Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 25: Shit Luck: Ep 26 "Clean up in Aisle 2"

Broadcast on:
08 Feb 2011
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Chu Park, on the run after escaping a deadly ambush, finally returns to the Task Force. He's much the worse for wear and brings dire warnings. Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Dr. Lucius is alerted to the situation and quickly steps in to manage the damage. Dangerously exposed and compromised the Task Force retreats to their safehouse hoping to sort out the recent turn of events.

[Music] Hello and welcome to the Knights of the Night actual play podcast. This world of darkness story line shed lock was written and run by our storyteller Scott. And now, please enjoy chapter 10 scene one titled, "In Up, I'll Tune." This is chapter 10 of the world of darkness story shit lock. I'm Scott's storyteller and with me tonight to my right is I'm Greg. I play Dr. Lucius Miles. I am Jim and I play Sister Katie O'Connor. My name is Bob. I play Chew Park. My name is Tom and I play the character Jay, also sometimes Frances Johnson. At 11 o'clock, the two of you with Mike walk up from the basement of the library and you find Chew waiting in entry to the library. He looks the worst for wear. You notice without too much problem that his ear is swollen, his left ear, and the side of his face is like red and irritated and you see him before he sees you. Does he look distrust or? He feels like he's in a panic or is he just casually waiting for us? What would you say Chew would be your personality being in that situation? Uh, concerned. Why didn't you know why they didn't have their phones on? Oh yeah, look at that. There's some messages from Chew and your government issued iPhones. Rather than check my message, check with Chew. Yeah, see what's up? What'd you guys want to happen? Did you check out everything you needed from the library? Nice and relaxing? I thought you guys would work to the hospital. How do you get to Kirk home to the hospital? Well, what had happened was Dr. Lucius got a page to perform some emergency surgery on John Beamer, John Bonadillo. John Beamer, is that your face on a deal? Tony, excuse me, Tony Bonadillo. He was in pretty bad shape. There's so many of us hurt. Yeah, so he was working on him. I went off to a waiting room to catch up on some sleep in a quick room. How's Tony? I haven't heard. No one answers the phone, so. We were in the bank and there's no signal. Hey, next time have someone where, you know, they have a signal and they can contact the rest of the party. One idea. I just got attacked. All right. I think that woman from the B-Corporation that I tried to get to appointment with, she was in the same room that I was in, no one else was in there. Yeah, the hospital waiting room. Well, I woke up and there's a bunch of bees in the room and they were trying to fly into my ear cavity and turn me into a bee zombie. She's pretty spry and she knows kung fu and some other black arts. I don't even know. I was able to get away from her. One of them flew in my ear and I sprayed bug spray in there. I take his stuff backwards. When he said, "I'm trying to find my ear." I tried not to, but I sprayed the shit out of it and I was able to get the dead bee carcass out of my ear with a Q-tip. And at which point I was, I locked myself in the examination room while I was doing this. And someone who, I think someone else from the B-Corporation was trying to get in to, I don't know, hold me down and force some bees into my head or something. Or a security card. It was, well, I think security guard eventually didn't show up, but I don't know who's with the bee corporation and who wasn't. So I had to get out of the hospital and he jumped out the window. Okay. And he looks like everything that he just described happened to him. I believe him. His face is swollen. I mean, his ear's swollen, his face is red and just looks like it. It looks like he sprayed, bee spray in his ear hole. So I don't think we're safe anywhere. I can get attacked anywhere. They know what we look like. Well, what I was wondering about is Tony, known as Tony at the hospital. No, I don't think it matters. I was in the waiting room. No one knew I was there and she showed up. They have a network of small flying little spy cameras all over the whole city. We're not safe anywhere. They know what cars we drive. They know where we work. You probably know that we're here right now. He seems very distressed. Yes. I'm not happy about the bee in the ear. No. He kind of dismissed that. I pulled it out then. But I mean, it was like his ear pin out. He had to fish it out. No, that doesn't make me happy at all. Well, immediately, my concern becomes where is all the members of the party. Michael's here. I'm here. You're here. She's here. Sister of the old