Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 33: Shit Luck Ep: 34 "Payment Due"

Broadcast on:
22 Mar 2011
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They are called Conspiracies and secret societies for a reason. Dr. Lucius disobeyed his handlers at the Cheiron Group. He placed Tony's life above the greater good of the Conspiracy and the powers-that-be are not pleased.


Dr. Lucius has been playing both sides of the fence and now a payment has come due...



[Music] Hello and welcome to Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. This world of darkness, storyline, shit, luck was written and run by our star teller Scott. [Music] And now, please enjoy chapter 12, scene 4, titled "Payment Dude." [Music] Well, before we get started with role playing, one thing I'd like to do is let everybody know that we're moving our forms to RPG Crosstalk, which could be found at It is a collection of other podcasts that are RPG-related and that way you have to sign up only for one form and you have access to multiple podcasts. So we'd like to thank the creators of RPG Crosstalk for creating such a site. And since we've been there, we've seen a noticeable bump in our downloads as well, which is really nice. So shout out to RPG Crosstalk. Thank you. Cool. Then we'll make the update to to make sure that all traffic is routed to that. All right, we've got a post from a long time listener, and she hasn't been around for a while, a mystery. And she says, "Thanks for mentioning your podcast last week, guys. Yes, I'm still listening. I have to say this story keeps getting better and better. This is a masterpiece of storytelling. Thank you very much. It's very kind. As soon as I think I know what's coming next, off you go in another direction. And it's very organic. You have an amazing combination of storyteller and players here. So you guys can take a bow because you're doing a fantastic job as well. You guys have no idea how lucky you are to be in such a group. And probably right there. I don't think we actually sit around thinking about how lucky we are each week to be in a good group of players. Verabu, who is one of our initial listeners, has been corresponding on occasion back and forth through different medias, Twitter and G talk and stuff. And he has also made comments about how he's amazed at our group as a bunch of players, like some of the decisions we make as compared to what he expects from his players and what they have done in the past, you know, that we play out. Somewhat cooperative? Yes. Well, we were very immersive in the story and then we treat non-player characters as the real people. And someone, like you gave the exact example, was, you know, where one of the player characters was hurt and replaced with another one. And the minute that the initial player became a, in effect, non-player character, his group would say, "Yeah, kill 'em. They're raining less." Kill 'em and take a stuff, right? Where we still treat them as if they're a person and if they're a friend of ours or many. Which, you know, it's just being immersive in the story. Yeah, there's that in just the respect you showed, like, to the fire inspector, who, when the place was burnt, you answered questions, you treated him as a tradition of authority. Which is. Yeah, it is. You guys do a great job of that. So, you know, from one of those aspects, mysteries, right? I don't sit around thinking about it all the time. But at the same time, I'd like to think that at the end of the night, when we say, you know, "Good job, every wander," whatever, you know, we really do kind of appreciate the fact that we were able to get together for a night and tell a story together and do it in a way that is cooperative. Yet everyone has their chance to voice their opinion. Chew didn't agree with a lot of stuff that was going on early in the investigation. Michael, a little bit later on in the investigation, one side street Billy reappeared. You know, there were some disagreements there as well, but you guys disagree well. You disagree in character and it doesn't really carry over into our personal lives, which is the rarity. It's funny. Many, many years of experiences that we got here. It's a good point, Chef. We have been together for a real long time, but mystery brings a good point and it's good to hear from our guys. All right, then with that, we'll go on to the story. So this is Chapter 12 of the World of Darkness story, Shit Luck, and with us tonight are... Tom, playing the character of Jay. Greg, playing the character of Dr. Lucius. Bob, playing Special Agent, Chew Park. And Michael, playing Michael Clay. In mean while I called Jay, I need to talk a tape. It's in the afternoon, so you should be fine. Yeah, everything okay? Yeah, we got an issue between... Siron and Hyron. Oh, they're the... Siron. Hyron wants Tony's dad and they want his parts and we obviously don't want that. Let me get Winston on the phone for you and hopefully he can come through with something for you. By the way, why got you on the phone, Jay? Do you have information for us? Yes, actually I do. I don't know, it just seems like a big coincidence, but Meredith Burke, the... CEO... CEO of Vitamin B. Her father's name is