Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 23: Shit Luck: Ep 24 "No Means No Woman!"

Broadcast on:
27 Jan 2011
Audio Format:

The Task Force members separate to run down leads on the Vitamin Bee company. Two hunters, off on their own, suddenly find themselves in a struggle of survival: One fights for his own life, while the other fights to save a friend’s life, again.

[Music] Hello, and welcome to Knights of the Night, actual play podcast. This world of darkness, storyline, shit hot, was written and run by our star teller Scott. [Music] And now, please enjoy chapter 9, scene 2, titled "My Jerome B. Zwax." [Music] Alright, this is the world of darkness, story, shit plot, chapter 9, and with us tonight is... Jim playing Katie O'Connor, non-extortinary. Tom playing Jay, Mike playing Michael Clay, without playing a special Asian shoe park. I'm Greg, I played Dr. Lucius Miles. Right, so I ended up acting shortly thereafter, and as you were walking down to your office, there was a page for you, Dr. Lucius. Okay, and the page was Tony Bonavillo's crashing. He'd been stabilized, but he was crashing. I believe, too, if not mistaken, at that point you just said, "Hey, I'll hang out here and wait till you're done." Lucius, when you hear the call over the loudspeaker, what do you do? I apologize, I don't recall, I was Tony, I'm trying to think of all these patients now that I've got stocked all over the hospital now. I've got them in three different rooms all over the place. Was Tony one of the guys that we put in a real room, or was he one of the guys that we put in the fake room? So, I go to the nearest house phone and pick it up and ask whoever's, you know. Right, the receptionist tells you that it's a the emergency surgery on Lore 4, which is the burn, is part of the burn unit. Got it. He's been taken to an emergency room on level 4, and they would like you up there immediately. The burn doctor is in yet this morning, and he's basically code writing it. I'm going to keep saying red, because I don't know what the right code here is. So, what's in the house, I should remember what the day is. I know. So, we cue the Dr. Welby music, I do make white code run through the hallways, and up to the nearest elevator, and... Right, okay. And you're on the second level, so you are going up two levels to take care of Tony, who's crashing. And you eventually find your way to the emergency room, and there is a flurry of activity, there's nurses basically that just finished innovating him, or re-integrating him. There is anesthesiologist there as well, no doctor yet, no surgeon or emergency personnel in charge, which would be you, which is why they paged you. And Tony, you could see, you know, he's flat-lined, he looks in very precarious health. He's obviously burnt over most of his body, but his vitals are just, well, they're not existed at this point. The machine's screaming, and it's time for you to decide what you're going to do. Go ahead and make a medicine, and since it's a quick diagnosis that's not, you know, you don't have, you're not using the instruments just yet to help you. However, I guess my specialty is emergency care. Right, so certainly use your specialty, and you can use medicine plus intelligence, because it's not a wit situation. You have the full medical staff there to help you, plus two because of the machinery as well. So tell me how many dice you have. Four, five, six, seven, eight. Go ahead and make that roll minus two dice. Okay, I have one eighth, one success. You can tell that there's probably some sort of toxic reaction happening in his body right now. His skin is peeled off in some areas so severely that he is dealing with infections that are, you know, very damaging right now to his health, which has attacked his system. But because of his highly burned condition, it's very difficult, obviously, to administer many normal procedures you would use. So in this particular instance, because he is so in danger of losing his life, the best option right now, you're going to have to cut him open. You're going to have to go inside and try to peel, cut out the infected tissues that are causing this massive damage to his system. And that's probably the best way, even though it's very damaging to Tony, it's probably the only way to save it at this point, since he's flat-lined. All right, do I have like an intern or anyone else, anyone other than a nurse, like an actual medical doctor that's? Clearly you have no interns there. You have anesthesiologist and nursing. You have a head nurse and a couple, I mean like an emergency nurse and you got a couple of... Have I ever worked with these people before that I see working on Tony? Is there anyone there that I look at and go, I've never seen this person before in my life? All of them. They're from the burn unit specifically and you don't normally work in the burn unit. All right. Okay. Except for theseesthesiologists, but he's new. The anesthesiologist. Yes, the anesthesiologist. Okay. Thank you. So the anesthesiologist, I, he's brand new? Yes. Is he administering drugs to him? I mean, is there a mask on Tony's face and all of that? Yes. All right. Well, we're going to cut that off right now. I don't know him. That gets cut off and the nurse, I want the nurse to start doing chest compressions or whatever. So she starts to administer the shock treatment to try to bring his vitals back on. You're determining that obviously there's some deep infection here that needs to be... See how my V's going in and everything like that? Yes, he does. All right, I want all new fresh IVs. I want, uh, ringers, lactate, all that, you know, anything you're in house. Right. I want all that started. Got it. Get the paddles in here too. Right. Well, the paddles are going. She's getting the paddle. She's, she's charging him up. Shoot. You are slipping and you immediately fall into a very deep, heavy sleep. It's been exhausting. Where's it