Even the best plans have their flaws. With their lives and the lives of countless innocents on line, the Task Force goes over it's battle plan one final time to make sure its as foolproof as possible. They use every power in their arsenal to clarify the weaknesses of their enemy. The final conflict is at hand.
Knights of the Night
KOTN Actual Play Podcast 45: Shit Luck 46 "Tweeks"
[Music] Hello, and welcome to Knights of the Night actual playing podcast. This world of darkness story lines shit in line was written and run by our storyteller Scott. [Music] And now, please enjoy chapter 15, scene four, titled Tweaks. [Music] Before we get started playing, we have a few of these. Feedback, actually three, there's one, iTunes post, and two from rpgcrossstock.webs.com, which is where our forum is located. The first bit of feedback is from T.J. Allen, in which he states, "2 needs to let loose, run in with guns blazing, and hopefully the others can catch up." Because he needs to lay some smack down on some candy asses, no means no lady. So, yes, son. You know, two would never be going guns blazing, I don't think. He is, I like that, how they all recognize no women, no men don't bitch. They all recognize me as a really great catchphrase. What could we no mean no, you son of a bitch? Son of a bitch. All right, and it's not just some nice feedback from D.J. Allen, and yeah, tip the, stay tuned for the final episode. And see what happens. Yeah, see if two does let loose with guns blazing, or if he goes out with the wind eyes. All right, party wipe up. The second post for this week is from PAIP, and he says, "Still loving it." I'm really not sure whether the team is overthinking things, and Heart Cook's brain is going to see them right. Or if they're underthinking everything, as they seem to have realized at the end of this episode, as the end game winds up, the tension builds, the creeping dread steals into my soul, what will I listen to when this is over? Hope you guys had as much fun playing, telling this, as I have had listening to it. PAIP. Absolutely. Two things. I think we are just overthinking the wrong things, as possibly the answer to that one. Very cautious, because we're not sure what the-- Yeah, being your first, almost like a prelude to the main storyline overall of these 12 missing agents, I think it could be overthinking a bit. But again, this is to our first real exposure to Hunter. First overall exposure to this storyline, the story arc. This is the first story of probably a good between five and seven stories. It'll take place with this question. So that answers the question there will be stories in the future. Yes, there will be stories in the future, and we, I think, had a good time. I think, you know, because obviously the story is over at this point. I can only speak from the storytelling point of view. No, no, I think-- I had a great time. I mean, obviously looking back, I want to change things and tweak things and things. I had a horrible time because you killed my character. Right. Twice. No, I'm sorry. I just re-listened to that. You killed your character. Oh, yeah. I rolled nine dice and didn't roll a single. Boy, not even one. Dude. That was an ass roll right there. Yeah. The dice killed my character. Yeah, he's killing it. There you go. That's awesome. I guess I didn't think I had some shit locked. Yes. And to be fair, you didn't really die. Oh, that's true. Yeah. So there could be a reoccurrence, you know, sometime in the future of Tony. You don't want to live either. I was thinking about bringing him back as a scarred mutant. Right. Or possibly as an NPC character later on. And give one of those, like, text-to-speech translators so all your lines will have to give you an effort. Just like talking about the brain. I'll be like talking. Alright. And I think there was one iTunes review that Tom wants to read off here. What we wrap up the feedback from this week. I also want to discuss in addition to you having additional world of darkness things. We're also looking at other gaming systems like Dresden where we're going to give it a quick kick the wheels and see if we like it. Yeah. We're going to try story and dressing coming up as well. Well, it's not with me as storyteller, but with Tom in this particular instance as storyteller. Yep. So there are other things coming down the pipe in addition to the continuation of this storyline. Yep. Absolutely correct. And last, our iTunes review. We have a five-star review with the title of Great Shows. It's from Rev Midney. Just wanted to thank you guys for the great story and the wonderful role playing. I've gotten my group willing to try the system by forcing them to listen to a few of your shows. Man, you are harsh. That's a funny show. I hope you continue to put out shows after this story wraps up, which we already discussed. We are intending on doing that. And as for the best show that I've heard so far, it has to be when they find the remains of their teammate after the werewolf attack. Yeah, that was a top episode. However, that was really, that was really some good role-playing, I thought. Now, I remember, I wish, again, those things that we talked about, how you wish you can go back and change things. I wish I would have described what I described to Michael, to Mike and Michael, you know, both the person in the character. I wish I would have described it on the recording as opposed to taking Mike in a separate room. Yeah, I thought on the same thing, you actually said I'm going to take him aside, which