job. Subs that you can't wait. Kind of froze. Yeah. He froze. I mean, that was-- He sent your thing. It's not a bad baby. No, it's just what you do. Okay. So plus one equipment bonus. Minus two die for his-- Minus two die for himself. His dipoleaf and his strong orders. And plus three for the will and center. Oh, wee-shnikey. Good luck to you. Why are you doing the talking at him? Because that's kind of what I do. It's kind of what he does. It's kind of what he does to the tip board. Okay. Are you talking back to me? That's what he's saying. It's even your bluffing is the supervisor. God, I'm rolling ten dice. Four, six. That is what he does. You're going to need more than ten dice, my friend. Really? You're going to need some zeros. Nice. Holy shit. Wow. Nothing. Zero success. Good thing I didn't risk it. A lot of sevens. Holy shit. That is unbelievable roll. Poor roll. I'm just getting out of the way now. Wow, ten dice. Well, dude, we're not playing 4e. You can roll successes. I was before, damn. A little bit of a dry streak. I think I probably would. He reaches the watch talking side security. I got a problem back here. You guys just wait here. Security. We need to hear immediately. Back at the work site. I'm just sticking the motherfucker in the side of the neck. I reached down and grabbed the idol. What are you doing? You stick them in the- Yeah, well, I'm not going to be able to talk to him after he did the whole security thing. Now, I should have talked to him before you did. Well, you have done different. A couple of values. Nice. Whatever. You're ten. I'm just going to try sticking them in the side of the neck with the non-lethal. Right. Unfortunately, about four of the guys, you could see your goal in a distance. There's a construction site. It's down into a pit. Obviously, they're starting to do the basement area. So it's about a five foot drop into this area. They're working right now and they're still stuck there. That's digging there. And then in a distance against the vitamin B headquarters wall, that this is going to be connecting to, you can see a doorframe built and there's like plastic over it. I mean, that's your holy grail to get into. Because you're not going through the front door. This guy's going down and he's having a heart attack. Okay, but there are four guys watching. So there's a chance there may see you do that. Right, exactly. I understand it. But I'll do that quickly. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that you took him by surprise. I have I have it's your it's your brawl plus weaponry. Weaponry. The injection. Yeah, medicine plus brawl. I like that. No, it's going to be your strength. Because it's not a range weapon. It's a close weapon plus your weaponry. Because you're using this as a weapon. Brawl is with your fist. This is with a syringe. All right. What do you think that's dirty? Four. The next area is supposed to be used for range weapons and for close combat stabbing, which is kind of like a stab like a knife. It strikes actually. Throw it in them. All right. So I got four dice. I'm going to go with the I'm just going to spend the blow power and get the plus three. Okay. That's seven dice. Yep. That's right. You got seven dice. And the minus would normally be his defense. Right. Okay. Got it. But. But do you get to roll the safety surprise, Greg? Well, he didn't talk to me. I was right. He gets to detect that. And he did. I'm sorry. Oh, that's right. This is a super performing. Yeah. You can't remember this guy. He's definitely union. So it's minus his defense is two, Greg. So you get minus two dice. Got it. Roll that again. And yep. It was two successes. Two successes. So sure enough, you swing with your right hand and just impale his neck with the syringe and just shoot it in there. And he tried to block you. He kind of went up and over his arm. And he staggers backward holding it and he collapses. And the four guys that notice are like, Hey. And obviously he called out, but he drops his walk, his walkie talkie drops it and collapses to the ground, like holding his neck and kind of gas. They're caggling out. Hey, hold 9-1-1. This guy's having a heart attack. Oh my God. I'd reached into my bag and had a smoke grenade in my hand. Yes, I'm still not doing anything with it. All right. Everyone can roll for initiative. But I'm really making sure this guy's okay. I'm not killing him. You didn't kill him. It's a, it's a sedative. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. 17. 