been? About a day and a half. Since this all started, it hasn't been that much time that's passed. Yeah. Yeah. What time is it? It's probably 9.30 in the morning. Relatively early. I believe it's May 3rd. This story started the evening of May 1st when Henry walked in the bar. That night Henry ended up disappearing into a blaze of bees down to a swarm of bees. You took his body down to Whiskey Island, put it in the Chiron warehouse, so to speak, medical facility. No, Winston didn't like that very much. Next day you did a lot of research. You went to Benjamin, the beekeeper's home, part of that day. And that evening, when you were sleeping, you were accosted. There was a visit to the Cleveland Psychiatric Institute's website. And you went and visited William Hopson's mother if you recall that. So I think that might have been the next day. And then the following night, that's when we got it. That's when you got attacked. So it's actually the morning of May 4th. So it's been an exhausting two and a half days. So you fall into a deep sleep and you dream about your mom who you normally don't dream much, but that's who comes up to this particular dream. And the dream she's actually quite warm and helpful. You're younger and you're struggling with some homework and she's helping you figure out a problem. And when you look down at the problem, it looks like it's geometry or something. But when you look down at your dream, you can see as part of the geometry that's moving around, you can see symbols of bees and wings and things that have to do with what you're going through right now. And then in your dream, your father comes in and he's the father that you pretty much remember, which is an ass. You know, he says, "Enough of that studying. You know, I need the boy. We need to make some money." And he grabbed your hand. He pulls you out of the house. You start crying for your mom. She's like reaching out to you and you can't quite get her. Your dad's taking you down these dark halls to some other seance that he's a charlatan who just makes up these, you know, has you as someone who is very knowledgeable in the ways of fortune telling. And he's using your ability to make money for the family and pawn off your skills because he's a failure at pretty much everything that he tries to himself. And you hate them, both for being a failure and for using you and letting you be a normal kid, which is what you really want to be. And then the dream cuts to later that evening when you're in bed and your mom's talking to you and she's talking to you and she's talking to you and she's stroking your cheek before you fall asleep and she's just whispered to you and singing a song in Korean, you know, just a song she always sings to you just to kind of make things better. And she's calmly brushing your cheek and brushing your cheek. And then you wake up and someone's brushing your cheek and someone's sitting next to you. And you hear a woman's voice say, "Come on, it's time to get out. It's time to join." Okay. Have I ever seen this one? No. You have not. What you have now? And as she says this, you realize that the tickling when she was brushing your cheek to wake you up has continued and her hands are not touching you. But your face still feels as if it's being tickled. My tiny little legs. Perhaps. So what do you do? Well, I'm going to quickly glance around and see if there's anybody else in the room. Nope, just YouTube. You feel the tickling quiet towards your ear and into your ear. All right. I'm going to just try to swap whatever's on my face off and just, you know, try to shake it off my body and. Go ahead. Try to just give your hands a look on my face. Try to get the bees off my head if that's what's going on. Go ahead and make a, let's go with the dexterity plus athletics roll. What does that give you? That would give me five dice. Okay, let's go and subtract one dice because there's a couple of them on you. So it's a little bit harder to get them all as you flail about and try to brush them off your face and head area. Okay. You know, there's more to take the place of flip off one. There's another one. You know, so we'll just use a dice to subtract the men. Are you going to risk any willpower or use any willpower? No, I'm not. You know what, that's probably the first thing I do. Just have it. Yeah, woken up. But no, I'm not, I'm not going to use any willpower. And I got two successes. As you flail your hands about your head trying to swipe off the feeling of bees, what do you do? Are you still lying there looking at her? Are you, I'm probably going to stand up. Stand up, right? Okay. So she's looking at you, you know, kind of curiously, not understanding your actions and says, well, what are you doing? I thought you wanted to, to join us. Join who? What are you talking about? Join. I thought you wanted to join the way you would be. I thought this is what you wanted. Um, do I still have that sensation of? No, what you have now is just a very slight buzzing as they are moving around. There's a couple of bees that are moving around you that you're actually picking up in your vision and, you know, your perfect vision as you're watching her. So it's just a low, you know, just a low buzzing. Nothing too agitated, but that's, yeah, they're definitely still around. Do I still have the bug spray on me? It's a question. I know, um, was it you or Mike that they went up and bought all that? I think it was Mike that they went up and went up and went up and went up. Yeah, I, I can't imagine a good reason why you wouldn't still have it on you. And I'm assuming that because you walked in with you, you probably didn't get frisked. So you can, if you wish to have it, you can have it. Yeah, I would definitely just, you know, the events that have been happening. Yeah, I would, I'd probably even use it as a pillow. Right, um, so I'm just gonna, I'm gonna, um, take it out and just start just spraying all the room. I'm