Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 29: Shit Luck Ep: 30 "Bad Education"

Broadcast on:
26 Feb 2011
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The Task Force are able to unveil a bevy of secrets... but at what cost?

[music] Hello and welcome to Night in the Night actual play podcast. This world of darkness storyline, shitlock, was written and run by a storyteller scab. [music] And now, please enjoy chapter 11, scene two, titled Bad Education. All right, we're gathered tonight for chapter 11, and the world of darkness story shitlock. With us tonight, from the right to left, par. I'm playing character Jay. I am Jim. I'm playing Sister Katie O'Connor. Saw playing true park, and Mike playing Michael play. You guys see him go into what looks to be a trance-like state. He starts looking outside of the room, and he's got his knife out, and he's holding it, and he's whispering a bit, and he just goes very far away. And then it's very scary, because from your perspective, it's because he is not really there, but you're watching his face, and his face is, it looks like sheer horror. Like he's just being, he's seeing something that he just can't look away from, and he wants to, and you're almost watching it happen through his eyes, and he is completely horrified, and he's trying to scream, but he can't scream. And all of a sudden, you see his eyes come back to the present, and he just collapses to the floor on all fours, panting and dry heaving. So you don't see anything, huh? Something. You okay? Do you need a drink? Sister Kate wants something you need a drink. Now, yeah, I'm going to go back just a little bit in time, and... We actually couldn't speak well. Oh, I couldn't hear that. No, okay, okay, sorry. You were far away in a vision, and you were mouthing things, but they could not hear, so you could now repeat whatever you saw. Well, where did this take place? Right in the living room. So, we didn't go into the room where it happened. I thought we had to go in there and get involved. No, she does not. He can name any place he wants to say. I wonder what happened there five years ago. And if he gets five successes, he can go back five years. Okay. Knowing how he feels about where Wolf's in general and what he might have just seen, I kind of step in between him and Billy, just in case he... Right. When he stands up, he goes a little crazy. Right. He looks completely ashen gray. He just turned absolutely gray. He's dry-wrenching on the ground. He's catching his breath and take over. Okay. He's gone dead. Yes. There's no two ways about it. I saw this wolf, this big wolf, the size of a small horse that was moving through the shadows of the neighborhood, coursing back and forth, moving very stealthily like a bee-like. Before the safe house is if he knew exactly where to go. He's sniffing the air. He seems to be tracking something as if he knows exactly where he's going, or he's smelling before. He comes upon the house and as he gets near, he transforms from a wolf into this enormous nine-foot-tall half-man, half-wolf figure with just, you know, nothing but claws and muscles and ferocity and just terrifying. And it charges into the house and when it hits the barrier, it grunts and slow down, but it does not stop and it crosses the barrier and it kicks the door in. It kicks the door in. So that the lock doesn't currently work. You're able to throw the door at the front door. It passes in and, you know, sniffing around and Katie's dog comes out and, like it was flicking a flea, it just rips the dog's throat out and throws into the other room. It basically explodes like a water balloon. It goes into the room where it finds, it sees John Beamer. And John's shock and surprise is reaching for his phone, but then the half-man, half-wolf speaks in some kind of guttering voice that I can't understand and all the power in the whole house goes out instantly. And then like a flash, where wolf is tearing apart John. It's ripping his arms off. It's ripping his guts out. It's disemboweling him and then it starts to eat him. Finally John's been caught apart and where wolf is vicious, this awful thing. Some of these staggers back and shrinks and falls back and it becomes Billy. And Billy is shocked and surprised and he kind of looks at what's happened and looks at the blood that's kicked all over him and he walks out of the room and walks out of the house and stops at the barrier but somehow still crosses over and the car pulls up. And it's our car and that's where we see Billy and that's all I think. That's all you know. So that's a little night, nighty night and off I go into basically shock. Well, have fun. You're going to do it, here's the therapy. You get a shot from the doctor and put the werewolf deeper under. When you look up to get a shot from the doctor, which you're very confident you could administer yourself obviously, the doctor's bag is gone and the doctor is no longer on the porch and a cell phone. As a matter of fact, the doctor has completely departed. All you look outside, all you see is the rain coming down and the doctor is completely gone. He came in a separate car, didn't he? Yes, he drove you. You got dropped off the