14. That's good for me. That's so fast. You add everything together, right? One die 10 plus your initiative. One die 10. Dexterity plus composure. Plus a die 10. Right, right. No, I didn't. Right. I know. What do you got Michael? Dang. And will you choose? Three plus four. Seven. Jay, you're up. Hi, wait to see what develops. If any of them start brandishing weapons and heading towards us, I drop a grade. Should we keep stalking? Cross? If possible. Yeah. Wait. Are you watching? Should we go ahead initiative? Yes. We are. Jay is up. Are you walking? No, I'm waiting for them. You're passing. You're passing. You're not ready in action. Well, the ready action is if they start charging us, they drop a smoke on it. Okay. You could drop the smoke rate and run. Or move to the entrance. Right. Like that. Chew. I'm going to try to read the other workers' reactions. If it's hostile, like they saw him initiate the attack, or if they're more of a concern type of look at it. Your initial reaction is make an empathy plus wit's role, please. You can go on minuses. Rolling case dice. We should shoot with seven. Shit. One die. I'm going to do this. They look hostile. They look hostile? Yeah. They're kind of like taking the back because they're like, they're pissed. Like you just took out a foreman for crying out loud. You know, these guys look pissed. And then, you know, he called him a walkie talkie, so he figured the guards should be here. Oh, he didn't even get finished with the walkie talkie thing. That was the whole purpose of the strike. Well, he did say it because once he started talking, that's when you said bam. Not before. He'd say when he reaches for his walkie talkie, then it's obvious they're hostile. I think it's pretty obvious that they're hostile in the sense of their anger. Absolutely. I mean, hard attack. I'm going to try to persuade them that, you know, their boss has had a heart attack. He's not feeling well. I'm going to try to pay that somehow. Go get help, go get help. I don't know what he's doing. He tried to tag my friend. His blood sugar must be low. Blood sugar must be low. It was an insulin injection. It's an epipen. Yeah, that's fast talk. Just carry around that. It's an epipen. And since they actually saw him attack, you're-- No, attack. Save him for blood sugar. They actually saw him. He's going to dive out of coma. Look at him. Lucius tried to inject him with the epipen. Wins plus-- No, no. Fast talk is manipulation plus persuasion. Minus-- well, I won't tell you what the minus is just yet. Dude, you're just like a construction worker. You're not just like a doctor. Get a whole doctor thing. I'm a doctor. Oh, construction. But the purpose of this attack was to stop-- No, no, no, no, you're not. You're rolling three dice because of the fact they saw the attack take place or the semi-help moment. If you're trying to be there for a moment-- Well, I got zero successes, so I'm going to get some more successes. Suck ass. Yeah. No, you're front attack. We saw him. Hey, guards, help! Smokeade. Thanks. All right, the smokeade goes down. Chew, you still have a move, actually, if you want. Charge the entrance now. Well, we'll take the smoke to build up. Cool. That's a good question. Um, let's go fire-- Wait, we lost the fire. Wait, did you try talking to the end? Well, it's a smokeade. Yeah, he's saying so utterly badly that-- I try saying that, you know, he had a heart attack or-- It starts to build up, but it's maybe two yards by two yards. It's not. I mean, just, you know, at first few seconds. And it's pretty aggressive in it. So, I'm sorry, real quick. Chew, you need to make a decision. I'm going to move towards the door. All right. You run across the construction site. I'm going to say with the smoke and the running, I'm going to go ahead. I mean, somebody's going to be doing a smoke between you and them. Yeah, I'm tossing it out towards them, and then I'm running. I don't want what you have to say to affect Chew is what I'm trying to go for here, but you have something as Michael, or you have something overall for-- I just want to clarify a point and just-- It may affect some-- Everything. The other people, do they have to roll to identify it as a smoke grenade, or they just see something that is smoking and explosive thrown to them? Oh, yeah, they have no idea. Right, so I guess my point is they may react like, "Good!" Right, run away by it some more time. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Chew, you dash across, they're smoked, but it's mostly, you know, he was smart with the way he threw it. He was trying to block and towards construction workers. So you dash across, it's a dexterity plus athletics rolled. Let me know when you have your rifle. And it rises, start up. Minus-- Oh, shoot, I should have said that. Yeah, sorry, I like these for good. Minus one die for the random construction stuff and, you know, the ditches and whatnot. All right, rolling four dice. And nothing. I don't believe this. Two, two, four. Chew gets about halfway across construction site, trips over a board, just basically falls in all four, and skids out, and it ends up planted. At this point, you hear a guard shouting in the distance. I'm moving at the same time. Wait, wait. All right, go ahead. Same thing. What? Dexterity plus athletics. Let me know when you have your rifle. How far are these guards away? Can we see them in all of them? They were, yeah, you can see the guards. They were walking around the periphery, like the fence periphery. So they got the call out from over here, where the whole thing started to go down, which is right about here. And they're now, you know, kind of running up in different spots, or are going to be doing that shortly, as they got the call and talking. Okay, I'm