like, yeah, she seems to be prepared for you to do something as if she was anticipating an action from you of some sort. So we're gonna roll initiative. Okay. To see how that plays out. What did you roll for initiative? Oh, was it 13? Um, she moves quicker than you do, unfortunately. You reach towards the, the can of spray. What's your defense? Two. Okay. She smacks your hand to the side, stopping you or wasting an action as you try to reach for the can. And she says, don't make this harder than it has to be. Well, this isn't gonna be, I don't want to join you friggin psychopaths. Just try to blow up me and my friends. You misunderstand. We didn't try to blow you up. We tried to converge at first before we tried to blow. I'm giving you another opportunity. That is the warmth of the hive. That is the, the, the beneficence of the hive is we will always give you another chance to join us. Please join us. You'll see things you can't even seem to imagine. I'm gonna slowly back away from her. Well, behind you is the couch. You stood up and she was sitting on the coffee table right by the couch. Okay. Sitting on it and she was stroking your cheek as you were sleeping. And so when you stood up and she stood up, you're both like in that small, little very narrow, tight space between the couch. So backing up, wouldn't quite work in the sense that you'd sit back down basically. You can ride to move to the left and the right. But again, she looks as if she's on guard for something. Would I also have my firearm on me? You do have yours. You know, she seems as if she's just standing there talking to you, but she's, you could also tell that her body is taught. It's, it's ready to spring seemingly. She possesses ability to, to look somewhat calm, but also you, you're just from your, your profiling experience. You know, she's wound pretty tight right now, even though she's putting on a very calm demeanor. Are you trying to reach for the weapon? I'm going to slowly start putting some distance between me and her, um, at the side step or whatever. Uh, then I'll do that, but nothing to alert, you know, just kind of slowly backing up, kind of like acting, you know, as, you know, kind of mortified the whole experience. Right. Just trying to put some distance and just saying, um, uh, you know, can we talk about this a little bit? I mean, of a choice. She, as you take a step back, she takes a step towards you. Okay. You know, she kind of follows and wants to stay seemingly within a very uncomfortable, um, closeness to you where, you know, the front of her chest is like maybe an inch from the front of your chest. Your, your faces are maybe eight inches apart, you know, six inches apart. It's, it's just, it's a very close in my personal space type of thing that, uh, you normally wouldn't experience, you know, talking to someone every day of life. So either she doesn't want you to get a too far away or she just doesn't respect the personal space. But while you're doing that, a B lands on your ear again, like on the top of your ear, he starts crawling towards, um, your ear canal. Okay. Same deal as before. Try to squat it away. Sure. Go ahead. Same minus one. Actually, in this case, you know, cause it's only one B. So whatever your normal role is. She says, just let it in. It'll be so easy. Just open up. Oh, no, no successes. No success. Nope. All right. You try to swatter the way the beer, the B stays there. Um, the following around it crawls into your ear canal. And she says, that's it. Slide it in. It's that simple. No, I'm not going out like this. I'm not going to your whole corporations going down. I don't know what you people are or what you're up to, but right has ended. I'm going to try to take out the canvas spray again. Go ahead and she's going to try to stop you. What would be involved if I just ran out of the room? She would have to chase you. It would be to try to tackle me. She could. It would depend on who had better foot speed. Okay. Can I start running a hand take out the can of books, right? Yes. A movement is separate from an actual action unless you're trying to double move or all out run, which takes all your action for the turn just to run. Okay. But you'll lose your defense too when that happens. So we'll assume that you're running at a normal, I mean, like your normal fast pace, but not like all out running. Okay. It's a stamina plus athletics role versus her stamina. Plus athletics. Where does your speed, by the way? That'd be nice. Okay. And that is exactly the same as hers. Okay. So you need 90 successes to get away. Okay. So I had to roll first and you want to start off with a bang. Before you do that, you know what you were reaching for the can, correct? Yeah. What? No, actually I'm going to put some distance between me and her first and then reach where the can so she can't slap my hand when it ends. Okay. My life thinking. Her action that she was kind of, she's kind of, she goes before you. So she's just waiting for you to do something. And when she sees you try to escape, she's going to try something very simple, which is just to trick you. You know, you're turning to flee, you take a step and her leg kicks out and she tries to basically take you down. And your defense is to correct. Yes, it is. She kicks the coffee table over, scattering magazines and breaking a piece of glass as the table turns over. One of the pains come out in smash and you're able to definitely jump above her swinging a kick and go ahead and make your roll for your speed. So this is a stamina plus athletics roll. Stamina is two, my athletics is three. Anything being spent here? She's not going to be able to slap the can away from me again, right? Seemingly not. Seems like she tried to trip you as opposed to, well, I'm the spendable PowerPoint because I'm not going to be a B zombie here. So, add three more dice here. Yes. And then because this weight room has a door, so you have to open the door, which