hospital and waited for him. He drove at his nice luxury vehicle back to here and it is gone. And he did call a phone call not too long ago. Yeah, it takes the doctor what's up. Did your ass bag? No reply, yeah. Knowing that I'm limited in time, I put out a pair of gloves and I searched Billy for any kind of marks that I was looking for. Does Billy seem like he's waking up a little more frequently? Yeah, I mean, he's moaning when you go up to him like he has before, so it's not anything new. But when you start to search his body, he costs a few times, which he hadn't done before, and then he seems to come too and he is bound as you bound him. Baby, I'm just trying to talk rational to him. Hey, buddy, we're just checking to make sure you're okay. Searching, searching, searching. Yes, you basically, he doesn't respond. He's like looking at you and trying to figure out where he is. He's trying to take the room in. Because yeah, I'm starting to know like this. I'm just looking at his arms, looking at his legs, looking at, you know. And you're looking specifically for, again, any kind of marks, bee stings. Go ahead, stand. Find the marks. Go ahead and make a perception roll. So perception. And I'm going to spend the will because I'm going to hurry here. And I want to get it done quickly. I love it. Okay. And there are no minuses to your roll. Taking to a fact that the best you can do here. Yeah, I'm just looking at some of his neck. I can get to by pushing and closing aside. I'm not just roving him. He's tied. Right. Exactly. That's what I was going for. Go ahead. Wow. A lot of dice. Two successes, both tens. So I'm going to roll. Ten again. Ten again. And four. Three total successes. All right. Your job is made very difficult because as two intimated before, there are just hundreds of track marks. I have a heighten magically. Right. No, I get that. I'm just saying. Okay. There's hundreds of track marks on his arms and on his neck and near his ankles. Just anywhere. And if he could shoot up, he shot up. And nowhere are you able to find what you've been described to you because you've never seen them yourself. The bee-like bruising in stinging, you know, of the arm that supposedly eat them head on him. The only people that I know that saw that were after Dr. Lucius. Dr. Lucius and I believe Chew was with him at the time when Lucius was giving him. Just actually earlier this morning, the same morning, he went to the hospital with Dr. Lucius and looked him over a bit. That was the same day. And you saw Dr. Lucius change his chart to say that he was, you know, someone slipped him a Mickey or whatever because he wanted to give Ethan a plausible excuse because Ethan's like my wife's over. Oh, I'm done. I guess I would assist him knowing what the marks look like. Okay. If that's the case, then you can go ahead and make a perception check. This is an investigation because it's not a crime scene. But these guys that you succeed with, I'm going to subtract a diet from you because of the hurried nature of what you're trying to do. All right. I'm rolling six. Okay. Two successes. Somebody give you one success that I want to subtract a diet. He's going to use two extra dice. If two success is going to be two extra dice, I never got to subtract dice from you for the rushed nature of what you were doing. So he gives you one extra dice, so please throw one extra dice. So Jay, you don't want to wake him up and find out why he did this? I don't think we would troll him if we wake him up. No. No, just no success. Okay. So you come to the conclusion after a quick, I'm going to say no more than 20 second pat down that he does not have any of the marks that you described in very clear detail. I mean, Chu described in very good detail to Jay. You don't see it. And you hear him say through his teeth that are quite rotten and just very nasty here and say, I thought you were the good guys. Be brand. I don't know. Maybe he's got to be in this world. Well, you didn't see any bees leave him. And you're supposed to take me to good guys. I tell him, Billy, we are the good guys, but we want to know why our friend is dead and gone now. Where's John? Where's John? Where's John, Billy? John had to die. Why John had to die? Do you have a brother or a sister, Jay? I have a younger sister. All right, Jay. What would happen if I thought your sister's hair could be helpful? It could help me disguise myself. What if I decided she had to die and I was going to scalp her, use her hair? Would you forgive me for that? I'd have to stop you, Billy. I'd have to know why you have to disguise yourself and why is it worth my sister's hair? Exactly. John had werewolf claws. That came from a packmate that had to die. That he could take the paw of a wolf and graft it onto his body. I thought you were the good guy. And you're good? I don't know what I am. We just ate our friends. We just ate the coin, Billy. Coin? Who gave you the coin? Coin was given to me by my totem. What's a totem? I don't know. Mike, you're on, go. You've recovered enough. You're shaken. But you've recovered enough? Yes. Today's doing a cult for all those. Absolutely can do that. How many dice do you do? How many dice do you