Benjamin. I thought it a bit of a coincidence because we were unable to find Benjamin's last name and all. And I'm still unable to. You know, the Benjamin that you're looking for. But Meredith's father has the same name as one of the key players in your, you know, evolving mystery. And I just wanted to pass it along to you to let you know in case it could be important. Jay, can you? Yeah. No, it doesn't come. Plantar doesn't come up. But he has the name you made up for him. Yes, no, but the question is, can you trace back the family tree and see if it in any way links into the myths of the Plantar family? I can do that, sure. Okay. I haven't yet, though. Okay, so she transfers you over to Tate and Tate says, "Jay, what's going on?" Dr. Lucius has brought something to our attention. I should get a citation in the reward. He's going to get a citation. Oh, sorry, reward. Okay. His conspiracy, he's not stealing bodies from us again? No, he's actually kind of doing the opposite. His conspiracy, the Chiron Group, once Tony dead and they want his body harvested for the crisis in it, we, of course, don't like that. That's a bad idea. There's not other other people. He appears to be, um, they already have one body, I mean more than they want. He appears to be suffering from some sort of infection, either magical, curse or otherwise. The doctor is a bit flummoxed on what's causing the illness and sister, Katie, could not cure it either. Lucius, you don't know what it is? Nope. And he's good. Never seen it before. No bees. Jesus. So we would like to siren to, uh, abduct the hospital van that, uh, Dr. Lucius has here and take Tony's body, or take Tony, um, into custody and in terms of your, uh, just to get him away from the Chiron Group. Yeah, that, uh, doesn't sound like a bad idea, actually. Sounds, that sounds quite doable. Um, when did you, about how long has it been since you left the hospital? Doctor. How long did you drive around going, I don't know what to do? I don't know what to do. I never did that. I don't know what to do. No, that's the storyteller talking. Uh, Winston. 30, 40 minutes. Okay, that's believable. That's unbelievable, but yeah, I guess I'm traffic with the rain. Sure. Uh, let's go with it. Um, you said the weather is shitty there, right? Yes, I did. Okay. So what I described it. Uh, you know, when you talked earlier from the safe house. Um, okay. Uh, I want you to take that ambulance. I don't care who does it. Take the ambulance and it gives you the dress that's very close by. And you can walk back to the rectory from there. So you're, you know, back with your group. Just leave the ambulance there. I'll have, I'll contact my contacts in the FBI. And I'll have someone there to grab the vehicle within the next 15 minutes. I'm saying Tony's going to be okay. I'm just going to be okay, right, boss? Uh, well, we'll do everything in our power. We'll put a Glock in the back, uh, put the vest on, put the jacket on, and now you're watching this bodyguard. Okay. You two drive out into the gray, um, Cleveland early evening shroud. You know, it's dark because it's because evening comes early at the time of year. I call on the, you know, the Chiron line. I, I'm getting there. We got the body out. I'm on my way. It's been two hours. You should be at Whiskey Island right now. It's terrible. You wouldn't have believed what went out at the hospital. You're not going to believe that they've got the whole place locked down. I might have blown my cover getting out of here. But, uh, yeah, I'll fix it later. I'll be there shortly. All right. We got eight waiting. Hang on. Hang on. I think somebody's fall. I'm going to have to get back with you. Clap back. Yeah. You're such an actor. I'm pretty fucking good. All right. So, um, five minutes later, you're at the address to drop off the vehicle, the ambulance. Not even five minutes. Probably about two or three minutes down the road. You park it into a secluded spot, you know, in the back of the parking alley. So it doesn't really draw a lot of attention or notice. And start hoping it back to... Taylor to Tony, check the titles, everything's good. Yeah. He's worsening, but... Whatever. Yeah. I mean, whatever. I do not like a turn anymore. Right. He was better in the hospital, obviously, but now that he's out and about... Tony, stay strong. Stay strong, first buddy. He's got some sister Katie feeling going. Yes, he does. So, you walk back to the rectory and your phone, you realize he's gone into voicemail two or three times. Um, just were distracted with what you were doing, you know, basically ditching the vehicle. So we got your phone up and tell them that they got robbed or something. Uh... Yeah, it's not your iPhone, it's your... It's not your government issue, iPhone, it's your regular phone. That Chiron's trying to get all your handler. I hand you my, uh... I hand you my, uh... I carry around this beautiful, nice little savage. Right. Tony, I hit you, Tony. Here you go. Oh, I'm gonna love this part. This is the best part. Really? And you know, of course, the doctor, you should have some defensive wounds along. Right. Get her whole... Four arms and hands and then a couple of... So you, in the back of the alleyway, where you got