is definitely a detriment to running away from somebody. And then as soon as you open the door and start running down, the hospital tiled floor, you know, there's a couple people that are like walking out of rooms or walking out that you're having to like shove past. So we're going to subtract one dice from your total on this initial roll. That just looks like a success because it's a light green color. That's a nice one success. One success? That's it. Oh, he diced it yet. Seven. You go to open the door and she grabs your shirt, you spin out of her clutch, you grab the spray. What are you doing with the spray? Spray it right in my ear. All right. It's around the eyes, as much as I can. But first, definitely in the ear. You're going right in the ear hole. Yeah. All right. Yeah. That's right. I think that you're probably impacted by the, you know, by the just a freezing cold nature of that aerosol hand going off right in your ear hole. And I will deal with it. You bang into someone and she basically tackles you from behind and takes you down. Wait, who does the samurai check? Yes. Okay. So you both are sprawled out face first, both of you. Like you're face first on the tiles right now. Your ear is stinging and just burns like hell. You're here this crazy buzzing in your ear and you feel somebody on top of you on your back. She's a little bit stronger than you would gave her credit for not incredibly strong, just wiry strong. And she, she took you down when she caught you. Wow. Dang. No means no woman. What do you do next? She's on top of me? Yes. Oh, she's like on your back. Now, she does not have you in a grapple, so to speak, like in gaming terms. She does have hold of you, though. And you know, she could try some. If you don't do anything, she's gonna, you know, definitely do some come from magic on you. You know, magic. All right. Well, I don't have any mates, but I do have bug spray. And I'm gonna try to spray it right behind me right here, freaking eyes. Okay, her face. She took her turn by tackling you and taking you down. So go ahead and try to spray in her face. What would that involve? Pick up with dexterity plus weaponry, not having close combat. She gets her defense subtracting from your dice, just so you know, just like your defensive tracking from her dice. So there's no way I could possibly attack her. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Just whatever her defense is, it's as many dice as you remove from your pool and that can tell you to you're ready to go. And the dexterity is what? Two and I don't have any athletic. I mean, any, uh, weather. No. So it's not a chance to die. At first. Okay. It's two dice minus one dice because you don't, your unskilled picture to one. And then your defense happens to be two. So it takes you to a chance time. Good luck. So it does take me to a chance. So I, what, I need a 10. Don't roll a one. Is there people in the hallway? Oh yeah. They're like shocked and all right. First I'm going to say call security. She escaped from the psych ward or something. And um, I was just, you're the one who's just stood there in the hallway spring, the bunk spring in your ear. So, call security. She's a crazy one. Good luck here. Oh, almost a one. I gotta roll it too. So you're getting more spray in the air, which is what I want to do. Yeah. Keep the bugs away. So you're spraying and she, she knocked your hand to the side and you, you know, spray across the hall and that's what you do for in action. You can still try to stand up if you want because you get, you get to move. I will stand up. All right. She stands up and leads back into the waiting room and closes the door behind. She does. Yeah. Do I see any bees? Make a perception room. None? No. Wow. Well, it's understandable in your panic. You're looking around, you see bugs everywhere, but there's a lot of like falling spray from the bug spray still in the air. It's just stand up and you don't, nothing, you don't pick anything up on your, on your vision, your quick look around. Okay. What do you do? I'm going to take out my phone and the, the, the, the bee that flew in my ear, does it still feel like it's moving around at all or, you know, doesn't feel like it's moving around. Does it feel like it? Okay. Put your ear hurts like hell. Okay. You definitely spray yourself in your ear. Go ahead and make a wits. Hey man, you would have done it too. Go ahead and make a wits loss. How about survival? Survival. Yeah. Or you know what, I'll give you a, your choice. Survival or animal can. Yeah. Okay. Both. That good? Yeah. Why at least you get your wits. Come on. What's about me? These guys are not in here any good. You could use your money. They're really good. Oh, use whatever you need. I just need to pull it. Sure. 735. Yeah, you're not sure. You're still your, you're, you're, hurts like hell right now. Okay. And it's ringing and it's stinging and it just, it feels horrible. And you pull out your phone and what happens? Start talking to who's ever listening. We have to push the talker. Yeah, push the talk. I just say, yeah, was this the second floor? The second floor. I'm on a second floor Lutheran Hospital. How much time do I have to talk for this round? It's a three second round. So anyway, second floor Lutheran Hospital got assaulted by the corporation. Okay. So you get that out. You don't know who's listening, who's on the other round for the push and talk. You know, one of the nurses says, you can't be spraying that in here. You know, like she started shouting at me. You know, I'm calling security. You know, it's what you hear her say. The doors closed and Tammy's disappeared. Or who you believe to be Tammy. His disappeared voice. I'm just familiar to the girl you were talking to on the phone. And again, your ear hurts like hell. What are you doing? I'm gonna, I'm gonna go towards the waiting room that I came out of if she went in there and just to see what she's doing. All