sister, Sarah. Tony's at the hospital and Dr. Lucius is at the hospital. Yeah, I was safe. You know, no one's heard from me. No one is safe. Anyway, I thought I just explained this to you. I had a bee in my ear. There was some bee in my ear. Does that sound safe? We have no idea who was working for vitamin B and who isn't. I know I am. I am not working for them. Oh, sure. Well, on a positive note, the bug spray seems to work pretty well. So they do die. Yeah. Probably not good to do the spray in your ear. What? Did you keep the pockets? We had enough carcasses, didn't we? I don't know. I don't know if I would have time to do that with being interrupted during the procedure. There's something that's finding on the door so you just jump up and we don't want to go over here. Pretty much. Yeah, I think the real security guard showed up and tried reaching Dr. Lucius via phone. Elias, what's up? She just informed me that something went down at the hospital. I was checking you to make sure you're okay. I'm fine. I might be way down to two to see what the hell he was talking about. Some bees in his ears and saying, I don't know. We might have enemy agents there. Be careful. Wait, wait. Are you saying you're going that room? Going to two? No. No, don't go in there. That's where the woman went into after she ran away from me. There's probably bees still in there. Well, we have two people in the hospital now or three. I can't remember, actually. I can't remember which rooms they're in. If I don't go down there and there's a whole bunch of hell breaking loose, they're going to start asking questions. So I'm going down there to make them not ask questions anymore. When you get down to the second level, there seems to be a lot of activity down here. Yeah, there's a lot of shit going on. I got to go. You want to take care of this problem? Drive yourself up the bee corporation and deal with it that way. Are you ready to go back to the hospital with some reinforcements? No. I'm just a tired actor. I don't think we're equipped to solve this problem. Chew, I'm a doctor. Dr. Devon. So there's a lot of just some security up there and some police taking statements and a cleaning crew cleaning up. There's lots of like liquid stuff on the ground that they're lobbying up. I look for some security guy that I remember from a holiday party who I probably ignored. Sure. And what's going on? What happened? I don't know. Some crazy guy was spraying something. Sounds like it's insecticide or some kind of, I don't know, just some kind of household chemical or something. Anyways, he was kind of running down the hall screaming and spraying stuff all over and he locked himself in a room and jumped out a window or something like that. It's just crazy. You know, we get some of those here occasionally, but yeah, it's kind of a crazy morning. It's got to clean up the mess as usual. I just kind of work the hallway listening for hearsay, rumors, people talking to cops, telling things what goes on, just to kind of get a feel of what's going on. If you guys want to go back to the house where she's got some spells up that supposedly will keep us safe and I'll get the doctor. Well, I don't think it's going to work. It's going to work. You got a better idea, someone would save her? Oh wait, never mind. You found that information at the library. And the information that you're getting, Greg, is that there was a scuffle in the hallway between a husband and wife and the husband tried to spray her with some type of insecticide and then the woman disappeared and the guy locked himself inside one of the examination rooms and then seemingly climbed out a window after spraying bug spray all over the examination room. Nobody knows where the woman went to. No, she disappeared. The main focus was on the guy that was causing the ruckus. Okay. It comes out anyways. I go back to my pseudo buddy, the security guard, and I ask if, you know, hey, I was just thinking out loud. You know, something like this happened a few years ago, you know, videotape. It's very, very important to get that, you know, to grab the videotape. Is there any security tape of this? He's like, oh, yeah, I don't know. You know, I'm just in the cleaning crew. It'd have to be one of the security guards that would either have got it or grabbed it or I'm not even sure if there is any videotape in this hall. It's just a hallway, you know? Yeah, I know. Wait, is the janitor or security guard? It's a janitor. Well, I'll go grab a security guard. And I ask for her. All right. Are you, you just want to find out if there is a tape? Is that what your main goal is? Yeah, because once I figure if I find out there is a tape, there's four of us will figure out a way to get it later. Right. I think that information is probably viable via socialize. So I would, I would assume it would be something