do? Five. You've had five dice to start with. You started with five and then they rolled three zeroes. Okay. What you need to give me a chance to alter the dice. Remember? The dice pull? No, I apologize. This is right. Go ahead. How many successes did you get? Three. Three zeroes were successes. Nothing else besides the three re-rolls, right? Okay. What you remember hearing is that the werewolves have a spirit totem. It's some type of platonic ideal that they worship. Is it like an ancestral? It gives them power back and very well. From your perspective on what you know, absolutely, it's more of an ancestral thing. If that's right or not in the big scheme of the world, you don't know. But from your perspective, sure. Those are ancestral archetypes of spirits that are, you know, platonic ideals. They're spirit guides, if you will. Earlier in this conversation, when you said that their magic is they get some from their spirit power, this is what we're talking about. Okay. We're talking about a totem spirit who represents the tribe that they can get items and knowledge from, knowledge being. He was able to use what I'm guessing is magic to knock out the electronics or the energy of the power. Some type of spiritual guidance or magic that he's able to somehow infuse. And it's possible that some type of material gift or a physical item can be also granted and not just knowledge and power. Right. You remember there are things called fetishes, which are items that have spirits placed inside of them. They have to give them their magical power, unlike relics which are just inherently magical in a sense. The ones that you know of as an ageist, I do remember. Right. But these have actual living spirits inside of them. At least that's what the werewolves believed. And I was asking Billy if he chose his path of being a werewolf or was a thrust upon. I have no sympathy for him. Did you choose your path? I chose my path, but some of us cannot. Some of us are forced into things. You believed him free with it. Like John's claws. You were called. It might not have been something he chose to put upon himself that you needed to kill him, and he was stuck with it. And he like to kill one of his security guards. That were trying to end the assault defense, yes. Sure. What were you doing there that night, John? Billy. Billy. Oh. John. Well, actually John is inside of him right now. Oh, he's inside. Um. I was trying to warn you. I thought you were the good guys. We are the good guys, Billy. We're going against vitamin B. You don't like vitamin B. Do you Billy? No. I don't like vitamin B. I know you're back for a question. No. It's not a choice. You're either born with it or you're not. That's it. I didn't have a choice. Right. I don't think some of us could not have a choice of what we have been given either. I've heard about a company that grasped these items on. They harvest werewolves. What? It seemed like he belonged to that company. My dreams and my fortune told me that he belonged to that type of company. But he might have been forced into working for them reluctantly and they're not able to do it. Kind of by any more than Jay could have I slayed his sister for her hair or my friend. I think we need to focus here on vitamin B and what's going on. It is a question about vitamin B. I guess. Who are you asking? Him or shape changer? Billy. It seems Billy. The evil werewolf thing that I have a profound fear and loathing for now. What was at your bike shop? What's so special about that place that vitamin B had to throw in your life and destroy everything you love? What's there Billy? Nadar. Is that Spanish Billy? That was not Nadar. It was Nadar. Nadar. Billy, sighs heavily and he takes a deep breath and says, "It's a locus." Do you know what a locus is? Yeah, I do. Well, this is what I think of it. It's how many times I'm right around. He's just smiling because he, but your viewpoint is that something that's meaningful and sacred to him. It's like you're telling an Indian what their ancestral land means to them. He's just smiling while you're doing it. Oh, he's gold to the rest of the people. Is it Nadar or Nadir? N-A-H-D-A-R. You're not going to recognize it. He's speaking in the language you didn't understand before. At first I thought Nadir, which happens in the right darkest part of a shadow. Sure, I know what you're talking about. Okay. Also a locus or, as I understand it, might be a crossroads or convergence of power or light lines or energy or an example would be stone edges supposedly built upon a convergence or a locus. Does the bum agree with me? He says close enough. You know Benjamin? Are you working with him? Benjamin is a mage. Yeah. Very powerful mage. Yes, he is. I wouldn't have worked with him and never worked with him. My pack never worked with him. We fought with him. But he's seen with a hand on B2. My enemies, enemies. Yeah, sure. He's fighting against vitamin B, which isn't really vitamin B. I mean, it's not what it is. What is vitamin B? What is vitamin B? Who is vitamin B? What is vitamin B? It's a gathering of sarta. And you're not going to know what sarta means. I looked at Mike, I don't know. It's bee hosts. It's a bunch of people who