some cover from behind the handle, and then she hit him a couple times in the forearms to bruise him up. A couple of times! And then once right across the jaw, so you get some blood and a big fat lip. And then one... Dink! Right in the eye to give him a nice black eye. So, your character, Lucius, takes, um, two bashing damage from... The attack on him. And he looks like he's been in a fight. Uh, in the easy fight. But a fight. Just 'cause we have a makeup artist, and... Oh, yeah, that. That was my very idea. I don't know. Disguised kit. Okay. So, you guys are walking back to that point while your phone's ringing off the hook. And then we go over to Michael real quick and his life... Well, I'm not gonna walk back when none of us stick in this alley. Wouldn't it make more sense for me to be... I don't know. Well, I'm not... I know what you're supposed to mean, right? Shit out of me. 'Cause I don't like... Well, you're talking about your talking on my throat. You know what you're supposed to mean? Why don't I drop you, like, a street away from there and then you can, like, drag yourself in there. It's whiskey out. It's not even close. It's not even close. It's not even close. So, take it. Cab, if anything, at this speed. I'm in the distance. He's at it right now. No, I think it should be like... I took you out. How about up by the shoreway? Just talking me over to by the shoreway. I can do that. I can keep your car. Okay. Don't do it by the shoreway with the sound in the background. I pick up the phone. Yeah. They got the car. They got the ambulance. They came out of nowhere. They got the ambulance. I get to it. Who? Who got the ambulance? Hello, two guys. Two guys. Three guys. One guy had a gun. I don't know. I'm on the shoreway. I don't know. Fast off. Right. I hit him until he acts better. Oh, they're still here. They're still beating me. All right. I have to bread it six days again. Okay. Mine is one die because of the fact that you're pretty believable because you got, you know, you want all that trouble. It would have been more than that. I got this one. Two. And we roll. I have two. All right. He's like, "We've got Asians nearby. Where you at exactly?" I don't know. I'm on the shoreway. Just leave your phone on. We'll trace it. I'm gone. Okay. [Laughter] Well, I don't act like that's British after a night of lies. I'm on the water, didn't I? Right in the lake, Gary. Yep. From the shoreway. Nice toss. No, no, not from the shoreway. Yeah, pretty close. You're just telling that done. Well, you're gone for right the second. You call me. Yeah. He can call if he needs a ride. That takes us back to the three of you back at the church. St. Patrick's. You get back in short order. It's, at this point, only about four o'clock in the afternoon or so. It's not that late. You've been sleeping for about an hour. Lucius, you just tossed your phone into Lake Erie, your regular cell phone. So I actually try to get some sleep. Unless. I would have hit the sack once they left. Right. Because I don't have much choice. Right. And Katie just is going to go for it because she doesn't know exactly what happened. For Lord Fielder. Yeah. I'm going to just wander along the side. I just didn't work as good as it should have. I'm going to wander along the side of the lake shore looking for a loan and loss. Particularly beat up and look out of it and waiting for the agents to arrive to help you. And before you walk a quarter of a mile, a black Escalade pulls up, a side door opens. Nobody steps out. Nobody comes out? You know what that means. What does that mean? Get in. Yes. One way ride. What do you want? What do you need? Nothing. Can you just follow me? Yep. They pulled in front of you as you're walking along the berm of the shoreway. They pulled in front of you and they opened up the door not on the highway side but on the shoreway side. Oh, I see. Oh, I see. You didn't describe that at all. My bad. Everyone else got it. That's okay. Rock night. That's true. Well, all right. Shoot my way out of this, I guess. Oh, I can't. What do you call me? I would have gotten that. And you gave your sap up too. I have a cold 45. All right, I walk up to the door. I get in. And? I close the door behind the door. Grabble kicking into the background as the van takes off at high speed. And if you're going to play a bluff, you've got to play the bluff to the end. How many characters have we lost so far? Just half the crew. It's not that big of a deal. Give you three, if you don't mind, briefly, be a very short interrogations. A couple die rolls and I don't want Lucius to have to reveal. I think the GM was counting on me to be weak. I'm not telling anything. Right, that's the way to look at it. You're taken to Whiskey Island. Okay. They drive you there and the whole way through. They don't answer any of your questions. You ask questions, you're back with silence. Ask more questions, and that was silence. You pull up to the deserted Whiskey Island as the dusk is falling over. Clade on it because it again springs so it falls down the clock at night. It's already pitch black, so it's dusk is falling. And you are, you know, they open the door for you and say, I guess it's not really saying, but they nod towards