right. As you're doing, as you're walking towards the door, the nurse is really screaming loud. I'm serious. I'm calling security right now. Did I? I've been saying to call to Gary. And she disappears back in the room that she came from. And you can see people looking down the hall. There's nurses looking and people are like walking and looking down the hall at you. You go up to the emergency room door. You open it. No, no, no. Okay. Let's see if she's in there. Well, she closed it. You hear that? When she went in the room, she closed the door. I'm picturing. You can never mind. You were thinking of the last window. Exactly. No, this door does not have glass windows. I'm gonna wash the door and see if any of these are gonna try to sneak out there or whatever. Right. And as you start to come, go ahead and start, you know, on my phone yet, I'm under attack, second floor emergency waiting room. Right. John Beemer's voice cracks back in. Sorry, man. There's nothing I could do. I'm at the I'm at the safe house. Anyone else there? Anyone? Could anyone help him? So you hear Beemer calling out for help. But no one's answering. Okay. Let's talk. Hmm. My beeper goes. I'm just gonna. Yeah, your phone goes. Stop. Okay. You're trying to save Tony's life. So I'm assuming that you're not cutting in. No. Right. Okay. So what are you doing right after that? You're looking around. You don't see any bees anywhere. So what are you doing next? How bad does my air field like? You actually took one damage. Yeah, well, I was gonna talk eventually. You were just so stoked out by what's gonna to bother with combat. But yeah, you definitely took one, one batching damage for your ear. So it feels like it hurts a lot. At this point. So it's distracting to the point where it's distracting almost on fire. I don't know why she's going back in the room. That's weird. Unless you want to get away from the spray. Is there anyone else in the hallway looking at me? Oh, everyone's looking at you really? There's a lot of people that you're yelling at the nurse, you're yelling back and forth with disappeared into a room and close it or behind her. Said she was calling security. And then just further down the hall where eventually there's a nurse, nurse's station that opens up, you know, like a little bit of an opening. There's three or four people peering down the hall at you. A nurse, maybe a doctor or an order, leave some guy, you know, and then somebody else looks like he's wearing like a, you know, suit. Yeah, a couple different people looking at you down the hallway, go, what's going on? You know, they're starting to like other examination rooms in the area. Oh, yeah. Okay. I'm going to go into one and find some kind of solution they rinse your ears out with maybe just iron or something. Or pour alcohol in there or something just because it's not fucked up enough. Well, I'm trying to think maybe that, you know, the the eye solution, pour that in my air, you know, some kind of solution to clean it out into, you know, into one of the rooms in close door behind you. And there is a lock on the door. I'm going to lock it. You can. I just wanted to bring that up because you would have noticed that. And I'm going to take the bug spray and I'm going to spray around the door. Right. Like a little, like all the openings that that be could possibly get in. Right. There's a ventilation system. I'm spraying that too. Oh, there's a ventilation system. Oh, it's it's sprayed. Okay. So the first turn that you walk into the room, you lock the door and you just spray the whole room. Yeah. Just crazy. Like you're freaking out kind of spray. Yeah. Okay. Um, at that, is that, is at that point when you feel the twitching in your ear? It's twitching. Yeah. Something's twitching in your ear. I'm sort of being I'm spraying in there again. Right. Um, okay. You kind of have to steal yourself because it kind of hurts so frickin bad the first time you did it that you'll you bring it up like I'm going to do this. And then you're like, fuck this. And I heard you have to spend a willpower point. You have to burn a willpower point and say, screw it. I'm going to spray myself in the ear. But spraying a poison in your ear, even when there's a bee in there is just, I have to say there's got to be a role to accomplish it. You can't just say I'm going to spray myself in my ear, especially after it hurt like hell the first time. You want me to make a role or spend a willpower point either or you have the choice. If you make a role, you might not succeed. Well, I already spend a willpower pointer in the scene. Right. Unless this is a different scene. Um, this is technically a different scene. I mean, I'm, well, yeah, it's not a typical usage of willpower. It's the same scene, but it's not a typical use of willpower. You're using it to benefit. You're not getting three extra dice. I'm telling you, you have to spend a willpower point in order to get this done successfully and or you can roll your one die and hope you roll a eight, nine or a ten. Otherwise, you're going to, you're going to hesitate to say it quickly. So the whole role is to force myself to do it. If you spend one willpower point, you automatically succeed. Okay. Or if not, you have one dice and you got to steal yourself to say, I'm going to spray myself in my ear with this poison again. Okay, but why would that be a weaponry thing if I'm trying to overcome the fear of pain? Why would that be weaponry? I can, yeah, I can, I can buy that argument, actually, before you were like in combat, now you're just standing there going to spray yourself in the ear. You know what? Just amazing. I do have the willpower point. I don't want you to spend it because there might be more stuff going on. So I don't want, I'm not going to, I don't want to penalize you for what's happening. I think your argument's a good one. I think it should be plus, maybe something else. It should be with plus resolve. You