risking three. I'm risking one for three additional dice. Okay, that's your only risk for the scene. Your only risk at once per scene. Now, this is a unique scene. If you, you know, get inside, it'll be another scene. Okay, so we're still doing it. Okay, go ahead. Minus one dice for the construction material. That leaves me with seven dice. Okay, go. Chew successes. With a zero, still two. You make it too chew, and you realize that if you continue to run, you'll probably get right below that five foot section that you need to climb up to get to that doorway that's going to be on the main level once this, you know, this level, because you're actually in a sunken, hard ride, you've done basement. Okay, you keep running? I run to the ladder, or whatever it is that goes up there. Right. And then I'm spinning, and watching them run towards me. I'm taking out a taser. Okay, that leads us to the guards. The guards are running up towards you guys. There's one in the fence line over here running over. There was one in the parking lot that originally caught you guys coming over. And Chew kind of talked him out of his suspicion. He's running across the parking lot. And that's all you see right now. There's two security guards. They have guns in their hand, and they're leveling them towards you. Hold it right there. Mike. Actually, from there, the smoke grenade should be blocked here, he's obscuring one of the guards over here. So the smoke started to billow here, and the doorway is right here. Chew ran along and fell down, and now Jay is here. The security guards are coming from where? And the smoke is going here. Is where he's trying to block. And the security guard, one is right here. They would ask for a security guard. He's kind of like kneeling down by where there's a curve and some bushes there. And then one came running up to here towards a construction site from here. And there's a lot of construction material over here. And he kind of knelt down at a crouch and also said to stop. So you guys are right now, the ones who haven't run yet, which is Michael and Lucius are like right there. All right. I am fleet of foot. Well, for the chosen one, get inside. And I am going to run. I can't pop a smoke grenade and run, right? That's two actions. No, the running is a move action, popping a smoke grenade is like what they call an instant action. Okay, then I'm going to pop a grenade right behind me, trying to obscure the one guard. And then I am going to shout fire in the hole, and I'm going to run. Okay, where do you pop the grenade? Like if you said that's me, I want to try to drop it right, you know, right behind me is I take off sprinting. You're fleet of foot means I get plus one to my speed. Okay, as you drop the grenade, the guard, you know, he sees a smoke start filling out and he starts trying to, you know, get a vision and he pops off shots. Well, wait a second. I thought it was my turn. Yeah, he ran. Honestly, any ready action. He's shooting shots at it, and there's construction workers, all right? He's shooting shots. Dick. And into a cloud. Into a now cloud, which gives you concealment. Oh, I feel much better. And you order. He's at close range, which doesn't mean he doesn't get any minuses for that. And your concealment is partially, which is minus two days. Grey's your arm for one lethal. One lethal, guns are lethal. So that's not bad. That's a full full act. That's next, baby. And then you dash off. Michael, make a dexterity plus athletics roll as you move across the site towards the door. Now I have been on archaeological digs. I've grown up doing them. So do I, and I'm sure I've learned my skills. Yeah, especially I've sure footed in some. No, I'm just trying to work whatever the edge. Just a quick question. Do you have security guards that attacked us at our first safe house? Did they have Kevlar best on? They weren't Kevlar best. No, they were not. Okay. And neither are these. Well, they drew first blood, so now we can fight back. Minus one die. All that was a very good descriptive. I almost, I almost, I almost buckled. It's just okay to you, would argue about that. Yeah. All right. Oh my goodness. Four successes. Nice. Wow. Four guys. You apparently have been on archaeological digs before, and you leap over a covered face of two's form. And you bolt towards the step on my head. The ladder to the stairway. I shut up. Feats don't fail me now. I shut. Indeed. This way. That's right. Holy cow. You're shooting him. Lucius. First thing I do is I grab the guy standing in the neck. I'm grabbing his walkie talkie. Okay. Nearby. Yeah, he's right in front of you, baseball. There we go. Pop it on. 9-1-1. Got an officer down. Fire. You know. Right. Any kind of code red. It's code to lose. Actually, officer down is 10-0-0. And just want to be clear too that I'm sure everyone on a construction site knows what fire in the hole means. So, hopefully they do. Yeah, fire, construction. Well, I'm not just limiting it to the local little internet of this thing. I'm switching over to channel 14. Whatever I have to do. 9-1-1. Officer down. MI. We have a heart attack situation. You know, that