is easier because you're only dealing with one character. But then it was not recorded because we sat here. And I wanted Mike to come back and be able to get his vision of what occurred. I mean, there was actually some thought behind it, but it really would have been cooler for the list. I didn't do a good job and we needed to do it. No, it's just, I think it would be cool for them to look at both. Right. I described. And then how your character did that with Heart Cook's brain, where you had all of us leave and you just dealt with Mike. So the listeners got to hear that. And the first time I ever heard it was when I was editing it. But we came back and you're trying to tell us and we're going, "Yeah, right, fuck you." We don't believe you, but the listeners know what really happened. But we, as characters, react. Probably compliments on continuing that whole thread because technically your characters have still never, never believed you. So, yeah, all these episodes of it, whatever, we're going to read you. Yeah, that's a good role point. Yeah. It was. It was. It was. That the fans are noticing that not only have I been written by a demon or a spirit from our comments. One thing I like to wrap up too is I think it's really cool that, I mean, you use the word "force" which was, you know, we all chuckle that. But I think it's really cool if our podcast could actually expose a system, you know, a new system to some players who might have been like, every system has its stereotypes. You know, "World of Darkness," I guess we're all supposed to be sitting around a table dressed up as vampires. Got some outfits. You know, mourning the loss of our humanity. And there's certainly a very legitimate way to play vampire of the Requiem in the world of darkness. But in D&D, you know, it's all about the power gamers and the crunch and the strategy. And, you know, there's no, you can't really role play D&D. Sorry. None of it's true. There's a ton of different ways to play every system. I think this storytelling system is actually a really cool system to tell stories in. I think it doesn't get bogged down too much in combat. I think it lets you tell all different kinds of tales that you want, whether it's mystery-heavy. It could even be combat-heavy. And there's a system that will support that, especially with a supplement like Mirrors, where you can kind of have a toolbox approach and add some different items on to make it more crunchy. But anyways, I think it's really cool that this particular listener, you know, just basically, yeah, basically got some new people to try the system that might not have tried it, had they not listened to, you know, this particular podcast. So that's really cool. I'm glad he, I'm glad it worked for him and he was able to get a World of Darkness game together for that. It's almost kind of the mirror of the other review we got where the guy said he tends to listen to stuff just if he wants to learn the roles of the system. And he's interested in that particular system and he started listening to ours. I think partially he got us of the contest. Yeah. And so he listened to the most recent one and he was like, oh, that's kind of cool. So he went back and pulled into the story and loaded them all. Did you find a lot of people going back and listening to? Yeah, we do hope that. I mean, when looking at the stats of our downloads, it is spread pretty evenly. I mean, obviously we have, we're front heavy where a lot of people will try it and I go, that's just not for me. And that's, you know, whether that's actual play or it's our play style or whatever. I think that's natural of any podcast. And always when podcasting the first ones are the roughest because the editing is the worst. You learn tricks as you go along. We tended to talk over each other a lot more than we do now. Oh, yeah. You know, at the beginning episodes, usually are the worst because of the quality of sound in the editing and the players don't get it. And it only gets better. Plus the first couple episodes are just a recap. Yeah. And one thing I'm kind of surprised about is I thought that the actual play recordings when we first started doing it. I thought it would hinder play. I think it's actually made us better role players. Oddly enough, because we don't talk over each other as much. He said in the beginning, yeah, you said in the beginning, we would edit it and you would take three hours of play and you'd end up with like two or an hour and a half the usable because of the lack of focus and the bullshitting and whatnot. Right. And now we're getting to the point where you take one chapter, an evening or a chapter, and you take that and you have three full good hours of role playing because we stay much more focused. We are not like manneering off and joking and whatnot. On earlier episodes, I found just when I edited it for one hour of raw, I got 20 minutes of usable. Yeah. Then I became 30 and now it's like 40. 