have been infected with bees. There's got to be something behind the bees. What's the power behind the bees? The bees are actually spirits from the hystel. From the hystel? The shadow of the sugar. Their spirits. Half flesh, half spirit. And they infect humans. And they drop power from the locus. That's why that place is important to them. And they build up its power. And they drink its essence. And it makes them more powerful, the essence. They can do magic with them. They can bargain with other spirits. And they grow more powerful. There's no way to stop them, is there? How do you shower the link between the bees and the locus? You change one way. You can kill a locus. It's just an emanation of energy. And you block the flow? The essence without incredible earth-shaking magic. But can you poison? You said there was a way. What's the way? Oh yeah, what's the way? Yeah. That's right. Every spirit has a ban. A ban is something the spirit can't do. Or is compelled to do. If you follow a certain ritual, some type. It's a weakness. The spirit who leads vitamin B has a ban. And as the spirits are more powerful, the ban is more esoteric. More difficult to find. But it's also more limiting to the spirit. And you know what it is. You need to find the ban. Yeah, I take it you don't know what the ban is. If I did, she'd be dead. Who's the she? We'd be. We'd be. We'd be. We'd be. So we just kill her? That's it. She can't kill her. She's spirit. You have to hit it. You have to hit it with a ban. The bees come out. She finds a new host. She's reborn again. Can't kill her. Well, what if we could capture that? Those bees. You can find her ban. Get her into a moment of weakness. And force the spirit from her body. Back into the, the whistle. The shadow. And with her, all the others will follow. What would this ban normally be? A relative some sort. That's something that absolutely can do. Some sort of ritual or some sort of items and words and maybe the time of day. It's a ritual. It's something you have to put together and say at a certain time and a certain place with a certain type of force or energy or compounds or something spices the items. It doesn't matter. It's something. She has a weakness. Like maybe I could. And that weakness will force it back into the shadow. Who would know what the weakness is besides her? Henry. Back at the beginning. Three words you got from the ritual. And something else. So anyone who is infected by these spirits would also know what the weakness is? The strongest of the spirits. Then the leader of them. The Queen Bee. He calls her Murat Matharis. Murat M-U-R-I-H-Mutharis. M-U-T-H-A-R-A-S. He keeps her secret. No one knows her van. You have to discover it. You have to unveil it. You have to breathe for it. You have to want it and know it. All you need is the be the blood and the translucent opinion. What? What is that? It's something I heard. Your research. My idol. I could be quiet for a moment. You want a translucent opinion? You could be quiet for a moment. What's he doing? He starts. Oh, he's going to be chanting. Oh, jeez. Oh, yeah. That's not good. And it's a lot of roles. It's deep in his throat and it's words like the words he's been saying, like Shartha and other things that you have no idea what he's saying. He's speaking in a completely foreign language. Oh. He's trying to invoke spirits and I immediately tried to counter anything, whatever knowledge I have or no. I will try to counter it. And if I have to. I'm standing up and standing alone. I can't. Trying to attack him. But how are you trying to counter? Either distract him because if he's trying to utter words of power or speak in a ritualistic fashion. Oh, he's absolutely speaking in a ritualistic fashion. He'll be quiet. He'll be quiet. He'll be quiet. He'll be quiet. He'll then let's not be quiet. Let's try to disrupt that. There's nothing that's changed where he's suddenly become hostile. He seems very cooperative. Right? We also did have to agree with that. But, I mean, yeah. He hasn't, like, said released me. Right. He hasn't turned into a werewolf. He hasn't asked us kindly to be quiet. I agree where I stand up and step back in my hand actually. Those are the back of my belt where my glock is. But, I'm watching, you know, to see if he suddenly starts acting hostile. He's not. I might even put out a hand to stop you from interfering. Okay. You have, I'm going to give you three seconds. And, Mike, if you're going to do something, then you're going to have to roll initiative. And that we will be able to tell whether or not Jay can stop you or whether you would act before Jay would act. I have three seconds. He's chanting. Before you start counting, I'm also reacting. One second. So, last time I saw him chanting anything, followed by a very gruesome murder. Right. So, I'm not disputing your viewpoint at all. You roll play, baby. I mean, you go with what you want. But his chant, is it similar to that chant? He would have, no. He'd memorize the chant. Well, I understand that. But I mean, there's also content. And there's the way he's acting. There, he was acting probably in a hostile, vicious way. Well, and there, he was a, he was a nine foot tall