whole thing. Okay. So, three seconds you can bend down and say a couple things in the microphone and then do you move? Oh, yeah. Then I move. I push this guy, the port. Unfortunate soul that's in front of me who I made unconscious, which I feel really bad about. He's not quite unconscious yet. Your medication wasn't quite back. Yeah, I know, but he's between me and the guy shooting or running. He's on the ground. Right. He becomes my human shield. All right. So, you're going to move. You're going to try to drag him along? Because you're going? I'm not running to the door. I'm staying right where I'm at. I just yell. Okay. And he does not fire. And the construction workers are going. And you really can't pay much attention to what they're doing at this point. Because I'm continuing my whole thing. This guy's having a heart attack. If you only have three seconds. If you only have three seconds, right. In a whole turn. Three seconds. Right. Okay. There you go. Emergency blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Trying to create as much confusion as possible. Not just on the site. Right. This bad boy over to channel 14. The police channel. Officer down. You know, whatever I can do. But I'm still maintaining the whole thing. He's having a heart attack bubble up. Got it. Go, Jake. I'm up the ladder and through the entrance. Is there anyone at the top of the ladder? No. Is there anybody on the other side of the entrance? When you walk up the ladder and step up into vitamin B, the coin grew so hot. More so than even when you had used it at Benjamin's. Had you not been wearing Kevlar? Literally, you would have taken damage from how insanely hot the coin got. You could picture it in your mind. Like red and glowing. Like that hot when you move into the vitamin B complex. There is what looks like a short service hall. There might be some kitchens and some break rooms and whatnot back here. And further on, it opens up into a very large central area. Right spot, anything. Giant queen bee for instance. This. Chew, what are you doing? Besides trying to regain your dignity slightly. I meant to do that. As long guns, they got low. How far do I need to go to get up the steps? Yeah, you could scramble to your enemies. Or do you want to even find the picture like this? Okay, believe me, it's difficult. That took some time, that one. I'm guessing Photoshop. A little bit, but mostly not. Really? Yeah. So you can scramble to your feet and you can make it up the ladder. In one turn, if you just focus on that in that alone. And what Jay is seeing for our listening audience is he's seeing cubicles that are made of honeycomb shapes. Like pieces of almost like plexiglass or some type of resin that are cubelike in their nature. Like they get stacked together and their honeycomb shape. And they'll be a picture on our websites for you to see that. Yeah, at Yes, so there's your plug. And you're doing your double? No, where is the smoker named at? And how fast is it spreading? It's spreading another turn of quickness. So it's spread and now it's really starting to thicken this turn. And where am I? You're right here. You were running across and fell about halfway. You're totally shielded from the four guys who were upset. That's what Jay had intended. And there's some other constructs over here that are like climbing out of the site because they're seeing smoke. And it could be a chemical attack. They have no idea what the hell it is. And this is Lucian. They're hearing gunfire. That's Lucius. Lucius is here. And he went and he hid behind this guy. That was Mike who is now standing at the base of the stair. Or off the ladder, excuse me. Okay. And Lucius is no longer there. Um, any attacks? Well, with how the smoke is spreading well. It's a really, really. Well, Lucius be under the complete concealment of the smoke next turn. From the guy who shot at him, yes. And he has concealment of the body in front of him from the security guard to the north. And that security guard is above us? Uh, this one over here. Yes, it's above us. They're both above. Oh, gotcha. All right. So we can't proceed. There's not a real good shot to be had there. Okay, that being said, I'm going to double move it up to. All right. Then when I see two coming up to the ladder. Right. And I reach through and grab his hand and pull him through. Okay. And I station myself there to do the same for others. So choose standing next to you in the hallway. And you see the same thing where it kind of opens out into a huge industrial like office setting. There's another level you know up above you. From the plans that Jade had sent you. There's another level above you. There's no level below you. And that's what you see just in a quick snapshot. And that takes us to the guards. And you can hear this guard screaming for backup on what you anticipate being some kind of walkie talkie or some type of device. And this one you can see like creeping closer. Trying to cause he's above you. Five feet above you because you're down in the work area in the work pit. And he's not. But you can see him starting to like wind his way through the