40 or something. And then there are times where, you know, Tom and I have like a magic number that we try to hit. And I'm like, I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't go over it. I've left everything. I think everything I've left in here needs to be in here. Yeah, I was really surprised. I thought we became better role players and I think the story got stronger because of the fact that everyone wasn't like talking and waiting in role playing their characters more because they knew they were being not judged. But they knew it was going to be released. What I think is that what used to happen is people would have offline discussions about stuff in the game that people would want to know about any of the rest of the players are going to know about. But you and Mike are talking about something that's going on right now and then me and Tom would go, you know, I think after these guys get done doing this, we should go over here and do that because I think this and that. And that doesn't get heard in a podcast or even heard by you guys when playing because we're having a discussion while you're having a discussion. Now, if we try to cut that out, all that's said sequentially and everybody gets to hear anything and you follow the story. I think people are just so much better at letting the other people have the stage for a little while and then getting the stage themselves and kind of planning for their five minutes of fame there that's coming up. So anyway, just thought that was kind of an interesting point. Alright, lastly, we have a really long, but we're already running on so we'll probably set this one aside. This one has a good chance of winning our contest. It's got some really good stuff. Someone sets a bar contest when so again next week, we'll say to get your comments, your questions or your critiques into us before the end of June because we are going to be giving away two tickets to GenCon and the time's getting a little bit closer here to the end of the contest. And we are getting feedback and we are getting results in. So we want to be able to pick the best one. So don't hesitate. And now we'll go and finish up chapter 15, the penultimate chapter of the story. Alright, we're here tonight for chapter 15 of the World of Darkness story, shit luck. The story teller Scott and with me here tonight from right to left is... Town playing Jonathan, also known as Jay Alton. Jim playing Sister Katie O'Connor. Bob playing Special Agent Chew Park. Mike playing Michael Clay. You know, it might be that we prevent her from dispersing which means that she's trapped inside the woman and the woman will, if you want to be a martyr, say she's a martyr. If you want to say that she's sacrificed for the greater good, I don't know, but maybe that means that she would have to be killed. And I don't know, we're forced to make a moral decision of killing innocent destroy an evil. What happens to a spirit trapped in a body that's dead, killed? I don't know, I guess it would get... Is that dice rolling in? It would evaporate, right? Is that dice rolling in here? Oh, well, yeah, what happens to it there? Why don't you make it educated, yes? A cult plus intelligence. I have four. Can I roll? Five to two include my dagger. Can you read that knife again? I want to know what it does again. I'm sorry. It does get everything right. I'm not looking in a library right now. I don't know what that means. This is a big rule. No, no, no, no. This is a big rule. Then I'll use willpower instead. You know how this all works? This is what I do, this is what she does, this is what you do. Well, I'm assisting. I don't think this is what I do too. I don't know if I should make a separate roll or a system as this roll. But I want to know too, because I deal with skills. You have to be able to assist him, he either knows it or he doesn't. You have a different set of a cult knowledge than he does. So these different roles with potentially different minuses to each of you based on your areas that's particular. What's my role? Your role is same thing, intelligence plus... I'm sorry, intelligence plus a cult. How many dice do you have? Five. Okay, and you are a minus because you're much further removed than Michael Biz from this particular type of esoterica, this type of a cult knowledge. I want to subtract three dice from your role, so you're down to two. I need to take that little four of you, because you can't really know whether I'm telling you the two. All right, well, first of all, Katie went back through her memory to try to think about any kind of, you know, spiritual bondings with humans. Because I know, and she didn't... There's spirits and ghosts and vampires at the church deals with all the time that... Right. ...is as people and we tried to change them out. So what do you do if you kill a person at the spirits? Right, that was fun. The long and short of it is, in your particular background, you haven't had a ton of experience with werewolf and spirits. Bampuggers, and lots of those. And some other ghosts, which are different from spirits, you know that there's a distinction between the two. But you have heard stories, second, third-hand stories, about when a host will infect a human body. What you remembered and what you thought was that once it had latched on, the only way that you could remove that was by killing the person. That's what you heard. Katie's answer was when someone has been imbued with spirits for so long, there's no way to extricate the spirits from the host body. This is heard from a religious point of view looking at a different angle than what Michael is. But then the host is killed, what happens to the spirit? Katie believes that the spirit goes back to the never-never. Yeah, it's land. It goes back to God or hell. Isn't the bane supposed to prevent that from happening? Yes. So her answer was not very helpful. Well, her answer, what she believes to be the truth, which is not necessarily true, because she doesn't know what they're like. Her belief, what are your questions was, how do we get it out? Well, you kill her. And then it's out. Yeah, she