just got to resolve yourself to do it. Strolling six dice. Okay, you spray yourself in the ear again and it hurts like hell. You take one more fashion damage and you probably even crumpled your knee, you know, like down to one knee as you just spray a big, long spray in your ear canal. It's the next turn. What do you do? I'm going to go through all the drawers, but looking for a big, long Q-tip, that swab thing. You're banging around glass, knocking over things because there's all those different glass containers on the, on the shelf and you find a long Q-tip. I'm going to do some exploratory surgery, I guess. Can you open up a doctor? Well, are you busy saving someone's life? What are you trying to do with the Q-tip in your ear? For the long. I'm going to try to pull the hopefully dead bee carcass out of my ear cavity. Somehow. You don't want to jam it deeper into your ear canal, I'm guessing. So this is going to be a dexterity plus medicine, if you have it, or simple athletics, if you do not. Because it's not what you need to be. If Reg was doing it, it would be very easy for me to pull it out. But for you, if you don't have medicine, you can still reach in there and try to look it out, but it would take some skill with able to spatially figure out where you're at and where it's at. So we'll go with with dexterity plus athletics. Three. Wow. You end up with a. Yeah, a smooshed bee carcass on the end of a really long, really model looking wet Q-tip, because it, you know, all the spray that you put in your ear. So it's like discolored and brown, and the bee is just like in three different pieces. And as gross as that is, it still makes me very happy. Yes, I'm sure it does. And that's when you hear the knocking on the door. Who's in there? We call security. You better just come out. Oh, shit. Is there any other exits to this emergency? Oh, there's a window. Um, I'm going to kind of clean up a little bit and I'll say, oh, yeah, just a minute. And, um, I will answer the door. All right. So to take you a few moments, obviously clean up. You've got bug spray all over your ears, throbbing. In any ways you're covered with kick blood and, you know, brick dust and, you know what? I'm not going to clean up anything. I'm just going to show, I'll be like, who is it? This might be another bee drone person. Never mind who it is. I'm someone who has a fory to be in this building. Why don't you slide your, uh, idea under the door then? Okay. That's what happens. And then we're going to segue back to correct cold blue. As I understand you, what you're saying is this area where is that right now? And you used as like a surgery? It's a, it's a medical surgery. All right. Break out the surgery tools. Uh, while they're in the time that they're doing that, getting all of my fabulous tools together and bringing me over the stuff to scrub with and everything, and taking a look at the, uh, people around me with my, with the tools that, uh, the kyron company, uh, installed me with. Okay. Yeah. So you're using that power, which I was going to take a role, I believe. Yeah. Whits an empathy. We'll throw a willpower into this one just because I think it's important to have an idea of who these people are that are in the room. Okay. There are no minuses to this role. And keeping in mind that I have, I know the color of Henry Jacobs, right? You believe that. So that's one success and two successes with the 10. And yeah, two successes. All right. Everyone in the room comes back as human. Okay. Normal. I believe that's it. Right. I mean, no, no, it's emotional state for each, for every one of my site, if I have two successes, you go from their highest, I, it's one page over, or I can give you this. You go from there, I, you tell me their first feeling and then their second feeling. Each person? In my line of sight. Okay. Which I would just assume being the nurse, the one that want my line of sight of the nurse, the anesthesiologist and the patient, obviously. Right. There are more, find her. Sure. The nurse is afraid. So she's orange. And she is violent as well. She's excited. I'm using excitement here to, to, you know, for the adrenaline flow of the surgery is what I'm meaning for it to be. She might watch me too. Yeah. I'm sure she does. The anesthesiologist is light blue. And he is yellow, which is idealistic. Got it. And the patient has sharp flickering colors and that's it. For our audience that is daydreaming would be the flickering colors for the patient, Tony Bonadilla. Okay. So the electric shock pads go off as the nurse applies them to Tony's burnt chest. You know, it just is, it, there's not a lot good here. And if she pulls them up for a second round, you could actually see skin that's been pulled up from his chest because of the damaged nature of the skin, but she's not worrying about that at this point. All right. Well, I'm ready to get to work. So they scrubbed me. Yes. Yes. He, there's, there's a very thin response from, you know, he, he basically is brought back to the lowest level you've, you've ever seen a patient before. I mean, like it's, it's almost flat lining again, but it seemed to have some effect and she looks towards you for guidance as she sees that she got a response and got a pulse back from him. I do all the bringers lactate. Do this, do that, do this, do this. I don't think gas anesthesia is a good idea at this point in time. Stand by, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Right. He tells you that he, he can, you know, he has some training too. So if you don't need anesthesiologist right now, he can help with whatever you need. Okay. I have no idea. He realizes that the patient is, is in critical danger. Have you said earlier that when I rolled, you thought that by my, my opinion here is that this guy needs to be cut open for you. Yeah. You, you think that there's a, either some virus or some sort of bacteria that's set into some of his organs that are causing