as simple as, well, you're a doctor. So I'd say presence can, can fit here presence plus socialize. And it's not like it's detailed information. So I'm not going to make it be a contested role. You just see if you can get them to answer any of them. What about add one for the status hospital staff? You're a doctor. Sure. Got a doctor. You know, true. You know that it was female. You know that she was a CEO of it? No, it's not like the woman that I tried to set up that business absolutely miserable. There's too much going on. Right. And he probably says to me along lines of, well, you know, it's an investigation and I can get in trouble if I, you know, I can't reveal all the methods that we're going to look into it with. Well, I get to be people for me. I, sorry, I do take a quick look into the examination room. Not, you know, very expensive. Right. People are walking in and out. It's not like there's a yellow tape across. It's like a crime scene. There's just people walking in now, some cleaners and some one of those security guards and a, it's like a police officer with something to take a report. That kind of thing. So when you look into the room, are you looking for anything specific? No. He didn't tell me that he pulled the bee out of his ear. Right. Wasn't that in your message? You did pull it. I don't remember. Did you tell me that? Yeah. So I'm looking for a bee, a bee body. Okay. Make a perception room. Like I said, take Michael back to the apartment with his research so he can look further and do it. You do it. I'll go to the house. He needs backup. He's in a lot. They're alone. We want to get him back in. What is a perception room? The doctor is with the bus composure. It's not, you should write it down in your sheet because it's going to come up a lot. I get back to the house. Of course, there's not much we can do about telling me. A specific ward against bees on the house. Okay. Well, we're good for at least 24 hours. I'm going to do the last one. Right. Sounds good. I wouldn't trust that at all. Yeah, I want to be a card. Well, yeah, whatever. A card shoot came in. Came in the bus. What? One success. He was on the, he was winged on foot. So we found a button. One success. I'm not driving my car anymore because they know what they have looked like. It looks as if. How do we know that? How do you know that? Um, like, cause they're bees. Underneath the counter where they have a whole, you know, a little indent, a little space of tile, like under a counter. You can see a long, it hasn't been grabbed yet by anyone. Um, there is a guy cleaning the floor and he will be that section eventually, but there's a long looking Q-tip and it looks like there's like a crushed insect corpse on, on the Q-tip. You guys drive me by, drop me out for the hospital. Keep going. The guy that's cleaning the floor. I say to, I ask him if he knows what the bug spray was made out. I'll stay at the hospital. You know what the bug spray was made out of? Because you're mixing chemicals here in this examination room and there's chemicals here. And until we figure out what those chemicals are, you can't be combining those chemicals with the stuff that's on the floor. So you guys get to get out of here until we figure this out. And I do have to try to sign a question. That sounds like a fast talk to me. It's not a pretty impressive one. It's not bridging us. We're not. Manipulation plus persuasion plus one because of your status within a house. Wait, wait. Say, I'm sorry. Let me remove it. To be fair, I woke three dice and I got nothing. So I'll just take three out of that. Manipulation plus persuasion plus one because of your status. Plus one because I have fast talk as a special. There you go. And I need some dice for females. Manipulation. Three. Two persuasion. Three? What do you want that? One. One. I already rolled three in law, so I'll just take away. Well, it's a contested role against his ability to protect your BS. I already rolled three and none of them were successes, but it's seven tools. Two successes. He's doing deep stuff. He looks confused and and says, okay, I didn't think about that. Well, I guess I should check with the supervisor and see if they know what was sprayed in here beforehand. We're cleaning other spots and it doesn't seem to be a problem, but it could take minutes. It could take hours. You'll never know. All right. The anesthesia, I'll just come in here and use Zenon gas. He's like, well, okay, I don't make enough money to make these decisions. I'm gonna go find my supervisor. Look at his card, Frank, Joe, whatever his name is. Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on it. Nobody will touch it when you come back and be as clean as you've got it so far. Go check. I'll do it back. And that's when the police officer walks up. Hello, doctor. How are you today? Very good. What's going on? Oh, I think I just saw you taking a bit of interest in the cleaning of the the ground. Is there any particular reason? I want to make sure that every examination room in this hospital stays a place that we can serve patients. He's in here cleaning with cleaning supplies. We don't know what the bug spray, we don't even know if it was bug spray. And from what I heard, I think the terrorist was oriental. We don't know what that spray was. Sorry. Well, no one's falling over. Been inhaling it now for half hour. Mustard guests took about 20 minutes to affect the room. But I learned that in that school. So that's why I made the decision here. Go ahead and make your roll. What am I looking for? You're trying to fast up. Again? Again. Do better this time. Yeah, he's a little better picking up the seat, but uh, wrist. I can't risk it. Why not? I only have one little power left. Well, that's a perfect time to risk. If you lose it, you don't lose anything more than the one you lost. All right. You had three days, so now you need is one success to keep it. Seven plus three days for the algorithm. Wait, what do you mean if I risk? If you risk it and you get one success, you don't spend it. Oh, so when I did that before, I got it back. If you risk it. I gave you the rules as if it was risking willpower, because I thought that's what you were doing. You got to pick like three successes, words, sexual success and all that. So yeah, I assumed you were risking because you only had two left at that time then. No, when you gave it back to me. You got three. Right. I had three. You spent one saving? Yes. So you had two left and I assumed you were risking because you're close to the end and you just risk my point. I don't know the difference between risking and the other way. Spinning a willpower is spending a willpower. And so you got zero. Risking is you say, I either want three extra dice. I want an exceptional success to be three or higher, or I want nine again on my rolls. If you get no successes, you lose all your willpower. Oh, you succeed. Yeah. Yeah. You don't lose any willpower. That's exactly what I was doing before. Of course. Because you got so many dice to get such a big dice pull, you would think you would risk it because you know, you're not going to roll no successes. All right. So I'm risking it. Right. You're at two willpower and you're risking it. And I'll risk it. You're not his boss. Which gives you three more. Yeah. One. Two successes. He looks at you dubiously. So it's just the welfare of the hospital that you're interested in. Is that it? That's right. You tied. Roll again. But does that mean I? You can't ring out again. You can only spend one one per scene. Got it. Okay. Got it. Got it. Got it. I remember that. Okay. Two. It was a tie. So now you get to roll again. And they still don't get my doctor. Don't get your doctor. What? Oh, you know what? I have striking. Look, looks, which gives me plus one presence and plus one manipulation. But I don't think that would work with a guy. I'm pretty sure it was meant for, you know, the opposite sex. I worry if you were interested in men. Or if he was interested in men. Or if he was, right? At least officer one. One in ten, they said. Give me a roll again. Three successes. All right. Well, I guess it really doesn't matter. There's not much going on here anyways. It's pretty much a non factor. It's not mustard gas and it's not any other type of bed kind of. But if you want to protect the floors, have at it. Well, he's checking with this, I mean, he's checking with supervision. They'll be right back down. Thank you. Sure. Have a pleasant day. And he goes away. I go to the drawer that holds the little plastic baggies that there's always little plastic baggies here in the hospital. And I grab the, I go to the door that has the rubber gloves because there's always a drawer with rubber gloves. Sure. And I go over there and put the q-tip thing with the bug and the Maggie and... Sealed up. All right. You're probably going to try to do that in a... Drinking money from Kyra. Drinking money from Kyra. You're probably... That sample is true. Trying to do that with some sense of... I don't see if they can use that. It's softer fusion in hiddenness. Right. I am. I thought so. With my one dot and stealther. Yeah, I thought that might be okay. Stealth bag. Or my... Street line. Where is your car? Dexterity plus larceny. I actually have a dot in larceny. Not surprised. And I'm happy for you, actually. I should be happy. Okay. That was failure. Well, that doesn't really matter because at the time of... There was a failure of them to even notice what you were doing. So I'm going to assume that probably should re-roll, but for the sake of the storyline, I think it's safe to say you zip that away in a safe place. Right. It's even more important. You might have... You banged into something but no one was out of here. We have Sister Sarah's car. What's your name really? Uh, Katie. Sister. Sister Katie's car. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Sorry. She's driving by the hospital, dropping me off and then taking the rest of the crew back to our hopefully safe house. All right. As you drive tenements of West 25th Street towards Lutheran Hospital, you see off to the west there's a storm rolling in, some dark clouds. It was a pretty nice spring morning when you had gone to the library originally, but now it looks dark and foreboding in the west, such as the weather in Cleveland. Yes, it is. And on the radio you hear a report of a gas line explosion occurring last night at the Market Avenue Wine Bar in Ohio City. Yeah. That's where we live. It rocked the support of the building and there were a couple of injuries, but no deaths to report. Right now the fire marshals looking into it and there'll be a report later on in the day. Let's be able to gather more information. So you hear that on the radio and remember the fun. With fun this would occur just less than 12 hours ago. I don't need to hear it. Right. It lived. Exactly. So Lucius, did you want to go back to the safe house or do you stay at the hospital? Because I think you're talking to him and you can tell him we're coming at you or I'm going to stay here with you. As I ran out of the hospital, I tried to telephone him again. I got a hold of him on my apartment. I'm there to back him up and keep him safe and everyone else is meeting at the safe house. Can we go real quick when she was first? Didn't he go to my office first or no? You said, why don't you wait in my office? And he said, I'd rather crash somewhere else. He did not. All right. But I knew that. I think he said no. I'd rather not. I'm going to go crash. I think I'm going to find some place to crash. And you've not been to your office. Right. You know, since that time. Okay. Well, I'm just going to go downstairs. Yeah. Well, I'll be right down. All right. You want to leave the hospital? I'm leaving the hospital. So do you want to wait for it? I am definitely waiting for them. They're getting out of here because two might be wanted in this hospital at this time. Oh, I'm definitely in the hospital. I've got the same gun tucked in the back. But I'm not going into the hospital. Right. You just have metal detectors. I've got two cans of the four or five on them. Waiting outside, four on the outside. And you have your car there. I believe you drove with Chew this morning, Dr. Lucius. Okay. So that you can follow them eventually. If you're not having them wait around, they'll have that. They're going in and we'll just meet them there. Right. Okay. Who's going? Katie, Chew, and Mike. Chew does not want to go back into the hospital since they're probably. Chew doesn't want to wait here. You're like put on a mask. Do you want to go buy a bee outfit and wear you a smoker? Do you have earplugs? Yeah, that's a good idea. Sure. There's something I grabbed some of those. Just a thought. Okay. So while you two are a few minutes behind, you're waiting for us just to come down and get a whole bunch of masks. Katie, you're in the Dodge Charger. That's why he knows him. Mike's in the front seat. Chew, you're in the back seat. You go ahead and you start heading west towards the safe house. And it's about maybe a five-minute drive, eight-minute drive from the hospital. So you do head up 32nd, which take you past the vitamin B corporations headquarters. No, but the storm clouds do come over. It starts to rain, a light rain that is immediately proceeding a heavier day lose. You can tell it's one of those spring rains. It gets dark. The streets are rain-slicked. You pull up to Vine Street and you turn the corner and your safe house is the first house on the left when you turn on the vine from 32nd. I'm assuming you drive kind of fast. Oh yeah. She sure says you want to show her. You're from a racing fan. You feel much more relaxed now. Yeah. As you turn the, as you come around the corner, someone darts out from a hedge that's on the corner where there's a stop sign, there's some hedges around it. And someone darts out from maybe even the front yard would have been, you know, you're thinking really quickly you're deducting it with the front yard of the safe house and comes out right in front of your car. Your car. So go ahead and make a driving role, please. Thanks for listening to the nights of the night at actual play podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, perhaps, and even a forum for comments and suggestions or you could email us directly at or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit Zen Audio and please join us next episode for more Vistory and Adventurer. 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