doesn't want to kill her, but she says, in the stories I've heard, the people have died. People have died, but the right question is, what happens to someone who has a spirit in them? The spirit is bound and trapped within that person, that person dies, what happens to the spirit? She thinks it goes back to the abyss or to heaven or wherever that person... I think if you kill the person and the spirit is bound in that person, the evil spirit. Yeah, dies? But if it's bound, if it's unnaturally bound in there, if the person dies... She thinks it dies, she thinks it goes back, and if it can't go back, well, whoever heard it such a thing. That's what I'm asking. Because that's where you ask here. First Katie knows, you kill the person that's infected by evil spirit and the spirit is not bound. It goes back. It goes back. Right. If it is bound, they'll think it tries to go back or... You would think that it would, you know, probably... Some stories you've heard, it would jump to someone in. It would have to be... you know, a spirit can't just float around. Forgot six. You know, that's, that's crazy talk. You would think for sure that the spirit would have to bind to somebody else at that point. It's either in the spirit realm or it's bound to somebody. It can't just float around to some disincorporated entity. Is what your belief is right now. But that's when things kind of happen. Right. If the bane... Maybe the spirit of cleave one is going to grab it and take a hold of it and take it and put it in on of its own wing. The way I read this encyclopedia of knowledge, the relic has four dice to see if it knows anything. One fact that I can... if it doesn't know that I'd make my roll. Okay. Go for it. All right. So a four die. This is just pure relic. Has a relic seen anything? Zero two successes so far. Two successes. You bullet your knife slippers in its way that only you can hear. It's like the other spirits. Only you can hear. He hears a lot of the knife understand me. The knife's shining knife. Right. It tells you that it never encountered bees before. Sharka is a term for all hosts. It's not just bees. It whispers that the hosts it is heard of are rats and spiders. And it has never heard of bees before. The rats and spiders kill their hosts and use them as puppets on a... on a string and try to mimic life while they hide from their werewolf hunters or after them. And when they are killed, when the body is struck and killed, the creatures, whether they be rats or spiders, disengage from the body and if one of them escapes, one survives. It will carry on a shard of life and it will rebuild itself eventually. It'll take years, decades, whatever, but it can rebuild itself. So the only way to truly destroy a sharka is by killing every single creature. Well, no, the host is the person, right? Or you could say the host. It's a single... Yeah. Okay. Every single host that escapes. Now, carry out here. I tell everyone else that, but I've already told them about spirits and things talking to me before. Right. I think it's fair that if it comes from you, it has authority. If it's coming through me to them, I think they get to make a choice. I don't think that you're right. I want to include that little point. You could have needed five successes and I could lie to you. Fair enough, but that sounds... I'm perfectly okay with that. It's still coming from you. So that's what your knife tells you. Two points of knowledge. So let me see based on that. But with the security guards that we encountered, when we damaged them, they seem to be very much alive. And the shards have left them maybe because they thought that their host is going to die. So... Now, I'm trying... I wasn't... I wasn't here for that full battle in the alley. But was it just security guys attacking or were there any B... Was there ever a B element there during the battle? They had B's inside. Oh, so they did have B's inside them? When they were close to death, the B's escorts themselves from their bodies. That could be the key. They were close enough. They both were alive for a period afterwards. Your knife just told you. And no one certain terms that when the spiders or the rats move into you. They kill the person immediately and then become puppet masters in a sense of that body. And in some cases, they even create a... They fuse with the body and no longer just control it like a puppet, but they become a hybrid. So in this case, even though the B's did act as a puppet master for some times, we have encountered people who once the B's left them, they still were alive. Well, if we do think then that maybe it's a factor of time involved, we've got some... I don't think so. Okay. You just told us it's instant, didn't you? That's well, based on spiders and rats, but not bees. I didn't have any information on bees other than... The knife had never heard of a bee host. Now, you guys, since I was choking on carbon monoxide and so I did not see the fight in the alleyway, you're telling me that some of the people were alive, but the thought was that they were relatively newly controlled, whereas people like Henry or some other people who had been exposed for longer than a month or so, you know, collapsed and dissolved or whatever it was that they were like long dead once the whole illusion was shattered. Now, the Meredith apparently has not been seeing quite a long time and probably longer than a month. So, I'm just saying these disparate facts are coming together for me saying that, okay, she's all honeycomb up in