the building as they leave the way. So do you start walking towards the building? Uh, yeah. Okay. So you walk inside the building. And when you walk through the building, you have keys to open it up. So I'm assuming that you open it. They allow you to open it. You walk in, they walk through behind you. And then one, the guy that looks to be, he's bald. And they're wearing dark sunglasses. They're both burly types. One's bald, one's crew cut, and the bald one says downstairs. And downstairs is where the actual surgery and all that stuff is where you do your work. That up is kind of like a, almost like a fake warehouse type look to it to give the, if anyone ever broke in or kids or whatever, it would give the illusion that it's just a typical warehouse. But there is a trap door that leads downstairs to the sub-basement and basically a little surgery and a place where all those refrigerators and stuff are body parts are. Alright. Got it. How did this go wrong? How did they know where I was? What went wrong here? You guys told me to do one thing and... Just keep walking, please. This isn't going well. You actually say that, or is that just not doing that direction? Yeah, I'm just thinking. Alright. So you get to the trap door, they open it up. Again, with the hands, you know, pointing in the direction. I go down there. Alright. They do as well. When trap door opens, the light comes out automatically. The electronics switch. And they ask you to have a seat. There are some metal stools there by the operating table. It seems cleaner than when you last left it with the autopsy. You did a Henry Jacobs body just two nights ago. Someone's been in here and cleaned it up and done good work. Great. So you sit down and the bold one pulls out a gun and says, "Okay, all we want to know, we understand your compromise. We understand you have two different viewpoints. Look at here. Just tell us what happened and nobody gets hurt." Time for you to start talking to us now. I don't know who made the decision that Tony would be better off dead than alive. I went to the hospital. He is more than alive. I couldn't kill him at the hospital. But kill him at the hospital. Everything's out the window. I took him from the hospital. He was in a coma. Everything's okay. I get him in the ambulance. That, you know, then all hell breaks loose. And they take the body from me and look. Before you even see it, the gun flashes across. Damn it. And in the metal just hits your cheek and probably shatters a two through two. And you take two bashing damage which gets you closer to where you are already. And he says, "Enough with the lies. We know you're dispensed to the two drivers as soon as you enter into the ambulance." He said it was from above. It wasn't from above. Tell us the real story or it's going to be a really painful night for your doctor. I had other orders. Orders that countermandered anything that Kyron told me. This is a joint operation. I don't even know that you people need to know but I was so told to take Tony elsewhere. And so you chose to not listen to a direct order from your handler. My understanding is this is a joint operation and my orders were to go and join the joint operation. I'm frustrated doesn't look upset, just says, "Where is he?" I don't know. Two more is the gun with the car. You get pissed the lift again and he says, "Where was he when you last saw him?" When I last saw him he was in the back of the ambulance. Of course, where did you take him? I wasn't driving the ambulance. I don't know where the ambulance was. All I know is I was dumped off by the shorewood. He strikes you again. And says, "Listen, that story doesn't fly." You just said you gave him, you had other orders from Task Force siren. Who did you give him to and where did you give them? So you acknowledge the fact that I'm getting orders from Task Force siren. Now somebody here has to direct me. Am I to ignore those orders or to follow those orders? Tell me that. Here's two orders from the siren corporation. Okay, that's what I did. That's what I did tonight. You did nothing of this sort. The Chiron group is who you work for. If you're working in Task Force siren, it's only on a part-time as we need you faces. You ultimately answer to the Chiron group. Well, that part wasn't made clear to me when I was assigned to this group. So once again, where is the body? I would have no idea where the body is. Where did you leave it? I left the body in a back street. Do you tell me the right place? Huh? Do you tell him the correct place? Do I have to really know the right place? Yeah, you know the right place. You've lived in Ohio City long enough and been around the area to know it. So if you're not going to tell him we're going to make interrogation rolls until they get it out of you, or you're just going to say I give the information out and go from there. No, I'm going to think of a fancy way. Okay. Then we're going to do interrogation. Greg, you're going to roll stamina plus resolve. That's jazz. Yeah, exactly. You didn't want to know what his thankful is. Yeah. Now, he's trying to get as many successes as his willpower. Or you're trying to get as many successes when they wash each other out, kind of thing, to beat