stuff. And he's trying to get you know like a better view you. But you're really laying prone not you. I'm sorry. Lucius is laying prone and not being able to see him. So you're all the way back here and you certainly see this. And you can certainly hear this guy calling. And you can hear all the footsteps and clamor of workers dropping things and trying to run out of the work area as a smoke expands. What do you do? You know chosen one. Get your ass up there. I'm working at it. I go up the ladder. Go after Jade. All right. You get up the ladder and you could even move farther. If you wanted to or you could take an action once you get up there because. No I'm trying to get in there fall off to Jade. Okay. So you're all standing pretty much for a couple steps into the hallway. And it takes us to Lucius. Oh I'm sorry. When it's okay I reach into my pocket and touch the idle. Michael you you reach down still nothing from the right step. But it does act as a as a compass to the so if I can start to. Right. And you have not noticed any change. Okay. Okay. And Lucius go. What do I see going on? You see a bunch of smoke billowing and a guard standing five feet above you. Because you're in a construction area here which might be lower. You see a guard here to the east who is now being obscured by a billowing smoke cloud as it gets more and more. And you hear him screaming out in his radio for back up and help. You see a guard over here that was again above you. And you had no chance at shooting you because you were down below and had a body between you. And you see him wind his way through there trying to you know get closer. To you and get a shot but he hasn't got the angle he's looking for yet. You see construction workers jumping out of the pit as best they can. And you see this smoke behind you. That works during the angry construction workers. This would be to the south. You see that smoke cloud really getting impressive and kind of opening up a way towards the ladder for you if you wanted to take it. I'm grabbing the walkie talkie that I had from the last time. I'm screaming out gas leak. Gas leak. We've got a gas leak for all the walkie tuck it down. I'm doing the book to the ladder. Okay as you're running through the ladder you have to give up some of your concealment from the guard here to the north. Right. And he is going to fire at you. It should be more concealed than those. There should be but if you look at this guy in Lucius' here, Lucius is running right on the edge of the fog. So he doesn't quite have but I'll give him minus one for the somewhat effect. Run in the fog dude. Right. And the shot whistles over your head and you realize now it's real. If you hadn't realized that before these guys mean business. So you jump up, you run across. Now I need you to make an athletics plus dexterity check, Lucius. As you're stumbling across the planks and the timbers and the equipment. And there's a little ditch here. And there's a mound of rocks over here and there's some dry wall here. And you're just basically eating that dry wall at this point. Mostly good and what not. Nice. That's a six. One success. That's all you need. You get to the bottom of the stairs. Sorry at the bottom of the ladder and say stairs every single time. And yeah, you can clump the ladder as well. So all four of you are in at this point. Which is our own culture. You're in a relative sanctity of this warehouse. I have yelled out on the... I've got it all. I'm not going to hear about your gas leak, heart attack. You're trying to confuse. I got it. Absolutely. Yes. Also in the back of my head, I'm waiting to hear the music that signals the graphics of these. Happy Cleveland. The appearance of the spirit on Cleveland. So what are you doing, Jay? I probably spend the turn pulling out weapons and jamming them in where I can easily reach them. Okay. Full pistols. That's your action. Well, it does, yeah. Or you can just stay and get up your move and kind of do more if you want to guess as well. But it's still only three seconds. So you probably get the guns. I get the syringe ready. But don't do it quite yet. All right. Well, you can kind of go out of initiative for a bit. I think I'm going to take it out of initiative just for a second because right now there's no immediate threat that you know of. All right, like where? And you're standing. Here we go. Let's go. You're right here. And you have a little bit of a service hallway here. And there seems to be some kind of something here and here. But then it opens up to that real wide warehouse like setting with a bunch of honeycomb cubicles. So at last, we are inside vitamin B. I'm sorry. What about sister Kathy? Katie. Yeah, Katie. Does she come with us or what's new? No, no. Katie just couldn't do it. She couldn't move in past the opening. She couldn't break an error. Oh, I was going to say she stays down there with the wounded guy, the guy I just thought. No, she buckled. She was really upset about breaking into Benjamin's. Right. And so this. And the gun play? Yeah, and the driving. And the bees. And yeah. So she is officially watching the hole in the