here. So, Meredith, you know the thing that Crowley described seeing, the half person, half person? I'm willing to bet that's what Meredith Burke is now. Okay, so it's this side, we need to kill her, but what about her minions and the other people who are in control? And I'm wondering if she's using this nexus, this power nexus, locus, whatever you want to call it, to do something that you normally can't do, which is make living be hosts and such. Well, if I remember correctly, I'm sorry to interrupt you. If I remember correctly, the locus also had to deal with positive and life energy. That's what the Billy and the werewolf group were kind of using it for, before, and I think the spirit... That positive life energy. Okay, no. When they came upon it and took it for their own, as packs of werewolves tend to do, they find the locus and the clinic for their own, they change the energy from one of incredible negativity and bad myths to one of endurance and soldiering out for that particular locus, and that was what they controlled until that unfortunate night when his pack mates seemingly, the pack mates not known, whether that's true or not, died of carbon monoxide poisoning and Billy stumbled upon their dead bodies and lost his own mind, and then vitamin B soon took over. Over time, you believe the locus changed from endurance and soldiering on to a strong sense of industriousness and organized ethic and organization, and that was what they call, in a game parlance, the resonance, the energy coming off of that stone or that stone being the focus for the locus. It feels like the debate here, as we're trying to talk about our plan, is whether we are possibly killing somebody who is an innocent victim in this whole thing. No, it's not for me. I know, but I'm talking this as a kid here. That seems to be what the objective is. The objection seems to be, we've got to kill everything. We have the power to keep it out. The CEO, Meredith, started going through some changes three years ago. But there is no way that Henry has been a bee longer than she has. Right. She is the focal point. If he fell apart, she's going to fall apart. She's honeycomb doll inside. She's no longer alive. As Sister Katie pointed out, she's probably a hybrid. I concur. Therefore, there should be no moral. There is no human left there. We're talking about the other people we encounter. Oh. That's why we have take sending us weapons to take them out. Not lethal methods. Right. Non-lethal. How do you switch from, what are we going to carry with us in an armory of non-lethal and lethal weapons? Right. Non-lethal to clip. To take care. It's so easy to switch like that. Didn't you see Darkheart III? That's exactly what they did. Oh, God. While you're wearing a bee suit, try finding the red clip and loading into your pistol. No, for wearing bee suits. I mean, well, again, we're, you know. I'm taking a bee suit. I'll tell you that much. I'll have a backpack with a bee suit. Yeah. I'm not going in that building without a bee suit around. When the queen dies or is... Do we know that for a fact? And that is... That that I'm referring to is take the head of the snake off and the rust surrenders. Where did we get that impression from? Was it Billy? Yes. Billy did say. In fact, he did. There was no illusion that he made to that. He must have killed... If you take out the queen, the hype can survive. Right. I think it said nothing else. Oh, sorry. If nothing else, we use this band to hold this thing in her. We kill every last one of the things that are in it, along with the host. There's only one way to be sure. And if worse comes or worse, it gets sent back to the spirit world. And it's going to be a long time before it makes it back here. And then that time, this area will be clean and this area will be safe. We still have werewolves to take care of, but that's a whole different thing. We're going to use non-lethal on the workers and... We hit us in and then we somehow restrain her and kill every single bee. Okay. You will probably have to be engulfed in flames. Burned. Alive. Ortho with the lighter. Yeah, we're going to need more ortho too. Because your belief, Michael, for your nights is when she dies or is close to death. That's when the bee's disincorporates out of the body. Does that's when you'd want to use the band? And then we would use the band to keep her... You know, they cast and traded their bees out of the country. Maybe we would say that as if it's an activation of the band. I don't know if the band is activated. Do we know how it's activated? Is it simply having the band there? As I explained it, and according to the writings, simply having the relic, the pinions, and the blood together in their presence allows the whoever is holding the relic to enforce one thing. So we're interpreting that to mean that not only does it keep the spirit there, but the bees as well. If the bees are the... Yeah, the bees are assuming the corporeal form of the spirit. So, you know, if I... No, you guys don't scare me, you stay here. That's a little tight little ball that fits into the oven, so to speak. I want to push you. I mean, that came out wrong. Yeah. You know what I like to know? There's... Cement mixers, because it's all in a construction. There's probably going to be a cement mixer, some type of container or crucible, then we can force her in there and then, you know, contain it. It's the world of darkness, not the world of happiness and sunshine. I'm sorry. Did you come here? You know, like Hoover? No, I... I think the only way to be sure of killing everything... Give me a half hour. Way to be. Got great. Total emulation. Right? I mean, that's... That's what I... That's what I think about when I... Yeah, so dark. You don't want to get everything. So dark. So we need flamethrowers. There's probably a lot of welding equipment there. Just burn theirs. Opportunity. No, no, no. There's probably propane gas heaters. I don't think I know you anymore. There's probably fuel. I'm just saying I'm trying to make new with the assets that we have available. Okay. Either that or die horrible dots and not worry about it anymore. You want to hack into their system now? I'll try. We still need to plan and get us in the gate. What do I hack into their system for? To see if you can disable the security when we need you to. Oh. Without getting caught. Do we make a practice run or do we just assume he's going to do? I did, I did do one run. I mean, because he already saw it. Before we... No, not yet. If there's a live admin online, do you really want to make a test run? If he can cover his tracks and not be detected then... I would say let's wait until it's a go. Let's do this, do that, do that, do that, and then jump in and go. I don't want to just test it now. How many more experience points you got to add to that? According to my list, I have 35 to spend. I just spent 12. Oh yeah, you guys got a lot of practical experience here. I'm stopping by my house and picking up some things before. I want to show you all of them as well. You guys want to write a few letters? Actually, we don't make it back. They'll do that. Alright. It'll be called June. What's the game plan for next week and then we'll go really quickly with what you learned. And there's a lot that you learned. What is the game plan for the strike? Even if it's generalized, you have a hard time. Because we know where the construction company is. We know their vans leave from there and they go to here. At some point along the line, so to be clear, you're seeing the skies ourselves as construction workers. Either take a van or if we have non-lethal stuff, take out a van and use it. Keep the guys in the back sleeping while we go do our business. Okay. Do you want to get Tammy's song involved in this at all? I think she's showing up during the battle. I don't think that we want to take her out ahead of time. Do you want me to have her maybe somewhere and then we start the battle so make sure she's not there? That's good. I like that. I was waiting all night for someone to say that. I really was. I'm like, come on. She wants to meet with you. Make an appointment and then hit the place. Thank you. I appreciate that. Make an appointment. Even leave your phone at that location. So if there's any kind of trace going on that they still think you're there. We can get you another phone. You're a person. The squad team decides to be infected. I'll take a more morality hit for that one. This puts you in the car to the new phone. Okay. I like that idea. We make an appointment with Tammy or her and maybe some extras. You know, whatever. Off the site. Off the site. I think it's a place you can really hit. So maybe she'll take some people with her. South Dakota. South Dakota or whatever. Actually, you know what would be cool is to make it. It's not that far from Ohio City. Whoa, whoa. Why don't we send her to Safe House too and have a crew waiting for her there. Whoa. I don't know. I was saying go to the food court at Tower City. You know, it's tough to get out of there. So once she knows that she's been duped, it would take a lot of time to try to rush out of that area and get back to Ohio City. At least 20-30 minutes. And by then we will either have won or have been killed. So. Correct. The option of the two. From the story. Oh, okay. Say it. Wait a second. Um, I'm okay with the van. I would like to still have the relic as a ace in the hole to act as the bee if the bee whisperer. If you're sitting in the passenger seat in Katie's driving, that's what you do, right? We've still got two questions. One of the questions could be, do any of the construction workers ever go inside the active part of the building? Mm-hmm. And what entrance do they use and how do they get in? And what are they doing? If there's any like walls that they're currently building, if there's a way to get in through there. Because, you know, we have regular employees using key cards. How do they and construction workers get in? Do they? If we can coerce one of their drivers and witness and I don't know how we can do that. I don't know that we need him. I mean, that's just a risk. All he's going to do is yell and we're dead. If we could, or we're in a gunfight at the gate. Who? What? He's saying, Katie's saying, get the driver to take us in through the gate. Oh, there's a familiar fate. I'm saying, if we got the paperwork, we rigged the van to explode and we also bring in several flash bangs that are hooked up to a wireless. They're unconscious guys in the van. When you plan B, no, the guys are going to be there. We plan A first. I'm just saying, these are construction workers. We can't be killing. We call janitors on the Death Star. These guys don't need to die. Do any of you fast talk well? What does fast talk involve? Tony does. Lucious does. Tony's dead. Perception. I'm sorry. Manipulation plus persuasion. Okay. Lucious does. I have five in. Make an appointment with Tammy. She's out of the way. Call or waylay a vehicle based on the schedule that no one's asked about. Yeah. And then after that, I