his willpower. So that one person breaks down the other. Either you frustrate him so much he gives up, or he beats you down so much you just give the information for fear of your life. So what's your willpower? Dats. Now how much you have right now? Your Dats of willpower total. Three. Okay. Here's some other number that you don't need to know right now. Mm-hmm. Go ahead and roll. So I'm doing stamina plus resolve. Yes. And any kind of other expenditure you'd like to. If you want to try to willpower it up, you're welcome to. Alright, we'll just add this through dice and risk it. Okay. That's really one. That's nothing. Two successes. Alright, he had four. Since since he beat you by two, he gets two against your willpower of three. Oh. So he has you almost broken down. He basically does. He takes the gun and goes. He puts one bolt in. He takes all the bolts out, puts one bolt in, spins it, and goes click against your head. And you're shaking, but you try to, you know, fight it some more. And another roll. Well, um, you have one willpower left, which you can, you'd want to risk at this point. That makes sense. One, two, three, four, five successes. Out of six dice? Yeah. That is an absolutely incredible roll. Look at that. Basically, he believes you when you give him the wrong information. You can't, you can't argue. Okay, guys. You can't argue with an exceptional success, pushing when he only got one success. So, um, yeah. He said that must be it. They get you back in the van. Sorry, we had to rough you up a little bit. I understand. Oh, by the way, here's your new phone. Don't lose it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay. You asked to be dropped off, like, away from this spot. You know, not right at St. Patrick's Church because you're smart enough to not do that. So, they drop you off maybe within a quarter mile, a half mile walk. It's a cold, breezy spring night. And, um, you now have one help box still open without bashing. Thanks. No, no, no. You now have only one box left open. They beat the living shit out of him to get the answers they were looking for. Wait, hold up or not. That's just bashing down, right? Just bashing. One heals every 15 minutes. It's just your pride was wounded. He looks like, I mean, he's talking a little bit funny, not just from yours, but it looks like, you see, like, a tooth broken. Uh, is that hard? Yeah. Sorry. Faster. Yeah. Well, at least he don't look like John Beamer. There's something he said for that. Wow. All right. All right. So, you guys find a small little just die diner? No, we would probably order in. Okay. Yes. All right. Some Chinese. Chinese. So, you guys get some Chinese food. Um, you probably just end up in one room. Everyone's kind of sitting around, you know, kind of pulls a stool or a chair into the room, but still a little bit rank. You know, you could all probably use showers at this point. Smell like a brain billy. Yeah, I think. So, the doctor comes back and tells you that he was roughed up, and they believed him. He blocked his way through it, and he's angry and bitter because his face is bruised and... Wow. You know, this is a meal ticket right here. They grabbed me on the shoreway. They took me on the whiskey. I wanted to get the grab out of me. I think they bought it. They stepped out of your hands and break your fingers? No. Why would they do that? Why? Why? Why would they know? They'd say something like that. Because that's how I've read in the documents. I would be no use to them after that. So, we need a game plan. Yes, we do. Um, so. Vitamin B or... Vitamin B or the CEO's house. The problem is we assume that the van has to be done against the Queen B. If we drive her spirit back into the spirit realm, that is what we believe to be true. Okay. But where is the Queen B body? That's the question. Right. And where does the ritual have to take place? If it requires a great deal of transcribing magic, we would assume to focus. Focus. What did I say? It's a focus. Focus. Right. I said focus and it's not. No. It's my thing. I think we should just hit up the corporation. Um, can we already been into one of the corporation employees' houses? There's absolutely nothing in there. I think if they're going to have anything to hide... And anything to be attached to that though. Hmm? I'll thoroughly insert that though. Relatively. Well, I thought... I mean, I... You didn't get in there. You didn't get in there, I don't think. Jim was the only one. Jim was the one who walked in the house. We didn't do the basement or the attic or, you know, where to be. And after he dissolved gear right of these, we were right. He did an investigation, didn't find anything of any note. Okay. Can you close the locus? It might be too big and powerful for us to influence. I mean, it's something that's old and ancient. I've been around for a while, so... We've actually talked a bit about the fact that we're leaving a power back in here to take the bees out. That locus is still going to be there. We're still going to draw people to it trying to control it. And so he's trying to come up with a plan on whether their organization or some way of dealing with the locus after we take out the dead nasties that are currently in charge of it. Of course, they could go search the werewolves... The werewolves pack were overlooking locus prior to that. Mm-hmm. Another thing is I try to set up meetings with them as well, as they always wanted to meet with me, never at their place of business. It seems like they're definitely hiding something there. By the way, I'm sorry. I don't know, go ahead. Uh, I can't remember. Did you cast Billy with something before we left the house? You gave him blood so he could find you again, because he was going to find you again because... No, basically I told him that gave him the house. I was looking for a place to stay, crashing the garage with the safe house, and then if he also kept an eye out or anyone that was threatening us in that safe house, then, you know, we got to a special one, so yeah. And that's the safe house that we promptly left and left the cleaning crew... Right. With wanting to leave Billy alone. Mm-hmm. Right. But you do have his relic. Yeah. The reason you gave him your blood is because he requested it. You want to be able to find you. Why don't you use the relic to get... Right. And the relic is to pass the barriers. Right. And we would assume the barrier would be wherever the queen is, which, as Chew is saying, is most likely about it to be. Or a home. I mean, if Katie used her powers to ward a home. But Chew's point was, as you just said, that anytime we tried to get an appointment at Vitamin V, they wanted to do it elsewhere. Even their business is shaped like a hide. And if they have anything to hide, it's going to be in the hide. That's the mentality of... I don't disagree with you. Yeah, yeah, I guess right. I'm not disagreeing. I would submit, though, that if the target is the queen bee, is to isolate her from her hive, where she has enormous resources to smack us down. That would be the least hive I've ever seen. Well, then I guess a quick check of her home. If she's not coming to her home and she's staying entirely at the... You're equating the CEO with the queen bee. Didn't we say that that's what she was? Who we suspect she was? I think the queen bee is usually larger than normal bees. And if this queen bee is truly a spiritual mystic bee, maybe it's too big to inhabit her body. That the CEO is just being controlled by, like, anybody else with normal bees, but... She is the figurehead. I don't know that. It's all conjecture. I have no fucking clue. He's making it up because he goes along. Yeah. But that's what I do. I mean, we have to make some kind of decision. And it's one of the two positions. It's her house. They're... Ultimately, I think they've done everything to keep us away. They have guards at the home on it. They didn't have it at her house. Her house was a house. Right. From the outside. I think that there's power and there's a big mystery here that we've always talked about, but never really... It seems to have time to do anything about it is vitamin B. But I'm calling the high. That's where the power is. However, you know, that's the Death Star. We're in a few, you know, fighters. How do you guys mind, is that thermal port? We got that coin. It's going to take us right down there. Take one person. Why are you saying we should check out Tatooine then? Well, I wasn't sure if the target was the person. She was not a place. Or even more. Well, no. I was just... I wasn't sure if the target was the person at the place, but if we are... I wasn't thinking it through. I mean, if we find out that she's someone that we need, then we could probably go to her house and that would probably be easier. But we're not sure how big a piece she takes. She takes us somewhere to kick your butt, so I don't know if... You didn't kick my butt? Who won the fight? Well, that's in the hair. I survived. She was still standing. Therefore, by definition, you won. There's something beside her, you know, facing paranormal threat and living. Not in fact, it was these. Yeah. Or is he? Did we ever verify that? He's roped like me really well. He's going deep, deep cover. Well, before we do anything, I'd like to try to... Yeah, I get some information from my Nico. Right. I think we got two things on our plate. We need to tell the ritual. But in the meanwhile, while you're talking to Nico and working out what the ritual is, the rest of us can be on a stakeout duty at Honeycomb Highdown. And just to clarify, these are the notes that I... Unfortunately, everyone from our visit to the Cleveland Public Library not notes that were necessarily conferred with Nico over, correct? Oh, absolutely. Nico doesn't have any idea. Those are your personal notes from... Okay. Because there is a... There is a description of a ritual in here. To make it clear, if you're meeting physically with Nico, he comes here. To the safe house? You want him wandering around the street? I don't want another safe house to talk about. Well, I don't think... I'm getting used to this one. Yeah, I don't think... And in your... Shit, it's been three days. We have had three safe houses. We have three safe houses. So? That means we're that time to move on. Yeah, what's your record? Well, it's already late in the evening. So, I mean, I'm going to probably have to meet him somewhere... I don't know how to get a hold of him. I can tell him where to meet us without... You know what I mean? How do I tell him to come to St. Patrick's? St. Patrick's? Not that time. But that's how him to meet us at St. Patrick's. And thereby, you know, spilling the beans on a possibly open line. Or a tap line. No, I'm sorry. You find a book with the name St. Patrick in it. And you tell him to go to the library and look at the page. Oh, I'm sorry. It was going all damn brown out of there. But that's how they do it. But, you know, now having said that. You know, now having said that. Right. I said that. It's kind of our rules. My favorite little book. I'm sorry. And our favorite little book. Go to page 34. I was trying to think of, you know, something like a conversation. Um... What? One of our many... The reverse cowboy. What the fuck? The... I don't want to be facing dogs. I'm going to try to come up with some type of... We were... We had a mentor or a princess relationship. There would be some kind of either familiar comic experience that would be kind of unique to us and not... You know, hey, my first mistake when I, you know, ruin that artifact or something. Right. Try to create a simple cipher. It says we're all about ciphers and what we're doing here. Yeah. What are we trying to do? He's trying to talk to his mentor who is all about artifacts and as greedy as he is. And find out if you can... Because you're advice and bitchiness. It is. I'm a sniper. Aww. Okay. So he is going to find out about the band. We are going to find out about the honeycomb. I know. Unfortunately, Michael would also be useful in trying to penetrate any computer networks that I have. Do you take out that? We're just looking. We're watching. We're getting information. Well, I can make a Wi-Fi. Well, true. I can make the phone call. Then I can spend time maybe going over, maybe some security overrides or see if there's some type of... No, let's see what I can find using the technology that we salvaged on purpose from the building before it burned down or blew up. So they... So all of this research that you've already done, like, it involved the creation of idols' narrow face with their views. Oh, I mentioned this... I mentioned Greg. I mentioned the lord who was Pleasant Buzz. With Lol the anger from Odin. Logan. Well, Logan. I mentioned this in the other room. Where does it say about the honeycomb? The ritual? The canyon. The champ, the canyon. You get to look off some more Crowley. He seems to know what he's talking about when it comes to this sort of thing. Where does it say about the canyon? It's the last, second or last paragraph. Without the bee, blood, and translucent pinyon, oh, lost. Translucent pinyon is a wing. Translucent would be a bee wing out of that. Could be a wing. Or an encyclopedia. The canyon's a wing. One of the definitions of the canyon is a wing. So without the bee, the bee's wing. Or the blood. But, wait. But how can one protect against the buzzing prince without the bee, blood, and translucent loss? It's the band, the ritual. But wouldn't we be the one who had the buzzing prince? Because we have the, isn't that what the idol is, the buzzing prince? You see what I'm saying? I don't know. Is there a name for that, I don't know why? I don't know if I want to know. Okay, a canyon is the distal or terminal segment of the wing of a bird. And it's just the mean of the carpus, the metacarpus, and the flanges. The wing of a bird, a feather, or the flight feather, collectively. A verb, a pinion, is to cut off the pinion of a wing. Or bind the wings in order to prevent the bird from flying. It talks about this idol with narrow face and a beard of peace. And that's what this idol has, right? And it says, "Contains the spirit of the bee lord." "Who's buzzing plus?" we'll call it love. So down below where it says, "But how could one protect against the buzzing prince?" And if I was called without the bee, blood, and transitional spirit of the bee lord. So why would we be defending against what we have? Do you see what I'm saying? Well, the bee lord and the bee prince are two, could be two different people. The bee lord, queen lord, and then the prince could be the associate. So lord good prince bad. Well, we've also got the news that Benjamin might be related to the CEO of these daughters. I don't know the Benjamin and the queen bee. Maybe Benjamin wants his daughter to be released when they can show up with him. That's what Benjamin's saying. Which would explain why maybe he was dormant for so long and then seemed to be more active. Because his neighbors haven't complained about him for the last, you know, he's been there for a long years. And now all of a sudden, he seems to be doing strange and violent things. Or at least coming more out in the open. So all this is going to be resolved by serving the bee company? No, we're going to find out by observing the bee company where the queen is and where we need to do the ritual. Okay. It's going to be resolved by doing the ritual. That's all I wanted to know. What was the whole point of observing? Yeah. Yeah. And obscene. Thanks for listening to the nights of the night at actual play podcast. 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