wall to make sure. Right. She's covering her exit. Yes. So go. I'm invoking the relic to point the way. Or I'm opening myself up to the spirit. Or it looks at you with a dumb little troll eyes and does nothing. Isn't it like a compass where it buzzes when you move in a certain direction? Use it like that. Yeah, spin around and go spin in a direction. You spin in a circle and nothing happens. Well. Let's go deeper into the thing. All right. Deep around and keep your hand on that troll. All right. So you guys move into this area, this open area of the warehouse where there's a couple conference tables. I don't want to say warehouse. It's a, it's a warehouse like setting it. It's a model. Or is it like a giant studio office? Yeah, it's like that. It's very industrial. It has to look at a human to see an aura. Or can you just look? I can look at a general area, but it really weakens the whole gig. Does it cost you? No, it doesn't cost me a thing. It costs me a turn, but I mean, it's really weak. As you move further in, the cubicle's kind of press upon you a bit. You know, you're just, you're feeling the other worldliness of this area. We would assume that the queen is kept in the center of the high bar to say this, so we are heading towards the center of this area. That's where you're moving where those conference tables were and the photograph that I provided for you. To be here, as you move in there, you start to hear sounds of, you know, people talking on phones, talking to each other. It's in this maze of cubicles, but you certainly hear human activity. And then far off to the north, on the northwest wall of the honeycomb, you see a, again, an industrial-like steel staircase going up, and then a whole opening where one is going down as well. It's the other levels of the hideout. An old specialist, Michael, says down. When you get there to the middle, you start to feel a slight tingling in the B relic. And it tingles where? All over the tingling and the relic. All right, we're getting, um, all right, I will, uh, hopefully this will generate the brotherly love of these. And, um, yeah. By the way, is there urgency? Are there still lights out here? Or the, you know, what's the situation? People still, they had- The lights are out, but there's the emergency lights that are on here. And they seem to have some phone contact. Right, but no- And there seems to be a lot of talking. And you can't tell because the way those cubicles are set up with that, that orange-ish, honey-ish type walls of the different cubicles in that honeycomb motif, you can't- you haven't been able to really see into one to see what they're doing, but you definitely hear people talking. Were there any fire alarms on the walls or anywhere that we can see? You walked in here and you think you have a vague recollection when you walked in that service entrance way that there was a fire alarm there. But you walk past it and you walk in the middle of the honeycomb. Yeah, I mean, I saw that idea. More confusion is better. But maybe it clears out some of the people because confusion on the construction site, you know, but I don't want to run back. Next one. All right. And that's when you hear a shout from the doorway. In a distance, there's a- there's a corridor that's open and get into this middle area that you're standing in right now. And as you're walking through it towards the stairs, you- one of the security guards is like, "Hey, are you construction guys supposed to be in here?" He looks somewhat, you know, confused and starts walking towards you. Okay, we don't want any bitching go. Don't want to hear any bitching from you. Go. Analysts. You're up. North Cowboy. What am I supposed to do? And he delays a bit in confusion. And the security guard, like it's just at a- like a gentle jaw. You know, nothing- doesn't look like he- he's crazy, you know, insane. You just kind of jog it up to you guys to see what's going on. We've got a guy down in the construction site. We're looking for a doctor. We're looking for any medical- any medical treatment. You guys got a medic- a medic up here. You got a nurse up here. You know, we got- we got some people coming. You know, the phone lines are down, but people are using their cells to get outside of lines right now. All right, I'm going to need you to get out there. Go down there and take a look at it. It's a myocardial arching. All right, okay. It's a- it's a serious issue. You've got to get him down there. Right, so he said, yeah. Okay, so he runs up to you. Because it's quicker to go the route to the construction area that's through you guys. And when he gets to you, you see something change. He like, you just see something come over his face up a little bit of confusion. All right, I just smack him in the head with the back. Whoa, no. No. To reach for the bat, I hold your hand. I do. No, not this one. The doctor likes to take care of them quick and easy. I whisper, you should be an addicty the idol. You feel a hand on, you know, you tense and Jay definitely picks up on that. And he puts his hand in whispers in your ear. It may be the idol. All right. What do you do? We