say waylay and then hide the guys not in the van, you know, because we don't want them anywhere. You certainly combine people so they can't, if they woke up, they would be hog-tied. You really want to blow up that van, don't you? No, I'm just saying that you don't want to come to the site and then have someone banging their head against the side of the van. We have Dr. Lucious so you can knock them up without a Thor's in, whatever. You can take out a werewolf, you can take out these guys. I am not concerned about that. Leave them in the garage at the same time. Okay. Hey, go ahead. Just don't forget, you still have a syringe full of that, I forget juice. I don't usually forget that I have it. Yeah, apparently you did. I think I gave it to you. You're the syringe guy. Oh, that's true. All right. We still have syringe of that in case. I want to forget it. I want to forget it for you. At the gate, any cars that come and have any of them been searched by the syringe? This is our last question. You have two questions. Okay. This is our second last question. Is that some we want to know? The panel is a big question. So, the point is you have two questions and you have the beginnings of an actual plane here. Which is exciting. That is really unusual. Right. I thought we could talk about it for another hour. How about shoe lures Tammy sung away? I can begin my hacking that morning. We'll explore it to see what I can do. And if I get success, then I can set it up on some type of timer where it's like, you know, at such and such a time, begin this routine. Right. And then that will hit as we are trying to do our thing. Right. You've got, you could be in the church until the evening. They watch out by the evening. It's about noon now. So, the general idea is lures Tammy away. Take the weightlay of van. For the prisoners. Or any of that happens. Set up a back door. If you can. Right. And you drive it in what happens. And if you drive it in, you go through the back door and try to disable their system. As we fly. As we heat does a back door, gets in, um, disables the security, opens doors. If you can do that. Right. Whatever you can possibly obtain. He does that and like. You pull up to. Or an area. One of the things that we requested from Tate in addition to the smokers was a big smoker that was going to be in the van. We still have that. We can transfer it from our van to theirs. Okay. If we're taking it inside, we smoked up. Fuck out of that big room. Smoked in too much, um, when we were at Benjamin's. But he's had control over his bees. I don't think they were spirits. They helped out a ton of us while the bees didn't know we were. At the lease. So it gives concealment. Going in. We got smoke rates too for that. Yeah, we do. Got two. Okay. Go on, Michael. No, I'm just trying to communicate. Uh, I'm also thinking that, uh, even if I can't get a back door thing working, then perhaps I can run an automatic, uh, program that while we're there, it's trying to do it's stuff and therefore it would distract any type of their security people. Well, I'm only a threat. If no, no, no. At the same time, I almost had denial of service attack on summer. Exactly. And meanwhile, we're here and obviously now working on a computer. So therefore, maybe we wouldn't be, maybe we wouldn't be perceived as well. You know, look, we got something else they're, they're doing it again. Meanwhile, we're like, yeah, that sounds really bad. Hope you guys get them. Right. Try not to laugh. Okay. Yeah. And so that you pull up to the gate and they're going to ask questions and stuff. What happens then. Choose your best best doctor. So, the bad doctor. Plan. If Dr. Lucius or Chiu do not succeed at the fast talk. Book suppository. And the back door security issue has somehow not worked either. That's where we're going to fall down. Fall back to using the B idol as, hey, look, I'm one of the, I'm one of the B people. Oh, baby. And let me through. This security guard might know what we look like. Oh, we just wanted. Yeah. No. But they might know what you look like. I don't think there's any reason why they would know the rest of us. But you're the only, you're the only face that anyone invited me to see. If they hide mine through, I think that's, yeah, I'm interested. So what are the boxes and our equipment and our gear to perform the job that we're there to perform, but really our rifles or smoke grenades or flamethrowers are. Pinnions. You just, you know, you disguise your weapons as workmen's type. I would imagine. How are we going to, a power drill and a hip pull circuit just as easily via, you know, 45? Once again, assuming how it goes well and we pull away from the guard shack, we're pulling toward the construction site. Aren't there construction people coming and going and aren't they expecting us to jump under the job? How are we going to make our way to the building instead? Well, that was one of our questions about, you know, I don't think we ever got any. That was one of your ideas for a question. Well, construction site is always busy and there's always activity. And, you know, I don't think anyone is initially going to, if you look like you belong, and as long as you're not, like, you know, being too crazy, I don't think you're going to immediately spark notice, right? We need a question. But about that question, we've got two left and one of them could be to the construction workers ever go into the main building. So how and you want to, and we're, you know, we should ask that. Yeah, that's good. The