werewolf. Okay. Here, he's a five foot eight drug addict. You're gone. You guys roll play as you see fit. He is absolutely chanting in a tongue you have never heard before. Basically, one second before he starts speaking to make up your mind whether you're going to fight it or whether you're going to go with it. I'm going to fight him. Okay. Make it an initiative roll. I roll the sixteen. I don't think it's a good idea. I think we should all speak. Wait. I must be prudent about whether I stop him or not. Well, I would argue that it is prudent to stop a world from doing anything. It doesn't matter. You see him start to act. You certainly can take an effort or command him as leader of the group or however you want to approach it. I'll say this. I've drawn my neck. Okay. You see him, you see him, his eyes panic. Right. As I said, I've got my right hand. It is fair. Is it panic? Go ahead. You? Me? Yeah. Oh my God. You're drawing your nose. Who is winning around for? He's changing his verbal appeal. I've got my right hand behind on my Glock. I hold out my left hand to stop him just to block him between him and Billy. Right. And if he starts doing more, the other hand comes out and both hands are restraining. Sure. Keeping him away from Billy. Well, let's go with the first part. He puts his hand in his chest. Do you stop when your... How much? He says that. I'm your chest. He backs up, puts his hand in his chest. You see this other hand and this guy. Like Michael? Wait. Quickly because you only really have three seconds. He's been a long... The longest three seconds in the history of Men. Well, I know... It's my big moment. So... I don't drop the knife and I'm like, don't feel full. He's going to kill us all. That's about three seconds. Right. Between all that. I'm trying to keep eyes on Billy. Traditionally, I can't take him in a fight and I know it. Right. Yeah. Real quick. Sister Kate. Huh? Anything? You're just... Are you crossing? Are you doing the... She's... The first she got you, she was totally cool and then she realized he's not. But he thought he was... He thought she's talking. Yeah, I know. She pissed off of her already. But she knows that he thinks he was doing what was right even though she knows it wasn't. So she's just... She's torn right now. And the fact that he's actually chanting something and you know about the fact that magic works right now. Does that do anything for your character? What do you mean that magic works? You do bad addictions. You call this to the saints to give you. So you know that this is a world where magic actually exists. You've seen other people use chemicals or magic knights, which you didn't really see it. They say it really works. Right. And you've seen Chiu do some pretty powerful things with reading people's minds. But the point is he's chanting some kind of spell or ritual. It's very quick. It's happening. Are you doing anything? Same with YouTube. Same with YouTube. It's going to be the same question that comes to you. No, my hand will probably go to my gun just because everyone else seems tense. Okay. I'm kind of interested in how the story opens. Okay. And Sister Kay. She's probably drawing her gun and starting to chant a pen addiction alarm. Okay. You can draw your gun or start a pen addiction. It's sister's one pen. I didn't realize that. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Which one? She's backing up behind Jay in doing a pen addiction. Okay. Starting a pen addiction. Come on, black. Come on. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Ooh. So he stops and when he opens his eyes, his eyes, the pupils aren't there. It's like his eyes had rolled up into the back of his head. And they kind of come back down with this a little bit disconcerting. And now people do that. You can start your pen addiction if you want. And he says, you already have the answer. Where? You guys already have the band. Yeah, but what we do is it. If you use the band, I'm pretty sure we're going to have to get inside a vitamin B to the rock to make it happen. And the hard part is getting in and dividing and doing it. Even if we can't figure out what it is, we're supposed to do once we get there. We can't ask him about the first guys. We don't even know who the L.A.I. or what their name is. We were sending her blind. True. We know where she lives. We know where the CEO lives. I got some rock. I got rock. I got rock. I need some rock. You would like when he's angry. You wouldn't like it if I got angry. I need some rock. We need answers. We need your help. Given you're the best I can. We've got the answer to killer. We just don't know what it is. That's what we need your help. We can end all of this. We can get your revenge, Billy. We just need help. We need you clear. We need you taken. We don't need you to space it. I haven't been clear for three years. I'm not going to be clear in the next two hours. As I go through withdrawal, I get the less and the less clear. The clearest I am is when I'm high. Fine. Where's your stuff? We got some rock. Where's your stuff, Billy? He tells you it's inside his boot. Yeah. Yeah. It's what I do. Letting you smell it. I just know the answer sometimes. See, pull off his shoe, which is bad enough. And he's gag-worthy. And sure enough, there's like a wrapped up cloth. Like, almost like a bandana or something along those lines. And when you pull it out there, you see like a little baggy of heroin. And there's a teaspoon. And there's a lighter. There are some shoe laces that you notice he didn't have shoe laces on his shoes. He also has some aluminum foil, but he doesn't want to chase a dragon. He wants a straight shot for it in an hour. In six hours, this guy's going to be cramping chunks of your buddy, John. So he's just going to help his shoot up now. I don't like fieldworking more. Yeah, man. He's a morally compromised piece. Everything is dirty. There ain't no black or white. This isn't the world of whiteness. The world of black and white. I'll get him what he wants, but I'm reducing the dosage by a bit so he doesn't go all gaga on us. And just trying me off works, what he means. So you tie it up. I tie up his arm. Yeah, I know. I've got to get the vein. Hey. Sometimes drugs get it done, just saying. Just saying. Saying another side. So he's cooked up. He's got some black tar. So you cook it up. Go ahead and, you know, drop-draw it into the syringe. If you have a reference sheet there, I would hope so. This is not from personal knowledge. That's for sure. So you go ahead and you shoot him up. And you don't understand how bad this goes against him. His head goes bad. And you lose him for a couple days. I don't want to kill him. He didn't even swab him. I don't know, I'm just throwing him up. When you're getting ready to shoot him up, he said, don't worry about the things. I'm a war wolf. They don't collect. Oh, that's great. Yes. My character's father is a preacher who is definitely against drugs, which is bad enough for if I do. This would just kill him. The heroine shoots straight into his vein. And his body just goes limp. And you just lose him for a little bit. You're not sure. You know from your own knowledge of addiction that usually- I don't have an addiction. I can handle it. From seeing other people use drugs. Wait a minute, a main line heroine rush last two to three minutes for a regular user who's been doing it for a long time. And it gets shorter and shorter. The longer you abuse it, he's a war wolf. And I'll bet you all. Yeah. So he goes a little bit slack. You can see him taking it in and just rubbing it for a few seconds. But you don't know how long he's going to be in that state. But he's probably at his highest right now and he's just enjoying the rush. Do I get the sense that he's cognizant of his brain? Is he lost to the year four here right now? Give me a roll. I mean, wits plus medicine maybe? Or street wise? Let's step aside to the other room for a minute if you guys want to talk about stuff. You have an upstairs that's relatively unscathed, almost like a sub-basement. You have a kitchen that's relatively- you have to walk through the blood soap hallway between the living room and the kitchen. So those are your options. Kitchen. Or upstairs. There's a couple of bedrooms upstairs of this small two-story bungalow. We'll just step into the other room where we can keep an eye on them. The other room? Like one of the bedrooms where the dog was coming somewhere where we're just still- Okay. Each of those are kind of bloody and disgusting, but if you want to talk in there it's okay. I just want maybe in the kitchen. Somewhere where we can still keep an eye on it? I don't know. Where was that good hearing? I don't know. To bring out my phone and I start texting you. We're not talking. We're just texting. What are we doing with this guy? What are we going to do? Well, before you step into the kitchen and you've got an angle of where it's chairs at from the kitchen looking down the hallway. Michael, you wanted to check and see how long you thought he would be out? Yes. I have woods plus street wise. That's four ducks. At least I believe so. Okay. Go ahead. One success. Yeah. When his eyes roll by and he goes a bit slack, you think he's lost to the world and- So any conversation we have won't be- Well. A human. Yeah. We don't know that and we don't know what he can hear or smell or tell. So, you know, there's no reason we can't text. Yeah, we'll text. Even though we're standing next to you. It just sounds weird. Okay. Go ahead and talk out your text, please. I have a couple questions and concerns here. One, I'm still not clear on how he made a beeline for John unless he knew where the safe house was because John was in it. John had. He was still in the alleyway when it went down and saw John got him. The smell could lead him anywhere. Okay. The werewolf. John. Second thing. You want to take out this guy? He talked about a pack more than once. I don't think that's wise. John had werewolf parts in him. Okay. He tracked them by the parts that were in him. Okay. So that makes me think that, you know, before we thought Jay was the only person in the room about the safe house and the safe house was violated. Yeah. I think that Jay thinks that. Okay. So we are talking about how to stop the threat of the Sharatha that solely leaves us with a freaking werewolf. Well, there's a werewolf plan and there's Benjamin. There's three powerhouse. You were right. You said that a couple of weeks ago. There are three power centers here. One of them. I'm sorry. What'd you say? You were right before. You said one more time. You were right. You were right. When you said you thought there was three players. Mike, that's right. That's right. You should only have walked out, I guess, right as we can. No. No. We've got three. Sure. But Benjamin's been in that neighborhood for many years and never caused any problem. The werewolves are werewolves. Are they dangerous? Yeah, probably. But they're not going around killing massive people. I think the bees are the most dangerous. Is there any way we can use the werewolves as cannon fodder to attack the bees causing distraction long enough for us to get in and do the ritual? If they really will work with us, he thinks we had the answer and can do it. If they happen to help us, that's great. If they happen to get hurt, I don't know about based on what I've heard and have to go back to my research. It sounds like there was, if I remember correctly, the idol was associated with a ritual. With a religion and a ritual. That was one of the things your psychometry picked up on. Right. So. Right. So I think we have the item for the ban and I think if we can. We just need the ritual. Do we? We might be able to work with Benjamin to get the ritual. He might really be a good idea to do that. I don't know. I had to back back and go, "Hey, we got this while we were in your maze and you stole the commune." Is. First of all, I didn't steal it. When I was going through the berated. Was that the table of a tree of state? I'm not sure what the rules are for that. When I was interviewing Henry, one of his thoughts was ritual. Right. That's one of the very first weeks we played. So I think he had knowledge of the ritual and Benjamin took him out that we take. Right. He was trying to. Or not. But Billy said that the CEO, whatever her name is, Meredith Burke. The evil name. That only she knows. Mera. With Doris. What's Billy doing? He's back. I mean, he's looking like. He's breathing heavy. His people are dilated. He's back. But he's high. He's not quite as blue as he was before. The fan could be the bee idol or a bee. Blood of a sacrifice because there's been 100,000 things sacrificed on the rock that's in there. And the translucent pinion. The pinion can either be, I think, a wing of a bug or it could be a cog in a wheel. I don't know. But the setting of the sun is when the Iroquois chief performed a sacrifice on it. Is there a date or time on that? That's the first thing that happened. The fallen warriors should be sacrificed on the rock. So they performed the act at the setting of the sun. The only thing as far as the time frame of anything has been done in their rock before. So Billy, you'll walk back in. Thanks. If we have the band, we're going to need some help taking this bee queen out. When you pack up for that, we would be at the Hatter Pack. I mentioned the pack earlier. Oh, the pack was killed. Alright, are you up for it? What else you got, Billy? What else you got to live for? Revenge definitely seems to be your M.O. You make your mother, Billy. She likes to do it. I knew the M.O. was going to come up with Mama Hopson. She said, "With the addiction, I'm pretty worthless." You wanted on the final take down the person that took out your friends, your pack, your business, your business, your life. It sounds so much better when you say it like that. I'm exhausted, pressed. You don't want to be there to see you down. Alright, for shaking my vows to mother Luna. He just looks really beaten down. At this point, he looks like a... Exactly. What Michael was describing in his vision. I do have my coin. And I want my coin back. One last time. Maybe throw the hunter. If you change your skin, you could use it to walk through the barriers, the protections that the sheriff has set up. And the greed lights up and Michael's eyes. As the vice comes to the front. That's what I recall, I had the coin in my position. No, I don't know what you had it. You did. He was... Hey, buddy. How's it going? Can I see you? Yes, I'm the relic analyst, I think I'll tell you a few things. So, right now, he's denying his interest in joining you. He seems beaten, but he's willing to give you his coin to help in your mission. Or the mission. Coin will be returned. Yes, it will. You mess with a whirloff? I'm not. Friend. I find no where it was, so you can keep a coin. That ain't gonna happen. No, we have fighting worlds to keep a coin. Wait, we're gonna have to talk to you? Yeah, we're gonna have to talk to you. We're gonna have to talk to you. We're gonna have to talk to you in front of him. We're fighting a little safer. It's about the children. Thanks for listening to the Knights of the Night at Action Play podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures. Where you will find character stats, photos, star-telling props, and even a form for comments and suggestions. Or you could email us directly at Or contact us via Twitter, or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit and please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. [MUSIC]