need you to get downstairs and help us with this guy that's down the foreman. Right. He seems sick. As you start talking, he opens his mouth in here. Are you fucking kidding me? He starts speaking as if there's a buzz coming out of his throat. And but there's pieces of words that you cannot possibly understand. It's not English by any such imagination. And Lucius, you know, definitely just cold guy. Yeah, flexes. You have a chance because you have your hand on his hand. I'm not supposed to hit this guy. Not yet. Well, he said he was hitting him. All right. And he's going to hit him unless you stop him, which is your choice. Just stop him, which is what, dexterity versus hand. I'm going to say, I think I would stop him too. Strength plus brawl. You're just, you're putting pressure on him. Like ripping his arm like, no, don't do it. You could totally tell you were sending one, fixing up. So then at that point, you'll hear him at hand. And he kneels down. To me? Yeah, you are the chosen one. Or down there. Oh, that'll hit him. I will say lead us to your queen. Oh, it leads to the queen. Hair trigger must stop. That doesn't fuck around. How's everybody got shot at, all right? You have nobody went through the hospital. I just didn't, just to save Tony's life, man. It's serious. I'm going to, you're going to need to make him fast. I'm going to, I'll explain it later. But the point being is you're asking him something and you're trying to compel him to do something. And in this particular instance, it's going to be best treated as a fast talk role. So what is fast talk, it is, um, is manipulation plus persuasion. That's good, you don't have? Not a lot. Just dice it up. Let me know when you're ready. What's ready equipment? You have a plus four equipment bonus. Ooh, might want to add a little power. Well, I will spend my last willpower. On that? On that? Whoa. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Risk it. I'll risk it. You always risk the last. I always risk the last. That's right, sorry. And I will risk for me. All right, have at it. Mother. You might need some willpower for the final ritual name pal. That's why I'm risking it. All right, well, we got one. We got a zero. Wait, dice, do roll. I'm just asking for our audience. Oh, it looks like you're more or two. Pointed, I'm like, this many. Oh, eight. Use your big boy words. Wow. Oh, you good. Three successes. I hear the promo already. Sons of pitches. Okay, I'm going to bring out a visual medium. I did, it's right. So three successes? Yes. He looks at you and turns his head sideways. Look, he's confused. And then he stands up. When he's still looking at you kind of confused. And then he starts walking towards the stairway. We follow the way we came. Or differently. The stairway. I'm sorry, not the stairway. I call the stairway 18 times. It was actually a ladder. The actual stairway. All right, we follow. All right, so you wind your way through these honeycomb cubicles. Again, the smell of honey just absolutely permeates the air. And how's the idol? Buzzing? An epico buzzing. You feel the idol picking up in its prickliness as you move forward. Towards the stairway. And he takes the stairs down. If you were right, it's down. Go. All right, when you go down, get ready. You walk down the stairway. When you get to the bottom of the stairs. At this point, the statue is, it's almost like static electricity. It's really starting to hum. And you get what Crowley was saying in the books that you had deciphered. And what we have, when you get down to be found in the steps, is a warehouse type area. About half of this honeycomb of the top area. Seems to be a big, huge open warehouse. And there's lights, emergency lights that are showing down here. But it's still cast in darkness. And it looks laboratory-esque. There's people in white coats standing around talking to each other at this point. But they're humans and they're just speaking amongst themselves. And you could see all kinds of, you know, bats and certain chemical processes that were occurring before you came down here. And then on the far or halfway past the full length of this basement area, you see what looks to you to be a wall that stretches all the way across. And there's one doorway. And he starts walking towards the doorway. We walk like we are, you know, following. Belong there. And we belong there and we're being escorted by security. So everything's perfectly normal and fine and please go about your business. Right. A couple of the white-coated humans. You walk up and instead of speaking English, you get the same. And their voice with words mingled in. You don't know if they're talking to you or to your guide. We'll call him at this point. Right. And he turns to them and speaks in return and you know, stops. And you're kind of standing there, you know, just waiting for him to talk. And if you say, yeah, I will, you know, whether mentally or whatever, I will exert my will to keep everything moving along, be, you know, emote positive, you know, positively reinforced. So you wishful thinking, whatever I'm trying to reach through all my knowledge of whatever this is and what is powering it. Right. Right. That, okay, you know, just keep it going. Keep it moving. Positive. Good. Don't worry. Go back to work. Move forward. Right. For go about your business, take me to the queen, all are welcome. Come on. Right. So he speaks to them, he speaks to them in a buzzing noise and they speak back to him. And he speaks to them again. And then there's this silence that's palpable and you're waiting to see, you know, I mean, literally the hand starts slipping towards your knife or are they staring at us as. Oh, they're looking at you. And they're also, you know, looking at him and they're talking back to amongst themselves. And there's a palpable sense of are we going to need to throw down? Or are we going to be able to walk forward? Oh, welcome. Positive. Positive. And the two white-coated attendants need to be in the head with the bat. Turn around and walk back towards their science equipment. All are welcome. The guide ignores you. In a sense, just explaining a thing or trying to, turns and walks the door. And as you get to the door, it's almost becoming painful. It's going from a little static electricity to almost electric in its nature. You could absolutely feel this thing just humming. Okay. The coin isn't doing anything. The coin is not doing anything. Good enough. And the guide opens the door and the room behind this is a hexagon, honeycomb shape. And there are two openings off there. It's a, it's a bare white room. It's just a, it's a white room with two openings in the opposite walls. Not straight ahead of you, but the two angled walls off of that. And on the walls, you can see what looks to be shelving. But it's unlike any kind of shelves you've ever seen before. It's, it's made of almost like an organic material. Almost looks like those honeycombs upstairs. But it's almost like a, you know, a wall shelf made of these. You mean like beeswax? Yeah, something like that. And you can see that each of each one of the units is covered over. Okay. Like a cubicle or a cell or like a box or it's like a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, hexagon, a hexagon shaped wall, wall frame. And within that hexagon are probably tens of other hexagons. All right. And in each one of those hexagons, which might be three or four inches by three or four inches, they're covered over with, again, a material that looks suspiciously like this, but more organic. Looks like, so yeah, almost within that, you can see bee larvae within, within, within these things. Big bee larvae. Um, you know, he was describing smaller. No, like I said, three to three. Yeah, I mean, maybe a little bit bigger than a regular bee. Maybe more bumble bee sized. Oh, okay. But there's a lot of, you know, what that, what, what's in there. Well, three, three, I'm sorry, three inches. It's good point. Let's say two inches by two inches or each and a half by each and a half. And there's a, there's some kind of, yeah, there's some kind of larvae inside. They're suspended in some kind of amberish liquid. Okay. So he moves and he moves to the right and you enter another room. That's, again, just like this, basically six walls hexagon shape. There's two doors. There's wall cabinets that have, again, this type of larvae and this type of wall, these wall shelves with these little individual cells that have these larvae in it. And again, the smell is almost becoming cloying. It's so sweet. It's so sickly at this point. It's almost overbearing the smell of it. And you continue to wind your way through this maze of maybe five foot, five foot, five foot rooms. That are in these honeycomb shapes. I was going to the right. Not always going to the right. So they're right into the left of the left of the right to the right to the left. Just to the point where you're completely lost. And the statue continues to... Do I need to take that image? Uh-huh. No, you don't need to take damage. It's just, it's uncomfortable to actually touch it at this point. But I feel like I need to maintain contact with it. And eventually you come to another one of these ridiculously similar to the point where you could not find your way out if you wanted to. And there's only one door in this room. And it's on the far wall. And stretching into the distance, you can see it opening and it's bathed in amber lights. And it's much larger, not, you know, like a huge warehouse size. But it basically is probably a room that's at least 30 by 30, again hexagon shaped. And there is a creature in the middle of this room. Thanks for listening to Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures. Where you will find character stats, photos, start telling props and even a form for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at Or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit And please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. Oh, hey, nice to do roll. I'm just asking for our audience. Oh, it looks like you don't like it. Two points that I'm like this many. Oh, eight. Oh, no, I'm sorry. Use your big boy words. Wow. Oh, you got it. Three successes. I hear the pro already. Sons of bitches.