answer is yes, they do. It wasn't very often. It was a couple times during the one 24 hours span of video. And there was three guys that walked up to the front to the security guard, talked to them a bit, and then we'll wait for it. If we take the tape and follow it backwards, is there anything about those three that would give us a clue on it? Too far away with the shots. They were three men. So I'm thinking about some, some, some, some toolboxes or something that might have all our equipment and or B suits and stuff in it that we can, that we may need to get to bring in there, if they don't bring them in there when they come in. I don't know what kind of tool is it? The shelter, the insulin shots before we go in. Okay, and you guys have got a pretty good idea of a game plan here. It's rolled I-10, bitches. Three. Four. Roll off. Eight. Seven. Uh, Katie, Michael, me too. Okay, and for expediting purposes, Katie, one thing that you've learned new about the story tonight, just one. And one thing that you learned new about supernatural things tonight. Oh, the one thing we learned about the story tonight is- I can bet you many and all that. But his, his, right now is, is the majority of his command on these is in his backyard. You might be able to do things outside of Jared, but he can't bring his swarms with him. Okay, that's more of a supernatural thing. Story line, you know. Very good. Mike. Story line, you know, it just feels like the plan is made out of bubble gum and duct tape because of the time pressure and lack of solid concrete information and lack of effective weapons and resources that work against mundane as well. Supernatural. Supernatural? Supernatural. Uh, I guess a lot of the clarification and issues I learned about spirits and having the coals and that kind of stuff. Um, also the play on the morality of what we're trying to do and how it might actually increase our risk or success. Our chances for success. Um, if we try to, you know, try not to break any eggs and still make a wop or some make an omelet. Alright, Tom. I kind of disagree with that. If we're going down a lethal, it's usually silent. What's more so than a gun? That's as rubber bullets. Well, okay. But let's get through this and then we can debate the verminosity of microstatements. That's fine. I just, right. I think the silent approach is better. No, I was speaking more about whether we, you know, whether we killed the queen or we tried to save the person. Oh, I thought you were referring to using non-lethal. No, no, no. Well, maybe a little bit indirectly. Yeah, because it's just, I'm not saying the secret. Well, I'm sorry. I'm stuck in all over here. Tom. That's okay. I did it first. I'm going to have to do your sniper rifle in the tower. That was going to be mine. Sorry, Bob. Sorry, too. Now you have to, the way you think you could do a new one. As far as what we learned about the super natural is they're really hard to kill. Yeah, I should have blown his arm clear off and yet they nearly scratched him. That's a good one. Q, either one. I mean, you can go with either one before the other and he doesn't matter. You have an order. Super natural and story only. Super natural, I guess. I kind of surprised that some of the powers that Benjamin had, it seemed like it could affect, you know, some people from a distance. However, his powers did seem to be limited for some reason to his backyard. So I wonder if he just is restricted to that area or like he just has a sanctum that he draws his power from and he can't activate his forms outside of that. Right. And then did you learn anything about the storyline? I mean, you didn't know beforehand that you think now that changes the game a little bit. I'm just a little bit more about the defenses and the operations of the B Corporation and maybe the plan that the plans we need to develop to get into the compound. Also, a little bit about CEO. That's true. Well, I kind of already had that feeling that she was in the compound, but just, you know, going to her house, they kind of verified the fact that she is probably in the building somewhere. Okay. And that's good work, guys. That was a nice way to escape. Honestly, without choose quick thinking about disabling the gate, that could have been a real bloody battle in the back of Benjamin's yard. I was impressed that you guys got out. I was also very sure that in the panic of the situation, someone was going to run into the maze without thinking that the coin wasn't nearby. And who was I ready for? Some fun, exciting stuff that was going to happen. I was about to do that, just thinking that that's a security measure on the way in and not right now. Right. A totally understandable thing, how do you not? I mean, you know, it was good that you went safe, but I thought for sure that someone was going to dash into the maze without it. I was very surprised that you guys thought that went through today. Thanks for listening to the Knights of the Night actual play podcast. Visit kotnpodcast.com for more information on this and other adventures, where you will find characteristics, photos, storytelling, props, and even a form for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at feedback@kotnpodcast.com. Or contact us via Twitter, or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcasts or business, please visit ZenaudioSmith.com and please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. [Music] It's the world of darkness, not the world of happiness and sunshine. I don't think I know you anymore.