him to flat line. And the reason that that's probably happening is because they weren't able to apply what, you know, the certain salves and the certain medicines they wanted to because of this weakened condition. So they had to risk this happening and it happened. And he needs to definitely have parts of certain, you know, organs removed. Right. Just, it's that dire of a situation right now. All right. Well, Tony is on death door. So the nurse responds to your thing. And she calls to the two junior nurses who had left the room temporarily get more types of the, you know, drips that you were calling for in certain medications. So they come rushing back in, right. And they're getting that set. The anesthesiologist steps away from his, his drip and his machine and comes and stands next to you and says, Hey, I'm ready if you are. What do you need? All right. Well, let's, let's cut this bad boy open. All right. And you have a feeling that it's in his lower abdomen that looks to be the most distressing powder where you think the signs show that somebody's going on. I have a feeling that it might be in his lower abdomen. So we'll start there. Excellent. So you're going to have to make a rule to save his life. Got it. And what I've got here is I've got intelligence plus medicine, plus a two equipment bonus. A two equipment bonus. I've got surgical tools and I've got knee art. And that according to, I'm just saying what I sure what he got is four, one for the tools and three for the facilities. And I get both the tool and the facility bonus. But okay, I'm going to meet you halfway at three, only because the room hasn't been set up as well as it can be. Got it. So I'll give you plus three on that from the very well reasoned argument. All right. So we got five for medicine, three for intelligence, three for tools and facilities, one for being, is this an emergency? Yes, it's an emergency. And we'll throw the, oh, you know, I had no willpower when I started, but apparently I have so I'll throw willpower in there just to add three more dice. Yeah. Or you're going to make the average, you have three choices with willpower. You can add three dice. You can make three an exceptional success instead of a five, because you normally need five dice, five successes to get an exceptional success. Or you can give the dice the ability of nine again, as opposed to 10 again, which means any nine on 10, you get the roll again. I'll take the three as the exceptional success. Okay, think on this initial roll. And you will remove four dice from your pool. Oh, due to the severity. Five for medicine, three for intelligence, three for tools and facilities, one for specialty, nine to minus four. Now three dice though, three successes there is an exceptional success. I chose poorly. Okay, it's an emergency situation. One. There's an eight. There's an eight. Yeah, it's two roll again. Yeah. You get a roll again? Yep. Roll one of the dice. It's not a success. Oh, yes. That's three. For the second time, and as many days, you save Tony Bonadilla. It's much longer than just that one roll. That one roll encompasses about, let's say about an hour of tense sweat dripping off your forehead, catching certain things that are going wrong, saying you're done, but then you realize maybe you're not done and there's something else that might be negative and going in and saying, oh, my gosh, it was, you know, he would, if we would sort of back up, he would have died a day later if we had to clot that. So you needed an exceptional success to save his life because he was so bad off. You saved his life again. So you got him stabilized. Let's move him to ICU. We're going to move him to, we're going to move him to ICU, but then we're going to do the pull the strings and get him, you know, put somewhere else. All right, at this point for you, it's about, I'm going to say by the time he's sewn up and you switch his room, it was an hour of emergency surgery, a half hour of finagling, you know, get him in the right place. You are washing up in one of the preparation rooms and it's about 11 o'clock in the morning. It was 9 31, you got the call, hours worth of surgery, and then a half hour of cleanup and switching his room to make sure he was hidden from the general population, switching back now to Bob. So you've got someone at the door that says security is on its way. And who are you? What are you doing here? You better just leave now, you know, like just threatening you through the door verbally, threatening you through the door. I ask who he is and what his business is. Right, he refused to tell you who he was. Never mind who I am. I belong in this hospital. You know, who are you and what are you doing, spraying things in this hospital? What were you spraying? What were you doing? I ignored him. What a great question it is. I tell him to mind his own business. I say mind your own beeswax. Nice. Nice. He seems exasperated at your response and says, well, you won't have to deal with me now. Here's security. And you hear a more forceful knock on the door. Who's in there? This is security. I need you to come out, please. No shenanigans in the hospital. We need to get you out of here. That's totally a bee response. Yeah, go ahead and slide your badge underneath the door. What? Yeah, you heard me. Sir, I'm just going to need you to open this door. All right, that's not going to happen. So I'm going to need you to slide your badge. I need the door. Okay, you're going to need to make let's go with manipulation plus persuasion. Okay. And he's going to definitely be trying to not allow you to sway his thought process. He's it's a opposed role or contested role. So I'm rolling in manipulation. Well, all right. So I'm going to try to fast talk. Is that right? Sure. Manipulation plus persuasion. Fast talk it is. And I have zero successes. All right, so to see. Go again. Actually, this whole thing is just kind of a diversion to Stalin from opening the door. And I'm going to go over to the window and see what's involved in making that my answer. All right. All right. No, no, that's fine. Well, you have to see exactly because otherwise you're not stalling them at all. Right. So yeah, keep keep strong. Someone, you know, just attacked me. I'm not sure what's going on here. You're going to have to show me some true failures. All right. All right. All right. Let's I'll I'll slide my badge underneath the door. I'm not going to leave it there. I'm just going to show it to you briefly. Then I need you to open this door. So that's his response to you at that moment you're running towards the window. Yeah. Okay, he slides his his badge underneath the door. Okay, you see everything's fine. I am a I am a security guard. I'm a police officer off duty slides it back. So I don't know if you'll open it. Take out your wallet. You're showing that from the other side of the room. Now, sir, I've done what you wanted me to do. Now, I'm going to have to take this door. You know, I'm going to have to open this door by force if you don't come up. So while he's saying that, you get to the window. The window is locked. And if you look out, you're looking out what looks to be a small like garden bed below you. You also see like a concrete walkway, like just a walkway around the hospital. And then a parking lot beyond that. Okay. I'm on the second story. Yeah. So how far would the drop in? You're looking at about 12, 15 feet somewhere like that. Okay. I'm going to try to stall and look just a little bit longer if there doesn't immediately come in. Right. Like hold on. I'm on the other side of the room. Let me get over there and check it out. Okay. Then what do you do? And then I'm going to, because it's not going to matter if you believe you're not, if you're going to smash the window or something, open it. Okay. And then hang on. Okay. This is a garden because I can't trust anyone right now. I understand. Go ahead and make it dexterity plus athletics roll to all safely. Like a cat. Oh, one success. All right. Since it was a garden bed, it actually lessened, you know, because it was some mulch and whatnot, actually lessened your impact. So you hit the ground, you know, relatively easy, plus you were hang dropping. So that would even lessen it some more. So not a problem. You hit the ground, you're doing what at that point? I'm outside. I'm in front of the hospital. You're actually in the exact rear of the hospital. Okay. I'm going to go ahead and make my way away from the window. Okay. So this is a which direction I went. Okay. You're trying to get around the corner, something like that. Okay. And then what do you do once you're hidden from his site? And you're around the corner. All right. Well, I'm going to, you know, go on my cell phone again and see if I have any messages. I might have missed them during the John Beamer, you know, response back to you. Are you okay? I don't know why no one's on here, but I'm really sorry. I can't get there, but it was like, yeah, I escaped from the hospital, but Lucius is still inside. And I'm going to send out a text message as I'm walking to the emergency entrance. Okay. And I'm going to send out a text message to anyone explaining that I was attacked. And you know, the details of the attack that I escaped have sent me from the hospital right now. And Dr. Lucius is still inside. Maybe in trouble was everyone else might be in trouble. Right. And what are you doing at that point? Because for you right now, it's about a little bit after 10. Okay. At this point, he's still, you're still in surgery till 1030. So you get no response from the doctor. You get no response from Cleveland Public Library contingent. And the only person responding to you right now is John. I'm going to say, Hey, why don't you, why don't you pick me up? He reminds you that he was very much wounded and is really beaten up. And he's he's also not here. Yeah, he's also not here. No, but, okay. Yeah, I don't think he feels up to he's really bent up, almost hostile bent up. But you just, he decided to say how to make my way to the bus stop here. I'm 25. Okay. That's a problem. And there's some, you know, nice city folk sitting there waiting for their bus. They're enjoying the nice weather. Everyone's, you know, basically just hanging out waiting for the bus. But it's, you know, pretty sotty crowd. It's a West 25th. All right. Yeah, I bust down my phone to figure out when the bus came. Are you looking for a bus back home? Or to the Cleveland Public Library? Yeah, I'm done. What's that? Yeah, yeah. Back to Phoenix here, I don't know how to have that. Back to the safe house. Well, there's not one that goes back directly. Okay. Or, you know what, I'm going to go look at the library. You can catch a bus at 10.15. That'll take you to the library. Take you across the Lorraine Car Nighty Bridge over to downtown, and then it'll basically take it down east nine. And then you can either catch connecting on east at Ontario, or you can just walk down to the library from there. Okay. You get to the library. At this time, it's 10.40. If you want Greg Lucius, you can respond because you did get his, once you were out of surgery and checked your phone, you got his message that he was being accosted and tapped. Oh, okay. Ignore that. Well, it's, I think we said 11 o'clock. At 11 o'clock, the two of you with Mike walk up from the basement of the house of the library library. Thank you. And you find two waiting in the entry to the library with a couple of friends in that. Thanks for listening to Knights of the Night at Actual Play Podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures, where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, props, and even a form for comments and suggestions, or you could email us directly at or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit and please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure.